#eremika cannon
harley-rose25 · 4 months
In which I give the longest explanation of my opinions on Eremika and why I don't like it.
If you see my other AoT post, I likely give the impression of being a hardcore eremika anti; and while I'm not clearly not a fan of the ship I also don't believe that it just came out of nowhere, or was completely unexpected; like some eremika antis seem to think. Seasons 1-3 I honestly expected an eremika ending. Season 3 I had some thoughts that maybe we were getting a erehisu instead, but ultimately I assumed either an eremika or a no-pairing ending even by the end of season 3.
This is not because I thought the ship was built up well or had really good moments pointing towards a mutual romance/love. There are some moments where Eren shows some level of care or affection towards Mikasa; but, to me, it doesn't come off like he's in love with her. It can be interpreted that way, but I felt it was more like showing general platonic care and that those more romantic feeling could be built up or in some cases like his feelings were moving in that direction. The reason I assumed it was the most likely end game ship if there was to be a ship is because of other cannon ships where one character is in love, often obsessively so with the other and the other is either oblivious, doesn't really care, or actively seems to dislike them until the end of the series when suddenly they're also in love. ie; Sakura and Sasuke, Hinata and Naruto, Aang and Katara. Eren and Mikasa dynamic reminded me of these, especially Sakura and Sasuke.
My main issues with the eremika ship are: 1. how it compares to erehisu; Eren and Mikasa do have deep emotional moment together but Eren and Historia have deep emotional moment because of each other. That is, Eren's emotional moment with Mikasa would be just as emotional even if she wasn't there, where as Historia is integral to the moments she has with Eren. In season 4 the erehisu ship is really build up by how desperate Eren is to protect Historia, how he angrily jumps to her defense, how he's shown visiting her at the farm, how he smiles at her and no one else. Even other characters notice this; in season 3 Jean tells Eren he should stop holding hands with Historia all the time (I'm aware that the hand holding was because they were trying to get more memories/activate the founding titan, but it means that Eren and Historia had a lot of confirmed off screen time together), and in season 4 Hange looks at Eren smiling at Historia and then later tells Eren that She thought He would never sacrifice Historia; strongly indicating an assumption of a deeper level of care. All in all I think erehisu had better scenes to building a relationship of mutual care and understanding and also better scenes showing that Eren cares about Historia in a way that isn't shown with anyone else (save maybe Armin) This means that when we end up with eremika now it feels a little cheap or just off. If we got more moments showing a deeper level of care and understand between Eren and Mikasa or if The moments between Eren and Historia, and Erens reactions to Historia didn't have so much weight then an eremika ending would make more sense.
reason number 2: What it does to Mikasas character; Mikasa's love for Eren seems born out of an obsession that comes from losing her parent in a violent murder/kidnapping and then being saved by him. This is then compounded when Eren's mom dies since she was like an adoptive mother to Mikasa. She's a traumatized young girl who never actually deals with her trauma and instead hyperfixates on Eren. Mikasa entire character arc is her chasing after Eren like a neglected dog until that one scene where for like 5 minutes she finally starts to see Eren for the violent psychopath he actually is and questions what she had seen in him; but never mind that because she's back to being so obsessively in love with him that even after he dies she spends that rest of her life visiting his grave with her (probably husband and kids) and also never takes off that scarf.
reason number 3: Mikasa doesn't understand Eren. People argue that Mikasa understood Eren in a different ways, that she understood certain parts of him, but that's literally just admitting that there's clearly parts of Eren she doesn't understand. Actually, I'd argue that as its depicted Mikasa doesn't seem to understand Eren on a fundamental level. Examples: When he failed at the initial ODM gear test she told him to give up being a soldier and then went on to say that he needn't drop out alone, that she would be following him; when he passed the ODM gear test she says that he's relieved that he wont be separated from her. She assumes that the reason he'd be upset about failing to make it as a soldier is related specifically to her and not wanting to be apart from her; When Connie is angry about Eren laughing after Sasha's death he asks Mikasa why he would do that and she can't answer; despite the fact that she's witnessed him laughing in an emotional and traumatic situation before and should have been able to understand that he does it as a coping mechanism. She'd also completely blind to his obvious anti-social personality disorder (psychopathy), though to be fair so is everyone else including most Eren stans. (like, I love Eren, I stan Eren but he is like text book certifiably ASPD psychopathic)
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chanel9bootiez · 1 year
i hate tumblr sometimes. you just can’t ship two characters without somebody telling you they shouldn’t be together. like yes eren and mikasa are not endgame and they probably shouldn’t be together. what if i just like the ship dynamic outside of the story?? like shut the fuck up nobody cares about whether they’re end game or not. we just like the ship!! take gray and juvia for example. I DON’T CARE IF SHE WAS WEIRD! that man is literally her husband atp. there’s anti juvia stans with a big ass stick up their ass constantly saying juvia manipulated gray into loving her. which i’m sorry but at the end of the day it’s gray’s choice to love her. he choose to love her!! nobody’s holding a gun to that man’s head and saying ‘love juvia or you die’. like shit y’all are so fucking annoying!!! i love juvia idc. she’s a real ass bitch. she’s not ashamed to show how she’s feeling and sometimes it is a bit weird and uncalled for but she isn’t always like that. she’s a lot less like that now i feel. but you mfs are so insistent that she’s evil and shouldn’t be gray’s wife.. like i’m sorry gray literally fantasized about them having a son together.. idc if it was an illusion it was what he wanted. the anti juvia stans r so mad about it too. it’s okay to dislike and hate juvia but i don’t want to see it on the gruvia hashtag. like shut the fuck up your negative opinion is not welcome here. anyways stan eremika and gruvia. also if you ship graylu you are valid!! just bcos it’s not cannon doesn’t mean you can’t ship!! ignore toxic stans, post all the graylu content you want!! because at the end of the day we all like different things!!!!
