#eowyn speaks
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officialfoxsquadron · 1 month ago
actually sooooo fucking annoying how good of a character jaime lannister is. most pathetic obnoxious bratty guy. he canonically peaked at 19. and yet he really is the goat. "there are no men like me" fuck OFFFF WHY ARE YOU RIGHT
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officialfoxsquadron · 10 months ago
Hamilton is a musical that has aged poorly quickly. It’s a musical that is a direct product of Obama-era idealism. Notably, LMM began writing it in 2008, the year Obama was elected, and finished it in 2015, the last year of his presidency. LMM is also an artist who I think gets grating very quickly-because of Hamilton’s earnest nature, he’s been trapped in a Disney hell of bog-standard musical theatre numbers. They’re catchy but not exactly reinventing the wheel.
It was subversive in its time for how it was made. It features a non-white cast, an overwhelmingly non-white production team, and rap music. I can’t remember the last time LMM made any reference to rap in his music. (There was a “rap” in Moana that was really more Gilbert and Sullivan patter songs.) Hamilton is filled with references to classic 90s rap which was exciting and fresh on Broadway.
The actual content of Hamilton itself, however, is a fairly standard retelling of the oldest American story—that anyone with a dollar and a dream can make it.
There’s something sinister about the big Act 2 number “What’d I Miss?” being Thomas Jefferson coming home to his plantation. It’s a song designed to get a big audience reaction (Jefferson is literally dressed as Prince and twirls a cane.) It contains a throwaway reference to Sally Hawkins, the slave Jefferson raped. The dancers line up to “greet” Jefferson. It’s uncomfortable, to say the least.
I also want to add there was critique of Hamilton and LMM at the time-specifically The Haunting of Lin-Manuel Miranda by Ishmael Reed, which deals with the white washing of Hamilton. It premiered in 2019, but Reed was a vocal critic of Hamilton since 2015.
lin manuel miranda wherever you are its on sight
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musicoftheheart · 1 month ago
just got one of those emergency alert notifications for a severe red weather alert 💪
feels like a life experience has been had finally
(seriously though, to any of my fellow people living in scotland/the uk rn (idk how wide its spread) who got an alert, please stay safe. and even if you didnt get the alarm, take care anyway)
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buck1eys · 11 months ago
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zippityzap · 1 month ago
For the first time ever Northern Ireland has just been given a red weather warning 😬
Definitely gonna ask my line manager if I can work from home tomorrow (but also praying that the regional manager who has been in a generous mood of late says fuck it and gives us all the day off)
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officialfoxsquadron · 10 months ago
adding one of my favorite passages from Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (THEE luke book in my opinion):
But I say to you: you are greater than the Jedi of former days. Luke could only frown, and shake his head again. "What makes you say that?" Because unlike the Knights of old, Jedi Luke Skywalker... You are not afraid of the dark.
cannot stop thinking about that comic panel and how severely it fucks. and also how severely it fucks with the “uwu sunshine smol bean” image a lot of people seem to hold of luke. yes, he’s incredibly kind and he deeply cares for people and the light side of the force flows through him like water. but he’s also impulsive and stubborn and quick to anger; he’s padme’s son, but he’s very much anakin’s too. and he uses his power for good because he chooses to. return of the jedi gives us a brief glimpse of a luke who touches the dark side, and it’s terrifying…and nearly unstoppable. if you are unfortunate enough to make an enemy of him, it’s not a matter of if he’ll find you, it’s when, and when that day comes you’d better pray he’s willing to extend the same mercy to you he did to vader. because otherwise only the force can protect you—and maybe not even then
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gl00mur41-39 · 29 days ago
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Beans ready for harvest
ohuuugghhhhh kitttbyyyyy
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magdeleinas · 1 year ago
rewatching lotr and dear god theoden is so so sad and depressed he's so ready to die whether it's giving up, riding into glory and death to face tens of thousands enemies, riding into glory and death 2.0 ft. the single best war speech I've ever heard, just sitting out in the open after giving out a defeated sigh realising he's about to be nazgul dragon chum. like my man my dude my best buddy please fight to survive I'm begging you. I totally get why he's like that but I didn't really realise that that man is Depression™ at every inconvenience he's ready to go packed his things half way out the door
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maryasmorevna · 7 months ago
people being surprised that the acolyte was cancelled and the sw dudebros won... i'm sorry, i really am, but what else did you expect? disney will always cater to this part of the audience. i'm not saying this because i feel superior or whatever, on the contrary, it's because i've been there too. i mean, remember what kelly marie tran went through after tlj was released, and how it resembles the treatment of the acolyte poc actors (especially, from what i've heard and quite unsurprisingly, of amanda stenberg)? it's nothing new. imo there has been a horrific regressive movement these last few years - conservatives, antiwokecels, straight up racists etc. have become even louder, more aggressive, and their numbers have increased. what once felt ''reasonably'' progressive would become, were it released today, the object of an unholy amount of unfounded criticism, with dudebros whinging like little babies because a person of color/queer/a woman dares to get an important role in a beloved franchise or *gasp* even get cast as a protagonist, which is dumbfounding to them because wow, you mean women and minorities actually exist and their stories are important too??? *surprisedpikachu.jpg* like guys, mulan was out in 1998. if disney had the audacity of making such a classic in this day and age, hordes of manbabies would cry about ~the evil feminazis~ and their nasty ~gender propaganda (whatever that means), and also ~communism!!!! because the movie is about a chinese woman. i'm sure mulan (as the hunchback of notre dame, to make another example, that with all its flaws as an adaptation is still explicitly against racism, specifically towards the always demonized romani people) had this kind of criticism back then too, but it was almost 25 years ago. the world should have and is changed since then, but in some ways we're going backwards. my theory is that since women and minorities actually got some rights and representation during the last couple of decades (and oh boy, was it a harsh battle to even get that) these people feel somehow threatened. they're not ~inherently superior or at the top of the game anymore, or at least many people realized they shouldn't be. and they're afraid, and as such they need to cast themselves as the victims. but other, way more clever people than me have divulged into the causes and spread of fascism and right-wing ideologies, so. i'll leave it at that
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ladysparrow01 · 8 months ago
Pick your faves from my faves game!
