#emma || alecto carrow
mcrcki · 2 years
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“well, no one told me the city could be this exciting.” emma mused, having all too much fun hunting down that little muggle girl. it was better than she could have hoped, signing up for these dates to simply cure even a smidge of her boredom, but she never expected it to be this entertaining. “do things like this happen often, or am i just lucky?”
@dcpravities​ for alecto carrow
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atlasdoe · 6 months
The Marauders Eras Godly parents
part two
i got bored last night and this is what came from it
please excuse all the fancasts we've been over this, it is my guilty pleasure
also i don't care about lore and who can have certain kids or not and all that. just roll with it
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katakosmos · 2 months
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alecto and amelia had a super toxic relationship in their 5th to 6th year. emma and alecto beat each other asses multiple times bc of the relationship
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE THESPIAN get what they deserve?” They are in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out. 
— they walk through the world as ;
name → calliope malfoy pronouns → they/them identification → non-binary year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → emma corrin blood status → pure-blood (metamorphmagus) sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → actor at the beasouleil theatre future information → n/a
— they are best described as ;
The strong scent of FACE PAINT as it’s expertly applied & sealed with a PUFF of POWDER in a BACKSTAGE room.They are the GLITTERING TUTU of a PIXIE wore in a BALLET & the VENETIAN MASK fit for an ELABORATE STAGE VILLAIN. They are as RECOGNISED as an OLDEN SCRIPT & as DIFFICULT to pin down as a cloud of SPARKLING CIGARETTE SMOKE.
— their story starts with ;
Calliope’s name was inspired by mythology and they are as interesting, creative and ancient as their namesake. The second child of Ignatious Malfoy and his wife Asteria Malfoy, Calliope escaped any of the weight of their family name felt by their elder sibling LACHESIS MALFOY [sibling]. Instead, Calliope preferred to exercise themselves creatively, intent on using the Malfoy name to gain access to the most lavish theatres and dance halls the Wizarding World had to offer. Calliope spent their childhood writing elaborate scripts and monologues they would perform for their family and working away on songs by the piano under the strict gaze of their music teacher. Unlike many Sacred Twenty-Eight families, Calliope had noticed that their parents encouraged their children to follow their respective passions. Whilst they overheard the Black family at parties dreaming up the fates of their children, Ignatious and Astreia knew their children would achieve greatness, the area in question being entirely up to them. 
Due to their respective passions, Calliope grew up close to Lachesis. Respective right and left brain thinkers, they could always count on Lachesis for a fresh perspective on a piece of work or an idea, whilst they could count on Calliope to flip a rigid plan upside down and look at it from a more interesting perspective. Lachesis was their first friend in the world and Calliope was loyal to them to the end, which meant a united front on putting their cousin LUCIUS MALFOY [cousin] in his place. In an ideal world Calliope may have been friends with their cousin, their shared love of peacocking might have been enough to bond them; but the look in his eye as he attempted to get one over on their sibling was enough to rub Calliope the wrong way. From the age of seven, Calliope had known they were a metamorphmagus using their abilities to shift form to play various characters in their childhood productions, they also found it came in handy for giving their cousin a fright at opportune moments they had no doubt had a lasting impression on Lucius. 
Like the majority of their family, Calliope was placed in Slytherin when arriving at Hogwarts and quickly fell into a pre-approved group of friends including ALECTO CARROW [friend], her brother AMYCUS CARROW [friend] and THROFINN ROWLE [friend]. The group was far more troublesome than Calliope liked, like their friends they had a fondness for making the right sort of people feel small, and whilst they occasionally used their powers to turn into a clown or jack-in-the-box and frighten unsuspecting classmates, Calliope preferred to use their creative and academic prowess to beat others into submission and was known for doing their best to be heard above the noise of JAMES POTTER [adversary], SIRIUS BLACK [adversary], PETER PETTIGREW [adversary] and REMUS LUPIN [adversary] they had the displeasure of sharing a year group with. Their main annoyance however came in the form of a muggle-born Gryffindor witch from their year group named MAREN ROSMERTA [adversary]. 
