#especially as this sort of femme fatale
enmites · 2 years
Billy and I were walking down the hall and as we got to the door I said, "Do you want to come in?" I was just enjoying the conversation we were having. We were finally getting to know each other. But when I said it, Billy looked down at the floor and said, "I don't think that's such a good idea." When I shut the door behind me, alone in my room, I felt so stupid. It was so obvious that he thought I was hitting on him and that made me so sad.
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batsight · 7 months
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Star Flower, loner, Medic of SkyClan
She/Her, cis bisexual
Mother: Turnip
Father: One Eye
Adoptive Father: Skystar
Siblings: Unnamed, all deceased.
Design notes:
-She is styled after the Pokemon, Ogerpon
-The plants are a physical part of her body. They grow out of her.
-She is the physical embodiment of The Blazing Star.
Story notes: [Abuse CW]
-She was born as a normal kitten to a traveling band of rogues who loved to trade and spread their music. Unfortunately, this band died out to a plague, one that nearly took her own life. Desperate to save his family, her father Carrot traveled to a set of tunnels in Sanctuary Lake rumored to house a reality-bending god. He asked the god for a cure, and the god asked for his eye in return. They made the exchange, and he retrieved a glowing, golden, five pointed flower. However, he was too late to save most of his family, so the entire cure went to his surviving kit. He wasn't expecting her to survive the night given her fragile state and the dubiousness of the exchange...
-But the next morning, she was perfectly fine- great, even. If a little... odd... were those buds growing on her paws...?
-It only got stranger from there. When Carrot ended up finding more cats suffering from the plague, just a few calming purrs from his kit seemed to have them ripe and ready to go the next morning. Carrot understood then what had happened- his kit had become the cure herself. And cats were starting to look towards them more, started begging for her healing, for anything. And Carrot had lost everything... wasn't it time to start winning stuff back?
-And so, the pair became One Eye and Star Flower, for recognition's sake. The two formed their own small group, filled with cats Star Flower had healed. Star Flower loved to spread her magic where she went, to save cats from the brink of death and be showered with their love and appreciation. They felt like they owed a great debt to her, and she enjoyed that.
-She was very close with her father, even if their relationship could be strained. One Eye loved her, but to an extent, he also used her. He grew arrogant in his success, believing he had become the accomplice to a god, and began to hold that over cats who fell sick. He grew desperate for control and Star Flower was his key to that.
-One day, however, her father's group encountered the early clans. They were just beginning to settle down, work out their new rules, and declare borders. But what caught the group's attention was the near murder of a young kittypet, almost mauled to death by proto-SkyClan's leader, Skystar. Unable to heal wounds with her magic, Star Flower managed to bring the cat to a twoleg, who took her away.
-Appalled by the cruelty, Star Flower took a great interest in Skystar's group, and witnessed several of his other crimes against his cats and the other groups. As did One Eye, who, seeing the early signs of a plague, had an idea to put this cat and the other leaders in their place.
-One Eye and Star Flower joined the group, with One Eye acting as a curious loner, flattering Skystar with praise. Skystar enjoyed his company, and so One Eye grew in the rank rather quickly. He also took a great interest in Star Flower and her abilities. After murdering Tom, who insulted the cats and attempted to attack them, One Eye took the chance to take control over the group, overpowering Skystar and using Star Flower's power to keep the remaining cats in line- everything is going to be okay, you'll get your cure... if you stay in line and do as One Eye says.
-This went on for a moon, of Star Flower holding her magic over the heads of her clients to keep their loyalty towards One Eye. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel pride at it all at helping her father.
-Ultimately, One Eye was overthrown and killed when Skystar came back with reinforcements from the other clans. The rest of the rogues they'd accumulated ran off, and suddenly, Star Flower was alone. She'd never been without her father, and running would mean abandoning his grave, which she didn't want. But... this place had been a home to her for some time now, and she needed a place to stay. SkyClan had taken all of the available territory in the area, anyways, and she was in no shape to brave the other territories or twolegplace. So she offered her power to SkyClan as a peace offering and asked for shelter in return.
-Skystar was still sore from the event, but he couldn't deny that having Star Flower as an asset would be beneficial to him in the long run. And around this point, his son Thunderstar had disowned him and split off ThunderClan from SkyClan. He felt that he was losing allies, losing family, and he latched on to desperate Star Flower very quickly- as a cat who would never disobey him.
-Skystar takes Star Flower under his wing as his new child, her new ward, instating her as a medic. And because she is loyal to a fault, she won't disobey a new leader so similar to her father. And so, he pushes her to do humiliating things in front of the camp, ranging from general chores like tick baths, to forcing her to run laps around camp with an injury if she took too long to work her magic. He would take out his frustration from gatherings on her and berate her over the most menial things. He would make her withhold her power to help anyone in the clan who had displeased him. And if Star Flower ever tried to stick up for herself, all he had to do was remind her of what she did, how she helped torment his cats by holding a cure over their heads to help out her father.
-This went on for years, Star Flower becoming more and more despondent. One night, there was a particularly stressful gathering, in which Skystar got into a territorial dispute with Thunderstar over a pack of dogs ravaging the territories. He lost the dispute, came home, and immediately took it out on Star Flower, shouting at and attacking the molly for "taking too much food she didn't deserve". And something in Star Flower finally snapped, and for the first time, she didn't save a life- she took one. And another. And another. As many as what remained in Skystar's soul. She was discovered taking his very last life in his nest, while she was wondering if she could pin it on the dogs. She escaped the camp, and wandered the territory for the rest of her life.
-Unfortunately, while she finally won against Skystar in the moment, it was history who decided the victor. Sparrowstar declared that they couldn't let a tragedy like this happen ever again, and doubled down on banishing rogues. Every rogue-born cat was looked at with suspicion from then on, and as the decades began to pass, Star Flower's story became twisted and bent. As the story is told, a rogue had infiltrated SkyClan's camp asking for help, but had manipulated and charmed the leader with her prowess and rose in the ranks just high enough to take him out and attempt to claim his spot. Her story was used as a cautionary tale against rogues, warning cats against those who would infiltrate the camp and rot it from the inside. Eventually, even her true name was lost to time...
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Rotten Flower, Warrior of The Dark Forest
Skystar didn't hesitate to throw her in the depth of the Dark Forest when she died. She wears her mask constantly, trying to keep away from the sickness of the muck. She's embraced the false myth made about her, claiming to have killed a founder for power and prestige. But in reality, it's been so long that she's forgotten her family, her power, her name. She barely even remembers Skystar himself. Though she's admired in the Dark Forest for her achievements, she doesn't hang around anyone, and acts hostile to those who approach her.
Perhaps someone can help her remember who she truly is...?
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations: No.25
*just based on my personal observations, only take what resonates
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Omg my first degree theory observation was wrong Danial Kwan has moon at 18 degree, a Virgo degree ! (My bad y’all I’m learning). I’ll say that he had to get a hold of his mental health while in Covid and his adult adhd diagnosis and that influenced the writing of everything all at once (Imma learn this lol, more studying must be done)
Ok better degree theory lol, the degree of your Venus and/or mars can show placements you attract. My Venus is at a cancer degree and I’ve dated a l o t of people with Cancer placements (an experience lol)
A guy’s Lilith can show that his sort of femme fatale attraction (type of girl that overstimulates him, makes him feel enamored but is also his weakness.) His Lilith placement can describe this femme in more detail. For Aries, a go getter that takes no shit (I believe @zeldasnotes said Lilith in Aries in a man’s chart is a strong indicator that he’s a feminist and I totally agree.); For Sagittarius she’d be untethered and have a great sense of humor and may be outside of his culture. For Aquarius she’d be idealized as a manic pixie dream girl, like quirky in a way he could never figure out. let me know if you all would like a whole post on this !
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Only outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in your 1st can give you an extra ordinary appearance and make you stand out quite a bit.
Your mars conjunct to someone’s sun can make them feel competitive with you. Venus on the other hand can make you put the sun person on a sort of pedestal and can make the relationship feel like you’re a fan of the sun person. Moon to someone’s sun can feel more at home and at ease.
Men with water Venuses seem to be super monogamous or like incapable of monogamy (which is fine lol, but be ethical about it and establish boundaries and don’t cheat yo)
12th house synastry is sticky asl, as soon as you moved on someone just appears on your mind out of nowhere, lotta hidden energy all tied up together; 8th house synastry is really intense but it’s often hard to build something stable out of the intensity. 4th house feels like home, but as someone with Uranus over their 4th, I associate this synastry with being unpredictable and chaotic in familiar way. 5th and 11th house synastry tends to be good long term. 5th house means you feel fun and creative and always excited together. And 11th house will mean that there’s a feeling of friendship underneath the passion that usually sustains the connection imo.
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For all of the seriousness associated with Capricorn placements (especially suns) often focus on a lot on whimsy in their creative works, like it’s the outlet for a lot of their hidden optimism (Hayao Miyazaki, Nobuhiko Obayashi the director of Hausu).
Ok ok I know Scorpio risings are known for intense, bedroom eyes and their overwhelming s*x appeal and making suitors flee because they’re so intimidated etc etc… but quietly I think our biggest weapon that people don’t see coming is our sense of humor. (Honest to god I was thinking of how funny Hugh Grant is even though he doesn’t need to be bc he’s been so handsome this whole time lol. He always puts in the effort into that comedic timing) (Also people still think if you’re hot and intense you can’t be funny so it defuses some of the tension pretty well imo)
I feel like Virgo placements always seem to think they feel boring even though they’re like very knowledgeable and compelling in their own right (I’m getting all reflective and remember when like Virgo moons/mars would always ask if they’re being boring or complain about being boring but they tend to be good conversationalists when they allow themselves to analyze things so deeply)
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I think cancers are actually the most defensive sign, naturally. I want to say they have this in common with their sister sign bc Capricorns are defensive and don’t like to show “weakness”. But the way that underdeveloped cancers (can) play the victim when scrutinized is different. (Like Capricorns do that earth sign thing where they use their perception to make you feel like you’re wrong, and they want to be seen as the authority not the victim). Where cancer is in your chart could show where you’re especially guarded and trying to protect your sensitivity.
