#enhances the entire organization
tinakp · 1 year
Maximizing Your Business with EOS Tools: Onboarding Your New Leadership Team Member
Bringing on a new member to your leadership team can be a daunting task. But don't worry, the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) tools are here to make the process smoother and more efficient. In this video, we will explore how EOS tools can help you onboard a new team member and maximize your business's success
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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nvuy · 6 months
hijacked — boothill
summary. a mission to retrieve some files from a banquet hall goes wayward south when a galaxy ranger shows up to ruin your night—and score some bonus kisses while he’s at it.
notes. save me space cowboy… save me… remembered his entire body is robotic except his head. the possibilities to hack it and take over……….. ngh
HEY YOU!! there’s a sequel now.
warnings. little bit of threatening, mind control/hacking/hijacking? you take over his body for like a few minutes? is that a warning?
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“Hey, pretty thing.”
Target locked. Your scanners had already tracked him before you could even realise he was speaking to you.
You swiftly hid away the USB drive in your purse.
Did he know?
It seemed his own eye enhancements—although a lot less subtle than yours—were scanning you down as well. How transactional. You’d hoped the walls you’d put up were enough to keep whatever technology he had at bay. Or at least, not trigger any alarms.
“You looked lonely. Was g’nna buy you a drink. Help you loosen up a bit.” He swished his own drink in your face for good measure. The coupe glass in his hands looked odd. He didn’t seem like a cocktail man. Not at all.
He looked like a whiskey man. Hard whiskey. With ice. In a tumbler with ribbed glass. You could picture it.
He just looked so out of place at the banquet.
He wasn’t even following the dress code. He was wearing boots, and a pair of old pants with zips along the calves. A hat with a white feather woven into the fabric rested on a head of long white hair with splashes of black around his face.
“No thanks,” you said with a wave. You tried to discreetly scan down his body, searching for any sort of hint of how you could get into his system.
His pants and what little material of his jacket hid most of the metal of his body. Internally, you cursed at it. He had no clear openings in his neck or arms. His head seemed entirely organic.
No weak spots.
“N’aww. Shame.”
The front door felt a lot further away now. Even more so, knowing he was most definitely here for you. He hadn’t even introduced himself yet. You had a feeling he knew he didn’t need to.
“Was g’nna ask ya to dance.”
You laughed awkwardly. “I can’t dance in these shoes.”
“Take ‘em off. Who cares?” he bantered playfully. “I’ll watch out for ‘em if they’re expensive.”
“They’re priceless,” you quipped back. “All of me is.”
“Good. You know your worth.”
You were actually worth about fifteen million, as according to your wanted status by the IPC. You weren’t sure if this man was a part of them, though members of the IPC were always very adamant on letting you know that, yes, they did work at the IPC. It was usually the first thing that came out of their mouths.
Questioning if they actually worked at the IPC opened another entire can of worms.
You didn’t feel the need to ask. Not in that moment, at least.
“And what’s yours?” you asked him with a bat of your lashes.
He winked. “Guess.”
You smiled and scanned him down again. “Depends. I’d have to see what you’re made of.”
“Naughty.” He leaned back against the wall with you. “You sure you don’t want that drink? It’s a cosmopolitan.”
Very sure. You were convinced that he’d just taken the drink from one of the server’s trays. You couldn’t imagine he’d walked up to the bar and requested it for himself.
“You strike me as a whiskey man,” you eased. It came past your lips like butter.
He flashed his teeth in warning.
Then, he sipped his drink. “You’re good. Anything else you can read with your fancy eyes?”
You stopped short.
He did know. It wasn’t a surprise, not at all. He wasn’t entirely human. He must have been equipped with similar technology to realise just how advanced yours was.
You realised then with a shaky breath that you had the same vision enhancements as he did. An even match, unable to read through to each other.
He must have had so much more, too. You only had so many enhancements, whereas he was made almost entirely of metal. The thought of amount of different codings and technology he had crammed into every wire of his body gave you a headache.
Bad idea. You shouldn’t have provoked him. You needed to retreat. You needed to get home, preferably safely, with the USB stored nice and snug in your purse.
You tried not to let your nervousness show, but by the way he was staring at you, you knew he could read your face.
“That’s it, then. You’ve figured out my party trick.” You got up from the wall. “Thank you for the offer. The drink, I mean.” You cleared your throat. “I’ll be going now.”
“I’m not scaring you off, am I?” He got up off the wall too.
He hadn’t taken his eyes off of you.
“Not at all.” When you turned to face him, he was smiling so wide his eyes had crinkled. “Have a good night.”
“At least let me walk you out,” he insisted. He also offered to hold your purse, to which you quickly declined. That only made him smile impossibly wider. “What sort of man am I to not see a pretty thing like you get home safe?”
You headed towards the hallway, knowing he was right behind you.
The banquet was still in full swing, barely even close to ending. Most of the cast were drunk or getting there. Heels had been discarded, some missing their pair, skewed all over the dancefloor like glitter.
The golden chandelier in the main room was yet to be pulled from the ceiling. You were surprised nobody had tried to swing from it yet.
You dodged chattering groups and couples in the hallway—one of them had decided to put on a full display while right next to an unoccupied bedroom, right there in the centre of the hall.
Another one was gagging dangerously close to your feet.
You shouldered past them. “Stop following me, Ranger.”
“Don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be.” You felt his hair brush over your shoulder.
You knew he had a weapon. He wouldn’t have come to threaten you without one.
Before you could reach the door handle, he grabbed your wrist, pulled you backwards, and into the unoccupied guest room that the couple hadn’t bothered to take.
He shut the door with a loud slam, though not before hearing someone whistle out in the corridor.
Your head snapped towards him. He was leaning on the door, his arms crossed, looking almost unbothered.
“We can play this game all day, pumpkin. I got time.” He waved you off with a grin. “Give me the files. I’m askin’ nicely. I won’t force ya to hand ‘em over. Yet.”
You gritted your teeth.
You were so fucking close. So close to getting out of here, and then he had to come—this walking hunk of metal and scrap—and ruin everything.
Nothing ever went your fucking way anyway. You shouldn’t have been shocked something like this would happen.
You held your purse tightly in your hands. All of this was pointless. The dress, the heels, the hair, the nails, the makeup. All of it.
You just hoped by some miracle that he hadn’t found your locator beacon yet. You’d hidden it well; within the bushes outside away from anyone’s line of sight, but he wasn’t just anyone. He could see things a lot of people couldn’t.
“C’mon. You know you wanna…” He smiled sweetly for good measure. It looked like a threat. When he leaned to the side, the golden barrel of a gun flashed beneath his belt.
You could try to make a backup. Right then. You had what you needed in your watch. He’d probably stop you before it was complete.
Or what? What else could you do?
Your locator beacon wasn’t responding, though it hadn’t been broken. Most likely deactivated temporarily. You bounced on your heels.
You then formed the worst idea of your life.
With shaky hands, you walked towards him slowly. You reached into your purse, feeling for the cold plastic of the black USB he wanted to get his grubby hands on.
“Knew you’d come ‘round.” He held out his hand expectantly.
You fished the USB from your bag.
Then, before you could place it into his palm, you tripped and almost broke your nose on his torso. Your hands splayed desperately onto his chest to keep your face from shattering on impact.
He was quick to grab your arms to steady you with a surprised grunt.
There was a whirring sound, and then the sound of something mechanical and wrong. Foreign. Not from his body, but from yours.
The spaces beneath his joints lit up abright yellow for a moment before his hands loosened from your arms.
You grinned. Gotcha.
When you pulled back, he witnessed you pull a strange light from beneath his skin before you held it along your fingers.
When he blinked, you had an entire copy of his body in the palm of your hand. A hologram formed of his entire artificial makeup. Every crevice of his body, all of the metal that weaved to make him who he was.
All of it in your hand, with puppet strings attached.
It was missing just his head.
He froze. And then, he rushed out a simple, “what did you do?”
You tapped on his holographic arm on the screen. “Hijacked.”
When you moved it, his arm twitched to life.
Against his will, he pulled the gun from his holster and dropped it to the floor. It clattered uselessly onto the carpet.
He could only simply stare as his body moved against his will. There was no way to even twitch a finger with all his might.
It was like you had shut down all of his systems and replaced them with your own.
He should’ve seen this coming.
You whistled as you studied the model of him in your hands. When you tapped onto his neck, it zoomed in to show every single wire and thread of metal, as well as an accompanying string of coding.
“I don’t need any special enhancements to read you. What sort of cyborg comes in alone to try and stop me? You know who I am, don’t you?”
He wasn’t able to move his body. He said not a word.
“Somebody clearly doesn’t understand their body.” You patted his chest. His fans had kicked in. You could hear them whirring.
He was glaring at you.
“Did the IPC send you?”
After a moment, he scoffed. “Hardly. I don’t work for those… people.” It seemed like he wanted to say something else, but decided against it.
“Huh.” You didn’t think he was lying. “So… you’re not concerned about my bounty?”
“You said yourself you were priceless,” he countered easily. Despite his position, he was still grinning. “And besides, I’m sure my bounty is heaps bigger than yours.”
You almost snapped. He’d come to gloat, even at a disadvantage.
“You look better with your mouth shut,” you spat. You shoved the lining of code in his face for him to see, making the holographic blue screen as large as you possibly could. “I could make you tear yourself apart. I could make you forget who you are. I could alter whatever sort of brain you have in there. Watch yourself.”
Still glaring, but this time his lips sealed almost instantly.
You made him stand ram rod straight as you turned around, now eyeing a golden vanity next to the bed. The bedroom was surprisingly clean, save for a few empty glasses strewn about. No stains, no messes.
You sat down in the chair and angled the mirror so you could keep your eye on him.
You breathed out, trying not to stare at him for too long. You could feel your irritation growing, and it was showing on your face. If you stared at him for any longer, you feared you’d pull his limbs off with your own bare hands.
