#imperial anidala
goldens0422 · 1 year
you know what would have been funny? i was busy thinking of some Imperial! Anidala AUs and there's one which just crossed my mind.
Imagine Padmé joins Vader on Mustafar, Vader beats Obi, and kills Sidious to take over. Vader tries to deepen his connection to the Dark Side as he and Padmé rule over the galaxy. Vader tries to portray himself as this evil, fearsome autocrat but is way too popular: he doesn't create the Death Star because neither he nor Padmé likes it, he abolishes slavery because duh, literally all of the clones (they don't get replaced) love him, he's still seen as the war hero, he's very handsome, and Padmé's presence + coregency mellows him out a lot. Padmé and his children are also there, and his love for them is wayyyyyy too much that he isn't nearly as evil and dark as he should be
Eventually, Vader comes to Padmé crying about how his connection to the Dark Side is weakening because of how much he loves her and the children and how he can't fuel his inner darkness anymore. He isn't really a Sith anymore and eventually Padmé convinces him to just let it go, renounce his darkness, and let the love flow through him so now he's just emperor anakin, former jedi and failed sith
emperor vader: suffering from success
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swift-creates · 4 months
@chrumblr-whumblr day 12: manipulation
wc: 222 | warnings: minor mentions of deaths | characters: Anakin Skywalker (pov), mentions of other characters (Palpatine, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Padmé, Leia, Luke)
this is a bit of my Imperial au! where Anakin 'pretends' to be Palpatine's apprentice. Sheev thinks he's manipulating Anakin and Anakin thinks he's manipulating Sheev and Anakin is manipulating himself into thinking he's got this and Everything Is Fine (it is not).
Darth Vader Anakin lived each and every day swathed in the terrible darkness that surrounded Emperor Palpatine, but it was fine.
It could be worse. Palpatine reminded him each and every day who was to thank for his newfound power and rank in the Empire, and how close he’d come to being killed by Yoda on Mustafar. And he reminded himself each and every day he wasn’t a Sith, wasn’t actually Palpatine’s apprentice or indebted to him. He was only pretending to be. It got harder when the anger burned in his chest like a small star at the injustices or the mention of how much he ‘owed’ the Emperor. But it was fine. Everything was fine.
He watched the Empire hurt people for years, as Luke and Leia grew up in the Dark. He hurt people himself when he had to, killed them sometimes. And tried to convince himself he wasn’t affected by his actions, that he was in control. That he was the one manipulating Palpatine, not the other way round. That it was fine.
After all, he wasn’t a real Sith. This was a facade, a lie. To stop the Emperor from hurting Padmé and the twins, to keep Obi-Wan and Ahsoka safe. If not they’d already be dead. So as it was, everything was fine.
Perfectly fine.
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masterpost of anidala fic
Pure Fluff
wildflowers among orchids: Padme Amidala has the next five years of her life charted out and colored coded. That is, until she decides she wants a date to senior prom... [modern au]
a surprise of roses: The Naberrie twins have never met their father, but that's about to change after a letter arrives at their Grandmother's house on Naboo.
carriage ride: Padme Amidala shares a carriage ride with her footman, Anakin Skywalker
untitled: obi-wan introduces his coworker Padme to Anakin, thinking she'll bring some sense into the boy's life [modern au]
untitled: Padme asks Anakin to fix her laptop [modern au] | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
untitled: Padme, Anakin, and a gas station late at night [modern au]
Let's put the fun in dysfunctional (angst)
destiny and rot: Padme learns of her destiny at fourteen
gratefulness: Anakin and Padme get divorced. Years later, someone knocks on Anakin's door
Garden Party: A pregnant Padme Clovis attends a garden party celebrating her and Clovis' (because it's definitely Clovis') baby.
stone and stars: A Padme lives fic in which Luke Skywalker, unaware of his birth mother's identity, meets and grows closer to rebel leader Padme Naberrie. Featuring vader chases, haunted mustafar castles, a dash of vaderdala for flavor, and arguments about who Vader's kid is just for the emotional spice.
moonlight: Vader watches Padme Amidala, courtier in the Sith Empire
then you are lost: Raised as a Sith Vader encounters Padme Amidala late at night.
untitled: the alliance learns of Padme's relationship to Vader | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Spooky Padme
rainy: An Imperial and his family move into the house of a former Naboo Queen and find it haunted
scarecrow: Padme decides to stay with Anakin after Mustafar
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reneeofthestars · 11 months
Excited to share the short story I wrote for "Star-Crossed: An Anidala Zine" @anidalazine ! A "Padme Lives" AU
Words: 2,585 * Read on AO3
Padmé Naberrie Amidala, former Queen of Naboo, former Galactic Senator, and current member of the Rebellion, had been in her share of tight spots before. 
