#embryo transfer services
ivfnewlifeh · 2 months
Analyzing the Significance of Egg Donation Services in Varanasi
As a major component of assisted reproductive technology (ART), egg donation offers hope and success to many child seeking couples around. That said, egg donation services have become a necessary component of reproductive treatments in Varanasi, a city that combines old customs with modern technologies. Emphasizing its importance in fertility preservation, embryo transfer services, and the thorough treatment offered by infertility centers in Varanasi, this post investigates the significance of egg donation in the city.
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Gaining Knowledge on Egg Donation
Egg donation in Varanasi is a process wherein one woman (the donor) supplies her eggs to another woman (the receiver) therefore facilitating her conception. Women who cannot create quality eggs owing to age, medical problems, or other circumstances can especially benefit from this process. After fertilizing the given eggs in a lab with sperm, embryo transfer process implant the resultant embryos to the recipient's uterus. For many couples with failed treatments and other issues, egg donation at infertility center in Varanasi comes of great use.
The Role Egg Donations Play in Fertility Treatments
Dealing with infertility
Egg donation in Varanasi provides an option for women with reduced ovarian reserve, early ovarian failure, or genetic problems preventing their use of their own eggs. Using donated eggs will help these women to have successful pregnancies and enjoy the parenthood.
Fertility Preservation
 Varanasi offers a means to protect women's fertility for the future whether they must postpone motherhood for personal reasons, medical treatment including chemotherapy, or career decisions. This fertility preservation in Varanasi depends critically on egg donations, which let women freeze donor eggs and use them when they are ready to begin a family.
Higher Success Rates
Particularly for older women or those with fertility problems, egg donation frequently yields better success rates than using their own eggs. Usually from younger, healthy women, the donor eggs raise the likelihood of successful fertilization and embryo growth. For many couples undergoing reproductive treatments, egg donation is therefore a favored option.
All-encompassing treatment at Varanasi's infertility centers
Varanasi's infertility clinics offer a spectrum of treatments to help couples along their reproductive path. These centers include experienced experts who provide individualized care and have modern technologies. Here's what to expect:
Expert Consultation and Counseling: The road starts with a comprehensive consultation whereby fertility experts go over the medical background, do required tests, and go over the best course of therapy. Couples can also use counseling services to negotiate the emotional sides of egg donation and infertility.
Matching and screening: Egg donors go through thorough screening to be sure they are fit candidates and healthy. This covers evaluations in medical, psychological, and genetic spheres. Varanasi's infertility clinics meticulously match donors with receivers according on compatibility and particular needs.
Advanced laboratory techniques: Modern laboratories housed in advanced technologies handle the fertilizing procedure. The donated eggs are fertilized using either donor's or partner's sperm, and the embryos are grown under ideal conditions. Also, latest methods guarantee the best quality embryos for transfer. Once the embryos are ready, they are implanted to the uterus of the recipient via the embryo transfer services in Varanasi.
Supportive atmosphere: Infertility center in Varanasi offer a supportive environment where patients get ongoing therapy and direction all through the course of their condition. Part of the complete treatment is regular follow-ups, monitoring, and supportive therapy.
Legal and Ethical Issues
Egg donation in Varanasi is carried out with close adherence to ethical and legal standards. Getting consent from the donor as well as the recipient guarantees openness and mutual agreement. Legal agreements are written to guard the rights and obligations of every engaged party. This moral approach ensures that the procedure is carried out with respect of everyone's rights and honesty.
The Support and Emotional Effect
The path of infertility and egg donation can be quite taxing emotionally. This is where Varanasi's infertility clinics know the need of emotional support and offer treatment to enable couples manages the stress and concerns related with fertility procedures. Moreover, counseling sessions and support groups provide a safe environment for those overcoming comparable difficulties to share their experiences and get strength from others.
Final words
Helping couples and people realize their desire of motherhood by means of egg donation in Varanasi is the major function of infertility clinics in the city.. The importance of egg donation is found in its capacity to produce healthy eggs, raise the possibility of successful pregnancies, and present means of fertility preservation in Varanasi. Moreover, from expert consultations and cutting-edge laboratory techniques to supportive embryo transfer treatments, Varanasi's infertility centers offer a one stop solution for all the couples. Hence, we can say that the availability of egg donation services in Varanasi gives hope, support, and the potential of a happy future with a child to people suffering with random infertility concerns.