A friend of the marauders, Calliope met Maren through choir and immediately disliked her. It was strange to them that a muggle-born could be so talented and so beloved, but it didn’t just irritate Calliope. Younger Slytherin ELEANOR YAXLEY [best friend] shared their bitter hatred for Maren, and the two found common ground and a blossoming friendship through their deep hatred of her. Through Eleanor, Calliope found themselves associating with a new group of people, becoming close friends with Eleanor’s twin brother VICTOR YAXLEY [close friend], REGULUS BLACK [close friend] and half-blood SEVERUS SNAPE [close friend] from their own year. Calliope was surprised they would be able to befriend a half-blood, having staunch opinions on blood purity that had been handed down to them by their family, but Severus was quietly calculated much like themself and Calliope appreciated anyone who shared their dislike for those who did not belong in the spotlight, like the marauders and their irritating gang of fans. 
Upon leaving school there was only one career that Calliope and that was one on the stage. Their family name was synonymous with political ambition and meddling due to rumours floating around that their father and their uncle Abraxas had been involved in the ousting of a previous Minister for Magic. Not that Calliope would care to admit it, but they were glad of how much their cousin Lucius had done to pave the way into changing this image. Lucius had many key figures in their world in their pocket and whilst Calliope was not known for their warmth toward him, they were happy to use his name as and when to make connections in the theatrical world, eventually landing themselves in shows at The Beausoleil Theatre. Whilst not the biggest name in Wizarding London, no one can deny Calliope dedication to their craft, especially older stories and their ability to change their features to commit to a role have made them a beloved presence on the stage and a crowd favourite. But as well as being an actor, Calliope has much more going on in their world and furthering their families political careers is one of them. 
It was their father’s wish as he lay old and imbolie in his bed that Calliope and Lachesis follow Lucius in joining THE DARK LORD [leader] in his quest for power. Whilst being part of an anarchist political group was not part of Calliope’s initial plans for their future, they understood the importance of securing the Malfoy family at the top and more importantly seating Lachesis close by his side. New to the death eaters, Calliope likes to see themself as Lachesis special weapon, having shifted into multiple people to help their sibiling. DOLORES UMBRIDGE [person of interest], Calliope slipped her a potion and sat in on an important meeting to feedback to their sibling, once they even became HARRISON BAGNOLD [person of interest] just to see how much his mother might say. But now their time has come to aid The Dark Lord himself and when a letter arrived for Calliope to cause some chaos at The Spring Solstice with their sibling, they couldn’t say no. Not only a name on the stage, Calliope has plans to be known within their new group and this is the perfect way to get the Malfoy sibilings on the map and out of Lucius’ shadow. 
— they are a LEVEL 5 SORCERER & a LEVEL 8 METAMORPHMAGUS & readied for war ;
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waywardwindee · 2 months
A list of every harry potter character who I think lived in the marauders era.
This is in order from oldest to youngest and separated by years. A lot of the years are headcanons, but everything fits in the canon timeline.
If there's a character I'm missing let me know! I want this to be as comprehensive as possible. Also, send an ask if you want to know my headcanons about any of these characters, obviously some have more than others but I have at least a few for all of them!! <3
(hogwarts starts 1961 graduate 1969)
Molly Prewett
Arthur Weasley
Bilton Bilmes
(hogwarts starts 1962 graduate 1970)
Alastor Moody
Rita Skeeter
(hogwarts starts 1963 graduate 1969)
Bellatrix Black
Rodolphus Lestrange
(hogwarts starts 1964 graduate 1970)
Antonin Dolohov
Ludovic Bagman
(hogwarts starts 1965 graduate 1971)
Andromeda Black
Ted Tonks
Rabastan Lestrange
(hogwarts starts 1966 graduate 1972)
Bertha Jorkins
Otto Bagman
Lucius Malfoy
Fabian Prewett
Gideon Prewett
(hogwarts starts 1967 graduate 1973)
Narcissa Black
(hogwarts starts 1968 graduate 1974)
Frank Longbottom
Alice Fortescue
Benjy Fenwick
Caradoc Dearborn
(hogwarts starts 1969 graduate 1975)
Amos Diggory
Evelyn Zabini
Bertram Aubrey
Emma Vanity
(hogwarts starts 1970 graduate 1976)
Alecto Carrow
Felix Bones
Sybill Trelawney
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Xenophilius Lovegood
(hogwarts starts 1971 graduate 1977)
Mary MacDonald
Sirius Black
Severus Snape
Lily Evans
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Dorcas Meadowes
Charity Burbage
Edmund Avery II
Peter Pettigrew
Bruce Mulciber
Emmeline Vance
Marlene McKinnon
(hogwarts starts 1972 graduate 1978)
Wilhelm Wilkes
Dirk Cresswell
Aurora Sinistra
Amycus Carrow
Amelia Bones
Evan Rosier
Pandora Rosier
Regulus Black
Barty Crouch Jr.
