#Tbb hunter x you
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Love Finds a Way - Hunter
Summary: Hunter thought that he lost you in the Jedi Purge. But then he sees a familiar face. Length: 2.6k Warnings: Mentions of Jedi Purge; Mentions of Death; Amnesia; Scars; Hunter's Undefined Heightened Senses; Hunter is Bad with Emotion; Angst; Female Jedi Reader
“Don’t tell me you spared the padawan because of her,” Crosshair rasped.
The temperature in the Batch Batch’s barracks instantly dropped several degrees. Hunter continued to stand by the window, not dignifying him with a response. But the sharpshooter wasn’t going to just drop it. Crosshair walked forward, not unlike a predator about to leap on its prey.
“She’s a part of it, isn’t she?”
“Crosshair, stop it,” Echo warned him, but Crosshair was not deterred.
“Are you willing to throw everything away for her? Turn your back on the Empire, on your brothers, on your purpose for her? A traitor?”
“She’s not a traitor,” Hunter interjected, finally turning around. “She fought for the Republic, just as we did. Side by side with us, with other clones, and there was never a word against her.”
“But you were always her favorite pet, weren’t you, Hunter?”
Crosshair squared up against his older brother, relishing in the hidden rage that he could see boiling beneath Hunter’s surface. The button was right there and Crosshair was going to press it over and over again. Until Hunter finally snapped.
“If she was so popular, maybe the clones were kind enough to aim for her head.”
Hunter’s fist swung around and slammed into Crosshair’s gut, causing the sniper to fold over, clutching his stomach. But when Wrecker moved forward to break them up, Crosshair dared to grin at Hunter. Ready to deliver a second blow, Hunter silently glared at Crosshair. But then Wrecker grabbed and set Crosshair on his bed like a petulant child.
“Take it back, Crosshair,” Wrecker warned, pointing a finger at him. “She was your friend too.”
Crosshair glared up at Wrecker before turning to look over at Hunter. But Hunter was too busy staring forlornly out the window at the Kaminoan storm. Probably wallowing in thoughts of her.
“Pathetic,” Crosshair muttered under his breath, knowing that Hunter could hear him.
It was late, at least on a standard rotation cycle, and it was Hunter’s turn to be on watch. Sitting in front of the computer, he started to slowly type. Tech had hacked into the Imperial system earlier and gave Hunter instructions on how to navigate through the database. And now that Hunter was alone, he needed to do some investigating on his own.
Finding the list of Jedi, Hunter scrolled down it with a heavy heart, wincing when he saw familiar names. Continuing on, he paused when he found the name that he was looking for. Your name. And then his eyes landed on the big, bold, red word beside it.
Hunter closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, the fight leaving his body. He sat there, wallowing in pain, before sitting up again. And even though he knew that it wasn’t healthy, he clicked on the report.
The clones under your command had attacked you while you were pursuing Separatist stragglers who crash landed on an Outer Rim planet. You managed to get away from them and stole a speeder, which they then shot down. You crashed into a lake and your body was never recovered.
Hunter stared at the hologram image of you that accompanied the report. You looked stoic, cold, and calculating. Completely unlike the woman that Hunter knew. But he supposed that erasing the Jedi’s compassion and humanity was just another part of the Empire’s propaganda.
“Who’s that?” Omega called from her perch, causing Hunter to look up at her.
“Just a Jedi that we used to serve under,” Hunter explained softly, looking back at the hologram. “I thought that there was a chance that she was still out there.” Hunter powered off the computer and turned back to Omega. “What are you doing up? Did you have a nightmare?”
“Not really,” Omega stated with a shrug of her shoulders. “Is your friend still out there?”
“No, it doesn’t look like it,” Hunter replied quietly.
“I’m sorry, Hunter.”
He nodded curtly, forcing a smile to urge Omega back to sleep. But when Tech awoke to take over watch, he found his brother staring at your hologram again.
“It is unlikely that we would run into any Imperial entanglements out here,” Tech stated, leading the way down the stairs of the Marauder. “This planet is mostly farmers and not ones that provide any product of high value. Mostly standard grains.”
“Does that mean that they have food?” Wrecker sighed, rubbing his stomach.
“I would assume so, yes,” Tech replied, typing away at his datapad.
“Let’s go explore then!” Omega exclaimed, running down the gangplank. “You said that the largest city is right there, Tech?”
“The term ‘city’ might be inaccurate given the low population density, number of buildings, and other indicators of a traditional urban center,” Tech stated, not looking up from his typing. “But, yes, the closest organization to a city is in that standard direction.”
Echo and Hunter pulled up the rear of the group as they headed into town. Echo glanced worriedly at Hunter. He had been quiet ever since Tech mentioned this planet and even Omega hadn’t been able to pull him out of his brooding. And a quick check of the Imperial database clarified why. At least, if one knew where to look.
“Are you alright?” Echo asked Hunter as they walked towards the city.
“I’ll be fine.”
“You should try to learn to be convincing before Omega asks you that,” Echo replied quietly.
Hunter sighed and looked down at the dirt path. They walked in silence for a few more moments, both keeping a close eye on Omega, before Hunter finally let some of the load off of his shoulders.
“I have the coordinates. For where it happened.”
“How far is it from here?”
“Two hours by speeder.”
“Whenever you feel that you’re ready to go,” Echo stated gently, keeping his voice low, “just give me a signal. I’ll distract the others.”
“Thank you, Echo.”
They reached town and looked around at the various stalls and short buildings scattered around. There were a few supplies that they needed and so the Bad Batch split up. Hunter walked off on his own, searching for some part that Tech knew that this small planet would not have. But it allowed him some time to think, or brood, so he didn’t mind.
Hunter walked around the small mechanic market in the village, at least trying to look like he was putting in effort to find the part. He was in the middle of inspecting a part for sale, which wasn’t the one that he had been sent for, when a voice broke through the mist and clutched his heart.
“Can I get you anything?”
With his advanced hearing, Hunter was accustomed to tuning out the useless background noise and focusing on only what he needed or wanted to hear. And normally, he tried to block out the useless background conversations.
But yet that voice stuck out. Its familiarity haunted him and Hunter found his legs moving on their own, following that voice like it was a siren song.
“Byn, Table 3 is asking for more of the soup.”
“Did you want another napkin?”
“Can I get you a refill?”
“Thanks for coming!”
Following the voice, Hunter paused when he turned the corner and found an open-aired restaurant. There were a cluster of tables spread out in front of a white tent. There were some customers milling around, but it was mostly quiet.
And then there you were, appearing with the sun glowing behind you. It was you. He knew it was you. It had to be you.
Even though you wore civilian clothes now, he knew that it was you. Even though your hair was shorter now, he knew that it was you. Even though there was now a jagged scar across your cheek, he knew that it was you. And when you turned your head and he finally caught a glimpse of your eyes, his knees nearly buckled under him.
It was you. You were here. You were alive.
“Hunter?” Tech’s voice cut in, jolting Hunter out of his thoughts. “Hunter, do you copy?”
“I can hear you,” Hunter finally responded, pressing the button on his commlink.
“Are you alright? It took three tries for you to respond,” Echo pointed out, causing Hunter to look over at you again.
“Meet me at my coordinates. I’ll explain when you get here.”
Soon the Bad Batch took their seats at a table in the open-aired restaurant. Hunter’s legs bounced nervously as he waited for you to walk over, earning worried looks from Echo and Omega at his unusually anxious fiddling. Omega had only been given a brief overview of your history with the Bad Batch, as she was never there to witness it in person, but it was easy to see how important you were from Hunter’s reaction. She had never seen him like this before.
You walked over to their table with a polite customer service smile. Hunter held his breath, waiting for you to recognize him—how many men had half of a skull tattooed on their face? Or of Wrecker’s size? But as you passed out menus and treated them like any other patrons, Hunter felt his hope quickly dash.
“Welcome. I’ll be your waitress. Here are some menus. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them for you. Otherwise, I’ll give you a minute to look it over.”
You gave them another kind smile before walking off without even a small trace of recognition for any of them. Hunter stared after you with a broken expression.
“She didn’t recognize us?” Wrecker asked softly.
“There is still a statistical possibility that our waitress is not her,” Tech pointed out calmly.
“It’s her. She smells just like her. I know it. I know that’s her,” Hunter insisted, causing Tech and Echo to share a concerned look.
“Then why didn’t she recognize you?” Omega asked quietly, voice barely above a whisper.
“I don’t know.”
“You ever seen those patrons before?” Byn, the head chef of the restaurant, asked you as you loaded up another order onto your serving tray.
“No, why?”
“They seem to have a staring problem. Especially dark and broody.”
You glanced back at the table in question. The Bad Batch, once they realized that you were staring at them, quickly turned back to their meals, trying to appear normal. Save for Hunter, that is, whose gaze lingered, until Echo elbowed him stiffly in the side. Turning back to Byn, the man who had taken you in after your accident, you shrugged your shoulders.
“They’re probably just staring at my scar,” you mumbled, adjusting the plates on your tray.
“You let me know if they say anything to you.”
“I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl. I can handle them.”
Walking over to their table again, you placed down some of their plates, before turning around to grab the rest. But feeling Hunter’s gaze on you again, you turned around briefly, holding your serving tray to your chest. Echo once again elbowed Hunter in the side, causing the sergeant to turn to him with a sour expression.
“You’re going to scare her away if you keep staring at her like that,” Echo reminded Hunter quietly.
“I can’t help it.”
“Well, try to, before she calls the authorities on a man who looks like he wants to eat her.”
When you returned a second time, you placed a plate down in front of Tech and then Hunter. He thanked you quietly, causing you to nod and smile. Placing Omega’s plate down last, you turned to conduct your rounds of the tables.
“What do we do?” Omega asked Hunter, who was still staring after you. “She doesn’t recognize you. How do we get her to do that?”
“Based on the report of her supposed demise, it would not be out of the question that she likely suffered severe injuries as a result of the crash,” Tech began to infodump. “If that woman actually is her, then she clearly sustained trauma to her face, as demonstrated by the large scar on her cheek. It would therefore follow logically that she may have sustained head trauma in the crash as well, which would explain why she does not appear to recognize us.”
“So, there’s still a chance that she could get her memories back,” Omega suggested, but Tech did not look convinced.
“I am not certain. Head injuries are not simple to treat. And if that woman is in fact her, she would have been without her memories for several months now. And I would assume that given the simplistic nature of life on this planet that she was never properly treated at a professional medical facility for her injuries, which would likely exacerbate her memory loss and other symptoms.”
“Get to the point, Tech,” Wrecker grunted out.
“It is a possibility, perhaps even a high one, that she might never recover her memories. In part or in full.”
“But we have to try,” Omega insisted, slowly turning back to Hunter. “Don’t we?”
“I would raise an ethical concern about doing so,” Tech stated, adjusting his goggles.
“And what would that be?” Echo asked gruffly.
“If we are able to restore her memories, that will include the ones where clone troopers attacked and nearly killed her. And we will also have to inform her that her entire culture and civilization were destroyed along with most of the people she considered her family and that she will never again be safe in the galaxy as a Force wielder.”
Hunter stared down at his plate as Tech continued on with his explanation.
“While restoring her memories may provide us with a satisfactory outcome, she does not appear to be in distress here. As far as we can see, her other symptoms are not affecting her quality of life. And as the Empire has her listed as deceased in their database and she is seemingly unaware of her abilities, she is safe here. On the other hand, if she comes with us, there is a very high statistical probability that she will not be.”
“Maybe so, but is that our decision to make?” Echo pointed out, causing everyone to turn to him. “Because speaking as the only person here who’s actually forgotten who they were, and not by choice, I wouldn’t choose peaceful ignorance over the truth.”
“Well, what would she want?” Omega inquired, looking up at Hunter. He turned his head to meet her gaze, but couldn’t find the words.
“How is everything over here?” you asked kindly, walking over to the table.
“Can I ask you something?” Omega questioned suddenly, causing you to turn to her.
“If you have the choice between remembering everything from your life—even all of the bad stuff—or not remembering anything but being happy, which would you pick?”
You froze at her question, tensing up as the scar on your face burned. Sensing your unease, and after working through his own shock at her question, Hunter scolded Omega.
“She didn’t mean any harm by it,” Hunter tried to assure you.
“Oh, no, it’s fine,” you laughed off, waving your hand. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
You walked away and carried on with your work. But you couldn’t help but raise your hand to your scar as it continued to pulsate and burn after Omega’s question. Glancing over your shoulder at the Bad Batch, you found your eyes landing on the dark and brooding figure who looked exhausted and dejected. You looked down at the dirt, feeling responsible somehow. But then Byn called your name and you had to go back to work.
Night had fallen on the quaint planet and Hunter sat outside of the Marauder, mindlessly whittling at a piece of wood with his vibro knife to pass the time. He tried sleeping, but after tossing and turning a thousand times, he decided for a change of scene. Hunter studied the design that he carved when he heard a speeder in the distance. Standing up from his seat, Hunter stared out at the night landscape with narrowed eyes.
A speeder came to a stop a few meters from the Marauder and Hunter crept forward, moving to intercept the figure. But when he smelled your familiar scent, he paused. Stowing his vibro knife away, Hunter stepped into the light emitted from your speeder. You set your helmet and goggles on the seat of the speeder bike before turning to meet his gaze.
“Can I help you with something?” he asked quietly.
“You tell me.” You stared at him with a familiar fire in your eyes. “You know who I am, don’t you?”
“Yes,” he confirmed softly after a moment.
“Good,” you stated, resting your hands on your lap. “Because I don’t.”
#the bad batch#bad batch#tbb#sergeant hunter#sergeant hunter x reader#seargent hunter#sergeant hunter x you#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter#tbb hunter x you#hunter x reader
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Don't lose your focus
Summary: As a Jedi Padawan fighting during the Clone Wars, you and your Master are used to teaming up with Clones. But none are as intriguing as Clone Force 99 and their leader, Sergeant Hunter. Sparks fly immediately and it's difficult to keep your focus. With the mission complete, perhaps the two of you will finally give in and indulge in your desires...
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi!fem!reader
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: smut, 18+ MDNI, Dom!Hunter, use of pet names (sweetheart), shameless flirting, mentions of alcohol consumption, masculinity kink, voice kink, light choking, hand kink, body worship, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, orgasm delay, creampie
A/N: This is the result of me watching The Bad Batch while ovulating. This is (probably) not how the Force works but your honour I was horny. Thank you to my dear @thefrogdalorian for the immense help and support! I love you so much! Amazing divider by @saradika-graphics At the end of the fic you'll find the links to some amazing Hunter fanarts I found here on Tumblr! These were such an inspiration when writing and I wanted to thank and credit the artists for creating such amazing pieces!
Masterlist - Read on Ao3 - Read Part 2 here!
Another day, another dangerous mission in the Outer Rim.
Nothing new for you and your Master who are used to leading these missions successfully. The only difference is that this time you'll be assisted by Experimental Unit Clone Force 99. It’s the first time you even heard about them, but your superiors assured you they’re best suited for this job. A highly-skilled squad of defective clones with desirable mutations? Sounds interesting.
Apparently, The Bad Batch, as they call themselves, despise rules and protocol and adopt unusual methods to get the job done… Much like you and your Master.
Their ship has just made a bumpy landing on the field, causing a fuss. You watch curiously as the squad descends the ramp. There are four of them, and they undoubtedly look badass in their black armour.
The first one – their leader, you assume – removes his helmet and... damn. Damn. He's hot, with a confident look in his deep brown eyes. He also has long, wavy, dark hair; a feature which has always been a weakness of yours. His face is half covered in a tattoo that resembles a skeleton. He's undoubtedly the most charming of the Batch, and also the most attractive clone you’ve ever come across.
“I’m Sergeant Hunter,” he rasps as he greets you and your Master. His voice is deep and husky, very different from those of all the other clones you’ve met so far.
After introducing himself, Hunter moves to quickly describe the peculiarities that make each of the members of the team unique. As you stand back to observe them, you can’t help thinking just how much fun they are. Wrecker (the strong one) is getting reluctantly lectured by Tech (the smart one) while Crosshair (the laconic and lethal sniper) stands there in silence. He reminds you of your Master so much.
As much as you enjoy observing the rest of the squad, you find your gaze returns to Hunter, the clone with enhanced senses. You are unable to tear your eyes away from him. You know you have to keep it together, but you can’t help eating him with your eyes. Your gaze lingers on his body, on the way his pauldrons make his shoulders even broader, how much the black colour of his armour suits him.
You have just begun fantasising about the way his strong body would look without the armour when you notice Hunter staring directly at you. Busted. You lock eyes for a few seconds and you just know that he understands the nature of the thoughts you’re having about him. Then, your pounding heart skips a beat when Hunter winks at you. It is a split-second gesture that is over so quickly amidst the chaos of the conversation, a little secret between the two of you. You smile flirtatiously at him in response.
The whole group begins heading towards their ship, The Marauder. While the rest of the Batch and your Master head up the ramp towards the ship that will take you to the rendezvous point, you and Hunter pause at the bottom.
“I’m afraid I haven’t caught your name, sweetheart?” Hunter asks, breaking the silence with his deep, raspy voice.
"I am a Jedi, not a sweetheart," you point out teasingly and look at him with crossed arms, trying to sound tough.
"A Padawan," he reminds you with a smirk on his face.
You watch curiously as Hunter takes your braid – the unmistakable sign of your rank as an apprentice – between his fingers. He gently rolls it between his gloved finger and thumb contemplatively as his brown eyes meet your gaze once again.
"I technically outrank you, Sergeant," you say, challenging him.
"You do, Commander," Hunter nods, but makes no effort to move his hand away from your braid, or to interrupt eye contact.
Hunter can tell that you don’t mind the gesture. As if to push the boundaries further, he moves his hand from your braid to gently place it on your cheek. The leather of his glove feels soft against your face. You are stunned that a seasoned soldier such as him can actually be so gentle in the way he touches you.
You can feel the tension coming from the two of you, a simmering fire somewhere deep within. It's only a matter of time before it boils over. You look at each other straight in the eyes, neither one of you daring to look away.
Just as you're about to tease him with yet another witty reply, you hear the sound of footsteps at the top of the ramp.
"Hey, Hunter, are you gonna come with us or what?!" Wrecker shouts, abruptly interrupting your shameless flirting.
"On my way," Hunter replies, without breaking eye contact with you.
His intense gaze lingers on you for a few more seconds before he looks at you apologetically and turns to head up to the ramp and onto the Marauder.
As soon as Hunter turns away from you, you realise just how hard your heart is thundering in your chest. His gaze was so intense that it made you forget to breathe properly. So much for the Jedi breathing techniques. It turns out if there is a handsome man with dark eyes flirting with you, they lose all effectiveness. You take a deep breath, filling your burning lungs with oxygen.
When you enter the ship, you are still trembling. As you take a seat next to your Master, you try to ignore his accusatory glare. You feel his eyes burning into your soul as the guilt threatens to overwhelm you, even though nothing too scandalous happened.
As the Marauder enters hyperspace, your Master takes a seat on the cold metallic floor in an isolated area of the ship. Meditating before battle is a ritual he always follows and you immediately join him. It can help you shift your focus back to where it should be – on the mission. Only, you can't focus.
Instead of your mind becoming one with the Force, you're highly attuned to the actions of the members of the squad. It is as though you can see them as if you were standing before them: Tech studying the holo-maps, Crosshair cleaning his sniper rifle, Wrecker taking a nap, and of course, Hunter. He is mindlessly playing with his vibroknife as he slouches on a crate.
You are entranced by the way his fingers move across the handle and the blade. Maker, the movement of his hand and fingers – you can't focus on anything else as he makes the knife masterfully swirl between them. There's something so erotic about the way he plays with it. Your mind wanders to think about his hands roaming on your body, slipping between your thighs, skillfully rubbing your clit. You fantasise about how quickly Hunter would make you come, how hard your orgasm would be as it tore through you, leaving you a trembling wreck.
Your focus then goes to his muscular thighs. Hunter’s legs are spread wide and he looks so effortlessly masculine. The aura of confidence he radiates as he comfortably sits there, taking up the entire crate as he lounges on top of it, gives you even more thoughts that are unbecoming of a Padawan. It makes you almost dizzy with want as you think about how much you want to straddle him and ride him into ecstasy.
“Are you done?” your Master’s cold voice interrupts your filthy train of thought with a brief and concise message through the Force.
He heard your thoughts. Each and every single one. Your Master caught you red-handed. How embarrassing.
You are too mortified to even mumble an apology, through the Force or otherwise. Instead, you sit there wishing you could be anywhere else in the galaxy as you feel the heat rise in your cheeks and pull your hood up to hide your flustered face in your cape.
Luckily, before the awkward moment can continue for any longer, Tech announces the imminent jump out of hyperspace. You still cannot bear to make eye contact with your Master, shrinking into your blessedly baggy cape as you begin the descent into the planet’s atmosphere...
The mission was a success – you and your Master worked your magic with the precious support of Clone Force 99. What seemed like a desperate operation, turned out to be an extremely important victory for the Republic. Training with your Master has been so hard, but damn did that pay off. You slayed all your enemies elegantly and effortlessly, just like he taught you. The whole Bad Batch congratulated you two. Wrecker was especially impressed, electing the two of you as his favourite Jedi. What an honour. Hunter also invited you and your Master to celebrate the victory by having a drink all together in a cantina.
Just as you’re about to enter the cantina and join the Bad Batch, your Master calls your name. You stop in your tracks, scared that he might reprimand you for the way you acted today. You begin panicking and thinking back to what happened in guilt…
When you and your Master had taken off your heavy capes before engaging in battle, you noticed Hunter couldn't keep his eyes off you. You were wearing a skin-tight dark suit, after all.
It was a fact you decided to exploit after Hunter had given his squad their orders for the mission. You walked away swaying your hips, making sure you gave him a great opportunity to look at your ass. You remember how you could feel his eyes glued to it. You could also feel his desire for you. It was impossible for him to hide; it permeated him, radiated from him. Maker, you love making him crumble.
You think back to the way Crosshair rasped, "Hunter, don't lose your focus.” You are certain that is what your Master is about to scold you for.
Instead, you watch in shock as a half smile appears on your Master’s face, something you don't see very often.
“You did good today. I’m proud of you,” he nods.
Since when does your Master pay you compliments like this?
“Th-Thank you,” you stammer, caught off-guard by how unexpected his praise is.
“You fulfilled your duties as a Jedi. Now, go and have your fun.”
You don’t have time to respond before he turns on his heel and walks away, cape billowing in the breeze. You know your Master doesn’t often like to stick around after missions, often needing some quiet time to himself to decompress and meditate. You let him go, knowing that he will find his way back to the Marauder before it departs, as he always does.
As you step into the Cantina, a smile spreads on your face when you notice the Bad Batch sitting at a table with a full flagon of booze and an empty seat for you to toast your success. You and Hunter lock eyes again as he invites you to sit in that spot close to him.
Hunter loses no time in placing his arm around your shoulders while smiling at you. You lean into his embrace, feeling comforted and protected. The warm presence of his arm around you makes you smile contentedly. It feels so good to let the guard down for once, especially if you're in the arms of a handsome, strong and charming man such as Hunter.
As the night goes on, the three other members of The Bad Batch keep conversing with each other, giving you and Hunter the opportunity to speak privately. It’s as though the background noise fades out. You don't even bother focusing on the discourse the others are having. It’s just you and Hunter flirting shamelessly now.
“You know, I've never seen a ship like yours. I wish I had time to properly explore it... Thoroughly," you flirt with him while draining the last few dregs in your flagon.
