#the ballad of tam lin
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grendel-menz · 7 months ago
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If my love were an earthly knight, as he's an elfin grey, I wad na gie my ain true love, for nae lord that ye hae.
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jesvisfarovche · 5 months ago
Halloween costume idea: Tam Lin
You start the party dressed as vaguely medieval guy (with maybe elf ears if you wanna be fancy). Then you have costume changes, leaving and coming back dressed as different beasts. The big finish is coming back naked and having someone throw their green cloak over you.
Bonus points for having your partner or friend dressed as Janet and holding you through the "transformations" and being the one to cover you with the green cloak.
Extra bonus points for arriving on a white stick horse toy.
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momoguido · 10 months ago
Presenting the results of my latest hyperfixation
Tam Lin is a Scottish folktale, usually presented in ballad form, dating back to at least the 16th Century. It has been summarized and re-told by different people over the years, including Overly Sarcastic Productions. It is the subject of a one-act opera, and was the inspiration for a 1970 movie that updated the story to the present day.
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The fairy queen yells at Tam Lin in every version analyzed except for the Anais Mitchell version. Her version is an outlier in many respects, since the entire parade is left out, Janet simply grabs hold of Tam Lin mid-conversation.
Another oddity is Pentangle's version, which was written for the movie and consists of a jumble of images meant to complement scenes from the film, without a coherent narrative.
The biggest surprise to me is how few versions mention Janet seeking an abortion, something that I had always thought of as a central part of the story.
One thing I wish I could have looked at in more depth is the balance between versions that describe Tam Lin's transformations before he goes through them, and versions that describe them as they happen. As they happen is more common, but some songs will do the entire sequence twice.
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Going into this, I had two versions prominent in my mind: Anais Mitchell's pop-folk version that leaves out much of the story, and Anne Briggs' very traditional (and very long) version. Because of this, I thought perhaps we would see a decrease in the complexity of the story over the years, but that's not the case, it's basically flat. I think a better comparison might be to separate into traditional and revised versions, although that is something of a judgment call.
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There were so many minor discrepancies I couldn't even keep track of them all, but these four stood out because they are so oddly specific. Even the main character's name and the setting aren't consistent across versions, if they're even mentioned at all. Some versions don't even give the main character a name!
My data collection process leaves a lot to be desired, as well as the way in which I decided which events were major or minor, and which things to leave out altogether. This was mainly just a fun way to explore different versions of my favorite folktale, listen to a lot of different people sing different versions of the ballad, and rotate the whole thing in my brain.
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greengrowsthelaurel · 4 months ago
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it’s peak tamlin season and i haven’t posted shit so here
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1800naveen · 6 months ago
When I catch you, sjm-
Tam Lin fell off his horse, was captured by fairies, had to find his true love to save him, and then was FORCED by said fairies to be changed into multiple forms.
If you think about it or consider it, Tam Lin is a victim of abuse. The fairy queen said that she would take his eyes, was held captive by these guys, lived under constant threat and/or fear because it said the fairies would sacrifice him to hell on Halloween.
What type would it be? Psychological, emotional, and physical abuse (forcing someone to change form...)
Janet not only recused Tam Lin in an act of true love but freed him.
And then when you take a look at SJM's version of Tam Lin...
What I want to know is how do you take a man who was abused by a woman/fairies with more power over him into an abuser himself?
SJM HAS PUT A STAIN ON TAM LIN'S STORY, DAMN YOU! (I sound like an 1800s villain, lol)
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Anyways, Tam Lin and Janet solos all of SJM's couples✌🏾
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lady-janet · 5 months ago
Important question: are you a dark hair Tam Lin truther or a light hair Tam Lin truther?
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weirdlookindog · 9 months ago
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The Ballad of Tam Lin (1970) - Pressbook cover
AKA The Devil's Widow
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ladysparrow01 · 4 months ago
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Myself as Lady Janet from The Ballad of Tam Lin (some 10 years ago) for the Tam Lin Month prompt "Janet".
