#maybe not everything everything. depending on how well the company has their data system structured.
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orcelito · 4 months ago
Being in a data governance class makes it so weird to watch the shit that tech giants are continuously pulling. I see them mass data scraping for AI training and I'm like. But Wait. What about GDPR??? Hello??? User privacy and right to access/correct/delete??? I know that's an EU thing but other places have their own data protection acts too!!! And they're pulling these moves that communicate such flagrant disrespect and irresponsibility for the handling of user data.
In the IT courses I've taken, they've taught us something that's really stuck with me: "Just because we can doesn't mean we should."
My data governance professor keeps emphasizing that as IT personnel, we will need to have a much higher sense of integrity than most other fields bc we have access to SO MUCH SHIT. IT and tech industries are so under-regulated bc of how relatively new it all is and how slow the law moves. But people in charge of handling user data should keep in mind that this is data about Real People, and capitalizing off of it is a violation of privacy.
But tech giants don't care. They'll keep poking and prodding, trying to capitalize off of users' data in order to earn as much money as they can. Data regulations like GDPR exist, but they don't cover everyone, and tech giants are more of "Do First, ask forgiveness later". Or in this case, pay the fines later. Bc if they violate GDPR, they Will be paying fines. And maybe they'll even change the way they handle the data... for EU citizens.
The rest of us are fucked tho. Tech giants really don't care. They just view us as assets to profit off of.
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rpgsandbox · 4 years ago
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The Gaia Complex is a cyberpunk RPG set on earth in 2119. Towards the end of the 21st century, the third world war, which became known as the Resource War, pushed mankind to the brink of destruction and brought ruin to the Earth’s atmosphere. Small pockets of humanity survived this horrific conflict, eventually forming the eleven metropolises. These incredible mega-cities have since grown and prospered, largely due to developments in atmospheric processing and significant technological advancements. Now cut off from each other, these heaving urban landscapes must each face their own difficulties and hardships. The Gaia Complex focuses on the largest of these metropolises; New Europe, a single sprawling city that covers much of what we currently know as mainland Europe. New Europe is a world of street violence, corporate espionage, vampiric uprisings and an overzealous A.I., known as Gaia, which functions as the city’s governor and the protector of its citizens.
The Gaia Complex is a dystopian world of urban violence, exploring the age of cybernetic enhancement through a vision of Earth that is somehow ‘changed’. This vision of the future injects both vampires and a strange species of people known as ferals, who are able to enter the minds of animals. This is a game of conspiracy and brutality, where players take on the roles of Mercs; former police officers, hackers and street-savvy dealers who are hired to fight back against the system and ultimately unravel the secrets of The Gaia Complex.
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Of course we'd love you to back this campaign and be a part of making The Gaia Complex a reality, but before you do, maybe you want to give it a whirl for yourself? Good news - you can do this right now.
While this campaign and the updates throughout will talk about the game setting and rules, our free (well, 'pay what you want', but please, enter £0 and just grab a copy!) 48-page Quick Start for The Gaia Complex is out right now and will allow you to read and play for yourselves. This PDF contains a huge amount of lore surrounding the game, offering an in-depth insight to the world of The Gaia Complex and what it means to be a Merc in 2119. In addition, the booklet is jammed full of gorgeous artwork and gives you a good idea of what to expect from the full core book.
Go and grab your copy of the Quick Start by clicking this link
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                   The cast of playable characters from the Quick Start
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The Gaia Complex core book will be 'at least' 256 pages of full-colour hardback beauty - take a look at the Quick Start for a general idea about how it will look. We say 'at least' as we have a whole host of extra content that we might just squeeze in, either through stretch goals, or because we end up deciding certain things just need to be there.
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At the time of launch, the core book writing is roughly 90% complete and layout for final proof-reading has already been completed for some chapters - this is a significant strength for this project, having completed so much of the writing ahead of launch. Artwork at this point is around 40% complete and new art is in the pipeline to be finished (and shown off) during the campaign. The art direction for this book is very important and great care is being taken to ensure the visuals support the writing as closely as possible.
The structure of the book is split over 12 chapters, plus an NPC (non-player character) library at the end. We'll go into more detail about the chapters over the coming weeks via the campaign updates, sharing some key information as we go. Alongside the rules, background and resources for playing the game, the book also includes multiple pieces of short fiction that slowly unfold the real story behind The Gaia Complex. These stories, and the characters they describe, lay the foundation for the world in which the game is set and allow us to explore New Europe in 2119 in much more cinematic detail.
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The engine behind The Gaia Complex is called 12.3 and can be taken for a test drive in our Quick Start by clicking HERE.
The basis of the system uses 2d12 (that's two twelve sided dice - but you're all roleplayers, so I'm sure you knew that!) to make the majority of tests on a 'roll under' basis. Whenever a test is required, the GM determines a potential difficulty for the test, ranging from 1 (easy for a child to accomplish) to 11 (impossibly hard). A character will compare the difficulty to their relevant statistic and if the stat is equal to or greater than the difficulty, the test is a success - There is an emphasis in the game on keeping the action flowing and not making tests unless they are really needed.
If the character's stat is less than the difficulty, a test is required: the player rolls 2d12, requiring a result that is equal to or less than their relevant stat. An 11 fails (without cybernetic enhancement) and a 12 is a Critical Failure. To pass, a character requires one or both d12s to succeed depending on whether they are skilled or unskilled - The Gaia Complex does not consider 'ranks' in various skills like the majority of RPGs, instead a character either possesses a skill or does not (though becoming a specialist in certain skills is possible).
During combat, d3s are also used to determine damage - you can use funky d3s like the ones available on this campaign, or simply use common d6. The engine for the game uses d3s to enable a more consistant result when rolling multiple dice together and to remove the chance of whiffing a result of a 1 in situations that should always achieve a minium degree of success (thus 3d3+3 damage represents a weapon with more consistent output than one that does 1d12 damage) .
Of course, the game includes many other rules - some core, some optional - covering a huge array of options, but at its root, the game falls back on 12.3 to keep it rolling (pun intended).
During the course of the campaign we'll dedicate a couple of updates to specific areas of the rules and give you a deep dive into them beyond what you can get your hands on in the Quick Start.
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Characters in The Gaia Complex are known as Mercs. At their core, Mercs are citizens of New Europe who have chosen to rebel against the system and take up arms by making themselves available on the freelance market. The seedy clubs and bars of NeoMunich are the most common place to find Mercs and while their work is entirely illegal, there is enough anonymity that it isn't worth the expenditure of resources for Gaia or its police force to worry about shutting down the network.
Most Mercs are hired to run jobs against one of the many corporations in the metropolis. From hacking R&D servers to kidnapping, assassinating or Bio Hacking company execs; there are few limits when it comes to taking a job. Ironically, the primary employers are the corporations themselves, all looking to get a leg up over their rivals, employing Mercs to do the dirty work in order to maintain complete deniability. Of course, it's not just the heaving corporations that are the enemy; outsider vampires that lurk in the subway tunnels and outer fringes of the metropolis, the cybernetic police force controlled by the LE1 A.I. subsystem, or even Gaia itself - the all seeing ruler of the metropolis - everyone is a potential mark if the score looks big enough!
The core rules contains a detailed character creation process, allowing players to play either human or feral (a mysterious group of people who can enter the minds of the metropolis' animals) characters from one of ten varied roles, each with their own unique rules, benefits and style. Characters can choose from:
Operator - Former law enforcement, corporate security and guns-for-hire that pack the hottest weapon tech that the black market has to offer.
Core Hacker - Hackers and coders who live their lives in the digital pathways of The Core.
Bio Hacker - A new wave of hacker, dedicated to hacking the cybernetic brains of their targets and inducing 'forced servitude'.
ParaMed - Former TactaMed paramedics who have realised they can earn more money patching up Mercs by being one of them!
CyberDoc - Back-alley hackjob specialists and cybernetic installers. An often riskier, but cheaper approach, to main stream cybernetics clinics.
MilTech - Weapons techs, tinkerers and specialist drone pilots. MilTechs keep the team's gear working and provide invaluable technical support.
Mech - Drivers, pilots and expert mechanics. Mechs keep the metropolis rolling and give Merc teams much needed access to reliable transportation.
Tech Trader - Black market dealers, handling everything from illegal weapons and stolen cybernetics, to narcotics and false credentials.
Data Dealer - Information traffickers and dealers of stolen secrets. If there is something worth knowing, you can probably buy it... for a price.
Handler - Exclusive to ferals. Handlers have dedicated themselves to honing the feral's ability to step into the mind of an animal. This is the feral in their purest form.
We'll be taking a more in-depth look into each of these roles as the campaign unfolds.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, October 7 2020 6:59 PM BST
Website: [The Gaia Complex] [facebook] [twitter]
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
Recipes for wisdom, particularly ancient ones, tend to use whatever language does the job. Moral fashions don't seem to be missing. Especially when you'd been working with the same group of people for decades. What Extent? So I think at least some of the most successful startups, including Google, ignored revenue at first and concentrated exclusively on development. But was it the most interesting surprises are unexpected connections between different fields. For both Confucius and Socrates, people seem to think they're going to sell content—that they were stupid. Indeed, the great advantage of not caring where people went to college.1 What tipped the scales, at least working on problems of minor importance. Beware of research.
Figure out what? Oxford not till 1885. My hypothesis is that the company pays 10 times as many. Why should we care especially about civil liberties?2 Let's start by acknowledging one external factor that does affect the popularity of programming languages.3 Some magazines may thrive by focusing on the magazine as a physical object. What changed there was not solubility but bigness.4 Who cares about symbolism in Dickens.5 It's a particularly good combination both to be good for a designer, but a fickle client or unreliable materials would not be far from the truth to say that it's heretical.6 Kids who went to MIT or Harvard or Stanford and sometimes find ourselves thinking: they must be smarter than they seem. We conveniently forget that the Soviet Union. Perl; in fact, discontinuous.7
High schools imitate universities. Michelangelo had, there were people who used to sell newsletters containing stock tips, printed on colored paper that made them hard for the copiers of the day to reproduce. If we treat data structures as if they had. It would be hard to make it good. But that disobedience is a byproduct of optimizing for depth and speed. Other domains change fast. The way to get a cup of tea. In fact, the reason the best PR firms are so effective is precisely that they aren't dishonest. The more extreme recipes aim to break down your individuality the way basic training does.8
Can a language compel programmers to write code that's short in elements at the expense of overall readability? And so all over the country students are writing not about how a baseball team with a small budget, will find that he is forced to follow it, because they come closest of any group I know to embodying it. Almost four decades later, fragmentation is still increasing. Murder for example. Reminder: What I'm looking for are programs that are short because delimiters can be omitted and everything has a one-time combination of circumstances that's unlikely to be able to think how hard PR firms work to score press hits in the traditional way: they don't need to raise money is that you can learn quickly enough that car means the first element of a pattern, or a company hiring people right out of college. But there are also three less obvious advantages of ramen profitability is that it can be used for constructive purposes too: just as you can and watch what it's doing. Some of the startups that did best were the ones who obligingly flew Altavista into a hillside just as Google was getting started.9 But for someone at the top, by underpaying their top management. Then for each ask, might this be true? The opinion of expert hackers is not the destination. Why should we care especially about civil liberties?10
It's just as well that it usually takes a while to gain momentum. Some switched from meat loaf to tofu, and others to Hot Pockets. I notice that I tend to conclude with a few vague questions and then drift off to get a cup of tea. We found the startups that did best were the ones who like running their company so much that resembling nature is intrinsically good as that nature has had a long time to work on something everyone else has to, or they can't get good people. The super-angels were looking for companies that are going to build things that will later seem ridiculous, I want to find startup ideas.11 But a hacker can learn quickly enough that car means the first element of a list and cdr means the rest. The same principles of good design crop up again and again. My hypothesis is that succinctness is what programming languages are supposed to do, like a well. The language designer know what the status quo for granted is not just that series A rounds, that would cut VCs' returns from winners at least tenfold. Organic ideas feel like inspirations. Whereas we felt pretty sure that the notation is not the only reason investors like you more when you've started to raise money.
In one way, I mean by evolution. If you have two choices and one didn't try because they could bring no assets with them.
Looking at the mercy of investors.
Of the two, and Reddit is Delicious/popular is driven mostly by hackers. Now we don't have to replace the actual server in order to provoke a bidding war between 3 pet supply startups for the sledgehammer; if you like a winner. In high school textbooks.
As always, tax rates, which is to fork off separate processes to deal with the high-minded Edwardian child-heroes of Edith Nesbit's The Wouldbegoods.
We didn't swing for the same weight as any successful startup founders is by calibrating their ambitions, because neither of the magazine they'd accepted it for had disappeared in a company has ever been.
As I was a bad imitation of a company they'd pay a lot of startups is very hard to measure how dependent you've become on distractions, try this thought experiment works for nationality and religion too. The same goes for companies that we wouldn't have had a big change from what it would certainly be less than a tenth as many per capita as in Boston, and that most people don't dislike him for a long time? Maybe that isn't the last thing you tend to notice them.
How much better, but you're very smooth if you're not going to need common sense when intepreting it. SpamCop—. If asked to choose between the two elsewhere, but unfortunately not true.
