#empress padmé
tomicaleto · 3 months
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Star Wars what if: "Her Imperial and Royal Majesty the Empress of the First Galactic Empire, Queen of the Unknown Regions and Archduchess of Rishi Maze" or Empress Padmé AU
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caripr94 · 10 months
Vaderdala Horror AU
An idea I tried to send someone in an ask on Halloween but apparently never got through:
Dark supernatural forces beyond the understanding of even the Sith bring Padmé back from the dead shortly after ROTS. They endow her with enhanced Force Sensitivity and magic and train her in the Dark Arts, all the while feeding her hatred and corrupting her in the Dark Side. Among her new powers are hydrokinesis, life energy absorption, and a hypnotic, seductive siren voice, the effects of the last of which are augmented by skin contact.
Soon after, she returns to the Galaxy proper undercover to seek revenge against everyone she believes responsible for destroying her family and her life, including both the Jedi and the Sith. She covertly rampages through both Imperial and Rebel forces, assassinating and/or enthralling key figures, gathering intel, sabotaging operations, and creeping her way towards Palpatine, the Rebel leaders, and what is left of the Jedi. This all leads to an encounter with Vader.
I still haven't decided whether or not Padmé has targeted him as Vader for supposedly replacing her husband or as Anakin for attacking her on Mustafar. Either way, his suit renders him immune to her mind control powers, but as soon as he recognizes her, it's clear that she doesn't need them to wrap him completely around her finger, as she has already done so. After clearing the air between them about everything, the reunited couple rekindles their love and Vader eagerly agrees to help Padmé in her plans. They begin plotting out steps to recover their children, heal Vaderkin's body, eliminate their enemies, and take control of the galaxy.
Please like and reblog with your thoughts.
@vaderdala1541 @kittenfangirl20 @roselani24 @an-angels-fury @anidalalover99 @anidala-for-ever @silvereddaye @tragicfantasy-girl @marvelstars @strrne @wingletblackbird @abla-soso @riana-one @redrikki @goldens0422 @padme-amitabha @ontherocks21 @allronix @the-far-bright-center @fanfictasia @clawedandcute @spaceymaseyy @casieyfran @the-far-bright-center @kayedium-writes @ursa-majora @fanfic-lover-girl
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galactic-rhea · 7 months
Can you imagine the sheer amount of horror and panic for the rebels if Padmé decided to be evil and "yeah, okay, you know what, let's cut Palpatine's head and let me see what I can do to fix this galaxy my way"?
No no like they're like "The Chancellor tricked us, almost all the jedi are dead, there's no republic anymore, but there's still hope! There's still a fight in us, there's still---!" and they see Padmé, with Anakin/Vader following her close with raging, horrible, yellow eyes, but what's more scary is that Padmé is just smilling? With a sith so close to her? Padmé, he's- he's a murderer, Padmé? Why are you giving him pats- Oh damn, he's the father, oh damn-.
"We're doomed" the rebels mutter when they realize Senator Amidala- wait, what? Is Empress Amidala now? Okay-.
Yeah, okay, theorically she would be a better choice than the bastard of Palpatine. But at the same time she's so loved, so clever as a politician and Anakin is so devoted to her that forming a rebellion against her would be twice as hard. Even more when she actually originally was one of the founders of that very same rebellion? And General Skywalker is insane now, and he's very insane about her too, and he's very murderous and did I say insane? and...
What, all the highly trained look-alikes handmaidens are now secret service? Well that's...complicated, but...What, Naboo supports her? The whole planet? That's not so much of a shock, but...Bail, wait, listen to yourself, Bail what are you saying, she's evil now, stay with us, Bail. Okay, well, you might have a point-
"We're doomed." The rebels mutter again as they facepalm at the most cheesy and dumb royal wedding between the worst power couple in existence and the Organas are guests of honor and the groomsmen/honor guard are a chained General Kenobi, an astromech and a protocol droid.
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goldens0422 · 1 year
you know what would have been funny? i was busy thinking of some Imperial! Anidala AUs and there's one which just crossed my mind.
