#tsams new moon/nexus
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 2 hours ago
Aww,lookie it's the child who I pat and yeet:3
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been a minute since new moon doodle
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clownbastard · 4 months ago
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New Moon and his sickness
Just wanted to do some lineless art and this popped into my mind idk man
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llamaisllama777 · 5 months ago
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I... I think I know what's going on.
Theory: Nexus ain't dead. We're all still playing Dark Sun's game!
(Nexus fans, you're gonna love this. I know I am)
Okay, so, in today's episode, we see Moon travels to another dimension cause of a dimensional anomaly and sees a Sun bashing his Moon's skull in. Moon is obviously startled and horrified by this, and after a little investigation, Moon finds out something is wrong in the multiverse, apparently in 36% of the multiverse a bunch of Suns have started to kill their Moons.
Why? How? What caused this? What triggered it? Suns just don't start randomly murdering Moons...
I think we may have an answer...
Nexus isn't really gone. Dark Sun is still pulling the strings.
Okay, so, remember this episode?
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In this episode, Dark Sun asks Nexus' permission and full trust to do something. Now we never found out what this something was until now, I think.
Dark Sun also mentioned in this episode or a different one he says that Nexus wouldn't have the same body forever. I thought he meant like he'd make Nexus a new body to contain his negative star power, but no. He just meant Nexus wouldn't have the same body... he never said he'd make him a new one.
In this episode...
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Dark Sun briefly mentions to Sun that whoever he chooses to kill, he will exsponge the data of them so they couldn't come back... this means Dark Sun has access to Moon and Nexus' code... he has their code. Hmmmm....
Plus, Dark Sun did have access to Ruin a.k.a, a guy who had been exposed and probably knows how to make the Ruin virus...
Nexus isn't gone. He's just not in our world anymore. He's in EVERY WORLD NOW!
When Sun killed Nexus, that's what Dark Sun wanted. He didn't want Moon to die. That wouldn't benefit him. He needed Nexus to die to complete his plan. Dark Sun has access to Nexus' code and Ruin, a guy who knows an awful lot about the Ruin virus he probably knows how to make it, too.
Dark Sun wanted Sun to kill Nexus, so Nexus would die and become pure code, Dark Sun could then spread Nexus around the multiverse like a virus and cause other Moon's to go rouge and become Nexuses which would cause other Suns to kill their Moons and become like Dark Sun in a sense.
Dark Sun did say he did all this for Sun and probably every other Sun.
Dark Sun is trying to prove to all Suns that all Moons are bad and that they're better off without them. But of course, in the grand scheme of the multiverse, not EVERY Moon can be bad, so Dark Sun and Nexus MADE them bad.
Dark Sun is trying to create more hims cause he does view himself as the Superior Sun, the Sun that grew up, the Sun that grew a spine, the Sun that fought back!
Dark Sun views himself as a sort of savior of Suns, and in his twisted mind, he's trying to save the other Suns from being used and abused by their Moons. He's trying to prove his point that all Moons are bad, but since not every Moon is bad, he had to make them bad to prove his point. (Which kind of defeats his point, but I digress)
Dark Sun is trying to do this to save the other Suns! By ruining the other Moons!
Tl;Dr Nexus isn't dead and is now pure code, and Dark Sun is having him go around the multiverse, turning all Moon's into Nexuses to prove his point that all Moons are bad and make more Suns like himself.
But hey, that's just a theory...
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littlerainbowsheltie · 5 months ago
“I feel like Moon has to do a lot to regain this relationship. Or a good one.”
“Yeah, he does..”
Where? When??
From what I’ve gathered from the thumbnails and other’s posts he hasn’t really had to try. At least, try as much as I’d thought he would.
Yeah Old Moon messed up once when he found out Sun and Lunar tried to make a new computer and it caused problems with the portal. Sun kind of called him out on it but nothing else happened.
And apparently when Sun and Moon met Sunshine (EAPS Sun), Sun said Old Moon didn’t hurt him. Which we all know is a big fat lie.
Monty and Lunar welcomed him with open arms.
Earth was okay with him very quickly. The same with Solar.
He does everything right. He does everything better than Nexus.
There is no earning anything with Old Moon. It’s just given to him.
