#epidermal cell
In addition to its cytotoxic effects, UV-B radiation can elicit a wide range of photomorphogenic responses, some of which are listed in Table 16.3.
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Other specialized epidermal cells, such as lithocysts, bulliform cells, silica cells, and cork cells (Figure 19.9), are found only in certain groups of plants and are not studied as well.
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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platypu · 11 months
thinking about weevil photonic crystal structures...
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Weevils (such as Pachyrhynchus genera) have evolved epidermal cells that can produce colour through opal-like arrangements of packed spheres, forming a three-dimensional photonic crystalline structure.
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mindblowingscience · 18 days
The average glioblastoma patient survives 12-18 months after diagnosis. The crux of the diagnostic is a biochip that uses electrokinetic technology to detect biomarkers, or active Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors (EGFRs), which are overexpressed in certain cancers such as glioblastoma and found in extracellular vesicles. “Extracellular vesicles or exosomes are unique nanoparticles secreted by cells. They are big—10 to 50 times bigger than a molecule—and they have a weak charge. Our technology was specifically designed for these nanoparticles, using their features to our advantage,” says Hsueh-Chia Chang, a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the University of Notre Dame and lead author of the study about the diagnostic published in Communications Biology.
Continue Reading.
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thehappybroadcast · 2 years
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Over seven million women suffer from breast cancer, making it one of the deadliest cancers across the globe.

A team of researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSM) has been working on a breast cancer vaccine for over the last 20 years. In their recently published study, they finally revealed the results of the phase one human trials of their breast cancer vaccine.

The study is published in the journal JAMA Oncology. During the phase one trials, the experimental breast cancer vaccine has proved to be safe and highly effective in preventing the growth of human epidermal growth receptor 2 (HER2) cancer tumor cells. High levels of HER2 protein in the body are responsible for causing the most complex, aggressive, and rapidly spreading type of breast cancer in women. Therefore, the new vaccine might turn out to be a groundbreaking discovery in the field of modern medicine.

The researchers are now conducting phase two trials of their vaccine. If successful, it’d be one of the greatest miracles of medical science – fingers crossed! Source: Interesting Engineering (link in bio) #science #cancer #innovation https://www.instagram.com/p/CnCQgiVO_xi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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napfordinner · 11 months
My lovely friends, this is a friendly evidence-based post pertaining to the risk reduction of a few well-known health effects of 4n4 and mia. Including: Amenorrhea (loss of regular menstrual period), anaemia, digestive upset, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, general well-being, and osteoporosis. It is quite a long post, but please let me know if there’s any other information you would like me to cover. 💕
🪐 Vitamins and Supplements:
• A-Z Multivitamin. Is beneficial for supplementation. For example, Vitamin C is a vitally important vitamin for the body’s connective tissues, including the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, cellular formation and maturation, resistance to infection, and an increased ability to heal. Additionally, B12 contributes to an adequately functioning nervous system, bone marrow, and intestinal tract. It also acts to increase metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Finally vitamin B2 when combined with Vitamin A promotes good vision and healthy skin, as well as assists in metabolising proteins and fats at a cellular level.
• Calcium and Vitamin D. Seek a preparation which offers 1000mg of calcium and 10-20mcg (400-800 iu) of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the bodies efficacy during the absorption, retention, and metabolising of calcium. Calcium of course being vital for bone integrity and imperative for the prevention of osteopenia/osteoporosis.
• Iron. An appropriate iron intake will restore the functionality of red blood cells, allowing the proper oxygen transportation around the body, increase focus, energy, athletic performance, and sleep. Having a sufficient iron store will alleviate some commonly experienced symptoms of low iron including fatigue, dizziness, pallor, and shortness of breath. It may also reduce the sensation of cold hands and feet.
• Potassium and Zinc. A lack of zinc impairs the ability to smell and taste. Connecting this impairment to nose blindness. For example, a lack of a sense of smell and taste may impair one’s own ability to detect their own bad breath, BO, and other unpleasant smells that others may be able to detect.
• Omega 3’s - Fish oil, Krill oil, Hemp oil, or Flaxseed oil. Improper dietary intake, or supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids will result in areas of epidermal (skin) dryness, hyperkeratosis, and hyperpigmentation. As well as the formation large scales expose underlying tissue, which are easily infected. The hair becomes sparse, dry, lusterless, and brittle, with a reddish tinge. Furthermore, nails become brittle and dull, tear production reduces, the tears are also significantly less oily leading to increased evaporation contributing to chronically dry, red, and itchy eyes.
If oil supplements are scary for you to intake due to calorie fears (there is only approx 25 calories in 2 average fish oil capsules). There are dietary sources of omega 3 that are relatively low calorie including chia seeds, edamame, and seaweed. However they provide little amounts in comparison to supplementation or traditional dietary sources such as fish, avocado, oils etc.
However this should also be considered when deciding whether to supplement omega 3’s - they stimulate the secretion of leptin, a hormone that decreases appetite and promotes the burning of fat. Through the enabling of conversion of dietary fats into body cells for burning as fuel.
🍄 Dietary Intake
•Bone broth (or vegetable broth if meat is not apart of your diet ☺️) I cannot stress how great bone broth is! Extremely low calorie, but incredibly nutrient-dense. It also acts to decrease the inflammation within the gut that many of us will experience due to our dietary habits. Including conditions such as constipation, gastroparesis, liver disease, bloating, abdominal pain, and stomach ulceration.
Bone broth also contains large amounts of protein, collagen, iron, vitamins A and K, fatty acids, selenium, zinc, and manganese. Protein being the most satiating macronutrient can decrease hunger and associated discomfort. Collagen and the variety of micronutrients within the bone broth contributes to joint and bone health. Bone broth will also contribute to hydration.
•Nutrient-dense foods including blueberries l are among the best sources of anthocyanins (antioxidants) that promote brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Additionally, red tomatoes and red capsicum (Peppers). Tomatoes are the richest source of lycopene, which is a type of carotenoid found in red fruits that has powerful antioxidant effect that may help protect against heart disease and certain types of cancer.
