#especially lucia
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impathearted · 4 days ago
do you feel watched
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i do wish i'd stop giving up on drawings before i'm happy with them but i only have so much patience and i still can't color properly so uh don't look at the clothes and squint at everything else
im only on episode 4 of total monster kill but lowkey might be one of my favorites so far (working my way through every jrwi series)
i love all three of their characters sm, everett makes my brain happy tho bc fucked up little guy with fucked perception of reality and should not be given any power whatsoever
specially the way bizly describes how everett follows jin and lucia as they're heading to the infirmary and he just. slips into the fucking crowd calmly and is just. simply following them and RAHHHHHHHHHGSGGAHEGAHHW how every time he's been more "apparently" a monster against his will it's been frantic and bloodlust but the moment he Chooses to be that monster is the moment he is the most composed and present 🐺🐺
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rockingrcks · 7 months ago
so i replayed dmc 2 (crazy, i know) for dantelucia content, and playing on lucia's side of the story is so crazy bc it's literally what dante has been going through throughout his whole life
when lucia found out she was a demon and that she could lose herself to that side of her it scares her to the point of wanting to die/to be killed, going as far as to tell dante and arius to kill her bc she doesnt want to hurt others which can be reflected with dante's own views of his demon heritage which is something he feels he couldnt control if he ever taps into it so he does rlly reckless things to cope with it
dante even secludes himself from people and forming relationships outside of trish and lady bc of the fear of hurting them. even with dante's very reckless behavior it can be seen as him self harming which says a lot about his mental health plus the fact that in dmc 2 hes carrying the weight of grief which makes it even worse as seen with him going to hell not even caring on how to get out of it
like both of these characters became reckless ppl when they find out that they have demonic powers and the fact they both cling to the their love for people/family says a lot about their characters
but heres the thing....what makes these two so good to see is the fact that dante comforted lucia and even validated her human idenity by telling her that "devils never cry" and i feel like this line truly stuck with dante bc of what Lady said to him when he cried (basically devils dont cry and u arent rlly a devil if u cried over a love one), its just 3 simple word and yet it holds so much meaning for dante and probably for lucia too which she probably needed at that moment showing how emotionally smart dante is...
dante and lucia's views on their demon heritage is such a good way for them to have a long talk with one another about their feelings and thoughts of being demons and how to control the urge and how protecting people is what makes them human but also feel like its their responsibility bc of their demon heritage....like i need capcom to write more of their relationship or maybe someone just writes it in a fanfic bc their dynamic has so much potential the parallels...the love they have.....it makes me go insane
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murasaki-cha · 2 months ago
Istg if the next Prince of Sin book isn't about Lust I'm filing a complaint. I'm writing a very strongly worded letter actually.
Come on ManiscalcoI know your game!!
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zimithrus · 4 months ago
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Galolio Week - Day 5 - Community Service 🏫
Cutting it close with today's prompt but that's okay!! Also how is this my first time ever drawing the whole group?? 😂 Anyway, silly little comic for you guys 🌟 And of course-
📚Read the fic that accompanies this piece on AO3!📚
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too-young-to-fall-in-love · 9 months ago
Hell Raiser
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xbuster · 4 months ago
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This is not endearing me to the man who is currently carrying out a genocide
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anakinh · 1 year ago
there's a really funny meta-narrative about the way square enix treats sephiroth vs how shinra treats sephiroth
all i'm saying is square locking sephiroth behind three dipshits in a gacha game is also something shinra would do
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onabatlle-2 · 2 years ago
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this team never gives up ❤️, via muwfc on twitter, 29/4/23
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misskriemhilds · 1 year ago
i have since finished the metamorphosis but the take i'm the most interested in and feel like i want to find more discussion about is how it's an inherently jewish story
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fishinthewater2611 · 2 years ago
emilka szymczak ➡️ lucia corrales ➡️ laia martret
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caeca-iustitia · 8 months ago
Had a thought...
