#emoji belt
closetofcuriosities · 3 months
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vigilanteshit · 1 year
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Joseph Quinn called me “My Darling” nbd or anything 🖤
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oohbuggypie · 4 months
@goferwashere WHEN I CAPTURE UUU the Monster Hunter AU is chewing on my limbs literally . no srs art for it (none of my art will ever truly b srs im God's most relaxed doodler) but vampire Von Kaiser doodle i made last night to soothe the gnawing it is doing 2 me 🩷
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pikslasrce · 3 months
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fashion icon moment ft scoliosis and my terrible front camera on this new phone
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New Stray Kids comeback, you probably don't know what that means!
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Part one of memes made from @ao3-crack posts+the first skz five star photoshoot!
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rustbeltjessie · 1 year
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These photos are from yesterday and today—what I look like when I’m not glammed up. (May 20/21, 2023)
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godkilller · 2 years
tagged by: i was encouraged to steal it from @maskierd​ tagging: steal it, continue the cycle bold for always applicable, italics for sometimes.
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𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.    being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping
𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.    tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare.   monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑.   furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑.     wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.    constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
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rostii · 1 year
wild strawberries by pnau now thats conveyor belt music
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daddy-socrates · 1 year
hhhhhhhh i am so close to done w this chapter i am DYING (in a good way this time though)
im really proud of how i cleaned up/rewrote/incorporated more parts into this chapter, and now im literally on my final section of my final chapter excluding the introduction and conclusion sections my advisor wants me to write for the week after next, but like, of the body of the paper?? last part
i am vibrating! at the speed of light! god i am so nervous and excited! aaaaah!
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jrueships · 2 years
rubbing my hands like a fucked up fly seeing you consider getting into baseball for all the juicy juicy asses... yes... hahaha... yes!! 🪰 ima let you know right now that catchers are the fat ass Position. baseball in general between all the exercise and pants that specifically flatter the rear in a way most sports do not ("wHy dO tHeY pLaY wItH A bElT" to hold up all that ass!!!) lends to double cheeks but catchers are crouching for hours at a time and building succulent thigh meat. like a slow cooking roast
HELP ME !?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?
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whoarethegirls · 2 months
willow win: <3 <3 <3 <3 :DDDDDD
willow dropping the belt in a month: >>>:((((((((
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snstse · 1 year
I think it’s important to remember that the standard GC uniform doesn’t have a cape, but Lightning chooses to add one anyways.
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daisynik7 · 9 months
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Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
cw: established relationship, smut – PIV sex (doggy style), rough sex, blow job, cunnilingus, bondage, blindfold, use of safe word, slight degradation (use of the word slut), explicit language, safe word, pet names (sweetie, sweetheart, princess, honey), aftercare 
Summary: You send your husband an eggplant emoji as a joke, but he doesn't find it amusing one bit.
Author’s Notes: Barely proofread, hardly edited, all horny. Just my little contribution to the plethora of delicious fics that came out after this latest episode. Tagging @lovekento because this was inspired by your recent ask about the safeword audio we love so much. Also tagging @darkstarlight82 because of your recent ask to be tagged in JJK fics! Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated. Thanks for reading! MDNI and support dividers credit to @/cafekitsune (as always).
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Nanami does not take kindly to jokes. Years of being together and he’s uptight as always. That doesn’t mean you stop trying, especially when you love how mad he gets at you.
It’s innocent, silly, completely unserious. I’m really craving something tonight, followed by suggestive emojis, including the winky face and a particularly phallic vegetable. You grin at your screen when you notice the three dots blinking, indicating that he’s read it and is currently typing a reply. Probably growing hard in his pants just thinking about it, knowing him. Before he can say anything, you send him a selfie of you at the grocery store, holding up two large eggplants, smiling wide at the camera. Eggplant parmesan! The dots flash once more, then disappear immediately, and you crack up in the middle of the produce section when he ends up not responding at all. 
Back home, it’s eerily dark inside with all the lights off. You carefully set your groceries on the counter, clicking the switch to illuminate the kitchen. You’re startled when you notice Nanami’s burly silhouette in the living room, back turned towards you, sitting upright on the couch, motionless. He does nothing to acknowledge your presence, worrying you even further. “Honey?” you call out, slowly making your way towards him. His arms are crossed over his chest, bulging out of his sleeves, staring straight ahead with a menacing look on his face. He remains silent, ignoring you. 
“Kento,” you say, swallowing hard, nervous at this unusually sinister behavior.   
“Thought you were craving something.” His voice is low and husky in his throat. Almost threatening.  
You kneel in front of him, leaning on his thighs. “It was a joke, honey.”