Source - https://newlifeivf.blogspot.com/2024/08/analyzing-significance-of-egg-donation.html
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accuvanceindia · 5 months
Bovine IVF & Embryo Transfer Services - Accuvance India
Accuvance India offers advanced Bovine IVF and in vitro fertilization solutions for cattle. Our experts provide cutting-edge Embryo Transfer services to enhance your livestock breeding success. Contact us to learn more.
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By Dina Fine Maron
January 24, 2024
Scientists have cleared a significant hurdle in the years-long effort to save Africa’s northern white rhinoceros from extinction with the first-ever rhino pregnancy using in vitro fertilization.
The lab-assisted pregnancy, which researchers will announce today, involved implanting a southern white rhino embryo in a surrogate mother named Curra.
The advance provides the essential “proof of concept” that this strategy could help other rhinos, says Jan Stejskal of the BioRescue project, the international group of scientists leading this research.
Curra died just a couple months into her 16-month pregnancy from an unrelated bacterial infection, Stejskal says.
However, the successful embryo transfer and early stages of pregnancy pave the way for next applying the technique to the critically endangered northern white rhino.
The process was documented exclusively by National Geographic for an upcoming Explorer special currently slated to air in 2025 on Nat Geo and Disney+.
BioRescue expects to soon implant a northern white rhino embryo into a southern white rhino surrogate mother.
The two subspecies are similar enough, according to the researchers, that the embryo will be likely to develop.
Eventually, this approach may also help other critically endangered rhinos, including the Asian Javan rhinoceros and the Sumatran rhinoceros, which each now number under 100 individuals, Stejskal says.
But the northern white rhino’s current situation is the most pressing by far.
There are no males left, and the only two remaining animals are both elderly females that live under armed guard on a reserve in a 700-acre enclosure in Kenya called Ol Pejeta Conservancy.
The boxy-jawed animals once roamed across central Africa, but in recent decades, their numbers have plummeted due to the overwhelming international demand for their horn, a substance used for unproved medicinal applications and carvings.
Made from the same substance as fingernails, rhino horn is in demand from all species, yet the northern white rhino has been particularly hard-hit.
"These rhinos look prehistoric, and they had survived for millions of years, but they couldn’t survive us,” says Ami Vitale, a National Geographic Explorer and photographer who has been documenting scientists’ efforts to help the animals since 2009.
“If there is some hope of recovery within the northern white rhino gene pool — even though it’s a substantially smaller sample of what there was — we haven’t lost them,” says conservation ecologist David Balfour, who chairs the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s African rhino specialist group.
Blueprints for rhino babies
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To stave off the animal’s disappearance, BioRescue has used preserved sperm from northern white rhinos and eggs removed from the younger of the two remaining females.
So far, they’ve created about 30 preserved embryos, says Thomas Hildebrandt, the head scientist of BioRescue and an expert in wildlife reproduction based at the Leibniz-Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin.
Eventually, the team plans to reintroduce northern white rhinos into the wild within their range countries.
“That’d be fantastic, but really, really far from now—decades from now,” says Stejskal.
Worldwide, there are five species of rhinoceros, and many are in trouble.
Across all of Africa, there are now only about 23,000 of the animals, and almost 17,000 of them are southern whites.
Then there are more than 6,000 black rhinos, which are slightly smaller animals whose three subspecies are critically endangered.
In Asia, beyond the critically endangered Javan and Sumatran rhinos, there’s also the greater one-horned rhino, whose numbers are increasing and currently are estimated to be around 2,000.
The BioRescue effort has experienced many setbacks, and even though the team now has frozen embryos, the clock is ticking.
The researchers intend to use southern white rhinos as surrogate moms for the northern white rhino embryos.
However, scientists want any northern white rhino calves to meet and learn from others of their kind, which means they need to be born before the two remaining females die.
“These animals learn behaviors — they don’t have them genetically hard-wired,” says Balfour, who’s not involved with the BioRescue work.