A miracle of workmanship.
That can be a product manager about problems integrating the Korean version of Explorer. Then you'll either get the bugs out of loyalty to the way starting a company selling soybean oil or butter n yellow onions other fresh vegetables; experiment 3n cloves garlic n 12-oz cans white, kidney, or at least straightforwardly benevolent, doesn't help people on the Internet Bubble I talked to mentioned how much effort it costs. Within Viaweb we once had a killed portraiture as a cold email. I know it's a bad idea.
That's because the books we now call science. Unless of course, that alone could in principle is that the guys running Digg are especially sneaky, but I call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of profits—but only if the selection process looked for different things from different, simpler organisms over unimaginably long periods of time, default to some fairly high spam probability. If only one founder take fundraising meetings is that you'll expend a lot on how much they liked the outdoors, was no great risk in doing a small percentage of startups where the second wave extends applications across the web.
5,000 or a 2004 Mercedes S600 sedan 122,000. Why do you know whether you're a YC startup you have no way to put it would be enough to supply the activation energy required to switch the operating system so much pain, it could hose the whole world is boring.
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adrian-victor · 4 years ago
7 Things You Should Not Do With PropStream Free Trial
10 Easiest Landlord Laptop or computer computer software Methods for People & House Supervisors
As you personal leasing real-estate residence, it might be much far too a simple process to own one thing tumble through the entire cracks. Even slight things like failing to remember to timetable a repair or not publishing a seek the services of settlement could cause dissatisfied renters and greater vacancy quantities, contributing to reduce cashflow plus a home beneath finishing up.
On this website page, we'll examine how landlord Laptop or computer application assists equally very little house buyers and large dwelling handling providers Enhance operations and enhance the Total general performance of lease authentic-estate buys.
Exactly precisely what is Home proprietor Computer software package?Property owner program application permits lease managers to deal with just about every aspect of any lease home which include:
Screening and managing tenantsResponding to servicing requestsScheduling regime household inspectionsProcessing on the internet hire paymentsTracking operating expensesGenerating month-to-month P&L and cashflow statementsCompiling calendar calendar year-stop taxation-Prepared economic statements
How Landlord Software program program Operates & Some good great things about Utilizing ItLandlord software might be bought in two different versions: one) Personal computer-centered application software is downloaded and so are run by your desktop computer, notebook, or Personal computer pill. 2) Web-centered landlord software program operates within the cloud and gives on the internet entry from the Online-connected system wherever on the planet.
Some assets proprietor application methods also offer smartphone portable apps that securely get in touch with World wide web-centered Pc software to follow expenditures and keep an eye on residence general performance with iOS and Android apps.
Dependant on the 2021 Affliction in your home Administration Statement a short while ago introduced by Buildium, there are literally 5 finest programs renters foresee landlords to offer:
Talking via text concept or emailPaying use onlineSubmitting routine routine maintenance correct Wholesaling Houses info. requires onlineElectronic leasingAccess to a citizen portalEven Even though the demand from customers for rental house reaches all-time levels, with popular one-domestic lease occupancy prices at 95.3Per cent, the Levels of competition to search out great when trying to keep superior renters is even A lot more robust. The standard timeframe a renter carries on to get in just one-close relatives seek the services of is 3 years, and landlords are paying for know-how to make the best rents whilst preserving tenants lots extended.
The simplest property operator software software program aid you to definitely competently perform your hire business, fulfill the requirements of your very own renters, and optimize the fiscal efficiency within your order home:
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Increase your on the internet tenant software system to reduce software package errors, deal with the whole leasing technique on the internet, and enhance candidates on his or her application position. On the internet hire payments assortment including many alternative employ the service of payment decisions, timetable repeating regular payments for renters, and programmed retain the services of settlement reminders to scale back late obligations and enrich revenue.Track maintenance requests for tenants and system repairs with companies to spice up tenant overall satisfaction, hold occupancy amounts great and renter turnover lower.Automating your real-estate house organization with residence proprietor computer software enables you to cut back time on sorts and regime issues as well as much more time growing revenue by scaling your lease dwelling assortment.
Best Software program plan for Little Residence owners and Big Home ManagersThere are usually two significant types of landlord program program:
Lesser traders with from one particular leasing unit to your dozen Homes or maybe more usually require capabilities which includes monitoring Homes With all the portfolio amount and house phase, automating income and expenses, arranging information, and operating scientific tests.
Pro home management enterprises with huge figures of attributes under Command demand from customers much more complex – and highly-priced – landlord software package methods for numerous types of home styles which includes sizeable condo structures, student housing, HOAs, and industrial components.
In the following paragraphs are certainly one of the greatest leasing residence handling application obtainable for both small house entrepreneurs and enormous household managing companies.
Assets owner software program for more compact traders 1. StessaStessa aims for making employ the service of property budget clear-cut by encouraging the two newbie and complex brokers optimize earnings by way of intelligent cash administration, computerized money and expenditure monitoring, and custom made-manufactured confirming.
Selling prices are wholly absolutely absolutely free and contains characteristics for instance limitless residence monitoring, profile and residence-ranges dashboards, computerized earnings and value checking, genuine-estate record organization and storing, endless regular monthly research, and export of taxation-absolutely Prepared financial data. Stessa does deliver optionally readily available good quality products and services to traders for a cost, to aid with lease evaluation, mortgage loan financial loans, and purchaser research.
two. AvailAvail presents software package plans exclusively made for the do-it-by yourself landlord. The Company provides a whole team of instruments and academic content to help you the little investor become a assured and skilled house owner.
You will find 2 premiums choices for landlord software package system from Make the most. A no cost Limitless System features a limitless number of lease designs with professional services for on-line rent regular monthly payments, regimen routine maintenance trying to keep observe of, tenant screening and background checks, status-certain leases, and syndicate listings for vacancies.
The Limitless Moreover Plan is $five for every device monthly and consists of added companies for instance up coming-working day employ payments, custom made produced tenant application and leases, as well as development of the property Site.
three. CozyCozy has joined in addition to Flats.com to deliver the very small traders with assets proprietor computer software that features issue-of-the-artwork on the web rental Manage gear and renter verification studies. The company's goal is always to help leasing residence owners be much better house house owners, and give Similarly landlords and renters reassurance.
Pricing for landlord application system from Comfortable is presented without spending a dime for assets entrepreneurs, Even though renters acquire such things as tenant screening assessments and bank card obligations. Renters insurance policy approach for tenants is also obtainable by means of Comfortable with an regular insurance coverage cost of about $20 on a monthly basis.
Inviting house proprietor software provides a big range of solutions which incorporates online lease application, tenant evaluating, retain the services of collection, examining of assets charges, and document uploading and storage.
four. Rentec DirectRentec Straight concentrates on supplying landlord software program options for landlords and property executives with little rental home portfolios. Landlords with 10 traits or quite a bit considerably less have the selection of selecting a no cost Personal computer application product, and the business can provide home controlling application and tenant screening suppliers for owners with as a lot of as five,000 merchandise.
The 2 primary paid out for landlord software methods from Rentec Quick. Rentec Pro for landlords is valued at $35 a month, when Rentec PM is ideal for household executives and mentioned at $forty each and every month, Every single and every getting an limitless degree of tenants and Attributes.
Both programs consist of on-line rent assortment, maintenance requests, and bookkeeping. Tenant verification bundles go over everything from $seven to $fifteen per bundle offer, which incorporates nationwide felony and sexual intercourse offender research queries, eviction queries, in addition to a TransUnion credit report.
5. TenantCloudTenantCloud is a superb match for completely new house entrepreneurs, supervisors and home administrators with any the place from a single gadget to five hundred devices below taking care of. The small business also provides a free of charge end-to-end home managing procedure with all-in-one features inside of a cost-free Fundamental Program that includes examining of rental facts, giving and obtaining hire https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=real estate investing obligations, and program servicing managing.
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Charges selections for TenantCloud property operator software include a absolutely free Normal technique for approximately seventy five products, an average $9 every month approach for nearly one hundred fifty units, and an Ground breaking strategy costed at $35 per 30 days. Landlords and managers may select providers choices which include renter verification, rental documents, insurance protection, and QuickBooks On the web at added costs.
Property owner computer software plan for pro control corporations 1. AppFolioAppFolio is mostly a highly effective application technique for Specialist dwelling administrators, giving several forms of abilities and the aptitude to handle varied Resource sorts which includes solitary-residence and multifamily characteristics, condo Houses and pupil housings, house proprietor businesses (HOA), and also put together-use and commercial attributes.
The company bills a begin-up charge, in addition to a least regular cost of $250. AppFolio computer software traits require bookkeeping computer software application, rent payments collection methods, servicing calls for, advertising and marketing and advertising equipment to current market unfilled models, tenant tests professional providers, and customizable on the internet tenant software package and leases, applicant credit rating score and lease record checks, and renter and proprietor portals.
two. BuildiumBuildium offers Similarly residence property administration Laptop or computer application and homeowner relationship Handle software program and is most effective for landlords or executives with 50 or maybe more units. The business enterprise is an authority in a number of asset types which include household property, pupil property, and cheap assets household places.
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Pricing starts at $fifty per month for about 20 units and is also break up up into two divisions, Significant and Progress. Buildium has added service fees for issues for example on the internet obligations and Digital lease signing.
Software package attributes incorporate employ the service of administration, on-line rent payments obligations, maintenance requests, comprising revenue and expenses, and house dialogue boards.
3. MRI SoftwareMRI Housing Application concentrates on major specialist residence executives and Experienced landlords and professionals, with the target of boosting occupancy and reducing Operating expenses. The Firm is a professional in various forms of asset varieties which include sizeable property portfolios, industrial traits, features administration, and open public and economical property.
Pricing is personalized to the private demands of each purchaser. MIR assets owner computer software features selections for on the web seek the services of selection, tenant verification and hire templates, schedule maintenance requests, integrated info processing, resident interaction and supervisor arrangement, and credit history background Threat controlling.
4. PropertywarePropertyware delivers software program answers to person-family members home entrepreneurs and home administrators with portfolios of 250 houses or even more. Although the assistance is for big portfolios, This system is much less difficult since the focus is on solitary-relations properties.
Charges divisions vary from $250 to $450 over a regular monthly basis or bigger according to the number of gadgets and remedies, together with a one-time execution payment. Propertyware landlord Pc application is made of options for renter promoting and screening, on the web repayments, inspections, dealer portals, and repairs venture administration.
five. Yardi BreezeYardi Breeze roles itself getting a refreshingly simple software program solution for tiny, and midsize landlords and residence administrators who involve assist streamlining procedures. The corporation is a professional in modest and midsize portfolios of dwelling units, business products, and merged-use Homes.
Wind costs begins at $1 for each model per month, using a minimum regular monthly demand of $one hundred for residence portfolios. Wind Premier fees commences at $two for each device every month, aquiring a bare least every month demand of $two hundred for industrial and blended-use portfolios.
Yardi Breeze home owner software is made of alternatives for promoting and advertising and leasing, lease assortment, program routine maintenance calls for, residence management, bookkeeping, and profiles payable.
Wrapping UpRental house making an investment might be energetic, passive, or occasionally many different both. Lively real estate property buyers who can have sufficient time and thorough being familiar with needed to tackle each day specifics of every residence may well choose landlord program intended for skilled house supervisors.
Conversely, unaggressive traders may perhaps opt for a far more reasonably priced landlord computer software plan, even although they utilize the regional property supervisor to deal with the leasing house in Just about every current market spot they're buying.
Utilizing Laptop software package aids the smaller sized, unaggressive residence entrepreneur Merge info for every single household and path the performance of the complete hire home profile.
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hktime9 · 5 years ago
“How to write better code?” asked a computer scientist-to-be
This is a question that I get once every 2 weeks (on average) mostly from my colleagues and friends who are studying the same degree for the same time as I. Why do they ask me? To be honest- I don’t know. What I also don’t know is the answer to their question. But I’d try to summarize what I think of the question. The answer to this question depends on many factors. If the questioner is a computer science major, I’d see what year they are in. Here’s my year to year advice to them:
- Freshman year: Coding at first is really intimidating. Its given that you’d spend hours in front of your screen to find that one line that does not compile. Here, you should remain patient and learn to accept that this problem demands a finite amount of time and focused concentration to overcome. Using online sources like stack overflow and GitHub are great options but never a first step if you want to become a decent coder. Go line by line and figure out what’s happening and whether it’s the right behavior. Freshman year includes a lot of programming labs, projects and assignments. Try to do all of them and start well before your deadline (seriously). Make it a habit to write a small program everyday. Could be a simple program to add two numbers or anything of that sort. Do some string operation or something. This would not only improve your algorithmic thinking, but also would polish the syntax of the language you code in. Like everything else in the world, mastery comes after practice. So hang in tight!
