#enjoy this one it took forever
bornspellcaster · 1 year
Little Firefly - 2
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(When the time pool closes before she reaches it and Luz finds herself hopelessly stuck in ancient times, an incident forces her to work together with her enemy to ensure their survival. In the midst of it, Luz learns there may be more than meets the eye to the frigid Puritan, and discovers the real secret to saving The Boiling Isles may just lie in reuniting an estranged family…)    
Chapter 2 - Guilty Conscience
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If there was one thing that was apparent immediately as the two wayward companions traveled, it was that they seemed to love, or at least were inclined to turn absolutely everything into an argument. This included who should fish for their dinner, where to fish for their dinner, and the best method to go about fishing for their dinner.
“Really? You’re going to weave nets out of those vines?” Philip drawled. “Those aren’t strong enough, and you aren’t even tying them properly. Any fish, especially ghost flippers, will just pass right through the holes.”
“Ghost flippers?” The usual scowl she wore interacting with the other human was replaced with a look of intrigue and excitement. For what reason Philip had no idea. Ghost flippers were easily some of the most annoying fish he’d ever had the displeasure of coming across.
“Yes, it’s a certain type of white fish that resembles the catfish of our world. Only their defense mechanism is disappearing. They can only do that in the water however. Pull them up in time and you’ve got them. But they can still pass through those holes,” he told her sourly. “They aren’t small enough.”
Luz looked off into the sparkling waters with a serene gaze. “Man, sometimes I forget how amazing The Boiling Isles is…”
Philip scoffed derisively and snatched the net from the teenager, weaving the spaces tighter and redoing some knots. “You have some twisted definition of the word ‘amazing’, child,” he told her, all but slamming the homemade net back into the water and watching it sink below the adjacent surface. 
“You really don’t find any of this stuff…interesting? Amazing? Cool?”  She watched the water curiously. “I mean how can you not, on…some level?”
Surprisingly, her tone seemed to hold less judgment and annoyance and more genuine confusion that anyone could look around this (hell) and not find some beauty.
“I don’t.” Anymore. “It’s a curse is what it is.” Philip stumbled onto one of the rocks lining the small river bank they’d come across, and grimaced as he tried to straighten his bad leg.
Luz jerked the ties of the castaway net when she noted it seemed to jiggle, only to look disheartened at pulling up nothing. She looked so excited at first he almost felt bad for her. So overzealous to try to make something work out, only for it to fall apart before your eyes. What was that like, he wondered…..
“I didn’t catch the ghost flippers. But I did catch these other cool looking red ones.” Luz held up the net where a red fish, spined with bulbous, wide green eyes and jagged pectoral fins, thrashed about.
“Luz, those are fire snappers,” Philip said flatly, almost laughing as the angry creature blew a defiant stream of flames at her and nearly scorched her shirt. “If your aim is to roast yourself for dinner, then by all means.”
“Could you NOT be so condescending for once?” she snapped.
“I could, but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun.” 
Luz furiously turned away from the man and grit her teeth together so tightly she was certain she felt and heard a small snap. Man was so frustrating to deal with he had her injuring herself now, just to try and handle him…
“Whatever. So these fish are inedible then?” Luz tossed down the net of tangled creatures, hating to see them writhe about and attempting to suck in mouthfuls to struggle and breathe. Philip, as expected, seemed to have zero qualms with harming the creature and Luz yelped, jumping in surprise as a straight blade flung down like an arrow from his hand and pinned the creature to the ground. Its flailing stopped almost instantaneously.
“No, they’re edible, but only if you remove the lava pouch. Or else you’re in for a terrible, scorching shock if you don’t,” he told her plainly. He ripped the cartilage from the flesh and discarded it into the fire they were stoking.
“Lava pouch, that is so cool,” Luz grinned. Philip raised an eyebrow at her.
“It is in fact, the literal opposite of ‘cool’, child.” It was his turn to get annoyed when she snickered at him. “Does ‘cool’ mean something else in your time, or what?”
“Just eat your fish, you colonial boomer.”
“What does THAT mean?!”
She’d eaten chivo picante with more heat than that fish, but several times Luz, to her great amusement, had caught Philip panting his way through every new bite of this lava fish. His face was about the color of it as well, twin trails of tears on his cheeks from the snapper. Luz wasn’t even breaking a sweat.
“It’s good, but it could use some hot sauce.” Philip looked at her like she was insane. Mostly she was just messing with him. She didn’t really want hot sauce.
They chewed in silence for a few minutes, but Luz was never that good with awkward, prolonged silences, even if it was with someone she didn’t necessarily like. At all. “Is this the kind of stuff you usually eat?”
“Sometimes. For the most part I scavenge and hunt what I can find,” he told her, tossing the empty fish bones into a nearby bush, and licking the remnants of the fish oil from his fingers. “I find berries, and vegetables. Options are abysmally limited for humans in this dreadful world,” he said bitterly. “…But I will admit to having found some things that don’t taste entirely disgusting,” he said quietly. “…Snapping berries are my favorite fruit.”
Luz lit right up. “Dude, same here! I don’t like that you have to mash them so they’ll stop snapping at you though. I just feel bad doing so.”
“I feel empowered.”
Her smile fell. “You would.”
Silence went on again for a few minutes, but it felt too tense and awkward. “So when is the last time you’ve had anything home cooked? Like a meal or anything?”
The mood shifted instantly. Luz felt an uncomfortable chill crawling up her back and sensed somehow she might have irked a nerve in the man. His posture seemed to go more frigid, as if he was considering answering and how to go about answering.
“…About five years ago,” he finally responded, when she was sure he’d give her the silent treatment the rest of the night. “When I didn’t live alone.”
“What happened to them, did you sacrifice them too?” Luz scoffed a bit. In hindsight, maybe she should have checked herself, but she was still so angry and embittered with the events of today and how he’d treated her.
A blindsiding pang of anguish that flickered in Philip’s eyes made her immediately bite down on her tongue and want to apologize, but he cut her down before her mouth opened.
“It’s late. It’s time for bed.” He carelessly splashed down water onto the fire, with enough powerful force it sprayed her face.
Neither of them spoke the rest of the night.
“Pip, we can’t keep going through this. You can’t throw a fit every time I spend time with Evelyn!”
He’d always had problems with his anger, ever since he was small. It manifested much worse once their parents passed and they were more free to show their emotions without the fear of impending discipline. He would destroy things in their cabin, but more often than not turned harm onto himself.
“I love you more than anything, Evelyn cares about you, Reidun does! Varuka! Eleanor! And you haven’t even given your new palisman a chance…”
He’d always told his brother that he hurt himself so he didn’t harm others, but…Philip hadn’t remembered to do that on that day. The second worst day of his life. Anger got so much harder to control when it was magically charged. He’d felt the engravings on his forearms pulsate and throb.
He’d never wanted to control it, that’s what scared him still to this day. He didn’t want to stop being angry. He didn’t want to listen to them when they told him to calm down, that they could talk this out. He didn’t want to ‘talk things out’ or be talked down to, and babied. He wanted his big brother to suffer the way he had, left alone in a town he fit in less than this world.
