#empires world download exploration
eloquentornot · 1 year
Empires SMP season 2 world download! Yay! I know where I'm going first!
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I explore a bit. Everything I visit is just as I last saw it. Weapons abandoned in the hidden basement, "Sanctuary will always be there when you return", the room Jevin was killed in still needs cleaning... But what's that at the other end of the bridge? A hint of light blue, surely it's not-
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Well! I wasn't actually expecting to find anything new today! At least, I don't remember seeing this one in anyone's videos. Seeing it from above, maybe I noticed it briefly as someone flew overhead, or maybe I'm thinking of a different place?
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It ends here. I tried going in the direction it seems to point for a while, I tried seeing if there was anything interesting on the path ahead, I even went into spectator mode and went underneath the Fae plant, I found nothing else.
Did the plotter of the Fae storyline have something prepared for False that she never had the chance to see? Would there maybe have been allay noises and mysterious pieces of paper appearing here, if I only had whatever was enabling that on the server?
Well, in Sausage's final behind the scenes stream where he revealed he was behind the lore sign and Pumpkin Jack... he also said that in canon lore, False disappeared soon after the crossover...
In his canon that is, of course, and we're always encouraged to imagine whatever we want to have happened.
But seeing this, here... Something adds up.
The Fae. They seemed so nice, yet so ominous. But in the end, for most of the Empires, they really were benevolent, kind creatures, who really did just want to help people! But then, for Jimmy, who had been so adamantly on his villain arc... They remained a threat, and that threat escalated, to the point they took over his town and forced him and his bad influence mentor to flee!
So, a force for good, that's still alien and fae, and can be a terrifying, real threat to even an attempted bad guy?
And False, who spent so long killing and threatening others, who only recently chose to try to stop doing so...
What if they decided not to be so friendly to her?
Alternatively, an idea suggested to me by @mleemwyvern, what if Empires False was herself Fae? That could make her disappearance a return to her original home! A twin with even the same name as her sister, maybe indicates a fae who could have replaced the original False but was instead raised alongside her, and maybe hermit False's idea that there was some energy coming from the Rift that caused her sister to change was correct, maybe the Fae had even begun to invade Empires at that point, and their presence somehow messed with the Fae False's mind?
Whatever the case may be, however many new stories we can think of from this, I'm just so excited that I actually found something I didn't already know about! I'm looking forward to exploring the rest of the world download later!
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THEME: System-Neutral Settings (Fantasy Edition)
Sometimes what you need, rather than a new ruleset, is a setting that makes your system sing. These are a series of system-neutral settings that you can pick up, borrow from, or use wholesale in a game of your choice! 
All of these settings would work very well in fantasy or fantasy-like games.
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Into the Riverlands, by Ostrichmonkey Games.
The Riverlands rests at the heart of the world. A great current of life and movement that winds and weaves its way through the mountains and valleys of the central continent. The Riverlands stretch from the south to the far north, acting as the lifeblood of continental travel and trade.
The Riverlands are a region of vibrancy and mystery. A colorful mosaic of peoples that call it home, and the strange twilight forest that surrounds it. Explore the bustling and vibrant City of Bridges, the mysterious and primeval Forest, the distant and crumbling Empire, and even further afield.
The backgrounds of The Riverlands have interesting themes, from the mercurial Trickster-Poet to the strange Forest Dweller, to the patient Marsh Apiarist. Picking up a game that is very light on rules, such as Tunnel Goons or Into the Odd, would allow you to slot in a character that fits inside the Riverlands without having to carry as much of the dungeon-delving as traditional OSR games. 
Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City, by WTF Studio.
The Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City is a tabletop role-playing game book, half setting, half adventure, and half epic trip; inspired by psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre, and classic Oregon Trail games. It leads a group of ‘heroes’ into the depths of a vast and mythic steppe filled with the detritus of time and space and fuzzy riffs.
This game is designed with a d20 game in mind but much of the setting feels very fitting for an OSR-style regardless of the dice you use. There are 200 pages of interesting locations with encounter tables and plot seeds. Some of the locations in this city include The Porcelain Citadel, The Steppe of the Lime Nomads, The Glass Bridge and The Forest of Meat. The world is weird and resists the tones of high fantasy by populating the world with insectoids, fungal colonies, strange drugs and ancient machines. If you want acid fantasy that mixes the in a bit of weird science or post-apocalypse, this is the setting for you. The designer of this setting also has a free player guide, as well as a creature generator supplement. 
Into the Wyrd and Wild, by Feral Indie Studio.
Beyond the reach of roads, past the scope of mortals there is a darkened place. A shadowed tree-line where no-one dares cross and whose boundaries go undisturbed.
This is not the woods of peaceful fey and beast, but the dark and twisted children’s tale that kept you full of terror. It is a world of fear, madness, and bloodshed; ruled over by the uncaring watch of ancient trees. There is no bargaining with the primal forces that rule the uncivilized world, as you have nothing they could ever want.
The woods do not care for you. Never forget that.
Another dark fantasy setting, Into the Wyrd and Wild includes more than a list of beasts and NPCs for the characters to encounter. It includes a way to think about money in the setting, how to emphasize exhaustion, and various other rules that demonstrate the danger and violence to be found inside the Wilds. One of my favourite sections of the book is about the Court of Broken Branches, a faction built out of abandoned children, stitched up with silver stitches and led by a magical Queen. An incredibly evocative setting and a top-tier piece of work in terms of design.
