batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months
A book for the freaks please. freak representation.
let's gooooo
I always have to recommend Octavia E. Butler's vampire novel Fledgling, which follows an amnesiac vampire finding her place in a community where vampires live in codependent polycules with their human food/lovers. the main character, the first known Black vampire, looks like she's 11 years old and fucks like crazy, so that's our starting point.
I'm also going to throw in a rec for Akwaeke Emezi's The Death of Vivek Oji, a heartrending book about a Nigerian family coping with the loss of the enigmatic, androgynous Vivek. it's gorgeous exploration of grief but it's also a book in which two cousins having gay sex is pretty integral to the story.
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tathrin · 4 months
Mermaid Legolas. Go!
Oh shit. Calling me out right away, okay let's see...!
Just gonna steal the opening line from my current chapter of the sadfic amnesiac Legolas don't mind me la la la.
Dwarves, of course, do not like open water. By all rights, Gimli should never have met any mer, let alone one from the deeps of Mirkshore Reef. But a good dwarf never turns down his friends when they need help, either, so when an old friend of Gimli's father sent to Erebor's smithies for help with emergency repairs after a shipwreck that had left one of his merchant vessels beached in some distant cove, someone had to answer Bilbo's plea—and Glóin was far too old to go to sea at his age.
Gimli, on the other hand, was ripe for an adventure. Indeed, it was hard for him to tell whether it was trepidation making him shiver as the boat that was to take them to the wreck sailed out of the harbor, or excitement. A day later, when they sailed through a period of terrible swells and Gimli spent hours being seasick over the rail, it was easy to identify the feeling as nausea. But eventually, he found his sea-legs, and his stomach settled.
By the time they arrived in the cove where The Fellowship was beached, Gimli was almost enjoying himself. Bilbo's nephew and his young friends had proved to be very enjoyable company, and the ship's captain—an enigmatic fellow who went only by the ridiculous name of "Strider"—was actually quite jocular once one broke through his wary exterior, and the best thing about sailing on Hobbit-owned vessels was how generously appointed their larders always were.
With a mug of rum in one hand, and a cheerful song playing on squeezebox and harmonica across the deck courtesy masters Meriadoc and Peregrin, it was hard to feel anything but lighthearted, even when the ship lurched down the side of a wave and left Gimli stumbling. (The rum may have been a contributing factor there.) Even with the ever-present threat of a watery grave sitting there just off the bow, Gimli found that he was enjoying himself thoroughly.
Once they reached the cove and the wreck and the actual work began, there was less time for play, but more solid (if sandy) land underfoot, and Gimli found that perfectly enjoyable too, for a dwarf is never more at home than in a smithy—even if in this case, his "smithy" was an open-air forge jury-rigged on the edge of a beach, with earnest but ignorant Hobbits for his assistants, and a half-dozen carpenters from Bree who could hardly stop gawking at his work long enough to do their own.
Everything was, Gimli had to admit, going very well indeed...
And then came the eyes in the water.
At first it was easy to convince himself that he was only imagining things. The sun was getting to him, and he wasn't used to sleeping in a bunk that swayed with every wave, and he probably hadn't drunk enough water. The coconuts they had gathered yesterday might not have been fully ripe, either, and no doubt he shouldn't have drunk more than one of them. And perhaps roasted plantains did not agree with a dwarven stomach. And then there were all the stories the Hobbits told over the nightly campfires, each one more outlandish and unbelievable than the last...
But the eyes didn't go away, no matter how logically Gimli explained to himself that they weren't really there. No matter how many times he repeated to himself that there was no such thing as merfolk or sea monsters outside of stories, and so of course he couldn't be seeing anything real. But real or not, there seemed to be more of them each night, gleaming in the water like fallen stars.
Watching him.
Gimli found himself jumping and twitching at every stray shadow as evening crept across the beachhead, dropping his tools and fumbling the rods when he set them in to heat and tripping over the bellows. Every time he turned around, the number of watching eyes seemed to have doubled.
"It's only aquatic phosphorescence, Gimli!" Frodo assured him, laughing. "It's a perfectly natural phenomenon, nothing to worry about at all."
"I'm not worried," Gimli lied, and fished his wrench out of the sand. "Not worried at all."
But the eyes didn't seem to care about his assurances. They stayed, gleaming in the darkening water, watching him as the moon rose over the waves like a silver coin and the real stars came out to dance across the skies. They stayed, and watched. And Gimli shivered, and looked away, and pretended not to see them.
The days passed, and slowly the great gaping hole in the side of the ship drew closed, and Gimli's nails and fasteners and hatch-rails and winches and halyard-blocks were set into place, and the work of the forge grew slower. And still the eyes remained.
There was a full moon overhead on the night when Gimli sat nodding in the bow of their little dingy, idly turning his favorite hammer over in his hands as the sailors rowed the last of the carpenters back to The Prancing Pony. Dinner that night had been held on the beach, of course, because it was much more pleasant to cook and eat there than in the cramped galley aboardship, but they all went back to The Pony to sleep, rather than going to the effort of setting up camps on shore.
That had seemed a perfectly sensible idea when they had first arrived, but now that he had seen all those eyes floating in the water, Gimli wasn't so sure that Strider had made the right choice. It might be easy for everyone to sleep on the boat, but that didn't make it safer. Especially when they didn't row back aboard until after nightfall, so that they had to pass over all those strange lights staring up at them from down below...
Gimli's head nodded, and his hammer slipped out of his hands, and he lunged forward to catch it without thinking—and the next thing he knew, the boat had lurched at the sudden motion and tipped him over the side, and both dwarf and hammer were suddenly in the water.
Dwarves, of course, do not like open water. Their Maker carved them from stone, back in the first days of the world, it was said; and their bones even yet today had stone in them, it was said. Dwarves liked rock and stone and solid land: tall mountains, deep caves, dark mines. Places that matched the stone of their bones and hearts, not seas and oceans where the only stone was miles and miles down beneath the frothing seas. Dwarves do not like the sea.
For dwarves, you see, sink.
And Gimli did, going under with a shout that only served to pull water into his mouth and leave him sputtering into his beard as the waves closed over his head and dragged him down. He kicked frantically, but it was no use: he was too heavy, and the water too strong. No doubt hands were reaching frantically after him, but it was too late: he sank too fast, too deep, for any hands to reach him.
He was going to drown, he knew, out here far from the good solid earth of Mahal's stones, where dwarves did not belong. He was going to drown, and come shamefaced to the halls of his ancestors, a dwarf who ought to have known better than to ever go to sea. Dwarves did not belong at sea, everyone knew that—and now, he was going to drown there.
Only he didn't.
Arms as thin and strong as some strange sea-beast's tentacles closed around his broad shoulders, stilling the flailing of his frantic arms. Silken tendrils as thick and heavy as seaweed flowed across his face like murky gold, and bright green eyes glowed at him in a darkness too deep for any light to pierce; and then, suddenly, he was up on the sand, gasping for breath and coughing water out of his lungs.
Gimli turned just in time to see a flash of gold and green disappearing with a splash back into the sea.
He sat in the surf for a long time, trying to remember what it was to breathe air instead of water, and straining his eyes for any glimpse of the strange savior who had hauled him out of the deeps. But the eyes were all gone now, and only the stars shone upon the frothing waves.
When the rest of the crew reached him, he was salt-crusted and soaked but no longer gasping for air—which was just as well, because both Merry and Pippin insisted on hugging him fiercely enough that they would have squeezed all the breath right back out of his lungs otherwise. Their expressions of relief were loud, and earnest, and passed all but unheard over Gimli's head as they babbled at him.
"And here Uncle Bilbo always said that dwarves couldn't swim!" Frodo exclaimed, running up with the rest. "I'm relieved indeed that he was wrong about that! Are you sure you're all right, Gimli?"
"I'll be fine," Gimli said absently, his eyes fixed on the empty sea. "Are you sure you didn't see anyone else out there?"
"What? No, no you're the only one who fell in, Gimli. We were all so worried about you!"
"Mmm," said Gimli, and let himself be ushered back into the dinghy, and rowed out to the Pony, where Strider fussed over him and made him drink some truly noxious tea, and wrapped him up tightly in three two many blankets with an admonishment to sleep as late as he could tomorrow, and not to rub his eyes too much.
Gimli nodded obediently, but he wasn't really listening. He was trying to catch the gleam of green eyes bobbing in the waves off the side of the boat, and having no luck. He wondered if the moon was too bright, and he simply couldn't see those muted lights against its silver sheen. He squinted at the waves, and let himself be ushered off to bed.
For once, the bobbing of the waves lulled him straight to sleep, and no anxious dreams came to trouble his rest.
By the time he woke, the dinghies were all ashore, and he was left along on board with only the skeleton crew who stayed to watch the crow's nest and monitor the tides. He paced the deck, looking not in towards the cove where the wrecked Fellowship was finally almost fixed, but out into the deeper water of the open ocean behind them.
Once or twice, he thought he caught a glint of gleaming green moving swift and watchful amongst the lapping waves.
It was almost sunset when Gimli threw all traces of sense and caution to the wind and climbed down into the last dinghy, dangling low at the stern. He was barely an arm's length from the waves here, and in the shadow of the tall boat it was cool and dark. He leaned over the side of the dinghy, and saw two green eyes staring up at him through the murky water.
Gimli stretched out his hand.
After a moment, long green fingers pierced the waves and rose up to clasp his palm.
The stranger's grip was wet, and cool, and smooth. The feeling of scales against his skin was strange, but not unpleasant, and Gimli did not pull away, even when he saw the length of the sharp claws that capped each spindly finger.
