#employee organization
ethanchoslin · 10 months
POV: Chosen after come back
Man, Chosen just broke Math and Physics (maybe) in less that 14-16 minutes in total than any other experiment
Employee Organization is kinda mad
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“For years, unions have bemoaned the fact that employers have essentially unfettered access to their workers to make the case against organizing, while unions can only mount their arguments in voluntary, offsite settings. There is even a term for when employers force workers to listen to anti-union messaging in group or one-on-one talks: “captive audience” meetings.
Like in other states, the Illinois measure, called the “Worker Freedom of Speech Act,” goes beyond the subject of collective bargaining, forbidding employers from holding mandatory meetings on “religious or political matters.” That means employers could not force a worker to attend a meeting where the company promoted a political candidate or particular religious views.”
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junglejim4322 · 2 months
Watching people mass boycott and do walk outs of chipotle because they think they’re skimping on chicken or whatever is insane imagine if these people put that effort into boycotting anything that actually mattered
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I mean come on, with a company that big you’re bound to have the odd dozen or so employees that participate in terrorist massacres. You just learn that if Steve in accounting asks if you want to see pictures of what he did over the weekend, you politely say no.
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John Knefel at MMFA:
Project 2025, a sprawling right-wing plan to provide policy and staffing to a future Republican president, proposes an extreme anti-worker agenda that would severely curtail unions’ ability to collectively bargain on behalf of their members and reverse gains organized labor has made in recent years. It would also weaken overtime regulations, give corporations wider latitude in misclassifying workers as independent contractors, and dismantle safety regulations that prohibit young people from working dangerous jobs.
The initiative’s policy book, Mandate for Leadership, is an attempt to roll back New Deal-era, working class victories by allowing state-level exemptions from the National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act, and by creating nonunion “employee involvement organizations” to undermine unions’ negotiating power. It additionally calls for sharp reductions in the budgets of the National Labor Relations Board and the Department of Labor and a freeze on new hires. Project 2025 is organized by The Heritage Foundation and includes more than 100 conservative groups on its advisory board, which have collectively received more than $55 million from groups tied to conservative megadonors Leonard Leo and Charles Koch. Leo has been pushing the Supreme Court to further erode the power of organized labor, and the Koch family has waged a war on unions for more than 60 years.
Project 2025: Eviscerate overtime and dismantle pro-worker regulations
One central proposal in Mandate that illuminates Project 2025’s extreme anti-work posture is the suggestion that employers should be allowed to eviscerate overtime regulations and potentially withhold pay. The attacks on overtime take several forms, including a proposal to allow workers to accrue vacation instead of time-and-a-half compensation — but at least 40 percent of lower- and middle-income workers already don’t use their allotted paid time off. Under this policy employers could coerce workers into “voluntarily” selecting vacation that they’re either formally or informally prohibited from taking, thereby denying them overtime compensation. Project 2025 further recommends that workers and bosses agree to extend the overtime threshold to a period of two weeks or one month. The policy would empower management to overload busy weeks with extra-long shifts and take advantage of slow periods through under-scheduling — effectively eliminating overtime altogether. 
A return to company unionism
Project 2025 seeks to roll back New Deal-era labor victories by proposing that Congress “pass legislation allowing waivers from federal labor laws” — like the National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act — “under certain conditions.” Allowing state-level exemptions to the NLRA and FLSA would almost certainly trigger a race-to-the-bottom dynamic, where firms relocate to states with the weakest (or nonexistent) labor protections at the expense of workers. That’s what happened in states that passed so-called “right-to-work” laws — which starve unions of resources by preventing them from collecting fees from all employees they represent, thereby creating a free-rider problem — where employers were able to depress wages and union membership.    Unions have made significant gains under the Biden administration’s National Labor Relations Board, which enforces labor law and investigates anti-union practices. That progress is largely thanks to NLRB general counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, who has taken an aggressive, pro-worker enforcement posture. Project 2025 promises to fire her on “Day One.” It also calls for reductions in the budgets of the NLRB and the Department of Labor to the “low end of the historical average,” as well as implementing a “hiring freeze for career officials.” 
[...] Project 2025 would further undermine unions by eliminating “card check” — where a majority of workers who have signed union authorization forms can ask their employer for voluntary recognition — and mandating “the secret ballot exclusively.” Although the idea of a secret ballot has the veneer of democracy, in practice it’s a power grab for management. By forcing organizers to go through the byzantine NLRB election process, an employer can buy itself time to wage an anti-union campaign and bog down the process, often through illegal means. A 2019 study found that employers violated labor laws in 41.5% of NLRB-supervised union elections in 2016 and 2017 and intimidated or coerced workers in nearly a third of all elections. 
The radical right-wing Project 2025 spearheaded by The Heritage Foundation in association with over 100 organizations has an agenda attacking labor and unions.
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silverbriseis · 5 months
Kyman are canonically like extremely strong when they join forces (eg. Crack baby, ass burgers, go fund yourself)
So like, future kyman au where they grow up and start running a extremely corrupt business together.
Cartman knows how messed up their business module is but he doesn't care because they rank in so much cash daily unlike Kyle, who basically has many sleepless nights to himself justifying how the company is secretly helping the society or really good for the workers etc etc and I don't doubt he'd be afraid to voice them out loud LMAO maybe he tries to ask Stan to join and their exchange goes:
Stan: I don't know dude, isn't this like- really messed up?