Guidebook to the Viridian Maw, by Orbis Tertius Press.
This 24-page PDF of the digest-sized zine contains fodder for a wilderness sandbox campaign in the Viridian Maw: an overgrown meteor crater, mutated and reshaped by fungal influence. To get a sense of it, check out the free download for the one-page version of the setting.
Everything is system neutral & stats agnostic, though the material is written with genre assumptions leaning toward D&D/OSR games (but usable for games like Apocalypse World or Dungeon World, too).
If you want a game that sinks your players deep into a thick, dangerous forest, this is a great option for you. There are tons of great descriptions of beasts and plants that your characters can encounter, including Driftnettle, a floating kelp-like creature that prey on the unaware and asleep, and the Sporehorn elk, a symbiotic partnership between an elk and a colony of fungi. Much of the encounters you’ll find in this zine will prompt changes to characters that make them weirder, so it might be a good idea to let your players know about that before playing in this setting.
This game works for dark fantasy, but I’ve also used it as inspiration for a Changeling: the Lost game as well!
Into the Sea Woods, by Diwata Ng Manila. 
The Sea-Woods is the way it has always been: just beyond the village, across a wall that bars the rest of the roots from coming forward. No one ever knew why that wall was built. Was it meant to keep the Woods out or keep the Village in? One thing's for sure, things changed when a tree stood up from its spot and punched a part of the wall until it collapsed. It then promptly walked deeper into the woods, clearing through a small path.
Never heard of a tree walking before? Ah, then you really must be new here, aren't you?
This is a small collection of micro-settings that are whimsical and evocative. This is more of a friendly forest than a scary one - great for setting a Studio-Ghibli kind of tone. There’s a bit of a formatting issue with the current version, but the ideas present in each setting give a great amount of inspiration for making locations that feel safe and yet unique for your play group. My favourite is the Cabin, a house that always has a warm cup of tea and a freshly made bed, despite having no visible caretaker. Rumour has it the Keeper only appears at night, and if she does, she’ll bet her heart on a game of poker. I've also used inspiration from this setting in a Changeling game before, to great success!
The Gardens of Ynn, by Dying Stylishly Games.
The Gardens of Ynn is a point-crawl adventure set in an ever-shifting extradimensional garden. Each expodition generates its route as it explores, resulting in new vistas being unlocked with every visit. It's a big garden full of whimsy and delight and surreal perils. 
The Gardens of Ynn are a constantly re-arranging set of gardens that act as a magical maze. As a point-crawl adventure, this is a great option for a point-crawl game, but it might also be an interesting piece of inspiration for a horror game of some kind. This book begins with some basic lore about the Gardens themselves, followed by a d20 table that adds how deep you are in the Gardens to determine which area you happen upon next. Each area has a description, and many areas have additional roll tables to determine what can be found, or what kinds of encounters you might find within.
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redstonedust · 2 years
did the dsmp ever give out a world download like hc and empires bc i havent heard of one and that feels. like. something they should absolutely do. fans deserve to explore that firsthand fr.
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emperorsfoot · 2 months
Tell me about your fanfic ideas.
Okay, so I've been reading "The City and the Stars" by Arthur C. Clarke and my idea has very little to do with the actual story, but the setting is super interesting and I wanna use it for a DC Superheroes AU.
In the book, it's millions of years in the future. Humanity has already explored the universe, built an empire, had that empire collapse, retreated back to Earth, Earth had a huge climate crisis and most of the planet is lifeless desert, and there only one city left that can support life (that we know of at the start of the book; spoiler: there is another).
Anyway, the city of Diaspar is hard to describe in a short little Tumblr post, Clarke spent multiple chapters describing how the city is run, the technology that allows it to function and how the people not only live their lives, but continue to exist. My best attempt at explaining it is: citizens of Diaspar are more like reproductions or copies of themselves. When it's time for them to die, they go into a specific building of the city where all their memories are downloaded into a computer then their body is destroyed. A hundred years later or so, they emerge from the same building as an adult (or near to an adult) and slowly regain their memories of their past lives while also making new memories in their current life. Its a form of immortality but it's all run off of computers and cloning.
I want to do a DC Superheroes AU using the same setting, but making it much much darker. For this next part, you're gonna need some knowledge DC characters.
Tim Drake is one of Batman's Robins and it has been established multiple times that he becomes a villain in the future. (Usually Gun-Batman, but I don't have time to swing onto that tangent.) Tim is also a computer genius and has access to cloning technology (he tried to clone his dead best friend 99 times, it was a whole thing.)
The triggering event that prompts Tim to create this city of immortal clones is not important. What is important is that it encompasses all of the "Bay Area" (both Metropolis and Gotham), and the main character will actually be Bruce (not Bruce Wayne, just Bruce), and citizen of the city with suspiciously few memories of his past lives.
