#epic Hera
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mer-acle · 2 days ago
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because honestly I will take any excuse to give her a different outfit. It's so funny because Athena has like a uniform but I never drew Hera in the same dress twice
But yeah this is her design for Slipping through my fingers, and I really love how it turned out, she's got that gentle energy that version of her has.
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doppy-enjo · 4 months ago
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the-mori-arty · 6 months ago
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wylldebee · 2 months ago
Ares, Hera, and Hermes during Odysseus
Hera, goddess and protector of women:
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Ares, getting his promised slaughter:
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Hermes, watching his favourite baby kill people:
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nyssasatelier · 4 months ago
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Based on a text post from @withered-tears
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dxwart · 4 months ago
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Hera's POV while Zeus and Hades watched Poseidon get stabbed.
I drew this after Neal drew Zeus and Hades watched Poseidon get stabbed. Hera's design by Neal
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beetlewine-art · 6 months ago
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Epic!Hera having a Groovy 70/80's aesthetic is something i really love, since i'm used to seen her being despicted as a very regal goddess, so seen her dancing and posing in the animatic of God Games was a pretty funny and original to me.
Crazy thing is that is not even the first time i see Hera with this type of vibe, since Destripando la Historia used the song "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" by ABBA as inspiration for Hera's song, wich was released in 1979 and is very catchy and upbeat song. I guess musicians just read about Hera and somehow get very Grooby vibes from her.
Art belonging to: @anniflamma
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meteor752 · 4 months ago
The Greek gods and how willing they are to fuck Odysseus (at least according to me)
Not doing all of them, there’s so many
Zeus: He most def would, but not because Ody is special. Like, it’s Zeus, the man would fuck anything as long as it’s breathing. I do think he’d enjoy the pleasure of messing with his older brother though, so he’s extra into it for that
Poseidon: Oh yes. He’d deny it if asked, but he wants to fuck him so badly
Hades: I think he’d fuck him mainly to see what all the hype is about. And to mess with Poseidon of course
Hera: Nah, she’s surprisingly loyal. Which like bitch why
Hestia: Asexual queen
Demeter: She has no idea who Odysseus is tbh. Don’t think she’d be too into it anyways
Apollo: Yeah! That’s not a good thing for Ody tho, as it never ends well for Apollo’s mortal lovers. Mans might be in danger
Artemis: Asexual lesbian queen
Athena: See with her, I don’t know. Their bond is strictly platonic, but I don’t think they’d be against the idea of fucking each other. I do think she’d make him fight for it
Ares: Now for most of the duration of the musical, no I do not think he’d be interested. But after he repeatedly stabs Poseidon with a trident? Oh boy
Aphrodite: Yeah, he’s just her type! Tough warrior that’s secretly a sub :)
Hermes: Mans been willing to fuck him for a long ass time, like I’m impressed by his level of self restraint actually
Dionysus: Is in the same seat as Demeter in that he has little idea of who this dude actually is. Don’t think he’d turn him down though
Hephaestus: I don’t think so, but I have no concrete reason for that answer. Vibe check
Aeolus: No thanks :)
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shinedoitsulikeabright · 4 months ago
I love the idea of every god that agreed to free Ody helping him out during 600 strike
Because, let's be honest, as cool as the song is, there is no way in hell a mere mortal could ever do that to Poseidon. I mean, he's on the same power level as Zeus ffs.
So, I like the headcanon that he received divine help. Just imagine:
Zeus finds the whole thing hilarious so he provides thunder and lightning to set the mood and complete the aesthetic. Seriously, his brother is getting tortured with his own trident by a puny human who's taunting him with his own philosophy. It doesn't get any more ironic than that.
Apollo and Hades unknowingly have the same idea; Apollo provides a sick beat while Hades releases those 600 souls from the Underworld so they can be the chorus.
Ares is taking over since Athena is busy recovering. After all, she did promise him bloodshed (plus he already hated his uncle prior to this event due to the whole Alcippe incident).
Hera isn't super keen on Poseidon either (since he too is a serial cheater on his wife) so she just watches in amusement. After Ody says "next to my wife" she just sends Zeus a glare.
