#episode: trust but verify
mayasaura · 5 months
It really dawned on me watching episode 17, just how important this sequence of events is to Kabru and Laios' relationship, and how. Well. That's for a different post. I want to keep this one free of spoilers. (Certified Safe For Anime Only™)(There are spoilers for episode 17, tho. Obviously.)
Kabru's main concern has been, at least in part, revealed. He wants to figure out if Laios is capable of defeating the dungeon, and, if so, if Laios can be trusted with the power that might confer. The answer to his first question is simple. Yes. If anyone can defeat the dungeon, it's Laios.
The second question is where things get interesting. Can Laios be trusted with power?
In the aftermath of Laios' first fight with Toshiro, Kabru learns that while Laios has no particular respect for the law or conventional wisdom, he does have the humility to consider that his judgment might be flawed if he encounters conflict with someone he respects.
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That is the face of a man taking notes, and I think he's making a cautious mark in Laios' favor. Laios doesn't really understand Toshiro's opinion, but he's listening.
Then, in the fight with the Falin-Dragon chimera, Kabru voices dissent—disgust, even—with Laios and Marcille's priorities.
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You can practically see the Dragon Age style approval rating drop. Kabru disapproves. Minus fifteen hearts. If it had ended like this, I think Kabru would have lost all interest in Laios. Someone who would sacrifice a dozen lives out of sentiment can't be trusted.
Laios' response, and the way it builds on Kabru's earlier observation, is crucial.
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He listened. And even better, he didn't listen blindly. He applied critical thought to Kabru's argument. What Kabru hears from him isn't just "I'm sorry, you were right," but also, "I understand and respect your position and priorities, and here's a very good argument for why killing what I still consider to be my sister is not in our best interest."
He processed Kabru's criticism and came to his own conclusions, and he did it fast. Not only that, but he's right. Kabru hadn't considered the potential consequences of killing the chimera.
Laios proved in this one exchange that he 1) isn't blinded by either his pride or his prejudice, 2) has the strength of character to not just fall back and surrender to someone else's judgment when he's uncertain, and 3) is smart enough to tactically outhink Kabru.
This is why Kabru is so invested in Laios liking him that he forces himself to eat the harpy omlette. This is why Kabru takes Laios' hand and makes sure he knows he wants to see him again. He doesn't understand Laios, and he still has strong reservations about him. Laios' interest in monsters scares him. But Laios has proved to Kabru that he might be capable of being the person Kabru needs him to be.
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Top Ten Pictures Of The Moment He Won You Over (Taken Just Before Disaster).
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kent-farm · 9 months
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What’s that saying? “Trust, but verify”?
—Moira Queen to Malcolm Merlyn, Arrow, “Trust But Verify”
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One gigantic obvious issue with Fandom Wikis is that they're possibly the worst type of Wiki, with a userbase known to be on the younger side of the average and with no encyclopedic standards, but because it's the most well known of the rare lucrative and free Wiki farms*, it has the best SEO.
*quick explanation of what I mean: there are free and non lucrative Wiki farms/hosts/platforms. Like Miraheze for example: you can host a Wiki on there for free. There are also Wiki farms that are lucrative and you have to pay a fee to host a Wiki on, which is how they make money. Fandom is lucrative (read: littered with ads and sponsors in poor taste) and free to host a Wiki on (because the ads are how they make money.)
So no matter what show, creator or blorbo you look up, the Fandom Wiki, aka the least legitimate Wiki about it or them, will be the first result. And the content of the Wiki has a very good chance of being an unsourced rumour written by a child.
You have to be an informed reader. And here is the baseline information:
1. There are lots of kids making and contributing to Fandom Wikis. Just keep that in mind.
2. If there are no references at the end of a sentence or paragraph, then you have no proof that it is true.
Literally the fact that so many Fandom Wikis contain a ton of information without proper references (aka the source of the information) (aka the little number at the end of the sentence that brings you to a list of links in the footer) is proof that they're not legitimate Wikis. Is it a moral failing to have an unserious Wiki? No, absolutely not. It's just that unserious Wikis shouldn't be at the top of Google search results. The only reason your fun little Wiki about blorbos that you never intended to be that deep is placed so high is that Fandom pays good money for it to be.
And let me tell you that when I joined Fandom years ago, I wasn't gonna guess the standard should be to add references, because no one else did it, so I didn't do it either. The information I wrote was factual, I was a serious editor: but my readers couldn't confirm that for sure, because I didn't share the source. Since anyone can create a Wiki, since the Wiki I joined and adopted in 2018 was abandoned, there are no enforced rules to make your Wiki a proper and legit encyclopedia like there are on Wikipedia. Again, that is the case on any Wiki farm: but everyone knows the 11 years olds discovering Wikis only know about Fandom from their Google searches.
But something I'll add just in case: there are many serious Wiki editors who happen to use Fandom, or to be stuck on Fandom. If you're on a Fandom Wiki and the information is clearly sourced, it's perfectly good, fine and respectable.
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mewtonian-physics · 1 year
every time i see someone spreading those blatant lies about the production of a certain tv show and particularly the involvement of a certain actor i lose a year off my lifespan. i don't like the guy and if we ever met we would have Words but you're trashing a really good show because of things that never happened? fuck all the way off
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A media literacy handbook for Israel-Gaza
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Next Tuesday (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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Media explainers are a cheap way to become an instant expert on everything from billionaire submarine excursions to hellaciously complex geopolitical conflicts, but On The Media's "Breaking News Consumers' Handbooks" are explainers that help you understand other explainers:
The latest handbook is an Israel-Gaza edition. It doesn't aim to parse fine distinctions over the definition of "occupation" or identify the source of shell fragments. Rather, it offers seven bullet points' worth of advice on weighing all the other news you hear about the war:
I. "Headlines are obscured by the fog of war"
Headline writers have a hard job under the best of circumstances – trying to snag your interest in a few words. Headlines can't encompass all the nuance of a story, and they are often written by editors, not the writers who produced the story. Between the imperatives for speed and brevity and the broken telephone between editors and writers, it's easy for headlines to go wrong, even when no one is attempting to mislead you. Even reliable outlets will screw up headlines sometimes – and that likelihood goes way up in times like these. You gotta read the story, not just the headline.
II. Know red flags for bullshit
The factually untrue information that spreads furthest tends to originate with a handful of superspreader accounts. Whether these people are Just Wrong or malicious disinfo peddlers, they share a few characteristics that should trip your BS meter and prompt extra scrutiny:
High-frequency posting
Emotionally charged framing
Posts that purport to be summaries or excerpts from news outlets, but do not include links to the original
The phrase "breaking news" (no one has that many scoops)
III. Don't trust screenshots
Screenshots of news stories, tweets, and other social media should come with links to the original. It's just too damned easy to fake a screenshot.
IV. "Know your platform"
It used to be that Twitter got a lot of first-person accounts from people in the thick of crises, while Facebook and Reddit contained commentary and reposts. Today, Twitter is just another aggregator. This time around, there's lots of first-person, real-time reporting coming off Telegram (it runs well on old phones and doesn't chew up batteries). Instagram is widely used in both Israel and the West Bank.
V. "Crisis actors" aren't a thing
People who attribute war images to "crisis actors" are either deluded or lying. There's plenty of ways to distort war news, but paying people to pretend to be grieving family members is essentially unheard of. Any explanation that involves crisis actors is a solid reason to permanently block that source.
VI. There's plenty of ways to verify stuff that smells fishy
TinEye, Yandex and Google Image Search are all good tools for checking "breaking" images and seeing if they're old copypasta ganked from earlier conflicts (or, you know, video-games). The fact that an image doesn't show up in one of these searches doesn't guarantee its authenticity, of course.
VII. Think before you post
Israel-Gaza is the most polluted media pool yet. Don't make it worse.
There's plenty more detail on this (especially on the use of verification tools) in Brooke Gladstone's radio segment:
The media environment sucks, and warrants skepticism and caution. But we also need to be skeptical of skepticism itself! As danah boyd started saying all the way back in 2018, weaponized media literacy leads to conspiratorialism:
Remember, the biggest peddlers of "fake news" are also the most prolific users of the term. For a lot of these information warriors, the point isn't to get you to believe them – they'll settle for you believing nothing. "Flood the zone with bullshit" is Steve Bannon's go-to tactic, and it's one that his acolytes have picked up and multiplied.
It's important to be a critical thinker, but there's plenty of people who've figured out how to weaponize a critical viewpoint and turn it into nihilism. Remember, the guy who wrote How To Lie With Statistics was a tobacco industry shill who made his living obfuscating the link between smoking and cancer. It's absolutely possible to lie with statistics, but it's also possible to use statistics to know the truth, as Tim Harford explains in his 2021 must-read book The Data Detective:
There's a world of difference between being misled and being brainwashed. A lot of today's worry about "disinformation" and "misinformation" has the whiff of a moral panic:
It's possible to have a nuanced view of this subject – to take steps to enure you're not being tricked without equating crude tricks like sticking a fake BBC chyron on a 10-year-old image with unstoppable mind-control:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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therealplaguedoctor · 2 months
Never do a shoey.
