#esp the later art style
perianthkatsketches · 6 months
Anyways Atsushi (bsd) and Byakko (yohaji) outfit swap
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munchboxart · 9 months
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Yay I finally managed to make my 2023 art summary! First half of the year was a little disappointing looking back (in terms of both amount and quality). I think I managed to make more personal work this year, thankfully, which is what I wanted last year
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patentedsun · 4 months
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mashima's use of whitespace and his general understanding of lighting will never not have me in awe... he is shadin the hell out of those faces!!! and those limbs!!! and flesh in general!!!
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moe-broey · 9 months
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Well I can finally post these now!!!!!!!! Even though Awakening was my first FE, and ofc I liked Chrom a lot, I never really thought too deeply about the Ylisse siblings... I spent some time replaying Awakening, going through supports, and drew up some character sketches!
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Also these sketches in particular have some funny lore to them, that day I was off my meds and fighting for my life and only got. These four things. The entire day. The more detailed notes on the same page came after having them again, what a fucking difference it makes 😅🧍
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Fave doodle from it tbh world's most normal girl 😇
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
The CATTs are today's countdown art!!!
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Please look at Bruno, i love,adore,care for him he’s has my heart and soul ❤️♥️💛
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duffleglump · 2 years
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really dont want to draw but if i quit on the second day thats just embarrassing so heres a quick doodle
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bouquetface · 3 months
Future Spouse Based on Nakshatra - Pt. Two
Please read the following for accuracy:
Check for which nakshatra of your dakarkaka.
You may want to check the nakshatra of your Venus (for wife) and Jupiter (for husband) as well.
You may want to read for your moon & AatmaKaaraka nakshatra to see if the traits apply to you.
DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind accuracy is influenced by the ENTIRE natal chart.
General Neutral traits:
Big lips esp lower. Long face - Oval or Oblong. Doe eyes. Larger facial features generally.
Friendly - easily connect with others.
Nurturing. Patient. Quiet. Kind. Considerate.
Likely religious. Stick to their morals over money. Sometimes have traditional values & dreams for the future.
Good communicators.
Negative traits:
Modern society may harshly judge one’s disinterest in materialism. If the disinterest is extreme, this person can have periods of life where they seriously struggle financially.
Some may feel they are so caring that they become suffocating to loved ones.
General Neutral traits:
Bold eye colour. Pointy chin. Often, fit due to their job requiring physical activity (ex: lots of walking)
They can prefer physically working - they may have physical hobbies.
Good memory. Curious person - open to learning/exploring more.
Generally, an honest person.
Negative Traits:
They can be impolite. Or anti-social to a point where they sometimes appear rude.
Like to indulge - must watch for overspending/overindulging in bad foods or bad habits.
Spend early life only looking out for themselves. Later in life, they undergo transformation to change for the better. Become more compassionate and religious/spiritual after a traumatic event.
General Neutral traits:
Often the most conventionally attractive in their family. Full lips. Small almond shaped eyes.
Clever. Good communicators.
Gain a good amount of wealth. Live comfortable.
Adventurous yet cautious.
Determined to reach their goals.
Negative traits:
Can be too focused on their goals. Neglect themselves and others until they see success. Others work and help is not always appreciated.
Self-destructive habits need to be broken. A few EXAMPLES: Stubborn to the point of being arrogant. Some have issues with lust & greed. Some have issues with anger.
Full lips. Dramatic eyes - can have dark circles, bold eye colour or big eyes. May appear tired. Innocent looking.
Often well liked. Likes attention. Entertaining person. Funny, witty, good at conversation.
Optimistic. Generally, stays true to their word - reliable.
Generally, gains moderate to high levels of wealth.
Negative traits:
Hot temper. Prone to feeling jealous.
Ego can be a problem.
Subconscious superiority complex when born into wealthy family. When wealth is gained themselves, they feel still feel superior but not as arrogant.
General Neutral traits:
Large eyes. Innocent looking. Youthful appearance. Close set eyes are likely. Prominent chin.
Independent. Good morals. Honest. Disciplined
Friendly. Optimistic. Persuasive communication.
Negative traits:
Disinterested in their family origins. This can change later in life when they have their own family.