“You need to make an effort to get along with Evelyn! You need to stop making cruel remarks about her, and about our child!”
He was his brother’s best friend, his brother, his first kid. Not that little half breed!
“You need to GROW UP!”
It was too late to stop himself by the time he realized what he was doing. What he had done. He heard Evelyn scream as he’d slowly backed up, blue eyes wide with horror as he trembled.
“What have you done?!”
Blood coated his fingers. Sinful. Soiling. Staining. It wouldn’t get off him. He didn’t get a chance to stammer out an apology. A scalding pain sent him to the ground the same time Caleb dropped. Evelyn’s magic.
“Leave!” she cried, already bending over Caleb and trying to stop the bleeding. “Leave and don’t come back!”
This is where the memory always traversed different nightmare scenarios, through alternate endings. Sometimes it would happen as it had in the past, for him to run off somewhere secluded and wail and wail until no tears were left. Sometimes he would run until he’d reached the cliff face, where he’d plunge himself down to the boiling seas below. On rare occurrences, Caleb would catch up to him or find him some time later, a weeping mess. He’d take him back to the Clawthornes, softly rubbing his back the way he always used to.
….He hated that ending the most, actually. There was nothing worse than false hope.
It was the chosen one that night it seemed, because Luz was standing over him when he opened his tired, and horrifyingly moist eyes.
“…You were whimpering out in your sleep,” she said softly. He groaned in pain as he sat up with difficulty. “It isn’t even dawn yet.”
Philip’s heart was thundering in his chest. What was he whimpering? What names had he called out? He waited for the blasted girl to start needling him with questions, but Luz surprisingly didn’t…
“Hey, look at the sky.”
Philip rubbed the crust from his eyes and gazed skyward in curiosity. The sky looked like a dark purple wash of watercolor, with abnormal light purple clouds dotted across it, and stars glittering throughout.
“It’s pretty, huh?”
His lip curled derisively. “The clouds are a repulsive purple. And I see nothing that resembles Earth’s constellations.”
“That’s because there aren’t any,” Luz said, sounding a bit more irritated now. “It’s…The Boiling Isles version of constellations! But aren’t they super mesmerizing? I mean…they’re stars! Stars are stars.”
To his credit he refrained from any further bigoted remarks. Maybe he was too tired for them. He leaned back a bit as he gazed into the night again. “It’s interesting how this place has any stars,” he mused. “I suppose at the very least, it’s under the same universe as home.”
Ah maybe they were making some progress.
“Or it’s just meant to be cloying and trick you, like any ‘nice’ looking parts of this hellscape.”
Or maybe not. Luz rolled her eyes heavily. “Yeah, so what did you dream about?”
He stiffened again and she chose her words more carefully, less she scared him off. “I don’t quite remember,” he told her with a shrug. “You know, it’s just one of those dreams where you wake up and you can’t recall much. Apologies for waking you.” It was the first apology he’d given her. …Too bad it was meant to divert her.
“Yeah it’s fine, but we probably should get back to sleep,” Luz sighed as she started back to a mossy spot she’d found and cushioned with her jacket. “Dawn will be here before you know it and then you have to get me home!”
“I’m aware,” Philip snarked back as he limped to his own nesting place near the still smoldering fire pit. “The library should be able to give us some information on time pools. It’s just the next town over.”
She was just about to lay down when he spoke again, and…in a strange, strangled tone.
"It was the pain, you know."
She turned back to him and immediately Philip directed his gaze back to the abnormal sky. His eyes screamed lies and for once Luz wasn't angry at them. "You…uh, you spoke about me whimpering? It was my leg." He stretched it out with a dry smirk, but…it was fragile.
Philip didn't like the look in her eyes, but if she was planning on calling out the bluff, she never did. "Right. Of course! I figured. Anyway, go sleep it off."
He pulled his brother's jacket close and rolled over into his nesting spot.
Luz tucked herself onto her side. Through her own homesick tears, whimpering that soon drifted from Philip had her wondering again who the heck this Caleb was.
He hadn’t gotten much more sleep, which was common after one of his nightmares of the past. He couldn’t risk seeing that face again. Those once kind hazel eyes that had held love for him and only him, and the feel of those soothing arms that always tucked him close into an embrace. The soft cadence of his voice as he’d pacify his tears with a lullaby.
No, Philip knew if he endured that again before he got a chance to rebuild his proverbial walls, his composure would be in danger. In front of Luz! He was still humiliated about the night and having to lie and say he was crying about his leg.
Better a weak pain threshold…than weakness of the heart.
Mostly, the exhausted man stayed awake until he finally saw the first rays of light cast, and morning dew to wet the red grass.
 Then with his good leg, he kicked Luz awake.
“Wake up.”
“What was that for?!”
“Do you wish to reach the library or not?” Philip drawled. “I’d prefer we get there before noon. I want to check the market and see if I can get some healing wards for this leg. The pain is killing me.”
“Didn’t seem too bad when you were kicking me,” Luz muttered crossly as she rubbed the crust from her eyes and glared at him.
“Eat the rest of the fish and pack up,” he told her. “Pull up your hood when we are out and about, to  cover your ears. Don’t ask.”
Luz picked at the dried morsels of fish and nibbled the remaining pieces from the bones. “So how did you sleep?” she wondered casually. A bit too casually perhaps, because Philip turned back and cast her a harsh glare.
“What’s it to you?” he snapped. The child was taken aback.
“Geez, nothing,” she snapped back. “Sorry for trying to be friendly.” She angrily slipped on her shoes and socks, still dusty from the cave collapse and mounted their stonesleeper.
Why did he have to be such an asshole at every turn? Any attempt to be friendly had been rebuffed, and he didn’t even deserve kindness to begin with—least of all from her! He was the reason she and her aunt were almost eaten. He was the reason she almost died in a cave! He was the reason she was trapped now, so far from home, so far from Eda and King and Amity…everyone she loved. He was the reason for all of it!
She wanted to scream at him, wanted to tear at his stupid and smelly beard, wanted to shove him into a patch of venom snatchers, and yet as she looked back at the quiet, empty and listless man, she found everything dying on her tongue.
What had to happen to a person to make them so miserable like this? To have them out here alone, in a cave? Luz’s mind drifted back to the night before. Did he even remember it, the way he cried out in his sleep? Begged for someone named Caleb? Cried out in distress ‘please no…’ And the whisper that stuck with her the most, ‘I’m so sorry…’
They came to a clearing eventually after following a long road that twisted off the lower part of the pelvis. ‘Baby BonesBorough’, as Luz called it. The markets were bustling with activity already, witches and demons alike laying out their local produce for the day, and various objects to be traded or sold.
“Ugh, it’s already so busy already,” Philip shuddered in horror at the lively activity. He began to limp down the path, but he turned when out of the side of his peripheral, he saw a large stony foot come down. He glared sharply at Luz and…Pancake. “What do you think you’re doing?!” he demanded of the teenager. “You cannot just bring the monster along with us!”