To me Jupiter conjunct south node means you’ll reap benefits of good karma from a past life (or the effects of bad karma will be a lot in this lifetime but I saw this in obama’s chart and it’s a benefic planet so the first thing is what I thought of lol, he’s not a good guy but becoming the first black president of the us seems like a past life power play imo)
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Tips To Relieve Everyday Bloating
As someone who has dealt with chronic bloating for a lot of my life, here are some of my thoughts, observations, and recommendations. HUGE disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on this, a medical professional, nutritionist, or anything of the sort.
Especially for women, bloating can be a sign of gynecological issues (endometriosis, PCOS, hormone imbalances like estrogen dominance, and even a warning sign of ovarian cancer). So, if you experience constant bloating that doesn't get better with improved digestion, schedule an OB/GYN appointment ASAP to ensure that everything is okay on the women's health front.
Everyone's triggers are different, but for me, these are some of the common causes of bloating that I've noticed:
Lack of sleep
Eating too quickly or while stressed
Lack of movement/walking
Not drinking enough water
High-fat meals
Chewing gum
Carbonated drinks/alcohol
Here are some of my best tips, habits, and product recommendations to manage & minimize bloating:
Engage in a 1-minute diaphragmatic aka deep-belly breathing exercise in bed right after waking up and right before going to sleep (place one hand on the middle of your chest and the other in the central "hollow" area right below your rib cage)
Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night
Have a bowl of oatmeal (made with plain oats and water) with cinnamon and fruit every morning
Drink water before any coffee in the morning; Only having at most 16oz or one large mug of coffee before breakfast in the morning
Chew my food slowly, taking time between bites
Drink at least 8 large glasses of water daily
Take my Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D supplement daily (I love the Deva brand!)
Have avocados/use avocado oil as my primary fat source (I love nuts/nut butter, but they really bloat me, so find your trigger foods!); I've found a large salad with a romaine lettuce base, some veggies, avocado, and an ACV-based dressing works wonders to settle my stomach or steamed spinach with roasted root vegetables/potatoes
Use digestive enzymes when necessary (These digestive enzymes are my favorites!)
Take at least 30 minutes to walk/move around daily (Pilates, yoga, or bodyweight exercises also work)
Drink ginger tea or some herbal-based tea nightly (my long-time favorite is Bigelow Benefits Calm Stomach Ginger Peach Herbal Tea!)
Don't eat anything for at least 3 hours before bed
For trapped gas: Try lying on your stomach, engaging in the downward dog yoga position or fetal position on the left side, or doing an abdominal massage (rubbing in a circular motion from the right side of your pelvis up through your rib cage down and around the left side) all work well!
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lilithess · 2 years
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capricorn suns are super wild (!!!) and easy to click with. nowhere near the boring capricorn stereotype. they are hardworking, reliable and tough people, but FUN! they have this motherly aura, more so than cancers. a capricorn to me is like a middle aged woman who decided to go wild after a few glasses of wine. and they’re not as judgmental as people claim them to be. the judgy rigid part that everyone talks about goes more for cap moons and mercuries.
aquarius loves a bit of drama (especially men) and wants attention (especially women), but not in a “in your face” way, not in a desperate way. they will keep their cool at all times, it’s like they’re constantly trying to maintain a persona. but if you read between the lines, you’ll notice the competitivness and ego trips. they all have a little “notice me” sittin inside. leo is just more open about it. aquarius men are highly unbothered. aquarius women remind me of closeted scorpio women.
comparing virgo men and virgo women. i don’t know a single nitpicky virgo man. they’re actually all so different. if i met a virgo man, i’d had never guessed it’s him because there’s nothing really that stands out as a common trait. women share the intensity and are incredibly smart and shrewd. i think this sign’s intelligence goes unnoticed. it gives such a “quality” person, even tho the nitpicking can be annoying
geminis can lack a backbone and boundaries a lot, especially at young age. not sure what’s with the “player” stereotype bc i can’t imagine being manipulated by a gemini (especially a guy). they’re honestly kids. however, the gemini as in the sign itself and what it represents has a sort of dangerous potential. they can really be indifferent about matters that i’ve seen no one else be so indifferent about. sort of like “who cares so why not?” lifestyle. they’ll laugh at their own pain like it’s nothing so why not at yours? they have a troll like nature to them and their curiosity has no limits. can be a very dark sign who, for some reason, is considered a light social butterfly.
no one attracts jealousy as well as a leo placement, especially leo rising, venus, and preferably leo stellium. i know a leo rising and that energy ate up her whole chart. no mind her virgo or 12H placements, she’s just OUT THERE in the spotlight always stealing the show. however, i think leo’s intelligence should be apreciated more bc these people are really more than just a diva in a leopard crop top. i’ve seen leo placements dumb themselves down (very annoying) and honestly they can be very naive. the sun shines light at every other planet in our solar system, not the other way around. i think people forget that no matter how much leo seeks attention, they are also the ones giving it to others.
i know mutables are rumored to change the most, but scorpio’s ability to just… change their entire life, identity and being can make you wonder wheather you even knew the person or not. i had a scorpio sun, mercury, mars and ascendant bestie who went from being a rebellious femme fatale who wouldn’t leave the house without make up; wore heels to high school and messed with other people’s relationships for fun - to a stay at home “wifey” with no social life and a man who’s probably not even going to marry her. no one even hears from her anymore. scorpios really die and reborn a completely different person. it’s not the little changes that mutables do on a daily base or just mid conversation. it’s a whole other person.
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imthepunchlord · 4 months
I always felt that Nathalie always had more potential as a villain than Gabriel. Not only was she portrayed as more competent than him (she had a lot of better plans than he did, like using a fake ladybug to manipulate Chat Noir and using a sentimonster to spy on the exposed heroes), patient, and stealthy, she was also seemingly more calculating and manipulative than him. Plus she was also a lot more athletic and a better fighter, she was able to hold her own for a while against three different akuma at once (and also season 5 showed that she used to be a treasure hunter so she would probably know more about the miraculous than Gabriel (she was the one that found the butterfly, peacock, and grimoire)). Plus, I don't know if it's just me, but I always got a femme fatale vibe from her, especially as Mayura.
Well, if Nathalie was always planned to be Mayura, it'd make sense.
Mayura was initially built up as THE big bad, that she was HM's boss and "would make him look like a baby". Being his boss suggests he got the Butterfly from her, and I think there was lines in Origins where Gabriel is double checking information fed to him, which can back he knows less and is potentially a pawn in comparison.
And yeah, how Nathalie works as a villain, it could make sense if she was a bigger bad. Though I feel that potential was ruined by her being "in wuv" with him. And largely following him and his agenda (until he was a big enough idiot that she got over him; shame she wasted her time and got sick for him).
Biggest thing that bothered me about Nathalie being Mayura is that she's just another addition to the Agreste plot, semi meant to be a sort of mother figure in Adrien's life (though it does vary certain eps), and Marinette still lacks her own villain. Which is a wonder what's the point of applying the villain plot to Adrien if he's not even going to be involved in his own plot? Additional frustrations that she actually was a great visual counter to Ladybug: bright red vs dark blue, dark spots to light (pink) spots, bright pink eyes against dark sclera vs dark blue eyes against white sclera.
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First time seeing her, I actually wondered if Mayura was going to have some sort of familial relation to Marinette on her mother's side, since at the time we had nothing of the Cheng side of the family and it was largely just Agreste focused so far.
But nope.
We needed more to the Agreste plot I guess. For 5 freaking seasons...
To add to the topic, I do wonder if Nathalie is one of those characters that has two earlier character concepts mashed together. It does seem like Gabriel was going to be working with a woman (who was probably early concept Emilie), and was presumably his wife/in love with him.
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Mayura though, by how Zag built her up, didn't match up at all for what we got. She felt like a big upcoming threat who was going to shake up the status quo. Bring in that needed edge that HM just wasn't delivering.
But I guess that shook things up way too much. Can't have that.
So yeah, it feels like they wanted femme fatale Mayura but also lady in love with villain and doing evil because it's what he wants and mashed the two concepts together.
Not to say it couldn't work but man it was awkwardly done. And frustrating.
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starsworldd · 1 year
⁑ astro observations pt. 5 ⁑
take with grain of salt per usual and don’t take personally ⭐️
✷ cancer moons are clingy
✷ scorpio suns are typically pretty nice people i’ve noticed
✷ although sometimes scorpio/8th placements can be pretty paranoid and cautious
✷ i feel like moon in virgo should have some sort of dignity because i know a lot of people who have had difficult home lives with this placement 
✷ virgo moons like loud/bold music like heavy metal, megan thee stallion type stuff, musicals, etc.. just stuff that really stands out i’ve noticed
✷ sun trine neptune people are really talented with music
✷ pluto square ascendant people are very magnetic and give femme fatale but they really can be manipulative and toxic to others. this can also indicate a relationship that changed the course of the natives lives forever
✷ pluto in 4th house doesn’t only signify struggles in early childhood. remember that the 4th house indicates the safe haven in our charts so it can also indicate struggles away from the public eye throughout the duration of your life
✷ saturn in the 12th house of a native can indicate someone who lacks a sense of personal boundaries and restrictions. can manifest as a very karmic placement (i know, cliche) but saturn in of itself is a karmic placmement hence why it has its joy here potentially? hmmm maybe i can research this more just for funzies hehe
✷ mercury in 8th house people tend to be pretty pessimistic
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✷ moon in third house people love video games
✷ gemini placements 🤝 english/writing (especially moon)
✷ leo in the chart can show where we are talented:
2nd house: cooking or singing —> (i feel like this is why cancer risings are known to be good cooks)
4th house: home decorating
9th house: adventure, religion, philosophy
✷ house rulers that are placed in the 9th house indicate those house themes present themselves as opportunities:
2nd house ruler in 9th house —> opportunities through cooking or singing
5th house ruler in 9th —> opportunities through music and arts
6th house ruler in 9th —> opportunities through your job or daily work
✷ neptune square mc could mean that you are misled with things that take you away from your calling
✷ jupiter shows where we take things for granted or where we take things too far:
jupiter conjunct mc or in the 10th - reputation, working towards our calling, life success. a lot of people say that this placement is destined for success, but not a lot of people also talk about how this placement can definitely show someone who doesn’t take their calling or career seriously as well
jupiter in 5th house - our talents, fun stuff
jupiter in 1st house - confidence
✷ water moons/stellium artists are really good at writing spacey out of this world stuff whereas air moons are really good at being crafty and catchy with their songs (not one is better than the other)
✷ a lot of people talk about how jupiter dominant people are more likely to become famous/rich but there’s also a handful of celebrities with saturn dominant in their charts as well. and it makes sense, saturn represents hard work, patience, and reaping the rewards of your past deeds!