SOLDIER Vincent absolutely could have saved Rosen if Sephiroth called them in a blind panic after being forced into fatally wounding him...
And they would have absolutely torn Glenn a new asshole when he kicked Seph's necklace into the ocean...
Don't test them...
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too-young-to-fall-in-love · 2 months ago
Eyes on the Horizon
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geddy-leesbian · 9 months ago
I can write 12 year old Leon so damn well,,,, then I try to write Sherry or Lucia or any other kid that age and my brain just MELTS 🙃 idk man
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shivasdarknight · 2 years ago
I've got two snippets I present before ye. The first is on my Dreamwidth, as it's a bit lengthy. It's a snippet from the Ysayle-focused fic/eventual Zadnor fic set during 5.3-5.4. It's the first time she and Estinien speak since HVW, so that's fun :3c
The second is here, which is a section I'm editing rn and really like it (it's sexuality talk and Estinien not really having the language to express the fact that he's a demi-bisexual).
But before she could get a word in to let the question die, he surprised her — silver bangs masking most of his expression.  “Most people don’t interest me, really,” he muttered, lips pulled into a thin line.  “Not as if I haven’t tried; I’ve tried as recently as Kugane, if you’ll believe it.  Nothing...clicks.  No one clicks, nothing feels right.” Surkukteni’s brow furrowed at that.  “As in...romantic interest?” To that, he shook his head.  “Sexual, mostly.  Physical attraction.”  That huff of a laugh of his escaped him, a hand moving to cover the lower half of his face.  From what she could see in the gaps of his snowy hair, his eyes were unfocused — lost in the firelight, or maybe somewhere far beyond Othard.  “I don’t at all understand how you do it, because I am well aware of your flings from what I overheard during our…previous travels, and something Lucia and Hilda both alluded to but never went into detail about.” …Thank the Twelve for that.  “I don’t understand the appeal of it, what you get out of it, how you and others I’ve known keep going back to it — it well escapes me.  …Yet for myself, it only crops up at the worst times, as I’m afraid that I am cursed to fall for those closest to me — and all it’s done is cause me grief.” “And that makes you think you’re cursed?”  That notion troubled her greatly.
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the-winds-of-destiny-xxx · 2 years ago
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pitchsidestories · 3 months ago
under pressure II Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
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masterlist | word count: 1829
summary: reader takes it too far in training and must live with the consequences. But no one sees the pressure which is weighing down heavy on her young shoulders.
author's note: dear readers, the oneshot was inspired by this request here, enjoy. In this story Lucy Bronze didn't leave Barcelona. <3
Training had started two minutes ago.
You rushed onto the training pitch, throwing your school stuff down into the grass and quickly slipped into your football boots. You were silently praying to whoever would listen that you would get away with being late.
Right as you stood up and wanted to join the rest of the team, you heard your coachs’ voice from across the field: “That’s strike one, it better not get to strike three.“
You frowned at him. “I’m only two minutes late!”, you protested, frustrated because you had done everything possible to make it to FC Barcelonas trainings grounds in time.
“And she had school.“, Ona added quickly. She had stopped her warm-up to help you out.
You shot her a quick grateful look.
“She knows when training starts.“, Pere replied unusually cold.
You swallowed everything you wanted to say. That it wasn’t your fault. That your Spanish teacher hadn’t let you go at the ring of the bell and that you tried to make up for it by running all the way from the metro station.
You nodded slowly: “We can start now…“
“Good.“, Pere said, turning back towards the rest of the group.
You joined your teammates on the pitch, deliberately ignoring the quick look Ona and Lucy exchanged when they thought you didn’t see them.
You flinched when someones arm suddenly brushed against yours.
“You’re good? No trouble in school?”, Aitana asked you with concern in her voice.
“No, Tana, it’s fine…“, you replied, jogging beside her.
“I’m just asking. You know I can help.“
A small smile tugged on the corners of your mouth. Aitana was always the first to offer her help with school stuff and while you didn’t need it at the moment, her asking meant a lot to you.
