#tsams new moon/nexus edit
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llamaisllama777 3 months ago
Nexus | Evil -Eminem
An edit for our favorite cringe dark star god Nexus.
R.i.p. Nexus
You were a great villain...
But a terrible person.
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polaris-stuff 1 day ago
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Cant believe New Moon came back and he's finally dating Solar /silly
Solar and the original thumbnail were made by Meg.
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the-violet-galaxy 4 months ago
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moondrop-candypop 8 months ago
(starting this with this being a potential explanation for why New Moon/Nexus has changed so drastically, not a defense of his actions)
honestly (from the view of someone who only sporadically watches tsams) I think Nexus is trying to do that thing where you put on a mask and try to forcibly cut ties with people when they hurt you but you still love them.
he feels hurt and betrayed and confused and caged in and he's gone through defensive mechanism after defense mechanism trying to protect himself from it all, (like Sun mentioned that one time to Earth, he tries to get people to go away by hurting them with words) and now he's gotten to a very dire one
he's forced everyone as far away from him as he can get, has run away to the first open hand held out to him, and now he's trying to change himself into the role he thinks fits him right now. (from his perspective) they see him as the villain and have disowned him, so fine, he'll disown them first, and if they want him to be a villain that bad he'll Be a villain.
tldr: Nexus is trying to protect himself from a perceived threat by pushing away his loved ones before they can push him away.
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peachyfnaf 6 months ago
What are your favourite TSAMS ships?
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i have a lot of ships i like! it comes with the curse/blessing of being a multishipper. but if i had to list my personal favorites... (from most obsessed to least obsessed, but rest assured, i am obsessed with them all. also sticking to just two-character ships because if i don't i will just make them all poly KSJDFHSDHF)
Solarmoon/Solarnexus (Solar x New Moon/Nexus)
Mooneclipse/Moonchips (Eclipse x Moon. I prefer V4 Eclipse x New Moon/Nexus, but am not at all opposed to V4 or any prior versions of Eclipse x Old Moon either kdfjhsfd)
Shadowplanet/Glowflower (Earth x Eclipse. Specifically V4 Eclipse x Earth, but am not opposed to V2 x Earth)
Eclipse虏/Total Eclipse (Solar x Eclipse. Specifically V4 Eclipse)
Suneclipse/Sunchips (Sun x Eclipse. Prefer Sun x V2 Eclipse or Sun x V4 Eclipse)
Solarsun/Sunsolar (Solar x Sun)
Dark Sun x New Moon/Nexus (I don't know their ship name either lol. My friends have dragged me into shipping them, the bastards /aff fdkjhsdf)
and i think thats all!!! all of them that come to mind, at least. there's prolly a few that i'm missing that i just can't remember rn, but if i remember them down the line and feel like they're important enough to add, i'll edit or reblog this post w/ them .D. now. no one bully me for my opinions or i'll cry /silly
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noffy96 8 months ago
Okay. I haven't seen a lot of people talk about it yet. Because I have a feeling a lot of people are dropping of tsams because of what happened in the last arc.
But I really wanna talk about old moon for a second. Because I've been really liking these past few episodes.
But first. I must say i am pretty bummed that I am getting this after how nexus/new moon had been handled. I think it could have been done way better. And I am not surprised it left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth. No matter how you look at it.
But I am not gonna hold that against what old moons character (for now)
While I would have liked a bit MORE out of a reaction from sun. I am kinda glad they are taking this more calm/detached approach.
It feels like we get a bit of calm after weeks of angst and stress that was surely needed. Also it gives old moon a few times to act on trying to do better in small ways and succeed. Before getting to get put in front of a BIG desission again. And seeing if he will fuck up big time. Small time or not at all.
Personally I would like it if he fell back, but not all the way. But we'll see how it goes.
In absolutely LOVE how awkward he was with earth
Just you could feel it dripping of every second of that conversation. And just the fact that we learned through this that he can't cook was hilarious
. And how he interacted with dazzel as well.
Just being fascinated by her. And just...at the end that sentiment of "I don't know what you are. But I want to help you find out"
I dunno it felt very sweet.
Him getting drunk with Monty was fun. Glad to see them still being friends and have a person he is not so stilled with. (Also hope sun gets to find out and tease him for it. )
And then there is how he is interacting with sun. Sun still seems distant. Sun is seemingly just trying to go through the motions and getting him up to speed. But emotionally not fully checked in.