Must learn to not over indulge - over spend/overdo.
Prone to isolate themselves due to being focused on their own personal goals/desires.
General Neutral traits:
Attractive. Commonly, have dimples. Prominent front teeth. Well groomed. Good style. Conventionally attractive.
Charismatic. Social. Independent.
Well educated. May not be formally. They may seek out good literature & art. They can enjoy philosophical ways of thinking.
Usually are a younger sibling or an only child.
Negative traits:
Vain. Can be overly worried about body and style. Can overthink in general.
Observant nature makes them very critical of everyone. Ego can be a problem.
Well known. But very few true friends. Many friends turn into enemies throughout their life.
Sometimes there can be issues related to fertility in these people’s lives.
General Neutral traits:
Prominent eyebrows. Medium to wide set eyes. Generally attractive. Unique looking.
Generally, likeable. Polite. Prone to over-talking, not listening. Intuitive. Intelligent. Helpful.
Generous & Compassionate. Stands up for people. Stands up for what they believe in.
Negative traits:
Sensitive. Often view themselves as a victim. Making it difficult to accept criticism & move forward in life.
Insecurities make them doubt their self worth.
General Neutral traits:
Strong jawline. Often hooded eyes. Long nose.
Disciplined. Hardworking. High goals. Optimistic. Generally, appear modest.
Good communicator. Popular. Often gain respect&influence at a later age.
Confident. Independent.
Good in leadership roles. & interest in helping others - social causes.
Negative traits:
Over indulgent.
Prone to overthink/anxious.
Will experience relationship struggles - often many relationships before finding the correct person for them.
General traits:
Attractive. Ethereal look. Innocent look. Wide to medium set eyes. Sharp jawline. Thin to medium lip. Strong bone structure.
Deeply empathetic but may not express it.
Strong & silent type. Have the ability to control their emotions - will do what is best for the family. As a result, often benefit from other people's money & resources - ex: inheritance or gifts.
Disciplined & hardworking. As a result, make a good level of wealth.
Rational. Good at giving advice. Stays neutral.
Generous person - often have good karma, it said they will defeat any haters/enemies.
Negative traits:
Struggle to express oneself can leave one feeling lonely & isolated. Repressed emotions can lead to emotional outburst later in life.
May unintentionally create many enemies throughout their life.
General traits:
Bunny teeth. Tall & muscular. Innocent looking. Generally attractive.
Independent & Confident. Often feel a strong sense of purpose. Determined & hardworking.
Passionate & protective. May be married to their achieving their “purpose” though.
Often desire a partner that is similarly hardworking & passionate about their work/goals.
Negative traits:
Requires to learn balance in their life. Can be overindulgent - potential examples: can enjoy gambling or unhealthy foods.
May have a slight controlling & possessive nature.
Worry a lot. Could experience periods of having difficulty managing anxiety throughout their lives.
General traits:
Full cheeks - often have a baby face through their 20s. Cute. Bold eye colour. Youthful.
Idealistic. Independent.
Adventurous. Youthful energy. Humorous. Often joyful.
Nurturing nature. Deep love for family.
Does well financially. Action orientated.
Negative traits:
Vengeful. Doesn’t forget or truly ever forgive. Many relationships turn sour throughout their life.
Impulsive. Short tempered.
