#eon answers
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moss-feratu · 7 months ago
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ur MY mutual and u didn't know this? smh. go listen to the downward spiral as penance
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Jokes aside I actually really did enjoy the album
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nucl-eon · 8 months ago
opinion on isotope z from the powder toy
I had to look this up bc I was not familiar tbh. And you have given me such a gift, thank you for introducing me to this. I'm going to create some myself right now.
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wtfforged · 5 months ago
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i think about this one piece party panel so often i wanted to draw it
the panel ⤵️
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rugwurm · 9 months ago
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no more dante, only rocinante
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1vylili3s · 1 month ago
Hey " light yogurt cookie" salty is currently watching white lily from the tree lines you might want to go clue him in on what's up so you don't trip over each other.
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nighttime pt. 25
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itsahotminuteinbetween · 1 month ago
my suggestion for cute DCA doodles to do:
Cuddles and a bad movie night in which Sun and Moon make fun of horrible movies with y/n :3
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quick doodle inbetween assignments for you! Moon found a film that he thought was interesting...turns out they bought the wrong movie! Personally think that after 5 minutes of boredom they'd mute the sound and try to guess what the characters are saying for entertainment.
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smovs · 2 years ago
CSP Buckle Tip
My standard approach to those wee lil buckles on Sora's KH2 costume. I been drawing the little shits for 15 years and this way's by far the best looking for the least effort.
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As usual this is drawn in Clip Studio Paint, but oughta work in any software that can add outlines to a layer (or hey, maybe you paint without lines).
Long live the KH2 outfit!
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journey-to-the-attic · 1 month ago
Someone trying to kidnapping IK: Hey kiddo, your mom told me to pick you up.
IK knowing full well that her mom is not in the picture, and has two dads: I don't have a mama? But I do have a diedie!
Kidnnaper: Diedie?
Lucifer who is pissed af cracking his knuckles: That would be me.
Kidnapper feeling dread already: Oh shit...
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Lucifer carries IK, who is worried: Are you okay, my golden apple?
IK: Mmhmm, diedie who was that?
Lucifer: A fool.
golden apple is such a sweet silly nickname i love it (coincidentally though, it feel like it actually works better in chinese than english, something about it rolls off the tongue... imagine that zhao taught him some vocab and lucifer's immediate priority was to painstakingly craft a brand new pet name for his daughter)
also i'm imagining this very specific exchange
teacher, handing ik some form: and you just need to take this home and give it to your mum
ik: but i don't have a mum
teacher: (internally) SHIT (out loud) oh, your dad can do it as well!
ik: umm which one
teacher: (internally) oh thank god it's just gay people (out loud) either is fine!
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gethoce · 6 months ago
"Greetings, Valfrey! It's been a while, pon... How have you been, pon? Hope Fal is not importunate, pon... Fal Uh... Fal wanted to ask..."
He hesitate, not knowing whether to continue or not
"... What do you think of Dark Matters, pon...? Being someone who judged so many souls and who witnessed so many... Do you think they deserve a chance, pon?"
(btw, VOTE FOR VALFREY!!!!!!!!!)
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At one point Valfrey was tricked into hating dark matter with a burning passion. For many years they made it their mission to wipe the species out, only to find out that they had been deceived. Now they're more accepting of those of the matter most dark, however they do not regret any of their past actions as it isn't an emotion they can feel.
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tswwwit · 29 days ago
I just realised dipper in portal au was sucking dick like a pro, ‘i havent kissed anyone in years’ but youve gone down on em every week???, jkjk
It's a skill he hasn't lost his shine on, that's for sure! (For porn reasons)
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moss-feratu · 2 months ago
I also play a lot of valentine. When I played regularly
I also mained Fillia and Peacock but Painwheel was my main girl, I fucking KILLED in pvp with her
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nucl-eon · 8 months ago
Hello. I see you post stuff about radiation/chernobyl. We are now friends.
I have finally found my people
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jamjoob · 9 months ago
Firstly, thank you for drawing Marceline as black. You have no idea how refreshing it is to see her with brown skin and braids (the white!Marcy art still haunts my dreams). I'm currently learning about skin undertones and I've came to the realization that the beauty industry is full of shit! Especially when they talk about brown skin... I've never been so confused about whether red is a cool or warm undertone.
Anyway, got any artistic knowledge to lend? I would greatly appreciate it (I've always wanted to get better at describing my ocs brown skin since I can't even describe my own skin color besides from just "dark brown").