But birthing new animals in time will be a challenge.
“We’re really skating on the edge of what’s possible,” he says, “but it’s worth trying.”
Najin, the older female, will be 35 this year, and Fatu will be 24.
The animals, which were born in a zoo in the Czech Republic, are expected to live to about 40, says Stejskal, who also serves as director of international projects at the Safari Park Dvůr Králové, the zoo where the animals lived until they were brought to Kenya in 2009.
Impregnating a rhino
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The next phase of BioRescue’s plan involves implanting one of their limited number of northern white rhino embryos into a southern white rhino surrogate mother — which the group plans to do within the next six months, Stejskal says.
They’ve identified the next surrogate mother and set up precautions to protect her from bacterial infections, including a new enclosure and protocols about disinfecting workers’ boots.
But now, they must wait until the female rhino is in estrus — the period when the animal is ready to mate — to implant the egg.
To identify that prime fertile time, they can’t readily perform regular ultrasounds at the conservancy as they might do in a zoo.
Instead, they have enlisted a rhino bull that has been sterilized to act as a “teaser” for the female, Hildebrandt says, adding that they must wait a few months to make sure that their recently sterilized male is truly free of residual sperm.
Once the animals are brought together, their couplings will alert conservancy staff that the timing is right for reproductive success.
The sex act is also important because it sets off an essential chain of events in the female’s body that boosts the chances of success when they surgically implant the embryo about a week later.
"There’s little chance the conservancy staff will miss the act. White rhinos typically mate for 90 minutes," Hildebrandt says.
What’s more, while mounted on the females, the males often use their temporary height to reach tasty plant snacks that are generally out of reach.
Boosting genetic diversity
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With so few northern white rhinos left, their genetic viability may seem uncertain.
But the BioRescue team points to southern white rhinos, whose numbers likely dropped to less than 100, and perhaps even as few as 20, due to hunting in the late 1800s.
Government protections and intense conservation strategies allowed them to bounce back, and now there are almost 17,000.
“They have sufficient diversity to cope with a wide range of conditions,” says Balfour.
Researchers don’t know exactly how many southern white rhinos existed a century ago, he says, but it’s clear that the animals came back from an incredibly low population count and that they now appear healthy.
Beyond their small collection of embryos, the BioRescue team hopes to expand the northern white rhino’s gene pool by drawing from an unconventional source — skin cells extracted from preserved tissue samples that are currently stored at zoos.
They aim to use stem cell techniques to reengineer those cells and develop them into sex cells, building off similar work in lab mice.
According to their plan, those lab-engineered sex cells would then be combined with natural sperm and eggs to make embryos, and from there, the embryos would be implanted into southern white rhino surrogate mothers.
Such stem cell reprogramming work has previously led to healthy offspring in lab mice, Hildebrandt says, but rhinos aren’t as well-studied and understood as mice, making this work significantly challenging.
A global effort
The northern white rhino revitalization venture has cost millions of dollars, supported by a range of public and private donors, including the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Other partners on the effort include the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, the Czech Republic’s Safari Park, Kenya Wildlife Service, Ol Pejeta Conservancy, and also Katsuhiko Hayashi, a professor of genome biology at Osaka University in Japan who conducted the mouse stem cell research.
Building upon Hayashi’s stem cell techniques could ultimately bring the northern white rhino gene pool up to 12 animals — including eggs from eight females and the semen of four bulls, according to Stejskal.
An alternative approach to making more babies, like crossbreeding northern and southern white rhinos, would mean the resulting calves wouldn’t be genetically pure northern white rhinos, Hildebrandt notes.
The two subspecies look quite similar, but the northern version has subtle physical differences, including hairier ears and feet that are better suited to its swampy habitat.
The two animals also have different genes that may provide disease resiliency or other benefits, Hildebrandt says.
There are unknown potential differences in behavior and ecological impact when populating the area with southern white rhinos or cross-bred animals.
"The northern white rhino is on the brink of extinction really only due to human greed,” Stejskal says.
“We are in a situation where saving them is at our fingertips, so I think we have a responsibility to try.”