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hbnjhgv · 6 months
My Aot Ships !SPOILERS!
EreMika (Eren x Mikasa) omg do I even need to elaborate? First of all THE FACT THAT MIKASA LOOKS PRETTIER WHEN ITS IN ERENS POV? And not to mention the fact that in episode 12 Ian even says to Mikasa 'defend your boyfriend' in sub and in dub he said 'go save the man you love' also when Eren asked Mikasa what he is to her it was obious he wasnt wanting the answer "your my family" AND THE FACT THAT THEY KISSED IN THE FINAL EPISODE
NicoSasha (Niccolo x Sasha) LITTERALLY CANNON BUT ISAYAMA HATES LOVE APARENTLY. Niccolo looked mesmerised and looked so inlove while blushing when he saw Sasha CRYING over how good his food was. Omg and the way he reacted when his conrad called Sasha a 'filth blooded potato grubbing devil' MY MAN WAS GOING TO KILL SOMEONE and when he said "What is this brat someone specil to you? Is that why he tried to protect you earlier? You care about him huh? Well I used to care about someone too! A DIRT BLOODED ELDIAN! A DECENDENT OF DEVILS! THE WOMAN WHO ENJOYED THE FOOD I COOKED MORE THAN ANYONE ID EVER MET BEFORE! She saved me from this shitty ass pointless war... she showed me that the person I ment to be as a man who brings people happiness through his cooking... that was Sasha Braus... she was amzing. AND YOU STOLE HER FROM ME!" OMG LIKE HOW CAN YOU HEAR HIM SAY THAT AND NOT THINK ITS CANNON?!
AurEtra (Ouro x Petra) OMG ISAYAMA LITTERALLY SAID THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED! Also I noticed that they argue very much like a couple. sorry i dont have much to say about this ship. I just really like it.
MikeNana (Miche x Nannaba) Ok listen. This isn't a mega huge ship I have I just think its really cute. Also everytime Miche and Nannaba interact omg its adorable. Thats about it.
KenUri (Kenny x Uri) THE WAY THEY INTERACTED WITH EACHOTHER OMGGG now I dont this its super inlove. I just think they were atleast a little inlove with eachoter. THEY ARE SOULMATES AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! Also in the OFFICIAL AOT GUIDE BOOK THIS IS A CONVERSATION ISAYAMA HAD WITH AN INTERVEIWER Interviewer: "So he (Kenny) thought id he eliminated Uri, the world would become right again. But he lost the fight." Isayama: "Kenny's way of judging value is: 'The strong are in the right', and so for that reason he was attracted to Uri." LIKE OMG HE LITTERALLY SAID KENNY WAS ATTRACTED TO URI! (and no one say "oh well he wouldn't make Kenny be intrested in men" when Yumir and Historia are LITTERALLY CONFERMINED LESBIANS.
YumiHisu (Yumir x Historia) This is gonna be short because it's obious this ship is cannon. Yumir always telling Historia "You are so gonna have to marry me after all this shit is over!" When Historia was with Yumir after the tower fell. The way they looked at eachother. The fact that Historia was more worried about Yumir than anything when Reiner and Bertolt reveled their titans and took Eren and Yumir. WHEN YUMIR SAID TO REINER AND BERTOLT "You guys have no idea what it's like. She knows what a shitty person I am, but she still smiles at me. I can't..." THE FACT THAT HISTORIA TOLD YUMIR "I will always be your ally" EVEN AFTER YUMIR BASICALLY ATE HER. HISTORIA PROTECTING YUMIR WHEN MIKASA ALMOST KILLED HER TO SAVE EREN! WHEN HISTORIA SAID "But with Yumir gone I've lost my purpose. I don't even know what I'm fighting for anymore." OMG NOT TO MENTION THE LETTER?! 'To my dear Historia, as I write this Reiner's standing at my side. He knows this is a love letter, but he's still sneaking peaks. Honestly, it's no wonder the creep's still single. That said.. he did give me his word that he'd deliver this letter to you. He says he owes me for the time I doubled back to save him. I'm sorry about then... I never would've imagined myself choosing those two.. over you... I'm going to die soon. But... I'll die without regrets. Or that's what I'd like to say. Truth is... I do have one. It's that I never got to marry you. With Love, Yumir' I MEAN HOW CAN YOU READ THAT AND NOT SHIP THEM?!
MobuHan (Moblit x Hange) OMG MOBLITS PRTECTIVENESS AND THE WAY HES SO PACIENT WITH THEM! He's always trying to protect them. AND HOW THEY INTERACT WITH EACHOTHER! M: "I don't think thats the way you want to talk to the leader of our whole regiment" H: "SHUT UP >:( AS I WAS SAYING" ALSO THIS MOMENT. M: "PLEASE DONT GO ALONE! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" AND MOBLITS LITTLE "STOPPPP!" WHEN HANGE RODE AWAY! H: "dont try to call me bluff" M: "Please dont!"
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1-800-suck-my-clit · 6 months
Testing my multifandomness, so here's a list of ships I support/enjoy and why
Most (damn near all) are ganna be MlM
Clegan (bucky x buck)
John is so love sick for gale you just have to ship them
Hannigraham (Hannibal x Will Graham)
They act like a married couple with Gothic scenes and inuendos
Bat jokes (Batman x Joker)
Idk man something abt villian and hero falling in love despite being the farthest of opposites. And I love their banter where Joker shamelessly flirts with him
Superbat (Batman x Superman / Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent)
Now ik what ur thinking "bat jokes AND superbat how scandalous😱" this one only really applies to their "citizen" forms. I love the rich sugar daddy and kind southern accent trope. Also them in their hero forms are also cute bc batman let's his guard down for him
Zosan (zoro x sanji)
Your honor they're married🙄
They give off Doberman and black cat energy. And canonically they are married ‼️
Rathelstan (ragnar x athelstan)
The love I have for them hold no words so here are some quotes that made me wanna rip my heart out.
