Underneath The Surface
11 posts
Transcriptions from the podcast, for those who have no access or prefer to read.
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underneaththesurface · 3 years ago
The Marble Maiden
Estelle: Good evening, Riverdale. I'm Estelle Ollier.
Omi: and I’m Omi Klyde!
Audrey: And I'm Audrey Lincoln!
Estelle: And this is Underneath The Surface, where we dive into the history of our town, Riverdale. And for this month, we'll be diving into the spookiest tales.
Omi: god, I love Halloween and spooky stories. We’ve got to do one around the campfire sometime
Estelle: We definitely should!
Audrey: My parents aren't home on Halloween, we can do it at my place.
Omi: sounds like a plan!
Estelle: I'm in!
Estelle: And to make this special month even better, some days we'll have a guest take our spot. And who better to start this with, than our most loyal fan? The man with the sledgehammer: * lowers voice * Billy Holmes
Omi: Billy, my man! Introduce yourself!
Billy: Thank you for having me, ladies. What an honour!
Billy: * deeper voice * Who's ready for some horror?
Omi: * chuckles * I definitely am
Billy: *deeper voice * Well then, let's start this tale before my voice gives out. And let me tell y'all the tale of - drumroll, please -
Audrey, Estelle, and Omi: * banging on the tables *
Billy: * spooky voice * The Marble Maiden
Estelle: Ooh, I don't know this one
Billy: She was stone cold
Omi: * cackles * Brilliant
Billy: * deeper voice * But before we talk about her, a little background information; Before Stonewall Prep, there was the Fox Manor. It was built in 1883 on the other end of Fox Forest by Emory Griffin.
Estelle: Fox Manor?
Audrey: Lot of things named after a fox
Billy: Also, the Fox Hole, that old farmhouse in the woods
Estelle: Which of course will be talked about in a different episode
Billy: Alright, back to the story;
*deeper voice * Its last residents were Dover and Idina Griffin, their son Ridley, and their daughter Demelza.
Since Dover was a missionary, Idina a nurse, and her brother was in the II Corps, Demelza was often left alone on the property, which led her to wander the gardens a lot.
The front yard had a rose garden and a small orchard, the left side had a vegetable garden near the kitchen, and in the back yard, at the edge of Fox Forest, a statue garden. The latter is now prohibited. It was rumored the statues moved.
Audrey: I'm sorry, moved?
Estelle: That I did hear
Omi: I’ll believe it when I see it
Billy: Oh I'm with you
Billy: I mean, it sounds awesome
Estelle: Well - Depends. Do they move in place or do they also, you know, wander?
Audrey: That would explain that cranky librarian
Audrey: Hate the way she sometimes just stands there
Omi: maybe that’s where they got the weeping angels idea in doctor who-that librarian is cranky
Estelle: Ooooo that would make sense!
Billy: I wouldn't rule it out, you see;
One time, when Demelza was wandering the terrace, she noticed one of the statues weirdly posed. It stood straight-up, had its arms down, and facing her. As if it was watching her.
The scullery maid took notice of it as well, and called for Demelza’s attention, and asked her about her wishes for lunch as a distraction.
When Demelza turned back to the statue after the scullery maid left, it had turned sideways.
Omi: you have to wonder what goes through artists minds when they make these kinda things
Estelle: Madness. Just madness.
Audrey: Also drugs
Estelle: * wheezes * Yeah that too
Omi: makes sense
Audrey: But you said the staff knew about this?
Billy: Oh, they did.
Back in the house, the butler, Edward Patel, told her he heard about the statue. He warned her to never respond to its “invitations” as there would be dire consequences.
Omi: what *kind* of invitations?
Audrey: Like what?
Billy: He reminded Demelza about the story of her aunt Mallory’s disappearance when she visited the statue garden. On a quiet night, he swore he could hear her. But when he stepped into the backyard to investigate, he saw that the statues had changed poses. He swore he saw some of them still move, but he wasn’t sure if it was real or a matter of sleep deprivation.
Estelle: So - if you see one change, just ignore it??
Billy: * clears throat * Uhh yeah - I guess that was the advice
Omi: they could’ve solved all of this with a handy hammer, tbh
Estelle: Or fireworks
Omi: ooo that would’ve been a sight
Billy: But then we wouldn't have this spooky tale
Estelle: That's fair
Omi: True
Billy: And sadly, Demelza wasn't spared those invitations.
On December 18, 1927, Demelza was wandering the halls of Fox Manor when she looked out the window and witnessed a statue at the garden entrance, pointing directly at her.
Demelza rushed downstairs, but when she stood at the backdoor, the statue had disappeared.
Despite all the warnings, she ran to the statue garden.
Audrey: See this is where you lose me
Omi: this is why people die in horror movies
Audrey: This is where I run the other way
Estelle: Like, off the property?
Audrey: Yeah, I'd run and never look back
Estelle: But who says there won't be other creatures in the woods?
Audrey: ....
Audrey: That's mean
Omi: it probably is if they can supposedly move
Omi: sounds like the statues like to play hide and seek. Wonder how a game like that would go?
Billy: * deeper voice * Why don't I tell you?
Omi: Carry on
Billy: Inside the garden, she lit her lantern, and when she looked back up, she noticed all the statues had turned their faces to her.
She turned around to flee, but the statue from before blocked her path, resulting in the statue’s hands holding her by the shoulders.
Demelza screamed, which alerted the dogs, and later the staff to turn on the lights, and Demelza fled the garden.
Estelle: Oh yikes
Audrey: I haven't seen Doctor Who, is it like that too?
Omi: depends on which doctor you’re watching
Audrey: There's more than one?
Estelle: Abe
Billy: Abe
Omi: * spooky voice * don’t blink
Abe, sweetie
Audrey: I don't know every single show, I'm more into Gilmore Girls
Billy: While that may be considered a horror to some
Billy: Let's continue
The next day, Demelza woke up with her body feeling stiff, particularly her right pinky.
When she held up her hand, she saw her finger turned white. And stone-like. Like marble.
She screamed, and her handmaiden ran in, but Demelza ordered her to stay away as Demelza feared that touching her would be dangerous.
That evening, the marble had spread to her entire hand.
Omi: Reverse Medusa
Estelle: Y-yeah
Estelle: Also, reminds me of that weird theory that all marble statues of people are just dead bodies covered in white paint
Audrey: Excuse me
Omi: I wanna hear this
Estelle: Yeah I thought I saw it on tumblr or reddit
Omi: wicked
Billy: Well, now I know what I'm doing when we're done. Now * clears throat *
The following days made it unbearable for Demelza to move. It had spread to her arms, shoulders, and down her spine.
