sivatherium · 2 years
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gabriel from ultrakill ☝️🤓
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gabriel from ULTRAKILL works at mcdonalds!
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hopskip-andajump · 3 months
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eponymousfics · 4 months
They’re currently doing a YouTube podcast with the voices of Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu to promote Osomatsu-san season 4 and Choromatsu’s VA sent in the question: “if you had to give up drinking or masturbating”
And they both pretty much immediately answered masturbating lol
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banesberry-anomoly · 5 months
Happy Birthday Meri!!
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Ft. Epon (left, the oldest) and Daphne (right, the youngest) from the Reflection canon, both are also Clefs kids 8⁰]
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artworks-things · 1 year
LOVE MAH DEAR GAL ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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starencrustedtinfoil · 11 months
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rottingraisins · 2 years
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Do I - and think very hard on this -
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via-the-ghoul · 8 months
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[Image ID: Two girls holding hands in front of the Effle Tower. The one to the left is slightly taller, muscular, blonde with a short side-shave, a few freckles, and light browned eyes. She wears a light blue shirt, a blue unzipped jacket, and a camera around her neck. The girl to the right is slightly shorter, with face patterns resembling that of a deer’s, deer horns + ears, long brown hair, and brown eyes. She has a daisy in her hair, and wears a light blue sweater with a daisy on it. They are both smiling and blushing]
Day 1: If only
Meri hopes that one day, her and Iris will get to travel the world. Iris believes that would never happen but doesn’t have the heart to tell her.
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when ur whole squad autistic, ace with the sexual trauma
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justdreamsandmusic · 7 months
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''49’x20’ all cleftv facing house plan''
Dr. Alto Clef's Personnel File & SCP 166 inspired. SCP 0166, 001, 017, 033, 048, 055, 073, 076, 105, 106, 140, 144, 148, 169, 173, 182, 184, 231, 239, 336, 343, 370, 397, 407, 416, 423, 439, 469, 478, 529, 557, 571, 575, 579, 581 (Eponnai), 582, 595, 597, 598, 600, 603, 604, 606, 614, 616, 631, 633, 646, 655, 658, 659, 660, 666, 668, 669, 671, 678, 682, 686, 688, 700, 701, 703, 705, 709, 710, 712, 722, 732, 734, 738, 748, 750, 752, 757, 762, 763, 789, 795, 835, 993, 1000, 1050, 1609, 1795, 2000, 2003, 2317, 3000, 4000, 4166, 4231 all in mind, etc
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suntraitor · 1 year
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and all the pain vanished in an instant
redraw of an older piece
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1000-THR "Earthmover" works at mcdonalds
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1000-THR "earthmover" from ULTRAKILL works at mcdonalds!
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hopskip-andajump · 2 months
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Finally made a @sparkleswap ver of my newest sch oc Epon !
Her whole deal is she was a patient there ( where her brother / sentient tail friend Showa got amputated and basically killed ) , and she joined the staff after she was discharged only so she could find a way to bring her brother back ! She messes around with amputated limbs alot to figure out how they work .
I just realized she sorta has Polly's personality which is kinda funny since she hates him lmao :3 anyways imma go pass out now
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eponymousfics · 3 months
Ooo monster alternate universe ? 👀 I mean, there's beyond just a few AUs with them as monsters/mythical creatures but what do you personally view as 'most fitting' for each brother ... ?
This. Um. This answer spiraled and really got away from me. Sorry it took so long to get to it >_>
But here's some visual aids:
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(The rest is going under a cut bc the explanations get long. because i'm incapable of shutting up lol)
OK so roster of sextuplets as monsters according to their personalities and most "monstrous" traits:
I went with a kind of tanuki yokai thing because they're associated with trickery, laziness, crassness, and shapeshifting. Also drinking lol
The idea is he's pretty low-level and weak compared to other yokai but he still has magic, which is more than can be said for any human he comes across, so that inflates his ego and emphasizes his absolute worst traits.
He'd be kind of a devil figure, someone who makes underhanded and twisty deals where whatever service he provides you either sucks or only lasts long enough for him to get his payment and book it.
If you run into him in the woods he will follow you and pester you until you agree to a shitty deal.
But he's also not that bright so if you're careful you can wriggle out of the worst consequences, get away with just a lot of wasted time.
Classic werewolf, to emphasize his two-faced side. I think he would try his best to blend in among humans, and Kara is Kara so that involves trying to be a cool biker guy to varying degrees of success.
I think he's lonely and subconsciously looking for a pack, but he's also got some "no babe, i'm a monster, i'll hurt youuuu" kinda angst working against him. I think his wolf transformations are a toss up between Slavering Eldritch Wolf Beast that will kill indiscriminately and completely harmless doggo who will beg for treats incessantly
He can be very protective and kind and loving but he is also a monster, he can be petty and vicious and violent, and I think the melodrama of werewolf transformations and symbolism (especially the animal instinct vs. humanity thing) fit him pretty well. Of the brothers, I think he'd be doing his best to actually integrate with human society, not just prey on it or play with it.
He's an evil ghost. He looks innocent at first glance, some quiet young man who asks for some innocuous help or offers to do a small kindness for you, like walking an old lady across the street.
But the moment you accept his offer or ask him for anything, he's bonded to you and starts to slowly leech your life force for himself.
He's very polite the whole time, and while his requests might get more and more demanding as you grow weaker, his pointed smile never wavers. It gets harder and harder to say no, until you finally fade away yourself, and he moves onto the next sucker.