"What do you mean?! You cannot leave...you cannot leave me! I love you...and you're the only I can trust so you must stay"
"I always believed that death is a fate far better than life, for you will be reunited with lost loved ones. But we will never meet again, my friend. I have a feeling that your God might object to me visiting you in Heaven. What am I to do now?"
"I hate you for leaving me. I ache from your loss. There is nothing that can console me now. I am changed, so are you.”
Symbrock (Venom x Eddie)
HEAR ME OUT PLEASE...So um anyways
Spideypool (spiderman x deadpool)
Their banter in the comics is so cute
Soapghost(konig) (Soap x Ghost (x Konig) / Simon Riley x John McTavish (x Konig))
Got really into them when CoD started blowing up on my FYP last year
Patrochillies (Patrocles x Achilles)
Ganna cry I love them sm. "He is half of my soul as the poets say" 🤣🔪🩸
Eremika (Eren x Mikasa)
If u don't belive they are end game ur wrong abt everything🥱. Tho I belive in eremika being cannon I also ship EreJean (Eren x Jean) who's to say a Lil hate sex never hurt anyone 🤭
Jayvik (jayce x viktor)
Idk who I wanna be jayces girlfriend, his boyfriend, or him😩
BoKuro (Bokuto x Kuroo)
Himbos in love? Count me in. tho I do also ship them with their main ships aswell
NaruSasu (Naruto x Sasuke)
No one chases a man around for damn near a decade bc "We're best friends🥺" 😒
Last but not least
KiriBaku (kirishima x Bakugou)
I don't give one damn what ANYONE says they are literally end game. FUCK BAKUDEKU‼️‼️🗣 I need the firecracker and his leash‼️
Um thank u for listening to my Ted talk lol 🏃🏾‍♀️💨
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dreamingon-forever · 1 year
New AoT X COLLETOY Collaboration
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The Levihan/Eremika/Aruani pairings??? Cannon I tell you!
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saintsgrrl · 3 months
i like eremika in theory more than in cannon
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liquorisce · 2 years
What got u into Eremika? Was it a specific scene in the story, a love of the characters or even a fanfic you read about them? Did u also expect it to ever be cannon?
i think it's pretty extreme to say episode one hahah but realistically I think ep 6 where we see how eren saves her. It was really it for me. That little boy went feral trying to protect a girl he didn't even know. And then wraps his scarf around her and takes her home. -- it's my fav childhood friends to lovers trope but infinitely more special!!!
And then the time where we see titan Eren for the first time and he's rampaging, but he still somehow saves Mikasa. And then Mikasa pulls him out of the nape and she's crying. nghhhhh!!!
And then honestly chap 50 sealed the deal with the "I'll wrap this scarf around you again and again. forever" / "as many times as I need to" Idek people were arguing about the correct translation but that was all the proof I needed from yams actually. They were in love and they just didn't know it yet!
i always thought it would be canon actually. something I have noticed is that if I love a show/series, I usually really love that author's writing style, and I always end up shipping the canon ships. hence I think it just kind of clicked to me that yams always wanted this. i mean, you can like it or not, but it was p clear that that's what he was getting at! from the very beginning!
what was the moment for you? :)
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princebensxlo · 3 years
My tumblr will become Eren and Daenerys defense squad, and Jon and Mikasa protect from slander. Like Reddit people are putting Eren and Dany together and saying “killed by nephew/sister”.
Mikasa Ackerman is not even Eren JAEGER’s sister. My man LITERALLY SAID “I’m not your brother nor your kid”, so many times. Western people oft misinterpret the way Japanese relations are often described like???? They have their customs too, and I’m sorry for your lack of reading comprehension. If you were watching Attack on Titan just for the blood and plot; good for you. But at least don’t come and spill shit if you don’t even try to make some research, read a damn thing, good reviews, and educate yourself before making a statement or sharing your opinion. If you didn’t like the ending, good for you, neither did I (lol, to some point. I’m STILL GRATEFUL THO AND IM NOT DISRESPECTING THE AUTHOR NOR REWRITING HIS CHAPTERS, y’all)
Dunno where you get your stupid “incest thing” based in the fact of the Eren’s waity/chapter 123. And Mikasa’s answer of “you’re family”. I can totally understand if people are confused about this, it’s okay. But certain chad stans and delusional shippers claiming to still be incest cuz Eren sees Mikasa as a “sister”, when even THE author himself said that he was confused as to why people would claim that, for he made it evident MULTIPLE times throughout the manga that it was otherwise. And for people that says “they barely interacted, Eren treated Mikasa as shit”. Were you even watching aot with open eyes? I certainly noticed that change of feelings. AS TO HOW EREN USED TO BE ‘ANNOYED’ to Mikasa’s protection, to finally making peace with it, thanking her, ‘ILL WRAP THE SCARF AROUND YOU’. When she got hurt (this is something we only saw in the manga) BUT LETS TALK ABOUT EREN’S MEMORIES. From all the tiny pieces of his memories that we know of, Mikasa was always the centerpiece of them. Isayama drew the panel of kid Eren wrapping his scarf around her many times that seriously, are y’all blind or just ignorant? But hear me out because this same people are rocking chair enthusiasts so I don’t know what to think of them. They were literally harassing the editor, Isayama, the VA’. Hell, they were harassing half of Japan if possible. So disrespectful in truth. I’m just waiting for Isayama’s interview and his perspective of Eren’s character conclusion, plus Eremin’s convo. Anyway...
