#empires hero au
siriannatan · 2 years
Heroes of Empires City part 2
Part 1
About other characters - Spoiler warning
Jimmy - local Sheriff, Lizzie's younger brother - has water-control powers but never uses them, when using them gets fins but with how rarely he uses them there are no signs of it - very good at his job - almost instantly figured Scott is Major only knowing him for one night and just having met Major - hates heroes because of a certain incident that landed Lizzie in a wheelchair - has two cats, likes them better than most people - hates that Scott is Major because Scott is pretty cute
Lizzie - mayoral candidate, very popular - wins the election later - actually, a retired hero from before the government legalised heroes - Ocean Queen - married to Joel (Stratos) and knows full well he's a hero, - supportive of the hero business -someone has to take care of the villains and magical monsters and other things that are beyond the police, - worried about Jimmy's safety all the time even if he can fully take care of himself
Katherine - President of the Empire City Hero Association - probably not paid enough to deal with her heroes antics - might think Shubble's cut but she's a professional so it had nothing to do with her being hired - even Stratos is a bit scared of her, even if she has no powers - cares and worries for her heroes excessively in a violent manner - especially when telling them off
Pearl - Katherine's new assistant - actually, Sausage's adoptive younger sister, has similar powers but they're a lot weaker than his so she didn't pass the entry exam - mostly the physical test - happy to help the heroes in any way she can, usually by making sure Katherine doesn't die from overworking herself and by cutting her caffeine intake - might like Amethyst a bit more than she probably should which results in flowers sprouting in her hair whenever she's nearby - a bit conflicted about liking this office worker from the tower - Gem (only Katherine really knows all heroes' civilian identities for safety reasons) she only sees her when she's leaving the tower, which is a shame
Pixl - works as a nurse at the biggest hospital in the City - dated Sausage before finding out he's a hero, was at all not offended Soos kept that a secret - did not mind it when Sausage adopted - often finds himself working alongside Sanctuary because of the limitations of his power
Xornoth - Scott's older twin brother, glad to be born with no powers, had a good time watching Scott figure his out, especially the flying part - freelance, programmer, and guitarist in an indie band - a bit worried about Scott's safety even if it was he that encouraged him, - doesn't leave their apartment much outside of band stuff - Oli's band - shocked Scott by getting a boyfriend first
Joey - Xor's boyfriend and the reason why Scott met Jimmy, not directly but still, - bartender at that one Bar Oli's band frequently plays at - Smithy - used to have a big crush on Katherine, and many of the heroes - most notably Sanctuary
Oli - frontman, leader and vocalist of the band Xor's in, changes the name of the band at least twice a month - the band would have flopped ages ago without Xornoth, - very obviously flirts with Eddie whenever he got a chance to
False - the owner of a steampunk-themed coffee shop Jimmy always gets his coffee at - one of the establishments with 'Hero seating' - Shubble's roommate and good friend
Potential SPOILERS
Eddie - Sausage and Pearl's adoptive father - the owner of the Smithy - finds Oli's advances amusing but nothing more - outside his bar works for HA's Equipment Department - totally didn't cry when Sausage introduced Hermes to him - thinks Pix could do much better than Sausage
Hermes - Sausage's adopted son - his parents were killed by his psycho grandmother who could not accept their divorce - Jimmy kind of saved him from the woman and solved the whole case with Scott shadowing him - thinks Scott is Jimmy's guardian angel - Jimmy is the coolest, much to Joel's dismay - loves it when he's left with Pix or Eddie - always stares at Pear with wide eyes and never talks to her - once told Amethyst his auntie likes her - can read minds and no one believed him at first but when he told Amethyst his auntie likes him Pearl got convinced about it and convinced Sausage to get him tested for powers - likes sheriff more than the heroes
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marabelle5 · 2 months
The street that all the Emperor's store/buildings that they run are on Empires street. And the towns folk call the the people who run the buildings on that street the Emperors. The kids of the town started to call the Emperors by titles like Queen Pearl or Grand Wizard Gem.
The names alternate usually between title-first name, title-store/building name, title-first and last name, and title-last name. Like Pearl's thing would be Queen Pearl, The Queen of Gilded Helianthia, Queen Pearlescent Moon, and Queen Moon.
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gentrychild · 2 years
For the ask game how about an au where a teacher in aldera feel that Izuku potential wasted for being quirkless so that they ask all for one to give quirk to Izuku?
1 - There is one teacher in Aldera who has the braincell but, as it's often the case with such people, no one listens to him. In any case, he doesn't believe that Bakugou is their golden ticket and would like the rest of the school to stop picking on someone with so potential. So he gives Izuku a safe harbor when things become too much. And he tells AFO about this young man who has a lot of potential.
2 - He takes his time before introducing the idea of getting a quirk. At first, he says things like "It's unfair how no one sees your potential just because you like a quirk." "You are so special." "You only need someone to give you a chance." And then, he explains that there is a way. That he knows someone, that he is only doing this because of how much he cares about Izuku, and so on.
3 - Midoriya gains a quirk. The teacher gains a favor (maybe money, maybe something else). All for One gains a pawn or even a spy. All is well.
4 - At least, it's what the teacher thinks.
5 - Izuku wasn't going to say no to a quirk and he is aware that he is being played but he wasn't going to let the chance of infiltrating a villainous organization slip past him. Working as a double agent will do wonders for his UA file.
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featheredenby · 4 months
Mother Of The Spores
“Hello to you too, pretty boy,” Cuteguy greets him,”Now tell me what exactly are you doing in woods that are owned by a witch?”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 2,222
Part Four of: Show Your Fangs
A Super Hero AU of Empires SMP/The Life Series/Hermitcraft
She has to be quick as she plants it, if anyone were to see her she would be done for. As the red clad figure makes her way through the forest she gathers the herbs and mushrooms that are needed to set the trap. She shoves them all into a small pouch that sits at her waist and goes over the list in her head, rosemary, belladonna, mandrake, and white lily along with inky cap mushrooms, fly agarics, and shiitakes. Using these she can do what The King has requested, and as she thinks this she reaches the desired location. It's a large cave in one of the forest’s many glades, and just inside she places the items needed for the spell, before beginning to cast. 
“ᓵ𝙹ᒲʖ╎リᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷᓭᒷ ╎ℸ ̣ ᒷᒲᓭ ᔑリ↸ ⊣╎⍊ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷᒲ ᔑ ꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ᔑᓭ ᔑリ ᒷリℸ ̣ ╎ℸ ̣ || 𝙹⎓ !¡𝙹∴ᒷ∷ ᔑリ↸ ᓵ𝙹リℸ ̣ ∷𝙹ꖎ, ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リ ᔑ ᒲ𝙹リℸ ̣ ⍑ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ|| ∴╎ꖎꖎ ℸ ̣ ᔑꖌᒷ 𝙹⍊ᒷ∷ ╎リ ⍑𝙹!¡ᒷᓭ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓭ╎ꖎꖎ|| ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ꖎᒷ ⍑ᒷ∷𝙹ᒷᓭ ∴╎ꖎꖎ ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ╎リ⍊ᒷᓭℸ ̣ ╎⊣ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ.”, and with that it’s done and she can return to the city.