You fished out the powder from your purse and leaned closer to the mirror.
Maybe if you looked better, you’d feel better.
“You’re seriously dollin’ yourself up right now?” he asked, briskly annoyed.
You dabbed the sponge beneath your eyes. “Can’t let anyone think I let you put your hands on me. I have standards.”
He had nice hair. You weren’t sure if it was real, though. You weren’t sure if he could even grow hair. He was almost entirely artificial, save for his head.
He didn’t seem to age—his face, at least. You weren’t sure how old he was supposed to be, but his organic skin still looked fresh, as if left untouched and well taken care of.
Maybe it’s because that was all he had left of him.
You snapped the powder shut.
The ranger sneered. “Yeah, yeah. I’d beat you in a fight anyway.”
“‘Course you would,” you answered easily. You pulled a stick of gloss from your bag. You swiped the lipgloss over your lips, fixing it with the tip of your nail. “That’s not what I’m talking about, though.”
You stood from the chair, placing the gloss back in your purse.
“You’d never hit me, would you?”
His face almost lit up with fury.
It was absolutely hilarious.
“You’re so lucky I can't move,” he threatened. “You wouldn’t recognise your pretty face in the mirror.”
“Such a gentleman.” You stood on the tips of your toes to press your lips to his cheek. You hoped the sticky gloss bothered him, knowing he would be unable to wipe it off of him. You hoped it stained his milky skin a nice glittery bubblegum pink.
You hoped the scent of your perfume lingered on his skin, and he never forgot your name.
“Of course, gorgeous.” That same mocking tone. “Anything for you.”
You held the USB up to his lips. “Open.”
Begrudgingly, he did so.
You slipped the stick past his lips until his teeth caught onto the plastic and held it still.
“You can have it. I already got what I needed anyway.”
You kissed his other cheek for good measure, lingering for a moment before you pulled away. Two pink glittering stains on his face now; perfectly symmetrical.
“I’ll be thinking of you.” And that you would. You winked at him. “Bye, Boothill.”
Then, with sudden grid lines of yellow forming over your figure, the locator beacon buzzed to life, and you disappeared.
In the blink of an eye, you were outside in the cold night air. There were few people out in the front garden of the building, and none had spotted you.
You picked up the gadget and quickly left. A copy of his body and the USB were now a collection in your own personal belongings.
As soon as you vanished, Boothill regained control of his limbs and fell to the floor, trembling with the after effects of your invasion. His teeth were gritted as he pulled himself up onto the guest bed.
He spat the USB out before he could bite down and damage it.
He held it between his thumb and index finger.
There was a smear of your lipgloss on the side of the USB stick.
Mission accomplished, he supposed.
He also had two matching lipgloss stains on his skin as a trophy. He could see how stupid he looked in the vanity mirror.
He snickered with clenched, shaking fists.
You smelled like strawberry.
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emacrow · 3 months
When danny beat pariah king and Dan, he didn't expect the damn crown and ring to follow him.
He tried everything so far to asking clockwork for help only to be told some cryptic bullshit.
The fucking crown and ring followed him everywhere even in the shower that one time scared the shit outta of him for ancient sake. It seem scolding them like a dog(thanks to tucker advise) actually work for a few days..
It was weird as fuck to see a crown and ring of rage actually look depressed as shit in the corner with a droopy blue coloring in the corner of his room under his dirt clothes a Camouflage.
It was like some self sentient object gone wrong.
Those two were diabolical, almost nearly tricking him into wearing them that one time during the school play, fortunately his ghost sense went off the moment he was about to put on the ring part.
That lead to another scolding that lasted a couple days of peace.
Until the day, he got caught by the GIW while distracted with skulker and techno again...
Being trapped to a table, mouth gagged and limbs binded like a insect held by needles pins with stolen fenton locks for dissection had him full blown out panic as the doctors left to get their new equipments after the scapel broke during the mid cutting.
Only for the crown and ring to appear like a shadow in above him. Danny was mentally arguing with himself about whether to accept his fate or get dissected and organs harvasted before he huffed through his nose and slightly nod as best as he could with the strapped helding his head to the table could do.
The crown floating toward his head, placing itself on his white hair while the ring slipped into his middle finger, before a blinding light nearly engulped the room.
The black crown covered in blue flames changed ad morphs into a aurora lights shaped crown designed in frozen ice as the ring changed from a skull to tiny galaxy like marble..
Danny could feel a surge of power nearly engulp his very core as voices whispers him, stars, galaxies, universe, the four dimension, multiple of parallel worlds and all secrets of the entire universe crammed into his brain nearly torn at his human mind before a portal below him opened sucked him in.
By the time the doctor came back, the subject on the table had escaped.
Danny only woke, laying on some type of ground, before he noticed that he was a bit different, enhanced like claws with sharp black nails..
As he noticed the ground was red with drips of glowing green ectoplasm blood before looking up to the sky..
To see stars above, and earth very far off on the right..
Darkness started to swirl a bit as his mind subconscious realize he might not be on earth and he might be on Mars.... first human on mars... before his body exhausted collapse back into the red dirt of mars.
Unawared of the forseen event as the astronaut crew on mars find a alien kid during exploration..
Fic inspired by this link here
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eternity-death · 5 months
I would like to give out some technical cyborg tips for people who write Boothill!!!
Cyborg ≠ Robot. Robots are entirely machine (SCREWLLUM is a robot)… a cyborg is part human part machine. And when I say part human I am SPECIFICALLY talking about the brain. A cyborg is literally a human brain encased in a mechanical body. There could be nothing organic in the body— no skin, bones, veins, nerves, etc— but as long as there is a human brain running it, it is still a cyborg. Boothill’s head is almost entirely organic— but his eyes were probably tinkered with and given enhancements.
Do cyborgs need sleep? Yes. A human brain is still a human brain, and the brain NEEDS sleep to function. However, they may not need to sleep as often as a normal human does.
Do cyborgs need to eat? Yes (Kind of)!! Again, it’s a human brain, and the brain needs nutrients or it will begin to eat itself. Now, HOW the nutrients is acquired is subjective. Some cyborgs may eat normally, while some might have other ways to receive the nutrients they need. How? Not sure. Maybe they have a reserve somewhere in their body that supplies nutrients to the brain.
Do cyborgs need to bathe? Also subjective. It probably depends on how much of the cyborg’s body has been altered. If it’s still mostly organic then yeah, probably. But in Boothill’s case he might just need to spiff it up every now and then (kind of like washing a car), there’s probably special treatments for bodies like his. He does have to wash his hair regularly, though. “Can he get wet?” I think he can handle a few splashes/travel in the rain, but I’m not sure if he can submerge himself in a body of water.
Can cyborgs feel physical touch? THIS is subjective, but honestly, I don’t think they can. We have receptors in our body that allow us to feel things— I don’t think you can replicate that in a mechanical body. I do think he has special sensors that can perceive the closeness of a foreign object/another person, but I don’t think he can FEEL them.
Anyways, that’s all for now. Hope this helps!!!
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
For all the talk about bad Christian fiction, I've seen several different ways that Christianity can be well-integrated into the story.
The story is about something unrelated to Christianity, but the characters are Christian and their faith affects their outlook and daily life. I recently stumbled across Wormwood Abbey by Christina Baehr, which is a light, fairly forgettable cozy fantasy that happens to do this really well. The story is about a woman who learns that dragons exist around her family's estate, but as the daughter of a rector, she often mentions prayer, sings religious songs, or thinks of Bible verses that relate to things she experiences. The Christianity feels organic to the character, and thus enhances the story rather than distracting from it.
The world is a Christian world where Christian beliefs are shown to be the correct framework through which to view the world. This happens in good Christian fantasy, like Lewis and Tolkien, but there are plenty of real-world stories where the themes line up with Christian truths, and this can make a story Christian whether or not religion is explicitly practiced by characters within the story.
The characters wrestle with how to apply their faith in their daily lives. Regina Doman's Fairy Tale Novels often feature this, as the characters struggle to deal with plot problems while living out their faith. Amy Lynn Green's work often features this as well--characters hold certain values (like, for instance, a Quaker pacifist) and have to figure out how they apply or don't apply to specific situations, especially when they conflict with other values, or they have to figure out how to live out their values (such as forgiveness) in moments where it seems impossible or even ill-advised. Charlotte Yonge's best works (specifically, what I've read of The Three Brides) do this as well--instead of preaching the one right answer, you have characters trying to figure out what the best answer is as they figure out what's right or wrong in this specific situation.
Characters face the revelation that there's a spiritual world that exists beyond our ordinary world, which can cause terror, but also provide comfort and hope. Elizabeth Goudge's novels often exist in this space, with very internal stories of characters coming to embrace the truths that come with living in a spiritual world. To a lesser extent, I'd say Amanda Dykes' work often fits here, with characters ultimately find comfort and hope from philosophies that line up with Christian truth. In less-cozy works, there's also the possibility of stories where an entirely secular person encounters God and has to figure out what that means for their life.
So our options are Christianity as character, Christianity as setting, Christianity as theme, or Christianity as plot. The ways this is integrated most seamlessly is when Christianity (or the ways they struggle with it) is a vital part of the character, so the plot that arises from it lines up with a Christian worldview. It also works well for the characters to just exist within a world where Christian truths are the way the world works. It doesn't even necessarily require the characters to be explicitly religious. Truth is something that everyone is searching for, and stories that honestly showcase truth or the search for it are going to resonate with a wide audience, even if they aren't Christian themselves.
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danoslvrr · 13 days
“witches” - logan howlett x f!reader
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summary ; you’re a witch, one of the most powerful x-men. when on a mission with your best friend, logan, you defy him, stripping away from him.
warnings ; angst— lots of angst. yearning. mutant!reader. sort of mean!logan. death. blood. love confession. reader has dark magic. fighting. mentions of logan’s past. logan will never be happy.
a/n: this is so not canon at all I’VE ONLY SEEN ONE X-MEN MOVIE I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE.