✷ moon conjunct mars people are simetaneously the most “idgaf” people and some of the most passionate people i’ve met. hard workers.
✷ sun conjunct saturn people are quiet/reserved
✷ mercury conjunct venus with venus being debilitated are not afraid to say some rude stuff
hope you enjoyed!
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whole-circus · 1 year
I was wondering if you'd put your depiction on the creepypastas if the reader was a Tomie Kawakami like entity. I don't know if you have ever read or seen this character by Junji Ito or not so only do this if you're comfy
PS: have good day, hydrate and rest °v°
Creepypastas with Tomie Kawakami like!
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Eyeless Jack, "Ticci" Toby, BEN Drowned, X-Virus
Hi! I just LOVE that idea!! I must say I enjoy reading Junji Ito's works (even if Tomie wasnt my fav)! Here you go hun, if you want some other characters feel free to say! >:3 Good day for you too, take care! Also you waited so long im sorry, I had to made small break and now I feel like my "work" is shitty!!!!
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Jeff the Killer
Okay I feel like at first Jeff would pretend that he is not into you..who knows why? His own deep insecurities? Or he just doesnt like the idea of how flirty you are? You know, he usually is the one making first move and toying with others (making them obv uncomfy, he act like definition of "white straight good guy" lol). But no worries, he does find you absolutely cute, thinks you are prettiest person walking on earth (and you are all that actually). Listen, he wont magically turn into huge simp..but! you make him feel things. Congrats, you have high chance to broke Jeff and make him lovely-dovely on his weird way towards you! No matter if you are already in relationship with him or not, he gest pretty possesive and jealous over you! Come on, you cant be all pretty and cute AND have everyone all over you! People who adores you might end up dead before you will be able to kill them. Definitely would try threaten people to stop talking to you..its up to you if you find it cute or scary tho!
Jane the Killer
Jane gives me huge femme fatale vibes so i feel like you would really vibe together (no matter your gender)! And come on!! She understands the need of revenge like no one else!! Jane wants to beat Jeff ass! Adores you so much..not only you are absolutely gorgeous but also pretty smart too! Appearance matter in some way to her, but I think she would actually be into intelect and personality more than how you look like. And the fact that you are such a great manipulator!! You will make her fall in love with you even more. She is such a cutie im telling you! Jane is jealous but she puts that aside all that aside and she just worries about your yeah well technically you cant die, but what damage your brain will damage your brain and stay for long time! She doesnt want you to get hurt, even if you are doing the big scary job here!
Eyeless Jack
Demon partner with demonish partner? Isnt that perfect? Yeah yeah, you are diffrent from eachother but definitely have common ground, arent you? Dunno why but I feel like your charm wouldnt work on him just becasue of what he is. That doesnt mean that he doesnt find your ass cute tho! He just you know..its not really obsessive but more of actual feelings. Even if other pastas fell in love with your character too, then Jack would be a bit diffrent and at first fell for who you are and not what you look like! When it comes to possible of jealousity, he is not that much of envious about people who you flirt with/or they flirt with you! He clearly understands that you do it more for your..entertainment and to cause chaos (and maybe some sort of revenge). Also he is immortal, you are immortal - best couple to ever exist! You will spend eternity with eachother so he doesnt have anything to worry about!
"Ticci" Toby
Damn reader, you will break Toby! He gets so shy and so blushy around you.. Especially if you are flirting with him! Doesnt really like the idea of you and other people being a bit flirty. He gets jealous easly and it leads him to being insecure and doubtful of himself - he knows that he is not perfect, and all your actions make him even more anxious. Toby does care so much about your opinion so he just bottles it all up, not wanting to mess up even more! But I bet you are smart human being and feel that something is wrong. Just reassure him that you love him a lot and he is way diffrent than people you talk to (well, he is in fact atill alive, isnt he) and he is good to go!
BEN Drowned
Ben is Ben, not a simple thought in his head. Yeah kidding, but he just cant help but simp over you so so much! Like he is down on his knees at your service the second he sees you! Dont get me wrong, you are not only what you look like but its the first thing he notices about you! It would be almost too easy to manipulate him, but we dont do that here..(at least I hope so). Anyway, he literally worships you, you are the most good-looking person out here! And he is a ghost, he has seen a lot. About your habit of flirting around and then watchin somebodys downfall? I cant say he is not jealous, but he wont show it. Also finds your actions pretty funny. Who doest like to see someone dying becasue of their stupidy? Yeah, definitely not Ben, loves the chaos you cause.
Cody enjoyes how flirty you are! Okay well, maybe he only enjoys that if you are flirty with him! For real, you get him all giggly and blushy to be honest. Its so easy to tease him and so fun to look at! Propably tries his best to do the same but fails miserably. Your relationship give me a bit of nerd x popular partner vibe lol! You know, he literally spends half of his time in lab or studying for fun + Cody propably stinks. Now here you are, having such a mesmerizing appearance!! (You are fun to be around to, lets not be so vain!) . At the same time he asks many question, its just in his nature to enjoy knowing things. He just cant help but wonder what or who are you..but who wouldnt want to know that?..And please try to get idea of testing you or making small experiments out of his small silly head!! He is weirdo like that! But at the end of a day he is your weirdo!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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Izou does recon. Izou has done recon for YEARS. This is very important to note because this plays into a lot regarding how he views certain… Acts. This is the warning here; everything is consensual, Izou enjoys pleasure and giving pleasure.
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-Sex doesn't mean a whole lot to Izou. To him, if he's actively working & trying to get information- it's another job. Of course, he enjoys it; pleasure is something that everyone should enjoy when partaking in the act of fucking or being fucked. However, there are usually no strings attached- ESPECIALLY if it's a target.
-Yes, target. Izou uses seduction as a form of weapon. Femme fatale beat. Of course, this isn't an every single time he goes out for a mission sort of deal; Only specifics that require a more… Intimate touch.
-Sex is casual, majority of the time. He's a Dom by nature, regardless of the position. He doesn't give up control; he enjoys breaking down whoever occupies his bed.
-This changes if it's an actual relationship- which is rather difficult to obtain with Izou. High walls, higher standards. He is bisexual, however; he finds beauty in any and all.
Okay now for the actual sin.
-Brat tamer. BRAT TAMER. Bring him a brat and he will return with a sub. He won't break their spirit entirely; no, he enjoys when they BITE back at him, when they still have that fire in them- but when they also know their limits. Of course, push too far and a punishment is bound to occur.
-Pretty dick for a pretty man. Certainly not lacking in length nor girth. Uncircumcised.
-He enjoys giving head. Really enjoys it, actually. Maybe it's an oral fixation, but he can spend hours between his partner's thighs. Which also means that their thighs will be covered with bites and hickeys and bruises.
-He always leaves a mark. Back scratches, bruises in the shape of his fingers on their hips or thighs, love bites down the neck or across the chest or stomach- he enjoys seeing his handiwork.
-High libido, oh god. GOOD LUCK.
-PLEASE LEAVE A MARK ON HIM. PLEASE. Scratch his back up, bite him, bruise him. Just leave the face out of it. No touching the face. ( Except for a kiss. He loves kisses. Please kiss him. Ruin his lipstick that he spent so LONG applying and perfecting-)
-He will top from the bottom. Little bit of a size queen, but it's not bad.
Overall, Izou is well versed in the art of passion. He'll gladly show your muse what he can do, if they can catch his attention.
45 notes · View notes
queervocasongtourn · 5 months
Queer Vocaloid Song Tournament: Side A, Round 1
Please listen to all songs before voting!
Shama by NILFRUITS feat. VFlower
Zero Talking by Harumaki Gohan feat. Hatsune Miku
Propaganda under the cut!
"extremely potent yearning, the powerful dynamic of safety in disguise but a dangerous freedom in truth, beautiful characters…what more can you ask for?"
"if i am being completely honest i dont actually get everything that happened in shama - that can be left to all the other people who are more knowledgeable about nilfruits songs than me and immediately thought of submitting this - but I immediately thought of this song because its so SO good. the song itself is incredible and the mv adds on to make it an even greater work!! i might not know all of shama's story, but what i do know is that shama's a fantastic song regardless and i'll go crazy whenever i hear it. and i also do know that clay and kalmia (especially clay) are some great lgbtq+ rep in a vocaloid song!!! the section from 2:00-2:36, when accompanied by the mv, is maybe one of my favorite moments in any vocaloid song. what follows is also great! as propaganda i am begging the reader to go listen to shama with the mv if they haven't. i don't want to explain it because i don't entirely know how to but they're fucking gay and i really like how the mv shows this!"
