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bibliophilicbi · 3 days ago
Odysseus (talking to Athena): Thanks, Mom Athena: Polites: Hermes: Eurylochus: Penelope: Odysseus: Why is everyone staring at me? Polites: You just called Athena mom Eurylochus: You said;thanks mom Odysseus: What? No, I didn't. I said;thanks, Athena Athena: Do you see me as a mother figure, Odysseus? Odysseus: No. If anything, I see you as a abandonment figure, cause you abandoned me Penelope: Hey! Show your mother some respect! Odysseus: I didn't call her mom! Athena: No, no, no, no, Odysseus, I take it as a compliment Zeus: It's really not a big deal. I called Hera Mom once, and she's my wife Odysseus: Guys, jump on that! Zeus has psycho-s3xual issues! Hermes: Old news. But you calling Athena mommy Odysseus: Hey, mommy is not on the table here Posideon: Well, you did call her mom, dude Odysseus: You shut up. You've done nothing but lie since you got here Posideon: Okay, I was lying about the hold-up, but the mom thing, that happened Odysseus: Ah-ha. He admitted the alibi was a lie. All part of my crazy, devious plan. Athena: I believed you- Odysseus: Thank you Athena: -son. You want to talk about it later over a sparring match? Odysseus: Odysseus, whispering: I'd like that
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bibliophilicbi · 4 days ago
Is it you? Have my prayers been answered, is it really you standing there, or am I dreaming once more?
You look different
Your eyes look tired
Your frame is lighter
Your smile torn
Is it really you my love?
I am not the man you fell in love with.. I am not the man you once adored.. I am not your kind and gentle husband.. and I am not the one you knew before..
Would you fall in love with me again if you knew knew all I’ve done
The things I cannot change
Would you love me all the same
I know that you’ve been waiting, waiting, for love.
This is just SO CUTE I CANT OMG
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bibliophilicbi · 10 days ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Valentines gift for my girlfriend
Please don’t repost on other platforms!
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bibliophilicbi · 12 days ago
Femme lesbian is my gender. My gender exists outside of cisheteronormative femininity. I am not a woman, not a girl. I am femme. I express my femininity in a way that is different through the lens of transness and lesbianism. It is a femininity that will never be tied to the demands of patriarchy but to my deep connection with butches and dykes. My gender is rooted in a disconnection from traditional cis femininity. It is a femininity that is trans and is inherently queer. I feel dysphoria when my femininity is seen through a cisnormative lens when it doesn't appear queer. It is something so uniquely mine. It’s authentic--not shaped by society’s expectations but by the ways I embrace it.
My connection to butches is vital to my identity. I uplift their masculinity in a society that tries to beat it out of them. I use my femininity as love and protection from the harsh realities of being gender nonconforning and trans. In return, they protect me and allow my femininity to thrive outside the strict binary that is imposed on us. When I'm in my butch's arms, I know he sees me just as I am and just as I am meant to be. This isn’t heteronormative. It's quite the opposite. It actively opposes everything the patriarchy expects, letting us redefine what masculinity and femininity mean to us.
Overall, this is about how I feel, not how others define femininity. It's a reclamation. I exist beyond the binary.
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bibliophilicbi · 14 days ago
Penelope will always be a girlboss because by sitting behind the 12 axes she told the suitors to shoot through cleanly, not only was she
mocking them by being showing she was fully confident they wouldn’t succeed
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bibliophilicbi · 1 month ago
I’m sure all my Traumies (traumatised homies) can relate that when you live in a household where you need to be wary of things going on outside your room, the moment the door abruptly opens, your body takes a screenshot with this feeling running through it.
I’m imagining Penelope goes through something similar due to all the suitors and maybeee Ody doesn’t open the door in the most gentle manner at first and she just.. freezes.
Safe to say he knocks on his own room door now
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bibliophilicbi · 1 month ago
Odysseus, just murdered 108 people and still covered in blood: I’m a different man now… I’ve done so much wrong… can someone like me even be loved anymore…?