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ laughter echoes throughout the halls of the school as the bell finishes ringing. you finish up organizing your desk for the weekend, a blank expression on your face while you hum quietly. quick, running footsteps alert you of a presence nearing your classroom, and immediately, you lift your head up, expecting a student. what you find instead is a distressed scott, breathless and red in the face. “the professor needs you. now.” he states.
immediately, panic floods your entire body. what could have happened? was a student hurt? or worse— was one of the x-men hurt? you think of all the possibilities, the worst possibilities, as you follow scott down the hall, speed walking and weaving through the students. every time a student attempts to stop you to ask a question about homework or something else, you wave them off, shouting “i’ll be back soon!”
you don’t know if that’s true, though. from the sounds of it, you might be needed for longer than you lead the students to believe. when scott bursts into professor x’s study with you in tow, your face paler than usual with panic, the professor turns to you with a smile. he gestures towards one of the seats, though that doesn’t calm your nerves in the slightest. you suddenly notice that your best friend, logan howlett, is sitting in the room. that calms your growing nerves. he seemed calm, so everything must be fine.
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ “you want her to what?” logan asked angrily. charles remained calm and steady as logan seethed, pacing back and forth in front of him. “you two will be going on a mission. together, to save storm. a dangerous one, yes, but i have full confidence in the two of you. you’re my most powerful soldiers, and i have no doubt you will excel.” the professor speaks and your face flashes with worry, excitement, and embarrassment, all mixed into one. logan has always been protective of you but this, this was different.
he looked like he was ready to draw his claws on the professor, finally standing in the center of the room between you and charles, taking a deep breath. “she’s not going.” he states firmly. “i’m afraid she must, logan.” charles says calmly, a smile still on his face. “well she’s not.” logan says through gritted teeth. you place a hand on his arm while you stand up, walking to stand beside him. “i’ll be fine.” you soothe him. “promise.” a smile spreads on your face and he appears to relax a little bit.
logan had been your best friend for a year now, and you two had grown inseparable during the short period of time you had spent together. you had fallen for him, and you fell hard. he made your heart flutter every time he walked into a room, your heartbeat quickening and breath hitching. you were sure he knew by now, from his enhanced senses, but the man seemed to be clueless. you had given up on trying to get him to see you like that a long time ago.
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ that’s how you ended up here. on scott’s motorcycle, stolen by logan, with your arms wrapped around his midsection. you clung to him, terrified every time you two drove over a bump. logan had steady control over the motorcycle, and you knew he would never let anything hurt you, but it terrified you nonetheless. you squealed as he sped up, a look of pure determination on his face, brown hair messy from the wind, but still complete with those little tufts you loved so much. your legs rested on either side of his hips. his hazel eyes bore into the road, focused on keeping you safe. “don’t worry, sweetheart. i got ya.” he had said somewhere along the way, making your face burn crimson.
finally, you arrived at a facility, almost an eight hour drive away from the school. you easily could’ve flown there, but didn’t bother to, given as you had the power to manipulate time. you had sped up the process of travel, despite logan’s protests that you should save your energy for the real threat. he parked the motorcycle a distance away from the facility, quickly walking you through the (blatantly obvious) open door. his hand rested on your back the whole time, and your heart fluttered.
“c’mon,” he whispered into the dark. he gestured you over to the other side of the room where he was now standing. you hadn’t realized he had gotten over there, lost in your thoughts. “hey, sweetheart, you still with me?” he asked, causing you to snap out of your trance. “yeah, ‘m sorry, lo.” you whispered, quickly yet silently walking over to where he was standing. he pulled you against his chest, arm wrapped around your stomach. “gotta be quiet f’me, okay?” you nodded. “good girl.” your face burned up again.
he led you further into the facility, and as soon as you stepped into a room a bit brighter than the others, you knew something was wrong. he must’ve known too because he threw himself around you, dropping to the ground as he shielded you with his body, keeping you tucked against his chest. alarms went off around you, and logan quickly pulled you to your feet. he grabbed your hand, tugging you along with him as you left the facility.
“where are we going?” you shouted. “back to the school. ‘s not safe here.” you tugged away from his hand, running back towards the facility, determined to save ororo. “y/n! come back!” he roared, running after you, but you were quicker. well, not really, but your powers helped you to keep him behind as you fought into the facility. you fought off what appeared to be soldiers, quickly running through them as you used your shadow manipulation to make each of them begin to be attacked by their own shadows.
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ your energy was wearing thin. you knew it, but you kept pushing, using your powers to fight off the men surrounding you. occasionally, when you would get particularly angry, you began to see the ghosts of all the people that had died here, cheering you on, which only spurred you on to not let ororo suffer the same fate. you finally found her in the bottom level of the facility, unconscious. logan quickly entered behind you, you having long forgotten to hold him back, too focused with the task of fending off the men attacking you.
you heard a scream, then thunder, felt a sharp wave of pain, then saw a blinding flash of light. you collapsed to the ground, head pounding. a warm, metallic liquid pooled in your mouth, though you couldn’t place what it was for a few moments. blood. your own blood. “l-logan,” you stuttered, “help.” “no, no, no, no,” he panicked as he dropped down to his knees beside you, pulling you into his arms. you had been stabbed in the chest by one of the men. how he had gotten to you, you didn’t know. your eyes, though hazy, opened to look at logan. you smiled weakly.
“my baby, please, god, not my baby.” he whispered, cradling your head with one hand, pulling you into his chest. a warmth spread through you, that familiar feeling you always got around logan. you smiled a bit wider now. tears pooled in his eyes, and he stared down at you. “m gonna get you out of here, alive, okay sweetheart? i promise.” he whispered, his voice cracking as he cried.
“lo… ‘s okay. ‘m okay. really. just… go. get her out of here. please.” you pleaded. for a moment, when he had called you his baby, you felt as if maybe, just maybe, he loved you too. you shoved the thought out of your mind, pushing it aside as you accepted the fact that you were dying. he leaned down, kissing your forehead. “can’t leave you here, sweetheart. i- i can’t.” he stammered, tears spilling rapidly down his cheeks. you reached up, cradling his face in your hand. he leaned into your touch. “i’ll be okay. i’ll find you, okay? i promise i’ll find you.”
“i love you.” you whispered, and then, you took your final breath, inhaling and never exhaling. logan sobbed. he buried his face into your hair, cradling you tightly against his chest, just crying and begging for somebody, anybody to help. to save you, to bring you back. “i love you,” he whispered. god, he felt like such a coward. he had let you die thinking he didn’t love you. “i love you so much, my sweet girl.”
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ carrying your body back to the school was one of the hardest things logan ever had to do. watching them bury your body was even harder. his heart ached, thinking of all the time he could’ve spent loving you out loud had he not been so afraid to speak his feelings, to just confess his love to you. he became angry, resentful. violent. he felt as if you were the one good thing in his life after he had lost his memory, and you had been ripped away from him so cruelly.
he didn’t speak to anyone for the days that followed. he spent all day in his room, sulking. he didn’t have it in him to cry. the days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months. that feeling of numbness never left him. he had nightmares, every night, no longer of his past, but rather of your dead body in his arms. of your whispered “i love you.” you haunted his every thought.
thoughts of you coming into his room when you couldn’t sleep and just curling up into his arms and sleeping so peacefully. thoughts of you squeezing his hand beneath your desk when you two would teach a class together. thoughts of the kids asking him about you, about where you had gone. thoughts of what would’ve happened had he told you he loved you while you were still alive. he couldn’t breathe during these nightmares, he felt like he was suffocating. he had lost everyone, everyone he cared about from his past, and now his present and future.
logan howlett had been doomed to suffer.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
little star — diluc 。
synopsis!! everyone knows the creator doesn't favor diluc (everyone is wrong).
cw !! gn reader, reader is peak diluc simp 😐 somewhat self-aware characters, mild sagau themes (not too much), reader is recognized as the player, reader is a little shy at first. angst with reverse comfort!
note !! the plot feels a little everywhere but i tried to organize it as best as i can, i think i got carried away eheh honestly doesn't feel up to my standards but it was pretty enjoyable to write
word count !! 2.8k something
"No, it's definitely Outrider Amber, she was the first to ever be favored."
"Are you kidding me? Outrider Amber may be the first, but sir Kaeya was definitely loved. Have you seen the sword he was gifted with?" One growls.
"It's the Acting Grand Master Jean!" Someone slams the table with his beer mug, "Twice was she bestowed with fallen stars of gold."
"I'd say that wolf boy in the woods seem lucky."
"It has to be Bennett. I don't know why but that kid has two crowns! Two!"
"You're all missing out on Miss Lisa!"
"Stop, stop! You rowdy drunks! Every vision holder in Mond has been granted favor, this is just impossible to decide!"
There was a pause. "Well. . . not every." Someone mumbles under their breath.
"Not every? Who's the poor allogene that couldn't even get the Player's favo—" Shushing sounds break his sentence, the men glare at their companion, pointing to the redhead behind the bar.
It's useless, really.
Diluc has been listening in the entire time. He can't really help it when their voices were loud enough to reach where he stood. Still, he was merciful and pretended not to hear. He's not exactly bothered by what they're saying. It was the truth, after all.
For two years, vision holders all around Teyvat were being granted favor.
It often begins with a meteor shower gracing the sky.
A star gently falling into the hands of a vision holder, embracing them in warm light.
They call the ethereal sensation as something akin to "coming home".
The favored would then be given different things; quality weapons, enhanced abilities, beautiful crowns— Some allogenes were even gifted summer apparel (Mondstadt is proud that their Gunnhildr sisters were one of the very first). Even their equipped wings would change into ornamented works of art!
It's been two years, and it seems like every allogene he knows of has received the Player's grace.
