#emotional retirement
defensenow · 2 months
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rafole · 19 days
forever young
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dinemunyu · 1 year
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He has sold his life away for a coin, or half of it, which makes him something a little (a lot) lower than Judas. His role is to give a brother so that he can take back his own.
anddddd we're back with vw angst featuring this line that has HAUNTED me since I read this fic last July.
i lost my draft because i accidentally posted it last night and in my panic, i deleted the post soo guess this is staying spoiler-free from my ramblings
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moonlightseve · 3 months
I’m thinking about the role Yakov must have played in Viktor’s life. With the cancellation of Ice Adolescence, we won’t ever know for sure, but I always insert hints of familial familiarity into their interactions — Yakov’s yelling at an unbothered Viktor, Viktor’s unshaken belief that Yakov would be able to be there for a nervous and unsure Yuuri, the lack of a biological family we see in Viktor’s mysterious past.
A Yakov Feltsman who is more of a father to Viktor than anyone else ever was — their journey together from Viktor’s childhood onto the podium. He handles Viktor’s drama in a practiced manner, and despite his frustrations with Viktor’s impromptu trip to Hasetsu and abandonment of his career, is there for him when it matters anyway. There is an unbreakable sort of trust between them that speaks to the depth of their bond.
When Yuuri and Viktor get married, I’m never sure what kind of wedding I imagine for them. Something small and private, only their closest friends and family? A relatively public affair meant to show-off the love they have for one another, given Yuuri’s pride in having Viktor by his side and Viktor’s love of the spotlight?
Or maybe something even quieter — eloping. Yuuri, for all of the confidence he tries to project on the ice, is a fairly private person, and I can’t help but think Viktor may desperately want to have something that can only be his.
No matter the scenario, I always see Yakov’s gruff approval at the joy on Vitya’s face. His satisfaction at a job well-done in raising the boy who proved to be one of his greatest students and his son in everything but blood. While we see the rough, explosive Yakov throughout the show, we also see the importance of love when it comes to skating, and I doubt he could be as successful as he is without having it in endless supply.
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sebnameyourcar · 10 months
The numbers of magnitude of the Sebastian Vettel Event Scale
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for @guillaumerocquelin - ranging from category 1 to category 5 seb event
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topnotchquark · 7 months
I need all of you to look at Vale's Misano 2020 helmet real quick.
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Yep. That little blue pill is Viagra. With one pill already missing from the blister pack.
Apparently the "La Doppia" refers to the double header San Marino GP that took place due to the pandemic regulations, and also just a reference to "second rounds" I suppose. Aldo Drudi, Vale's long time collaborator and helmet designer said that the viagra was a reference to how he was an old man at 40 and would need some extra energy for the double race.
Apparently when Vale set the fastest lap during FP3 of the Misano GP, the commentators talked about how he was "riding hard".
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Also because he's a cheeky little fuck he posted on his ig about how his Mugello 2021 helmet announcing Francesca's pregnancy with their daughter was a natural progression of the Misano 2020 Viagra helmet. It's stupid but who else would dare to do something like this.
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cursedvibes · 7 hours
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Rewatching some Shippuden episodes. Gai proposing to Kakashi when they're like 6 years old is the cutest. Wonder how young Kakashi would've reacted if you told him he'd eventually say "yes". Or honestly, if you told both of them that they'd end up going on vacations together with hot springs, shared dinner and festival fun. Without body shattering competitions between them and Gai feeling comfortable by Kakashi's side even if he is physically more restricted now. He doesn't have to push his body to its limits to be worthy to be by his side and Kakashi has learned to accept other people's friendship.
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the-broken-pen · 6 months
How about a hero who accidentally kills a cat and feels bad about it so they bury it but villain finds them? Love your writing!
The hero was thoroughly, miserably, soaked and shivering on the ground. Dirt coated their palms, under their fingernails and on their knees.
They dragged a hand down their face. Fought off a wretched sob.
Their fingers shook as they set the flower down on the tiny mound.
Behind them, the sirens on an ambulance cut off, plunging them into silence. If they thought about it, they could feel the blood seeping from their side. They could hear the sound of rubble shattering to the ground echo in their ears.
And the screaming.
They could hear that, too.
They didn’t think about it.
A sob worked it’s way out of their chest, painful in their throat as they tried to swallow it.
“I’m sorry,” they choked. Their voice cracked. “It was—an accident, and I know that doesn’t…”
They had to bite their lip to stop another sob.
“Praying?” the villain questioned from behind, voice gentle.
The hero shrugged one bruised shoulder.
The villain stepped around, facing them. Their eyes dropped to the flower, the fresh dug dirt on the hero’s hands. The grave.
Their expression softened.
“You can leave now.”
“Praying for forgiveness, or praying for salvation.”
“I said you can leave now,” the hero snapped. They swiped away an angry tear, dirt smearing on their cheek.
The villain didn’t move.