"sapphic 👍👍"
"Okay so this one is kinda hard to explain but the MV is some flavour of queer for sure. Just… watch it and you'll get what I mean"
"a femme-fatale prisoner and one of her guards have a doomed romance..! the mv is by wooma, who uses a graphic colour palette to complement nilfruits's addictive guitar melody. this song is also the first in a series, so if you're interested in the prisoner's backstory, you can watch the other works to find out more :-)"
"tbf most harugoha songs are so #yuri but this one has an actual kiss. royalty x maid childhood friends who have drifted apart over the years and the royal lady (unsure of her english title, in japanese shes just named daireijo) desperately wants to just Talk to her dearest maid dorothy again but can't get anywhere with it (hence the title). In the final chorus of the MV she has enough and kisses dorothy on the lips. They're referred to as "sisters" sometimes but this is a reference to the classic catholic school yuri trope where an older girl will take in a younger one as a "younger sister" and they have a sort of romantic friendship going on. They're like definitely not actually sisters it would make no sense. It's such a good song. the bass in it is really good. please listen to harumaki gohan"
"despite the sister term scare that happened when the mv first came out this mv is about a princess and her maid who used to be friends and i believe grew apart and the princess is trying to reconnect with her friend. also first harumaki gohan mv kiss iirc!! the song is also just a brainworm in general i looped it so much it was stuck in my head for months"
"The song is about a girl who has a strained relationship with another girl, and who wishes for things to go back to the way they were (the maid doesn't talk to her anymore). The use of "sister" is also not literal, instead being a term found in yuri to describe a relationship between women (often shorten to S/esu), as well as the comparison between the two girls and the story of orihime and hikoboshi, as well as the fact they literally kiss in the song. I don't know if you can really deny it with that."
"this was in my head for weeks and weeks after it released!! the mv really makes it, the surprise near the end is so cool"
"ZERO TALKING TALKING TALKING .Harumakigohan is the king of vocaloid yuri rn but oh my god first on-screen kiss in his songs!!! For a cute song about a princess trying to win back the affection of her childhood friend now employed as a head maid at her castle. just listen to the beat and tell me u are not enthralled. the lil "pop" noise in the song when they smooch is adorable. the song is so catchy it's ridculous i just hit that shit on loop."
42 notes · View notes
fangsforiris · 6 months
Hi, i love your account! I wuold like to ask the reaction of the Sakamaki's and the Mukami's to Megan Fox in "Jennifer's Body" (2009). If you do, Ty! ❤️❤️
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Hi love, thank you so much!!! I'm sorry for how long this took me, as I was busy with some work.
I really appreciate the support, and I hope this take was good!!
Just a TW for Cannibalism, as Jennifer's Body does have such themes. Overall, enjoy.
Word Count: 4527 Topics: Jennifer Check (Pre-Possession), Jennifer Check (Post-Possession) & Jennifer's Relationship with Needy
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Sakamaki & Mukami’s Reaction to Jennifer from Jennifer’s Body!
Jennifer Check (Pre-Possession)
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Shuu (Ririe):
・❥・ Shuu normally likes confident girls, ones who garner attention and know how to make a statement whilst being secure within themselves.
・❥・ His taste ranges, either he’d go for the typical ‘shy girl,’ someone who’d be easy to manipulate and fluster. 
・❥・ OR someone who’s a bit of a challenge. Someone who has the confidence and isn’t afraid to show it. It makes for great sport, and it’s one of the only times you’ll see this man work.
・❥・ Usually, he lets his partner (in any case) do all the work, so to see a difference in power dynamic either will annoy him to a degree, or will get him into it. 
・❥・ He can obviously tell if someone’s attractive, and ding ding ding– does Jennifer meet his standards. 
・❥・ Shuu is canonically into the whole ‘Femme Fatale’ woman. So anyone who’s a maneater, even more so in this case, has his interest peaked. 
・❥・ Considering how he definitely used to be somewhat of an ‘it’ boy himself, he can understand the infatuation and commotion over Jennifer. 
・❥・ Would he act on anything, though? Not necessarily. Since she’s in the spotlight, he most likely won’t want to chase anyone. 
・❥・ After all, Shuu has people attracted to him. Begging for him. Never the other way around. 
・❥・ He’d rather die than pursue anybody. 
・❥・ In the rare case that she pursued him, he’d play along, using her only for entertainment before leaving her high and dry and wanting more.
・❥・ Realistically, he wouldn’t want to pay her any mind, though. Considering that just because she happens to be popular, doesn’t mean she’s all that. 
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・❥・ Reiji does like confident women, but would he go for someone like Jennifer? Not really. 
・❥・ He’s more into those who are driven, ones who are studious and focused on their future with drive. 
・❥・ The ones who are very secure with themselves that it’ll take a notch or two to break them in. 
・❥・ However, he’s very perceptive. He’ll pick up on a few hints and clues that’ll suggest her mentality and subtle insecurity with everything that she does. 
・❥・ Kind of how Shuu goes into his analytic mode. 
・❥・ It’ll all tally up at the end, and depending on how it plays out maybe then he’ll use her as a test subject. 
・❥・ In reality, he’d see Jennifer as a challenge. 
・❥・ In the sense that he’d find it as entertainment to see how far he could push someone like her, and how long until she’d break. 
・❥・ He wouldn’t be sloppy, and wouldn’t risk actually doing her harm that he knows can’t be reversible, since, of course, she’s in the spotlight and a constant magnet of attention. 
・❥・ But realistically, would he go out of his way for a human that’s like most girls in their school? Definitely not. 
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・❥・ Laito, like Ayato, is into women who absorb the spotlight. 
・❥・ Seeing a pretty, charismatic, popular girl is exactly his type and he’d use every single charm in the book to spend a night or two with her. 
・❥・ Perhaps flash his sly grin, learn her schedule, stalk his prey. You know, that sort of thing. 
・❥・ Especially since Jennifer would remind him of his mother. 
・❥・ With the whole promiscuous behaviour, subtle insecurity that she hides with her looks and a not-so-obvious facade, especially with her need for male attention. Laito would surely exploit this. 
・❥・ He’d degrade her even. Making her question herself potentially. 
・❥・ It would go both ways for him. He’d either be really into Jennifer, or attempt to kill her as a way of imposing his trauma and being rid of it slowly. 
・❥・ However, he’d drift to wanting to get with her, just like Ayato.
・❥・ Honestly, those two are very similar in their tastes. They like a fun, popular, go-lucky girl that makes the night worth it. 
・❥・ Laito would like the competition. The fact that everyone wanted Jennifer, coupled with her obvious attractiveness, helps with her ‘market value.’ As Laito would put it. 
・❥・ He has a track record for going for these types of girls, as those who market themselves as ‘prudes’ ignites his interest to want to ‘corrupt’ them. 
・❥・ If any of his brothers wanted to join him, since it’s canon that he’s into voyeurism/is a voyeur, it’d most likely turn him on tenfold. 
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・❥・ Realistically, he’d find her attractive, just as anyone would. After all, what else are the glasses and contacts for, right? 
・❥・ Is Jennifer his type of woman? No. 
・❥・ He’s into a softer, more docile woman. However, depending if Jennifer would show interest in him, he’d somewhat play along. 
・❥・ Make no mistake, if Kanato doesn’t get what he wants he will turn on her. After all, he is who he is with his bratty tendencies. 
・❥・ If he’s going for someone of her popularity, admittedly it’d urk him. Especially since Kanato doesn’t like being in the spotlight. 
・❥・ Perhaps he’d admire her from afar, shame her and make small remarks to his Teddy as she passes by his locker. The small stuff. 
・❥・ He wants to avoid anyone who even has a slight resemblance to his late mother. The thought of being with someone even close to her provocative, ‘whorish,’ tendencies ignites a lost trauma in him that he doesn’t want to deal with. 
・❥・ If he absolutely needed to, he’d trap her and use her as prey before discarding her. 
・❥・ But this is unlikely, since he, as well as anybody, knows his brother’s types and would want to avoid any discourse with them at all costs. Especially if he knows there is no point. 
・❥・ Since he knows this is the type Ayato and Laito get off on, he’d leave her to their wants and desires. 
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・❥・ If there’s one thing this boy likes, it's girls who know how to attract attention.
・❥・ He’s definitely into the popular cheerleaders, the ones who’d be there for most of his matches and cheer him on. 
・❥・ And Jennifer? Fits every single box for his criteria.
・❥・ He’s into the hot, popular chicks who everyone wants but can’t have. Something that’ll give him an excuse to show off is more than enough for him to start taking names. 
・❥・ He’d probably even get possessive over her. Start acting all territorial because of his insistent need to one up everyone. 
・❥・ Ayato would not be able to tell if Jennifer had any insecurities since he’s so caught up in the fantasy of taking something that everyone wants. 
・❥・ He’d treat her like property, acting as if he owned her because of his slight interest in her. (Like how he did with Yui on day 1.) 
・❥・ Ayato would most definitely scare off any guys who try to go after ‘his prey.’ It ruins the fun for him and as we all know, he isn’t that keen on sharing. 
・❥・ Ayato would be trying to find her every single second of the day. Like no joke, you’d think they were attached by the hip. He wouldn’t let her leave and would get crazy upset if she tried to disobey what he wanted at the moment. 
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・❥・ Subaru wouldn’t want to get that concerned with someone like Jennifer. 
・❥・ He’s quite shy around women, and with his obvious trust-issues, all that’s going off in his mind are alarm bells. 
・❥・ He’s afraid of dealing with any woman again after what happened with his mother, so since that’s realistically all he knows, he’d keep her at arms length. 
・❥・ He’d find her attractive, thinking that she’s pretty, this, that, and the third. 
・❥・ But he’d be pretty unnerved to go up to her or even say anything. Especially knowing what his brothers might do. That’s what would mainly put him off. 
・❥・ His brothers have eyes all around the school, whether it be friends, teachers, staff, and their personal familiars, they’re always watching. 
・❥・ So if he were to suddenly show interest in any girl, especially a popular pretty girl that everyone wants, he’d never hear the end of it. 
・❥・ He, along with Jennifer, have an insecurity which they base their entire personality off of. Jennifer tends to hide it better, but Subaru? He’s a total train wreck. 
・❥・ He would never live it down if his brothers or the new circle of Mukami’s and Tsukinami’s + Kino that surround themselves within his presence had caught him with a little stupid crush. 
・❥・ He would, however, gain more confidence in himself if he were tipsy. Making it easier for him to loosen up without the constant stress and reminders that he’s not good enough and could never be with someone as unattainable as Jennifer. 
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・❥・ Like Reiji, someone like Jennifer wouldn’t be someone he’d actively pursue. 