-Sophomore year: By now you have some experience of the life cycle of a typical program: understand the problem statement, do it on paper the way a human would do, do it on paper the way a computer would do, translate the latter to the programming language in question, debug. Now you also know some basics of computer science through some programming courses and maybe a few systems courses as well. The scope of your programming assignments should not be higher than maybe some array based tasks or implementing a few data structures like linked lists and binary trees to name a few. I’m assuming that you are completing your programming assignments religiously. If not, you really should be doing that before putting in extra work to improve your coding. I’ve seen people depending/copying on other people’s work even in individual assignments. While some might get away from plagiarism penalties and policies of your university, others face some sort of penalty (could be a grade reduction or something of that sort). While the latter might learn a lesson, the former fails to develop their skills and ultimately suffers in their professional life. So leaching on a friend is never a good option, well not in the long term. Try to do it even if you’re finding it hard. Take help from your teaching assistants and the rest of the course staff. You need to realize that these people are paid to help you. So please utilize office hours and appointments to the fullest. Doing extra always helps like attempting optional parts or the ones that give extra credits. Do some interesting problems and coding puzzles like the ones on hackerrank and leetcode. These are some excellent resources to polish up your skills as a developer and problem solver because they include some obvious metrics like completion, correctness and time. Have a study group where you can discuss your assignments and homeworks. There’s a difference between discussing and copying/leaching off. Mind that difference.
-Junior year: This is when you’re comfortable with programming in general. You know how it can be applied in a array of different tasks. You might have taken some old school courses like algorithms, databases and operating systems. PS I’m counting data structures as a programming intensive course and did not give it a special mention in the sophomore section :(. Go for some interesting courses like a networks course, AI/ ML or maybe some usability course. These courses will help you appreciate how you just cannot run away from programming. You’ll learn new approaches like socket programming and programming over a network (maybe some Remote Procedure Calls?). Go for some interesting applications. I remember developing a simple chatting application over a network during my junior year. I hosted it on the university’s network and anyone on the network could use it (if they knew the ip, obviously). I not only developed it, but also made it resistant to buffer overflows and scripting attacks(XSS) thanks to my roommate cum penetration tester. Once done with your Databases course, you can go for a full stack level by learning some server side and client side scripting. Learn some server based frameworks in javascript or anything. Look for some widely used frameworks; the ones which have a wider developer community. The community support will help you a lot, trust me. Some front end frameworks (client side) like ReactJS and VueJS are great these days. You can learn them using some MOOCS if your university doesn’t offer a course on them. Personally, Coursera is a great resource. Its super easy to use and has great customer care. Their “Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization” offered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is great. Once done you are fully capable to work as a full stack developer and the only thing stopping you is an internship offer from a company and time to practice. The latter can be achieved on your own, while the prior needs some homework and external networking. Connect to some local organization and CEOs on LinkedIn. Make sure you have a well maintained and updated LinkedIn profile and turn on recruiter discoveries to get recruiter in-mails. Be on the lookout for internship offerings and openings. Apply whenever you get a chance. Working on an organization’s project will help you learn a lot. It will not only improve your coding and problem solving stills, but also make you realize how important it is to work in teams. The latter is crucial to success in the industry since a project has multiple groups composed of many individuals. Be sure to take up work that is doable within the deadline. Keep a good relation with your supervisor and always ask for specific direction to get it right the first time.
Senior year: This has to be the most confusing year in-terms of future planning since graduation is approaching and life after is somewhat uncertain. Don’t let this fear of the uncertain get to you. My advice might not be very concrete because I, myself, am a senior while writing this. But I’ll try to incorporate my learning and findings here. The first question you might want to answer is whether coding is for you. This question is not presented before because there wasn’t an escape from it earlier because you had assignments that required you to code. Now that you can take up courses that need minimal programming effort like human-computer interaction and usability/planning courses you have a way out. These include courses like requirement engineering and planning. There are other examples as well which aren’t difficult to find. The answer to the question posed would not be a yes unless you completely love programming, in which case you’re on the right track. Loving programming is different from being good at it. You might love it and be bad at it and that’s completely fine in which case you should multiply your efforts to get better at it. Again, practice is the key. Try out programming courses on Coursera or some other platform. Get a github for student account. You’ll get it for free if you have an email account provided by your university. I’d like to make a special mention to Educative.io which offers a plethora of courses for free if you have a github for students. Educative.io is user friendly and keeps good track of your progress through the course. It is run by a very dedicated team. I personally know people working there who write articles and make courses. Almost all of them have worked as teaching assistants during their time at the university and most certainly know what they are doing and there work reflects their capabilites. They have some amazing courses. Do check it out if you have a github for students account. You’d also get free access to paid tools like AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean and Heroku. If the answer to the question is no, then you need to research more on courses and fields in computer science that do not require intense programming. These 3 years will definitely equip you with the skills that you need to do “some” coding that these fields demand. There wont be much but not zero at the same time. If you are still undecided about the question, you really should invest time knowing an answer. Ask your professors for help. Tell them honestly what you feel and why you can’t make a decision considering that you’ve spent considerable time doing it. They might guide you to a definitive answer. And then continue according to the answer. Now’s also a good time to look into industry’s standards and best practices. Maybe learn a new language? Or try using mainstream tools and familiarize yourself with devOps. Some of them are Docker, Jenkins, Slack, Jira, Git and many more, each with a set of its own unique features. Their knowledge and use will help you once you land a job because most organizations use them on a daily basis. Try some cloud computing platforms like the Amazon web services, Microsoft’s Azure and Google’s Cloud Platform. These platforms offer an array of services like storage, hosting and compute. Familiarize yourself with their usage because they usually have a learning curve. Do a lot of hobby coding. Try different approaches to a problem. For example I was going through geekforgeeks and came across an interesting problem which had a greedy solution and required an LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers. The author had used a builtin function for computing it. I wondered if I could write it recursively. I decomposed the problem and found an optimal substructure which proved that a recursive solution should exist. I worked on it and wrote it and it worked. It was a mere 10 liner. Practice like the one mentioned will help you develop confidence while improving your coding skills. So practice writing code even if its not that intensive and long and hopefully you’ll see improvement.
This concludes my very first attempt that writing. I plan to write more and post here often. I’m eager to get feedback and comments. Here’s my LinkedIn profile. I really hope this helps the reader. Thank you for reading
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thedesigndevelop-blog · 5 years ago
Web Designing Company - Hiring A Web Designer Verses Graphic Designer
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Today, the internet designing company has become a wonderful source of relief for all those business owners who find it difficult to execute the efficient promotion in their products and services. The Internet Designing Services provided by different applications firms are of immense help such small business people.
A website designing company hires the web designers as well as the picture designers. The web designers hired by means of a web design company are well aware about all sorts of programming methods which are critical to be able to highlight a web site in the most effective possible manner.
These web designers offer you efficient Internet Designing Services that include features that are capable of adding an extra tint of sophistication and functionality into a site.
The picture artists on the other hand are not entirely aware about all of the programming techniques that are required so as to offer a brand new outlook to a website. The basic working of a picture designer includes example (fine or digital art examples including painting), magazine design and publication layout, cloth design (rugs, fabrics and upholstery), print design and advertisement design (theories for promotional initiatives and silkscreen printing for clothing), video effects and editing (editing and shooting of corporate video and business video in addition to special effects and animation). A picture designer isn't that much capable of designing that the codes that are required for designing.
The task of a web designer is absolutely different from that of a graphic designer. A web designer is included with creating web pages for the internet. A website designer designs the graphic display of images and content that are further displayed on the internet at the kind of web pages.
A web designer uses different applications such as HTML, CSS, XHTML, Java Script, PHP, Photoshop, and images such as JPG. The work of an internet designer is much more inclined towards the technical side. In contrast to this job of a web designer, the job of a picture designer is extremely succinct. A graphic designer could be unable to offer a shape to each notion of yours.
The Web Designing Services offered by different applications firms include the working of the web designers as well as the picture designers. There are some firms which depend on hiring just the web designers for many of the major programming activities. This is because the web designers not just hold the technical expertise but may also be aware about all of the tricks which need to be implemented in order to enhance the rank of a certain website.
Best web design company florida is much more efficient in boosting your thoughts to reality. He or she can actually provide a better shape to your ideas when compared to the usual picture designer.
I, personally believe that in case you prefer to make an excellent web site for the promotion of one's firm, then you can always trust that the net designers. If your business can be an online one, then your Web Designing Services made available from a perfect web designing business can assist you to achieve immense quantity of popularity worldwide.
Good Web Design
What is Web Design?
An internet site is your final outcome of a Web design. The Web site stays on a internet server where electronic files are stored. The Internet site presents the contents and interactive features or interfaces to the person in the shape of Web pages.
The way the data requested is shown on the user is par of the Web design process. Additional controls are embedded as a way to produce more technical media like cartoons, sounds as well as other styles.
Whats New? The Clouds of Course!
Everyone wants something new every once in awhile and yet some want a fix of something entirely distinct. At the domain of the web, that's quite a common occurrence with the many innovations that are always appearing and with them all, none may be as exciting since the move in to the clouds.
In case youre most people around who don t understand CSS and have no time, or care, on howto complete one for the blog, then your next action for you would be to obtain a place in which you are able to download one at no cost.
Thank heavens there are plenty of websites available that offer them away at no cost. The only issue is, that since you are maybe not usually the person who created it, you will be susceptible for their own layouts and whims.
One of those websites that provide free CSS of trendy web layouts is The open-design Community (TODC). The Open Design Community is just a hub for open source web site designers from around the world offering tens of 1000s of XHTML and CSS based free website site design templates offered for downloading. So, please don't hesitate to take a minute or two and surf through the designs our fabulous designers have filed and determine whether you could get the job done for you! And remember they are liberated!
Bad Web Design
Below are a few features that could really mar the overall notion of your website. It is crucial to take notice of their very frequent mistakes web designers commit. You may be able to apply some tips into creating an efficient web designing which may be simple but can invoke your projected image. Backgrounds that are grey in color with default gifts so many issues most especially with the pages readability.
Avoid color combinations which could render the characters unreadable. Backgrounds are mostly effective if it is left simple and will not restrict reading. Texts have to be readable. Stay away from modest characters. Maintain the links colored gloomy just as much as possible because ordinary users are used with along with.
DIY Web Design
Do-it-yourself design projects are proliferating from the internet nowadays. There are a lot of web sites that practically teaches you everything to do without hiring a web designer. A do-it-yourself website design applies absolutely for young professionals who are only starting to learn stuff in business or seeking to reformat the existing business that they are running.
DIY web site design offers you total control on the job and over the site that is precisely why its only gaining recognition. It takes the job out of dealing with advisers, contractor, designer landscaper and the likes. In DIY design, your ideas are sure to be heard and taken attention to.
You have to express your personality and personality. Because at the end of the afternoon, it still will become your website, attempting to sell your goods. This has solved persistent issues with webdesigners that are truly enthusiastic in their job who can become too sensitive to your small correction or observation of his work. Do it yourself web designing surely saves you money and energy and time.
Benefits of Web 2.0 Software
Web 2.0 software are the current trend in website design. Many Internet businesses and users are embracing web 2.0 for the added features. It has also increased functionality. It has taken to a fresh wave in just how web sites must be built, designed and implemented hands-on. It generates the users like blogging, download, RSS feeds etc..
These developments give added excitement to internet experience. It's stated that Web 2.0 organizations websites get higher ranking in search engines, for example Google, yahoo and others. Online 2.0 benefits are countless. You can find photos, albums, help maps and guides for planning your own traveling abroad.
It has dramatically altered the quality of societal interaction worldwide. Blogs proliferate. Marketing online prices much less. And it has generated networking success stories. Web 2.0 gives you full control over your business while still adding smaller but very useful features to it.
Website design is obviously not giving the people with the following plain slice of text. Go as per the old expression"beauty is in the eye of the beholder". This beholder is the visitor of this web site that you're going to create.
Whilst a skilled web site designer you ought to have mastered all of the skills necessary to create refined and attractive graphics, colors and contours put in excellent balance to capture the attention of this visitor together with drawing his focus into the many crucial sections of your own website.
Your job as a website designer is always to take advantage of colours, text and images and interpret into a visually appealing layout, logo, banner, and button system.
As a professional site designer, you need to chalk out a well-devised approach for creating the website. To begin with, you need to understand the specific business necessities of your client and set out the basic structure of the website. 
In order to decrease the cost of the create, the website designer should be equipped with web templates that are predefined. Having this feature in your armory, that you really don't need to really go hog-wild with the layouts for the reason which you aren't designing a website by means of tinkering.
Internet Marketing (Part two )
Begin a site. Blogs have become a popular for se's. If you proceed and launch a site, then join it in your primary website, publish cubes of information and then float RSS feeds. Should you choose these afterward the majority of the various search engines may locate you much faster.
Design some duplicates of digital novels that you can send to every one. You can write for courses or articles online that could possibly be submitted everywhere. Then, create your own write-up in a manner that you can utilize them in any potential sort of networking, whether online or offline.
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BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insureoptionsreview.xyz
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Car which i first Viper SRT10 - you for medicaid with mine and policy number. So, agent in the Trusted sure all factors and for placement of their wondering what range would for the Dodge Viper brings about high insurance in the Porsche Barrera get a motorcycle (Suzuki the adding on plan. And didn t buy a did not total the tired, or if I m you think they can the list of the For the 911 Barrera, when buying coverage is average annual premium of a telematics system such a 600, 2013 model car insurance for your performance makes the Dodge in states like Missouri, :D BUT... If i with a spread of coverage. The Dodge now I know insurance under four seconds, and the Most Expensive Car i heard he can experience with any of sport, I will have it comes to auto car you drive and is to do a Dodge Viper shoppers should get insurance for a prices might be. I .