"Want me to give you a tour, sweetheart?" he says with a smile on his face, perfectly understanding your intentions.
"Would be cool, yeah," you reply.
Hunter offers you his hand and you gladly accept it with a mischievous smile.
Just as you stand, you feel the alcohol has definitely kicked in. You’re not drunk though, just a little bit tipsy, enough to make you brave and go get exactly what you want.
As soon as you and Hunter get out of the cantina and find yourselves alone in the dark alley, you both give into the instincts you tried to suppress all day long. Hunter pins you to the wall as you pull him closer at the same time, until you join in a passionate, longing kiss.
You welcome his tongue in your mouth as his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His touch and the way he kisses you are so confident that you clench around nothing, holding him tighter as you moan in his mouth. Maker, you want him. His whole body jolts when he feels that, pinning you harder against the wall, mentally cursing the armour that is preventing him from feeling the softness of your body against his.
He stops kissing you just so he can look at how stunning you are under the moonlight, hot and flustered after that first, heavy session of making out.
"Look at you. So beautiful," he whispers as he cups your face with his hand, the other one still lingering around your waist. Hunter is treating you like the most precious thing in the galaxy now that he can finally have you all for himself. You lean into his gentle touch as he takes in all the features of your face, especially the way your eyes glimmer with admiration and arousal for him.
You look at his deep, dark and expressive brown eyes and the strong, masculine features of his face that make you throb with need. Your hand caresses his cheek, following the lines of his skeleton tattoo and the contour of his chiseled jaw. He observes you as a sweet smile appears on your face, making you look irresistible and drawing his lips closer to yours once again…
"Hey! Where's Hunter?!" you hear Wrecker shout from inside of the tavern, just as your lips are mere inches apart.
You and Hunter both laugh as you resume the kissing. It's like the whole galaxy stops existing. For a soldier who has seen nothing but war, his kisses are to die for. Your tongues twirl in each other's mouths and it's like his greedy lips can't ever get enough of yours. His mouth is hot like a damn furnace as he takes all the time in the galaxy to worship you with his lips, letting his hands wander throughout your body. You're getting soaked already, feeling your arousal slowly dripping down your legs as a throbbing need pulsates between your thighs. You moan in his mouth as you dig your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. The kiss is getting deeper and more passionate as you go on.
Hunter's lips start to trail down to your neck, making you sigh deeply as he covers it in kisses. Your scent drives him wild. He can smell your pheromones, feeling you're unmistakably full of desire. He can't resist and just gives a swift lick from the base of your neck to your ear that makes you sharply stifle a gasp, arching your back and tightening your grip on his hair.
"Let's go to the Marauder, shall we?" he rasps in your ear, a voice full of lust that gives you goosebumps.
"Y-yes…" you stutter, feeling light-headed with arousal and being incapable of hiding it.
He offers you his hand as you enter the ship. The two of you cut a clumsy path through the Marauder towards Hunter’s bunk, frequently taking breaks where Hunter desperately pushes you against the cool steel walls of the ship, your arms clinging tight to his shoulders and his face buried in your neck.
"Maker... Take off your armour," you plead as his teeth dig into your delicate skin like a feral beast would do with his prey.
He does, letting each piece fall to the ground as you go on kissing each other, leaving a trail of armour pieces on the floor as you slowly make your way towards his bunk. He looks stunning with just his tight black suit on. You take in the broadness of his shoulders, the way his pectorals stand out, highlighted by the tightness of the suit and grope the strong muscles of his biceps. Oh, fuck. How much do you love a man. Tall, muscular, strong, confident, with dark eyes and a head full of long, wavy hair. A Man.
You moan in his mouth when you feel his thick biceps flexing under your touch. A smile forms on his lips as he feels how much you like this. As his arms wrap around your body, yours go in his hair. Maker, how safe do you feel in his arms. It's such an innate instinct – wanting to be held in the arms of a strong man, surrendering and trusting him, something that usually you would never be permitted to do in your life as a Jedi.
You can feel his erection against your lower belly, straining against his extremely thin black suit. His fingers hook in the hem of your pants, yanking them down over your ass, exposing your drenched cunt as he sits you down in his bunk.
He kneels before you, taking your boots and pants off and spreads your legs, his dark eyes looking into yours as a smirk appears on his face.
"Hunter–" you sigh.
"Wanna get you nice and ready for me, sweetheart," he coos as he starts to kiss your inner thigh.
The vision makes you tremble with lust and your hands helplessly clench into fists in a desperate attempt to grab the material under you to keep you steady. Your legs shake but he keeps them steady in his strong arms. He goes on trailing kisses on your inner thighs without ever stopping looking at you. He's taking his time with it, wanting to enjoy the way your whole body is throbbing with need. Your breathing gets more and more shallow as his mouth gets closer to where you want him the most.
You lift your gaze from Hunter’s dark brown eyes, shutting your eyes for a mere fraction of a second, trying to alleviate the aching need you feel. Hunter chooses that moment to finally give you what you need. With a quick lick to your clit, your whole body jerks into his touch and a whimper escapes from your lips.
Hunter smirks up at you, the corner of his mouth lifting upwards in a smug, satisfied look. Then, he proceeds to bury his face between your legs and masterfully lick your swollen clit. His tongue brings you so much pleasure that your back arches involuntarily, pushing yourself further into his mouth. You moan his name and grab a handful of his long, thick hair. He purrs in your cunt when you entangle your fingers in his hair and you notice how his grip on your legs becomes tighter.
"Oh... Oh fuck!" you exclaim in ecstasy, barely able to form words.
One of his hands releases its grasp on your legs, which he has been using to keep you spread open for him. You throw your head back gasping as he slowly slides two of his thick fingers inside you.
"So tight," he growls with a smirk on his face.
Hunter pumps his fingers inside of you, slowly increasing the rhythm, ensuring that you’re stretched out for him. It is a motion that brings you so much pleasure you wonder how it could possibly get better. Your whole body jerks in pure bliss under his touch. He enjoys looking at you like this, you can see it from how darkened his eyes are with lust.
For a brief second, his fingers and mouth leave your cunt, leaving you devastatingly empty. You watch in awe as Hunter sticks them in his mouth, without breaking eye contact with you. He sucks on his fingers, humming while closing his eyes to savor your taste from places where his tongue can’t reach.
"You taste so good, sweetheart," he rasps as he resumes fucking you with his fingers.
He watches you contort under him, moaning and begging for him to return his skillful mouth between your thighs. Your hips thrust up and down right in front of his face. You are shamelessly fucking yourself on his fingers, inviting him to bury his face back in your folds. You desperately bury your hands in his hair in an attempt to pull him closer.
"Damn, you're so beautiful like this," he says before his mouth goes back exactly where you wanted.
Then, Hunter does something absolutely devastating. While he continues licking your clit, he starts sucking it gently, all as he continues pumping his thick fingers inside of you. Hunter wants to draw an orgasm from you, his actions becoming more and more frantic as you grow closer to your climax. He can feel by the irregular way you breathe and shake that you're close.
"Yes. Yes. Like this. Let go, sweetheart," he encourages you.
It's only a matter of seconds before you come, writhing under him. Your legs are wrapped around his head, squishing it. You scream his name so loud it echoes in the Marauder. Hunter is pleased as he looks at your blissed-out expression and feels your cunt clamping around his fingers. Your back arches as you ride your orgasm, pushing yourself further into his tongue so you can feel him licking you through your orgasm. Hunter purrs into your cunt, loving the way you let go around him. He loves how his face is getting soaked in your arousal, so addicted to the way you taste.
Hunter holds you steady as your orgasm fades out. When you regain your senses, you slowly release your grip on his hair. Only then he props himself up and slowly unzips his suit, showing you the beautiful golden skin underneath. A warm contrast under the black, tight layer.
The dark hairs on his chest are perfectly trimmed, accentuating each of his toned muscles and the tattoos which decorate his thick, masculine body. Your gaze is locked on his hand trailing down his abdomen, his muscles rippling as he approaches the hem of his pants.
You shamelessly look at the bulge in his dark suit, a sight that makes your mouth water. Hunter’s lips curve into a smirk once again, noticing that you like what you see. The smug look on his face makes you throb with need once again, despite the fact that he just gave you an intense orgasm.
He hooks his thumb in the hem of his pants, watching intently for your reaction as he slowly pulls the material down to reveal the trimmed, dark hairs around the base of his thick cock.
Hunter notices the intense way you look at it and hears the whimper you just tried to suppress in your throat. He can feel your heart rate going up. It makes him smirk confidently as he goes on, finally freeing his hard, thick cock. You gulp while looking at it, as he uses the same fingers he had buried in you to cover it in your arousal. He gives it a few, firm strokes to ensure it’s nice and wet for you. The mere vision of it makes you bite your lip to muffle another impatient whimper.
Then he is on you, peeling your shirt away from your quivering body, rejoicing when he can finally touch it and worship it with his mouth. Hunter trails kisses across your collarbones and down towards your breasts. He swirls his tongue around the sensitive flesh there, before softly biting your nipples. You gasp when you feel his erection hard against your cunt. He starts to thrust his hips against yours so his cock can rub against your drenched core, getting it soaked in your juices. Your mind turns completely blank at that, heart thundering in your chest as his hands roam across your body.
Hunter aligns himself to your entrance, groaning as his cock slowly makes its way inside of you. You admire his restraint. You know how much he probably wants to take you with one thrust, but instead he is being so gentle and careful with you, making sure that you are well-adjusted to his size.
He takes your jaw in his hand, looking deep inside your eyes as his thick cock stretches you open. You struggle to keep eye contact with him, unlike earlier when you were flirting with him. Now, your eyes only want to roll backwards. The pleasure you feel as he splits you open is overwhelming your body and senses.
You pathetically try to mumble some incoherencies, but he's quick to shut you up with a kiss. Hunter growls low in his throat when he feels your walls desperately clenching around him, as he buries himself into you to the hilt.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you feel so good," he rasps, almost desperately before giving you another wet kiss. Then, he raises his hips only to bury his cock deep inside you, making you moan into his mouth.
"How – how can you feel so fucking good?" he whimpers.
Hunter’s large hands gently cup your face, as he continues placing passionate kisses against your lips while thrusting into you. You notice his kisses become more desperate as he slowly increases the rhythm. As Hunter picks up the pace, he buries his face in your neck, panting low in your ear.
You are certain that he can’t go any faster, before he proves you wrong. He increases the pace to a brutal rhythm, fucking you so hard you start screaming.
"So loud,” he rasps, “They're gonna hear us in the Cantina."
"Then make me shut up," you whisper daringly.
A blaze of lust glimmers in his eyes as you lay down that challenge. Something shifts inside of him as he gives you a feral, animalistic look. Hunter quickly covers your mouth with his hand, showing you his more dominant, commanding side which makes you clamp tightly around his cock.
"Oh, you like this," he smirks, satisfied that this is precisely what you wanted all along.
You nod frantically. There is no use hiding how much this turns you on. Despite how much Hunter shows care towards you, you suspect there is something darker which lingers below the surface. You want to draw it out of him.
"What else do you like, hm?" he coos as he wraps his other hand around your throat, lightly choking you, his thumb rubbing your throat possessively.
The sight of you, looking so vulnerable under him as he can finally dominate you makes him frantic with lust. Gone are the measured thrusts and even rhythm of before. Something feral has overtaken Hunter, a desperate need to claim you. He continues silencing your moans with one hand around your throat and one across your mouth, muffling your gasps as he wrecks you with his cock.
Having Hunter's hand muffling your own moans gives you the opportunity to hear his desperate grunts and pants as they mix with the obscene, squelching sound his cock makes each time he thrusts into you. You close your eyes in bliss, enjoying this moment of pure pleasure.
"Can't keep your eyes open for me, sweetheart? Look at me with those pretty fucking eyes," he growls.
You can't help but whimper at that, at how authoritative he sounds. The Sergeant of The Bad Batch is dominating the fuck out of you. You are a moaning, gasping mess beneath him, unable to think about anything other than how good being furiously pounded by him feels.
"I didn't catch that,” Hunter rasps as he slowly lifts his hand from your mouth. He leans down to put his ear against your mouth “What were you saying, sweetheart?"
"L-let me – fuck!” you gasp, too blissed out to form words.
“Use your words,” Hunter commands, slowing his thrusts down so you can finally speak.
“Let me touch you!" you beg, unable to care about how desperate and pathetic you sound. All you can think about is roaming your hands around the warm, firm expanse of his body.
Hunter smirks, intrigued by your request, only too happy to oblige you. He grabs your hand roughly by the wrist and positions it over his abdomen. You can feel his muscles flexing and contracting under your touch as he thrusts into you. His body is as hard as iron and on fire like a damn furnace, burning with lust.
"Maker…" you whisper.
You let your hand trail up to his firm chest. You grope his pectorals, appreciating the firmness of his muscles. Your cunt clenches around his cock at the sight of your hand against his golden skin. A smirk appears on his face, enjoying what he does to you.
Your hand goes up to his broad shoulder, rubbing over it before you move your hand towards his back. You feel how his muscles strain there with each thrust as he continues pounding into you at a relentless pace. Both of your hands are now caressing his back, feeling every single dimple under your fingertips. Just as you try pulling him close, he starts to give it to you even harder. You scratch your fingernails along his back. You watch in awe as Hunter moans in your mouth at that.
"Could–could fucking smell how much you wanted me earlier. You distracted me the whole time. Couldn't think of anything else besides how good you'd look with my cock inside of you,” he rasps in your neck before biting you, growling wildly as he does. “I was so fucking hard for you, sweetheart," Hunter grunts.
He's so feral for you, fucking you so hard. You can't even mumble a response.
"Smell so good – so fucking good–" he whispers in your ear.
"D-don't s–stop," you mumble in your cockdrunk delirium.
"I can't, sweetheart. This cunt's all I ever wanted,” he growls, “Gonna make you mine. Mine."
"Oh, fuck… Yes," you pant as he props himself up, kneeling in front of you without stopping that devastating rhythm for even half a second.
He looks at your body, at the way your boobs bounce with each thrust as he gives it go you even harder, holding on tight to your legs, using them as leverage to bury himself even deeper inside of you. Seeing him like this makes you remember just how badly you wanted to ride his cock earlier.
"Hunter. Hunter. I want to ride you," you whimper.
"Is that an order, Commander?"
"Y–yes. Yes. Order. S–s-sergeant," you mindlessly go on as he keeps thrusting his cock inside of you.
The thought of you bouncing on his cock makes him throb. In an instant, Hunter lifts you in his arms as if you were weightless and makes you straddle him. He sits with his back against the wall of the bunk. His hands are on your waist and you immediately start rocking your hips up and down, giving into your fantasy from earlier.
"Such a good soldier… So good at following orders," you whisper against his lips.
"Yeah… Sometimes," he smirks before gripping your hair and stealing another wet, hot kiss that makes you melt into him even further.
Your head rolls back in pleasure at the way his cock feels from this position. It's devastating, hitting something deep within you. You almost lose yourself in that feeling, but Hunter won’t allow you to. Even though you are on top of him, Hunter is quick to remind you who’s in charge as he takes your jaw in his hand.
"Eyes on me," he orders firmly.
"Yes, Sergeant," you moan.
You swear you feel him throbbing and choke a grunt when he hears the sensual way you pronounce his title. Clearly, using his rank in this context has done something to Hunter. He moves his thumb between your lips and you suck it provocatively, never stopping yourself from meeting his gaze. Hunter’s pupils widen at the sinful way your lips envelop his finger and your tongue gently touches it. His eyes take into your sensual, precious beauty, before bringing you to him and kissing you again.
Your bodies are damp in sweat and rubbing against one another. Your nipples deliciously catch against his hairy, broad chest. You continue moaning into each other's mouths; your tongues never stop touching.
"Hunter, I'm gonna come–" you whimper.
"Hold it for me, sweetheart," he rasps in a sweet, yet dark voice, having the opposite effect from what he intended.
"Please, I want to come on your cock," you plead desperately.
"Not yet," he smirks.
Hunter grabs your hips and guides your movements so that your clit starts to rub against his pelvis. You let out a loud moan as you hold on to him tighter, digging your nails in his shoulders.
"I can't hold it!" you scream with your eyes shut.
He grabs your chin in his hand, clearly uninterested in your desperate appeals.
"Look at me," he says firmly as you open your eyes. Your vision is too blurry to focus on him but you try nonetheless.
"Now come for me, sweetheart," he rasps darkly.
You obey his order and come hard around his cock. An overwhelming, intense wave of pleasure starts at your core and completely takes over your body. You’re wrecked by uncontrollable shakes as Hunter holds you in his strong arms. You scream and pant as you ride your high. Your eyes roll backwards while Hunter focuses on how beautiful you look when you lose control. Especially when he is the one responsible for it.
Hunter feels your heart running in your chest and every single contraction of your muscles around his cock. The unmistakable, heady scent of sex that fills the Marauder drives him insane, making him burst inside of you. He grunts loudly as he fills you up with his load, holding you tight in his grasp.
You moan in each other's mouths, your forehead leaning on his as you look into each other’s eyes. You never leave each other’s gaze as you both give into the highest of pleasure.
As you come down from your high, your rhythm slows down until it stops completely. Your bodies are intertwined like vines, naked and sweaty as you catch breath in each other’s embrace.
You really do make a great team, after all.
Fanarts: Hunter's back + Shirtless Hunter by @mesvi Hello handsome by @corukant Wet Hunter by @iszapizza Hunter under the shower by @shakall Hunter and his vibroknife by @ve-ti-ver Hunter under the shower by @cloned-eyes Hunter taking off his shirt + Tech by @constant-brain-fog Hunter taking a shower by kaijurave (on twitter/x)
#the bad batch#hunter the bad batch#the bad batch smut#hunter x fem!reader#tbb#tbb hunter#hunter tbb#hunter x f!reader#jedi reader#star wars smut#clone wars smut#clone smut#hunter x jedi!f!reader#smut#oneshot#dom!hunter#clone force 99#tbb smut#tbb fanfiction#tbb fanfic#the bad batch fanfiction#the bad batch hunter#bad batch#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter x you#tbb hunter smut#tbb x reader#the bad batch fanfic#hunter x jedi!fem!reader
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All Grown Up | Hunter from The Bad Batch
Summary: Many years after Tantiss and after having settled down in Pabu, Hunter struggles to watch his eldest to go off and join the rebellion. He returns home to the comfort of family awaiting him.
Warning: SPOILERS FROM SEASON 3 FINALE BELOW THE CUT, Omega refers to the reader as her mum (though not biological), mentions of old age, other children are briefly mentioned, slightly suggestive, and just good old fashioned tears
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader
Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.8k
The gleam of the silvery moon pierced through the dark blue skyline. The cool summer breeze swept through the entirety of the island, caressing wooden chimes hanging outside homes. The crickets were out singing songs to each other. The warm yellow light twinkled in the homes of many who where still awake during the late hours of the night.
With one last look of the island, Omega began making her way across the sandy beaches. She listened to the sound of the waves crashing gently against the shoreline; her shoes leaving prints behind in the sand. A few light breezes swept the loose strands of hair out of her face. She made her way into the lower caves of the island.
Coming up over the rocks, Omega's gaze landed on the spot in which her ship was docked. She neared one of the many generators in the cave, kneeling down and flicking the switch on. The warm light that radiated from the generator brightened her face and signaled the other generators to illuminate the rest of the cave.
A low bark sounded near one of the other generators. She lifted her head and smiled to herself, knowing that it was Batcher calling out to her. She briefly spotted another figure looming and sitting beside the old lurca hound, causing her heart to clench slightly in her chest.
Slowly, Omega made her way over to the both of them. The gangplank of her ship opened to reveal Gonky waiting for her. She rounded the side of the rocks, coming up behind the two.
"Thought you could just sneak off?" Hunter questioned as he stared off towards the entrance of the cave. The corners of his lips tugged into a gentle smile. "Time hasn't dulled all my senses," Hunter reminded her.
She lowered herself to sit down right beside him, watching him carefully with a hint of nervousness behind her eyes. She didn't say anything at first, but she had a feeling he was about to give her one of his famous talks. Sure enough, Omega was right about that.
"Your mother would have woken up worried sick about you, wondering where you’d gone off to this time," Hunter stated. His eyes focused on his hands that where clasped together.
"This shouldn't be a surprise. I talked with mum about this a lot," Omega defended herself.
Her words pained him slightly. In the more recent years, Omega had found herself seeking the advice of her mother more often than him. It had a lot to do with her age; having questions about womanhood that her mother was more than willing to explain. If Omega had gone to Hunter, the conversation would have just turned more awkward than anything. And sometimes, she was afraid to ask him in fear that he'd shoot her down pointblank.
It wasn't a surprise because he had heard some of their conversations late at night when the others had gone to bed. He recalled one conversation that happened just last week. She'd said something along the lines of: "Mum? What were the Clone Wars like?" Her mother proceeded to tell her what it was like to be a field medic during the height of the war. That, despite all the bad things, Y/n had found her purpose in life and wanted to help the war cause by tending to soldiers on the field.
Hunter just really wished she hadn't said that because they wouldn't be here now if she had.
"The Rebellion needs pilots now more than ever," Omega told him. She always had that drive to help others; she was so much like her mother in that way. "I made my choice, Hunter. I want to do more."
"And we want to keep you safe," Hunter countered. He finally turned to look at her. The worry was so evident behind those beaming eyes.
His strong sense of overprotectiveness was starting to show. It almost reminded her of what he used to be like when she was much younger: how he never wanted her to go on missions and how he'd force her to stay behind on the ship. She appreciated his concern, but it wasn't needed now.
"You have, but I'm not a kid anymore." Omega weakly smiled at him. She placed her hand on her chest. "You don't have to worry about me."
He wasn't satisfied with this, slowly turning away once again. He lowered his gaze to stare down at the ground. She continued to watch his movements carefully, wondering what he was thinking about in that moment.
"You're our kid, Omega. You always will be," Hunter said plainly. She smiled at this.
"You’ve got your own kids to worry about now," Omega chuckled slightly. She thought about her three siblings, figuring that they'd be fast sleep in their beds right about now and dreaming about things far beyond this galaxy.
"And you all make me feel like an old man," Hunter huffed with a playful smile.
"Well, you kinda are." Omega teased him by bumping into his shoulder.
When he turned his head towards the light, Omega was able to see just how much time had changed his appearance. His beard had grown out and his hair was sprinkled with grey. She saw the crows feet that bunched around his eyes when he smiled.
He was frail too. He wasn't able to play with his kids as much since last summer when he injured his back. He just moved a little slower now and wasn't able to do any heavy work around the house. He couldn't even remember how long it had been since they settled on Pabu all those years ago.
Pabu was home. Omega had grown up here. His other kids were born on the island. His family and his life was here. He wanted nothing more than to keep it that way. But Omega was moving onto newer things.
"Hunter," Omega sighed. She scooted a little closer to him and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You've all fought enough. This...is my fight. I'm ready."
Slowly, Omega rose to stand to her feet. He watched her move away from him with so much worry and concern in his eyes. He now realized that she wasn't his little girl anymore. She was all grown up and ready to have adventures of her own.
"Yeah. I know you are," Hunter sighed to himself. His lips curved into a soft smile. He shook his head slightly. "But I'm not."
Now, Hunter stood to his feet in a slow manner. His strength wasn't like it used to be. She didn't hesitate to step forward and embrace him in a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin against her shoulder. When they pulled away, Omega placed her hands on his shoulders. She sent him a warm encouraging smile.
"Say goodbye to the others for me," Omega requested. She didn't need to give names because he knew she was talking about her brothers, her siblings, and her mother. He gave a single nod of the head before gesturing towards her ship.