NOW AS FOR DANY. I’ve been in this fandom for two years now. I’ve gone through my Stark phase and my Targaryen phase. I’ve seen every argument (nah, every day people comes with more ridiculous things) I’ve saved my own opinion, often just sharing it casually with my friends, and genuinely trying to enjoy the content in the fandom. But ugh, it’s impossible. So if you wanted your beloved queen Sansa to put Dany in her place, and just being a Dany Anti as always and a Stark-ending enthusiast of your beloved season 8, so be it. Let me invite you to Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and probably Jaime and Tyrion’s funerals. They died of character assassination, killed by the horrible writing. My opinion is that their conclusion could’ve been sooooo much better, in reality. But DANY’s overall. She was one of the main characters and at least, she deserved that. If you were planning of her going “mad”, you could have give us more “hints”, but that’s bullshit for its so out of character. And even if it wasn’t, you could at least put, again, more hints. Now, why people thought Eren Jaeger was so “out of character” is beyond stupid. It’s clear that the boy grew up but was still a kid, and he’s known to be so emotional. WHAT DID YOU THINK?? THAT HE WAS JUST GOING TO DITCH HIS FRIENDS LIKE THAT?
Going back to Dany. She should’ve just grabbed her dragons and her army and let the ungrateful lords and lady of Winterfell to their own luck. That just proves that no matter what you do, or how hard you tried; even if a threat is looming over you, conflict would never end, cuz northern lords didn’t accept Dany but still took her armies and dragons, okkkk
MY POINT IS THAT WTF ISAYAMA? You knew that conflict would never end no matter what. But you still made Eren a mass-murderer, a genocide and all that stuff. U better explain
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celestialfeya · 4 years
How is isayama just gonna make something cannon in the worst way possible. So now we’re left KNOWING they were meant to be together AND that eren loved her. But they won’t actually be together (IM STILL TRYING TO BE HOPEFUL THOUGH)
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ackerfics · 3 years
Just random head-cannons of tpt reader and tpt levi in cannonverse of mine, but
When the remaining scouts leave for marley, levi refuses to leave. Also just to be clear, this isnt the invasion of marley.
Hange doesnt leave without him obviously
But he doesnt leave in fear for his wife, only agreeing to go if she does
But who could blame the man, hes already lost so much
The cadets end up witnessing the true extent of reader’s affect on the man.
And also see how much they love each other, to the point where she can stop him from almost killing someone.
The first time ever the scouts had heard of levi sleeping in was when they were outside the walls, with the marleyian volunteers
They were terrified of what happened to captain levi, why would they’re esteemed captain suddenly be late.
Caelum and Altair aren’t scared of it though, knowing their parents shared the tent last night, and how levi sleeps better with reader.
Though the twins are scared of what they’ve been doing in there, so while the cadets are doing whatever they’re doing, they sneak off to hange and help with whatever they can
The cadets get in trouble for snooping around captain levi’s tent by levi himself.
He sensed them outside?, i guess? Idk. Sasha and connie probably didnt stop talking
The icecream scene. Where they’re by the sea eating icecream (eremika<3), levi refused to eat it because he’s afraid of food poisoning from another nation, reader eats it and he ends up trying her’s
I feel like levi would be the type of person who would say “can i have a taste?” And then eat half of your food in a single bite, just to annoy you. Idk.
When they see the sea for the first time, hange found a seashell and nearly lost it. Like in the fanfic.
The first time eren and zeke meet again when eren is like 17to18, reader is part of the meeting and government thing. Zeke flirts with reader and instead of levi sending him a glare its reader, they know about what zeke did and would never once entertain the bearded bastard.
Reader’s glare is almost scarier than levi and the twin’s. Its leaking with vengeance and a burning hate. And because of reader’s usual demeanour people are terrified.
The injured levi scene, hange and reader are taken together, because of the fact that levi and reader are married and reader is one of the main fundraisers for the scouts.
She’s by levi’s side the whole time. And never once leaves.
When the twins gain realisation that the beast is back and their father isnt, they’re in shock, unable to process what is happening. The first thing they say when registering the information was “where’s mom?.” Caelum immediately realises, she maybe gone aswell. Because of the fact that she’s practically part of the scout’s hierarchy.
Caelum says “she was probably taken with hange.” And then realises the weight of his words. Immediately pukes because of the information. Altair has to comfort and be his brother’s rock for the time being.
When hange sneaks in to find the cadets, they immediately reassure the twins that their parents are fine.
Reader is an ex-veteran from the scouts. Had stopped because of personal reasons? Idk. But they were there when levi first joined.
Flagon was in complete and utter shock, the woman from an esteemed noble family within the walls, talking to and soon dating a rouge thug from the underground?. Hange saw it coming, the little stares and the brighter smiles. Erwin did too, he was reader’s squad leader and friend of course.
When they had to preform a secret mission with annie in the inner walls, the twins were begging to tell their mother, “just in case something happened” they always said though they couldn’t say a word. If they were too, the letters would take too long and someone would most likely check it because of being in the scouts, and travelling there would take too long.
When it did happen the first thing the boys did after the ordeal was go to their mother, levi came with them obviously. She lived further from the fight happened but still they wanted to check.
Altair can sing, really well too. Got it from reader.
The two boy’s DID grow taller than their dad, (im sure the lack of sunlight and food stunted levi’s growth so.)
Right before the scouts left for marley, the cadets, hange, Y/N and levi had dinner at the beach. It was like a feast and wanted one because they wanted to celebrate how far they’ve gotten.
When the cadets got drunk Caelum was so drunk he though Altair was his dad. Altair was probably drunk off his balls he did the dumbest things known to mankind.
The cadets were promptly scolded once sober.