He supposed he just wasn't favored. It isn't too difficult to believe that he isn't likable.
He convinces himself it's fine.
It's fine if his summoned weapon is a cheap claymore made of scrap metal. It's still efficient to have the extra blade while he manually carries around another claymore (commissioned from Wagner as the best money could buy). Or that his abilities can only be improved through hardwork, unlike the many who broke the limits of their power through your favor.
It's fine.
As the bar goers leave for the night, as Venti and Kaeya wave around their almost divine-looking five-star weapons to show the crowd, and as he's closing up the tavern and retreating to his upstair quarters for comfort, he convinces himself that the he'll be okay on his own.
The arrival of the Creator was festive and grand; The day the sky parted itself and glowed as the brightest of all stars fell with grace into Mondstadt's very own Windrise.
Teyvat rejoices in the ecstatic ideal of being loved.
A meeting of vision holders was quickly held in the Cathedral, discussing immediate plans as some of the most favored (Venti, Jean, Kaeya, Albedo to name a few) went ahead to fetch the Creator from the large tree.
While Diluc was often the center of any other meeting due to his authority and influence, this was something he chose to step back from. Standing by the windows, away from the meeting, he watched on as Eula and the rest conversed around the circular table.
He isn't even sure why he's invited. Perhaps they felt it was obligatory for vision holders, regardless of favorability? Then again, he could always offer a fraction of his mountain-loads of wealth to help with the festivities.
At least he's competent at being a wallet.
As the others pull out their crowns and stars, weapons and artifacts, eager to thank the one responsible for the gifts, an unknown emotion bubbles in his stomach. It's faint, but it's there.
He tries to look away.
"Everyone, everyone! They're entering the gates!" Fischl announces uncharacteristically to the room as her eye glows brightly, undoubtedly looking through Oz's eyes from the sky.
"We should wait by the statue to welcome them, right?" Barbara chirps in, hands clasped and wavy hair bouncing with every step.
Diluc watches as people steadily leave the room, following last as they walk down the steps to greet the approaching group. Some civilians gathered to see the scene, others didn't really understand what a Player or Creator was to a vision holder, while Diluc—
Diluc stood by the steps to see them crowd around you.
You, surrounded with words of gratitude and cheerful squeals. He sees the smile on your face and feels relief that you don't seem too overwhelmed.
He leaves the area without a second thought.
He doesn't exactly see you around the next few days. With Mondstadt celebrating a new festival, the taverns were always full and busy with customers (both local and foreign). You were probably busy too, spending time with the different allogenes and entertaining those who came from Liyue to meet you. He's heard of a funeral consultant with three crowns (are consultants that admirable of a job to you?) and an adeptus gifted with various five-star polearms (this was understandable for the adepti, unlike the consultant).
He doesn't expect to see you at all until you leave for the next nation, honestly.
That is, until the tavern settles into a more peaceful atmosphere and Jean rushes in with several other allogenes. It's unusual to see his childhood friend in the tavern; still, he greets her amicably and asks what brings her here.
"(Name) will be coming here soon with Kaeya and a few others. It's a little impromptu, but we were hoping for a place to settle in with drinks. Perhaps try some apple cider." She smiles, taking a seat by the bar.
(Name)? Jean was already on a first name basis with the Creator?
Diluc thinks perhaps Jean truly is the favorite, she does have a few golden stars in her home.
Somehow, it's not surprising at all to know that his apple cider was famous enough to drag you in. At least there's something about the Dawn Winery in your favor. He promptly gets his employees to work, clearing a few tables near the bar, rearranging the furniture to give space good enough for a group.
Your entrance into the bar was just as lively; with your favored allogenes chatting away with you, everyone falling into place at different parts of the tavern, ordering drinks and meals.
He's glad you enjoy apple cider.
You're trying to play it cool, really. Trying your best not to get overexcited and glomp everyone and everything.
You're taking things step by step as you converse with Jean, Lisa, and Albedo; as you share meals with Barbara and Sucrose; as you play with Klee and Diona; tour the city with Fischl and Bennett. There's plenty of time to meet everyone and your schedule has been filled to the brim with all the fun your having.
You'll see that glimpse of red hair again— one that was lingering by the Cathedral staircase. Diluc doesn't like crowds, so it's fine that he isn't approaching you. It's also fine that he hasn't visited at least once, unlike the several raging from Liyue to Sumeru who took the journey to meet you early.
Diluc is too busy a person to meet you; whether it's because of the winery or his darknight hero duties, you wouldn't dare take his time.
— but when are you supposed to give him all the gifts you've brought for him???
Your determination to build him up in one go, from Talent levels to Constellations to Artifacts and Weaponry, all came down to this moment — and the man was simply nowhere to be seen!
An unknowingly loud sigh escapes your lips, catching the attention of the Cavalry Captain next to you.
"Now, what's got our (Name) so down in the dumps?" Kaeya hums, glancing at your face as you stutter a response.
"Aah it's not that, it's just. . ."
Your brother is too busy, I just want to meet him!!
"I'm thirsty." You deflect, looking around for a stall. The streets of Mond were nothing like the minimized version you see in the game; with the city being ten times larger than what you remembered it to be.
"Oh! Oh! Klee suggests apple cider!" The little girl giggles, running around your legs in excitement, "Angel's Share is nearby and big brother Albedo alwaaays takes me there for apple cider!"
Angel's Share. Bartender. A great idea has appeared!
At the excited look on your face, Jean walks up ahead of you.
"Why don't I go and inform the tavern to prepare us a space first, it would save us the waiting time."
"That would be great, Jean!"
You hope you aren't being too obvious.
With the way your eyes would linger on him, casting side glances and hoping he would greet you to strike up a conversation, the way most allogenes do. You didn't want to abruptly disturb his work, nor do you want seem desperate, so you waited for his initiative.
Yet, Diluc lingers just a little outside your group's circle. Your food and drinks were refilled by Charles, you've talked with nearly everyone but the person you want to talk to.
"It's getting pretty late, we should head home for the night." Someone suggests.
"Hm? Do you still have something in mind?" Kaeya asks. You realized you said it out loud, catching the attention of nearby patrons.
With a frantic glance around the tavern, your eyes make contact with Diluc's. He pauses as well, wondering what caused your little outburst.
You are definitely not leaving, not when you don't know when you could catch Diluc in his free time again! You'd be leaving for Liyue by then!
Hands slamming the table to stand up and with a small burst of courage, you approach the bartender who turns away from Charles. He raises an eyebrow at your approach. It's odd the way you feel flustered and nervous, finally facing him.
Pausing just in front of him, he looks on curiously.
"Would you like a refill?" He asks.
"A-ah no, I mean, yes but that's not why I'm here. I. . ." You stutter, stumbling over your words as you try not to behave awkwardly. Should you start with a casual topic?
"You seem to be quite busy." You say.
Diluc blinks. He isn't sure what you're implying. Neither is Kaeya or Jean, who stopped to look at the exchange of words.
"I suppose. . . but as a winery, we do thrive in impromptu festivities." He replies curtly before realizing, was it rude that he never visited the Creator?
"Ah, is it my lack of visit? I apologize, I would have visited but it seems that you were quite satisfied with your favorites and-"
"No, no, no," You wave your hand, cutting him off, "I understand you're busy. You don't have to visit at all! How could I take your time— wait," You pause, recalling his words.
"Favorites?" You tilt your head, "What do you mean I seemed satisfied with my favorites? What do you mean by favorites?"
"Your favorites... allogenes who received your favor. Those you have granted gifts."
Your jaw laxes. Favorites? They decided you play favorites based on how much you've built them?
"You think. . ." You say carefully, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, "That I offer gifts to my favorites?"
Diluc nods slowly, unsure of your questioning.
Although it would be a lie to say you didn't have your personal favorites, it would still be inaccurate that it's based on gifts. After all, you built everyone who came home by chance. As an avid player, you did your best to farm and push everyone to their full potential.
Diluc, however, never came home no matter how much you wanted him to. It can't be possible that he doesn't know how much he is loved, right?
"Then what about you?" You blurt out, "How do you think I view you?"
He stares at you oddly. At this point, many around you had stopped to tune in. Everyone knew Master Diluc never received your favor, so why are you conversing with him?
Meanwhile, Diluc wonders if you want him to admit it. Must he say it in front of everyone how he never received gifts?
"I suppose. . . I'm not one of them. It's quite understandable. I don't intend to question your judgement—"
"What?" You exclaim, a look of shock crosses your face, "You think I don't like you?" Voice raised in disbelief, you feel the eyes of many turning to watch the scene.
Diluc mirrors your confusion.
"I can't believe you would– no, that isn't it at all!" You stutter over your words, a frantic need to prove him wrong goes through you, "You— you of all people!"
"Me?" He repeats.
"I've always wanted you!"
A silence settles over the tavern. Did you have to put it so bluntly? You freeze in shock at your own words. Diluc's expression of disbelief turns flustered, face turning as red as his hair.
Explain yourself.
"I- I mean, I've always wanted you to come home. Ever since the start, really! It's just that you never did-"
"Hmm... so it implies that it's out of your control, correct?" Kaeya piqued, looking on curiously. He's been listening in the entire time. You nod your head.
"Yes! It's a game of chance for me as well. It's not to say that favor is an accident, I truly wanted everyone to come home! It's just that—" You turn to Diluc, "You never did, no matter how much I wanted you to. How was I supposed to give you your gifts?"
Diluc snaps out of his shock, blinking at you, "Gifts?"
"Yes, gifts! I've been saving them up for you, ever since the start." You pause, shyly looking away, "When I said I wanted you since the beginning I meant it. I came here for you, after all."
He looks at you in disbelief, and probably half the tavern as well. You can't help the small chuckle from your lips. With an outstretched hand, something materializes between you. It glows a blinding golden light, before settling to reveal–
"Wolf's Gravestone. It's a weapon for you."
