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justjoia · 3 years ago
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I just got my copy of #maid written and SIGNED by @stepville herself!!! 😱 THANKS SO MUCH! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #coercivecontrol #emotionalabuse #maidnetflix #netflix #domesticabuse #newbeginnings #successstory #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #domesticviolencesurvivor #familycourt #taboosubject #netflixseries #bookstagram #book #igreads #supportsmallbusiness #smallbookstore (at Fact and Fiction Books) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV_zeHVJR60/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xarablack · 3 years ago
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Somebody Needs To Read this Today. More importantly I hope it sinks in. I’ve been there, staying longer than I should because I thought by some miraculous divine intervention all of a sudden this person would become different from all the last behaviour they had already showed me. The truth is that most adults are already set in their ways and people rarely change their personality and behaviours. Sticking around to see if they will change is literally a waste of your time and life. Especially when past evidence proves they cannot give you what you need. Let go🕊 . . . . #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcawareness #narc #narcissistic #narcissism #narcissist #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticabuseawareness #domesticabusesurvivor #psychologicalabuse #domesticabuseawareness #domesticabuserecovery #gaslightingawareness #gaslightingisabuse #gaslightingsurvivor #emotionalabuse #emotionalabusesurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalabuseawareness #emotionalabuserecovery #toxicrelationshipquotes #toxicrelationships #toxicrelationshipsurvivor #toxicmothers https://www.instagram.com/p/CYBpwmyoHey/?utm_medium=tumblr
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angeliqueshow · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @f.a.s.t1 #heartbroken #ex #ifmywoundswerevisible #healingfromabuse #divorce #domesticviolence #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcopathsurvivor #narcopathfree #sociopathsurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationships #narcex #domesticabusesurvivor #divorcedwoman #divorcerecovery #ptsdsurvivor #speakup #yourstorymatters #women #womenempowerment #emotionalabuse #sisterhood #womenpower #girlpower #divorcesupport #femaleempowerment #ptsd https://www.instagram.com/p/CU8tCFVIt2G/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rfarrokh · 4 years ago
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Yes conflicting emotions can happen❣️💝#emotionalsafety #emotionsmatter #emotionsurfers #emotionaltrauma #emotionalintelligence #emotionallyunavailable #emotional #emotionallyfocusedtherapy #emotionally #emotionallydrained #emotionallyfocusedtherapy #emotionallyunstablepersonalitydisorder #emotionallyimmatureparents #rachaelsroadtorecovery #emotionalhealthmatters #emotionalhealth #emotionalhealing #emotionalawareness #emotionalabusesurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalabuserecovery #nojudgment #nojudgments #nojudgementzone #nojudgesneeded #nojudgezone #nojudgmenthere #witness #feeltheheal #soothemysoul #beatpeace https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ-hsCQJVqb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ramyeonupdates · 5 years ago
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{ #narcex } || source: f.a.s.t1
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thesunsetpodcast · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @f.a.s.t1 #heartbrokengirl #ex #ifmywoundswerevisible #healingfromabuse #divorce #domesticviolence #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcopathsurvivor #narcopathfree #sociopathsurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationships #narcex #domesticabusesurvivor #divorcedwoman #divorcerecovery #ptsdsurvivor #speakup #yourstorymatters #women #womenempowerment #emotionalabuse #sisterhood #womenpower #girlpower #divorcesupport #femaleempowerment #ptsd https://www.instagram.com/p/CE24BV1HeqC/?igshid=hhf5yp2d4vay
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azariahstarcaster · 6 years ago
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I'm getting a little personal today. There's a man in Scotland who, aside from my mother, I love more than just about any other human being on the planet. His name is Chris, but he also goes by Prime in a particular circle of friends we have. He's been in a terribly abusive living situation for the past 12 years of his life, and as disgusted as I've always been with the way his father and brothers treat him, I've finally gotten fed up with it to the point that I've set up a GoFundMe campaign in a desperate attempt to help save my love from the people who call themselves his "family". I'm going to post the URL in my profile and here (https://www.gofundme.com/help-a-brilliant-student-find-freedom-in-edinburgh), so if you can share it or donate between now and July, I'd greatly appreciate it. #FreeThePrime #FreedomInEdinburgh #helpmyfriend #helpmybaby #helpmylover #helpmylove #gofundme #abusiveparents #abusevictim #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #helpmylovewin #shareyourheart #shareyourheart💜 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuURabdgP4q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ud1d24sibpho
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thatgrungeboy-blog1 · 7 years ago
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momcave · 4 years ago
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Mamas, especially #singlemoms and those going through #divorcewithkids need to follow my friend @themichelledempsey ! . . #singlemomsdoitbest #emotionalabuseisreal #healingfromhiddenabuse #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #marriedwithkids #knowthesigns #momproblemslol #mommastrong #strongmommas #strongwomenraisestrongwomen #strongwomenrocks #strongwomensupporteachother #singlemommalife https://www.instagram.com/p/CQTx4EdMksg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xarablack · 4 years ago