A golden head rose out of the waves after the arm, narrow shoulders bobbing with each swell of water and long pale hair fanning out loose and lovely all around. Long, finned ears stuck out upon each side of the slender green face, rustling slightly in the wind like the wings of some strange sea-faring butterfly, and sharp teeth gleamed like pearls between thin, beardless lips. Beneath the water, hints of a large coiling tail moved in the dark.
But it was the eyes that truly snared him.
They were wide, and green, and deep as the darkest depths of any ocean; yet they gleamed with a strange light, fey and wild. They were the sort of eyes that might lure a sailor to his doom, leaving him marooned on distant rocks or drowning in deep waves or perhaps merely bleeding-out from a throat torn by sharp pearled teeth, the green seas incarnadined for a moment by a swell of crimson blood that would be all too quickly washed away by the ceaseless tides.
Death shone in those eyes, bright and green.
"Thank you," Gimli said, and smiled.
The mer-fey smiled back, sharp teeth gleaming and thin green cheeks dimpling. In the shadows of the Pony, the bright rays of the setting sun could not reach them. The mer-fey's eyes gleamed anyway, like the shine of fallen stars.
"I am Gimli," the dwarf continued. "Gimli son of Glóin, at your service and that of your family."
The mer-fey's smile widened, shark-broad in his narrow face. "Legolas," he said, and his voice was a watery warble, as though each syllable came as a bubble bursting on the shore. He gave a sudden kick with his powerful tail, and rose up out of the water far enough to plant a feather-light kiss on Gimli's cheek. Gimli grabbed for him, but the mer-fey only laughed and slipped away, vanishing into the deep.
For a long time, Gimli sat there in the dinghy, unmoving, staring dumbly at the silent sea; but not even ripples remained.
Gimli was left with only three long strands of golden seaweed-hair clutched in his hand, and a shallow razor-sharp cut along his cheek where the mer-fey's teeth had grazed his skin, to prove that he hadn't dreamed the whole thing.
He thought about going to Strider, or Frodo, and showing them the gleaming hairs, and asking what they knew of the merfolk, who were clearly so much more than merely stories—but in the end, he said nothing. Only wiped the blood from his cheek, and tucked the long golden hairs carefully away, and held the secret of that strange meeting silent in his heart.
The eyes continued to watch from the waters each night as darkness fell, but no matter how long Gimli lingered on the shore, or how deeply he waded out into the surf, or how low he leaned out over the waves, none of them ever swam any closer. Gimli paced the ship each night, staring into the sea; but Legolas did not return.
But when The Fellowship at last put to sea, and their sails filled with wind and the strange cove fell into the distance behind them, Gimli saw two gleaming spots of green light moving in the waves of the ship's wake.
He grinned, and settled back to wait for moonrise.
Thank you, @sallysavestheday! That was really fun. I very much appreciate you forcing me to get off my butt and write something! Thank you.
Also, anyone who enjoyed this bit of nautical nonsense and wants more, you can find all my other gimleaf fics in this AO3 collection here! I'd love to hear what you think about any of them (or just scream at me about how much you love these two, that's always cool too).
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cutephlegm · 8 months
Bloody knees
I - A startling awakening
Pairing: Enki x reader
CW: Description of gore
Read on Ao3
Summary: You wake up a complete amnesiac in a dark lone cell at the pits of an awful rotten dungeon. You do not recognise anything, in fact you do not even remember who you are. You have no memory of your name, or of your past. As you travel through the dungeon looking for answers you encounter a mysterious and enigmatic priest, who begrudgingly agrees to help you, and little by little you begin to unravel why and how you ended up in the dungeon of fear and hunger...
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In the middle of this wretched dungeon, reeking of blood and rot, you staggered along a tight corridor, the smell of raw death clinging to the suffocating air. You recalled what had led up to this unfortunate point, your brain still addled with confusion and frustration. The past days... months... years... were a total mystery to you. Who you were? You did not know. Why you were cursed with such an agonising headache, was a mystery. Most importantly still- what the hell must you have done to end up in such a foul place. Nothing was certain yet you felt a sense of a hope- a drive almost, pushing you ahead, further into the oppressive maze surrounding you. Every direction you took felt as if it were almost guided, and if you strayed from your intuition, you’d feel that familiar headache reminding you to stick to your gut. You knew this wasn’t normalcy… however there was no point pondering it or even worse, attempting to fight the urge. Your joints ached, and you had bruised skin, bloodshot eyes and bloody knees. Yet you persistent, walking further and further and further…
Eventually you saw a passage branching off from the hallway you'd been walking down. Your tired eyes eyes screwed themselves shut as you saw something you’d only dreamed of seeing: light, manmade light. You gleamed, your pace picking up. You peered inside, instantly greeted by a rather large room, the bottom of which you couldn’t yet make out as stood before you were shelves filled to the brim with literature. It seemed as though you had just stumbled upon a... library? Why a library had been built in this foul dungeon was certainly a perplexing mystery, better yet; who would even bother to use it considering the perilous journey it had taken for you to access it?
The atmosphere shifted once you entered- the air was somewhat lighter, a grave juxtaposition to the heavy morbid scent that had been lingering in the air the past few hours of your journey. You inhaled it, it felt almost fresh, safe… The bookcases ahead of you were tall, imposing and certainly packed with leagues of knowledge. Then a thought crossed your mind… could you even read? The concept of literature remained in your weary broken skull but- had you still retained your literacy? You were sure you'd find out eventually, but now certainly wasn't the time to spend wasted on prying through old books.
While you pondered such thoughts, you heard a noise behind one of the bookshelves, it was the type of noise you'd hear turning the pages of a book... you stop breathing for a moment. Peeking through the gaps you attempt to make out the source but you can only see a faint blur of light across you. There was someone else in this library...Your mind drifted back to the first thing you remember after your awakening:
Your eyes were stuck together with dried scabs, wet blood covering your hands, dripping onto the concrete. You rubbed away the gore from your face and managed to see- at first you weren’t sure your eyes were still present in your skull- but eventually you saw colours… and then you saw shapes. In that cell a dozen minutes after you’d awoken, you felt your first headache, you dug your nails into your skull, trying to dull the agonising sensation but it persisted. Suddenly, the sound of thumbing emanated from outside the cell: footsteps, loud, strong, and ogrish. You'd slipped under the bed while you heard it past, praying that it wouldn't hear your frantic heartbeat and luckily your prayers came true. A moment later you’d realised that the headache perhaps wasn’t a coincidence.
After some minutes of deliberation, you muster the courage to investigate. This couldn’t be a foe...' you had tried to convince yourself. 'What would a barbaric monster like the one you'd heard before be doing reading in such a place such as this?' You didn’t know what to expect, however there were no signs of aching in your skull so with caution you proceeded. You held your breath and coyly took a few steps out towards the noise.
Before you stood a young man, light coloured hair draping over his figure he stood a few feet before you, unfazed by your presence. In his grip he held a tome, flicking though a page every few seconds, his eyes carefully scanning the contents. Bewildered, you took a few careful steps until you were sure he noticed you. “Huh? You are with a sane mind still?" He grumbled, his free hand massaging his temple. "Please leave me. I'm not here to make acquaintances and I fail to see what worth chatting with you would bring." You stare at the man a moment longer, trying to figure out the best course of action.
On one hand he didn't seem all too friendly- on another, you were sure venturing deeper into this place without at least some advice would lead you down a dangerous path. You needed to attempt to speak to him- after all this could be your only shot at getting help. "Wait- Would you please enlighten me on something? I implore you- this will not take long..." The man ahead of you stared you down for a moment longer, taking in a deep breath of air before sighing, his annoyance blatant. "Fine, I’m feeling benevolent… make this quick."
You take a second moment to compose yourself. The man’s glare bore into you, a look of disgust painted on his previously sour expression- maybe it was the absolute state you were in, you realised you probably hadn't bathed in days, you could tell your hair was matted and your exposed flesh was adorned with dark painful bruises... God knows what how they were caused.
"This is going to be difficult to explain...” You began. “I have amnesia. I woke up here and I have no recollection of who I am and why I am here... what this place is even..." You see the priest narrowing his pale eyes, with a stern expression. He mumbled something incoherent before he focused his gaze back onto you. "Amnesia..." He strokes his chin ponderously. "Amnesia, you say. I can believe it. You look half-dead, and the smell of rot and gore coming from you is enough to confirm it..."
You wince at his remark. It was... humbling but regardless true. Your mind wonders back to the possibilities of how you ended up here... "I've heard of such things before- the mind can be a fragile thing. Some things are too much for it to take." While he spoke, you stared down at your hands, bony and pale from malnutrition, callouses on your palms... perhaps the strange man was right... something so heinous and unspeakable had happened to you that your conscience had rejected it.
"You said you wanted answers? Ask what you wish, and make it quick I don’t have all day. "I was just wondering if you could at least tell me where I am... this place is utterly unknown to me." You explained with a heavy sigh. "You have absolutely no clue what this place is? No hint at all?" He asked, almost teasingly.
You shook your head and the man chuckles to himself in a rather unpleasant manor, you noticed he wore a long dark robe, was this stranger some kind of cultist? The man’s expression darkens. "You are standing in the heart of the dungeon of fear and hunger...although that mustn't mean a lot to you..." He pauses, thinking how to follow up on his explanation. "It's a deadly and unforgiving plane, where those unfortunate enough to end up are hunted by countless horror in these ruins. In truth you are very lucky to be among the living..."