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 2 months ago
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Sane?I was sane once,they closure me with pillows filled with maggots-
I love them so much<333 Canon is in vain in one part of mind in the brain:D....(/jk)
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 4 months ago
I will stuff beings in boxes,I stuck them in home made hot coco with blankets of each colour with fairy lights under the starring room nights
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He’s on a box
(Bonus under the cut)
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… He outgrew the box.
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llamaisllama777 · 5 months ago
Nexus' funeral
A few words on Nexus...
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So, what can I say about Nexus, New Moon, whatever you want to call him...
Well, you could call him a son of a b****, and you'd be right. But he was a lot of other things too. He was a brother, a friend, and the Moon who stepped up.. till he stepped down.
We first met Nexus on April 19 2023. And we was such an innocent face. He was new he had no idea who he was or what crazy, crazy world he woke up in. One of the first faces he saw was his brother Sundrop. Sun was still reeling from the loss of his brother Moon, who had sacrificed his memories to give K.C. a chance at life and from the ashes of Moon came Nexus/New Moon.
Sun welcomed New Moon home with open arms cause, while yes, he wasn't HIS Moon, he was still Moon... and he was still his brother.
Now, things were, of course, rocky at first. I mean, if your family member got amnesia and effectively became a different person, of course, it would be rocky, but despite that, Sun welcomed New Moon with open arms. He showed him the ropes, gave him a home, a shoulder to cry on, and taught him how to be Moon, and in return, New Moon became a better brother than the last Moon. Old Moon wasn't.. the best brother (that's an understatement), but New Moon was. New Moon was the brother who stepped up. He was the brother that actually showed he cared for Sun. He was the brother who Earth first met. He was the brother who Lunar was reunited with when he came back. He was the Moon who welcomed Solar into their home and made him feel like he was more than just an Eclipse variant. He was the Moon that defeated Eclipse. He was the Moon who made the family whole. He was the Moon who MADE the family. And yes, he did make some mistakes along the way he still tried to be a good brother... till he stopped.
New Moon, as much as it pains me to say... he never truly cared about any of them. He was just told,
"Hey, I'm your brother, we're family, your my brother, hi."
New Moon just acted like he cared cause he was told to. He did maybe care a little, but he didn't care enough. He cared about Solar. He thought of Solar as a brother, not Sun, not Lunar, didn't even think of Earth as a sister. He just saw them as people he lived with. Not family.
But he kept up the act. Cause he had to, or maybe cause he didn't want to hurt them? Who knows?
New Moon tried to be a good brother and a good person... then Ruin happened.
Ruin, a person they trusted, a person they cared for, a person they almost thought as family betrayed them. Ruin wiped out 5,000 dimensions in an attempt to destroy The Creator Council, and while it worked... it cost the life of Solar. The only person New Moon considered family. Solar's death hit many of them hard... but New Moon seemed to completely lose himself at Solar's death. We have recordings of New Moon screaming,
Solar's death broke the family... but it destroyed New Moon.
New Moon, with the pressure of his family, Old Moon, and himself pushing down on him, he was determined to bring his brother back... by any means necessary.
Even murder.
New Moon... lost himself in grief, and I mean, who could blame him, but most people wouldn't go as far as New Moon did.
New Moon became obsessed with the idea of bringing Solar back and started to turn to dark means to bring Solar back.
He planned to kill an enemy of the family named Bloodmoon or Ruin he didn't care which so long as they died, and he could use their soul to bring Solar back.
The family became worried about their brother and tried to intervene with him. Earth gave the family a family therapy session trying to get New Moon to talk about how he really felt but New Moon just lied and said he was fine cause he was determined to bring what he considered his only family back to life even it costed him the rest of his family.
Eventually, it became to much and the family realized New Moon was a danger to himself and others and not wanting their brother to become a murder they locked him away to stop him. Now, whether or not you agree with what they did you have to admit they did the only thing they could to stop their brother from becoming a monster...
Yes, some people, not naming names (cough! Monty! Cough! Puppet!) Could have been nice and not done certain things, but they did it in a messed up attempt to help the family. While their motives were pure their actions... not so much.