It had been about five in the morning when Scar had gotten the call telling him to report to The GFHA headquarters at seven, and now it’s nine and he’s hiking through the local dark oak forest with Cub, one of The GFHA’s top scientists. As they walk he feels like there’s something watching him but that’s not what’s important at the moment, as according to the briefing there had been rumors of a strange fungus causing odd behavior in the local animal. Cub and him are almost there when a twig snaps behind them and Scar sends an arrow flying to the source of the sound only to find that nothing’s there as Scar goes to collect the arrow something or someone drops down from the trees behind him, Scar turns around to find a smirking Cuteguy in front of him.
“What the… Cuteguy? You almost gave me a heart attack.” Scar exclaims.
“Hello to you too, pretty boy,” Cuteguy greets him,”Now tell me what exactly are you doing in woods that are owned by a witch?”
“I didn’t know that this forest was owned by a witch.” He lies.
“Uh huh… in that case what are you doing here?”
Cub interjects,”That’s classified information.”
“Okay don’t tell me,” Cuteguy retorts,”But I’m still going to follow you.”
Grian doesn’t know what exactly possessed him to follow Hotguy into Shelby’s forest but something did and now he’s standing in a glade that’s covered in strange mushrooms and mycelium vines. He can’t see very far in front of him either because of the thick fog that engulfs the clearing and he turns to see Hotguy and the scientist putting on gas masks but he’s Cuteguy and he can’t afford that luxury, however it soon becomes evident that they’re useful as he starts to become dizzy and nauseous. He still tries to clear his head, and as he does he sees a small chicken now that was weird. Maybe he should try to talk to her and ask if it’s okay. “𐎧𐎤𐏀 𐏂𐎧𐎤𐎱𐎤, 𐎠𐎱𐎤 𐏀𐎮𐎸 𐎮𐎪𐎠𐏀”
“Uhm Cuteguy, what are you doing?” Hotguy asks.
Right Grian had forgotten that most people don’t know that he can talk to chickens, “I found a chicken,” he explained, “I can talk to chickens, I’m questioning it.”
“Okay I guess…”
Now the main question is if the chicken would respond as they aren’t the most talkative kind of bird, and it just dashes off which is just plain rude. In any case he could have sworn that there was something off about that chicken anyways. Grian just brushes it off however and continues to walk around dell until he finds a cave, he almost missed it too as most of its mouth is covered in mycelium tendrils and inky caps maybe? He would quite like to get into the cave but the layer of fungal growth is thick and he sadly only has two guns on him which won’t be very useful. Maybe he should try to kick it in, yes that’s a very good idea, much to Grian’s surprise the wall of shrooms breaks easily to reveal a cavern filled with bioluminescent fungi and lichens.
“Hotguy,” he calls,”you might want to see what I found.”
“Okay,” Hotguy calls back,”be there in just a second.”
So Grian waits in the mouth of the cave but it feels like something is calling him into it, so after a few minutes he gets impatient with Hotguy and goes further into it. The cave it turns out is surprisingly large if he had to guess Grian would say that he could fully extend his wings in it, but at the same time it makes him feel surprisingly claustrophobic but that’s probably just because the strange mist that they found outside is getting more heavily concentrated. Additionally as he goes further in the voice gets louder and he starts tripping on mycelium vines that are now about the size of tree roots. As Grian walks he examines the tendrils he’s looking at, a particularly large one as he walks into what he at first mistakes to be the end of the cave only to feel a shower of spores rain down upon him. The spores enter his lungs and he gasps for air while screaming for help before passing out.
Scar rifles through the undergrowth at the edge of the glade in an attempt to find a suitable specimen of the mushrooms to bring back to The GFHA’s lab in Hermitopia but based on his luck so far he probably won’t find any as it appears that the local animals have been eating the fungi. He wants to finish this quickly too, so that he can see what Cuteguy found as it sounded important, that’s when he hears a scream.
“What was that?!?” Scar yells.
“I’m not sure,” Cub replies,”but it came from that cave that Cuteguy found.”
“I’m going to go check what happened then,” Scar tells him,”I’ll be right back.”
As Scar walks over to the cave he nocks an arrow in his bow and turns on the dark vision in his glasses before stepping in. The inside walls of the cave, covered in lichen and mycelium, would have been quite interesting had he not known that someone was in danger. Scar’s quite glad that he turned on dark vision as the concentration of fog gets thicker and clouds his vision. He has to be very careful when making his way through the cave as there are thick roots growing out from the rock which could seriously damage his mechanical leg braces.Maybe when this whole thing is over he should ask for more durable ones or a cane or crutches or- Scar trips over the largest root yet and sees standing in front of him none other that Cuteguy except the fact that something is off, his eyes appear glossed over with a purple tint and there are various mushrooms sprouting from his head. Scar’s so focused on what happened to Cuteguy that he barely has time to move before a thread of mycelium can grab his leg, he rolls over hopping up and loosing an arrow from his bow at Cuteguy’s foot only for him to dodge. The next root hurdles at his stomach and Scar deflects it with his bow only to get his leg yanked out from under him.
 As Scar is hung upside down from his leg Cuteguy approaches him, “W̸e̶l̸l̴,̸ ̶w̸e̶l̴l̴,̵ ̷w̵e̷l̴l̸.,”he says in a voice that isn’t his,”̵L̶o̶o̶k̶s̸ ̴l̴i̶k̷e̷ ̴t̷h̴e̴ ̶p̷o̶o̵r̵ ̷f̵a̷e̶ ̸g̶o̷t̴ ̸s̶t̷u̸c̸k̷ ̶i̴n̶ ̷m̵y̸ ̴l̵i̷t̷t̴l̷e̶ ̷t̸r̷a̸p̷.”In fact the voice reminds him of someone who he fought about a month prior, she had joined in a fight with The Dogwarts Duo out of the blue and had summoned ghost wolves to attack Canary Call and him and introduced herself as “The Red Witch”.
“Wait what- You’re the red witch!?!” He exclaims.
“Y̷o̵u̵ ̵c̴o̶u̴l̶d̸ ̷s̴a̷y̷ ̶t̷h̴a̷t̷ ̸b̴u̶t̸ ̴n̵o̷,̴ ̵n̷o̶t̵ ̸q̶u̴i̸t̴e̵,” the thing in Cuteguy replies,”I̶ ̴a̴m̷ ̴m̶e̶r̶e̵l̷y̸ ̷o̶n̵e̴ ̸o̵f̴ ̶h̷e̴r̶ ̸c̶r̷e̸a̷t̴i̴o̴n̵s̸.̵”
“Okay so you aren’t her but what the heck do you want with Cuteguy?”