You try to process the man's words, your brain cannot fathom what it's being told, you pinch your temples, a pained look on your face. "So certain death awaits me?" You almost laugh, had the world always been this cruel to you? You would probably never find out. "How charming..." The stranger gives you a curious look before raising a brow and focusing his partial attention back to the tome planted in his grasp. "I never said certain death, those are your words, woman." He spat at you. "...Well, perhaps it is foolish to ask but- do you know of an exit I can seek out?" After uttering such words, you feel that familiar pressure building in your head, almost like your body was punishing you for even bringing up such a possibility. You wince, ignoring it for the time being. "Perhaps- what use would it serve either of us if I told you, hm? You wouldn't have the knowledge to be able to locate it."
He was admittedly correct however you still felt annoyance at his words. Freedom was just within your grasp, and the person who held the key to it wouldn't even give it to you, although would you if you were in his shoes... you had nothing to offer to him, not possessions, not knowledge, not even good company. "I suppose you are right..." You grumbled. A moment of silence passes between the two of you, before he shot you another agitated glare and awkwardly looked away. "Was there anything else you needed?" He mumbled. You shook your head.
This man couldn't help you... you would have to figure out a way to survive by yourself. "No... thank you for your advice though… sir?" The man almost rolled his eyes at you, before once again muttering something which vaguely sounded like 'You're welcome' although you couldn't tell if it was your imagination playing tricks on you. “I am a priest of darkness; you may address me as Enki If we ever cross paths again.” You instinctively go to introduce yourself, but realise you had forgotten your own name, oh you unfortunate thing. “I am y/n..” You did not know why you had lied- but nevertheless it was a pretty name that you’d managed to remember. The priest nodded slightly in recognition and you realised you’d outstayed your visit,
Before wondering back into the passage you took one final breath, savouring your last glimmer of normalcy in the library, before the dark descent begun once more.
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sorceresssundries · 5 months
A Battle of Wits
Summary: As an arrogant wizard and a jaded cleric set out to find a suitable campsite, tensions rise between them. Tav finds herself wrestling with Gale's shadowed past, as well as other feelings which are starting to make themselves known...
Word count: 3,4k
Notes: SFW. Felt the need to write a one-shot which featured a more arrogant version of Gale than in my longer fic.
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It had been two days since Gale had disclosed his dark secret, and Tav had decided she preferred the enigmatic stranger to the apparent ‘open-book’ he had turned into. Now that everything was clearly laid out, it was as though the flood banks had burst  and the constant stream of references to being Mystra’s chosen were wearing Tav thinner by the hour. 
The two of them had been tasked with finding an appropriate location for their merry band to set up camp, as last time Astarion had lumped them alarmingly close to a pack of Gnolls. His scouting privileges had since been rescinded, and instead he had been demoted to foraging duty with Wyll -  to the vampire’s loud and dramatic disappointment. This left Tav to navigate the nearby woodland alongside the insufferable wizard to try and find a suitable resting spot.
“There was this one particularly riveting occasion, where Mystra twisted the weave into an exceptionally elaborate piece of magic which allowed me to pleasure…
"I'm going to stop you right there," Tav declared, halting in her tracks and fixing Gale with a stern gaze. She folded her arms across her chest, her expression blazing with disapproval. "I do not want to hear any more disturbing stories about you and your... mother of all magic," she emphasised, her tone leaving no room for misunderstanding. She couldn't bear to entertain any more of his unsettling anecdotes.
"Envy is a predictable response from a devoted cleric such as yourself," he continued, his tone dripping with condescension. His casual demeanour contradicted the gravity of his situation, an arrogance unbefitting someone carrying a self-assembled bomb in their chest. "But I wouldn't expect you to grasp the complexity and intensity of our relationship."
“Listen wizard” Tav retorted “I serve with appropriate devotion. I am not blighted with the arrogance of believing I should be entangled with the deity who decides my fate and guides my hand” 
He laughed in a pitying kind of way which made her want to rip out his stupid little earring. “She was more than my deity, she was my lover.”
“There is no ‘more’ than a deity.” Tav sighed in frustration, determined to end the conversation and talk of it no longer. Gale was a man lost. She was bound on a journey with a vampire, a Sharran amnesiac, an extinguishing barbarian, a tortured Warlock, and Lae’zel - who quite frankly was a breath of fresh, albeit sharp, air compared to the others. 
Gale was the biggest challenge of them all. At least Astarion, the vampire spawn, was transparent in his values, a quality Tav could begrudgingly respect. Self-serving, untrusting, and manipulative, Astarion possessed qualities Tav, with her decades of clerical service to the downtrodden, could navigate. She had faced the darkest corners of humanity, offering healing and support to the most burdened and jaded souls society had cast aside. Dealing with Astarion was familiar territory.
Gale was… complex at best and a dangerous hypocrite at worst. While he professed a deep-seated value for kindness and the safeguarding of the vulnerable, his path was often clouded by impulsive decisions and an overbearing sense of self-importance. In him, Tav glimpsed the flicker of greatness which he seemed determined to extinguish. He could be a beacon of light, if only he wasn’t obscured by the fog of his self-delusion.
"I could delve into exquisite detail about the intricacies of our romantic entanglement, but I wouldn't want to overstimulate your senses," Gale's smug smile returned, his tone dripping with self-satisfaction. "So, I'll leave it to your somewhat limited imagination, shall I?"
Tav tilted her head ever so slightly, a gesture laden with subtle disdain, and let out a dramatic exhale. “Yes, what an arousing thought. One of countless wizards plucked and discarded by Mystra. A drop in an infinite ocean. How impressive you must have been.”
Gale's pride remained unshaken "I was quite impressive, actually. In various aspects. The youngest chosen in a century..." he bragged, his blind arrogance failing to grasp the heavy undertone of exploitation in his admission. It made Tav feel sick. “That was before I was cast aside and abandoned, obviously.”
“Tough was it? Moping around on your sunlit balcony in the city of splendours, caged in a luxurious prison of your own making?” Her mind wandered back to her days in the lower city of Baldur's Gate, where poverty was an ever-present spectre. There, her sanctuary had been anything but opulent—a humble cleric's tent nestled in the harbour, among the downtrodden and destitute.
While others struggled in the comforts of their gilded towers, Tav laboured tirelessly amidst the suffering and hardship of the masses. Her hands, calloused from endless toil, offered solace where there was none. Exhaustion had been her constant companion, born of the ceaseless tide of poverty that swept daily into her little tent. Some she could aid, yes, with her limited skills and the grace bestowed upon her. Yet, for many, the damage ran deeper than flesh wounds, and her healing incantations were mere whispers against the roar of their suffering.
How vividly she remembered those penniless urchins, the spark in their eyes smothered by the weight of their burdens. She recalled the heart-wrenching sight of a child slipping away in the grasp of a grieving mother unwilling to let go. In that moment, she was not just a healer, but a bearer of sorrow, tasked with the duty of ushering a fragile soul into the afterlife.
As Gale raised his finger, poised to deliver what Tav anticipated would be yet another vexing remark, the murmur of voices drifted toward them. With swift determination, Gale ushered her behind the shelter of a nearby tree, their bodies pressed close to conceal themselves from prying eyes. His back against the rough bark, he drew her against him to minimise their silhouette against the midday sun.
Tav couldn't stifle her yelp as she found herself with Gale’s arm around her waist. His hand swiftly covered her mouth, preventing any further noise she might have made, eliciting from her a muffled protest that manifested as a defiant 'hmph'. Gale couldn't help but give a low chuckle at her discomfort.
Tav tried to focus on what the approaching voices were saying, but her thoughts were muddied by how soft the skin of his hand was against her lips. This spoiled magician had obviously never done a hard day's labour in his life, everything about him seemed to get her riled up. What a frustrating, arrogant, soft, lavender scented…
She lost her train of thought as the voices became clearer.
“...hidden it away from camp. Don’t fink she trusts the others not to fuck about with it.”
“I don’t even know why we shittin’ bothered. It’s just a bit of wood shaped like an old man. Betcha couldn’t even bash someone over the head with it.” 
“It’s not for bashing, you mush-minded lump. It’s for fuckin’ with the druids. Those animal-wankers will be all over the place with their precious idol gone. And now Mistress Minthara knows where the grove is, it will be easier to kill ‘em all. I can’t wait to tell her.”
“She won’t fuck you, you know. She’s some kind of Drow princess, and you smell like shit.” 
Gale’s breathing had quickened at Tav’s ear, surely he wasn’t scared of a couple of Goblins? 
So, the Drow had figured out the location of the grove. It was inevitable really, Goblin search parties had been increasing by the day and with the added pressure of the Tiefling refugees, the sanctuary of the glade was becoming more and more difficult to keep hidden.
"We need to question them," With a deft flex of her tadpole connection, Tav probed her thoughts into Gale's. Each time she delved into his mind, it felt oddly intimate, a sensation amplified by their current proximity—her back pressed against his chest, his hand firmly covering her mouth.
“Ok, let me - i’m much more capable at the art of negotiation than…”
“No. I'll do it. You’ll just piss them off.” 
His hand dropped from Tav’s mouth, and she turned to glare at him. His pupils were wide, and breathing still heavy. His eyes seemed to flicker over her face and settled for a brief moment on her lips. The close contact and the heat of the day must have been addled her brain, she thought to herself.
Quickly and quietly she rummaged through her backpack, and pulled out a leather dog collar and a bunch of rope the group had found earlier. Tav had been saving it for Scratch, but she was very much going to enjoy putting it to a different use. 
“Put this on.” 