・❥・ As in, he’s too busy to care about someone like her when he has his brothers and ‘The Adam and Eve’ plan to fulfill. 
・❥・ He would keep more of a lookout for Yui at this time, perhaps even compare the two women in hopes of bringing Yui down. 
・❥・ He’d see her just as every other popular girl at school, wouldn’t necessarily have any notion or reason as to why he’d care about a human. 
・❥・ He’d barely have any actual, physical interactions with her, so that being said, why would Ruki care? 
・❥・ On the slight chance that they do have interactions, he’d find himself curious as to what makes her tick. 
・❥・ More specifically, what exactly is it that people are finding themselves interested in? After all, she’s just a mere human, right? 
・❥・ He’d think the same for Yui, before realizing that unlike Jennifer, Yui has some degree of value to him. Even if it’s not as conventional. 
・❥・ If Reiji was to pursue her, or show mild interest, I suppose he would too. Considering the competitive streak those two have going on. 
・❥・ Canonically, Ruki does things to purposely spite Reiji, so it wouldn’t be so far off the mark if he were to mess around with a human to gain a reaction. 
・❥・ It’s all in good fun, and after he’s done with toying around with Reiji and the girl (Jennifer,) he’d get back to what’s truly important. 
・❥・ As in my opinion, Ruki’s drive for the plan even at some points outweighs how much he’d care about his own wellbeing along with Yui’s. Or anyone for that matter. 
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・❥・ Kou would be interested in a popular girl. By all means. 
・❥・ He himself understands the appeal and need to put up a front, especially for his fans due to his idol profession. 
・❥・ Even if beauty is skin deep and on the surface level, Kou wouldn’t mind joining the train to appreciate it. He has a large appreciation for pretty things with appeal. 
・❥・He especially loves the popularity, and to gain more fans by coexisting with Jennifer? He’s all ears. 
・❥・Kou would definitely send a few flirty remarks her way, maybe even walk her to class to pass the time. 
・❥・He’d immediately notice her reactions to the students deaths and figure something was off. Her carefree demeanour would be a pinpoint. 
・❥・However, at the start he might chalk it up to different reactions to trauma or just a more over-the-top optimistic attitude.  
・❥・Kou would use this as a chance to manipulate her if he truly needed something. It’s just keeping his options open, and considering how he always looks for the dual-uses in everyone he meets, it won’t be any different for Jennifer. 
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・❥・ Yūma honestly wouldn’t be that into someone like Jennifer.
 ・❥・ Sure, she’s definitely conventionally attractive by all means, but he wouldn’t want to care as much as messing with a girl of her social stance. 
・❥・ He’d find it to be more of a hassle, especially with the Sakamaki’s chasing after her and getting all over her. He wouldn’t want to waste his time with someone who’s like the rest. 
・❥・ He’s also really into independence. As in, for anyone to have something for themselves, he loves how driven people can be.
・❥・ For Jennifer, I don’t think he’d strike her as a girl with those same priorities in mind. 
・❥・ Yūma would only see her as someone who could just be used to pass the time with, if the case called for it. 
・❥・ Sure, Jennifer tends to be independent in some things, but the same energy isn’t being put into these important things which would turn Yūma away from the whole appeal. 
・❥・ Yūma’s more of a bully-type if anything, and if he were to see her around the halls and saw any of the Sakamaki’s interact with her he’d definitely say a few remarks. Just to keep himself in the loop.
・❥・ He doesn’t care for superficial things, Yūma likes authenticity and being real. Most of the girls at his school are a cut and paste version of a blueprint who most likely lack the drive and ambition he prizes. 
・❥・ So for someone like Jennifer, who prizes looks a lot, and isn’t exactly the kindest to her best friend, whilst caring for validation from others, to step into the picture… Yūma would disregard it and move on.  
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・❥・ Azusa would think she’s pretty, perhaps get lost in thought thinking about her. 
・❥・ If he were to approach her, I don’t think it’d turn out the way he’d like it too. 
・❥・ Azusa has this fear factor to him, not necessarily the ‘scream and run for your lives’ sort of factor, but the unsettling, unnerving factor which leads people to often misunderstand him. 
・❥・ Especially with the whole ‘suicidal maniac’ vibe he’s got going on. And with his slower-than-normal processing. 
・❥・ Jennifer would probably degrade him, call him names and slurs and want him to get away from her if he starts to bring up his knife collection or acts as standoffish as he does in the anime when first meeting Yui. 
・❥・ He’s kind, and would mostly go for someone else who outlines that sort of mojo. 
・❥・ If he saw her acting as impassive and indifferent as she does in the movie, I doubt he’d be interested in her. 
・❥・ It would most likely remind him of the girl from his childhood at the orphanage, Christina, who bullied and abused him, which built up his masochistic needs. 
・❥・ So if he were to see that side of Jennifer, he’d definitely be interested, but only in the sense of wanting to be degraded and pushed around.
・❥・ Unfortunately, Azusa is somewhat of a pushover in the sense that he’d allow anyone to step all over him, but only react if someone were to do that to his brothers. (He’s such a sweet boy.)
・❥・ If Azusa knew his brothers had an interest in her, he’d back off immediately. He respects and values them too much. 
・❥・ If he truly liked and had a crush on Jennifer, he would give it up and take the pain, rather than losing all he has left (his brothers.) 
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Jennifer Check (Post-Possession)
Shuu (Ririe):
・❥・ Shuu definitely didn’t see that coming. Like at all. 
・❥・ He’d have prior knowledge of the type of demon she was, considering how studious he used to be in his childhood. 
・❥・ His ‘Femme Fatale’ turning out to be more trouble than it's worth was not something he’d be very excited or keen on dealing with. He’d most likely leave it to the others (Reiji) to deal with, only stepping in if he absolutely has to. 
・❥・ He wouldn’t want to be a potential target, mostly because it’d be too much of a bother, but on the flipside, he’d be very unsettled. 
・❥・ The entire cannibalism thing definitely unsettles him, like he feels the hairs on the back of his neck and arms stand up at the thought, coupled by the goosebumps. 
・❥・ Reiji has definitely heard of the Succubi/Succubus demon type. Considering how thorough this man’s research is. 
・❥・ He’d be the most equipped to take out Jennifer if needed, especially if he finds himself in the position of becoming a potential target. 
・❥・ You know how Needy did her research in the library? He most definitely has all those books at his disposal in his personal library and the library found within the Sakamaki Mansion. 
・❥・ Reiji would be the most logical about this, taking measures to not have the fact that demons and vampires are found/revealed to be in the school. 
・❥・ After all, that would be a catastrophe that even he doesn’t want to deal with. And Karlheinz’s reaction? There’s no telling what wrath would unleash. So safe to say Reiji would be quick on time and take care of the situation before it became worse. 
・❥・Laito, along with his triplet brothers are part demon, so a succubi demon isn’t exactly shocking. 
・❥・It’d be rare to see one outside of Makai (The Demon World) and he’d probably bring it up mindlessly with his brothers.
・❥・Hell, you wouldn’t put it past him to have even previously dated a succubi. 
・❥・Laito would find cannibalism in a sense, strangely romantic. To be one with someone else and love them so much to the point of consumption so a part of them would always be with you. It’s almost like Ayato’s ideology of ‘the weaker get eaten by the stronger, and a part of them stays.’ 
・❥・Would he want to stay away? Parts of him would want to be the next victim. A small lingering feeling as he roams the halls that he clings to. As he does canonically see death as the ultimate reprieve for a vampire. So he’d think it wouldn’t be that bad. 
・❥・Kanato, along with his triplet brothers are part demon, so he’d know about the succubi kind. 
・❥・He definitely has more knowledge about these certain types of demons, and how to deal with them. Like this boy has books that he religiously studied in hopes of pleasing his mother. 
・❥・Kanato would be right in the sense that she gave off the ‘maneater’ vibe. Just like his mother.
・❥・Boy, does everything come in a full circle back to his mother. It’s like he can’t escape her, which makes him feel at the end with Jennifer and her existence. 
・❥・He’d steer clear, especially considering his size, he’s not one to underestimate his potential opponents, despite how it may seem. 
・❥・Ayato, along with his triplet brothers are part demon, so he would have sufficient knowledge. 
・❥・Perhaps he even played around with one and dated one years ago. After all, he and Laito do have similar types. 
・❥・Since all Cordelia ever made him do was study, he and Kanato would be the most educated out of all the brothers with how to deal with succubi and other forms they could take. 
・❥・But for his Jennifer to be a succubi and be responsible for all the recent killings? In a sense, the cannibalism part would shake him the wrong way. Despite knowing, it still has a layer of discomfort to it. Especially when comparing it to his own small ideology. 
・❥・He might keep a small distance, largely because he wouldn’t want to be the next victim of an attack. But don’t say that in front of him, he’d deny that he was even a little bit scared.
・❥・ Subaru would be thanking the moon and the stars for his gut feeling.
・❥・ He knew something was up and knew that it wasn’t a good idea to get involved with Jennifer, specifically any woman or human in that matter. 
・❥・ He’d be really freaked out. After all, eating people? That’s a whole other thing that seems like it’d come from nightmares. 
・❥・ He understands the blood for vampires. Sure. But letting bodies drop for the need of flesh and bone? Subaru wouldn’t be able to defend it. 
・❥・ Subaru wouldn’t understand it at all. He’d feel very sympathetic, however. 
・❥・ Especially with Jennifer’s kidnapping and assumption of being assaulted. He has experience with that from his mother, so it might be somewhat of a sore subject. 
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・❥・Ruki would be interested. In the sense of ‘how does a human get to this level of depravement?’ 
・❥・Like Reiji, it’d be a hassle, but he’d want to do more personal research on how it impacts Jennifer. As in, how does the restless hunger impact her mentality and consume her whole until she becomes a monster in need of satiation?
・❥・Ruki would assess Jennifer’s possession in terms of its potential threat to himself and others. He would analyze her abilities and any risks she poses, determining whether she's someone to be wary of or if she can be exploited for his own purposes.
・❥・Best believe that if he can exploit her, he would. After all, you don’t see something like this everyday. 