Daniel Riccardo x Podcast.host!reader
Summary- classic case of he fell first and also fell harder. So y/n is a popular podcast host known for interviewing/having really famous people on her podcast. She was reached out to by mclarens media team to have their two drivers on the podcast. The episode did really well and mclaren invited Y/n to join them that weekend for the Miami Grand Prix! Where she meets a fan of hers that she just so happens to be a fan of... what will happen? Will they get together for just the podcast? Or will there be more?
Warnings- suggestive implications, mention of 'love' marks/bites, alcohol
Stupid warnings- reader is in Florida (surprising i know), author is a dumbass and pretends she knows shit(she doesnt), American spelling, I never spell check, also has refs to some of my twt moots 🫶
F/c- various people on pintrest
A/n- So I had this idea for a minute but I didn't know who to do it with so I had my moots on Twitter help me (hi guys!!) So thank them for the DR3 fic!! (Also i got lazy with texts dont mind it) And as always: sorry if it's ooc and I hate everything I write lol
Y/n L/n a name that quickly rose to fame. She started to become famous on tiktok due to her 'face time' series. Talking about events in her life but acting as if the audience was a friend she was on face time with.
Y/n is known for her impressive conversation skills. She can hold and carry a conversation like it's breathing for her.
She had created a podcast as she rose to fame originally named 'facetime' which was scrapped after legal reasons. She changed the name to 'celeb seats' as she was able to secure an interview with YouTube and tiktok influencer 'Kallmekris'. She was able to continue this trend with having a celebrity on her podcast almost every episode-
You closed the tab. They had just posted an article about you! You're a new type of famous now, the article was just a get to know you article. It was pretty accurate actually. It talked a bit how you rose to fame, then it talked about how you claimed that fame with your podcast 'celeb seats'.
The podcast you hosted was normally just you and one other guest, only a few times it was just you. Your guests were all celebrities, some more famous than others, some more liked than others.
But there is one main reason on why people enjoy your podcast: you're still a person. You don't act like your famous (whatever that means) and you prioritize your guest comfort over content. The main example is when you had YouTuber Markiplier on and had cut a large portion of it out. Him later talking on it saying something along the lines of 'she told me that she's going to cut that convo out. Cause I mentioned that I was iffy on people seeing it. She didn't ask she just said she was going to when I said I was iffy on it'. Him being a largely trusted person boosted your character and your popularity which widened your audience.
You were able to interview people from almost everywalk of life. Politics, actors, youtubers, streamers, tiktokers, voice actors, and even singers!
Y.n just posted!
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Liked by Billie.eilish and others
Y.n: great to have you on @/billie.eilish !! This episode of the Celeb Seats Podcast will be posted next week on Wednesday!
User3 I still can't believe that she has Billie's number
User4 WHAT
User3 It's in episode 12 she mentions it, it was her first QnA episode with the q: who's the most famous person on your phone!
Billie.eilish: thank you for having me it was a blast
Y.n 🫶🫶🫶
User5 I love them sm
danielricciardo oooo can't wait!
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You see the verified name pop up in your notifications. Clicking on the profile, daniel ricciardo, the name seems familiar, you then read a little: formula one driver. Huh, it was currently Saturday night. There was a race tomorrow you decided to give it a watch setting an alarm to wake you up for the race, you put down your phone and eventually drift off to sleep.
Daniel arrived early the next day at the paddock signing a few things and walking in, with his classic smile on.
He stepped up in front of the camera as the truck drove around the track for the drivers parade.
"Hello Daniel Riccardo" the journalist greeted
"Hey" he smiled
"So today is a big race today" she said "your home race and all"
"Yeah, it's always exciting you know?" He chuckled waving to the crowd
"Of course" she smiled "well we actually only have a quick question for you today: I'm sure you've seen it but people are surprised you listen to the Celeb Seats Podcast. Care to add anything?"
"Oh yeah" he smiled "I've listen to that podcast I think since the first episode it's actually really entertaining. And I think Y/n is a great host and I'd love to be on it"
"Alright thank you Daniel" she said as he stepped off to the side. As Oscar was next to get interviewed
Your alarmed blaried in your ear. Turning it off you sat up and made your way to your living room and turned on the TV turning it to the EPSN channel. As you started making some coffee.
You sat on the couch as the race started sipping your coffee. You had to google some terms after they were said causing you to miss some overtakes. As the race wrapped up you turned off the TV and quickly went to YouTube and searched: formula 1 explained. Adding a few videos to a watch later playlist.
You quickly made yourself some breakfast before making your way to your office and settling down to start editing a video as well as finish the next episode of the podcast.
Deciding to take a break from editing you check your business email. Deleting the spam emails as well as the ones that were definitely scams. Before you glanced over a familiar orange logo you saw earlier that day. You clicked on the email:
Hello Y/n L/n
We hope this email finds you well. We have seen you podcast called "Celeb Seats" and we would love it if you were able to host our two drivers: Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri. We know you're located out of Florida and we have a Grand Prix later this year (may 3-5) in Miami. We would love to be able to invite you actually!
Sincerely, the Mclaren media team.
You quickly typed out your own email that basically amounted to:
I would love too be able to host them! Thank you for the invite I accept!
After a few messages back and forth you were able to set a date to record with enough time so you could edit and post it before the grand prix.
You were adjusting the angle of one of the cameras as you heard a knock at the studio doors.
As you settled down after adjusting the mics in front of them.
"Okay," you said "Welcome to the Celeb Seats Podcast I'm your host Y/n. And today we are actually joined by two people" you motioned over to them "both formula one drivers for mclaren, Lando Norris" you motioned to him "and Oscar Piastri" you then motioned to him.
"Hey" Lando said
"Hello" Oscar smiled
"Okay so this is actually the first episode with two guests so let's see how it goes" you chuckled
After calming down from laughing "okay okay we" Lando motioned between him and Oscar "have a question for you"
"Shoot" you smiled
"Well you did mention earlier that you watch a little bit of formula one" he said as you nodded "well who is your favorite driver?"
"That's tough" you said "well hmm, I'd want to say Logan cause he's you know he's American" you chuckled "but I'd have to go with the other aussie, Daniel Riccardo. Sorry Oscar" you chuckled
Y.n just posted!
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Liked by mclaren and others
Y.n: Guess what! I know I normally post as soon as the episode is recorded but I had to wait to post this 🫣. But I had both mclaren formula one drivers on my podcast! @/LandoNorris and @/OscarPiastri, thank you for joining me!! This episode will be out tomorrow before media day!!
User7 HOW
Mclaren Thank you for taking care of our boys 🙌
Y.n it's no problem!! They were entertaining to say the least!
LandoNorris Thanks for having us!!
Y.n it was great to have yall on!!
OscarPiastri Best interviewer ever!!
Y.n you just wanna become my favorite driver?
OscarPiastri ...maybe
Y.n dw Osc you'll always be in front of Lando
User10 I love the bickering
User11 they are all siblings your honor
User12 wait...
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Daniel was happy about another podcast episode dropping he put it on and started his work out. He was taking a break when he almost choked on his water. He was your favorite driver.
You were walking through the paddock making your way back to mclaren hospitality with Lando. You two walked side by side before Lando tapped your shoulder and said:
"Hey let me introduce you to some of the other drivers" Lando smiled innocently. There was nothing innocent about that smile.
"Hey Daniel" Lando waved to a man you recognized, Daniel Ricciardo, your favorite driver. Oh fuck you Lando you thought to yourself. Lando then motioned at you "This is Y/n L/n she's a guest for Mclaren this weekend" Daniel looks over at you, fuck he's kinda hot. "And y/n, this is Daniel-"
"-Riccardo yes I know Lando" you chuckled
"Wow I was just trying to be nice and introduce you two" he huffed, you just rolled your eyes and turned your attention to the tall Australian.
"Nice to meet you" you smiled "I don't know if you watch my podcast but I mentioned that you're my favorite driver"
He nodded quickly "yeah I'm actually a big fan of you podcast" he smiled "I've been watching it since episode 1"
"Wait that long?" You asked a bit shocked that he watches it
He smiled "yeah!" He said "I was actually listening to the most recent episode while working out and I almost choked on my water when you said I was your favorite" he said scratching the back of his head a little bit embarrassed
You laughed, he smiled.
Media day by passed way to fast. You wished you could spend more time with Daniel but he had practice the following days so sadly you couldn't.