You didn't have to say it— anyone with eyes could see how it was practically made for Diluc. With large handles and a color scheme that matches his own, Wolf's gravestone doesn't look as divine or ethereal as the other weapons you've gifted, but it looked just as powerful, if not menacing.
With a gesture, Diluc grips the handle.
"Fits like a glove." Kaeya whistles, impressed. As does the rest of the tavern who stopped to stare.
Suddenly, flames burst forth from the weapon. It sears and glows red. Unlike the common claymore that can't handle the the prowess of Diluc's flames, Wolf's Gravestone embraces it. Like an extension of his own hand.
He breaks his gaze away from the weapon to look at you.
"Thank you. . ." He mutters softly, but it's genuine. You smile.
"That's not the last of it, you know."
With another flick of your hand, artifacts and talent books materialize. They flow around him like a dance as more and more begin to appear, lighting up the tavern like the night sky.
"I told you I brought gifts!"
All the days spent farming for him and other pyro characters finally paid off. The glimmering artifacts reflected in his own red eyes as he stares, entranced.
Favor did not come to him in meteor showers like it did to the other allogenes; rather, it came to him in your form. Proof of him being loved. The spectacle continued— after the artifacts and talent levels were the constellation (the crowd ooh'ed and aah'ed at the sight), then came the five star apparel (a nostalgic sight to him, and it changed his flames to a darker red), and the ascension materials you passed off as trinkets.
By the end of it, he had a hand over his lower face, his red bangs hid just the ends of his eyes. "I just thought I wasn't that favorable. . ." He muttered and you leaned in to peek at his covered face, wondering why he was shying away.
But it was evident to the tavern— the pink dusted ears, the flushed cheeks, and the overwhelming emotion in his eyes. Diluc Ragnvindr was flustered, and it's a sight enough to make even the drunks place down their beers for a closer look.
You bit your lip, trying to prevent the widest of smiles, "Do you believe yourself loved now?" You ask and he gives the faintest of nods.
"Thank you," He says, "For favoring me."
m.list 2 || consider supporting me on ko-fi ! || sagau m.list
note !! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE a very short brainrot that became a fic huhuhuhu
I don't often write creator sagau themes but here we are! this is like peak diluc simpery idk ive never been this down for a man. i wrote this immediately after getting his skin i just got so excited 😅 I wanted to spoil him so bad (but i gave all his mats to thoma before he came home :< )
taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @shizunxie
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starwrighter · 2 years
The first out of three prompts I'm throwing out this month
Featuring my favorite trope of de aging the ghost boy for trauma and angst purposes :D
Okay! So Danny gets captured by the G.I.W or the Fenton's he's experimented on until his body can no longer take it and he retreats back into his core. Since he is still in the G.I.W's/ the Fenton's lab this doesn't exactly help him escape. With Sadistic Joy the G.I.W/ Fenton's start experimenting with Danny's core. They don't manage to break his core fortunately (whether it be because halfa cores are hard to break or the sheer powerhouse that is Danny you decide!)
Danny reforms before they could figure out how to use his core as a weapon and this causes some side effects. Both halves of him were balanced with each other, instincts clicked into place. New organs and features of his body worked perfectly with his newly enhanced human ones. Only problem with this was that he was now a baby. A literal baby like a little under a year old! And worse news he was still in the lab, his memorys blurry and his thinking process babyfied. He didn't know much about the people keeping him captive right now but he knew they hurt him and he wanted out.
The G.I.W/ Fenton's are furious that Danny reformed before they could create the perfect weapon and are now trying to make him retreat back into his core yet again. They do their worst but do to Danny's new balanced forms He. Does. Not. Give. Danny doesn't retreat back into his core he's unable to; his body healing the damage faster than they could deal it. Eventually they decided they'd kill Danny again the same way he died the first time.
They put the now officially 1yo halfa into the portal chamber. He's cuffed and muzzled to keep him from escaping or making any of those ghostly chirps, clicks, and warbles at them. (They think Danny is threatening them but he's just showing distress and calling for an adult to help him)
They quickly turn the portal off and on again with Danny inside but when they look into the chamber there's no Phantom or ghost core.
The portal didn't kill him though. No, it blasted the infant through the infinite realms so fast he clips into a different universe and crashes directly into Bruce Wayne's living room.
The batfam are very startled because they were just having a movie night, they even got Jason to show up! Now they're trying to coax a terrified baby out from under a piece of furniture so they can get the cuffs and muzzle off him.
Everyone's gone from laughing and cringing from embarrassment from the stupid movie made about their vigilante persona's to being concerned, sad, and angry on behalf of their unexpected guest.
Damian leaves the room for a second and returns with a stuffed animal from his room, offering it to the baby. The baby doesn't have the free hands to grab it but crawls out to reach for it. Damian takes the opportunity to scoop the little boy up and removing muzzle and cuffs.
Danny immediately let's out an avalanche of repressed chirps and trills, excited to be free from his chains and happy with the toy he was given. Danny decides the angry child is okay, he didn't know about the bigger people though.
The entire fam has already decided he's theirs now and they're going to destroy whoever had the balls to do something like this to a child.
(Damian would make a great older brother and you can fight me on this! >:(
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ariadne-mouse · 10 months
Scavengers Reign is like
babyfaced psychic buttnewt: I shall now manipulate you with my mind control goop
organically-enhanced sentient robot: unfortunately for you, my mind is mycelially hardwired into the entire cosmos and its transcendent wonder at itself, and you simply are not equipped to handle that shit
babyfaced psychic buttnewt: oh god *unevolves*
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amirasainz · 5 months
heyyy, I’m loving the baby Sainz content with my whole heart! I’d loooove to see the grid acting and planning something for baby sainz birthday! maybe them freaking out wanting to make something special for her as she’ll be spending it with them during race weekend?? THANK U AND LOVE UUUU
AND I LOVE YOU! I really loved writing this request and I hope you all will enjoy this. My requests are always open. I also focused a bit more on Kelly and Max. Enjoy!
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Today was finally the day. Amira Sainz turned 21! She couldn’t believe it. Even though she was so young, she had already accomplished things that most people could only ever dream of. She knew that this birthday was going to be something special. Not only was she now legally allowed to drink in the US, but she would also celebrate her birthday at the race track. So, like any normal birthday girl, she slept in.
While Amira was lost in her pretty pink dream world, the drivers and their significant others (wags) were already at the race track, meticulously planning the perfect party for their beloved princess. They had been organizing this grand celebration for the past three months, leaving no detail untouched.
George and Carmen took charge of the cake, ensuring it would be a delicious centerpiece for the festivities. Alex, Charles, Carlos and Rebecca worked tirelessly to decorate the entire Ferrari garage, transforming it into a vibrant and festive space with the help of the staff. Lily 1, Lily 2, Alexander and Oscar were given the delightful task of adorning the gift table, making sure each present was beautifully presented. Pierre and Kika handled the catering, ensuring that everyone would enjoy scrumptious food and drinks throughout the celebration. Lewis took it upon himself to select a fabulous outfit for Amira, making sure she would shine on her special day. Meanwhile, Lando , Daniel and Fernando collaborated to set up the DJ booth, ready to keep the party going with an electrifying playlist.
Max and Kelly certainly had the most entertaining roles in Amira’s birthday celebration Max, with a mischievous grin, took on the role of the silent observer. He sat in the background, sipping his coffee, and relishing the unfolding drama in the group chat. The messages flew back and forth, filled with excitement, anticipation, and perhaps a hint of playful teasing. Max knew that this was going to be a memorable day, and he was content just soaking in the chaos. Kelly, on the other hand, was the ultimate distraction artist. She tiptoed into Amira’s room, carrying a tray laden with a scrumptious breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm croissants filled the air. Gently, she woke Amira, who blinked in surprise at the unexpected treat. Breakfast in bed. After breakfast, Kelly whisked Amira away to the hotel’s spa section. Soft music played, and the scent of lavender hung in the air. Amira sank into a plush robe, her worries melting away as skilled hands worked magic on her tired muscles. Kelly chatted with her, distracting her from any thoughts of the impending birthday surprises. Kelly’s next mission was to enhance Amira’s natural beauty. She sat Amira down in front of a well-lit mirror, brushes and palettes at the ready. With gentle strokes, she highlighted Amira’s eyes, adding a touch of glamour. The makeup artist in Kelly emerged, and she reveled in the transformation. Amira’s reflection now radiated confidence and excitement. And last but not least, the pièce de résistance—the outfit. Lewis, with his impeccable taste, had chosen an ensemble for Amira. Kelly helped her slip into the dress, its fabric soft against her skin. Amira admired herself in the mirror, unaware that Lewis had played a part in her birthday attire. Kelly beamed, knowing that Amira would turn heads at the race track .And so, while the rest of the crew buzzed around, setting up decorations, preparing food, and ensuring everything was perfect, Kelly (and Max) worked their magic behind the scenes.
However, the people in the paddock started panicking. Apparently, Pierre and Kika chose the wrong dishes. The cake was not big enough, and the DJ booth didn’t connect to the sound boxes. Max was reading the quite amusing message from Carmen when all of a sudden, the girls stepped out from the bedroom. He quickly abandoned his phone to get a better look at his two pretty girls.
“Schat and Schatje, the two of you look perfect.” And truly, Kelly and Amira were stunningly beautiful in their dresses. Kelly passed Amira her bag and asked, “Ready to go to the track?” Amira nodded, and the three of them went on their way. Max absentmindedly sent a message in the chat that they were coming, being too starstruck by the two girls who walked with linked arms towards the elevator. While Kelly and Max were enjoying their last minutes with Amira, chaos broke out in the paddock.
Carlos and Charles were quickly decorating the walls, while Alex and Rebecca did the rest. Oscar and Lilly put the final touches on the gift table. Couples were heard arguing, Fernando calling the modern technology every name under the sun, and George and Carmen were desperately searching for a way to make the cake appear bigger. In the middle of the room sat Roscoe, who just chilled and watched the adults turn into demons.