“Excuse me?” Gale held the collar up to study and his distaste was clear in her mind “I am an infamous, educated, revered…”
“You’re a whiny prick. Now put it on.” 
He grumbled intelligibly to himself as he fiddled with the strap around his neck. The leather pressed tightly around his tanned skin, and the small silver tag sat pretty in the hollow of his throat. Tav made a small sound of smug satisfaction at the sight of him, and the silver tag bobbed tellingly in response. She then bound his hands with the rope, and tightened it just a little more than was necessary. She was surprised that didn’t complain, the only noise between the two of them were his increasingly heavy breaths. He must be nervous, Tav thought.
It only took a couple of seconds for Tav to cast a quick spell to change her appearance to that of a dark-skinned under-elf, and Gale quickly picked up on her plan.
“Oh for the love of…” he exclaimed out loud.
“Who’s there, show yourself!” The slightly larger Goblin pointed its spear in their direction, and Tav took pleasure in pushing Gale out from their hiding place, before she swaggered out behind him.
“Oh! A drow! In the sunlight?” The Goblins looked at each other in confusion, surely only a True Soul could bear to be in this blistering daylight without any discomfort?
“And here I was thinking Goblin heads are just full of flies.” Tav sneered at the two of them.
“Why were you ‘iding behind that tree?” The Goblin did not lower its spear.
“Ah, there’s that tell-tale buzzing noise of gnats in an empty skull, or maybe it’s just because of your pungent scent.” Tav’s voice dripped with as much venom as she could muster, and Gale did his best not to turn his head to glare at her. “I was not hiding. I was allowing my recently-caught slave to grant me pleasure. It’s a warm day and I needed him to lick the sweat off me.” At those words, Gale seemed to shift a little on his feet. Tav revelled in the fact she was making him uncomfortable. 
"I've been sent by Minthara to check up on you. She said you useless cretins were taking longer than expected. She does not like to be kept waiting." Tav took a leaf out of Gale's book and tried her best to mimic the arrogant lilt that brushed his voice when he talked about being Mystra's chosen. 
“Oh.. do not fear your excellency, your loveliness, your dark majesty… we have completed our task! We buried the idol good and proper…” The Goblin bowed low in deference. 
“You buried it?! Out in the wilderness, where there are Gnolls and other wild animals clawing around for scraps?” 
“We are good at burying fings! Bozza here buried her whole family last week.” 
“That’s awful..” Gale’s reaction was instinctive, and Tav gave him a sharp shove in the back as a punishment. 
“Not really, I was the one what killed ‘em”, Bozza shrugs.
“Silence, pet.” Tav pressed her foot to the back of one of Gale’s knees, causing him to drop to the ground. “You speak when I allow it.” 
Gale grimaced, he was going to be unbearable after this. 
“Good boy.” Tav purred. She could swear she noticed him shudder slightly at her words. Excellent, maybe this would knock him down a peg or two. 
Before Tav could delve further into her interrogation of the goblins, a sudden thwack cut through the air, and a well-aimed arrow found its mark, striking Bozza squarely in the forehead and snuffing her out in an instant. Startled, Tav barely had time to react before two more arrows whistled through the air. One found its mark through the second goblin's eye socket, while the other veered slightly off course, embedding itself in Tav's shoulder with searing pain.
"Fuck!" Tav exclaimed, the agony of the arrowhead piercing her flesh causing her concentration to falter, her disguise fading back to her usual appearance as she crumpled to the ground.
"Shit!" A familiar voice rang out from the nearby bushes, and Astarion and Lae'zel emerged, rushing to their aid.
"We thought Gale had been captured," Astarion explained hastily.
Gale, exasperated, raised his bound hands in frustration. "I am an exceptionally competent wizard! My knees may be a tad on the creaky side, but I can assure you I am more than capable of locating a suitable campsite without getting captured by a couple of goblins and a drow!"
“Yes, of course darling.” Astarion sneered “And that leather collar suits you quite well. A true mark of competent wizardry, wouldn't you say?" His laughter punctuated the jab as he deftly freed Gale from his bindings.
Tav's pained groan cut through their bickering, drawing their attention back to her.
"Tav requires healing, oh competent wizard," Lae'zel interjected, her voice carrying a hint of impatience. "She is fortunate it was the vampire's arrow that struck her. One of mine would have spelled her end.”
“That was your arrow!” Astarion argued.
“Chh’k” Laezel stowed her bow away and counted her remaining arrows. “Your many years have made your brain slow and your aim weak, blood-sucker. It cannot be helped. “ 
"Guys!" Tav's urgent interruption finally broke through their squabbling, drawing their attention back to the matter at hand.
“Go on then, chosen one. Do your thing.” Astarion waved his hand dismissively as he started rooting around the dead Goblins to see what goodies he could find. He started removing a pair of boots as Gale knelt by Tav’s side to examine the injury. 
“Healing magic isn’t my forte” he admitted a little sheepishly.
“Of course it isn’t” Tav panted between strained breaths. Her vision was blurring as the pain began to overcome her senses. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” His voice was coloured with offence.
“A wizard naturally blessed with control of the weave, an archmage, the chosen of the Goddess of Magic herself, and yet you never devoted any real time or effort into learning how to heal people? Why am I not surprised.”
He did not respond, just furrowed his brow as he looked through his pack to find any healing potions. 
There was another rustle from the bushes, and just as Lae’zel drew back the string of her bow for another shot, Scratch appeared wagging his tail - paws dirty from digging, and with the Idol of Silvanus clutched in his jaw. 
“I fucking love this dog.” Tav exclaimed through her pain-gritted teeth. “Good boy, Scratch.”
“Do not give that to the wizard, hound” Lae’zel commanded. “He will only eat it”
Gale dropped his attention in indignation. “Firstly Lae’zel, I do not eat magical items, I absorb the stands of the weave residing within them to sate the arcane hunger of the voracious orb which resides in my chest. Secondly, I would not dare to drain away the magic of something so significant! The trinkets that have been offered so far are more than enough to… “
Pain made the anger which suddenly coursed through Tav burn hotter. “That trinket we gave you was from one of the Tiefling refugees, who soon will be out in the wilderness with barely two coins to rub together!” she snapped, and Gale at least has the decency to redden slightly. 
“So, listen to me, former arch-wizard - everything we have is hard-won. A magical locket that was a gift from a family for saving the life of their child has now been sacrificed upon a dark altar of your own making. And it was just as significant to them, as that religious idol is to the druids.” 
“I did not mean…”
But Tav did not get to hear the end of his protest, pain and blood loss overtook her, and the last thing she remembered was the feeling of being slung over a lavender-scented shoulder before drifting away into unconsciousness. 
Tav awoke much later, the setting sun casting a soft pink glow over the Emerald Grove. The air had cooled, and the crickets began to sing their evening song. A bandage snugly covered her shoulder, and her arm was secured in a tight sling. She found herself laid out on a bedroll in the central circle of the Grove, where the Idol of Silvanus sat back in its rightful place, bathed in the fading light.
“Do not fear, all is well.” Lae’zel was sat on the ground next to her, deep in concentration sharpening a dagger. “The Idol has been returned, and the druids warned. In the morning, we must waste no more time in eradicating the goblin threat.”
Tav nodded in agreement, pain still thrumming steadily in her shoulder and head woozy from the potions she had been given. 
"You've just missed Gale explaining the intricacies of the Astral plane to me," Lae'zel said through gritted teeth.
"Oh," Tav replied, her confusion evident. Partly at how that conversation must have started, but mainly at how Gale wasn't lying dismembered at her feet. "The place where you grew up and your entire race is based?"
"Yes," Lae'zel hissed as she stalked off to practice her sparring technique, no doubt with Gale's face at the forefront of her mind as she brandished her sharpened blade with warrior's devotion.
Tav eventually stood up, still feeling lightheaded but strong enough to stretch her muscles and go in search of something to eat. As she approached a simmering cookpot, she noticed Arabella the Tiefling girl sneaking around with something behind her back.
"What's that you've got there, little one?" Tav inquired, her voice gentle as she approached the child.
"Boots that make you move faster!! Aren't they cool!" Arabella's eyes sparkled with excitement as she proudly displayed the pair of boots in her hands. "The handsom—uh, I mean the wizard gave them to me to give to my parents! He told me to tell them I found them in that abandoned Harpy nest."
Tav couldn't help but smile at Arabella's enthusiasm, her heart warming at the sight of the girl's joy. Yet, Arabella's grin faltered as realisation dawned upon her. "Oh! I don't think I was meant to tell you he gave them to me either", she admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Tav assured her, placing a comforting hand on Arabella's shoulder.
Arabella dashed off to reunite with her parents, her excitement contagious as she handed over the prized boots. Tav watched with a tenderness as Arabella's mother erupted into laughter, her husband joining in as they struggled to fit the boots over her legs.
Tav scanned the room, and saw Gale sat amidst a small gathering of wide-eyed Tiefling children, his presence commanding their undivided attention. In his outstretched palm, a small purple dragon breathed delicate sparks before flitting around the heads of the mesmerised youngsters, eliciting giggles and applause. Tav smiled at the heartwarming sight, her heart softening as she watched Gale perform for the small, awestruck faces.
As the scene unfolded, one of Mol's gang approached from behind, their intentions less than noble as they deftly detached Gale's coin purse from his robes, swiftly pocketing their ill-gotten gains. Tav tensed, ready to intervene and reclaim what was rightfully Gale's, but before she could make a move, something unexpected happened.