Penelope, already tired of this: mhm, okay, then do me a quick favor and move the bed-
Odysseus, incensed: WTF PENELOPE HOW COULD YOU
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bibliophilicbi · 1 month ago
hey so i Fully Believe that telemachus was not afraid of odysseus in Hold Them Down
people may have told him stories of Odysseus, King of Ithaca, Athena's chosen Champion, Hero of Troy
but mama's boy telemachus sat by her feet as she wove tapestry after tapestry; and penelope told her little wolf stories of his father
how they met, how he tripped over himself to woo her, how he cried his eyes out when penelope became pregnant, how telemachus wouldn't sleep in his cot as a baby because he was so used to being in his father's arms because odysseus would not put him down; and yes, how viciously he defended their family when the atrides came to retrieve him for the war
telemachus? the child of the Unhinged Power Couple? who knew very well how horrible those suitors were, how they treated him and spoke of his mother?
took one look at his dad viciously protecting their home, their family, and thought he was the coolest, strongest person ever (after mom ofc)
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
Random noble: Women are fragile and they need to be protected or else someone will take advantage of them.
Ody *taught by goddess of war and married to princess of sparta*: What the fuck are you on about? ._.
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
Random noble: Women are fragile and they need to be protected or else someone will take advantage of them.
Ody *taught by goddess of war and married to princess of sparta*: What the fuck are you on about? ._.
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
In the final song “Would you fall in love with me again”
Pen tells Ody to do her a favour and carry the marital bed high over his shoulder and take it away
Ody loses it over its symbolism and says he’d have to cut it from the roots.
I love that both of them know/ believe that Odysseus is fully capable of overhead pressing a whole ass olive tree + bed without any problems
What did they feed this boy??????
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
Squealing throughout this ITS SO MYCU FUN
Can’t wait for Ody’s revenge
3000ish words later and part 8 is here! hope you guys enjoy!
(p.s my headcanons explainations are in the tags if you're curious)
(p.p.s credit also goes to @rin-solo for the first headcanon )
the post/thread that started this whole au
dinner scene: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
there's a masterlist now!
*odysseus is making his way to the dining hall, while athena and poseidon are following behind*
poseidon: *looking around at the decorations/tapestry dotted around*
poseidon: *see’s a tapestry of what looks to be a very much younger odysseus in full king & armour attire*
poseidon: *stops walking, and turns to look at the actual odysseus in front of him, then back at the tapestry*
poseidon: *to odysseus with a sardonic tone* do your weavers like making you look like a boy, or was that a decision you made to make yourself look younger?
odysseus: *pauses his walking to see what poseidon is talking about*
athena: *also pauses and turns to poseidon*
odysseus: *sees the tapestry in question*
odysseus: *sighs* of course you point that one out 
athena: *who knew odysseus before he was king*
athena: *glaring at poseidon* uncle, you shouldn’t make assumptions, especially when you don’t know the facts
odysseus: *pats athena on the shoulder as he passes her*
odysseus: it’s fine athena
odysseus: *next to poseidon and looking up at the tapestry* if you must know, that is actually the age i was. 
poseidon: *not believing him* yeah right, you couldn’t be older than fifteen in this
odysseus: *turns to him with a sharp look* you’re correct, i was fifteen
poseidon: *slightly wary of odysseus’ mood* so… you became king at fifteen? isn’t that a little bit young for a mortal to rule a kingdom?
odysseus: *turns back to the tapestry* i was already the king, i was actually crowned when i was thirteen
poseidon: *shocked and confused* why would a child be given a kingdom to run?
odysseus: *looks down with a sad smile, at the memory of his father telling him about him losing his mind, and how sorry he was to place such a huge responsibility on his young son’s shoulders*
odysseus: well, i had no choice, but i would do it again if i had to… 
odysseus: *turns to athena* besides, i had athena to help guide me
athena: *smiles with a nod at odysseus*
odysseus: *starts walking in the direction of the dining hall again* anyway…enough of that, can we please just make our way to the dining hall now
*they all continue making their way down the hall*
poseidon: *notices a stain on the floor tiles not far in front of them*
poseidon: *points* i think your servants missed a spot
athena & odysseus: *both look to where he’s pointing*
athena: *chuckles to herself in knowing*
odysseus: *smirks* 
poseidon: *sees both their expressions, and is confused* 
odysseus: oh that..oh don’t worry it’s clean
odysseus: *shrugs* it’s just so hard to get bloodstains out of white titles
poseidon: *wide eyed* blood?