But this was the first time the tight spot was an Imperial holding cell.
She’d already examined every inch of the enclosed dimly-lit space, searching for a weakness she could exploit, but found none. There was no access panel, no loose wiring, and no ventilation system large enough for her to squeeze through. So Padmé sat on the bench and watched the door, working on what she would say when an officer inevitably came to interrogate Sola Minnau.
After all, Padmé Amidala was dead.
For a while, Padmé thought she was dead. The galaxy around her swirled in hot reds and blues, then cold blacks and whites. Grief so raw it threatened to tear her apart, pain unlike any she had experienced, then stillness. Such perfect, silent stillness. She was weightless, drifting through some gentle embrace where there was no pain. No suffering.
It was the babies’ cries that called her back.
Once she was well enough to sit upright, she held her children close to her. Leia had Padmé’s eyes; Luke had Anakin’s. She was given privacy to cry. And once she had no more tears to shed, she set to work.
Padmé contacted Sabé, and her dearest friend organized the rest. Gathering Padmé’s former handmaidens, they worked swiftly to organize a body double and a funeral, and before long, the people of Naboo mourned the death of Padmé Amidala.
Heart aching but determined, Padmé had agreed to have her children separated – from her, and from each other. Having lost Anakin, Palpatine would turn his interest to the children if he knew they lived. Obi-Wan disappeared into the Outer Rim with Luke, and Bail falsified Leia’s birth records and took her into his home.
Over the years, Padmé – Sola Minnau, now – worked closely with Bail, Mon Mothma, and other trusted allies, establishing contacts, supply lines, and information networks. They smuggled food and medicine to communities being bled dry by the Empire, and helped those in danger disappear, all while trying to bolster support to resist the ever-growing dominance of the Empire over all worlds.
They all knew the risks. If they were caught, they could be subject to execution, or worse. But Padmé couldn’t stop. She would help, no matter the cost. She had spent her childhood on relief missions with her father, and she hadn’t been able to stand by while her people suffered when she was queen. She wouldn’t hide now.
That’s the thought that kept her focused when the contact on Rodia ended up being an Imperial informant. They had barely greeted each other before Padmé was surrounded by stormtroopers. Padmé had kept quiet, giving only her pseudonym when they initially questioned her. The troopers marched her onto a shuttle, and once they’d boarded the Star Destroyer in orbit, she’d been taken to a holding cell.
She took a deep breath and leaned back against the cold wall. In the twelve years since the fall of the Republic, Padmé had never been taken aboard a capital ship. With no communication or resources, help wasn’t coming. Padmé was on her own.
The door of the holding cell hissed open. She stood as a towering black-clad figure stepped in. Coarse, mechanical breathing filled the room; Padmé forced down a shudder. They had never crossed paths, but she recognized him from endless holos and horror stories, from the expressionless helmeted mask, from the lightsaber hanging from his belt.
Darth Vader.
Darth Vader’s breath would have hitched if his respirator hadn’t dragged the air from his lungs and reinflated them automatically. His heart would have stopped if the cardiac regulator hadn’t measured out steady heartbeats. The servos in his legs whirred as the galaxy was swept from under his feet and he nearly fell to his knees, so overcome with the emotions that suddenly raged inside him.
Padmé was alive. Alive, breathing, not five feet away.
No, that couldn’t be. She was dead. Vader had observed her funeral on Naboo, had mourned at her tomb. This was some trick, some deception meant to rattle him; the Emperor himself was likely behind this, testing Vader’s resolve. What was this trickery then? A PROXY droid? A Force Apparition? A Changeling? Perhaps a handmaiden?
But as Vader and his dead wife stared at one another, he shakily reached out with the Force, and felt – Padmé. Her existence thrummed in the Force, whole and strong, with that same vibrance he remembered from so long ago.
But she’d never looked at him like this. Anger burning in her eyes, resolve in the set of her lips, defiance in her stance. He’d seen her look at others like this and he’d admired her dedication and determination. But to have her glaring at him now, with loathing and defiance… he felt unsettled.
Padmé didn’t waste time. “On what grounds was I arrested?” she demanded. “It’s unlawful to take a citizen into custody without disclosing the nature of the supposed criminal activity.”
The current Admiral of The Executor had been so smug when he’d approached Vader to announce that a rebel insurgent had been captured. Vader had strode to the detention block, flanked by two stormtroopers, ready to wring out all the information he could from the rebel scum –
Of course she would be with the Rebellion. The Empire was the very thing that she had been so concerned about creating during the Clone Wars.