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healixhospitals24 · 5 months
Demystifying Fertility Options: A Patients Guide To IUI IVF And FET At Healix Hospitals
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Navigating fertility treatment options can feel overwhelming for many individuals and couples. At Healix Hospitals, we understand the importance of providing clear guidance and support to patients embarking on their fertility journey. In this comprehensive guide, we will demystify three common fertility treatments: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). Let's explore each option and understand how they can help you achieve your dream of parenthood.
1. Intrauterine Insemination : Quick Overview!
Intrauterine Insemination, commonly known as IUI, is a fertility treatment where sperm is directly placed into the uterus during the woman's ovulation period. Here's what you need to know about IUI:
Process: During IUI, carefully prepared sperm is inserted directly into the uterus using a thin catheter, timed to coincide with ovulation.
Who it's for: IUI is often recommended for couples with unexplained infertility, mild male factor infertility, or cervical issues.
Success rates: Success rates for IUI vary depending on factors such as age, fertility diagnosis, and the woman's ovarian reserve. Our experienced fertility specialists at Healix Hospitals will provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances.
2. Decoding In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF, is a more advanced fertility treatment that involves fertilizing eggs with sperm outside the body. Here's a closer look at IVF:
Procedure: IVF involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, retrieving the eggs surgically, fertilizing them in a laboratory, and transferring the resulting embryos into the uterus.
Candidates: IVF is recommended for individuals or couples with more complex fertility issues, such as tubal factor infertility, severe male factor infertility, or advanced maternal age.
Success rates: While IVF success rates can vary, advancements in technology and protocols have significantly improved outcomes over the years. Our dedicated team at Healix Hospitals is committed to maximizing your chances of success through personalized care and state-of-the-art techniques.
3. Navigating Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
Frozen Embryo Transfer, or FET, is a procedure where embryos that were previously frozen during an IVF cycle are thawed and transferred into the uterus. Here's what you should know about FET:
Process: After undergoing an IVF cycle, any excess embryos can be cryopreserved (frozen) for future use. When the time is right, these frozen embryos can be thawed and transferred into the uterus during a FET cycle.
Benefits: FET offers patients the flexibility to undergo multiple embryo transfer attempts without the need for additional ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval procedures.
Success rates: FET success rates are comparable to fresh embryo transfers, and in some cases, may even be higher. Our experienced fertility team will work closely with you to optimize your chances of a successful pregnancy through FET.
Read More: https://www.healixhospitals.com/blogs/demystifying-fertility-options:-a-patients-guide-to-iui-ivf-and-fet-at-healix-hospitals
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milannfertility · 2 years
Mr. Dileep Kumar Video: Curious to know what embryo transfer is all about? Embryo Transfer is one of the most critical steps of IVF. To help you, Mr. Dileep Kumar, HOD Embryologist at Milann Fertility Hospitals, discusses about the process of embryo transfer in this video.
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
The Kenya Wildlife Service celebrated the successful transfer of 21 eastern black rhinos to establish a new viable breeding population for the species that was on the brink of extinction decades ago.
In an 18-day exercise executed by highly trained capture and veterinary experts, the Loisaba Conservancy received the 21 rhinos from three different locations, becoming the 17th sanctuary in Kenya where the mammoth animals can roam and intermingle.
“It’s incredibly exciting to be part of the resettlement of rhinos to a landscape where they’ve been absent for 50 years,” said Tom Silvester, CEO of Loisaba Conservancy.
Kenya had 20,000 black rhinos in the 1970s before poachers decimated them for their horns. By the time the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) was established in 1989, rhino numbers had declined to below 400.
Since then, Kenya’s eastern black rhinos have made a remarkable comeback and today there are an estimated 1,004 individuals.
Kenya is a stronghold of the eastern sub species of black rhino, hosting approximately 80 percent of the entire world’s surviving population.
“Surpassing the milestone of 1,000 rhinos within four decades is a significant accomplishment,” said Munira Bashir, Director of The Nature Conservancy in Kenya.