odysseus: yeah.. not long after i finished with you, i arrived back on my island to find my palace overrun with 108…mutts… all vying for my wife’s hand. 
odysseus: *waving his hand like it was a simple issue* so i made sure to deal with them all myself… unfortunately one of them left a stain.
odysseus: -oh look we’ve made it
odysseus: hope we haven’t kept them too long
poseidon: *shocked at all the new odysseus lore he’s unlocked*
athena: *laughing at poseidon’s expression*
odysseus: *opening the door* come on let’s head in
poseidon: *shakes away the shock*
odysseus: *to poseidon* i guess it’s time to introduce you to my wife
*they all walk through the doorway into the dining hall*
*there penelope and telemachus both stand not too far from the dining table; which has quite the feast laid out, and from the steam coming off of it, it had not long be put there*
odysseus: *heads over to his son & wife*
odysseus: *looks at poseidon* poseidon, you’ve met my son telemachus before.
telemachus: *can barely keep in his excitement* 
telemachus: hi- i mean good evening lord poseidon, i’m so happ- grateful you accepted my father's invitation for dinner. 
telemachus: *puts his arm on his chest, and leans forward in a  bow of respect* i hope you enjoy the evening.
odysseus: *narrows his eyes at poseidon, silently threatening him to not be rude to his son*
telemachus: *looks back up at poseidon, smile on his face*
poseidon: *quickly nods his head in greeting to telemachus* good evening prince, your father tells me that this was all your idea 
telemachus: *raises a hand to nervously scratch under his chin* um… yes i guess it was
poseidon: well then, thank you for the idea to invite me.
telemachus: *hand leaves his chin and a big smile breaks out* well of course! you are my father’s friend after all!
poseidon: *eye twitches before he quickly composes himself* 
poseidon: yes… friend.
odysseus: *coughs* yes and now that you’ve both reacquainted yourselves again… telemachus why don’t you go speak with athena for a moment
telemachus: sure!
*telemachus makes his way to athena, and they start talking amongst themselves*
odysseus: *puts his arm around penelope’s waist* now, please let me introduce you to my wife; the queen of ithaca, penelope. 
penelope: *doesn’t bow like telemachus, but nods in greeting* welcome to our palace lord poseidon
poseidon: *nods back* thank you for having me queen penelope
penelope: *smiles but her eyes have a certain glint to them* 
penelope: my husband has told me all about your part in his journey home to us
poseidon: *totally not panicking a little* uh-
penelope: *glint leaves her eyes, but her smile remains*
penelope: -and also how you have helped out on his and my son’s fishing trips lately.
penelope: of course, i would also like thank you for taking the time to attend tonight
poseidon: sure… no problem?
odysseus: great, everyone has met everyone! 
odysseus: *to everyone* now, shall we sit down and eat the lovely feast the cooks have made us, before it gets cold?
odysseus: *moves to pull out one of the chairs at the head of the table for penelope as he normally does, when he notices that, there is only one chair instead of two*
odysseus: *looks up at the table and sees a piece of parchment with ‘mother’ written on it* 
odysseus: huh?
telemachus: *makes his way over to his father* oh! there’s a different than usual seating plan for tonight! i’ve put everyone's names where they should sit.
odysseus: *smiles at telemachus* oh ok, sure!
odysseus: well, i guess i should look for mine then, hey?
telemachus: yes, and please everyone else too!
*everyone makes their way to the table to see where they’re sitting (even though three of them already know)*
odysseus: *sees the parchment with ‘father’ on it* 
odysseus: *expecting to have either athena or telemachus next to him*
odysseus: *watches as athena stands in front of the seat opposite him*
odysseus: *thinks it’s weird to put athena & poseidon together, but thinks telemachus has done is as they are uncle & niece*
odysseus: *then sees telemachus stood in front of the seat next to athena*
odysseus: wait-
poseidon: *sees his name and heads towards it, only to look up and see odysseus standing in front of the seat next to him*
poseidon: wait-
poseidon & odysseus: *both look at each other in horror that they're stuck next to each other all evening*
telemachus: *not noticing the looks of doom on their faces* isn’t this great? it’s a family dinner, so what better than friends sitting together? 
telemachus: *turning to penelope* sorry you’re by yourself at the head of the table though mother
penelope: *smiles and waves her hand* i don’t mind
penelope: anyway, let's sit and eat!