Despite the many pleas from her staff, she refused to seek help, as she felt it was only fair for her to face the consequences. Instead, she told everyone to clear the manor and leave her be. She also told Edward to send a letter to her parents that she had disappeared and that they shouldn't look for her. And to lock the gates.
Audrey: So - they - they just let her die??
Billy: I guess it was a sacrifice or whatever
On Christmas Eve, 1927, Demelza was on her way to the statue garden. But the marble took over before she reached it. And so, she stands outside, alone, facing the statue garden, her hand reaching out.
Estelle: Wait
Estelle: I've seen that statue
Omi: how sad-omg, I have too
Estelle: It was the only interesting thing of that damn school
Estelle: Abe, are you tearing up?
Audrey: * sniffles * She didn't even make it to the rest
Omi: How sad-we should visit her again-see if she moves on camera. Maybe spare a dance for us
Billy: She'd have to stretch first, she's a little stiff
Estelle: * wheezes *
Estelle: That's horrible, Billy
Omi: * chuckles * good one
Billy: This is fun! You should invite more guests.
Estelle: We will
Omi: and you’re definitely coming back
Billy: Aww - Y'all are too kind
Omi: you should bring Rory next time too-the more the merrier
Billy: Oh she'll love that
Estelle: But to go a lil back to your story; Edward Patel
Estelle: Are we talking about Freya Patel's father?
Billy: We are. Good catch!
Audrey: Who's Freya Patel?
Estelle: I'll tell you later
Estelle: And I guess we've reached the end of our episode. I'm Estelle.
Omi: I’m Omi
Audrey: I'm Audrey
Billy: And last but not least, I'm Billy
Estelle: Don't forget to tune in next time
Audrey: You're not sharing the new topic?
Estelle: It's a surprise
Billy: * spooky noises *
Omi: I love surprises!
Estelle: So, for now, this is goodbye
Audrey: Sweet dreams
Omi: We bid y’all adieu
Billy: and I’ll be back
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underneaththesurface · 3 years ago
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Coming soon
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underneaththesurface · 4 years ago
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Underneath The Surface
(Created by @humangrumpycat & @hughstheforcelou )
Tag: @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @kazinejghafa @annibunnysworld @thecaptainsgingersnap @bravelittleflower @ocfairygodmother @lostiintheocean @nikolai-lantsv
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underneaththesurface · 4 years ago
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underneaththesurface · 5 years ago
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Underneath The Surface: the Hadal Zone
Chapter One: The Horror on Wabash Avenue
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underneaththesurface · 5 years ago
The Martinez Murder
Omi: Good Evening Riverdale! I’m Omi Klyde
Estelle: And I'm Estelle
Omi: And this is Underneath The Surface, where we dive into the history of our town, Riverdale.
Today, we’ll be discussing the Martinez Murder
Estelle: And since this is a special occasion, we've decided to switch it up.
Why, you ask?
Omi: because I’m nosy
no, because I got to do the research this week. Lemme tell you. There’s some stuff that might get us in trouble if we reveal too much
Estelle: Luckily, we like living on the edge.
Omi: Yesss
a lot of this information I actually got from my older sister, who reported on this case at the time
Estelle: So we know this is going to be gooooood.
Omi: Adelfa knows her shit
Estelle: Can you say shit on a podcast?
Omi: Well I just did so, I mean, we’re not sponsored-are we sponsored???
Omi: Abe! Are we sponsored??
Estelle: I- I don't think so.
Abe: How the hell should I know? I just joined y'all!
Omi: alright, so, as we all know, the Serpents and Ghoulies have been in opposition since their creation, basically. Well, this whole thing was started by the waterboarding of Abdiel Martinez’s -the leader of the Ghoulies at the time- teenage son
sometime around 2009
Estelle: Wait-
They waterboarded a teenager?
Abe: what the-
Omi: the serpents weren’t as soft as they are now. The ghoulies were actually a lot less rowdy in the 90s/2000s
Estelle: I see.
Abe: Why, though?
Omi: Honestly, because of a simple wrong place wrong time misunderstanding. the leader of the serpents at the time was actually apologetic to Abdiel because apparently it really messed the kid up
Estelle: That's-
Abe: How you do accidentally waterboard the wrong person?
Estelle: But you said the leader of the Serpents actually apologized?
Omi: yes! 
Actually, he even paid for some therapy. 
The two groups had a truce
Estelle: Wow!
What happened to that guy?
Omi: oh, the leader? 
Not 100% sure. 
Think he died in combat or something
Estelle: huh. 
Omi: But...
Estelle: That’s pretty tragic
Abe: I knew there’d be a but
Omi: it is. And he seemed nice too, from what Adelfa told me 
yup, there’s always a but. 
Well, not long after that, the ghoulies went after the leader’s kid
Estelle: Of course.
I mean- why actually accept the truce if you just- you know-  go after the kid.
Abe: You said "kid", does that mean he was younger than the boy who was waterboarded?
Omi: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. 
 the ghoulies might’ve been soft, but they still had some wild members from the 80s there advising 
yeah, he would’ve been about our age then 
the age of the boy who got waterboarded was 16 I think?
Estelle: Oh. That's-
Abe: NINE OR TEN????
Estelle: That’s just horrible 
Omi: nine or ten...poor kid
Estelle: But what did they exactly do to the 9/10-year-old?
Omi: they jumped him. 
Kid came out with cuts and bruises according to medical reports
Who the heck jumps a literal child??
Estelle: Ghoulies, apparently.
Abe: Didn't they do something like that to someone from our school?
The beanie guy.
Estelle: (wheezes) the beanie guy...
Omi: Nuggethead? Yes
a serpent himself
Estelle: I- I want to correct both of you, but-
His own name isn't that much better.
(whispers) Is that mean?
Omi: am I wrong??? I’ve seen him eat the entire menu at pops in one sitting
Abe: He's why you left the Blue & Gold.
That guy eats everything.
Omi: ok one more bash and I’ll get on with the story- 
but I have seen him eat a burger off the floor
Estelle: That's not just Jughead...
Abe: Yeah I'm pretty sure Mark's done that, too.
Estelle: No, I thought it was Brian.