(hogwarts starts 1973 graduate 1979)
Quirinus Quirrell
Gilderoy Lockhart
(hogwarts starts 1974 graduate 1980)
Edgar Bones
Hestia Jones
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The Slytherin Centered Friend Groups
Snape’s Slytherin Gang:
-Severus Snape
-Sebastian Mulciber
-Louis Avery
-Rupert Wilkes
-Evan Rosier
-Lucinda Talkalot
-Emma Vanity
-Dorcas Meadowes
Yaxley’s Gang:
-Corban Yaxley
-Dominic Travers
-Walden Macnair
-Thorfinn Rowle
-Antonin Dolohov
The Emeralds:
-Regulus Black
-Barty Crouch Jr
-Evan Rosier
-Dorcas Meadowes
-Lorcan D’Eath
-Pandora Rosier (Ravenclaw)
The Quidditch Friends:
-Sebastian Mulciber
-Lucinda Talkalot
-Emma Vanity
-Regulus Black
-Thaddeus Nott
-Dorcas Meadowes
-Rupert Wilkes
-Louis Avery (occasionally)
-Rabastan Lestrange (occasionally)
Vanity’s Gang:
-Emma Vanity
-Charity Burbage (Hufflepuff)
-Amelia and Edgar Bones (Hufflepuff)
-Dirk Cresswell (Hufflepuff)
-Stubby Boardman (Ravenclaw)
-Xenophilius Lovegood (Ravenclaw)
The Main Study Group:
-Louis Avery
-Severus Snape
-Rabastan Lestrange
-Evan Rosier
-Thaddeus Nott
-Barty Crouch Jr
-Regulus Black
-Aurora Sinistra (Ravenclaw)
-Florence and Samuel Selwyn (Ravenclaws)
The troublemakers/pranksters:
-Rabastan Lestrange
-Barty Crouch Jr
-Thorfinn Rowle
-Sebastian Mulciber
-Alecto and Amycus Carrow
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alpleo · 1 year
Complete List of Marauder's Era Students
Tell me if I missed anyone! Under the cut because it is a very long list. I'm defining Marauder's Era as the seven years the Marauders were attending Hogwarts. Includes some fanon first names. Organised A-Z by surname. Some liberties taken with uncertain birth dates.
Betram Aubrey Duncan Ashe Avery II Andromeda Black Narcissa Black Regulus Black Sirius Black Edgar Bones Alecto Carrow Amycus Carrow Richard Carter Glenda Chittock Oscar Crabbe Dirk Cresswell Bartemius Crouch Jr. Caradoc Dearborn Dedalus Diggle Lily Evans Lucretia Fawley Benjy Fenwick Mundungus Fletcher Flilus Flitwick Florence Florence BF Florean Fortescue Cornelius Fudge Albert Gibbon Benjamin Goyle Olivia Green Gareth Greengrass Davey Gudgeon Daisy Hooklum Mafalda Hopkirk Jacob Marshall Johnson Hestia Jones Bertha Jorkins Bradley Jugson RJH King Steve Laughalot Rabastan Lestrange Rodolphus Lestrange Gilderoy Lockhart Frank Longbottom Alice Longbottom Pandora Lovegood Xenophilius Lovegood Remus Lupin Mary MacDonald Walden Macnair Lucius Malfoy Marlene Mckinnon Tarquin McTavish Dorcas Meadowes Alastar Moody Quinn Montague Mulciber II Peter Pettigrew Sturgis Podmore James Potter Quirinus Quirrell Patricia Rakepick Augustus Rookwood Evan Rosier Thorfinn Rowle Albert Runcorn Isaac Selwyn Kingsley Shacklebolt Gaspard Shingleton Severus Snape Timothy Snyde Lucinda Talkalot Tilden Toots Rupert Travers Sybill Trelawney Dolores Umbridge Emmeline Vance Emma Vanity Wilkes
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alectocarrowx · 4 months
Starter: @ggathena
After her run in with Emma, that night an owl was sent to a certain witch.