*everyone but odysseus and poseidon sit down. both who have a death grip on the back of their seats*
penelope: *clears her throat* odysseus, lord poseidon… would you both please sit down.
odysseus: *snaps out of his staring at poseidon* 
odysseus: uh sure…
odysseus: *sits down and look back to poseidon, nodding his head at poseidon’s seat in the motion for him to also sit down*
poseidon: *still doesn’t sit*
odysseus: *a millisecond of a flash of red eyes* 
poseidon: *sits*
odysseus: *internally to himself* oh this is gonna be a long evening
odysseus: *to everyone* ok, everyone dig in!
odysseus: *to poseidon* can you get what you want for yourself, mighty sea god? or do you need a mortal’s help?
poseidon: *grabbing a lamb chop off a platter and tearing into it savagely in defiance*
odysseus: *rolls his eyes at poseidon, but goes to place a filet of fish on his plate*
*everyone has been eating and talking*
poseidon: *looks at penelope (who is talking to telemachus & athena) and then looks at odysseus*
poseidon: *thinking and then looks back to penelope*
odysseus: *to poseidon* is there a reason you keep looking at my wife?
poseidon: *jumps at little at being caught looking* 
poseidon: *turns to odysseus* oh do not worry yourself, i have no interest in your wife
odysseus: *unimpressed* why do you keep looking at her then?
poseidon: im..curious 
odysseus: *narrowing his eyes* about?
poseidon: normally you mortal men choose women younger than them for their wives… yet clearly your wife is; from my estimates… about a decade older than you
poseidon: *now with his hand under his chin, leaning on the table* 
poseidon: do you perhaps…prefer older women odysseus?
odysseus: *hands tighten in grip around his cutlery*
poseidon: *notices odysseus hasn’t responded yet*
poseidon: i’m right aren’t -
odysseus: no.
odysseus: *his eyes may not be red, but are clearly full of anger*
poseidon: *eyes widen in worry* whoa whoa! no need to get angry, it’s just a simple observation…. anyone if they pay attention can see the age difference
poseidon: *moves his hand to flick his hair back over his shoulder* it’s not a bad thing
odysseus: *takes a breath in to calm down and then slowly releases it*
odysseus: we are- were the same age… physically at least
poseidon: *confused* i don’t follow
odysseus: *looks at poseidon* during the 10 years it took for me to get home… i found myself stuck on a goddess’ island for 7 of them…
poseidon: ok…
odysseus: *closes his eyes* caly- the goddess had full control over everything on the island… her magic influenced everything… including a mortal's ability to age.
poseidon: so you didn’t-
odysseus: -age? yeah
odysseus: *sighs and opens his eyes* when i realised i wasn’t… i- i- 
odysseus: lets just say i didn’t handle it well
poseidon: *blinks at this new information* oh
odysseus: yep ‘oh’ indeed… 
odysseus: *looks back at poseidon*
odysseus: didn’t you think it was odd that i looked exactly the same when we met again, almost 10 years after our first meeting?
poseidon: in my defence… i was angry and trying to kill you, i wasn’t really paying attention to how you looked
odysseus: *rolls his eyes* i guess that's true
telemachus: uh lord poseidon? may i ask you a question?
poseidon: *happy to not continue his conversation with odysseus*
poseidon: *to telemachus* ask away prince of ithaca
telemachus: is it true that you gave achilles his horses balius & xanthus?
poseidon: *amazed at telemachus’ knowledge* 
poseidon: not directly… but yes i am the reason he came to acquire them. you see i gave them to his father peleus, as a wedding gift for his wife thetis…
*poseidon continues to tell the tale, and odysseus speaks with athena and penelope while more time passes*
*the meal is continuing smoothly as can be*
poseidon: *notices that odysseus has only been eating the fish. not touching a single bit of pork, beef or lamb that's also on the table* 
poseidon: *who has continuously eaten all meats available*
poseidon: *to odysseus* is there something i should know about the meat?
odysseus: huh?
