#enjoy 😊
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 months ago
The Right Thing
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie whispers as he scrolls through listings in El Paso. The neighborhood in his price range looks the same as he remembers it, when he'd walk home with Shannon and his best friend Chewie. The house he picks used to belong to a mean old woman who yelled at him for pulling her garbage bin up to the house for her one day.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie assures himself as he packs away the life he'd built the past six years. His medals he still doesn't like looking at get tucked away with the pictures of Christopher he hasn't stopped looking at since his son walked out the door. The Hildy coffee maker, now well used and well cared for, gets packed alongside the cheap stand mixer Buck always griped about.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie convinces himself when the 118 throw a farewell party for him. Bobby hugs him tighter than his own father ever has. There are actual tears in Chim's eyes when he claps a hand on his back and tells him not to be a stranger. Hen leaves a lipstick print on his cheek that gets smeared as he wipes at his own eyes.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie says as he stands just beyond glass doors. Buck nods and ducks his head as he sniffs. Eddie places a hand on his shoulder, his thumb finding the base of his throat like the space there was carved just for him. Buck bats his hand away in favor of tackling him in a hug that lasts longer than any embrace Eddie's ever had.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie repeats like a mantra as he unpacks the memories he'd so carefully tucked away. The old woman's house doesn't feel like a home. The few things he allowed himself to bring deserve a place filled with love. The photos and his medals and the Hildy coffee maker remain safely in their boxes.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie says as his voice shakes. His mother can do nothing but stare like she's seen a ghost. Like she wasn't expecting him to try. It only spurs him on. Brings back a fight in him he'd long thought lost.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie argues before Christopher slams the door in his face. Eddie waves off his mother's questions and his father's advice. He hasn't done anything right in... his whole life maybe, but this? He has to get right. He talks- it feels like- to the door. Reminisces about Shannon. Explains what he really wanted from Kim. Asks what Christopher wants from him.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie says happily as he tells Chris the plan. Chris smiles in that 'told you so' way Shannon always did- and a little like Buck too- and Eddie pretends not to see the tears in his son's eyes as he agrees. Eddie is still surprised, even though Christopher's only request was for Eddie to do what was right for him.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie knows as he and Chris return home. It's a rocky start, they both knew it would be, but they talk. They give each other time and space to cool off, but they have each other. They're gonna be okay.
I'm doing the right thing
Eddie feels as keys jingle in the door. Buck hauls him into a hug that shakes, then settles them both. Eddie tells Buck he was right not to give back his key, and Buck gets that 'told you so' smile on his face. The three of them spend the day inside the house that, for the first time in months, feels like home. And when Eddie kisses Buck after Chris goes to bed, the mantra he'd been repeating to himself fades away.
I did the right thing. For me.
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llamaisllama777 · 3 months ago
Nexus | Evil -Eminem
An edit for our favorite cringe dark star god Nexus.
R.i.p. Nexus
You were a great villain...
But a terrible person.
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transparentduckbird · 2 years ago
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💙🩵Wallpaper edition of the new saezuru cover 💙🩵
Will try to make more hopeful 😊
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lunarblossomart8 · 2 years ago
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Updated meet the artist post! Hello to anyone new to my mess of an account, hope you enjoy it! Can’t promise I’ll be the most active poster but enjoy 💖✨✌🏼
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anonymocha · 2 years ago
i wish you a very framed-by-lilies
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manic-misfit · 2 years ago
Dread in my heart - Mother Mother
Tongue Tied - The Faim
Someone else - Loveless, Kellin Quinn
Acid - Ghost Town
Two steps back - Hotel Books
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explore4adventures · 8 months ago
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Whoop 🙌🏼 Whoop
It’s FriYay!
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midnight-stormm · 1 year ago
Happy turkey day! :D
Awww Happy turkey day to you too! Hope you have a good day surrounded by family, friends and a good meal.
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creepy-scrawl · 7 months ago
I will tell you what I have in common w the common bat. And that is we will see these mfs
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We won't even bother to ask if someone else wants. We will fucking eat that shit whole
Me when there's nectar, cactus fruit, and insects at the function.
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kssingh · 1 year ago
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mucseszter22-blog · 5 months ago
So silly 😛😺
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abbyshands · 9 months ago
now did any of y’all know i was an editor too …
and brace your ears
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zeldalizzy · 2 months ago
If you’re still taking art requests and feel in the mood … maybe something you’ve been dying to try with your favorite LU character?
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@stormysprite thank you so so so much for your ask!! likewise, i am SO sorry for not responding until now; life has been super hectic!!
So, if you've seen/heard of EPIC: The Musical, this is a shameless reference to Open Arms 😅 The first time i was introduced to EPIC was actually because someone said they head-cannoned Wars voice as Odysseus, and i listened and thought "oh my goodness this is so accurate!" so when i heard Open Arms, i immediately thought of Wars and Sky. So i guess this is something i have been dying to try, since i thought of it the first time i heard the song!
As for my favorite LU character, i love them all equally, and couldn't pick a favorite despite thinking about it for a looonngggg time lol.
So, I have Wars looking a little surprised here, and you can interpret it one of two ways:
1: Wars is startled because Sky comes up behind him and points out that he is tense (Wars just wasn't expecting it)
2: Sky actually bursts into song and Wars is just like 0_0
Anyway, i hope you like it!!! thank you so much for your ask and i am so sorry for getting it done so late!! i hope you have a wonderful new year!! 😊🩵
i just realized that @mercurymoths did something similar to this too! you can find the incredible art here!! ✨ lol when two ppl have the same idea randomly you know it's at least a little accurate, right? 😂
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doctorsiren · 1 month ago
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Found this on Pinterest today and knew immediately what I needed to do
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reblogcutethings · 5 months ago
They had a lot to say 🥰
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heyimkana · 8 days ago
I mean, I know it's not Megumi Ogata but... Some other ASMR you have? That we can imagine as Yuta? Please? 🥲 Your story is so good too! There's nothing to read about Yuta x Reader and finding your story was a gift from heaven 🙏🏻
Have a great day!
DON'T WORRY NONNIE I GOTCHU (also thank you so much for reading and liking my fic 😭)
in this one, the two of you had been doing it so much (it was your wedding night after all), that when he came for like the third time that night, you passed out, but he kept fucking you anyway 😳
quick translation:
"ah, I'm gonna cum again... Take all of it, okay... I'm cumming... ah, this is amazing. I already came a lot but I still can't stop moving my hips... I love you... I love you so much... Hey... did you hear me? Don't tell me... you fell asleep? I guess that can't be helped... Hey, let's stay like this forever, okay? Just the two of us like this, forever... I love you... I already made a promise that I will love you for eternity... Until my bones turn to dust, I will always love you..."
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