B. Pisces, plant lover, tea drinker, likes to argue a lot. Public Health Major, double minor in Arabic and Public Policy Surviving undergrad in the US. I follow as pleiadic. Feel free to ask me anything! I also sometimes make printables and am open to taking requests for some things you'd like to see.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Kris Ancog
Mini Aurora Illuminata 70, 2022
Oil on canvas
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Free Undated Daily Digital Planner
Here is a small digital planner for tracking your daily tasks in a half-hour format. It allows you to time manage, set priorities and general to dos. I’ve included a variety of stickers and alternative covers in case!! Also has Monday and Sunday start options.
Download free here!
Thank you for checking this out! If you have any questions and issues, please let me know.
Other downloads | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Twitter | Etsy Shop | Discord
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Free Text Digital Planner Stickers
Wanted to share a portion of a larger sticker set I made, for free! I thought these would make a cute accompaniment for any digital organiser - easy to place on a calendar as a reminder of something you’ve got coming up!
They come in individual images and as a single image to be cropped. You can import them to any application that allows images!
Download here - includes all individual options and a zipped file for ease
Other free digital stickers and digital planners
I hope you enjoy using these and if so, I’d love to see them in action! Feel free to tag me #emmastudies in any photos you upload on Tumblr, Instagram or Twitter.
Thank you for checking this out! If you have any questions and issues, please let me know.
Downloads | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Twitter | Etsy Shop | Discord
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Hi friends! I made a free vertical weekly printable (Monday/Sunday start) that includes a daily goal and a self care section.
By including these two sections, I think it will help set the focus for the day and help you remember to take care of yourself!
I made the planner super simple and minimalist so you can customize however you would like. This is an example of how I made my layout for the week in GoodNotes 5.
You can print the letter size file or import into GoodNotes, Notability, or any note taking app you are using.
PDFs can be accessed here:
My-Studyblr Monday Start Vertical Weekly Planner
My-Studyblr Sunday Start Vertical Weekly Planner
Happy planning and have a wonderful week!
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Medical terminology list
requested by @rose-in-our-blood and anon.
General terms
Approval | Muwāfaqa | مُوافَقَةٌ
Blood type | Faṣīlatu-ddam | فَصيلةُ الدَّمّ
Certificate | Šahāda | شَهَادَة
First Aid | alisʿāfāatul-awwaliyya | الاسْعافات الأوَّلية
Form | Istimāra | اسْتِمارَة
Health | Aṣṣiḥḥa | الصَّحَّة
Hospital | Mustašfā | مُستشْفَى
Internship | Tadrīb | تَدريبٌ
Mask | Kammāma | كَمَّامَةٌ
Medical terminology | Muṣṭalaḥāt ṭibbiyya | مُصْطَلَحاتٌ طِبِيَّة
Medicine | Dawāʾ | دَواءٌ
Nurse | Mumarreḍ(a) | مُمَرَّضٌ - مُمَرِّضَة
Operation room | ġurfatul ʿamaliyāt |غُرْفَةُ العَمَلِيَّات
Patient | Marīḍ(a) | مَريضٌ - مَريضَةٌ
Pharmacist |Ṣaydalaniyy(a) | صَيْدَلانِيُّ - صَيْدَلانِيَّةٌ
Pharmacy | Ṣaydaliyya |صَيْدَلِّية
Pretending to be sick | yatamāraḍ | يَتَمارَضُ
Primary care center | Markaz alʿināya aṣṣiḥḥiyya alʾawwaliyya | مَركَز العنايَة الصَّحَّية الأَوَّلِيَة
Procedure | Iǧrāʾ| إِجْراءُ
Radiographer | fanniy ʾašiʿ ʿa | فَنَّي أَشِعَّة
Record |sijill | سِجِل
Sick (adj) | Marīḍ(a) | مَريضٌ - مَريضَةٌ
Sick leave | iǧāza maraḍiyya | إِجازَة مَرَضِيّة
Sound body | Ǧism salīm | جِسمُ سَليمٌ
Surgery | ʿamaliyya ǧirāḥiyya | عَمَلِيَّة (جِراحِيَّة)
Test |Ta���līl | تَحْليل
Test result | Natāʾiju-ttaḥlīl | نَتائِجُ التَّحليل
Treatment | ʿilāǧ | عِلاجٌ
Ward |ʿanbar| عَنْبَرٌ
Note : unless the doctor is a GP or a medical intern, the following doctors are specialists, they can be called طَبيبٌ or أخصائي.