poseidon: *points at the selection of meat in question* what's wrong with the meat? you’ve only touched the fish.
poseidon: if i hadn’t seen the others eat it, i’d worry you’d asked your cooks to poison it or something. 
odysseus: *raised eyebrow* poison won’t hurt you though? 
odysseus: *pointing a fork at him* also, why do you care about my eating habits?
poseidon: *frowning at the fork* i don’t, i’m just-
odysseus: curious? poseidon, i thought you were the god of the sea, not curiosity…
poseidon: *huffs* forget it-
odysseus: i can’t
poseidon: *now his eyebrow is raised* you…can’t?
odysseus: *now using the fork to push the food on his plate around* i can’t stomach eating lamb, pork or beef anymore
poseidon: *forever confused by odysseus* uh why?
odysseus: *gives poseidon a ‘do i really have to explain everything?’ look*
poseidon: *just stares*
odysseus: *once again sighing because of poseidon* well i thought you’d understand lamb… after the whole sheep incident with… your son.
odysseus: then after i escaped you with the wind bag-
poseidon: *rolls his eyes at the memory*
odysseus: we wound up on the sorceress circe’s island… where she turned my men to pigs. 
odysseus: i managed to convince her to turn them back, but it now feels weird to eat pork
odysseus: as for beef, short story is my men ignored my warnings and killed the sacred cattle of the sun god… so yeah beef is a no go for me also. 
poseidon: *wondering how one mortal managed to interact with so many gods on a journey to get home*
poseidon: *laughs at odysseus* and you’re letting that affect your eating habits? i expected you to be stronger than that odysseus
odysseus: *narrows his eyes at poseidon* oh just like how you let my handling of your trident, affect you into doing as i say?
poseidon: *now glaring back* 
poseidon: *turns away from odysseus* whatever, more meat for me
*dinner continues, with telemachus asking poseidon more questions. poseidon loving the interest in him and telelmachus’ knowledge, answers the all the questions with surprising enthusiasm*
*eventually what was once a giant feast of food has nearly been cleared from the table, thanks to having two gods eating most of it*
telemachus: have you enjoyed yourself so far lord poseidon? 
telemachus: *smiling* it’s been really fascinating and fun to learn so much more about you
poseidon: *almost letting a small smile appear on his face in return*
poseidon: *instead just nods* yes, it certainly has been an interesting & knowledgeable evening
telemachus: what about the seating, was it a good idea to put you with my father?
poseidon: *wants to answer no, but feels a kick from under the table. clearly from odysseus*
poseidon: yes, you came up with an ok-
odysseus: *gives another kick* 
poseidon: -great idea
telemachus: *laughs in happiness* 
telemachus: oh but i can’t take all the credit
odysseus: *raises an eyebrow in curiosity* 
athena: *who is sipping wine next to him*
athena: *slightly chokes* wai-
odysseus: *suspicious* son, you must make sure to tell us who else to thank for this
telemachus: *not understanding the bombshell he’s about to drop* oh athena actually came up with the idea!
athena: *suddenly nervous with the two very intense stares directed at her*
athena: w-well it was just a suggestion really…
telemachus: no ‘thena! remember you said as it’s a family dinner, friends should sit with friends!
odysseus: *to athena with the fakest smile* oh athena, how considerate!
penelope: *who has been quiet this whole exchange*
telemachus: *as if he hasn’t already unknowingly thrown one person to the wolves* but i of course had to run it by mother first, as she was helping me with all the planning!
penelope: *eyes have totally not widened*
telemachus: she said it was a great idea!
odysseus: *now to penelope* oh my dear wife, a great idea eh?
poseidon: *just chugs back his cup of wine at the revelations*
*after a awkward moment (at least for 4 of them) they continue on finishing the meal*
*eventually the food is finished and the dinner has come to an end, everyone has moved away from the dinner table and are now sitting on cushion chairs or standing around them talking amongst themselves*
poseidon: *looking out the window seeing just how dark the night sky now is* 
poseidon: well this has been a lovely evening, but it is getting late and i have been away from the sea for as long as i can.
poseidon: *turning to penelope and nodding his head in actual respect* queen penelope, thank you for your hosting
poseidon: *without nodding at them* athena, odysseus… good night.