Behind Gale's back, a subtle wave of his hand went unnoticed by the children, yet Tav caught the faint glimmer of magic. In an instant, the purloined purse reappeared in Gale's grasp, his smile warm and genuine as he met Tav's gaze with a knowing look. A subtle wink followed, and Tav couldn't help but burst into laughter, her heart light and fluttering.
Perhaps there was hope for him yet.
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Anime of the Day: Death Parade
[The Anime of the Day series will feature two anime each day from the list of shows that, for a variety of reasons, didn’t make it to the final list of shows that will be joining the tournament.]
“Amnesiac teaches the complexity of the human condition”
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After death, either Heaven or Hell awaits most humans. But for a select few, death brings them to Quindecim—a bar where only pairs of people who die at the same time can enter. Attending the bar is an enigmatic figure known as Decim, who also acts as the arbiter. He passes judgment on those who wind up at Quindecim by challenging them to a life-threatening game. These games determine if the patron's soul will reincarnate into a new life, or be sent into the void, never to be seen again.
From darts and bowling to fighting games, the true nature of each patron slowly comes to light as they wager their souls. Though his methods remain unchanged, the sudden appearance of a black-haired amnesiac causes Decim to reevaluate his own rulings.
Trigger Warnings: [Admin: not stated, but I remember this has gore and violence, implied rape, and references to suicide]
The entire show is about an amnesiac girl and an afterlife judge, who could not decide to send her to heaven or hell because she had no memories of her own life before she died. Since he could not decide, she is then left to help him with his job so that he has more time to judge her. Since the being is without the emotions and complexity that humans have, some find it unfair that he gets to play this role, including the amnesiac girl who tries to teach him about human emotions. How different people will react to scenarios differently based on life experiences. How not everyone doing bad things is evil and not everyone doing nice things is good. Its a show full of tons of emotion and life lessons about judging a book by its cover. While it is rather graphic, it does a really good job of setting the tone.
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racefortheironthrone · 9 months
Wait, Rogue was into Magneto?
They had an on-again, off-again affair for many years.
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During the Outback Era, the X-Men were gifted the Siege Perilous by the enigmatic Omniversal Guardian Roma. This mystic artifact, which for some inexplicable reason known only to Chris Claremont and the artist was depicted as a gem instead of a chair, would judge them based on all the good and evil they had done, and either give them a second chance to redeem themselves or send them to "a gateway to a paradise well earned."
When Rogue accidentally passed through the Siege Perilous while fighting Nimrod in X-Men #247, she disappeared for a year in publication - only to ultimately appear in the Savage Land in #269 without her Carol Danvers powers, where she was rescued by none other than Magneto.
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While in the Savage Land, the two had a brief but intense affair, as Magneto was really the first man she had ever been able to touch without harming them with her mutant powers - and was able to use his technological might to eventually restore her Carol Danvers powers. However, Rogue broke off their relationship in #275 over her rooted moral objection to Magneto's ruthless decision to kill his defeated enemies.
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This wouldn't be the end of their entanglement, however. During the alternate universe event "Age of Apocalypse," it was revealed that, prior to the crossover's main events, Earth-295's Rogue had been in a love triangle between Gambit and Magneto, and chosen Magneto, ultimately marrying him and having a child with him. Later that year, a de-aged, amnesiac, and substantially less-murderous Magneto calling himself "Joseph" appeared following Max's seeming death and there was this long-running love triangle between Rogue, Gambit, and Joseph where Gambit was the bad boy she couldn't touch and Joseph was the white-haired pretty boy who could touch her through magnetic forcefields. This eventually ended when it was revealed that Joseph was actually a clone of Magneto (DWAI) and went craaaaAaaazy.
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When Magneto joined the X-Men following the Decimation and Cyclops' founding of Utopia, Rogue rekindled her feelings for Max in the Mike Carey run. Surprisingly, this time Gambit handled it with some grace, telling Rogue that he would wait for her until she was sure of her feelings.
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This actually worked, and the two would eventually be married - a union that has continued for six years.
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artversestheworld · 25 days
In no particular order they are all fantastic in my eyes! My rating system is based on, Story, Music, Art and Gameplay. 
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Is an action adventure role-playing game. Set in a near future world in which humanity has been nearly wiped out by a toxic plague called the “MIASMA”. You play as John a grumpy old miner looking after a child thats not his, Sam on adventure neither of you planned. But boy is it a good adventure! This is another game that I really wish I could play again for the first time. This one took me about 20 hours to beat and I gave it 10/10.
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You know this one. Everybody love it. Just play it. 
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Is actually two games in one, Opus: the day we found earth and Opus: Rocket of whispers. TDWFE is an adventure game focused on story and exploring the stars. There isn’t a ton to this one but the story is very cute. ROW is where the real fun is at, it takes place after an apocalyptic plague in a destitute future. You play a John going out and gathering supplies to build a rocket ship to send the souls of the departed to the moon with the help of a friend you find along the way, Fei. This one took me about 10 hours and I gave it 9.5/10
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Is a platform adventure game. You play as Ari a small white spirit on a journey to restore the forest after a cataclysmic event. It is probably the most difficult game I have on this list but the death revival is very fast so it doesn’t feel as punishing. It took me about 11 hours to beat and I gave it 9/10. 
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Is a puzzle game about moving tiles around to create the correct image (you’ll get it when you see it). I don’t want to spoil too much of the story so I will just say you are following the story of a boy life. It is sad and beautiful and full of life. I also hope to forget this game so one day I can play it again. I finished this game in about 2 hours (it was develop by one dude what more can you ask of him) and I gave it 9.5/10. 
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Is a rogue-like deck building dice game. There isn’t really a story to this one. But you progress through dungeons rolling dice and placing them in weapons and shields and other elements in order to beat the creature and progress to the next level. I got addicted to this game and didn’t put it down for like 2 weeks straight. I put about 35 hours into this game before I moved on from it and I gave it 10/10. 
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A survival horror game set in a futuristic time. The story is a time loop centred around your character Elster trying to save the woman she loves and losing her mind in the process. The majority of the game play is searching for keys, cards and other elements to help progress you through the story with resource management. The art style is amazing with its pixilation. Took me 13 hours to beat. I gave it 8.5/10. 
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Is a roll playing game written by the novelist Robert Kurvitz. You take on the role of an amnesiac detective trying to solve the murder of a hanged man with his enigmatic partner. As you progress through solving the murder you start to uncover the detectives past and affect things for his future. The game uses a dice based skills element to bring some chance and some strategy as to which skills you increase. The game is fully voiced by an amazing cast (TW the detective is an alcoholic). I finished the game in 15 hours and I gave it 9.5/10. 
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Is a turn based role playing game about the internal and external struggles of a troubled group of high school students who live dual lives as phantom thieves. After school and between their part time jobs they fight demons in what they call the Metaverse. The story to this game is very good and the turn based mechanics are very well done. I think I sunk 70 hours into beating this game and give it 8/10 but looking back it should be 9/10. 
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Is a role playing game with a deep and well crafted narrative experience. Let’s be honest this one is a bit of a visual novel, but it is a great one at that! The characters in this story really come to life with their struggles and victories. There are multiple ending so keep going after the credits. Dice are used in th game to preform actions based on their rolls. I honestly wish I could play this game again for the first time. It took me 12 hours to beat and I gave it 10/10
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samasmith23 · 1 year
Oh wow! I just finished 4-issue The Shade miniseries from 1997 which is collected in the Starman by James Robinson Compemdium One and holy crap was this limited series overall FREAKING phenomenal!
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Narrated through the Shade’s personal journals, this miniseries covers an ongoing feud between the enigmatic and immortal Shade and a vengeful family of corrupt aristocrats known as the Ludlows which spans from 1838 when the family first found an amnesiac Shade after he first gained his powers, all the way up to the present-day in-universe (which was 1998 at the time…). What I love is how this series heavily fleshes out the Shade’s struggles with coming to terms with his immortality and gradual acceptance of his role as a villain due to the dark deeds he’s been forced to commit in order to survive ever since his first fateful encounter with the Ludlows, as well as a unique exploration about the legacy of generational trauma and inherited values with how this family actively indoctrinated each of its successors to hate the Shade due to a conflict dating back 150-years ago. Plus, seeing the Shade’s exploits across various historical time periods and regions, as well as his Golden Age rivalry with the Jay Garrick Flash (reinterpreting Shade’s generic supervillain exploits of robbing banks as actually being a deliberate game by the Shade designed to provide him a sense of purpose to his immortal and up-until-then meaningless existence by pitting himself others with powers who weren’t cursed to play the role of the villain like he has been).
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Overall, The Shade was a brilliantly written miniseries which helps further cement the titular Richard Swift as one of my new favorite supervillains/anti-heroes in comics! I’ve been thoroughly enjoying James Robinson’s classic run on Starman so far this year, and the Shade’s character has been a major contributor to said-investment due to how multifaceted and enigmatic he is as both an overarching antagonist and secondary-protagonist to the series’ lead Jack Knight, aka the titular Starman!
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keeperofquestions · 3 months
A Question at the Ball
Duedephelon gave the crowd another analysis as he stood near the back by the those who didn't have any names in their dance card. Well, that wasn't true. He had one and that dance had ended in predictable catastrophe. Some Duchess's daughter whose name he didn't commit to memory yet had given him a big wide-eyed flutter as she flashed her dance card at him followed by some empty compliments. Despite his refusals and explanations that he was a horrific dancer, she had him written down and on the floor only to end in him stumbling horrifically and humiliating the poor girl by tripping and landing them both on the ground.