“O̵h̸.̵.̵.̴ ̶y̴o̴u̴ ̷m̵e̶a̶n̸ ̴m̶y̷ ̶n̸e̸w̴ ̷v̶e̷s̸s̷e̶l̴?̴,” it asks,”I̵ ̵j̴u̶s̷t̴ ̵n̴e̶e̷d̴e̸d̴ ̴h̸i̶m̴ ̵t̴o̶ ̶g̸e̷t̴ ̶t̶o̸ ̴y̴o̴u̶.̷”
“What do you mean to get to me?” Scar inquires.
“T̷h̶a̵t̸'̵s̷ ̴e̵n̴o̴u̶g̵h̸,̸” it snaps before covering his mouth with a vine,”t̴i̸m̷e̵ ̸t̷i̸m̵e̷ ̸t̷o̸ ̷d̶e̷a̶l̶ ̴w̶i̶t̵h̵ ̸t̸h̸a̷t̷ ̸l̵i̵t̷t̶l̵e̶ ̸s̴c̷i̸e̸n̴t̵i̸s̷t̵ ̶o̴f̵ ̴y̵o̸u̸r̶s̴.̵”
With that the thing possessing Cuteguy walks off, if Scar could just find a way down from where he’s hanging he could get out of the cave and find help. All of his arrows fell out of his quiver but he might be able to reach one, however the regular ones won’t be of any help unless he can use one to saw through the vine wrapped around his leg. So Scar reaches down until he feels an arrow in his fingers and as he pulls it up he sees that it has the black shaft that tells him it’s a normal one. He gets to work sawing through the vive with one hand while holding his bow in the other until it drops him when he gathers all of his arrows, not bothering to put them in the right compartments. At this moment the thing returns and Scar feels a slicing pain as a sharp rock hits him in the side, “O̵o̶p̶s̵,̶ ̴d̶i̵d̸ ̶t̴h̸a̵t̷ ̵h̵u̸r̵t̷?̵”
Scar reaches back and frantically grabs an explosive arrow before slowly walking toward Cuteguy, “Cuteguy,” he starts,”I know that you’re in there.”
“H̷a̷!̶ ̸Y̴o̶u̵ ̶s̷h̴o̷u̵l̶d̵ ̶k̷n̷o̷w̵ ̷a̵s̸ ̶g̵o̸o̸d̵ ̸a̸s̶ ̵a̵n̷y̵o̴n̵e̶ ̸t̴h̴a̸t̵ ̷h̶e̸'̷s̸ ̷n̷o̴t̶ ̷h̵e̴r̷e̶ ̷r̴i̷g̴h̵t̸ ̸n̸o̴w̴ ̸a̸-̵,” the thing is cut off,”Get out. Get the fuck 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣  𝙹⎓ ᒲ|| ⍑ᒷᔑ↸!” 
Cuteguy’s eyes glow bright purple as he… casts a spell? Scar didn’t know that he could do that, all of the mushrooms on Cuteguy get pushed away but soon after the mycelium tendrils start attacking him and Scar. 
“Run!” Scar screams at him and the two of them bolt out of the cave but despite their speed the vines are faster and as they reach the mouth Scar turns around loses an arrow from his bow and the cave explodes sending hunks of rock and mushroom flying and he’s knocked out.
He can’t believe what he’s done, to be fair Grian had no idea what was going to be in that cave but as he drags an unconscious Hotguy and a bleeding scientist to Shelby’s house the guilt is waying down on him. As he reaches the front door Grian hesitates as to bring them to Shelby means he has to tell her what happened but it’s better than explaining it to authorities so he knocks. A warm glow showers over him as she opens the door but her face can’t hide her shock.
“Oh my gods…” Shelby quietly exclaims,”Grian what happened?”
“It’s a long story, can we come inside?”
“⍑ᒷᔑꖎ !¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ, ⎓𝙹∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ꖎ𝙹⍊ᒷ 𝙹⎓ ⊣𝙹↸ᓭ. リJJリᒷ ╎ᓭ ↸||╎リ⊣ ╎リ ᒲ|| ⍑𝙹⚍ᓭᒷ リ𝙹ℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ 𝙹↸ᔑ||,” Shelby finishes the spell on Hotguy,”okay these two should be fine but do you want to explain what happened?”
“Well there was a cave in this forest with a lot of weird mushrooms in it and it was kind of an entity. I don’t really remember much but it possessed me and I hurt Hotguy and whatshisname over there.” Grian explains.
“Okay and?”
“I managed to get free but the thing started attacking me and Hotguy so we ran but it almost got us so he blew up the cave with an arrow. That of course caused him to get knocked out.”
“Wow. That’s a lot to take in.” Shelby says as she opens a book on possession.
“I just feel so guilty,” he continues,”I might stop being Cuteguy for a little bit at least until this whole mess blows over.”
“If that’s what you want.” She says absentmindedly as she flips through the book.
“I’m just dont- oh no.”
“What?” She asks while turning around,”You good?”
“I’m fine! But Hotguy’s waking up.”
“Okay then. Do you want to do it or should I?”
“Do what?”
“Um… Actually, never mind, I have to go grab something, keep an eye on him.” She says while leaving the room.
Oh no. No. No. No. No. This is not good. He almost killed both Hotguy and the scientist and now he has to be alone in a room with them? It’s fine he just has to act perfectly calm and collected and normal. Grian snaps out of it as he sees Hotguy try to get up only to lay back down on the couch. He turns to look at Grian. Shit.
“Wha- Cuteguy? What happened? The last thing I remember is blowing up that cave and-” Hotguy starts to look confused, and Grian realizes that he’s crying,”Are you okay.”
“I… I have to go.” And with that Grian leaves.
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thetomorrowshow · 6 months
empires superpowers au masterlist (currently out of date)
a story that takes place during chapter 10 of ‘poisoned rats’.
cw: past abuse, anxiety, food
“Hi, Major!”
Jimmy starts, looks behind them.
Blossom is standing on the curb across the road, opening up a mailbox to remove the contents.
Scott waves back cheerily, one hand still unlocking the front door. “Hey, Blossom! Your garden looks so cute today!”
“Scott,” Jimmy mutters, tugging anxiously on the hem of his own hoodie. “Scott. Can we please go in?”
“Aw, thanks! Hi, Major’s roommate! How are you doing?”
That’s Blossom. He can’t—he looks over at Scott, silently begging him to unlock the door and let him in so he doesn’t have to answer.
“We’re both doing wonderful,” Scott replies, in lieu of Jimmy saying anything. Blossom smiles widely, and Jimmy’s close to actually tapping Scott on the shoulder because they’ve been standing there with the keys in the lock for what feels like hours and he really doesn’t feel comfortable making small talk with Blossom, of all people.
