#imperial au
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tlmtwelve · 5 days ago
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@wrecker-week prompt: Imperial AU
(I finally remembered to post the bingo card)
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nya-defense-club · 3 months ago
The Main Players of Imperial AU
Master of Earth
Hand of The Emperor
Cole was raised within the Imperial City due to being the son of an Imperial performer
Blasian (Japanese/West African)
Hopes the Imperial Palace has records of his mother, as he never really knew her due to his parents marriage being forbidden and illegal.
Master of Ice
Hand of The Emperor
Zane was raised/built in Ninjago City due to [redacted]
Blasian (Chinese/Southern African)
He's aware he's a nindroid, but is unaware of why he was created, hopes that his position within the Royal Household and Imperial Army will allow him to investigate the mysteries of his past.
Master of Fire
Hand of the Emperor
Kai raised Nya in Ignacia, looking after their parents' blacksmith
Southeast Asian (Filipino)
As he got older, he became more aware of the mysterious circumstances around his parents disappearance. With all the knowledge locked away in the Imperial Palace, he is beginning to wonder if there is more to the story than he knows, and if they may still be alive.
Master of Electricity
Hand of The Emperor
16 (and a half!)
Jay was raised in his parents' scrapyard in the sea of sand
Wasian (Japanese/American)
Is terrified of his powers after an accident left both him and his father scarred and injured, which incidentally was also the reason he was recruited so young.
Master of Water
Hand of The Emperor
Nya was raised by Kai in Ignacia, pursuing her education to better her family's circumstances
Southeast Asian (Filipino)
Is upset that her elemental outburst caused both her and Kai to be enlisted early, thus completely derailing her plans to help Kai. She does not want to be here.
Master of [redacted]???
The Imperial Prince of the Ninjago Empire
8 (and a quarter!)
Raised in the Imperial Palace by his father and uncle
Is irritated at the prospect of new minders, but excited for ones closer in age- possibly friends. He is very wary of his unstable powers.
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jedipoodoo · 2 years ago
This might be a weird request, you don't have to write this okay! But... How about Imperal bad batch ( seperated) and pregnant reader? Hunter turns into the darks side while his wife is pregnant (almost like Anakin and Padme
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Ma'am, I will answer any and all requests for a pregnant reader and you know that. I'm sorry for taking so long, but I really wanted to do this one justice 😁
Haunted (Imperial! Hunter x Pregnant!Fem!Reader)
Okay, so most of my Dad Batch shorts mention keeping the baby from the kaminoans and the like, so....what if they couldn't keep the baby from them???
Warnings: labor and delivery, pregnancy (obvi), kidnapping, The Empire sucks, Nala Se is a pain in the shebs, Nobody likes Wilhuff Tarkin. This one is a lot darker than my usual stuff. Dark may be too strong of a word for it, but idk how else to put it.
Notes: what it says on the label. Pregnant reader, female reader. Hunter is manipulated. Protective Hunter, Angst without a happy ending...yet. Dividers by @saradika
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"Hold on just a minute more, cyare, we're almost there," Hunter urged. Echo peeked around the corner, signaling for Hunter to freeze. Hunter, holding one of your hands to lead you and wrapping the other around your waist to hold you upright, pulled you against the wall to keep from being seen around the corner. He could hear the slow, meandering gait of a Kaminoan as they walked past the hall, unsuspecting, taking all the time in the world while you struggled not to whimper at the pain in Hunter's arms.
Hunter gently patted your belly, as if that would make everything better.
"You're doing great," He whispered.
"I'm gonna kill you," You growled.
Echo hissed a warning, waving you both forward. The Kaminoan was gone.
Your comm beeped softly, and Hunter snatched it up, trying to get you to move faster when all you could do was waddle.
"Come in, Tech."
"The medical wing has been cleared. Wrecker and Crosshair will stand guard."
"Good. We're two minutes out."
"AHH!" Your knees gave out as a contraction tore through your body, and you almost slipped out of Hunter's arms.