He forced himself to speak. “Conspiracy against the Empire.” His synthesized voice rang out in the enclosed space, so warped and pitched that she would never realize who she spoke to.
But did he really want her to know? Did he want Padmé to know what became of Anakin Skywalker? To see this broken, twisted husk of what remained? Would she want to know? Vader had killed Anakin Skywalker, had carved out everything that remained of the naïve Jedi, everything that Padmé had loved, until only Vader remained.
She was speaking, and Vader said nothing. He just… listened to her voice, bringing to mind memories of her practicing her speeches the night before important Senate sessions, as he half-listened, so happy that the Force had their paths cross all those years ago in Watto’s shop –
Fury burned in Vader’s core and he let it fester, let it burn away at the memories of the man he had killed. He turned his head, addressing the two stormtroopers standing in the cramped cell just behind him. “Leave us.”
Hastily, the troopers filed out, the door sliding closed behind them.
His breathing filled the silence; Padmé had stopped talking when Vader spoke. He felt her fear, though it did not show on her face.
“Do you have nothing to say?”
She had come to him on Mustafar, knowing what he’d done. Even as she betrayed me, she loved me.
It was the last thing she said to him; Vader heard it in his nightmares, sometimes. “Stop, stop now, come back. I love you. Anakin…”
Grief welled in him, and he spoke before he could stop himself. “I thought I lost you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’ve never met.”
“You were alive, I knew you were, but I felt – I felt our bond break.” His emotions roiled through him. “You were gone, he said –“
Hatred .
“He said I killed you,” Vader rumbled. “He said I killed you in a fit of anger, and when I couldn’t sense you, I believed him. The Emperor lied to me. He’s kept you from me all these years, knowing that I –”
That he what? Would have left Emperor Palpatine’s side? That he would run away with his long-lost wife? That he would kill her?
Padmé’s eyes had gone wide, frightened, incredulous as she stared at him. In a small voice, so quiet he almost didn’t hear: “…Anakin?”
The anguish threatened to consume him.
“Anakin Skywalker is dead.” He paused. “I…am what remains.”
She stared at him for so long, so silently, that Vader wondered if this might be a dream after all. “What…what happened?”
“It is because of Obi-Wan that I am like this,” he hissed.
“No! He would never hurt you! He loved you –”
“Enough! I don’t need to hear empty assurances.”
Fear lingered in her eyes, but that spark had returned. “If you can’t believe he loved you, what about our love?”
“I loved you more than I can ever express. I did everything for you – I would continue to do anything for you – ”
“Except come with me.”
“You brought Obi-Wan to kill me.”
“No! I didn’t know! I didn’t know he’d snuck aboard my ship.” And Vader was startled to hear the truth of her words reverberate in the Force. Taking a hesitant step forward, Padmé’s eyes flickered between the lenses of his mask, as though trying to see through them. “All I wanted was you. For us to be safe, and happy. We didn’t need anything else. Even…even after everything you did…”
“It was necessary. To bring order to the galaxy, to gain powers of the Force that would save –” Vader stopped abruptly. “The child. Does the child live?”
She bristled, and that was all the answer he needed.  
He turned from her, but he didn’t see the cold cell around them. He saw a child splashing in the lakes of Naboo, Padmé laughing as she chased them, and Anakin Skywalker watched them from the grass, smiling and happy, whole and unburnt.
And then his vision clouded with red, and black, and Darth Vader’s fury returned, wiping out the scene of peace that had been stolen from him. Because it had been stolen from him. If he had never pledged himself to the Emperor, never razed the Jedi Temple, never succumbed to the Dark Side, if the Emperor hadn’t lied to him about Padmé’s death… 
He jolted out of his seething reverie. Padmé’s expression was carefully controlled, but Vader could sense her unease, her fear, her… hope.
Her steady voice held more gentleness than he deserved. “What happens now?”
Now, the Emperor would die. Now, Vader would have revenge. Now…
He turned on his heel and waved his hand, the cell door opening, harsh white light spilling into the dim space.
“Bring her,” he commanded.
The stormtroopers moved immediately, pulling Padmé from her cell and marching her behind him. He could feel her eyes boring into the back of his helmet, but he didn’t turn around. If he took the time to explain, he might lose his nerve.
And neither Darth Vader nor Anakin Skywalker ever lost their nerve.
Padmé wanted to cry. She wanted to curl into the corner of some isolated place and sob her heart out. Instead, she raised her chin and walked as upright as she could as the stormtroopers escorted her behind the towering Sith.