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1alchemistart · 7 months
AWW THANK YOU i wish you the bestest of luck!!!! there's a lotta good resources out there :D
iiii would not use myself as a good example of how to sketch to be quite honest bc sometimes my first sketches look like this
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but most of the time they look like this
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having ugly sketches is a very big part of anyone's art journey tho! gotta warm up before drawing smth cool and that always involves meh sketches
and imo having a crappy little gestural drawing as a base helps a lot JKSDFKSD esp if youre unsure of the details. get the gesture and overall silhouette down first!!! you can worry about other stuff later
look at this silly little man. ya gotta start somewhere w every drawing JKSFK
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i started drawing somewhere around 2013 while staring at mark crilley and art a la carte tutorials on youtube so it's been a while since i checked resources for beginners but channels like proko, sinix design and ergojosh have a lot of stuff to my knowledge so, might be worth giving those a look!! WISH YA THE BESTEST OF LUCK
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tharett · 2 months
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**** This is going to be the last ranfren post I'll make ****
I'm pretty sure some of you may know (and by looking into the community, will probably tell me to "grow up" lololol), the ranfren creator has... a VERY problematic past (that i properly searched and educated myself about)... and I no longer want to associate with their work (simple as that, really)☝️🤓
[Context as to Why I'm Uploading this xd]:
I was in the process of drawing this page (with the intention of uploading it ywy) before finding about the LORE about the making of the Ranfren series, so I couldn't bring myself to NOT upload this after putting a lot of work in for it... and we find ourselves here in this awkward situation :v
So with this, I will bid the series adieu and continue uploading art of my other interests 🙇‍♂️
Eng Translation of my Chicken Scratch Handwriting:
Nyon and Nyen photo:
- ok 1/2 (letters on his shirt)
- Nyon looks too feminine lmao (in my style)
-Nyen (why is he always drawn all muscley??) (Future thare: I now know (HAH))
Luther photo:
[Headcanon Box]
- always unprepared for visitors (doesn't have enough drinks each visit somehow)
Luther (L): "I hope your friends like them..."
Randal (R): "thanks big brother! Woah, an ash tray for a cup!? Cool"
Avalona and Spider Girl photo:
Avalona Mercury (A): c'mon guys! Hurry up! N'hee hee hee!"
R: "I'm on my way ladies!!"
A: "ew you're drooling again hee hee!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki (H): "I'll stick around a bit!"
[Extra Notes]
- HS AU ☆ high school alternative universe
- they all get along like normal teens <3
Comic Strip (LEFT TO RIGHT! Also Numbered!!):
[Contex Box]
- meeting the Ivory Family
[Dialouge + Action Boxes]
H: "oh! Hey Sebastian (S)! What a coincidence! Wanna hang later?"
S: "H-Hirose? What are you...?" [First time meeting Hirose out of school]
H: "I'm also here for groceries?? Lol. Why else would I be here?"
L: "oh? Is he a friend of yours, Randal?" [Lean--]
R: "eeh, I guess? He's a friend of a friend" [uninterested]
H: "hello! I'm Hirose Daiki, Randal's and Sebastian's friend! You must be Randal's big brother, Luther, right?" [Offering hand for handshake]
S: "I told you, you don't have to greet them..."
H: "nonsense!! It's a pleasure to meet you! Hi Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hi..."
L: "(Oh, he's nicer than the other one (Satoru)!) Well yes! Yes I am- it's a pleasure to meet you, too!" [Flattered Blush]
H: "the pleasure is all mine!"
R: "Seb, let's go to the candy section!"
[Contex Box (2)]
- later made plans to introduce his (Hirose) parents
Traducción de Todo lo que Dije antes pero en Esp xd:
**** Esto será el último blog de Ranfren que haré ****
Estoy seguro que algunos de ustedes saben (y al mirar los tipos de la comunidad, probablemente me dirán que "ctm/no mms" xdxd), el creador de Ranfren tiene... un pasado MUY problemático (en la cual yo tome el tiempo para buscar para que me eduque adecuadamente)... y ya no quiero asociarme con su trabajo (así de simple, la neta JAJA) ☝️🤓
[Contexto de pq subo esto xdxd]:
Estaba en el proceso de terminar este dibujo (con la intención de subirla ;-;) antes de enterarme de la HISTORIA sobre la creación de la serie Ranfren, así que como no subir este dibujo después de ponerle tanto esfuerzo para terminarlo, y pues... ahora nos encontramos aquí en esta situación incomoda :v
Así que con esto, me despido de la serie y continuaré subiendo arte de mis otros intereses 🙇‍♂️
Traducción Esp de mi letra culera JAJAJA:
Foto de Nyon y Nyen:
- ok 1/2 (lo que tiene escrito en su blusa)
- Nyon se ve demasiado femenino JAJAJA (en mi estilo xd)
- Nyen (¿pq siempre lo dibujan todo musculoso?) (thare del futuro: ahora lo sé (JAJ))
Foto con Luther:
[Caja con Headcanon] ("Headcanon" son ideas que son implementados en un personaje(s) de cómo interactuan/como reaccionaría en ciertas situaciones, etc)
- Siempre no esta preparado para sus visitantes (por alguna razón siempre no tiene suficiente bebidas para servir en cada visita)
Luther (L): "espero que a tus amigos les gusten..."
