#especially because im connecting the lyrics for some of it to other characters and going :) about it
placesaspeople · 5 months
i need to make a full sauces2 vibes playlist because the individual void one has five songs on it and it takes me like a month to put a new one on it every time
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
i really want a fic of eddie realising him and buck have been falling in love the entire time.
I keep seeing posts (and even had someone tell me) that it’d be unrealistic for Eddie to be in love with Buck and not realise. Like not even think of him as an option. 
But that’s such a real queer person thing- i’ve lived that experience. I’m a women and despite all the times I admired other women it took forever for it to click for me.
I mean I grew up with accepting parents and kind friends and even queer people on tv. I remember looking at girls as much as I looked at boys. And yet I still had the reoccurring thought “I could be gay, I mean i’m not- but I could be. But most people aren’t gay and i’m most people”. (gay being used here in my head to mean “not straight”) AND YET despite it all I didn’t realise i was Bi until I was much older.
And even then, I’d had at least two long term crushes without realising they were crushes before it clicked. 
(I kid you not- it took a drag queen talking to me like i was a toddler for it to click, but that’s a whole other story SO-) 
Whether or not Eddie already knows he’s gay (or demi or whatever) doesn’t really make a difference, cause it’s that same sort of heteronormative internalising that causes these feeling to not be understood. 
Especially for Eddies character who’s had this messy norm with Shannon for so long, a stable thing to grasp (even when their relationship was a mess) and then her death and him chasing to find that weak grasp to SOMETHING again- something that can be another excuse to not go looking for himself. 
Like he’s internalised this behaviour of, “if i’m in a relationship, I don’t have to look deep and figure out why it’s not working” and never quite realising that maybe the reason it’s not working is cause he’s trying to replace something that was never really real.
(Speaking of, Eddie and Shannon are the epitome of loml by taylor swift. I mean- “we were just kids babe” “from one kiss to getting married” “something counterfeits dead” “what a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye” “i’m combing through the band of lies- “i’ll never leave” never mind”) 
babe you are speaking to the POSTER CHILD of raised in a religious household and convinced themselves they weren’t queer until it was staring them in the face
the biggest issue is that most (again i said most before yall try to jump down my throat) of the people who are against buddie are either straight people who don’t understand the nuances of queerness, or queer people who didn’t grow up in environments of oppression and have never felt the need to hide themselves
i used to tell my parents i had crushes on girls only to later realize that it was because i just had a genuine platonic connection with them (two of whom are my best friends and are also queer women) and i used to get confused about what the difference between attraction and admiration was— something a LOT of queer people go through without realizing.
comphet is literally such a widespread phenomenon that people truly don’t realize just how common it is— like even queer people don’t realize they probably know several “straight” people who are still lying to themselves bc sexuality isn’t black and white— it exists on a spectrum. I’m not saying that to invalidate anyone’s straightness, im just saying i know multiple men who are my dads age (60s +) who only recently came to the realization that they were gay.
it’s genuinely so disappointing to see some of the people in this fandom pushing homophobic talking points from history just to disprove a character’s implied queerness bc they view that character’s queerness as a threat to their ship.
anyway, i agree eddie and shannon’s relationship is soooooo unconscious lavender marriage coded to me and there are SO MANY beautiful TS lyrics that apply to that… another song that i really feel like captures Eddie’s pov of the relationship is Home by One Direction… especially these lyrics:
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ladybeug · 2 years
Alright so
It has been about 24 hours since i finished @peachcitts fanfiction metamorphosis and i spent at least 3 of those hours making a fanmix.
Listen, Im sorry, this is just who I am, Im someone who wants to make a playlist about a specific iteration of ml characters. Especially if there are some grey morals up in there.
read the fic, listen to the fanmix, follow me under the cut thats where the party is
...and by party I mean analytical summary of each song.
I'm about to talk about some of these choices I made in depth, as a treat for myself. An indulgence. I'll keep the fic references high level but there may be some theme/tone spoilers so real talk go read the fic and meet me back here.
@peachcitt I know I tagged you but this will get long you do not have to read it or acknowledge this homage just know I appreciated your story and thought a lot about it.
the whole playlist is meant to be listened to start to finish, its half the tragedy and half the hard work to get your life right side up and the rewards.
I actively tried not to put Cry for Judas on here and i did ANYWAYS
its on so many of my playlists already, I'm loose with this song. But frankly if i could only keep it on one I would keep it on here. I mean I just don't think any other adrien iterations do things just to see how bad they'll make him feel QUITE like this one and i just HAD to have that as the first line of lyrics in the playlist.
I'm just also obsessed with sad and angry, can't learn how to behave?? The tragic acceptance of being unable to be good??
find me a better match. this song had to be on here and it had to be first.
Your Ghost - this might be the only song thats only about Marinette which is a crime because I really connected with her pov but the truth is that this is an adrien fanmix and i need to accept that.
But for real the acceptance but inability to move on in this song is just perfect.
Can't Lose - maybe the angriest song on here? A little angrier than I was going for but I had to keep this one though because, I mean, "I'm thinking I can't move if there isn't somewhere else to go?" like, the, 'sure what im doing is bad but what else IS there' of it, I mean, what can I even say. It had to be on here.
If you only listen to one song on here listen to Animal Mask.
It's a song about partners in a wrestling match written as a metaphor for when John Darnielle's wife was in labor, and its so tender and sweet, and frankly it sounds like it could have been written for metamorphosis for like every single flashback of ladybug and chat noir.
I could quote every line and be like 'this is them' but like, 'hold on,' I cried, 'I'll be right there', pulled your mask down through your hair. they won't see you, not until you want them to. What am I supposed to say?? It moves me deeply I'm having emotional problems please come join me. Every other song on this playlist doesn't matter.
Anyways intermission, while we're here, let me share this experience that I had today with you:
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I did then proceed to count, was appropriately ashamed that about 25% of the playlist was mountain goats, and extremely painfully chose to remove 'oceanographer's choice'.
[tangent about Oceanographers Choice vs Haunted House]
As obsessed as I am with going straight from the unbearably tender memory in animal mask to oceanographer's choice, first line: "well, guy in a skeleton costume, walks up to a guy in a superman suit, runs through him with a broadsword", the anxious switch in music, and then straight into a song about a fucked up guy fighting the woman he is still complicatedly in love with.... and he doesn't know how else to be....
oh no, listen, as I typed that I half convinced myself to add it back in again
but I won't because I even more love the transit of animal mask to the shrill and tense line in Haunted House, "I was buried in the summer, all those parties ago", and then a confused and hysterical song about dissociation and loss of control in a world where nobody seems connected to what you're going through. The tone is more ungrounded, and scared, and less resigned. Which matches what I was going for - I tried to avoid songs that were just like... "yeah i'm evil >:) thats my identity"
[end tangent]
Little Pistol I feel like I barely have to justify, but I will say what really sold me is the reference to 'I want what's best for me, and I think I know just what that means'. But then also the slight change in tune at the end? Delicious?
The Run and Go, just read the fic ok
I Wanna Get Better is one that honestly feels like it doesn't fit perfectly but I'm really drawn to a sharp turning point in the playlist from 'bad and spiraling' to 'desperately clawing my way up' which is how reading the fic felt at a certain point, and this song feels like the perfect tonal shift and has the end-of-a-movie screaming conviction that I want. Its also just so good
Do it Anyways might be the second most important song... third most important? on this fanmix. The frantic, panicky music matched with the unwavering conviction to improvement is so unmatched honestly and if we're talking about how hard it is to be your best when you feel your worst, oh my god. Read the fic, listen at 2:44 and meet me back here and there's nothing else I even need to say
Absolute Lithops Effect.... I tricked you, this is also a mountain goats song :) its a cover though so I'm not counting it.
This is one of the most beautiful songs about hope for the future and growth that I know its very important to me. The title of the playlist comes from this song. Here's what you need to know about it:
Lithops are these:
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They grow so slowly they don't look like they're growing at all. But they are.
Love Love Love: Ugh don't talk to me about love love love. I'm not going to explain how this connects to the fic. It does, I'm right. There's nothing I can say about this that can't be said better by Mr. Mountain Goats himself:
"The point of the song is, you know, that we are fairly well damaged by the legacy of the Romantic poets--that we think of love as this, you know, thing that is accompanied by strings and it's a force for good, and if something bad happens then that's not love. And the therapeutic tradition that I come from--I used to work in therapy--you know, also says that it's not love if it feels bad. I don't know so much about that. I don't know that the Greeks weren't right. I think they were--that love can eat a path through everything--that it will destroy a lot of things on the way to its own objective, which is just its expression of itself, you know. I mean, my stepfather loved his family, right? Now he mistreated us terribly quite often, but he loved us. And, you know, well, that to me is something worth commenting on in the hopes of undoing a lot of what I perceive as terrible damage in the way people talk about this--love is this benign, comfortable force. It's not that. It's wild, you know?" — NPR interview with Linda Wertheimer, 14 May 2005
Metamorphosis: okay this one I added to make myself laugh but I also stand by it thematically
SUPERBLOOM: Don't we all deserve a little celebration for the hard work we do?
Anyways this is my fanmix, if you read to here I love you and you're welcome for all the mountain goats songs I peeled off of here that I didn't even tell you about. I didn't even put heel turn 2 on here. Whoops ok now i've told you about that one.