Allergists |ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiyyul-ḥasāsiyya |أخِصَّائِيُّ الحَساسِيَّة
Anesthesiologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiy taẖdīr | أَخِصَّائِيُّ تَخْدِيرٍ
Consultant | istišāriy(a) |استِشاريّ- اسْتِشارية
Dermatologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiy amrāḍ ǧildiyya | أَخِصَّائِيُّ أَمْراضٍ جِلْدِيَّةٍ
Doctor | Ṭabīb(a) | طَبيبٌ – طَبيبةٌ
Emergency medicine specialist | aẖiṣṣʾiy ṭibbu-ṭawāriʾ |أخِصَّائِيُّ طِبُّ طَوارِئ
Endocrinologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiy ġudad ṣammāʾ | أَخِصَّائِيُّ غُدَدٍ صَمَّاء
Family Physician | Ṭabībul-usra | طَبيبُ الأُسْرَةِ
Gastroenterologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiy amrāḍ alǧihāz alhaḍmiy | أخصّائِيُّ أّمْراضِ الجِهازِ الهَضْمِيّ
Intern | Mutadarrib(a) | مُتَدَرِّب - مُتَدَرَّبَةٌ
Internal Medicine Physician | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiyy amrāḍ bāṭiniyya |أخِصَّائِيُّ أَمْراضٍ باطِنيَّة
Nephrologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiyy amrāḍ alkilā| أَخِصَّائِيُّ أَمْراض الكِلى
Neurologist |ṭabību ʾaʿṣāb| طَبيبُ أَعْصاب
Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist | ṭabīb amraḍ nisāʾiyya wa tawlīd | طَبيبُ أَمْراضٍ نِسائَِّية و تَوليدِ
Ophthalmologist | Ṭabīb ʿuyūn | طَبيبُ عُيونٍ
Orthopedic surgeon| aẖiṣṣāʾiy ǧirāḥatu-ʿiẓām | أَخِصَّائي جِراحَةُ عِظام
Otolaryngologist [ENT specialist] | ṭabīb anf wa uḏon wa ḥanǧara | طَبيبُ أنف و أَُذُن و حُنْجَرَةٍ
Pediatrician | Ṭabību-aṭfāl| طَبيبُ أَطْفالٍ
Plastic Surgeon |Ǧarrāḥ taǧmīl|جَرَّاحٌ تَجميلٍ
Psychiatrist |Ṭabīb al-amrāḍ nafsiyya |طَبيبُ الأَمْراضِ النَّفْسِيَّة
Pulmonologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiyy amrāḍu-rriʾa |أخِصَّائِيُّ أَمْراض الرِّئة
Radiologist |ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiy ʾašiʿ ʿa |أَخِصّائِيُّ الأَشِعَّةِ
Resident | Ṭabīb(a) muqīm(a) | طَبيبٌ مُقيمُ –طَبيبة مُقيمَةٌ
Rheumatologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiyy amrāḍ arrūmatizm | أَخِصَّائِيُّ أَمْراضِ الروماتيزم
Specialist | Aẖiṣṣāʾiy(a) | أخِصّائيّ - أخِصّائية
Surgeon | Ǧarrāḥ | جَرَّاحٌ
Urologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiyy masālik bawliyya|أَخِصَّائيُّ مَسالِك بَوْلِيَّة
Venereologist | ʾaẖiṣṣāʾiyyul-amrāḍuttanāsuliyya |أَخِصّائِيُّ الأَمْراض التَّناس��لِيَّة
Illnesses, medicines and body parts under the cut!