Bruce becomes despondent and dissatisfied with his perfect life in his utopian city and seeks out the world beyond the walls. He finds a way out of the city makes his way to one of the last outposts of civilization on Earth, a fortress made of ice and crystal in what used to be Kansas. Even though he has no memories, he thinks he recognizes the person overseeing the remnants of civilization there and Bruce calls him a name he's never heard before. He calls him "Clark".
But it's not Clark, its Conner.
Tim shows up having followed Bruce out of the city and the idea kinda devolves from there. I don't really have a resolution to this idea. Just that it was going to be a dark and haunting AU with themes of loneliness and lost connections. There were going to be ship themes of Superbat and TimKon, but the ships were not going to be the main focus.
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cornercritter · 1 year
NO i didn’t realize fwhip’s empires s2 world tour and download was on his second channel, IT IS OUT NOW I MUST GO AND EXPLORE HERE IS YOUR REMINDER IF YOU WANT IT
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Question: Would you believe Eggman would consider the possibility of replacing his vitals with machinery to continue living on into the future, or maybe perhaps downloading his mind into a mech or robobody so that he essentially achieves immortality?
Or would he remain, as that one post put it, childishly narcissistic and simply say 'RIP to everyone else but I'm different' because he thinks he's too good for death?
Personally i think he'd probably remain in denial that he'd die at all, until he's actually at that stage where he knows he's about to and won't let something as inane as death do him in so he fixes up a lil something so he could live longer.
Yeah I imagine Eggman wouldn't even think about it most of the time, he'd just be in subconscious denial that he could die from old age and just think of himself as living forever like children do but he never grows out of as the manchild he is. It's a case where his egotism and childishness works against the logic of science as he refuses to believe that he will, he doesn't deserve it, he's too good for it, he's built different lol. He can't bear to imagine that anything can ever be completely out of his control.
And with all the brushes with death that he has constantly but always survives almost completely unscathed, it makes him feel even more confident, untouchable, and invincible and after all that, he doesn't want to think of time being the one thing that can finally beat him. Very occasionally when he's thinking about the passage of time and aging like on birthdays, he almost has a brief moment of oh fuck time to conquer the world is slipping away but he keeps pushing it down for as long as possible.
During that entire time he'll keep a mindset of "I'm not running out of time to conquer the world, build and rule my empire," "I'm not writing a will because I'm going to be there and I'm not passing the empire down to anyone because it's all mine." He's not planning on dying, so how dare anyone make such ridiculous assumptions and suggestions! XD Does he know exactly how he's going to live forever? No, he has no real logic yet but comforts himself by telling himself he just won't because death is beneath him.
I imagine that he doesn't consider the options of what he can actually do in terms of science and puts it off for a very long while for another reason too. That while doing such would at least still prove his genius in being able to pull it off, he actually values his superior natural body and strength and he wouldn't want mechanical or digital aids to downplay and take away from that and make it seem less impressive in any amount, as it would essentially be replaced by it. If he finds that's the only way he can go about it.
And I do imagine that he'd leave it until last minute to actually do something about it as a result. His determination to never give up on his dream is no joke, there's no retirement as long as the world is still in need of conquering because that would be giving up. He'll just keep fighting and working as hard as he can to the end. Any signs that he's getting too old, he'll push through no matter the strain on him, when the truth starts to seep in he'll keep trying to ignore it and deny and refuse it as hard as he can.
I can imagine that he'd be on his very last legs when it really hits him that if he wants to live forever, he has to finally do something to ensure that and he accepts it and gets to work. His intelligent mind will still be going strong no matter how old and he'll be able to use it to go about extending his lifespan and hopefully immortalizing himself. It would be his very last resort to alter himself and that he'd want to keep it as faithful to his already perfect self and appearance as he can but he'd explore all of his options.
He could go about that by downloading his data into a program or a robot or some other secret to immortality he ends up discovering. If he somehow found a way to turn himself/store his mind in a robot, I'm sure he'd keep his handsome likeness that he clearly adores so much and all of his admirable abilities of intelligence and strength! Though he may add some cool bonus enhancements here and there to show off. I could imagine him looking a lot like the unused Metal Eggman in Runners if he is robotic.
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And whatever way he ends up going about it, I bet he'd be sure to boast about how he found the trick to immortality and managed to apply it to himself as a human in the ways Gerald never got to try with Maria. He'd use it as yet another reason to say that he's superior to the both of them, as the undeniable proof. He wasn't kidding when he said he was built different, as it would be thanks to his genius. He's never going to die like them, he'll always be the best living scientist and emperor of the world forever and ever hehe! >:)
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
The Black History Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained Click to DOWNLOAD FOR FREE ON Z-LIB
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Discover the rich and complex history of the peoples of Africa, and the struggles and triumphs of Black cultures and communities around the world. With profiles of key people, movements, and events, The Black History Book brings together accounts of the most significant ideas and milestones in Black history and culture.
This vital and thought-provoking book presents a bold and accessible overview of the history of the African continent and its peoples - from the earliest human migrations to modern Black communities and the African diaspora.
Powerful images and innovative infographics bring to life the stories of the early kingdoms of Ancient Egypt, Nubia, and Carthage; the powerful empires of the Medieval and Early Modern eras; and the struggle against European colonizers. Black history and culture beyond the African continent is also explored in detail - including the Atlantic Slave Trade; the quilombos (slave resistance camps) of Brazil; the Harlem Renaissance and Jazz Age; the "Windrush" migration; Civil Rights and Black feminist movements; and Black Lives Matter.