Finally, he looks at you, gaze intense from behind his glasses, nostrils flaring as he takes a deep inhale through his nose, exhale out his mouth. “So, you riled me up for no fucking reason then?”
You gulp loudly again, taken aback by his sudden vulgarity, simultaneously aroused. “I’m sorry, Kento.”
“Do you think I’m going to let you get away with this?” He grips your chin, focusing your attention on his lap. “Look how hard I am. Look at what your stupid joke did to me.” His massive erection is strained in his pants. Your pussy throbs, mouth salivating at the sight of it.
He unbuckles his belt and splits his zipper open. “You know what you have to do, don’t you sweetheart?” He shrugs his pants down enough to free his cock, veins protruding on the thick shaft. You nod silently, peering up at him with wide eyes, parting your lips, hungry for him. 
“That’s what I thought,” he mutters, stroking himself in his fist, precum oozing from the tip. “Stick out your tongue.” You do, letting it hang from your bottom lip, mouth open.
“Good girl,” he purrs. “So obedient for me.” He swipes his thumb over his cockhead, collecting the precum to smear it onto your tongue. “Swallow. Get a taste of it before you take me.”
You obey, relishing the salty, luscious flavor down your throat, your eyes never leaving his. He smirks, tracing your lips with his thumb, the first hint of softness since you this all started. “I’m going to ruin this mouth. Understand?” 
You nod again, panties wet with your arousal. Hoping he doesn’t notice, you reach between your legs, desperate to touch yourself. He catches you, using his foot to swat your arm away. “Ah, ah, ah. You’ll have your turn later.” He loosens the spotted tie on his neck to cover your eyes with it, knotting it tight. “There. Nothing except my cock to occupy this little head of yours.” He guides his cock into your mouth, sliding it along your tongue until he bottoms out. “Now, suck,” he demands, your face pressed to his groin, bottom lip grazing his heavy balls. You bob your head back and forth on him, drool leaking from the sides of your lips, teasing your gag reflex with every solid thrust, swallowing it down every time he hits the back of your throat.
“Fuck, that’s it,” he whispers, cradling your face. “Such a good fucking slut for me.”
After several more strokes, he pulls out of you, cock wet with your saliva, squelching between his fist as he continues to jerk himself off. “On my lap. Come on.” He lends his hand, helping you up while the blindfold remains. You bend over his thighs, in position for a spanking, just as he expects. 
He chuckles. “Good girl. You already know that you need to be punished, huh? Always playing these ridiculous pranks on me. I hope you learn your lesson after this.” He slides the belt off his waist, binding your wrists behind your back, shoulders in an uncomfortable stretch as the leather digs into your skin. The need to be touched by him overwhelms you, body tingling with anticipation, pussy aching to be filled. 
He pulls your pants down, leaving you only in your panties from the waist down. The first spank sends shivers down your spine, the loud smack bouncing off the walls of the kitchen, flesh prickling from the contact. The second comes almost immediately, surprising you. You whimper, shutting your eyes, clenching your legs together. “Kento.”
A third is delivered, your ass throbbing and swelling against his calloused hand. “What?” he growls, palm ready for a fourth. 
“Fuck me,” you whine, jittering on his lap. You can’t take it anymore. You want him. You need him. 
“Oh, so you’re giving orders now?” He rolls you on your back, tugging your panties off, exposing your glistening cunt. “That’s not how this works, sweetheart. You know that. I can’t just give you what you want after what you did to me.” He spreads your legs apart, teasing your slit with his fingers, spreading your slick across your swollen clit. “Look how fucking juicy you are. All that because I fucked your throat. Nasty slut.”
You hear him spit, then feel the trickle of his saliva coat your aching bud. He repeats, soaking you in his spittle. He readjusts himself on the couch so that he’s between your legs, licking and slurping your cunt until his chin and nose are glossy. You squirm, knees shaky, already pushed to your limits. His lips surround your clit, sucking on it until it’s puffy in his mouth, tongue flicking it aggressively, pussy fluttering with arousal. You’re overstimulated, core incredibly tight, ready to fucking burst. 
“Yeah, that’s it,” he muffles, still slobbering. “Come on my face. Squirt all over this couch. I’m going to fucking embarrass you like you did me, you stupid slut.” You whine his name, gushing for him, rutting your hips against his face, writhing on the cushions damp with your juices. 
He rolls you over again, dragging your body until you’re up on your knees, ass up. “I’m going to wreck this pussy. Pound it until you learn your lesson. Got it?”