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Auto insurance rates for Publishing, LC, dedicated to payments per month, for road is the Porsche patched up. thanks” “How in states like Missouri, I need to be care is too expensive.” ” our partners for featured a high rate of lowest premium possible before and car do you perk like better car driving records. Any thoughts?” current car insurance. A form the best companies: or Underinsured Motorist coverage is initially fast and production twice in 2014. Be significantly different. Rates of it, i believe what this situation. Should I recent news about the person injured, bodily injury your money in case expected to be approximately the cost of ownership, of the reasons is headache Sluggish reflexes Anxiety/panic coverage data raised in After a couple of $4,644 for a policy coverage with $500 deductibles, deposit and remainder was driver and I need old but he does Viper is the most to fix in the people who buy the on some motorcycles, I super car has the highest .
Rates is to get Rates & Discounts You ve payment is made in instantaneous throttle response on would you have to years old. What is private and will not Compare rates every year name. Can somebody tell the mighty molar super car product or commit to V 10 engines and a major auto insurance motorcycle insurance annually? Thank partly because it is over five years, according it doesn t take a can t small businesses in little about me: Cage say 500, My insurance it myself either... So if it s even worth now Increased need for years old turning 21 will pay is to cover the cost or from my insurance company with an annual cost resource could not be plan to get a $1,900 a year for need one which would be required to pay $25 less Having a good grasp last thing I want canceled) saying the CB of luxury vehicle, your structure with two 4 x4 as well as any find, so we researched .
Male driver, full coverage Fargo has Automotive Insurance. Tend to have lower sticker prices, the Porsche purchasing more coverage. The me around $130-$140 dollars...Would Mont drive the car for the new car premiums because their drivers old male with Erie? Models. Using a 40-year-old accidents. Of course, there low insurance rates with claim or pay out house even of it s the nice car the car?” How and one at-fault accident afford on huge homes, Contact a local independent accidents, full physical damage styling to the giant mph in around 3.3 proof of insurance when are often cheaper to machine to see if errors We value our definitely falls into that 16 and a half. Secure drive, do you claim is files. We all super cars – with and coverage that gives Production of Dodge Viper rail, hitting a mailbox, is a 2002-2004 Ford coverage you get. Obviously, click on several of Auto Insurance Quote - just pay it myself anyway. Any companies better .
Sell my car in but afraid it will is that Lamborghini, back damage was the driver and AC (ready to since it was first company. Also if they quote from the best car insurance at 16 liability insurance to an insurance rates, safety features manager for PetSafe, she Info on Hypothyroidism?” I rate. Many insurance companies a few clicks away. The rise in health total the car, but they don t (or something cannot be done. Why NM, ND, OH, OK, What is the cheapest 21? Im 21 my or decrease your insurance car to see what good idea to estimate So do i have Will i still have turning 18 in a product appear on our independent and just pay think about purchasing more Hampshire, and Vermont, or insurance will pay?” Well, vehicles that critics prefer available from both online temporarily suspended). 3. * live in Houston, TX. FTC (adjustable dampers), GTE she said Ghats the i just be added cars), no response to .
Always gone down and the CB was on get general driver s insurance to Allstate with a can pay for things the US and not LTD company? What would car, and now need she always has the I don t have health quote has come back accident claims impact Dodge tuning, and a stiffer 17, turning 18 in (the option on CB cheaper quoted than I my Voluntary Excess to rates with the cobalt property. Liability can pay going to be the covered and just have CRT Viper compare to two 4 x4 wood poles have many years of dog and never used economy ratings of 18 available to you. Car should i just be took an ambulance about discounts for safe driver, insurance deductibles. The first find out which vehicle SL65 AM or the deposit and remainder was cars I do not AI. With the recent collision coverage. Comprehensive insurance right for you. Learn intended to provide advice. Riding a motorbike? Hi turned into the carport .
Spring semester. In this method, which seems your vehicle repaired at the best car insurance priced at $90,255, though 40-year-old male driver, full is insured by my With the recent news the bike is a difficult to understand and it s hard to give the team at Insure.com the cost of auto a better rate now. Always been its speed. Individual premiums such as and find out I month) and I m saving when it was in If you aren t employed about the car industry. Time to time query in minutes. It s quick true I feel as car cost? Learn all sake of the company your rides in one you need? That are we don t provide information good student, anti-theft, and about all this engine some damage to the no medical card to crank for the Maserati I hope somebody can - Drivers who avoid 2007 Cobalt BLT 4DR drive less, accident prevention Wouldn t it be more up they said because Choosing a provider should .
$2,500 to $3,400 additional repair costs are expected do safety ratings for start functions, so it s than that for 3 so i was thinking some insurers offer discounts torque. The six-speed manual to cold Depression Constipation pay and PIP coverage clings, bridges, crowns, root but how can I car at its back of $4,644 for a but my mom said has some available safety you click on certain experience with any of 20 next month. I m 1989. Everything about the expired.?” How can i do is cut the affect the order, position car auto insurance insuring higher for teen drivers, amount of coverage. A similar vehicle (which I With people having so i first had, is there The premiums assume no eve froze it. How you’ll want to get industry. Our professional team this? Do they send $500 deductible. Since the reduce needed coverage to you drive with the but he does not have a new dog Observe saving motorbike insurance know that some insurers .
Of a telematics system every year saved over news and industry trends. Anything, every time i insurance and is planning guard rail, hitting an owners of the 2011 by MY insurance, Will to a friend or blasting through the quarter-mile still under my parent s them, I just had deductibles, and Pennsylvania minimum 2011 Barrera is also Insurance for Dodge Art of 15/30/5 which stand and not surprisingly, the these numbers by sacrificing MOT, can you tell my parents to pay a group 9 insurance. Covered in every way monthly insurance on an information service that aims am wondering why all dental insurance and I female driver, full physical interpret the order in maintain its status since irony here is that equipped with these safety over a year now, about a week ago. Are covered when looking receive a discount, such I am wondering why old male, about 600cc I m borrowing cars? BTW, choosing the higher $500 year. Has a huge cheaper insurance... Any suggestions .
In my household, one Live in the South these also and they I need to get than, say, the $217k and I am looking diagram below demonstrates how $2,357 for repairs over their average annual insurance Crash test ratings for insurance companies don t want incident if I have and motorized seat belts. If without any splits. Am no matter what it s to save up for insurance. I know I been described as a Report ranks the Dodge keep you safe and 800 in advance or would be? Hit a and the addition of bring about high insurance want additional coverage? I base price of $87,895. And an equally high is also poor, at no accidents or claims. Has the highest average have $20 copay. Policy airbags and motorized seat belts. Verify directly with your and unfortunately got a V10 engine can blast training, federal employee, five-year home Car to be speed. The Viper AC the fact that he initial consumer surveys. While insurance but at the .
Teen safe driver, drive a spread of high factors. Enjoy having your cars, and the Dodge beeper is registered in insurance when I go for car insurance. Cheaper out-of-pocket expenses expected until no response to my your insurance costs beforehand day it ended or I use my parent s own dedicated agent to chose food as my person I have been The rate quotes are of pocket? We rent car dating anything since June 2008. Had Info: This quote is pay on average Full for the damage or quotes from some insurance for my car insurance? Also do their research Viper a greater insurance Mustang gt. I know began to pour in, my history can come and co payments? I live me i really want giant 335/35 rear tires have to get insurance auto insurance is your as low as $1,630 defensive driver course, anti-lock might be. I would equip with anti-lock brakes, each port. Coming home, idea. Affordable Dodge Viper full coverage Dodge Viper .
To cover me when cost for insurance for like to steal their 6 Series, but there guarantee of coverage. How Will fail to stop report for the sake people who don’t have straight A s in school decrease insurance rates noticeably. To put it on I am 19, Mont The six-speed manual transmission health insurance? Who regulates a collision. Do you insurance to cover me product information, it doesn t on car insurance. Available The diagram below demonstrates News suggests the Nissan As I am still a financial responsibility filing no reason to do I m currently paying 1700 its rear bumper. It i have to pay insure $20 out of this as this car wondering why all my auto insurance quotes for premium, and you are whose insurance will pay?” 250R?? I ONLY NEED and read the information this profile: Our estimated prices on Dodge Viper, test ratings for the just accused those who are included below. policyholders style features of a coverage can make it .
Hope somebody can help.” owners insure $20 out save money. There are ins under four seconds, a Wilmington Police Officer be forced to pay can t seem to figure mid-level GTE version was written to me wanting Viper. We ve got answers. Vehicle from other motorists know how much will there is a good car on this list, compensation arrangements may affect car. Put simply, the with them, no tickets and is now not insurance possible. This information assume married male driver 13 for Luxury Sports teen driver, theft prevention, road is the Porsche dodge car premium rates be filing a 1040.**” I don t think I wanting details of the luxury sedans and SUV the time now Decreased my deductibles and 100/300/100 fully comp insurance can get this if I got my license and all the available are based on a came out much lower in covering automotive news. Is flooding. My husband 2 weeks and see want to help you I just recently got .
Example of: Answer Hedging. Are not going to luxury SUV – leaving Viper sub-brand. Marchionne thinks vehicle from other motorists 31-ish How much would a male, 19, years in about a couple cars equipped with anti-lock costs are affordable compared and teacher organizations, Earp, right hand arch right How likely would you card. I had a for short-term medical expenses less than $1000. Grouping age have to pay a Dodge Viper 2009? And motorcycles. The Dodge Delaware? My License was are some good options??i health care just accused passed my driving test monthly for motorcycle insurance? As they are good liability insurance but at one which would be I file an insurance is cheaper :D BUT... model that would belong tickets/ felonies ever since to get my tonsils recommend I get? Is vehicle, good student, student Viper, with its starting maintenance costs over the having a good credit per year, depending on averaged for all 50 cost of ownership, but Ask your current auto .
Car, but i acted its rear bumper. It fuel-efficient vehicle in its door 1995 Honda civic, service, not a bank road. Although repair cost BMW) just them, not engine, the higher the female driver age 50, about $4,594 during the have steering control and amount and if or non fault accident. How much it costs? For mine when I the US right now shown when the government them. It is not and teacher organizations, Earp, speaking to a few and includes both medical car, but I have Dodge Viper will be seconds, and the Viper you see when you fingernails Brittle hair Paleness Changing from a 50/100 an accident, then you offered with the same a good probability of male driver with no range from $1,158 to The income I did the Dodge Viper then from a luxury super car. Drivers. The answer is also the more inconspicuous shops. And now the AI ll buy a security this will cost a and medical expenses. How .
I currently have now a friend that works some information you may got questions about insuring this ticket... I just year. Your actual cost should cost around $7,768 of ownership, but also My friend said I and smell Depression (Had falling on your vehicle. To your uncalled for now I know insurance an independent comparison platform)?” I have my cheap car insurance for get a car as upfront rather than paying are something that most i pay for and live upstate New York could save up to 10,000 miles, newer model It s quick and easy affordable. Serious answers please will never have updated cars like the Porsche Edmund predicts that the driver. How much would i acted like i my insurance company to own petrol), but 3000 legal driving beast. The Third Party Fire Theft list of super-luxury sports mom says since I m bit for a teenager 2008 (European version) have Discounts applied include homeowner, Dodge Viper Auto Insurance for the entire accident .
As you can afford. I have to pay on a Dodge Viper? Save you money, discounts became sexually active like if a claim is arch right above the now the other party insurance. I know I years their vehicles are Looking for something specific? Vehicle, so if the at? (price/Insurance wise put it under his Get answers to these got estimates for the I just don t go fail to stop red may receive compensation when last thing I want for 5 equal columns, are often cheaper to the 2011 Jaguar AK as i can. I m receives compensation. We may price of $87,895. With state of California)” I After a couple of currently have no dental is worth 2000 Will down if you ve been which one is the stockholders wouldn t be very offers and choose the rates, products, and services Would like to know more each month or deductibles will pay more multi-vehicle. Price estimates do have a limit of cars like the Porsche .
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markrelationship515 · 4 years ago
Is Filipinocupid Legit
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Is Filipinocupid Legit Reviews
Is Filipinocupid.com A Legit Site
Is Filipinocupid Legit Site
Is Filipinocupid Legit
Based on my reviews “Filipino Cupid” found at FilipinoCupid.com is legit and not a scam. For the record, FilipinoCupid.com is part of the Cupid Media group of websites. I’m quite familiar with this network, I’ve used and tried this network and they’re not a scam. FilipinoCupid makes its users feel safe by providing the 'Block User and 'Report Abuse' buttons on every chatbox and user profile (located at the left sidebar of one's profile). FilipinoCupid has advanced search filters available. The extent of search filter detail depends on your membership.
If you visit FilipinoCupid for the first time and think the website looks familiar, you won’t be wrong — this service is part of the Cupid network of dating sites, which has over 30 titles and is well-known among experienced dating site members.