“Scott, please,” he whispers, and Scott finally notices his distress and pushes the door open, stepping aside to let Jimmy in.
Jimmy pushes past him, uncaring of how rude it probably seems, as Scott calls another pleasantry across the road.
It wasn’t his first venture out of the house, but only his third, and he’d been on edge the entire time at the hardware store, had barely been able to give his opinion on the paint swatches he was supposed to be looking at.
They’re painting his room, as much as he insists he’s fine with the white walls. He’d decided on a pale green eventually, and now he sets the two cans of paint down on the dining room table and puts his hands beside them and just tries to breathe.
He’s fine. It’s fine. He lives in a neighborhood of superheros, of course he’s going to run into them at some point. It’s unreasonable to think that he can live in total isolation and still get better.
He’d just prefer they were strangers.
The front door closes. “Jimmy?”
Jimmy doesn’t look up, just presses his hands harder into the table. “I’m fine,” he lies, voice shaking.
Scott sounds unsure when he next speaks. “Was it—was it just someone talking to you? Or was there something else?”
There are some things that Scott will just let go. Things that he clearly doesn’t know how to handle, so he doesn’t push and accepts that it’s something Jimmy isn’t capable of and they leave it at that.
This is clearly not one of those things.
“I’ve hurt her,” he manages, swallowing past the lump in his throat. “Both recently, and . . . before. I’ve—I’ve hurt all of them, Scott, I’ve hurt Pearl and Gem and the Mad King and—”
“Do you want to sit down?” interrupts Scott, and Jimmy nods gratefully and lets Scott take him by the arm and lead him to the living room sofa.
“Jimmy,” Scott starts, glancing uncertainly at him, “they don’t . . . Blossom doesn’t know, you know? Most of them don’t know who you are.”
Most implies that some of them do, and that does little to calm Jimmy’s nerves anyway. The facts of the matter are that Jimmy’s hurt a lot of people whether he meant to or not, and some of those people just happened to be well-loved and extremely powerful superheroes, and if he tries to apologize and explain to any of them, he’s more likely to be killed or jailed than forgiven.
“Who does know?”
Scott bites his lip. “Gem, for sure. She knows just about everything, actually, and she’s a very forgiving person and is fine with it.”
Gem is one of the people he’s hurt the worst—he remembers hurting her so badly back when she first became a hero that she was out of commission for weeks.
He needs to apologize in person.
“And because Gem knows, fWhip knows, and maybe Mythics and Pearl, considering whatever weird friendship they all have.”
Great. That doesn’t make him panic any less. He knew that Mythics knew the connection between Solidarity and the Canary due to less than fortunate circumstances, and he’d had a hand in kidnapping Gem so that makes sense anyways. fWhip doesn’t particularly like him, but if he hasn’t said anything then hopefully he doesn’t have to reach out. Pearl is an unknown.
“Oh, and Joel, of course,” Scott waves off, and Jimmy frowns.
Scott blinks, his face falling. “Forget I said anything?” he tries half-heartedly. Then he shrugs, grins at Jimmy. “Eh, you would’ve learned it eventually. That’s the Mad King, he helped a lot in getting you and Gem out of there.”
Okay, that’s not . . . that’s not too bad. His memory is, admittedly, blurry, but he can vaguely recall the Mad King turning up at the end of . . . that day.
At least it’s not the entire city. Jimmy knows that Scott had had to pull some pretty powerful strings to arrange for his identity to be kept a secret, which he’s forever grateful for. It’s just utterly terrifying, knowing that there are so many people who do know who he is, and those people just so happen to be those wronged by him.
He clenches his hands into fists to keep them from shaking. “I need—I need to apologize to them. If I can.”
Scott doesn’t answer at first, just surveys him with an unreadable expression. “You sure?”
Jimmy nods. It’s absolutely terrifying, but he has to do it—just like how he still has to apologize to Lizzie.
Maybe apologizing with other people, for less important transgressions, will make the eventual confrontation with his estranged sister easier.
“Well, there’s actually a neighborhood barbeque this weekend,” Scott offers, and there’s something—there’s something sly in his voice, something suspicious, but Scott’s face is open and innocent when Jimmy meets his eyes. “Masked, of course. We could go to that, and you could see those people in person.”
Already, a pit in his stomach opens, dread spilling out of it. It’s Tuesday. That only gives him a couple of days before he has to see these people. Barely any time to plan anything, barely any time to try to find the words that he’s been searching for for the past five weeks while he postpones Lizzie’s visits.
Scott’s been talking a lot lately about spontaneity.
Jimmy used to live his life based around spontaneity.
Maybe he can just . . . be spontaneous again. It’s been so long since he didn’t have a schedule (even if it wasn’t one that he planned out), so long since he just rolled with the punches.
Maybe this will be good for him.
Jimmy’s precisely thirty seconds into the barbeque and he knows it will not be good for him.
It’s being hosted in the Mad King’s backyard, just down the street, and he and Scott are early enough that they’re the second to arrive, just after Blossom.
“She’s usually on time to stuff,” Scott whispers to Jimmy as they help the Mad King—or, Joel—lug coolers out onto the patio. “Gem is too, but if she’s bringing fWhip along she’ll be late.”
Gem doesn’t arrive at six on the dot, so Jimmy assumes fWhip is coming along. Joy.
It’s not a large group that’s gathered in Joel’s backyard by the time a half hour has passed, but there are several unfamiliar faces—or, masks, rather. Scott mentions that they don’t necessarily all live here, but there are many upstart heroes in the city and inviting them to neighborhood events is a way to show that the city-sponsored ones recognize the good they do.
He mostly sticks to Scott’s side, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie, tugging at his mask every so often. It feels like everyone at the party is watching him, knows who he is. There’s no way they don’t recognize him. There’s no way they don’t see his hair combined with his frame and mask and see the Canary or Solidarity.
“Hi, Major’s roommate,” Blossom greets him cheerfully when he and Scott make their way to the drinks table. She’s getting herself some lemonade; Jimmy fills a red solo cup with water and holds onto it to try and stop his hands from shaking so much.
“Hey, Blossom,” Scott says for him, picking up a cherry tomato from the vegetable spread someone had brought and popping it into his mouth. “I’m not sure I ever thanked you for catching my shift last week. Did anyone give you any trouble?”
“Not at all! I think they knew that I was around, and I wasn’t playing games, Major,” Blossom teases. Scott scoffs.
“Yeah, right. More like they decided to go easy on you.”
“Hey, TJ, right?” someone says loudly from behind him. Jimmy jumps, spins around to be face-to-face with the Mad King, a mask crooked over his eyes and a plain apron thrown over his jeans and t-shirt.