*before poseidon can turn to bid telemachus good night, the prince runs out the room*
telemachus: *yelling before he leaves the room* please lord poseidon, wait a moment! i forgot something!
poseidon: *turns to look at odysseus in confusion* 
odysseus: *just shrugs also confused* 
poseidon: *turns back to the door, telemachus long gone* uh sure.
*not long later telemachus runs back into the room dishevelled but holding something in his hand*
telemachus: *walks up to poseidon* 
telemachus: *bows and holds out something covered in a silk cloth to him*
poseidon: uh-
telemachus: it’s a gift! i’m not expecting anything in return, and i’m sure you have better things… but i saw it and thought you’d like it
poseidon: *blinks, but takes the gift from telemachus’ hands*
poseidon: *carefully unties the silk cloth*
poseidon: *breathes in sharply*
telemachus: *not sure if that's a good or bad reaction* uh if you don’t like it that's fin-
poseidon: *holds his hand to stop telemachus* 
poseidon: prince of ithac-
telemachus: telemachus- sorry for interrupting. please my lord, call me telemachus
poseidon: …telemachus. thank you, this is a very thoughtful gift. 
poseidon: i will cherish it.
penelope & odysseus: *curious over what's got the god of the seas ‘cherishing’ something*
athena: *small smile as she knows*
*penelope & odysseus move closer to poseidon who is still staring down at his gift. once close enough they can see in his hand is a a handcrafted glass/crystal hippocampus*
*poseidon ended up wrapping it back in the silk cloth, and placing it in his chiton. He then thanked telemachus again and bid him good night & farewell. odysseus offered to walk back to the cove with him, but poseidon waved him off and told him to stay with his family*
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
It went into the sea???? Omg
okay here's part 6! this literally was not meant to be as long as it is, but i got carried away while doing some archery research... and here we are.
hope you guys enjoy! part 7 will be uploaded tomorrow!
(p.s if you're an archer/know archery and i get stuff wrong please don't yell at me, google can only give me so much info hdshdshdh)
the post/thread that started this whole au
dinner scene: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 7 | part 8
there's a masterlist now!
*athena had left not long after midday, but not before saying she’d see them all later at dinner*
*telemachus, odysseus & penelope are all together in the palace gardens*
*penelope is sitting on a bench, with odysseus also laying on it & his head in her lap as they watch telemachus practice using a bow and arrow* 
telemachus: *trying to aim for the centre of the target in front of him*
telemachus: *struggling but wants to show his parents what his training with athena is doing for him*
telemachus: *lets the bowstring go*
*the arrow flies through the air, but misses the centre of the target completely and hits the edge of the target*
telemachus: *drops the arm holding his bow to his side and sighs in disappointment*
penelope: *looks at her son and then looks down at odysseus*
odysseus: *looks up from his son to meet penelope’s eyes*
*both seem to have a conversation through their eyes*
odysseus: *smiles and nods at penelope*
odysseus: *gets up from penelope’s lap and walks over to telemachus*
penelope: *smiles while watching odysseus head over to their son*
odysseus: don’t be disappointed son, go ahead and nock another arrow
telemachus: *does as his father says*
odysseus: now draw and anchor, as you normally would
telemachus: *again does what odysseus asks*
odysseus: *looks at his son’s pose* ah i see some of the problem
odysseus: *gently takes hold of telemachus’ drawn back elbow* 
odysseus: ok your elbow needs to be a bit higher, and just straighten your back a little…
telemachus: *follows odysseus’ instructions*
odysseus: *stepping back so he’s not in the way* that's perfect! now breathe in as you would, but not to the point it hurts! 
odysseus: and then as you go to let the string go breathe out but not all the way, about only half way
telemachus: *breathes in as he aims for the centre of the target again*
telemachus: *steadily breathes out and releases the string*
*the arrow flies through the air again… and hits just slightly off the centre of of the target*
telemachus: *looks at the target in disbelief but in also joy*
odysseus: *cheers in happiness for his son* you did it!
penelope: *clapping and calling out to her son* well done telemachus! 
telemachus: *drops his bow and turns to his father*
telemachus: *gives odysseus a hug* thank you father!