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myymi · 8 months
ohh if you can i would appreciate some tips!! honestly writers are so admirable we dont give yall enough credit🙏🙏🙏
well, for me to give you the absolute best tips i can to help out, i need to know what exactly you're struggling with when it comes to writing. there are about a million different tips i can give you for about a million different things and some of those tips will be completely useless to you
for now though, i'll give you the things that help me getting into a writing mood + general tips i give to new writers and if you still need further help you can explain what exactly you're struggling with and ill do my best to help out;
1) whatever you learned about formatting essays; forget it.
a common thing i see in new writers is they try to write it like an essay. which isn't a bad idea really, but it is restricting. your paragraphs don't have to be four or more sentences. they can only be one if you want. it's your story, format it however you want. you don't need to follow rules
2) listening to music
this is mostly for when you have that one specific scene in your head but have no idea what to do for the rest of the fic. listening to music and connecting the lyrics to the characters you're using is a great way to get your mind thinking. one song can give you several different ideas depending on how you interpret it
3) make sure you are in a good mood
personally, i cannot write to save my life if im upset or just generally having a bad day. i know some people can use creating as a way to cheer themselves up, but it just doesn't work out for me lol
4) if you don't need background noise, don't use it
it's pretty easy to get distracted when writing, especially when you have something new playing. if you do need background noise of some kind, i would advise playing instrumental music or that one movie/show that you've seen a thousand times and could quote in your sleep. keep your focus on your writing
5) brackets will be your best fucking friend when writing
one of the most important things about writing is keeping your flow going. if you find yourself writing sentence after sentence for a good while and then you suddenly hit a stop because you don't know how to word what happens next; throw it in brackets and write the scene after it. its the same reason why you're told to skip questions you get stuck on when taking a test. let your brain do what it knows it can and come back to the tricky stuff later.
6) you don't have to write anything in order
you don't have to write a story exactly start to finish. you can jump between any scene you'd like and find out how to connect it to a different scene another time. this kinda ties into the last tip in the sense that you gotta let your brain do what it knows. if you only know the beginning and the end then write those first and figure out the rest as you go. if you need to edit either one of the previous things then that's okay. there's no shame in changing things around, it's just how creating things go. sometimes change is needed
7) writing prompts
for new writers, i like to tell them to find a prompt online to write a story for before they start their own. using a prompt someone else made keeps your brain from getting overwhelmed, allowing you to focus more on finding a writing style that works best for you. using writing prompts also lets your brain find ways to contribute to a story without having it make everything while also figuring out how to put it on paper. it's easy to overwhelm the brain, so let it get used to writing before you start creating your own ideas. (this is also something i advise to people who experience burnout or just cant think of anything to write. your brain just needs a break from creating ideas right now, go and find a prompt for it)
8) word count
listen to me because this is so important; ignore the word count. you need to focus on learning, not how much you're writing. it doesn't matter if you only wrote 50 words when other people have fics well over 50k. ignore it. you are learning, you'll get there eventually. if you focus too much on how much you're writing you're going to stress yourself out and ultimately drive yourself away from ever writing again. treat word counts as milestones. start with 50, then 100, then 150, then 200, etc. let yourself work towards it slowly rather than push yourself too hard right out the gate. you can't expect to draw the mona lisa the first time you put a pencil to a paper, so don't expect to write thousands of words the first time you write a story. it'll take time, and that's perfectly okay.
9) analyze the shit out of your characters
this is easier when writing fanfiction, but take a few hours to learn your characters. find the content they're in and hyper-focus on what they're doing. pay attention to their speech patterns, their body language, their relationships with others, etc. if they're not in a scene, try to imagine they are and what'd they do and/or say if they were. it'll help out with keeping them in character when writing
10) if you get to a point where you can't write anymore even when using brackets; stop writing for the day
we have our limits. you will get to a point where you can't get another word down and that's okay. it doesn't matter if you've only written a handful of words, close your program and wait until you feel motivation hit you again. if you keep trying to force yourself to write when you just can't then you're going to burn yourself out. the most probable reason for this is writer's block, which means you need to focus on other things for a while. give your brain time to recollect itself. it's annoying, i know, but it's better for you if you just let your brain do what it needs to. it knows how to take care of itself, so let it.
i also have a tag i use whenever i give tips, so you can check those out as well to see if anything helps! it's just writing tips
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tuatism · 1 year
just posted something similar on main but i think i can explain better when i connect it to klaus so to my tua blog this thought goes.
bug like an angel (mitski) is so four "klaus" hargreeves coded
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klaus is a lonely character. this is something that's true throughout all the seasons, and we can see how in each season he finds a new replacement for personal connections or worse; a replacement for the love he had lost with dave. in season one he had already been a drug addict (which i will touch on in another point), in season two he seeks solace in his "alternative spiritual community"/cult, and in season three he looks for (familial) love with his father.
going further on season three's replacement, i think that it is by far the most impactful (whilst not being particularly relavent to how he relates to the song, but i want to talk about it whilst i'm thinking of it). klaus looked for familial love with an alternate version of his father because, in part, i think he saw some of himself in that reginald. he saw someone who was constantly drugged and was treated as a joke by his family and was essentially discarded whenever he wasn't useful. sound familiar? of course, that reginald wasnt actually much like klaus, but it's easy to see how if you're desperate for someone, anyone, to connect to you'd strive hardest to find it in the father who never loved you. the father who's affections you've been starved of your whole life. anyways, moving on
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i think the direction i'm taking this one is pretty obvious; dave.
throughout the show there's multiple (sometimes rather subtle) moments where klaus clearly wishes for nothing more than to be with dave again. in a cruel joke from fate, it's discovered that klaus cannot permanently die, which only makes it harder for him. i believe that part of why he has such a difficult time moving on is due to the fact that dave died. obvious point, i know, so let me explain further. with most relationships, they'll end mutually. be it a calm break up, cheating, a fight, family issues, etcetera; most relationships have something that can clearly be defined as an "ending point". klaus and dave never got this, especially since klaus can communicate with the dead. in theory, klaus could talk with dave whenever he wants (at least in season one he could), so it'd be hard to really consider the relationship as being over.
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after dave dies (and before the slight time reset) klaus swears to go sober so that he can see dave. he finds during the torture scenes that the only way for him to speak with ghosts is to he sober, but he knows that (in that moment) he wouldn't be able to go through with it unless he's physically restrained. he made the conscious decision to reach out to diego for help, hoping he'd be able to go sober for dave. time is rewound slightly and his meeting with dave and the whole restraint thing is undone, causing klaus to make different decisions regarding his sobriety. he still tries, yes, but in the end he has to have the drugs physically slapped away from him. in season two he is also sober, albeit much more successfully. he, once more, comes horribly close to relapsing to drinking when he goes to the store and buys all manner of alcoholic beverages (although they are all dropped and promptly broken when he arrives at his home).
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im choosing to interpret this lyric in the less literal way because i think thats more interesting to interpret with klaus. i've already touched on him seeking love in other forms, so i won't dwell on that, but it may be touched on.
klaus is at rock bottom, in season three we watch him lose basically everything. he lost his one and only love, he lost his cult (although the degree to which he wanted them is debatable), he misplaced his trust, and he lost all hope to see dave again. he knows that there's no use in it, yet he can't help but yearn to be with dave. deep down klaus knows that not only can he not die, but the dave in the new reality may very well be out there somewhere; along with the fact that he will never be klaus's dave no matter how much he wishes. he will never be truly happy again, no matter how much he wishes.
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omegalomania · 2 years
omg link to the ybc joe playlist????
WELL FRIEND i have many ybc playlists and im going to use this ask as an excuse to share all the ones that are public because i am actually so proud of most of them !
the way i do playlists especially character playlists that are connected thru shared canon is pretty specific. track order always matters, every playlist starts with an instrumental track that sets the tone, and that tone will change as the playlist progresses. different characters will favor different genres, some more heavily than others, but there are intentional shared artists across the different playlists to emphasize shared connection (i.e., ybc pete's playlist is going to share an artist with ybc joe, ybc andy, and ybc patrick, all separately). character playlists are constructed thru the lens of focusing on a genre or a couple different genres and then adding songs that lyrically encapsulate the character's whole Deal, tho not necessarily chronologically.
all playlists featured here are an even 50 songs, which puts them at around the 3 hour mark. generally speaking there won't be more than 2 songs by any one artist, but there will be at least one SRAR track.
i have Lots of these but these are the ones that are public and that i'd mostly consider done (plus or minus some tweaking down the line cause i'm picky lol) so these are the ones i'm sharing.
YBC ANDY: lots of metal, hardcore, hard rock, prog-rock, etc. very high energy but focuses on themes of helplessness in the face of adversity, emotional repression, and self-neglect in the name of group cohesion.
YBC PETE: blend of pop, alt-rock, pop rock, hip-hop, and melodic dubstep. discusses themes of betrayal, loss, and deception but with an edge of gritty determination to turn things around.
YBC JOE: all flavors of rock - classic rock, alt-rock, pop rock, punk rock, metal-rock fusion, but with a sprinkling of morbid acoustics. concentrates on themes of self-loathing, unbelonging, uncertainty, and fear.
YBC PATRICK: eclectic mix per the character's innate duality. starts with folk-adjacent indie tunes before swinging into harsher metal and punk/hardcore, dipping into jittery electronica, then deranged, bouncy pop. evens out into quieter, more introspective acoustics. themes of duality, guilt, and wrestling with one's internal demons.
THE VIXENS: this one is basically all girlboss bops. it mmmostly favors pop and riot grrl type rock but honestly it's got a lot of variations on the general theme of "i want to kill men"
THE DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH: combines the disparate styles of the four guys into one conjoined playlist. focuses on hope and unity.
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evanescentdawn · 10 months
1. Share a song that makes you think of "me and you" 🥺 and also 3. Heh
hi, haku <3 thanks for sending this in ^^ I went ham as usual
also would u look at this. i actually Finished answering this and did not leave it to rot in my drafts for many months ahem which I think deserves a golden sticker. a great yuki feat for nov 2023
1. Share a song that makes you think of “me n you”
UHH…. honestly don’t remember what song I was listening to when writing that fic but def was in my touken playlist. but mmmmh. “spring thief” + “thought crime” by yorushika because the vibes are FITTING. I do not think by lyrics fjfjjfjfjf
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
currently it’s my v beloved, hands under the scorch of the sun (we loved once) (once that is not now) (anymore)
every time i go thro my ao3, which has been a lot lately honestly lol I go so unwell when I see it. ITS THE !!!!! FIC !!!!! I love it so much it’s SO fun it’s so great it’s thee best. I was on a roll when I was writing it
AND OH THE TITLE. OH THE TITKE it’s so great. great as in im So ASHHSHDJDJDAHHHHHH oh my god. I was so Real for it. as my past me wrote “*explodes* —> me” in the end author notes, so v true and noted.