Omi: wouldn’t put it past either of them
Estelle: Pretty sure Jonathan would do it too, if it wasn't for me.
Omi: teenage boys are something else, aren’t they? Like little creatures
anyways I should definitely go back to the topic because you’re usually the one who reigns me in
Estelle: The struggle is real.
Abe: Can't relate.
Estelle: (laughs) Let's save this for another time, yes. Please continue.
Omi: So, of course, the serpent leader was not happy bout this.
therapy stopped for the Martinez boy
Estelle: My respect would be gone if he didn't.
Omi: in fact, he was so angry about this, the serpents captured both Abdiel and his wife
the truce was over
which, is understandable
Abe: Oh no, not the wife.
Omi: the wife. But, the kids were left out of this part
Abe: Oh good, he has some morals.
Estelle: (wheezes) Better than the Ghoulies.
Omi: i don’t think the ghoulies ever had morals, minus maybe a few members. those young ghoulies scare me-they had the whole town scared of clowns for a year, remember that?
Estelle: Oh yeah.
Abe: Not a violent person but I was this close to buying a gun, yes.
Omi: those were some times 
Anyways, what is known about what happened next is the following: the couple was taken, reported missing for a few days, and Mrs. Martinez returned blind and widowed. Information was either redacted or they were unable to attain the exact details of the murder
Abe: Wh-
Estelle: Oh, that-
Abe: Blind??
Omi: blind
Estelle: I have to say, that is an effective way to lead
Abe: Are you seriously condoning this?
Omi: she stumbled into the south side emergency room, bleeding, and sobbing hysterically
no I get what you’re saying
Estelle: I mean, he was pretty chill and they abused that and now they paid.
Omi: makes sense to me
Abe: Y-yeah but-
Omi: y’all wanna hear something interesting tho?
Estelle: Oh Yes.
Abe: Oh No. 
Omi: Guess who’s kid runs the ghoulies now
Estelle: I- shut the fuck up.
Abe: Estelle-
Estelle: It all makes total sense now.
Omi: does this mean I can say fuck on this podcast
Estelle: We'll take the fine, should we get one.
Omi: daddy can pay for it we’re fine
Abe: Okay, but let's not overdo it please.
Omi: yes his son is now the leader and that is why the ghoulies are reclaiming their 80s wild child glory
also thats why they seem especially brutal towards the serpents
oh, want to hear another thing?
Estelle: Yes.
Omi: law enforcement never found the body, BUT
there are rumors
Estelle: Not surprised, honestly.
Abe: What rumors?
Omi: well, supposedly, there was a scavenger hunt
set by the serpents, for the ghoulies
Estelle: Oh.
Abe: (laughs)
Omi: the body hasn’t been discovered to this day, as far as we know. But, that’s why there are so many random holes in fox forest
and here I was, thinking we had massive gophers
Abe: Oh my god.
Estelle: Maybe they helped.
Omi: who knows, there’s lots of shit in that forest, especially that creepy funeral home and crematorium, which is also supposedly linked to the ghoulies but law enforcement hasn’t found proof of that
Estelle: How?
Omi: also we’re close to greendale and that town has lots of weird happenings. I suspect radiation
They searched the place
Abe: Yeah I believe that.
Estelle: See this is why I don't go to that forest.
Name one good thing that's happened there.
Omi: Absolutely nothing. 
too many kids go missing on the paths through it no way am I stepping foot in it
Abe: But y'all are dragging me to that house on Wabash Avenue?
Omi: its not in the forest. Free range baby
Abe: I don't wanna run into an angry man as we wander around his house.
Estelle: I'll get you some holy water, you'll be fine.
Omi: we’ll be fine. ill do a crazy dance to distract him
Estelle: If Omi screams, we'll run.
Omi: and I’ve never screamed
because we will be fine and if not I will ask Queenie for her bat
do you think ghosts like 90s r&b?
Estelle: I'd go for EDM.
Abe: Oh yeah.
Omi: so you have nothing to worry about my dear sweet Abe
theyll be dancing
Estelle: Now, some of you might have been wondering why it's the three of us.
You wanna introduce yourself?
Abe: Hello everyone! I'm Audrey Lincoln. Last time, Omi and Estelle decided to investigate the case of Wabash Avenue, and they've been thinking about turning it into a vlog.
Estelle: And of course, our lovely friend Abe came to mind.
Abe: So, the following weeks, I'll be part of the team.
Omi: shes talented, beautiful, stunning, spectacular, amazing, wonderful
Abe: Omi-
Estelle: And if our talented, beautiful, stunning, spectacular, amazing, wonderful friend likes it, she's more than welcome to stay part of the team.
Omi: i’d definitely like her to be apart of it, then we’d see you more!
well, I think that wraps up this week
Estelle: Feeling a little more unsafe in this town.
Omi: wait, you’ve felt safe in this town?
Estelle: When I was a little girl, yes.
Abe: Before History class.
Estelle: Or before I started following the news.
Omi: Valid points.
Well, I’m Omi 
Estelle: I'm Estelle.
Abe: And I'm Audrey.
Omi: Don’t forget to tune in next week for: The Truth Behind Pickens Day!
Estelle: See y’all then!
Abe: And sweet dreams
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underneaththesurface · 5 years ago
'You want to do WHAT?' Estelle takes a deep breath, folding her hands as she lays them on the table. 'Please, Abe, just think about it,' Estelle begs. 'We have a great mystery right here.'   'But, I don-,' Audrey stutters. 'You know what happened in that house.' Estelle nods, her brows furrowed. 'Why on earth would you go there?' Audrey yells. Estelle shushes her. 'Not everyone in Pop's has to know,' Estelle whispers. Audrey sighs as she leans back, tucking her hair behind her ears. 'And it's not just me,' Estelle says. 'It will be you, me, and Omi. You like Omi.' 'I do,' Audrey sighs. 'But-' 'And we won't actually go inside,' Estelle explains. 'Just ask around in the neighborhood, maybe sneak around the house...' 'That's trespassing, Estelle,' Audrey argues. 'The house is empty,' Estelle claims. 'We'll go late at night, film a little bit, look for some clues, and then we're done.' Audrey purses her lips, tapping her fingers on the table. 'I'll get you some holy water,' Estelle sighs. 'Fine, I'm in. But I'm not going to like it one bit.'
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underneaththesurface · 5 years ago
The horror on Wabash Avenue
Estelle: Good evening, Riverdale. I’m Estelle Ollier.
Omi: And I’m Omi Klyde.