“Why not?!” She pouted back.
“We’re going into a market and a giant beast flattening the locals might draw some unwanted attention!”
“Oh come on, he can be careful!”
“I said no.”
Pancake definitely drew some eyes, but you didn’t look twice at a giant rock dragon carrying two people in The Boiling Isles. They just appeared like any citizen riding their mount around town really. 
Philip still wasn’t looking at Luz. She rolled her eyes.
“You’re still angry at me?”
“Putting my journal in a tree until I gave in was exceedingly childish.”
“Not my fault you’re too injured to climb.”
Before he could retort anything, Luz gasped. She gently jerked Pancake to a stop by clicking the heels of her shoes against his rough ribs, and she hopped off the creature. “Race you there!”
“Is that meant to be some sort of sick joke?”
It was still as grand as it was in present time, if a bit less modernized, specifically the stone steps that led upwards to the front doors. They were fenced with Deadwardian balusters, ones similar to Lilith’s historic diagram—carved and painted in a beautiful ivory.
Luz pushed open the large creaking doors and looked around. Without so many alcoves and smaller subsections, and structured differently, it somehow seemed even larger than it already was! She took in all the subtle, tiny differences. There were more abstract shelves of ornaments and dripping candles. Where the ‘manga’ section once was, a beautiful ornate fireplace replaced it. The shape of the brass was made to look like fangs.
“This is so much cooler than how it looks in my time,” Luz said, awestruck. Philip hardly looked as enthused.
“I disagree,” he deadpanned, limping into the door after a moment. “I will say this much though, the literature here can be intriguing. Frankly I find the literature of our world to be quite….boring,” he scoffed. A momentary, unexpected sparkle came to his blue eyes. Excited. Almost…childish.
“Ah, I did happen to read a bit about the creation of The Boiling Isles! Much as I detest this hell, I must admit I’m fascinated by how it’s come to be. The premystic period….” He trailed off and his face dusted an embarrassed pink when the girl smirked at him, teasing and almost playful in nature.
“Philip Wittebane, are you a secret history nerd?” She laughed as he went scarlet.
“D-don’t be stupid!” he scoffed, turning away from her. “Find your stupid time pool information and let’s get out of here before your stonesleeper starts eating the townspeople.”
Luz giggled as she approached the database near the door. It was a huge book in leather bindings, floating above the pedestal that held it in a mystical glow. “Geez, it would take literal months to go through this.”
“I don’t have the patience to be stuck with you for months,” Philip drawled and stood in front of the book. He cleared his throat, hands folded behind his back in his typical snobby air. “Show me all books with information about time pools.”
Luz watched in wonderment as the pages began to flip, and landed on one slightly yellowed page with a….single scrawl. “There is really only one book?” She tried not to show the deep twisting panic turning in her gut. “Heh…well, that’s good, right? At least it means we won’t be here for hours combing through information!”
“I think I’ve come across that book before. I know where it is.” Philip hobbled over to a shelf nearby, where there was a blue hard covered book labeled ‘Magical Anomalies.’
The teenager leafed through it after sitting in one of the chairs. Philip was contemplating taking a seat as well, but after the chair blinked at him, he firmly decided against it. “So….what’s it say?” He watched a crestfallen expression cross the girl’s face, and it deepened with every second, and every word scanned.
“Coagulated titan’s blood…mixing with the algae of the Boiling Sea…creates holes in time—thi—this is all stuff I already know!” Luz spluttered. “But how can I create one?! I don’t have the device Lilith made, or the blood! That’s what I need to know!”
She got up, so suddenly in fact the momentum of her shove nearly sent the chair on its side. It was glaring now, but Philip ignored it and followed her.
“Excuse me!” Luz approached the librarian. He was a long reptilian creature with the same ribbon-like wings as Malphas, and a flaxen haired beard. He was probably an ancestor. “Where can I find more information on time pools??”
“Time pools?” The creature blinked. “That’s all we have on those. Some folks don’t even believe those be existing!”
“Well they do exist!” Luz cried. “I need more information please. Can you tell me where there’s another library nearby?”
“You won’t find much information on those even at other libraries, young maiden.”
Philip cautiously approached the teenager. She was staring off into the distance with wide and unblinking eyes. He felt the distress coming off her in palpable waves. “Luz, you…have far more information in your time. The capabilities of titan’s blood are still being explored. It’s a powerful substance with the potential for far more than just travel, but…this is all newer information.”
She turned to him. “But I already know all of this!” Her voice cracked.
Philip’s voice softened. “Luz…” He sighed as she ran towards the door.
He quietly made his way outside and tried to ignore that nagging pit of sympathy when he heard soft sniffles arise from the cat hooded figure bundled with her knees to her chest on the stone steps. He should just leave her there. 
He could do so without a guilty conscience, right? It’s not like he hadn’t done all he could to get her home. He told her he’d find a place with information. It was hardly his fault the pathetic institution had almost nothing in its archive on time pools!
He should continue onward, she’d figure it out….but he had made a promise to this child. It didn’t feel right just leaving the girl, in tears, alone on a library’s porch. He wondered at what point he’d started to worry about doing the right thing…
Philip stood there in the shadows for a moment longer, sure the girl had sensed his presence already. It was difficult searching for the right words. Normally he always had plenty enough to say, but he wasn’t used to searching for tact when he spoke. …Kindness.
“…It is unfortunate the library didn’t have more information.” She didn’t look up. She shuffled so she was turned away from him. He sat beside her, undaunted. “I wish I could be more helpful to you.”
“Yeah right,” she sniffled.
“I’m being sincere,” he pressed, trying not to sound irritated. It wasn’t as if he could blame the child for her skepticism. “I thought if any place could help it was the library.”
“…I’m never going to see my family again,” Luz’s chest spasmed, trying not to sob. “I-I don’t know where to go to find titan’s blood, and evidently I don’t know how to make a freaking door! I mean, the last door I made collapsed after taking me to some weird realm that was neither here or our world!”
Philip winced. “Well-“
“And it’s all your fault!” Luz shouted as she stood. She needed to channel her anger somewhere, and the man that held her back from leaving this timeline and tried to get her killed seemed like the morally perfect target. “You’re why I’m STUCK HERE!”
Philip winced harder, his panicked cerulean eyes darting around when he realized people were staring at them, gazes perking up from behind their canopies and vending carts. “Luz, just calm down-“
“NO!” she shouted. “Don’t tell me to calm down! If it weren’t for you, I’d be safe at home! If I hadn’t come here to meet a huge JERK and help him find this stupid ‘collector’-“
Suddenly, Philip’s eyes lit up like a currently uninvented lightbulb. “The Collector, that’s it!” Luz barely had time to react before his arm was over her mouth, letting off a muffled squeak as she was hoisted against him. She found her face pressed into his jacket and she muffled angry curses in Spanish.
Philip looked back at a couple people still looking at him and laughed nervously. “Don’t mind my….daughter! She’s cranky, didn’t sleep last night, I just need to get her home for a nap! Or feed her………toast!” He sprinted off before anyone could question further, back through the path they’d come.