Illnesses, conditions and symptoms
Acid reflux | irtijāʿul-marīʾ | ارتِجاعُ المَريء
Acne | Ḥabbu-ššabāb | حَبُّ الشَّبابُ
Addiction | Idmān |إدْمان
Allergy | Ḥasāsiyya |حَساسِيَّة
Alzheimer | Azzahāimer | الزَّهايمر
Amnesia | Fiqdānuḏḏākira | فِقْدانُ الذَّاكِرَة
Anemia | Faqruddam | فَقْرُ الدَّم
Anorexia | faqd aššahiyya | فَقْد الشَّهِيَّة
Anxiety disorder | Iḍṭirāb alqalaq |اضْطِراب القَلَق
Asthma |arrabuw | الرَّبو
Autism |Attawaḥḥud |التَّوَحُّد
Baldness | aṣṣalaʿ|الصَّلَعُ
Blindness | alʿamā | العَمى
Brain tumor | Waramuddimāġ | وَرَمُ الدِّماغ
Breast cancer | Saraṭān aṯṯadiy | سَرَطانُ الثَّدي
Broken foot | qadam maksūra| قَدَمٌ مَكْسُورَةٌ
Broken hand | yad maksūra |يَدٌ مَكْسُورَةٌ
Burn | ḥarq | حَرْقٌ
Cancer | Saraṭān | سَرَطانٌ
Color blindness | ʿamā alalwān | عَمى الأَلْوانُ
Coma | Ġaibūba |غَيْبوبَةٌ
Constipation | imsāk | إمْساكٌ
Cramps | Tašannuǧāt | تَشَنُّجاتٌ
Dandruff |Qišra|قِشْرَةٌ
Deafness | ṣamam | صًمًمٌ
Dehydration |Ǧafāf |جَفافٌ
Deviated septum |inḥirāf fil watīra|انْحِرافُ في الوَتيرَةِ
Diabetes | assukkariy |السُّكَّرِيّ
Diarrhea | ishāl | إسهالٌ
Excessive sweating | farṭ attaʿarruq |فَرْطُ التَّعَرُّق
Fatigue |Irhāq| إِرْهاقٌ
Fever |ḥummā - ḥarāra | حُمَّى (حَرارَة
First degree burn | ḥarq mina -ddarajitul-ʾūla |حَرْقُ مِن الدَّرَجَةِ الأُوْلى
Fracture | Kasr | كَسْرٌ
Gestational diabetes | Sukkariyul-ḥaml |سُكَّري الحَمْلُ
Hair loss | Tasāqut aššaʿr | tasāqutuššaʿr | تَساقُطُ الشَّعْرُ
Headache | Ṣudāʿ | صُداعٌ
Hypertention | irtifāʿ ḍaġṭu-ddam | ارْتِفاعُ ضَعْطِ الدَّم
Irritation | tahayyuǧ | تَهَيُّجٌ
Itchiness | ḥakka | حَكَّةٌ
Joint inflammation | ʾalam fil-mafāṣil | الْتِهابٌ في ال��َفاصِلِ
Kidney infection | iltihābul-kilā | التِهابُ الكِلى
Leukemia (blood cancer) | saraṭānu-ddam |سَرَطانُ الدَّم
Liver failure |fašal kalawiy|فَشَلُ كلوي
Loss of appetite | fiqdānu-ššahiyya |فِقدان الشَّهية
Malnutrition | sūʾ taġḏiya | سُوءُ تَغْذِيَةٍ
Mole | ẖāl - šāma | خال - شامَة
Muscle cramp | tašannuǧ ʿaḍalāt |تَشَنُّجٌ عَضَلاتٍ
Nausea | Duwār| دُوارٌ
Palpitation |Tasāruʿ fī nabaḍātil qalb|تَسارُعٌ في نَبَضات القَلْب
Period | ʾaddawratu-ššajriyya | الدَّوْرَةُ الشَّهْرِيَّة
PMS | Almutalāzima assābiqa lilḥayḍ | المُتَلازِمةُ السَّابِقَةُ للحَيْضِ
Pneumonia | iltihāb riʾawiy |اِلتِهابٌ رِئوي
Rash |Ṭafaḥ ǧildiy |طَفَحُ جِلديٌّ
redness |Iḥmirār|احْمِرارٌ
scar |nadba | نَدْبَةٌ
Second degree burn |Ḥarq minaddaraǧatil-ūla|حَرْقٌ من الدَّرَجَةِ الأُولى
Social anxiety | Iḍṭirāb alqalaq alijtimāʿiy | اضْطِراب القَلَق الاجْتِماعِيّ
Stomach ache | Maġṣ | مَغْصٌ
Third degree burn | Ḥarq minaddaraǧati-ṯṯāliṯa | حَرْقٌ مِنَ الدَّرَجَةِ الثَّالثة
Weight | alwazn | الوَزْنُ
Weight gain |Ziyādatul-wazn | زِيادَةُ الوَزْنِ
Weight loss | fiqdānul-wazn | فِقدان الوَزْنِ
Body parts
Abdomen |baṭn | بًطْنٌ
Alveoli|Ḥuwaiṣilāt hawāʾiyya| حُويصِلاتٌ هَوائيَّة
Ankle |Kāḥel| كاحِلٌ
Arm |Ḏirāʿ |ذِراعٌ
Back |ẓahr|ظَهْرٌ
Belly button |Ṣurra | صُرَّةٌ
Brain | Dimāġ| دِماغٌ
Cheek |ẖadd | خَدٌّ
Cornea |Qarniyya|قَرْنِيَّةٌ
Ear | ʾuḏun| أُذُن
Endocrine gland |alġudadu-ṣṣammāʾ | الغُدَدُ الصَّماءُ
Eyebrows | Ḥawāǧib | حَواجِبٌ
Eyelids | Ǧufūn | جُفونٌ
Eyes |ʿuyūn | عُيونٌ
Finger | Iṣbaʿ | إِصْبَعٌ