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tamlinweek · 1 year ago
Tamlin vs. Tam Lin: A Brief Retelling
Happy Spring Equinox! It is the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are getting longer, the air is growing warmer, and the earth is growing greener. What better time to learn more about the inspiration behind our favorite High Lord of Spring than today?
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O, I forbid you, maidens all That wear gold in your hair To come or go by Carterhaugh For young Tam Lin is there... ~Adapted from the translation of Child Ballad 39A
The Ballad of Tam Lin is an old Scottish folk tale about an enchanted young man who will be sacrificed by the Queen of the Faeries if his mortal love Janet does not save him at the crossroads at midnight on All Hallow's Eve. He says he was once mortal, but fell from his horse and was then taken to faerieland (which is why he is now the Queen's 'elfin knight' and thus cannot leave the boundaries of Carterhaugh).
While A Court of Thorns and Roses is primarily a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, it shares some qualities with the original Ballad. For example, Tamlin can change his shape at will. His beastly form is described as part wolf, part bear, and part elk. In the Ballad, Janet must free Tam Lin by pulling him down from his horse and holding tightly onto him while the faeries forcibly change his shape. If she lets go, her claim on him is forfeit. Depending on the telling, these shapes include:
a wolf
a bear
a lion
a serpent (sometimes a newt, a toad, and/or an eel)
a swan
a hot coal
When Janet at last succeeds, the Faerie Queen laments that had she known that Tam Lin would be stolen back, she would have replaced his heart with one of stone. (Or, more gruesomely, depending on the version, that she wished she had taken his eyes and replaced them with wooden ones.) Sound familiar?
What did the Faerie Queen want him for, anyway? According to the Ballad, the faeries sacrifice someone every seven years as a Tithe to Hell. Tam Lin believes that he is that year's Tithe, and it turns out to be true (because he is just that good-looking - and yes, that is canon!). In ACOTAR, the equally handsome Tamlin has seven times seven years to find someone who can free him from Amarantha's lustful claim upon him, or he is hers forever.
So, how exactly did he find someone to free him from such a fate? As we all know, ACOTAR's Feyre took an innocent life, so she had to cross the Wall to spend the rest of her life in Prythian. In the original Ballad, it's a little more complicated.
The story begins with Janet's father giving her the land containing Carterhaugh, the woods within which the legendary Tam Lin resides. He is said to collect a payment of any maiden passing through (usually her maidenhood ie virginity). From the way the Ballad is written, it seems that Janet seeks him out intentionally. For she has "kilted her green kirtle [skirt] above her knee", and green is said to be the faeries' color. Her hair is also described as yellow (ie blonde ie gold), and she has braided it above her brow in a most flattering way. When Janet searches Carterhaugh and doesn't find Tam Lin, she plucks a double rose that she finds nearby. He appears to tell her that she has taken something that belongs to him, and she sternly replies that the woods are hers to do with as she likes.
The Ballad does not go into detail, but upon returning to her father's house, Janet learns that she is pregnant. Because she does not want to marry anyone else, she returns to Carterhaugh to either find an herb to induce an abortion, or otherwise confront Tam Lin (sometimes both, depending on the version). When she asks him if he was ever human, he says he was, and the only way he can be human again (so that he can "be the baby's father") is if she frees him before he is sacrificed on All Hallow's Eve (as mentioned above).
With all this in mind, it's easy to see where Sarah J. Maas got the inspiration for her version of the story. While ACOTAR's Tamlin was never human, and never became human, he did need rescuing by someone who loved him enough to hold onto him until the end. At least until Book 2, *cough, cough*.
So well she minded what he said, And young Tam Lin did win; She covered him with her green cloak, As glad as a bird in spring. ~Adapted from the translation of Child Ballad 39A
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So, there you have it! What other similarities have you noticed between the original Ballad and A Court of Thorns and Roses? Are you excited for Tamlin Week? Remember, it's happening on April 14 - 20, and you can find the prompts here. Happy Spring!