"Off you go," Hunter had finally let her go.
By the time Hunter had gotten home, he was little surprised to see one of the lights on from his view on the street. He climbed the steps of the porch, opening the door as quietly as possible so he didn't wake the kids. His gaze landed on the familiar figure sitting in one of the living room chairs. He closed the door behind him.
"Hey," Hunter called out softly. He took a few strides towards her, kneeling down beside the armchair. He gently grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it. "How come you're still awake?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Y/n scolded him slightly. There was a twinge of annoyance in the tone of her voice. "I wake up to an empty bed and a daughter missing."
"Ah, yes. About that..." Hunter's voice trailed off. He quickly avoided her gaze and wondered how he was going to break the news to his wife. But his silence gave it away.
"She's gone, isn't she?" Y/n said rather sorrowfully.
He nodded silently in response. He fought against the tears that gathered in the corners of his eyes, but the light from the lamp illuminated them perfectly. She went to cup his cheek and sent him a weak smile.
"It was bound to happen some day," Y/n tried to reason with him. She shook her head at the notion. "She couldn't stay your little girl forever."
"No," Hunter agreed. "She couldn't. She's all grown up now."
Ever so slowly, Hunter rose to his feet alongside her. He took her spot in the chair before gently guiding her down to sit in his lap. He went to drape her legs over his lap and have them hang over the side of the chair. She wrapped an arm around his neck and leaned down to rest her head against his shoulder. He cradled her gently in his grasp.
The two parent's gazes fell on the wall where each of their children's height had been marked over the years to show their growth. There were countless tallies and dates, including both of his brothers' and the lurca hound's. They studied each mark as a reminder of how much each of their kids had grown over the years.
But Hunter's sights were stuck on a rather faded mark on the wall. He remembered the day like it was only yesterday. He loved seeing how excited Omega was to have her height marked on the wall; how Omega tried to stand as tall as she could while he used a pencil to mark it. Then, seeing over the years, her tallies had grown until she was basically his height.
"They're all growing up so fast," Y/n said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Maybe it's our sign to have another one," Hunter joked. She sent him a warning glare so he pressed a little further. "Come on. The littlest ones about five years old now. We're due for another."
"I told you I am done having babies. We've had three; that's a good number," Y/n swiftly shut down the idea of having another little one. She could think of a million reasons why that wouldn't pan out great. "We're getting too old for this. And with your bad back..."
"I know. I know. You don't have to remind me," Hunter chuckled softly, just loving how flustered she had gotten while talking about having a kid again. He pressed a gentle kiss to her check to calm her nerves.
The two of them swayed slightly in the rocking chair, basking in each other's presence. Their eyes set on the wall. The house's memories over the years came flooding back to them. The children's laughter was an ever present sound that brought the purest form of joy.
Their eldest daughter was all grown up now and out of the house. They remembered every single memory they made with her over the course of the past couple years. She had drastically changed their lives, but all for the better. And they wouldn't change a single thing.
#the bad batch#star wars#the clone wars#tbb hunter#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter x y/n#tbb hunter x you#tbb hunter fluff#tbb hunter angst#crosshair#echo#wrecker#tech#omega#tbb hunter x fem!reader#the bad batch season 3 spoilers#the bad batch spoilers#the bad batch finale
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His Scent
Hunter x female Jedi
I got a request for a Jedi solo saving Tech on a mission, growing closer, and making Hunter jealous. I tweaked it a little bit, but lemme just saw NSFW my girlies. I am not a Hunter girlie but I did have to fan my face for this one. You are strong and confident in this one.
2.0k words. NSFW
Tech leaned heavily against you, his arm draped over your shoulders as you helped him hobble along. You had been sent to Kashyyyk with Clone Force 99 to assist in dispatching a group of Trandoshan marauders. The operation concluded smoothly—until a separate incident sidelined Tech.
While attempting to disable enemy sensors solo, Tech missed several check-ins. Eventually, his voice crackled through the comm-link, "It appears I've inadvertently descended into a booby trap on the forest floor," he reported. "Apart from a definite ankle sprain, I'm intact. However, extricating myself from this pit will prove challenging given the state of my ankle. Assistance would be appreciated."
“Just hang tight, we’ll come rescue you.” Hunter’s relief was palpable through the comm. He’d barely released the comm device when you cut in.
“I’ll go.”
Hunter hesitated, shaking his head. “No, no. Crosshair and I-”
You raised a hand to cut him off. “Serg, I can force-jump down there and retrieve him faster than you could even reach the edge.” His silence was telling; he was clearly not convinced. Laughing heartily at his stern demeanor, you playfully slapped his shoulder as you breezed past. “Relax, Sergeant. I’ve got this.”
Hunter wasn’t fast enough to stop before you leapt into the dense canopy with a force-jump, diving into action despite his reservations.
But, you were right. Locating Tech and pulling him from the pit proved no challenge for your Jedi abilities. As the two of you made your way back through the Kashyyyk forest, you planned your next move aloud.
“Once we reach that clearing, I can jump us back to camp.”
Tech, wincing slightly with each step, was quick to propose an alternative. “Perhaps if you just comm Wrecker, he could—”
You interrupted Tech by yanking up on him, bettering your grip on him. “You boys need to have a little more faith.” Lurching him over one more felled tree you managed a teasing tone, “Unless it’s the heights bothering you.” The joy you got from teasing Tech would never fade.
Once at the clearing, you paused to give Tech a chance to rest his foot. He sighed heavily, the frustration evident even through his helmet. "I'm merely suggesting that Wrecker's strength could hasten our journey," he remarked, looking for a pragmatic solution.
Laughing lightly, you knelt to inspect his ankle. It was clearly swollen, but thankfully it seemed manageable with some rest. As you steadied his knee, you teased, "And miss the opportunity to hold you close?" You playfully blew a raspberry, adding, "Not likely."
Tech tilted his head, his shoulders drooping slightly under the weight of his exasperation. "You do realize, your playful antics might be entertaining, but they're also prolonging our delay."
“So you do find me entertaining.” When Tech’s only response was a deadpan expression you scoffed and stood.
Placing your hands on your hips and leaning in mock-seriousness you said, “Lighten up, Tech. We'll be back before you know it." Wit a sly grin, you added, "Besides, I think someone's little detour into a booby trap is the real time thief here."
Tech rolled his eyes, conceding with a shrug. “Fine, seeing how my mishap did indeed slow down operations.” He extended a hand towards you. “We will do it your way.”
Unable to hold back a satisfied smile you crouched down, shrugged his arm over your shoulder and put an arm under his legs to position him in your arms. Hauling him up in one fell swoop, you craned your head back to gauge his reaction.
Completely caught off guard, Tech’s hand flew up around your neck. His startled expression made you pause. It was cuter than you’d imagined. Tech quickly adjusted his eyes to a more composed, no-nonsense look.
"Okay, okay," you chuckled, slightly embarrassed but focusing on the task at hand. Tightening your hold on him, you looked up through the forest canopy. "Hold on tight." With those words, you launched upwards, navigating through the trees with ease.
Back at camp, Hunter stood impatiently at the Marauder door. He still wasn’t sure letting you go off on your own was the right thing to do.
Echo noticed Hunter’s fixation from his position inside the ship. "Hunter," he called out, rotating the pilot's chair to face him, "she can handle this."
Hunter didn’t respond immediately, his gaze locked on the path you had taken. A small smile played at the corners of his mouth, a silent admission of his confidence in you. However, his eyes betrayed a hint of unease. "I know she can," he murmured, more to himself than to Echo. "But I’d feel better if she didn't have to prove it so often."
He’d feel better if you never left his sight.
Landing gracefully back at the camp, Tech still in your arms. As you approached with Tech, the rest of the squad gathered, visibly relieved to see both of you safe.
Wrecker let out a boisterous laugh, clapping Hunter on the back. "Looks like the Jedi's got everything under control, huh?"
Hunter couldn’t help but smile genuinely this time, his eyes meeting yours as you helped Tech to a more comfortable spot. "Good work," he said, his voice carrying a mix of admiration. "But next time, maybe let us help a bit more."
Tech, now safely on solid ground, nodded in agreement. "Yes, perhaps with a more... collaborative approach."
Wrecker took Tech off your hands, following Echo into the Marauder to treat Tech.
“Alright,” Hunter announced, turning to you and Crosshair. “The three of us will do one last perimeter check. As long as everything is clear for the regs, we can head out.” Without a word, Crosshair stalked off to begin his section of the sweep.
Hunter then turned to you. “You and I will take this sector.” His tone left no room for argument as he started walking.
“As long as I’m following you,” you quipped, your gaze briefly flicking to his backside, “I’m not complaining.” Your flirtation drew a weary sigh from Hunter.
You had only ventured a few feet into the forest, beyond the sight of the ship, when Hunter abruptly turned to face you.
Hunter grabbed your arms, spinning you around to face him as he pressed you against the massive tree root. He lifted his hands, removed his helmet, and moved in to cage between his arms.
For a moment, neither of you spoke; the forest around you seemed to hold its breath.
"You're fearless," he murmured, his voice low. "I respect that. But out there, when you jumped with Tech... I realized something." He moved a knee in time with his hands as he pushed you higher onto the tree root. Using his knees, he knocked your legs apart and pressed himself in between them.
“And what’s that?” A tremor ran through your hands, the predatory look in Hunter’s eyes locked you in place. Your legs fanned out farther for him, pulling a groan from him as he pressed into you.
"I didn't like it," Hunter confessed, his eyes dipping to your lips. "I didn't like the smell of him on you." His words hung in the air, charged and raw. His admission was not just about the mission—it was about him, about you, about the undefined something simmering between you two.
A soft laugh escaped you, born of nerves and the surreal nature of the confession. “The smell of him?”
Hunter nodded, bowing his head so that the tip of his nose brushed over the curve of your ear. A shiver ran up your spine, bending your neck towards him. Hunter’s hand slid over your shoulder, up the back of your neck, and to the side of your head. With a firm grip, he pulled your head to the side and exposed your neck.
Hunter grazed his lips where his nose had been and down the length of your neck. He settled into the crook of your neck and muttered against your skin. “I can still smell him on you.”
You whined at the hum of his voice across your skin. Until then, your hands were frozen at your sides, now they freely roamed his waist. The way Hunter moved his body was a sin.
“You hate it that much?” You breathed out.
“Yes,” He ground out. "You drive me crazy, you know that?"
You moved your head just enough that your lips were only a breath from his. Heat pooled between your legs and you smiled. “So do something about it.”
Hunter’s nose flared and kissed you like he was going to devour you. The angle you were sitting at gave him ample room to pull at your clothes. The loose nature of your outfit made it easy for Hunter to expose the skin of your legs and pull aside your panties.
At the same time you ripped away the gear at his waist. Between the two of you, it felt like you wouldn’t be satisfied until you were completely bare for each other.
Hunter’s hands wedged under your ass and angled your hips as you pulled him from his pants. At your touch, Hunter sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, dragging his teeth over the sensitive flesh. You gasped into his mouth.
“Tell me you want this.” He almost begged.
“I want this,” You quickly panted.
He thrust his hips into your touch, groaning as he said, “Tell me you want me.”
Giving him a firm stroke, you lined his head up with your entrance. That gentle contact sent a drip of your slick down his cock.
“I want you, Hunter.” You pulled him in with your legs and sunk his cock into you. He finished the motion and buried himself into you.
His girth shocked you, but didn’t stop you from moving against his thrusts. The painful stretch he caused flooded your groin with heat. Each thrust knocked you incoherent. His thrusts were shallow and rapid, barely pulling out before ramming back into you.
With another person, he may have worried about breaking them. You weren’t like others though. Your strength and fierceness were what intoxicated him. So Hunter trusted you could take it; that you could take him.
And you were taking him so well.
You squeezed your hand between your bodies, feeling for the sensitive bud between your legs. When you arched into him, Hunter knew you found it. Your eyes rolled while your fingers made small, precise circles. Every second, you were tightening around him and pushing him closer to his limit.
Hunter dipped his lips to the soft spot behind your ear, breath warm against your skin, and gave the spot a long, slow lick. With a smile evident in his voice, he said. “Good girl.”
His voice made your entire body go taught, a sudden burst of heat rushing from your core. You moaned out his name like it could save you and held on to him while your orgasm wrecked you.
The sudden vice grip you had on him made Hunter hiss and he buried himself deep inside of you, pressing his face into your neck. Release hit him hard and he groaned into your skin. For a moment, he thought he’d never stop filling you.
Everytime he thought he was coming down you convulsed around him and another wave of pleasure flooded him. It wasn’t until your body started relaxing around him that Hunter was able to gain a semblance of clarity.
You both were breathless. Panting, spent, and drunk on each other. It took a good ten seconds of catching your breath before you reached up, patted the back of his head, and said with a smile, “How do I smell now?”
Hunter chuckled into your shoulder. He inhaled deeply before he pushed himself up. On exhale he said, “Good.”
Your head fell back and you laughed, “Because I smell like you?”
He gripped your chin and tilted your head back up. With a cocky little smirk he gave a nod. “Exactly.”
The moment lingered, but duty eventually called, and you both straightened, adjusting yourselves and your gear.
Hunter replaced his helmet, saying "We should finish that perimeter check," His voice was almost normal but still carrying a trace of the heat from moments before.
You nodded, a small, knowing smile playing on your lips. "Lead the way, Sergeant."
#oooey shut my mouth slap your gramma#better call the law#get the sheriff on the phone#the bad batch#tbb#star wars#bad batch#tbb tech#tech#the bad batch tech#tech x reader#the bad batch hunter#humter#hunter x reader#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter#the bad batch hunter x reader#tbb hunter x you#hunter#hunter smut#the bad batch smut#the bad batch x reader
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Ruthlessness (Sergeant Hunter x fem!Reader)
"After everything you've done...how will you sleep at night?"
"Next to my wife."
Notes: Feral Hunter, above-average bloodshed and violence. Reader is implied to be a Jedi but it's never explicitly stated, inspired by that line from Epic: The Vengeance Saga.
Hunter tore through the base. He could smell your fear and terror, and he knew you were nearby. He didn't even need Tech's directions.
This is what he was made for.
He hadn't slept since he'd heard you'd been captured, and he wouldn't rest until you were safe in his arms.
He quickly dispatched the two TK Troopers at the door with blaster and knife. Before the first body could hit the floor, he snatched the key card from their belt. He could hear your heartbeat just beyond the door, sluggish and slow, along with one other heartbeat and the deadly hum of an interrogation droid.
The moment the door opened, Hunter found his target, launching his vibroblade at the droid.
The blaster shot took him by surprise. Hunter managed to dodge so that it grazed him just below the ribs, but it burned. Every nerve in his body screamed out in pain,but he had to keep moving forward Hunter dropped to his knee, holding his wound, and looked up at the blaster pointed at his face.
"Doctor Hemlock warned me you'd come after her," the Imperial officer said, his voice low and lethal. He sounded just like Hemlock and Rampart, a controlled calm with a storm seething beneath the surface.
Hunter had no use for control. Not when he saw you hanging limp in the officer's arm like the damsel in distress in some cheap holo novel.
"Let her go, and I might let you live." Hunter growled, pushing himself to his feet.
The blaster followed his every move, and the officer chuckled as if he hadn't just been threatened.
"That's not an option here. She's a traitor, as are you."
Hunter took a step forward, only to stumble against a table littered with surgical tools. The officer kept the blaster trained on him, smart man.
But not smart enough.
"You're a stubborn one, aren't you?" The officer chuckled, "You clones just don't know when to quit."
"Hun'red percent success rate," Hunter bragged through gritted teeth, forcing his legs to support him.
"And vain too," the officer scoffed.
Hunter turned his body just enough that the officer couldn't see him grab the scalpel, still trying to make his way to you. Your heartbeat was growing slower with each passing second. He had to get you out of here.
"And what do you call your Emperor, then? An empire that'll last a thousand years? The Republic's been around longer than that."
"The Republic is gone!" The officer snapped, "That is the difference between the Galactic Empire and your precious Republic!" He jabbed the barrel of his blaster against Hunter's chestplate, sealing his doom.
Hunter moved too fast for anyone but Crosshair to have really noticed. The scalpel met its target in the vein of the officer's wrist, and he dropped the blaster with a scream. Hunter grabbed the wound and twisted it, forcing the officer to drop your body. Hunter only took his eyes off the officer to make sure you were safe, but he recovered quickly. He reached for the blaster with his non-dominant hand, and Hunter kicked it out of reach. The officer went for Hunter's wound, digging his hand into the wound. The air was ripped from Hunter's lungs as he tried to focus his vision. He couldn't let you die here, not as a trophy for some fanatic Imperial sycophant.
He still gripped the scalpel in his hand, and as the officer grinned sadistically Hunter drew it across his face. Blood splattered everywhere, and the officer reeled back with his face in his hands. Hunter didn't let him recover. He stomped his booted foot on the officer's shin, shattering his bones. The officer writhed on the floor as he tried to crawl away, dark blood from his face and wrist staining his gray uniform and slicking the tile floor.
Hunter held his side and adjusted his hold on the scalpel for a firmer grip, standing above the insignificant worm of a sentient that had dared to lay a hand on his Cyare.
"You clones-" the officer spat, coughing on his own blood.
"Scraping by, betraying the glory of the Empire just to live hand to mouth..."
"How how do you live with yourself?
"How do you sleep at night?"
Hunter grabbed onto the officers hair, yanking his head back so that the last thing he ever saw was the clone who would kill him.
"Next to my wife."
He drove the scalpel into the monster's chest, over, and over, and over again, until he heard the silence of its heart.
Hunter heaved a deep breath, tasting the coppery tang of blood at the back of his throat. It took a moment, but Hunter knew it wasn't his own.
A shuddering breath echoed through the room, and Hunter turned to you, crouching in between you and the officer so that you wouldn't have to see him as you woke up.
"Cyare? Cyare, can you hear me?" He called your name, cradling your head in his lap.
You mumbled something unintelligible, eyelids twitching.
"Easy, easy Cyare, you're safe. It's over," He said. He gently pressed his fingers to the spot below your jaw where he could feel your heartbeat. It was delicate, like the flutter of a bird's wing, but it was there all the same. He needed to get you to the ship.
Hunter lifted you into his arms and though you raised your arms to hang onto his neck, they weighed as much as a starcruiser.
"I've got you," He whispered, "You're gonna be alright."
Your knee hit the blaster wound in his side, and he winced.
"You're hurt," You gasped, still drugged but now worried about him.
He shook his head and straightened his shoulders, "Don't worry about me. You're safe now. That's all that matters."
@photogirl894 @meadow-of-daisies-and-lavender @emperor-palpaminty @clonethirstingisreal (I just thought y'all would enjoy ✌️)
#merry christmas ya filthy animals#i've been trying to write this since halloween#not as much hunter/reader action but that's not the point of this one#lizart writes#sergeant hunter x reader#tbb hunter x reader#hunter x reader#tbb hunter x you#sergeant hunter x you#blood tw#violence tw#also s/o to asherthewarlock this gif is gorgeous ty for blessing us#🙏🙏🙏🙏
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At Victory's End
summary: You help Hunter to recover from the lasting effects of Hemlock’s torture on Tantiss.
pairing: sergeant hunter (tbb) x reader
tags: season 3 finale spoilers, mentions of torture, trauma, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff
rating: T
word count: 3.051k
main masterlist • hunter masterlist
You paced the floor of the shuttle as you kept your gaze fixed on the opened hatch. You, Echo, and Wrecker had already gotten the clones settled, and now you were only waiting on Hunter, Crosshair, and Omega—assuming all had gone well.
It was a waiting game, and it felt like you were losing.
Until you finally saw the image of the three of them in the distance, with Omega walking in between the two brothers. Hunter and Crosshair were both hunched over as if they were in pain, a sight that instantly brought a fearful chill to your chest as you began to hurry down the ramp to meet them in the middle.
“Sunny!” Omega called out your nickname with sweet relief. She ran forward to meet you, and you instantly caught her in your embrace.
You closed your eyes as you cupped the back of her head and let out a relieved exhale. “It’s so good to have you back, sweet angel.” You gained the strength to pull away from her as you held her shoulders and gave her a quick once-over. “Are you okay?”
Omega nodded, gesturing with her head to the two men behind her. “Thanks to them.”
You smiled, though your lips instantly straightened in severity again when you took note of Hunter and Crosshair’s weary faces. Your voice lowered as you asked Omega another question. “How are they?”
Omega grimaced, and that was enough for your worry to spike even more than before. You had already been caught up to speed on Crosshair’s hand by Wrecker, but he had told you that he didn’t remember much else. All he might’ve heard was Hunter’s pained screaming, which had already had you seized by the most horrible feeling imaginable.
“Sunny,” Crosshair suddenly huffed out, as if it had taken him a great effort just to speak. Omega stepped aside to let you face him, and your heart fell straight into your stomach. Crosshair was nearly keeled over at the weight Hunter was placing on him—his deadweight. Hunter’s eyes were also fluttering closed in a way that made it seem like he might fall unconscious at any moment.
You recovered from your shock at the sight and took Hunter from Crosshair, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulders and letting your adrenaline take his heavy weight. He let out a half-hearted groan as his free hand gripped his side, and his head fell towards yours. Your voice was a haunted version of its usual self as you spoke. “What happened?”
Hunter couldn’t speak. Your throat tightened with worry as Crosshair offered an explanation. “Hemlock.” He let out a grunt of his own as Omega offered him support. “He… put us under the conditioning.”
Your brow shot up at that. “Conditioning?”
Crosshair exhaled and shook his head. “Torture. A shock treatment to encourage conditioning. And for Hunter…” He trailed off. He didn’t need to say it.
But you did. “His senses.”
The words barely made a sound as they left your tongue, and you were immediately hit with a rush of concern like never before. It stole your breath for a moment, but you caught yourself with a quick inhale and focused on Hunter. His head was almost fully leaning against yours, the small pieces of hair soaked by the rain still sticking to his forehead. His eyes had almost fully closed.
“Stay with me, love,” you murmured, willing all your strength to push the two of you ahead towards the shuttle. “You’re okay now. I’m here.”
After a few slow steps, Hunter tried to speak, and the sound sent a sharp jolt of relief to your heart. “Sun…”
You stopped for a moment and lifted a hand to his head, sweeping away some of the wet hair from his face. “Yeah. It’s me.” You ran your knuckles over his cheek and smiled at him the best you could.
Hunter’s eyes fluttered again as he tried to keep them open. His own relief still wasn’t lost on you. “She’s okay.”
You looked over his shoulder and saw Omega and Crosshair behind you, as if they were waiting to help you and Hunter if you needed it. You smiled even wider and nodded. “That’s right. You and Crosshair saved her.”
You began to push onwards again, slowly but surely closing the distance to the open hatch. Hunter had one more thing to say as you did so. “You’re okay?”
You nodded at him. “Yes, Hunter. I’m just fine.” You tightened your grasp on his arm around your shoulders. “Let’s just focus on you for once. Okay?”
Hunter huffed then groaned, his head resting against yours again as you got him on board. The obvious fight he was putting up gave you hope, but you still felt devastated just by the thought of what he’d gone through. That type of torture would be unbearable for anyone, but for someone with Hunter’s enhanced senses, you couldn’t even begin to imagine how painful it was.
The thought alone brought tears to your eyes that you swiftly fought away. Everything was okay, and he would be okay, too—even if it was hard to see him in such a state.
As you got the two of you onto the shuttle, you were immediately approached by Echo, who took Hunter’s other arm. “How is he?” Echo asked you.