The race had began. Each lap passed the next one faster than the last. Next thing you knew you were celebrating with his team in the garage. Lando had just won the Miami grand prix, his first race win.
Y.n just posted
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Liked by mclaren and others
Y.n thank you for the invite mclaren 🙌. Can't belive I was there to celebrate this first win for @/LandoNorris congrats man, you deserved this!!
Mclaren you were great company!! We'd love to have you again
Y.n stopp I'm blushing 🤭🤭
Mclaren 🧡🧡🧡
Y.n 💙💙💙
User15 mclaren admin and Y.n flirting was NOT on my 2024 bingo card
AlphaTauri You should visit our garage..
Y.n is that an invitation 🤭
AlphaTauri ...maybe 👀
Y.n yes
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Lando had invited you out. In Miami. After his first win. You should have known how wasted youd get, too say the least. You and a small group of his friends went club hoping. The night was fuzzy, but everyone in that group drank their weight in alcohol and then some....
You woke up with a killer headache making you remember the highlights of last night: the dancing, the clubs, and the fucking alcohol.
The room was plastered in darkness which you thanked the blackout curtains you invested in. You went to get up but couldn't. You were held down by something around your waist. Or someone.
The arms that were wrapped around your waist were strong. You tried to escape them again, which just made them tight around you and the man next to you burry his face in your back.
You thanked God that you were clothed, thankfully in your own pants but the shirt was definitely not yours.
The man let out a groan as he moved, you froze before closing your eyes and pretending to sleep. The grip around your waist loosened as you feel the man move slightly. Based on the movement he was on his back. He began to move again sitting up, you felt his body heat leave which left you a little colder.
You moved slightly as being frozen there was a bit uncomfortable. This movement in turn caused him to freeze:
"Did I wake you?" A familiar voice asked you. No fucking way.
"No" you said softly as you shook your head sitting up.
As your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you looked the man in the eyes your suspicions were confirmed: Daniel fucking Riccardo.
"Well good morning I guess" you said, if there was even a little bit of light in the room it would show you being beet red.
"Mornin' " he muttered in response "well uh" he said "fuck, what do we do know?" He asked
Which just caused you to start laughing
"What? What did I say?"
"No, nothing" you said "just funny"
You stood in your bathroom as you looked in the mirror. Daniel offered you to shower and get new clothes on first (mostly so he could get that shirt back). As you stare at yourself in the mirror hand tracing the love bites and love marks that covered your body. Damn. You thought to yourself.
You awkwardly handed him his shirt after you exited the bathroom. He thanked you as he grabbed it and walked into the bathroom going to take a shower himself as he stilled smell of alcohol and the late night activities.
You walked into your kitchen not knowing what else to do you started making breakfast. It was pretty basic: toast, eggs, and some sausage.
Daniel exited the bathroom, his hair still a bit wet. He looked even hotter than before, how is that even possible. Shaking your head of those thoughts you slid a plate across the counter in front of him. You both ate in silence before he spoke up:
"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked
You shook you head "I remember getting drunk but no I don't remember what your referring too" you said
"I don't either" he said softly munching on a peice of toast
After a little bit and a extreme amount of awkwardness Daniel left. It was weird you house almost felt empty now that he was gone.
It had been a few hours since Daniel left before you got a text:
??- hey this is Daniel, I asked Lando for your number I hope that's not weird
Yn- No it's not,
Daniel- good lol
Daniel- so I just wanna talk about last night real quick....
Yn- let's just not mention it again like ever
Daniel- agreed.
After that awkward first string of text messages you actually started talking to Daniel. It started off with just some comments on his racing or one of his posts soon you were texting him almost everyday. Text turned to calls, some calls turned to facetimes.
"Hey Danny" you smiled as you answered the face time placing your phone back on the counter facing you as you cooked.
"Hey y/n" he said, "what are you making today?" He asked
"Well I'm making this stir fry-" you started "wait what time is it for you?" You asked him
"Uhhh doesn't matter" he said the screen to your phone was almost completely black. You could only see bits of his face.
"Daniel" you said in a warning tone
"It's, 1am" he said muffling himself as he talked
"Daniel-" you started. "You litterly have a race tomorrow. Go to sleep"
"Nope you need to sleep before the race"
He huffed "fine." You heard a little bit of shuffling before a quiet "goodbye"
"Good night danny" you said before grabbing your phone and hanging up the face time.
After the celebration you got up and texted Daniel:
Yn- tell yuki I said congrats on points!
Danny- I get no congrats... 🥺
Yn- maybe if you went to sleep earlier youd be in points and you'd get a congrats too
Danny- :(
"Danny isn't it like past midnight over there or something?" You asked, you two were currently facetiming eachother again, while you worked on editing the next episode of your podcast.
"Yeah" he yawned "but I like talking to you" he said groggily
A notification popped up on your phone as soon as you looked over, "what the fuck?" You said
"Hmmm?" Danny asked
"Carlos just signed to Williams"
"What" he asked "he what? Williams" you heard some shuffling as he checked his phone looking through Twitter. "Damn" he chuckled "glad I was up to witness this with you"
"Youre just trying to get out of me scolding you" you chuckled
"...maybe" he smiled "well hey if I was over there I wouldn't have to stay up" he said sleepily
"You just want to be on the podcast huh?" You joked
"Maybe" he smiled "come on let me be on it"
You smiled "okay okay" you chuckled "I actually have recorded a bunch of episodes for over your summer break so, you can come over anytime"
"Really?" He asked hopefully
"Yes Danny" you said as you went back to editing. "Just schedule a flight and let me know how long you want to be here"
"What if I wanted to be there the rest of the summer break?" He asked
You freeze a bit in surprise but before he could say something you spoke "I wouldn't be apposed"
He smiled as he hummed softly. Soon you heard soft snores coming from your phone.
You heard a knock at your door. You walked over and opened the door a large smile on your face. As you opened the door to: Daniel Riccardo.
"Hey Danny" you smiled letting him inside
"Hey" he smiled walking inside nodding a quick thank you.
"Here let me show ya to the guest room" you smiled shutting the door behind him
User18 it's probably a media thing guys
User19 😭😭😭
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Y.n just posted!
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Liked by danielricciardo and others
Had this guy on my podcast he said he is a famous f1 driver...I don't see it 🤔
But anyways- it was great having you on the podcast @/danielricciardo !! As always look out for these upcoming episodes!! (had to rearrange my posting schedule for this man 😒)
User21 I KNEW IT
User22 dieing. Dead.
danielricciardo thank you for hosting me!!
Y.n it was great having my fav f1 driver on!
LandoNorris :(
Y.n know your place, youre behind Osc
OscarPiastri :D
Shelbyrose Get back in the cage
Olivia kinky.
Nics 😰😰😰
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"Okay" you said adjusting the mic arm in front of you as you sat down. Clearing your throat you start:
"Welcome to the Celeb Seats Podcast I'm your host Y/n, and to day I am joined by: DANIEL RICCARDOOOOOOO" you smiled
"Y/nnnn L/nnnnnnn" he said back
You chuckled "it's great to finally have you on"
"Great to be here" he smiled "sad I can't say that I'm the first f1 driver on the pod"
"But you can definitely say your the favorite" you chuckled
"True" he smiled
"Okay okay" you said as you breathed stomach hurting from laughing, you turned to the camera "Thank you for joining us for this episode of Celeb Seats! We'll see you later!"
You got up and stopped the recording on the cameras as well as the mics. "So what ya wanna do?" You asked Daniel as you packed up the camera
"Well I don't know what you have around here" he shrugged "you have anything in mind?" He asked
You smiled "You don't mine if we go on a bit on a trip before we get there right?" You asked
He shrugged "I think I'd live" he chuckled
As you pulled into the small dirt parking lot Daniel looked at the tall trees that surround it.
"Welcome to Highlands Hammock" you said "we don't really have mountains or the like for hiking trails but we have these cypress boardwalks" you smiled as you both got out of the car.
You two slowly walked the boardwalk, you pointed out the different types of trees, some animals and other plants.
"I love cypress swamps" you smiled "they're so beautiful" you chuckled
Daniel who was right behind you whispered "yeah beautiful" as he looked at you
"Hmm what did ya say?" You asked turning to face him
"Oh nothing don't worry" he smiled
You kinda forgot when you got here but you both ended up at a small park next to a lake. Sitting on a small bench as you watch the sun set across the lake and eating ice cream.
"This was nice" Daniel said
"Yeah" you smiled looking up at him
He looked back at you. You stare into eachothers eyes.
"I wouldn't mind spending all of summer break like this, with you" Danny said
"I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with you" you said
With that you leaned into eachother, lips touching you melted into the kiss. His lips were slightly rough but the kiss was gentle. He placed his hand on the side of your neck just under your jaw.
The kiss broke.