•Fibre is imperative for smooth gastrointestinal function, including regular bowel movements. Fibre is of course typically found in whole fruits and vegetables, beans/lentils, and whole grains. Low calorie fibre sources include: red kidney beans, carrot, and chickpeas. Psyllium, chia seeds are also good sources of fibre. Fibre supplants such as Metamucil may also aid to increase fibre intake. An adequate intake of fibre may reduce the dependence of laxative for bowel movements. Prolonged use of laxatives may create a dependency on them to even have a bowel movement.
🥥 Adequate Hydration
• The best way to ensure adequate hydration is simply by consuming enough water during the day. However, if plain water consumption is difficult, fluid intake will also suffice. Including fluid such as teas, flavoured/enhanced water, diet soft drinks, juices, etc. The optimal fluids to consume in addition to, or instead of simple water to ensure adequate hydration is mineral water, coconut water, or diet electrolyte replacements (Powerade/Gatorade, Pedialyte, Hydralyte). Correct hydration and electrolyte intake will reduce headaches, constipation, and muscle cramps/weakness.
❤️ Reproductive Health
•Amenorrhea is a common experience for those of us with a uterus. However it is imperative to understand that you are more than likely still ovulating despite the lack of a regular menstrual period. Therefore, contraception must still be used. Amenorrhea may be alleviated through dietary supplementation and small changes to the diet to include more micronutrients, but it may not be completely fixed unless there is an increase to body fat percentages.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
Ohhh, blaschko's lines!! They're very real! We're not quite sure why they exist, but the current best theory is that they represent the pathways epidermal cells took while the fetus was developing. There are certain conditions that make them visible from birth, but they can become visible later on in life (according to some quick googling-)
Here's some examples of known patterns! I'm personally a big fan of the checkerboard one-
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(Also HELL YEAH on Krulu having diseases and aliments as a speciality!! They're (unsurprisingly) one of my favorite fields so I'm just clapping cheering overhere. Guy would love my ebola poster which is a totally normal thing to own)
Imagine you're just minding your own business and one of the gods picks you up, unable to curb their laughter.
You're passed around to many other siadar who all cackle or cover their mouths and puff their cheeks. You have no idea what's going on.
Turns out you have an invisible chessboard pattern.
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Can I borrow ur skin for a min?
Which skin would you like? And for what kind of experiment are you intending to use it?
I have several different skins with different properties. In the fridge I have the skin of an arm on which I tested different corrosive qualities of acids to compare them. In the freezer there's an intact skin but it was obviously frozen so it won't have the same properties of fresh skin, but I needed to test the effect of freezing on human skin cells for a case where a body was kept in the freezer. I also have some petri dishes with normal human epidermal keratinocytes for another experiment. I could passage some of the cells into a new petri dish if you require those.
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Not sure if this has been asked before, but do Time Lords get scars, or do their injuries (minor ones that do not lead to regeneration, of course) heal without a trace?
Do Time Lords get scars?
Gallifreyan skin shares a lot of similarities with human skin, but its got some unique assets that make it pretty resilient and less prone to scarring.
🧬 Gallifreyan Skin Structure
Epidermis: The outermost layer - it's thicker than human epidermis, with a denser keratin providing enhanced protection. It's also got an additional layer, unique to Gallifreyans, making it more durable.
Dermis: The layer where most of the action happens, supporting sensory functions and immune response. It's slightly thinner than in humans, but it has more collagen and elastin. It's also got a special layer that gives a "trampoline" effect to repel foreign objects.
Hypodermis: This has subcutaneous fat and additional collagen, acting as cushion, insulator, and energy reserve. It's got more fat than in humans to increase resilience and heat control.
🛠️ Healing Mechanisms
Gallifreyan healing processes are obviously advanced, with their unique skin structure facilitating rapid and efficient recovery from injuries. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Bleeding: Capillary networks in Gallifreyan skin are denser, leading to faster clotting for minor wounds. The increased number of capillaries means more immediate blood supply to injured areas.
Inflammation: The area swells as blood rushes in, bringing essential nutrients and oxygen to aid repair. Similar to humans, but Gallifreyans experience a more intense and effective inflammatory response.
Proliferation: New tissue replaces damaged tissue, closing the wound. The process involves the rapid multiplication of cells, similar to human wound healing but faster due to advanced cellular mechanisms.
Remodelling: Tissue remodels to restore the normal structure and function of the skin. This is the stage that determines whether they'll scar.
⚔️ Scarring in Gallifreyans
The likelihood and extent of scarring depend on the injury's depth and severity:
Minor Injuries (Epidermal Layer - superficial) - Typically heal without scarring within 2 days (or faster with treatment or a healing coma).
Moderate Injuries (Dermal Layer - deeper) - May leave minor scars, usually healing within 7-14 days depending on the treatment.
Major Injuries (Hypodermal Tissue and Bone - deepest) - Likely to scar due to deeper tissue damage, needing up to 28 days to heal without treatment. The presence of subcutaneous fat and specialised fluid provides additional protection but doesn't entirely prevent scarring.
🔍 Additional Factors
Foreign Objects: Gallifreyan skin expels foreign objects by effectively 'pushing' out objects that penetrate the dermal and subcutaneous layers.
Healing Coma and Zero Room: Advanced methods like entering a healing coma or using a Zero Room can significantly accelerate healing and reduce scarring.
🏫 So ...
Time Lords generally heal rapidly and effectively, avoiding scars from minor injuries. However, more severe injuries can result in scarring. Their unique physiology allows for high resilience and recovery, making scars relatively rare but not impossible.
Does Gallifreyan skin react to burns?: Burn scarring with classification and the healing process.
How can Gallifreyans manage pain/chronic pain?: Overview of natural and medicinal aids to pain.