Aphrodite sparks that flame of love he feels for his family and comrades in Ody's heart, giving him additional strength.
Hermes and Aeolus are watching from the side, eating popcorn and probably filming it so they can show Athena (and so they can later have blackmail to taunt Poseidon with).
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bibliophilicbi · 4 months ago
Poseidon, having been penetrated as much as Zeus: How will you sleep at night? >:(
Ody, wife is life: Next to my wife.
Hera and Aphrodite:
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sarnai4 · 4 months ago
(Some point after Vengeance Saga)
Athena: Oh, hi, Odysseus.
(Poseidon runs away faster than Hermes can fly)
Hera: Athena, Odysseus isn't here.
Athena (smiling): I know.
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bestiainfinita · 3 months ago
EPIC: The Musical; List of Actors and Characters:
Odysseus = Jorge Miguel Rivera-Herrans
Zeus = Luke Holt
Eurylochus = Armando Julián
Polites = Steven Dookie
- Crew = Cast of EPIC: The Musical / EPIC Ensemble ;
Elpenor = Luke Holt
Perimides = Ayron Alexander
Soldier 1 = Troy Doherty
Soldier 2 = Earl Greshman Jr.
* Soldier 3 = Armando Julián
* Soldier 4 = Jorge Miguel Rivera-Herrans
- Winions = Cast Of EPIC: The Musical / EPIC Ensemble ;
Princess Winion = Diana Rivera-Herrans
“Scary Cave” Winion = TE/MO / Teagan Earley
Winion 1 = Jorge Miguel Rivera-Herrans
Athena = TE/MO / Teagan Earley
Polyphemus = Jorge Miguel Rivera-Herrans
- Cyclops = Cast of EPIC: The Musical ;
Cyclops 1 = Jorge Miguel Rivera-Herrans
Aeolus = Kira Beth Stone
Penelope = Anna Lea Casey
Telemachus = MICO / José Miguel Veloso
Poseidon = Steven Rodriguez
- Laestrygonians = Cast of EPIC: The Musical
Circe = Talya Sindel
Hermes = Troy Doherty
Anticlea = Wanda Herrans
Tiresias = Mason Olshavsky
- Sirens = Cast of EPIC: The Musical
Siren-elope = Anna Lea Casey
Scylla = KJ Burkhauser
Calypso = Barbara Wangui
Antinous = Ayron Alexander
- Suitors = Cast of Epic: The Musical ;
Eurymachus = Dennis Díaz
Amphinomus = Tristan David Caldwell
Melanthius = Jamie Wiltshire
Apollo = Brandon McInnis
Hephaestus = Mike Rivera
Aphrodite = Janani Krishnan-Jha
Ares = Earl Gresham Jr.
Hera = POESY / Sarah Botelho
- Ensemble = Cast of Epic: The Musical / EPIC Ensemble
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therandomfandomme · 6 months ago
i love Athena trying to convince Hera to let Odysseus go, bc all the other gods had grievances against him she could correct but Hera is just putting on her listening ears and going: Okay, baby, I'm listening, please convince me, what makes this dude so good :)
And of course she tries things she finds important as a goddess of war and strategy, mentioning his mind and his talking skills, but Hera remains unimpressed.
So then she just goes fuck, fuck, what do people who are interested in romance like in others??? Uhhhhh... he's kinda funny? Also doesn't work.
And only then does she go, oh wait, Hera likes one specific thing about relationships, loyalty, luckily for Odysseus, I can tell her that he is. #Win. And i love that for her, she's such a dork xp
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the-mori-arty · 3 months ago
More colored gods! ✨HERAH✨
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makotafi · 10 days ago
The wives !!!!
Finally got around to designing them and I love how they look (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ
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Persephone. Amphitrite. Hera.
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vegaly-art · 6 months ago
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In honour of the release of God Games I have decided to draw the 6 challengers in Athena's way <3 <3. I love them so dearly you have no idea. And man I really have not been making enough EPIC content. I ought to get back to those animatics I've been planning and at least finish a small section of them. That'd be nice. asjdgsajd
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