"God I've been wanting to do that for so long" he said
You chuckled "me too"
"So can I call you mine now?" he asked
"Yes you can, but I will never do a shoey" you said
Causing him to laugh before pulling you into another kiss.
You did in fact ended up doing a shoey. It was fucking disgusting. Never do a shoey.
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The Ineffable Detective Agency Presents: The Main Bookshop Clock's Hands are BACKWARDS and Other Revelations!
(Good Omens Season 2, Episode 1)
We can't trust the way we've been reading the bookshop clock next to Aziraphale's desk, because the Hands are Reversed* for some (or all?) of the season!!
Plus a Time/Clock Disruption shortly before the double half miracle!
And possibly another Time/Clock Disruption when Gabriel first arrives at the bookshop! Did Gabriel (or whatever he had in the box) cause the hands to reverse?!
And more questions about Gabriel and what Other Thing might be going down in the up!
*Sound unbelievable? To us - @meatballlady and @embracing-the-ineffable at our new @ineffable-detective-agency - too, but let us share our proof:
Welcome to our Ineffable Detective Agency! We've been doing some digging the past few weeks; among our research has been recording each sighting of in-universe timestamps - Crowley's watch, Nina's phone, Maggie's watch, Aziraphale's clocks, and more! Our main findings are summarized here (if you're looking at a reblog, you can check for updates on the most recent version, here), with detailed screenshots below.
Main Findings - Episode 1:
Aziraphale's main bookshop clock next to his desk is frowning for Reasons! Maybe this is one: during most or all of episode 1, the minute hand is the one with the wider arrow, and the hour hand is the thin long one. (Proof is in the very next section, and it changes everything we think we know about reading that clock!)
Edit - New Finding! There may have been a time/clock disruption when Gabriel first arrived at the bookshop, which could have CAUSED the hands to reverse.
There's ALSO a big time/clock disruption when Gabriel appears at the top of the stairs, after the apology dance and before the double-half-miracle. Perhaps the clock's ability to show the time accurately is disrupted by something like a powerful 25-Lazarii miracle?
Shax and Crowley initially discuss something "going down in the up", far sooner than when Gabriel shows up in the bookshop. ("my arms were aching 'cause I had to carry that box for so long....")
Shax later tells Crowley that the previously-discussed trouble involves Gabriel, and even that conversation next to the Bentley (at 10:35 or 11:35) was well before Gabriel arrived at the bookshop (at 4:20, no matter how you read the clock's hands; screenshot below). Is there some OTHER trouble in heaven that started before Gabriel left?
Or, if Gabriel's arrival caused a time/clock disruption, perhaps Aziraphale forgave Maggie's rent at 11:23 and Gabriel arrived shortly after, which lines up more neatly with Crowley's 10:35 or 11:35 phone call/conversation with Shax.
This all might mean the time jump (or clock disruption) after The Kiss is different than we thought. (Yes, we know Neil is misdirecting everyone about there being a time jump at all by calling it a "continuity error"; he's performing magic for us, and we're still in the middle of his act! His misdirection is part of the trick!) The times are still weird in the last episode, whether you read them the typical way or the new, reversed way that we're suggesting, and we're still working on getting clearer images. Stay tuned - or help us research!
Quick sidenote: If anyone would like to verify our work or join in future sleuthing (ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN VIEW/ SCREENCAP IN 4K), we would be very grateful!!
Now, let's talk about the clock hands.
Typically, in typical clocks all over the typical world, the hand with the big wide arrow is for the hours, and the thin long hand points to the minutes. But the main bookshop clock next to Aziraphale's desk is frowning, so who knows what it's doing? Here's the A-B-C sequence from episode 1 that convinced us to read the hands in reverse:
A) Jim shows up naked, knocks, and Azi stops his music with a dramatic groan. Both clock hands point to 4, so this should be 4:20 no matter what hand is for the minutes:
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B) Jim tries hot chocolate when the wide arrow hand has traveled just past the 5. This is either 4:26 (reversed) or 5:20 (typical):
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C) Aziraphale opens the box, and Gabriel says "I love you". It's now 4:30 (reversed) or a misaligned 6:20 (typical):
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Ok, the sequence of A) Jim arrives, B) Jim drinks hot chocolate, C) Jim says "I love you", fills about 6 minutes of onscreen time. If we assume A-B-C makes more sense as 4:20-4:26-4:30 than 4:20-5:20-6:20, that means the wide arrow hand is sweeping across the minutes and NOT indicating hours!
Those three time points are also bookended by the moments Azi reads Maggie's note and forgives her rent, and later, Crowley's discovery of Jim in the bookshop:
As Azi reads Maggie's note, let's play "spot the clock":
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Did you see it?! Yep, we catch a tiny glimpse of the clock through a space in the bookshelf, in what might be the most cleverly concealed but clearly deliberate bit of staging in the entire season (!!). If you've been thinking that we're looking too closely at little unimportant details that don't matter, the way the clock is so carefully made visible here - and in focus - strongly suggests to us that this is important:
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It looks like 3:58 (reversed) or 11:20 (typical); given that Azi is interrupted while listening to his 21 minutes of Shostakovich at 4:20, it would make sense that he read the note at 3:58. That means the wide arrow hand is reversed, pointing at the minutes there, too.
[ Edit: BUT, there's also this moment, when Maggie's rent is forgiven; her watch shows 11:23 or possibly a reversed 4:57 (turn it the way Maggie would read it):
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So one more possibility is that the bookshop clock hands were typical when the episode started, Azi read the note at 11:20, and forgave Maggie's rent at 11:23. Then when Gabriel showed up, the bookshop clock jumped ahead to 4:20 and its hands reversed!? ]
Later, Crowley meets Aziraphale at the coffeeshop, then they return to the bookshop. Right after "I. Am. Dusting." - there's the OTHER bookshop clock on the west side of the building. It's hard to see, possibly 5? That could fit with Azi and Crowley meeting at the coffeeshop sometime shortly after 4:30pm.
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So, if we continue reading the main bookshop clock in reverse, let's see what else happens in episode 1:
Maggie and Nina, trapped in the coffee shop, are freed by Crowley. Just before Nina's phone starts receiving messages, it reads 21:02 (ie, 9:02pm):
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During the apology dance, the clock behind Aziraphale says 9:06 (remember! read the hands in reverse!) This makes sense, if Nina's phone said 9:02 a few minutes earlier:
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The clock behind Crowley (the one on the west side of the bookshop) says 9:02 or a misaligned 11:45; if its wider arrow hand points to hours like a typical clock, and not like the sad reversed clock next to the desk, then it could be reading 9:02, possibly a few minutes slower than the desk clock:
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Then Jim appears at the top of the stairs and nothing makes sense; the sad clock next to the desk looks like it says 12:40 - a forward jump of 3 hours and 36 minutes!! (Alternatively, it says 8:02, which means it went backwards by an hour! Either way, it's weird, and we'd love a better picture if you can get one!):
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And the clock still shows the same time after the miracle, just before the episode ends: 
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As episode 1 ends, we certainly have even more questions. Did time jump when Gabriel first arrived?! And again, after the apology dance? Or were there whole scenes or conversations that we didn't see? Or did time actually jump forwards or backwards in that moment? Or was the main bookshop clock's ability to accurately show the time interrupted by something like Gabriel's arrival with the mysterious contents of his box, and again by a powerful 25-Lazarii miracle before the double-half-miracle??!
There are 5 episodes to go! Will our sad bookshop clock consistently tell time with reversed hands for the rest of the season? Maybe! Is it becoming untethered from Actual Time as it reacts to the Eldritch forces around it? Possibly!
And what about our other findings? What ELSE is going on in Heaven? Where did Gabriel go after he left, and how long did that take? How long does the elevator ride last? Why was his box heavy, and what was inside?
Stay tuned for the details as we collect them! We'll add links to new posts here, so check the latest version for any updates! And please get in touch with @meatballlady or @embracing-the-ineffable if you would like to help with sleuthing, including getting better resolution screencaps of clocks and all the tiny watches!
Be well, fellow ineffables! Solve Clues and share your findings!
PS: There's a huge list of Clues and metas, here!
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Every goddamn day, I think about how Chameleon was a very stupid episode, but for the exact opposite reason that I initially thought it was.
I always thought it was because the entire class was acting unreasonably stupid, but they were actually pretty reasonable, all things considered.
It was Marinette's writing that was the issue.
You're not gonna complain about your assigned seat being moved around to accommodate a disabled new student, nor demand proof of her disability, that would just be a dick move. (It doesn't make sense for the ENTIRE CLASS to be moved around, but I'll ignore that point because it's just kind of a nitpick.)