Dear Miss. Greengrass, You have been invited to the Lestrange Manor for tea tomorrow at noon at my request. As I am manor bound and could use some friendly company. Please arrive outside of the manor and you will be escorted to the tearoom. Sinecerly, Alecto Carrow
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tgyverse · 4 months
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publicado el día 12 de mayo de 2024.
Brigitte Delacour con Romee Strijd.
Dolores Umbridge con Camila Mendes.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
Mina Lima, Ellie Dowson, Wendy Slinkhard, Lily Potter, Sirius Black y Adora Greengrass ― 15 de mayo / semi hiatus.
Personajes de Andy ― 28 de mayo / semi hiatus.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Alfie Smith.
Grace Davies.
Robbie Flint.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
orden del fénix.
Alice Longbottom con Florence Pugh.
Dedalus Diggle con Manny Jacinto.
Dorcas Meadowes con Laura Harrier.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Fabian Prewett con Asa Germann.
Frank Longbottom con Dev Patel.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Abigail Cowen.
Mundungus Fletcher con Sohan Pague.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Sirius Black con Enzo Vogrincic.
Sturgis Podmore con Evan Roderick.
Aether Li con Shen Quanrui.
Alecto Carrow con Alice Pagani.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Antonin Dolohov con Henry Zaga.
Augustus Rookwood con Thomas Doherty.
Baptiste Travers con Christopher Briney.
Barty Crouch Jr. con Adrian Öjvindsson.
Bellatrix Lestrange con Kristen Stewart.
Casius Wormwood con Joe Keery.
Corban Yaxley con Federico Russo.
Lucius Malfoy con Nicholas Galitzine.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Robbie Flint con Tom Glynn-Carney.
Rodolphus Lestrange con Regé Jean Page.
Severus Snape con Charlie Heaton.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Adora Greengrass con Jessica Alexander.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alastair Montague con Lorenzo Zurzolo.
Alfie Smith con Louis Tomlinson.
Alyssa Abbott con Kim Jiwoo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Amos Diggory con Leo Woodall.
Andrea Prewett con Luca Hollestelle.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Lily Collins.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Bertie Higgs con Jordan Fisher.
Bertram Aubrey con Timothée Chalamet.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Charity Burbage con Brie Larson.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Dane Higgs con Barry Keoghan.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Edric Brown con Luke Newton.
Eleanor Parkinson con Camila Morrone.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Emma Vanity con Sofia Carson.
Finnick Snow con Cha Eunwoo.
Gilderoy Lockhart con Dacre Montgomery.
Gladys Gudgeon con Han Jihyun.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Grace Davies con Josephine Langford.
Greta Catchlove con Olivia Holt.
Gwenog Jones con Ayo Edebiri.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Isolde Higgs con Gigi Hadid.
Ivan Davies con Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
Jacob Davies con Rudy Pankow.
Jane Diggory con Havana Rose Liu.
Jason Denbright con Jackson Wang.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Kirley Duke con Joseph Quinn.
Lenore Bagman con Willa Fitzgerald.
Lorcan d'Eath con Kim Jiwoong.
Lucinda Talkalot con Savannah Lee Smith.
Lucy Karoonda-Wood con Madelyn Cline.
Ludo Bagman con Yankel Stevan.
Maria Jefferson con Fiona Palomo.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Meg Vouttier con Ruby Cruz.
Melissa Greengrass con Renée Rapp.
Michael Bones con Xolo Maridueña.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Miriam Strout con Davika Hoorne.