“Why are you still here?” They bared their teeth in something they hoped was enough of a message to get the villain to leave. They had a feeling it was something pathetic, instead.
“You were crying,” the villain said it like it was an answer.
If the hero thought about it too hard, it was.
They didn’t think about it.
“Burst water line,” they gestured haphazardly to the demolition behind them, the half-flooded street. “No tears, no praying, and certainly no need for you—”
The villain’s expression shifted. “I told you that you needed to microdose your power.”
The hero froze.
“Shut up,” they hissed. “Shut up—“
“You wanted to quit, and I respected that. You have enough scars for a lifetime, we both do. But I warned you. I told you that if you didn’t use your power, it would use you, and it would be an ugly, violent thing.”
The hero shook their head mutely, words stuck under their tongue.
“And you thought you knew better,” the villain continued like it wasn’t breaking the hero’s heart. “You thought you could go through life and keep it bottled inside you and ignore the pressure.”
Their gaze flicked to the wreckage the hero knew lay behind them.
“Did you know better, hero?” Their voice was soft and dangerous. “Did you?”
“I said I was sorry!” It clawed its way out of the hero, and it wasn’t a scream, but it was close. “Okay? I know I messed up. You don’t need to taunt me with it, I already—“
The hero’s gaze settled onto the grave once more.
“I already regret it,” they whispered. “You can’t make me any more sorry than I already am.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel bad.”
“Then you’re failing spectacularly,” the hero snorted derisively.
The villain’s jaw ground.
“I’m trying to make you understand that this would have happened regardless of what you did. And that it’s not your fault.”
The hero blinked.
“You just said that I—“
“I said you thought you could fight your power and win. And you were,” the villain conceded. “You might have made it another month. Maybe two.”
The hero had never seen the villain so angry. “But then someone shot you, off duty and in civilian clothes,” they seethed. “The fallout is on them, not you.”
“I killed a cat,” the hero managed roughly. They blinked back tears.
The villain shook their head.
“You were off-duty. A civilian.”
“I could never be just a civilian, you know that.”
“Just because you were the bullet does not mean you were the one who pulled the trigger.”
“You aren’t making any sense.”
“I am,” the villain corrected. “But you’re grieving, and bleeding, and suffering from a massive energy drop, so you can’t see it yet.”
The hero let the villain pull them to their feet, dirt smearing between their two hands.
“You want forgiveness?” The villain ducked their head to meet the hero’s eyes. “I forgive you.”
The hero forgot how to breathe.
“You can’t just do that.”
“I can do whatever I want. And what I want is for you to stop crying.”
The hero snorted again, but it was lighter this time.
“You’re an ass.”
“And you’re a civilian.”
The hero shook their legs out. When they went to turn back to the grave, the villain caught their chin, turning them away with soft fingers.
“I forgive you,” they said solemnly, as if they had never said anything so important. “They do, too.” They inclined their head just slightly towards the grave.
For once, as their chest collapsed in on itself, the hero believed them
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damiannasworld · 9 months
An interesting but also kind of sad interview. 🥲
Behind is an incredible year which threw Käärijä or Vantaa's Jere Pöyhönen to the stars and an artist loved by the entire nation. Along with the huge popularity came the loss of privacy which Käärijä tries to protect.
"If I drive into the yard I try to make sure that no one sees that I have entered the building. I've tried to play life so that it wouldn't be known where I live. It's surprisingly hard when people are shouting outside the house and it feels like there's no space of your own at home anymore."
Käärijä and Häärijä also have a Christmas calendar on the OnlyFans site where they fool around flashing their buttocks.
"It could have gone better if it had been put in earlier but there was no time. But Häärijä will buy a convertible with it."
Käärijä opened up about his future plans.
"My goal is that in five years I can go to my own little apartment in Thailand and not have to do a single day of honest work. That's my goal but we'll see if anything comes of it. I make music as long as it's fun and I enjoy it."
What has the year taught him?
"That family is the most important."
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
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Makes me so happy to see so much love and support on Ali's post of the billboard in NYC in celebration of her retirement. Seeing so many people ranging from family, friends, teammates, former teammates, players around the league all showing their support and acknowledging that she deserves this just shows how big of an impact she's had on this sport on and off the field. Hope she's enjoying every minute of it and able to celebrate to the best of her ability ❤️
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 4 months
Chris: *using replicas of Wesker's weapons and dressing in all black like Wesker* Jill:
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dilfkuza · 1 year
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i feel sick :)
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sevennone · 5 months
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240505 VGK@DAL | last game
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 16 second half thoughts (after Defiant interlude, 16.7 to end):
I'm very glad I split this arc where I did cause WHAT THE FUCK
Tattletale . . . the entire time . . . in secret!
And Coil's whole crazy plan at the town hall debate!
And and and Rachel held Taylor's hand and it was gay BUT IT WAS SAD GAY!