Before war erupted, Lando arrived breathless and shared the news of spotting Max, Kelly, and their birthday girl at the entrance. Faster than a Red Bull pit stop, the drivers and their significant others (wags) scrambled to hide. When Amira finally arrived, they all burst out, singing “Happy Birthday.” She was delightfully surprised and took the time to thank each person individually, a process that lasted over three hours because no one wanted to release her from their well-wishes.
As the fans looked on, they witnessed the joy on Amira Sainz’s face as she celebrated her birthday surrounded by her favorite people
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eunsuri · 2 years
Pairing: Namor x Reader
Summary: While spending time in your sanctuary, Namor's latest artwork captures your attention.
Word Count: 1287
A/N: I just can't get this beautiful, stunning, gorgeous man out of my mind so I had to write this. This was meant to be a lot longer, but I hated the flashback so I cut it down to something cute and sweet for now hehe hope y'all enjoyyy! Let ya girl know what you think 🤍
For those who prefer to read on AO3, I’ve also posted it there! 🤍
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Sanctuary; protection or a safe place. That’s what Namor’s cavern had become to you over the years. Your sanctuary.
Talokan was beautiful, it was almost unbelievable to see an entire nation built underwater, a sun made of vibranium glowing above Namor’s gilded throne, bringing light to the depths of the ocean. You would gladly spend hours on end just exploring the kingdom, and speaking to locals who initially gawked at you, a surface dweller, swimming through their cities. But this cavern was your safe haven.
A relaxed sigh slipped through your lips, tilting your head back to take in the magnificent art in front of you.  You would often find Namor there, painting stories intricately across the walls, splashes of vibrant colors melted together to create a visual history of his world. It was his sanctuary too.
You gently tugged his cloak closer over your shoulders as you stood, stepping closer to the wall and tracing your fingers over the figure which depicted himself, along with the Black Panther, telling the story of the alliance formed with Wakanda. A small smile pulled at the corners of your lips, your eyes trailing to the left where you discovered a more recent painting, a familiar figure decorating the wall.
It was your story. 
Your escape from the research facility, the crash landing into the large cave, your near death at Namor’s hand. You were a surface dweller with strange power he had not seen in all the centuries he’d lived, trapped in a research facility, as scientists attempted to take your power and reproduce it to create more enhanced individuals. 
In your escape, you’d found yourself sent crashing into the waters of Yucatán, where you’d awakened in a large cave with a destroyed ship and surrounded by Talokanil warriors. Namor would have killed you that day for endangering his people, knowing your escape could lead more surface dwellers to Talokan. 
“Do you know what they would do to my people?” He’d spoken dangerously into your ear, gripping your jaw in his hand. “You are too dangerous to be kept alive here.”
And yet, when they came for you, the two of you fought side by side along with the Talokanil army. The agents were slain before they could even reach the water, wiping any trace of your location from the organization. 
When he saw how you cared for his people, aiding any of the wounded that you could and shielding his underwater lands, Namor offered you protection. So long as you remained in Talokan, keeping their nation hidden and protected, you would be safe from the clutches of the surface world.
This was your home now, your safe haven; where you were free to live as you were, in the depths of the ocean, hidden in underwater caverns. 
Your heart swelled at the memories, the lingering scent of Namor wrapped around your shoulders, his cloak warming your skin. The paint was still fresh on the mural, his tools strewn about on the rocky table behind you, waiting to be cleansed for his next piece. 
Namor was a magnificent storyteller, through both his words and his art. His words rung through your ears, memories from when he’d told you the story of how Talokan came to be, about his mother. It was heart-wrenching to hear how his people had fallen victim to the death and diseases brought by Spanish invaders, how they had to leave their lives on the surface and begin anew underwater.
"He called me, 'El Niño sin Amor', 'the child without love'. And I took my name from there. Namor. Because I have no love for the surface world."
It was strange to hear, for a man who was filled with so much love for his people, his nation, the world they’d created for themselves where they could survive without the threat of the death and diseases brought by the surface. He had no love for the surface world or its people, and he would do anything to protect his home from being ravaged again. Yet, he’d found love in a surface dweller.
Rippling water behind you broke you from your thoughts, the sound of jewelry lightly clicking and wings fluttering, causing your heart to skip a beat at his presence. His footsteps were light as he made his way to your side, his figure towering to your right, the golden bands on his wrists glimmering in the corner of your eye. You couldn’t restrain the smile that tugged at your lips, turning silently to face him. 
“My love,” you greeted, before reaching for his hair, pushing it back to reveal more of his face. Namor’s hair was thick between your fingers, it soaked your skin with water as it folded into place.
He was beautiful. From his pointed ears, to the curve of his nose, and his wet lips, which curved into a smile of his own, while his eyes trailed down your cloaked body.
“It suits you,” he complimented, running his hands over your shoulders where the cloak hung and down your arms. “I could have one made for you, as my queen.”
You shook your head, lowering your gaze with a light laugh as a warmth spread across your cheeks. It wasn’t the first time he’d suggested something like this, but it could never be that simple.
“Please, amor. A surface dweller as queen? There would be an outrage.” You chuckled at the idea, lifting your head while he tugged you closer to the warmth of his body. 
“Well, yes.” He nodded, shrugging his adorned shoulders, the stunning jewelry around his neck clicking as it shifted. “But your home is here now. You are no longer a surface dweller, an outsider.”
“And yet, some still look at me as one.” You pressed back softly and shook your head once more. 
You both knew such a prospect could divide the Talokanil, though they loved and revered Namor as K'uk'ulkan, the fear and hatred for the surface world burned in many of their hearts. To see an outsider from the surface take a throne alongside their leader would cause confusion and go against the beliefs of many. While the people showed kindness and respect to you for the work you had done to protect them, some remained wary of your presence. The risk was too high.
Tearing yourself away from the idea, you nodded towards the mural on the wall with his latest creation. “It’s beautiful.”
The warmth of his hand cupped your cheek, bringing comfort to your mind as he regarded you with those deep eyes. The eyes that once glared at you threateningly, ready to kill you, now gazed at you with an adoration that made your heart swell and your stomach flutter. His touch brought you peace and safety. A breath you didn’t know you were holding in escaping quietly through your lips.
“Thank you, for protecting me.” You spoke softly, placing your hand over his and leaning into the comfort of his warmth with a light kiss to his palm.
Namor brought you forward, lowering his forehead to your own. “I’ve waited centuries for you, In yakunaj.” My love. The cool surface of his jewelry tickled at your skin. “You are mine now, and I will always protect you, as long as I live.” 
“In k’áatech.” I love you. You knew he loved it when you spoke his tongue, rewarded with an affectionate smile. “And I will be by your side, always.”
He closed the distance between your lips and you melted into the kiss, feeling all your love pour into him as he drowned you with his own. “In k’áatech.”
He was everything. He was your love, your home, and your sanctuary.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
10 Self-care Ideas to Start Your Day 🧖‍♀🫧🤍🪞🎀
Self care means tending to your own needs and well-being. While many definitions might overcomplicate it, at its core, self care involves prioritizing yourself. Often, we neglect self care due to various reasons, with the primary one being a lack of time set aside for ourselves.
Self care varies for each person. Some might thrive on waking up at dawn, while others prefer a leisurely morning with a good read.
Starting your day with a routine matters because it sets the tone for your entire day. It promotes better functioning, improves your mood, and enhances your productivity.
Early Rise: It might seem counterintuitive, but waking up early has its merits. Early mornings offer a calm start, allowing you to accomplish tasks before the bustle begins. Those extra minutes in bed can tempt you to linger, leading to skipped breakfast or rushed routines.
Additionally, early risers can avoid traffic and find peaceful study spots. For those working remotely, mornings often provide optimal focus due to fewer distractions. Gradually adjusting your wake-up time and syncing it with an earlier bedtime is key.
2. Stretch: Prioritize morning stretches in your self-care routine. After spending hours lying still, your body craves movement. Morning stretches invigorate you and prepare you for the day. If you're feeling adventurous, delve into morning yoga routines.
3. Hydration Boost: Begin your day by hydrating. Your body goes without water for hours while you sleep. Drinking water first thing in the morning can energize you and kickstart your body's systems. Keep a water bottle nearby for those early morning thirsts.
4. Quick Workout: Exercise reaps countless benefits. If you're working on integrating workouts, mornings are perfect. Knock out a workout at the start of your day and feel accomplished. Quick 5-minute workouts fit perfectly into a morning self-care routine.
5. Refreshing Shower: While some opt for cold showers, a gentle, refreshing shower can invigorate you. It's a simple self-care act that can awaken your senses, especially after a workout. After showering, attend to hygiene tasks like brushing teeth, washing your face, and styling your hair.
6. Clean Your Space: Making your bed might seem small, but it's an accomplishment that sets a positive tone. This act reduces stress, enhances organization, and contributes to a cleaner-looking room. It might even inspire you to organize more in your space.
7. To do List: Compile a short list of 2-3 tasks to tackle during the day. This simple practice enhances productivity and streamlines your day. A dedicated notepad is perfect for writing down your tasks.
8. Give Social Media a Break: For at least an hour after waking up, resist the urge to engage with social media. Keep your phone untouched, except for your alarm. This is a powerful addition to your morning self-care routine. By avoiding social media, you grant yourself uninterrupted time before getting caught up in everyone else's activities. Put your phone in a different room or let it charge until you've finished your breakfast or are ready to leave. This strategy keeps you focused and prevents mindless scrolling.
9. Listen to Motivational Content: If you're looking for an early morning boost, listen to motivational podcasts and videos. I've curated a playlist of such content for my daily morning self-care ritual. These motivational resources remind me of my capabilities and aspirations, making them particularly effective if words of affirmation resonate with you.