Imagine Padmé joins Vader on Mustafar, Vader beats Obi, and kills Sidious to take over. Vader tries to deepen his connection to the Dark Side as he and Padmé rule over the galaxy. Vader tries to portray himself as this evil, fearsome autocrat but is way too popular: he doesn't create the Death Star because neither he nor Padmé likes it, he abolishes slavery because duh, literally all of the clones (they don't get replaced) love him, he's still seen as the war hero, he's very handsome, and Padmé's presence + coregency mellows him out a lot. Padmé and his children are also there, and his love for them is wayyyyyy too much that he isn't nearly as evil and dark as he should be
Eventually, Vader comes to Padmé crying about how his connection to the Dark Side is weakening because of how much he loves her and the children and how he can't fuel his inner darkness anymore. He isn't really a Sith anymore and eventually Padmé convinces him to just let it go, renounce his darkness, and let the love flow through him so now he's just emperor anakin, former jedi and failed sith
emperor vader: suffering from success
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spell-cleaver · 2 years
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This is a gorgeous piece of art @severnlight did for me based on Chapter 11 of my fic The Protégé! I love love love this interpretation of Padmé’s dress and I hope you do too!! It really encapsulates the chapter for me :D
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theamidalaa · 1 year
“I only wanted to help.” -@fxrstsister
(Empress Padmé AU)
"So you say," Padme looked angrily at her servant. "Yet my children have disappeared into the depths of Coruscant because of your 'help', so excuse me if I don't want any more of it."
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anghraine · 2 years
I got a really nice comment on my old Empress Padmé fic and ... it's quite short, but that was a fun and terrifying AU to come up with.
The idea was that there's no vote of no confidence in TPM and the Jedi Order does liberate Naboo -> Palpatine doesn't become Chancellor, and instead remains Padmé's ostensibly kindly mentor (rather than Anakin's), focusing his manipulations on her and exercising power as her trusted advisor through her rise.
(It's still Anidala, but Anakin is fairly peripheral until late in the story.)
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bornesorrow · 1 year
i don't have much connecting lore between padmé and my other star wars muses, but i have one... @yunharlaquin in legends is given padmé's wardrobe by her great aunt, sola. obviously, jaina has no clue what to do with it other than care for it and decide if any of it should be donated to a museum... until the day where she suddenly needs something regal and has no time to find something new...
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Scene from Chapter 2 when Emperor Vader brings Obi-Wan Kenobi back to their apartment to get settled into his new life as the Consort of the Galaxy's new rulers whether he likes it or not.
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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marvelstars · 10 months
Anakin origin
Anakin´s story is one of dissapointment, he expected the Republic and the Jedi to be different to Tatooine but the truth was that the power plays that are obvious and often brutal on Tatooine are the same in the Republic, just covered under a false pretense of politeness and worse than that they are also involved in slavery and support it either by innaction or active action, there are Senators involved in slavery and the Jedi Order don´t involve themselves there because their authority is the Senate and during the clone wars they made the active decision of supporting Jabba´s rule just so they would get acess to his territory and keep the separatist out of that area, recognizing Jabba´s non official authority over Tatooine.
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So Anakin was told to do everything in his power to support a power structure that by all intends and purposes was even more corrupt than Tatooine, because they tried to hide it and he was made also an instrument to support it´s existence as a Jedi and later as Vader.
He does exactly that, he protects the republic, he actually becomes loyal to the Republic as a Jedi, the apparent reckleness the Jedi see isn´t about him personally, it´s about him going outside his usual orders to attend something or someone, be it save Ahsoka from being executed, Plo Koon from being left behind after a battle, investigate who wants to kill Padme in AOTC, investigate if Obi-Wan was still alive after the battle of Jabbin, training defendless citizens in self defense so they can protect themselves from bounty hunters and separatists, him freeding a group of slaves, etc the jedi thought he was arrogant but the main reason why he goes besides or outside orders is because is trying to make a difference within the parameters of his role as a Jedi.