The Mad King jerks his head toward the grill. “Don’t freak out or anything, just wanted to ask for some help.”
Jimmy glances at Scott, who gives him an encouraging nod, then follows, feeling almost as though the Mad King is leading him to the gallows.
Which is entirely overdramatic, especially since the man helped rescue him in the first place.
The Mad King hands Jimmy a pair of tongs and a plate of hot dogs, explains the segment of the grill he ought to put them on, and tells him when to rotate them, even as he seasons burgers already on the grill and flips them around. Jimmy’s not quite sure what’s happening—he’s never used a grill before, so he isn’t sure if Joel’s cooking is anything particularly talented, but he’s impressed at least.
“How’ve you been holding up?” The Mad King asks after a moment, voice low. Jimmy blinks.
“Um. I’m—well, I’m here?”
Joel snorts. “Yeah, I thought that was kind of weird, really. What’d Major have to do to convince you to come to the superhero barbecue?”
At some point while crossing the yard, Jimmy had set down his cup. He wishes that he still had it, so that both his hands could be occupied. Instead, he stuffs one in his hoodie pocket, and very carefully turns a hot dog with the other.
“I want to apologize,” he says eventually. “I—to the people who know who I am. S—Major said, like—like, Gem, and fWhip know? And maybe Pearl? But I don’t know . . . I don’t. . . .”
“Know how to, like, start a conversation like that?” Joel suggests, and Jimmy nods. Joel clicks his tongue. “Go for it blunt. ‘Hi, my name’s TJ, I beat you up a couple times. How ‘bout we let bygones be bygones, yeah?’ Like that.”
“Absolutely not,” Jimmy says instantly, horrified by the idea. “I can’t just—I need to do it right—”
“‘Hi, Gem, remember when I kidnapped you and submitted you to torture? That’s my bad. Want to play pin the tail on the donkey?’”
“Oh my gosh—”
“‘Oh, fWhip! Yeah, I’m the guy who broke your back. Good times. How’re the kids?’”
“You are something else,” Jimmy manages faintly, setting the tongs down to bury his face in his hands. “Does he really have kids? Did he really break his back?”
“Pretty sure he didn’t break his back, you know, but yeah, his back got broken. Not sure about the kids.”
“I’m never going to get through this,” Jimmy mutters, slightly hysterical. “I’m going to die here. I’m going to panic and break something and then Scott will send me away and—”
“Hey, hey, secret identities,” the Mad King chides. Jimmy presses his fingers into his eyes, trying to regulate his breathing. After a moment, there’s a heavy pat-pat on his shoulder that he just barely doesn’t flinch away from.
“There, there,” Joel says awkwardly. It’s out-of-place enough that Jimmy laughs a bit, sucking in a long breath.
When he can, he lifts his face, picks the tongs back up, returns to watching the hot dogs cook. He glances around, checking to see if anyone’s watching. Everything’s going as normal, nobody seems to have noticed—even Scott, across the yard and lightyears away, is just laughing at some joke Pearl made.
“Sorry,” Jimmy says. Joel chuckles.
“How about you just start with apologizing to me?”
Well, the Mad King is on his apology list. But though he’d just been talking with him, though the conversation even seems almost friendly, Jimmy’s suddenly sweating from everywhere, heart jumping into his throat.
He has to do this.
“I’m—sorry,” he ekes out. He sets the tongs down, then doesn’t know what to do with his hands, and picks them back up. He avoids making eye contact with the Mad King. “For—for all the times I hurt you as the Canary. Or as Solidarity. I wasn’t—things weren’t going great. And also that time I hit you with a trash can.”
“Twice,” Joel points out.
Jimmy swallows. “Yeah. Twice.”
“Those are probably done, by the way,” Joel says, holding out the plate. Mechanically, Jimmy layers the hot dogs onto it.
“Honestly, TJ?” says Joel, flipping a burger and setting another one on the plate. “I’m really surprised you’re even here. It’s been, what—five weeks? Six? Since you got here?”
Jimmy nods.
“Right. Well, if I were you, I’d—I’d be bloomin’ terrified. I wouldn’t have even left my room. You just being here—even if you don’t talk to anyone else—that’s huge, in my opinion.”
Jimmy nods again, glances over to Scott, who is now alone. He starts to sidle away—he isn’t sure how to end conversations, really, he hasn’t had much practice and Scott never minds it when he just heads out to avoid the ending part, but Joel holds a hand out, offers him a small grin.
“And thanks. I accept your apology,” he says, before waving Jimmy on. “Go on, have a good time. Or don’t, more likely. At least eat something, yeah? Lizzie would kill me if she knew you weren’t eating.”
Jimmy doesn’t process that until he’s halfway across the yard, but when he does, he freezes in his tracks.
And it kind of makes sense, when he thinks about it. He’d witnessed the Mad King in battles teamed up with his sister, and they’d both gone with Scott to rescue him.
He tables that for a later date. Maybe Scott knows something about it. He doesn’t really want to strike up another conversation with the Mad King just to ask about it—as nice as he is, he is a little disconcerting.
Jimmy continues toward Scott, only to freeze again when someone taps him on the shoulder.
He spins around, and—fWhip.
fWhip offers him a toothy grin. “Hey, Major’s roommate, yeah? How long have you guys . . . you know. . . ?”
Jimmy stares back, mouth slightly agape. One of the people he definitely has to talk to, and the anxiety in his chest is bubbling up past boiling point.
fWhip’s grin fades. “Right. Um. Anyway, my sister and I—that is, Gem—we were wondering if we could chat with you for a quick minute? I promise we won’t keep you from Scott for very long.”
Which is an odd thing to say, but not exactly wrong. Jimmy thinks for a moment longer—for all he knows, they’ll lead him to a back alley somewhere and beat him up—but he’d deserve it, really, so he decides to go along.
Gem is waiting just inside the house, leaning against the kitchen counter. She smiles wryly, waves a little bit.
“Hi,” she greets him. “Are you still the Canary, or just Solidarity?”
Jimmy winces. “Er, neither,” he says stiltedly. “Just—just TJ. If that’s okay.”
“You weren’t mind-controlled, were you?” fWhip says bluntly. “The Mad King always said you weren’t. And—”
“TJ,” Gem interrupts. “I wanted to say I’m sorry. Mythics told us how badly you were hurting, and we never even noticed anything was wrong. It’s made me rethink my approach to being a hero. I want to help people, but I think I made things worse for you, and I’m sorry.”
Jimmy blinks. Tries to process that.
She’s apologizing to him? But—he doesn’t deserve that, he doesn’t deserve it when he’s the one who hurt her over and over before he was even Xornoth’s, then kidnapped her and subjected her to torture.
His head feels a bit like it’s spinning.
“I mean, I’m not gonna apologize,” fWhip says, shrugging. “But no hard feelings, yeah? I think we’ve both been in some pretty bad situations recently. So yeah.”