I love v dearly and it’s current fav because of HOW I WROTE IT. the unsaidnsss the tension it goes SO hard it’s unreal. it’s weird in a way too because it’s???? not at all typical way I write???? like WHAT is “casts a look” I never use those kind of phrases or write ways I did in this which is why it makes it so fun and so weird. also PUTHOR/SKALES !!!!!!!! this two make me so unreal for real. ever time I see this fic my longing to finish is another puthor/Skales is so v great. MY BELOVED SNAKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also HEH I’ve been actually been thinking about this fic today. well, technically it was kinda yesterday since it’s 3am rn. don’t ask why I am awake. ANYWAYS, some thoughts I had. like I read this post on “narration distance” and it got me Thinking about it (by that came to learn some v interesting Very Cool stuff about this draft I made yesterday? about Ichigo & Rukia lol) and was looking at my other work and i came to this one again and the start of it:
“pythor casts a look at skales. “what are you doing here?” >>
it immediately starts with a zoom-in, no easing into the character or the scene. fanfiction being a exploration of characters you already know makes this fun sandbox where you can start fics zoomed-in and it won’t be jarring in some ways because the readers assumingky ALREADY know this (assumingky as I’ve Read fics for fandom I know jack shit) anyways. I kinda forgot what sort of thoughts I had then, but. anyways.
I love it drops right into the action of things, no set up for the setting or what not. also I love how it starts hard with “Pythor” the little distance between the narration and “Pythor” right from the beginning puts a focus on Pythor. its an immediate invitation to this pythor’s world. also the way that skales is also referred to as their name in pythor’s pov, instead of a pronoun — putting focus on puthor&skales relationship and creating this smaller distance between the reader and these characters. it’s would be different to read “Pythor casts a look at them” as it makes Skales unknown and puts a distance between the narration and the “them” who is unknown. But instead, it was “Pythor casts a look at Skales” >> it gives importance to Skales as a character in this moment and significant to Pythor itself
and then looking at the entire sentence, at the middle bit that connects Pythor and Skales, “casts a look”. the verb “casts” is very fun sounding and especially the way it’s “k” and “s” sounds give it intensity and the way it it’s a deliberate action that is stressed with the word “cast” is written phonetically. it gives the following “a look” phrase a intensity.
also interesting how “casts” immediately follows “Pythor” putting Pythor…. andddd stoping myself here because my head is hurting. trying to articulate yourself is blergh. anyways V COOL START I LOVE IT V MUCH
also my fav ever part in this fic that makes me *scream*
“i’m here for a proposal.”
skales slithers closer, and skales’ hand is not touching pythor’s but — it’s a close thing.
“for a marriage union.” skales says. eyes firm and not breaking away from pythor’s, saying everything that skales’ mouth isn’t.
something that pythor doesn’t want to translate.
like WHAT IF I EXPLODED. god god god the “skales slithers closer, and skales’ hand is not touching pythor’s but — it’s a close thing.” is my favourite thing EVER
the repetition of “skales” putting emphasis on Skales themselves and everything they are doing. also I LOVE “slithers closer” slithers has this snakey-sneaky feeling to it also the alteration of “Skales slithers” has a nice ring it to. also AHHHH the “closer” it gives it like a tension of some kind. but it doesn’t stop there it goes AND SKALES’ HAND IS NOT TOYCHKNG PYTHOR’S what if I exploded fr. I love the focus on “Skales’ hand” and the way it’s not touching pythor’s. Like the fact it’s not pythor’s is significant!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s about the HANDS, and the NEGATIVE SPACE BETWEEN SKALES AND PYTHORS HANDS and the way the me continues this with the “but” and the dramatic pause of the emdash and says ITS A CLOSE THING
screaming. screeching. OH this is so good. OH this is so brilliant. I love it to death
also HELLOOOO “saying everything that skales’ mouth isn’t.” GAHHH AHHH AHHHHHHHH and that ENDING OF
“something that pythor doesn’t want to translate.”
the way!!!!!! nothing is like said!!!! the way the something that Pythor doesn’t want to translate is never said what it is!!!!!!!! but Pythor does know what it is but it DOESNT want to translate it. the way the whole passage has “Skales’ mouth” “Skales hand” “eyes firm” like as if ever part of Skales is saying something. it’s SO NNNNNGHHH good like give it to me
also the way a… lot of things of these things were accidentally LOL as I was trying to djdjdj write without using pronouns which is a challenge but also creates this super fun effect that im so loving. its so cool. this fic is so cool. I love it v dearly. PYTHOR/SKALES !!!!!!!!!!! OF MY HEART HEHHEHEHHE
also hello the way Skales is so active in this part. the way they slither closer, the way THEIR hand is close to pythor’s and the way THEIR eyes are firm and not moving away from pythor’s. the way !!! Skales only talks !!!! both verbally and a lot thro their body language as well. meanwhile Pythor is just There and while its their pov, it looks like Skales has taken the spotlight. and it finishs with “something that pythor doesn’t want to translate.” LIKE PYTHOR !!!! KNOWS WHAT SKALES IS TRYING TO SAY AND KNOWS SKAES BUT IT DOESNT WANT TO TRANSLATE IT !!!!! IT WANTS TO REJECT IT !!!!!!
also the way the ending just drops off! it doesn’t say what pythor’s responding answer is! it leave u hanging SCREAMING on this heightened tension screams OH its So good so v in love with it heh
def my fav piece right now <3 <3 <3 the Pythor/Skales is so Strong sighs longingly I wish to write more for them but working on the two ideas I have right now is to much work urgh and trying to make more ideas provides to be Hard cuz brain empty only Pythor/skales no idea NDJJDKDJDJD <3 so Helpful lol
im so normal btw abt the title. refraining myself so bad into going into it because i do have not the spoons for that rn JDJKDKDKDKD
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supahstarrr · 23 days
Hi. 👋
I am going to create a Rose Lacroix MV. I know that you're a fan of Rose, so is there any songs you think would fit her well & work well in an MV for her?
I like Rose but I don't have a very strong connection to her character & do not have any songs in mind ATM, and I know you were wanting an MV for her so I wanted to see if you had any input.
Also, thank you for supporting my Ace Markey MV & other artwork - it is meaningful to me since I do not frequently post my own artwork. : )
*Credits will be given if a song suggested is used if this is something you would favor. Please feel free to let me know what handles you would like credited.
HI HI ^^!! sorry i couldnt respond sooner but i have some songs in mind. unfortunately not many songs were in the top of my head (except for the first song) so i searched my spotify playlist to find some songs (i found barely). I'm sure some other people have better songs for her as I do not consider myself the Rose Lacroix Connoisseur despite loving her lots, but anyways i will list my reasonings for my choices, the ways they fit and some of the ways they don't.
Also, you're welcome for the support <3 your artwork is very nice and lovely. Thank YOU for the support, because you've genuinely been one of my top supporters when it comes to my art and thank you for still sticking with me even though im so indecisive lol.. Also do NOT worry about giving credit!!! these are just song suggestions, nothing too serious :)! Many songs can be interpreted as songs fit for Rose!
Song list below ✿
"Just a waste" by PinkPantheress — This song heavily revolves around negativity being so ingrained in her [Pinkpantheress] life to the point of swallowing in grief. While attempting to come in terms with it via coping—particularly by putting blame on herself—she wants to run away from it all. There are mentions of fear, running away from her problems along the knowledge that others are tired of her running away, and a mother being apart of her life. Although, the context of these mentions are more specific, and the song's meaning is particularly about a mother and daughter relationship (which by looking at context, it's complicated with a variation of negativity brewing), you can interpret a lot of the song as fitting for Rose.
Rose's life heavily revolves around negativity and grief, including the death game she's in now. Thus, she's developed major depression and ways to cope with her life. Although her depression could most definitely influence her sleeping habits, she uses it to her advantage by using it as a way to cope, as she is constantly overwhelmed by her strong memory. "Crying in the stall of a washroom floor" is definitely a lyric that reminds me of Rose so much, especially her behavior when the investigation happened during Chapter 2. "I never asked to be driven away in a foreign car (Ow)" can apply to her never really asking to be swept away by the organization and only doing it for financial support; she only felt as if it was a need.
Other than that, despite not knowing the details of how her and other cast got into the game, the lyric also describes not wanting to be in this game. Her mother (or well, mothers) has been in her life and are very important for her story, and although the song is lightly specific when it comes to the mother-daughter relationship, the mention of a mother just adds to how this song fits Rose.
"Misery Meat" by Sodikken — This song is just so specifically about an abuser "eating" the abused that i genuinely can't give as much extra notes about this suggestion as I did for the first. Of course, this song is very good for describing an organization feeding off of their workers. The organization preyed on Rose for gain; the more the organization pushes their "ownership" onto her, the more the thought of herself not be her is overbearing for her. She's being eaten away by the organization. The last line "Good thing I'm forgiving" can be interpreted as the victim mocking themselves "accepting" their abuse by being manipulated. They're attempting to accept that they're "for giving" themselves to the abuser. "Sacrifices must be made" is a lyric which can apply to Rose's believing it was a "need" to sacrifice herself due to her and her family struggling with being poor.
"Amygdala's Rag Doll" by GHOST (Vocaloid) — This song is about a rag doll's suffering. The mention of the singer (the doll) knowing the world's an "eye for eye" can describe Rose's awareness sacrificing her body for the organization is a "trade" for gaining financial support. The singer speaks about being a trouble maker, and feeling regret; as Rose deeply appreciates her mothers for supporting her even when they're struggling, and though the series never blatantly expresses this specific thought, it can be assumed that Rose feels as if her existence is "troubled" as her mothers needing to support their child can risk them being even more financially troubled than they were before. The puppetry aesthetic that defines this song matches Rose when it comes to being bound to the organization and the lack of control she feels (as has).
"NOTHING MAN" by Sodikken — A message about someone stating they're satisfied with being nothing, but feels guilty about it, yet refuses to change, is one which very loosely fits Rose. Although if you adjust the message—thus the lyrics' meaning and specifics—you can get a message of someone stating they've come to this false sense of accepting that their identity is stripped away from them to become a husk ("being nothing" now has a different meaning), but secretly feels guilty for not owning herself and has trouble changing this.