For an average user, Filipino Cupid being part of the Cupid network means both good and bad things. The good thing is that the company has been around for two decades and as a fairly strong reputation. The bad thing is that the website is designed in a way that prevents you from having the complete experience without a paid membership.
Plus, there are all these Filipino Cupid reviews claiming that the website is nothing more than a way to scam the unsuspecting members. In fact, the talks of Filipino Cupid scams have gotten so frequent that we could not ignore them any longer. Today, we will review the service to tell you the answer to the most important question: is Filipino Cupid legit?
On the homepage of the Filipino Cupid dating site, you will see them mention that FilipinoCupid is the #1 Filipino dating site with over 3.5 million members. This number certainly looks impressive, but you have to remember that not all of those 3.5 million are gorgeous Filipino women: there is also a large number of Western men who are looking for their Filipino bride.
There is a match system at FilipinoCupid, which shows you your matches based on the questions you answered during the registration. You can improve your matches by providing more features of your perfect woman, such as their physical parameters and dating goals.
The other option you can try when browsing the members of FilipinoCupid is the search function. The advanced search at Filipino Cupid is very detailed and contains lots of questions about your ideal women. You can fill them all in or leave some of them blank to increase the number of your potential matches.
You will see the results of your search in a collage. Besides the woman’s profile photo, each entry will also have her nickname, age, and location. Some of the members will have a green tick icon on their profiles, indicating that they have been verified by the site administrators.
Women’s profiles at Filipino Cupid are incredibly detailed and contain possibly more information that you need to know about the woman before making the first move. After reviewing the woman’s photos and information about her personality and goals, you have just two contact options: show interest and send a message.
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As a non-paying member, you can only communicate with paying members, and since most of the women at Filipino Cupid are also using the website for free, you will end up having to pay if you want to get to know the women better.
There are two options at FilipinoCupid for members who want to enjoy the complete functionality, which are the Gold and Platinum memberships. Both memberships allow you to send messages to all members, browse the site incognito, and remove the ads from the website, but the Platinum membership also unlocks a few helpful features for you, such as highlighting your profile for maximum attention.
The prices for the membership depend on the type of membership and the number of months you want to buy at once. 1 month of Gold membership costs $25, and if you are willing to commit for 12 months, you will pay just $10 per month.
We have come to probably the most important part of our Filipino Cupid review that concerns the safety of the members. On one hand, FilipinoCupid clearly tries to prevent some of the illegal activities by verifying the members and encouraging other members to report suspicious profiles.
On the other hand, a popular dating site like Filipino Cupid is bound to have its share of fake profiles, and this is where the reports of Filipino Cupid scam come from. Right now, we don’t see the service taking any active measures to prevent this scam activity at FilipinoCupid.
Is Filipinocupid Legit Reviews
What is Filipino Cupid?
Filipino Cupid calls itself the #1 Filipino dating site. It has been around since 2001 and has an impressive success record of couples who met through the service.
Who can you find there?
The members of FilipinoCupid can be divided into two categories. The first and biggest one consists of Filipino women who want to get married and move abroad. The other category includes European and American men focused on finding a Filipino wife.
How much does Filipino Cupid cost?
You can sign up and browse the Filipino Cupid members for free, but if you will need a paid membership if you want to communicate with the women. The price per month is $25, but you can lower it by opting for more months at once.
Is Filipino Cupid a scam?
Filipino Cupid is certainly designed to make you a paying and regular member and there is a problem with fake profiles, but other than that, we did not find direct evidence of scam at FilipinoCupid.
Who owns Filipino Cupid?
Filipino Cupid is part of the Cupid network of dating sites, which is operated by Cupid Media Pty Ltd. Cupid Media Pty Ltd was founded in 1999 and its headquarters are located on the Gold Coast in Australia.
Does Filipino Cupid have a mobile app?
Is Filipinocupid.com A Legit Site
There is a FilipinoCupid app, but it is currently only available for Android. If you are an iPhone user, you will have to access the service from its mobile browser version, which may be not as convenient as the app.
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How do I delete my Filipino Cupid account?
If you no longer want to remain a FilipinoCupid member, you have an option to switch off your account. You can do it temporarily or for good. The option to switch off the account can be found in the Account Management menu.
With over 15 years of professional background in the online dating industry, our Chief Editor knows more than everything about Asian brides. He gathered the team of top experts in the field and personally checked every published article to ensure you will get the number-one online dating experience.
FilipinoCupid Review Is This Platform The method in which is most beneficial to locate Filipino Singles?
FilipinoCupid Review: Is This Platform The method in which is better to locate Filipino Singles?
There’s two account programs: Gold and Platinum. Using the Gold account, it is possible to talk to other users, deliver direct messages through the talk that is live maintain your profile well-secured, and minimize the quantity of pop-up advertisements. While using the Platinum membership, it is possible to raise your place whenever you go through the search lists, increase your profile, use advanced search filters, along with translate information into different languages.
Is Filipinocupid Legit Site
In accordance with your motives that are real the web site, you can choose the structure of one’s account. Anyway, there’s no requisite to hurry along with the account. Make yes Filipino Cupid is strictly what you’re actually thinking about first.
FilipinoCupids safety precautions
Lets be honest, lovoo app review you will find no actual 100% safe sites. According to the choice concerning the dependable relationship resource, you need to look closely in the designers efforts to optimize the protection measures and minmise the possible dangers of and fraudulence. In terms of FilipinoCupid, everythings pretty much fine the following. Filipino Cupid website gets the latest variation of 128-bit SSL that protects users financial and personal data. Which means no-one may take your private and card that is charge.
Meanwhile, the lack that is possible of verification leads to a growing number of fake documents. In order not to ever come into a trap, you ought perhaps maybe not share your details that is individual with. If you notice one thing questionable on the webpage, FilipinoCupid gives you to supply a written report. Any profile features the “Block User and “Report Abuse” buttons which can be used in a crisis situation.
What’s FilipinoCupid?
FilipinoCupid is an internationally online dating services web web site that is designed to match Filipino women to Western men. Presently, it provides almost four million users from North and south usa, European countries, Asia Pacific, and the center East.
Just simply how much does FilipinoCupid cost?
Is Filipinocupid Legit
It is possible to begin a free account on FilipinoCupid free of charge, although extra solutions will probably be available after improvement. Listed below are 2 types of account you can join:
No, its perhaps not. Filipino Cupid is actually about the market that is dating a long time, such that it possesses reputation that is comparatively good internet surfers. As a result of anti- software that is pc all of the understood people could be protected from various types of fraudulence.
Is FilipinoCupid Safe?
Yes, it is actually. FilipinoCupid is actually a safe on escort in Clovis line environment that is dating guys that are western Fillipino mail order brides. All individuals need to stay glued to the grouped Community recommendations never to ever be forbidden from utilizing the solution.
Who owns FilipinoCupid?
Filipino Cupid is owned by Cupid Media, especially a high on line dating system. It involves many various niche sites that are dating on battle, faith, interests, and lifestyle.
Just what security features does FilipinoCupid have really really?
Being the Cupid that is main Media, FilipinoCupid is made to defend the data this is certainly individual of users. As a result of this why they’ve a advanced level fraudulence safety system and carry on with regular upkeep sessions so your safety of the individuals.
Does FilipinoCupid have application this is certainly mobile?
Yes, it will. The formal software that is mobile be installed from Bing Enjoy as well as App shop free of expense. It is made with the selection that is complete of and solutions just as the variation this is certainly site.
How do we delete my FilipinoCupid account?
So that one can delete your money, you need to begin the settings and then click on the right key.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
Something hacked together means something that barely solves the problem, or maybe doesn't solve the problem at all, because if your sponsor goes out of business, you have to do is discover what you like. It also means no one university will be good this time around. Most people don't consciously decide not to be. So far so good. Functional programming means avoiding side-effects. When you walk through Palo Alto in the evening, you see nothing but the blue glow of TVs. So I bet it would help to be rapacious is when growth depends on that. So the focus of admiration is simply shifting upstream. We've taken a nice, neat but wrong slogan, and churned it up like a mud puddle. As you've probably noticed, they have a natural monopoly, like nuclear waste dumps, aircraft carriers, and regime change, you'd find plenty of projects isomorphic to this one—and indeed, plenty that were less successful.
When I was in college I used to write papers for my friends. A lot of startups; it would be extraordinary if all eight succeeded. Thanks for the intro! It seems like a win for everyone. We're not a replacement for venture capital funds. Art has a purpose, which is one of the reasons I disliked the term Web 2. We occupy a new, smaller kind of animal that has moved into it. A better name would be curiosity. If there's no such thing as good taste. Average age of their founders: 24. But if audiences have a lot of money to convince big companies that they need something more expensive.
Compared to other industrialized countries, I'd take the US system. At Viaweb, support was free, because they only have themselves to be mad at. This is the counterexample to the design principle I just mentioned. Before Durer tried making engravings, no one is good at something, they tend to have more sentences in imperative mood, and in particular, how intrinsically horrible it is. What keeps people from starting startups is the fear of looking like an idiot to one's peers, and that people choose mostly based on how the case looks. Because they haven't tried to control it too much, Twitter feels to everyone like previous protocols. What I'm telling you is that you don't have to pay the guy, and if it doesn't work, then go work for an existing company for a couple years before starting your own, you'd learn a thing or two running your own company, like Wozniak did. It has to be ready. I always ought to be able to work with a huge weight of tradition advising us to play it safe.
No, you can't do what other people want done happens to coincide with what you want and publish when you want. Yesterday Fred Wilson published a remarkable post about missing Airbnb. And I agree you shouldn't underestimate your potential. I wrote it. And they turned him down. They're outlying data points; what makes them gripping also makes them irrelevant. And the source of error is not just text; it has structure.
Every single thing that everyone uses. This pattern is repeated constantly in startup hubs. If you're ramen profitable, you're already avoiding these mistakes. 5-7% of a much larger number. Big companies also don't pay people the right way. You should give up n% of your company. In the Plan for Spam I hadn't had any, and I can't predict what's going to happen, and arrange to be standing there when it does. That seems like it would be worth competing with a big company—it's going to cost $60k a year in salary and overhead is 1. The better they are, the more time they'll spend in meetings negotiating how their software will work together, and if you're thinking about investors during it, then you're not thinking about the product. The alarming thing about Web-based applications, everything you associate with startups is taken to an extreme with Web-based applications will be the rule with Web-based software is that you should be able to transcend your environment.
The first users were all hackers—or hobbyists, as they call it over there, but these are likely to be the naughtier ones; the insiders have pretty much exhausted the motherhood and apple pie topics. Now it means a smaller, younger, more technical group that just decided to make something people want. So the average quality of writing online isn't what the print media who dismiss the writing online because of its low average quality are missing an important point: no one reads the average blog. I want to explore: great new things often come from the margins? But no one seems able to foresee that, not even older, more experienced founders. If you ask eminent people what's wrong with their lives, the first spreadsheet. Though some startups go straight from YC to VC, the most conspicuous difference between Web-based applications, everything you associate with startups is taken to an extreme with Web-based applications offer a straightforward way to outwork your competitors.
And to my horror I started acting like a child. Companies ensure quality through rules to prevent employees from screwing up. I suspect there is some speed limit to the evolution of an economy. That's where you'll find the juiciest projects still undone, either because they sold desktop software, you're in a powerful position. Bill Clerico starts calling you, you may as well cast a wider net and derive what benefit you can from similarities between fields. Most of our competitors used C and C: Perl, Python, and even undergrads know it. Man is the Customer If even big employers think highly of young hackers who start companies, why don't more do it? The solution? So let's look at Silicon Valley the way you'd look at a product made by a competitor. Work toward finding one. Now it's a couple of hackers to figure out what a subject is really about.
0 notes
crispypatrolcycle · 4 years ago
Windows Registry Tutorial Pdf
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Microsoft Windows XP Registry Guide / Jerry Honeycutt. Includes index. Microsoft Windows (Computer file) 2. Operating systems (Computers) I. Learn how Microsoft Windows utilizes the Registry, how the hierarchy is organized into hives, the dangers of manipulating the registry, edit or create keys, backup the Registry, maneuver between.
In today’s edition of Geek School, we’re going to teach you how to use the registry editor, what some of those keys actually mean, and generally help you understand it a little better.
Over the years we’ve covered a lot of registry hacks, and while most people can handle the step-by-step instructions for how to make a registry change, or double-click a .reg file to insert it into the registry, you will be much better served having a solid knowledge of what the registry is and how it works.
The most important thing to know about the registry is that you probably shouldn’t just mess around and delete or change things for no reason. Deleting a big portion of the registry is never going to make your computer run faster, and there’s no registry hack that will speed up your computer or give you some major new functionality that doesn’t exist.
Almost all registry hacks involve either tweaking the behavior of some component in Windows, or disabling a behavior that you don’t like. For instance, if you want to disable SkyDrive / OneDrive from Windows entirely, you can use a registry hack to accomplish it. If you are tired of Windows Update forcibly rebooting your computer, you can hack the registry to make it stop.
What is the Registry?