“Girls!“, Peres voice called them to the centre of the pitch where he explained your first exercise.
Twenty minutes later, you had your first drinking break. While you sipped on your water, you sneaked a quick look at your phone and quickly replied to a message.
Just your luck, you were caught breaking the team rules once again.
You looked up into Peres disappointed face and sighed: “Sorry, it was important!”
“No phones on the training pitch, you know that. That’s strike two.“
You had no chance to explain yourself.
“You know that.“, he repeated.
Your frustration reached a new height. In your opinion, you hadn’t done anything wrong. They were small trivial things that didn’t interrupt training, there was no reason to make such a big deal out of it. Especially not after the day you just had.
“Oh, for fucks sake! I know but I also told you that the message was important!”, you exploded.
You and Pere seemed both surprised by the words that had just come out of your mouth.
“Cursing too?”, he asked with a sigh.
You only blinked at him in shock.
“That was very Lucia of her. You can tell she’s living at her place!”, Mapi burst out laughing next to you. You had no idea what was happening around you.
The confusion you felt was reflected in Lucy’s face who turned around to look at the defender from Zaragoza. “Excuse me what?”
“She’s got a point. It sounds like you.”, Ingrid agreed smiling.
“True. They even share a similar glare.”, Keira of all people added in a teasing tone. The English midfielder lived with Lucy and you when you rose from La Masia to Barcelona’s A team. Then they broke up and found new partners, yet you could still sense the mutual respect between them, and both loved you fiercely like you were their younger sister.
“I don’t care where she has it from, you know we’re not cursing on the pitch.”, your coach intervened growling.
“Sorry, I didn’t..”, you apologized trying your hardest not to cry in front of the team. No one should see the invisible pressure which was weighing down heavy on your young shoulders.
“That’s your third strike. Pack your stuff and leave my training.”, Pere demanded, his voice dripping with disappointment.
“Shit.”, you thought to yourself. This day really couldn't have gone any worse. The pitiful glances of your teammates made it even more terrible.
“Now.”, your coach waved impatiently.
 “We’ll talk at home, kid, okay?”, Lucy gave you an encouraging pad on the shoulder.  
“’ ‘Kay.”, you muttered under your breath.
After you left the training pitch, there was a silence hanging over the team which Ona broke first. “She seemed under pressure, so be nice to her later, Luce.”
“What do you think I’m going to do? Yell at her?”, her girlfriend snorted in disbelief.
“No, we can do that together.”, the younger defender offered kindly.
“Don’t worry, Ona. I know what I’m doing.”, Lucy assured her partner.
“Could the couples get back to training again?”, Pere requested grudgingly.
“Sure.”, the English player nodded.
“He’s in a bad mood today, huh?”, Mapi asked her while they were doing an exercise together.
“Weirdly, he’s.”, Lucy responded but her thoughts circling more around you than your coach. She had to find out what exactly was bothering you so much that you were acting out in training which you never did before.
Once you arrived at home you laid down on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, unmoving, Narla, the dog snuggling on top of you, an hour had passed when you heard the turn of the keys, realizing absentmindedly.
“Oh, hi, Luce.”
The West Highland Terrier immediately jumped off to greet the English woman. You could hear her and Ona talking in the hallway, the Spaniard apparently went to the kitchen to cook coffee for the three of you.
“Hey, kiddo. How are you?”, Lucy asked concerned as you made space on the sofa for her, so she could sit on it too.
“Was he still angry at me when you girls left?”, you returned the question. With a weak smile on your lips, you corrected the older player. “Also, Oni said you should stop calling me like that I’m going to be eighteen soon.”
“I don’t care what Ona says, I’ll stop calling you that when you’re taller than me.”, she shrugged.
You couldn’t help yourself, you snorted at her comment.
“Rude! I’m the same height since forever.“
Lucy grinned: “Bad luck, kiddo.“
Laughing, you pushed her with your shoulder: “You’re so annoying.“
“Now tell me what’s going on with you today.“
Lucys question wiped the smile off of your face, the heaviness returned to your chest in an instant.