Jimmy swallows a few times. At least fWhip hadn’t apologized, he’s not sure what he would’ve done if he had.
“I’m sorry, too,” he forces out. “I shouldn’t have—I hurt you, both of you, a lot. You didn’t do anything.”
“It’s fine,” Gem says at the same time that fWhip says, “Thanks for apologizing.” They exchange a look, then both turn back to Jimmy.
“I know Major pretty well,” Gem says. “I trust him to be a good judge of character. I look forward to getting to know you, TJ.” She smiles warmly, then slides past him and out the backdoor.
“I don’t really trust you,” fWhip says. “Or Major, really. But I trust Gem. So, just . . . glad you’re reforming and all that. See ya.”
And then Jimmy’s alone in the kitchen, and that hadn’t exactly gone as anticipated. It hadn’t gone at all like anticipated, actually.
He’s going to need a couple of days to come to terms with that.
Jimmy heads back out, making a beeline for Scott. This time, nobody pulls him aside, and he can get all the way to him with no issue. Scott raises an eyebrow, but Jimmy shakes his head, so Scott just points him to the grill.
“Go get something to eat, yeah? We can leave after that if you aren’t comfortable.”
Joel shoots him a grin when he takes a hot dog, and Gem passes him the mayo at the condiments table, and Blossom corners him by the chips to ask him if he and Scott have seen the latest episodes of some unknowable TV show (and when he says they haven’t, she gushes about it for a good ten minutes while he tries to eat, frequently giving him strange looks whenever she brings up the main character’s romance).
It’s a lot. It’s inevitable that something goes wrong—and it does, but nothing big, just Jimmy trips over a small crack in the patio that quickly becomes a very large crack as the corner of the paving splits off.
He looks over at Joel, who shrugs, then back to Scott, who calls out an apology to Joel. And that’s it. Joel turns back to his conversation with Pearl and that’s it.
For the first time that evening, the knot in Jimmy’s chest loosens a little bit.
And if he can handle this, then talking to Lizzie will be a piece of cake.
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rhapsoddity · 2 years
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Pyrolisk has recently arrived in Empires City!
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finleythequeer · 28 days
Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 is out
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kiwinatorwaffles · 2 years
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this took WAY too long LMAOAOAOAOAOAO anyway here's vdhau!shelby! she was the witch at the well who granted wels his powers!
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dions-doomsday · 1 year
art dump part 1
hi im here from twitter dumping a bunch of old stuff lets get to it . i have no idea how to tag on here
December 2022 - January 2023
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littledevilmobby · 1 year
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something lgbt just happened to me (visibly shaken & covered in blood)
+version w/out text
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siriannatan · 2 years
Heroes Of Empire City
Part 2
About the Heroes:
Scott 'Major' /called 'Pigeon' by Jimmy/ - ice powers, has a bit of trouble controlling them, even if he has high cold resistance overuse of his powers carries the danger of hypothermia - his powers give him wings, can hide them but it does leave a big sigil on his back, and change his appearance a lot so he does not really need a mask - hero Major is cold, calm and collected and distant - Scott is a massive flirt, not too social, kinda very gay and distraught by his lack of a boyfriend - protective of his older twin brother but does trust him to make good decisions - it might have been his brother that convinced him to become a hero
fWhip 'Tinkerer' /or 'Hot Stuff' by Scott when no one's listening/ - fire powers, very destructive, he mostly relies on his inventions and gadgets - designs most of the support gear the Agency's heroes carry on them - a lot more confident and out-spoken as a hero, and quite snappy - fWhip prefers to stay indoors and tends to hide behind Gem or any friend he's with when faced with having to talk to people - will throw hands if anyone insults Gem in his earshot
Gem 'Amethyst' - crystal control, usually creates amethyst dragons to fight by her side, and flies on a crystal broom, if she creates too many constructs her head hurts and she gets ravenous- fWhip's older sister (twin?), will not hesitate to smack him if he misbehaves - a lot quieter and more distant as a hero than civilian - will punch you if you talk badly about her brother - thinks Katherine's assistant Pear is pretty cute, especially the flowers that often pop up in her hair
Sausage 'Sanctuary' - can control plants, can't just make them out of nowhere, can heal and detect wounds but it is dangerous to use on not super-powered individuals, - can't use his healing on himself but luckily he's dating Pixl who is a nurse - his personality barely changes as a hero, often jokes that's why Sanctuary is his favourite hero 'we're just so similar, how can I not' - very popular with children. Every holiday season a new Sanctuary toy is launched with all proceeds going to charity
Joel 'Stratos' - No1 hero of the Empires City - can summon and control thunder, overuse will cause him considerable headaches and might even change the weather, often causes power outages, - husband of the number one mayoral candidate Lizzie - a lot noisier and more boisterous as a hero -as Jimmy's relative he's banned from working with the police more than necessary - always floats a bit as a hero to look taller - similar to Scott does not need a mask, his powers change his appearance when active
Shelby 'Shrub' - a new hero just like Scott - mushroom based powers, can make them appear about anywhere and release spores with different effects - fWhip made special filters so she can fight alongside other heroes without having to worry about hurting them - lacks confidence, looks up to Sanctuary, - maybe a future mentor? - might have a big crush on the Agency's president - Katherine
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randomnameless · 8 months
@fantasyinvader and I talked about a few days ago about Adrestian nobles being dudes who were supposed to lead and protect/guide their people (per Hanneman's support) but also were people who knew the land they governed over and its people (in Ferdie's Supreme support in Nopes).
What if this idea of the perfect noble (tm) was pulled out and/or theorised in the Willy Era?
How would that vision of a perfect noble fit with Adrestian history, aka, Willy's conquest?
WoH thoughts below the cut
Willy'n'pals started from Enbarr, and ultimately extended their first influence to what would later become the Hresvelg Domain.
I suppose they eventually came to control Bergliez - did they kick out the clan/people who were ruling Bergliez there to put an Enbarrian there, or was Willy's MO to keep the ruling clans there - to mirror Ferdie's claim as the ruling clans were the ones who knew the land and its people better than some schmuck from Enbarr - after swearing allegiance and fealty to Adrestia?
Assuming it worked with Bergliez and the clan controlling this area, how the crap was it supposed to work with, idk, Gloucester's clan, since Rhea absolutely wanted to kill Gloucester himself?
Were the Elite's clan just, happy to accept Adrestia's influence and rule (whatever that meant) and let their leader be beheaded?
From FE16's history books, we know Willy terminated clans who wanted "more power" - was it the "excuse" given when a clan refused to bow to Adrestia and fought to preserve their autonomy?
And yet, from the same FE16, in the Yuri paralogue, it's inferred that some clans who were siding against the Empire and with the Elites... fled to Dagda.