・❥・ If he had to interact with her, everything would be calculated, as in he’d have everything set up on his terms. Don’t ask how he’d accomplish it, he just will. 
・❥・Admittedly, Kou would be shocked at first. Definitely not what he was expecting. 
・❥・Or was it? Considering that maybe he would have a slight hunch, thanks to his all seeing eye and all. 
・❥・After the shock factor wore off, he’d be curious, though. He’d approach Jennifer and ask questions about how the possession worked and how much she needed to replenish her hunger. 
・❥・Considering how Yūma is a cannibal, he’d know some limited knowledge. Enough to get him by, but curiosity is one of Kou’s major traits that makes him end up in situations, either knowingly or unknowingly. 
・❥・Despite it, he’d still approach with caution, as even Kou has his limits for how far he’d go to play around with someone. 
・❥・ Considering that Yūma is canonically a cannibal, he’d understand the need to satiate an overwhelming hunger. 
・❥・ Like out of everyone, he’d understand the best. And he’d get the whole stigma around it. 
・❥・ But would he expect it? Hell no. Definitely not on his 2024 Bingo Card. 
・❥・ He’d be empathetic to her situation, but after finding out that Jennifer prays on men, especially taking interest in larger men like him, he’d make it a point to steer clear. 
・❥・ If the situation did arise where he was face to face with her, he’d be the one to kill her 100%. Considering how even he has the common knowledge that whatever this is, isn’t at all okay for the human realm. And without stating the obvious, that he can easily kill her, or anyone for that matter with his sheer strength. 
・❥・Because of Azusa’s obvious fragile mentality, he would assume that she and him were one and the same. Especially with having a lurking darkness within her. 
・❥・Azusa would be sympathetic towards her cannibalistic tendencies, and her situation. Given how this also impacts Yūma, his dear brother. 
・❥・Azusa might see Jennifer as someone who shares his experiences of pain and isolation, leading him to want a connection with her. Would this work? Not exactly. 
・❥・If it came to the point that Jennifer made him a target, he’d have mixed feelings. On one hand, he welcomes any pain and abuse into his life, so long as it’s him on the receiving end, and nobody else. On the other, fear would come into play as he wouldn’t know how dangerous she is. 
・❥・Azusa’s self-destructive tendencies would make him a prime target, especially with his little-to-no care for his well-being, his brothers would have to intervene. 
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Jennifer’s Relationship with Needy
Shuu (Ririe):
・❥・ Shuu’s perceptive enough to see the tell-tell signs that those two aren’t just friends.
・❥・ Considering his relationship experience, he’d be able to tell if someone had hidden feelings for another. 
・❥・ Perhaps because he’s been in the same predicament. 
・❥・ Shuu would find their friendship very one-sided. Perhaps taunt Needy about it if they had a slight interaction. 
・❥・ He knew there had to be more than what was beyond the surface.
・❥・ Although, Reiji would be very reluctant to admit that they had something more than ‘friends.’
・❥・ He’s very backwards in terms of thinking and beliefs.
・❥・ So for individuals in the modern world to have ‘undertones’ of liking the same gender… he would be at odds with that.
・❥・ Shuu’s definitely the more accepting one out of these two. However the standard might be. 
・❥・ Laito would be into it. (Obviously.)
・❥・ He’d tell straight away if Needy’s affections or Jennifer’s affections for one another surpassed that of ‘best friends.’
・❥・ Although he knows his mother had women as her partners before, he still isn’t as crazy about it.
・❥・ He’d remember his mother a lot in this time, often drawing back on her memory with her many escapades to make sense of it. 
・❥・ Kanato obviously knows and has knowledge about women potentially having feelings for eachother. 
・❥・ After all, his mother was someone who got around. Seeing as he was forced to watch said moments, he’d make the correlation. 
・❥・ He’d have a realization moment that Jennifer was almost exactly like the woman his mother was when she was alive. Thus, noting how it was a good call to leave her for the others.
・❥・ Kanato would essentially find their friendship to be fake and judge Needy’s desperation to Teddy. 
・❥・ Ayato wouldn’t want to believe that there was even a slight chance that those two had feelings for eachother.
・❥・ He’d get Needy to back off. Break off the friendship. It doesn’t matter. 
・❥・ Ayato definitely doesn’t understand it that well. He isn’t as conservative as Reiji, but he’s definitely confused. 
・❥・ Even he’d be able to tell that something about their relationship was a bit weird. However, he might chalk it up to ‘that’s just how girls are.’ 
・❥・ Subaru, considering how he’s some centuries younger than his brothers, would be more accepting towards it.
・❥・ He wouldn’t understand it as well, but would do his best to not criticize or spread hatred to someone just because they’re different.
・❥・ He’s been through hell and back with his older half-brothers, and understands what it’s like first hand to feel like your entire existence is a mistake. 
・❥・ Subaru would be pretty skeptical of their friendship, often calling it into question and asking if it’s really a genuine relationship.
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・❥・ Like Reiji, he’s definitely the opposite of forward thinking. 
・❥・ He’d judge them, hardcore. 
・❥・ He’s smart enough to know the signs, but for Jennifer and Needy to not be embarrassed? It’s confusing. He’d definitely need to be explained thoroughly. 
・❥・ He’d laugh at their pathetic excuse of a friendship, perhaps even think back to the parallels between Azusa and those children at the orphanage. 
・❥・ Kou with his truth seeing eye would’ve seen this coming from a mile away.
・❥・ He’d be okay with it, however knowing that it could threaten his likeability isn’t something he’d be that crazy about. 
・❥・ Kou would be skeptical of their friendship dynamics, and probably if he stuck around that long, he’d use his eye to confirm or deny any questions he might’ve had. After all, he’s quite nosy. 
・❥・ But I doubt he’d care about it? After all it’s not his business nor his friendship, so he wouldn’t necessarily get involved. Only to tease but that’s all. 
・❥・ However, he’d find it admirable how much they both care for each other, in their own twisted way, that is. It’s an honourable trait, and even when Jennifer is undergoing possession, she still resists hurting her best friend. 
・❥・ Yūma was raised in a very religious conservative village. By the time he was just getting his memories back he was relearning what the ‘modern world’ revolves around.
・❥・ Yūma is naturally a down to earth person, however with his repressed trauma alongside religious upbringing he’ll be a bit skeptical.
・❥・ He wouldn’t tell Jennifer or Needy anything to their faces, however the lingering after thought would constantly be there. 
・❥・ At first he’d assume that their friendship is decent, considering how in the village many were just attached by the hip. However upon closer inspection he would realize that it’s more control if anything. 
・❥・ It’d remind him of his upbringing, which would send him into a deep thought process about his own roots. 
・❥・ Azusa would want Jennifer or any person he liked to be happy. Regardless of whoever that happiness is with or is found with. 
・❥・ He’d be sad, especially knowing he doesn’t think very highly of himself in the start. 
・❥・ Would Azusa understand? Not as well. But if he were to do research then his comprehension would be a lot better than it started. 
・❥・ In terms of their friendship… he’d remember the way the children treated him at the orphanage before joining Ruki and the others. 
・❥・ It’d make him wonder if not everyone likes that sort of treatment, or if it was wrong to begin with. This would confuse him and have him questioning a lot.
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I hope you stars enjoy this tidbit, and thank you again to the user who provided this ask!! <33
Side Note:
For Jennifer’s relationship with Needy, I based it on the comics and Needy’s confirmed underlying attraction for Jennifer which Jennifer at times plays into/reciprocates back.
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metalljellyphish · 29 days
Yo, so inklings of an assassin/hitman AU idea?
I think about Toolshed slinging screwdrivers like daggers a very normal amount, so Stan using blades weapons (specifically I think about stilettos like Yor from SpyxFamily uses) and he has a very strict dislike of guns (not to mention he can’t even fire one without freezing up) He sort of fell into the assassin game on accident, but guess he stuck with it. Has a bad habit of using alcohol to cope, whoops.
Kyle and Ike teamed together to make an unstoppable hacker duo (turns out it runs in the family), while they tend to do their work on a digital level over a physical level, Kyle’s not afraid to get his hands dirty if necessary. He’s pretty basic when it comes to his method of kill though; if a single bullet won’t do the job he won’t take it himself, but contract the work out. He probably freelances a high tech security or IT company as cover.
Femme fatale Majorie also kind of is living in my head rent free. I imagine she started with small money schemes so she could high tail it out of their small town and cover her transition. At first it was just one or two kills to cover her tracks, but she found out there was some good money in murder, especially when it was a foolish rich man who fell for her infinite charm. She’s good with a gun, but her weapon of choice is poisoning or a garrote in emergency.
The real wildcard is Kenny, who abuses his death curse to the fullest. He’s more of an assassin’s assassin, when a hitman goes rogue he gets sent in like a bloodhound to clean up, almost like a ghost among other assassins. Though he’s incredibly pick on targets, he’s still got some of his vigilante roots in him, he’s more interested in the underground death matches for his income (which he obviously has the most unfair advantage) Weapon of choice? Whatever gets the job done; you don’t need to be stealthy when you have the option to come back the next day. Traumatic maybe, but it works.
Cartman was probably the hardest to get an idea for cause honestly I struggle to write him accurately ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But he’s definitely a manipulative type who won’t get his hands bloody if he doesn’t have to. I see him being the best with a gun out of all of them, just cause he had to start from somewhere, but nowadays he’s got the reputation and the blackmail to get someone else to pull the trigger for him.
I picture Cartman is the one who gets the gang together like some Oceans Eleven nonsense but for contract killing instead. They all became estranged from each other after backstory happens but when they all meet up in the same room together it makes for an interesting reunion.
I’m sure the others are involved too, but I only got this far whoops
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dailydemonspotlight · 6 months
Day 16 - Queen Mab
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Race: Night
Alignment: Neutral
April 11th, 2024
Irish folklore is a strange rabbit hole to plunge down, filled with legendary heroes and strange villains, but the story of Cu Chulainn, the protagonist of the Ulster Cycle, is one that has always caught my interest. This story was the originator of many a trope, many a book series, and its main antagonist, the menacing Queen Medb, is an incredibly fun example of a femme fatale and a warrior queen.