Fist | qabḍatul-yad|قَبْضَةُ اليَد
Hair | Šaʿr | شَعْرٌ
Hand | yad |يَدٌ
Head | raʾs | رأْسٌ
Heart | qalb | قَلْبٌ
Inner cheek | Bāṭinul-ẖadd |باطِنُ الخَدَّ
Intestines |ʾmʿāʾ| أمْعاءٌ
Iris | Qazaḥiyya |قَزَحِيَّة
Joints | mafāṣil |مَفاصٍلٌ
Knee | rukba |رُكْبَة
Left lobe | alfaṣṣul aysar| الفَصُّ الأيْسَرُ
Lens |ʿadasa |عَدَسَةٌ
Lips |Šifāh | شِفاهٌ
Lung | riʾa |رِئة
Nails| aẓāfer | أَظافِرٌ
Neck |raqaba | رَقَبَةٌ
Nerves | aʿṣāb | أعْصابٌ
Nose | anf | أَنْفٌ
Palate |Saqful-ḥalq |سَقْفُ الحَلْق
Pupil |buʾbuʾ|بُؤبُؤ
Rib cage | alqafaṣṣu-ṣadriy | القَفَصُ الصَّدْرِيُّ
Rib | ḍilʿ| ضِلْعٌ
Right lobe | alfaṣṣul ayman |الفَصُّ الأَيْمَنُ
Saliva | luʿāb |لُعابٌ
Septum | Watīra |وَتيرَةٌ
Spine | alʿamūdul-fiqariy | العَمودُ الفِقًرِيُّ
Stomach | Maʿida | مَعِدَةٌ
Teeth | asnān | أَسْنانُ
Throat | Ḥalq | حَلْقٌ
Thymus | alġudda azzaʿtariyya |الغُدَّة الزَّعْتَرِيَّة
Thyroid | alġudda addaraqiyya |الغُدَّةُ الدَّرَقِيَّة
Tongue |Lisān | لِسانُ
Vocal cords | alʾaḥbālu-ṣṣawityya |الأحبالُ الصَّوْتِيَّةُ
Wisdom tooth | Ḍirsul-ʿaql | ضِرْسُ العَقْلِ
Wrist |Rusġ | رُسْغٌ
Medicine and treatment
Antibiotic | Muḍād ḥayawiy |مُضادٌ حَيَوِيُّ
Antihistamine | Muḍādul-histamīn | مُضاد الهِستامين
Birth control |Ḥubūbu manʿil ḥaml | حُبوبُ مَنْع الحًملِ
Blood transfusion | naqlu-ddam|نَقْلُ الَّدم
Eye drops | Qaṭrātul-ʿayn |قَطرات العَيْن
Fasting | Ṣiyām |صِيامٌ
Herbal medicine | Mustaḥḍar ʿuššbiy| مُسْتَحْضَرٌ عُشبِيٌّ
Hot-water bottle |Qirbatu-māʾ | قِرْبَةُ ماءٍ
Injection | Ibra |إبْرَة
Massage |Masāǧ - tadlīk |مَساج - تَدْليك
Ointment / cream | marham mawḍiʿiy | مَرْهَمٌ مَوْضِعيّ
Organ transplant | zirāʿatu aʿḍāʾ | زِراعَةُ أَعْضاء
Pain killer | Musakkin ʾalam | مُسَكِّنُ أَلَمٍ
Pills |Ḥubūb |حُبوبٌ
Side effects |Āṯār ǧānibiyya | آثارٌ جانِبيَّة
Suppository |Taḥmīla| تَحْميلَة
Syrup (liquid medicine) | Šarāb | شَرابٌ
Vaccine | Maṭʿūm | مَطْعوم
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Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books that I try to update regularly
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Hey just because I’ve never seen this on here before, if you’re not the procrastinator ADHD type, but you do run into “against my own wishes, my brain has decided I absolutely CANNOT do this task right now” part of ADHD, advice: don’t fight it. You’re going to fight your own brain? You will lose, and nothing will get done. Instead, try finding a similar task that your brain will accept, and start working on that to get back in the rhythm of working and doing things. Sometimes I cannot write the paper that is due this coming Friday, but I can write the paper that is due two months from now. By the time I finish that essay, my brain has eased back into a rhythm of academic writing, and now it will accept the other assignment. Assuming you haven’t left the first essay right up to the deadline, this can be super beneficial. I’m very well know in my town for being a highly efficient worker and always being ahead, but what people don’t realize is that doing that means I frequently give up on order of priority to an extent because doing things in the order of their deadlines isn’t always comfortable for my brain.