Do Time Lords have the same skin and hair cycles as humans?: How skin and hair growth occur in Gallifreyans.
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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peterspinkrobe · 1 year
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Creature Comforts - Drabble
W/C: 1,575 (I know drabbles are supposed to be shorter but I have no self-control)
Warnings: mentions of male nudity, injury/blood, hurt & comfort
A/N: Happy (early) birthday to me!! NSFW version of cover image here @Ejpuki on Twitter is amazing and I’m commissioning another priest!Miguel piece from them for chapter 5. Go support them! I hope you enjoy this piece. As you can tell from my user, Peter’s robe is very dear to me ❤️👚
Once again forgotten by its usual wearer and not being used for its intended purpose, it splayed out across the boss’s command center. It observed without seeing and listened without hearing on the platform above the large, empty office of the arachno-humanoid-poly multiverse HQ. Unaware that its normal temperature from resting on the shoulders of Peter B Parker had long seeped into the cold surface of the table it sprawled on.
The new father had tossed the pink robe aside earlier that night after unstrapping his daughter Mayday from her restraints and unintentionally pawning her off on ‘Uncle’ Miles. A meganomily had been discovered ravaging an Earth who’s Spider-Man had yet to have their leap of faith. This type of distress signal called for the more trained, or at least in Peter B’s case the… older, Spiders to respond. Certainly not the time to have a toddler strapped to your chest.
They had returned from the successful yet grueling mission nearly an hour ago. The lack of sleep from keeping up with a spider baby and the intensity of the mission left him entirely drained. He only stopped by HQ before heading back home to MJ to pick up his daughter and some of those fancy 2099 epidermal patch bandages for his bruised and scratched body. The robe out-of-mind as he cocooned the spider baby in webbing to get her back to their dimension.
The soft hum of neon monitors is the only noise for a long while. The screens cast colors across the fluffy fabric of the robe. Suddenly the platform begins to lower.
Below it, Miguel O’Hara gathers his things for the long night of research ahead. The slow pace of the platform allows him plenty of time to pour a mug of much needed caffeine and collect himself before pouring into his work. It takes a lot of concentration not to limp around his office for the crew really took a beating, himself included. His body is covered in already blackening bruises and lesions that have only just started healing after patching himself up in the bathroom. No amount of super healing could so quickly mend the wounds he’d received from the emergency response mission.
He can’t help but wince when he looks up towards the floating office space coming down to meet him. He rubs his neck and knows that if he feels like this now, tomorrow will be hell. His overstimulated senses made it so that he stood bare below the declining platform. With it being so late, his doors locked, and Lyla on DND for the evening, he figured his naked figure shouldn’t be an issue since he wouldn’t be disturbed. He couldn’t even handle the lights of his digitized suit or be bothered to try and put clothes on his marked body. His blood felt as though it were on fire in his veins.
Any attempt at keeping his composure melted away in the shower he had taken earlier. The scolding water ran over cuts and mixed with his blood before draining at his feet. Finally alone, he cursed himself for putting the team in danger the way he had. He couldn’t help the tears fusing with the water droplets that fell onto his face. Mayday almost lost her father and Miguel could blame no one for himself.
The thought makes him wince again, but no tears. He only feels anger now. How had he not seen the blatant traps they were being led to by that particularly sadistic Doctor Octavius variant? He knew somehow that the Spiders were on their way to stop him and nearly killed them. Doc was now being held in a secure cell instead of the laughable rectangles the other variant villains waited inside for their turn on the Go-Home-Machine. Miguel needed answers, and intended on paying him a visit later.
After having dealt with the Spot, Miguel wondered just how many others out there knew how easy it was to alter the fate of the multiverse.
The analytical anger turns to annoyance as he steps onto the platform. Peter left that stupid robe laid over his desk again. The manchild knew nothing of boundaries and personal space. He grabbed it to toss it over the side of the platform, having to consciously keep his claws sheathed to not rip through the silly piece of attire. The only reason it’s not in shredded at this moment is because Miguel knows it helps Peter’s shoulders with the baby carrier. He also thinks of how she’ll rub the robe on her cheek when her eyes start to droop drowsily.
Miguel considers the image of the sleepy child nuzzling into the fuzzy robe and, instead of throwing it over the edge, brings the fabric to his own cheek. Hands hesitantly hold the pink coat against his face. The robe does not respond to the tightening grip as Miguel holds it against his chest.
The brooding man brings the bundle to his face and buries into the billowy housecoat. He inhales the various smells that stick to the coat: A blend of Peter’s cologne and MJ’s perfume waft towards him as well as a sourish scent that was no doubt the result of Mayday spit up. It smelled lived in. It smelled like family.
He allowed the material to unravel from his hands and he looked at the robe in its full view. He couldn’t tell the last time it had been washed, if ever. Upon closer inspection, he saw stains of different foods and drinks. It would be impossible to tell if it was Peter or his baby that made those messes. A small hole could be seen at the bottom of the robe’s hem, perhaps from the wear and tear of a mission. Miguel mentally cursed Peter for never taking care of his things but he knows that Peter B shows his love in different ways. Peter accepts the muck and stick, bathes in the imperfections of things.
Before Miguel can understand what he is doing, he starts to put an arm into one of the sleeves. Despite the mated bits on the coat, the inside is velvety on his heated skin. The feather-like material glides across his shoulders as he puts the robe on fully.
Miguel stands awkwardly beside the armchair on the platform as it ascends slowly back into the air above his office. His face burns hot thinking that someone finding him like this would be more embarrassing than if he was just nude. But the comfort of the robe softly fights back against his woes. The shaggy cloth hugs his skin in a way that doesn’t make him want to claw at himself.