Randal (R): "¡Gracias, hermano mayor! Gau, ¿¡un cenicero para una taza!? Chido"
Foto con Avalona y Chica Araña:
Avalona Mercurio (A): "¡Vamos chicos! ¡Apúrense! ¡N'hji ji ji!"
R: "¡¡Voy llegando chicas!!"
A: "¡Que asco, estas babeando de nuevo ji ji!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki(H): "¡Me quedo con ustedes por un poco!"
[Notas Extra]
- UA de Prepa ☆ Universo Alternativo de la Prepa/Secundaria
- se llevan como adolescentes normales <3
[Caja de Contexto]
- conociendo la Familia Ivory
[Diálogo + Cajas de Acción]
H: "¡oh! ¡Que tal Sebastian (S)! ¡Que coincidencia! ¿Quieres pasar el rato?"
S: "¿H-Hirose? ¿Que haces aquí...?" [La primera vez que mira a Hirose fuera de la escuela]
H: "¿¿También estoy aquí para el mandado?? Lol, ¿para que más estaría aquí?"
L: "¿Oh? Este es un amigo tuyo, Randal?" [Se inclina--]
R: "eee, ¿yo diría? Es amigo de un amigo" [desinteresado]
H: "¡Hola! ¡Soy Hirose Daiki, amigo de Randal y Sebastian! Usted es el hermano mayor de Randal; Luther, ¿es cierto?" [Ofreciéndole la mano para saludarlo]
S: "te he dicho, no necesitas saludarlos..."
H: "¡¡Tonterías!! ¡Es un placer conocerte! Hola Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hola..."
L: "(Oh, ¡es más amable que el otro (Satoru xd)!) ¡Por supuesto! Soy el hermano mayor- ¡Es un placer conocerte!" [Rubor Halagado(?)]
H: "¡El placer es todo mío!"
R: "¡Oye Seb, vayamos a la sección de dulces!"
[Caja de Contexto (2)]
- después hicieron planes para introducir sus padres (de Hirose)
Con esto, me despido y les deseo que tengan una buenas/os días, tardes, o noches 🫂💕
And with this, I say goodbye and wish all of you a good day, afternoon, or night 🫂💕
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pixiestickie · 1 year
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so . i did something ^}*#*}*%+%
(more parts might come and if that happens this post will be the masterlist)
ramble ⏬
so . ok here goes nothing. first things first.
this is like the “fisherman meets mermaid and they are in love” AU trope but jamil isnt a fisherman: he pretty much retained his canon life, aka he is a servant and one day he found a merman and he just hangs around him to escape from his shitty life situation (and the merman is completey enamoured).
so, apart of NRC not happening, more details about the canon divergence should be revealed at a later date
thiat is the info about the au out of the way. ill just do personal rambling here esp bevause im insecure about some things about this so you can stop reading if you want.
this is a trope ive seen around a lot, especially on twitter, so ive had this idea since a bunch of months ago. i then proceeded to forget about it until i saw a twitter post about this same exact trope again except it was with fucking miguel o’hara but thats besides the point. the original post that made me get the idea were 2 ocs (they had the blood-cut-to-call-merman idea. I completely stole it from that. im coming clean) and i was like “wow do you know who else is a mermaid? azul fucking ashengrotto”
ok so no the art style i used. i started using it really recently to doodle stuff, since 2 days ago actually im so serious. i tried using it here as well bevause its an easy art style, really quick to draw with it and also looks good. or so i thought. because im now having doubts about wether it looks good or not and i fear it might just look weird. i kinda wanna hear if people prefer this art style or my “actual” one from my other posts
this style looked way better when i used it to doodle stuff, but i dont think im capable of using it in comic format. the style i was going for is mostly evident in the colored “poster” because ive actually redrawn the comic sequence a bunch of times so the style was lost there. I do like how the “poster” looks but im not sure if y’all would agree so id love to hear wyt
now the biggest part. ive never made comics in my life!! so these are going to look so damn akward. u can already notice it here!!!!! crowd starts booing
also i cant draw water and also i dont know how to draw azuls octo patterns bc the material we have of his design are so vague and fragmented but his patterns are not easy to draw so im struggling and i need to make a reference of him for myself 😭😭
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caustinen · 3 months
Loving your Hollywood Clegan AU so much!