She’d kicked and snarled, but frankly, the witchlet had been so flabbergasted by the sudden move and wording she hadn’t done much to try and get away. “How old do you think I am?! Cranky?! Get me down for a nap?!” Luz snapped as he finally set her down. “Geez, you know nothing about teenagers! You better friggin explain why you just did that before I kick you right where the sun don’t shine!”
He scoffed. “Well you sure seem cranky-”
“EXPLANATION, my dude.”
The excitement on Philip’s face perplexed her as he pulled off his satchel. He laughed. “The Collector! My titan, in all of that chaos with the rockslide I’d completely forgotten!  We still have The Collector!”
Luz’s almond shaped eyes widened and she matched his glee within moments. “We do?!” She stared at the sparkling crescent stone and laughed as well. “We do! Wait, why did you just snatch me up and race out of there like you planned on abducting me?”
“Because you were screaming about a highly valued magical artifact in a marketplace of strangers?”
She shrugged and followed him back through the path where they’d come from. They found a rocky alcove hidden from view. “Do you think the collector can summon me a portal? Or make me a door?“
“Truthfully I’m unsure,” Philip admitted as he looked at the reflective surface. “The only thing I’m aware of is that The Collector holds a great deal of power. Power in fact, on a cosmic scale. There shouldn't be anything it can’t do. I think.”
“You don’t even know?” she deadpanned, already feeling her hope waning on this.
“Well I certainly know more about it than you!” Philip scoffed. He brushed his hand along the reflective surface and Luz watched ethereal ripples swirl along the now glowing moon.
“Whoa…” Both stepped back as a solar pattern suddenly formed beneath their feet, so large in fact that the symbol of the sun in the very middle was the same size as them, and blinking a discerning smile up at them. A cosmic burst of stars in baby pinks and periwinkles formed along the outer edge of the circle. It was so mystifying that even Philip seemed mesmerized.
However, if they expected some all knowing being, towering like a dragon in a long flowing, sagely robe to emerge from the stone….they were, to say the least, dumbfounded when all that seemed to emerge was a tiny silhouette that was just…a bit smaller than the child.
“….What.”  In the span of three seconds, Philip had gone from being admittedly impressed by the display, to being probably the most underwhelmed he had ever been in his life.
Luz felt far more excitement and perhaps trepidation. She knew well enough to know never to underestimate The Boiling Isles in absolutely anything—large or small, innocent or sinister. ….She couldn’t help it though, as the little thing stood there with a dopey smile. “…Ay que lindo.”
(Whew that got wordy! After a lot of considering I’ve decided the rough length of this fic is going to be around 15-20 chapters. Longer than I intended, but I actually have a clear ending point in mind as well as the main plot points. And a question a reviewer asked actually made me think up a whole new ending for this that I really enjoy. 
Chapter lengths will always really vary. You could get 7 pages or you could get 24! So hope you’re prepared for that. I also thought it would be really fun to include the chapter titles and drop them below as well as a view ‘vague’ and ‘potentially misdirecting’ synopsis like the episodes always did, for a couple of them.
Next chapter has a lot planned as it’s very important, so hope you’re prepared for something likely longer than this! Also this fic now has an official banner made by my dear friend @talk-to-the-glyph​ (which will be included in every chapter and in fact is going to be integral into the story itself!
Chapter 3 - Heartfelt Calligraphy - Philip and Luz need to kill time when it rains
Chapter 4 - The Real Disease - An unexpected development forces Philip to make an ultimatum
Chapter 5 - If I Stay - Luz experiences confusing revelations
Chapter 6 - Mend What’s Been Lost - 
Chapter 7 - A God Fearing Minister - 
Chapter 8 - Attitude Adjustment - 
Chapter 9 - Falling Stars - 
Chapter 10 - Parenting 101 - 
Chapter 11 - The Celestial Wing
Chapter 12 -  Luciérnaga - 
Chapter 13 -  The Magic Of Words - 
Chapter 14 - Shifting Paradox - 
Chapter 15 - Gilded Gold And Silk Robes - )
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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Ya'll.. hear me out-
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little-pup-pip · 5 months
Build-A-Bear Chococat!!
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Lucy Gray Baird x Text Posts
Me trying to prove my Lucy Gray posts are funny too lol
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eskiinox · 5 months
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its-flame-art · 10 months
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“wait a minute. wait a minute, Doc. ah... are you telling me that you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?”
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missingn000 · 4 months
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hey all! i wrote a what-if character study & action fic for if king fought sanji instead of zoro during the raid on onigashima. i'd really love if you gave it a read! thanks so much!
happy reading!
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grumpyelf · 1 year
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i just finished the impel down arc so have some of my favorite buggy screenshots from it. #1 cringefail loser
bonus :o) faces:
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raz-writes-the-thing · 11 months
Demon's Blood
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Aziraphale x Crowley x Fem!Vampire!Reader - 18+ ONLY
Summary: Part two to Angel's Blood. You've tried Aziraphale. It's high time you tried Crowley, too.
CW: blood, bloodplay, knifeplay (only a smidge and it's barely play), wrist cutting (for snack purposes), choking, p in v, fingering, dom/sub dynamics, Dom!Crowley, Switch!Aziraphale, degradation.
Requests are: open and encouraged
Gomens tag list: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
Vamp!Reader tag list: @purplefrog1sblog (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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You’re not sure, but you think they may have planned this, not by starving you, of course- or removing your food sources, but, by just… waiting for the right moment to strike. 
And it would be a blatant lie if you had said that you hadn’t been thinking about the way you ground an orgasm out on Aziraphale’s thigh while drinking down his blood (it would also be a lie to say Aziraphale and Crowley hadn’t been thinking about the same with regularity) more often than you should. Thinking about it late at night when you couldn’t sleep (not that you needed to sleep at all, of course) you’d gotten yourself off to the thought of it more than once. A lot more than once if you were completely honest with yourself. 
Since you’d fed from Aziraphale, your relationship with the Angel and Demon had changed quite a lot. Gone were the days of quiet platonic contemplation in each others’ presence. Now there were days of stolen kisses, picnics in the park, and theatre shows. Days of mind-blowing sex, too. That was also now a regular occurrence- and one you were not going to complain about any time soon and neither were they, just quietly. 
You hadn’t fed from him since, as you hadn’t really needed to. That was changing, though. You were beginning to grow hungry again, beginning to feel your cells fizzling and dying. At least this time you were in the early stages of hunger and not leaving it until the brink of desperation to actually do something about it. 
Your partners had also clearly started to notice the way your eyes would dilate at the scent of blood. The little sharp gasps you’d make when someone would get a papercut across the street, or when someone scraped their knee. You would never feed from someone innocent, you all knew that. But it didn’t change the visceral reaction you had to the smell either. 