Using the "Big Ideas" series' trademark combination of authoritative, accessible text and bold graphics, The Black History Book examines the achievements and struggles of Black communities across the world up to the modern day, as well as the influence of Black cultures on art, literature, and music the world over.
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bollyflix-in · 6 months
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priyadharshinigamer · 7 months
9 Must-Play Family Board Games: From Ludo to Monopoly and Beyond!
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Ludo stands as a timeless classic that transcends generations, offering simple yet engaging gameplay for the whole family. Its blend of strategy and chance makes every game session exciting and unpredictable. Beyond entertainment, Ludo teaches valuable life lessons about patience, fairness, and strategic planning. Experience the modern twist of Ludo by downloading the Zupee app, where you can compete against players worldwide and even win real cash prizes.
Snakes and Ladders: The Game of Ups and Downs
Snakes and Ladders is another beloved classic that has delighted families for decades. The game's simplicity and element of chance make it accessible to players of all ages, fostering humility and grace in both victory and defeat. It's a timeless reminder that life, like the game board, is filled with ups and downs.
2. Monopoly: The Ultimate Strategy Game
Monopoly reigns as one of the most iconic strategy games, offering players the opportunity to build financial empires through shrewd investments and negotiations. Beyond its entertainment value, Monopoly imparts valuable lessons about money management and resource allocation, making it ideal for teenagers and adults alike.
3. Scrabble: Wordplay Fun for Everyone
Scrabble is a favorite among word enthusiasts, challenging players to create words using letter tiles and strategically place them on the board for maximum points. Apart from being highly entertaining, Scrabble enhances vocabulary, spelling, and strategic thinking skills, making it an educational yet enjoyable choice for family game nights.
4. The Game of Life: Navigate Your Path
The Game of Life takes players on an exhilarating journey through various life stages, from college to retirement, where they make critical decisions about careers, relationships, and finances. It's a fantastic way to introduce children to the complexities of adulthood while enjoying a fun, role-playing experience with the whole family.
5. Catan: Explore, Trade, Build
Catan offers players a rich multiplayer experience where they collect resources, build settlements, and expand their territories to emerge victorious. Its dynamic gameplay and emphasis on strategic planning and negotiation make it a top choice for families seeking a challenging yet rewarding gaming experience.
6. Ticket to Ride: A Railway Adventure
Ticket to Ride invites players on a thrilling cross-country train adventure where they compete to claim railway routes connecting cities across North America. With its simple yet strategic gameplay and geographical knowledge, Ticket to Ride is perfect for players of all ages looking for an exciting family board game.
7. Clue: Solve the Mystery
Clue immerses players in a captivating murder mystery where they must use deduction and critical thinking to uncover the culprit, weapon, and crime scene. It's a thrilling detective game that encourages teamwork and problem-solving skills, making it a hit among aspiring sleuths and mystery lovers.
8. Blokus: The Strategy Game for the Whole Family
Blokus challenges players to strategically place their pieces on the board while blocking their opponents' moves. Its colorful and intuitive gameplay promotes spatial awareness and critical thinking, making it an ideal choice for families looking for a fun and engaging strategy game.
9. Carrom: A Popular Board Game in India
Carrom is a beloved Indian board game that combines skill and pecision as players aim to pocket their carrom pieces using a striker. Its simple yet addictive gameplay appeals to players of all ages, making it a cherished pastime for families across generations.
Download Zupee Ludo Game
For a modern take on the classic game of Ludo, consider downloading the Zupee app, which offers exciting variations like Ludo Supreme, Ludo Turbo, and Ludo Ninja. Join players from around the world in thrilling Ludo matches and even compete for cash prizes. Visit Zupee today to download the Ludo app and start your family's digital board gaming adventure!
In Conclusion
Family board games offer an unparalleled opportunity for bonding, laughter, and shared experiences. Whether it's the timeless charm of Ludo or the strategic depth of Monopoly, these games promise endless fun and cherished memories for families to treasure for years to come.
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breakingarrows · 1 year
Musings on my introduction to Warhammer 40k
It started with lore videos. Luetin09 had a playlist of lore videos on Warhammer 40,000. I never really paid much attention to the fiction or the tabletop game, but I thought the series would be a good thing to listen to as I fell asleep at night so I added the playlist to my library. I'm not sure when exactly I started to get hooked. It might have been sometime around the 7th or 8th video after the Horus Heresy story was told that I started to become much more invested in paying attention to the fiction. The tragedy of the Horus Heresy still compels me, the fall from grace is a reliable source of drama and emotion when done well, and the dramatic irony of an Emperor who sought to eradicate all religion and faith becoming a God-Emperor worshipped by the remains of his empire is rich.