Hunter gently lowered you to the floor to let you catch your breath, "Breathe, sweetheart, just keep breathing," He urged. It was in some stupid holo-article that he had read online, and despite the amount of research he'd put into labor and delivery, that tactic in particular was starting to get super annoying. Breathing was one of the last things on your mind when you had
"Is that one worse than the last few?" Echo asked. He was trying to be gentle, force bless him he was, but his grip on your arm was struggling not to pull you to your feet and drag you to safety.
You looked up at Hunter, and froze. Despite the fact that every single thing he was trying to do at the moment was annoying you to no end, you could see the fear quavering in his eyes.
You all knew that if the Kaminoans found you, as arrogant and self-serving as they were, they would unquestionably seize your child as Kaminoan property, enfolding him (or her) into the sea of identical brothers bred for slaughter. Neither Hunter or his brothers were going to let that happen.
"Osik," Hunter muttered none too softly. You followed his gaze to the floor, where a sticky puddle was forming from your water breaking. Osik was right.
Hunter slipped his arms under your legs and your back and hefted you in the air. He didn't even wait for the all-clear from Echo, he just ran to the med-wing.
"Hunter, I can walk-" but the next contraction stole your breath and proved you wrong. Hunter ran faster, and you could hear Echo struggling to catch up with you. You wrapped your arms around Hunter's neck and prayed.
Wrecker and Crosshair waved you past, sealing the door shut behind you. Only Tech and a single med-droid were in the tiny medical wing they had managed to clear.
"The droid's memory will be wiped the moment we are finished," Tech promised before you could voice your worries. Hunter gently sat you on the table, bracing your feet in the stirrups.
"Her contractions are two minutes and thirty seconds apart," Hunter said. The droid quickly ran a few scans to confirm and Tech handed you a large sheet of paper that hardly counted as a robe.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
You gulped, bracing yourself against another contraction. Whether or not you were ready, your baby was coming.
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There was pounding on the door, but you could barely hear their demands of "Open up in there!" over the squalls of your baby.
"It's a boy," Tech said, almost as an afterthought as the droid cut the umbilical cord.
Hunter pressed his lips to your forehead, despite how sweaty and gross you felt. "Good job, cyare," He whispered, "You did so good."
You nodded, unable to think straight. "The baby..." You reached for the child bundled in Tech's arms. Hunter sprung to his feet and took them from Tech as gently as he could, bringing the baby back over to you.
"Oh," You gasped softly, running a finger across their cheek. It was a little sticky, like something that had been dried haphazardly, and their hair was still slick with blood and fluids, but you brushed it out with your fingers, letting the dark curls spring into place as he wriggled with all his newborn strength.
"He looks just like you, Hunter," You whispered.
"The spitting image," Tech had already shut down the droid to wipe its memory circuits, and you took the baby from Hunter, pressing him against your chest.
"Mama's here, Mama's here," You said, kissing the baby over and over.
The pounding on the door had stopped, but there was lots of shouting. Hunter's gaze darted to the door as he heard Wrecker cry out.
"We've got to get you out of here," He said, pulling you to your feet. You stumbled like a newborn fathier colt, leaning against him.
"I-I can't," You gasped. You tried to give him the baby, "You have to take him,"
"I'm not leaving you," He insisted.
"Now is not the time for affectionate stubbornness, Hunter, she's right. You have to get him out of here before-"
There was blasterfire in the hall, and you saw sparks fly as several bolts hit the door. Your son wailed unhappily and you reached for him, only to pull your hand back at the last moment.
"Go!" You begged Hunter, but it was too late.
The door that Tech had painstakingly sealed shut slid open, and eight shock troopers pointed their blasters into the room, aiming for you, Hunter, and the baby.
"Place the infant on the table and step back," Their captain commanded.
"No," Ever the contrarian, Hunter shielded your son from their view.
You hadn't even named him yet.
Just beyond the wall of troopers, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo had all been forced to their knees with their hands behind their heads. The bodies of several other Shock Troopers and Kaminoan security troopers were strewn about the hall, dead or alive it was hard to tell, but the Batch wasn't going down without a fight.
Admiral Tarkin stepped into the doorway to take in the damage for himself, but what made your blood run cold was Nala Se standing behind him.