How had the man she loved become the most feared monster in the galaxy?
She had believed, all those years ago, that there was still good in Anakin, even as he turned his back on everything he believed because he thought it would save her. But when Obi-Wan said that Anakin was dead –
Obi-Wan. Did he know that Anakin lived? Did he know what had become of his best friend? Had Obi-Wan lied to her about Anakin’s death, the way the Emperor lied to Anakin? No, she couldn’t believe that. He had been nearly as distraught as her. He couldn’t have known.
With all her heart, Padmé wanted to believe that there was still some sliver of good left in the creature that was Darth Vader; some glimmer of Anakin that she could recognize. But the horrific things that Vader had done… She watched the Imperials scatter from him in fear as Vader led her through the maze of corridors. How many had he killed? Tortured? He continued to hunt down surviving Jedi, relentlessly pursued Rebel insurgents, left ruins in his wake.
Could there really be good left in such a man?
She had to believe there was.
The corridor opened to a hanger bay. TIE fighters, small cargo ships, and shuttles lined the platform; technicians, pilots, deck crew, officers, and troopers moved in tightly organized groups, or else with purpose from one task to another. Darth Vader ignored them all, heading straight for a shuttle.
Technicians tending to the shuttle tripped over themselves as they leapt to attention.
“Lord Vader! We weren’t informed of a scheduled departure –”
“An apt statement, as I don’t often operate on schedules.” The man flinched. “I have need of my shuttle. Is it suitable?”
“Yes, my lord! It has been returned to your specifications.”
As the deck crew hurriedly cleared away their equipment, Padmé couldn’t help a twinge of familiarity; of course Anakin would be particular about his ship. So that, at least, had remained.
Darth Vader stood at the landing ramp and faced her. The troopers shoved her forward. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his hand twitch. But he didn’t strike. Instead, he stepped in front of them. “That will be all.”
“Sir?” one of them asked confusedly.
“I am not accustomed to repeating myself.” The low, warning tone sent a shiver up Padmé’s spine.
“Yessir,” the other said hastily, stepping back. The first trooper went to speak, thought better of it, and followed his fellow soldier.
Darth Vader’s shadow fell over her as she walked into the ship. Despite the size of the shuttle, there wasn’t much room inside; half the interior was taken up by some spherical mechanism, like a ball-shaped chamber.
“What’s happening?” she asked, doing her best to keep her tone calm.
Instead of answering, Vader swept past her, cape billowing behind him as he strode to the cockpit. “Strap in until we enter hyperspace.”
Her stomach flipped. Where was he taking her? Why didn’t he bring any guards along? Tense, she lowered herself into a seat and adjusted the safety harness. Darth Vader – Anakin – no, she couldn’t think of him as Anakin – Vader sat in the pilot's seat, expertly flipping switches and adjusting controls until the ship hummed to life.
The harsh white of the hanger bay ended as they emerged into the blackness of space. She could just spy Rodia through the viewport as Vader turned the ship and input coordinates. Coordinates to where? Within moments, the stars warped and stretched, before slingshotting them into the blue-white of hyperspace.
Gathering herself, Padmé undid the harness and stood. Vader made no movement as she walked into the cockpit. Even when she stood beside him, he didn’t turn to look at her. She gazed out the viewport feeling like she was hurtling towards –
“I will take you anywhere you want to go.”
A breath escaped Padmé. “What?”
Vader said nothing.
“You’re –” she sat heavily in a little-used copilots chair. “You’re helping me escape?”
“You will be interrogated as a Rebel spy. You may be tortured, or killed. And if the Emperor discovered your identity, he may take personal interest.”
After a long moment he added softly, “I cannot lose you again.”
With a trembling hand, she reached over and touched the side of that black mask. Finally, he turned to face her. It may have been a trick of the lenses, but for just a moment, she thought she saw his eyes illuminated in the light of hyperspace. Anakin’s eyes. Luke’s eyes.
“Come with me.”
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batrachised · 20 days
I got tagged by @kraytwriter to do a 20 questions challenge! I've done this one a few times, but I like it every time because it's fun to see how my answers change :D
With that, let's do this!
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20 Questions for Writers
How many works do you have on AO3?