odysseus: *hugging his son back* no need to thank me, i’m happy to be able to help teach you!
telemachus: *lets odysseus go while smiling*
odysseus: *looks down at telemachus’ bow then picks up it up and grabs an arrow*
odysseus: *nocks it with ease and shoots it in the blink of an eye*
*the arrow hits the dead centre of the target* 
odysseus: *turns and hands the bow back to telemachus*
odysseus: now, how about you keep practising? once you have this completely down i’ll teach you other things you can do with a bow
odysseus: *hand under his chin in thought* i’ll have to get an archer’s ring commissioned for you
telemachus: *stares at his father in shock at how easy he made that look* i didn't know you knew so much about archery- i mean…
telemachus: *thinks back to when odysseus shot an arrow through 12 axe heads*
penelope: *giggles to herself as she realises even their son doesn’t know about his father’s mastery & skill with a bow*
odysseus: *looks over at penelope, and then he understands just why she's giggling*
odysseus: *now looks at telemachus with an amused expression*
telemachus: *sees his father’s expression*
telemachus: *holds his hands (with the bow still in one of them) up hoping he hasn’t offended his father*
telemachus: not saying you didn’t know how to use one! 
telemachus: i thought you just knew the basics and that ‘trick’ you did to prove yourself, was originally just to impress mother?
telemachus: *puts his arms down and then looks down towards his father’s hands* besides, that ring you wear on your thumb is just a normal one like the other’s you wear isn’t it? 
telemachus: it certainly doesn’t look like any archer ring i've seen before at the markets…
odysseus: *laughs to himself and holds up his hand* oh this? you’re right it doesn’t look like an archer ring.
odysseus: *rubs his thumb along his index finger* that's because it isn’t a normal one
telemachus: *looks again at his father’s ring to see it now has a point to it like any standard archer ring*
telemachus: *looks up at odysseus’ face, then back down to his hand and then back up to his face again* 
telemachus: but- you- it- hOW?
odysseus: *rubs his thumb against his index finger again and the ring is back to looking like any standard ring* 
odysseus: *looks from telemachus to penelope* ask your mother, it was a gift from her
telemachus: *immediately swivels to face her*
penelope: well, as you’ve now found out…your father isn't one to let people know he’s a skilled archer, so i ‘commissioned’ an archer ring to be made for him that could hide as a normal ring when not needed. 
telemachus: wow! the jeweller who made this certainly is skilled then
penelope: *thinks back to asking athena if she could try to get hephaestus to make one*
penelope: yeah skilled indeed 
telemachus: *turns back to odysseus* so why didn’t you want people to know? about your skills as an archer i mean.
odysseus: sometimes it's best to not reveal all your strengths
odysseus: *grins while shrugging* keeping people guessing is also fun
odysseus: *walks to telemachus and ruffles his hair* anyway, back to practising! i’m going to head back over to your mother, but call me if you want me to assist with anything ok?
telemachus: ok!
*time passes as telemachus keeps on practising, odysseus is back to laying in penelope’s lap while she caresses his hair*
*odysseus wants to keep watching his son but is struggling to not fall asleep from penelope's motions*
*telemachus notices so decides to discuss some final dinner plans with his mother*
telemachus: so the cooks have everything they need for tonight, right? are you sure you don’t need me to quickly run down to the market for anything? 
penelope: *smiles reassuringly at telemachus* they do, and if on the off chance they don’t i'm sure one of them will go to the market themselves. no need to worry yourself my son.
telemachus: *nods while getting another arrow ready* 
telemachus: *starts pulling the string back when he has another thought*
telemachus: oh what about the seating plan? i should probably tell fathe-
penelope: *who knows about athena’s seating plan, and also knows that odysseus doesn’t (hey she wants to have some fun too ok?)*
penelope: *forgetting about her husband peacefully half-asleep in her lap*
penelope: *jumping up from the bench* NO-
telemachus: *not expecting his mother’s outburst*
telemachus: *lets the string go accidentally and also having lost his aim*
odysseus: *falls off penelope’s lap and the bench with a startled yelp*
*meanwhile the loose arrow now wizzes straight past the target, through the garden trees and over the palace cliffs, heading into what looks to be its final destination of…. the sea*
telemachus: *turns to face his parents* mother, are you ok? why did you yell no?