I earlier surmised Willy (and Macuil?) striked down clans who "knew"* what Relics were, and/or how to make them, because they might possibly seek to make a new one and that's a big no to him. In that sense, Willy destroying clans who want "power" would actually mean Willy destroyed clans who wanted "new relics" or to make "relics".
So, following this theory, Willy wanted to erase a clan, but some members escaped and ran away to Dagda, where they crafted the Fetters of Dromi, which were ultimately offered to Duke Gerth.
Still, if the best nobles are the ones who know the land and its people (and have the trust of said people), what would have happened to lands controlled by clans who were destroyed? Would they have been controlled by an Enbarr schmuck, or given to someone else?
Rhea ultimately rewrote history to make Nemesis'n'Dudes appear as fallen Heroes, as to not alienated their supporters - was it also a way to "pacify" their clans, as in, if Rhea terminates Blaiddyd, by painting him as a fallen hero who had to be terminated,instead of revealing the Truth, Blaiddyd's kinsmen won't want to avenge him by targeting Adrestia (at least some don't?) and they can still rule over what used to be their domain, but with some sort of Adrestian supervision ?
(which would later more or less explain why the Elite's families/clans are still, say, located North of Enbarr : Blaiddyd's son accepted Adrestia's rule, but in exchange, he was authorised to rule over his people in his former land, as he knew those people and this land best ?)
Granted, if this was how Willy "awarded" lands, I'm not surprised Lycaon was "found dead" 7 years after his nomination as Emperor, because I can guess some people who joined Willy, from Enbarr/Hresvelg, would have been pretty pissed if they couldn't snag a few plot of lands here and there because Willy allowed the defeated clans to rule over them - if his argument is "they lived there and know the people so they're more suited for this task than us from the South", then why is he giving the Empire to his son - who was on the battlefront with him, instead of giving the throne to whoever was ruling the Empire in Enbarr while they were fighting?
In a nutshell, I'm thinking of something like this :
Is the clan seeking to gain more power aka build relics (or worse, only knows how to make relics) ?
If yes, Wilhelm crushes them, end of the story.
If no they can still have governance over their lands and their people if they accept the Empire's terms and conditions and swear allegiance to Adrestia. If they don't, back to square one, they're crushed.
This way, Willy ensures the lands controlled by the Empire are administered by people who, supposedly, know how to administer them (no growing bacchus in Galatea) and I guess it reduces the risk of having a civil war, aka former clansmen or tribes rebelling against Adrestia because they don't trust the Adrestian administrator (then maybe in time, everyone will fully be Adrestianised, and they will even have forgotten they used to have been part of something else? Was Willy gunning for cultural assimilation?).
-> it gives the model of the "perfect" noble to both Ferdie and Hanneman, people prioritising their people's safety above all, guiding them and knowing them and their lands to ensure prosperity.
OTOH, if we follow this theory (basically a HC), I suppose it didn't vibe that well at home, aka in Adrestia or with the Empire's first allies (the dudes from Hresvelg/Enbarr), imagine if Leeroy Bergliez dies in a fight against Gloucester's clan, the Empire defeats Gloucester's clan but they accept to bend the knee, so Willy lets the Gloucesters** rule over their lands and people - what would the Bergliez say ? They bled and died in that fight, for... nothing? No new lands?
People are pissed at Willy + resent the "northerners" who "stole" lands that should have gone to them (but belonged to said northeners to begin with lel)
And the final straw is Willy appointing his son*** as his successor, and not whoever the fuck was in Enbarr running the show while the Emperor was away conquering Fodlan, Lycaon is stabbed 23 times, and the Empire Wilhelm built (or tried to) disappears, to be replaced with another version of "might makes right" Adrestia.
Tl;Dr : conquering lands to create an Empire is easier than the actual task of ruling said Empire - if Willy did the right and sensible thing as in, let the clans rule over their lands/people after taking over them because those clans knew how to rule/administrate over those lands and their people (instead of appointing Bergliez in Leicester after getting rid of the guy who was seen as the Alliance's leader), it earnt him (and his son!) the ire and resentment of his earliest supporters, who might have wanted to kill clan's heads to seize their lands for themselves.
In a way, if Ferdie and Hanneman seem to find Wilhelm's vision of what is a noble the goal they to aspire to, Wilhelm's idea of a noble was dead on arrival, because it cannot exist in an Empire like Adrestia.
*cruel, to kill people because they "know" how to make relics, and might not even want to craft one, but as we talked about it in 2020 iirc (?), that knowledge enough is sufficient to be a threat, like sure, Bob and Marty don't want to kill Cethleann to turn her in a battle axe, but what if Lorie told Jack, who in turned passed this secret to his daughter in law, who wants to have more "power" because she thinks her husband is only a lowly soldier and if he had a crest and a relic they would be well-off compared to now?
There are no solutions to this dilemna (Rhea was damn lucky the scholar who nearly found out this secret stopped his researches thinking the Goddess wouldn't want to know more, because I'm pretty sure if Randy knew it, he would have started to hunt "pointy ears" to have a shiny weapon at his disposal to demonstrate his muhrit) and while I often portray Willy as stupid, I usually HC him as ruthless on this issue (and supported by Macuil, the worst wing man), doubly so if his precious heir is a half-nabatean and can be targeted to "create" weapons.
How to bury a secret that spread out? Rhea opted to tell lies, I can see Willy, Adrestian (irl roman?) Willy being more practical and bury the people who know said secret, dead men tell no tales, right?
**I said Gloucesters because we have the Axe of Ukonvasara that is a holy weapon... resonating with a crest of Gloucester, so it could have been made for a dragon who had, originally, that power, or it might have been given to "turncoats", aka members of Gloucester's clan who joined Adrestia.
-> HC wise, Willy could recruit red units and give them shiny weapons (thanks to Indech !) once they became blue.
***One could say Lycaon following his father during his conquest would have known more of "Fodlan's lands" than a peon in Enbarr - especially if Lycaon has an extended lifespan by virtue of being half lizard, he spent 40 years travelling across Fodlan and came to know its people... even if all those years travelling and that knowledge only applied to the lands who were conquered (as they were conquered) and not Enbarr, so when he returns South, to the Nobles and whoever were living in Enbarr, Lycaon might be a stranger who spent more time "in the north" than in the South.
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asterssunzephyr · 1 year
Powers rundown please uwu
(also I swear im getting that Shelby/Rowan ask done)
The Twins -> Both have fire powers! Ironically theyre not fire proof!
Jimmy -> Water related powers.
Scott -> Ice related, also has coloured smoke bombs!
Katherine -> Something akin to withers/wither skeletons? im not sure yet.
Rowan -> Wolf related.
Shelby -> A symbiote situation with Sculk<3 she's basically venom but a hero?
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featheredenby · 4 months
How Cromia Came To Be
”I think I’ll go with Cromia.” He answers.