Nexus managed to escape from his cell and went to go find and murder Bloodmoon. Well, he found Bloodmoon and Ruin... and his sister. Ruin and Bloodmoon had captured Earth, and instead of trying to rescue her, New Moon was just gonna blast Bloodmoon and Ruin and not care if Earth got caught in the crosshairs... he said she was just "collateral damage." A normal brother would call their own sister, "Collateral damage, " and not care if he killed her or not. Thankfully, Puppet showed up and stopped him from killing her.
New Moon had truly lost himself at this point. He didn't care who he hurt as long as he got what he wanted... the brother they all loved, they brother who tried, the brother who cared for them was gone. Or maybe... he never existed to begin with.
New Moon was eventually taken in by a villain named Dark Sun
(Or Solstice, or Dusk, or Dawn, or Evil Sun, or just Sun, whatever you want to call him)
Dark Sun led New Moon away, pulled him to a darker path, and led him astray like a lamb to slaughter (which is all Dark Sun saw him as)
A lamb to be sacrificed for his own gain.
New Moon was gone. He became Nexus, the dark reflection of Moon becoming just as bad if not WORSE than Old Moon.
Nexus mentally and physically tortured family, friends, and even former enemies. He broke Moon, he broke Earth, and he broke Solar, and he nearly broke Sun... you could argue he did.
Nexus wasn't their brother anymore he went full mask-off. He admitted he never cared. He never saw any of them as family. The only family he had was solar, and even when Solar came back to life thanks to the help of the former villain Eclipse, Nexus still didn't change back. He stayed a villain cause he liked being the villain. He felt like EVERYONE betrayed him when, in reality, HE BETRAYED THEM! But no, he couldn't even admit that a very VERY small part of him did regret his actions he even admitted it himself in one episode.
Nexus was a villain trying to convince himself he wasn't a villain. He was trying to pin the blame on everyone else that it's THEIR fault he's a villain not his... but it is his fault. He chose to become a villain. No one forced him to be a villain he could have told Dark Sun no. He could have been honest with his family and told them how he really doing... but no.
He still had to play a victim even when he KNEW he was the villain cause he needed to. He needed someone to tell him he wasn't the villain cause a part of him was screaming he was! But no one would cause it was the truth he was the villain, and no matter of lying or gaslighting, or actions from the others could ever justify Nexus' acts. None of what they did warranted this. Nothing Sun did, Nothing Earth did, Nothing Monty did, Nothing Solar did, NONE OF IT WARRANTED THIS!
Nexus just.... lost himself.
And now he is lost forever.
Nexus, you were a good person, you were the Moon who stepped up. You were the Moon we all fell in love with... and then you became the villain we despised. We loved you Nexus.
Your family loved you...
But you just didn't love them back.
Maybe in a different world, you are still you and didn't become a monster, and maybe there is a world where you did care for your family as much as they cared for you...
Despite everything Nexus, Rest in peace. I pray the God of the TSBS world has mercy on your soul.
Goodbye, Nexus, you were good.
New Moon "Nexus" Celestial
April 19 2023 - October 31 2024
If you'd all like to say your own few words about Nexus, go ahead.
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littlerainbowsheltie · 4 months ago
Sun, Solar and Earth found a space only they know about to remember Nexus.
How he used to be.
To share stories about him that the others didn’t know about.
It’s a place shrouded by trees, with an old picture of him in a nice frame. The picture is surrounded by flowers, Nexus’s old hat (Sun found it), and the broken goggles he wore.
This is canon now. To me
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 6 days ago
I did practice poses on Nexus:) But I also don't want to show my drawing cause idk :<
Nah, I just needed to work on knowing how to draw this motherfucker's model.
(Which includes my own design<33 It doesn't really follow the OP au since it already has a show bang of NSP for this little shithead:)
Either way,I like the blacken model and art so far,just want to have the best for him atleast ig? Like I did miss him,but I don't want to repeat the faded of what he could of or can become type.
Not shaming the Vas writing ofc<33 their amazing and doing their best. And this could be the potential! Maybe they need to end the edgy villain joke arc and reboot to a shine. Like there was a little thing for him after all?
Yes,I did not really like how his "Villain" arc go.Not just because it was played kinda in a dramatic and joke way.I guess it didn't fit to me.But yeah my opinion.I know some enjoy him having a villain arc.
But still,I see the feeling to still care for the character. But I do project if I were them in the situation or the other in their situation WITH them to get the idea.
Besides my ranting about Nexus,I kinda wanna ask a question.