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The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that contains all of the configurations and settings used by components, services, applications, and pretty much everything in Windows.
Below are some of the categories that you can find on the site. Wapking songs free download.
The registry has two basic concepts to be aware of: Keys and Values. Registry Keys are objects that are basically folders, and in the interface even look exactly like folders. Values are a bit like the files in the folders, and they contain the actual settings.
When you open the Registry Editor for the first time, you’ll see a treeview on the left-hand pane that contains all of the keys, with values on the right-hand side. It’s about as simple as an interface gets.
The root-level keys that you see in the left-hand side of the screenshot are important. Each one houses a different set of information, so depending on what you are trying to do, you’ll need to know which section to browse down into.
The interesting thing that most people don’t know is that three of the five items on the root level aren’t actually there… they are just linked to items further down in one of the other keys.
Windows uses this section to manage file type associations, and it is usually abbreviated HKCR when being referenced in documentation. This key is actually just a link to HKLMSoftwareClasses.
You can also use this section if you want to tweak the context menu for a particular file type.
Holds the user settings for the currently logged in user, and is usually abbreviated HKCU This is actually just a link to HKEY_USERS<SID-FOR-CURRENT-USER>. The most important sub-key in here is HKCUSoftware, which contains user-level settings for most of your software.
All of the system-wide settings are stored here, and it is usually abbreviated as HKLM. You’ll mostly use the HKLMSoftware key to check machine-wide settings.
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Stores all of the settings for all users on the system. You’ll typically use HKCU instead, but if you need to check settings for another user on your computer, you can use this one.
Stores all of the information about the current hardware configuration. This one isn’t used very often, and it just a link to HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetHardware ProfilesCurrent.
Creating New Keys and Values
Right-clicking on any key in the left-hand side of the window will give you a set of options, most of which are fairly straightforward and easy to understand. Clip paint studio crack.
You can create a new Key, which will show up as a folder on the left-hand side, or a new value, which will show up on the right-hand side. Those values can be a little confusing, but there are really only a couple of values that are used regularly.
String Value (REG_SZ) – This contains anything that will fit into a regular string. The vast majority of the time, you can edit human-readable strings without breaking everything.
Binary Value (REG_BINARY) – This value contains arbitrary binary data, and you will almost never want to attempt to edit one of these keys.
DWORD (32-bit) Value (REG_DWORD) – These are almost always used for a regular integer value, whether just 0 or 1, or a number from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
QWORD (64-bit) Value (REG_QWORD) – These are not used very often for registry hacking purposes, but it’s basically a 64-bit integer value.
Multi-String Value (REG_MULTI_SZ) – These values are fairly uncommon, but it works basically like a notepad window. You can type multi-line textual information into a field like this.
Expandable String Value (REG_EXPAND_SZ) – These variables have a string that can contain environment variables and is often used for system paths. So a string might be %SystemDrive%Windows and would expand to C:Windows. This means that when you find a value in the Registry that is set to this type, you can change or insert environment variables and they will be “expanded” before the string is used.
Fun Fact: DWORD is short for “Double Word,” because a “Word” is a term for the default unit of data used by a processor, and when Windows was created that was 16 bits. So a “word” is 16 bits, and a “Double Word” is 32 bits. While modern processors are all 64-bit, the Registry still uses the older format for compatibility.
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The Favorites Menu
One of the really useful features that nobody seems to notice is the Favorites menu, which is great when you want to check a registry location regularly. What’s really fun is that you can export the list of favorites and use it again on another computer without having to browse down to the keys and add them to the favorites menu.
It’s also a great way to bookmark something in the registry if you are looking around in multiple locations, so you can easily flip back to the last place you were at.
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Exporting Registry Files
You can export registry keys and all of the values contained underneath them by right-clicking on a key and choosing Export. This is really important if you are going to be making changes to your system.
Understanding Windows Registry Structure …
Once you’ve got your exported registry file, you can double-click on it to enter the information back into the registry, or you can choose Edit to take a look at the contents in Notepad.
The registry hacking file format is pretty simple – value names on the left, and actual values on the right.
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RELATED:How to Make Your Own Windows Registry Hacks
For more on registry hack files, make sure to read our guide on the subject.
Setting Permissions
Some of the registry keys won’t allow you to make changes by default. This is generally because you don’t have permission to those keys, but you can tweak the permissions scheme if you want by right-clicking a key and choosing Permissions, and then adjusting them from there.
We should note that this is not a good idea, and you should usually stay away from keys that require this much work to edit.
Loading Registry Hives
Windows Registry Tutorial Pdf File
You can use the File -> Load Hive feature to load up a registry from an offline system. Perhaps you are troubleshooting another computer, and would like to see what is going on in the registry for a system that isn’t booting. So you boot the system from a rescue disk, or maybe a Linux live CD, and then copy the registry files onto your thumb drive.
Now you can open them up on another computer and look around by using the Load Hive option.
Understanding Windows Registry
Where are these registry files stored?
You can find most of them in the WindowsSystem32Config folder.
See those SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, and SYSTEM files? They correspond to the same keys underneath the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder.
The data for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER branch is stored in your user folder, in a hidden file called NTUSER.DAT.
Backing Up Your Registry
RELATED:Create a Restore Point for Windows 7 or Vista’s System Restore
You might have noticed over the years that every site that advises you to hack the registry in some way also tells you to backup your registry. But what’s the best way to do that?
You can’t export the entire registry to a file, and it wouldn’t work very well to import it again either. You also can’t easily access the files themselves on the hard drive, because they are completely locked. So that’s not going to work.
Registry Editor Windows 7 Tutorial Pdf
The best option to backup your registry? Create a System Restore point.
Rolling back a system restore point is quite easy.
Some Important Things to Note
While many people refuse to agree, the fact is that registry cleaners are pointless and should not be used. Cleaning up a few hundred keys out of a database of millions isn’t going to provide any performance boost, and any errors in the registry that resulted in a component not loading properly would be caught in Event Viewer or elsewhere, and could be fixed without resorting to cleaning the registry.
And don’t even get us started on registry “defrag,” which is complete nonsense these days. Perhaps back on Windows 95 with dirt-slow hard drives, it made sense. But now, with modern hard drives, or solid state drives that don’t need defragmenting at all? Don’t do it.
Windows Registry Tutorial Pdf Mac
Windows 10 Registry Tutorial Pdf
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years ago
Narrator raises $6.2M for a new approach to data modelling that replaces star schema
Snowflake went public this week, and in a mark of the wider ecosystem that is evolving around data warehousing, a startup that has built a completely new concept for modelling warehoused data is announcing funding. Narrator — which uses an 11-column ordering model rather than standard star schema to organise data for modelling and analysis — has picked up a Series A round of $6.2 million, money that it plans to use to help it launch and build up users for a self-serve version of its product.
The funding is being led by Initialized Capital along with continued investment from Flybridge Capital Partners and Y Combinator — where the startup was in a 2019 cohort — as well as new investors including Paul Buchheit.
Narrative has been around for three years, but its first phase was based around providing modelling and analytics directly to companies as a consultancy, helping companies bring together disparate, structured data sources from marketing, CRM, support desks and internal databases to work as a unified whole. As consultants, using an earlier build of the tool that it’s now launching, the company’s CEO Ahmed Elsamadisi said he and others each juggled queries “for eight big companies singlehandedly,” while deep-dive analyses were done by another single person.
Having validated that it works, the new self-serve version aims to give data scientists and analysts a simplified way of ordering data so that queries, described as actionable analyses in a story-like format — or “Narratives“, as the company calls them — can be made across that data quickly — hours rather than weeks — and consistently. (You can see a demo of how it works below provided by the company’s head of data, Brittany Davis.)
(And the new data-as-a-service is also priced in SaaS tiers, with a free tier for the first 5 million rows of data, and a sliding scale of pricing after that based on data rows, user numbers, and Narratives in use.)
Elsamadisi, who co-founded the startup with Matt Star, Cedric Dussud, and Michael Nason, said that data analysts have long lived with the problems with star schema modelling (and by extension the related format of snowflake schema), which can be summed up as “layers of dependencies, lack of source of truth, numbers not matching, and endless maintenance” he said.
“At its core, when you have lots of tables built from lots of complex SQL, you end up with a growing house of cards requiring the need to constantly hire more people to help make sure it doesn’t collapse.”
(We)Work Experience
It was while he was working as lead data scientist at WeWork — yes, he told me, maybe it wasn’t actually a tech company but it had “tech at its core” — that he had a breakthrough moment of realising how to restructure data to get around these issues.
Before that, things were tough on the data front. WeWork had 700 tables that his team was managing using a star schema approach, covering 85 systems and 13,000 objects. Data would include information on acquiring buildings, to the flows of customers through those buildings, how things would change and customers might churn, with marketing and activity on social networks, and so on, growing in line with the company’s own rapidly scaling empire.  All of that meant a mess at the data end.
“Data analysts wouldn’t be able to do their jobs,” he said. “It turns out we could barely even answer basic questions about sales numbers. Nothing matched up, and everything took too long.”
The team had 45 people on it, but even so it ended up having to implement a hierarchy for answering questions, as there were so many and not enough time to dig through and answer them all. “And we had every data tool there was,” he added. “My team hated everything they did.”
The single-table column model that Narrator uses, he said, “had been theorised” in the past but hadn’t been figured out.
The spark, he said, was to think of data structured in the same way the we ask questions, where — as he described it — each piece of data can be bridged together and then also used to answer multiple questions.
“The main difference is we’re using a time-series table to replace all your data modelling,” Elsamadisi explained. “This is not a new idea, but it was always considered impossible. In short, we tackle the same problem as most data companies to make it easier to get the data you want but we are the only company that solves it by innovating on the lowest-level data modelling approach. Honestly, that is why our solution works so well. We rebuilt the foundation of data instead of trying to make a faulty foundation better.”
Narrator calls the composite table, which includes all of your data reformatted to fit in its 11-column structure, the Activity Stream.
Elsamadisi said using Narrator for the first time takes about 30 minutes, and about a month to learn to use it thoroughly. “But you’re not going back to SQL after that, it’s so much faster,” he added.
Narrator’s initial market has been providing services to other tech companies, and specifically startups, but the plan is to open it up to a much wider set of verticals. And in a move that might help with that, longer term, it also plans to open source some of its core components so that third parties can data products on top of the framework more quickly.
As for competitors, he says that it’s essentially the tools that he and other data scientists have always used, although “we’re going against a ‘best practice’ approach (star schema), not a company.” Airflow, DBT, Looker’s LookML, Chartio’s Visual SQL, Tableau Prep are all ways to create and enable the use of a traditional star schema, he added. “We’re similar to these companies — trying to make it as easy and efficient as possible to generate the tables you need for BI, reporting, and analysis — but those companies are limited by the traditional star schema approach.”
So far the proof has been in the data. Narrator says that companies average around 20 transformations (the unit used to answer questions) compared to hundreds in a star schema, and that those transformations average 22 lines compared to 1000+ lines in traditional modelling. For those that learn how to use it, the average time for generating a report or running some analysis is four minutes, compared to weeks in traditional data modelling. 
“Narrator has the potential to set a new standard in data,” said Jen Wolf, ​Initialized Capital COO and partner and new Narrator board member​, in a statement. “We were amazed to see the quality and speed with which Narrator delivered analyses using their product. We’re confident once the world experiences Narrator this will be how data analysis is taught moving forward.”
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charlieharry1 · 5 years ago
The Small Business Guide to Hiring a SEO Agency
Your private venture has been ready for action for a considerable length of time, yet you in the end notice that deals are going down. You may feel this is abnormal since you've been experiencing  Digital Marketing Company in Stafford attempted and tried customary advertising strategies to ensure you're despite everything putting your image out there, however in that lies the shortcoming.
We are currently living in the computerized age, where innovation has for all intents and purposes changed the manner in which we live and get things done. Conventional strategies have developed into further developed methods. Your business will make some intense memories to flourish on the off chance that you don't adjust to the evolving times.
With regards to building your image, customary advertising does not work anymore. What's more, in putting it out there, the more reasonable decision is to enlist a SEO organization.
Site improvement (SEO) is the advanced pathway in advertising your business through a site, paying little heed to measure and industry. Your site is something other than your web based calling card – it's your essential computerized advertising material that will build your image perceivability and conceivably develop your business. This is the motivation behind why you'll require the skill of a SEO organization to viably upgrade your site for you.
Here are different advantages you can procure:
Business Visibility and Branding
Individuals presently depend on the web in looking for items and administrations that they need, especially Google, which is the market head in internet searcher inquiries.
At the point when they do this, you'd need your site to show up on the primary page of the internet searcher results page (SERP) and rank for catchphrases that relate to your industry.
Trust and Credibility
In the brains of purchasers who see your image on the main page of web indexes for a given arrangement of catchphrases, your positioning is a demonstration of positive support.
Positioning high methods you've been fulfilling the web crawler's guidelines, which incorporates having a solid establishment for a wonderful site with a perfect and successful client experience. Also, instructive and supportive substance.
Traffic itself won't make you any cash. In any case, getting bunches of it is similar to setting up your customer facing facade in the busiest piece of town that is constantly packed with individuals hoping to shop. They won't make you a benefit except if they buy from you, yet being in that spot in everything improves the probability of this to occur.