10. Enjoy a Nutritious Breakfast: A crucial part of morning self-care is having a healthy breakfast. Whether it's a simple smoothie or some toast, make sure to eat something. Remember, your body needs nourishment to power through the day ahead.
How do you establish and maintain a morning routine?
Start by outlining your desired activities for the morning. The night before, create a checklist of tasks. Once you have a clear plan, allocate time intervals for each activity, and adjust them to fit your schedule. Gradually build consistency and make these activities a habit. As you progress, feel free to modify your routine to better suit your needs and time constraints. And remember, make your morning self-care routine enjoyable; have fun with it!
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shinidamachu · 3 months
inukag was born to be shipped by me and I was born to ship inukag as well
For ages now I've been meaning to write about the reasons why I ship Inukag as fervently as I do and @inukag-week felt like the perfect opportunity to indulge myself, so here we go.
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I want to start with how aesthetically pleasing they are. From their perfect size difference to the complimentary color scheme of their outfits plus contrasting hair and eye colors, Inuyasha and Kagome just look absolutely good together.
Their character design makes it clear from the get go that they're visually a great match. The association is so strong that the audience becomes unable to picture one without the other, as if they're two halves of the same item. Different, yet unequivocally a team, a pair.
Decades ago, they already had that classic quality to them and I bet they'd never get out of style even decades from now. And the rich lore that surrounds the pairing only adds to that aesthetic: the well, the tree, the beads, the robe, the sword, all of it enhances how iconic they are. Even something as ordinary as star gazing becomes uniquelly theirs.
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Futhermore, I just absolutely love the entire concept of it. The subvertion of the fairy tale archetype, the idea of a love that transcends time, of soulmates who actually work on building their bond. Loving each other was both inevitable and a choice they made every single day.
Inuyasha and Kagome were just two teenagers from different worlds — literally and figurativelly — discovering together what love was. This made their relationship very compelling, because the excange between them is insanely substancial.
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And their overall dynamic is so wholesome. There was a push and pull, a give and take, that made it fluid rather than static. Every single milestone felt organic and kept the audience thirsting for the next one.
Nothing felt forced or rushed. The slow burn was competently written to showcase their relationship being build on a very strong foundation, consistent in intimacy, mutual trust and acceptance — recurring themes for them and for the story — and so the stages of their bond had such a natural pace, it highlighted how genuine and healthy it was.
Consequently, there are so many aspects of their connection to explore. There's a never ending room for angst and for light hearted moments and you can adopt a more mature perspective or go for comical instead: they manage to be versatile without being generic and to embod the best clichés in fiction without becoming one themselves.
It's hard to think of a trope they couldn't pull off or an alternate universe that doesn't work for them. It gives the fandom plenty of freedom to be creative and to have the best time with it.
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Plus, their chemistry was off charts. The romantic tension bleed through every single interaction. Their passion is so strong you could feel it even in scenes that had nothing to do with romance. And they didn't even need to kiss to achieve that level of synchrony.
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They were also compatible. Inuyasha and Kagome balance each other quite nicely. Even in a relationship, they still keep their individualities and remain interesting both as characters and as a ship.
The very thing that dooms most pairings — opposite personalities — is precisely what keeps them together. Inuyasha and Kagome are completely different from each other, but they're actually extremely similar where it actually matters: their morals and goals.
And they longer they stay together, challenging one another, growing through trials and tribulations, inadvertently learning what each other's needs are and fulfilling them, easing each other's sorrows, covering each other's backs, saving each other's lives in every possible way, learning each other and learning with one another, the more their dichotomy turns into a duality, because they gain a more nuanced perspective of themselves, of each other and of the world.
It's a level of understanding, closeness and respect incredibly difficult to match. And for Inuyasha and Kagome, no one else even came close.
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Another thing is that they're not just complementary to each other, but to the story itself. Their romance enhaces the overall plot. It has a structural placement in the wider narrative, strengthening its core themes and fulfilling the characters individual arcs, ultimately resulting in a more compelling journey.
So many romances are disposable to their own story, but Inukag was detrimental to theirs. Inuyasha and Kagome's interactions served as pivotal points of their respective arcs. Taking only the narrative into consideration, their relationship holds a lot of weight and greatly influenced everyone around it and it tied everything together.
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That's why their happy ending felt so satisfying: it feels earned because everything went full cycle. All of that symbolism, all of those parallels paid off. Anything different from what we got would simply lack narrative and thematic cohesion.
And even if they didn't end up together, they could never be circumstancial. There was a real reason why they met, a reason why the fell in love and why they had ever lasting impacts on each other's lives regardless. It wasn't just love for love's sake.
This is what makes them, in my opinion, an epic ship.
BONUS: their soundtrack is lit and their quotes are simply legendary.
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alienpossession · 8 months
Continuing the Dubai aliens story a bit after some additional inspo by the one and only @cleanstatevessels
The Prince
Story by cleanstatevessels with revision and add-on from me
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The alien now in charge of the Prince's body smirk at the reflection of the very handsome, fresh-from-workout Prince looking back. It tried to get comfortable in its new vessel, making several silly and sexy expression interchangably, pushing the Prince's usually stoic and calm demeanor to be borderline unhinged and certainly not Prince-like. But again, he's the Prince now, not the biggest or the most important one in terms of influence among his half-siblings, yet it's not like plain commoner can tell him what to do. Certainly not his brain-fucked bodyguards too, as the whole security details and servants of the Prince in his residence already turned into empty husks that run on autopilot, empty but ready to be filled by any sludge that needed human bodies to ride on.
After inspecting the body's internal organ condition post-takeover, the sludge tried to get lodged in comfortably within the brain and wholly encapsulated it for full control. The movement caused the Prince's eyes rolled back from it socket as his mouth gaped in an unusual size as black sludge was seen coming out of his throat. It oozes out from his mouth like an oil flow and the alien's vision activated alongside the vision from its vessel's eyes, making the sludge able to see the world in a much-more enhanced view as it combined its vessel's vision and its own. The bird in the very far distance, the shade of colors only captured by the alien's eyes, the vision of the alien is better to capture things in the distance rather than close proximity so the takeover actually completed the vision. While doing all that, the muscle of the Prince's body tensed as the alien made the Prince flexed his arm to give access to the black sludge to reach his pits as the sludge lapped up all the leftover sweat from the Prince's workout. It seems like the movement of the sludge all over his body turned him on as the outline of the Prince's cock straining its brief and had a damp patch on the tip. But of course that was not the case since the Prince is nothing but an empty husk, it was all the alien doing after absorbing all the info from the Prince's mind about the things that turned him on, and the alien just simply enjoyed playing with its plaything, showcasing his control over its vessel. The black sludge eventually withdrew back to the Prince throat and his eyes went back to normal as his gaped mouth also closed. Then, he grinned deviously,
"Ahmed, Yahya, come in here. Your Prince needs some services from his brainless slave!"
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Piotr the Firm Owner
After the hard-fought takeover eventually proven to be successful, Piotr resumed the realty business as usual.
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It's never a hard day to find new client as Piotr's firm already well-known beforehand anyway, and with Sander, Mike and Andrei spreading the word to their friends, high-powered clientele always walked in and out of the door of the firm. Of course they don't convert everyone that walked in, but with the alien in control, they sharpened the type of client they provided their services for. In his first client after the takeover, Piotr met with discreet entrepreneur named Dusan Kovacevic.
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The alien inside Piotr cannot find any information about Dusan, nor the search on the internet resulted in something that can explain how on Earth this person seemingly ready to pay 55 million USD in cash for this 3-level penthouse that has the entire 360 view of Dubai. But mid-way on the tour around the unit, Dusan's phone started ringing. As the built Serbian hunk excused himself to the balcony after saying some Russian words, the black sludge oozed out from Piotr's ear and started snooping to know what is he talking about with the caller. To get the best of both senses, the sludge dangled itself right on Piotr's ear in order for it to not only captured the conversation, but to also utilized Piotr's ability to speak Russian to translate the conversation. The phone call revealed to the alien that Dusan is a major arms dealer with the cover of working on fitness startup and crypto trading and that caused the little black sludge to be excited, which translated into Piotr's hardening cock as the alien mind already filled with plans to advance their effort for Earth's domination
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It returned back inside Piotr's brain after satisfied with the intel despite Dusan seemingly continued his conversation. Then, the alien quickly split itself and merged its half into Piotr's saliva that then he spits on the glass of whiskey Dusan asked for earlier. With a smirk, he waited for the phone call to be finished and upon return, he casually offered Dusan with the tainted liquor. With no suspicion whatsoever, the arms dealer chugged the whiskey and not for long, the glass shattered to the floor as Dusan realized something's off. He tried to run for his life to the bathroom he saw earlier, trying to grav whatever is blocking his airway and seemingly filled his mouth too. Yet, his resistant proven to be futile as he slouched head first to the floor right in front of the bathroom. His body wriggled and convulsed wildly like he's being possessed by some demonic entities while Piotr watched in delight of his apparent success. The twisting, stretching and turning caused his tight-fitting shirt to be ripped apart and then soon after, the Louis Vuitton jacket followed suit, revealing tattooed body and sheen of sweat that showcased the internal battle the sludge faced from Dusan's body.
Several minutes later, and in a faster manner compared to the way Piotr's body taken over and recovered, Dusan already on his feet looking at Piotr with a mischievous grin. He looked at the destroyed fabric around him and let out a chuckle as he started to flex his muscle in delight. Piotr beamed with pride looking at his first successful acquisition, certainly the first out of many.