Suddenly, a wave of nostalgia washes over him. He turns to his computers and looks for the file that flashed in his mind. He opens the file named “Christmas 2090 - Bike” and presses play. As the title suggests, the video opens on a zoomed in image of snow outside a window. It zooms out and slowly a Christmas tree and the furniture of a living in the future pan into view. The one recording shows the piles of presents under the tree and the decorations no doubt created by the child who darts into view. The video records her expression at the sight of the gifts and her running up to hug the one videoing. The child is smiling from ear to ear and her hair is still matted from her sleep that Christmas Eve.
Miguel takes a seat on the armchair and watches as Gabriella opens her gifts. He smiles softly at her enthusiasm. There is no sound, but Miguel can hear her bubbly laughter when she unwraps a large box containing her first bicycle. Tears threaten his eyes when the camera pans around to show himself looking into the camera. He is wearing a plush, plaid robe of his own in the video. Gabriella runs up to him and kisses her father on the cheek. A ghost of his former self watches through blurry vision at the family he used to have.
The videos begin to autoplay and Miguel huddles into himself watching the memories of his daughter dance across the screens. The robe unknowingly comforts the crumbled man on the couch, embracing him in unspoken softness. Fluffy pink patches of fuzz caress his skin when his body shifts slightly to lay back in the chair. The bathrobe holds him in a way he hasn’t been held in a long while and his eyes grow heavy in its embrace. Any semblance of a night of research is long gone as Miguel slumped into the chair, homemade family videos playing to an audience of a snoring man and a particularly soft, yet unaware, robe.
Even if Lyla is on Do Not Disturb, she can still see all. As an omniscient AI assistant it’s in her programming to bypass safewalls and get info she shouldn’t. She smiles at the scene of her large boss sprawled out in the chair, sleeping soundly. A sight that she hasn’t seen in the past few nights as he usually catches cat naps during his busy work days.
She may not be able to disturb Miguel, but she does send a message to Weaver - a Spider-Man whose hobby is tailoring. She includes the blueprints of a secret sewing mission for him:
A blue robe with a specific Spider logo embroidered on the chest.
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dannydbeeto · 1 month
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OMG HAI so glad you askeddd I have like. Everything planned out for this au
‼️Huge spoilers for persona 5 base game hehe
I mentioned this in the tags in my first post but in my head the persona characters are functionally the owl house characters but I still want them to have their backstories and stuff and like i tweek the oh characters just a bit cos there are so many phantom thieves lol. so think of it as like a swap au but not really ok
Sojiro-> Eda
Sae-> Lilith
Futaba-> King
Ren/Akira-> Luz
Ryuji-> Gus
Ann-> Willow
Makoto-> amity
Akechi-> amity/hunter
Shido-> belos
For yusuke Haru and morgana Im just straight up using their p5 backstories
Yusuke is a student at st. Epiderm and he’s in the illusion track (cos one it’s blue and two he can use it for creative stuff I believe in him) he’s still under the tutelage of maderame and he still steals yusukes and all of his students hard work and ren/akira and the gang (Ann, ryuji) have to take yusuke into maderame’s brain à la understanding willow and show him maderame’s true nature and he confronts maderame in his brain and kinda “changes his heart” huge air quotes
Haru is the daughter of potion coven head kunikazu okumura and she is very skilled in plant magic, but to uphold her fathers legacy she is put in the potions track (like willow omg) her father is kidnapped shortly before the day of unity, blame for his murder being put on the “phantom thieves” after he is found dead in a prison cell
Morgana is. In this one. An actual monster cat, he’s like the bipedal monsters in the show and he finds ren/akira not too long from when he falls into this world and “takes him under his wing” he’s in the baby class at hexide and uses his new ride to scare the other kids into doing things for him this is how ren/akira finds himself in hexide and finds the school endearing (he’s only seen the baby class)
Makoto is less of amity in the way that they’re rivals to lovers (unless you want that im open to it) but more of Makoto is the star student and a very skilled witch and ren and co are wreaking havoc all around campus
Their tracks
Ren- multi tracks (excels in oracle magic though)(Arsene is a ghost he’s besties w)
Morgana- baby track he hasn’t decided yet
Ryuji- originally in the potions track but got lippy with the grudgby coach and got switched to the detention track
Ann- abomination
Yusuke- illusion
Makoto- healing
Futaba- oracle (because it’s funny)
Haru- plant (originally in potions)
Akechi- emperors coven/ multi track in his school (favoritism 🙄) also peep the parallels to ren/akira
I imagine sojiro is in a coffee lovers coven or something that’d be really funny
Anyway yeah I’m prolly gonna draw more soon but hehehehehehe
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These cells are highly lobed, creating an interlocking pattern resembling that of a jigsaw puzzle (Figure 14.15A and B). This pattern of interdigitating cell wall expansion combines aspects of diffuse growth and tip growth and requires the action of small, GTP-binding proteins called ROP (Rho-like from plants) GTPases and their activating proteins called RICs (ROP-interacting CRIB motif-containing proteins) (Figure 14.15C).
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The formation of pavement cells, the default pathway for epidermal cell development, was discussed in Chapter 14 (see Figure 14.15)
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
PIN2, which is localized at the upper side of root epidermal cells and at the upper side and lateral side facing the epidermal cells in cortical cells, conducts auxin away from the lateral root cap to the elongation zone, where auxin acts to stimulate or inhibit cell elongation.
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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madamlaydebug · 2 months
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Do not drink this product.
KOMBUCHA is a cocktail of fermented patented farmed bacteria.
It increases alcohol thus raising acidity in the body.
It's primary ingredients are gram positive bacteria that increase lactic acid.
Lactic acid buildup can cause cramping pains.
It is anaerobic:without oxygen.
We get digestive help from fruit skin oxidation in our intestines.
The bloom of fruit found on the skin is an immunity booster as it is secreted by the epidermal skin cells in the fruit and assists us at fighting bad bacteria like E. coli, candida , Helicobacter pylori etc.
All of which are increased by these fake probiotics like KOMBUCHA and ACV.
If you suffer from celiacs disease, crohn's disease or other IBS types of diseases you have a high E. coli and candida infection and need a pure and natural probiotic to restore intestinal flora.