Kyle: Oh cmon, just how it is messed up? We're doing good for the environment and we give lots of benefits to our workers!
Stan: You guys literally give out contracts to homeless people to sign for free housing for three months then harvest their organs all under the guise of the contract.
Kyle: Well, yea but- they're the ones that signed the contracts. And we have like diversity hires and maternity leave for mothers, isn't that good?
Stan: ......
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
Tuvok & Seven of Nine should have been overbearing co-parents to the borg children
#non romantic co-parents and they won't even admit they're friends (they don't have* friends! they don't need friends!)#star trek voyager#they are organizing a joint schedule they have a shared space google doc#Seven of Nine#Tuvok#They are both overbearing in different ways <3#I think Tuvok is an excellent father and also that he would not be able to parent every child effectively - especially non Vulcans#Meanwhile Seven is like 'Children are basically little employees I have to train yes?'#Chakotay: You're not going to be raising this children...alone. will you??#Seven: Of course not. / Chakotay: Thank G- / Seven: Commander Tuvok will assist me.#Chakotay: -the most forced smile ever- o h h........#*spoiler: They're very good friends#I think Tuvok would want them to be better behaved than they are but know that children are unpredictable to a degree and they've#been through a lot meanwhile Seven really has no reference for what children are supposed to be do and act like#besides. Seven doesn't need to be a mother. She's like twenty something and newly independent - she should have been at the club instead of#performing femininity so she could be a ''''''real woman''''''#Stop making female characters mothers.......its enough.#None of the VOY women should have been mothers. Maybe Kes - she seemed like she maybe wanted kids. I could see Kes being a good mom#down the line (not in Elogium I liked that episode and its ending) but none of the rest of them needed#or seemed to particularly want that
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nonbinarycharmybee · 1 year
team chaotix is so funny vector's really like "yeah i make sure this kid brushes his teeth and doesn't hurt himself playing with scissors and held his hand as he took his first steps and was there when he said his first word and tuck him in at eight pm almost every night. we're coworkers <3"
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
great. nightmares about my fuck up as soon as i close my eyes 👍
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cursedseabunny · 4 months
Butcher Vanity
[Bright colors]
"They worship patience, a virtue."
"Oh, they tell us gluttony's a sin."
"But our desire, it's bottomless..."
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Alts under cut
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nototherwisespecified · 11 months
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monarchisms · 2 years
as of the time this post goes up, rooster teeth's extra life stream will start in three days on the 12th (holy shit, already?!) at 10 am central time. given [gestures vaguely] everything that's come to light about rooster teeth in the past, a lot of people will understandably not want to watch the stream this year, or every year they do it in the future going forward.
if you're someone who donates money to extra life through rt and/or buys the limited-time merch, it's good to know that if you want to, you can instead just donate directly to children's miracle network hospitals without associating your donation with any specific individual or group, rooster teeth included.
if you do want to donate to extra life through a participant that isn't rt, the extra life website also has a search index, so if you have at least one person/small group/company/whoever in mind you'd rather donate to, you can just look them up there!
and of course, donating to your local hospital or charity at any time of year is 100% another valid way to donate your money. rules and requirements for donations vary between organizations, so before doing anything else, do some research and check for verified and reputable locations, both online and in real life :)
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compacflt · 11 months
The poor SECDEF being referenced in Ice's postcard as an unfunny man and then in the Slider POV where Ice and Mav talk to SECDEF and have some sort of inside joke where they laugh about them. I love all these small inside references that feel like Easter eggs. How do you keep track of them when you're writing? Not sure if it will be in the 120k words of extra scenes (which I'm so grateful for, like I'd be fine with even just scraps) but being a fly on the wall while Ice interacts with the SECDEF be like sounds hilarious. Ironic that Ice thinks that he'd sit out in his retirement until he becomes SECNAV and then possibly SECDEF in "Debriefing" and that Ice has become the sort of unfunny man that lost his acerbic wit but regained it by the end in Slider's POV. Anywho I'm kind of in love with your writing and these characters and will sorely miss them when you're done posting these extras. Thank you for writing this fic and the extras and the WIP Wednesdays and everything. I know you've got other writing projects and wishing you the best, and can't wait until the 120k words drop this weekend. :)
to be clear the secdef ice says is unfunny/the secdef ice & mav laugh about at his retirement party are these two fucking guys
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im very hesitant to label anyone war criminals even for Funny Reasons because words do mean things., but when it comes to Bob gates i do get all twitchy and hair-triggery
i think ice being secdef after being secnav is unlikely at best & impossible at worst but the thought of him stepping up to do it during bidens second term & then having to deal with. like. china invading taiwan is unbearably funny to me so it’s not out of the question in my fic universe because it would be good for the bit. first openly gay secretary of defense and he sends the US to open all-out conventional war with China,
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chicago-geniza · 5 months
Management making a point to hire ~diverse~ hourly-wage employees to bolster their image as a welcoming, inclusive workplace then proceeding to be almost comically racist and transphobic without seeming to realize what they're doing. Little nonprofit things
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kguhle · 5 months
i actually can’t get over how disappointing this arizona coyotes situation is
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lizardinabigwizardhat · 7 months
playing the outer worlds in the year of our lord 2024 is…uh…a Time
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