However, if you decline his request he won't ask again out of sheer embarrassment, so as long as you cotton on to the fact that he isn't human at the start, you're fairly safe.
Wherever he's standing, for some reason, there always seems to be a huge flat expanse of nothing stretching out behind him, partially obscured by fog.
He wants and he wants but he only knows how to take, never how to give or reciprocate beyond the shallowest, lowest-effort means.
I picked boogieman, but specifically the Discworld variety, where they're always hiding behind doors or under beds and scare children simply because children believe they're real, and therefore they are. They can be defeated with a blanket over their head, because everyone knows that boogiemen disappear if you put your head under a blanket, therefore if you put their head, the boogieman believes that he doesn't exist.
Which is very distressing for the boogieman.
So he's fairly easy to defeat, but I think he'd have a great time scaring the shit out of people and hiding/lurking in dark places. Rifling through people's private closet stashes, whatever they are.
He's potentially befriendable if you see him but show you're not scared. You can try offering a glass of milk. He loves scaring people but is also curious and lonely.
Anthropomorphic personification of destructive fire.
He's an unstoppable force of nature, and while he isn't malicious, he has so much energy. And unfortunately, it burns everything to ash. He can do his best to rein himself in, but it doesn't change the fact that to touch him is to burn.
He's very cheerful though, definitely a lot of elements of Calcifer in him, but he also revels in fulfilling his purpose: burning shit to the ground.
He can be tamed, briefly, in campfires and hearths, but requires constant supervision. He can be everywhere at once in a breath, and you'll die sucking down his smoke.
He likes people. They give him so many places to live, and so much to eat. He wishes they would last a little longer when he comes around to visit.
Fae, but specifically using a glamor to make himself look nice and princely. Underneath he's something more like a lich, and his pretty persona is there to lure you in.
He likes toying with people. He likes tricking them and pulling the wool over their eyes, both visually and in the twisty deals he makes with them.
Which he never refers to as deals, they're just pinky promises. That's not threatening, right? It's just a little promise. Don't worry about it. Don't look beneath the glitter.
Like Kara, he's extremely two-faced, but unlike Kara, he doesn't really care about humans or being part of their society. He'll take what he wants from people (which doesn't always cost them their lives) and disregard the rest. He needs to eat, after all.
SO that's my serious personality-based answer, I also have alternatives though because I love monsters. These are like, if I were picking monsters specifically for more wholesome or romantic AUs. The above ones would technically be romanceable, but the genre would probably be more horror and angst, vs the following are for lighthearted fun.
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(you can tell which set i drew first lol)
Classic incubus/devil, the transactional and non-commitment based nature of it works for him. He could be persuaded to fall in love with someone, maybe, but he lovessss sleeping around with no strings attached.
Once again, being a monster gives him actual powers, so he winds up being insufferably smug. You can tell that I don't like drawing feet lol
Like a satyr but with bull parts instead of goat? I'm not sure what to call those. I'd say minotaur, but that's specifically with a bull's head and human body, not this way around.
But similar to the Greek Minotaur, he's kinda isolated and lonely, too big and too awkward to fit in with normal society. He tries to make himself small and quiet and appealing by learning music and things like that. Kind of a gentle giant thing.
Frog prince, but caught in between. He's like a half-metamorphosed tadpole, with the arms and legs, but still with a tail. Idk I just wanted him to be slimy and awkward.
I'm not sure why I keep choosing washed out colors for Choro as a monster, maybe because I think he'd be the most self-conscious or distant about it? Like, most of the others would revel in or embrace their monster status, but I think Choro, while fulfilling his "job" as a monster, would always hate that he was one deep down.
A simple kiss probably won't break his curse. In the original fairy tale, the princess needs to learn to look past her disgust at having a frog husband, but in this case Choro needs to learn to look past his own sliminess and find worth in himself and others.
Blobby shadow monster, idk what to call it. He's got a bit more substance and weight than mere darkness, it's a bit more drippy and fluid.
But like the boogieman version, he can hide and blend in shadows and scare people, although he mostly chooses to watch. I think he's an accretion of the misery of the isolated, and goes to keep them company as they die. Or get help and get better. In the former case, their souls become part of him. In the latter, he just leaves.
In some ways, he wants to help. But he doesn't think there's anything he can do but be a witness. So he watches.
Cyclops/oni thing, absolutely huge and cheerful and unfortunately clumsy. He does his best but he breaks things all the time. People still like him though, they just have to be very very careful. Luckily he has amazing hearing so he's so far managed not to step on anyone.
He could act as a guardian for a city, or as a transport service between towns. He can also rip up trees and deposit them directly in lumberyards for people to start chopping up. He's very useful.
But he does get a bit lonely. People are always happy to see him, but it's usually because they have a request. No one every wants to hear about this fun new game he invented using boulders and his club.
His laughter often causes avalanches on nearby mountain ranges.
Classic vampire, because at least one of them had to be. I think it's fitting for Totty, who once again can use his appearance to lure people in and get what he wants from them.
Only, of course, most people nowadays are quite happy to have the attention of a vampire, even if they know where it's going. And he loves getting to dress up and be fancy.
He's arrogant and entitled, but less malicious than his fae persona.
ANYWAY I'm SO SORRY this spiraled so hard, I was just typing up a reply and then next thing I knew I was hunched over my drawing tablet and it'd been six hours. I might need to write some monster AU one shots now please fucking shoot me
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banesberry-anomoly · 3 months
T e a
Obligatory @univestigator tag
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