Medb was the queen of the kingdom Connacht, a woman who had many lovers and was famous for her promiscuity... and trickiness. Cunning and ruthless, and with a propensity for manipulation, she served as the ultimate enemy of Chulainn, at first trying to seduce him with her daughters until eventually realizing that the plan wouldn't work, likely due to Chulainn's fealty towards his wife (or, alternatively, his asexual swag.) According to irish folklore, Medb could also be very, very similar, if not the same as Medb Lethderg, goddess of sovereignty in the irish Kingship of Tara.
Medb came to power in the story 'Cath Bóinde,' wherein she was born under the care of High King Eochaid Feidlech, a man who was purported as having killed the former king to take his place. Medb was married off to the king of Ulster, Conchobar mac Nessa, and in spite of them having a daughter, the marriage soon fell apart. They left, yet Medb held a grudge, and seeing that Eochaid had given Conchobar another one of his daughters, Medb went ballistic. She slaughtered her while still pregnant, leaving the child to be born via a medieval C-section. The king of Connacht was also desposed of around this time, and Eochid put Medb back in her rightful spot, now as Queen of Connacht.
After all of this, several marriages and kids, and a rise to power, Medb felt on top of the world. In her bloodlust with all of the power she gained, she soon grew jealous of her husband being richer than her... albeit only by one bull's price. Since the person who held onto this bull, Dáire mac Fiancha, rejected her offer, she went to take it by force, landing her in her first major conflict with the wandering teenaged warrior Cú Chulainn.
Ever since this very first conflict, their storied rivalry encompasses many a tale, eventually ending in Cú Chulainn's death, in which the warrior ties himself to a stone to keep fighting, even as his life comes to an end. I'll go more into this in the future during my Sentana/Cú Chulainn analysis, but needless to say, Medb's involvement in the Ulster Cycle makes for a fascinating deep-dive into Irish folklore.
As far as her design goes, the epithetical Warrior Queen has a rather strange appearance in the SMT series, almost appearing like a punk rocker such as a member of KISS- albeit with much more color. However, I have a personal theory as to why this may be- and it all has to do with cultural perceptions.
Queen Medb was seen as deviant, a cruel woman who rose to power with her own overwhelming strength, and while she was a bastard, a bit of the hatred felt towards her could be due to a sort of misogyny common in the middle ages. This is all purely conjecture, of course, but a controlling and domineering woman could've been something seen to be feared...
Much like how punk-rockers were seen as satanic in the 90's. During the satanic panic, a lot of people outside of regular circles were ostracized as being demonic in some way, shape, or form. Metal bands were especially targeted by this moral crusade, and it may just be where the influence for her design came from!
Past my own pet-theory, though, the rest of her design is rock-solid. A helmet-esque mask, steel breastplate, and long blade all play well into the 'Warrior Queen' quality she's well known for, and her gloves appear as snakeskin or even latex at first glance, playing into her domineering and controlling role. All in all, while Queen Mab wasn't my favorite demon at first, the research into her folklore has led me to finding an all new appreciation for the Ulster Cycle's main antagonist.
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presidenthades · 3 months
⚠️HOtD season 2 ep. 4 spoilers⚠️
Your thoughts on this ep🎤?!
Adding my two cents: SUNFYRE AND AEGON WERE SO CUTE, but wtf was that fight🧍🤨 Aemond bbg wtf?? Anyhow, cuties:
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TLDR: I’m not even mad anymore, I’m just disappointed (by the writing, per usual; the rest of the show is fine). I’m mostly still on the S2 boat because of the little moments like Sunny and Egg. It makes for great fanfic fuel!
Honestly, this was Criston’s best episode of the entire season so far. Getting him away from Alicent and putting him on the battlefield showcases his better qualities. Also, I love his interactions with Gwayne, it gives me life. Would totally watch a spinoff series where the two of them go on side quests.
I feel like the Harrenhal scenes aren’t super important narratively and the screentime could’ve been devoted to other characters. HOWEVER. The Harrenhal bits are just so fun to watch that I can’t really complain. TBH, it feels like Daemon is getting the best writing (in terms of character arc and narrative coherence) of all the main cast. But uh…one does wonder why he drinks a random-ass potion from a witch lady who just told him he’s gonna die at Harrenhal. (Speaking of whom, I am greatly enjoying Alys Rivers. I’m glad they haven’t made her a femme fatale. She’s just weird. Joff would love her.)
Opinion: they got rid of Kermit Tully and made Oscar the heir because the show wants to minimize Muppet memes. Very sad. 😔
If you’re following my blog, then you know I’m an Aegon fan, so I acknowledge I’m probably biased. But all of the Greens are just shitting on Aegon this episode, holy cow. I totally understand Aemond being snotty and excluding Aegon from schemes; even in the most generous interpretation of their brotherly relationship, they’re often at odds and Aemond looks down on Aegon. But Cole is the Hand of the King, not the Hand of Aemond. Even if Cole is on the front lines, he should be including Aegon.
Alicent has just completely lost the sympathetic traits she possessed in S1. I’ve never thought of her as an especially good mother, but she did love her children—definitely Aemond and Helaena, and there were the “do you love me” and standing between Aegon and the dragon scenes. She also seems to have forgotten that she was one of the people yelling at Aegon to step up and take the crown, and now she wants to hit the reverse button. 🙄 S2 Alicent is not the same character as S1 Alicent, and even S1 Alicent varied from episode to episode. For fic purposes, I’m just completely ignoring what the show writers are doing with her because it makes no sense.
I think TGC would’ve killed a scene where he gets to speak more fluent High Valyrian, but it makes sense that Aegon isn’t good at speaking it. Aegon has never been the scholarly sort, and High Valyrian (if you’ve been trying it on duolingo like me) is not an intuitive language for English-only speakers. I do think Aegon should’ve learned more dragon commands at least, but apparently Sunfyre decided to be the world’s first bilingual dragon and learn common tongue for Aegon’s sake. :3 At this point I’m convinced that Sunfyre is the only living creature who actually unconditionally loves Aegon. No wonder Aegon is messed up.
Back in Driftmark: we finally get confirmation of who the Hull boys are! Not explicitly, but it’s hard to deny that they’re Corlys’s kids like in the book. I kinda wish we got more scenes with Rhaenys talking about/interacting with them though. She seems to have had complicated feelings about the boys.
Visually, the battle was amazing to watch. Some of the best shots I’ve seen during the entire show. But, as I often complain about, the characters’ actions don’t make sense. If you’ve been on social media, then you’re probably aware that Aemond attacking Aegon has been very controversial, and for good reason. I cannot comprehend the Aemond stans (I’m an Aemond fan, but I’m very aware that he’s a flawed character who can act stupidly sometimes) who refuse to acknowledge that this was NOT a good move. Vhagar is a formidable dragon but she can’t win a 1 v 4 against Caraxes, Syrax, Vermax, and Moondancer (and those aren’t even all the dragons the Blacks will eventually have). Vhagar could take out some of the other dragons, but she’s definitely dying in a battle like that. So no, this was not a smart or strategic action on Aemond’s part, at all.
It could be explained as an action taken in the heat of the moment, with Aemond overcome by adrenaline and his anger toward Aegon. But we just saw Aemond two episodes ago being sad about killing Luke, against whom he held a grudge for years because of his eye. Aegon is his brother, and their interactions in S1E8 indicated that even if they’re not besties, they do operate on the same wavelength. Aegon was an idiot for making fun of Aemond in S2E3, but that should not have pushed Aemond over the edge to attempted fratricide/regicide.
At least Cole and Sunfyre care about Aegon, since clearly nobody else does. 🥲 *author shoves a Jacaera toward Aegon*
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tymime · 7 months
Public Domain cartoon characters from Golden Age comic books
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Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit going (mostly) into the public domain is a pretty big deal. In the next ten years a lot of animation from the 1930s will wind up in the hands of all artists who want to use them. But did you know there's a huge amount of cartoon characters from the 1940s that are totally free to use? It isn't just cartoons that starred on the silver screen that have fallen out of copyright. (Of course, I'm using the word "cartoon" somewhat loosely...)
See, when US copyright law was revised in 1976 and went into effect in 1978, works created before 1964 were required to have their copyright renewed before the end of 1980, or else they would become public domain. Hundreds if not thousands of Hollywood movies and other types of media had been made by studios and publishing companies that went bankrupt and were completely dissolved decades prior to this new law. This included the cartoons made by studios such as Bray, Van Beuren, and many others- but it also included comic books.
If you weren't a big comic book company like DC or Marvel, chances are you shuttered your doors sometime in the 1950s or early 1960s. And during the 1940s, with the rise in popularity of Looney Tunes, Woody Woodpecker, Tom and Jerry, and Droopy, comic book publishers were printing tons and tons of comic books starring wacky, slapstick-oriented animal characters. Most of these titles went out of copyright, and there are lots of fun and interesting characters to be found in them.
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One of the most historically notable is Supermouse. When the first Mighty Mouse cartoon premiered, he was called Supermouse, but what they didn't know was that Pines comics had already taken the name, and successfully sued for copyright infringement even though they were both parodies of Superman.
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One of the most interesting titles I've come across is Funny Films. The conceit of the series is that these are actually cartoons you can watch in a movie theater, except it's a comic book. A bit confusing, I know.
The end result is a series of fourth wall breaks so absolutely thorough in their scope that the fourth wall really doesn't exist anymore, barring actually jumping out of the page (or your computer screen) and blowing up your living room. They talk to the audience, jump out of the screen, and even show up late for the cartoon to start. This is of course the bookends to a whole bunch of slapstick gags and goofy dialogue.
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Another interesting series, especially if you're a fan of Archie, is Hi-Jinx. They basically took the premise of teeny-boppers in high school and made them into funny animals. Most of the stories have something to do with swing music and dancing.