The last lines, "Somebody else's fractured dreams / Got up on their little feet / And came to talk to me / Too bad I wasn't listening / I was too busy falling asleep" are those that describe someone's dream (the organization) being projected onto Rose, attempting to mold her existences into being the organization's existence, but this message that Roses was meant to internalized (and has, to an extent) has not kept her from wishing she was free from chains. She doesn't put her full heart into the organization, so to an extent, she wasn't "listening." She rejects being an empty husk of a person, but only passively (unlike J, who she parallels a lot).
That's all, perhaps I'll add more songs. This ask is seriously pushing me to make a Rose playlist because ive definitely thought of making a character playlist for Rose or Teru lololol.. i will be sat for all your MVs!!!!!!
0 notes
kaminohana · 3 years
the meme man full analysis
Yeehaw here we go. Analysis of Mikoto Kayano’s video and song, along with some theories about the many themes and symbols in the video. Note: If there’s any other supplemental material for him out there, I haven’t read it. This is just an analysis with the music video we were given. If I happen to miss stuff that was mentioned before, I may talk about it in another post lmao
I was SUPER invested in this video as I watched it and soon realized “Oh shit, I think Mikoto’s plural”. Cuz, you know, I’m plural too (not disclosing what kind) and it felt SO good to see some actual parallels to stuff I go through- though of course not to Mikoto’s degree.
That said, I feel I should make a disclaimer in passing: yes, portraying your only plural character as homicidal ain’t the best representation. But, you know, we’ve seen other cases like that in Milgram so I’m just gonna leave it at that. Personally, I’m not that offended because the execution is SO top-notch. Though, hey, I totally understand how this can be very frustrating to other systems to see plurality depicted in such an unhealthy light- if it’s not for you, it’s not for you.
Keep in mind the point of the Milgram series is to make you uncomfortable in so quickly incriminating someone; if you’re hesitating to determine someone as guilty, hey, that’s probably intended and good! It’s about personal decision, so I’m not going to judge you one way or the other in voting. I just find it fascinating how these videos can put us in such conflict. This is all just my own perspective, BTW, so if you disagree with some of these points, good! I’m just hoping to share my thoughts since I can make a lot of connections. I’m by no means an expert in plurality or tarot, I just have some background in both and decided to try my hand at this analysis, so I really don’t the final say on what’s going on in the video.
Now, onto the actual video analysis.
I’m sticking with the basic idea that Mikoto is split into two parts; his more loveable, gentler side, which I referred to in another post as Softboy Mikoto, and the more violent side which may be acting as a catharsis to his frustrations. I referred to this side previously as the Devil alter, as he is depicted with the Devil major arcana tarot card. I can see how this could be taken badly, so for now I’m just going to refer to him as the shadow alter. There are many themes of duality in the video, most commonly with the symbol of the half moon which appears so many times. Shadow of the moon etc etc. I’ll be bringing this up several times as I analyze the lyrics. I’ll be breaking down the lyrics as evidence to support the idea that Mikoto is plural, and to show how softboy Mikoto (and shadow alter Mikoto) view this particular relationship and how this culminates in murder. Sometimes I refer to Mikoto (as a whole), softboy Mikoto, or shadow alter Mikoto depending on what I’m trying to describe in the below.
First piece: the title. MeMe. Me x2. A dead giveaway, like Umbilical. Also, it can be a meme, which is interesting taking the definition of the word meme in this context: “an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means” (Oxford Dictionaries).  HMMMM. I know memes are generally within the context of a community, but I think it’s interesting to actually apply this to Mikoto. What exactly is being passed on? Could we argue that Mikoto’s frustrations from one of his parts is being passed on to the other? Interesting to think about, though it may not be relevant.
Going into the lyrics:
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So from here I’m guessing there was a point in Mikoto’s life where his plurality was not an issue; or, potentially, there was a time before his split. These were the good times.
Playing dead vs. being alive – representing duality. May refer to how, when one side has their way, the other is locked away in the headspace with no control, thus feeling like being dead. In the context of “if only”, perhaps he’s wishing that he just didn’t do anything if only to prevent things from getting this far.
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“If” I could end- I believe Mikoto (particularly softboy Mikoto) is saying “Hey, I have no control over my other side. If I did, would things still be the same? Would I still be ‘letting’ this happen?”
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“Keep it” and “hide it away” I feel like are both representative of his shadow alter and of the desires that alter represents. Many words related to destruction are tied to this alter, so it could be seen as Mikoto trying to hide those urges as well.
“’I’ will save ‘me’”- this is a very interesting line that I think very well encapsulates the shadow alter’s initial motives; he’s saying “hey, I’m going to take care of us,” I believe to try and convince softboy Mikoto to let him out. As far as if softboy Mikoto can actually “let” him out is TOTALLY up for debate.
Part of the reason I refer to the other alter as softboy Mikoto is because there are softer words I notice used by him in the song; here’s I’m seeing “snuggle”, so I think this side of him is more vulnerable and soft.
SWITCH, shake up that brain- wow couldn’t be any more obvious here
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This is where the chorus starts. This I think is from softboy Mikoto’s perspective, PARTICULARLY when he’s trapped in the headspace. There are many forms of plurality IRL in which alters cannot simultaneously front, so one or more are “pushed” back into the headspace. This very act occurs several times throughout the song in the weird minimalist vaporwave shadow realm room, where the tarot cards are. During this time, we can assume that is when the shadow alter is fronting. Softboy Mikoto slowly starts to become more helpless and fearful in this space as the song goes on, and this is where he makes his celtic cross tarot spread that quite frankly defines the whole song. I discussed that in my other post.
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Another facet of plurality that is applied here is amnesia, which is common, especially when alters are pushed back to the headspace. Within the headspace, there may be a lack of awareness to the outside world, which Mikoto seems to express in his confused sentiments like the above (in the video, he is also scratching his head, which as a gesture can represent being confused). “Why am I here?” can act as a double entendre, both referring to “Why have I suddenly been pushed to this headspace?” as well as the whole point of Milgram- “Why am I in prison?”. He may not be aware of exactly what he did, hence why he feels it’s a mistake. He may be experiencing amnesia of what his shadow alter is doing, so he doesn’t even know what crime he committed. However, he at least has enough awareness to tell someone else is present in his body doing things, so he begs the viewer “Hey, just watch whatever my body is doing and it’ll all eventually make sense. I don’t have access to this information, but you do.” I thought this was an interesting fourth wall break.
The truth revealing itself could also be the truth coming to light from the particular tarot reading he does in the headspace; note that the cards only seem to be appear in this place and not in the outside world. So softboy Mikoto is trying to figure out what’s going on this way. If he can’t figure it out himself, maybe the cards can give him some direction.
Another duality- “I won’t forgive you if you reveal the truth” vs. “However I know I’m right when I say I’m innocent”. Or he could be right about something else.
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I’m wondering if the breaking here is just reflecting the shadow alter or is softboy Mikoto actually wishing he could end the shadow alter. He at least wants things to change; the way things are right now is not something he’s okay with. Though, it sounds like he isn’t getting help with this and has no idea if he can even arrest full control again. It seems at this point, this has been going on for a while so he’s stopped trying.
In the video, the shadow alter is doing a GREAT job hiding the evidence; while of course probably just trying to not get caught, the shadow alter may also be trying to hide his crime from softboy Mikoto so he’s none the wiser.
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He’s hoping he can be rid of the shadow alter side, but I think he also is dumping all his difficult feelings onto the shadow alter. Maybe he feels its some sort of release, even if he can’t control it, so he feels a lot of guilt over the shadow alter’s existence, even though that alter is serving a purpose as a conduit for those emotions.
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I really really think though that there IS some connection between softboy Mikoto and shadow alter Mikoto. Maybe they are both truly aware of each other, hence the scene where they are viewing each other through the mirror. I think here, softboy Mikoto might be admitting that it feels good to let the shadow alter out, like a hug. The “minus energy” probably refers to the shadow alter.
“Maybe it’s okay that we’re separated like this?” he wonders. There seems to be a sense of feeling alive at least that is conveyed through the shadow alter.
SPLIT IN HALF- yeah, again, pretty encompassing.
In the video, I think this is when we have a switch, as Mikoto’s expression changes in the outside world mirror.
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The chorus again, softboy Mikoto is shoved into the vaporwave shadow realm headspace. He’s asking the audience to investigate him here, but I also like to joke that he’s like “uwu look at me I could never harm anybody, pwease let me out”, which may be true only so far as softboy Mikoto is out.
I wonder if in “I will NEVER forgive you if this is happening to me” is directed at the shadow alter instead of the audience? Like softboy Mikoto is saying “I swear to god if you murdered someone im gonna be so pissed, but I also already kinda know it’s happening.” Just another take.
In the video, softboy Mikoto is THROWN into the headspace, where he is gifted with just one hint of what’s going on: The Devil tarot card.
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You DARE accuse Miette of murder? Oh! 1000 years jail for Milgram viewer!
Now the vaporwave space starts to turn into a bloody mess; perhaps now softboy Mikoto is starting to put two and two together.
“Hurting it, holding it down, it doesn’t change anything, does it”- I definitely understand this being plural, like if your alters are causing problems, you may try and chastise them, or you may try and lock them away deep inside, but that often doesn’t stop them from existing. It’s really cool how that idea is present here. Like YES that’s how it is quite often. So even if softboy Mikoto TRIES to smother or accuse his shadow alter, that’s not going to change anything.
It being the same anywhere he goes makes me think he’s been putting up with this for a long time, that it’s not about what environment he’s in because his shadow alter is with him everywhere he goes.
“It’s like what’s wrong isn’t wrong”- may be referring to multiple things:
-the shadow alter having a different morality (hence why murder is okay for him, his indulgence in smokes and…redbull/alcohol, etc)
-OR, how softboy Mikoto’s amnesia isn’t letting him understand the full picture so everything is okay when he’s out fronting (shadow alter cleaned the place up and stuff, perhaps hiding all evidence of murder)
-“I’m already the fake one”- a very common sentiment for plural folks, worrying if you as an alter aren’t “the original” or if you’re not actually split and it’s something you’re making up, etc. I think softboy Mikoto is having these feelings. Poor boy, wish we could get you some therapy instead :/ (all of Milgram would be very different if only most of these people could get therapy, let’s be honest)
Now, what’s special here is that BOTH alters are in the headpace, with shadow alter Mikoto looming ominously behind softboy Mikoto.