Tonight, however, blood was the last thing you had on your mind. Sure, the need was always lingering under the surface, waiting for you to snap and feed to your undead heart's content- but it was also extremely hard to focus when you were laying on top of Aziraphale with his cock rubbing up against the crack of your ass and his thick, warm fingers prying your legs up and apart. 
Aziraphale was peppering kisses all over your neck, whispering sweet nothings as his grip tightened on the meat of your thighs. Crowley was currently in the midst of burying his fingers as deep into your cunt as he possibly could. In and out, twisting and stretching your hole without mercy. 
You’re doing your best not to snap your hips up off the bed, and Aziraphale is whispering sweet and filthy praise into your ears as a reward. When his tongue rakes up the shell of your ear you whine loudly. 
“What’s the matter, Pet?” Crowley asks, slinking over you to nip at your jaw. “This not enough for you?” 
Your face screws up with pleasure as Aziraphale grinds his heavy cock against the small of your spine. You know he’s loving this, the little shit. Aziraphale, you had figured out- liked the teasing. He loved to make himself wait, to get just enough pleasure to keep him going before being able to truly let go. 
“Mm- please?” You ask, forcing your eyes to open and focus on the Demon currently paying deft attention to your nipples with his forked tongue. 
“Actually, dear-” Aziraphale pipes up softly, giving your thighs a yank when he notices that they’re starting to slip closed again. “We rather thought we might try something new tonight.” 
Crowley’s brow arches deviously. “If you’re interested, of course,” the Demon says innocently, forcing himself to quit tonguing your nipple.
“What did you- oh- have in mind?” You ask, jumping when Crowley gives your nipple a harsh pinch just for the fun of it. 
The Demon’s lips curl into a knowing grin. A grin you’ve come to know quite well over the last few centuries, although not something you’re entirely familiar with in this current scenario. Your pussy clenches around nothing, and you wiggle back against Aziraphale’s cock, who gasps behind you. 
Crowley leans over you to the bedside table, giving you the perfect opportunity to press a sharp bite into his side. He chuckles, and Aziraphale gives your thigh a vaguely scolding pat. When he returns to sit back on his haunches, he hides what he has behind his back. 
“Toys aren’t something you need to hide from me, Crowley, dear. I may have been born in the sixteenth century, but that doesn’t mean I’m a sixteenth-century prude either.” You bat your eyes at him for emphasis and he just ignores you, launching right into a new question. 
“Mm, right- are you hungry?” 
Now this does confuse you. Hungry? Yes, always, and quite frankly the reminder of your current lack of blood supply is not helping the intimate mood as much as you’d like it to. 
“Y-yes?” You supply. Zira noses at your ear, making dark and heated eye contact with the Demon over your shoulder. 
“Well, see- the Angel and I were thinking,” Crowley said, twiddling the item behind his back in his hands for a moment. “If you wanted to try, erm, the other side of the Canal, so to speak.”
One of Aziraphale’s hands slides down from where he’s holding you open to rub as best he can at your clit from that angle. Your eyes flutter and the muscles in your now free leg groan in protest as you stretch it back out. 
“Not too far, dearest,” Aziraphale interjects. “We’re going to need that back there in a moment.” 
You’re not sure what to make of this, but you can’t deny the way your pussy clenches at the thought of trying Demon’s blood. Particularly after knowing how Angel’s blood had worked on you. 
“What have you got behind your back, Crowley?” 
He pulls the object out and into view. You recognise it immediately. A blade. A delicate little thing, curved at the tip. It looks like something Crowley’s taken good care of for quite some time. 
“You like it?” He asks, twirling the sharp thing in his fingers. “They don’t make ‘em like this anymore, do they?” 
You shake your head. They definitely didn’t. 
Crowley took the blade and set it aside for a moment, shuffling forward to sit closer between your legs. You eye his cock as he takes it in hand. He nudges Zira’s fingers away from your clit, who splutters at the ridiculousness of the act and Crowley replaces them with the head of his cock.
He’s still holding it in place as he rubs himself against your clit, little gasps escaping you both. Your thighs twitch with pleasure and pain as Aziraphale goes back to holding them both in place. 
The Angel can’t help but rock himself against you, pre-cum leaking onto your skin. The slide of his cock against your arse, and Crowley’s cock against your clit makes you shiver, head falling back onto Aziraphale’s shoulder. 
“Oh, she likes that,” Aziraphale pants, fingers leaving red marks on your skin. You can’t help but let the little shy whimper out. Crowley snickers mockingly, slapping the head of his cock against your clit a few times. 
“Be a dear,” Crowley said, reaching for your hand and placing it above his length. “Hold that there, eh, love?” 
You blush at the request, placing the flat of your hand over him so he can continue to rub his cock into your clit while he reaches once again for the blade. The feel of his cock sliding against your folds and your hand has you writhing. 
Crowley takes the blade and trails it down your chest, hips stuttering just a little when you swell with intrigue. Oh, this was looking interesting indeed.
“Didn’t fail to notice, Pet,” he emphasises the ‘t’. “You didn’t answer my question.” 
“Didn’t I?” You pant back, rolling your hips against his cock. Aziraphale groans at the friction. Crowley hums a ‘no’ at you, and you grin. “Yes, dear- I’m hungry.” 
Your Angel and Demon take this as word enough, and Crowley takes his blade and his wrist and raises it above your body. He gives you one more heated look before slicing the skin there softly, a little ‘oh’ as fat drops of blood slither down his skin and drip off onto your body. 
Pat. A drop lands on your chin. Pat. Another on your chest. Pat, pat. More down your tummy and then- pat, pat, pat. Drips landing on the hand keeping Crowley in place. You can smell it, sweet notes of cedar. You feel out the points of your fangs with your tongue. Crowley clocks the motion and grins, allowing some more of his blood to drip onto your fingertips. Pat, pat. 
He moves your hand, raising it to your lips. 
“Go on,” he tempts. “Have a taste, hey?” 
You glance between your bloodied fingers and Crowley’s heated smirk. Not breaking eye contact, you slide your fingers to your mouth. The first taste of his blood on your tongue feels charged, almost electric. Oh, this was definitely different from Angel’s blood. 
Your lips wrap around your fingers and you begin to suck them clean. Crowley places one hand around the base of his cock and slaps your clit a few more times, groaning as pre-cum beads at the tip. 
While Aziraphale tasted of peonies and ink, Crowley tasted of grapes and smoke with the obligatory iron that followed. God, they both tasted divine. Your tongue wrapped around your fingers and cleaned off the last traces. Your eyes flicked to the drop on your chest, which you swipe onto your forefinger and promptly suck clean. 
“Oh, Crowley,” you moan. He’s got a wicked grin plastered across his features.
“Good, then, I take it?” 
You nod, already starting to feel the effects of the blood in your system. Cells coming back alive, energy returning but there’s something else too. You’ve only had a few drops so you can’t be sure yet, but it almost feels like your blood is heating under your skin. 
Your eyes flick to his dripping wrist, and you allow a soft “more, please?” to convey just how much you desired to taste him. Crowley acquiesces, presenting you with his slick wrist. You take it softly with both hands, pressing your lips to the cut and laving your tongue over it to collect any and all of the blood that has leaked out. 