THANK YOU FOR THE BLESSING, ANON !! this is amazing, i love this headcanon list so much ^^ i can't help but group these and give my additional thoughts about it aaaaa
sooo, here's tpt au reader and the twins in s4 canonverse !! :> i'm following the manga, okay? since i never watched the newly released part yet and i know there are some changes here and there.
the trip to marley? and levi turning it sort of into a family trip??? i'm in ejdejei.
the effect tpt reader has on levi is simply astounding. it's sometimes too good to be true if you're a recruit cadet and you just happen to hear that through rumors because who would've thought that humanity's strongest's weakness is his wife. wherever reader goes, levi follows. put them in separate islands and levi will immediately go back to be with her (except the time when he didn't chase after reader in the tpt au). this trip will take down three birds with one stone; to marvel the things they never have on paradis, to enjoy this experience with his family, and to do his duty as the survey corps' only captain. he keeps a careful eye on the twins at the same time never leaves his wife's side.
the ice cream !!
since tpt reader grew up tasting the best food in mitras, living the rich, privileged lifestyle there, levi trusts her word when she says that a certain dish screams divinity. in short, she has a refined palate. and if a simple cone of vanilla ice cream tastes like heaven to her, levi is sold. i agree tho --- if he's in a teasing mood, levi will definitely bite off half of your food if he asks for a taste. so, when tpt reader sees her ice cream with only half of the sweet left, she bursts out laughing. she even leans on levi from how hard she's heartily giggling, her hand placed on her chest. levi rests his hand on her waist to steady her, his smile noticeable if you look hard enough but the loving look on his face is unmistakable. once she calms down, she takes out her handkerchief and wipes the ice cream from levi's mouth.
"for such a clean freak, you eat messily, love."
if levi deems her safe with hange, he's making his way to his sons. the two of them are inside a sweets shop, staring at the display of treats by the glass window. (altair looks like an idiot putting his face near the glass with his hands acting like binoculars. levi has to remind himself that that's his son right there, not a fucking lunatic.) he offers to buy everything the twins want during this trip. mind you, the twins are thoughtful children. they're taught to always be mindful of their actions so the two don't get overboard with asking levi what they want. altair settles for some doughnuts and a camera while caelum chooses to buy books that are only found on marley and a wood carving of a car. levi offers to buy them more but they insist that what their dad gave them are enough.
the only times levi sleeps in are when he's with reader.
she exudes this air of comfort that acts as his melatonin. maybe it's just her being soft and empathetic but every single person she encounters talks about how she's a soothing person to be with. she sucks all the exhaustion out of you and replaces it with calmness. poor sasha and connie, why is it always them dejhiej bless their souls.
omg :< reader giving hange a memoir from the ocean, whether it's an iridescent rock or a seashell, gives me so much serotonin. hange treasures it like it's their lifeline. it's not the first time reader gave hange something that's memorable but it's still as sentimental as any gift she gives to them. just like in the original tpt au, hange loses their mind when they can't remember where they last put this gift. turns out, it's in their pants pocket this entire time.
ooooh, the drama.
the first time zeke and reader meet, she immediately feels uneasy with him. it's not a surprise that she turns heads while listening to the all-nation conference (hange puts her there in hopes that the other nations realize that paradis isn't the devil island as they thought). there she meets zeke. this man doesn't know she's levi's wife so he outright flirts with her after the conference. i think i mentioned in the original tpt au that reader has this glacial smile that basically screams 'back off, peasant'. yeah, she uses that with zeke. to say that the blond is surprised is an understatement because she whispers, "are you really sacrificing your plan with paradis by flirting with captain levi's wife?"
zeke's reasons for hating levi just pile up after knowing that the captain has a seraphic wife.
oof, the injured levi scene T^T
while their sons are talking with eren, reader is already captured by the jaegerists because of her marriage to levi since the captain is the only lead to finding zeke. she nearly breaks down when hange pulls her to where levi is. she starts feeling a tremendous ache in her chest while trailing her eyes on levi's scars. he looks so lifeless that she loses hope. hange reassures her that levi will get through his injuries because he's an ackerman and they're different than regular eldians. reader, however, can't think straight because (1) her sons are with the most dangerous person in paradis right now and (2) her husband is on his deathbed because of that dangerous person's brother.
oh, how she wants to kill the jaeger brothers so badly now.
on the twins' side, things are getting messy.
the moment eren says that ackermans are slaves, altair just sees red after seeing mikasa's distraught expression. not to mention that the brunet keeps on talking about if armin wasn't the one given the serum back then, caelum would've killed himself. that's the last straw. altair beats armin to the last second and throws a punch at eren, only to be pinned down by a crying mikasa. as the only girl in their group profusely apologizes to the shaken older twin, a calm caelum strides toward eren, finishing what his older brother started. in an instant, armin goes to the younger ackerman's side because a calm caelum usually means business.
their little quintet is no more. altair has to comfort an empty mikasa even though he's livid with what eren said to her. caelum has to remind armin that he wouldn't throw his life away like that no matter how heartbreaking the blond's death would be to him.
in the announcement that zeke arrives, the twins feel like their whole world crumbles. their father should be with the beast titan so why is the fucking monkey so far away from his hotel? then there's dread washing over them.