"You will not take my child!" You screamed. stumbling to your feet to stand between your son and the blasters.
"Your child is Kaminoan property," Nala Se said calmly, despite the bodies of her creation littered around her.
"Imperial Property," Tarkin corrected harshly, "Much like your supposed lover and his squad. Lieutenant, you are stripped of your title and imprisoned for your crimes. CT-9901, you are also henceforth removed from your post as Sergeant. You are all under arrest."
"She has just given birth!" Tech finally spoke up, "She will not be going anywhere until she heals! Unless you wish to have her death on your hands?"
You hadn't even named him yet.
Tarkin shrugged, "Dead or alive, it makes no difference." He waved to the troopers who approached with several sets of binder cuffs like the others wore.
"No!" You screamed and leaped at the troopers. You were unable to do more than crash into them, but it gave Hunter a shot at getting through, and that was all you could hope for.
With your son secured to his chest, Hunter dashed out of the room and past the astonished Nala Se and a flabbergasted Tarkin. You smirked to yourself as you slid down to the floor, breathing heavily.
Tech grabbed your arm to steady you, and both of you were grabbed by the troopers
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Hunter knew the halls of Kamino like the back of his hand. Once he made it past the original wave, there was little to stop the (former) sergeant of Clone Force Ninety-Nine.
His baby whimpered in his arms, and he hurriedly hushed them.
He'd come back for you later, or maybe his brothers would help you escape, somewhere quiet and peaceful like you'd always talked about after the war. Somewhere you could raise your family in peace.
But for now, he was only worried about doing what you'd said, and that was getting your son to safety.
"It's alright, ad'ika, we're gonna get you out of here," He whispered, pressing his lips against the boy's forehead.
"I'll keep you safe."
Alarms blared to signal his escape, which made it harder to calm the baby, but also simultaneously hid their cries.
Hunter wished that his brothers were with him, but they had all agreed to this. They had all insisted that your child was priority, and they would defend it like one of their Vode, just as they had when you joined them.
Hunter ran faster, on deft feet, always knowing which hall to take in order to avoid a clumsy stampede.
The Marauder was docked in the bay closest to the medwing, Echo needed a checkup after their last mission, but it seemed serendipitous when your contractions started in the early morning. You knew the Kaminoans would see this as openly flaunting your blatant disregard for their authority in their own city. You'd wanted to have your baby anywhere but Tipoca City, but then you'd received orders to return to Kamino with the end of the war.
Hunter grit his teeth, avoiding patrols was keeping him from going as fast as he'd like,and his son's cries were getting more and more agitated. It was a pitiful replacement, but he stuck his finger in the child's mouth to let him suck on it. As soon as he took off, he could give him the formula aboard the Marauder and look him over.
"Most childcare experts agree that there is a distinct possibility that hyperspace travel at such a delicate stage can be detrimental to child's development," Tech's voice echoed in Hunter's mind. But that couldn't be helped right now.
He turned the corner towards the bay, but it was blocked by another squad of Shock Troopers. Before he could think, he drew his blaster.
"Hunter!" You screamed in terror. Hunter's blood ran ice-cold as he spotted you.
You were on your knees, held upright by two troopers, and an Admiral (or someone else who wore one of those gray suits) had a blaster pointed at your head. Tarkin met Hunter's gaze with a smug smile.
"You made a valiant effort in your escape, Sergeant. I can only imagine how much that child means to you."
Hunter shifted the baby, holding him closer. The boy was starting to grow frantic again, now that he didn't have anything to suck on.
"However," Tarkin continued, "Much like yourself, the child is now property of the Galactic Empire. Attempting to steal him is treason."
"If I'm already committing treason, I might as well shoot you here and seal the deal." Hunter focused his aim on Tarkin.
"You could, couldn't you?" Tarkin barked a cold, humorless laugh,
"However, the moment you open fire, Vice Admiral Rampart has orders to shoot at point-blank range."
You shook your head desperately. "Hunter, don't!"
"Hand over the infant, now!" Tarkin said. His lackey in an identical suit pressed the blaster to the base of your throat, cutting off your protest.