So far, sun hasn't called moon brother again....at least I don't think so? Just moon. And I think it kinda shows that despite sun being friendly and willing to at least mend things. He ain't there yet.
But old moon seems to be trying, and legit trying. He still runs his mouth and seems to notice when he might even on accident be putting sun down. So much so he might be a bit... overcorrecting with the ' I don't mean you by that' type comments.
And he is involving sun. Telling him about the new lap. Showing him. Giving him the option to get his magic back About what he plans to do for dazzel. Not hiding that he is doing something for Monty. Wanting sun along to look for the thing ruin made.
And him talking to sun about KC and earth misconception despite saying initiallu that telling him might not be the best idea.
(also just most of the lab episode was really nice. Conversations still feeling strained...yet reaching over the smaller. Easier to talk about gaps. When the big ones feel so big)
I just.
It feels to me. That he is LEGIT trying. And while I dont love how we got to this situation. I do like these moments. They feel good.
I am excited to see more of that develop. I am still hesitant on als the stuff that is gonna have to come to pass with nexus/new moon and dark sun.
But right now i am liking this. And wanted to ramble positively about the show for a bit.
This show makes me feel crazy with how contradictory it can make me feel on certain espacts of it.
While sorry for the long rambly post.
Just needed to get it out of my system sorry about any spelling mistakes. I blame my phone. My autocorrect and the late hour.
Also just the whole family doing d and d was fun. And I wanna see more (and as i saw some people say. There is still a spot on that table for solar to join. And yes. Leg him join family game night)
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catflowerqueen 8 months ago
I offer a slight AU offshoot to the already semi-existing TSAMS Housing drama/Eviction AU, based on my attempts to reconcile some of the retcons going on with how they even brought Old Moon back in the first place after previously stating that was impossible:
That isn't even Old Moon. He is actually just a "clone" in the same way that Eclipse and Bloodmoon are (were), in that he has all of Old Moon's memories, and just didn't get the Nexus stuff thrown in.
He just seems more like his original than Eclipse and Bloodmoon did because he was built by Monty, who knew Moon really, really well, down to his coding, and has built him a body before and actually intended this version of Moon to be as functionally identical to the original as possible because they wanted "their" Moon back and to actually be alive and their own person, rather than what Eclipse and Bloodmoon had going on where they were part of a distraction scheme.
But considering that Monty couldn't put the parts of the code that eventually grew KC back in, considering how disastrous that would be on its own, let alone if it ended up spawning another version of KC, they just decided to play it safe and do a memory upload--performing minor tweaks and such to account for variances and make the memories seem more "realistic." Probably also by doing some sort of scrape of the code leftovers in Nexus' head after the torture via electrocution, and maybe even using some of Nexus' own, heavily edited memories. If only to get at more "realistic" emotional reactions and feelings towards the current situation.
Meaning that the Moon we are seeing now is more of a "Gibbous Moon." Closer to the full, Original Moon that died than Nexus--the New Moon who was a blank slate--but still not quite there because he is missing some key components in his code that would make him a "true Moon" the way the Creator designed.
Anyways. Back to the point which makes this an au of an au...
In this version, Gibbous Moon--as I am going to call him--would be the one to start the eviction lawsuit, among others, on Nexus' behalf after realizing the truth of the situation because Nexus is just too tired, drained, betrayed, and busy taking care of his new pet dragon and healing both mentally and physically to even think about doing so.
It would be... slightly more cordial? Less messy and full of vindictiveness? Because Gibbous Moon would still care about the others due to the programming and memories, but would also care about and understand Nexus in the same way and would understand that the living situation isn't really healthy for anyone right now.
So... more of a "settle out of court" situation. Perhaps an agreement that the dragon can live on the island and Nexus can get free access to visitation whenever he wants, but Sun--and probably Monty--would have to pay for a new home for Nexus and Gibbous. Or at least give them the titles to some of the old properties they still have, like Sun and Moon's original house.
If that makes sense?
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llamaisllama777 4 months ago
Sun vs. Nexus edit| Johnny Rife pulled a knife by Johnny Marchi
I can't wait to see if Sun and Nexus duke it out! Till then, enjoy this thing I made.
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