During this next instrumental, just a side note: we see what’s going on through security footage. The security cameras reflecting a third person perspective is kind of neat in context of pluralism, where someone else fronting can feel like a third person awareness to another alter. I may be thinking too much into this one, but it’s a fun connection.
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Another thing many plural folk go through: DISSOCIATION FROM REALITY. Ah yes, my good friend dissociation. Especially like in Mikoto’s case, where the consequences of being split have drastic consequences, he could be running away from the truth which may always be partially concealed to him. Something’s VERY wrong, he knows this for sure, and it may be at this point he really realizes “Oh shit. I just committed murder.” But instead of taking responsibility in any way, he’s trying to imagine that it’s a fabricated reality. I’m not going to say if this makes him bad or not, but it is a known coping mechanism.
I know I mention that the bad habits of smoking and drinking may be the shadow alters habits, but they could also be softboy Mikoto’s own methods of escapism, which definitely fits with the above lyrics. “I need to wake up soon”- but he still realizes that he’s going to have to face the harsh truth of reality soon.
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Now this point indicates a marked change in softboy Mikoto and shadow alter Mikoto’s relationship: I believe there may be a time when softboy Mikoto expects to come back out to the front, but now the shadow alter is starting to take over fully and keep softboy Mikoto locked inside. This is supported by the Outcome card in his celtic cross spread being The Devil. Not only does this card have its own meanings, but here it may mean that the more violent side of him takes over.
Again, don’t know if he’s talking to the audience or his shadow alter in never forgiving this outcome. I believe softboy Mikoto does have a clearer morality in that murder is NOT okay, and if he were to fully acknowledge that he as a whole was capable of that, I think he’d break down. So he’s like “it better NOT be true” because he doesn’t know how he’d be able to deal with that.
Interesting in the video is when Mikoto snaps and the headspace turns red again; I would think this is when the shadow alter is entering the scene and taking over. The snap here is symbolic of the switch.
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Now presumably softboy Mikoto is like “PWEASE WET ME OUT MISTEW OBAMA”, which, again with the double meaning, can refer to letting him out of the vaporwave shadow realm headspace OR letting him out of prison. Both apply.
“That it’s a lie
That I’m right”- a nice duality here. Mikoto is having difficulty separating the truth from reality.
Also NOW he is forgiving. Forgiveness vs not forgiveness (grudge)
I think it’s gotten so bad that he’s like “okay fine. Fine if I committed murder, fine if you’re accusing me of murder, but please help me understand what’s going on. Let me out”. Maybe he’ll forgive the shadow alter if only he fesses up to the murder.
Of note for the scene however is that shadow alter Mikoto is holding up The Fool card, which represents softboy Mikoto in this case. “I’m right” may be the shadow alter’s sentiment.
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Then, all the cards show up in more detail, all depicting weapons instead of the standard minor arcana that you might see in your standard Rider Waite tarot deck (which these are based off of). The Wands are baseball bats, the Swords are kitchen knives, the Cups are…poison cans? Acid? The Pentacles are….records but I can see these being rotary saws if you squint. The Wheel of Fortune has car wheels with a snake….GTA time baby (the snake being hidden danger, the devil’s temptation, etc). The chariot is a really weird motorcycle death machine. I was thinking how like, people would drag people along behind them while driving a vehicle as a method of torture so there is that.
Now we see some cards not in the original spread- I think this represents shadow alter Mikoto inserting himself into the headspace and changing things to fit his goals. We see a couple placed in the original spread, but some don’t and are just free-floating, but you’ll see below we have enough context to decipher their meaning.
First, it’s the Page of Pentacles, which has taken over the position of the 7 of swords as the current challenge affecting the issue. This card indicates “Manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development”. I think this means the shadow alter is finally learning to take full control.
Then we see the reverse 2 of swords, which represents “Indecision, confusion, information overload, stalemate”. This could probably represent softboy Mikoto not suddenly understanding why the shadow alter is ALSO in the headspace. Maybe his dual presence in the outside world AND the headspace is indicative of exactly when he learned to take full control. This was NOT in Mikoto’s original spread.
Wheel of Fortune again, which was in the original spread. “Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control”. Yup, that confirms it.
Next, the Five of Swords from the original spread comes up. “Conflict, tension, loss.png, defeat, win at all costs, betrayal”. Softboy Mikoto is now being completely taken over. There is a facedown card on the chair. This might be the one that reads as Death later, so it may be that softboy Mikoto is…KILLED OFF?
Cup of Ace, “Love, compassion, creativity, overwhelming emotion”. I think this one is also meant to represent softboy Mikoto, but it could be that the shadow alter sees it as an act of mercy to take full control for softboy Mikoto. Maybe he feels his alter can’t handle reality and he’s going to take over full time. Or more likely he just has ulterior motives.
Reverse King of Cups. “emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility”. Softboy Mikoto was lead along, thinking it was okay to leave things to the shadow alter or to exist alongside him. Now we see that isn’t a viable solution.
Reverse Five of Wands. “conflict avoidance, diversity, agreeing to disagree”.  I went over this more in the other post.
Chariot is the last one, WHICH ALSO WAS NOT IN THE ORIGINAL SPREAD. “Control, willpower, success, action, determination”. The shadow alter Mikoto has taken full control. Which is very quickly followed by…
Shadow alter Mikoto drawing Death. Also not in the original spread. Perhaps effectively “killing off” softboy Mikoto and betraying him.
Concluding Thoughts.
Now, I understand I do take most of these lyrics from softboy Mikoto’s perspective, but I’m sure there’s a layer of deception added on by his shadow alter. The Challenge card of the 7 of swords did represent betrayal. So softboy Mikoto’s only context into what’s going on outside may be his headspace tarot reading. If you want to question some of the lyrics, or even think one of the alters is lying, that would add SO much to the complexity of the situation, and I wouldn’t put it past the Milgram team to add something like that.
Common Themes/Symbols:
The mirror, both in the headspace and in the outside world bathroom
The Hanged Man- in a painting in the headspace and on Mikoto’s shirt. Indicative of being wrongly accused or martyred. Softboy Mikoto is likely represented with this, as well as The Fool. The Fool painting probably is there to show that he doesn’t know any better, that he is without the knowledge of what his shadow alter is doing (or doesn’t believe he’s doing anything wrong)
The Half Moon- a light side and a dark side. Pretty self-explanatory. Symbolically, it can also represent life and death. NICE.
Sorry if the conclusions end up being kind of vague. That’s the way a lot of this video is; what’s really going on, as it usually is, is up to viewer interpretation at this stage. I was just hoping to provide a bit of context into the images in the video, plural life, and narrator interpretation. I just really love this video and after this full analysis hope others can at least appreciate the work that went into it.
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staylavendertea · 4 years
young avengers characters and relationships as songs
billy kaplan : season of the witch by donovan and mr. sandman cover by joe p, it’s fun, there’s that groove, it’s witches and it’s dreams; a total billy kaplan jamming out in his room in his boyfriends too big shirt 10 at night moment with that magical and just like ,, witchy billy vibe i can’t explain through words that i love dearly, it also just gives me a connection between him and wanda i really love, the family witches between soul mother and soul son and that bass in mr sandman for some reason screams billy
teddy altman : space girl by frances forever need i say more, that song screams smiling golden tall boy theodore in overalls and sweaters, prince charming of space deserves the song space girl, the song is soft like teddy is, all hugs and kisses, that is until “stupid boyfriend putting himself into stupid danger all the stupid time” and “why do i try he never listens” “i heard that” “sure now he listens” then it becomes all hugs, kisses, bickering with the boyfriend, and threats of mauling people, but that’s for childrens crusade and family matters arc to tell
tommy shepherd : rebels by call me karizma but also steady, as she goes by the raconteurs mostly just for that guitar and music, i heavily head canon billy as the pianist and tommy as the guitar and bass player all the way and steady, as she goes screams tommy’s kind of music, the song rebels because that boy is the biggest rebel around and i wouldn’t be surprised if he was an arsonist
eli bradley : i just wanna shine by fitz and the tantrums i honestly had a bit of a hard time finding a song that really perfectly fit eli, but i think this one really hits the spot - eli is totally the boy that’s just trying his best and live up to his and everyone else’s expectations, i think he’s actually a softie and repressed nerd that believes heavily in doing what is right and i think that this song encompasses that, i really miss eli bradley thank you for coming to my tedtalk
cassie lang : blackbird by the beatles (cover by dodie) cassie gives me total adorable and soft but such a cool person dodie vibes, but i think the song blackbird fits cassie on so many levels, especially the lyrics as growing up after losing her dad, getting and learning to control her powers, and growing as a super hero she knows her dad would be so proud of, i love every single one of the young avengers but mygod cassie
nate richards : run boy run by woodkid and something better by hidinin i feel for nate, that poor kid literally is running away and trying to kill his future because he knows it’s a bad road and honestly he’s so brave for that and it’s all thanks to nate that we got all the young avengers in the first place so credit will be payed where credit is due, nate is really just a clumsy teenager thats a total nutcase and a bit clueless without that common sense sometimes that will think a pack sour troll gummies and a bottle of gateorade is a well rounded training diet but he’s also a descendent of sue and reed richards and what’s there to expect from child geniuses