"What will it be: the child? Or it's mother?" Tarkin sneered.
It was over. Hunter knew that. Even if he did as you asked, he still wouldn't be able to get past the Shock Troopers. His sons cries were like ringing in his ears as he tossed his blaster to the side.
They took his son from his arms, and all he could say was "Support his head!" as they turned away so that Hunter couldn't even see him anymore, but he listened to his cries as they were dragged in opposite directions.
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You and Hunter were brought to what sufficed as the brig in Tipoca City. Tech, Echo, Crosshair, and Wrecker were already there, and they hurried to make room for you to sit on the only bench available. Your legs were shaking terribly, and you were sore all over. The pain medication Tech had given you was starting to wear off. Tech gave you a once-over as best he could without his datapad or any medical gear.
"Most of this recovery takes several months anyway, even without the added stress you've been through," He said, it what must have been an objectively positive observation, but only served to remind you of everything you had just lost.
"Where's the kid?" Crosshair demanded. Hunter couldn't even look him in the eye from the insane guilt he felt at giving up his son. All you could do was cry.
Crosshair cursed and slammed his fist against the wall, though he didn't know what he was expecting from an operation like this. Clone Force 99 had never known failure like this before, it was a foreign feeling to them.
Hunter refused to let himself cry. He had to be strong for his brothers, for you and your son. He had to get you out of there, somehow.
He didn't even know how you could bare to look at him for such a catastrophic failure, but you turned to him and wrapped your arms around his chest, pulling him close to you.
"We...we didn't even get to name him," You whimpered in Hunter's arms.
Hunter's jaw stiffened atop the crown of your head.
"Well, let's name him now."
It felt slightly pathetic, sobbing in a jail cell over a child that had been ripped from your arms, but the idea of naming him felt like a rousing battle cry deep in your soul. The Kaminoans hated the names that the clones gave each other, and despite all the nicknames that they claimed and gave to each other, at the end of the day only their numbers were written on reports and official documentation.
But your son wasn't a clone. He was your son. And he would have a name from birth.
"Asher." You said. Where you came from, the name symbolized hope, of something beautiful and precious being created from the ashes of destruction. Something like your life as a family.
Hunter nodded, gently rubbing circles into your shoulders. "Asher it is."
"CT-9901, you need to come with us."
Ice encased your heart as the shock troopers approached the makeshift cell, deactivating the shield.
"Don't," You begged, looking up at him as your hands dug into his shirt, holding on for dear life.
"I have to," He whispered, working your fingers loose so he could stand.
"She's right," Echo said loudly, standing up.
"Yes, we stay together." Tech stepped between Hunter and the shock trooper.
The trooper did not take kindly to this show of defiance, and drove the butt of his blaster into Tech's stomach. Tech fell to his knees as he gasped in pain, and the others all stood ready to fight, but knowing it was fruitless.
"Enough," Hunter stood, motioning to his brothers to stand down.
"I'll go."
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He wasn't cuffed, but there was a blaster muzzle in his back every step of the way. The troopers led him back to the med bay, where several medical droids were still cleaning the room that you had commandeered earlier. The troopers marched him past the room and past a large window where several cadets were going through their checkups. And right in the corner was Asher.
Hunter disregarded the warnings from the Troopers and place his hand against the window, wishing he could catch his son's attention. He was in an incubation box, sound asleep, with monitors strapped to his chest. Hunter was just relieved he wasn't in a growth tube.
"Asher," He murmured as a shock trooper gripped his shoulder, "Your name is Asher."
The troopers all but dragged him to another closed-off room, where Tarkin waited with Nala Se and a datapad. Hunter kept his focus on Tarkin, wondering if the so-called "Admiral" had spent as much time with a hot blaster in his hand than in a comfortable office on Coruscaunt.
"We meet again, Sergeant."
Hunter chuckled, "I thought I wasn't a Sergeant anymore, Admiral."
"I suppose you'd prefer to be called CT-9901, then?"
So the Admiral did know about their chosen names, he just chose not to use them.
"What do you want?" He asked, trying to not let his breathing get the best of him.