Milton Mouser con Tanner Buchanan.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Narcissa Malfoy con Kiernan Shipka.
Nicholas MacMillan con Jeremy Allen White.
Ollie Scamander con Lee Felix.
Olivia Avery con Milena Tscharntke.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Penelope Goldstein con Melis Sezen.
Phoebe Elliot con Madison Bailey.
Rita Skeeter con Katherine McNamara.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Sorcha MacFusty con Anne Hathaway.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Sybill Trelawney con Maya Hawke.
Ted Tonks con Paul Mescal.
Tiberius McLaggen con Milo Manheim.
Wendy Slinkhard con Jenna Ortega.
Xenophilius Lovegood con Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
Zabrina Davies con Elizabeth Lail.
Zachary Parkinson con Alejandro Speitzer.
Zephyr Crouch con Cierra Ramirez.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 109 personajes ocupades.
¡Muy buenas a todes, pequeñes! Dejamos por aquí el recuento quincenal correspondiente. Debemos decir que estamos sorprendida de que ya tenemos 109 personajes en el dash. Jamás tuvimos tantos en todos los años que llevamos por aquí, así que queremos agradecerles por su entrega al verse, su compromiso, los bellos threads que tenemos suerte de leer y su presencia. En verdad es impresionante, estamos muy contentas y prometemos continuar otorgándoles un ambiente agradable para su escritura. Muchísimas, muchísimas gracias por su confianza. Les queremos mucho. Sin más que decir, les deseamos una bonita semana. ¡Gracias! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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anathewitch · 7 months
Ok, I have thought of this for a long time now and since tiktok just keep showing me Harry Potter fancast, I decided to do mine :D
So this is my fancast if the death eaters had kids !
Lavinia Lestrange, Daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange
Elizabeth Gillies
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Alexandra "Alex" Carrow, Daughter of Alecto Carrow
Sadie Soverall
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Victor Rookwood, Son of Augustus Rookwood
Devon Bostick
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(yes, he's named after his ancestor)
Rebecca " Revy" Jugson, Daughter of Jugson
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Anaya Macnair, Daughter of Walden Macnair
Emma Myers
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Evelynn "Eva" Crouch, Daughter of Bartemius Crouch Jnr
Victoria de Angelis
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Jason (I kinda hate his name)Crouch, Son of Bartemius Crouch Jnr
Cody fern
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Altair Black, Son of Regulus Black
Felix Mallard
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Eileen Snape, Daughter of Severus Snape
masha prisyazhnuk
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(yes, once again, you can see that I have a lot of imagination)
Okay thats the part 1, maybe I'll do a part 2 because I have other names,here is a list :
-Lysandre Lestrange
-Sebastian Rosier
-Kira Dolohov (still working on the name)
-Astoria Greengrass
Some of them don't have names because I have no Idea...
I accept critisism, and english is not my maternal language so I'm sorry if I made spelling mistakes.
This AU has many holes like parents, ages or timeline, I do it mainly for fun.
Thats all :)
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r-lestrcnge · 9 days
Solo mentioning: Alecto Carrow @alectocarrowx Emma Vanity @emmasvanity Mira Selwyn @miraxselwyn Rodolphus Lestrange @xrodolphusxlestrangex When: the night of Alecto's accident
After Mira left, Rabastan sat beside Alecto. He hadn't troubled to light the lanterns, finding something soothing in the darkness that flooded the room like a deepening pool. Moonlight pierced the shadows, breaking through the tall glass windows and lending a deathly glare to the still unconscious witch. She was already pale through blood loss. The light exacerbated her appearance, and he sat there with macabre fascination, mulling on the fact that this was as close to death as he would ever want her to be. He'd forbidden his elf from cleaning the floor. It seemed incorrect to cleanse it of her blood, which still stained the dark wood to an even blacker shade. He did not want to remove it. It was an irrational desire, as though vanishing the stain would somehow diminish the reality of what had occurred this night. Logic had abandoned him. He cared nothing for his sanity or his self-control, simply sitting and staring as he waited for her to awake.