Four years ago, I made the biggest decision I believe I will ever have to make in life by choosing to walk away from someone who lied, deceived and abused me. It was a hard decision to make as I wanted to have the perfect relationship and nuclear family.This relationship was causing me emotional pain down to the core of my soul and severe depression. I felt that I would be better off dead than to be in this situation any longer so I chose myself. Being a single mum was a difficult choice because of the stigma of society and I wanted to be seen as successful and society by being married and having a nuclear family but nothing is worth the pain Of being in a relationship with an abuser. I had to reinvent my life and no matter how many hardships I have had to endure, 4 years on, all I can say is I should’ve left sooner. 😊 . . . . #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabuserecovery #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #narcissisticabuseawareness #narcissisticabuseexpert #narcissisticabusenearlykilledme #narcissisticabuselifecoach #narcissisticandemotionalabuse #narcissisticrecovery #emotionalabusesurvivor #emotionalabuse #emotionalabuseawareness #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalabuserecovery #psychologicalabuse #psychologicalabuseawareness #domesticabuse #domesticabusesurvivor #domesticabuseawareness #domesticviolencesurvivor #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CTuySpuI5s0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mydisorderstability · 5 years ago
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New Blog Post entitled, "The topic: Abuse". It's succinct and a good read. • • Which do you consider abuse: Hitting someone? Punching in the face? Sexual assault? Perhaps all of the above. But what if they've never touched you? What if they lash out at you when you make them mad? Or they name-call? Hurl insults? Degrade you in public? Is that abuse?? • • Whoever needs to read this, just know that you are understood. Emotional Health affects Mental Health. • • Please DM if you would like more information on resources available. Tag a friend, share, support. • • #mydisorderstability #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #emotionalabuse #emotionalabusesurvivor #pushthrough #emotionalabuserecovery #recoverfromabuse #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalabuseawareness #emotionalabuseisabuse #emotionalabuseisreal #emotionalabuseadvocate #emotionalabuseisnotlove #emotionalabusewarrior #emotionalabuseisnotok #emotionalabuseexists #emotionalabuseisjustasbadasphysical #emotionalabusedestroys #emotionalabuseleavesscarstoo (at Wichita, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4z5cLUHIbM/?igshid=q3au5fkoe5us
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ramyeonupdates · 5 years ago
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{ #narcopathsurvivor } || source: f.a.s.t1
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thesunsetpodcast · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @f.a.s.t1 #heartbrokengirl #ex #ifmywoundswerevisible #healingfromabuse #divorce #domesticviolence #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcopathsurvivor #narcopathfree #sociopathsurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationships #narcex #domesticabusesurvivor #divorcedwoman #divorcerecovery #ptsdsurvivor #speakup #yourstorymatters #women #womenempowerment #emotionalabuse #sisterhood #womenpower #girlpower #divorcesupport #femaleempowerment #ptsd https://www.instagram.com/p/CFGss8cnCQM/?igshid=oyl7tjfuix4o
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ignantgeek · 6 years ago
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Things I've learned... Reposted from @f.a.s.t1 - #heartbrokengirl #ex #ifmywoundswerevisible #healingfromabuse #divorce #domesticviolence #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcopathsurvivor #narcopathfree #sociopathsurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationships #narcex #domesticabusesurvivor #divorcedwoman #divorcerecovery #ptsdsurvivor #speakup #yourstorymatters #women #womenempowerment #sistersquad #sisterhood #womenpower #girlpower #divorcesupport #muslim #femaleempowerment #ptsd https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzeAfgB2v0/?igshid=j7aqworkt07i
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swatinc · 4 years ago
For emotional abuse, prevalence rates were high, averaging around 80%; 40% of women and 32% of men reported expressive aggression, and 41% of women and 43% of men reported coercive control. Furthermore, new findings from the National Intimate Partner & Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) by Black et al.Emotional abuse in domestic violence situations hurts. Emotional abuse degrade you humiliates you and once they speak them words its no taking it back. #DV #domesticviolenceawareness #empowerthenext #abuseisabuse #EMPOWERTHENEXT #MYLIFEISMYSTORY #spreadawareness #spiritualabusesurvivor #speakout #therapyhelpsafterabuse #breakthesilence #speakout #survivorswithatestimony #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalawareness #emotionalabusesurvivor #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #empoweringotherswithwords #financialabusesurvivor #verbalabuseisstillabuse #verbalabuseisabuse #verbalabuseaffectsmymentalstate #stopdomesticviolenceagainstwomen #stopdomesticviolenceagainstmen #stopdomesticviolence https://www.instagram.com/p/CLzr4BbDmza/?igshid=1196swsos13b9
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exposingthesociopath-blog · 6 years ago
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🤣 #truth I would say the sperm has a better chance 🙌🏻 #narcissistssuck #narcissist #sociopath #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #sociopath #befree #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcopathsurvivor #narcopathfree #sociopathsurvivor #sociopathsupplynomore #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalabuseawareness #libreporquepuedes #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationships #narcex #healingfromabuse #domesticabusesurvivor #ifmywoundswerevisible #divorcedwomen #ex #divorcedmom #yourstorymatters https://www.instagram.com/p/BwH3K9rnW7v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pckxtpaz5bij
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