"What I need is your cooperation,"
Hunter shrugged, "Sounds simple enough. Just let them go."
He knew it was a fool's dream to think that Tarkin would actually acquiesce to his demands, but he had to try.
"Let my wife, son, and brothers go and I'll do whatever you want."
Tarkin squared his shoulders to challenge Hunter, "Certainly not. That would be a grave mistake on our part. Think of all that we could learn. The Empire has other plans for a force-sensitive child."
Hunter's blood ran cold.
"Oh, you didn't know," Tarkin smiled slyly, and Hunter's hands clenched in an effort to keep from slapping the smirk off his face.
Nala Se handed Tarkin her datapad, "Nala Se's team has performed all the necessary tests and administered the correct vaccinations for your child. A quick blood test showed a count of approximately fifteen-thousand midi-chlorians."
Hunter's throat ran dry, and his ears rang with the sound of his son- Asher's- cries.
"You have a simple choice, Sergeant. Join the Empire freely, stay with your brothers, your partner and your child, or be forced to watch them suffer for your treason."
It wasn't much of a choice, and Hunter knew it. They were offering him the short end of the stick to pull him from the same raging rapids they had tossed him into, but it was either that or drown.
And he would sacrifice everything he was for the chance to protect you and your child.
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Post-Script: I know I've used Asher as a name for Crosshair's kid but it fit too well for this AU.
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tsotf-fic · 8 months ago
♚ chapter 1 - when stars collide ♛
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iii. the ward
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As they approached the party, Y/N gasped. The palace itself matched the over-extravagance of the partygoers: hundred-foot-long velvet tapestries depicting the glory of the Empire decorated the front of the former Jedi Temple in a way seemingly designed to mock its ancient history. The statues of ancient Jedi sages had long been torn down, replaced by a single statue of the Emperor looming over the center of the stairway. Stormtroopers flanked the sides of the building, stony and unmoving, threatening any onlookers who would dare to step a toe out of line.
"Are there normally this many stormtroopers stationed outside of the Imperial Palace?" Leia asked, careful to sound as innocent as possible. It wasn't entirely fake; stormtroopers were nonexistent on Alderaan, so any eavesdropper would assume she was purely unaccustomed to their presence.
"It is standard protocol," Her father responded, and then he lowered his voice. "Although... something about this doesn't feel quite right to me, either."
Y/N shivered. Without saying anything, Leia intertwined their fingers, not quite grasping her hand but still holding on to her as they ascended the palace steps.
A crimson-plated protocol droid stood off to the side of the massive doors at the palace entrance. The palace guards had their staffs crossed, blocking entry to anyone who dared to enter uninvited. Not that anyone would–palace security had a reputation for being both impenetrable and merciless, and although there hadn’t been any incidents as of late, no one dared to find out just what the repercussions would be. There were rumors, however. It was best not to think of them. 
The droid straightened up as they approached, greeting them in a posh, mellifluous voice. “Greetings, loyal citizens of the Empire. I am L-3PO, official Imperial liaison between organics and robotics, tasked tonight with welcoming guests to this most wonderful event. I’ll have to check to see that you’re on the guest list and verify your identities–this will only take a moment!” 
Datapad in hand, the droid scrolled through with their stylus, and Y/N could only begin to imagine how long the list was; just how many planets, and people…
"Presenting the Alderaanian Delegation,” L-3PO said, reading from the illuminated screen. “Her Majesty, Queen Breha Organa, and His Highness, Viceroy Bail Organa.” 
The royal couple bowed and made their way through the doors, pausing just behind the entrance to wait for the girls.
L-3PO spoke again. “Her Highness, Princess Leia Organa, and…?” The droid looked over at Y/N skeptically, mechanical eyes glinting, and she froze. Leia’s eyes flicked between Y/N and her parents nervously, silently begging for their help as Y/N stood unresponsive.
Breha looked over at the frightened girl and stepped in. "Lady Y/N Alde, our ward."
"Oh–my deepest apologies, Your Highness, it took a moment for my database to recognize her face! Forgive my slight malfunction," L-3PO apologized, and the guards backed away, lowering their staffs. "Her Grace, Lady Y/N Alde."