Many members of the class have personally met at least one celebrity, with a few classmates even being celebrities themselves. Lila's stories are certainly out there, even by this class' standards. But it's her first day, and again, most regular people don't hound others for proof on claims like this, even the ridiculous claims. (It doesn't make sense for the class to be so enthralled by her stories, but I would just chalk that up to them being nice to the new kid. The show does get kind of ridiculous with how much the class trusts her later on though.)
Lila could've absolutely caught that napkin on instinct. It would've hurt, but she wouldn't be thinking about her injury because that's how instincts work. Lila actually almost drew unnecessary attention to herself by making up that "explanation" on the spot, as protecting herself with her injured wrist needed no defending in the first place.
The only reason Marinette knew about Lila's lies to Adrien is because she stalked the two of them, which Alya and Nino are rightfully distrustful of. (It's still completely stupid for them to ignore her story entirely though. That's potential evidence of Lila lying to someone. At the very least, they should've verified the story with Adrien. But they just completely blew it off, and that point is never brought up again.)
From the class' perspective, Marinette complained about accommodations made for the new girl's disability because she wasn't allowed to sit close to her crush anymore, demanded hard evidence of the new girl's claims despite having some ridiculous celebrity stories herself, threw a napkin at her, potentially making her wrist injury even worse when she protected herself out of pure instinct, and then stormed off when that didn't work out in her favor.
I don't like this episode, not because of the way the class was acting, but because they took the girl who is supposed to be the smartest character in the show, and had her make probably the worst possible decision in every single situation. There are fatal flaws that cause characters to make understandable mistakes, and then there are characters just ignoring the obvious right answers because that would make far too cohesive of a plot, I guess.
They could've literally had some Spy vs Spy esque shenanigans between Lila and Marinette where neither can openly admit what they both know the other knows and have to skirt around social barriers in order to make the other look bad while saving face themselves. That would not only write itself, but would make more sense given their respective characterizations and would allow for much more interesting drama and character dynamics across multiple seasons.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Fitness at Dawn - The Brixton Dusk edition
This, related to @bat-cat-reader's Anon she refused to publish (see below post):
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So, according to The Queen of Nothing, The Nicorettes own a fitness club in Brixton?
LOL until the Summer Solstice, folks. In a world where information is more and more readily available to anyone with a keyboard, it took me 15 minutes to debunk this bullshit. And FYI, the UK Company Law has recently substantially changed, with the new Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act. Starting May 1st, we will progressively have even more transparency in the Company House system. For example:
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And all the directors will have to have their identity verified. For old and new companies alike.
The only Rasenti being a currently appointed company officer in the UK is not the Male, nor the Female Nicorette:
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I could have stopped there. But I didn't. I went on the Gymnasium's company website. Lo and behold:
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Their Brixton fitness joint is one of the three they own in the London Metropolitan Area. The company is, therefore, a group.
Surely enough:
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Who is running it and most certainly owning it?
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The rest of 25% is most probably split between three other partners/Directors:
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Peter Michael Cuff Olivier, aka 'Big Red Olivier'. Acquaintance of S. South African. He is a shareholder and well, if we are generous, owner of Gymnasium. Probably the real Brixton fitness joint's manager, too.
*urv got it all wrong, again: she wasn't 'hanging out there'. She was probably discussing cha-ching 💵💵💵 and Hyrox-related stuff:
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Is this tenuous connection, via Hyrox, to his fitness buddies being actively pushed, in order to try and substantiate a relationship with S? The answer is yes.
Was *urv tipped accordingly? The answer is hell yes, knowing she will publish anything without double-checking.
I see Ye Olde South African Mafia Connection still alive and kicking. Hats off to you, @samheughanswife!
But when your mental age is 5, that Fitness at Dawn new episode is probably satisfying, IDK 🤷‍♀️.
PS: Thanks, dearie, for the tip. You know who you are: a much trusted friend.
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schizodiaries · 1 year
ten ways I cope with psychosis
Grounding techniques — Make use of the five senses: Listen to your favorite song. Run your hands under cold water. Taste your favorite snack. Smell your favorite candle. Look at beautiful artwork. Be mindful about the sensations you feel while engaging in these activities.
Listening to music — My go-to way to deal with auditory hallucinations. I recommend listening to instrumental music, if you are prone to ideas of reference.
Creating art — A good creative outlet takes the focus away from my psychosis and towards whatever it is I’m creating. Plus I can make something that symbolizes how I feel while psychotic.
Taking a walk — This can be hard to do if I’m psychotic, as the paranoia makes me think people outside are watching or following me. So what I like to do is pace the hallway in my house. It helps me keep my mind off things.
Journaling — Writing out what I’m feeling can be an immense relief, especially when I’m experiencing delusions. Also I can also look back at these thoughts and reflect on them.
Identifying triggers — Discovering what makes you psychotic can help to prevent future episodes. (Be mindful about who you share this info with as others could use it against you.)
Breathing exercises — When I’m psychotic my stress and anxiety levels ramp up. Just one minute of deep, steady breathing helps to keep those levels under control.
Spend time with pets — Pets don’t judge you for being psychotic. They’re perfect for snuggles, and running your hands through their fur reduces stress and anxiety, and makes for a good grounding exercise.
Asking for reality checks — Sometimes I have trouble telling what’s real and what’s not. When in doubt, asking a trusted person for a reality check can be very helpful in dispelling delusions or paranoia. If you’re alone, recording with your phone can help to verify if you’re hallucinating.
Finding a community online — One if the worst parts of psychosis is feeling like you’re completely alone in this. But you’re not. I found communities of psychotic people on Tumblr, Reddit, Youtube, and more. I find that being around people like me helps me feel less alone in my mental health journey.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 11 months
I feel like I am teetering on the edge of delulu for this fucking show, but…because I just wrote a post about the Left Hand Path and all the left hand/left side imagery, and because I’m…well, me, and hands in shows are My Jam. When I was watching the promo trailer for Episodes 8-14, I noticed something. I never once saw Brother Anurak’s left arm. So I went to the teaser trailer for the whole show, just to see if it was coincidental that the like 5 seconds total of screen time Brother Anurak had in the Part 2 trailer just happened not to show his left arm…but uh…
Brother Anurak holds his rosary with only his right hand…
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And Brother Anurak’s left hand just hangs at his side, rather than resting on his lap like his right hand is doing…
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And Brother Anurak is shoving Trin with only his right hand…
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And Brother Anurak’s left hand is hidden from view by some books…
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And this, naturally, started me thinking about the One Armed Man. We don’t know much about this man, only that lost his left arm in an accident and then engaged in some homosexual and substance use activity, he was arrested and executed. We know that Dan, after losing his lucid dreaming stone, had some sort of dream or vision about this one armed man. 
We do not know what purpose he serves to the story yet, we do not know if he is truly evil or just presented that way by the villagers. I mean, if the One Armed Man truly is a wild ghost, the Venerable Monk gave a few theories himself: a) The wild ghosts in the village got angry when the school was built and floating bodies down the water in sacrifice was banned after World War II or b) the wild ghosts take those who ask them for help, and who they like. 
And we do not, currently, know the One Armed Man’s identity. Or…do we, cause you see, I was thinking about the fact that in just these trailers alone, I had not seen a single instance of Brother Anurak using his left hand. 
And so…I did what any completely reasonable, totally non-obsessed, definitely completely normal human being would do….
…and spent the last few hours watching every single scene that involved Brother Anurak in Episodes 1-7 to see if he ever uses his left hand. (I don’t have photo evidence for all of these because trying to screen shot them all would be impossible but, trust me or you can verify for yourself. I also recognize this is a lot, so you’re welcome to just like, choose at random which ones you read).
Episode 1
Welcoming Dan The first time we meet Brother Anurak is when Dan first steps foot on campus. Anurak is the person who gives Dan the school tour and walks him to class. When Dan arrives, he does the traditional ‘wai’ hands that we have come to expect of any Thai show, that is, he presses the palms of both of his hands together when he says hello. Brother Anurak, whose arms are both tucked behind his back, does not return the ‘wai’ and instead just nods. When Rerng, the groundskeeper, runs in to Dan and Anurak, he does the ‘wai’ hands at Anurak and uh…once again Anurak just nods, he does not return the ‘wai’. When he introduces Rerng to Dan, he gestures at Rerng using only his right hand. Otherwise his hands remain tucked behind his back out of view. 
Rescuing Dan from Anan  We are introduced to Anan in the locker room where he immediately establishes his Utter Irrepentant Douchebag status and tries to control all the boys. Anan comes in at some point and puts a stop to Anan’s hazing, and you don’t really see his body at all, the camera mostly focuses on close ups, but if you watch closely you can see only his right shoulder moving because he’s gesturing with his right hand. His left shoulder stays relatively still. 
Talking to Dan about the Shadow
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Brother Anurak has been working with Dan and his mother since Dan was about 7 years old. When Brother Anurak is talking with Dan in his office after his first Shadow dream, you can see Anurak’s left hand stays staunchly at his side, he does everything in this scene with his right hand. 