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somestorythoughts · 1 year ago
Janet, walking into her house after midnight with a naked man wrapped in a cloak next to her: Hey Dad I found my baby's dad and we're getting married!
Her dad: ...I have questions but okay.
Janet: Also Carterhaugh is now safe for maidens bye!
Her dad: wait WHAT
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theboarsbride · 1 year ago
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New OC, New story!!
Very rough idea as of rn and nothing is solid (this WIP idea was conjured just yesterday...tis still a newborn), but essentially it's a loose retelling of The Ballad of Tam Lin set in the Regency Era featuring a cursed fae named either Tamlaine or Tamlyne (i just call him "Tam") that disguises himself as a human man named "Mister Thomas Lynne" in order to participate in London's season and find a wife....and here he meets the FMC, Elspet/h, the daughter of a seamstress who is very demure and timid and mousy in both nature and appearance, after she picks a rose from his patch of forest.....and uh yeah super rough and vague for now but that's the idea haha!
(Faceclaims are Ian McShane and Sally Hawkins respectively 🤭)
(Also still trying to figure out a vibe....stuck between gothic folk horror and cozy fantasy romance... meh I'll find a way to combine the two😏)
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gatabella · 1 year ago
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"Ava was one of the most perfect screen actresses I've ever encountered because she had a childlike concentration, which is wildly important. It's one of the major things that a film actor or actress should have, because immediacy is tremendously important to hold. I found that when you were working with her you should really never have more than three takes. Because she really did it. Watching her act was a fascinating thing to me I was often stunned. There was one time when she had to take a dagger, stick it into a desk, and say something like, ‘I will not die.’ And when she said it, her eyes in that moment just filled with blood. It was incredible. She didn't have acting craft, but she had this immediate instinct. So in a sense perhaps the toll was larger for her than somebody who had craft at their fingertips. Because she had to really completely do it in that moment.”
-Roddy McDowall on directing Ava Gardner in The Ballad of Tam Lin (1969)
thanks @graciemonaco
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seasonofthebxtch · 10 months ago
This is such a sweet photo of Ava and Roddy
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goforth-ladymidnight · 1 year ago
Amarantha: If I give you an eye in a ring, will you give me a kiss? Tamlin: *staring at Jurian's eyeball* What in the actual...
Inspired by @kateprincessofbluewhales hilarious post.
In all seriousness, though. Why are eyes Amarantha’s thing?? Eye know why. ;)
OK, OK. Now I'll be serious.
So, it turns out that it's a reference to the original Ballad of Tam Lin (well, one of many versions). When Janet wins Tam Lin back from the faeries on All Hallow's Eve, the Faerie Queen is naturally furious.
'But had I kend, Tam Lin,' she says, 'What now this night I see, I wad hae taen out thy twa grey een, And put twa een o tree.'
"If I had known that this [your rescue] was going to happen, I would have taken out your eyes and replaced them with wooden ones."
Depending on the version, she also says that she wishes she had thought to replace his fleshy heart with one of stone, so that he could never feel Janet's love. (That explains why SJM added that detail into ACOTAR, too.)
While the eye thing can be interpreted in a similar fashion (so that he cannot look upon his love), there's another reason she might have wanted to blind him. At the time the Ballad was written, there were folk tales that told of mortals that obtained faerie sight (and wisdom) that they should not have had, and were later blinded (or had their eyes plucked out entirely) by the faeries when their knowledge is discovered.
So, there you have it! There was a precedence for Amarantha’s weird obsession with eyes, after all. :}
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greengrowsthelaurel · 4 months ago
I want to make dnd one shots loosely based on folk ballads. current list includes but is not limited to:
-tam lin
-outlandish knight/lady isabel and the elf knight
- thomas the rhymer
-maid on the shore
-famous flower of serving men (idk there’s enough mystical shit happening here and also a good amount of murder that i feel there is potential)
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1800naveen · 8 months ago
Tam Lin from the Ballad of Tam Lin is fine as fuck.
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Janet, you lucky girl.
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