A flame rose to Y/N’s cheeks as she stepped forward, praying her makeup would hide her humiliation as she went to join her party. A few sympathetic glances were thrown her way, but she chose to ignore them, save for the eyes of the princess–eyes that held no patronizing pity. Only anger.
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fanfiction by @kaleidoscope1967eyes
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rendomski · 3 months ago
The Bad Batch fic rec: Charon's Forgotten
Dear fandom, we need to talk about “Charon's Forgotten” by @bitterfishiesstuff because it is the best Imperial!Batch AU I've ever read. Maybe even one of a kind. Tech and Wrecker fall under the influence of the chip and are conditioned to serve the Empire, first separately and later alongside Crosshair, and all end up in a relationship, bumpy and complicated. All bear their scars, literal and figurative. Navigating the intrigues of the Imperial Security Bureau isn't what they were trained for, and it changes and shapes their relationships. The story is twisted, often brutal (mind the warnings!), and fascinating. It is not a happy, optimistic AU where the characters get to see the light, sooner or later. But they make the best of the worst circumstances. And if not light, there is love for them, a lot of love.
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abandonedgooose · 2 years ago
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Imperial AU
I made another characters, and edited Julie's version. She's one of Wally's relatives now
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inquisitor-apologist · 2 years ago
Thinking of another Star War AU I Will Not Write. This time, it’s an Imperial Ghost Crew one:
Sabine Wren fails to escape the Imperial Academy, and is, for some reason, forced into a mentorship program with Hera Syndulla, an extremely competent and talented new ISB agent coming out of a decorated career in the Imperial Navy. Sabine hates her on sight. She attempts to run away at least five times a day (Hera always seems to know where she is), and makes no secret of how much she wants to join the rebel terrorists they are currently hunting. The only upside to the situation is Agent Syndulla's ancient, borderline illegal droid (he doesn't want to go through Imperial reprogramming, and Hera won't make him) who lives for chaos and is absolutely willing to hack into a Star Destroyer’s comm system to blast the Republic anthem and smuggle in smoke bombs.
Hera Syndulla was captured in an Imperial raid when she was a kid (11-12) and placed in an Imperial reeducation facility. She graduated top of her class at the Imperial Fighter Academy and served as one of the Empire's most talented TIE pilots until she was promoted to the ISB. And now she has to wrangle a teenage Mandalorian whose favorite hobbies are high treason and vandalism. Sabine's relentless rebellion starts to change her mind on the Rebellion, especially when Sabine tells her about the Duchess and what the Empire's done to Mandalore.
Chopper, of course, goes where Hera goes, even though the Empire is far too orderly for his tastes. He somehow found her after her capture and reeeducation, and covertly replaced her astromech at the Fighter Academy. He commands an army of Mouse Droids on the Star Destroyer, and takes great pleasure in using them to sneak bugs and smoke bombs into Officer's quarters. In his opinion, Sabine is the best thing that's ever happened to him--she's an excellent gunner, a fellow chaos lover, and she's gotten Hera to loosen up a bit, so it's easier than ever to sneak off with her codes to prank the Admiral.
Ezra was captured with his parents on Lothal and put into Project Harvester, where he was eventually transferred into the Inquisitorius as a Junior Inquisitor. As such, he is extremely repressed. Sabine takes one look at him and decides he's her new best friend, and by the Force she is going to radicalize him. They become fast friends, and are soon the bane of every Senior Officer's existence. But no one can track the mysterious disappearance of all of Admiral Konstantine's pants back to them, of course. They bond over shared Imperial Trauma and eventually decide that they need to get out of here as fast as fucking possible.
Kanan was captured after Order 66 and was tortured into the Inquisitorius, so he's even more emotionally constipated than Ezra. He is Struggling with attempting to parent a teenager because Vader and the Grand Inquisitor's solution to everything was torture, and for some strange reason, he doesn't want to do that with Ezra. Also, he's extremely confused whenever he looks at Hera because he gets Feelings other?? than unquenchable rage??? and he does not know how to process this At All. He ends up covering for Ezra and Sabine's shenanigans because they're just kids and he doesn't want to see them punished. So no, Admiral Konstantine, he has no idea how all the security tapes for your room on the night your pants were stolen disappeared, it's a complete mystery.