Estelle: And this is Underneath The Surface, where we dive into the history of our town, Riverdale.
And today, we'll be talking about the horror on Wabash Avenue.
Estelle: Have you heard of this?
Omi: In passing, yes.
Estelle: Because, as I was doing research, I discovered that this isn't the only horrific event that happened in that house.
Omi: Oh really?
Estelle: Yes.
In 1978, on the night of August 21, Duncan Sasadeehee was murdered in his backyard by his brother Adam. On his chest, they found a dead snake.
Omi: Yikes. Serpent work?
Estelle: Not sure, the two brothers had a long history of hating each other.
Estelle: At first, they believed it was that same serpent whose venom they found in his body, but it wasn't a match. The snake they found had died two days earlier.
Estelle: So, it's possible that it was revenge.
I mean, I've only been in the White Wyrm once, and they do have snakes in there.
Omi: They have a whole live snake in the White Wyrm, like, in a tank and everything.
Estelle: They take the serpents thing really serious.
Omi: They really do.
Estelle: But before he left the house, Adam painted the front door red, to represent his brother's betrayal of his heritage.
Omi: That must’ve been a surprise to wake up to.
Estelle: It sure changed the whole mood in that neighborhood. I mean, it's close to Pickens Park. Kids hang out there.
Omi: Sounds like it.
Estelle: What if he was the neighborhood friend?
Omi: That would just be disappointing...
Estelle: (wheezes)
Estelle: Let's not speak ill of the dead, I'll just move on:
People who bought the house never lived there for longer than six months. Many residents claimed to have heard snakes hissing in the backyard, but exterminators never found any.
Omi: That’s gotta be a nightmare for realtors. Imagine having to keep goin back to that damn property.
Estelle: What if it was your first property you had to sell? You just never get ahead.
Omi: Probably wouldn’t last long in the business.
Estelle: Haunting, but in a different way.
Omi: Cursed in many different ways.
Estelle: Oh yes. I mean:
Some residents claimed they woke up to the entire house covered in red paint, but that disappeared as soon as they left the house. They also found bloody hands in the house many times, which turned out to be a Native American symbol for murder.
Estelle: I mean-
Omi: Hopefully they moved right after that.
Estelle: I sure hope they did. But the whole horror genre wouldn't exist if people were that smart.
Omi: Honestly if they’re that dumb, you know... survival of the smartest...
Estelle: And to make it even worse, the house next door began to experience hauntings as well.
Omi: How??
Estelle: Some residents claimed they saw a man standing in the backyard who matched the appearance of Duncan and that he sometimes carried a snake with him.
Others claimed to hear screams late at night. When they emptied the house, that Duncan used the basement as a torture chamber, and they found several humans remains.
Omi: Riverdale gets worse the more I learn about it...
Estelle: Which is why we're doing the lord's work.
Omi: Truly. Better than most detective work I’ve seen come out lately.
Estelle: And the cherry on top: all of the residents felt a looming presence whenever they passed by the house with the red door.
Omi: Must be a hit on Halloween.
Estelle: Oh yeah, there were a lot of visitors from other towns coming here just to see a glimpse of that house.
Omi: Increased tourism, I guess.
Estelle: But, somehow, a family had lived in that house for about twelve years.
Omi: Must not scare easily.
Estelle: Fast-forward to May 2003, the then-current leader of the Southside Serpents - who went by the name King Cobra - moved into the house with his family.
Estelle: (sighs) I know. Another serpent thing.
Omi: Surprising.
Estelle: Many neighbors objected to this since it was a Serpent who tainted the house, but after another murder took place - which we'll address in a separate episode - she had no choice but to sell it to the highest bidder, which lead to over half of the neighbors moving out.
Omi: That house really do be cursed, damn! Street must’ve been really quiet after that, though. Minus the screaming.
Estelle: What was in that red paint?
Omi: LSD probably. Or shrooms.
Estelle: (wheezes) That would explain a LOT.
Omi: Wouldn’t surprise me if the water was laced with that... But that’s another discussion.
Estelle: Also, what ghost would cover the entire house in red paint, and then scrub it off  as soon as they leave?
Omi: A polite one.
Estelle: (wheezes) a polite one...
Omi: Cleaned up their mess. If ghosts were real, they could be polite, I’m sure.
Estelle: And yet, you don't hear that many stories about them...
Omi: Well, history is written by the victors, isn’t it? They all probably lost.
Estelle: Yeah, probably.
Estelle: King Cobra called an exorcist to cleanse the house before they moved in which seemed to have helped, until late 2012, when his 15-year-old daughter was arrested for a triple homicide and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Omi: yikes. That’s...yikes.
Estelle: Y-yeah. I think this is one of our heaviest episodes so far.
Omi: It really is. Murder, hauntings, snakes, dead snakes, cursed houses? The whole shabang.
Estelle: And it gets so. much. worse.
Omi: Hold on to your hats, folks, we in for a wild ride.
Estelle: In September 2014, King Cobra left for another mission by the US Army, but he was killed during an attack, leaving only two residents in the house: his wife and his 13-year-old son.
Omi: Oh no.
Estelle: I-it's like Duncan Sasadeehee's just crossing out their names on a list.
Omi: I guess so. It's like he had his own death note.
Estelle: Great story, but a terrifying concept.
Omi: Terrifying, indeed.
Estelle: So. Now that we've covered all of that, we cut to April 17, 2015. This is where it gets a little vague, since both the RPD and the hospital have never given the public the full story, and family friends refused to answer any questions.
Omi: It's speculation time.
Estelle: Only one neighbor spoke up.
Omi: What did they say?
Estelle: According to the neighbor across the street, she saw a strange man enter the house at around 8 PM, and she considered walking over there until she saw the son arrive with a family friend.
The boy went inside the house as the woman left, and about three minutes later, she heard a man scream. She saw the woman rush back to the house. The woman next door ran inside as well, as did another family friend.
She understood that something's wrong, and she called the RPD.
Both the strange man and the son left Wabash Avenue in an ambulance.
Both mother and son never returned, and the house has been vacant ever since.
Omi: Oh yikes. Poor family.
Estelle: The same neighbor refused to say what condition the man and boy were in, though. She literally just burst into tears, if I have to believe Mark's mom.
Omi: They must’ve been really messed up to get that reaction.
Estelle: I'm afraid so. The whole neighborhood hasn't been the same since. It's eerily quiet.