Visiting Dan in the infirmary  Dan spent the night in his dorm away from his dorm…the infirmary, after he faints in class. Brother Anurak comes to visit him, and both of his hands are hidden by the bed for the entire scene. 
Episode 2
Finding Dan at the lake  At the end of Episode 2, Dan collapses near the lake while coming face to face with the Shadow. Anurak and Rerng find Nai and Dan, and Rerng helps Nai carry Dan, Anurak takes the flashlight from Rerng with his right hand and that is his full contribution for Getting Dan Out of There.  
Talking to Nai  When Brother Anurak is scolding Nai about being off school grounds with Dan, his hands are once again hidden behind his desk, and he only gestures with his right hand. 
Visiting Dan in the infirmary → transitions to his office
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Brother Anurak is standing on Dan’s right in the infirmary when he wakes up after his collapse at the lake. Once again, Brother Anurak’s hands are hidden behind the bed, so you can’t see them, and then when, out of nowhere, Dan and Anurak are talking in Anurak’s office, his left hand is hidden behind the arm of his chair. 
Dan wakes up from his dream
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During their office session, Dan is shunted out of his dream and realizes that he has been in teh infirmary the entire time, and was not actually in Brother Anurak’s office at all. What has snapped him out of his dream is Brother Anurak shaking him awake, but… he is only using his right hand. 
[Side Note: I am taking careful notice of the fact that Dan’s ability to remain present and conscious in reality seems to slip often when he is in Brother Anurak’s presence. Then again, he also sees the Shadow a bunch when he is around the theater teacher, but I have already looked at his hands, and his left hand is real and he does use it so I at the very least I don’t think he has any relationship to the one armed man.]
Episode 3
Dan, Josh, and Nai are punished for coming back late.  At some point, Anurak appears to observe, but not deliver, the caning of Dan, Josh, and Nai for missing curfew after going to see the Venerable Monk. We get a wider shot, which means Anurak’s left hand is visible, but it is held in exactly the same position it always is, and he continues to only gesture with his right hand. 
Telling Dan not to wear the ring   Brother Anurak runs in to the boys in between classes, and he notices the lucid dreaming stone around Dan’s neck. Anurak reminds him that accessories are not allowed in school, and while standing there, his left hand still in the same position it has always been in, and he only points to  Dan’s necklace with his right hand. 
Teaching class 
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Brother Anurak is writing on the white board with his right hand, this in and of itself is not all too suspicious because he could just be right handed, but when turns to face the class, his hands are covered by the students so you can’t see either one of them. He moves to the podium and his left hand, which continues to hang at his side, is hidden behind the podium, so we can’t see his left hand. But he places his right hand on the podium, and whatever brief glimpses of the left hand we see when it peeks out the side of the podium, it is in exactly the same position as it always is. 
Episode 4
Grabbing Dan from his room to take him to visit his Dad  When Brother Anurak visits Dan and Josh’s room to bring Dan to the hospital to say goodbye to his father, not only is Anurak’s left hand hanging at his side, but he is shot from the right side of his body so any potentially visible part of his left hand is hidden by the open dorm room door.
At the hospital Anurak is standing on Dan’s father’s left hand side, making his left hand visible… in exactly the same position it always is, his fingers never even twitch. When Anurak leaves the room to give Dan some time alone with his father, he uses his right arm to comfort Dan even though his left arm is closer to Dan’s shoulder. 
Outside the hospital room, after the flashback to Dan’s homelife  Left hand visible, in exactly the same position it always is, cut to talking to Dan outside the hospital room, his left hand is hidden between his legs. We get the best close up we have had of Anurak’s left hand and it is too smooth, and is lacking in any pores or spots, and it’s weirdly shiny. (Unfortunately like the one above, the way my computer works for screenshots, the play bar covers the part of the screen I would need to take a photo of).
Flashback to Anurak talking with Dan’s mother
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When we see Anurak interacting with Dan’s mother, because she was his patient, his left hand is visible, still in the same position. AND HOLY SHIT, ANYONE READING THIS, YOU NEED TO GO TO TIME STAMP 18:27 AND WATCH HOW BROTHER ANURAK STANDS UP FROM HIS CHAIR. THAT LEFT HAND IS FUCKING FAKE. IT’S FUCKING FAKE!!! He gives the rosary to Dan’s mother with his right hand. 
Dan’s mother’s funeral  Anurak is sitting on a bench outside the temple, and we only see him after Dan drops the coin he has leftover from buying ice cream, and it hits Anurak’s right foot. We pan out into a wide shot, and Anurak’s right side is visible. Both his hands are in Anurak’s lap but his right hand is covering his left hand so we can’t actually see it. Then, Dan sits on his left side so we never 
Baby!Dan sees the Shadow and Anurak comforts him
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Shortly after his mother’s death, Dan wakes up in the middle of the night and sees the Shadow looming over him. He runs screaming from his room, at which point Brother Anurak appears on the stairwell. (What he is doing in their home after Dan’s father accused his mother of sleeping with Brother Anurak, is beyond me but I digress). Brother Anurak’s right arm is hugging Dan while his left arm stays at his side, in the same position it always is 
Right before Dan fights his father
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Dan’s Father’s funeral  Anurak comes up to talk to Dan at his father’s funeral, and as he does he places his right hand on Dan’s shoulder. Left hand? Does nothing, as usual.
Episode 5
Dan confronts Brother Anurak
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We get the scene from the trailer where Dan tells Brother Anurak that he thinks Trin was murdered after seeing the visage of Trin’s dead body in the pool. This is one of my favorite instances of the hidden left hand, due to the creative use of binder placement. You get a little bit of skin from Brother Anurak’s right hand because it is further away from the camera, but in the foreground? We are not entitled to see what Anurak’s left hand looks like. 
Flashback: Talking to Trin in his office after his Student President Win
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After Trin wins the student body president race in a unanimous vote, he is taken first to the Headmaster’s office and then to speak with Brother Anurak about the policies he hopes to institute (read: the traditional systems Trin is hoping to change). Like always, both of Brother Anurak’s hands are initially hidden behind his desk, but as he gets more engaged, more serious about the conversation at hand (haha) he leans forward and he only brings his right hand on the table.
Anurak gets a phone call about Trin’s medical records
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I don’t remember if this is the first phone call where Anurak is told that Trin had bipolar, was off his meds, and was treating his bipolar with narcotics, or if this is the second phone call where Anurak is calling an unknown person, angry because he didn’t know how Trin’s medical records got leaked to the press. Either way, and in both cases, he answers the phone with his right hand, and never uses his left. 
In his office with Trin’s parents 
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Trin’s parents (one of whom is an MP) are naturally, pissed that Trin’s medical records got leaked and storms over to the school threatening to sue. Brother Anurak speaks with them in his office, and he offers them tea, using only his right hand, his left isn’t even in frame.
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And while he is speaking with Trin’s parents, trying to calm them and sort things out, he once again, only puts his right hand on the table. His left is hidden from view. 
In his study, listening to old recordings of his sessions with Trin  Anurak is thinking more about Trin, and digs out old files of his using only his right hand to pull the files out of his cabinet. When he sits in his chair to listen to the audio tapes, his left arm settles in to the same position at his side as it always is when he’s in that chair, and he hides the hand very quickly underneath the file folder when he opens it.
Episode 6
Brother Anurak does not have a lot of screen time in Episode 6, but he is at the student org fair where he meets the husband of the homophobic teacher that is sleeping with Anan. And here again, the people he is with all do the ‘wai’ hands, while he just nods.
Episode 7
Taking Dan from the headmaster’s office after Anan beats him up
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Dan is the unfortunate victim of Nai’s decision to blackmail Anan, and gets beaten up once again. He and Anan are called in to the Headmaster’s office to talk about what happened as Dan left the Funhouse, when all of a sudden Brother Anurak appears, asking to take Dan away since Dan is under his care. Brother Anurak’s left hand is visible, but it is once again, still held in the same position, and his right hand is the one he is using to place a comforting hand on Dan’s shoulder.
Talking to Dan in his office 
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We reach the final scene with Brother Anurak in the first half of the show, before the One Armed Man is introduced to the story. And it is, once more, the same deal as it has always been throughout the entire show so far. Brother Anurak’s left hand is sitting at his side, in the same position is has literally never changed from. And then he is gone from the rest of the episode, so we don’t have any visual reminders that he exists while the One Armed Man is being introduced and discussed. I have gone through every scene, I have watched to see if his fingers even twitch. They do not, his left hand, whenever it is in view, never moves. You cannot convince me at this point that Brother Anurak and the One Armed Man aren’t connected somehow. This man does not have an actual left hand. 