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Because being a Jedi came at a price for Anakin, being a Jedi cost him his mother, as a Jedi he was asked to forget and leave behind his mother as a slave on Tatooine, cutting all comunications with each other which lead to her kidnapping, torture and death.
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The death of the woman who teached him how to have compassion, how to give without expecting recompense, how the biggest problem in the galaxy was that no one helps each other. Anakin learned his compassion from Shmi despite the fact they were both slaves, she gave them both dignity with those principles despite being aware of their situation.
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Part of the reason he supported and admired Padmé and Palpatine so much in his early years was because he genuinely thought they could make the changes neccesary for the system to work in the way Anakin thought it worked, it wasn´t just his madness and love for Padmé the thing that drove him to give her the title of Empress, it was also a recognition of her being someone who actually cared about the people even during his biggest emotional break down and dissapointment on Palpatine for what he had shown himself to be.
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So unlike Luke and Leia, Vader doesn´t see much of a difference between the Empire and the Old Republic, he simply sees a more honest version of what happened behind curtains on the republic in the brutality of the Empire, that ressembles Tatooine and at that point in his life, he lost hope of making any substantial changes to the system, his hope died with Padme, his role is bassically to be the "Jedi Order" to the Emperor´s Empire and he has decided that maybe justice is not possible but Order is enough for the galaxy to work better than it did when he was young and certainly a lot better than a civil war like the clone wars, you know, he isn´t a friend of "destructive conflict" as he told Luke. This is how a good person becomes evil, when the ends justify the means.
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But Luke gave Vader his hope back, for himself as the good person he used to be, that the dark side and his master didn´t need to have the last word but also hope that maybe, just maybe, things can actually change for the better if the rebellion counts with people like Luke and Leia.
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This is one of the reasons why I love Anakin´s/Vader character so much, he brings the complexity of reality to the fairly tale that is star wars with his tragedy, because he truly was a great, wonderful person who lost his hope and sanity, became the instrument of evil but he redeems himself in the end thanks to his Son giving him hope again, Luke was Anakin´s New Hope and it works when you see his complete story.
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galactic-rhea · 7 days
your soft vaderdala art >>> anything else
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[imperial march playing]
Ayyy thank youuu, have more
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ontherocks21 · 4 months
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Someday I'll Write It:
Lady Vader Part XII
The Organa-Skywalker administration serves for two full terms, yet the galaxy still begs for a third.
But democracy doesn’t work that way.
Besides, she’s played almost every role she can - Queen, Senator, “Empress In Waiting”, center of a scandal, wife, traitor, rebel, Vice Chancellor -; there’s only one she still wants to.
“Mom, Daaaad!  Luke’s hogging the droid charger!”
Padmé laughs when Anakin slumps over the controls, pretending to die in his pilot's chair when yet another whine echoes through the cockpit.  “How much longer until we drop them off?” he groans.
“Only a few more hours,” she replies.  He increases his decibel for dramatic effect.
“We spend our entire careers securing peace and quiet - well, mostly…” he shrugs considering the validity of his words before continuing with his lamentation. “…for this galaxy, and we don’t even get to enjoy it in retirement.”
Standing and stretching, Padmé reaches over, soothingly patting her husband’s hair.  “At ease, Hero-With-No-Energy.  I’ll get this one.”
Her offer seemingly revives him.  Anakin jumps to his feet, ensnaring her waist and stealing a grateful kiss.  “You’re an angel,” he mumbles against her mouth.
“Mmmmm,” she whispers back.  “So you’ve told me.”
“NO, Lei-uhhhhhhh!” comes the escalating protest from the ship’s lower deck.
Sighing, Padmé backs out of his captive embrace.  “Duty calls.”
“Sounds like you’re in for some aggressive negotiations,” Anakin says, releasing her with a wink.
Padmé pushes onto her toes, pressing her mouth to his once more.  “Good thing I learned from the best.”
“I can’t believe we’re finally doing this!”