Since I was most interested in exploring the world of fiction and less interested in the tabletop side of things, I started to look into what books would be the best to read to get introduced to this world outside of lore videos on YouTube. Most online sources and advice from others already into the fiction recommended the Eisenhorn trilogy of books. I happily downloaded and voraciously consumed the first book, Xenos, within a week. It was pretty much the perfect sci-fi space fantasy adventure. You had your cast of characters already known to each other and introduced to the reader through a mid-mission introduction that opens up into the larger conspiracy that consumes the rest of the plot. It moves and moves from beat to beat, seemingly always ending with enough of a teaser or revelation in the last line to make me eager to dig into the next chapter whenever I could. New characters get introduced, there are actual long lasting consequences and losses (most notably the destruction of Eisenhorn's ability to smile) and downtime where characters are given adequate time to believably recover and prepare for the next large setpiece and sustain even more damage before the ultimate resolution.
With Xenos wrapped up and my interest fully piqued into what else Warhammer 40k had to offer, I chose the first of the Horus Heresy novels, Horus Rising. The introduction was comprehensively confusing as it bait and switches your expectation as to future events with a meandering, perspective changing introduction revolving around Horus killing the emperor, emphasis on little e. Once my confusion was cleared up, watching Loken ascend into the inner circle of Horus, and seeing the intimate details of a body of people, the faults and cracks in the Emperor's Great Crusade became everpresent and ultimately believable as the fault of human beings. The Emperor is, as he claims, just a man, and that is why his crusade ultimately fails. As famously claimed by Halo: Reach, "from the beginning, you know the end." Horus will fall, legions of space marines will perish, and after a few more thousands of years we will reach the timeline of Eisenhorn, but for now, I get to fret and worry over the ultimate fates of the periphery characters of history such as Lorken and the various remembrancers accompanying Horus' forces across the cosmo. My one complaint is that due to the ultimate fate of the universe being known, a few too many knowing references are written in, things such as Astartes killing Astartes, Horus himself succumbing to Chaos, the Emperor dying and being worshipped throughout the empire, etc. It cheapens the surrounding characters as fourth wall breaks weaken the overall drama of the current time by referencing known facts the characters can't comprehend. These don't reinforce the tragedy of known events yet to happen, they just call attention to themselves as winks from the author to the reader and not believable dialogue between characters.
Once Horus Rising was completed, I returned to Eisenhorn with the second novel, Malleus. Though I didn't find it as good as Xenos, it was still a great sci-fi adventure, and the epilogue is a huge tease for the finale in Hereticus. Malleus, as a result of revisting and reintroducing various elements present in Xenos, something that, to me, happened only a week or two ago but for Eisenhorn happened a century ago, feels too fresh to have as much significance to me as I feel was intended. This pushes me more towards the various side-novels and short stories involving Eisenhorn, as they, presumably, do not have as many direct ties to each other and the mainline trilogy as to make the universe feel smaller than it is.
Now I'm beginning False Gods, the second book of the Horus Heresy. The series is quite extensive, as I've already looked into the order in which they were published, as well as some of the earliest Warhammer 40k novels as I'm always interested in seeing the very beginning of something that is now so large. It has also made me more interested in the games that seek to capture the experience of living within this world, at this time mostly with the Boltgun game, as I can never get enough of the boomer-shooters explosion (hopefully something will one day surpass DUSK.) I have been really enjoying this dip into Warhammer fiction though, and intend to see it through as long as my interest holds. I've already torn through three novels in less than a month, who knows how much more I can do.
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eloquentornot · 1 year
Remember this post and how I assumed that I wouldn't be able to tell if there had been any mysterious notes left for False because it's just the world download and not the server itself?
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I was wandering around near fWhip's area, and I decided to have a look at the Fae villagers in the mushroom circle, see if they still had their custom trades, and as soon as I crossed the threshold of the circle, something popped into my inventory! Allay sounds with no allays in sight! Aaaaahh!!!
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(Perhaps it is worth noting here that, when I first opened the world download, I spawned inside Gobland itself. I presume this is just because that's where fWhip logged off for the last time when he was preparing the world for download, but it's quite interesting that I should receive a note intended for a member of the very empire I just so happened to start in!)
A note presumably for fWhip, then, asking for a fresh modern day version of the ancient creeper skull the Fae got Jimmy to get them that time, most likely. Perhaps this was made for fWhip before he decided not to get involved in the Fae storyline, or something?
Still though, the fact that whatever caused these notes to appear is still active in the world download after all... I suppose maybe there never was anything set up for False, at all? Or perhaps she or someone else did activate it, and it was never shown?
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The Fae still have their custom trades, by the way.
But still, this is the same mushroom circle where other quests took place. I wonder how the command blocks knew which players to give which books. Maybe it was a combination of command blocks and admin invisible players, for the more complex interactions?
...Was this intentional, for the world download? Were we meant to be a character from Gobland, getting this note? But I was put into creative mode by default, stuck in that mode with commands disabled, I had to "open to LAN" to enable cheats and get spectator or survival mode, so it can't have been intended for a survival experience! (Unless I somehow messed something up? I didn't change any settings at all, though. I'm playing in 1.20.1, if that could make any difference.)
I got a creeper head from the creative inventory and placed it, and dropped one on the ground, but nothing seemed to change, so I picked them up again. (I've been trying not to change anything in the world so far, and if I do ever make my own build in it I'll make sure to take screenshots of how the area looked before.)
But I did notice when I placed the head, particles of a sculk sensor. I enabled cheats again and went into spectator, finding one command block, the source of the allay sounds!