There was nothing for a moment, just the ticking of the clock in the background.
“The teachers said I’m good enough for university…“, you finally heard yourself say.
“What?”, Lucy asked, mirroring your exact response when you were told earlier that day. Your brain had screamed at you to be happy about it, that your hard work had payed off and you might be able fulfil your wish of studying. But at the same time, you were filled with dread and worry about the future. There were so many thoughts at once, they were impossible to disentangle.
“But no one in my family studied before…“, you voiced one of your biggest concerns.
You were surprised to see Lucy looking back at you with a relaxed expression.
“Stop overthinking it. This is amazing and you will do great!”
“What? You think so?”
Lucy gave a single, impatient nod: “Yeah of course I think that. If I could do it, you can do it too.“
You let the warmth of Lucys words wash over you.
“Do you think they would be proud of me? My parents?”, you whispered into the silence.
Navigating life was hard enough and it had only gotten harder when you had lost your parents a few years ago. Graduating and going to university might be two other milestones in your life that you wouldn’t be able to share with them.
“I’m sure. At least we’re all proud of you.“, Lucy replied unusually soft.
Ona joined the two of you on the sofa and pulled you in for a hug: “That’s true. God, you’re so smart. Smarter than me at your age.“
“But you’re smart too, Oni.“, you smiled into the crook of her neck.
“Yes, but not book-smart like you.“
Once Ona let go of you, you could breathe a little easier.
“So tomorrow we’ll explain everything to Pere. But for now, Lucy, would you…?”, Ona said.
“Would I what?”
You blinked at her innocently, completing Onas question: “Start cooking?”
Laughing, Lucy ruffled your hair: “Yes, I’ll make your favourite food.“
“Thank you.“, you smiled.
“You’re welcome.“
A year has passed since you had the meaningful conversation with Lucy and Ona. Through the help of your teammates you did succeed, even graduating with honours.  This would open many doors for you which you were incredibly grateful for, you certainly didn't take higher education for granted.
To celebrate your big achievement the team prepared a little party in the cafeteria.
“Congrats.”, Pere gave you a warm handshake.
“Thank you.”, you smiled happily.
“You did it.”, Ingrid beamed at you.
 “We’re so proud of you.”, Fridolina added in awe.
 “Proud indeed. Well done, y/n.”, Alexia congratulated, pulling you into a hug so you couldn’t see her teary eyes. But you noticed them even though she tried to hide her emotional state from you.
“She’s all grown up now.”, Mapi commented delighted before she hugged the two of you who were still standing in the middle of the room. Once you released each other you could feel the heat in your cheeks from all the attention you received.
“She’s still a kiddo to me.”, Lucy threw in with a very pleased smirk on her face.
“Hey, you heard Mapi though.”, you protested.
“Pretty sure you’re still not taller than me, kiddo.”, she countered laughing.
“Does that mean you’re a kid too because you’re smaller than Irene and Alexia?”, you asked her in a teasing tone.
“That’s not what I said.”, the English defender replied.
“I’m just following your logic here.”, you told her. Apparently, Lucy didn’t find an adequate answer to your observation as she swept you off your feed and carried you on her shoulder.
“Shut up.”, she chuckled amused.
“Let me down!”, you urged the older woman giggling.  
“Forget it, kiddo.”, she shook her head.
“Ugh. Girls help me!”, you groaned.
“Lucia, put her down. No injuries today please.”, Pere ordered.
“You heard him.”, you whispered.
“Lucky for you.”, Lucy responded while your feet touched the ground again.  
“Time to celebrate.”, Ona smiled.
“It’s so sweet of you guys to have a party for me. I wouldn’t have done it without all of you.”, you noted deeply moved by the effort your teammates had put into it.
“You deserve it, enjoy.”, Alexia hummed.
“Thank you.”
You knew you could always count on them, and they could no matter what count on you.
if you enjoyed this story reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated !
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