One angry and demeaning rant from his dance partner later, he returned to the crowd with a new string of rumors about him. The "mystery bird" as Duedephelon was starting to be called had already become known as an enigmatic amnesiac who just appeared out of nowhere from the old ruined Castle Noctua. That earned him no small amount of intrigue his way only for it to now be replaced by the gossip of the hour.
"Did he forget how to dance too?" "I think it's someone's bastard who's crawled out of the woodwork." "What do you mean no one knows whose son he is?" "How did he even get an invitation?"
This was all well and good. He stood and listened. The kinds of questions they asked were interesting and hopefully could lead to an eventual lead toward drawing his shards back to him if he managed to gain any inroads with any of them. Of course that was now much harder unless he took a directly adversarial role toward them and he would prefer to avoid that with the scant few resources he had.
Taking note of who was saying what and trying to commit voices to faces to statements, he discreetly moved to the refreshments table to appear busy and glanced to the other party guest who was there. He nodded in greeting before starting to speak somewhat abruptly.
"What do you recommend? Have there been any popular dishes? Has something been particularly savored by the upper ranks I should leave for them? Is there anything being expressly avoided? Do they happen to have non-alcoholic drinks available?"
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astrovvitches · 7 months
hi....! i'm a bit nervous posting this since this isn't my usual body of work at all.... but regardless i did want to try and get a light interest check / feelers out for a project i have in mind :,) i've been really inspired to make interactive fictions recently and have been going through a ton of projects that i've seen on the database/thru itch !! so in an attempt to keep a good writing habit & also because i had a fun idea i wanted to work on, i've started rough planning for an IF! below is the rough synopsis and idea i'm planning on proceeding with ;w;) i would def appreciate any initial impressions or interest in replies/tags but please note i am so new to (waves hands) all of this, so i appreciate your leniency as i dip my toes into this area... if there are any questions or general comments, i'll do my best to reply....! thank u T_T ——— UNION (name is subject to change) is a soft sci-fi IF following an amnesiac player trying to navigate a war between rebels and corporations. Tear apart the membrane that keeps this city alive and carve out the truth for yourself. — SYNOPSIS (below the cut!)
The word was plastered on every surface you could see, from torn stickers on street lamps, pixels on a moving screen, seeping into the pores of the bricks that built this city. You couldn't recall what the word meant to you, but your body remembered better. It was hard to ignore the way you flinched at any sign of the name. They were the heart of this bleeding city and you were certain that humanity would have perished long ago without their technological advancements.
You weren’t sure where you came in, a cell in this mechanical monster you called a city. With glass shards embedded into your knees and sticky lime sewage clinging to your skin, you try to make sense of the world you’ve suddenly been thrust into. 
The shadows that slip between the cracks of UNION’s watch seem to know your name, your face, your every action. Everyone seems to know better than you do. Why does everyone seem to know you? 
UNION provides you with the safety that you had never known and out of your own selfish need to survive, you’re more than happy to feed off of their open palm.
Until one day, a mysterious figure who claimed to know you, your past and your future comes to collect your dues. To you, who had known nothing outside the pristine infirmaries of UNION and the consort of employees that tended to your every need, you were now forced to make a choice: Face your enigmatic past or embrace the comforts of your new life?
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Crater AU
So, as there seems to be some interest and I am all too happy to take the opportunity to start going off on the first real major idea I've had for this fandom, here it is.
Beware, Long Post Ahead!
The Crater AU is focussed, surprise surprise, on a crater, and the folks living there and those who come to visit them.
Let me paint you a picture:
On the seashore, between rolling hills and rolling waves, lies a small port town.
Within sight of this quaint little town, barely more than an hour's brisk walk away, right on the shoreline, the earth rises and then sharply falls in a great crater, a scar left over from the great war a generation ago, when humanity nearly tore itself apart with nucelar fire.
In that crater, among the pools of water and slowly regrowing shrub lies the wreck of an old aircraft carrier, the corpse of a once mighty beast of steel, now repurposed as a home for the two protectors of the coastal lands who live there, training themselves and venturing out to destroy the Honkai wherever it appears.
These guardians of the land are the Great Phoenix, Fu Hua, and her disciple, the cheerful amnesiac girl Kiana.
Their most frequent visitors are Seele, a kind and gentle girl who grew up in the town's orphanage, and Mei, an enigmatic girl who arrived in town a year ago.
Seele is labouring under the weight of not one but two massive crushes, one on her childhood friend Bronya and one on the captivating Kiana. She is otherwise as we know her, a kind and gentle girl who will to to any lengths to take care of those she cares about.
Mei is a driven soul, who came to town specifically to learn from the Great Phoenix so that she can gain the strength to fight the Honkai. Her determination is second only to her beauty, but still Fu Hua refuses to take her on as a disciple, though she does not forbid her from training and sparring with Kiana, which has already tremendously increased her skills and power.
Bronya grew up with Seele in the orphanage, becoming first a protector and then a source of confidence for the timid girl. An avid tinkerer, whenever she is not training herself to be able to better protect Seele and all the other kids, she is either fiddling with some electronic or mechanical device, or researching and teaching herself more engineering skills.
Fu Hua is an ancient guardian of the land, born in an era long before ours. Though events of the war and various conflicts before that have seen her steadily lose many memories of her early life, she is adamant in her pursuit of her duty, both to the people of earth and to the promises she made to her friends.
One of those promises is to take care of Kiana, who unbeknownst to anyone except Hua, is the reincarnation of the second Herrscher, Bianka Kaslana. Bianka was the daughter of Cecilia and Siegfried, dear friends and comrades of Hua's, and herself a capable ally and friend in the fight against the Honkai.
Bianka grew bitter when her lover Rita was killed in the war between humans, a war Otto, the Overseer of Schicksal, insisted she participat in to allow him some influence on events. This caused Bianka to succumb to the Will of the Honkai and become the Herrscher of the Void, to punish humanity for it's needless cruelty and reckless destructiveness.
In an effort to prevent this from devolving into rambling, I will limit myself to these essentials, though rest assured I have plenty more useless trivia, associated plot bunnies and half-baked ideas running around my head that are currently clamoring for a chance to be fleshed out further.
I am in the process of writing a fic set in the Crater AU, but I am unsure when it will come out.
I welcome questions and suggestions, and encourage others to play around with this world if it interests you.
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ecargmura · 6 months
Oblivion Battery Episode 1 Review - Returning To Base Form
How long has it been since I watched a baseball anime? My personal favorite baseball anime is Big Windup (Ookiku Furikabutte)…and that’s the only one I watched. So, how is Oblivion Battery? Well, it’s only the first episode, so I need to watch more. I can safely say that, for a baseball anime, it is rather unique.
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The story is about how a genius battery disappeared after middle school and one person who had witnessed their greatness, Taro Yamada, finds them at the same unknown public school he went to one day. It turns out that the genius catcher Kei Kaname has gotten amnesia and forgotten how to play baseball while his childhood friend and genius pitcher Haruka Kiyomine tagged along because he wanted to be with Kei whether it be playing baseball together or just hanging out together. Kei was initially disciplined due to all the baseball training but after getting amnesia, he has reverted to his supposed usual self, which is being a whiny goofball. After demonstrating his pitches to an upperclassman with Kei as the catcher, Haruka decides to make Kei remember how much fun baseball is.
Amnesia plots are usually hit or miss due to how the writer handles it. To me, they feel a bit contrived due to the character suddenly retrieving their memories when the plot wants it to. Will Kei’s memories come back or will they stay forever gone? All I know is that the current Kei, the amnesiac one, is rather annoying with his perverted jokes and whiny attitude. While the whiny attitude is understandable and that he doesn’t run away, I think the rather perverted jokes will get old fast. I do hope how he lost his memories will be told and shown.
Though, to me, I feel like the first episode is more about getting used to the characters rather than focusing too much on baseball, hence why I said that I need to watch more to see what happens. I do want to know more about Taro Yamada and how he got into baseball. I want to know more about Haruka and Kei’s friendship before and after the amnesia.
Haruka and Kei seem like a brains and brawn duo with Kei being the brains and Haruka being the brawn. Kei originally was going to make Haruka the best pitcher in Japan, and he had a bunch of notebooks regarding strategies and plans. Haruka seems more like a guy who goes with the flow with whatever Kei concocts and doesn’t question him. While he seems stoic and serious, the way his eyes are drawn makes him look a bit dopey. Despite that, I do like how Haruka is such a good friend that he still sticks by Kei’s side even though he has changed and doesn’t like baseball as much anymore due to his amnesia. Given my rather bad experience with Bucchigiri and how the protagonist Arajin wanted to lose his virginity, simps for girls and abandons his friends for his selfish purposes, I just hope that Kei doesn’t go the same route; however, I believe that he won’t given that he still had the urge to catch Haruka’s pitches even if he doesn’t remember.
Taro is a bit enigmatic so far despite being an ordinary guy. I do like how he’s the narrator of sorts as he witnessed the diabolic battery during his middle school baseball tournament and then goes to the same high school as him. Usually, sports animes do give good characterization, so I hope that Taro isn’t the one guy who gets focus early but then fades into the background later on.
The animation is rather good for MAPPA standards. None of the baseball movements use CG, so I think this might have promise animation-wise. The music is okay. I like the opening! I feel like this anime is more of a “keep on watching and it’ll get better” type, so I won’t comment on the animation and music too much right now.