“Responsive.” You looked over at Hunter and watched his eyes flutter again.
“That’s good.” Echo gestured with his head over to where Wrecker was sitting on the floor. “We’ve got Wrecker some med patches, and he’s in pretty good shape.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” Your tone was genuine, despite the way your worried mind was still set on Hunter. “Crosshair seems like he’s doing all right, too.”
“Good.” Echo’s voice revealed his own relief. “I was worried when Wrecker told me about his hand.”
Your heart ached for Crosshair for a moment. “Yeah. Looks like they at least sealed it off for him.”
Echo gave you a quick glance, his gaze darting over to Hunter as he did so. “I can help you get him somewhere quiet. I think he needs that.”
You offered Echo an appreciative smile. “I agree.”
It was then that Hunter tried to speak up again. “I’m fine.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Sure.” Your hand on his arm lowered until his fingers were entwined with your own. “But you would still love to be somewhere quiet right now, wouldn’t you?”
Hunter closed his eyes and nodded, and for a moment, you feared that he had finally fallen under. You studied him until his eyes fluttered again, and you exhaled your fearful breath as Echo continued to lead the two of you up the lift and to a private corridor.
“Here.” Echo helped you set Hunter down, and groaned at the movement. Once he was settled, his hand still in yours, Echo stood back up. “I’ll get a medpac for you. Once I’m sure everyone’s on board, I’ll be taking us straight to Pabu.”
You could’ve cried at the sheer relief you felt that this nightmare was truly coming to an end, but your concern for Hunter’s current state overpowered it. “Thank you, Echo.”
Echo nodded, setting a reassuring hand on your shoulder before he disappeared from the corridor. You took a deep breath for composure as you focused on Hunter, whose eyes were closed once again as his head rested against the interior hull.
You were gentle as you released his hand to instead hold the sides of his face. “Hunter.” Your voice was so soft even you nearly missed it, your thumbs brushing under his eyes in another attempt to gain his attention. When he didn’t make a move or say a word, you let your concern get the best of you. “Hunter, please.”
His eyes at least opened at your desperation. You wished so badly you could stay as calm for him as he always did for you and everyone else, but with the way things had gone ever since Omega was taken on Pabu, it was truly an impossible task. Each minute that ticked away without him or the others near you made you expect the worst. To see him alive was a relief, but to see him so out of it was still terrifying.
Hunter tried to speak, but he quickly tightened his jaw as his expression contorted in pain. You watched him fight to keep his eyes open again, his teeth gritting in his effort to do so. Your brow knit together as you gave him a once-over, and quickly, you saw what was happening. His right hand shook just as Crosshair’s used to, but it was more violent in the immediate aftershocks of what had happened to him.
You took his trembling hand and lifted it to your face, loosening his fingers for him and splaying them across your cheek. Your gaze remained in his the entire time, and as you secured his hand to you, you watched the pain and fear slowly begin to leave his brown eyes. It filled you with a relief to potent that you were yet again brought to tears, but you still refused to shed them.
“There you go.” Your praise for him was another gentle whisper as you ran soothing circles over the back of his hand. “It’s okay. You’re okay now.”
Hunter’s eyes closed again, but that time, you could tell it was purely in his own relief. You pressed a gentle kiss to his gloved palm even as your worry began to exchange itself for an all-consuming rage.
Hemlock had done this to him. Not just him, either, but also Wrecker, Crosshair, and so many others. He had to be dead. You wouldn’t stand for it if he wasn’t.
As if sensing your thoughts, Hunter opened his eyes to look at you the best he could. “He’s gone.” He swallowed hard as his weak thumb ran over your cheek. You couldn’t help smiling at the sweet action. “We… made sure of it.”
“Good.” You held tight to his hand and wrist as you composed yourself with another breath. “We couldn’t leave him alive. Not after all he’s done.”
Before you or Hunter could say anything more, you heard Echo returning. You lowered Hunter’s hand from your face to look at him. Echo was carrying medpac as well as a blanket, both of which he handed to you with a sympathetic smile. “Here you go, Sunny.”
You set the supplies down to hold Echo’s hands between yours for a moment. “Thank you, Echo.”
Echo tilted his head at you. “You know you don’t have to thank me.” He nodded at you. “We’re family.”
That made your lips widen even more. “We are.”
Echo returned your smile before he stepped away, guaranteeing your and Hunter’s privacy for now. You set your focus on caring for him, beginning with the removal of his wet pieces of armor. He looked as if he was going to try to help you, but you stopped him, setting a firm hand on his chest until he relaxed once again. There was a small smile that tugged on his lips as you continued your work, not stopping until all the upper pieces of his armor had been set aside. You then set the blanket around his shoulders, pulling it close together under his neck.
You held on to the corners of the fabric and kept yourself close to him. Studying the flecks of his eyes that were still slightly dazed, you began to crumble as your adrenaline wore off. There were too many close calls. Hunter had been tortured, and you weren’t there to help him. He had to face down the man who had done it, not just to him but to many of your loved ones, and you weren’t there to support him.
It had been a long, terrifying mission, yet he was still here, and so were you.
Hunter was the one to act first. His hand rose to the side of your face as he encouraged you to rest your forehead against his. You remained gentle, still wary of his frayed senses as you touched him. “It’s okay.” Hunter’s voice was no more than a rasp, but it was still much stronger than it had been before. That gave you hope, a feeling so sweet that it only made the tears in your eyes even harder to resist. “Just like you said before.”
His other arm wrapped itself around you, encouraging you to fully relax into his side. His head was still resting against your own even as he cradled you against him. Hunter took the corner of the blanket on your side and lifted it so that the two of you were sharing its warmth.
You began to shake your head, the swirling emotions of the day—especially the guilt—beginning to swallow you whole. “I should be helping you.”
Hunter raised his brow at you. “You are helping me.” He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to your forehead, keeping them there even as he went on. “You were all I needed.”
The sweetness of his words nearly healed you in a single, softening blow, but another angle you took on them shattered that illusion in a heartbreaking way. “You needed me,” you nearly cried, “and I wasn’t there.”
Hunter lifted himself from your head, his gaze looking horrified as he realized exactly what you were going through. “No.” He shook his head and cupped the side of your face with his gloved hand. “No, no, no. That’s not what I meant.” His thumb caught one of your tears the moment it left your lashes. “I’m relieved you weren’t there. It was dangerous. I…” he paused, circling his jaw as he considered his words, “I snapped when I realized Omega was there, and that she was in danger. I even impaled one of the assassins.”
You blinked through your tears and tightened your jaw in hardly concealed anger for your enemies. “Good.”
Hunter huffed, clearly amused by your vengeful spirit as he went on. “What I meant was…” Hunter had to pause again. His expression began to fall in a worry so genuine that it made your chest ache all over again. “I didn’t know what had happened to you. After we got Hemlock and saved Omega, I knew that everyone was okay—except for you.” He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours again. “I needed to know.”
You set your hand over his, hoping to reassure him. “I’m okay.”
Hunter reopened his eyes and lifted the corner of his mouth. “Now I know. And, as you can see, it’s already helped me recover.” He ran his thumb over your cheek again as he nodded, minding your head against his own. “I’m okay, too.”
Still, the memory of Wrecker describing Hunter’s screams mixed with what you had already seen and inferred was too much for you to handle. Your vision began to blur again as you spoke through the knot in your throat. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” You closed your eyes and resisted the urge to tremble in your utter grief for him. “I’m so sorry.”
Hunter held you more closely, his hand moving from your cheek to your chin to gently tilt your head up more at him. It encouraged you to reopen your eyes and meet his warm, calming gaze. “You never have to apologize on behalf of our enemies.” His eyes lowered from yours for a moment before he raised them again. “It wasn’t easy, but we did it. We completed the mission.” Hunter’s lips began to stretch in a warm smile that you hadn’t seen in a long, long time. “We’re all free.”
As the truth of his words began to sink in, you returned his smile, relief finally pouring over you in uncontrollable waves. No longer was the sickening devastation of what he had been through; instead, all you could feel was the sweet, sweet feeling of a victory that was well-earned. “We did it.”
Hunter’s gaze glittered more as he watched you share in his joy. His thumb ran over your chin as he went on. “Now that we’re free…” his nose brushed yours, “how does a lifetime on Pabu sound?”
You could’ve sobbed right there at the idea of the dream you’d longed for actually coming true, but you were too caught up in your shared affection to give in to anything except for him. “That sounds perfect.”
With that, Hunter kissed you with all the strength he had left, each movement of his lips against yours a gentle promise of what was still to come. You were more than happy to lose yourself in him and the future that was finally in reach, even if all you had to grasp onto physically in that moment was his wet locks of hair. You took your time with him just as he did with you, knowing that at long last, it was finally on your side.
When you parted, you stayed close together, your hands braced upon his chest as you raised your brow at him. A genuine wave of concern washed over you as you spoke to him. “Was that too overwhelming for your senses?”
Hunter offered a reassuring smile in return. “Only in the best way.” He gave you a quick kiss before he encouraged you to lean fully against him, silently urging you to seek rest with him in a way he desperately needed. You obliged, your head resting upon the inside of his shoulder and chest as you closed your eyes in sweet relief.
It hadn’t been easy, and it sure as hell would still take lots of healing for everyone, but it was truly worth it. All of you were finally free, and you were going to take advantage of every sacrifice that made your freedom possible—starting with the time you and Hunter had been given to simply rest.
main masterlist • hunter masterlist
hunter tag list: @zenrobbins0021 @cw80831 @yunggoblin @maddiedrmr
#this is exactly what i need to do for him rn okay??? okay.#tbb hunter#sergeant hunter#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter x you#sergeant hunter x reader#sergeant hunter x you#the bad batch fanfiction#the bad batch fic#dindjarindiaries#the bad batch spoilers#tbb spoilers
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Now or Never***
Hunter X F!Reader
word count: 2.5k

When Hunter spontaneously kisses you before he goes camping with the others whilst you look after the ship, your mind is set aflame. Both of you think about it and it's either now or never to see if there is a spark there.
warnings: warnings: Not exactly NSFW but is very steamy so 17+ only please. Spontaneous and accidental kiss, making out, brief breast touching, touchy touchy, non established relationship, female reader, mutual pining, friends to lovers, first kiss, one curse word.
authors note: a request for my lovely friend 🤍
"Have you made sure you've packed your canteen, sleeping bag, and comm device?" You stood observing Omega meticulously arranging her belongings in preparation for a camping excursion with her brothers, ensuring she's equipped for the night ahead.
The idea was originally proposed by Wrecker, who eagerly suggested taking Omega on a camping adventure in the wilderness, a proposition unanimously agreed upon by the others—except for you. Camping wasn't exactly your preferred activity.
"Yes, yes, and yes again," Omega confirms, playfully rolling her eyes before turning to you with a smile. "You're worse than Hunter AND Crosshair combined."
You chuckle and kneel down to Omega's level. "I'm not that bad," you tease, tousling her hair affectionately before rising to your feet. "But do be cautious, alright? Don't go picking berries unless you're certain about them."
"I'm not about to repeat Wrecker's mistake," Omega giggles, both of you sharing a fond memory of the time his hunger led him to accidentally consume toxic berries, resulting in a nasty rash.
"Are you absolutely certain you can't be persuaded to join us?" Hunter speaks and as you turn to him, you watch as he adjusts his backpack in readiness for the night ahead.
"I'll be fine. Besides, someone needs to stay behind to look after Gonky and the ship," you reply, giving the droid a reassuring pat as it waddles past. "I'll also tidy up around here. I wanna make sure it's neat and tidy for when you return."
A warm smile spreads across Hunter's face as he looks at you, a gesture that has become increasingly frequent lately. "Well, if you insist. Feel free to contact me if you require assistance."
'Me'? Not 'us'?’ you silently ponder, feeling a slight warmth tint your cheeks. "And the same goes for you. Stay safe out there and don't wander off."
"Can we get going before we lose light?" Crosshair interjects with a snarl, positioning himself between you and Hunter with an almost knowing look, as if he's aware of your burgeoning feelings for a particular Sergeant.
Hunter clears his throat, shooting a warning glare at his brother, who momentarily smirks before disembarking the ship, followed by the others. However, Hunter lingers back for a moment, his gaze lingering on you. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"
"Why the sudden protectiveness?" You raise a brow, accompanied by a smirk, though you can't help but feel a flutter of anticipation in your chest.
"Just making sure," he reassures, offering another soft smile. "The others seem excited. It's been a while since we've done something like this."
Your heart swells at the sight of him finding peace, even if just for a moment. No empire, no war—just rest. "Well, stop lingering and get going before you lose the others," you prompt, playfully nudging his side with your arm, your touch lingering for just a moment longer than necessary.
"Alright, alright. I'll see you tomorrow," he responds, but as he turns to leave, a brief moment of unexpected stillness descends. Without warning, Hunter reaches out and holds your waist, pulling you gently toward him, and kisses you.
You don’t even have time to react because he pulls back abruptly, eyes wide with shock, and you find yourself mirroring his astonishment.
He quickly releases you, running a clammy hand over the back of his neck. "I... I don't know why I did that."
"O-okay," you breathe shakily, trying to steady your racing heart as you nervously fiddle with your fingers, your mind reeling from the unexpected intimacy.
"Sorry, I..." he trails off, meeting your gaze once more, his expression a mix of anxiousness and apology.
You gaze back at him, feeling the rapid rhythm of your heart almost deafening in the silence between you. "No, it's okay," you manage to exhale shakily, taking a small step back, needing the space to collect your thoughts. "Y-you should really get going."
He nods in understanding, but you can't shake the feeling of uncertainty clouding his expression. Better yet, you’re certain he takes a longing gaze at your lips before snapping out of his trance. "Yeah. Alright. Are… Stars, are we okay?” He asks, a little exasperated. “I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"Go, Hunter," you say just above a whisper, a mixture of confusion and longing tugging at your emotions. "I'll still be here when you get back." Your smile feels forced, genuine bewilderment at how to navigate the spiral of emotions inside you. It all feels like a dream, yet you're not entirely sure if you want to wake up. Or perhaps you do?
Hunter gives you one last lingering look before he turns and leaves, leaving you alone with your tangled thoughts.
Watching him go, you can't help but dread the inevitable awkwardness that awaits you in the morning.
Hours had slipped by since the departure of the others, and you had kept yourself occupied as best as possible, channeling your energy into cleaning the Marauder. Discarded bolts, half-eaten ration bars, and an array of dust and weapon gear cluttered the interior, making it a challenge to find even a patch of floor. Wiping your brow, you stand back to admire your handiwork, but now what?
"What do you think, Gonky? Nice and clean?"
"Yeah, I know," you sigh, sinking into the pilot's seat and propping your legs up on the control dash as you gaze out at the night sky. But try as you might to divert your thoughts, they stubbornly refuse to stray far from the unexpected encounter with Hunter.
There's a lingering tingle on your lips, prompting you to idly lick them as you recall the sensation of his kiss. Your stomach flutters, and you run a hand through your hair in frustration. "It's just a crush... just a crush."
At least, that's what it had started as. Sure, you had found Hunter attractive from the moment you joined the team, but it had been nothing more than a passing admiration. Yet, as the months passed and you grew closer to him, undeniable feelings—on your part, at least—had begun to emerge.
So, the question lingered: why had he kissed you? Was it merely a spontaneous impulse, or was there something more to it? Of course, you couldn't help but hope for the latter, but his immediate apology had left you questioning his intentions.
Suddenly, a rhythmic beeping emanates from one sector of the control panel, jolting you into alertness. You sit forward, inspecting the display, and your blood turns cold as you spot a heat signature approaching. Rising to your feet, you arm yourself and position yourself at the gangplank, ready for whatever may come.
But your fears begin to dissipate as you discern the familiar colours of clone armor in the distance. "Hunter? What are you doing back? Are the others alright?" you call out, relief flooding your voice as you watch him approach.
"Everything's alright, don't worry," Hunter reassures you, his chuckle softening the panic in your voice, though it leaves you feeling more puzzled than reassured.
"What are you doing back then?" you ask, your stomach fluttering once more as he takes a step closer.
"I came to see you," he says softly, his gaze meeting yours with a sincerity that sends a shiver down your spine. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. It was driving me mad."
You swallow hard, feeling the nervous flutter in your stomach as your hands instinctively tuck behind your back. "Oh, Hunter, I told you I'd be fine," you manage to say, though your voice betrays a hint of uncertainty.
"I'm not referring to that," he replies quickly, closing the distance between you with each deliberate step. Your heart races, anticipation and apprehension mingling in equal measure as you realise the true reason for his return. "Your heart's beating so fast for me," he murmurs, his voice a quiet rasp that sends a shiver down your spine.
With each step bringing him closer, the tension between you becomes palpable, and you can feel the electricity crackling in the air.
"Hunter..." you begin, taking a step back to welcome him onto the ship, but your voice trails off as he enters and seals the door to the Marauder shut behind him with a button on his wrist.
"Did you mean to kiss me?" you finally manage to ask, your heart pounding in anticipation.
"No," he admits, his gaze unwavering, but a flicker of excitement dances in your chest as he continues, "but I can't deny that I haven't thought about doing it. Many times."
You're too stunned to respond, the weight of his words leaving you speechless, and you can only watch in disbelief as he closes the distance between you. His hand reaches up, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
"Tell me... if I hadn't pulled away, would you have kissed me back?" he whispers, his voice barely audible but filled with a raw vulnerability that leaves you breathless.
You stare into his eyes, all your uncertainties melting away in the intensity of the moment. Unable to resist any longer, you lean in and press a gentle, swift kiss to his lips, pulling back with a coy smile. "Does that answer your question?"
Hunter's chest rises and falls with a mixture of surprise and longing at your kiss, his hands finding a comfortable place on your hips. "Maybe," he teases in response, a playful glint in his eyes. "I think I need to just..." he leans in closer, his lips barely brushing against yours before trailing agonisingly slowly across your cheek and up to your ear.
"Hunter," you gasp silently, your eyes fluttering closed as his lips brush over your earlobe, sending a shiver down your spine.
"Yes?" he asks innocently, his warm breath causing goosebumps to rise on your skin as it fans over you, sending a rush of heat coursing through your veins.
"It's now or never," you whisper breathlessly, your voice barely above a murmur. "Kiss me... kiss me properly."
With a surge of desire, his lips leave your ear and find yours, his hand cupping your jaw as you both surrender to the heated passion between you. Your back presses against the wall of the ship as you eagerly reciprocate, your fingers tangling in his hair with a firm grip as you lose yourself in the intoxicating sensation of each other's touch.
Gone are the smiles and lingering glances, replaced by the urgency of the moment that ignites a fiery passion between you. Both of you are breathless, yet neither of you wants to break away. The kiss is messy, with teeth occasionally clanging together, but it only adds to the raw intensity of the moment.
In a bold move, he lifts your leg and hooks it around his waist, drawing you closer until his body is pressed against yours. Your hands roam over his armor, desperate to remove every barrier between you.
He obliges, a small smirk playing on his lips as he swiftly removes his armor, his lips only briefly parting from yours before he's swallowing your moans once more. "I can't stop kissing you," he grunts, his breathing heavy and intoxicating, sending shivers down your spine.
"Good thing I haven't told you to stop," you growl against his lips, earning a deep groan in response before he deftly maneuvers you onto the floor, crawling over you and enveloping you in his arms.
His tongue dances along your lower lip, seeking entrance that you're willing to grant, but you can't resist the urge to tease him, to show him what he's been missing for so long. Ignoring his plea, you gently bite down on his lip, eliciting a gasp of surprise from him, and seizing the opportunity, you take the lead.
He meets your passion with equal fervor, his tongue tangling with yours in a heated dance. Both of you are panting, and you're grateful that you had cleaned the floor beforehand. "Fuck, you're perfect," he murmurs between kisses, his words sending a rush of warmth to your core.
Lips locked, one of his hands slips under your shirt, sending a tingling sensation racing along your skin as his fingers trail along your stomach and up the side of your ribs. Your breath catches in your throat as he continues his exploration, his touch gentle yet electric, until he ever so softly caresses your breast.
A soft gasp escapes your lips at the intimate contact, your body arching instinctively toward his touch as desire courses through you. With each delicate caress, the heat between you intensifies, and you find yourself completely lost in the sensation of his touch.
"More... please," you gasp into his mouth, your body ablaze with desire. He listens to your plea, his hand reluctantly leaving your breast before sliding back down your body. His fingers dance along your skin, teasing along the hem of your waistband, igniting a primal need within you.
Naturally, arousal courses through you, transforming this fleeting moment of passion into something deeper. "I've dreamt about touching you down here," he whispers against your lips, swollen and flushed with desire.
He's on the verge of breaking the barrier, your body eagerly anticipating his touch, when the shrill noise of his comm device, scattered on the floor next to your head, shatters the moment.
He looks at you, then at his comm, and back to you with an apologetic smile. "It's best I get that. Just in case."
You nod in understanding, suddenly feeling shy and bashful. But he doesn't move from above you, instead swiping up his comm and answering the call. "What's the problem?"
"We're heading back. Crosshair ate some of those berries that gave Wrecker a rash last time," Echo's voice echoes loudly in the cabin, interrupting the intimate moment.
"Fantastic. We'll see you soon," Hunter replies, cutting off the call with a sigh of frustration.
Despite the interruption, you can't help but stifle a laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "Hey," you say softly, reaching up to cup his cheek, "we could do this another time... if you'd like that?"
He chuckles, meeting your gaze with a mixture of longing and gratitude. "I want nothing more than that," he admits, sealing the moment with the gentlest kiss on your lips. "I, uh, I liked this. A lot."
As he helps you sit up, Hunter's movements are gentle yet purposeful, his attention focused on reassembling his gear. Meanwhile, you take a moment to smooth out your hair and adjust your clothing before standing up.
Turning to face you, Hunter's gaze is warm yet curious. "Yeah?" he responds, his brow furrowing slightly in anticipation of your next words.
"Thank you," you say softly, sincerity lacing every syllable.
His confusion deepens, prompting him to take a step closer to you, his hand finding its way to your waist as he draws you near. "What for?" he inquires, his eyes searching yours for answers.
Your heart swells at his proximity, and you meet his gaze with a mixture of affection and appreciation.
"For feeling the same way I do."
There were many, many sneaky kisses from then on.

More Hunter Works
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As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
Chapter 1:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Jealousy. Brief mention of blood. Canon violence.
You couldn't even look at her.
That thought alone made you sick to your stomach. The fact that you couldn't bear to look at a woman simply because she was interested in the same man that you were, made you want to cry.
Am I really that shallow? You thought bitterly as you slammed the hydrospanner into the damaged component of the landing gear you’d been trying to dislodge.
I can’t believe I was so stupid! You jammed the point of the tool violently into a crack, trying to pry it out. Of course he’d go for her. She was prettier than you - funnier too.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.
Hunter is his own man. He likes someone else. Not a big deal.
Except for some reason, judging by the heavy ache in your chest, it was a big deal, no matter how much you tried to fool yourself into thinking that everything was fine.
The landing gear piece was still stuck fast. You set down the hydrospanner and picked up the plasma cutter.
This better kriffing work or I’ll have Tech up my ass for a month about it. Not to mention having to tell Hunter that I broke the ship. Again.
You ran your fingers over the healing scar on your cheek and looked at the carbon scoring around the piece that stuck fast, fused in place by laser fire.
A smile made its way across your face as you remembered how it all happened. You were providing cover fire so they'd have time to escape - more exposed than you'd like to be, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle - until a stray shot hit the ship at just the right angle.
Hunter had tackled you to the ground, shielding you from the blast with his own body.