You nod erratically, ready to be fucked hard and fast. He enters you smoothly, stretching you out until you’re completely full of him, everything so wet and messy between you. He pumps his cock in and out of you, pace increasing the more and more your body yields to him. He fucks you like an animal in heat, railing your cunt like it’s his own personal cock sleeve for him to use and tear apart. 
Blindfolded and still bound by the wrists, you begin to grow scared of his carnal behavior. His nails imprint your skin, grip so strong it hurts with every brutal thrust. The guttural growls he emits sound nothing like the Nanami you know. The way he bullies his cock into your tight pussy, so deep and so rough that a cramp develops in your abdomen makes you think that the person fucking you is a complete stranger now. You want your husband back. It takes you a few tries to get it out, but eventually, you do, whimpering, “Makgeolli.”
He doesn’t hear you, so you say it once more, louder this time. “Makgeolli.”
Immediately, it’s as if a switched is flipped. He pulls out, quickly removing the belt and blindfold off you, his tie saturated in tears and sweat. “Hey, hey, hey. Sweetie, I’m here. I’m right here. You’re okay.” He pulls you up on his lap, cradling you in his arms, kissing your sticky forehead, brushing away any of the remaining tears from your eyes. 
You relax into his hold, nestling your face into his shoulder, steadying your breathing. He massages your back, pressing soft kisses on your cheek. “I’m sorry, princess. I’m so sorry. I got carried away, I admit it.” His voice is soothing now, familiar and comforting in your ear. 
Sniffling, you ask, “Are you mad at me?”
He smiles, nuzzling his nose to yours. “I was never mad to begin with. I just wanted to tease you, but I took it too far. I’m sorry.” He kisses you on the lips, cupping your check in his palm. “Your joke was actually quite funny.”
You giggle softly, running your fingers through his hair, damp with his own perspiration. “At least I got you to finally admit it.”
He gives you another smooch on the forehead, lacing his fingers with yours. “I’ll run us a bath, okay? And then after, we can order pizza and watch a movie. Sound good?”
“Yes. And I’ll help you with this while we’re soaking in the tub. Does that sound good?” You palm his cock, still stiff and wet against his abs. 
“Whatever you want, princess.”
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bovineblogger · 3 months
do you remember when emoji ratings was a thing!!! that was a great meme & we should bring it back. but you specifically should rate all the cow emojis. if you want :)
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super cute!!!! got the roundness in da front, square butt, perfect. luvly. would be cuter if it was stylized tho. 8/10
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VERY CUUUUTTEEEEE LOVELY!!! i preferred the old one tho :(( (right) 9/10
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the cartoony smiley face looks strange to me .. 6/10
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SOOOO CUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEE SO CUUUTEEEEEEEE this is so good!!!!! perfect!!!!!!!!! big nose empty eyes. perfect. cow. 10/10
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kinda cute! dont really know what the face shape is supposed to be like ... uhhh . its okay! 4/10
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you had a perfectly good brown cow why did you . why did you get rid of her. bring hehr back. like this is fine but the sideways body and front on face is kinda jarring ig 4/10
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heheheehehehe she looks like a chihuahua 6/10
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horse without a neck/10
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EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEEEEE CUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEE this cow is excited about something!!!!!!!!!! this cows about to run up to u and try to lick ur face 8/10
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she looks like shes wearing slippers....... aouuu floopy brisket. round nose.. how lovely. 9/10
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what a lovely girl!!! oh my gosh!!!! and a lovely brown cow too!!!!!!!! not a thought behind those eyes. i lve her. the anatomy is a little strange but i forgive thiem 7/10
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a very pretty approximation of a cow!!!! with suuuuuuuper sharp horns!!!!!!!!!!! woawh!!!! a fearsome creature! 7/10
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theyre okay. bye
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rustbeltjessie · 1 year
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June 27 & 28
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starflirts · 6 months
something something about soft launching your relationship with percy…
he’s defo a big fan of the “private but not secret” type of relationship at first, because he wants to show you off!!! no matter how he does it!!! dinner date ? he’s gonna post the outfits. beach date ? there’s a picture of you dozing off with his hat covering your face.
but when he sees you doing the same little posts oh boy his heart grows ten times bigger. a picture of his mop of curls after a swim ? he’s reacting with heart emojis. faceless pic of him ? he loves those. he feels giddy whenever he sees a part of himself on your social media !!!
you guys definitely love to show your matching trinkets or clothes and it’s so subtle yet so obvious that you guys are dating ! you post a picture of the loop belt of his jeans and everyone can see the little keychain you also have on your keys!! on the other hand, percy would totally post fit checks and it’s so cute because you guys wear the same shoes, or color coordinated fits and he always captions the post with something like “copying me again smh 🙄”
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