Antibiotics, baby formulas and poor nutrition during pregnancy wipe out all natural bacteria in the gut and is the lead cause in development of these diseases.
Contact Dr Ali for specialized nutritional regiments.
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salvatriceaverse · 1 year
Bodies are not volumes but coastlines; irresolvable but undelimitable penetrabilities, opportunites for the real decomposition of space. How many orifices has the human body? The osmotic transfusion of saline chemicals from a drop of alien perspiration impacts upon a cluster of epidermal cells as an annihilating copulation.
Nick Land, The Thirst for Annihilation (1992)
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Updated: September 26, 2024
Reworked Character #9: Tequila
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, torture, suicide, child abuse, cannibalism, crime, alcoholism, and divorce.
Real name: Sermeg Bracquemond-Kagamihara (he legally changed his name to Sosuke N. Kanikoja)
Alias: Maestro of a Thousand Skirmishes
Nickname: Tequila
Occupation: Lieutenant General of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., Brigadier General of the Regular Army, Army Chief of Staff for the Rebel Army (formerly), and mercenary for the Theophylaktos Union (formerly)
Retirement plans: Open a florist shop, become a philanthropist dedicated to supporting child welfare and war veterans, and establish a company that designs and manufactures affordable, electric vehicles
Special skills: Coordinating covert missions, and training programs for new recruits, proficiency in tactical planning and the operation of heavy machinery, mastery of disguise, and rescuing hostages
Esper abilities: His body possesses a unique adaptive ability, granting him resistance to extreme temperatures, toxins, and other hazards. In response to environmental stressors, his organs automatically secrete a protective, opalescent slime that coats them. This slime serves as a barrier, preventing harmful microorganisms from entering his body and shielding him from infections and diseases. It also repels toxic substances and deadly gases, safeguarding his organs from damage. Furthermore, the slime produces purplish-black cells that play a crucial role in his thermal resistance, helping to regulate his body temperature and enabling him to withstand extreme heat or cold temperatures
Moreover, he's able to intentionally shed his skin, peeling it off like a removable garment. Following its removal, his skin rapidly regenerates through a self-materialising process, restoring his epidermal layer. This process allows him to remove harmful organisms that may have attached to or burrowed into his skin. Shedding contaminated skin also enables him to regenerate healthy tissue and develop enhanced immunity and resistance to biological hazards, including toxins, bacteria, and other harmful substances.
By leveraging his photographic memory and manipulating his genetic code and organic mass, he can shapeshift into any form he has visually memorised. He can also teleport short distances, allowing him to suddenly disappear and reappear in locations with which he has partial or full familiarity. He boasts flexibility rivalling that of an octopus due to his extreme hypermobility, and agility nearly identical to that of a cheetah. Furthermore, his senses are incredibly acute, featuring eyesight as keen as an eagle's, hearing as sensitive as a bat's, a sense of smell as discerning as an elephant's, and touch sensitivity as refined as a star-nosed mole's. When sensing the presence of danger or untrustworthy individuals within his range of sight and hearing, his mind instantly kicks into fight or flight mode, impairing his impulsivity and heightening his hypervigilance. This triggers a sudden surge of adrenaline, preparing his body to either confront the threat or flee to safety.
He can clearly read emotions and thoughts by proximity to an individual's aura within a 6 ft (182.88 cm) boundary. Additionally, he possesses psychometry, granting him access to accurate knowledge of an object's or person's history through physical contact, which triggers brief yet remarkably vivid visions. He can sense celestial events, planetary alignments, and cosmic anomalies, allowing him to vaguely predict global changes. Furthermore, he can passively sense environmental changes to predict weather, earthquakes, and other meteorological and geological events.
He has black half-spheres on the palms of his hands, which possess a red-violet lustre and serve three distinct purposes. Firstly, they enable him to manipulate the organic fabric of sentient life forms and the four elemental forces that comprise the cosmos: earth, air, water, and fire. Secondly, they allow him to absorb memories and knowledge from the freshly deceased and bodies in various stages of decay. Lastly, by touching a sentient being or placing his hand in close proximity to one, they grant him the ability to communicate with them telepathically.
Hobbies: Gardening (especially cultivating deadly plants and sweet-smelling flowers), playing underground poker games, watching demolition derby events, tinkering with and customising his own vehicles, and engaging in friendly fire incidents during covert missions with military organisations
Likes: Gourmet grilling, the innocent curiosity of children, enjoying a drink after a long battle, the symbolism and cultural significance of flowers, and exploring exotic destinations and natural wonders
Dislikes: Captivity, troublemakers, being stuck in tight spaces (especially during an escape), bureaucratic red tape, and witnessing his comrades and children being exploited and oppressed or caught in situations of gratuitous violence
Favourite food: Tequila (tequila sunrise is his most favourite) and his own gourmet grilled food
Sexuality: Panromantic graysexual
Gender: Male
Age: 50 (in 2022), 56 (in 2028), 58 (in 2030), 60 (in 2032), 62 (in 2034), 69 (in 2041), 71 (in 2043), 72 (in 2044), and 75 (in 2047)
Blood type: A-
Weight: 109 lbs. (49 kg)
Design: He’s a 5 ft (152.4 cm) Canadian-Guatemalan ectomorph of French and Japanese descent with a lean, semi-lanky build, subtle softness around the midsection, and a weak yet surprisingly stocky musculature. He has sloping shoulders, beige skin (it was pale ivory during his younger years), and a small black mole on the right side of his chin. He has a missing second premolar on his lower jaw and heterochromia eyes: his right eye is a medium sky blue and his left eye is a deep cyan. Tequila sports a brownish-black spiky crew cut dyed a light auburn, which is paired with sideburns, semi-bushy eyebrows, and a slightly dishevelled five o'clock shadow. On his right outer thigh, he has a tattoo depicting a seven-horned Lamb of God, its legs bound, holding an olive branch in its mouth. The lamb is set against a backdrop of a gilded Chi Rho symbol (☧), which is encircled by a radiant, flaming aureola.