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lofi hip hop
ive always loved the lofi hip hop girl
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I'm a TA this semester despite not ever going to office hours so... what sorts of things are useful for office hours or for review sessions at the end of the week?
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shoutout to the students that don’t have a good study environment. who have to share a room with family members. who don’t have a desk or permanent place to study. who have to study with noise, distraction or yelling around them. Who live in tiny apartments with noisy neighbours. who have to hurry home because before dark because they don’t live in a safe neighbourhood. who are surrounded by crime and gangs and are just doing their best to survive. who get woken up by police sirens on a regular basis. who only have third-hand twice repaired technology to study with and no backup plan for when their laptop inevitably breaks. who are dealing with language barriers, being the family translator, prejudice and trauma from having to flee their homes or country due to violence. who are worry about getting evicted from their homes in the middle of exam season. who are subject to the whims of bosses who can’t cut their hours and wreck havoc on their lives.
I can’t really offer you much help or pretend that I understand what you’re going through but I hope that you know that you have the support of this community and are free to express these challenges and worries without judgement and that you belong in this community.
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Actual good first-time college student advice:
Wear jeans/pants that “breathe” and bring a sweater, even if it’s scorching hot out, until you know which building blasts the AC to 60 degrees F and which feels like a sauna
Backpacks with thick straps are your friend! Messenger bags are cool and all but if you’re commuting with a lot of stuff, symmetrically styled backpacks are better for your back
You are your own person and you can walk out whenever you need to or want to, so long as you’re not disrupting the class. Meaning you can go to the bathroom without permission, take a breather if you’re anxious, answer an important phone call, etc.
If you don’t like the class on the first day, if you can- DROP THAT CLASS AND TAKE ANOTHER ONE! It’ll only get worse from there!
If you can, take a class outside your major; it’s a good break from your expected studies.
You are in charge of your schedule. Your adviser and guidance counselor is there to ‘advise and guide’ but if you don’t like certain classes and you can substitute for others, that’s your choice.
Consequently, if you are changing anything drastic in your plan, talk with your adviser and instructors.
Pay attention to your credit hours and grades. Never leave this to the last week of school, you will be sorry and stressed beyond belief!
Unless it’s a lab book or otherwise specified, go to the class for a week or so before buying an expensive textbook. Some classes, while having it on their required list, do not actually use the textbook a whole lot and you might find some of it scanned online. Rent if you can or buy used online (schools actually don’t give discounts). Use your best judgement on what you think you need.
Tell the people who go up to you selling or advertising things you are not interested in that you are in a rush to class and don’t have time to listen to them. It’s less rude and they’ll leave you alone.
The smaller the class, the better it is to have some sort of acquaintanceship with a couple classmates. They might save your ass if you are absent one day or need to study. And talking with them makes the time go by faster without it being so insufferable.
You don’t need to join a club or sport, but internships are cool and useful!
If you can afford it, take a day off once or twice each semester if you’re too exhausted. Just be aware of what you missed and if it was worth missing!
Your health is the most important, this goes for mental health too!! Note: College-age/upper teens is when mental disorders like depression and anxiety are most commonly diagnosed. Most schools have therapy services, especially during exam time. Look into it if you need to!
Communicate with your professor if you are having trouble with something. Anything.
Eat and stay hydrated. Bring a water bottle and snack to class.
All-nighters will happen but never go over 36 hours without sleep.
It’s going to be hard and there will be times you might think about giving up. This WILL happen. You just have to make sure what you’re doing isn’t making you absolutely miserable and/or there is something rewarding and positive to look forward to at the end!
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November 2020 Wallpapers
Hey everyone! Hope you’re as great as you can be. A whole lot of crazy stuff has happened recently or is happening and I do hope you’re managing everything alright.
I just wanted to share some wallpapers I’ve made for you this month! I thought it’d be good to have something that’ll make you feel calm but also energized and motivated: the illustration* represents the journey you’re on, and everything’s still - the waters, the winds, etc. - as a reminder that it will all work out in the end. I’ve also included a quote by Marie Curie that I’ve found empowering whenever I face any challenges in my life.
Download the wallpapers here!
Calendars are available in Mon and Sun start. Desktop, phone, and print versions also available.
Hope you enjoy them, and have a great November :)
* referenced from Ales Krivex and Aaron Burden
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An Overview of Note-Taking Styles
Note-taking is one of the most essential skills a student should master. It allows you to record and review information to be used in the future. But what’s the best way to do so? Here’s an overview of note-taking styles that can help you maximize your learning!
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