But it seemed he had also lost his patience. The longer he sat, the more irate he became. Vengeful thoughts tormented him and he could not sate himself by forming a plan to enact them. It was impossible to place his intentions into a sensible order. They whirled and drowned him. So it was with absolutely no thought that he stood and left abruptly, apparating to Lestrange Manor and leaving Alecto alone with the elf; a decision that would plague him in the days to follow, once he had calmed and regained his composure.
Appearing unsolicited in his parents' home, he found them sitting in the drawing room, engaged in such a mundane depiction of ordinary life that he wanted to kill them both there and then. It would have brought him great joy to see these people, his dearest family, breathe their last for all the suffering he and Alecto had endured in their name. It was his mother's reaction that ripped him from this uncharacteristic reverie, as she looked up from her book in horror at the sight of him dishevelled and covered in blood. It fell to the ground from her slackening grip, the noise causing his father to turn from his letters and set down his quill.
"Alecto almost died," he said bluntly. Saying the words aloud made them all the more formidable. In that moment, he knew he no longer cared for what they might think or say. He would do anything for this witch and the children she carried. He would stop at nothing. "I will marry her. End this betrothal and arrange another with the Carrows."
The silence was stagnant. Then his father laughed and leaned back, wanting only to remove this inconvenience from his night.
"You are too emotional, Rabastan. Go home. You forget your place."
He held his father's stare, two pairs of cold blue colliding with stubborn ferocity. For all of Corvus's lifelong dismissals, they were more alike than he would ever care to admit. Rabastan had always known his place. He accepted it without resistance, understanding the importance of rank and position. But that time had come to an end. He had a new role that he must fulfil. The longer he stood there, bristling with brutal ire, the clearer this situation became. It emerged like a beacon, and suddenly he regained himself, realising he held all the cards and that - for once - they would be forced to do what he wanted. So this time, he laughed. It was a mirthless response; the sort of thrilled reaction he would bestow a victim whose hope he had destroyed.
"She's pregnant. I suggest you handle this before I do it myself."
Their reaction was typically immediate. Outraged and predictable, he withstood it for as long as he could bear. Then he told them to shut up, and he informed them that their choice in betrothals had been two of the stupidest ideas to ever leave their rapidly shrivelling brains: Emma Vanity was beneath him and had been screwing not one, but two other wizards, while they had been discussing this match. And the perfect Mira Selwyn fucked halfbloods.
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"I may not be Rodolphus," he snapped. "But I am still a Lestrange and I am worth more. You are losing your fucking minds."
They were rich words coming from the man who had lost every ounce of his own ordinarily stoic composure. He didn't give a shit.
"I am going to the Carrows now. You will go to the Selwyns. It will be done tonight."
Then he left, disapparating and sending his father's parchment scattering in the angry residue left behind. He gave Alecto's parents a heavy fright, but they did what his own parents had not; managed to calm him and assured they would visit the next day, happy with the news that he wanted to marry her.
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lumosfm · 4 months
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Below the cut is a list of characters we are delighted to say have been accepted here at lumosfm! Please take a look at our acceptance checklist for instructions on what to next. Congrats and we cannot wait to see you on the dash!