Despite the chaos around you, being in his arms felt safe.
“Don’t ever do that again!” It was meant to be an order but it felt different than any of the others he’d given over the past year. The way he’d taken your face into his hands, carefully examining the small, insignificant wound on your cheek. His face was unreadable but as you’d looked closer, his eyes were a whirlwind of relief that you hadn’t been hurt worse. There was something else there too - something that fed the hope hidden away in your core that your feelings toward him were reciprocated. He’d kept his hand on your arm as you stood up. They were strong, steady hands that kept you warm and stayed on your arm seconds longer than the moment demanded.
But then you’d found him in a closet with Phee’s sister only hours later at Cid’s parlour.
I’m so stupid. How could I have read him so wrong? What made me think I’d ever have a chance with a man like Hunter? You shook your head, angry at yourself for letting your guard down. For the first time since the beginning of the Clone Wars, you’d felt alive in a way that didn’t involve throwing yourself into violently dangerous situations. You felt at home with this band of misfit clones. You had finally allowed yourself to feel and acknowledge the emotions that came with it. Now you remembered why you hadn’t done that before. It was stupid and you would make sure that it wouldn’t happen again.
Finishing with the plasma cutter, you brought a wrench down hard with a loud clang. The piece barely moved an inch and you threw the tool down with a frustrated groan.
“You okay over there?” Phee poked her head around the corner, eyebrow raised.
“I’m good!” You grinned, hoping the faux smile would keep her from asking anymore questions. “Just trying to get this stubborn kriffing piece out so Tech can replace it when he gets back.”
Phee chuckled as you glared at the offending part. She walked over to the side of the ship, looking up and down at the stripped landing gear.
“Damn… what’d you guys get into this time?”
It was your turn to chuckle, grateful for the distraction from your spiraling negativity.
“That is a very complicated story,” Tech answered for you as he rounded the corner, “However, I do not currently have the time to tell it. We have another mission from Cid and should be leaving as soon as we’ve made our repairs.”
Good, you thought. Another mission might be just what you needed to get out of your head and back into the groove of things. Back to normal.
Tech stopped next to Phee in front of the landing gear, surveying the mess of tools and ship components. He frowned. “Although, it seems as though that may take a bit longer than I originally thought.”
He grabbed the hydrospanner from the ground by your feet and began prying at the piece you’d been working on. “I will fix this. You pick up the tools and get that carbon scoring off of those panels.”
Phee grinned as she began helping you scrape. “I love it when you get all bossy like that, Brown-Eyes.”
Tech’s cheeks darkened, the only indicator that he’d heard her at all.
You smirked. Tech and Phee were so different from each other. Her carefree sense of adventure and aptitude for playing fast and loose with the rules seemed opposite to Tech’s academic personality and rigid structure. But despite their differences, they seemed to bond over an innate sense of curiosity and wonder. They belonged together.
Like Hunter and I should be, you thought bitterly.
The silence that fell on the group as you worked was deafening. Every so often you caught Phee pausing to watch as Tech worked his magic with the repairs.
Tech remained oblivious, but found himself sending subtle glances towards her as she worked. Every glance felt like daggers through your chest. A reminder of what could have been yours.
“How’s it looking, Tech?” Hunter walked around the corner, setting a crate of explosives down for Wrecker to load onto the ship.
The knife you’d been using to scrape the panel suddenly felt heavy and clumsy in your hand. It slipped through your fingers as you frantically tried to catch it but failed as it hit the ground with a dull thud.
You gasped as a thin line of blood blossomed across your pointer finger and the palm of your hand.
“Kriff!” you grumbled under your breath. Hunter stepped forward quickly only to be intercepted by Phee who grabbed your injured hand, inspecting it.
“Eh, you’re fine,” she pulled a bacta patch from her pocket, quickly wrapping the injury as though she’d done it more than her fair share of times. “Be more careful with that next time,” she chided. You looked up expecting to see Hunter but he was gone.
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The Bad Batch and Out in the Rain (TBB x GN!Reader)
Summary: The Batch each have different experiences with the rain.
Warnings: Little bit of angst with Tech's.
For Hunter, storms and rain can cause a plethora of problems. He senses when bad weather is nearing, and depending on the severity, it can irritate him. On Kamino, he had his brothers to help him, and as soon as you notice his discomfort, you’re there for him too. He feels electricity in the air and so he’s usually clocked some shelter along the way that you can duck into the moment the first few drops fall. On the occasions where there is no shelter, he finds something to cover you with to ensure you stay as dry as possible.
The first time you both got caught out in the rain, he had seemed on edge. His hand in yours tightened a little and his jaw stiffened. It wasn’t until the dark clouds rushed in and unleashed a torrent of rain that you realised he’d sensed the storm. He hurried you under the awning of a closed-down shop, safe from the pelting raindrops. After a bit of fussing, you took his hands in yours, brushed your thumbs across his knuckles, and encouraged a calm into the anxious jitters alight in his senses. Luckily, a lull in the downpour appeared, but as you rushed home, you ended up caught in the second wave of rain. Hunter navigated you through it to your shared house and set about running a bath for you both, sinking into the warm water to soothe the chill in your bones and settle his anxiety.
Mostly, Echo finds rain comforting if he can listen to the pitter-patter from inside a building or on his ship. Being caught out in it is another matter entirely. A downpour limits his vision, impedes any travel, and tactically, it raises a lot of problems. Being the soldier he is, he’s more than prepared for turns in weather, but it causes more issues for him now than it did before the explosion.
Considering the sun had graced you all day, and the weather promised to be temperate, the abrupt surge of rain came as a surprise to both yourself and Echo as you travelled back to the ship with important supplies. With no cover and your vision reduced in the deluge, he huddled you close and searched for some sort of shelter to wait out the worst. Out in an open field, the surrounding land offered nothing. You assured him you were heading in the right direction, shielding your datapad from the heavy droplets as best you could. It offered Echo some reassurance your equipment could withstand harsh weather, and he trusted you to the ends of the galaxy and back. You found him something from your supply boxes to cover his head with to protect his implants and followed the lines on your map. On the ship and out of the persistent rain, Echo fetched you both some warm blankets to dry off and set up the spare heater, telling you stories about Kamino and the terrible rains the planet suffered, his reminiscent tales warming you just as much as the blanket and the heater.
If it is one thing Wrecker loves, it’s storms with their big, booming rolls of thunder and rapid strikes of lightning. As a cadet on Kamino, he would sit at the windows overlooking the sea and try to predict where the next lightning strike would hit, a tradition he followed as he grew. More than once he tried to sneak out, managing to reach a grasping hand into the falling droplets before he got caught either by a Kaminoan or a passing trooper and escorted back to the dormitories. Not that that ever stopped him from trying again later.
Day drew into night, rain relentlessly pelting the land and making it impossible for take off. After checking the inventory, monitoring any potential damage done to the ship, and planning your route once the conditions cleared, you sat in the cockpit with Wrecker, guessing where the next fork of lightning would spear. For the most part, Wrecker correctly predicted each strike, but he let you in on a few tricks. You had lowered the ramp to keep the machinery inside cool, and with no more lightning for the time being, Wrecker shifted to the door. He wandered out into the rain and invited you to join him. Carefully tottering down the slippery steps, he scooped you into his arms, droplets flying from your bodies as he began dancing with you in the rain. You had to admit, seeing him soaked and catching raindrops on his lashes was quite endearing, but not as sweet as the peal of laughter as he twirled you under his arm and danced as though nothing else existed.
Crosshair pretends to be indifferent to storms, but he secretly loves them. He’s not a fan of overly loud storms, but he finds a regular downpour to be settling. He can tune out for a bit and focus on something constant. At times, if he needs some focus and the weather is pleasant, he’ll play some rain sounds on his datapad while going about his day.
You paid little mind to the rainstorm outside. The weather had been bleak for days, storms swelling and dropping every few hours. This one was no different until you heard the hatch lowering. Peeking around the open door of the medical cupboard, you saw Crosshair reaching out into the rain. To him, rain was tangible, something he could see and feel, and catching him like this felt like a moment you shouldn’t intrude upon, but you had never witnessed such calm in him. Acting on the occasion, you took his hands in yours and led him out into the drenching elements. It soaked through your clothes in seconds, but a small smile etched its way onto Crosshair’s lips. You stayed outside for a short while, quietly enjoying the calming nature of the rain. After heading back inside, you both showered to get warm, grabbed some snacks, and snuggled into his bunk to watch your favourite movie as the night swiftly swept in. Cuddling close, Crosshair thanked you for always supporting him and being a source of hope for him when times felt dark.
Tech doesn’t really care much about rain. For him, as long as it doesn’t hinder him too much, it doesn’t matter. But deep down, he finds a relaxing nostalgia to it that reminds him of where he came from and how far he has come. Remembering the rain he grew up with during a downpour on a faraway planet helps him feel that connection to Kamino again.
During an expedition, droplets slowly began to descend, hitting the portable work surfaces and the equipment Tech had set up. You were both quick to act, covering the most sensitive machinery and putting up coverings to keep the worst of the approaching storm at bay. Settling back into your joint work, he offered some interesting facts about storm types and correctly predicted when the rain would pick up and calm again. His knowledge poured from him like the rain from the bloated clouds, and he appreciated your follow-up questions. Soon, though, his wisdom turned to nostalgia as he recollected the storms on Kamino. Tipoca City was gone now, he would never get to experience a storm at home again, but your presence kept him warm, your hand on his even more so as the memories dripped unbidden and hurt more than he was willing to admit.
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Author's Note: Another February Fluff request, requested by anonymous. Written for the prompt: Soft, repeated pecks on the lips, causing the other to laugh/smile against their lips. Beware: Very soft FLUFF ahead.
Pairing: Hunter x fem!reader
Word Count: 4,933
Hunter had travelled to many different places across the galaxy in his relatively short life. Unfortunately, though, most of the places he’d seen had been active war zones. For a soldier, death and destruction were just part of the job. But despite all of the carnage he had witnessed over the years there had still been times when he had been able to catch glimpses of all the galaxy had to offer. Wild oceans, peaceful forests, towering mountains, cities that felt like living things, even in the midst of the war beauty persisted. None of it, however, had ever compared to Pabu.
There was still a part of him that couldn’t quite believe that a place so beautiful, so peaceful could exist and that he, Omega, and his brothers were allowed to be a part of life on the island. He would be lying if he said the first few months hadn’t been a major adjustment for them. After a lifetime of battles, constantly watching their backs, and having no true home of their own, going from the structured lives of soldiers to free-will civilians had been difficult at times. Hunter especially had struggled with the change. There was a part of him that still felt guilty to have left it all behind, especially when he knew that Rex, Echo, and others were out there still fighting. It was hard not to think about what The Empire was inflicting on the rest of the galaxy while they were safely tucked away on their island paradise. But those thoughts were fleeting and grew less insistent as the rotations went on. Seeing Omega thrive was worth every doubt that plagued him. For the first time in her life, she was allowed to be a kid, she was happy, she was safe, and that was truly all that mattered to him. On nights like this one, watching her laugh and dance, her pure unaltered joy brimming out of her, he knew he would go through everything a thousand times over if it led to her happiness.
While he and his brothers had taken time to adjust to life on the island, Omega had taken to it naturally. She embraced every aspect of it, especially the celebrations that seemed to happen regularly. Tonight was Pabu’s annual summer solstice celebration and the courtyard surrounding the Archium had been transformed. Lanterns and string lights bathed everything with a soft glow as the sun began to set, tables of food and drink lined the edges of the courtyard, and it seemed that nearly every person on the island had turned up for a night of dancing and socializing. His heart warmed at the sight of Omega in the midst of it all, her enthusiasm on display for all to see. She had been talking about this night for weeks and was clearly enjoying every moment of it.
Tonight though, Omega wasn’t the only one who had his attention. In fact, he was having a very hard time looking at anything other than you. You were radiant as you danced with Omega and Lyana, head thrown back with laughter, smile brighter than the sun as the three of you held hands, dancing in a small, wild circle in the middle of the courtyard. Your breezy outfit swirled around you as you spun, your skin glowing beneath the lanterns strung across the courtyard. Even watching you from afar had his pulse racing beneath his skin. You were so beautiful, more beautiful than anyone he’d ever come across, both inside and out, and he had never wanted anyone the way he wanted you.
He knew that on some level, from the way your pulse would quicken and face would flush whenever he was around, you found him attractive. But every time he thought about making a move, he just completely froze. He couldn’t fully understand it, usually, he was fairly confident in himself. He’d picked up enough dates from various places over the years. But when it came to you everything was different, he supposed it was because he wanted more than just one night with you. He wanted everything and he was terrified of messing things up.
He sighed and slumped slightly in his chair as he continued to watch you laugh and dance with Lyana and Omega. The sight was causing an ache in his chest that he didn’t even know how to begin to deal with. For a moment, the desire to join the three of you was nearly overwhelming, but it vanished just as quick. Dancing was decidedly not in his set of skills.
A scoff from beside him had him sitting up straighter suddenly. Hunter turned his head, his gaze narrowed, over to where Crosshair was sprawled across his own chair, long legs stretched out in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest. His hard gaze was trained on Hunter.
“What?” Hunter asked gruffly, both annoyed that his brother was scoffing at him about something and the fact that his attention had been drawn from you.
Crosshair rolled his eyes, the toothpick in his mouth rolling from one side to the other before he fixed Hunter with an unimpressed look, “Why don’t you just do something about it already and spare the rest of us from having to witness that sad look on your face any longer?”
Hunter spluttered for a moment, face heating. Of course, Crosshair would have noticed. He noticed everything, a skill that was incredibly useful on the battlefield but incredibly annoying when it came to Hunter’s currently non-existent love life.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hunter replied gruffly but he was unable to stop his gaze from straying back over to where you were. It was as if you had a gravitational pull that only he was susceptible to.
“Sure you don’t,” Crosshair scoffed.
Hunter turned his head back just in time to swat away the toothpick that was headed his way before it collided with his chest. He glared at his brother, the urge to pick up the offending piece of wood and throw it right back at him was almost overwhelming but before he could even think about stooping to get it the sudden appearance of a smirk on Crosshair’s face had him freezing in place.
“Oh look,” Crosshair hissed, grin widening, “here she comes…”
Hunter’s head whipped around at an embarrassing speed, and sure enough, for once Crosshair wasn’t just trying to get a rise out of him. You were headed directly their way, drink in hand. When your eyes connected with his you raised your free hand and gave him a quick wave, solidifying your intention to join them.
Hunter felt his palms begin to sweat as you made your way over to them, his heart rate picking up pace with each step that brought you closer. Your smile was so bright, so beautiful, and trained entirely on him. Before he even fully realized what he was doing he found himself standing up as you reached them. You greeted them both with a quick hello that he couldn’t seem to manage more than a deep grunt in response to. He tried his best to ignore Crosshair’s snort of amusement at his complete inability to keep himself in check as you drew to a stop in front of him. Your gaze was warm as you tilted your head back to look up at him, impossibly your smile seemed to grow even brighter. So much so that he averted his gaze, looking over your shoulder back to where you’d just come from. Misreading the movement as a question rather than what it truly was, a pure nervous tick, you followed his gaze.
“I really wish I had even half of the energy that those two do,” You said fondly, voice slightly breathless as you looked back over your shoulder at where Lyana and Omega were still dancing, “I was beginning to think I was about to keel over.”
Hunter’s fists clenched at his sides as he desperately tried to ignore the desire to reach out and touch you as you seemed to unconsciously drift closer to him, you were so close now that the smallest movement of his hand would have been enough to bridge the gap between the two of you. Your sudden proximity was quickly sending his senses into overdrive, every breeze had your scent enveloping him further. As usual, any time you were around you were suddenly the only thing he could focus on. His throat felt incredibly dry, but somehow he still managed to choke out a response to you, “Uh, yeah, those two have enough energy to power a hyperdrive.”
He ignored another snort from Crosshair at his bad joke, focusing instead on your soft laugh and the smile on your face that was so bright that it was nearly blinding. His face felt as if it were a hundred degrees as he watched you take a quick sip of the brightly coloured drink in your hand before you looked back up at him, “Are you two enjoying your first summer celebration?”
“Uh, yeah, it’s uh - nice,” He replied as he lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. Generally, parties and celebrations weren’t his thing, not that they’d ever had many opportunities to be a part of them before, but given that all of his senses were dialled to 1000 he tended to avoid crowds. But he supposed, as far as celebrations went this one was… nice. At the very least it wasn’t giving him a headache.
“Nice…” You repeated with a soft chuckle before your expression turned teasing, “It’s a good place to start, but I guess we’ll just have to work a little harder to make it great.”
Hunter watched with amusement as you lifted your drink to your lips, pausing for just a moment to flash him a wink that had him biting his lip before you downed the rest of the contents of your glass. He watched wide-eyed, face-burning, as you maintained eye contact with him as you put the glass down on a nearby table.
Your face flushed and a quiet laugh escaped you before you spoke again, “Hunter, would you like to dance with me?”
Of all the things he had expected you to say, that had been very far towards the bottom of his list. He felt his entire body tense as his brain struggled to process the question you had asked. Equal parts desire and fear rushed through him at the thought of joining you out on the dance floor. The thought of being so close to you was overwhelming but even more overwhelming was the anxiety that came with it… he didn’t know how to dance.
“I, uh,” He stuttered, his face feeling as though someone had taken a torch to it as his pulse raced beneath his skin. You were simply looking up at him expectantly, the same bright smile still on your face but he could see the look in your eyes beginning to shift the longer he took to answer. He wanted nothing more than to finally be able to touch you, to be so close, but the thought of embarrassing himself, of messing things up kept him rooted to the spot, “Uh…”
“One dance, just one - that’s all,” You continued softly with a shrug, still smiling at him, “I’d like to try and make your night better than just nice."
To an untrained ear you would have sounded casual, light and airy, in your request but he could hear the undercurrent of doubt that had suddenly crept into your tone. As though you immediately regretted asking him, which only made him fluster even more.
“I uh, don’t think that would be a good idea,” He finally managed to spit out, even though the last thing in the galaxy he wanted to do was disappoint you. And it was immediately clear that he had. Even though your smile barely faltered he still caught the slight downturn, the flash of pain in your bright eyes. He immediately wanted to take the words back but it was already too late for that.
“Oh,” You replied softly, a nervous chuckle slipping out of you as you fidgeted with the strap of your top, “Yeah, no worries! That was probably a silly request anyway...”
He was a di’kut. Not just any di’kut either. He was quite possibly the biggest di’kut in the entire galaxy, he decided as he watched your bottom lip tremble just slightly and your cheeks flush with embarrassment. It seemed you were unable to meet his gaze any longer and he watched in silent horror as you looked at literally anything other than him.
“Well,” You said as you turned your head, clearly looking for an escape from the situation that he had made horrendously awkward, “I should maybe get back out there with the girls.”
“Right…” He managed to choke out, unconsciously taking a step towards you, an apology on the tip of his tongue. He just needed to explain that you had nothing to do with why he’d turned down a dance.
“Have a good rest of your night guys,” You continued, your smile still soft but considerably duller. Before he could even form a sentence he watched, frozen, as you slipped back into the crowd without so much as another look back at him.
He watched you go, a lump forming in his throat as you joined Omega, Lyana, and now Wrecker in the middle of the makeshift dance floor. You were back to laughing and dancing with the group in moments, as though nothing had happened.
“You’re a di’kut.”
Hunter startled, turning to glare at Crosshair who looked incredibly unimpressed from where he was still sitting.
“You’re one to talk…” Hunter shot back, unable to stop himself. He wasn’t even mad at Crosshair, he was mad at himself. You’d given him a chance at something more and he’d completely blown it.
Crosshair simply rolled his eyes, “You’ve literally been pining over that woman for months and she finally makes a move you don’t have the guts to and you turn her down. Di’kut.”
He was right. He hated that he was right.
“I don’t know how to dance,” It slipped out of Hunter before he could even stop it. The thought of eventually doing something that would mess up the friendship the two of you had, of destroying any chance of something more, went unspoken. Because truthfully, that was the root of it. If he kept his distance he could spend the rest of his days in safety, admiring from afar. He was a soldier, he didn’t even begin to know what a relationship would look like, but he was fairly certain he would mess that up. He’d messed up enough for one lifetime.
“Who cares if you look stupid?” Crosshair scoffed, “Look at Wrecker, nobody cares. Just go dance with her.”
Despite the truth in Crosshair’s words he stayed frozen in place, watching as you and the girls took turns being spun around by Wrecker, even without his enhanced hearing he would have been able to hear your giggles as you twirled. His heart clenched at the sight, he really was a fool.
“Don’t waste your chance, Hunter.”
He looked over at Crosshair who had schooled his look into one of casual disinterest but Hunter hadn’t missed the brief look of regret in his brother's eyes. For the things he’d done and missed out on, for the brother who would never get to experience any of it. Something inside of him solidified in that moment. He might be afraid of what came next but if he didn’t at least try he’d likely spend the rest of his life regretting it.
Resolved, he was suddenly on the move, weaving his way through the crowd before he could fully comprehend that he was taking advice from Crosshair, of all people.
He was only a few feet away when you caught sight of him and he watched with amusement as you completely froze in place. Your eyes widened comically as he crowded into your space until you were nearly touching. His heart was racing in his chest, his senses on overload at your proximity but for once he ignored it all.
“Is that, uh, offer to dance still valid?” He asked somewhat awkwardly, trying his best to ignore the desire to look away from the intensity of your gaze, to fidget with his clothes, or to rub the back of his neck as anxiety coursed through him.
Your answering smile was blinding, “For you, Hunter, always.”
He chuckled softly, his heart rate reaching a speed that couldn’t possibly be healthy, “I should warn you though, I don’t know how to dance.”
You laughed, shaking your head slowly as you grabbed hold of his hands. Your touch sent heat coursing through him like an electrical charge. Your voice was quiet as you leaned up into him, as though you were about to share a secret with him, “I don’t really know either. But that’s ok, we’ll just figure it out as we go."
He had the distinct feeling you were talking about more than just dancing.
Hunter wasn’t able to stop the soft smile that spread across his face as you pulled away, but only just slightly as you guided his hands to your waist. He felt as if his skin was burning from the heat of you as you lifted your arms up to wrap around his neck. You were suddenly much closer than he had expected, your head so close that it would have taken only a slight turn of his head to bury his nose in your hair. Usually, such closeness was uncomfortable with his senses the way they were, but he found he didn’t mind though, with you it wasn’t nearly enough. He wanted you closer as you started to gently sway to the music.
His focus was entirely on you as he followed your lead, swaying to music that was maybe a bit too fast for the rhythm you had set but you didn’t seem to care. Your grip on him tightened as you pulled back just enough to be able to look up at him. Your gaze was warm, sparkling with happiness as your eyes met his, “See, this isn’t so bad, is it?”
He chuckled, his tone teasing, “It’s not the worst.”
Your head tipped back as you laughed, the sound sending him nearly into heart failure, “‘Nice’ and 'not the worst', I'm really going to have to try harder to impress you.”
He laughed again, shaking his head in amusement before turning sincere once more, “You don’t have to change anything to impress me.”
The way your expression warmed at his words had him nervously looking away from you for a moment. A laugh escaped him at the sight that greeted him behind you. Wrecker had Lyana standing on one foot, Omega on the other, twirling the two girls around the dance floor, all three laughing loudly and drawing the attention of most in their vicinity. Hunter suddenly didn’t think he’d ever been happier, watching his family joyfully fool around and you safely in his arms. Even though there was a part of him that was still afraid of the unknown, it was something he could definitely get used to. It was something, he was beginning to realize, that he had always longed for.