Omi: And quiet isn’t something Riverdale usually knows.
Estelle: Right?
Estelle: Also, no one seems to know where both the mother and son went. There are some theories, though.
The son died, and the mother left town.
The son left town, and the mother ended up in a psych ward. Rumor has it that she had a bit of a drinking problem.
Omi: Oh, that's never good...
Estelle: Another theory is that he still lives here but goes by a different name.
Estelle: So- so that could be anyone our age...
Omi: What??? You think they go to Riverdale High??
Estelle: W-well, it's the only school left in this town...
Omi: Interesting...
Estelle: We could always investigate...
Omi: I'm so down!
Omi: Do you think they’re a Serpent??
Estelle: At least on good terms with them, I suspect.
Omi: We can definitely look into it.
Estelle: We will.
Omi: This is exciting!
Estelle: (laughs) And with that, we wrap up this episode of Underneath The Surface. I'm Estelle.
Omi: And I'm Omi!
Estelle: Don’t forget to tune in next week, and join us for our next topic: the Martinez Murder.
Omi: See y'all then!
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underneaththesurface · 5 years ago
The murder of Jason Blossom
Estelle: Good evening, Riverdale. I’m Estelle Ollier.
Omi: And I’m Omi Klyde.
Estelle: And this is Underneath The Surface, where we dive into the history of our town, Riverdale.
And today, we'll be talking about the murder of Jason Blossom.
Omi: The murder that sent this town in a downward spiral...Well, more than it already was.
Estelle: Well, let's just say that it sure gave a couple of families some unwanted attention.
Omi: Their meddlin' days were numbered!
Estelle: (chuckles) And this is how it happened:
Estelle: On the morning of the 4th of July 2017, the twins Cheryl and Jason Blossom drove out to Sweetwater River for an early morning boat ride.
Later that morning, the local scouts' group found Cheryl by the shore, crying.
She claimed she dropped her glove in the water, and when Jason reached for it, the boat tipped over. That was the last time she saw Jason.
Omi: This sounds like a much more abysmal version of Kim Kardashian losing her diamond earring.
Estelle: Maybe if Kim had lost it before people started dying.
Omi: Maybe the Blossoms and Kardashians could learn something from each other.
Estelle: (gasps)
Estelle: I'd rather not think about that.
Omi: Oh god, not like THAT!
Estelle: This is going to be a looooong night (chuckles)
Omi: Don't get me started on reality tv...I could talk for days.
Estelle: I'll just move on.
Omi: Yes, go on.
Estelle: About a month later, two teenage boys who wish to remain anonymous found Jason's body on the river shore, with a bullet wound in his forehead.
The coroner discovered that Jason had been a victim of animal scavenging. But he also found ligature marks, and signs that he was frozen.
And last but definitely not least, it turned out that Jason died on the 11th of July, instead of the 4th.
Omi: Yikes.
Estelle: Y-yeah, that changed the story.
Estelle: The results led the investigation to Cheryl, who voluntarily went with them as she claimed she expected them to find out she was guilty.
Omi: That girl’s been through Hell.
Estelle: Yeah, I guess being a Blossom is both a blessing and a curse.
Omi: I guess so. What happened next?
Estelle: In the principal's office, Cheryl admitted that Jason wanted to leave town and never come back and that she helped him come up with the plan, so their parents wouldn't go looking for him.
They made it to Greendale, and Jason left, saying he'd reach out in a month. But he never did.
She also mentioned hearing a gunshot the same day, and sheriff Keller let her go.
The next day, Archie Andrews admitted he too heard a gunshot that day. However, he claimed he didn't see who fired the gun.
When sheriff Keller asked why he was there and what he was doing, and if he was with someone who could've seen the shooter.
Archie answered that he was writing songs and that it was just him and his dog.
Omi: Was it really, though?
Estelle: Mmm, I heard things but I'm not sure it qualifies as evidence.
Omi: Same, that's fair.
Estelle: Fast-forward to several days later, on the last movie night at the Twilight Drive-In, someone broke into the Kellers' home, and stole all the evidence in the Jason Blossom murder case, including the documented files, background checks, and the video and audiotapes of police interviews. For sheriff Keller, this meant that Jason Blossom's murderer must be from Riverdale since the burglar must've known he wasn't home at the time.
Estelle: In September, sheriff Keller received a text from an unknown number, stating that Jason planned to run away with Polly Cooper as his parents disapproved of their relationship.
Polly never made it Greendale, however, as her parents sent her to Sisters of Quiet Mercy.
They had a getaway car parked on the side of the highway, along with Jason's belongings.
But by the time they reached the vehicle, it had been set on fire, destroying any potential evidence or clues.
Omi: What a coincidence...
Estelle: Mhmmm.
Omi: Alexa, play Things We Lost In The Fire... Wait, is that copyright? Do I have to sing again?
Estelle: Oh my God... Maybe play a snippet?
Omi: Lit... Like that car was. Ok, I’ll play it.
(things we lost in the fire starts to play)
Estelle: I'll try to chime in at a good moment.
Omi: (turns song off at the chorus)
Ok, I think that’s as far as my dad’s money can take us.
Estelle: (laughs)
Estelle: Ok, time to be serious again.
At the sheriff station, as he was about to start investigating the remains of the vehicle, the Blossoms let him know that Polly escaped the Sisters of Quiet Mercy on the same night that the car burned down, making this their new suspect.
Omi: Oh?
Estelle: Somehow, very short-lived, though.
Estelle: Meanwhile, during the investigation on the burned down vehicle, two fingerprints showed up, belonging to Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones.
Jughead's prints were on file from an incident that took place in 2011, where he attempted to burn down Riverdale Elementary School.
Omi: Queenie told me bout that, but I never thought it was true, damn. How did our lovely detective couple manage to involve themselves in this case?
Estelle: I guess, Betty got involved because of her sister.
Omi: True.
Estelle: Jughead, I don't know.
It didn't help him since they took him to the station.
During interrogation, Keller brought up Jughead's school records, stating that he was bullied a lot by the football team, whose captain was Jason, giving Jughead a motive to murder Jason.
Omi: Oh damn.
Estelle: Didn't look so good for him.
However, Keller later released Jughead after Fred Andrews claimed that Jughead was working for him the day Jason died.
Omi: Mr. Andrews always comin' in clutch.
Estelle: It felt a little too convenient if you ask me.
But that's also how I felt about the lie that Jason drowned since he used to be in our water polo team.