He bears numerous battle scars from past encounters, including: half of his upper back being heavily burned; a series of jagged cuts on his left arm caused by shrapnel; a deep, curved scar on his temple; a thin, horizontal knife scar on his chin; a slight cut on his left cheek from a bullet that flew past him; and a bullet wound below the right side of his diaphragm. Tequila also has a series of deep stab wounds on his right shoulder and right lumbar region, a severed tendon (flexor carpi ulnaris) in his left forearm, and a partially cut left thumb. After being experimented on, his body underwent significant transformations: his muscles now have a coppery hue with bronze streaks, his neck is adorned with bearded vulture feathers, his bones are gilded and steel-hard, and his legs are covered in shaggy, greenish-black fur.
His military gear consists of brass-plated goggles with yellow-orange lenses, a navy blue bandana mask, a bone white tank top with a slight rip just above the left hip, and greenish-black gloves. He wears army cargo pants in a camouflage pattern featuring cerulean, lavender grey, and Cambridge blue, which are tucked into spike-soled liver brown combat boots. His pants have two crudely stitched patches: a triangular brownish-red one on the right knee and a rectangular steel blue one on the middle of his left outer thigh. Tequila wears a metal dog tag necklace with his name, navy blue elbow and knee pads, a leather belt, a sheath for his combat knife, and a drop leg holster for a handgun with a silencer. A Prussian blue waist pack is secured to the back of his belt, containing a bronze-finished flask filled with his tequila cocktail of choice for the day.
He wears a linden green flight jacket, often left unzipped, featuring a brown wolf-fur lining, a metallic silver zipper, and gilded epaulets. The jacket has four pockets and boasts the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. logo emblazoned on the back. It has two hidden compartments designed for firearms, but typically stores a sheathed machete and a scoped bolt-action rifle instead. Additionally, he wears a reseda chartreuse armband on his left sleeve, adorned with the Regular Army insignia. He typically wears a blue-green Lightweight Helmet (LWH), but occasionally opts for a gold-edged wedge cap of linden green seal fur instead.
Over his tank top, he dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a cerulean, lavender grey, and Cambridge blue camouflage pattern, which carries around his walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. He wears three dark grey bandoliers: one draped over his right shoulder holds flashbang grenades, another over his left shoulder holds smoke bombs, and a third wraps around his waist above his belt, holding ammunition for his handgun. Tequila carries around a steel blue load-bearing backpack that contains camping equipment, tactical explosives, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, a grappling hook, and a disguise kit that adapts to the specific requirements of each mission. It also contains a rocket launcher, grenade launcher, bazooka, flame gun, missile pod, practical tools like mechanic and lockpicking sets, and a photo album filled with Polaroid pictures.
The pockets of his flight jacket carry around a metallic blue-green lighter, the key to his motorcycle, noise-cancelling earplugs, and a hundred-eyed cowrie shell, a gift from Gimlet. Tequila also carries a collection of cherished photographs: one showing him with his ex-wife, Margaret, and their late son, Thomas; another with his former team, including a young Gimlet; a third featuring a Swiss brassy ringlet on a yellow mountain flower; a fourth capturing Red Eye playfully placing an orange cat on a sleeping Donald Morden; a fifth depicting him and Clark on a mountain hike; and a sixth showing him, Marco, Tarma, Gimlet, and Red Eye, taken one year prior to the Great Morden War.
He has a stash of cigars and a half-empty pack of cigarettes tucked away in the right pocket of his army cargo pants, while his left pocket is occupied by a burgundy instant camera, a digital recorder, a silver engagement ring featuring a princess cut diamond, and a golden wedding band. Ever since he encountered a Swiss brassy ringlet during a hike through the rocky meadows of the European Alps, he fell in love with them and proudly displays a pin depicting one on the left side of his flight jacket. He wears two distinctive necklaces: a black cord with a teardrop-shaped nazar charm and a gold chain holding a pendant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary impaled by a longsword.
His custom-made motorcycle is a glaucous BMW R75, adorned with forest green cheetah spots outlined in sandy beige. The motorcycle comes with a sidecar, which serves as storage for extra supplies and his load-bearing backpack. The sidecar features an intriguing design element: a Swiss brassy ringlet on the antler of an elk skull, proudly displayed on its side. The sidecar is outfitted with a greenish-black rocket turret, while two rotating miniguns are mounted on either side of the front wheel of his motorcycle.
Personality: He's a cunning, wise, rebellious polyglot with a strong aversion to being bossed around unjustly. As a thrill-seeker, he has a tendency to bluff and revels in the raw power and adrenaline rush that comes with high-intensity situations, which makes him feel alive. He has a strong sense of camaraderie with those he considers comrades and close friends, going to great lengths to ensure their happiness and safety. Tequila is especially devoted to Marco, Tarma, Red Eye, Gimlet, Clark, and Eri, holding their well-being in the highest regard due to the deep affection he feels for them. Depending on the situation, he can be very blunt, believing that people need to quickly learn that the truth is often a hard pill to swallow. Whenever his patience is running thin or he deems it necessary, he isn't afraid to speak his mind, though his words can be abrasive and unsettling.
Despite his perpetual weary expression, he’s a fundamentally kind-hearted and morally upright leader. Tequila is a tough-as-nails and hypervigilant individual that has a tendency to engage in occasional reckless behaviour. He has a cynical, pessimistic outlook on life, which he occasionally masks through social drinking, reading the newspaper or immersing himself in his hobbies. As an introvert with an exceptionally high intellect, he finds it challenging to connect with others. He has a deep-seated compassion and strong protective instincts towards children who are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Tequila views it as a moral obligation to safeguard them from harm and foster a secure environment that allows them to thrive. When drunk, he exhibits clumsiness, boisterousness, sorrowfulness, physical aggression, and increased insulting behaviour (far more than usual). Additionally, he's even more likely to make awkward attempts to flirt with anyone who catches his eye.