Not even 15 minutes after the whole handover process, as Piotr arrived in the apartment's parking lot, an Instagram story from Dusan's account already popped. Piotr smiled with delight looking at Dusan's immaculate form, is this a hookup call for the masses or something? Is he really going to work on his plan to get one new body every day to the cause literally from tonight? That guy seemed ready to rumble though
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When Piotr finished with some paperwork of his own in the office and ready to hit home, a DM notification sent by Dusan entered his phone. A picture, followed by a caption that said
"Like moth to flames, everyone want a piece of this heat, not knowing it hurts them in the end of the day. Bet you can guess who is the moth here hahah,"
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And then another ominous DM followed suit
"One down, more to go,"
Sander & Andrei + Mike
"Let me go! Fuck, I know there's something up with you two freaks! Ugghhhh get that shit away from me!" screamed the tied Mike as he tried to wriggle himself free while pushing away the cum-soaked socks that belonged to Andrei that Sander teased right in front of his flushed face. As Mike tried to push the socks away one more time, Sander instantly went violent and choked the handsome rich brat until his head hit the headboard behind him. Gagged and gasping for breath, Mike's opened mouth suddenly stuffed with the damp socks that Sander shoved violently that almost lead to Mike's jaw to be broken. Andrei then raised his voice in anger
"Oh shut up, when I'm inside him, he will be fucking fine anyway. It's not like he's being destroyed by cannonball or something, relax, he's still breathing,"
Sander then stared at the half-conscious Mike with eyes that clearly indicate something bad is about to happen.
"Yeah, you heard it right. I'm going to get inside you, making you just another dumb muscle puppet to control around. Your body will serve greater purpose rather than this vapid existence you currently have, so you should be thanking us,"
Mike frowned in his last few seconds, the image of a black sludge coming out of Sander's mouth and nose become the last vision he encountered before the world goes dark for him
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Mike cracked his neck and jaw, opening it wide and closing it in quick succession as he tried to ensure that it's not broken or anything as he looked at the two "realtor" that taken him captive since a couple hours ago. His first word to them
"Fuck you,"
And the three of them just laughing loudly right after, with Mike directly standing up and proceed to hug his two brothers
"What a fine stud this guy is. You two have keen eye for the strong and delectable," he said as he then dropped his grey sweatpants to reveal a dangling 7 inches beer can of a meat
"What can we say? We are bunch of narcissist, so we know the standard of good body and good looks as we based it on ourselves. The brain's good?" asked Andrei as he gently grabbed the dick for quick inspection before he let it flop as he now focused his sight to Mike's face
"Perfect. A smooth talker, with killer looks too. Deadly duo for the humans near him. The wealth certainly put him into an even higher level of privileged brat. Such a blessed young man. Well, I am such a blessed young man," Mike said as he proudly flexed his biceps while his cock goes rock hard. A rather massive grower, as it reaches close to 10 inches when hard and that hardening dick casually grazed Sander's dress pants
Sander found the dick to be highly intriguing because not only it's uncut unlike what he and Andrei have, it's also curved slightly. But despite of the tempting thought to test that dick and see how different of a sensation it's going to be, Sander just coughed instead as he said
"Hmm....as much as we want to help you get acquainted with that body of yours, what we learn best is the fact that self-discovery is more fulfilling and can help accelerate the memory absorption, so here's the key of this unit and we'll let you have your fun. See you next week in our office for consolidation with the Prince, okay?"
Mike just said "hmmm" in understanding as he let the two realtors left him while he checks his own reflection in the wide bathroom mirror. He decided to wrap a towel around his waist, a vision he gained from absorbing the memories that belonged to Mike, and checks his reflection. Like an instinct, he fished out his phone from his pants right outside the bathroom and then posed for a selfie, just like the real Mike would do everytime he stumbled upon a new gorgeous mirror that can reflect his sculpted physique beautifully
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The more memories of Mike it absorbed, the more aroused the alien become. When the memories of the countless volleys of load that Mike's massive cock shot into those tight holes and even faces and hands started to fill his mind, the alien couldn't help itself but mimicked the memories as it guided Mike's hands to tug his massive meaty pole. As it gets faster and faster, more and more memories poured into his mind and when it feels this impending pressure right on the tip of his cockhead ready to explode, he let out a massive roar as his body trembled violently with the release of what it could remember as the biggest load Mike ever shot in his life. It went on and on for 1 minutes straight before his body simply slumped back to the bathtub, panting for breath as the coagulating load started to sink and stick to his body. He let out a chuckle
"Guess I'm doing a better job than you ever did throughout your life, maybe you like me in control after all,"
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grey-sorcery · 1 year
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Suggested Reading
Threshold Theory Energy Work Fundamentals The Subtle Body Spell Design Spell Dictation Sigils: How-to Intro to Gnosis Anchors
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What is a Spell Circle?
Spell circles, while they aren’t necessary, are a tool that is used as a focal point for a working. They are also very helpful in aiding in headspace via the implementation of aesthetics. Spell circles are technically hypersigils, or a complex sigil that is typically constructed of multiple sigils in tandem. They are typically constructed of three parts: Incantations, foundations, and root sigils. They are used in a ritual format, typically with each practitioner having a standardized approach to using them for spell work. 
How do they work?
A spell circle is similar to a sigil in the way that there is an incorporation of intention, energy, passion, and focus in their creation. Spell circles operate most effectively within the energetic model or something adjacent. The psychological model will be entirely ineffective; at least as I have prescribed their creation in this article. They often contain sigils as well as some other elements that serve to connect the circle to the overall working. These elements include incantations, words, phrases, symbology, geometric/organic designs, numerology, etc. 
Incantations, words, or phrases can be said out loud as part of the working (provided that doing so doesn’t break gnosis), or written out and burned into ash and incorporated into the working through that process. Though they can also be incorporated in other ways as well. As an example, you could write a song and record it and have the tablature or staff wrapped around the perimeter of the spell circle. You could then listen to the song while casting your spell using it as a centerpoint of your gnosis.
The other elements of a spell circle are used to enhance the threshold of the root sigil or purpose. Each additional element adds a node, or correspondence, to the threshold of the spell. Doing so helps refine the accuracy and potency of the working. 
Designing a Spell Circle
If you have experience working with sigils, then designing a spell circle can be pretty easy. I highly recommend using programs like procreate to make these, or drafting tools! Freehanding them can be quite difficult without any experience with technical drawing. I use my tablet to draw them digitally and then trace them onto a burnable substrate such as paper.
An incantation is a phrase that is said that astutely states the intent of the spell. It is important to have this memorized, if you use them. Without having them memorized, using them will pull you out of gnosis by disturbing your focus. Incantations are like the thread that binds the spell circle to the rest of the working, especially if you use other tools, sigils, etc. When I construct my spell circles, I use the pronunciation of my sigils as the incantation, which are all aspects of a conlang that I developed. This can be seen as a sigil chain. So long as the incantation is written somewhere on or near the circle, then it is capable of being connected to the burning of those sigils via the incantation. I find that having the incantation encircle the root sigil is the most aesthetically pleasing for me. 
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Root Sigil
This is a sigil that is at the core of the circle. It should represent the base goal of the spell. This sigil is connected to the rest of the circle via the Foundation(s). Like all sigils, it is important that it is drawn while channeling its meaning through your mental state, emotions, and subtle body to be most effective.To create them, I will draw the enclosing circle first before drawing a grid within it. This grid is then used to ensure that the root sigil is centered and scaled appropriately. The sigil is always the first part that I draw. Here are a few examples of sigils I have used for spell circles:
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Foundations are simple designs that each have their own correspondences. Some foundations use numerology to derive their meaning, others are given their meanings based on how they interact with the root. The foundation(s) used should also align with the purpose of the spell; but more specifically, to describe the means of manifestation of the spell to some degree. They can also be used to expand the context of the root sigil, ex. Whether it is intended to be a blessing or curse. I am always sure that when I draw them in the grid, that they appear to be a part of the sigil, yet also behind it by having the lines stop and continue any shapes that are a part of the sigil, like circles, triangles, and squares. Here are a few foundations that I use:
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Associative Symbology
These symbols are things I don't really implement in spell circles myself, but include things such as astrological symbols, alchemical symbols, magical alphabets, color, and imagery. These symbols are typically incorporated in equal distribution around the circle in radial fashion, but can also be used in other configurations. The number of symbols can be implemented with numerology in mind as well. Colored line-work can also be used to further the correspondences. Imagery such as pictographs can also be used, following similar implementation as other symbols. 
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Spell Circles can be used for all sorts of workings, typically in a ritualistic fashion. However, they may also be used as passive sigils, meaning that they are placed and affect a specified space gradually over time. If they are used in this fashion, they will need to be revisited and charged periodically. When using a spell circle in a ritual, place them underneath the central spell elements such as cauldrons, candles, bowls, etc. Please use discernment. Fire safety is of the utmost importance. Once the spell is in motion, use the incantation that connects the circle to the working. I highly recommend rehearsing your incantation until it is memorized so that your spell’s effectiveness isn’t hindered. I highly recommend placing a spell anchor onto your spell circle as well so that there is a direct medium holding it. This way the spell can be recharged, broken, or altered as necessary.
Ritual Closing & Disposal
As part of closing any working, it is important to close off all energy that is connected to the working other than the anchor. Part of this is disposing of the spell circle in a responsible manner. This can be through responsibly burning it and burning the ashes, burying the spell circle itself (Provided it is on a biodegradable medium), soaking it in water to dissolve the ink and then cleansing the medium, or if it is drawn on a dry-erase board you can just erase it and cleanse it. When burying the ashes of your working, try to use your discretion as to which direction it is buried relative to your sleeping place or place of casting. 
Identifying a Spell Circle
A few popular designs for spell circles have been misidentified in the past, specifically those of John Dee, who was a prolific cryptographer. These designs have a lot of the hallmarks of spell circles; however, they are enclosed with 72 latin letters, which don’t have any magical or mystical correspondences, but are very common in encryption wheels, and then are encoded through biblical reference. The influence his work had was very substantial in the development of spell circles and their design. While his encryption circles can be used for magic, like any other design drawn through intention, passion, and gnosis, it is obvious that it was not intended as such given the historical context of his life. 
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