ADDY! you've been accepted as PANDORA LOVEGOOD (Hunter Schafer fc)
ADDY! you've been accepted as SIRIUS BLACK (Avan Jogia fc)
ALI! you've been accepted as MARLENE MCKINNON (Jessie Mei Li fc)
ANGIE! you've been accepted as BELLATRIX LESTRANGE (Katie McGrath fc)
COURTNEY! you've been accepted as MARY MACDONALD (Courtney Eaton fc)
DYLAN! you've been accepted as JAMES POTTER (Jonah Hauer-King fc)
ELIZA! you've been accepted as EMMELINE VANCE (Jenna Coleman fc)
ELLIE! you've been accepted as ALICE LONGBOTTOM (Im Nayeon fc)
EM! you've been accepted as CARADOC DEARBORN (Paul Mescal fc)
FINN! you've been accepted as REGULUS BLACK (Tamino Amor fc)
GHOSTIE! you've been accepted as EVAN ROSIER (Lucas Tonnesen fc)
GHOSTIE! you've been accepted as MOLLY WEASLEY (Simone Ashley fc)
JAN! you've been accepted as RABASTAN LESTRANGE (Thomas Doherty fc)
JUNE! you've been accepted as GEORGETTE OLLIVANDER (Emma Mackey fc)
JUNE! you've been accepted as SINISTRA LOWE (Crystal Reed fc)
LIA! you've been accepted as ANDROMEDA TONKS (Conor Leslie fc)
LYNN! you've been accepted as EMMA VANITY (Camila Mendes fc)
MARIE! you've been accepted as DORCAS MEADOWES (Chandler Kinney fc)
MIA! you've been accepted as ALECTO CARROW (Alicia Vikander fc)
MIA! you've been accepted as APPOLINE DELACOUR (Anya Taylor Joy fc)
MYR! you've been accepted as VALERIA FLINT (Sofia Carson fc)
PEACH! you've been accepted as REMUS LUPIN (Maxence Danet-Fauvel fc)
TAYLOR! you've been accepted as AMYCUS CARROW (Nicholas Galitzine fc)
TAYLOR! you've been accepted as LILY EVANS (Abigail Cowen fc)
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
Since it doesn't look like you got the other background charries, Hestia Jones and Zoya Zabini
Also hope it's an easy car ride <3
hufflepuff one year older than the marauders
close friends with (people in her year other than amycus carrow. in my list i seem to have only those two in that year group), lucinda talkalot, alice fortescue, emmeline vance, frank longbottom, mary macdonald, kingsley shacklebolt, edgar bones, florence, cardoc dearborne (again, they're like the popular group)
beater for the hufflepuff quidditch team
straight but kisses her girl friends on the lips sometimes. for fun.
quite a nice person/easygoing/friendly
joined the order because she believed heavily in what they were doing/fighting back against the death eaters
is nicknamed jonesy by many of her friends/hufflepuff quidditch team
slytherin in the same year as marauders
roommates and friends with dorcas meadowes, aurora sinistra, and alecto carrow. also friends with narcissa black and emma vanity
closeted lesbian (had a thing with aurora. and dorcas for a bit)
likes power/money a lot.
she's a shakespearean woman <3
was very into potions (and an expert at poison)
dorcas named this stuffed toy snake, that aurora had brought for the dorm, blaise. so zoya named her son after the snake
hated the 70's fashion, so dressed in a style very reminiscent of 1920s and 1940s/50s glamour
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ninthads · 1 year
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𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐌 ; a study in lost souls , magical realism , & a war of the mind . we are a modern day , marauders era roleplay , where each of the students are attending oxford & are being summoned to join an organization called 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 that is as secretive as it is infamous . our aim is to explore connections & develop characters beyond the written text , all while giving a big fuck you to jkr .
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𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆 : where is daisy hookum ?
[ soft launch ... ] october 18th [ admin status ... ] idle [ current reserves ... ] none
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please check under the cut for a minimalistic list of taken characters & faceclaims if you'd like to find out if the muse you're after has already been snatched up before joining the server !
[ taken characters ... ] james potter ( kaden hammond ) , narcissa black ( earthdarlin ) , bellatrix black ( katie mcgrath ) , mary macdonald ( antonia gentry ) , regulus black ( timothee chalamet ) , marlene mckinnon ( paulina chavez ) , lily evans ( havana rose liu ) , alexandria yaxley ( dianna agron ) , sirius black ( herman tommeraas ) , pandora splitstream ( kennedy walsh ) , emma vanity ( adeline rudolph ) , alecto carrow ( ergi bardhollari ) , lucius malfoy ( vinnie hacker ) , alice fortescue ( devyn nekoda ) , rabastan lestrange ( bright vachirawit ) , frank longbottom ( kieron moore ) , remus lupin ( archie renaux ) , rita skeeter ( nicole wallace ) , evan rosier ( thomas doherty ) , peter pettigrew ( kit connor ) , bartemius crouch jr ( froy gutierrez ) , lorcan d'eath ( damiano david ) , titus avery ( lucas apple ) .
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
an updated breakdown of the social groups (aka affiliations) in my jegulily/dorlene/wolfstar deadly class au wip!