A total of 50 across my accounts now! wow!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
ao3 is down so I can't check :( i know its a few hundred thousand!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars, LM Montgomery, and I made a brief foray into Bridgerton that is now dead in the water because I disliked the third season so much D;
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
ao3 is down :( I know my bridgerton fics would probably take up a good chunk of these - writing for it was certainly a lesson in writing for an extremely active fandom. I wrote my fics for the main couple of season 3 in the weeks before and after season 3 came out, and compared to other fandoms it was like drinking from a firehose in terms of response
5. Do you respond to comments?
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I TRY! I really love and appreciate all comments i receive (fine, most comments i receive, looking at you hate comments) but I tend to like responding to all comments on the final chapter best. there's still some i want to respond to because they point out details/make jokes that made me guffaw. i used to have the habit of responding to all the comments from the previous chapter when I posted the new chapter, which is something i might pick up doing again
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
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I LOVE writing surprise angsty endings, it's my form of crack. getting swarms of upset readers on the last chapter is therapeutic to me
i once wrote a fic that I based on calvin and hobbes, where Vader gets de-aged into an eight year old on the executor, the imperials assume he's a stowaway, the ghost of obi-wan has to frantically babysit him throughout various shenanakins until he realizes anakin being as destructive as possible on an imperial ship is actually a great thing, little anakin proceeds to go a merry and destructive ship tour, all is light and merry, and then the ending involves Anakin stumbling across Vader's quarters and then everything plummets into sad/mildly horrific territory - i had a ball
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably a bridgerton fic because it comes with the territory of the fantasy romance. i had a lot of fun writing one that was pure silliness about how dumb Colin was, and I'd say that one simply because of the tone
8. Do you get hate on fics?
occasionally, yes, but it's pretty rare. i can only ever remember deleting one, and I don't even remember what it was.
I do however, get some pretty backhanded compliment ones. i tend to give the benefit of the doubt one those and just take the compliment being shoved from behind
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
this is me when i get a comment slightly pg rated:
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all this to say, I would never be comfortable enough to write smut 😭i wrote one - one - long form romance fanfic for anidala once, once, and it's been long hidden under the anon tag because even though i kept things fairly clean, the comments were of a sort where i was not comfortable
10. Do you write crossovers?
nope, and i doubt i ever will unless the stories happen to fit very well together (merlin and harry potter was the only crossover that really ever made sense to me)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yes, but i was credited although not asked, so i'm not sure if it really counts
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yup, i've had a couple translated (one without permission lol, see above)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES, i wrote a fic with @cheesenames that is very dear to me, they are a favorite writing partner of mine because doing "and then they" star wars with them feels like this
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14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
vader and parenting
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
all of my bridgerton fics. every other WIP i'm stubbornly hanging onto, even if it's been years, but my bridgerton fics suffered from my catastrophic loss of interest in the storyline due to such a badly written season
16. What are your writing strengths?
i find it very easy to be very silly, so crack comes easily to me [sentences that only make sense in fandom context]
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
consistency - i read of terry pratchett and LM Montgomery and flannery o'connor and Chuck Close, who has this amazing quote:
Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightening to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself.
basically, i wish i wrote on a regular schedule because so far literally every good author i've read whose talked about writing has said consistency is necessary
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't know another langauge, and when it comes to fictional languages i'm not a huge fan because my lack of linguistic skills results in sentences that sound like "Gleeble glork glork, glook?"
19. First fandom you wrote for?
star wars! shout out to clifford roommate for telling me I should, I would have literally never written fanfiction in my life if not for her
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
ao3 is down, which makes this an interesting challenge, because i have to remember what i've written. today i'm gonna say a ticklish business
tagging: @healerqueen; @cheesenames; @sparrowsarus; @mollywog
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caripr94 · 10 months
Vaderdala Horror AU
An idea I tried to send someone in an ask on Halloween but apparently never got through:
Dark supernatural forces beyond the understanding of even the Sith bring Padmé back from the dead shortly after ROTS. They endow her with enhanced Force Sensitivity and magic and train her in the Dark Arts, all the while feeding her hatred and corrupting her in the Dark Side. Among her new powers are hydrokinesis, life energy absorption, and a hypnotic, seductive siren voice, the effects of the last of which are augmented by skin contact.
Soon after, she returns to the Galaxy proper undercover to seek revenge against everyone she believes responsible for destroying her family and her life, including both the Jedi and the Sith. She covertly rampages through both Imperial and Rebel forces, assassinating and/or enthralling key figures, gathering intel, sabotaging operations, and creeping her way towards Palpatine, the Rebel leaders, and what is left of the Jedi. This all leads to an encounter with Vader.