"if dad isn't here, where's mom then?" altair mindlessly asks while staring at eren and reiner's fight. he misses his friends' looks of concern. this is the most detached altair looks since they know him. there's always a bright spark in his star-like irises but now that their father might be dead and their mother missing, that spark dulls down in a murky gray. "surely dad is alive, right?" he laughs humorlessly, tears pricking his vision. "he's levi fucking ackerman, why would he..."
caelum watches the fight with a terrifyingly blank facade. "perhaps he's dead. and she's probably taken with hange. mum, i mean." bile rushes up his throat in an instant. pushing connie and jean away, he goes to the side of the building's roof and vomits saliva since he hasn't eaten a proper meal since this whole shitshow happened. there's no way that their mother; their sweet, empathetic, and selfless mother, is gone, too. he keeps retching until he feels a hand on his back. he doesn't have to look back to know that it's altair.
as the older brother, altair has to steel himself. he pretends that he doesn't feel hurt from knowing the probable deaths of his parents. he pretends that he really is a slave because of his ackerman lineage, that he's fighting because that's what people tell him to do. he pretends. then he stops. "you okay?" he asks in an unreadable tone that's way too similar with their father. "do you feel dizzy?"
caelum shakes his head and straightens himself. armin looks at him, wordlessly asking the younger ackerman if he's alright. he answers with a pat on the blond's back.
"i'm going to fucking kill him."
caelum glances at his brother before looking back at the catastrophe in front of them. "not if i get to that revolting hairball first."
i like to think that reader spent her time in the survey corps with hange, they're best friends since they entered the training corps. she only joined the military to spite her mother. take note that in this au, levi was recruited by erwin way earlier, let's say when he was a teenager so that the twins will be born dejjdhej (that means the veteran would be aged down as well).
at first, reader is ridiculed for being a sina girl who had nothing to do but join the military for fun. truthfully, she was supposed to join the military police after hearing the corruption going on. since her family is one of the most important nobles in the walled kingdom, she would use her status to change things from the inside. she thought that the greatest threat to humanity were humans themselves. that was until hange narrated about their love for titans and without knowing why, found it interesting.
survey corps it was.
erwin was an immediate friend, with the young man only two years older than her and hange. he thought it was amusing that one of the well-known noble women from the inner walls --- a goddess among mortals --- entered the military. he admired her conviction of changing things within the military regiments and seeing what's outside the walls. two birds with one stone. so, she became erwin's second in his squad at only seventeen. when erwin captured the thugs causing a ruckus in the underground, reader was having some business with her family. (mostly, it was reader fighting with her mom for 30 minutes straight with her father being the mediator. bless him.) upon arriving in the headquarters the day after the capture, she was surprised at the atmosphere inside the mess hall. it felt like every time her mother and her fight. stifling.
then, there was levi.
surprise, surprise. tpt reader was also one of the underground trio's targets. their client said erwin smith and an important member of the king's inner circle, a woman dubbed as erwin's second.
levi was not expecting one of his targets to look like that. she was a noble through and through. even without royal blood, she stood out the most from everyone else. he kept telling isabel and farlan that he was keeping an eye on her but in reality, he was always in a daze when she was around. everybody could see it. a story of star-crossed lovers. a young thug from the underground and a blinding noble that's like the sun. it's bound to happen.
it did and the twins were born three years later.
omg altair having godly vocals ??? yes pls !!
(since i'm listening to a disney playlist right now, bear with me)
the only people who heard altair sing were his family. levi would lean on the door frame when reader sang a lullaby to the twins when they were in primary school. he'd smile when altair sang along with you.
until a year after reclaiming wall maria, the circle of people who know he sings well expands. mikasa hears him lowly singing a love song (it's so this is love ^^) and stops what she's doing to blink at the young man. he doesn't notice that mikasa is near his station and jumps in the air like a cat when the girl tells him, "i didn't know you can sing." of all people, it has to be the frankest person he's ever known outside of his family.
"what? you must have heard someone else. psh. me? sing? you gotta be joking, 'kasa."
"i'm not deaf, al."
"okay, you win. now what?"
"you should sing more often. it suits you."
altair slowly blinks and his face scrunches in disgust. (yes, tanjiro's face.) "stop. just stop."
mikasa mockingly smiles. "why should i?" then, she turns around. "armin, come here!"
altair feels his heart drop in his stomach. he scampers to where mikasa is, only for the girl to dart away from him and toward the blond, who's busy talking with his younger brother. curse the ackerman genes. "i hate you, ackerman!"
"i'm supporting you, ackerman."
"i heard altair sing, you guys!" sasha cheers from the other side of the barren field.
altair squawks, "how the fuck can you hear from that far, you weirdo?!"
they did grow taller than levi. upon realizing that they're growing taller during their time in building the railroad, levi begrudgingly sulks, "when did you two get so grown up? aren't we eating the same thing? am i even your father at this point?"
oh, my God, caelum mistaking altair as levi is hilarious dnkwjdjw.
hange thinks it's nice to let the kids have their fun for just one night by giving them booze.
of course, levi doesn't agree at first because mainly he doesn't let his kids drink a single drop of alcohol and he stands by that. but when reader tells him that they're getting a green light from her, he thinks it twice. they have friends who are responsible. mikasa sure is responsible for keeping altair from doing anything stupid and armin is thoughtful of making caelum feel safe. so, he says yes.
and yes, he breaks his motto right then and there.
he regrets ever saying yes when he sees caelum hug altair and crying out the word dad for fifteen minutes straight. levi wonders what did he do to have caelum react that way. he regrets nodding his head when he sees altair pulling armin and mikasa to their feet in the direction of the ocean. skinny dipping, he says. and when the two reject his offer, he goes to ditch his clothes in the middle of their group, with levi getting out of his seat in record-breaking speed to protect his son's dignity.
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harley-rose25 · 2 months
Trek, aot, erehisu something somthing, insert witty comment
So I'm on insta and tiktok, trying to look at some erehisu content but like 80% of what I find is eremika shippers slamming erehisu and calling us delusional for not accepting that eremika is cannon.
Like yea we know that eremika is the official cannon ship, but, like, a ship doesnt need to be cannon for people to be allowed to ship it.