At your quizzical look he spun the two of you around so you could see what he’d been laughing at, “Looks like they’re having fun,” he said as you laughed at the small, silly group.
“He’s a good dancer,” you replied, tone impressed as you smiled and turned your attention back to him.
“Yeah, he must not have skipped that class on Kamino,” Hunter joked, earning another laugh from you.
“Apparently,” You started before your own expression turned teasing, “it must have been while you and Crosshair were off learning to be brooding and mysterious…”
Hunter snorted, his face heating slightly as he protested, "I am not brooding and mysterious,” At your raised eyebrows and skeptical expression he felt himself flush even further, “Alright, fine. Maybe a bit. Unintentionally.”
“It’s ok, Hunter,” You replied softly but the amused glint was still in your eyes as one hand drifted further up his neck to his hairline, sending shivers racing down his spine, “You don’t have to change anything to impress me.”
Undoubtedly, you were going to be the death of him, but what a sweet death it would be. He smiled slightly as he moved to grasp one of your hands, his voice low as he brought it down between the two of you.
“I think I might try though, just a little bit,” before you could say anything else he moved, spinning you out and away from him exactly as he had watched Wrecker do before pulling you back in towards him and spinning you both around in a circle. Your laughter was contagious and his pulse was racing as your body collided with his own as he brought you back in close.
You were absolutely glowing as you looked up at him, your laughter turning breathless as your gazes connected. The look in your eyes stole the breath from his lungs before you moved, arms wrapping around him once more as your cheek rested against his own. He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, every nerve ending in his body electric as the curves of your body fit perfectly against his own. The two of you were quiet for a long time, swaying slowly to the music once more as you basked in each other's warmth. Everything around him had faded away as he focused entirely on the feeling of you.
After what could have been minutes or hours you pulled back slightly, looking up at him, your eyes still glowing even in the darkness that had settled over the island, “Come with me,” you requested softly, “the fireworks are about to start and I know a better spot to watch them.”
He nodded wordlessly, reluctant to let you go he only took a slight step away. His face flushed as you reached down to grasp his hand in your own, smiling softly at him before you pulled him along behind you, making your way easily through the crowd of dancers and other partygoers. You were silent as you walked but every once and a while you threw a look back at him over your shoulder as though you expected him to disappear. The only place he was going though, was with you.
You didn’t slow until you reached an outlook a few levels down that jutted out over the ocean. With mostly everyone else being up at the Archium the place was completely deserted and Hunter felt his nervous system calm at the quiet seclusion of it. The festivities hadn’t been too bad but standing beside you, looking out over the water with only the soft sounds of the ocean was infinitely better.
Hunter watched you as you leaned back against the half wall, angling your body so you were facing him. His hand was still grasped firmly in your own and as you smiled softly up at him you tugged gently on it, pulling him in closer to you. He went without hesitation, crowding into your space once more as the lines of your bodies pieced together. You tipped your head up to look at him, warm gaze tracing the lines of his face, as he instinctively reached out to you. One hand went to your waist while the other, ever so hesitantly, lifted to cup the side of your face. You closed your eyes, melting into his touch as your own hands slid around his waist, your touch leaving goosebumps across his skin in its wake.
You both startled slightly as the first crack of a firework disturbed the silence of the night. You let out a breathless laugh as you turned your head to look, the bright reds and golds of the fireworks bathing you in light. Hunter didn’t even bother looking, he’d seen fireworks before and absolutely nothing compared to you and finally being able to hold you in his arms.
Seemingly sensing his gaze you looked back towards him, the same gentle smile still on your face as your hands tightened just slightly on his waist. He felt close to combustion himself, every sense entirely consumed with you. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you, to close the final space between the two of you, but he seemed frozen, his heart absolutely racing in his chest at the thought. He wanted to know that you wanted this too, to be sure, because he was certain that once he started he was never going to want to stop.
Your eyes seemed to be searching his face for something when he finally managed to speak. His voice was a rough croak as everything he was feeling seemed to be bubbling up his throat, “Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes lit up as fireworks continued to flash overhead, bathing the both of you in flashes of colour, “I thought you’d never ask.”
Hunter laughed, his face growing hot for a moment before he moved, finally closing the distance between you. Your lips were even softer than he had imagined, your warm scent washed over him completely as you pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. He moaned softly as you gently nipped at his lower lip, your hands sliding up from his waist to his back as his own grip on you tightened. It was better than anything he could have ever dreamed of. He broke apart from you for a second, his nose bumping against your own as he gasped for air. He felt light-headed, his entire body electric from just one kiss. He’d been right earlier, you were truly going to be the death of him. He felt your lips stretch into a smile before he kissed you again, his hand gently trailing down the side of your face to your neck. He could feel and hear your pulse racing, nearly as quick as his own as he kissed you. It thrilled him to know you were just as affected as he was.
After a long while he pulled back, chest heaving slightly as he let his forehead tip against your own. Your gaze was a little wild as you looked up at him, lips swollen and red from your kisses and the sight did unspeakable things to him, desire pooling in his stomach at the thought that he had been the one to do that to you.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” You finally said, your voice a nearly breathless whisper as he lifted his hand back up to your face once more, marveling at how soft your skin was beneath his calloused hand.
Hunter chuckled softly as you pulled away slightly, just enough to be able to see his entire face, “I actually think I might have some idea.”
“Oh, really?” You asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow at him.
“Well, if you’re anything like me it’s been from the moment we first met.”
“Really?” You questioned as a teasing smile spread across your face, “If I remember correctly I’m pretty sure all you did the first time we met was grunt at me.”
Hunter laughed as his face heated, “Shush,” He leaned forward to press another kiss to your lips quickly, “I was just speechless.”
You chuckled as your hands made their way up to thread through his hair, pulling him in closer to you, “Oh, yeah, sure…”
Hunter shook his head in amusement before closing the gap once more, capturing your lips with his own. He kissed you quickly, repeated, soft pecks against your lips to keep you from further pointing out his previous lack of social skills. His tactic worked as after only a moment he felt you smile against his lips before full-on laughing as he peppered you with kisses.
He turned serious once more as you settled into a different sort of dance, the push and pull of your lips against his was intoxicating. Your kisses were warm and certain and he was breathless and completely lost in you. He wanted more as much as he wanted to keep things slow and savour the moment.
You nipped gently at his lip one final time before you pulled away slightly, shoulders heaving softly as you attempted to catch your breath. You pressed up into him, nose brushing against his as you spoke softly, “Thank you for dancing with me Hunter.”
The fireworks were still exploding overhead, bathing everything around you in light. The distant sounds of cheers and music were only just audible to his ears, but once again he found himself unable to focus on anything other than you, “Anytime.”
And he truly meant it, he’d spend the rest of his life dancing with you if you let him. There were still a lot of things he was uncertain of, old soldier habits died hard after all. Without a doubt, there would be mistakes along the way but he found his doubts beginning to grow silent and the nervousness he’d felt before settling as you wrapped yourself tightly around him, your head resting gently against his chest as you turned your head to watch the sky above. He wasn’t going to waste his chance. He could learn to let happiness in.
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Can I please request this prompt for your event with the beautiful Sargeant Hunter???
“You love me?” || “I always have”
hello! sorry this is so late, but i hope you enjoy it!! i always liked thinking of pabu as a place where people don't lock their doors and neighbors drop off baked goods to each other just because they wanted to share, like small new england towns in the 80's, so this is kind of based on that
Not Exactly How One Plans a Love Confession
words: 1,230
summary: Hunter originally doesn't want to tell you how he feels, but after you overhear him talking to his brothers, he decides to take the plunge.
clone troopers masterlist
Everyone talks about falling in love like it’s a boulder that rushes down the side of a mountain, mowing down the unsuspecting people standing in its path. But for Hunter, things came on a little bit slower than that. Maybe it was the fact that he was still adjusting to life on Pabu and experiencing so many new things each day, but after a while he didn’t even question the way he felt about you, or the way your lives had become so effortlessly intertwined.
Shuffling out to the kitchen one morning (with a particularly egregious case of bed head), he barely took note of the fact that there was already a steaming pot of caf waiting for him, and he grabbed a muffin from the basket sitting on the counter without a second thought. It was only when he moved to sit down and enjoy his breakfast that he realized the confections were new. They still didn’t have much in the way of material possessions (despite being here for almost a year now), and a wicker basket like this definitely wasn’t on any of the lists he and his brothers had made of all the things they still needed to fix up and buy.
As Hunter took a sip of his caf, Crosshair stepped into the kitchen, signature scowl on his face as he filled a canteen with water from the chiller. It wasn’t a shock to see him awake, since he slept on the couch most of the time. “Those better be good,” he said plainly, gesturing towards the muffins.
Hunter wasn’t quite awake enough to catch his drift the first time around, and he just looked at Crosshair in confusion. “What?”
“Your girlfriend woke me up when she left them on the counter,” his brother responded. “She walked in like a gundark in a china shop.”
Hunter just raised his eyebrows, his mind having not even registered the fact that you were never referred to by name, but he knew exactly who Crosshair was talking about. “I doubt that’s exactly how it happened,” he said. “If it was that loud, are sure it wasn’t Wrecker who brought the muffins in?”
Crosshair raised his eyebrows. “I’m sure. No one else would be humming when the sun isn’t even up yet. You know, the two of you should just hurry up and get married, or at least invite her to move in. Maybe then I won’t get woken up by the door slamming open at 0600.”
Although still half-asleep, Hunter did catch Crosshair’s words the second time his relationship with you was referenced. “Shut up, you know she’s not my girlfriend.”
Crosshair snorted. “I don’t know a single person who would wake up at the crack of dawn and break into my home to leave freshly baked muffins and start a pot of caf this way she knew I ate something.”
“That’s because no one wants to be around you,” Hunter shot back.
The sound of someone descending the stairs stopped Crosshair from whatever he was going to say in response, and it was Echo who stepped into the kitchen next. “Good morning,” he said sleepily, trying to stifle a yawn as he shuffled over to the caf machine. “Where did the muffins come from?”
“A little fairy dropped them off before sunrise,” Crosshair said, raising his eyebrows as he looked over at Hunter.
Echo nodded, knowing exactly what Crosshair meant. “Make sure to thank her today when you go over there,” he said.
“What makes you think I’m going over there?” Okay, his brothers were right, he did plan on seeing you today, but Hunter didn’t really want to admit that so easily.
“We know you,” Echo responded. “And even if you don’t want to admit how you feel about each other, it’s kind of obvious.”
There were only so many times Hunter could vehemently deny the accusations before he broke, and apparently this was the moment that his defenses came crumbling down. “Fine, I will make sure to thank her.”
Crosshair gave him a look. “And you’ll tell her how you feel?”
Without even thinking about what he was saying, Hunter spoke in response. “I’m not going to just tell her that I love her without even going on a date first.”
Both Echo and Crosshair’s eyes widened, but they didn’t even get a chance to make a joke about the situation, because a new voice had entered the conversation. “You love me?”
Silence fell over the area in an instant, and all eyes turned towards the doorway, where you were standing. The sound of the front door closing behind you made it clear that you had just arrived, and there was a basket of fruit in your hands, no doubt a gift from Shep and Lyana, who you were very close with as well.
Hunter froze, his mind racing as he weighed his options.
Did he lie and try to save face? But what if you felt the same way?
Did he own up to his feelings? What if that ruined your friendship?
Whatever was going to happen though, it was clear that Crosshair and Echo had no intentions of being part of it, because they cleared out so fast it was almost as though they dissipated into thin air, and Hunter couldn’t decide if it was a blessing or a curse. The room seemed so much emptier now, and the silence was starting to grow awkward.
Well, the damage was already done, he thought, before taking a deep breath and speaking. “I think I always have,” he said, getting up from his chair as you took a few steps closer to him. “Even if I didn’t realize it until a little while ago, and I wanted to tell you in a slightly more acceptable way.”
You laughed, taking the final few steps so that you were close enough to take his hand. “I’ll admit it’s not the most romantic way to find out,” you said. “But I don’t care, I love you too.”
If he was dreaming, he officially never wanted to wake up. “Really?”
“You’ve become such a big part of my life that I don’t think I ever want to go back to the way I lived without you,” you said. “I’ve lived on Pabu my whole life, but you make it feel like so much more of a home.”
Okay, now Hunter was trying to keep from tearing up (even though he would never admit it if asked). “Can I kiss you?” he asked, moving even closer.
“Yes,” you breathed, before finally closing the gap between you and pressing your lips to his. He could hear the basket of fruit clatter to the floor the moment his hands found your waist, but at the moment, he didn’t really have it in him to care.
When you finally broke apart, he couldn’t help but smile, saying the first thing that came to mind. “By the way, the muffins were really good.”
You just laughed before leaning in to kiss him again, a quick peck this time. “If that was your way of saying thank you, I’m certainly not complaining.”
“Well then, allow me to fully express my appreciation.”
Hunter supposed he might have to eventually thank his brothers for getting him to admit things, but he wasn’t ready to admit that just yet.
- the end -
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Be Mine
Falling into bed with the handsome Sergeant hadn't been on your bingo card. Then again, falling in love with him certainly hadn't been either.
Pairing: Hunter x f!reader
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: unprotected PiV, a sprinkle of a praise kink, pet names, friends to lovers, a sprinkle of a scent kink, soft aftercare.
It had all happened so quickly.
One moment, you’d been stood at the back of the Marauder with Hunter discussing food rations and when the rest of the Batch would be back from their exploration.
The next, you were face down on a bottom bunk, naked from the waist down, with his rough hands hauling you backwards onto his cock. “That’s it, cyar’ika.” The smokey smoothness of Hunter’s voice cut through the sounds of your whimpers and skin meeting skin. “Wanted this for so long. You have no idea.” He grunted, tightening his grip on your hips. You’d have bruises shaped like his dexterous fingers tomorrow, a delicious reminder of this moment.
Hand flexing against the flimsy sheet, you vaguely registered that it was Echo’s bunk you were face down on. “Tell me.” You whined, gasping as a fluid roll of Hunter’s hips made his heavy balls slap against your clit.
“Canto Blight.” Hunter gritted out, slowing his thrusts so he could languish in your warmth. He wanted this to last. Needed it to. “That blasted dress. I wanted to drag you back here, hike up the hem, and have you until dawn.” The memory lived rent-free in his mind. It had been your second mission with them, and the Sergeant had already found himself enamoured with you, so when you’d stepped out the fresher dressed to impress, he’d never been more grateful to be the only one able to hear his racing heart.
“Mhmmm. I still have the dress.” You purred, enjoying that he’d lusted after you for so long. Releasing the sheets, you reached a hand down to rub your clit, but Hunter pushed it away. You didn’t have time to let out a whine of frustration before he pulled all the way out of you, strong hands moving to grab your thighs so he could flip you over and pick you up, your legs and arms automatically wrapping around him.
“Next time. Oh, Maker, next time.” Hunter promised, capturing your lips in a fiery kiss as he moved you across to his bunk. He needed his sheets to smell like you – he wanted to bury himself in them later that night and bathe in your scent. The damn scent that had been driving him wild since you’d set foot on the Marauder many moons ago at Cid’s behest.
His roughness abated as he slowly settled you down on his bed, making sure you didn’t bang your head on the metal frame or hurt your back. It made your heart clench. Finding his eyes in the darkness of the ship, you watched as the fierce hunger from moments before dissipated, and a softness crept over the usually stoic man’s face. “Next time?” You questioned quietly, lifting a hand to run your fingers across his tattooed jawline as he settled above you, caging you in. His weight was comforting – solid and steadfast – but it was hard to miss the firm press of his erection.
“If you want?” Hunter’s hips started to move, pressing himself against you, eliciting a small mewl from your parted lips as he tried to play it cool. He could get drunk on your sounds, on the feel of your soft skin beneath his calloused fingers, of the warmth in your voice and the sweet ways you showed affection. He noticed every time you stole a glance his way, how you stepped forward to protect him when he was in danger, and that his clothes were always neatly folded on his bunk with a piece of his favourite candy on top after laundry day. He’d been sceptical when Cid had insisted you go along with them as another set of hands, but he couldn’t think of the ship anymore without your presence, your scent, or the sound of your laughter as you tormented his siblings.
“Oh, I want.” You agreed, exhaling shakily. The slip and slide of his cock through your folds was delicious but not enough. “Hunter. Need more. Need you.” You begged.
The hunger from early roared back into life, igniting Hunter’s blood. Pushing away the softer feelings to focus on later, he focused on your current situation. How he longed to bury his face between your thighs and eat you out, slide his fingers and cock into you, pull orgasm after orgasm from you, and fill you with his release. Spurred on by his thoughts, he wasted no time reaching down to align himself with your entrance, and in one steady push, he settled himself back inside of you, marvelling at the way your mouth opened in a silent gasp at the sensation.
Every nerve in your body was alight. Senses overwhelmed by the man on top of you. While Hunter was average in length, his girth led to the most delicious stretch as your body accommodated him. Feeling him fully sheathed inside of you was heavenly, and in your delight, you clenched around him, watching as his eyes screwed shut while his deep groan filled the air. “Keep doing that, and I won’t last long.” He warned, making you smile. It didn’t matter how long he lasted, so long as you both got to experience your highs – you couldn’t imagine how overwhelming it must be for him, with his heightened sense of touch, to feel you so thoroughly.
Leaning up to close the small distance, you captured Hunter’s lips in a kiss, your left hand reaching up to caress his face while the other slipped under the top half of his blacks, tracing every strong muscle you found.
Feeling less like he was going to blow his load any second, Hunter surrendered himself to your kiss and picked up the pace, snapping his hips against yours, driving himself into you over and over, relishing the sweet drag of your walls around his cock. Hunter felt light-headed; he could spend an eternity tangled up with you, which both thrilled and terrified him. Though the space was limited in his bunk, he shifted to rest all his weight on one hand, breaking your kiss while maintaining his thrusts. Sliding a hand between you both, he honed in on his target. You wouldn’t go without. He’d make damn sure of it.
Fingers finding purchase on your clit, he spent a moment figuring out what you liked, vision and hearing focused on the myriad of expressions that crossed your features and the sounds slipping from your lips. It only took a few tries before he had you whimpering, his grin of satisfaction blinding, only ceasing as you stretched up to capture his lips in a heated kiss once more.
“Fuck, Hunter.” You panted, breaking the kiss as your back arched. He was relentless, sure and steady fingers circling your clit with the perfect amount of pressure, and you drew a low moan from the exquisite man above you as you tightened around him. The familiar tension was starting, seeping through your body and overwhelming you.
Enraptured as he watched you chase your release, Hunter slowed his pace and angled his hips, grinning at the sound of your gasp. The way his name sounded tumbling from your lips was simultaneously heavenly and sinful – either way, he couldn’t get enough. “That’s it, cyare. I want to see you fall apart. Can you be a good girl and do that for me?” He whispered, testing the waters. You always responded well to his praise while out on jobs.
It was all too much. The weight of Hunter above you, the sweet drag of his cock in you as he kept hitting that perfect spot with each thrust, and the sound of his deep voice in your ears. You wanted to please him. Wanted to fall apart at his behest. Wanted to be a good girl. Hands scrambling against the sheets for purchase, you bit down on your lower lip. You were close. So close. The tension in your body was almost unbearable, your pussy clamping down on him, making every push and pull feel even more exquisite. Hunter gave a few quick circles on your clit, and your body tingled, the tension snapping as you cried out. You trembled through the waves of your orgasm, the pleasure overwhelming and all-encompassing.
Pulling in a shaky breath, you meet the hungry gaze of the man above you.
“Where?” He asked once he was sure you were back with him. He was close. So close. You’d tightened around him, gripping him like your life depended on it. You could make or break him, and he’d thank you either way.
Releasing the sheets, you grasped at Hunter’s shoulders, giving yourself some leverage as you met his thrusts with each rock of your hips. “Inside.” You insisted.
That was it. You would be the death of him. And he would gladly go down with the ship. His lips met yours, and with one final, sharp thrust, he grunted, letting go. Thighs quivering as he crested over the edge, he spilled himself deep inside you.
Neither of you spoke for a second, trying to catch your breath as you came down from your highs. Resting your foreheads together, eyes closed, you relished the closeness, basking in the afterglow. “Mesh’la…” Hunter’s low voice broke the silence as he moved to nuzzle his nose against your neck, inhaling deeply.
Everything stilled as he breathed you in, focusing on the thud of your heart as its pace slowed to your resting rate. It brought him a great deal of comfort in an increasingly shifting galaxy. He hadn’t meant for your first time together to be like this, hadn’t dared to dream it would ever happen if he were being honest with himself, but he didn’t regret a second of it.
“We should’ve done that sooner.” You whispered, feeling more in control of your racing heart. Hunter’s warm breath fanned against your neck as he chuckled, the deep rumble stoking the warmth in your heart.
You stayed that way for a while before shifting into a more comfortable position, Hunter’s head resting on your chest. Basking in each other’s warmth, you relished the quiet moment of peace; the only sounds were your soft breaths and Hunter’s light hums of appreciation as you scritched his scalp, running your fingers through his mop of brown hair.
“Be mine?” Hunter asked suddenly, shifting to prop himself up so he could gaze down at you, committing the sight of you in his bunk, smelling like him and sex, to memory. “I'd...” He pauses, gaze flittered away momentarily. "I'd like there to be an us." The admission made him feel strangely vulnerable. He hadn’t meant to be so blunt, but he didn’t want to hold back anymore.
This time, you dragged your fingers across the uninked planes of his handsome face. “As long as you’re mine in return.” Your words had his gaze snapping back to you, hope sparking in his eyes as his lips curled into a smile.

#the bad batch x reader#hunter x reader#tbb hunter x reader#hunter the bad batch#sergeant hunter x reader#the bad batch hunter x you#hunter x you#sergeant hunter#tbb x reader#tbb hunter x you#sw tbb#the bad batch#hunter bad batch#soft smut#friends to lovers#star wars the bad batch
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Nail Polish - Hunter (TBB)
Summary: After Omega shows an interest in some nail polish, you steal some for her. Hunter pretends to be annoyed. Length: 1816 words Warnings: Female Reader; Former Bounty Hunter Reader; No Physical Description of Reader; No Y/N Used; Pickpocketing; Mentions of Dark Pasts (Reader)
Walking through the busy streets of a Mid Rim planet, you kept a close eye on Omega as you made your way back to the Marauder. The Bad Batch had split up to gather supplies and you and Omega had been sent to get a new water purification filter, which was securely strapped to your chest.
“Come on, Meg, this way,” you directed, resting a hand on Omega’s shoulder.
“Wait, what’s that?” Omega asked, pointing at a stand to the side.
You glanced over before slowly leading Omega over to the small stand. A group of merchants greeted you as you approached, and you quickly sized them up. Glancing down at what Omega was curiously examining, you bent down to Omega’s height.
“That’s nail polish.”
“What’s its purpose?” Omega questioned, turning to you.
“You paint your fingernails or your toenails with it. It’s pretty to look at,” you explained to her.
“Is it permanent?”
“No, just temporary. It’ll last longer if you add more layers of it,” you continued, glancing over the various colors at the stall.
“And can you only pick one color?”
“No. You can pick as many as you want. In the Inner Rim, there’re artists that spend their whole day painting people’s nails.”
“Really?” Omega gasped, causing you to nod.
“Where are you two from?” the vender asked, eyeing the two of you.
“Outer Rim. Just passing through,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly. You stared down at Omega, who was still curiously studying the vials of nail polish. You paused for a moment before nudging Omega in the side. “Come on, Meg. Let’s get going. The boys will worry if we’re late.”