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 5 months ago
BABY NEXIE!!!!!>q<
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So we all agree he turns into a baby after this episode right?? Aint no direct proof of death bsvksj Anyway, i still think @thorns-and-rosewings's idea on dark sun getting hit with baby fever like a Sun would is endearing. Also... custody battles sounds VERY funny honestly.
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llamaisllama777 · 5 months ago
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I loved today's episode but I wanna talk about something...
Did it feel like Nexus was projecting there near at the end?
Like all the stuff he said to Earth felt like stuff he must feel deep down. He says she's a puppet. (WRONG.)
He says people only brought her into their lives cause she was a simple puzzle piece, something nice and easy, someone who they could dump all their problems on...
This is what Nexus feels like deep down. He feels like a puppet on a string and that people only took him in cause they needed something easy, someone to take the load of all the trauma.
He wants Earth to agree with him cause he NEEDS her to agree with him. He needs someone to tell him that he's right that Sun,Lunar,Monty,Solar,Moon, and the others are the villains, not him cause he can't handle the fact he is one. He needs someone to tell him he's not... but he is. He is the villain.
And he's still a puppet... just Dark Sun's now.
Nexus realizes that deep down, he's got nothing. He doesn't have Sun.
He doesn't have Solar.
He doesn't have Earth.
He doesn't have Lunar
He doesn't have Monty.
He doesn't have a daisy.
He has nothing.
He's got nobody.
Nexus needs someone to tell him he's in the right... but he's not, and no one will. You made your bed, Nexus... now lay in it.
Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.
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littlerainbowsheltie · 4 months ago
“As much as he did that to our sister, he’s still family” Nexus was family and look at what happened
I doubt Lunar will follow down the exact same path they did with Nexus. It’s just interesting how the moment Earth is hurt by either of them, the family stops caring. When they’re having identity problems and their negative emotions give them NSP and they start acting different and the others ignore it till something happens.
Sure, Solar is upset for Lunar now. You saw with Nexus how fast they changed it.
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 5 months ago
Nexember 8,2024:Duo
@superstargaycare I think is the owner of this little thing(I think it is like goretomber-)
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Earth and Nexus being girly???:0000 Not in canon TSAMS-
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wait- 21 has fandom crossover- ieabci wihsabebihabedshkabd hiabcw
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 1 month ago
Please- Lemme have my favs or just the tsbs cast be in my dreams- idc if their nightmares,I want them by myself as figures to be real in comfort-
I AM NOT NORMAL WITH YOU ALL LMAO- I srsly just want them be my shadows in y room(I still see your shadows in your-)
“He looked different in sleep, beautiful but cold as moonlight. I found myself wishing he would wake so that I might watch the life return.”
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Nexus' 100th days memorial
+ close ups under the cut!
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As you can see, i'm not normal about this robot and his death
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llamaisllama777 · 5 months ago
NEW TSAMS AU IDEA: Nexus point!
In this au, when Sun was forced to kill Nexus, Nexus didn't die. He was banished to another dimension that's all dark and apocalyptic. Think Fallout mixed with Half-life with a dash of Last of us. Nexus is stuck in this forsakened universe and discovers not only is he trapped here, but his powers no longer work here for some reason. Nexus wanders for a while trying to survive this world's horrifying creatures only to discover another version of Solar who doesn't recognize him. This Solar takes Nexus in and introduces him to the others, turns out this dimension is sort of a place for the lost of the multiverse.
Dimensional nomads of sorts.
They all either lost their worlds and weren't dusted like Solar for some reason, got lost in the multiverse, or got banished from their dimension.
So, now, Nexus, with really no other choice, decides to stick it out here till he can find a way to get out of here or get his powers back and maybe he'll redeem himself along the way.... or become worse... who knows? 🤷‍♂️
It could have all sorts of crazy variants of the shows characters, A BloodEarth (An Earth who has a whole jekyll/Hyde thing going on), A good guy BloodMoon, A Monty who became the new Astral of destruction, A Freddy who was raised by his mom instead of Golden Freddy and who knows who else? The choice is yours!
Let me know what you guys think of this au? I like it.
Might make a comic about this.
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littlerainbowsheltie · 3 months ago
“Well, for one, Jinx is a well written character.”
At least they can admit they dropped the ball on Nexus
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