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 1,329
Part Three Of: Show Your Fangs
A Superhero AU of Empires SMP/Hermitcraft/The Life Series
The explosions shook Scott to his very core and he had no idea what was happening. One second he had been walking around Empires City with Jimmy and Lizzie right before a bomb went off. The next second Lizzie disappeared and Jimmy got hit in the head by a piece of rubble and went unconscious. Now Scott was kneeling there helplessly as illusion powers don’t really help when you need to heal someone. If only Shelby was close by, she could use her powers to help save them.
He could at least try and move Jimmy over to a sheltered area where they could get more cover. As Scott turns around he finally gets a good look at what’s happening around him, up on a roof a llama hybrid, in a puffy jacket and shorts, and a cat mutant, in a long sleeved top with ribs on it and a pair of shorts with a cape, appear to be fighting against a woman, wearing a button up shirt and jeans, and her army of drones. He could help but now is not the time, he has to get his partner to safety. At least being an avian Jimmy has hollow bones otherwise he’d be a pain to carry. Gently lifting him up, Scott carries Jimmy over to the flower shop where he works and sets him down on a couch in the back, he then gets up to find a first aid kit. 
As Scott goes back around into the front of the store the llama hybrid who he saw on the roof earlier is thrown backwards through the glass windows of the store front. It’s strange to see a super person so close up as Scott only ever sees things like this on the news. Now he really gets a look at the other person, like the fact that they have short brown hair in messy curls and an orange headband with tassels on the ends, and how they’re wearing saffron sandals. Scott’s thoughts could keep going but they’re cut off.
“Sorry about that!” Says the man frantically, seemingly realizing what just happened.
“It’s fine, but are you okay?” Scott asks, “You were just flung through a pane of glass!”
“Oh. I’m fine, really this happens quite often,” The other person responds in a familiar voice. “But actually I could use a little bit of help.”
“Like what?” Scott inquires.
“Well,” they say, “As you can probably tell me and the one who calls herself “The Mayor” aren’t doing the best at the moment and any support would be appreciated, especially if you have any powers.”
Well that’s a first, Scott was just given the opportunity to help some people but he also has to help Jimmy.
“I’m not sure I have someone in the back who I need to help,” there is one thing that he might be able to do however,”But out of curiosity, is the person you’re fighting vulnerable to illusions?”
“I think so,” he responds,”The Faker is human so unless there’s something in her goggles it would work.”
“Okay. I’ll help you, But on two conditions.”
“Ask away, I really don’t care at the moment as long as we get help.”
“First, I have to take care of my boyfriend before I can help. Secondly I want to know your name as you seem very familiar.”
“Okay that’s perfectly reasonable and my name is Owenge Juice.” 
“I mean your real name.”
“Fine. But you can’t tell anyone, okay?”
“That works for me.”
“It’s Owen Saffron.” Ah, Scott had thought so.
“Okay, well you already know me then. I’m going to go take care of Jimmy and be back in at maximum twenty minutes.”
Twenty minutes later Scott came back into the front looking completely different as there was an old costume in the back that he had repurposed as a suit to hide his identity.
“Okay, so what happened while I was taking care of Jimmy?” Scott asks.
“Since you were gone The Mayor evacuated most of the citizens along with people from the GFHA (Government Funded Heroes Association) trying to assist us, only to get stuck in a parking garage.”
Ah yes, the Government Funded Heroes Association, a multi-government group that pays people to become superheroes and put their lives on the line, home to the infamous “hero” Hotguy. 
“In any case,” continues Owenge Juice,”we have to finish this fast or we could get arrested, also, what should I call you while this is going on?”
Right, an antihero name, very essential to doing this. What fits the theme of a purple and yellow top with sheer sleeves and a collar, paired with black flared leggings and teal boots with high heels?
“I think I’ll go with the name Cromia.” He answers.
“That’s a nice name,” replies Owenge Juice,”it suits you.”
“Thanks but we should either get going or call an ambulance, I don’t want Jimmy to die of blood loss.”
“Okay then Cromia,” says Owenge Juice,”Let’s kick some ass.”
An hour later and they still haven’t won. Owenge Juice lost his weapons to a bot, The Mayor relies on hand to hand combat skills and broke one of her hands, and Cromia has been mostly trying to keep civilians safe. They have got to finish this before the GFHP members manage to find their way out of the parking garage, and Cromia has a plan. The three of them retreat to the flower shop where it turns out Jimmy has woken up, upon seeing him Cromia breaks down with relief.
“Oh my god, Jimmy!” He cries only to get a confused look in return.
“What the, Scott?!? Is that you? Where’s Lizzie?”
“I don’t know where Lizzie is, but please stay hidden while we deal with what’s going on.”
“Okay, just please be car-“
“Sorry to interrupt,” Says Owenge Juice,”but we really have to deal with The Faker.”
“Right. About that,” Says Cromia,”what if I made an illusion of a void around her and then someone knocked her out.”
“That would probably work.” Replies The Mayor.
“I’ll stay here and help people with first aid,” says Jimmy,”but please be careful.”
There on top of a building stands The Faker, but before anyone can figure out what her next move is she’s enveloped in a black sphere. It’s taking all of Cromia’s might to keep the illusion together and stop her from escaping. He’s about to crack but as his mind starts to give out there’s a loud thud as The Mayor knocks her out. His head is spinning and he gives out a sigh of relief before his vision starts swimming and he blacks out.
Scott wakes up in bed with Jimmy’s wing over him and an ice pack on his head. Every part of his body aches and his head is throbbing but he helped to save people so isn’t that what counts? As he twists to check the time the canary avian starts to stir. 
“Sorry that I woke you up.” He says.
“No, it’s fine,” Says Jimmy in a groggy voice,”how are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. It’s not the worst injury I’ve ever suffered.”
“Okay, but please be more careful next time. Using your powers too much isn’t good for you.”
“Next time?” Scott asks, seemingly puzzled.
“You are planning on continuing to go out as Cromia, are you not?” Says the canary as he wraps his wing around him and Scott.
“Yeah, I guess I am.” He admits.
“Okay then, but please be careful. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“That works for me.”
“Good. Now can we go back to sleep?”
As Scott lays back down in the bed he feels something new inside him, a daring that was never there before. The world has been against him from day one but now he can make a difference and he plans on doing so.
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tigerclawsbiggestfan · 2 months
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Currently reading Mistborn at the moment, and the Warrior Cats brain rot is getting to me. So i though i might as well just draw my blorbo Tigerclaw and gang as Kelsier's crew.
Who else should i draw and who as? What about other Cosmere stuff?
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noattentionsstuff · 1 year
In the marvel hero villain swap au Spiderman (Peter Parker) runs a criminal empire. Its main members are the outher spider people specifically ghost spider, Spiderman (miles morales) silk and spider women.
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