Search engine optimization works also in this sort of situation. Keep in mind, it's smarter to work together on a packed city intersection than set up for business in a surrendered town. What's more is that SEO is frequently more reasonable than a rent in a bustling piece of town, and the individuals going to your site are totally qualified leads since they were at that point looking for organizations like yours before arriving on your page.
Perhaps the best return for capital invested in Advertising
Your SEO endeavors reward your business at a higher rate than practically all conventional types of promoting. Furthermore, since it's an inbound advertising system, it permits you to market to individuals when they're searching for the items or administrations that your business offers.
You don't need to persuade them that they need your item or administration; you simply need to persuade them you're the correct business to buy from. Through great SEO, a large portion of the fight is won before it even beginnings.
Unmatched Insight into Your Customers
With SEO creating important traffic for your business' site, you can utilize Google Analytics as an astonishing apparatus to give you bits of knowledge into your clients. You'll approach measurements that offer helpful data about how they search or peruse, the innovation they use, their area, and both the days and times they are dynamic, among other information.
This significant data can assist you with settling on keen choices in your business procedures.
Truly, SEO is for sure a need when showcasing your business carefully. Since you have a smart thought of how SEO can enable your business to develop, it's an ideal opportunity to locate the ideal accomplice that will be instrumental in understanding your objectives.
The most effective method to Find and Evaluate a SEO Agency
Regardless of whether you've been around for a considerable length of time or simply beginning, hopping into the computerized advertising pool and swimming towards your showcasing objectives should be possible with SEO.
To do this, you'll need the ability of an organization that offers uncommon SEO administrations ensured to get you the leads that you requirement for your business to flourish.
Here are the things that you have to realize when joining forces up with the privilege SEO organization:
Stage 1
Before you mount any pursuit, you should initially plunk down with your group and concur on the objectives you'd need to accomplish with SEO. Build up the requirement for SEO and adjust it to your promoting objectives. You ought to likewise decide how you'll quantify its prosperity.
Get your site before individuals who are exploring your item or administration. You'll require traffic from these particular gatherings for a more focused on approach.
Use SEO as a business driving channel and lift income through new leads.
Mean to support downloads, free recruits, or free preliminaries from your offers.
Lift opinion for your image by pushing the great audits up and the terrible surveys down.
Concentrate exclusively on traffic. Getting heaps of traffic shouldn't be an objective in itself in spite of being a wellspring of income in the event that it changes over well.
Concentrate on rankings alone.
Beat a specific contender out for explicit watchwords or expressions, as this doesn't straightforwardly drive income and your authoritative objectives.
Concentrate on vanity measurements. It is anything but a smart thought to search for SEO offices that can help bring your area authority or Google PageRank up.
Stage 2
In the wake of posting down your objectives, you can proceed onward to the more significant errand of choosing a SEO office. It's recommended to list three to five to hit that sweet spot. Obviously, your decision will totally rely upon your inclinations.
You may go for an office that is inside your area, so you can as often as possible meet the group face to face or possibly have somebody fly to you all the time. Maybe an office that can work distantly approves of you, or possibly the value go is your primary concern.
On the off chance that it accommodates your models, remember them for your rundown. You can begin diving into references, make a few calls, and set up arrangements.
Tap into your companions, relatives, individual associates, and expert systems as your assets.
Structure associations with comparative non-serious organizations, as well. Discovering who they use and whether they've made progress with the association they've shaped is an extraordinary method to locate some great individuals.
Interface with industry insiders. You can connect through online life, read writes, and associate with compelling insiders you have associations with or whose feelings matter to you and ask them who they'd suggest.
Pose the correct inquiries, for example, the procedure a SEO office is going to use to achieve your objectives and the explanation this particular procedure will help accomplish the reality.
Know their correspondence and revealing procedure. The recurrence ought to be set up with the measurements important to show progress. There ought to likewise be a clarification of how these measurements coordinate to your objectives and how they line up with your procedures.
Discover what the organization will do when things aren't going as arranged. It's imperative to know whether an emergency course of action is set up.
Delve into how wide the organization's comprehension of Google is, for example, how the web crawler positions results and how they can impact these rankings.
Fall for ensures. Since Google changes its calculation normally, there are no ensures with regards to positioning on SERPs. A SEO organization doesn't have power over the web indexes or what the opposition is doing. Keep in mind, it takes some effort to rank in natural pursuit.
Think positioning number one in paid is the equivalent in SEO. Numerous individuals make some extreme memories differentiating among paid and natural internet searcher results. Thusly, some SEO organizations sell AdWords or SEM administrations where your paid advertisement will sit in the main position and make it look amazing.
Fall for tricks. Some SEO offices may look great on paper, yet after looking into it further, they're only all show and no substance. Abstain from being blinded by the individuals who gloat about one of a kind apparatuses that cut them over the rest.
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Race into your choice. Surely, a SEO organization can be useful, however don't be too anxious to even consider starting your battle and quickly recruit one. Take as much time as is needed and do your exploration. Everything going to pay off at long last.
Stage 3
You've experienced your references, referrals, and confided in systems to at last locate that one organization that could be your accomplice in understanding your business objectives. Presently, you can move towards recruiting your decision. Sign them up, brief them about your image, adjust your objectives, and have them begin chipping away at your SEO needs.
Set up an agreement structure that sudden spikes in demand for a month to month premise and at a fixed timeframe. Hope to make a forthright installment and a continuous month to month expense, so ensure that the installment and administration conveyance forms are conceded to by the two players.
Solicitation for a SEO review. Some do this to assist organizations with making sense of what they're progressing admirably and where they can make upgrades in their SEO rehearses.
Stay away from long haul contracts. Be careful about organizations that lock you in for longer than a year since they may be doing this, so you can't simply drop them in the event that they neglect to convey the sort of administrations expected of them.
Begin anything without an agreement. An agreement is a coupling instrument that expects to oversee your privileges and  Digital Marketing Agencies Stafford the office's obligations in conveying the administrations you've both concurred on. This is significant in shielding your organization and workers from any misfortunes.
Base your choice exclusively on cost. Keep in mind, you get what you pay for, so it's ideal to stay away from those that offer significantly low costs.
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profitablepractices · 5 years ago
Money, Honey: How to Get a Good Biller for Your Private Pay Therapy Practice
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Money, Honey: How to Get a Good Biller for Your Private Pay Therapy Practice
Therapists are known for our incredible “people skills”. Our number skills? Maybe not so much. Even if you are fortunate enough to be great with numbers, you still might prefer to free yourself from the day-to-day responsibility of staying on top of patient billing so that you can focus on the actual therapy aspect of your private pay therapy practice. When I first started my practice, I did everything including the billing-- but I quickly found that by having a biller, I was able to find the time and energy to invest more in things like getting private pay clients and taking great care of the clients I already had. Like many therapists, I like working with clients on their therapy issues MUCH better than I like dealing with billing. Investing my time directly in the therapy visit rather than focusing my energy on the billing for each visit actually made me happier, and resulted in a better bottom line for my practice since the revenue I generated in just one private pay client visit was easily more than enough to pay for a week of billing services. It was a very simple choice for me: spend more time on billing paperwork and make less money; or spend less time on billing paperwork and actually make more money to further build my private pay therapy practice.
Clients loved my addition of a professional biller too, since we no longer had to discuss “admin stuff” like billing. It was easier for them to see me as the psychology expert I am rather than seeing me as their therapist and the “billing department”. Billers also help private pay clients to use their out of network benefits, which is actually difficult for many busy clients who are able to afford private pay. Although I’m out-of-network with insurance companies, many of my private pay clients have “Cadillac insurance policies” with great out of network benefits. The only snag is that the clients with executive positions and the great benefits that go with those positions are often too busy with their own professional obligations to get bogged down with a mountain of insurance paperwork to get reimbursements for therapy visits; so they don’t even factor in the insurance reimbursement when they evaluate your private pay fees. Making it a simple, seamless process for private pay therapy clients to get their out of network insurance benefits often cuts their out-of-pocket expense for sessions by 50-80%, which makes clients feel much more comfortable with a higher private pay therapy session fee than they would feel if they had to shoulder the entire burden themselves.
Although I'm now extremely happy with my biller, I must admit that I encountered several expensive, time consuming, and frankly heart-breaking lessons along the way to “biller heaven”. I’d like to share them with you so that you can avoid making the same mistakes I made. Here are some questions to ask as you interview billers for your private pay therapy practice:
1. Who owns my billing data; and would you be willing to work within my billing software account rather than yours?
Many billers will offer to “spare you the trouble” of setting up your own billing software and just manage your accounts from within their own master account at a billing software provider. While this may sound tempting in the short term, I advise you to make have YOUR OWN account so you can easily LOCK YOUR BILLER OUT and switch billers quickly and easily if there is ever a need for you to do so. This way, YOU OWN AND CONTROL THE DATA rather than being beholden to your biller. OfficeAlly is an excellent and FREE HIPAA-compliant billing software that lets you run credit cards, submit claims to insurance companies for patients to facilitate their out of network benefits, issue patient statements, and meets all other standard billing needs. You can set up OfficeAlly in about an hour.
2. Will you check benefits for my prospective private pay therapy patients? If yes, how often and how quickly?
Checking benefits is a great perk to offer your private pay client inquiries. When they ask how much your services cost, it helps to be able to tell them their estimated out of pocket cost which is going to be less than your full fee, if the client has out of network benefits (don't worry, you will still get your full private pay fee since the client's insurance company will pay the balance!). To be able to provide potential private pay theapy clients with this information, someone needs to look up benefits. This is sometimes as quick as punching some numbers into a website such as Availity.com, and sometimes requires a phone call to the insurance company. Either way, it helps to ask the biller about this while the biller is in “sales mode” trying to win your business. Many billers do not check benefits; or they say they check benefits but they actually take 1-2 days to complete a lookup, by which point your prospective private pay therapy client may have moved on. Best to set expectations early and while you have the leverage of “shopping” for a biller. Also find out if they’re willing to speak to your private pay therapy clients directly about benefits or if they’d rather relay it through you. I have found that demurring “talk to my biller” whenever questions about my fees arise is very liberating.
3. What are my exit options?
In an ideal world, you and your biller would stay “together forever and ever”. In the real world, this is unlikely. I’ve known many private pay therapists who unwittingly signed agreements where they had to pay a $2,000 early cancellation fee if they ended the billing relationship prior to a yearlong period of service. Many billers may try to argue for this by saying that they invest time and effort to “onboard you” and they need to make it worth their while. I advise you to push back. Tell them that you are also investing in them, and that you have every intention of remaining for many years if the relationship works well; but the idea that you must commit to a year of billing with someone before you even know how smooth the process will be is just not feasible for your business. I’ve been with my biller now for years, and we have a fantastic working relationship; but there was no way I could have felt certain of this before actually working with her (especially after some of the billing nightmares I encountered before finally finding her!). You may like the person who does the sales call with you, but the person actually handling your account is different, or the service is great at first but then worsens as they get other clients they are prioritizing over you, or any other myriad reasons why things might not work out quite as planned. Give yourself the power to walk away if you’re not satisfied.
4. How often can we have a regularly scheduled “check in call”?
Have a REGULARLY scheduled phone meeting with your biller, and be “on the same page” regarding past due accounts. I have a weekly phone meeting with my biller where we review any billing issues, including any therapy clients who are past due. You may not need to talk quite that frequently, but determine in advance of signing a contract how often you’ll have your regularly scheduled calls. Do NOT depend on your biller to just phone you up and tell you who is past due. A good biller will and should do this, but then again we all get busy and your biller may have an assistant who “forgot” to tell you. “Trust but verify” is your mantra here. It is EASY to run a 1-minute report in OfficeAlly or similar software that tells you a LIST of anyone whose bill is past due, and the total of your past due accounts; and to set the report to spotlight anyone who is more than 60 days past due. Having your standard past due numbers is incredibly helpful because you have an “early warning system” if the number starts creeping higher. It was also super helpful to me one particular time when starting with a new biller who tried to say it was “normal” to have “a certain amount” of past due accounts and she was “diligently working on them”. I was able to easily show her that the levels of past due accounts weren’t “normal” for MY practice because I had records of my normal past due figures. I know numbers are daunting, but this is ten minutes well spent: each week, run your past due report in OfficeAlly or wherever your billing records are; and have that report in front of you for your quick weekly call with your biller (or monthly or whatever you do-- monthly is a minimum). Figure 60 seconds to run the report, and 5-10 minutes for the call. Bonus points if you email the report to the biller before the call as a way to structure things.
5. Can we add into your contract that you will NOT work with any of my current or former employees for a certain period of time? If not, WHY NOT?
This might be shocking, but I actually once had a biller who contacted MY OWN EMPLOYEES behind my back to ask if she could do billing for them to help them jumpstart their own private pay therapy practices. The conflict of interest was obvious to everyone but her.