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But, I looked around some more, and I couldn't find any others. I'm still not totally sure how that book got in my inventory. Maybe there's an even more well hidden command block somewhere else. Maybe there are things hidden under the plant I found near Cogsmeade that I couldn't see in spectator mode, solid blocks with no air between...
I'd have to totally dig the areas up to be sure, and I don't want to do that just yet.
Even though I was flying around in creative mode, it was such a shock to suddenly get a Fae note, to hear the sounds!! This is amazing, and I'm definitely looking forward to finding even more secrets next time I explore!
(Contents of the book under the cut.)
Page 1:
Hello Tiny Creature
What is it you do all day in the caverns of Gobland that you so rarely visit the surface?
Perhaps you are counting your trinkets and polishing your treasure...
Page 2:
We have a proposition for you, tiny creature.
A small favour for us in exchange for pure raw gold!
All we ask for is a creeper skull. A fresh specimen for us to study...
(Page 3 is blank.)
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Book Recommendations: New Nonfiction eAudiobooks on Libby
Looking for free access to eBooks or eAudiobooks? Check out Libby, a service from the Rock Island Public Library (RIPL) that can be accessed with your RIPL card number! You can log in to Libby through our website or download it as an app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
In the Shadow of the Mountain by Silvia Vasquez-Lavado
Endless ice. Thin air. The threat of dropping into nothingness thousands of feet below. This is the climb Silvia Vasquez-Lavado braves in her page-turning, pulse-raising memoir following her journey to Mount Everest.
A Latina hero in the elite macho tech world of Silicon Valley, privately, she was hanging by a thread. Deep in the throes of alcoholism, hiding her sexuality from her family, and repressing the abuse she'd suffered as a child, she started climbing. Something about the brute force required for the ascent—the risk and spirit and sheer size of the mountains and death's close proximity—woke her up. She then took her biggest pain as a survivor to the biggest mountain: Everest.
"The Mother of the World," as it's known in Nepal, allows few to reach her summit, but Silvia didn't go alone. She gathered a group of young female survivors and led them to base camp alongside her. It was never easy. At times hair-raising, nerve-racking, and always challenging, Silvia remembers the acute anxiety of leading a group of novice climbers to Everest's base, all the while coping with her own nerves of summiting. But, there were also moments of peace, joy, and healing with the strength of her fellow survivors and community propelling her forward.
Under the Skin by Linda Villarosa
In 2018, Linda Villarosa's New York Times Magazine article on maternal and infant mortality among black mothers and babies in America caused an awakening. Hundreds of studies had previously established a link between racial discrimination and the health of Black Americans, with little progress toward solutions. But Villarosa's article exposing that a Black woman with a college education is as likely to die or nearly die in childbirth as a white woman with an eighth grade education made racial disparities in health care impossible to ignore.
Now, in Under the Skin, Linda Villarosa lays bare the forces in the American health-care system and in American society that cause Black people to “live sicker and die quicker” compared to their white counterparts. Today's medical texts and instruments still carry fallacious slavery-era assumptions that Black bodies are fundamentally different from white bodies. Study after study of medical settings show worse treatment and outcomes for Black patients. Black people live in dirtier, more polluted communities due to environmental racism and neglect from all levels of government. And, most powerfully, Villarosa describes the new understanding that coping with the daily scourge of racism ages Black people prematurely. Anchored by unforgettable human stories and offering incontrovertible proof, Under the Skin is dramatic, tragic, and necessary reading.
River of the Gods by Candice Millard 
For millennia the location of the Nile River’s headwaters was shrouded in mystery. In the 19th century, there was  a frenzy of interest in ancient Egypt. At the same time, European powers sent off waves of explorations intended to map the unknown corners of the globe – and extend their colonial empires.
Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke were sent by the Royal Geographical Society to claim the prize for England. Burton spoke twenty-nine languages, and was a decorated soldier. He was also mercurial, subtle, and an iconoclastic atheist. Speke was a young aristocrat and Army officer determined to make his mark, passionate about hunting, Burton’s opposite in temperament and beliefs.
From the start the two men clashed. They would endure tremendous hardships, illness, and constant setbacks. Two years in, deep in the African interior, Burton became too sick to press on, but Speke did, and claimed he found the source in a great lake that he christened Lake Victoria. When they returned to England, Speke rushed to take credit, disparaging Burton. Burton disputed his claim, and Speke launched another expedition to Africa to prove it. The two became venomous enemies, with the public siding with the more charismatic Burton, to Speke’s great envy. The day before they were to publicly debate,Speke shot himself.
Yet there was a third man on both expeditions, his name obscured by imperial annals, whose exploits were even more extraordinary. This was Sidi Mubarak Bombay, who was enslaved and shipped from his home village in East Africa to India. When the man who purchased him died, he made his way into the local Sultan’s army, and eventually traveled back to Africa, where he used his resourcefulness, linguistic prowess and raw courage to forge a living as a guide. Without Bombay and men like him, who led, carried, and protected the expedition, neither Englishman would have come close to the headwaters of the Nile, or perhaps even survived.
And Finally by Henry Marsh 
As a retired brain surgeon, Henry Marsh thought he understood illness, but he was unprepared for the impact of his diagnosis of advanced cancer. And Finally explores what happens when someone who has spent a lifetime on the frontline of life and death finds himself contemplating what might be his own death sentence.