kate bishop : love club by lorde and ribs by lorde i kinda just stumbled upon these honestly forgotten songs in my playlist and was pleasantly surprised how perfectly kate bishop these songs are, the lyrics most likely mean something else but i see the love club as the young avengers and “go get punched for the love club” just sounds like a kate bishop thing to say, these songs give me vibes of kate bishop in a rolled sleeves black and purple flannel and black jean shorts with scuffs and bandaids on her elbows and knees, probably also a developing black eye and bloody nose but lookin badass per usual
david alleyne : karma by ajr i picked this one for david because the second i heard it david was immediately the person i thought of when listening to it, i haven’t read many comics with david in them, i’m searching tho, but i am reading the current x factor and david just goes through a lot poor dude just wants to learn and help with what he can and i love him every moment for it
america chavez : a good song never dies by saint motel and dead girl in the pool by girl in red i honestly don’t know much about america besides some basic background stuff and some her character and personality since i haven’t been able to get my hands on some ya v2 issues besides what i’ve seen online but what i have seen of her i already love her and know she is so badass and a bit chaotic but in the best way possible from the little i do know about america’s character i think these songs just fits both the vibes of how she presents and holds herself but also her personality, america is a good song that just never dies are vibes i will happily live with
loki : run the world!!! by dayglow i haven’t really read much of loki in the comics, the versions of them i know the best being the actual norse myth god and movie loki and i know how the movies can be with their comic book characters, but from what ive heard about kid and teenager loki is that they’re a little punk and this song seems to just fit that perfectly
jonas : growing pains by coin i honestly didn’t know that there was more to jonas besides ya v1 and childrens crusade but now i’m intrigued, but this song just speaks jonas to me who i was also calling judas for like ten minutes without realizing i had a totally wrong name, but from what i read and his whole thing with cass, i think growing pains very much fits a mr. jonas
now for the relationships/ships - this post is so long i am so sorry for all the reading but i’m having fun -
david and tommy : affection by between friends im not even sure completely why but the music just screams david and tommy’s vibes, especially how tommy is usually head canonized in relationships, *chiefs kiss* of a song
nate and cassie and jonas : in the middle by dodie this song is literally the three of them, like perfectly, the lyrics fit to a t and it’s literal perfection for them
billy and teddy : pleaser by wallows for how much i love them i surprisingly had a hard time finding a song for them, i know at one time i heard and had a song that was perfect but i can’t remember it all, but i think pleaser fits just as nice, it fits their personalities and the music itself is the vibe they give off to me : imma make an edit from this post previously cause i’ve been thinking about and i would like to add the song leaves by joe p cause it just fits too well, especially when looking at billyteddy fan art whilst listening to it, it’s too good : HI THIS ANOTHER EDIT IMSORRY but it literally took weeks to remember but now i remember what the original song for them i had picked - electric love by borns - it also gives me billy lightning powers vibes and i do adore some billy lightning powers, i think it would be so cool to see them mixed in with his reality warping ones
eli and nate : talk too much by coin honestly it’s them, it’s a vibe they both argue and to each other, talk way too much, i’m calling it they kissed like at least once just to see how that would go - probably arguing who was the better boyfriend when they were both single
eli and kate : falling for u by peachy! and mxmtoon this song is very eli and kate for me, especially the beginning of their relationship not relationship, was that ever really established what was happening there ?? but this song fits perfectly amongst the bickering and racking numbers of how many times they’ve saved each other’s asses
kate and america : given it all by hayley kiyoko and midnight love by girl in red i love this ship and i have no idea if there was ever a thing happening between them or if it was pure fandom but it’s amazing and i love it, hayley kiyoko and girl in red is an of course and i think these songs speak them
- now just the young avengers as a group -
leaves by joe p a song that is totally just a hang out and drive all around all night as teenagers without a care in the world song and can totally see the gang jamming out to it
hey barbara by IV of spades this song literally speaks “hey did you watch that one beach episode” sunny and everyone vibing and hanging out, i can totally imagine tommy trying to get david to dance this and the attempts made is hilarious
teenagers and na na na by my chemical romance now last but certainly not least mcr because of course mcr, these kids can definitely be punks when they wanna be, especially when they’re mutant/alien/super hero teenagers that will literally do what they see fit, all in good manners of course
whhoooopp this was a lot longer than what i was initially expecting to make but after a few hours of song surfing and trying to make tumblr typing fonts work with me we’re finally here, this was just something fun for me since i associate music with everyone, but if you’ve read this far and wanna mention a song you think fits, totally put it out there, share the music !!
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dreamaze · 3 years
!!!! his otherness is exactly whats inspiring the little set series i want to do.. it started with l=l and the other "youth" mvs, and its grown into . something way more. a monster if u will etc etc (bad joke)
ive been bouncing around his role in my head especially since the l=l mv dropped. theres something so. Extremely lonely + isolated. in how his story has been developing through both what i call the 'fantasy' side of the +u and the 'reality' side (bc kgjff idk in my head its all star seekers, i have some multiverse theory for fun<3, idk if theres technical distinctions) and the lack of connections to the others overall
especially Especially with how i feel that yeonjun and beomgyu are character foils. they both deal with a 'monster', the only difference is external (yj) vs internal (gyu). and the response of the others being acceptance vs alienation respectively
im going to spare ur inbox Thee essay but like help help. REALLY just. have not stopped thinking about this
YESSS to all of this interesting interesting 👀👀👀 (I personally try not to mix the canon transmedia narrative content like Star Seekers, BU, etc with their unmarked content but really only because I have the blogs dedicated to each and there is already so much to unpack without also diving into the VERY REAL AND SLIGHTLY INFURIATING [in a good way] intersections between the canon and everything else . . . But yeah love that you have a multiverse theory going, the parallels of his character themes are !!!!! Also the lyrics references which I ranted to meg about recently but anyway!! ) He and yeonjun being foils and the opposite ways they're treated... love that </3 much to think about. It's late and I have to try to sleep so I'm sorry I don't have anything coherent to contribute right now, but I would love to hear more of your thoughts if you ever want to share them!!
Also help am I the only one that gets necromancer vibes from him in eternally. What's that grimoire for ! !
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darthkruge · 4 years
Hey girl I'm the clothing anon from earlier and I have got another question for you (anyone can answer yall) but what do yall think Anakin listens to when it comes to music??? Is it rock?? Hip hop?? Jazz rap?? Psychedelic rock??? Trip hop??? 90s drum & bass?? Punk?? Metal?? Like what would his Spotify play list consist of?? What does he listen to on the spaceships when he's going on the missions?? DOES CORUSCANT HAVE POP SINGERS??? RAPPERS?? DOES HE LIKE DRAKE??? WOULD HE LISTEN TO ARIANA GRANDE??? WOULD HE BE A BEYONCÉ OR A RIRI STAN??? This is so important like I need to know (yall can give your opinion but I feel like he's a Riri type of boy). DOES ANAKIN EVEN LIKE MUSIC???? Like all of this is running through mind & I thought I should put it out there and maybe you can give your opinion & your thoughts
OKAY the way I lowkey don’t know but I’m gonna try and get my ideas to function bc I have some ideas
First off I think Anakin is fascinated by music. Especially when he first goes to Coruscant and sees actual singers and like bands he’s probably like “woahhh” and he could listen to it forever. I just see him being very interested in basically everything. Mans is smart af and loves to use his brain, he wants to understand as much as he possibly can. 
As for the music taste itself: I think Anakin kinda has like a variety. 
I also see him listening to Harry Styles. Why? Who’s to say. But Kiwi comes on and he goes 🤩🤩
I have been listening to Melodrama by Lorde and Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers on repeat all day and I am desperately trying to not project lmao
I kinda think he likes rock and hip-hop. I think he really likes the beat of it, something to get his heart pumping, y’know? Like if he’s on his speeder he wouldn’t wanna be listening to Lo-Fi. 
That being said, Anakin would not feel comfortable listening to music with like misogynistic or homophobic or racist lyrics or any of that shit. I strongly believe that he loves listening to the words. He just like really loves finding those songs that he connects to. I think that having songs with like deep meanings would mean everything to him. He always felt alone, if he had some songs where he could know that at least someone understood what he was going to and could put it into words, it would have truly helped. Now I’m sad-
I also think he loves to make Spotify playlists but he never finishes them. Like mans has 50+ unfinished playlists. Because he’ll want to make one for a specific mood but then he’s like “ooh this one works but not quite let me make a new one” so then he goes to the new one and finds a few songs but then it changes the vibe of it so he scraps it. He wants them to be perfect and fit and sometimes it doesn’t and he’d get really frustrated 💀
Also I think Anakin would love making playlists for you. He’d be like “these songs reminded me of you” 🥺and they might be all over the place. Like some Ari, some Taylor Swift, some old R and B, some random alternative songs, classic rock, some ABBA, but the vibe would be so perfectly you and it would make sense. 
And if you ever gave him a song suggestion, mans would take that shit seriously. Again, he wants to know you, to understand you. He wouldn’t just put it on the background one morning as he brushes his teeth, he’d put on headphones and pull up the lyrics and make sure he truly understands the song, to its core, because that would help him get you.
I also think he’d lowkey like musicals and soundtracks too. No this is not just because I’m a theater kid. I think he’d love the stories. They’d remind him of the stories his mother used to tell him. Ever since his childhood, he’s found comfort in stories, characters, definitive endings. 
And Anakin’s sad boi hours playlist is probably heartbreaking. Like he pours his heart and soul into those playlists, even though they’re chaotic and kinda unorganized, the songs he does choose for each one work amazingly. Especially if they relate to an emotion he feels a lot. 