The voice actors…ARE GREAT! They seriously got a strong cast of voice actors. Toshiki Masuda and Mamoru Miyano play the monster battery with the former voicing Haruka and the latter voicing Kei. Masuda’s softer voice is really nice to listen to! I can tell Mamoru Miyano is having a fun time voicing Kei because he gets to be silly and serious. Not only do these two have great voice actors, throw in Yuki Kaji as Taro and you legit have fans lining up to watch this anime. I think it’s been a while since I watched an anime with Kaji in it. I still like his voice a lot as he does voice high schoolers/young boys well. Oh, speaking of which, Ryota Suzuki and Gen Sato voice those two random boys recruiting people for the baseball club. Crazy casting indeed.
For now, the first episode feels more of a character-driven thing rather than a sport-driven thing, but I’ll keep on watching! Question of the day: What is your favorite baseball anime?
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thecassadilla · 2 years
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I posted 141 times in 2022
32 posts created (23%)
109 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 69 of my posts in 2022
#my writing - 28 posts
#kristanna - 25 posts
#kristanna fanfiction - 23 posts
#frozen fanfiction - 22 posts
#kristoff bjorgman - 21 posts
#frozen - 21 posts
#anna - 21 posts
#kristanna days - 6 posts
#kristanna halloween days - 6 posts
#stranger things 4 - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#i may be very slow at getting to read things but i’m very glad to see new people actively joining and participating
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi, “Why is there so much fog?” prompt for Kristanna, please 🌻
Hi, love!! Thank you so much for sending in a prompt!!! This prompt just so happened to aligned with the Haunted Arendelle @kristanna-days prompts, so I had to make sure I shared it in time for that!! This is a historical/gothic au (though it isn’t set in any particular time period) and it has some spooky vibes. I really hope you enjoy it!!! 💕
👻 “Why is there so much fog?” 👻
After Dark
Pairing: Kristanna
Word Count: 2,667
Summary: Months after finding refuge in the cabin of an enigmatic but attractive stranger, Anna awakens one night to a noise outside her window.
Anna’s eyes fluttered open, her lids heavy and eager to close when the sound repeated.
Read After Dark on AO3
23 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Still Falling for You - Chapter 1
Pairing: Kristanna
Word Count: 4343
Summary: In early 20th century England, Anna, the daughter of an Earl, and Kristoff, a footman employed at her family’s estate, find love in a society where class differences are determined to keep them apart.
“You’re rather…large for a footman.”
Kristoff resisted the urge to frown and slump his shoulders at the man’s observation. Mr. Kai Berg, the imposing butler at Ahtohallan Manor, had been looking him up and down with a scrutinizing glare for the better part of five minutes, obviously keen on finding something wrong with him and his appearance.
Read Chapter 1 on AO3
24 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Still Falling For You - Chapter 8
Pairing: Kristanna
Word Count: 5,885
Summary: In early 20th century England, Anna, the daughter of an Earl, and Kristoff, a footman employed at her family’s estate, find love in a society where class differences are determined to keep them apart.
Simply put, Anna was the happiest she’d ever been.
Read Chapter 8 on AO3
25 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
✨ Fanfiction Master List ✨
So I never really planned on making a master list for all of my fics, but I figured since it's been almost 3 years since I started sharing my writing on this account, it's probably time that I compress everything to one list (especially since this site can be a bit difficult to navigate).
All of my fics - with the exception of a few that were originally posted on tumblr and have yet to be archived - can be found on my AO3 page and all links posted below will lead to AO3 as well. Descriptions, settings, and ratings all beneath the cut!
Kristanna Multi-Chapter Fics
Still Falling For You - In early 20th century England, Anna, the daughter of an Earl, and Kristoff, a footman employed at her family’s estate, find love in a society where class differences are determined to keep them apart. 1910s/Downton Abbey AU. Rated M. Work in progress.
Change of Pace - With her sister’s blessing, Anna takes a step back from her royal duties and finds herself working for a ski resort nestled in the mountains. A chance encounter with the resort’s maintenance technician leads them down an unexpected path, as they must work together to plan the resort’s annual ball - and maybe fall in love in the process. Modern AU. Rated M. Work in Progress.
In a Crowd of Thousands - When rumors start to swirl that the missing princess is actually alive, two con men convince a naive amnesiac to impersonate the young royal in a plot to deceive the Queen of Arendelle and collect the reward money. Though, their plans are disrupted when Anna and Kristoff begin to fall in love. “In a crowd of thousands, I’d find you again.” 1920s/Anastasia AU. Rated T. Complete.
Written in the Stars - Figuring out how to go on an in-person date during a time of social distancing would be a challenge for anyone. Luckily, it comes easy to Anna and Kristoff, who find a creative way to spend some time with each other amidst a pandemic. Modern AU. Rated T. Work in Progress. (Sequel fic to Serendipity)
Kristanna One Shots
Here's To Us - After agreeing to go to a concert with Sven, Kristoff runs into his high school crush, Anna - who he hasn't seen in years since their friendship ended on a bad note. Modern AU. Rated M. Part of "Kristanna Love Songs Mixtape Volume 1" challenge.
You Hit the Lights and I'll Lock the Doors - The first argument Anna and Kristoff have in their marriage leaves them in uncharted territory, as they each have to decide between their own unrelenting stubbornness and pride over being 'right,' or owning up to their faults and apologizing. Modern AU. Rated T.
The Good Part - Anna and Kristoff have made it to the stage in their relationship where they not only keep each other warm, but where teasing one another has become a regular occurrence. Modern AU. Rated T.
Just Hold Me Close, Don't Ever Let Me Go - Amidst the crime and grime of 1972 New York City, Kristoff's tough, no-nonsense exterior often comes in handy - except when it comes to Anna, who he'll do anything for. 1970s AU. Rated T.
In This Together - Anna is left feeling defeated - and a bit frustrated - when she's ordered to spend the rest of her pregnancy on bed rest. Post-Canon/Canon Compliant. Rated T.
Lightning in a Bottle - The evening had been sold to her as an end of the semester party between friends. But what it actually turned out to be, Anna discovered, was an elaborate set up. Modern AU. Rated T.
We'll Meet Again - Though World War II has temporarily separated them, Anna and Kristoff promise to keep in touch with each other the only way they can - through love letters. 1940S/WWII AU. Rated T.
Let Me Call You Sweetheart - Though class differences are determined to keep Anna away from the man who holds her heart, she decides to take matters into her own hands one evening after a shocking marriage proposal by a suitor she has no feelings for. 1910s/Downton Abbey AU. Rated T.
Make You Feel My Love - Anna has a tendency to tell Kristoff she loves him whenever the opportunity arises - but the way she continues to let the phrase slip out leaves Kristoff wondering whether she actually means it or not. Modern AU. Rated T.
In Search of Silver Linings - After being scolded for breaking yet another unspoken rule, Anna seeks out the one person who always makes her feel better. Canon Compliant. Set between Frozen and Frozen 2. Rated T.
Cloud Nine - Kristoff is certain that the feelings he has for his coworker are unrequited, but he finds out exactly how wrong he is after a conversation with Anna presents him with an opportunity to confront those feelings once and for all. Modern AU. Rated T.
Que Será and Ç'est La Vie - In the midst of celebrating the first anniversaries of their early relationship milestones, Anna and Kristoff reflect on the impending anniversary of the worst moment of their lives. Canon Compliant. Set between Frozen and Frozen 2. Rated T.
Fix You Up - Winding up in the emergency room isn't fun, but it's certainly a bit easier to endure when there's a beautiful doctor taking care of you. Modern/Hospital AU. Rated T.
Pining for the Fjords - Kristoff Bjorgman has the ability to bring the d*ad back to life with the touch of a finger - and only a few rules. After joining forces with a private detective, Kristoff finds himself in a difficult position when he brings his childhood sweetheart, Anna, back from the d*ad. The only condition is that they can never touch each other, or else Anna will d*e, again - but this time, it will be permanent. Pushing Daisies AU. Rated T.
Vices and Virtues - The last thing that Kristoff expected Anna to do after a night of heavy drinking was to go skinny dipping. But, as always, Anna keeps him on his toes. Modern AU. Rated T.
Break In - Anna’s seemingly unrequited feelings for Kristoff comes to a head at a wedding that Kristoff didn’t even want to go to. Modern AU. Rated T.
Serendipity - Apparently, the best way to meet someone during a global pandemic is for their groceries to be delivered to the wrong address. Or, how Anna and Kristoff meet for the first time during a time of social distancing. Modern AU. Rated T. (Prequel to Written in the Stars)
Lacrymosa - And you can blame it on me Just set your guilt free, honey I don’t want to hold you back now, love. Anna shares an incredibly dark secret with Kristoff and is certain that it will change the trajectory of their blossoming relationship. Kristoff disagrees. Modern/Vampire AU. Rated T.
Fall/Halloween Themed Kristanna Fics
Everything Changes - Though she initially wasn't thrilled about going to the annual Arendelle Harvest Day Festival, Anna gets a bit more than she bargained for when she's introduced to Kristoff, a friend of her sister's date. Modern AU. Rated T. Part of "Kristanna Harvest Day 2021" Challenge.
You've Really Got a Hold on Me - After deciding to go to a Halloween party on a whim, Kristoff gets a bit more than he bargained for when his grad school rival - and crush - Anna admits to having feelings for him. Modern AU. Rated T.
See the full post
26 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here's To Us
Pairing: Kristanna
Word Count: 6073
Summary: After agreeing to go to a concert with Sven, Kristoff runs into his high school crush, Anna - who he hasn't seen in years since their friendship ended on a bad note.