Like I'm not into the spirk (spock/kirk) ship; but imagine if I went around being like "Spock cannonically likes women!" "Spock has cannon relationships with nurse Chappell and Uhura and T'pring! All women!" "Spock married Saavik!" "Spirk shippers are just delusional and dont wanna accept that Spock is straight smh" 🤦.
Yea thats what these eremika shippers sound like. Let people ship what they ship. As long as it aint pedoshit
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hanjo-love · 4 years
In ur bio it says levihan is cannon because of ch 138? Is that true?😩 I love levihan sm I hope it is
Look anonie, imma be completely honest with you. If you're waiting for Isayama to confirm it in words (he himself saying that or drawing something like Levi saying the "3 magical words" to Hanjo in the last chapter, which btw would be super OOC lmao) it's not gonna happen hun, because he loves the money has to kneel down to the salty antis and if he confirms Levihan like that, this part of the fandom will riot and he's afraid of the backlash. There you go, I said what I said.
But if you know Isayama's way of showing love&romance and his love for symbolism throughout the entire story, everyone who's read the manga, understood the implications and references and everyone with healthy eyes can tell that Isayama confirmed Levihan alongside Eremika in ch138. So yeah, Levihan IS CANON, but we'll probably never hear it out of his mouth lmao it's just not really Isayama's style 🤷🏻‍♀️
But for better explanation, please read this🙏🏻 @faerielleart summed it up perfectly and I couldn't have said it any better haha
Thanks for the ask anonie ❤️ have a lovely day/evening wherever you are 🥰
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kabookiii · 3 years
If you are an Erehisu shipper do not read
Imagine Isayama sipping on tea reading fans speculations that Eren was the father of Historia’s baby and fans thinking there was going to be a grand baby daddy reveal. In the end, Yams internally laughs darkly as he is drawing the Eremika scenes. No fam you are wrong, this is not the Murray show this is a tragic romance shojo manga. Isayama was probably thinking that he had to make it known without a doubt that Eren loved Mikasa because he is the biggest Eremika shipper- so Isayama made Eren throw a tantrum when thinking Mikasa was going to be with someone else after he died to make his ship cannon. So yes it feels like a fanfic because AOT is Isayama’s fanfic and he decided to sail with the Eremika ship. Isayama is truly the captain of the Eremika ship lol. 
P.s I find it odd that fans are complaining about Historia’s pregnancy not being as dramatic as they thought since Farmer-kun was the father, but some are upset because Eren had a breakdown when he realized he could never be with the woman he loves. Historia at least chose her baby daddy, Eren couldn’t even tell Mikasa he loved her ;____;
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that mag quote about Rin “Regards Haruka as a rival, but deep inside his heart, there are actually hidden feelings” old af but wtf?!!! what was the reason? just make it cannon damn it
Haha yeah, yeah, the with a squid poster, where he lays on Haru and looks at him like he’s oh so delicious with that official caption was great lmao.
Old or new..It’s been like this since the very beginning and stayed like this. The never hid the fact that they mean their relationships romantic. It’s all over the anime, some just pretend it’s not there, but it is what it is.
Rin says “Romantic, isn’t it?” and looks just at Haru, not at everyone else.
Rin dreams about Gou dating someone and his perfect date is a copy of their scene with Haru under the sakura and how he sees him everytime he talks about him.
The even did a scene where Samezuka gets out of a bus and Mikoshiba bros catch the sight of Gou and start drooling and argue about who is gonna date her, but meanwhile Rin eyes wonder to Haru and when he sees, that Haru also looks at him, Rin smiles. It’s shown like this for a reason, cause both scenes carry romantic intentions.
The ability to feel your other half regardless of place, time, or circumstances is the definition of the red string of fate, aka the connection of two people who are destined partners. It’s been shown like 20 times. Like Haru abruptly stops walking and looks at the sky at the same time Rin looks at the sky in Australia when he’s hurt and wants to quit swimming. He literally felt that something was wrong with him. Haru said it’s only like this with Rin, in the water he can feel him next to him, even when he’s far away. And apparently not only in the water.
The soundtrack that plays when Rin says to Haru that he always admired him is called “Longing For You” and the soundtrack that plays, when they’re in bed and Rin tells him that he doesn’t see the future without Haru is called “Feel My Heart”.
Seyuus also said it.
“Haru can’t not notice Rin, Haru can’t not think of Rin.. of course he loves him. That’s what Rin’s existence is for him.”
“Rin and Haru just feel like the destined pair for one another.“
But hey... yeah, let’s just continue to pretend they’re not canon, cause only hetero ships can be canon without on screen kissing.
Ppl have a weird opinion about what’s called canon. Like they call Momoi/Kuroko canon even tho it’s not and its onesided or even non existent since she’s confused and Momoi/Aomine is the official canon. They call Mikasa/Eren canon even tho Eren didn’t agree to this shit. But then RinHaru are not canon? I’m like... ppl need to get a pair of glasses. Like if Eremika fans can call their ship semi-canon, we can call Harurin beyond-canon.
They’re gay, they’re not in the dangling “possibly wishful thinking bi” category, that many sports animes do, their feelings are mutual, they said that they don’t feel like this for anyone else, it’s also not platonic. This is what canon is, at least to me, Idk about everyone else. 
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liquorisce · 2 years
I had the same problem at first but it depends on the context of their relationship. I think I’d you do a post-s3 but pre-s4 version of their relationship it’d be perfect. But if your talking about a modern au then I like to think that Eremika were a couple and historia was just a tag-along. She wasn’t necessarily into the relationship but she wasn’t not into it. I think they’re the kind of lily relationship to see other people even though eren and mikasa wouldn’t really do that. Idk it depends if but I think historia and ymir would been to together at some point weather it happened or it will happen. It’s kinda hard to explain. But I mostly like cannon time eremikahisu.
omg all this talking about emh got me thinking about an emh threesome which is how hisu conceived the baby! eren as the father confirmed!! 😫😫😫
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chkristae · 4 years
My thoughts on the leaks and the possibility how SNK will end
First - if you haven’t seen the leaks and don’t want to get spoiled what is happening, don’t read this. It’s a warning for spoilers.