I still haven't decided whether or not Padmé has targeted him as Vader for supposedly replacing her husband or as Anakin for attacking her on Mustafar. Either way, his suit renders him immune to her mind control powers, but as soon as he recognizes her, it's clear that she doesn't need them to wrap him completely around her finger, as she has already done so. After clearing the air between them about everything, the reunited couple rekindles their love and Vader eagerly agrees to help Padmé in her plans. They begin plotting out steps to recover their children, heal Vaderkin's body, eliminate their enemies, and take control of the galaxy.
Please like and reblog with your thoughts.
@vaderdala1541 @kittenfangirl20 @roselani24 @an-angels-fury @anidalalover99 @anidala-for-ever @silvereddaye @tragicfantasy-girl @marvelstars @strrne @wingletblackbird @abla-soso @riana-one @redrikki @goldens0422 @padme-amitabha @ontherocks21 @allronix @the-far-bright-center @fanfictasia @clawedandcute @spaceymaseyy @casieyfran @the-far-bright-center @kayedium-writes @ursa-majora @fanfic-lover-girl
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ladyanidala · 2 months
Anon, why do you do this to me :')
(I'm totally kidding, maybe I'll find some motivation to finish some of my WIPs if you guys like them well enough, lol)
I'll give you the title (the titles as they are in my google drive, not the polished ones on AO3) and a sentence. Enjoy! :)
Rebelcaptain Timeloop - "When the blazing heat comes for Jyn like a wraith out of hell, she doesn’t expect to be standing in front of Cassian again."
Mayday/Reader Coworkers to Lovers - "Of course, pretending to date Mayday for the sake of him getting a promotion wasn’t helping your frustration either."
Fox FBI fic, let's goooooo - "I’ve survived worse, my dear. I’ll be there in a few hours and then meet you in the hotel. I can’t imagine that we’ll do anything other than awkwardly talk to each other."
Texas Hold 'Em - Rex - "(As you stared at the TV, you missed the double take he shot your way. You also missed the knowing looks from the other two men.)"
Anidala Stage Actor AU (this one is for an ask that came in a year ago, and I'm so sorry I haven't gotten it out yet!!) - '“Anakin, come on, we’re here to go over our lines, not grumble about how you’d never be as dumb as Romeo,” Padmé exclaimed, exasperated at his refusal to take their lines seriously.'
FOXIYO WEEK 2023 (rip, I never got to participate in it) - "She had a perfect view of the Imperial palace from where she stood - a mockery of everything she stood for and everyone she used to be friends with."
If Anakin and Padme left for Naboo - "I have the secret, my dear boy - the secret that will fix every problem that you will ever face from this point forward. Will you scorn my offered knowledge?"
Send me more roses if you want more lines, shoot me an ask about what a fic is about, or yell at me to complete literally any of these. Any motivation would be appreciated, lol.
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serendipity-by-chance · 7 months
kinda wanna write a skk star wars au but idk what to write lmao. i have different ideas floating in my head.
first comes the anidala inspired. one of them (most likely chuuya) being a jedi and the other being a politician (i can so see dazai in this role).
then i also have the idea of like andor-ep6 kinda au with dazai being a rebel and chuuya being Imperial. plus if Dazai used to be an imperial too and he defected.
lastly its one of them being a sith and the other being a jedi. like thats a classic right?
basically i want to put skk in a world i love so much but idk the plot isnt plotting until i have the roles set lol
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
Is it a misinterpretation to say that anidala was toxic?
No, but I wouldn't end the statement there, either. I don't think it was presented as romantic that it ended in domestic violence, just tragic, and it was building to that the whole time. That was the climax of the love story. And that's not even touching on how the deconstruction of the ideal of 'burning the world for the one you love'. And the clone wars cartoon goes into the toxic stuff even more, with a focus on Anakin's possessiveness and such.
However. I don't think that, for example, Padme's reaction to the Tusken massacre was necessarily presented as toxic, no matter how I feel about it. Maybe that was supposed to be about her compassion, not her lack of it- I'm not unbiased here, but I think I might be reading against the text when I say it feels like a lack of. Idk. Or the way the natural paradise of naboo as they fell in love was juxtaposed against the imperial sterility of kamino and it's war farm. or-
Idk, basically I think they were supposed to have loved each other- the love itself wasn't the problem, attachment was.
This kind of reminds me of a different conversation, about Anakin becoming a jedi- like in his scene with the council, the foreboding is real, and there's a sense that they're doomed when they took him on at the end, just like the sense of doom when he and Padme wed and he takes her hand in his metal one, reminding us of his future as Vader, how him being a jedi put him in the right place to destroy them, how marrying Padme created the impetus of his betrayal, but-
But "I am a jedi, like my father before me" could not have existed without both of those things occurring. Being a jedi, and being in love, those were both the best parts of him. The lines of destiny led the jedi Anakin and his love both to ruin and then to salvation.