Once you’ve done this, you brush your fangs over the soft skin, completely lost to anything else at that moment other than the fact that you were finally feeding. 
It’s as you begin sucking anew on the cut and properly feeding that Crowley sinks his cock inside you. You gap, eyes fluttering shut as he sinks all the way to the hilt. Aziraphale lets out a few breathy moans at the sight and adjusts himself so that it is now his knees and thighs locking yours open for your Demon. 
This leaves Aziraphale’s hands free. He stretches them to get the ache out before caressing up and down your thighs and sides. He squeezes at your hips and whispers in your ear about how gorgeous you look like this. 
All of a sudden it hits you- Crowley’s blood. Demon’s blood. Demon blood which was once Angel’s blood. You moan wantonly as the effects start to pile up. Crowley’s blood was an aphrodisiac just like Aziraphale’s, yes, but there was something different about it. The way it was electrically charged, singeing your nerves and setting them alight at the same time. The way it felt as though the blood might be roiling with heat in your veins. Oh, this was definitely new. It was like… Crowley’s blood was just laced with pure sin. Or perhaps it was just pure unadulterated sin. Period. 
All you knew was that your thoughts were fading into lustful madness, and you forced yourself to break away from his wrist long enough to let out a dangerously needy growl. Crowley arched his brow and pulled his hips back so he could slam them inside again. 
Your mouth dropped open in pleasure, and the force of the thrust pressed you back against your Angel, who moaned loudly in your ear. You reached behind you with one hand to pull at Aziraphale’s hair. You couldn’t see it, but given the look Crowley had on his face, the Angel was making an expression that could easily have been branded as pure lust. The whimper that followed also gave you that impression. 
Once the shock of Crowley’s movements had passed, you pulled his wrist back to your lips. You grazed your fangs over a section of skin that was unharmed and waited for Crowley’s permission. Sure, the cut was there, but there was nothing quite like the feeling of flesh splitting beneath your fangs. It satisfied that primal urge like no other. 
Crowley nodded and his hips stuttered with pleasure as you bit down. He moaned, his other arm wobbling as he tried to keep himself up as you started feeding in earnest. That might have something to do with the venom that is secreted from your fangs when you feed. Nothing toxic, of course. It was just meant for numbing the pain felt from feeding and replacing it with pleasure, changing what the nerves picked up so that your prey wouldn’t struggle to get away. 
After all, why would they if your bite was blinding ecstasy? 
Crowley thrust his hips again and set a harsh pace, grunting with pleasure as you fed off him and clenched your pussy around him. You were growing more desperate the more of his blood you drank, blood fizzing in your veins, crackling at your nerves. 
“You’re both so gorgeous like this, my darlings,” Aziraphale said softly, skating the tips of his fingers over your hips to squeeze at the bone there possessively. You whined around Crowley’s arm. 
Aziraphale’s fingers trailed further along your skin, coming to rest on your clit. He could feel where the two of you were connected and felt around Crowley’s cock as he pounded inside you. That coil was winding tighter in your core, and as Aziraphale began to circle your bundle of nerves, you wondered just how long you were going to last. 
Crowley’s blood was sparking inside you, and every tight rub of Aziraphale’s fingers on your clit felt like it was almost too much. It felt as though the raw endings of your nerves were exposed and exploding with every touch. 
Without warning, you came screaming, loud wails of pleasure as your body jerked between them. Aziraphale’s legs tightened on yours, keeping you from snapping them closed from the overstimulation. 
“Oh, fuck-” Crowley grunted as you clenched down tight on him. He fucked you through the orgasm, not letting up for a moment. And you realised with horror that it had done nothing to quell the ache inside you. In fact, if nothing else, you were desperate for more. 
“Harder-” you grunted, abandoning Crowley’s wrist to reach for him, wrapping your arms around his neck. The Demon complied, snapping his hips up against you harder, setting a rougher pace than before. With his other hand free, he was now able to balance himself properly on the bed and get a more comfortable rhythm going. “Fuck, please- harder-” 
Crowley chuckled breathily in your ear, nipping at the skin just below it. Aziraphale then slapped your clit without warning, causing you to arch off the bed by the hips and shriek. The Angel laughed lovingly from behind your other ear. 
“Oh dear, I rather think she likes that too, don’t you, Crowley?” 
Crowley groaned as you clenched down on him once again as Aziraphale repeated the motion. 
“Fuck, Pet,” Crowley managed. “Oh, you love being between us like this, don’t you?” 
You whimpered, mouth dropping open as you got closer to another orgasm. Your thighs were twitching under Aziraphale’s almost uncontrollably. 
“Oh, you do,” Crowley mocked. “You’re so full up on the taste of me that you can’t stand anything other than our cocks on you, fucking you-” You were nodding desperately, scratching your fingers down his back. Crowley was a little bit of a masochist and made sure to never miracle away or let the marks heal for a day or so after you’d given him some so he could enjoy the sting a while longer. He was going to enjoy seeing these in the morning, that was for sure. 
“Are you goi-nngh- fuck, going to cum, darling? Already? Poor little thing. Go on, then- cum for us again.” 
Your back arches as another orgasm rips its way out of you, more powerful than the one before. You don’t know how to function as the pleasure tears through your nerves like wildfire. You cry out before biting down on the junction of Crowley’s neck. Not to feed, but just to stifle yourself. 
Crowley shouts, hips stuttering forward as he finally finishes too, ropes of cum painting your inner walls. He’s panting and burying himself as deeply as he can inside you. The Demon rocks his hips softly against your hips, riding out his pleasure. 
You’re whimpering and keening, desperate for more. Crowley must give the Angel a suggestive look, who softly unhooks your legs from his own and starts pressing kisses down your neck, hand coming up to squeeze at your breast. 
“My dear, would you be ever so kind as to allow me up?” Aziraphale asks you. You groan with the effort of removing yourself from his chest. It’s a lot of work after having been fucked so thoroughly, but you do it happily for him. 
Aziraphale slides out from behind you and Crowley takes his place. You settle back against the Demon and smile tiredly as he places his bony chin down on the top of your head. 
Aziraphale spends a moment admiring the view before him before kneeling back down on the bed and positioning himself against your entrance. 
“Can I?” He asks, knowing how exhausted and overstimulated you were. You nodded, gasping as Crowley pinches a nipple harshly. You may be tired, but the effects of his blood were still active in your veins. 
Aziraphale spends his sweet time sinking inside you. He’s much thicker than Crowley, and the stretch burns pleasurably as he slowly rocks his hips forward. You’re struggling not to squirm under him as he finally bottoms out. 
“Crowley, be a dear-” Aziraphale swallows thickly as you clench around him, swollen walls making you feel even tighter than usual. “Wrap that pretty hand around her neck for me?” 
“Oh, as you wish, Angel-” Crowley replies, bringing the hand that wasn’t pinching and tugging at your abused nipples to rest on your throat. You whimper and raise your jaw to give him more space. He chuckles knowingly and gives you a quick squeeze. 