I do not know if Brother Anurak is the One Armed Man, if he is the scapegoat for the One Armed Man, if he is possessed by, a reincarnation of, or a legitimate ghost of the One Armed Man we learn about at the end of the episode. I do not know what the Shadow is, what it wants, if it is malicious, neutral, or good, I do not know what the ghosts of Trin or those two boys want, who the dead bodies are, what happened at this school. I don’t know any of it, I don’t know if all the pieces of the puzzle we need to figure it out have been revealed yet. 
But the one thing I do know, is that Brother Anurak does not have a left hand, and the level of detail that the show has done to both reveal and hide that is truly fucking impressive. Utt Uttsada who plays Anurak is doing a fucking phenomena job. I do not know how much time and effort went in to consciously never moving that arm. Like he has not once, not ever moved it. His shoulder remains completely still, his arm swings precisely as much as someone with no lower limb to control will swing. He has to be wearing some sort of prosthetic glove to keep his hand exactly in place, to make sure that his fingers don’t twitch. 
It is so incredibly clever to hide his hand like this. To give us enough glances at his left hand from a distance so we don’t question it. I mean, we see his hand, right? We see it is there, it looks real, and there are so many other things to figure out about what the fuck is going on, that the last thing in our minds is the fact that Brother Anurak never uses his left hand. 
Anyway, I don’t even know if this will end up being BL, but I need the entire rest of the BL fandom to deal with the occasional jumpscare and creepy smiles and stares and watch this show, so that I can scream about this with more people. Because holy fucking shit, if this show maintains the quality it has given me with the first half of the story all the way to the end, it might make a last minute grab for Show of the Year for me, with how intentional it has been. 
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yearnerspermit · 3 months
Been thinking about Armand’s claim that Louis asked him to remove memories, and as much as I don’t believe him or the way he presents it at all, from a writing perspective I am considering the possibility of if there is any kind of veracity to this, how the writers might go about it and what layers it would add to the story and dynamic
I’m thinking about how in 2x05, when Armand brings up Claudia not loving Louis, and he says he knows, Louis immediately starts spiraling and talking about Paris “coming back to him.” Now, he is very high at this point and disoriented from it, but it does indicate that, if nothing else, he’s been suppressing those memories himself — that’s my personal interpretation but it does lend itself to the possibility of memory tampering before that, whether consensual or not.
One thing I noticed - the piano note that plays repetitively over the beginning and end of the episode when Louis and Armand say the words that have been fed to him. It plays at this point in the episode as well, when he says memories are coming back to him. But not just that note, it goes back and forth between that, and a step up, then back down, before moving into the rest of the score. That note was very clearly associating itself with tampered memories, so what does that say about Louis recovering memories in 1973 about Paris?
I think one way or another, those memories have been suppressed, either by Louis’ behavior, or Armand. The only way I see there being any potential truth to Louis requesting memories being removed is right after the events of Paris, when he feels he’s lost everything and is likely at his emotionally most vulnerable. Those kinds of moments and drowning in grief where you would do anything to take it away
If that’s the case, there is some element of Louis asking for that to happen, but that still is something that Armand clearly would go on to use as permission to alter memories in a way that I don’t think Louis would have ever consented to, and we now don’t have any evidence or way to verify if he did consent to this at any point.
And to use a possible original ask/consent to continuously act in your own self interest, regardless of how much Armand thinks he’s preserving something, would still be a complete violation and betrayal, possibly even more so because it would mean Louis trusted him with his mind and memories, only to have Armand then use that trust as an excuse to erase and replace entire parts of him
But that’s just my speculation on how it might play out if there is literally any scrap of truth to that claim. More likely than not, especially after Assads BTS talking about Armand trying to find a new way to spin things, it’s probably still just a lie, or at least a twisting of some kind of truth
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You: *writes two small essays clearly, cleanly, and thoroughly going through issues you have with the writing in Miraculous, and how they affect what the show is actually saying vs what the writers are going for vs what the audience is taking away from the show, without treating the characters as autonomous people who actually exist a single time*
Someone who pisses on the poor: 'oh so you think this abused child, who was magically created from a feather, deserves to be maliciously lied to by his lifelong romantic partner and fellow 14 year old? After everything he's already been through?'
Media literacy classes should be a requirement everywhere
Thank you for your kind comments about that post. Comments like yours have been very validating after what was initially a really disheartening series of events.
I was quite pleased with what I wrote and thought that I had done a good job focusing on the writing and emphasizing that I was talking about the big picture of the narrative, not chastising or praising specific characters for what the writers had them do. But after I had multiple people go off on rants defending Alya and Adrien, I started seriously questioning my own sanity and communication skills. I even looked up the definition of betrayal to make sure that I wasn't somehow misusing it since that word really seemed to upset people. In case anyone was wondering:
Betrayal is the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict
After verifying that I hadn't been using "betrayal" wrong for well over a decade, I got a little annoyed and did my angry rant in the hope that it would save me from further backlash.
While it has been super validating to see that my two initial essays did in fact make sense to a good number of people, that last post did go a little viral, which I didn't see coming, so I want to take a moment to make it clear that I DO NOT want anyone go after the people who did the rants that spawned my rant. Nothing they did or said was worthy of any sort of pile on. They were just expressing opinions and that's fine. I even get it to some extent because a lot of people have unfairly salted on Alya, acting as if she's the problem and not the writing. And that can be really upsetting when you like her because she doesn't deserve those pile ons any more than Marinette does. They are both victims of bad writing!
I get the desire to treat fictional characters like real people, I really do, but Miraculous is frankly not a good enough show for you to do that. The hand of the author is far too blatant, making characters do whatever the writers want instead of what makes sense for what has been established. One of my favorite quick examples is that the writers gave us a full episode where Gabriel "proved" that Adrien wasn't Chat Noir only to have him figure out Adrien's secret identity because he heard his son use the words My Lady as if that's a super unique pet name that would make Adrien's secret undeniable.
It's all nonsense, which is why I focus on the writing issues, treating the characters like the tools they very clearly are. I simply can't do the kind of character analysis you can do in well written shows where the characters feel real and their actions make sense in the established narrative.
I'll close with this statement to explain how I try to run this blog: the characters in the show are fictional, the people you're talking to on here are not. In the grand scheme of things, nothing about Miraculous is bad enough to be worth fighting over. That's why I enjoy talking about it. With all the truly important fights going on in the world, it's nice to come on here and relax by talking about writing - a topic I adore - without having to care if people agree. It's also why I have this as a side blog. I want people to be able to avoid my content if it upsets them as my goal is first and foremost to have fun dunking on a show that is bad in interesting ways. If I only ever got upset replies to my posts, then I would not run this blog because Miraculous is not worth being miserable over. No piece of fiction is.
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nijigasakilove · 3 months
Jaw is still on the floor man, best episode of a western series I’ve ever seen. Masterclass and with this it feels like the war is finally in full swing.
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In her final episode, it’s fitting that this episode pays off two things Rhaenys said earlier in the season. 1: There’s no war bloodier than one with dragons. Just a look at the aftermath of the battlefield with only Cole and a handful of survivors left standing shows the sheer destruction and horrific nature of a war with dragons. And this was only three of them! Even before the end, you saw dragons trampling over people to take off and fly, etc.
2:No war is as nasty as a war between family. Once that line gets crossed and family start killing one another, you can’t even trust the people on your own side. Brother killing brother, mother against son, etc. I knew Aemond was growing tired of Aegon’s incompetence and of course the shit he pulled last week in the brothel, but I did not expect him to try and kill his own brother in broad daylight in combat. The ending scene with Cole collapsing on his knees realising it was all for naught is just pure cinema.
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Of course Rhaenys going out the way she did was heartbreaking, but considering the state of Rhaenyra forces, there weren’t many other options. Eve best thank you sm for an amazing performance. You will be missed you absolute legend. You and Maelys stared death straight in the eyes and smiled in the end. All in service of the true queen.
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I also like the contrast when it comes to the passing down of history and tradition as well. Alicent is looking for Viserys’ old books to verify what Rhaenyra said about the prophecy, and her son couldn’t care less about the books. Rhaenyra on the other hand passing down knowledge of the prophecy to Jace and him being receptive to it.
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Then there’s Daemon finally confronting the sins of his past and his inner demons and insecurities which is essential to him growing as a character.
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Phenomenal episode. I can’t wait for the next.