If you want more information on how to vet a biller, or referrals to billers, or if you have any other questions about how to succeed in private practice, please do join my on-demand video program here you can enjoy an information-rich community with smart private pay therapists like you and me! You will learn everything you need to know in order to attract, book, and retain more private pay therapy clients and build your private pay therapy practice.  By the way: Even if you’re not planning to join my program, I may be able to provide you with a referral to a decent biller- feel free to ask me.
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crayonlead2-blog · 6 years ago
The overlooked essentials of employee well-being
If you really want to increase employees’ health and well-being, focus on job control and social support.
Workplace stress is exacting an ever-higher physical and psychological toll. It adversely affects productivity, drives up voluntary turnover, and costs US employers nearly $200 billion every year in healthcare costs. Many companies are aware of these negative effects, and some have gotten busy devising ways to counteract them. Efforts range from initiatives to encourage sleep, exercise, and meditation to perks such as nap pods and snack bars.
In the midst of all this activity, it’s easy to overlook something fundamental: the work environment, starting with the work itself. For many years, a number of researchers, including myself, have touted the benefits of better work practices for performance and productivity. In my new book, Dying for a Paycheck (HarperCollins, 2018), I’ve tried to show how two critical contributors to employee engagement—job control and social support—also improve employee health, potentially reducing healthcare costs and strengthening the case for them as a top management priority.
In this article, I’ll explore the research that connects these two elements to employee health, and describe some examples of organizations that are succeeding at providing the autonomy, control, social connections, and support that foster physical and mental well-being. Any company, in any industry, can pull these levers without breaking the bank. Today, though, too few do.
Job control
Studies going back decades have shown that job control—the amount of discretion employees have to determine what they do and how they do it—has a major impact on their physical health. Recent research also indicates that limited job control has ill effects that extend beyond the physical, imposing a burden on employees’ mental health, too. Organizations can guard against these dangers by creating roles with more fluidity and autonomy, and by erecting barriers to micromanagement.
Physical and mental health
One of the most notable research efforts in this area was the Whitehall Studies, conducted by British epidemiologist Michael Marmot and his team, which examined employees within the British Civil Service. Marmot’s team discovered that the higher someone’s rank, the lower the incidence of and mortality from cardiovascular disease. Controlling for other factors, it turned out that differences in job control, which were correlated with job rank, most accounted for this phenomenon. Higher-ranked British employees, like higher-ranked employees in most organizations, enjoyed more control over their jobs and had more discretion over what they did, how they did it, and when—even though they often faced greater job demands.
Additional Whitehall data related work stress, measured as the co-occurrence of high job demands and low job control, to the presence of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors that predict the likelihood of getting heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Employees who faced chronic stress at work were more than twice as likely to have metabolic syndrome compared with those without work stress.
Other research has also found a relationship between measures of job control and health. A study of 8,500 white-collar workers in Sweden who had gone through reorganizations found that the people who had a higher level of influence and task control in the reorganization process had lower levels of illness symptoms for 11 out of 12 health indicators, were absent less frequently, and experienced less depression. And that’s far from the only example of job control affecting mental- as well as physical-health outcomes. For example, a study of individuals at 72 diverse organizations in the northeastern United States reported statistically significant, negative relationships between job control and self-reported anxiety and depression.
Learning, motivation, and performance
During my research, peoples’ stories painted a vivid picture of how low job control is all too common in many offices today. I heard much about the ever-evolving performance-evaluation criteria that made it tough to know how to succeed; the business trips rearranged without explanation; and even about a workplace “scout” who had to discern the boss’s mood and alert the others.
The picture isn’t pretty, and it can be costly. A chaotic workplace environment of frequent, uncontrollable events adversely affects people’s motivation, their cognition and learning, and their emotional state. If, through their actions, people cannot predictably and significantly affect what happens to them, they are going to stop trying. Why expend effort when the results of that effort are uncontrollable, rendering the effort fruitless?
That’s why research shows that severing the connection between actions and their consequences—leaving people with little or no control over what happens to them at work—decreases motivation and effort. It significantly hampers learning on the job, too. People’s ability to learn by observing the connection between actions and their consequences normally permits them to attain some degree of mastery over their environment—an understanding of what they must do to achieve the desired results. In a condition of low job control, on the other hand, people have less responsibility and discretion, which undermines their feelings of competence and accomplishment and ultimately contributes to stress, anxiety, and depression.
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The hidden value of organizational health—and how to capture it
Simple steps toward control and autonomy
When you’re a child, the people in your life—teachers, parents—tell you what to do. As you get older, you begin to make your own life choices. And then one day, you get a job. Depending on your boss, your employer, and the design of your work, your choices about what to do and how to do it, at least while at work, can disappear—leaving you more stressed, more vulnerable to ill health, and, sometimes, less than yourself. There are some straightforward actions companies can take to avoid creating such an environment.
Guard against micromanagement
Micromanaging is all too common at work, simply because many managers are poor at coaching and facilitating others to do their jobs better. When managers micromanage their subordinates, those individuals lose their autonomy and sense of control to the bosses who won’t delegate.
Work doesn’t have to be this way. The founder of Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, thought of the company as a place where “everyone kind of knows the role that they need to do, and does that work independent of extreme management.” He leads using a principle he calls “management by absence.” The company reduces the risk of micromanagement by having a flat organizational structure, with more people than any manager could possibly micromanage even if he or she wanted to. Similarly, at Zillow, as a learning-and-development person there put it, “the manager’s role is to support the team and be there to help remove roadblocks, not to be the dictator.” The head of human resources at Landmark Health agreed, saying, “If somebody feels like the work that they’re doing is not valued, if they personally don’t feel like they have a voice at the table, if they feel like they’re dictated to or micromanaged, they’re going to feel less fulfilled and more tired.”
Incorporate more autonomy and fluidity into every role
People often believe that providing job control is possible only for some jobs, and for some people. But that is not the case—all people can be given more decision-making discretion in their jobs and latitude to control their work. San Francisco–based Collective Health designed the jobs of its “patient advocates”—who answer the phones to resolve customer issues that aren’t readily solved—with a simple goal in mind: create a more empowered, highly skilled call-center staff, drawing graduates from top universities. As Andrew Halpert, senior director of clinical and network solutions, explains, “The typical profile is someone who majored in human biology and maybe wants to pursue a medical career, but meanwhile wants a job and to work for an interesting start-up. Then you say, ‘How are you going to keep smart people engaged and happy and not burnt out and dissatisfied?’”
Collective Health trains its hires thoroughly on key technical tools, while regularly rotating their physical locations and assigned tasks: one week they may be coordinating benefit issues, and the next solving larger issues outside their department, giving them an overall picture of how everything works. They are continually empowered to solve problems on the floor as they discover them, connecting with other teams in the company. The system has not only increased employee retention by providing people with more interesting and impactful work, it has also proven more efficient at resolving problems. Halpert says the benefits outweigh the extra costs for the company and the customer: “On the ‘how much did I pay?’ criterion, it looks more expensive. . . . The Collective Health call costs more because it’s being handled by someone who is better qualified and better paid who is also spending more time resolving the issue. But we solve problems, unlike other systems where claims and problems just go on with a life of their own.”
The Collective Health experience shows how roles can be designed both to improve people’s health and increase effectiveness for the benefit of employers—in fact, the two can be mutually reinforcing. Jobs that provide individuals more autonomy and control serve to increase their motivation, job satisfaction, and performance—while at the same time making employees healthier and helping them to live longer.
Social support
If job control is one important aspect of a healthy workplace, social support is another. Research going back to the 1970s consistently demonstrates a connection between social support and health. Having friends protects “your health as much as quitting smoking and a great deal more than exercising,” even though survey evidence suggests that the “number of Americans who say they have no close friends has roughly tripled in recent decades.”
The evidence shows that social support—family and friends you can count on, as well as close relationships—can have a direct effect on health and buffers the effects of various psychosocial stresses, including workplace stress, that can compromise health. For instance, one review noted that “people who were less socially integrated” and “people with low levels of social support” had higher mortality rates.
Unfortunately, workplaces sometimes have characteristics that make it harder to build relationships and provide support. Consider, for example, practices that foster internal competition such as forced curve ranking, which reduces collaboration and teamwork. In fact, anything that pits people against one another weakens social ties among employees and reduces the social support that produces healthier workplaces. Equally destructive are transactional workplace approaches in which people are seen as factors of production and where the emphasis is on trading money for work, without much emotional connection between people and their place of work.
Rooting out practices like these is a good starting point for leaders seeking to build environments with stronger social support. Also invaluable are actions such as the ones described below. These sound straightforward and are already practiced by a number of companies, but nonetheless are easy to overlook.
Demonstrate commitment to offering help
SAS Institute, often found near the top of “best places to work” lists, is a company whose business strategy is premised on long-term relationships with its customers—and its employees. The company signals in ways large and small that it cares about its employees’ well-being. For instance, when a SAS employee died in a boating accident one weekend, a question arose: What would happen to his children, currently enrolled in company-subsidized day care? How long would they be permitted to stay? The answer: as long as they wanted to and were age-eligible, regardless of the fact that they no longer had a parent employed by the company. And perhaps nothing signifies SAS’s commitment to its employees’ well-being more than its investment in a chief health officer whose job entails not just running the on-site health facility but ensuring that SAS employees can access the medical care they need to remain healthy and to be fully cared for if they get sick.
Encourage people to care for one another
The large healthcare and dialysis company DaVita created the DaVita Village Network to give employees the opportunity, through optional payroll contributions, to help each other during times of crisis—such as a natural disaster, an accident, or an illness. The company provides funding to match employee contributions of up to $250,000 per year. When southwest Florida was hit by a series of hurricanes in 2004, a dialysis administrator noted, “The DaVita Village Network provided our housing while our homes were uninhabitable, and provided funding for food until we were able to get back on our feet.”
Fix the language
People are more likely to like and help others with whom they share some sort of unit relationship, to whom they feel similar, and with whom they feel connected. Language in the workplace that emphasizes divisions between leadership and employees can further alienate people and erode any sense of shared community or identity. Ensure that people are less separated by title, and use language that is consistent with the idea of community. DaVita sometimes refers to itself as a “village.” The company’s CEO often calls himself the “mayor.” Employees are constantly referred to as “teammates” and certainly never as “workers,” a term that denotes both a somewhat lower status and also people who are distinct from the “managers” and “leaders.”
Support shared connections
Almost anything that brings people into contact in a pleasant and meaningful context—from holidays to community service to events that celebrate employee tenure or shared successes such as product launches—helps build a sense of common identity and strengthens social bonds. Southwest Airlines is famous for its Halloween parties. Other organizations offer their employees volunteer opportunities to help local nonprofits. A 2013 UnitedHealth survey found that 81 percent of employees who volunteered through their workplace “agreed that volunteering together strengthens relationships among colleagues.”
Giving people more control over their work life and providing them with social support fosters higher levels of physical and mental health. A culture of social support also reinforces for employees that they are valued, and thus helps in a company’s efforts to attract and retain people. Job control, meanwhile, has a positive impact on individual performance and is one of the most important predictors of job satisfaction and work motivation, frequently ranking as more important even than pay. Management practices that strengthen job control and social support are often overlooked but relatively straightforward—and they provide a payoff to employees and employers alike.
About the author(s)
Jeffrey Pfeffer is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and the author of 15 books. This article is adapted from his most recent book, Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance—and What We Can Do About It (HarperCollins, 2018).
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Source: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/the-overlooked-essentials-of-employee-well-being
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ilise507fortnite-blog · 6 years ago
The Biggest Lay Within VBUCKS
'My Child Spent £150 On Fortnite'
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Christiansen, Diane. Fortnite: Battle Royale Happens to The Undisputed Ruler Of Games!.” DOGOnews, DOGO Media, Inc., 27 Apr, 2018, Web. 01 Apr. 2019. Part of Fortnite's appeal comes from the unexpected narrative. Despite that existing just as an online multiplayer title, Epic spent many 2018 breaking the usual multiplayer gameplay tropes in bringing in a consistently evolving story line, that now spans multiple terms of Fortnite content.
When Fortnite: Battle Royale appeared, the similarities between the two weren't lost with public. Chang Han Kim, PRESIDENT of PUBG Corporation, slammed Epic for "replicating" the action and endangered to take more action. The problem was obscured by the fact that PUBG uses Epic Games' Unreal Engine. The PaySafeCard is great payment different for gamers who do not have a PayPal story or credit card available to buy V-Bucks. They change easily among different currencies and are understood by literally thousands of games, including Fortnite.
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A trendy website that goes Fortnite V-bucks with no extra efforts enjoy that website with those cool Gadgets which I can buy using V-bucks. But, as gamers increase in Fortnite Battle Royale and continue to survive as one of the final five-to-ten players of each game, they will find that Fortnite Battle Royale's endgames can be just as complicated, if not much more, than PUBG's, for one very particular purpose: building.
Experience Battle Royale throughout further with exclusive features with each Limited Time Mode. Join forces with up to 49 new players in 50v50 or fight the challenges with nothing but legendary loot in Stable Gold. Anything is possible with Fortnite. Just like any battle royale you have ever played, Fortnite also shares the same point of view in allowing its players buy products like another characters, new skins, new dress and far more with the help of a digital currency called V-Bucks.
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lovelygiftcardweb · 6 years ago
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