Curious though...how do they transition when their relationship becomes public? Are there any issues with fan backlash? Or being an openly gay actor? What about the increased paparazzi attention or stalkerish fans? :O
Hello lovely person!! As usual this got a bit long but I hope it answers the question a bit at least 😂💘
To start off with, I usually reimagine my fics in worlds that don’t have homophobia because I personally don’t enjoy writing it/making it a plot point, there’s so much amazing art in all forms dealing with it that it doesn’t feel like trying to erase a very real problem/ignore it because obviously it unfortunately is a big part of queer experience for a lot of people, it’s just that I like to imagine worlds where that isn’t a factor just so there’s also places to escape that, esp in silly fanfiction that I write – that’s what I also enjoy to read as a queer person myself! So while it would definitely give this au a lot of depth, I’m at least not right now including that in these replies <3
As for the other stuff, I have not thought about it a lot even though these should be kinda the main questions for this au… So let’s think about it!
Paparazzi – John dislikes paparazzi as much as anyone but Gale despises them. He finds it a bit invasive but kind of a “part of the job” con for John and later their relationship in the public when it happens when arriving to/leaving events, but when he first catches someone taking his picture while leaving the gym or his office he gets very antsy. This creates some tensions for a bit as John understands his stress but also feels like they talked about it beforehand and now he can’t really do anything about it. When they’re out together and they spot paparazzi John always tries to block Gale from the sight, pull him behind himself or guide them some other way. They love to travel and it’s also easier to avoid being spotted when they’re away from LA/New York. It’s bad for the first few months but eventually the attention on them eases up a bit and they can go back to the new normal with only occasional encounters with the paparazzi; Gale also grows more accustomed to it and knows how to dress to and act to hide & make it a bit less intense.
Fan backlash – I think this would be an interesting thing to explore. Even though a lot of the fans are just happy for John, there are also some who have become too parasocial/illusioned about him after being fans for years (and he is a heartthrob and charming and widely accepted as “boyfriend material”) that they get upset when the relationship is revealed, starting to talk shit on social media about John never having been genuine and has only been lying to his fans meaning he never actually cared about them, and through that getting to insult his work and that they only went to see it because he’s hot but now it’s ruined. John was also shipped with a lot of his previous castmates and some shippers are also upset and saying he “setteled” for Gale who’s “just an ordinary office worker” when he could’ve had a flashy Hollywood Romance – while many see his fiancés shyness and soft-spokeness in public as adorable, some say he doesn’t match John’s vibe at all, and the fact that John also seems different with him is not a good thing and they start to psychoanalyze their relationship. John couldn’t care less for some angry comments on his insta but some of the hate is directed towards Gale, and he’s a bit taken aback when he starts to receive DM’s telling him to leave John immediately and accusing him of manipulating him into a relationship with “someone like him”. John is obviously very upset by all of this but Gale reminds him that he’s seen it all at work and can handle himself.