He's particularly self-conscious about his height and extremely hates being teased about it. When someone teases him about his height, he tends to retaliate by rudely insulting them, often targeting their appearance-related insecurities. When he's feeling scared or furious towards someone who has visibly angered him, he has a habit of jumping on their back, which may follow up with an attack. Tequila has zero tolerance for cowardice and incompetence, viewing them as lame excuses for people to avoid putting in effort and failing to contribute meaningfully to their roles in society. He dislikes people who are overly pesky or slimy, individuals with a bratty and entitled attitude, unnecessary trouble, political corruption, and duplicity.
As a devout Catholic who also believes in the evil eye, he abhors war and can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for new military recruits, knowing their innocent worldview is likely to be shattered. Nevertheless, he recognizes that everyone has their own reasons for enlisting and refrains from criticising their choices. He becomes vengeful when he encounters people who have been unreasonably hurt or when he feels betrayed and devastated after losing something he deeply cares about. He’ll only betray someone or a cause if he senses that they’re crossing into morally reprehensible territory. He lives with sleep paralysis, atypical depression, and mild borderline personality disorder and PTSD. When he needs time for solitude and contemplation, he withdraws to a cozy sanctuary, wrapping himself in a fluffy blanket and using earplugs to shut out the world.
He harbours a deep-seated hatred towards his former friend, General Morden, stemming from his subsequent betrayal when Morden's megalomaniacal desire for world domination consumed him. He perceives Margaret as promiscuous and attention-seeking, disapproving of her flirtatious behaviour as a means to cope with loneliness. Despite their divorce, he still cares about her well-being and has been gradually rebuilding their relationship, attempting to alleviate her loneliness. He has a strong affinity for Gimlet, whom he sees as a surrogate son, striving to educate and guide him on the right path. However, he often finds himself disappointed by Vasser's ill-tempered bully attitude, his excessive thirst for blood and action, and his tendencies to slack off, cause mischief, and make unwanted advances towards women.
Backstory: Sermeg Bracquemond-Kagamihara was born on December 23, 1972 in Chichicastenango, Guatemala. His biological parents were Kafkasi Bracquemond, a French-Canadian construction worker from Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, and Tsukiko Kagamihara, a Japanese-Canadian entrepreneur who owned an open-air market selling homemade Japanese craft goods. He had an adoptive sister who was six years older than him named Ximena, who had been abandoned by her father, struggling with alcoholism. As expected, he had inherited Tuatha Dé Danann DNA from his parents, which became noticeable when he frequently mentioned seeing a pair of glowing red eyes watching him. Sermeg's parents had also noticed that his intelligence grew at rapid speeds, which they greatly encouraged. Between the ages of 1 and 4, he read numerous books on various subjects, including mathematics, engineering, sociology, psychology, architecture, ancient history, geography, political science, and world religions. By the age of 5, he had taught himself to speak multiple languages, including Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian, and learned about their respective cultures.
Before Sermeg's 7th birthday, his father was assassinated by a hitman in retaliation for killing the right-hand man of a prominent Québécois organised crime family near Montreal. Prior to his death, Kafkasi had fled with his wife, Tsukiko, to Guatemala. The crime family, seeking revenge and viewing Tsukiko and her children as potential assets, had planned to force them into hard labour and prostitution. Out of fear, Tsukiko made the tough decision to put Sermeg and Ximena up for adoption, hoping they would be safe. Shortly after, Tsukiko vanished mysteriously, leaving behind only speculation that she had fallen prey to the Québécois crime family's sinister activities.
They were adopted by an organ harvester named Tecuani, who took pity on them after learning about the fate of their parents. Despite his illicit profession, Tecuani went out of his way to ensure that Sermeg and Ximena were well-fed and properly educated. He even taught them essential survival skills for navigating the dangers of the streets, giving them a better chance at thriving in a challenging world. However, their time together was short-lived, as Tecuani was promptly arrested after one of his employees reported him to the police for operating an illegal organ harvesting business.
As a result, Sermeg and Ximena were placed into the foster care system, where they experienced a tumultuous journey through four different foster families. The first family was neglectful and struggled with addiction, the second was intimidated by Sermeg's abnormal intelligence, and the third, although kind and lenient, harboured an uncle who posed a sexual threat to Ximena.
Tragically, their last foster family was a source of immense pain and suffering. The foster father, a business executive named Clifford, was controlling and abusive, lashing out physically and emotionally, especially when Sermeg dared to stand up for himself. The foster mother, a psychiatrist named Magdalena, failed to provide a safe and nurturing environment, neglecting their needs and belittling them with hurtful words that preyed on their insecurities. Ximena, who had always been dear to Magdalena, struggled with depression, PTSD, and body dysmorphia, which ultimately led to her eventual suicide when Sermeg was just 12 years old.
At age 15, Sermeg joined a newly formed cartel that promised him refuge and financial assistance in exchange for killing and cannibalising his foster parents. Initially hesitant due to his disgust at the idea of consuming his abusers, he was motivated by the prospect of exacting revenge. He followed through on the cartel's demands, completing his initiation and rapidly rising through the ranks thanks to his street smarts. He played a key role in gathering valuable intelligence for the cartel's boss and devising strategic plans for financial management and tactical attacks.
To cope with his emotional pain and seek excitement, he turned to drinking various tequila cocktails, eventually leading to an addiction and a particular fondness for tequila sunrise. His struggles with addiction led to him being dubbed "Tequila" by those around him, a nickname he unexpectedly embraced as part of his identity and later adopted as his codename for military operations.
The circumstances of his departure from the cartel are unclear, but rumours suggest that the cartel was either absorbed into or annihilated by a relatively obscure cult-like guerrilla group from Venezuela known as the Theophylaktos Union. However, it's confirmed that he did join the Theophylaktos Union at age 19, becoming a skilled mercenary and spy for the organisation. He admits that he had a boyfriend during his time in the Theophylaktos Union, but their relationship was cut short when his partner was killed in friendly fire. This was also when he began exploring mechanics and constructed his first custom-made motorcycle.