*and i know a lot of these groups from the most popular/stereotypical cities in the countries they are from, but i only chose those cities based on where organized crime is most concentrated. i looked at organized crime from the 1970s-1990s from all over the world as references for these fictional groups.*
*and x2, all these groups will be written as complex. this is not supposed to be something that tries to say people from these countries are all criminals or evil or anything— far from that. this fic, like the source material it was inspired by (deadly class), will have a lot of nuance and social commentaries.*
*although there is one group that is evil and i hate them but which group that is will be very obvious lol*
The Preps are a very broad group to be affiliated with, as it encompasses many countries— although most prominently the united states.
instead of being a set criminal syndicate, The Preps are legacy students (meaning their parents went to the school) of government officials, military leaders, and intelligence agencies.
all of them come from wealth, and many of them stick together tightly despite not being an actual organization. they have no leaders set at the school of godric’s atelier of the deadly arts.
members: james potter, peter pettigrew, dirk cresswell, kingsley shacklebolt, dolores umbridge, rita skeeter, and gilderoy lockhart
irish organized crime unit based in dublin, ireland. it’s run by the mckinnon family, and recently (when the fic takes place) because the most prominent crime organization in ireland after their rival gang fell apart.
they are a primarily leftist and anti-imperialist group, and at the school they are the smallest affiliation, but they make up for it in strength. their leader at godric’s is marlene.
members: marlene mckinnon, fabian prewett, gideon prewett, tarquin mctavish, and sturgis podmore.
the largest organized crime unit in france, with reach in countries like england, italy, and the united states. they are run by the black family.
members are known to be elusive and deadly, preferring to keep to themselves whenever possible. most of the time they don’t take well to strangers. their leader at godric’s is regulus.
members: regulus black, evan rosier, mulciber, avery, wilkes, amycus carrow, and alecto carrow.
a women-only movement, and organized crime unit, based in juárez, mexico. they are run by selene meadowes, and their aim is to not only protect the women and girls of their communities, but teach them to protect themselves too.
they operate mainly through vigilante justice, but are known to take out some hits here and there and influence politics. their leader at godric’s is dorcas.
members: dorcas meadowes, pandora (i’m still deciding on a last name for her! suggestions are welcome!), emma vanity, sybil trelawney.)
the largest crime syndicate in japan, based in tokyo. they primarily serve the tokoro family and their wishes. they control many businesses and subsidiary crime groups , and also do activities such as drug trafficking, real estate, assassinations, and extortion.
they are the most prominent affiliation at godric’s, both through size and skill. their leader at godric’s is emmeline vance (also called eme tokoro, in this fic. she’s go many names ok.) the other affiliations know better than to mess with them.
members: emmeline vance, kazuhiro shiratori, keiko takahashi, and minaka hirakata.
italian mafia that is based in rome, but has reach in nearly all the major cities of italy. they have a death grip on politics and the police force. they are run by the zabini family.
the zabini mafia are more outgoing than most of the other affiliations, but they’re ultimately loyal to themselves. it’s good to be on their good side, and very bad to be on their bad side.
members: ornella zabini, barty crouch jr, florence, ludo bagman, amelia bones, and edgar bones.
essentially the russian mafia. they are one of the minor groups in the fic in terms of relevance. no main characters are apart of this affiliation.
members: igor karkaroff, antonin dolohov, gruffyd wellnelly, and baglan wellnelly.
this is a unique affiliation, as it combines two separate organizations from different countries: the dixie rule of the american south, and the national hand of england.
they are the most undoubtedly cut and dry bad guys in this story, as they are inspired by racist groups like the national front and the dixie mob.
i hate them as the writer. you are meant to hate them too as a reader. they do serve a purpose and are not just here to be Edgy or something weird like that.
dixie rule members: jugson and gibbon.
national hand members: walden macnair, thorfinn rowle, and corban yaxley.
the squibs are students with no affiliations at all. they are the outcasts of the school, essentially. a lot of them don’t come from organized crime backgrounds at all and have no formal training, but a few of them are those that were disowned from their affiliations! no leaders for obvious reasons.
members: lily evans, remus lupin, mary macdonald, xenophilius lovegood, and severus snape.
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