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I'm considering myself tagged by the lovely @dying-suffering-french-stalkers
I'm tagging: @flameandignite @trans-cuchulainn @frost0wl @benjhawkins @pentecostwaite and anyone else who would like to play ♡
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officialfoxsquadron · 1 month ago
y’all ever think about how crazy it is that every parental or mentor figure luke had lied to him? owen and beru lied, obi wan lied, yoda lied. the only person who was actually honest with him was vader
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smallest-sunbeam · 1 month ago
Part of the shed roof is gone with the storm the UK is having rn :/ is fixable but not ideal really…
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glorybax · 1 month ago
At 2:02pm, I have lost power. I can hear house alarms. The energy providers are saying they can't turn it back on until tomorrow at 2pm.
Stay safe everyone.
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torchwood-99 · 2 months ago
Eomer and Eowyn only talk to each other once in the films
but they communicate so much.
When Eomer first returns with a wounded Theodred, an entire dialogue is shared between Eomer and Eowyn without a single word passing between them.
This mutual look of concern, they're both on the same page.
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Eowyn then goes on to look at Theodred's wound. It's interesting that Eomer now looks curious above all things, he's waiting on Eowyn's judgement.
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Eowyn looks at the wound and grimaces. It's bad. Theodred isn't going to survive this.
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She looks to Eomer, who looks back at her in grim resignation.
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They go to Theoden to inform him of the situation. As Eomer walks by Eowyn, he doesn't speak to her or interrupt her, but he puts his hand on her back as he passes. Even when the focus is on other things, he is giving her that gesture of support and fondness. That it is done without fanfare shows that this sort of affection is commonplace.
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They both stand before the throne, both of them united in their attempt to reach through to their uncle. They're a team, a unit.
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Eomer throws down proof that Saruman, who Grima is trying to portray as a friend to Rohan, is sending his soldiers to terrorise their people.
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Eowyn gives Grima a death glare, challenging him to refute her brother's accusations. She's on Eomer's side, Eomer's team.
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Eomer sees Grima looking at Eowyn, and knows what he wants. It fills him with fury.
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Eowyn sees her brother choking Grima against the wall. She looks on in cold silence, then walks away.
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When Aragorn reveals that the beacons have been lit, Eowyn rushes into the throne room, drawing to a stop at Eomer's shoulder. They wait together for Theoden's judgement.
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When it comes, and Theoden sends Eomer to muster the troops, Eomer bows, but even before he has fully straightened up, his eyes go to his sister.
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Again, no words exchanged, simply a look of common understanding. They both know what the risks are, they both know what is at stake, for the world, for their country, for their family.
Before Eomer leaves, he touches Eowyn's arm, before walking away.
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With Eomer gone, we see a steely determination come into Eowyn's eyes. Now there's something Eomer's missing, now Eomer's back is turn and there's something about his sister that she's keeping from him. She's riding to battle.
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The one time they speak to each other, they're in opposition. About Merry, about Eowyn, about war.
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The words are harsh. Eomer is stern, Eowyn is defensive.
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But Eomer puts his hand on Eowyn's shoulder. He doesn't say "I don't want you to get hurt, I don't want you in battle", but that hand on her shoulder, tells the audience that's exactly what he's saying.
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Those small moments of physical affection culminate in one great moment, when stern, stoic Eomer discovers Eowyn on the battle field, and breaks down in tears, cradling her and rocking her like she's a child.
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And his devotion to her is ultimately shown in him sitting small and hunched, tucked in on himself, crouching down in armour for what seems to have been a lengthy space of time, as he sits by her side, waiting for her to be healed.
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This is such an effective way of showing to an audience that two characters love each other, when there is a limited time window. The movie needed to crack on to cover the ground it needed to cover, and with so many important dynamics to reveal to the audience, the creators needed to be time effective. Eomer and Eowyn don't share much screen time, but the looks exchanged, the passing moments of intimacy, tells us clearly that these are two people greatly fond of each other, and have been fond of each other a long time.
The lack of spoken dialogue almost enhances it. Little is said between them because little needs to be said. They already know. The one time they do speak, it's when they're quarrelling, because that's the only moment when they need to use words. The rest of the time, a gesture, a look, is enough.
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oneirataxia-girl · 1 year ago
me giving Mari the most painful memories of an ex ever:
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glorybax · 1 month ago
Edinburgh is a bit more sheltered due to being on an estuary rather than right on the sea itself, the wind direction is more likely to batter the places opposite Edinburgh with sea waves.
It's the Herbrides that are getting battered the worst in terms of the coast.
Hopefully you won't experience much more than the 80+mph winds, but I still wish you good luck and stay safe.
- Someone in Falkirk
That moment when you get an emergency alert warning you to avoid costal areas and your city is literally next to the sea
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