Y’all I’m a singer and I write music and I love music so this was kinda me projecting a little but I think he’d love it, all genres. He’d be entralled, like “why are these melodies and words making me feel everything.” I love it, I love him slfsdjf
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zhuhongs · 4 years
Upon rereading tgcf, one of the biggest complaints I have is how lackluster all the extra chapters were. literally none of them were good and all contained rlly gross and harmful sentiments (like the amnesia one which.. yea.. or all the things implying xl should get pregnant for hc thus equating gay relationships with hetero ones and playing into the wife thing and just GOD I HATE MXTX) 
There were a lot of little plot points i wish that had been further elaborated on more in the extras as opposed to hualian being ... like that. I had enough. Like mdzs had actaully good extras (minus the incense burners) that were nice side stories that elaborated more on the characters. Like the hook one with the juniors was so cute and i loved seeing them grow more. Or the lotus pod extras omg.. im such a lotus pod extra stan. those were so cute and gave us a lot of good insight into just how lovestruck lwj was during the times when he didn’t see wwx. mxtx should've stuck to those sorta extras in tgcf but NOOO. SO I have a list of so many other more interesting things those chapters couldve been spent on like:
A resolution on He Xuan’s revenge and his character arc. Bc its implied He Xuan is still hanging out and watching over sqx and that taking revenge didn’t fully satisfy him bc ok.. yea shi wudu is dead but he xuans family will never come back. Now what does he have to live for?? i wish we couldve seen a look into his life during the entire ordeal. like a chapter from his perspective while he was posing as Ming Yi  and maybe a look at a conversation btw he xuan and the real ming yi or a chapter after SQX was banished to see what he’s doing now. Also what did he xuan owe hua cheng money for anyways?? Like ik not every little thing has to be explained but I Want to Know. PLEASE more goth boyfriend content now I just wanna see him :,((
a better resolution of yin yu and quan yizhens storyline. im still mad abt how that plot point was split btw books 3 and 5  when it was rlly out of place and  there were other more pressing plot matters and it just rlly deserved more time. Also i thought yin yu died!?!?!? but apparently one of the extras says he’s alive and man... i;m not reading any more of the extras to see that, give me a full yin yu and quan yizhen chapter.. fuck.
a day in the life of the guoshi fangxin or general hua PLEASE especially like one where hua cheng was SO CLOSE to meeting xie lian but had no clue that xie lian was there at the time but the two did smth that inadvertantly helped the other and they still were connected even though they hadnt met omg pls that’d be so nice. like imagine Hua cheng catching a glimpse of the guoshi in public in yong’an while he’s trying to follow some lead that points to xie lian or maybe following a lead to capture qi rong bc he said he knew qi rong was a part of the yong’an stuff and originally thought the guoshi was one of qi rongs pawns. like can you IMAGINE him getting so close. but at the last second he did smth small that impacted xie lian. like they bumped into eachother on the street or smth. god i’d go crazy
OR vice versa.. like a day in the life of the young ghost king hua cheng. Like again, one of my biggest issues was that hua cheng just knew everything and its never really explained how he got all of that info. like yes he’s been alive very long and has eyes and ppl working for him everywhere but like... how did he build that network?? I’d love to see a chapter of young ghost king hua cheng travelling around trying to learn as much as he can abt the world and how it can help bring him to xie lian. and the two maybe are in the same kingdom for a bit and they don’t meet exactly but hua cheng stops some fight or something and helps xie lian indirectly or maybe xie lian is performing on the street in some costume and hua cheng doesn’t recognize him and smiles and gives him a coin or smth. idk i’m just dying for any sorta extra chapter or fic like that. i’m honestly so tempted to write my own but i cant write
also!! we’ve seen how xie lian picks up people down on their luck near him and show them kindness (like banyue, lang ying, xiao ying, he tried to with san lang but we know how that ended lmao) so i’d love to see another little vignette of him doing that on his travels and how every person he meets teaches him smth about life and being a good person and idk, i just think it’d be rlly sweet. i love this facet of his character and feel like we didn’t see enough of it towards the end.
ALSO hua cheng only seems to respect one heavenly official besides xie lian and thats yushi huang.. i assume thats mostly bc she was the only one to help xie lian and let him use the rain master hat to bring water to yong’an. I was thinking maybe when he was a new supreme he had run into trouble and maybe was picked up by the rain master and helped him heal and in return he promised to help protect her village from harm in the future. Like i know a heavenly official wouldn’t cooperate with a ghost like that but yushi huang is different and doesn’t really care about the heavens so i think she would protect him if he could do something to benefit her village. ik this is kinda far fetched but when he first became a supreme I’m sure a bunch of ppl probably tried to mess with him and didn’t rlly believe him to be undefeatable bc he hadn’t proved himself yet also i doubt all his power came overnight. he had to learn how to use it once he escaped the kiln. and some group probably thought they could weaken him somehow. I’m thinking maybe a rlly well formed group of ghosts actually caught him off guard once and he had to retreat and was picked up by the rain master and stayed with her and learned from her a bit. i think it’d be a cool concept also i just rlly want more yushi huang content and i’m on their friendship agenda bc he rlly did seem to actually respect her when she first appeared and i think it’d be cool if the two had some history together.
Also idrc if this was addressed I couldve missed it But!! Did xie lian ever tell Hua cheng that the reason he got the curse shackles and was banished again in the first place wasnt bc jun wu wanted to punish him, but because he requested it. And specifically requested it bc he felt guilty abt letting wu ming take the human face disease and disperse for his sake. So he took the shackles and descended to atone for that?? Bc I dont recall hua cheng learning that bc his soul was already dispersed at that point so it didnt follow him and xie lian didnt say anything so uhhh... someone should tell hua cheng that. Like I dont think xie lian rlly said how much hua cheng meant to him and didnt show him he was loved in grand ways. Like xie lian did always care for bc in other ways but I think if hua cheng learned abt this on screen it wouldve been such a great moment and I'm rlly surprised mxtx didnt address this iirc!?!? Like imagine jun wu telling Hua cheng this in the kiln bc xie lian wouldnt say it himself. Imagine how cool that would be.
Also a small thing adding into the whole young ghost king Hua cheng stuff. Its implied and p much stated that hua cheng isnt his real name. That he likely doesnt have a real name bc his parents died? (It's not clear. I'm still mad at mxtx for not making his childhood clearer). So I'd like to see when and why hua cheng chose that name for himself. The new tgcf ending song kinda hints at its meaning with the lyrics "for you I'd fill a city of flowers" as xie lian is the flower wielding martial god so it's probably inspired by that. Also xie lian saved hua cheng from leaping off the city walls but I'd love to hear him say it bc the implication of his name didnt dawn on me for quite a bit and I dont know if everyone made the connection. Again I sure as hell didnt. So itd be cool to see a chapter that takes place in his past after just ascending as a supreme
Overall I rlly think tgcf had a lot more potential to be even better and a lot of that comes down to fleshing out the side characters and letting hualian have more of a storyline independent of one another. like i know the appeal and message of tgcf is that through love, people can overcome anything, but fuck man. i just wanna see what these two (mostly hua cheng) where like in the absence of each others presence. Part of what I really liked abt mdzs is that we got to see that longing develop btw wangxian when the two weren’t together and how they thought about each other and did things in thei others spirit bc they knew the other wouldve done the same thing. but whatever, mxtx was too consumed by her own unhealthy idea of what devotion and true love looks like but still. i rlly think the extras couldve helped the story be better rather than be fujoshi fuel that i try to bleach from my mind -_-
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anakinthetrashking · 4 years
listening to Ocean Soul again and thinking about Ace, bc... well yeah.
and I'm like ok, yeah, the way the WB pirates got Ace to join their crew was decidedly *not great*
although I think you do see a lot of fans who actually kinda vibe with it?
like for one it's faster in fiction with little to no drawbacks bc *it's fiction*,
but I was thinking about how Ace Sabo and Luffy all agreed on finding Freedom on the seas and I think they all look for different types of freedom, ya know?
specifically I'm thinking about the difference between Ace and Sabo, like if the WB pirates tried to do the same to Sabo it just. wouldn't work at ALL. he already escaped from people calling themselves his parents and I think that it would really rub Sabo the wrong way. Sabo loosing his memories, I think as a child that was freedom for him. I think if he knew what he was missing with Ace and Luffy, he would have stopped at nothing to get his memories back, and would have willingly given up that "freedom"
in that way, both Ace AND Sabo were kind of, forcefully given freedom?
and here's where it gets a bit more complicated? I think a lot of people think freedom and it's the idea that you can do whatever you want whenever you want to and either there are no consequences or they're minor or don't matter? and that sort of freedom is completely unreachable. I mean there's consequences to EVERYTHING, some good, some bad, some big, some small. but you can't be so completely independent that suddenly what you do has no effect on anything or anyone else. that's just not how things work.
Sabo, Sabo with his amnesia, is freed from the cage of his family and his life and his name. he's able to use his name (first, but no last name) without being constantly reminded of his family. I like to think the time spent with Ace and Luffy was able to rewrite some of the brain connections of his name and his family.
then, being taken in by revolutionaries gives him the *freedom* to do what I think he would have wanted to do anyway, and that's to make changes in the world and help people on a greater scale. the ASL bros all seem to naturally help people whenever, wherever, and whatever the cost. ALSO, it seems like all three of them seem to make small changes or do small deeds that reverberate outward to make bigger waves if change. (I'm talking, changing one country or one person's situation vs like, the entire world) Ace and Luffy do things just as they come? luffy especially, there's no "I'm doing this bc it's going to make these things change" he's just like, ok this is the block in front of me right now and I'm going to punch it. Ace plans a Little more. that's just how and who they are. it makes sense for Sabo as a character to take that a step further and find freedom in the revolutionary way, which is planning to make these changes and domino effect, etc. he's very big picture.
ok well I meant this to be mostly about Ace but Ace and Sabo really do go together huh.
anyway. Ace, Ace, Ace. he went to sea partially carrying Sabo's dream bc he thought he was dead.... I think, that he partially found his freedom while growing up with Luffy, because while it's sort of implied that he's searching for freedom on the seas specifically, I think for Ace, it's more that he's searching for Acceptance. he keeps going back and forth between running from his parentage, to running right towards it (asking people what they would think if the Pirate King had a kid... oh Ace...) he keeps saying IM NOT, IM NOT, IM NOT! but then asks people about it??? anyhow, Luffy offered him acceptance and unconditional love, and began to sort of loosen the "chains" of his parentage. he can't run from it as much as he tries, because it just is. but Luffy couldn't release him from it because he's just one kid! one snotty little brother!
but Whitebeard... I mean, that's one of the people that Ace thought would hate him the MOST. and for him to say it doesn't matter who Ace's parents are, and to offer unconditional love? and have it be parental love?
I mean the DIFFERENT in how Ace acts before and after joining the Whitebeard pirates? he's so relaxed? he's settled, in a sense? I mean he's certainly not the paradigm of mental health, but he's so balanced! he's still got issues but they aren't plaguing him every second of the day- he isn't worried over people finding out about who he is all the time, bc the people that matter the most know!! and they accept and love him??? acceptance and love are what gave him freedom from what he viewed as a dangerous cage and chains of his parentage, but now are just part of who he is and that's ok?? he's not attacking people and egging them on to hate him for the reasons he gives them before they can find out about his parents?
and yeah he uses a different name, but he also takes on WB's mark? And just ahdksjs parallels between that and the Sun Pirates ahdkwiwk
and he's trying to make someone else king?? like freedom doesn't mean you have to be the top dog??? putting others before yourself can be freedom???
everyone has a different meaning of freedom?????