Omi: the Jones and Andrews have always been close. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a coverup-LEGALLY I’m not saying it was though...
Omi: Wasn’t he one of the better swimmers, too?
Estelle: Yeah, so I don't understand why that was considered plausible before they found him.
Omi: It was an easy answer without taking the background into consideration.
Estelle: That applies to half the murder cases in this town.
Omi: Exactly...
Estelle: So, sheriff Keller returned his attention to Polly, who was pregnant and living at the Pembrooke at the time.
She confirmed that she and Jason intended to run away.
She then informed the sheriff that Jason was involved with the Southside Serpents, as he made a one time deal to deliver drugs for them in exchange for money.
Later that day, sheriff Keller received a phone call that two guys attacked an Andrews Construction employee.
The owner, Fred Andrews, mentioned that Clifford Blossom had his wishes to halt the project.
His son Archie, however, suggested that it may have been two members of the Southside Serpents, the location used to be part of their territory.
Omi: Is that so?
Estelle: It was one of the places the Serpents used to hang out, I heard.
Omi: Ahh, okay.
Estelle: I heard sheriff Keller let it slide, though. Which is weird to me.
Omi: Keller isn’t always the most...vigilant sheriff though.
Estelle: True, but his son also worked there. Makes me wonder if he'd let it slide then...
Anyway, let's move to the first real suspect of this case.
Estelle: On October 5, Keller received an anonymous tip, and he and his deputies obtained a warrant to search FP Jones' trailer.
In the trailer, they found the murder weapon in a lockbox, and they arrested FP Jones.
In the interrogation room, sheriff Keller informed Jones that the gun matched the bullet they found in Jason's body.
Omi: How did Jones react?
Estelle: According to FP, Jason approached him at the White Wyrm and explained his situation and that he needed money and a getaway vehicle.
FP made a deal that if he made a delivery for the Serpents, he'd give him money and a getaway car.
However, FP kidnapped him in Greendale, and he held him hostage in the basement of the White Wyrm.
Earlier, he learned that Jason was a Blossom, and he hoped to get a large amount of cash for his return.
But before he was able to make the call, Jason attempted to escape, and FP shot him, hid his body in the freezer, and later dumped his body in Sweetwater River.
Omi: Do we really believe that FP shot him?
Estelle: It is a little strange that he immediately chose to shoot him.
FP was a football player in high school, he'd know how to tackle him.
Omi: That seems like it would do more harm than good. One would think that, yeah.
Estelle: But sheriff Keller got a confession, and I guess that's all that mattered.
Omi: I wish this town would do better background checks.
Estelle: Sheriff Keller asked if FP also broke into his home, to which he admitted he was.
After the interrogation, FP's son and his friends approached sheriff Keller, claiming that someone planted the gun inside the Jones' trailer.
Omi: Oh?
Estelle: But like I said, sheriff Keller got a confession. And that was enough.
Omi: (sarcastically) Of course it was.
Estelle: The next day, the station received a 911 call that someone found a Serpent named Mustang dead in his hotel room.
In his hotel room, they found a duffel bag with a large sum of money, with the initials "H.L." on it.
At first, sheriff Keller assumed it was Hermione Lodge who gave him the bag until the daughter brought up that her father - who has the same initials - was in business with the Serpents.
Estelle: Well. Now we know why they gave up the Drive-In.
Omi: I was about to say... He’ll buy up this whole town when no one’s looking I swear.
Estelle: The world is just a Monopoly board for him. Even in prison. And, surprisingly, sheriff Keller let this slide.
But then, later that night, Alice Cooper handed Keller a USB flash drive.
The flash drive contained a surveillance video of Jason's murderer.
Despite his confession, it was Clifford Blossom and not FP Jones.
Omi: He’s got too many of those Get Out Of Jail Free cards, doesn’t he? Killing his own child? Disgraceful...
Estelle: Mhmm. And let me tell you why he did it.
Estelle: Jason wanted no part of the business, and Clifford feared that Jason running away could lead to his arrest, as his maple syrup business was a cover-up for transporting heroin. So, he had Mustang took Jason to the White Wyrm and later shot him.
Clifford then murdered Mustang and staged it as a suicide.
Arriving at Thornhill to arrest Clifford, they found Clifford in the barns where he hung himself.
Omi: Well, that was a rollercoaster.
Estelle: (laughs) I spent so much time trying to make sense of it for tonight. It's impossible.
Omi: I’m still not processing it. Like...what??? How the??? What??? That’s insane!
Estelle: It's like an episode of Dynasty.
Omi: I haven’t gotten to that show yet... Is it really?
Estelle: (sighs)
Estelle: Yes.
Omi: I'll put in on my list then.
Estelle: Back to the drama in our town:
Now that the real murderer was revealed, some people started to wonder what this meant for FP Jones.
Omi: Well, they obviously let him out, right? Or did he have a different but equally as essential role to play in this?
Estelle: Well, he was still guilty of tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice, mishandling a body, perjury, etc.
So, he still remained in custody.
However, Sheriff Keller offered FP a deal that the DA and Mayor McCoy were willing to offer him leniency if he handed them the names of the drug dealers.
Estelle: Basically, throwing his own people under the bus.
Omi: isn’t that like, against serpent law?
Estelle: It's one of their most important ones, so I've heard.
Omi: same. Damn...and he’s still the leader?
Estelle: Which is why he declined the offer, and had to await trial, possibly facing twenty years.
Omi: well that’s good at least...the not breaking rules part.
Estelle: Yeah you might go to prison and won't be out until you're well into your sixties but-
hey, at least you didn't snitch on your buddies.
Omi: that just seems like a lose-lose situation
Estelle: I know he made the better choice given his environment, but-
Estelle: Well, I guess we reached the end of this episode of Underneath The Surface. I'm Estelle.
Omi: And I'm Omi.
Estelle: Don’t forget to tune in next week, and join us for our next topic: the horror on Wabash Avenue.
Omi: See y'all then!
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underneaththesurface · 5 years ago
The Devil’s House
Estelle: Good evening, Riverdale. I'm Estelle Ollier.
Omi: And I'm Omi Klyde.
Estelle: And this is Underneath The Surface, where we dive into the history of our town, Riverdale.
Omi: It's pretty wild.
Estelle: It sure is. And today, we'll be talking about the Devil's House.
Omi: Oo sounds haunted.
Estelle: In some way, it is.
Estelle: The Devil's House at the edge of Fox Forest once belonged to the Conway family.