Stalkers – The other extreme of Gale haters would then be the people who get like way into him real fast, he’s beloved by the masses, sure, but these people are more like a cult (probably of the similar style of fan as the one’s who turn against John in the previous point, like highkey parasocial behavior but when John starts to date publicly it’s like “no, he’s OUR boyfriend” but not in a funny way you know). The line is blurred to some people what it means that John revealed he has a partner, it’s not a ”new part of him” but a real person of his own that happens to be dating their favorite actor, and this gets lost on some people who start to treat him almost like he was Bucky’s pet (idk if this makes any sense but like as if he was just a cute little thing he can post pics about and doesn’t really have an agency of their own AND the fans feel like they ”know him” when they actually know nothing about him except that he’s dating their idol). Gale’s not expecting to get any “fans” of his own, so he’s a bit weary when he’s asked to take pics with people without John or given stuff on red carpets etc, and especially when people really cross boundaries and try to gift him/them like condoma or sex toys or lingerie (I’m thinking of that one interview where they showed Austin his fan merch and there was the thong with his face on it and I’m thinking someone gifting a similar one of Bucky to him and him being absolutely horrified) or something else kinda projecting their own fantasies into them, or playing it off as a joke while it’s actually really distrurbing — just because they’re out doesn’t mean the relationship opened for other people to comment on. Then of course there’s just the usual internet hellhole-stuff, people start sending him really inappropriate messages about his body/looks/what they’d want to do to him given the chance that he maybe didn’t expect because he doesn’t believe John when he tells him that’s like notably attractive. I could also imagine for example a moment where someone approaches them when they’re leaving an event or something and Gale is being professional and polite but the other person is really overstaying their welcome/not following social cues but talking to him like a friend would and when John tries to politely lead them onwards the “fan” grabs Gale’s arm or something and it causes a small scene. Gale is stressed in these situations mostly because he fears how they’ll reflect on John’s image if he’s presented as being rude to fans but luckily these are rare occasions.
Despite all of this, they both are happy that the relationship is public, there are more pros than cons for being able to build their future together without having to be each others dirty little secrets (idk why but it came to my mind now that Gale is so the type that since he couldn’t always tell people he had a partner, everyone would either hit on him or try to match him with someone because “how is someone that pretty single?!” and this would annoy the hell out of Bucky despite him being the one with millions of options at any given moment, i like some jealous bucky :D)
Hope this was satisfactory!! Any more ideas to these scenarios? I’m so used to doing just fluff/smut so this was a fun challenge, thank you! <3
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I know no one wants to hear this, but adding the A to make STEAM is actively hurting trying to introduce young girls to subjects previously gatekept from them
The entire point of STEM and specifically Women in STEM is to encourage kids to pursue nerdy school shit that they wouldn't otherwise. Go to the STEM club, kids! you'll build a tiny trebuchet, program a turtle in blujay, solder a flashlight yourselves, get help with your science fair poster! That's good shit, esp geared towards grade school girls when they're constantly told as they grow up that girls are just naturally worse at math, and computers are a boy thing, and all these fields are mostly men cuz that's just what men are good at and you'll probably be better in like, nursing or english or something more appropriate for your woman-ness.
The entire point of girl-centered STEM programs is to introduce them to the subjects young so learning them at a more advanced level later is not foreign, or discouraging, or just a boy thing cuz the societal pressure cut their interest at the root.
When you add the A for arts, practically no afterschool program is going to bother trying to teach kids (and girls) all that nerdy shit (INCLUDING fine arts, which is the POINT of the A) when they don't understand that shit themselves and could just start a STEAM program leaning heavily on the Arts and then adding a cute little "and crafts" to it. I see it in stores, too. A little paint-by-number style craft kit where you glue yarn in the shape of a rainbow was labeled "STEAM!" in bright pink. Sewing kits are labeled STEAM now.
Suddenly your "inclusive" for-girls mentorship program is shoehorning girls directly into the artsy-creative-handcrafts bullshit hole that Women in STEM was meant to take them out of in the first place.
Fine arts is so unbelievably important to teach to and foster in kids, but for fucks' sake, stop forcing girls into the shitty infantilizing version of it, especially with the movement that's supposed to do the opposite
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beedallo · 3 months
Hi 👋 I hope you don't mind me asking, esp if you've answered this in some capacity previously, but I was wondering: where you get the inspiration for your pieces? Like, I love your style, but I mean more on a conceptual level, everything you make is so interesting and captivating and feels like it tells a story even if I'm unable to immediately parse what story that is.
I'm trying to like, rekindle my relationship with art, and making the art I want to see in the world, but at the same time it's hard understand what it is you actually want to create, you know? Just curious if you have any major or minor sources you pull from and anything in between. Thank you so much, hope you have a joyful day 🫶💐💫
Hello! Thank you!
I've always wanted to animate, but I've never had the resources and have never been confident enough in my skills to try. I feel like each piece is a practice in movement. I saw a change in my work when I decided to start drawing scenes instead of characters.