At the age of 21, during a raid on a Brazilian town, he encountered a frightened child clinging to her dead mother and her severely injured younger brother. Initially, he callously shot her, believing her to be an obstacle to fulfilling the Dark Lord's supposedly twisted desires. Yet, upon reflection, he questioned his actions and his allegiance to the Theophylaktos Union, ultimately realising that this path was not for him. He subsequently retired from the group, assumed the alias Sosuke N. Kanikoja for his protection, relocated to Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, and sought rehabilitation to address his escalating alcohol addiction. He also turned to Catholicism as a way to find new meaning in life and began working as a bartender and cashier at a flower shop.
While working as a bartender, he met Hyakutaro, who had just completed a challenging mission for the Regular Army. They quickly formed a strong bond after sharing their personal struggles and aspirations. Hyakutaro encouraged him to join the Regular Army, hoping it would give him a sense of direction and purpose. Inspired by their conversation, he enlisted in the Regular Army at the age of 25 and went on to specialise in hostage rescue missions. He also developed expertise in camouflage, secret identities, and intelligence gathering, earning recognition as the Regular Army's top covert agent. His exceptional leadership skills, tactical planning, and recruitment abilities further propelled him to the rank of Brigadier General. However, his experiences soon exposed him to the harsh realities of war and corruption, witnessing the brutal deaths of many friends and comrades. These traumatic events would haunt him, fueling recurring nightmares and night terrors.
Four years after joining the Regular Army and Intelligence Agency, he was among the first to be transferred to the newly established S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. special forces unit, becoming one of its founding members, alongside Red Eye. He met Margaret Southwood shortly after the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. was established, encountering her at the Combat Academy section of the Intelligence Division. He immediately fell in love with her and decided to ask her out on a few dates, which blossomed into a romance. As their relationship grew, they eventually got married and had a single child together, naming him Thomas. Tragically, their marriage was short-lived after their five-year-old son was killed by a drunk driver. As they both struggled to cope with their grief, Margaret turned to promiscuity and Tequila turned to drinking as a means of distraction. Unfortunately, these coping mechanisms created an insurmountable rift, leading to their divorce.
At age 39, after exiting a pub and heading back to a nearby Regular Army base on his motorcycle, he noticed a malnourished teenage boy lying in an alleyway with a bruised and bloodied face. He took great pity on the boy and promptly aided him, noticing the boy's eerie silence and uncanny resemblance to Thomas. He decided to head back to the base later and instead brought the boy to a restaurant, buying him lunch. After a couple of minutes of trying to encourage the boy to speak, he finally introduced himself as Vasser Gutenschiff-Wolstenholme and shared his story of taking to the streets to escape his abusive father, Kanan. Moved by Vasser's situation and seeing it as a duty to protect children from harm, he vowed to enact vengeance. With the assistance of Vasser, he assassinated Kanan by breaking into his house, then adopted Vasser through the Regular Army's orphan program.
A couple of years after Vasser's adoption, he met Morden unexpectedly while serving with the North American Garrison, which was assisting the European Garrison and Middle Eastern Garrison in thwarting an Oceania military organisation's attempt to spark a full-scale nuclear war. Following the successful completion of this mission, they forged a bond over drinks and shared stories of their challenging childhoods. Morden also expressed his admiration for Tequila's courage in his espionage work and leadership abilities within the North American Garrison.
He would eventually become a revered mentor and friend to many, including Clark, Red Eye, Tarma, and Marco. Notably, he encouraged Vasser to join the Peregrine Falcons Squad, but this guidance had an unexpected consequence: Vasser began to reveal a more attention-seeking and bloodthirsty side, indulging in troublesome, slothful, and lecherous tendencies that led to several issues. In addition to rescuing hostages, he consistently went above and beyond to save children who were in imminent danger or at risk of harm, making their safety a top priority regardless of the mission. One mission that remains etched in his memory is when he rescued a group of children being trafficked and sold on the black market, while his team simultaneously took down the criminals responsible for this heinous crime.
He played a key role in the Arms Deal Barrage and defeating the remnants of the Serapion Fellowship, but the mission uncovered a shocking truth: the Regular Army was secretly involved in an arms deal with the aforementioned group, a revelation he shared with Gimlet, Sagan, Logan, Hyakutaro, Red Eye, Morden, and Allen O'Neil. This moment opened his eyes to the Regular Army's secret corruption, but he remained silent, fearing that speaking out would make him a target for swift assassination as a whistleblower.
Three years after the Central Park bombing, Morden secretly approached him at a bar and convinced him to defect. Believing it was a good opportunity, he quietly resigned from the Regular Army and S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. to join the Rebel Army. He excelled as a top-notch spy, often disguising himself as a Rebel in a woodland military uniform for land troops. He rose to become Morden's right-hand man, serving as the Army's Chief of Staff. However, after nearing one year of service, he discovered General Morden's true intentions and how he had fully succumbed to his megalomaniacal desires. Horrified, he promptly left the Rebel Army and defected back to the Regular Army, warning them about the impending rise of the Rebel Army. However, despite his inside knowledge, they were unable to prepare in time as General Morden successfully launched a surprise attack, overpowering them and rapidly consolidating his global dictatorship.
During the Great Morden War, he aided Marco in leading the governmental resistance against the Rebel Army. Although he held a higher military rank than Marco, he allowed Marco to take the initiative, recognizing his great potential to become a truly charismatic leader. After being ambushed by Morden and his forces, he was brutally tortured and forcibly killed in front of Marco and Tarma. However, Morden promised to bring him back in a greater form, sending his deceased body to Doctor Amadeus. Doctor Amadeus successfully revived Tequila, but as a semi-clone of Hyakutaro, significantly altering his existence.
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