Aziraphale must like the way that makes you twitch if the way he whimpered was anything to go by. 
“Please- Zira, I need you,” you pant, hips now beginning to attempt to rock against him. He moans and thrusts his hips shallowly into you. You gasp, though the intake of air is stolen from you as Crowley tightens his hand once again, cutting off any and all airflow. 
Aziraphale can’t hold out any more and begins to snap his hips back and forth, delighting in the way your tummy twitches with the motion. You swear you can feel your clit throbbing and twitching too. 
Crowley loosens his grip to allow you to suck half a breath in before taking the choice away again. Now, as a vampire, you don’t technically need to breathe, but old habits die hard, and breathing was still second nature to you, even after all this time. 
“Oh, that’s it, Pet,” Crowley says, squeezing your breast with the other hand. “Looking so edible for us, aren’t you?” Aziraphale moans at the Demon’s words, and Crowley tuts. 
“Don’t worry, Angel- I haven’t forgotten about you. Pretty thing, isn’t he? Likes to think he’s so innocent, doesn’t he? Did you know,” he pauses for effect, and you can feel the wicked grin from behind you. “This whole thing was his idea. Oh, I know- doesn’t seem like our dear old ‘Ziraphale.” 
Aziraphale blushes dark pink, grabbing onto your hip to fuck into you harder. You’re watching him with rapt attention. He does look so pretty like this, so perfect. Angelic. Not that this is a surprise, of course.
“Crowley-” Aziraphale warns halfheartedly. “Please-”
Crowley releases your throat. You suck a deep breath in and reach down to rub at your clit, feeling pressure starting to build once again. 
“Please what, Angel? You know you love the praise. Did you know,” he trails off in your ear. “Managed to make him cum untouched from praise once.” 
You chuckle airily, though it breaks off into a long moan at the way Aziraphale squeaks and his hips snap forward. You would have to see if that particular event could be replicated.
“Mm, that was a fun day,” Crowley says almost conversationally. “Angel, are you close?” 
Aziraphale nods jerkily, fingers leaving red marks on your skin as he begins to chase his orgasm. You know it won’t be long, given how much he had been denied and teased before. You rub your clit faster, in time with his thrusts.
Crowley laughs darkly and tightens his fingers on your throat again. Your head jerks back. A whine attempts to escape you, but can’t do so with the grip Crowley had on you. Aziraphale moans loudly as he reaches ever closer to that peak. 
“Alright, now, Pet,” Crowley growls when he can tell the both of you are getting close. You can feel his cum inside you being forced out around Aziraphale’s cock as he fucks you ever deeper. “You’d better cum soon because I won’t be letting go until you do.” 
If you had still been human, you might have had bruises on your skin where his fingers pressed into you. You moaned, hips jerking and thighs twitching. There was pressure building in your belly, though it didn’t quite feel as it had before. This was different- oh. Oh. 
Your legs jerked as the pressure built up and burst. Liquid gushed out as you squirted onto Aziraphale’s cock and thighs. The Angel let out a sound of surprise before thrusting once, twice ore and cumming, mixing his cum with the Demons’ inside your hole.
You realised that Crowley had let your throat go and was trailing his fingers up and down your cheek comfortingly. This was definitely new. You had never squirted before, and when you managed to open your eyes to look at the Angel, he looked at you with dark, lustful reverence. 
“That- you- that was glorious,” he managed to supply. You chuckled tiredly and pulled him in for a kiss. The Angel pushed his tongue into your mouth to dance with yours and you whimpered as the act made your clit twitch with interest. 
“My, my,” Crowley said, tilting your head to give him a chaste kiss too when you were done kissing Aziraphale. “You are a dirty thing.” 
You sagged against him, muscles giving out. Oh, you were going to sleep well after this. 
“I think,” Aziraphale panted, pulling a miracle down from above to clean up the three of you and the bed. “We ought to do that again at some point.” 
You groaned and pulled the Angel down on top of you, who let out a startled ‘oof’ sound. You giggled and encouraged the two of them to snuggle with you. 
“Mm- sometime,” you agreed, already feeling yourself giving in to the very human impulse of sleep. “Later.” 
“Get some sleep, dear,” Aziraphale said softly, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. 
“Mm- we’ll be here,” Crowley added, pressing another kiss to the top of your head. 
And you did, and they were. 
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plugnuts · 1 year
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Working hard or hardly working?
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magicalgirlfia · 10 months
Gyakuten Saiban 4 Anthology Comic - Trucy’s Dangerous Magic Show (Fan Translation)
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As usual, thank you very very much to @turnaboutarchives for the raw files!
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lazydreamartryn · 29 days
Just a lil headcanon I had
BF Nightmare x Sensitive y/n ??
Part 1
Part 2
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rowanoftheunknown · 5 months
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“I hope I’ll find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years, and that I’ll be able to put myself together again. I hope the echoes of pain will fade, and memories of sorrow will die, and that you’ll visit me here some day…”
“And I hope you have a happy ending of your own.”
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
hii!! could you make a moodboard with sharks (blue&baby pink colors) or a wolf one (any color, wolves, nature, and maybe some dog-themed toys or accessories)? no pressure! take your time, and thank you ! 🪻
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 2 months
The Dragon Prince Au Masterpost
So since i got so many ideas and thoughts for this au, imma just make a masterpost for this since i plan on expanding and adding more to it in the future. Thought it’d make context a bit easier to understand. There's quite a bit so buckle in fellas
Berk is an outpost village that lies along the border of Katolis and Xadia. The people and battalion there are known for their duty to ward off dragons and drakes when they get too close to the border, and they are based right on the edge of the border where both lands meet at the Gulf of Tenebris. 
The events from the first movie still kind of play out. Hiccup shoots down Toothless and hides it from everyone, but after learning about dragons and seeing that they’re misunderstood and that Berk has been provoking them, he then creates a disguise to help the dragons.
Of course, now everyone thinks that there’s a Sunfire elf out there fighting against them and why do they think he’s a Sunfire elf?? Because he creates Inferno in an attempt to mimic a Sunforge blade and paints his helmet to look like elf markings and builds in horns.
Jack is a Skywing elf, and a mage-in-training. He’s doing his best and lives with his mother and sister, Emily. Their village is to the north of the Ruins of Elarion and resides in the mountains.
He's out flying one day when he hears a dragon's roar and when he flies down to investigate he sees a human trying to catch a dragon. Filled with anger he jumps down and pulls up a spell, aiming it at the human, who stares back with his eyes wide and hands raised.
Hiccup was only trying to wrangle Toothless to try and put on a new and improved tailfin when out of nowhere a Skywing elf leaps out and points lightning at him???
So they get off on the wrong foot. But after seeing that Hiccup wasn't harming Toothless and Toothless was friendly towards Hiccup, did Jack lower his staff. He truly thought the human was going to try to kill the dragon to take it apart to send to the dark mages of the Katolin court. He'd heard stories of human "mages'' and their brand of "magic". But no. All that was in front of him was a startled human who had only been wanting to help a creature of Xadia.
and from there, their friendship begins.