Lyrics from Ocean Soul that give me Ace Feels(tm):
One more night to bear this nightmare
Crying for me was never worth a tear
My lonely soul is only filled with fear
Long hours of loneliness between me and the sea
Losing emotion, finding devotion
As I always wished to be - one with the waves
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beanyboobee · 4 years
hi! just wanted to say i love ur theories sm! especially the ones about the triangle and reki and adam being like the "devil and angel" on langas shoulder. would you mind expanding a bit more on the meaning of the ending song? i was looking at them and it definitely feels like ranga is going to become canon is some form and that it will be requited at first, then adam gets in the way and its unrequited, and then maybe its requited again? idk thats what i picked up from it but what r ur thoughts?
Awe thank you so much! And of course! I would love to expand more on what I think the meaning of the ending song is! Just keep in mind im using the English translation from YouTube so there may of been a few words mistranslarws but this is why I thonk the song is reki and langa having a conversation. I wont be going word for word other wise we will be here awhile but here's some things I noticed
"Oh let's keep the feelings"
Can have many meanings, and throughout the ending song it changes meaning quite alottm but at the beginning I think what it refers to is skating. And how they need to keep their love for it. This is important as recently in the show Reki seems to be losing his love for it. Blinded by feeling inferior. So what this lyric implies is what is truely important to both of them. And that is keeping the feeling they had when they first started skating.
From deduction I beleive the first verse is Rekis point of veiw
"The road on which the kicked stone rolls, you're stubborn"
As we know Langa is the more stubborn outnofnthe two. Reki is the more carefree and go with the flow.
"There is no distinction between old and new, I like what I always like"
If my thoughts are correct and they are older looking back on their younger days. I think this is Reki admitting that even though they have grown and even if their sneakers have changed they are still the same as they were back then. That his feelings from those days are still as strong as ever.
"I feel like another person for the rest of my life"
Can be a confusing thing to try and deciper as it can have many meaning but my favorite one, is that this is him admitting he wants Langa with him forever. That he doesn't want to be alone, that he feels like having Langa there is what he needs.
This is immediately followed by
"Lets go together. Let's go with you. Beyond the sea of tears, I can move. I can help you "
Furthering the previous statement that this is their way of saying they want to stay together. As we know Reki is constantly helping Langa. Let it be with skateboarding or even fixing Langas board. Rekinis always excited to help. So the mention of helping is what made me think this verse was Reki.
"If you have a feeling. Let's keep feelings. Let's keeping your heart. As we are Happiness with you."
They want to keep feeling this way. They don't want things to change, because this is when they are happy.
To no ones supprise it is blatantly obvious that the boys will find their happiness in each ither. Like rekinsaid his happiness in epispde 1 was skating. So I wouldn't be supprised that in the final episode if the thought of happiness is brought back up and it changes.
"Inside an empty cigar case. I was growing tall now. To be honest. I will remember. Tightly tied laces. Let's make it my favorite color. Its infinite. I like what i always like."
The mention of a cigar case is what gave me the idea that this is when they are older. And esspeically the mention of growing taller. Though I don't know which one this could be. Judging by some lyrics later I assumed this verse was Langa.
Again the mention of shoes is brought up. Leading back to skateboardong then the mention of a favorite color.(( I dont think this refers to the shoes themselves but if it did that would be interesting because ya know what red and blue make? ..purple. and what color are langas shoes? Damn I could do a whole crack theory on this man's shoes-)) but anyway! I think the favorite color is in referance to langas new board. As we know he will be getting a new board soon and if its reki making it. It wouldn't supprise me if he asked langa for his favorite color to paint it.
Remember this from verse 1?
"Unimaginable wall ride. It made me laugh all right. All night I was waiting for the morning. "
Yes well read this from verse 2. A direct response.
"Fearless wall ride. I'll make you laugh all right. All night has been exceeded"
And then it is instantly followed with
"I feel like another person for the rest of my life" again
From verse 1. It made me think about how Reki would laugh alott while Langa was learning. Mostly because langa really could not pull off the basic things and would often end up hurting himself. The mention of waiting for the morning is as if Reki is excited to see Langa. To skate with langa. Not having someone for so long it brings him excitement each day to have someone there.
And then the direct response from Langa is as if he is saying he aimed to make Reki laugh with what he did. That he kept trying just to get him to laugh. Before reassuring him that the night is done and that he really is here to stay. That if Reki was worried everything was just a dream. The day proves to him it isn't.
"Lets talk about silly things with you forever. I want to laugh next to you. "
As we know Reki tends to ramble and Langa tends to listen. But something the show shows wonderfully is how the more time passes Langa is becoming more open. He smiles mostly whenever Reki is talking to him showing how he and Reki have grown close. Again this is talking about they want to be beside each other again.
I beleive that sentance is Rekis point of beiw though. He wants to talk with Lamga and much as possiable and he wants the ither to laugh.
Which leads me to belive this song takes place when they are seperated . Not together in that moment. But both thinking back on the same memories.
Final verse.
"If the world ends. I dont need anything special. Same pace as usual. Let's stay together unchanged. Yes 'now is beautiful. "
I don't know who's point of veiw this verse is. But I like to think its both lf them. Or it switches between them.
They talk about how even if the world ends they will be fine so long as they are together and the same as usual. That NOW is perfect. Because all they need is one another.
"Lets go together. Lets go with you. Its not just fun. Youre here by my side. Helping me. "
Now I belive that is Langas response to reki in the first verse saying he wants to help him. That langa wants to keep going to the future with Reki besides him. And the same for Reki. He wants to go with Langa. Skateboarding is no longer just fun for eaither of them anymore. It became more then that because ts something they do together.
As Joe said. Our local villian man says skateboarding is a language of love. (Though I will draw a line in the sand and say local villian man treats more like lust and desire) but! For reki and langa is really is a love language. Skateboarding basically represents a reltionship in this show. They started it together. Kept doing it together. But eventually one person was moving ahead to fast and the other couldn't catch up this will result in- (*cough* their first breakup) but skateboarding will definetly bring them back together again.
The show will definetly separate them at some point. Because it has to be done . Of my theories are correct. They need to be separated and away from each other in order to full realise they need each other. They need that break to realise skateboarding isn't just fun anymore. That without the other there to support them. Its no longer what it used to be.
"Im not alone. I'm always by your side."
This can apply to both the characters which is why I beleive the final verse is a mixture of the two of them. For Langa he came to Japan not knowing anyone but his mom. He was alone till Reki shoved his way into his life. And for Reki he was alone even though he was surrounded by so many people. Because he had no one to truepy connect with. But now they are always beside each other.
"You can talk about silly things as many times as you like. I will remember and laugh"
Now not alott of thing scare me but this- ...this thing scares me- ok so all joking aside. This is another direct response to a line a few verses back. But this time ots langa. Langa saying how he doesn't mind listening to Reki talk. Because he will remember everything and laugh about it. That as long as reki wants to keep talking he will listen..
Though I'm kind of scared how they phrased the remember and laugh thing- I just have trust issues with this director since banana fish so they just better not give my boys an angsty ending-
And finally!
"You are always in my chest."
They are always in each others hearts. Another suspicious lyric that is making me second guess everything sweet. And makes me beleive the two of them are seperated some how. It better only be because of college or I swear- hands will be thrown!
But apart from that its a very sweet song. About them feeling nolsolgic. Thinking back of their past. Remembering feelings. How they will always be in each ithers hearts. How they are each others happiness. And how they can't see a future without each other in it.
Though it is also possiable for the singers of each verse to be the complete opposite of what I choose. Since langa seems to be the one helping Reki now, but we will wait till the show ends to do a serious theory on this once and for all xD
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batz · 4 years
what is I'm thinking of ending things about? If u don't mind me asking ..
well the book (and movie, too) are primarily based around aging and death, and like. wasted life i guess? the way i see it is a cautionary tale about not expecting life to work out the way it does in the media you consume. how you'll do so many things, and in the end it doesnt really matter because we're all going to die. which, honestly it seems like a total bummer, and it DEFINITELY IS LIKE.. DONT GET ME WRONG THIS MOVIE IS SAD... but it has this interesting positive nihilism about it. like you see this character going through this and you're like... yea. ok I'll do everything this character ISN'T doing. ill not get so caught up in my own expectations with how things should be in my head, and ill just live my life the best i can. try not to get held up by unbelievable expectations but ALSO to not let myself wallow in how depressing that whole concept is. its a strange thing to pull from this movie but that's what i think tbh.
the movie tends to lean toward a narrative about how media affects our lives and how we as people Are the media we consume? like how it simultaneously affects us and our lives and how we are as people. alongside a lot of commentary about how like... Our Opinions on media are literally never our own, theyre always influenced by the people around us. which doesnt seem like a stretch since Kaufman spoke in detail about that concept. its also kinda funny and weird and meta because thats literally what im doing now. i read up about this movie after i watched it, had ppl explain to me what the hell happened in this film, abd only THEN did i realize 'oh hey i actually like this and these are the things i took from this film' its really interesting.
its also about our relationships with others? or its also about how we perceive ourselves, others and our own memories? how you can know someone one day and then years later not even remember their face? you could even argue a more feminist theme surrounding how men view women, which IS a substantial theme in the movie but its only brought up a couple times, although the entire movie is about how Jake views the Young Woman. also the theme of loneliness and connections to the people in your life, which kinda ties into the theme of relationships. like there's. a Lot of. things in this movie its almost a bit TOO busy tbh.
a lot of the movie centers around references to media, specifically the musical Oklahoma. ive never seen Oklahoma buuut I'll just assume theres some thematic ties in there, especially since the song use in the film seems to be a song a Bad Character sings (Lonely Room). i dont think ive seen anyone analyze that yet uhhh... but listening to the lyrics and the lyrics 'the sun flicks my eyes/it was all a pack of lies/im awake in a lonely room' which definitrly reflects. whats going on.
the movie is better around the second viewing of it, but its like. HORRENDOUSLY pretentious so definitely go into it with a somewhat clear mind and an ability to Focus or else you will get completely Lost. just dont go into this movie expecting anything linear.
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