And there's this thread, I feel, that Anakin could have been a good jedi, and that anidala could have been happy, and that neither of these things ended up being true- that was only inevitable in a narrative sense, not a literal one, and therein lies the tragedy.
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burntblueberrywaffles · 5 months
Do you know some anidala recs where their dynamic is similar to snowbaird? (It's so great to somehow connect my 2 favourite fandoms together)
Ohhh love getting this question bc these truly are my two biggest otps 😌
I think the most Snowbaird coded genre of Anidala fics would definitely be the Sith Raised Anakin fics!
Some great ones that kind of fit the vibe would be:
Two Truths, But An All-Consuming Lie (sadly abandoned, but it’s over 100k words and definitely worth a read)
the inevitable end of dancing with the devil
A Worthy Sacrifice
FOR YOUR LOVE (i’ll do whatever you want) - I’ve been too deep in the Snowbaird hole to read tge se ind chapter but the first one was so good!
Imperial Socialite - this one is a mustafar canon divergence, it’s giving "toxic Capitol AU Snowbaird” 😌
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writing patterns: first lines
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @insane-ohwhyfandoms! Thank you friend! Also stole your format!
CC-2224’s first memory is the pale sun of Kamino rising over the dark seas as he watches from the balcony of Tipoca City, his small legs dangling over the edge, his young mind soaking in the stolen moment. by any other name [star wars | cody-centric]
Reva was awake to watch from the Temple parapet nearest to the crėche when four Jedi Masters boarded a speeder and headed across the Coruscant skyline. growing up a little at a time (then all at once) [star wars | reva & obi-wan]
The Hub was completely empty, but someone was still watching her. they said the end is near [torchwood | tosh-centric]
The raucous cheers from the crowd reverberate with a bloodlust and fury that Obi-Wan can feel echoing through his blood and bones as he steps out into the dusty, gore-soaked arena. inching towards sunrise [star wars | jangobi]
Two men meet on a small planet, technically Mid-Rim but trenched on the initial edges of the Outer Rim to be overlooked and forgotten. how to stay with you [star wars | jangobi]
He’s busy leading a squad of the Alpha batch through a round of training exercises when Taun We enters the classroom, the skirt of her blue robe long enough that she appears to be floating. this lust is a burden we both share [star wars | jangobi]
When Luke Skywalker is five, he knows three things about his father: His name was Anakin, he had been a navigator on a spice freighter, and he is dead. i have not ever seen my father's grave [star wars | luke & anakin]
In a corridor in the Imperial Senate Building, by a marble pillar that frequently shadowed forbidden young lovers, Vader sees a ghost. you'll see my face in every place [star wars | anidala]
“Target spotted on Level 5123,” crackled the voice in CC-2224’s in-ear comm. “Target is suspected to be a Jedi traitor. Approach with extreme caution.” pull me from hell (bring me back again) [star wars | codywan]
“Fancy finding you here,” came a familiar drawl, teasing and light, as Cody continued counting the crates of recently requisitioned inventory. august slipped away into a moment of time [star wars | codywan]
final thoughts: i swing between simple sentences and compounds with a lot of phrases and comma usage. idk what to do with this knowledge.
tagging: @violetmessages, @toshsato, @shejustcalledmeafish, @horselover107, @dinodina, and whoever else would want to do this!
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Hi, how are you? I love your Vaderdala of Jedi Knight Padme and Rebel Padme. One question: can we see another image of pregnant Padme Knight?🌽🌽
Thanks for liking my arts! (^_^)✨️
Here's a link to my AU Vaderdala post with details ^^
And here's Jedi Padmé expecting!
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jedites · 4 months
searching for 1-2 (21+) more partners to write anidala / obikin / jyncassian. the writing will take place on discord with tupperbot! please read below before liking. i will reach out - please be willing to write and not just say you want to and then ditch. ghosting will earn a block!
i prefer to exchange writing samples to ensure we have a compatible style to avoid loss of muse.