You've come to the wrong person lmao sorry. I'm terrible at tutorials which is why I'll link some great ones by black & south asian artists Skin tones by @ rainbowmancer
How @ _QAE0 draws brown people
How @ XavierILL draws lips
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desertfangs · 10 months ago
I’ve been thinking about Armand/Daniel a lot lately (as one does) and yes the whole thing is incredible but for some reason I can’t get this line out of my head: “In the midst of life they plunged”, and how perfectly it encapsulates their entire relationship. Like the IMPLICATIONS of it. Armand hadn’t actually had a life, perhaps only a semblance of it, in over 300 years, and this mortal boy gave it to him and offered him a shot at an actual existence. Full of experiences, adventures, discoveries, opportunities, romance, fighting, crying, LIVING. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Daniel giving Armand the opportunity to have a life and to reclaim his youth will never not make me feral ❤️‍🩹
Anon! It's like you're inside my head, because I, too, think about them all the time. That line though is really awesome and it does encapsulate their relationship so well. You're so right about this and you should say it.
Like, if you think about it, it's exactly true that Armand hasn't had much of a life for a long time. He spent decades with Louis, living in a shared misery. And while I fully believe they had tender moments during that period, I think it was few and far between. Armand wanted Louis to be his guide to the modern era, but Louis was too lost in his grief and pain and numbness to be that for him. When that finally ends, he spends the next decades watching over a sleeping Lestat, keeping the city free of "vermin" to protect him like a guardian who wasn't asked for.
And basically seems to be his life when Daniel crashes into Lestat's house and starts playing those tapes. He's just chilling in New Orleans, watching over the dirt where Lestat is buried, as life moves around him.
The Chase gives Armand something else to do, to focus on. He follows this young reporter boy around tormenting him and teasing him and in the process, he starts to delve into the modern era, learning about things Daniel does and places he goes and even his means of travel - accosting him on a train, in a taxi. He bails him out of jail. He orders dinner for him at a restaurant in the most unhinged way possible, but it's also the sort of thing you might do if you just want to push some of the limits around you.
And then they come together as a couple, finally, and then into the very midst of life they plunge! Armand finally has someone who will do all the things with him: parties, shows, concerts, museums, travel. Daniel has been patiently (and not so patiently) teaching him about the modern world for years already, so now they really dive in. And as you point out, they also plunge head first into a relationship, living together, existing together as a couple and figuring out what that means, and everything that entails, good and bad.
It really is Armand getting a second chance at his youth and his first opportunity in centuries to just be a guy and experience the world on the arm of this beautiful, curious, sardonic boy who loves him for what he is and who he is and is passionate and gentle, even as he can be defiant and argumentative.
It makes me feral, too. Like it's just so good. Daniel gives him the world and the love he deserves, and in the end, Armand gives him forever. And I just... love them so, so much. 😭😭💖
Thank you so much for this ask!
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rainintheevening · 5 months ago
Narnia, potato
She's half asleep by the time Peter brings her a bowl of potato soup, and he calls her, sing-song, "Come, my sweet queen, my sister. You must eat."
Lucy sighs, sits up straighter, only to snatch at a crumpled kerchief by her pillow, and blow her nose vigorously again. "Oh," she sighs at last, voice weak and a little raspy. "I do hope this won't last more than another day; I would hate to miss all of King Lune's visit while abed with something as common as a cold."
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cryptid-paint · 8 months ago
Hello!! Hi!! I'm inlove how you draw Rook along with his backstory you did a good job!! And the small detail of Eon crushing him!! Ahhh!!!🤩 and your art, they're so gorgeous!!
I'm really curious on how you make Eon and Rook interact in this au along with the fact if Ben would ever wake up and his reaction of Rook becoming a villain.
Take your time and have a great day!!
Hello!!!! I'm super glad you're enjoying the au, that means a lot!
As for how Eon and Rook manage to interact, lemme elaborate (I was Lowkey hoping someone would ask this because it delves deeper into the lore lmao, so thank you!!!)
So as I said in the post where Bad End Rook's reference is, Rook is desperate on a search for revenge against Vilgax. Eventually, he succeeds, managing to hunt down and k*ll his timeline version of him. However, doing that doesn't feel like enough to him, Rook still felt angry and empty and in his need to feel something aside from those emotion and in his need to avenge Ben, he decides to hop timelines, starting to k*ll every Vilgax version he encounters on the multiverse. Eventually he manages to run into Eon, it doesn't goes well lmao. Eon catches a crush because Eon has never seen such an intimidating and cruel version of Rook and so, he find him deeply interesting, he even goes as far as offering to work together against Paradox. Meanwhile Rook hates Eon because he's everything Ben isn't and feels disgusted by him.
However Rook's dimension hopping eventually catches the attention of Paradox, who will go find Ben Prime to try and stop Bad End Rook together. Because in his quest for Revenge, Rook is managing to put a tear into the space continuum. By destroying Vilgax, he's managing to doom that timeline. Without Vilgax, there's no Ben.
As for if Bad end Ben would ever wakeup and recognize Rook or what are his thoughts on him. I think Ben wouldn't recognize him. He would say that the Rook he knows isn't cruel, manipulative or mean. Bad End Ben would reject Rook, and that would further break him. This au doesn't ends well for Rook, that's all I'll say
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