“I can’t believe we’re twin free for the next few days!”  Despite his contagious exuberance, Anakin hesitates before powering up their speeder, glancing back at the Naberrie’s front door wistfully.
Her heart swells, and she almost glances back herself.  But they didn’t come to Naboo just to visit this time.  Knowing she’ll have to be the strong one, she touches Anakin’s cheek.  “Come on, Ani.  This house won’t find itself.”
The realty droid shows them five residences in and around Theed before Padmé’s eyes light up in the doorstep of the sixth. 
“I have a good feeling about this,” she breathes, threading her fingers through Anakin’s and all but hauling him inside.  His amused chuckle fades into a long, low whistle, punctuated by a soft “Wow.”  Padmé only removes her eyes from the dazzling home to beam at her husband.
And it is indeed a home.
Charming details and cozy corners hide throughout the expanse.  Instead of the usual marble and stone found in most Nabooian designs, dark wood floors and doorways provide anchors for the rest of the trim that runs throughout.  Padmé gasps at the natural light, marvels at the kitchen, and fawns over the patio and courtyard out back.
“Look, Ani!  There’s even space for you to have a workshop!” 
Anakin grins as she babbles on, listing all the amenities present on their wish list until RL-T1 interrupts with something that sounds uncannily like regret.
“This listing has several offers already.  The seller’s request best and finals be made by this evening.”
Furiously, Padmé works the news into their strategy when Anakin steps forward, a dangerous tone in the timbre of his voice.  “Any chance the sellers would like to meet… Oof!”  A swift elbow to his side cuts off the tired threat.
“What is the list price?” she asks calmly.
“One and a half.”
Still rubbing his aching ribs, Anakin glances over at her though she isn’t waiting for his permission.
“Double it,” Padmé says.  “That’s our offer.”
Three million credits and three hours later, the Skywalkers celebrate with blesswine on their new patio, lounging on the sandstone as if it was as comfortable as meadow grass.
The sun sinks low on the horizon, but Padmé doesn’t shy away as darkness encroaches on their perfect evening.  She’s come to terms with the black fabrics in their past, cherishes the gloom where they first hid from their passion from the galaxy then hid their rebellion from necessity, has loved in shadow.  It may only be the alcohol warming her veins, but as night descends and the last few rays linger on her husband, Padmé has never seen the son of Tatooine look more stunning than as a father on Naboo.
She hums contentedly, drawing an expression from her husband that has nothing to do with vexation.  “Would my lord care to disturb the peace and quiet of the upstairs in our new home?” she purrs, folding herself into his lap and giggling when Anakin scoops her up, knocking over their tumblers on his way to comply.
“As you wish, M’Lady.”
Image Credit: Eli Hyder
The saga is now complete. Posted on AO3 and FFN in its entirety.
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theamidalaa · 1 year
Hey, I'm the admin behind this Padmé account, looking for new people to roleplay with.
I have a few different universes.
Empress Padmé AU
Rebel Padmé AU
Everyone is Happy AU
Modern AU
Feel free to message me to plot something!
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
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I’ve been reading this awesome Star Wars fanfic, The Protégé, written by @spell-cleaver, and it really inspired me to draw some fanart! This scene is from chapter 4, where Luke and Leia are having some bonding time XDD
If y’all are interested, the fanfic’s premise is that Luke is raised by the Naberries, becomes the Senator of Naboo, and is sent to work in the Senate while Padmé is Empress and Vader is her bodyguard. The political intrigue and character relationships are amazing! Thank you so much SpellCleaver for your work!! While I wait in anticipation for the next update, please accept this humble offering as a token of my appreciation <333
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Do you think if Padmé joined Vader, she would be the Dark Empress? Like, her politics and Vader's strength. The most powerful empire ever.
if you want an absolutely INCREDIBLE empress padmé fic, plz read @spell-cleaver's The Protégé. any answer i give to this ask would inevitably devolve into rabid praise of that fic loll so i'm just starting with "read itttt"
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