As for inspiration, I try to go to the library or bookstores as often as i can. I don't like just being able to look up whatever image I want. It forces me to consume new things. Having sketchbooks that are for experimenting is helpful too.
Never save anything for later. If you have an idea, get it out as soon as possible. If you have a pen or paint you're interested in now, use it now. Notebooks are better full of bad ideas than blank pages.
I hope that helps! ♡♡♡
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carian-je · 1 year
In my mind like a worm in the apple 🍎🐛...
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Unos pequeños dibujitos de Wally en diferentes estilos mios UwU
Me encantaron y es muy divertido dibujarlo!
Quiero practicar también a los otros lindos vecinos de Welcome Home 👀 pero eso sera pa después 🌟
Creen que duerma?... O no? 👁️👄👁️
Some Wally doodles in different styles from my art UwU
I loved them and it's so much fun to draw them!
I also want to practice the other cute Welcome Home neighbors 👀 but that will be for later 🌟
Do you think he sleeps?... Or not? 👁️👄👁️
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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Ghost trick!!!! Loved this game it was exactly what I expected from a Shu Takumi game. I do hope they plan to make a sequel or crossover, I really loved the mechanics of this game.
Writing typed below! (plus some extra commentary)
Rating: 9.3 Played: Su 2023 Port: Nintendo Switch Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
LOVE missile
really fun premise - you died and don't know who you are
not the PM erotica T-T
LMAO Payne and Wright
the kazuma pose (skull)
I'm in love with Cabanela
Lynne not again T-T
Sissel in the painting...
omg the security camera murder and the meory are different. I know your tricks Mr. Takumi (I didn't realize Yomiel shot the gun twice here LMFAOO)
mmm... chicken kitchen
is everyone in love with Lynne?
I'm actually so obsessed with the Ghost Trick art style
ALL of your medicine????
he's already dead... and they used an electric chair.....
chicken kitchen and execution fates were really fun
man I really want an AAxGT crossover
love how oversized all the objects are
MISSILE IS BACK AHHH and he has different ghost tricks omg... then how did the lamp know about mine
so many mysteries omg I love it
how was I supposed to get sissel to the top (skull) (I was genuinely stuck and when I restarted the level it spawned me at a different place LMAO)
but his name wasn't sissel... who is the lamp....
love this crazy arm contraption
red suit man had radiation in his body... so I/Sissel died near it... but who am I... (I forgot about the cat LMFAOO)
Temsik... kismet... mmmm kismet (kismet is the name of my favorite restaurant)
STOP looking at the screen
little Lynne T-T
Sissel has temsik...
Game Dev Notes
really fun animations and character design
unique gamplay - I love moving thru objects
love the character dialogue - great humor and timing
extra puzzles and challenges similar to professor layton
characters have tons of personality in design and posture
LOVE the cool toned shadows on the sprites
great music
fun and sweet ending credits
Shu Takumi has done it again (even though this is a remaster lol). What and incredible mystery game with really fun mechanics. There were definitely a couple times I was stumped on what to do or was stuck bc I missed my window of opportunity, but I think it worked well since the puzzles were difficulty and you couldn't just immediately breeze past them all. I also really enjoyed gaining missile's abilities later and having to think of the puzzles in different ways. The characters and animations/sprites were really fun. There's so much personality in them without even saying a word. The game also reveals character information in a really good way as you slowly learn more about the mystery of the game yet also feels like you're getting farther from learning who you are. I also just love how this game is just made with so much love for Takumi's real pets and how Sissel ended up being Yomiel's beloved cat... what a sweet ending oh my god. Each level had such a fun and unique design while also adding a twist to the puzzle, like the stealth level or submarine sinking level. The game also has many unlockable achievements to encourage replayability as well as concept art and other illustrations to unlock. There's so much added to this game and you can really feel the love and care the team put into this game, I hope there are more Ghost Trick games in the future or hopefully even a Ghost trick x Ace Attorney crossover -- I wonder how that would play out esp with Maya's spirit abilities. All in all, such a sweet and fun game. Not too long either. Can't wait to replay it to get all the achievements and make fanart!
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