Zeb and Kallus are the leaders of the Rebel cell they're trying to capture, because there's absolutely no way Zeb would ever be Imperial. Kallus and Hera were friends back at the Imperial Academy so they've got that best friends to enemies dynamic, and Zeb and Kanan have a really old rivalry--Zeb has a habit of sneaking Force Sensitive kids out of the Empire's reach, and Kanan's been halfheartedly hunting him for years. They are absolutely kriffing, and keep asking Hera and Kanan when they're going to finally do it. Kanan is so embarrassed he can't speak, and Hera looks straight down for so long that the rebels make their getaway unchallenged.
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meilooruns-a-go-go · 2 years ago
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Imperial Tech gets to fly the most cutting edge TIE fighters. He's the best pilot the Empire has seen since Vader. His cybernetic eyes give him an edge, but it's his steady nerves, and his ability to think fast and react faster that allow him to fly almost as well as a Force sensitive pilot.
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andorerso · 2 years ago
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DIEGO LUNA | Actors On Actors Behind The Scenes
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bitterfishiesstuff · 4 months ago
Chapter 27 of Charon's Forgotten(aka Imperial AU)
Title: Ties that bind, part 1
Paring: Poly Crosstecker Crosshair/Tech/Wrecker
rating for this chapter: T (canon level violence, hurt/comfort, followed by pure fluff)
Reminder the whole fix is rated E for other chapters. Minors DNI for everyone's safety
Summary: A close call leads Crosshair and Wrecker to plan a day to spoil Tech. (Aka my most self indugent chapter, now two chapters)
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pararararablof · 2 years ago
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nya-defense-club · 3 months ago
When the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, he soon realised that the people he made needed a leader to unite them, to prevent petty, petty wars from breaking out. So, he set up what would become the Ninjago Empire, a vast and sprawling empire that would become the dominant force on Ninjago. But it has been many years since the First Emperor sat the throne, now his oldest son, Emperor Garmadon, rules with an iron fist, guided by the second brother, his Imperial Highness Wu. Now, with the Imperial Prince Lloyd manifesting his powers, he needs protection and guidance more than ever. The Hands of The Emperor, the elite legion of the strongest elemental masters are perfect for the job.
Also known as my new AU, the Imperial AU! It's semi fleshed out, I look forward to exploring more of here on tumblr, I'll be posting some character descriptions soon! My tag will be #Imperial AU, as I am simple like that :)
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swift-creates · 10 months ago
@chrumblr-whumblr day 12: manipulation
wc: 222 | warnings: minor mentions of deaths | characters: Anakin Skywalker (pov), mentions of other characters (Palpatine, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Padmé, Leia, Luke)
this is a bit of my Imperial au! where Anakin 'pretends' to be Palpatine's apprentice. Sheev thinks he's manipulating Anakin and Anakin thinks he's manipulating Sheev and Anakin is manipulating himself into thinking he's got this and Everything Is Fine (it is not).
Darth Vader Anakin lived each and every day swathed in the terrible darkness that surrounded Emperor Palpatine, but it was fine.
It could be worse. Palpatine reminded him each and every day who was to thank for his newfound power and rank in the Empire, and how close he’d come to being killed by Yoda on Mustafar. And he reminded himself each and every day he wasn’t a Sith, wasn’t actually Palpatine’s apprentice or indebted to him. He was only pretending to be. It got harder when the anger burned in his chest like a small star at the injustices or the mention of how much he ‘owed’ the Emperor. But it was fine. Everything was fine.
He watched the Empire hurt people for years, as Luke and Leia grew up in the Dark. He hurt people himself when he had to, killed them sometimes. And tried to convince himself he wasn’t affected by his actions, that he was in control. That he was the one manipulating Palpatine, not the other way round. That it was fine.
After all, he wasn’t a real Sith. This was a facade, a lie. To stop the Emperor from hurting Padmé and the twins, to keep Obi-Wan and Ahsoka safe. If not they’d already be dead. So as it was, everything was fine.