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
Hey! Salem here. From my personal account- my art account here is the same spelling as my twitter. You can verify by DMing me on my twitter if you wanna make sure I’m not some weird poser lol
I wanted to clear a couple things up just to avoid rumors. 1) July is when *my* NDA expires for reasons disclosed in the NDA. I have no idea on the terms or status of anyone else’s NDA. 2) I didn’t have anything “special” or “explosive” planned for July. I’m truly sorry to anyone who got their hopes up, but I avoid talking or even thinking about Spindle until an episode I worked on releases. I have a few more in season 2 but that’s abt it. 3) please don’t push on other people to speak right now. There’s varying levels of trauma going on from our time on the show, and some are safer to speak that others with or without NDAs. I get it- we don’t wanna see other people taken advantage of either. But truth is some people just aren’t ready and their healing timeline needs, well, time. 4) don’t worry abt defending me from the stans. If what they’ve commented so far is the best they can do, they’re really not worth anyone’s time. I was laughing at a few gems over a cup of coffee this morning- these guys’ delusions don’t get to me anymore. I’m good. They’re in their own little culty world and nothing an “outsider” says is going to shake them- that has to come from within. Let me know if I can answer any questions ^w^
Oh no, no verification needed. I trust that it's you!
Thank you for all of this extremely important clarification, and it's true, no one should press anyone to speak. These things can only happen when/if people are ready for them to happen.
It's been amazing to see what you've had to say, to see your work on the show, and it's reassuring to hear the stans haven't gotten under your skin. Glad you're in a better place now!
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sonkitty · 3 months
The Sideburns Scheme Post #88
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(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 6, Every Day, collaborating
Sideburns Check
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The sideburns are still a long length that does not quite reach longest-length. That is the standard during this visit, as is having the red streak visible and the hairstyle remaining the same.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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The more saturated red streak of hair can be found.
Hairstyle Changes
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Due to maintaining his "disguise," Crowley's hair does not change style between this scene and the last.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects)
The scene starts with some interesting reflection trickery that may have already been in play, I can just see it more clearly now. Because the desk has a transparent surface, Crowley's reflection of his upper body visually touches his lower body visible through the desk.
With that happening, he has a question. Muriel has a self-touch with their hands and similar reflection trickery happening for themself.
Saraqael arrives and is probably be allowed touches with their wheelchair, such as with a back to the seat and arms on the arm rests.
Dialogue points include, "Hello, Crowley."
Time to pay attention to the pockets.
The Tied Hands are still busy being a gold tie pocketed into Crowley's gray jacket. For signs of retying while they are pocketed nonetheless, the face of Crowley's watch can be found partly covered by his clothing but also reflected in the desk.
He manages how he extends his right index finger before and after he passes behind Muriel.
There's one particular cut that looks like a generally key moment because Crowley's watch is reflected in the desk, his left index finger is extended with the fingertip touching the pants, his left thumb CMC joint is aligned against a pants pocket edge, and his left hand itself is making a pocket. This cut is when Muriel is answering Crowley, "Not yet."
The most likely Overhead Lights are in the cut where the focus is on Crowley as Saraqael is saying, "No, you didn't."
Muriel is making pockets and managing their fingers especially in the last cut their hands are visible. I don't know what such mechanics accomplish, but Muriel is being particular about their pinky fingers while also extending a right index finger. This cut is the last time anyone's hands are shown on camera for this scene.
Saraqael makes pockets as well. Saraqael does not obscure Muriel's pocket chain the two times all three characters are on camera together.
The greenish tint on the sunglasses happens mainly when Crowley is looking at Saraqael though it is not consistent with every look. That has happened in his sunglasses at other times with things like light fixtures in a given space. I'm not sure I've really seen it in response to an actual character. It probably does have some meaning, but I don't know what that meaning is. Generally, I associate the greenish tint with the lighting in Hell so would guess a tangential connection to Crowley being a demon. I don't think Saraqael is some secret demonic entity who has been in Heaven this whole time.
As has been the case, the reflections in the sunglasses otherwise continue to give clues about The Window Trick with more lights reflected. While Crowley does look in Muriel's direction, and white is reflected in the sunglasses, I think the reflection is still meant to be the white lights in Heaven instead of actually Muriel. In episode 3, it was easier to determine Muriel was reflected due to Muriel's shape that was in the reflection. Here, such a thing is not clearly given.
Story Commentary
(For reference: Bookend Buddies - Crowley and Muriel (Part 2))
While Crowley is here to find answers about Gabriel, the urgency of when he left the bookshop behind is still gone.
When Muriel answers, "Not yet," I take that as a sign of the deeper trust between Crowley and Muriel. We didn't know Muriel was investigating such a thing since the story indicated Muriel was verifying the love miracle Aziraphale lied about. Muriel has no problem admitting this "yet" part of their answer to Crowley.
The exchange between Saraqael and Crowley is very interesting.
With the greeting of, "Hello, Crowley," Saraqael has a faint smile near the end of such dialogue.
Crowley raises his eyebrows, surprised at being addressed. Muriel is blurred on screen with him with their pocket chain partly cut off from the bottom of the screen.
Saraqael goes onto add, "I didn't expect to ever see you again." Their eyes seem to be smiling at the start of the statement and shift into something more neutral.
The camera cuts to a close up of Muriel who looks at Crowley and then looks a little nervous. They have one of those self-made pockets with their helmet strap.
Crowley asks Saraqael, "Do we know each other?" Such a question implies he does not remember Saraqael. Crowley does not look as surprised or much confused while he says this line, possibly having a faint smile of his own.
In episode 4, Furfur was surprised and offended by Crowley indicating he did not know Furfur. Here, Saraqael informs Crowley of how they knew each other from Crowley's time as an angel. There seems to be another faint smile from Saraqael in the earlier part of their dialogue.
Going back to episode 4 again, Crowley explicitly denied remembering Furfur at a specific memory Furfur gave. Here with Saraqael in episode 6, Crowley does not do that. He smiles as he says, "I meet a lot of people." He also has a greenish tint that can be found reflected in his sunglasses.
Saraqael has a little twitch of annoyance that turns into a faint smile.
So, again, the questions arise about Crowley's memory. Did he forget Saraqael? Does Saraqael have false memories of Crowley? Is Crowley lying?
Well, I say the following with uncertainty, but my own guess or interpretation would be that Crowley's bluffing. He does that as a self-preservation tactic. He remembers, but he's not going to admit that here and now. Saraqael suspects much the same, knows him well enough to understand the tactic in play, and the subject is dropped. While Saraqael is about to literally refer to Crowley as the enemy, the two will behave as if they are at least not enemies throughout the rest of the story.
With my suspicions about the relevance of Crowley being first when it comes to using the Heaven elevator, I've taken note that Muriel being last could also be relevant.
The dialogue in the previous Heaven scene specified, "First-Order Archangel," and I remarked my taking note of that with my intuition on alert.
The dialogue in this scene has Saraqael specify Muriel as the "last" person Saraqael would expect to be collaborating with the enemy. So, my intuition alert heightens all the more. I wish I had more than a feeling, but the most I've got is that the pair effectively bookend, or pocket, the angels collectively with a "first" and "last" rank. Their bookends are really noticeable with each other's scenes, especially with the Threshold Tricks. Why does that matter and what does it or will it do?
Saraqael has a mild middle pattern among the set. Saraqael is in the middle scene of Muriel's three matchbox scenes. Saraqael will be the middle on the walk to the elevator.
I suspect this middle idea is relevant too though the trust is not on the same level is what I read between Crowley and Muriel.
Saraqael looks serious by the end of accusing Muriel of collaborating with the enemy but has that faint smile again after saying, "No, you didn't," and before indicating Muriel should show Crowley the trial.
Crowley doesn't even ask to see the trial. Saraqael is the one who determines that is the next step. Crowley looks at Saraqael in slight surprise, and Saraqael gives him a seemingly defiant look.
Saraqael says both the names "Crowley" and "Muriel" for this scene. We never saw how Muriel got Crowley's name, but an easy explanation based on this scene is that Saraqael told Muriel the name at some point.
The Bookshop
Speaking of names, just as Saraqael states both Crowley's and Muriel's names, some names are immediately dropped in the next bookshop scene.
Aziraphale starts us off with addressing Shax by name. Shax addresses him by name and finally, somebody, Shax, mentions Crowley by name.
While Shax taunts Aziraphale about Crowley, the taunt is about Aziraphale being Crowley's emotional support angel instead of say, Crowley having left Aziraphale behind.
So, the characters continue to not explicitly acknowledge Crowley didn't come back from escorting the humans out and that he left the area.
Since I brought up the names, I'll add that both the names "Gabriel" and "Jim" are included in this scene.
The initial framing in the scene closes in around Shax again with Shax being visually pocketed by balusters of the spiral staircase.
This time, we are not given a reminder or confirmation that the bookshop doors are still open, and the window is still broken and open.
The circle on the floor is indicated to still be active based on the lighting, but no demons are visibly discorporated.
Instead, they are shown to have reached the stairs and are being pushed back by Maggie and Nina with fire extinguishers.
Aziraphale himself makes a threat to initiate the scene, a real one we know he'll follow through on in due time, but he is stalling for now.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
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The Sideburns Scheme
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