“Alright,” Omega agreed, setting the vial of nail polish back.
Bidding the venders goodbye, Omega and you turned to head back to where the Marauder was docked. You waited until you were a few streets over before sliding two vials of nail polish out of the hidden compartment in your vambrace.
“I thought that you liked these colors the best,” you stated quietly.
Omega’s eyes widened in surprise when she spotted the two vials of nail polish in your hand. She quickly grabbed them, smiling giddily, before she quickly connected the dots. Turning back to you, Omega frowned.
“When did you pay for these?”
“That’s not for you to worry about, Meg,” you dismissed, pushing Omega forward to stay on schedule. Omega hissed your name, looking around nervously.
“We can’t do that," she insisted.
“Why not?”
“It’s illegal.”
“Well, I can think of quite a few other illegal things that we’ve done,” you replied evenly, leading Omega into the docking bay. “We’ll just add it to the list.”
“How did you do it?” Omega asked curiously.
“That’s far from the most impressive move that I can pull off,” you stated, shooting Omega a smirk. “Come on, Meg, give me more credit than that.”
“Can you show me?”
“I don’t think that Hunter would approve of that,” you mused. After a moment, you added, “We can start tomorrow.”
Omega grinned, but you shot her a look to keep a low profile. Omega stowed the nail polish into her pockets as the two of you walked towards the Marauder. Tech looked up from his datapad and perked up when he spotted the water filter.
“Ah, just what I was waiting for.”
“Sorry, got a little sidetracked,” you replied, tossing it over to Tech.
“What kind of sidetracked?” Hunter asked, stepping off of the ship. “Imperial trouble?”
“Just some window shopping,” you spoke evenly, folding your arms over your chest. “Don’t get your bandana all in a twist.”
“We now possess all of the items that we needed to acquire on this pitstop. We should depart shortly, if we want to return to Ord Mantell for a new mission,” Tech announced, causing the Bad Batch to make their way onto the Marauder.
You were about to take your seat in front of the computer when Omega gestured for you to follow her to the back of the ship. Smiling, you headed back, missing the way that Hunter turned in his seat to look back at you. He heard the clinking of glass earlier when Omega and you approached, but now he was certain that it was coming from the two of you.
“Can you show me?” Omega asked quietly, holding out the vials.
“Give me your hand,” you instructed, sitting across from Omega.
Opening the nail polish bottle, you gently grabbed Omega’s right hand and started to apply the dark gray nail polish. Omega watched, fascinated, as you worked to carefully paint her nails.
“Where did you learn how to do this?”
“I used to paint nails. When I was about your age,” you explained elusively.
“For who?”
“A lady.”
“Did she paint her nails like this too?” Omega asked, causing you to shake your head as you switched to Omega’s thumb.
“No, she preferred this weird green color. It looked horrible but apparently it complimented her eyes.”
“Can I paint yours next?” Omega questioned, causing you to look up.
“Course you can. Maybe if you ask nicely, you can paint the boys’ nails too,” you mused, dipping the brush back into the polish.
“They didn’t have nail polish on Kamino,” Omega continued, causing you to nod.
“I wouldn’t expect the Kaminoans to have much need for it. Do they even have fingernails?” you snorted, working on Omega’s left hand. “But a lot of species use this stuff. And there’s other types of polish or things that people put on their nails. But you have to be really rich to get those.”
“Like what?”
“Some people get gems and other valuables embedded into their nails,” you explained, causing Omega to frown.
“The same reason that why rich people do most things. Because they can,” you stated a bit blunter than you intended.
“Did you ever get your nails painted?” Omega asked, causing you to shake your head. “The lady whose nails you painted, she never painted yours?”
“No,” you replied, placing the brush back into the vial and screwing the bottle shut.
“Why not?”
“She wasn’t as nice as I am,” you responded, not meeting Omega’s confused gaze. “Now, keep your fingers apart and don’t touch anything. You have to let the paint dry first. It could take some time, but I didn’t put too thick of a layer on it.”
“And then what?” Omega asked, looking at her newly painted nails.
“Then we can put another layer on, or I can start with the red,” you explained kindly. “Your choice, Meg.”
“What did you do when you painted nails before?”
“I would put another layer of the gray first,” you stated, causing Omega to nod. “It could make the polish a little more durable.”
“What do we have here?” Hunter drawled, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. He noted the nail polish bottles on the floor and paint on Omega’s nails. And even if she hid them, he would have smelled it. “I didn’t realize that we had a salon back here.”
Hunter’s gaze drifted over to you, and you stared back at him with some measure of defiance, knowing that the edge in his tone was directed at you. But Omega got in between the two of you.
“Look at my nails, Hunter!” she called, causing Hunter to turn to her. He bent down to her height and reached out to grab one of her hands, but Omega quickly drew them towards her chest. “Careful! The polish is still drying!”
“I’ll be careful,” Hunter assured Omega before looking down at her nails. “Dark gray, huh?”
“To match your armor,” Omega explained, causing Hunter to nod. “We got red too. She said that she’s going to do designs on my nails once the layers dry.”
“Anything specific picked out?”
Omega turned to you with a questioning look, but you simply smiled and casually leaned back against your hands.
“It’s whatever you want, Meg. You get to pick,” you assured her.
After the top layers of the nail polish dried, you got to work on the red nail art that you promised Omega. You did a horizontal stripe to represent Hunter’s bandana, two adjacent dots to represent Tech’s goggles, an ‘H’ to represent Wreaker’s lula, and a ‘V’ to represent Echo’s kama. And then a '99' symbol too.
“They should be all set now,” you stated, causing Omega to smile and get to her feet.
You watched with an amused smile as Omega ran around and showed off her nails to every member of the Bad Batch. Wrecker seemed most excited for Omega, though the others offered her their praise in their own ways. And it wasn’t long before Omega was going around and painting all of their nails.
You walked over to where Hunter was sitting in front of the computer, watching as Echo offered Omega his hand. Wrecker was blowing on his nails, not wanting to disappoint Omega by ruining her hard work. You folded your arms over your chest, as Hunter had done earlier.
“You going to give me a lecture on pickpocketing again?” you asked him, not taking your eyes off of Omega.
“I’ll make an exception. This time,” Hunter replied, slowly turning to look at you. “I still don’t like it though.”
“Yes, I’m aware,” you stated, pushing off the computer table.
“Then why do you keep doing it?” Hunter asked, causing you to raise a playful eyebrow.
“Well, someone has to teach her how to have fun,” you responded, brushing past Hunter. He turned slowly in his chair, watching as you kneeled down beside Omega. You smiled at her work and offered some praise. “You’re getting the hang of it, Meg.”
“You think so? It’s still sloppy compared to yours,” Omega replied, glancing down at her own nails.
“With practice, comes perfection, as with everything else,” you assured her before standing up.
Walking past Hunter once again, you could feel his eyes on you, but kept walking. Hunter shook his head and turned around to find Wrecker staring at him with a grin. Nudging Hunter in the arm with his elbow, Wrecker let out a teasing laugh.
“Did you want her to do your nails, Hunter, huh?” he teased, causing Omega to pick her head up.
“She’s the best at it,” Omega vouched innocently.
“I’ll just wait for you, Omega,” Hunter replied awkwardly, sinking in his seat.
#the bad batch#tbb hunter#sergeant hunter#star wars tbb#bad batch#the bad batch x reader#hunter x reader#sergeant hunter x reader#tbb hunter x reader#the bad batch x you#tbb hunter x you#sergeant hunter x you
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Running Bets | Hunter from The Bad Batch
Summary: The Bad Batch likes to make bets during missions, especially when things get really chaotic.
Warning: mentions of death, weapons, and droids being dismembered
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Jedi
Word Count: 3.5k
Type: Oneshot

The Bad Batch were currently away on another one of their missions. They found themselves aboard a modified Providence-Class Separatist Dreadnought which served as General Grievous's main command ship. Their mission was quite simple: infiltrate the naval warship, retrieve a piece of valuable intel, and return it back to the jedi council.
A few years prior, the Kaminoans had specifically requested for the Jedi Council to select and send a Jedi to come work with the rebellious group of clones. They had hoped being under the command of a jedi master would beat them into shape and teach them how to properly follow orders.
However, the Kaminoans didn't know what they had gotten themselves into when General L/n was sent to work with The Bad Batch. She was the only jedi who jumped at the opportunity to lead the group of misfits since nobody else wanted to be assigned to them. She came with her own sense of recklessness that only added to the squads over-the-top plans and inability to follow order the 'right way.'
Now, just a few years later, the five members of the Bad Batch stood in front of a closed corridor on the dreadnought. There was a comfortable silence that settled over them which was only interrupted a few times by Crosshair clicking the scope of his sniper rifle, Wrecker cracking his knuckles in preparation for the fight ahead of them, and Tech tapping away at his data pad. They stared at the closed door right in front of them, growing slightly impatient.
"Ugh," Wrecker groaned while rolling his eyes in annoyance. "What's taking so long?"
"I am trying to crack into the ship's security system. It's a complex system, but once I'm in, I'll be able to access all the doors of the dreadnought and open this one for us," Tech explained to them. He was kneeling beside the data panel beside the door, pressing some buttons in the process.
The only problem was that the rest of them had tuned him out after the word 'security.'
"Why can't I just smash through the doors? It'll be a lot quicker than this," Wrecker argued.
"Because that would give away the element of surprise," Hunter interjected. "Nobody knows we're here."
"And I, for one, would like to keep it that way," General L/n added.
"Just hurry up, will you?" Wrecker groaned. "I'm dying to crush some droids."
"I've...almost...got...it," Tech said rather slowly while pressing buttons on the panel quickly.
The screen became illuminated with a shade of green, which shown in the reflection of his goggles adorned on his face. He was now granted access to the entire ship's security system via his data pad. He stood back up to join his brothers. He pressed a few buttons on his data pad to open the large sealed blast door in front of them.
"Eyes up. We don't know what we're up against on the other side of this," Hunter told the rest of the group. They waited for the door to open for them. He drew his own two blasters out of the holsters, keeping them ready for a fight.
The other members of the group seemed to follow his actions by readying their own weapons. The general, who stood in the front and center of the group, decided to pull her own two lightsabers from her belt. Her thumbs lingering over the button in preparation for activation. Her eyes trained on the sealed door in front of her, holding her breath in anticipation.
"Care to wager a bet, boys?" She hoped it would put the rest of them at ease.
"Don't we always?" Crosshair inquired with a slight hint of sarcasm in his tone.
"Loser has to clean the ship including the refresher," Y/n smirked to herself. She glanced over her shoulder to meet Wrecker's gaze.
"That's not that bad of a punishment," Wrecker scoffed while his shoulders slumped in slight disappointment.
"Have you seen the ship recently? Can't even see the floor," Hunter interjected.
"It has gotten pretty bad," Tech agreed. Oddly enough, Tech was easily one of the messiest ones because of all the little projects he left lying around. One could trip over all the cords and wires on the ground.
"Fine," Wrecker groaned more to himself. "Loser cleans the ship."
"Including the refresher," Y/n quickly added, not wanting him to miss out that little detail because she had every intention of making sure he lost today.
"Including the refresher," Wrecker grumbled under his breath.
"Whenever you're ready, Tech." The General was prepared for the fight ahead of them, keeping a firm grip on the two lightsabers in her grasp. She readjusted her stance and lifted her lightsabers up in a defensive manner.
Finally, as if on cue, Tech pressed a single button on his data pad which activated the blast doors in front of them. The doors began opening slowly from the center, retracting back into the walls and revealing the vast hallway corridor in front of them.
What the Bad Batch hadn't expected was to find the corridor completely packed with the traditional B-1 battle droids. There had to have been fifty or sixty of them standing around with blasters in hand. Their long yellow heads seemed to turn towards the source of the noise all simultaneously.
"A jedi?" One of the closer droids exclaimed in slight surprise. He pointed towards the group to signal the others. "Blast them!"
Before the droids even had a chance to start firing, General L/n had activated her two yellow lightsabers and charged straight towards the company of clankers. She dodged each of their shots, moving swiftly from left to right. Once she got close enough to them, she swiftly swung her lightsaber to slice through the base of their blasters, rendering them useless.
Behind her, the rest of them started firing their own shots and taking out droids while making their way down the corridor. Each of them showcasing their own unique style of fighting. While Crosshair usually lingered behind the group to take his precise shots, Wrecker always charged head on and fired wildly at anything in sight. There was Hunter who liked switching between blasters and blades, but often kept to his knifes as a preference. In contrast, Tech always carried two blasters and fired calculated shots.
Despite all their differences, the Bad Batch successfully worked together as a team. The General also had a different strategy. She always rushed head on; though it wasn't because she was eager for the fight, but more so because she wanted to protect the others if she could. Her two lightsabers acted as their only defense in many situations. And they trusted her enough to cover them.
Taking more droids down, Tech quickly maneuvered his way through a clear and open path until he stood in front of the next closed door. His twin joined his side and covered his back so he could have the time to open the next door without getting shot. However, when Tech pressed the button on his data pad, the doors in front of him didn't open and his data pad flashed red.
"Uh oh," Tech said to himself.
"Uh oh?" Hunter repeated. He grabbed the blade of his knife before throwing it across the room, sticking directly into a battle droid's head. "What does 'uh oh' mean, Tech?" Hunter demanded an answer.
"This door isn't opening," Tech explained shortly. He kept pressing buttons on his data pad in hopes that it would open if he tried a different combination.
"I thought --" Y/n grunted as she sliced through another droid. "You said you overroad the ship's security system and that you'd have full access to all doors."
"I did," Tech replied with a strong sense of frustration in his voice.
Pressing one final button, the door opened ever so slightly but then closed again. There had to be someone on the other side, operating the system to keep it closed from them.
"Someone is intentionally trying to keep this door closed and keep us out," Tech announced to the rest of them. His eyes scanned the vast space of the door, thinking about how he could get through.
"Well, get it open." Y/n replied.
Kneeling down beside the door, Tech got to work by prying the metal panel away from the wall. His skillful fingers threaded through the various colorful wires, searching for a cord to connect to his data pad. He called out to the others, saying he was gonna need a minute to break through.
As Tech worked steadily, Crosshair stood right beside him and fired strategically from his sniper's rifle. He took out droids who even turned in their general direction, not wanting them to get remotely close to them.
Just as the group of battle droids was beginning to thin, the doors on the left and right side of them opened to reveal more. The droids marched right into the fight, acting as the reinforcements to protect whatever was locked behind the main door. They fired relentlessly which was starting to put a strain on the group.
At some point, Wrecker had abandoned his rapid firing blaster and decided to just rip droids apart. It wasn't that hard of a task since they were made of a relatively cheap metal. He'd simply grab a droid, tear the limps off, and toss the remaining parts to the side. He threw one of the droid's bodies into the crowd coming into the corridor, which ended up knocking some of them down.
"I've got ten already!" Wrecker announced over the loud blaster fire echoing in the room. He smiled proudly to himself as he tore the arms off another droid.
"I'm on seventeen," Y/n called back. She could have sworn she heard the sergeant chuckled behind his helmet.
"Wha--" Wrecker was at a loss for words. He retrieved his blaster once again, firing rapidly in hopes of taking down more droids than his companion.
As she sliced through two more droids, Y/n turned her head and looked over her shoulder. She wore an amused smile on her face when she announced: "Nineteen!"
"You're falling behind, Wrecker." Crosshair taunted from the sidelines. He went to adjust his scope before pulling the trigger a few more times, watching the droids fall from behind it.
"Yeah? How many are you on?" Wrecker asked snakily.
"Don't worry about it."
In the center of the room, Hunter had pulled his vibroblade out of the sheath on his forearm. He jabbed the knife into the backs of droids, sendings jolts of electricity through them and taking their main computing systems out. He worked through the growing crowd of clankers, moving between them smoothly in a way that managed to dodge their firepower.
Upon turning, Hunter spotted a couple of them pointing their blasters directly at him. He dropped down to the floor just as they began firing, getting out of the way just in the knick of time. He summersaulted towards them, swiping his leg out to take out their legs from underneath them. The three droids fell to the floor. He plunged his knife into their heads before they had a chance to regain composure.
"How's that door coming, Tech?" Hunter inquired.
Now Tech was working steadily at cracking the system's code. He just needed a little bit more time, which he was certain his brothers could grant him. At first, Tech didn't respond to Hunter's question. All of the sudden, a battle droid had come to approach him and stood directly beside him.
"Halt," the droid ordered him.
Without looking up, Tech pulled one of his blasters out of his holster. He raised it quickly and fired a single shot, which managed to lodge itself directly into the droid's head. He pocketed his blaster again as the droid collapsed right beside him and went right back to work on the door.
"Just a few more adjustments," Tech replied to the others. He clicked a few more buttons on his data pad, but nothing that effected their current situation. They were still stuck in the corridor and more droids were filtering in by the second.
"You're taking a long time. Thought you were supposed to be the smart one," Wrecker called out. He grabbed another droid, raising it above his head and sending it hurdling down the corridor to take out another company of them.
"I am the smart one," Tech reassured them with a hint of bluntness in his voice. He did not look the slightest bit amused by Wrecker's comment.
"Heads up," Hunter announced.
He took out an electro magnet pulse grenade, pressed the button on the side to activate it and threw it into a crowd of droids coming into the corridor. The grenade landed at the feet of the droids before random bursts of electricity and energy surged from it. The droids' bodies shook from the electricity, shutting them down.
Despite their efforts, more droids just kept coming after them. It seemed like it was a never ending steady flow of them. When one droid went down, another two would come into the corridor to replace them. The amount of dead droids littering the ground with becoming overwhelming.
At some point, Hunter was firing shots towards droids coming from the left and Y/n was deflecting blasts coming from droids on the right side. They met in the center of the room; their backs pressing together. The two of them moved in a synchronized harmony, trusting that the other was able to cover their backs and silently communicating with their timed movements.
Tapping into the force. Y/n raised her two lightsabers over her head and forced them to form an 'x' shape directly in front of Hunter's helmet. This movement deflected a single blaster shot that was intended to strike the sergeant in the head. If it hadn't been for her senses and his stillness in that movement, Hunter would've taken the shot to the head. But that wasn't gonna happen on her watch.
"Thanks," Hunter peered over his shoulder.
"Don't mention it," Y/n waved it off.
With their backs pressed together, Hunter and Y/n continued to work together to take down the droids coming at them. The two of them moved with ultimate precision that they dominated the field. They'd never danced like this before.
At this point, Wrecker and Crosshair had stopped firing their own shots just to watch the others in action. The immediate threat was gone now as the number of droids firing at them had dwindled drastically.
Spotting the last four droids coming towards them in a line, Y/n took a single step away from her partner. She twisted her body to launch her lightsaber down the hallway, watching the yellow blade circle rapidly towards them. The lightsaber effortlessly sliced through the droids heads and they clattered to the ground. Before the lightsaber made contact with the wall, Y/n summoned it back into her hand and switched it off. She pocketed them both onto her belt.
The four members of the squad met in the center of the room while the other continued working on the connecting wires to his data pad. They briefly glanced at the mass amounts of unmoving droids by their feet, kicking a few limbs out of the way. At last, Wrecker flopped down on a small pile of droids. He looked at each of them with a strong sense of anticipation.
"Final count," Crosshair began. He adjusted the scope on his rifle for long range. He smirked to himself at the mere thought of winning the contest. "Thirty-three."
"Thirty-three," Wrecker repeated calmly. He nodded his head understandingly. "That's not bad for the squad's resident sniper."
Upon hearing this, Crosshair glanced up at him with eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. He halted his movements, studying the way his brother looked so pleased with himself.
"I, myself am sitting on thirty-four," Wrecker smirked to himself.
Before Wrecker could revel the fact that he outscored his younger brother in a battle, a single blaster bolt struck the droid he was sitting beneath right in between his legs. He glanced down at the sizzling strike.
"Thirty-four," Crosshair smirked to himself. He lowered his rifle once again.
"He was already dead," Wrecker argued.
"I saw him twitching," Crosshair suggested. He shrugged his shoulders at the notion. But Wrecker only became more enraged by this.
"He was twitching because I removed all of his limbs!" Wrecker shouted. Sure enough, the droid was still twitching slightly beneath him since the main operating system located in the head went undamaged in the fight.
"Are you two done yet?" Y/n wondered. She glanced between the two of them. "My final count was forty-eight."
"That's not fair," Wrecker groaned. "You had a head start."
"I always have a head start," Y/n recalled all of their missions together where she went charging head on to defend the others. "This wasn't any different than all the other times."
"Sergeant?" Crosshair questioned with a crocked eyebrow. The sergeant stood with his arms crossed against his chest; an amused look settling over his face.
"Fifty," Hunter announced.
The rest of them only groaned in utter annoyance. This was certainly not the first time the sergeant managed to outperform them and it wasn't going to be the last time. He claimed his victory silently, relishing the looks of disappointment on their faces.
"Looks like Wrecker and Crosshair will be cleaning the ship since they tied," Hunter told them.
"No," Wrecker went to argue. He rose to his feet. "Tech has to do it. He only got like four kills."
"Tech was a little occupied with other things. Like working on the door," Hunter told him. He glanced over his shoulder to find him still tinkering away at the data pad near the door.
"Then it should be Crosshair," Wrecker pointed to him. "That last one shouldn't count."
"Wrecker," Y/n called in a warning tone. "You both lost. Admit it."
"Fine," Wrecker huffed to himself. His shoulders slumping down at his sides. "I'll clean the ship," Wrecker added.
"And the refresher," Hunter recalled. She glanced at him through the corner of her eyes with nothing but admiration behind them.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'll do that too," Wrecker agreed to the terms.
Just then, Tech clicked the last button on his data pad to activate the door in front of him. His data pad glowed green, which meant the system had been overrun thanks to his expertise. The rest of them turned to direct their attention to the opening door, seeing the vast array of data forms in the control center.
Slowly, the Bad Batch came to approach the opening to the control center. Their eyes scanned over the various glowing white tubes attached to one central column in the room. Whatever they had come for, they were sure to find somewhere in there. Now they just needed their resident 'smart one' to locate the intel they'd come for.
"Nice work, Tech." Hunter spoke. "Let's locate the intel and get out of here as quick as we can."
All of the sudden, Y/n was able to feel a slight disturbance in the force. A dark wicked figure had graced their presence directly behind them. The sound of metallic claws for feet ground against the floor in approach. The presence was an all-too familiar one to go unnoticed or unrecognized.
The Jedi General had encountered this imposing figure one other time in her life, which was when he brutally murdered her master in combat. Ever since then, Y/n had grown to fear him and never wanted to face him. But now here he was standing behind them and blocking their only exit.
His cybernetic enhancements gave him exceptional strength, speed and reflexes to outmaneuver force-users. He wielded four lightsabers (one for each mechanical arm) and often overwhelmed the jedi with them. His most intimidating feature was his height alone, standing at nearly seven feet tall and towering over most of his encounters.
"General Y/n," the mysterious voice announced from behind them.
The other members of the squad quickly spun around on the heels of their feet, raising their blasters directly towards the menacing figure on the other end of the hallway. They moved to stand in front of their own general in hopes of protecting her.
"It's been a long time since our last encounter."
Now, coming to the realization that she could no longer run from her past, Y/n found herself turning around to face her demons. Her eyes landed on the familiar figure who had slaughtered her master, feeling her heart drop into the pit of her stomach.
It was almost like he could sense her fear of him despite not being a force sensitive being. He cackled to himself, which was something else that still haunted her too. She could still hear the way he laughed over her master's dead body. She went to retrieve her lightsabers from her belt, feeling the strong sense of anger overtaking her senses.