As he navigates the bewildering transition from doctor to patient, he is haunted by past failures and projects yet to be completed, and frustrated by the inconveniences of illness and old age. But he is also more entranced than ever by the mysteries of science and the brain, the beauty of the natural world and his love for his family. Elegiac, candid, luminous and poignant, And Finally is ultimately not so much an audiobook about death, but an audiobook about life and what matters in the end.
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umbrify · 1 year
Empires SMP season two world download exploring screenshot dump below
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gautam-101 · 14 days
Astrological Insights for Business Growth: Unlocking Success Through the Stars
In today's fast-paced world, the desire for business growth is universal. Entrepreneurs and business owners are constantly seeking ways to achieve greater success and profitability. While hard work, innovation, and strategy play significant roles, astrology offers a unique perspective on business growth by aligning personal and planetary energies. In this blog, we'll explore how astrology can guide you toward making better decisions for your business, the key astrological influences that impact financial success, and how you can harness these cosmic forces for sustainable growth.
Also read - Exploring Ancient Wisdom of Vedic Astrology and Palmistry 
Astrological Houses and Business Growth: The 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses in a natal chart hold immense significance for business success. The 2nd house represents wealth, possessions, and resources. Planets placed here influence your financial habits and the way you accumulate wealth. A strong 2nd house with favorable planetary placements, like Venus or Jupiter, often brings financial abundance and stability in business.
The 6th house governs daily work, service, and employees. It highlights the efforts required to run a business smoothly. A well-positioned Mars in the 6th house, for instance, signifies strong leadership, problem-solving abilities, and dedication, all of which are vital for business growth.
Lastly, the 10th house symbolizes career, reputation, and public standing. Planets here influence how your business is perceived in the public domain. A powerful Saturn or Sun in the 10th house can indicate long-term success, respect in your industry, and the ability to build an empire.
Planetary Transits and Business Opportunities: Planetary transits, especially those involving Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury, can provide windows of opportunity for business growth. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, brings luck and growth when transiting through key houses like the 2nd or 10th. It's an excellent time to consider business expansions, new ventures, or major investments.
Chat here: Chat with astrologer online
Saturn, though often associated with restrictions, brings structure and long-term rewards. Its transit encourages building solid foundations in business, focusing on discipline, and restructuring for greater efficiency. Business growth during Saturn transits is gradual but highly sustainable.
Mercury, the planet of communication, governs trade, contracts, and negotiation. When Mercury is favorably transiting, it's a good time to sign contracts, close deals, and network with potential business partners.
Harnessing the Power of Astrology for Business Growth: To align your business with cosmic energies, it's essential to understand your natal chart and key planetary influences. If you're an entrepreneur, consult an astrologer to analyze the houses and transits that directly impact your business. Wearing gemstones or following specific remedies, such as strengthening your ruling planet or offering donations, can also enhance your business prospects.
Timing is everything in business, and astrology offers precise guidance on when to make critical decisions. Initiating new projects during auspicious planetary alignments ensures that your efforts are supported by positive energies.
Astrology provides a deeper understanding of the cosmic influences at play in our professional lives. By aligning your business strategies with favorable astrological transits and planetary placements, you can unlock growth opportunities that may have otherwise remained hidden. As you look to the stars for guidance, remember that business growth is a journey. With patience, timing, and the wisdom of astrology, you can navigate your path to lasting success and prosperity.
Have any questions? Speak with an astrologer: Download the App Now
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Top Destinations for Solo Travelers with Park Holidays International reviews
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Traveling alone is such an exciting thing to do! It's especially awesome in a place like India. There’s something really special about wandering a new place by yourself. You get to make your own plans, choose your spots, & soak up the local vibes without anyone else around. This kind of freedom often leads to meeting new friends and having amazing experiences that can change your perspective. 
Benefits of Traveling Alone
Going solo helps you learn more about yourself. You start your instincts, making decisions on the fly, & enjoying time alone without feeling lonely. It's a great chance to reflect on yourself and grow. In India, every stop has its own unique charm, and being on your own lets you connect deeply with the places and people around you.
Essential Tips for First-Time Solo Travelers
Stay Connected: It’s smart to download local apps for getting around and keeping in touch. This can help make your travels smoother.
Research Ahead: Before you set out, check up on local customs and safety tips to show respect and keep safe.
Trust Your Instincts: Always go with your gut! If a situation seems off, change your plans or ask for help right away.
Share Your Itinerary: Let a friend or family member know where you're headed. It’s good for them to know where you are in case they need to check on you.
Top Destinations for Solo Travelers
With Park Holidays International, you can dive into these amazing places confidently, knowing you'll have great support throughout your journey.