Jim and his wife Mary Ellen moved into the house in 1970, with their children Tommy and Sue. Mary Ellen was six months pregnant with their third child, Joseph.
In 1978, a man entered the house with a shotgun, and he murdered four of the family members.
He first shot Mary Ellen in the living room. He then went to the kitchen and shot Jim. The man shot them both in their chest, and they died seconds later.
The man then took the stairs, where Tommy and Sue hid under their beds until the man shot them too.
Meanwhile, Joseph fled through the window and later watched the man leave covered in blood.
Omi: That has got to be traumatizing.
Estelle: W-well, not really in Riverdale. I mean-
Omi: True, there’s a new death each week.
Estelle: It's hard to keep track.
Estelle: After the news broke out, Joseph identified the man, which he told a few townsmen. Those townsmen later took matters into their own hands and executed the alleged murderer in Pickens Park.
They later visited Joseph in the Sisters of Quiet Mercy group home and brought the news that they took care of the Riverdale Reaper.
Omi: That must have been a relief... Although, now he’s just an orphan, isn’t he?
Estelle: You'd think so, but during his stay at the group home, he admitted that he might have accused the wrong man.
Omi: Damn, that’s one bloody mistake if it was.
Estelle: Y-yeah, I'd say so.
Omi: See what I did there?
Estelle: You know I love your puns.
Omi: Oh stop, you’ll make me blush redder than the Riverdale Reaper.
Estelle: I'd say blue, since they buried him alive.
Omi: ...
Omi: You know, you don’t hear too much about people being buried alive nowadays, do ya?
It can be pretty effective, depending on it’s intent.
Estelle: Well... Depends on the location.
Omi: That is also true. Location. Location. Location.
Estelle: (wheezes)
Estelle: The possible mistake, as well as the execution in Pickens Park, remained a secret.
About four months later, Joseph left the group home to live with a foster family. For his safety, he changed his last name, and Sheriff Howard left him out of the case.
Sheriff Howard, however, became obsessed with the case. According to his daughter Margaret, he took the files home and spent a fair amount of time in the now-vacant house.
He never discovered the murderer nor his motive, and eight months after the massacre, Howard left the files in the house.
Omi: H-he left the files in the house??
Estelle: Yeah...
Omi: Do we know why?
Estelle: My guess is that he was trying to be poetic about it.
Omi: Seems lazy to me... But law enforcement has always been a  bit... poetic in Riverdale, haven’t they?
Estelle: Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'd be fired in another county.
Estelle: But here's why the files were found:
Flashforward to forty years later, another man terrorized the town.
The Black Hood. His first victim being Fred Andrews.
Now, luckily Fred Andrews survived, as well as the two teenagers in Fox Forest.
Rumor had it that it could be the Riverdale Reaper.
Omi: We love a comeback. Or sequel.
Estelle: (chuckles)
Estelle: Don't fear the reaper.
Omi: Do we have the copyright to play that on here? That would really add to the atmosphere.
Estelle: Maybe if you hum the tune.
Omi: (hums to the tune of don’t fear the reaper)
Atmosphere: added.
Estelle: Perfect.
Estelle: So, the Devil's House caught the town's attention once again. When revisiting the house, they discovered the files, and a third initial, meaning there's a third child
Omi: A THIRD child??
Estelle: Yes, and that led right back to Joseph Conway. Who became the janitor of Riverdale High, and went by as Joseph Svenson.
Omi: Explains a lot about him. Everything makes sense.
Estelle: I-
Estelle: Why does that scare me?
Omi: He’s always got this weird vacant stare, like he’s seen some shit.
Estelle: Well, you're not wrong.
Omi: He’s also a little skeevy but that just might be his personality.
Estelle: He and many, many adults share that problem.
Omi: Disgusting. (sighs)
Estelle: (chuckles)
Estelle: Archie Andrews confronted Joseph, but it eventually led to nothing.
Shortly after that, a new janitor arrived.
Suspicious about this sudden change, Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews visited Joseph's house. But no one was there.
Later that day, Joseph's finger ended up as Betty’s secret Santa.
Omi: Disappointed, but not surprised.
Estelle: How many fingers have you had for secret Santa?
Omi: My dad is an orthopedic surgeon.
Estelle: Ah, you're more a toe-kinda girl.
Estelle: Can we just take a moment to think about the fact that some girl got a severed finger on Christmas Eve?
Omi: Poor girl. Probably expected a gift card or something.
Omi: What did she do after?
Estelle: And then Betty received a phone call from an anonymous number, where she heard Joseph asking for help.
The Black Hood demanded she'd figure out what sin Joseph committed. He'd let him go if she succeeded.
Omi: Damn.
Estelle: Damn, indeed.
Omi: Did he give her any clues?
Estelle: Not that I know. Given his acts, he has a thing for being cryptic.
Omi: Did she figure out anything?
Estelle: Betty and Archie decided to visit the Sisters of Quiet Mercy after they found out Joseph used to stay there.
A woman brought up that Joseph once was visited by a group who said they took care of the Riverdale Reaper after Joseph pointed him out. She mentioned that Joseph might have chosen the wrong man, and so they discovered Joseph's sin.
The woman also mentioned that the woman of the group was a regular. Her description led the two to Rose Blossom.
Omi: Blossoms seem to be involved in everything nowadays.
Estelle: Well-
Estelle: They were the ones who founded Riverdale.
Omi: (sighs)
Omi: True.
Estelle: At the Blossom's house, they heard of the Riverdale Reaper's fate, mentioning that they stood under "the Devil's hands" as they heard him scream for his life.
Rose Blossom stated that it wasn't her idea; Betty's grandfather, Louis Cooper, was the leader of the group.
Back home, Betty searched through photos of her grandfather and found one where that matched the description of both the group and the "Devil's hands" as they stood underneath a tree.
Showing it to Archie, he pointed out that it happened in Pickens Park. And so they traveled there.
Omi: Betty Cooper on a case without Jones?
Omi: (Gasps)
Omi: Shocking.
Estelle: I heard that they weren't together at the time. Might have made it a little awkward, I guess.
Omi: Ahh, makes sense then.
Estelle: Not that it'd be a fun date.
Omi: Who knows? Some people enjoy that kinda thing. Dinner and a mystery.
Estelle: That usually involves actors. Which definitely wasn't the case.
Estelle: In Pickens Park, they found a plaque on the ground under the Devil's hands, with the text:
"Here lies Joseph Conway."