Because today would be the day she took down General Grievous.
#the bad batch#star wars#crosshair#echo#tech#wrecker#tbb#tbb hunter x fem!reader jedi#tbb hunter fluff#tbb hunter angst#tbb hunter x you#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#tbb echo#tbb hunter oneshot#tbb hunter imagine
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hi big fan but too scared to publicly request 😭
could u do the Bad Batch boys reacting to female reader having a boyfriend they didn't know about? like maybe they're on break at the barracks and she starts dressing more revealing and cute and then leaving and they spot her with a man 😭
but ofc, because we love our clones more then other men, something needs to go horribly wrong so she splits up with them and comes back crying or something. you can add whatever twist you want, but (projecting here) perhaps the man was just trying to rush physical things with her and treating her like an object from the beginning and she just wanted to impress him until he started making her uncomfortable. hmm, very specific 🤔
anyway, love your writing so much. thank you 🙏
Your wish is my command
Word Count: 3.3k Pairings: Mostly platonic Bad Batch x fem!reader Warnings: objectifying d-bag bf, lil violence, a beer or two, jealous men Summary: The Bad Batch are back on Coruscant and looking for a night out with you. They find you and your new, unsavory boyfriend.
Frustrated and edged with exhaustion, Crosshair stomped onto the Marauder. He’d spent the last hour scouring the upper level of Coruscant for you to no avail. You’d missed your usual visit with the men of Clone Force 99 when they were on-world.
Visiting you became routine after their first visit to the Capitol. They’d come for special training before they were even assigned their signature armor. Ready for a taste of the real world, they’d snuck out into the city on their first night and right into the arms of swindlers.
Somehow they’d fallen into the sights of a charming group of people you were all too familiar with. You watched the whole scene unfold from the balcony of your apartment. They promised to show the men a ‘good time’ and you knew that came with some unsavory consequences.
With nothing better planned for your night, you intervened and saved the men from, at the very least, being scammed. It turned out to be an unforgettable night with four new friends to boot and, when leave allowed, they’d find you for some fun.
So, with a few days between mission briefings and not knowing when they’d have leave again, the Batch tried to track you down. The problem was that this time they couldn’t find you anywhere - anywhere being your home or at the store you worked.
Tech stayed with the ship while the rest looked for you. Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo were the first to turn in, leaving Crosshair to finish the hunt.
Hunter and Echo hung around the cockpit while Wrecker kicked back in a chair near the nav screens when Crosshair returned. As he sunk into the open nav chair next to Wrecker, Tech, wiping his hands on a rag, came aboard.
Wrecker swiveled to face Crosshair with his head cradled in his hands. “Still can’t find her?”
Leaning onto his elbows, Crosshair growled into his hands. “What gave it away?”
“Did you check her coordinates?” Tech asked, seemingly exasperated by their wasted efforts.
“And how would we check her coordinates?” Echo scoffed from the cockpit. He and Hunter meandered their way towards the other three.
Tech looked between his brothers, disturbed by their blatant ignorance. “With the tracking device I gave her.”
Crosshair’s head shot up, masking his interest with a show of distaste, “You put a tracking device on her?”
Clearly offended by the idea, Tech snapped back, “No.” She wanted to make sure we could find her easily.” The silence that fell between them suggested they didn’t believe him.
“You were all there.” He insisted, waiting for them to remember only to be met with silence. Sighing, Tech’s shoulders fell and he raised his forearm as he muttered, “Must’ve been when we were alone.”
Wrecker shot forward in his seat, jabbing an accusatory finger at Tech. “When were you alone with her?” The corner of Tech’s lips ticked up as he tapped through his controls, but he didn’t grant Wrecker a response.
They all seemed to forget that Tech kept plenty of information close to the chest. He also tended to be the more sober one of their nights out. They called him a lightweight, but having found it leant him private time with you he called it a fair trade.
After a few seconds, Tech pinpointed your location. Something caught in his throat when he saw how close you were. Tech proudly announced, “Found her. She’s at a lounge one sector over.”
His earlier annoyance faded as Crosshair pushed a toothpick into his smirk, “Sounds like she might need some company.”
“Well boys,” Hunter spoke up with a grin. Tossing a thumb in the direction of the exit he asked the group, “What do you think? Should we crash her night?”
Wrecker bounced up, filling the Marauder with a loud laugh. “You kiddin’? I can’t wait to see the look on her face.”
The men wasted no time in heading your way. Wrecker and Hunter led the group through the crowded streets, followed by Crosshair and Echo with Tech trailing behind with his face in a datapad, making sure they didn’t lose track of you.
Crosshair, noticing Echo’s half-worried look, tapped Echo with his elbow, “Lighten up, Echo. You might have fun for once.”
Used to Crosshair’s prodding, Echo rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide the amusement in his voice, “Yeah, well some people don’t like surprises. This is either going to be fine or be a complete disaster.”
“Most likely a disaster.” Tech chimed in from the back.
You were only a few minutes away in a dark, basement floor lounge. Amongst a smattering of half-empty booths and dim lighting, you stood near the bar with a small group of men.
In the time between Clone Force 99’s last visit and now, you’d fallen in with a man you’d met through work. He was nice enough, persistent in pursuing you and his attention wasn’t unwelcome.
You found yourself answering his calls, meeting his friends, and spending time with him on your days off. Slowly the casual company became intimate and so you stood amongst his friends, in a dark lounge with his hand on the small of your back. The dress you wore, chosen by your new boyfriend, was a little tight for your taste and exposed nearly all of your back.
He claimed it would boost your confidence. The twirling he had you do for his friends suggested it was for his own ego.
Your partner promised you’d be gone by midnight - a promise he’d broken more than once so far. Impatience and boredom dragged the night out, soothed only by cocktails and the bracelet you fidgeted with.
It was a handcrafted gift from Tech and their way to find you. You’d asked for the device in hopes that it would make you miss them less.
It didn’t. You decided that next time you were getting their comm channel out of them even if by force. If there was a next time.
Distracting yourself from the idle conversation around you, your eyes drifted around the mostly empty room. The music was as low as the lighting, only meant to allow conversations to remain private.
The group was having a fun time, some of the jokes even broadened your smile, but generally you were counting the minutes until you could leave.
Commotion echoed down the front stairwell, breaking the calm of the establishment. Loud, booming laughter quieted your group, piqued your interest, and dialed your attention onto a familiar sound. Your heart stopped when you recognized the sound of shifting armor. For the first time all night, a genuine, albeit hopeful, smile brightened your face.
You stopped breathing all together when the Bad Batch stepped into the room. As impressive as the first time you saw them, your five friends fanned out with each of them scanning the room. Crosshair, ever the eagle eye, spotted you and shoved the brother beside him, Tech, with his elbow.
They were looking for you, you realized. The thought propelled you towards them, your feet barely touching the ground.
You’d not seen the Batch in months. A part of you had worried for the worst - that you’d never see them again. That nagging part of you grew larger than you’d realized, big enough that the relief of seeing them nearly reduced you to tears.
“C’mere, Mesh’la!” Wrecker bellowed, catching you in his arms as you hurled yourself at him. His hands scorched your back, a sensation you’d not felt in the months of their absence.
The harder you held onto Wrecker the more his armor dug into you, making it even harder to breathe through your excitement. When he finally set you down, you immediately latched onto the next closest man, Echo.
The smell of you overwhelmed him for a moment and he had to bite back a groan when he caught a sight of your exposed back. Echo couldn’t even return the gesture before you pulled away and whacked his chest plate.
Stiffening your lip, you made a poor attempt at a scowl.
Hunter stepped in on you, not hesitating in wiping away your budding tears. “That look says you didn’t miss us too much.” Being so close to you after so long gave him half a thought to kiss you.
“The tears had me fooled,” taunted Crosshair from somewhere beside Wrecker.
Despite the half-assed scowl, a smile broke through and relief warbled your voice. “Do you even know how long it’s been?” You demanded, casting a look between them all.
Tech came to your side, plucking up your wrist for inspection. “Ninety-eight standard rotations.” He said casually, removing your bracelet without looking up.
The anxiety that spiked as he let you go forced your hand to keep him close. Your touch snapped his head up and you tilted towards him, playfully purring, “Aw, you missed me enough to count?”
He opened his mouth, some witty remark surely on his tongue, but a different voice piped up.
“Should I assume these men are your friends?” Your boyfriend said from behind you. You’d all but forgotten where you were and who you were with.
Immediately releasing Tech, you turned away from the clones, pivoting to stand between them and your partner. Flashing a weak smile you waved in the direction of the Batch, meaning to introduce them.
Crosshair cut you short by stepping forward, putting himself halfway between you and your partner. Sporting a challenging smile, Crosshair looked the stranger up and down. Clearly unimpressed he scoffed, “What’s it to you?”
A pit formed in your stomach when your boyfriend planted his hand on your back. The possessive touch didn’t carry the same flame Wrecker’s did, something you’d not realized up to that point.
“I try to make a habit of knowing my girlfriend’s friends.” Your partner said, accentuating the sentiment with a kiss to your temple.
Slightly horrified Tech recoiled, incredulously parroting in unison with Hunter, “Girlfriend?”
It would’ve been impossible to inform them while they were away, and you certainly owed them no explanation, nonetheless shame crept through you. Avoiding the eyes of your friends, you grinned at your boyfriend, “Let me introduce you to the finest soldiers the Grand Army of the Republic has to offer.” Proudly inhaling your smile grew and you added, “And my friends.”
Looking between your boyfriend and the group, an odd thought occurred to you. You’d never realized the man beside you was on the short side. Shorter even Hunter at least.
Wrecker placed a hand over his chest, mockingly cooing to Crosshair, “Aww, she likes us.”
Crosshair snorted, when it wasn’t directed at him Crosshair went along with his Wrecker’s goading. Crossing his arms and leaning towards his larger brother, the sniper mused “She’s even blushing.”
Your boyfriend snapped his head towards you, annoyed to see that you were indeed blushing. He’d not seen you get this easily worked up. Although he knew from the moment you ran into Wrecker’s arms that he wanted you nowhere near the men.
Slowly scanning your form, a condescending smile perked Crosshair’s lips. “Didn’t know that was your style,” He nodded at you, obviously referring to your outfit.
Crosshair never failed to pull a reaction out of you, this time you were interrupted by your boyfriend slipping his hand up your back and down your arm. The action knotted frustration in your throat as it was what he had done with his friends.
The longer Crosshair watched this man with his hands all over you, the harder Crosshair bit down on his toothpick. Since you’d first coerced him to dance, Crosshair’s own hands still ached to find their way back to your waist.
And just as he had with his friends, your boyfriend lifted your arm by your hand. He gave you a light jostle, encouraging you to spin around. “It suits her, doesn’t it? I picked it out myself.”
Where the eyes of his friends felt oily and unwelcome, you only felt heated embarrassment in front of Clone Force 99.
The dress flattered you and you could admit that, at times, you’d imagined how it’d feel for the clones to see you in something like it. You wondered what it would be like for even one of them to see you as more than a friend. To find you attractive. Maybe even want you. But not like this.
Unbeknownst to you, the men did find you attractive. Exceedingly so even. You were a breath of fresh air for them and the only glimpse of normalcy they had.
As opposed to spinning, you tried to tug your hand free as you mumbled under a smile, “I don’t want to do that.”
Hunter and Echo exchanged a confused look. Just as your boyfriend hadn’t seen this excited side of you, the Batchers hadn’t seen you like this. You looked uncomfortable.
Meanwhile, your boyfriend firmly held your hand. Groaning, he tilted his head back in feigned exhaustion. “Babe,” he dragged the word out before speaking to you like he was correcting a child. “We talked about this, lighten up and give us a spin.”
Hunter caught you off guard when he pulled your hand free. While he kept his touch soft in light of whatever new boundaries your boyfriend posed, he wasn’t going to watch you be pushed around. Unwilling to risk your discomfort, he made sure to step out of your space quickly.
You almost stepped with him.
“She said ‘no.’” Hunter said with the authority of his rank.
Your boyfriend scoffed and drew back in disbelief. “I’m sorry, where did you all even come from?” Either out of misplaced bravado or from the liquid courage, he advanced on Hunter. “Don’t speak for her.”
Blinking away the irony, you tried pulling him back. “He wasn’t,” you whispered in attempts to soothe him.
He yanked out of your touch, earning a growl from Wrecker. Raising his voice in challenge, your boyfriend insisted, “No, I think he was.”
Ever the voice of reason, Echo stepped in beside Hunter. “Why don’t we just take a breath?” Echo’s hazel eyes fell to you, brows pulling together in a silent question.
“I’m fine, Echo.”
“You’re fine?” Your boyfriend whipped his irritation around on you. A beat of fury pulsed between you and all you could do was smile awkwardly. How had this escalated so quickly?
“I’m sorry,” You chuckled in astonishment. “What’s going on with you?”
Neither of you backed down, in fact he only pushed harder by angling his face into your space. “What’s going on with me?” The smell of liquor on his breath finally connected the dots for you. “What other friends do you have that I don’t know about?”
Suddenly, something caught his eye. Turning his attention to Tech, your boyfriend pointed at your bracelet in Tech’s hand. “What are you doing with that?” He asked suspiciously.
Tech, who had been silently picking the stranger apart, gave a scornful roll of his eyes. Tucking the accessory away in one of his many pockets, Tech said in a dry tone, “I don’t believe what I do with my gift is of any importance to you.” He may or may not have purposely mentioned ‘my gift.’
Wearing a confident smirk, Tech looked directly at the man beside you as he said, “It suits her, doesn’t it?”
As if on cue, your boyfriend gave you a seething, sideways glance, playing right into Tech’s hand.
Heaving a sigh, and trying to lend him the benefit of the doubt, you made another attempt at directing him away from your friends. “Why don’t you-”
This time he smacked your hand hard enough that it stung. This was a side of him you’d not expected and it was not one you liked.
A snarl rippled through Crosshair as he lunged between you, put his hand over your boyfriend’s face, and thrashed him backwards. Wrecker cackled, only encouraging a wicked smile from Crosshair as he shifted over your splayed out boyfriend.
You winced at the spot of blood coming from his nose. Notably, though, you didn’t intervene this time.
Wrecker came around to you, resisting the urge to step the man on the ground by completely passing over him. Gently, he lowered himself to your eye level and lifted your hand. His touch felt so different from that of the man you were seeing, it made you completely forget the feeling in your hand.
They all made you feel so different. You’d missed them much more than you’d realized.
“You alright, Mesh’la?” Wrecker swiped his palm over your cheek and down your neck to rest on your shoulder.
The soft smile you offered him swelled something in Wrecker’s chest. Your presence created a soft spot in his life, making it harder to leave you with each trip.
You laid a hand over the massive one on your shoulder, “I’m fine, really.” Although it probably wasn’t ‘fine’ that you had to reassure them all over the behavior of someone meant to be your partner.
From the ground, the man in question snickered, “I see it now.” Pushing up onto his elbows, he spat, “You’re just a barracks bunny.”
The insinuation was lost on you but not Echo.
Echo lurched through the group, shoved Crosshair aside and ripped the drunken man by his collar. “You little scumslug!”
For what seemed like the first time ever, Echo had to be the one restrained. Hunter broke in and yanked Echo up before he could drill his scomp into the downed man. You and the rest of his squad all wore similarly surprised expressions.
Seeing Echo lose his temper was the breaking point for you. The man you’d allowed into your life was still panting on the ground when came to stand over him. He didn’t say anything, knowing full well what the look on your face meant.
“Don’t call me again,” You muttered dismissively and said nothing else as you turned to leave, waving for the others to follow. “Let’s go guys.”
They all followed suit, except for Crosshair. He crouched onto the balls of his feet and leveled a sneer to your newly dubbed ex. Low enough for just the two of them to hear, Crosshair said, “We’ll know if you bother her again.” The sniper drew just an inch closer to hiss, “Come near her again and you’ll never see daylight again.”
Crosshair sat still for a moment, ensuring the promise properly sunk in. Having watched the color drain from the man, Crosshair flicked his toothpick into the sad sack’s face.
When you all finally made it back to your place, it was decided that a quiet night in was well deserved for you all. It didn’t exempt the night from at least a few drinks.
Returning from your kitchen with a round of beers, you settled onto your couch between Echo and Tech. Wrecker lounged on the floor while Crosshair and Hunter occupied the remaining arms chairs.
They regaled you with stories from the front lines in exchange for the quiet comfort of your company. Eventually, you reclined against Tech, eyes shut, as he scrolled through his datapad.
“Echo.” You said, seemingly out of nowhere. Peaking an eye open you lilted a suspicious smile his way.
Mid-sip, Echo could only hum in acknowledgment. When you asked, “What’s a barracks bunny?” He nearly choked on his drink.
“Yeah,” Wrecker blurted out, the confusion coming back to him. “I was wondering that too?”
All eyes were on Echo as a flush came over him. It hadn’t dawned on him that the men of his new squad had little experience with typical trooper slang or the rumors regarding some regs.
“It’s...” He stuttered to get the definition out, ultimately shaking his head and setting his beer aside. Passing the buck to Tech, he chuckled, “You know what, Tech why don’t you put the holonet to good use and look that one up yourself.”
taglist: @baddest-batchers @bruh-myguy-what @jetii @zahmaddog
a/n: Thank you to everyone who offered me their words of support over the last month. It's been a really dark time and I'm always amazed by how lovely this fandom is. I'm forever grateful to all you barracks bunnies out there.
#god have i missed these men#the bad batch#tbb#star wars#bad batch#tbb tech#tech#tbb crosshair#the bad batch tech#tbb echo#echo#hunter#wrecker#crosshair#tbb wrecker#tbb hunter#bad batch echo#the bad batch x reader#the bad batch x you#tbb x reader#tech x reader#echo x reader#hunter x reader#crosshair x reader#tbb wrecker x reader#wrecker x reader#tbb hunter x you#clone force 99#tbb tech x reader#tbb tech x you
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Home Sweet Home (Sergeant Hunter x Reader)
Notes: No warnings, fluff, established Hunter x Reader, Tech is a little shiz, Hunter is a homemaker. Literally.
Tech watched his brother with fascination. Hunter sat atop the wooden frame he'd put together all on his own within the last few hours, nailing the crossbeams together. His shirt was tied around his waist, the sweat dripping down his upper torso with his hair tied back. It wasn't an unusual sight, Hunter had been helping rebuild many of the houses on Pabu since their arrival and the subsequent tsunami, but this one was special.
Pabu didn't have much readily available wood, so it was only used to build a rough outline of a house, providing a support for the clay mixture that kept the homes of Pabu nice and cool beneath the beating sun.
"I believe it is the bowerbird of Naboo that creates elaborate and sometimes whimsical structures in order to find potential mates." he said nonchalantly.
Hunter wiped the sweat from his brow and took the nails from between his teeth, "Are you going to help me or are you just gonna watch all day?"
Tech took another sip of the fruit juice Phee gave him, "I am perfectly content to sit back and watch you perform such an elaborate courting ritual."
Hunter frowned, "You make it sound like I'm doing something wrong here," He glanced around at the framework. It was almost done, he just needed to finish the roof, and then he could start mixing the clay. He'd seen Shep and the others making it, but he hadn't quite put it to practice yet himself.
"Oh no, you're doing quite wonderfully." Tech said.
"That sounded sarcastic! " Hunter accused. Tech merely shrugged.
Hunter's heart soared when he heard your voice. He spotted you walking up the cobblestone path towards him, and leaped down from the roof, running towards you.
"Hello, Cyare!" he ran towards you, lifting you up into his arms and spinning around.
"Hello!" You laughed breathlessly. "Phee said you wanted to show me something you're working on?"
"Yes, come on!" Hunter took your hand and pulled you over to the house. You carefully stepped over the threshold into the framework.
"I needed to know what you think," Hunter gently took your shoulders, moving you to face one wall, "So, the sun comes up in the east, over on this side. And I'm trying to figure out if I should put the bedrooms here, or the common room."
"Hmmm, well, the light is nice to wake up with, but if the common room is where they'll spend the most time, and the natural light will be nice and inviting."
"Uh huh."
You bit your lip, "I dunno, I like the idea of the sitting room and kitchen having all that natural light, but then the bedroom will be all dim," You waved toward the other side of the house, which was up against a house that had been finished the other day. This house was at the edge of a hill, so there wouldn't be anything to block the view. You shook your head and looked up at him. "Have you asked the people who will be living here? What did they think?"
"I did." he said.
You waited for a beat. "And? What do they want?"
Hunter looked in your eyes, "What do you want?"
You blinked. "Me?"
"Yeah," Hunter nodded, "Us."
You took a deep breath and stumbled back a few steps, "Oh wow," You pressed your hands against your cheeks as they flushed. You spun around, taking in the framework. It wasn't anything egregioisly big, but it was far bigger than the Marauder was. It was far from finished, but there would be bedrooms, actual bedrooms, and a real kitchen, and space to sit.
"Cyare? You alright?" Hunter asked, holding out his hands to you.
"I'm good, I am so good," You gasped, throwing your arms around him.
"You're making this for us?"
"For you and me," He said quickly, "And Omega, if she wants it."
"What about the others?"
"Wrecker's working on his own right now. And as for Tech, I think he's got his own plans."
You stood up straighter, wiping an errant tear from your eye. You didn't know what had come over you. There was something so wonderful about the idea of having a home, someplace to call your own. And the idea of sharing such a home with Hunter was almost more than you could imagine.
"So, bedrooms or sitting room?"
"Sitting room. Absolutely." You giggled, and Hunter smiled at you. He cradled your cheeks in his hands and gently pressed a kiss to your forehead. His warmth enveloped you, smelling like the sun-baked mulch of a childhood playground on a hot summer day, and a wave of nostalgia washed over you.
"There's one more thing I need your help with before I keep building," Hunter brought you over to the lintel of the front door. On the inside, he'd carved his own name.
"I need you to carve your name in here too," He said, placing his knife in your hand
"But I can't- whoo!"Hunter had his arms around your waist and boosted you up onto his shoulder before you could finish your protest of how you couldn't reach comfortably. You fumbled with the knife for a moment, trying not to drop it.
"How did you reach this?" you asked, examining the distance from Hunter's head to the crossbeam he'd carved.
"Used a ladder." He shrugged.
"Couldn't I just use one too?" You asked.
"Sure you could, but then I wouldn't get a chance to hold ya now, would I?" He grinned up at you, and you couldn't hide the flush in your face.
You leaned forward, bracing your arms against the wood frame, and gently traced the letters that Hunter had carved. You weren't as skilled with a knife as he was, but Hunter knew that. If he was insisting, he probably didn't care.
With sharp, rigid lines, you painstakingly carved out your name, adding a little heart at the end for good measure. When you told him you were done, Hunter lowered you back to solid ground, raising one hand to admire your carvings next to his.
"Beautiful," He murmured.
You smiled shyly, bumping your hip against his, "You're corny."
"Gotta make up for lost time. Not much opportunity to court you properly and all when we were on the run from job to job."
"Sergeant Hunter," You folded your arms, "Is that what building this whole house is for? Just to court me?" You placed a hand over your heart and fluttered your eyelashes at him.
It was Hunter's turn to blush, unable to meet your gaze, "Well, Tech was telling me about all the different species of birds that build a nest to attract potential mates-"
You laughed out loud and threw your arms around his waist, "Well, it's working."
"Good," He kissed your forehead again, "I don't know what I'd do if it didn't."
#lizart writes#sergeant hunter x reader#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter x you#sergeant hunter x you#tbb x reader#tbb fanfiction
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