Jaipur: The Pink City Experience
Jaipur is breathtaking! With beautiful forts & palaces, it’s perfect for solo adventurers. Make sure to visit Amber Fort for amazing views and the City Palace where you'll find fascinating artifacts. Local spots like Johari Bazaar are great for unique jewelry & textiles that show off India’s craftsmanship. The best time to visit jaipur is between October & March when the weather is nice, plus the city buzzes with fun festivals. You can enjoy a solo trip to Jaipur  with confidence through The Park Holidays International Holiday Packages. Book your Jaipur adventure with Park Holidays International and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Rishikesh: A Spiritual Haven
Rishikesh is often called the Yoga Capital of the World. It’s a peaceful place. People come here to relax & find themselves. The calm vibe here attracts solo travelers who want to feel inner peace. There are lots of yoga and meditation retreats. Many hostels provide short programs for beginners. It’s a nice mix of structure and flexibility, which is perfect for anyone new to this. For thrill-seekers, white-water rafting on the Ganges provides an exhilarating experience. Alternatively, find calm moments by the river to meditate or reflect. Join local workshops or volunteer with community projects to connect with like-minded individuals and deepen your travel experience. Engaging with locals can also offer new perspectives and enrich your journey.
Hampi: A Historical Gem
Hampi is a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its stunning landscapes filled with ancient temples. You can explore historic ruins from the Vijayanagara Empire by biking through them Highlights include the grand Virupaksha Temple and Vittala Temple's incredible stone chariot. Look out for local artists at craft workshops or join yoga classes offered by guesthouses. Connect with locals by saying "Namaste." It really helps. Attend guided tours if you want to learn more about their rich culture. Park Holidays International, a luxury and sustainable travel company, makes exploring Hampi seamless and enjoyable. Through The Park Holidays International website, you can easily book flights to Hampi and find comfortable hotels to enhance your stay.
Puducherry: A French Legacy
Puducherry, with its unique blend of Indian and French influences, offers a distinctive experience for solo travelers. The waterfront area is lined with quaint cafés where you can relax with a coffee or pastry, and enjoy people-watching. Explore the French Quarter for its charming streets and vibrant local markets. Paradise Beach is ideal for a peaceful day of sunbathing and swimming, offering clear waters and a serene environment. Dive into Puducherry's cultural scene by visiting community art projects, attending local music festivals, or exploring the numerous art galleries that highlight the city's creative spirit.
Udaipur: The City of Lakes
Udaipur shines with its romantic buildings & serene lakes—a lovely spot for solo travelers. Look for budget places that offer gorgeous lake views; it helps make your stay even better. Take a tranquil boat ride on Lake Pichola or roam through City Palace at leisure to enjoy its rich history. Experience local traditions by attending rituals at Jagdish Temple, where you can witness authentic cultural practices and connect with the local heritage. The Park Holidays International can help you secure the best resorts options and provide recommendations for local activities to enhance your stay.
Jaisalmer: The Golden City
Jaisalmer, with its stunning desert landscape and impressive architecture, is perfect for adventurous solo travelers. Embark on a desert safari or camel trek to explore the serene sands and unique desert environment, offering a memorable adventure. Look for desert camps that cater specifically to solo travelers, offering budget-friendly options and organized tours for a hassle-free experience. Always seek permission before photographing people to respect their privacy and traditions, ensuring a respectful interaction with the local community. Park Holidays International’s services can help you book your desert adventure and ensure a hassle-free experience.
Darjeeling: The Queen of the Hills
Darjeeling, famed for its lush hills and sprawling tea gardens, offers a serene retreat for solo travelers seeking tranquility. Catch the breathtaking sunrise from Tiger Hill or take a leisurely stroll through the picturesque tea estates for a peaceful experience. Experiencing the Tea Gardens: Join a tea plantation tour to dive into the intricacies of tea-making and savor the flavors of Darjeeling tea. Show respect for local traditions and make an effort to learn a few words in Nepali, which can enhance your interactions with the friendly residents.
With Park Holidays International’s exceptional service and value, your solo travel adventures will be seamless and unforgettable. Whether you’re exploring historical wonders, spiritual retreats, or vibrant cultures, Park Holidays International will be there every step of the way, ensuring countless wonderful experiences await you. For more insights into their outstanding service, you can check out The Park Holidays International reviews.
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reasoningdaily · 2 months
The Black History Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
The Black History Book examines the achievements and struggles of Black communities across the world up to the modern day, as well as the influence of Black cultures on art, literature, and music the world over.
okay since so many of you are interested in downloading this book
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The Black History Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Discover the rich and complex history of the peoples of Africa, and the struggles and triumphs of Black cultures and communities around the world. With profiles of key people, movements, and events, The Black History Book brings together accounts of the most significant ideas and milestones in Black history and culture.
This vital and thought-provoking ebook presents a bold and accessible overview of the history of the African continent and its peoples - from the earliest human migrations to modern Black communities and the African diaspora. Powerful images and innovative infographics bring to life the stories of the early kingdoms of Ancient Egypt, Nubia, and Carthage; the powerful empires of the Medieval and Early Modern eras; and the struggle against European colonizers.
Black history and culture beyond the African continent is also explored in detail - including the Atlantic Slave Trade; the quilombos (slave resistance camps) of Brazil; the Harlem Renaissance and Jazz Age; the "Windrush" migration; Civil Rights and Black feminist movements; and Black Lives Matter. Using the "Big Ideas" series' trademark combination of authoritative, accessible text and bold graphics, The Black History Book examines the achievements and struggles of Black communities across the world up to the modern day, as well as the influence of Black cultures on art, literature, and music the world over.
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