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And although they're crudely drawn, one of the more unique character concepts is Pussy Katnip, found in various titles scattered across the mid-1940s, usually buried amongst a bunch of more normal stories with ordinary human characters. Pussy Katnip looks like one of your classic film noir glamorous beauties, except she's an anthropomorphic cat. Think Minerva Mink but feline. She may appear to be a femme fatale at first, but she's actually a crimefighter. To do this she chugs a mysterious beverage that gives her enhanced strength and intelligence. She's sort of a mystery-solving superhero.
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Her appearances are random and kind of hard to find. Here are the titles of the ones currently circulating online: All Your Comics (1944 issue) All Top Comics (one-shot) All Good Comics Everybody’s Comics (1944 issue) Green Mask v1 #11 Ribtickler v1 #1 All Great Comics (1945 issue) Book of All-Comics Green Mask v2 #2 Rocket Kelly #2 Zoot Comics #1
Often these comics, especially in the early '40s, remind me of the artwork of underground comics of the '70s- not quite rubberhose, not quite Looney Tunes. The kind of thing you might find on a punkabilly album cover.
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And ocassionally you'll come across characters with a suspiciously familiar name:
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One thing to watch out for is the occasional Donald Duck knock-off, some more obvious than others.
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Now you may be asking: Where can I read these comics? Simple: https://digitalcomicmuseum.com/ Just be sure you have the right software to read them. I use cooViewer. Another incredibly useful resource is www.comics.org.
So if you're like me and you're too impatient to wait for Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck to fall out of copyright, and you want to do something more unusual and unexpected, there are dozens and dozens of comic books with silly, wacky characters that can be utilized in your own original stories, cartoons, and what have you- and you can monetize them too!
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acknowledge-reigns · 1 year
Jealous (Roman Reigns x Black fem OC) - Smut! 18+
Warning: Sort of Dom/sub dynamic, spanking, vaginal sex, cumming in mouth, swallowing, light degradation, daddy kink, probably a bit more. All around filth. 18+!!!
Description: Roman's girlfriend is put into a storyline in which she has to flirt with Seth Rollins. Roman reminds her who's girl she is.
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Amaya Murray was having the best year of her life. She was absolutely thriving in her WWE career, getting to have small parts in her boyfriend Roman Reigns' current story with the bloodline and just having a blast. She enjoyed portraying the heel, her persona Lilah "The succubus" Onyx was a true femme fatale type character full of attitude, sass and dripping pure seduction. Her gimmick was that of a succubus and she played the role well.
A few weeks back she'd won the WWE women's championship off of Iyo Sky of Damage Control. Her current storyline was a fued with Becky Lynch. She couldn't help but feel a bit excited by the fact that she has been assigned a new task - to tempt and flirt with the World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, Roman's old friend and ally and sometime foe. Despite her loyalty to her beloved boyfriend, she just couldn't help but get a rush knowing she was going to spark his possessive urge by doing this. She walked into Seth's locker room with the camera's following her. She took a moment to let his gaze settle on her. She knew that the whole world would be watching, and especially her boyfriend. She wanted to show off her body's best parts, her luscious curves, to show off how much of an impact her beauty could have, channeling pure dark feminine energy the way only her character as the succubus could. Becky Lynch would be her opponent in the main event later tonight, and the succubus setting her sights on "The Man's" husband was the best way to get in her head and under her skin.
Lilah walked closer to Seth, letting her presence sink in and she leaned against the nearby locker, her skin glistening and alluring and her cleavage on display. "Hey, Sethie.. Could you help me with something?" Lilah asks with a flirtatious grin. "Sure, what is it?" Seth asks. The camera cuts out there ending the backstage segment and leaving much to the imagination.
The scene with Lilah and Seth might have ended, but in Roman's world, it just kept playing and playing in his mind. Lilah's body, her charm, and her flirty smile were all things that were meant only for him, and yet there she was on the TV screens of millions of people, putting herself on display for anyone to see. Roman felt a rising surge of jealousy and a rising pulse of heat in his veins, and even though he trusted Lilah fully, some doubt began to creep in.
"Hey, Daddy." She greeted Roman with a smile and a kiss as she entered his locker room. Roman didn't know how to feel. Lilah was always faithful, and he trusted her with all his heart, but how could he forget the image he had just seen on the TV screens? How could he forget the way Lilah's cleavage and skin glistened in the light? Roman looked at the way Lilah smiled at him, that sweet, pure smile, and he tried to force the feeling down. He had to put the jealousy and doubt aside. It was just a storyline, just acting Roman told himself... Right?
"What's wrong, Ro?" Lilah asked.
"I saw it," Roman growled.
"Saw what, baby?" Lilah asked in that soothing, sweet voice that always made Roman feel at ease. But not now.
"On the TV, Lilah." Roman spoke angrily. "Why would they put you in that storyline?"
"Roman, baby, you know it's not real!" She said. Roman felt his blood boiling as he remembered how real it had looked. Lilah looking at Seth, at Seth looking at Lilah.
"I only have eyes for you, Daddy. You know that." she assured him.
"Show me, Lilah," Roman growled, his anger fading slightly as the fire in his eyes grew. Lilah's heart skipped a beat. She felt flushed at the change in his tone, Those words still set a fire in her stomach that was making her knees weak..." S-show you how?" Lilah asked
Lilah could feel her heart racing, the heat in her stomach growing. She hadn't seen her boyfriend looking at her this way since they started dating. Roman was always passionate with her, but this was something else. This heat was something wild, something primal. Roman leaned in, whispering in Lilah's ear with a fierce heat in his eyes. "Show me how nobody else compares to me."
Lilah felt her heart thudding, as if it could pound so hard that it might just jump out of her chest. "Show me how I'm the only one for you," he growled, his voice filling Lilah's ears, and her body with the burning sensation that filled her with desire, the lust she felt for him. "Show me that you Acknowledge me..." Roman said. "Y-yes, Daddy" Lilah whispered, her voice wavering and trembling. She was so close that she could feel his warmth, that familiar feeling that made her melt in his arms. She reached up gently and caressed his cheek, and then slowly, with trembling fingers... she moved down to his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin. She couldn't think right now. She wanted nothing more than to acknowledge her man, to show him how he was the only one for her..."...I acknowledge you, Daddy..." Lilah whispered, barely audible. She looked into his eyes with a bold, yet needy gaze.
"Good girl." Roman breathed the words softly, his voice and gaze making her feel like she was falling, into his arms, into his lust, into her deepest desire. "You remember the Safeword?" Roman asked her. Lilah nodded in response, "Pickles" she said.
"Get on your knees, babygirl." Roman said. Lilah felt her body shiver and tingle at Roman's command. "Yes, My Tribal Chief." She said as quickly got to her knees in front of him, She looked up at Roman, at the hunger in his eyes. "You gon act like a little slut, daddy's gonna have to punish you like one." Roman says. Lilah smirked slightly at the thought of being punished by Roman, "Wh-what if that's exactly what I want Daddy...?" she whispered, her voice sounding breathy and hungry.
She had always wanted to give herself to Roman completely, to let him take her, to show him how she belonged to him, and only to him. Lilah had always been his loyal and faithful good girl, but there was no doubt she's a bratty submissive. "Naughty little succubus.." Roman teased. Lilah's breath hitched and her body quivered as Roman brushed his thumb along her lower lip, teasing her, playing with her. Her lips parted and she let out a soft moan, her eyes becoming heavy. Lilah closed her eyes, tilting her head back slightly as she savored the sensation of Roman's touch. Her mind was a cloud of fog, but her body was clear, wanting nothing more than to satisfy her desires, her cravings. And there was nothing more she craved... than Roman.
Lilah's eyes slowly fluttered open again and she looked up at Roman with a dazed look and a smirk. "So, what's my punishment, Daddy?" She asked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. She knew what she needed from him, but she also knew that she could still play and tease him as well. She wanted to see how far this could go, how much she could make Roman crave and want her, and at the same time find her amusing.
"Stand up" Roman demanded. Lilah swiftly stood up, keeping her poise and looking up at Roman with a coy and flirtatious smile. This side of their relationship was the most exciting, and it just fed into the hunger that she herself had for him, her desire for him. She knew he wanted her, and she wanted him. In a matter of seconds her had her pinned against his locker room door with her hands over her head held in just one of his. Roman's other hand goes up to her throat, not squeezing, but just resting there for now. His mouth attacks hers, their tongues fighting for dominance before she finally gave in and submitted to him.
"I think I'm gonna take you right here... Fuck this sweet little pussy, right here pinned up against the door. Make you scream my name loud enough for Seth and everyone else to get the picture that you're mine." Roman said as he made quick work of undressing both her and himself.
He slides her panties down, barely ghosting over her skin as he does, even that slight touch making her crazy. Lilah whimpers as he teases her slit. "So wet baby.. This for Seth or for me?" Roman asked with a firm smack to her thigh making her gasp. "You, Daddy! it's all for you." Lilah assured him. His thumb ghosts lightly over her clit, making her writhe, once again pinned between him and the door, he flipped her so she was facing it. "You sure hm?" Roman teased delivering a stinging slap to her ass. "I'm sure, Daddy! I'm sure. Please fuck me." Lilah begged.
Just like that he slams into her pussy pounding her furiously, at an unreal pace. Long hard punishing strokes caused her mind to fog once again, her brain scrambled and all she could think about was him in this moment fucking her into submission right here against the door as she tried not to make too much noise. "Oh fuck!" Lilah says in absolutely bliss. Her orgasm soon overtakes her, mind shattering as she let go and cum on his dick, he pulls out much to her confusion. "Kneel" Roman commands once again. Gathering herself on shaky legs, she kneels "Open" He continues, She opened her mouth, tongue out, as he pumps his load into her mouth demanding her to swallow. "Good girl." Roman says with a small smirk helping her to her feet, he scooped her up effortlessly and carried her over to the couch in his locker room for some aftercare. "Was I too rough, babygirl?" Roman asked her.
"Hm? Nope, that was perfect." Lilah said in complete bliss as she was wrapped up in his arms. "You know you really are the only one for me right?" Lilah asked. "Good, because you are the only one for me." Roman responds kissing her lovingly.
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