penelope: oh um… i’m sorry for shouting telemachus 
penelope: what i meant to say was, there's no need to spoil anything. we’ll keep it as a surprise!
telemachus: uh ok…
odysseus: *face down on the ground and groaning from the sudden series of events*
odysseus: *pushes himself up and looks at his wife*
odysseus: penelope why?
penelope: *laughs a little at odysseus’ rumpled state* 
penelope: *helps him up* 
penelope: i’m sorry my love *kisses him on the cheek*
odysseus: *smiles at the kiss and then brushes his clothing free of dust*
odysseus: what were you two talking about anyway?
telemachus: uhh-
penelope: -the final bits for dinner! speaking of which, we should all go and start getting ready!
penelope: *points at the sun starting to set* helios is not long from being done for the day, and i'm sure when selene takes to the skies, our dinner guests won't be long!
penelope: *starts to head inside* come along you two!
telemachus: *to odysseus* what about the archery equipment?
odysseus: *shrugs* we’ll deal with it later
*telemachus & odysseus follow penelope back into the palace*
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
Literally the first song in the entire saga:
Ody asks everyone: what do you love for? What do you fight for? WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING REASON TO EXIST?
Also Ody 2 seconds later:
And Telemachus
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
Jorge: Poseidon is an egotistical man child who uses his powers whenever he is upset
Poseidon: *sends a fucking storm*
Jorge: case in point.
A Brief Rundown of the IRL Ithaca Saga (to the best of my memory, in probably not chronological order)
jorge (creator, odysseus) decided it'll be cool to celebrate the ithaca saga with the epic cast via a trip to ithaca, greece
surely nothing can go wrong
mico (telemachus) seemingly found out about the trip with the rest of the fandom. he proceeded to plot a trip to ithaca
the epic cast dealt with multiple broken vans and missed a ferry by one minute. they had to cancel a stream because they were too exhausted
mico made it onto a plane
ithaca got hit by a typhoon, forcing them to move another stream indoors
mico got banned from tiktok. it was reversed
mason (tireseas) asked luke (zeus) to stop the rain. luke refused
the crew hiked up to odysseus' palace. they ran into a roadblock. mason looked into the future and did not see a way around it. (they found a way around it)
the crew found a well and sang their epic songs into it. except jp (crew) who just sang happy birthday
janani (aphrodite) also sang "royal we" into the well
anna (penelope) made it onto the plane to fly out to ithaca
hermes (troy) decided to take a plane to ithaca like a normal human instead of teleporting. he got side-eyed by a woman at the airport as he slept sprawled out in a chair. this quickly became a meme
hermes arrived in ithaca to the delight of everyone except jorge. mico also appeared in his videos. mico still had not updated anything after getting on the plane
anna's connecting flight got cancelled, leaving her stranded in a fancy hotel. she struggled to find the toilet in her hotel room
mico finally updated, claiming he was stuck in munich. mason appears in the video and gives him a water bottle, proving he is lying
the fandom believes mico anyway
mico is forced to post another video revealing he had been gaslighting us basically the entire time and was just delayed in getting to ithaca, that was all
troy and talya (circe), in character, talk about tea. troy says the tea tastes like her father's approval. earle (ares) then asks for 1000 cups and breaks down crying as luke cuts the camera
jorge posts a video apologizing for mico's absence, encouraging him to fly to ithaca, new york. mico appears in the background of this video
mico posts a video saying that he's finally in ithaca, but the crew is in ithaca, new york. jorge appears in the background of this video
jp films a behind the scenes video, calling out "some random guy" who just showed up asking if anyone knows jorge. it's mico
janani sings "royal we" again, but after she says "troy was breached" troy comes out screaming in pain. mico appears in the background of this, filming the video from two points above
it's time for the ithaca saga livestream... except it gets cancelled because the connection is bad and jorge's devices are dying
TL;DR: the gods saw the epic crew in ithaca and went "do you guys think it'll be really funny if we just. recreated the odyssey"
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bibliophilicbi · 2 months ago
His wife and husband are both here
Also Dick sweetie what are you doing???
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Batfamily in Batman #158 Dell'Otto variants
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