Perfectly fine.
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tsotf-fic · 8 months ago
♚ chapter 1 - when stars collide ♛
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i. sisters
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"Are you sure the feathers are necessary?" Leia asked as her attendant droid, WA-2V, laced up the back of her bodice.
A cloud of white feathers and lavender tulle surrounded her waist and delicately floated to her feet, giving her the appearance of some ethereal being from an old fairy tale.
"It is a costume party," replied Y/N, who was also being fitted in a matching gown. "Besides, I heard feathers are very good for diplomacy."
Leia glared at her, only for the two of them to immediately burst into giggles afterwards. Her deep brown eyes reflected a softness that only Y/N knew; only together could she truly be vulnerable without ever feeling weak or threatened.
However, vulnerability usually referred to dropping the prim-and-proper-princess persona in favor of mischievous girlishness.
The rather flamboyant costumes they wore–which were based upon Alderaanian swans, the heraldic animal of House Organa–were for the upcoming ball for the Grand Vicennial Celebration of the Empire. Holonet News predicted it to be the 'party of the century,' but Y/N had her doubts. Sure, events like these were politically important, but the whole ordeal was just another gross display of the veneer of Imperial wealth and power.
Queen Breha, who oversaw preparing the girls for the ball, placed her hand on Leia's shoulder with playful sternness. "Now, girls, in spite of our opinions of the Empire, it is crucial that the two of you take this event seriously–especially you, Leia."
"I know, mother. It is my duty to represent the Alderaan system with grace and dignity."
"Exactly. And don't think you're free from responsibility, Y/N. You're the sole heir to the House of Alde, and its reputation rests firmly in your hands alone."
"I guess I should be dressed as a thranta, then," Y/N sighed. As fun as it was to be descended from the original namesake of their planet, she didn't like being reminded of the fact she wasn't an Organa.
Breha noticed Y/N's change of mood and gave her a reassuring smile. "If that is what you wish, I can have it arranged. However, I think it is rather charming to have you and Leia in matching outfits."
"And I don't want to be the only one stuck in feathers," Leia retorted.
Y/N turned to face the mirror. Her hair, like Leia's, was done up in plaits encircling her head. A pair of white wings stretched out over the sides of her braids, and from the center extended a chain of pearls ending in a teardrop-shaped jewel of lilac chalcedony at the center of her forehead.
"Why aren't you in a silly costume, mom?" Leia asked, crossing her arms.
"I'm dressed as the Queen of Alderaan. I'm already silly enough," Breha said with a wink. "Now, if you two will excuse me, I have some business to attend to elsewhere. WA-2V, please make sure the girls are ready within an hour."
"Yes, your majesty," whirred the gentle mechanical voice of WA-2V as Breha hurried out of the room.
Y/N turned to Leia and shrugged. Even though Breha was the ruler of the planet, they were always the ones who had to dress up and essentially be put on display at any sort of political gathering.
It wasn't entirely a bad thing–the inner child in Y/N still enjoyed the charm of dancing in beautiful gowns at glittering balls. Ironically, it was one of the few instances where she didn't shy away from being in the spotlight.
Leia, however, had quickly outgrown that sense of romantic naïveté.
"I still have no idea how we're going to dance in these dresses without falling on our faces," Leia whispered.
"We'll just have to be as light and graceful as swans," Y/N whispered back.
"Yeah, right."
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fanfiction by @kaleidoscope1967eyes
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krquietness · 1 year ago
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ↳ [ ɪᴍᴘᴇʀɪᴀʟ!ʟᴇɪᴀ sᴋʏᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ & ɪᴍᴘᴇʀɪᴀʟ!ʟᴜᴋᴇ sᴋʏᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ ᴀᴜ ]
sᴏ ᴍᴀɴʏ sᴏᴜʟs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʟᴏsᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ... ʙᴜᴛ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ʟᴜɴɢs ᴡɪʟʟ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜᴇ ɪɴ.
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anaincir18 · 11 months ago
DNT Fem!Yang sketches
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Might be a wedding photo
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