Author's Note: Hi everyone!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!! This is my submission for the Kristanna Love Songs Mixtape Volume 1 challenge, which I am so excited about!!!! I know I'm posting it a bit on the late side, but I had a bit of a whirlwind weekend and today is Valentine's Day, so I'm not terribly far behind thankfully 😅 Does this story even make any sense? Who knows, my brain is broken lol but I really hope you enjoy this fic regardless!!! <33333
Special thank you to @loonysama for organizing this fabulous event!! Thank you for doing all that you do to help keep this fandom alive and thriving!!! <33333
There were few things that Kristoff wouldn’t do to make his best friend, Sven, happy.
Read Here's To Us on AO3
26 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dulcetgames · 1 year
🌺 Introducing the alluring and enigmatic Edziza!
🌟 Uncover their past and secrets in Castaway Memories. Get ready for a thrilling encounter with this captivating character!✨🔍
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twinegardening · 2 years
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Cannelé & Nomnom - Defective Agency by Younès R. & Yazaleea [IFDB]
Set foot in Falaisant, an enigmatic city full of magic and mysteries. You are an amnesiac individual who, in a desperate attempt to find out who you are, hires the only agency willing to take the case. There's only one issue: they are catastrophic.
Follow Cannelé and Nomnom, a duo of disastrous detectives on their chaotic investigation to solve those three mysteries: 1. Who are you? 2. What's your magical ability? And 3. Who erased your memories?
Content warning: Slight gun violence, slight fantasy fictive drug use
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avaeeart · 4 months
GW2 Character List
Last updated Status: 06 June 24
Tag list of my Guild Wars 2 characters, info and factions
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Sidenote: I don't have a canon commander, though I play with the story on my main toon Ysaac.
Ysaac Verdriet |#Ysaac Verdriet | Toyhouse (He/Him) Once-human-now-ghost revenant, Revenant. Big sweetheart knight, big dumb with handsome face, toptier himbo, and the politest man in Tyria. Relationship: Husband to Ivar Alrekkin @norn-knot (#Ivar and Ysaac)
Caillastair | #Caillastáir | Toyhouse (He/Him), Sylvari, Ranger/Soulbeast/Untamed. Ex-Dreamer, Ex-Nightmare court knight, active Pale reaver, an emo loner with winterberry as hair. Doesn’t know how to socialize and keep to his own.
Percyvale Mystmoon | #Percyvale Mystmoon | Toyhouse (He/They), Sylvari (Cycle of Night), Elementalist/Catalyst/Weaver. Alchemist and teacher, absolute feral, insufferable, eccentric menace. Is active professor and scholar in the Priory. Alstroemeria’s brother.
Alstroemeria | #Alstroemeria | Toyhouse (She/Her), Sylvari (Cycle of Night), Mesmer/Mirage. Dollmaker and scummy tarot reader, dreamer and caring mender in the Grove. Elegant and carries a tailored mysterious aura. Percy’s sister.
Zante Dheshia | #Zante Dheshia | Toyhouse (She/Her), Sylvari Secondborn. Thief/Deadeye, Pirate queen, hates capitalism and loves to rob people. Independent and cunning #girlboss
Ghostpyre of Dawn | #Ghostpyre (He/Him), Sylvari, Ranger/Druid. Wandering mender and dreamer with a vague Wyld Hunt but kind and timid heart. (Transformers OC turned into OG OC, now turned into a salad bowl) Relationship: Boyfriend with @/gift-of-astralaria Seance
Kazmerina the Bard | #Kazmerina (She/Her), Norn, Mesmer/Virtuoso. Loves to sing about heroic tales and has the sharpest words against failed lovers for enough coin
Machinist Phibi | #Phibi | Toyhouse (She/Her), Asura, Engineer/Mechanist. Engineer and freelancer for the Iron Legion, small gremlin with braincells only interested in mechanics and how to make the coolest explosions
Vopisca | #Vospica (She/Her), Charr, Warrior. Hails from the Olmakhan tribe, big gentle warrior charr lady, skimmer rancher. Currently cruising through Tyria as tourist.
Atelier Lux | #Atelier Lux (They/It), Asura, Mesmer. Neutral Evil artist and material designer who uses light to weave material and create art not made for the humanoid eyes. Their biggest breakthrough was using Aurene’s crystal to see past the Mist and beyond, seeing unimaginable cosmic horrors which shaped them into an architect of doom.
Yuvia Cairlore | #Yuvia cairlore (She/Her) Sylvari, Elementalist (Tempest). Royal Astronomer of the Durmand Priory. She loves the stars and the stars love her - Aspired future astronaut and first person to be on the moon.
Runebear(er) Skædir | #Runebear Skaedir | Toyhouse(She/Her) Norn, Warrior, Chaotic Good runemaker and huntress. Bold and fearless, strong and straightforward, she has eye for the arcane and the hunt. Wields a harpoon gun to hunt the biggest of beasts.
Yue Tian Bei | #Yue Tian Bei (He/Him), Canthan Human, Mesmer. Diviner, astronomer and book author currently residing in a distant Canthan monastery. Relaxed, seemingly lazy yet intelligent extroverted gossip loving twink. Qingfeng’s older brother.
Real name unknown | #Fractal Stranger | Toyhouse (He/She/It), Engineer & Mesmer. He was once a Canthan Human (now his existence shattered into multiple versions of himself, most prominently human and sylvari body) Engineer. Ex-Aetherblade, now sails the Mist with in search for new mirrored dimensions. Too lost to return home. Now a multiverse breaking demon of the Mist.
Khayyir Al-Azeem | #Khayyir Al'Azeem | #MinSI AU Khayyir | Toyhouse (He/It), Largos, Thief (Deadeye/Daredevil). Amnesiac weaponsmith with a  mysterious past and enigmatic aura, just a creechure. Wellspoken, kind and loyal. Forgot about his past but his muscles remember the skills of fighting and smithing. AU Version: Khay Al'Azeem. Female version, she/it. Different AU, usually wears hair in high ponytail. Relationship: Together with Basir Amari @norn-knot (#Basir and Khayyir)
Farrah Al-Azeem | #Farrah Al'Azeem | (She/Her), Largos, Thief (Daredevil). A young and lone huntress, seeking to make her own name in the Depths, yet complicated relationship with her home. Daughter of Khayyir Al-Azeem.
Vĩnh Thảo Anh | (She/Her), Saltspray Dragon, Elementalist. Saltspray dragon in disguise as human. A semi trustworthy pawn broker for curios, relics and magical antiquities.
The Wandering/Astray Apothecary | Tsukinagi no Enji (Any pronoun), (actually a Shikigami) Nature Spirit, Druid. A wandering apothecary who was once summoned and bound by a court wizard to the Canthan Imperial Court during pre Jade Wind times. Was freed. An enigmatic soul who likes to snoop into mortal affairs and has an artistic talent, one of known famous ancient poets.
(Ex) Enforcer Xu’er | (He/him), Asura, Warrior. Ex-Inquest agent who left on his own will after a betrayal. Chill and cool guy but takes no shit. Like to upgrade vehicles and racing.
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Ministry of Supernatural Investigation RP (Original) MinSI shitposting: #minsi shenanigans
Abbreviated MinSI, is an obscure ministry of the Canthan government. Its main focus and task is to surveil and investigate supernatural occurrences and its threats || OG MinSI - Original MinSI (Thea and Mine independent original) Feel free to ask about it!
Info Post 1
Members of MinSI field Division 2:
Yue Qinfeng | #Yue Qingfeng | Toyhouse (She/Her) , Canthan Human, Guardian/Willbender. Leader of Division 2, a loser who has anxiety but in a funny way. Raised in monastery and moved to New Kaineng, skilled with the sword and #fail girlboss #go give us nothing girl #pathethic meow meow
Vellichor Quill | #Vellichor Quill | Toyhouse (He/Him) of Night, Sylvari, Necromancer/Reaper. A cold heart, pragmatic bastard with an unhealthy obsession in poison,dark magic - fueled by his vague Wyld Hunt. Currently works as field agent in Division 2. Relationship: Currently ??? with @/gift-of-astralaria Adonis.
Zhao Xifeng |  @norn-knot​ OC
Adonis Chrysalism | @norn-knot​  OC
Members of  MinSI field Division 4:
Ryuzu | Ryuzu(It/She), Sword (and Human avatar), Revenant. It is Shiro’s cursed sword who has gained sentience. Bloodthirsty, dangerous and powerful. Likes dogs.
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Café & Hotel Enchanted
Yvalris | #Yvalris | Toyhouse (She/Her), (once human) Sylvari, Necromancer/Harbinger. Local tax evading (p)harmacist, owner of Café Enchanted and totally not near centuries old. Loves money and baking, immortal from ancient Canthan times and acts as cool granny
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Nightmare Court
Noctivares | #Noctivares | Toyhouse (It/They), Sylvari, Thief/Spectre.  Nightmare Court Knight/Hunter whose sole goal is to hunt zealous  Dreamers. Straight out of Bloodborne. Giant moth kinda.
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Guild Wars 1
Ciannait Áilleacht | #Ciannait (She/It), Human, Mesmer. She is a mesmer clown.
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Courts of Seasons Own Pale Tree Idea
Caillastair | Lone Prince of the Winter Court (he/him)
Witch of Briar Thorn | The Witch of the Last Autumn Court (she/her)
Knight Rhodon | Knight of the Spring Court (he/him)
Strelitzia Reginae |Devoted Bishop of the Summer Court(she/her)
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Toons who legally possess my account
Bag Slot Expansion | God’s little pocket
Doctor Garfield Lasagna | It’s him, Doctor Garfield
0 notes