And the bug box (I'm sorry, "The Famine Engine") what the fuck
And Taylor was shot and almost lit on fire and she become a fucking terror demon scary bug monster and got away from all the people and set off some grenades and and
passes out
Taylor sees her dad and argues with his friends a little and realizes that things aren't as clear as she thought they were maybe but whatever I just want to get to know Lacey better. For reasons.
I knew something would happen at the town hall. Once Dragon was taken care of I figured it would be Coil but I wasn't sure what he would do and I didn't expect this. I thought he would mostly be trying to take out Skitter or something.
Happy to see Uber and Leet again, even if they are working for the asshole. They are fun.
Getting more info on Leet's power and I'm even more fascinated then I was before. He couldn't make the teleporter work if it was putting the target into instant danger, like a bomb or a vat of acid. Wild. I wanna know more.
He really did go full supervillain right at the end. Monologuing, using cheesy lines, stopping the execution of his enemies when one of them yells "Wait!" and letting them talk. Crazy elaborate plans. Good for him I guess.
The Wards new "teleport without swapping matter" tech is quite fancy and it can apparently do a heck of a lot of people at once! Which I could see becoming a big deal. I had initially assumed it was Kid Win who made it (since he did the same with is guns before) but with how stuff has bounced around I'm legit not sure.
I had fully called Coil being Thomas Calvert by now, so that itself wasn't a surprise. But I hadn't expected Thomas to have gotten back to working with the PRT. Makes sense if he can make it work, that is a wonderful source of power.
Too bad Tattletale pulled the fucking rug out from under you Thomas!
Taylor leaving her dad at the hospital without stopping to see him is unfortunate I guess, but not really unexpected. I've kinda given up on their relationship getting repaired. Besides who needs Danny when shes got me!?
Oh and I guess Taylor can't really see now. Cool. I'm sure that will just get better right away with no issues! /s
I mean it isn't really a huge deal for her vs most people. But still.
Oh and Skitter's deal with Coil to turn off the dead man's switch included "Take care of Bitch's dogs!" GAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
And "Tattletale gets to live!" like ya ok sure it was all so she could get Tattletale here and such I get that but whatever, it is also GAY! GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY!!!!!!!!!!
But for real Tats has been coming in with the fucking long con OH MY GOD. I legit didn't see it coming. Coil losing this arc? Sure, maybe not likely but possible. Coil dying? Again, was surprising but not shocking. But Tattletale having payed off have the mercs in a carefully planned coup in the works since Arc 3 at a minimum? Blindsided me. Just hit by a bus. HOLY SHIT!!!
Fake Skitter shot Bitch!!!! AHHHHH!!! But she was ok. And the speed of her accepting that real Skitter didn't do it and not staying mad at her!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
Seriously though Skitter breaking out of the house she was teleported into and getting past all those troops? God. Using the swarm speech for physiological warfare? Chef's kiss
I wonder how Cauldron is feeling with Coil dead? I don't know exactly what they needed him for but he sure ain't doing it now.
And Dinah at the end!! Just me sobbing.
I'm sure the whole thing with Noelle (or should I use my cape name for her when she's on a rampage - Traveler in a Vault, or TiaV) will just blow over and won't be a bigger deal than arc 8 in the end. Everything is fine.
Marquis interlude thoughts:
TINY PRISON! I love tiny prison.
Look I'm sorry I don't make the rules but Marquis and Lung are totally gay for each other. They are both terrible people. I don't ship them because I want to, I ship them because there is no other option. I do what I have to do.
Glaistig Uaine is my new favorite. She is terrifying and I love her. Forget Bonesaw's passangers or Coil's agents, they're called head fairies now.
I'm sure Amy and Glaistig Uaine working together in the future won't be bad at all.
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rickybaby · 1 year
Daniel Ricciardo is racing in Vegas
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spoofyleaf · 9 months
I never understood how people were confused about the fact I want a small home with a large enough yard to grow food, with my nearest neighbor being miles away, being completely surrounded by trees.
Like I grew up helping raise farm animals, with helping harvest crops and dairy. I grew up with secret recipes handed down through many generations, helping my neighbor garden. I grew up helping build walls,and nailing shingles on roofs. I grew up learning how to live alongside nature, how cruel and loving Mother Nature can be. I grew up listening to thunderstorms as I fall to sleep, and hoping the wind doesn’t tear the roof. I grew up raising new born puppies, and helping friends with home work.
I grew up knowing life is hard work for everybody, and to welcome someone into your home is to say “oh look at how the sun shines through the trees, I’ve made grape juice and apple pie, do you want some? You’re safe here and I care about you”.
I want to live a secluded life, I want to get as far away from any city that I can. I want to grow and preserve my own food. I want a hound dog or two at my side while I spend the night knitting away.
I want to grow numb to how beautiful where I live is, so when you, my dear friend, travel all the way up to visit me deep in the woods in my one bedroom home, you go “wow it’s beautiful up here” and I sigh remembering “yeah, it is, isn’t it?”
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