Believing that the Black Hood had buried Joseph alive, they began to dig up the grave. However, the coffin turned up empty.
Omi: Maybe he zombie crawled out of there.
Estelle: Maybe in Greendale.
Omi: Legend says there’s a Cain pit there.
Estelle: Mmmmm. Not surprising.
Omi: What did they do next?
Estelle: In the meantime, the Black Hood arrived and held them both at gunpoint.
He forced Archie to lie in the coffin, and Betty had to bury him.
Omi: As if that boy needs any more trauma.
Estelle: Right?
Omi: Remind me to send him flowers sometime.
Estelle: Noted.
Omi: Thank you.
Estelle: But good news, he made it out alive.
Omi: I just saw him yesterday, I'd hope so.
Estelle: Before they went to Pickens Park, Betty rang Sheriff Keller.
The sirens distracted the Black Hood, and Betty hit him with the shovel. After she removed the dirt and helped Archie, they found out that the Black Hood ran off.
Omi: Those sirens sure are pretty.
Estelle: (huffs) They do their job.
Omi: They really do.
Estelle: They followed him to a bridge above Sweetwater River, where the Black Hood stopped to climb over the ledge.
Archie then pulled out the gun the Black Hood left when he ran, and threatened to shoot him if he tried to jump.
Omi: Damn.
Estelle: Gotta love the South.
Omi: (thick southern accent) Can’t go nowhere without our guns!
Estelle: (wheezes)
Estelle: Sheriff Keller arrived at the scene and shot the Black Hood in the chest.
After confirming the Black Hood was dead, he took off the mask. It turned out to be none other than Joseph Conway himself.
Omi: I KNEW it!
Estelle: ...
Estelle: No you didn't.
Omi: I connected the dots.
Estelle: You didn't connect anything.
Omi: That you know of. My mind works in mysterious ways.
Estelle: (huffs)
Estelle: Since when do you hold out on me? If you did, you would've said it sooner.
Omi: This is the first time, I swear. Pinky promise. (huffs)
Estelle: (pensive sigh)
Estelle: I guess I'll have to take your word for it.
Omi: Anyways, carry on.
Estelle: Sheriff Keller picked up Conway's left hand, which was missing a finger.
Estelle: So- he just willingly cut off his own finger.
Omi: That's some Peter Pettigrew shit. I gotta say: that’s dedication to the craft.
Estelle: (chuckles)
Estelle: I can't find what they did with the finger, though.
Omi: Probably lost in evidence.
Estelle: I didn't hear about it being evidence.
Omi: Hmm, interesting.
Estelle: Do we wanna know?
Omi: No.
Estelle: I do remember two Dutch brothers who were some sort of high lords were lynched back in the 1600s . You can see a tongue and a finger in a museum close to the location.
Omi: Oh damn.
Estelle: Rumor has it they ate the rest.
Omi: Cannibalism. I'm intrigued.
Estelle: I'll look it up for you.
Estelle: Well, there you have it. The Black Hood is done.
Omi: Riverdale is just full of wild history, innit?
Estelle: And it's not even a hundred years old.
Estelle: And with that, we wrap up this episode of Underneath The Surface. Thank you for listening. I'm Estelle.
Omi: And I'm Omi!
Estelle: Don't forget to tune in next week, and join us for our next topic: the murder of Jason Blossom.
Omi: See y’all then!
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underneaththesurface · 5 years ago
Riot Night
April 22, 2018. Another dark page in the history of Riverdale. For some, it might be the beginning of the end. Good morning, Riverdale. I am Estelle Ollier, and I'm here to give you a quick run-through to this tragic event.
On April 18, Riverdale High's musical premiere took a dark turn as leading lady Midge Klump's body appeared on the stage. Several scissors and knives in her body, the same way that Margaret White met her fate in Carrie. Around Midge's body, there's a message from the Black Hood, announcing his return. "I am back from the dead. All those who escaped me before will die. B.H."
The next day, an unknown source leaked a video of Midge Klump minutes before her death. That same day, the Riverdale Police Department arrested their official suspect: Fangs Fogarty, who appeared in the video. Due to a lack of evidence, the Police let Fogarty go after being in custody for 72 hours. However, he wasn't a free man yet.
As an attempt to avenge Midge Klump, a shot was fired at the Sheriff’s station, leaving Fangs Fogarty to end up in the hospital, fighting for his life. Meanwhile, the divide between the North- and Southside grew stronger. The shooter, who turned out to be Donna Klump - the victim's mother - is still in custody. The second shooter, classmate Reggie Mantle, disappeared into the mob. Both his motives and whereabouts are still unknown.
Southside residents began to wreak havoc all around town. Its biggest target Riverdale High, the location where the pursuit of Fangs Fogarty started. At Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe, the recently released Ghoulies approached the diner, forcing the staff and its guests to endure their terror before they were scared off by former Sheriff Keller, Serpents leader Jones, and Fred Andrews. Other than these two locations, most of the Northside's damage was minor and restored within 24 hours.
In the meantime, the Black Hood revealed himself to be a resident of Elm Street. None other than Hal Cooper, the former owner and co-editor of the Riverdale Register, came forward before his attempt to a murder-suicide. Recording his confession, he revealed his family history of violence and murder, which we will elaborate on another time. Both his wife Alice and youngest daughter Betty survived, and Hal Cooper is now in custody at the Sheriff's station.
Another tragedy struck the Southside Serpents. Not even twelve hours after the attempted assassination of Fangs Fogarty, the Ghoulies demanded retribution for their imprisonment, starting with the battery of Jughead Jones, which led to both Southside gangs going to war, something the Southside residents had been fearing for years. Jughead Jones remains unconscious in Riverdale Hospital.
The Southside is left in ruins, uncertain when to be restored. It’s been two days, and the streets are still littered, our hospital is overflowing, and most homes are empty. And for what? A mother, wanting to avenge her child. A classmate with an unknown motive, entering the scene with a loaded gun. Both aiming at Fangs Fogarty, for his only crime was being in love with Midge Klump.
I dread for what’s to come, to be honest. I fear this won’t be over. Fangs Fogarty lives. The real murderer of Midge Klump, the Black Hood, is no longer a threat. Yet, I sense this travesty will haunt this town for a long time. And we can only wait.
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode of Underneath The Surface with your host Estelle. Don’t forget to tune in next week, and join me for an exclusive interview with Fangs Fogarty.
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