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looking for:
- advanced writers (firm grasp on punctuation, doesn't repeat words, firm grasp on characterization and knowledgeable of star wars lore, can write 2-3 paragraphs and match tone of story. not searching for someone that is just starting or sacrifices quality for quick replies.) - chill writing. someone that is happy to write 1-2 replies a week and does not demand constant activity in return. someone friendly ooc and willing to share headcanons, playlists, etc! someone understanding of an adult's work load and is flexible! - someone willing to write slow burn aka romance doesn't just pick up within a few replies. i want a story! i want yearning! i want will-they-won't they! i am not interested in quick romance or smut centric threads. i am more than happy to incorporate darker themes and dead dove. - happy to brainstorm. please do not message me with an "idk what i want to write" as that is wasting my time. please be willing to give your own ideas for brainstorming together! writing is a collaboration.
i offer:
- many plots. i love missions, clone wars and imperial era plots, canon divergent, etc. i have plots ready to go for every ship above and i'm happy to incorporate other ideas or plots! i am multiship, multithread, etc! plots i love include undercover work, close proximity, bodyguarding, modern!aus, age gaps, protective partners, badass women. - communication. if i can't meet the weekly reply, i will update you! i push to reply 1-3 times a week and appreciate someone that can respect this and match it. if you demand replies or guilt trip for them, we would not be a good match. - willing to double up on the above characters. just ask! - ooc discussion. i love talking about star wars, sharing aesthetics, playlists, images, etc. plotting as we go and just having a really fun time with it. - in the ships above, i prefer to write: anakin or padme in anidala, with a slight lean towards anakin. anakin in obikin, though willing to double up. jyn or cassian, with a slight preference for jyn.
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kayedium-writes · 1 year
Anidala or Vaderdala for number 20!
Ask, and you shall receive, anon! I decided on Vaderdala, with a dash of Empress Amidala thrown in. I hope you enjoy it!
Fulfills PadMAY Bingo (@politicalpadme) prompt: Empress
All That Remains
Star Wars / Empress Amidala x Darth Vader / 100 Words
Padmé straddled her husband’s waist, memorizing the contentment on his face. A stolen moment of peace.
Her fingers traced over mottled skin, and thick scar tissue that covered much of his body. She leaned over him, peppering small kisses along his jaw and neck, smiling against his skin when he would make a noise from her teeth scraping a rare spot where he still had feeling. Every advancement in technology developed under her Imperial rule would go, first, to repairing what used to be smooth, sun-kissed skin beneath her hands. 
A small ask from an Empress who’d nearly lost everything.
Read here on AO3!
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sithskywalkerr · 7 months
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Summary: Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away... The Republic is in a desperate period as the forces of Jedi and Clones fight tirelessly against the Diseased. These waves of the undead seem unstoppable, and with each passing day, hope fades as the losses of lives mount. The world is growing increasingly unstable, and there appears to be no end to this brutal conflict. The once-great Republic now finds itself on the brink of collapse as the very foundations of its society are shaken to their core. But even in the face of such overwhelming adversity, some refuse to give up. Brave soldiers and Jedi continue to fight, risking everything to push back the tide of darkness that threatens to engulf them all. Once the Republic collapses, the glimmers of the Rebellion hope to continue the efforts to push back the Empire and restore peace across the planet. Chapters: 9/? Ships: Anidala Characters: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, R2-D2, C-3PO, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ahsoka Tano, Count Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Luminara Unduli, Original Sith Character(s), Original Imperial Characters (Star Wars), Original Inquisitor Characters Additional Information: canon divergent - zombie au, minor character death(s), cannibalis/m, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse
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Chapter One - please remain calm, the end has arrived. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Two - we cannot save you, enjoy the ride. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Three - don't call it a warning, this is a war. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Four - leave your flowers and grieve. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
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Chapter Five - if the suspense doesn’t kill you, something else will. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Six: when we forget the infection, will we remember the lesson? ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Seven - i heard they need better signal. put chip and pins in the needles. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Eight - quarantine all of those secrets in that black hole you call a brain before it's too late. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
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Chapter Nine - really, we just need to scream something; only pretend to believe something. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Ten - i know you're baying for blood; i wanna turn you around. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Eleven - you can board up your windows; you can lock up your doors. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Twelve - you can't keep washing your hands of this shit anymore. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Thirteen - all the king's sources and all the king's friends don't know their arses from their pathogens. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Fourteen - when life is a prison and death is the door … ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Fifteen - this ain't a warning, this is a war. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
Chapter Sixteen - we cannot save you. ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
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Chapter Seventeen - do you know why the flowers never bloom? ⤷ tumblr ⤷ ao3
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poonyo · 4 years
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Anidala week 2020: day seven ≡ free day AU: Unbeknownst to all but the highest ranking leaders in the Rebellion against the Empire, Imperial Senator Padme Amidala was the head of the Coursanti spy ring where she worked relentlessly to supply the Rebellion with intelligence, Darth Vader, vexed with the Rebellion’s recent victories is determined to bring their agents to Imperial Justice. Neither are aware that their paths will lead them to each other and committing treason. The treason? Falling in love.
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