Jack tells Hiccup about Xadia and Hiccup tells Jack about his home. They sneak off to hang out and take Toothless out flying. Jack uses Sky magic to make them go faster and higher and blows snow flurries their way to mess with Hiccup.
Hiccup brings pastries and food for Jack to try from home and gets him to try brown morning potion. It ends with Hiccup laughing on the ground and a cup frozen to the ground as Jack sputters in distaste at the bitterness
Jack manages to find a real Sunforge blade and gifts it to Hiccup. "Now you can pass off as a real Sunfire elf. Or at least close enough."
Toothiana is a Skywing elf. One of Jack’s friends and a family friend to the Frost-Overlands. She’s helped teach Jack some Sky magic but it’s not much. She tries to help him by hunting down books, tomes, and scrolls in her free time when she’s not busy
Bunny is an Earthblood elf who doesn’t stay in one place too long. But he does have a place on the outskirts of their village and sometimes lingers for a few weeks at a time before going back to his travels. His real home is in the Uncharted Forest.
Sandy is a Sunfire elf who passes through occasionally and is Tooth's source for magic books for Jack. Sandy lives near Lux Aurea but his work keeps him traveling around. He's a Sun mage and is currently hunting for the source of whatever magic has been corrupting creatures in Xadia and turning them into monsters made of nothing but shade and decay.
North is a human dwelling in Berk. He and Gobber run the smithy and create the defenses for the outpost and take turns running the shop. But North is actually a friend to Xadia (*cough* Bunny *cough cough* Tooth *cough* Sandy). It was the time before he came to Berk and he keeps these opinions to himself until he discovers what Hiccup has been doing in his spare time.
Astrid is the top-cadet in the training program at the outpost. Best in her class and has the highest chance of joining the Outpost Guard right off the bat. She and Hiccup are friends and she has trouble understanding his sudden reluctance to want to fight dragons and keep enemy forces at bay. This is their home. Doesn’t he want to protect it? Surely he must understand what’s at stake if creatures from Xadia were to invade. 
the rest of the teenagers are in the training program a well. Snotlout has aspirations to join the Katolin army at the Breach, Fishlegs just wants to study the flora and fauna of Xadia without it trying to kill him, and the twins... well they're the twins. They want to learn primal magic for pranks and get chased by a drake and cause havoc in general.
Jamie Bennett and his family live in Berk and Jamie has a secret that he's never told anyone. His best friend's an elf.
Jamie and Emily become friends before the events of the story start. And have been friends for months at this point. They've been lying to everyone to keep their friendship. So when Jack starts acting suspicious at home, claiming to go see some friends (he doesn’t have friends aside from her and Tooth) she starts paying attention to what he’s trying to hide. She fills Jamie in on it as well during one of their hangouts and he’s like “Oh weird, you know I've been noticing the Commander’s son has been disappearing as well.”
At one point Jack manages to get his hands on an illusion necklace, and gives it to Hiccup so that he can be fully disguised as an Earthblood elf. He wants to show him the beauty of his home and Xadia without the worry that he’ll get captured or killed and they spend a whole day going through Jack’s village and showing him everything. Emily follows along and keeps a sharp eye on Hiccup. 
She brings it up in their following recap. "So my brother had a friend over the other day... it was an Earthblood elf i had never seen before... he acted really weird." "Huh that's weird... Hiccup was gone the other day... no one could find him..." ".... Hiccup?"
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and Pitch is a dark mage :)
At some point i may add more, but for now this is the base context for the Au. it was hard not to get carried away with adding even more but i think that about sums it up for now! Below is the art that's been posted already. I'll edit it as i post more but for now that's it!
Jack, Hiccup, and Toothless designs
Sunfire Elf Hiccup disguise
Jack's Wing Maintenance
First Meeting (and misunderstandings)
Questions Ask
Ask #2
Jack and His Sister
Astrid, Jamie, and Tooth Designs
Earthblood Elf Hiccup Illusion
Some Plot
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luck-of-the-drawings · 6 months
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#cw flashing lights#LOOORRD OF LIGHTNING SAAAAVE ME!!!!#RAAAHHHH I LOVETHIS SONG SO FUCKIN MUCH AND I LOVE GILLION SO FUCKIN MUCH RAAHHHH!! RAAHHHH!!!#BUT YES YES I HAD LIKE A WHOLE OTHER HALF TO THIS SKETCHED OUT BUT IT WONT FINISH COOKIN FOR A MILLION YEAARS!!!!#MAYBE SOMEDAY.....#ANYWAY. this is my first time actually syncing audio to my animations. normally i domnt know howww.#i animated it all in fire alpaca AND THEN i mixed everything in a pirated movie maker. it kinda uh. sucks. but its WHAT I GOT BAYBE!!#i relaly like how i animate swishy hair... i was inspird by eris from sinbad. i can only HOPE i got on that level w the watery flowyness#LIUGHTNING IS HARD TO ANIMATE TOO. I WATCHED ALOTTA VIDEOS ABSORBED MINIMAL TUTORIALS AND UHH I THINK I DID OKAY!!#better than bad!!! but i can still do better. eventually. ugh. FLASHING LIGHTS TOO HUH? U LIKE ANIMATINGB FLASHING LIGHT?#U LIKE MAKING THE BLACK N WHITE FLICKER RLY FAST UNTIL UR EYES BLEED OUT UR SKULL?? YEAAAHH YOU DO!!!#im also vry proud o the title cards i made at the beginning teheheheh. dependign on where riptide goes i MIGHT change it#BUT HEY THEORY TIME? I HOPE ONE OF THE GODDESSES COMES DOWN TO PILOT GILLIONS BODY SO THEY CAN BEAT THE FUCK OUT O THE OTHER GODDESS#WHO IS ALSO IN SOMEONE ELSES MORTAL BODY. GODS COMING DOWN TO WREAK HAVOC OVER PETTY DISAGREEMENTS OOOGH HOW FUN!!#GOOD ON YOU CHAMPION!! YOUR VESSEL HAS BEEN TRAINED TO BE STRONG AND HARDY. PERFECT FOR CHANNELING DIVINE ENERGY.#OHHHH WHAT A PERFECT WEAPON YOU ARE. NOW GO AND IMMANENTIZE A WATERY ESCHATON#PARAGON OF OCEANS WRATH I WANT TO SEE YOU DROWN THE LAND. DESTROY!!! EAT!!! BURN!!! RAAAGHH I NEED GILLION TO GET MORE POWER!!!!#ALSO in other news i uh. actually posted this onto twitter forever ago but forgot to post it here bc i can only post it from pc and BABY!!#IM NOT ON THE COMPUTER OFTEN! NOT ANYMORE!! NOT ANYMOREE!!! IM FREE BAYBE!! i used to be so miserable. sometimes i think abt that.#ANYWAY. pls enjoy. just this much took so long. i love makin the lil guys move.... ouh.... hava good day if u get the chance to.
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