Okay, this might get long, but I don’t care. Also, probably this is all for nothing, because there are only few leaks, that probably are not even five pages of the whole chapters, so who knows what’s really going on in the story and all the assumptions that we are getting might be wrong, or right, we will find the truth after the chapter is released.
But, I just have to write this.
I hope, actually pray, that SNK won’t end like many stories these past few years. For example - ending of Tokyo ghoul was really dissatisfactory. The story, as SNK was tragedy, from the starting point. We even have a quote from Ishida Sui - “If you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be... a tragedy.”, but in the end... it wasn’t. I would say it’s like someone tells you and promises you some things, but in the end it is the exact opposite and you feel really disappointed, almost betrayed. In SNK form Isayama we have similar quote like from TG, that Eren said himself - “ I don't have time to worry if it's right or wrong, you can't hope for a horror story with a happy ending! “
Another story is Voltron, the whole show was a mess and I watched it till the end only to see if my favourite characters will make it out alive or not, I actually watched the last season only for one character, which was Keith, that was all. So if SNK goes down like Voltron, where the romance part was totally unnecessary and I will be bitter about it until my last breath in my life, I will probably read it to the end only for my favourite characters, which are Armin, Levi, Jean, Annie and even Historia.
The next story is the infamous tragic ending of the last Star wars movies, if you had seen it, you probably know what I mean, because the death scene was for me unnecessary and as in Voltron, the romance didn't have to be there, but I didn’t mind it (except for Voltron where I didn't like it, because it didn't make sense to me and the show would be better with no romance at all)-
So from this examples I hope, that SNK does not end the way which totally does not fit the theme - tragedy, loss, fighting for your life and freedom, because Eren running away is so out of his character? So why he did all of this? Why he joined the survey corps? Why did he started the rumbling? Even that the rumbling is really twisted way to achieve freedom, it was still in Eren’s character - for freedom, not only his, but those he loves and cares about (not meaning the romantic way, but for his friends, family and Paradis).
I’m Erehisu stan, I won’t hide it, but for me, if they don't became canon, so what? I don't need it, they have pretty nice connection, romantic or nor. They saved each other and Historia had a big part in his life, so for me I don't care if they become cannon. If they do? I will be happy. If they don't? I will be happy too.
And now for Mikasa, oh boy. I’m sorry, but for the whole show I just couldn't bring myself to like Mikasa. Like I don't hate her either, I just don't care much about her. If she is your favourite character, fine, I have nothing against it, your favourite character is your favourite character. Like I hoped there will be something that makes me like her and not me neutral about her, but that didn’t happen. Also, in the beginning I didn't see why people loved Levi so much, and before you hunt me down and kill me for this, let me say that through the story I started really liking him, he is one of my favourite characters. But this didn't happened with MIkasa, I don't know why, I just cannot bring myself to like her, but I don't hate her either, I just don't care.
Now, for Eren running away with Mikasa. Well, if they become cannon then let it be, even though the romance came out of nowhere, at least for me, I always saw them as friends and family, not romantic partners, but them running away? That is just out of character for both of them. Even though I’m neutral about Mikasa, her just leaving? This is just weird and probably it would ruing her development. In the beginning of the story she only cared about Eren, would follow him anywhere, as we know she almost died when she thought that Eren “died”. And through the story for me she learned to fight also for others, not just Eren, so just leaving everyone behind? Weird. As for Eren, he learned to care about others too. And remember when he went crazy and also threatened Levi himself, when Armin was on the edge of death? Why he would leave him? His best friend who showed him the book that started it all? That started Eren’s desire to see the world, join the survey and fight for freedom? Even when he learned the truth about Marley and Eldians, he still fought for it, but now run away? What freedom lies in running away?
I know I’m contradicting myself with the romance, that I would be fine with Erehisu but not much with Eremika, this just comes from my favourite thing in stories, when two people end up together and I didn’t expect it. In some stories you have this forced obvious couples that most of time don’t make sense, but when suddenly the protagonist ends up with someone else? I just love this twist, because like in real life, the person you are close with you probably wont end up with, but with someone else, who came to your life almost unexpectedly. This is just my favourite, lets say “trope” in fiction and stories (one of my most favourite couple is Isabelle and Simon from Shadowhunters) . But honestly, I would like to have no romance story at all, because SNK is NOT romance genre. Don’t get me wrong, I’m shipper and have many ships in SNK, but I don’t need them to become cannon, just let me ship them in peace, that’s what everyone wants, isn’t it?
So, in the end, I hope SNK gets ending that makes sense and doesn't become another Tokyo ghoul and Game of thrones (I haven't actually watched game of thrones, but I heard that the ending was worse than disaster). Leaks are leaks, not the whole chapter. Only Isayama and those who worked with him on the chapter know what is going on and as we know Isayma loves to make fun of us and see us suffer. Probably the leaks mean nothing and so this article in the end. I will still hope for the “right” ending and believe in Isayama. As Levi has said -  “No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong until you arrive to some sort of outcome from your choice." So let me suffer with my choices and it’s consequences. Until now Isayama wrote amazing story, that I love for now. If this hope gets ruined? Well, I will suffer in silence.
If you had read all of this, I bow to you. Sorry for grammatical nonsense and mistakes, English is not my first language.
Feel free to discuss in the comments, or message me. For another point of view, or to be bitter with me about the possible ending.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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