The reintroduction this month of these 21 animals this month is a great milestone in Kenya’s rhino recovery action plan, and was made possible by support from The Nature Conservancy, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, other partners—and the three reserves from where the 21 rhinos originated, Nairobi National Park, Ol Pejeta Conservancy and Lewa Conservancy.
“In the recent past, one of the main causes of mortality of rhinos has been territorial fights due to limited space in sanctuaries which has also led to suppressed growth rates due,” explained Dr. Erustus Kanga, the Director General of Kenya Wildlife Service. “I am elated to be associated with this momentous effort to secure more space for this cornerstone species.”
Meanwhile, southern white rhinos continue to thrive in Kenya, having increased from 50 individuals that were imported from South Africa in the eighties and nineties to reach the current population of 971 individuals.
Kenya is also playing a critical role in efforts to save the northern white rhino from extinction, as it is host to the only remaining two females of the species left in the world. The international BioRescue project has developed thirty embryos awaiting implantation into surrogate females within the closely-related subspecies of southern white rhino.
“The return of black rhinos to Loisaba, 50 years after the last known individual here was killed by poachers in the 1970s, is a demonstration of how impactful partnerships between governments and conservation NGOs can be for restoring, managing, and protecting our natural world,” said Dr. Max Graham, CEO and Founder of Space for Giants, one of the project partners.
“And, of course, the return of black rhinos here gives all of us one of the most precious commodities of all: hope.”
-via Good News Network, February 25, 2024
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year
A same-sex couple has filed a lawsuit against a Pasadena in-vitro fertilization clinic, claiming that their hopes of having a son were hampered after a female embryo was wrongly implanted in their surrogate and they instead had a daughter born in 2021.
Albert and Anthony Saniger filed the lawsuit against HRC Fertility and fertility specialist Dr. Bradford A Kolb, alleging breach of contract, medical malpractice, negligence and fraudulent concealment and violation of the Unfair Competition Law and the Consumer Legal Remedies Act.
The suit was brought on Friday in Los Angeles Superior Court and seeks unspecified damages.
HRC released a statement saying, "At HRC Fertility, our mission is to provide world-class care. We have helped thousands of people, including the couple involved in this lawsuit. The couple ideally desired a baby boy but were blessed with a healthy girl. To their dissatisfaction, we have sought to address their concerns. Every child has value and limitless potential regardless of gender."
"We hope the Sanigers find love and value in their healthy child while so many across the country are struggling with reproductive issues. Since 1988, we have remained and continue to remain, dedicated to helping hopeful parents build families through assisted reproductive technology, compassion, expertise, innovation, cutting edge research and personalized care."
The Sanigers, married in 2013, dreamed of having two children, both sons, the suit states. Before they were wed, the couple chose first and middle names for their future sons in May 2015 and created Gmail accounts for their future offspring with their first and last names, according to the lawsuit.
Throughout the process, the couple was explicit with HRC and Kolb that they wanted only male embryos transferred to their surrogate and the defendants represented that the Sanigers would get to select the exact embryos, which had an identified gender, to be used in each transfer, the suit states.
Instead, the suit states, HRC and Kolb "negligently, recklessly, and/or intentionally transferred a female embryo to the Sanigers' gestational carrier."
HRC "specifically targets" families in the LGBTQ community and its website says the clinic is "dedicated to helping the gay and lesbian community achieve their dreams of parenthood," according to the lawsuit.
HRC's website also states that Kolb is internationally known for his expertise in complex reproductive matters and that patients come from around the world to seek his services, the suit states. The website further states that Kolb's practice is known for helping to develop and implement cutting-edge technologies in the genetic screening of embryos and the development of new laboratory technologies, according to the suit.
IVF is a particularly expensive process for male gay couples who must arrange for their children to be carried to term by a gestational carrier, the suit states. In May 2020, the Sanigers provided their sperm to HRC to create their embryos and arrangements were made for donor eggs and a gestational carrier through a third-party agency at a total cost to the plaintiffs of about $300,000, the suit states.
Unsuccessful transfers occurred in July and September 2020 before their surrogate became pregnant in December of that year, according to the lawsuit.
The Sanigers' daughter was born in 2021, the suit states.
"To this day, HRC has offered no explanation for how this error occurred," the suit states.
The financial impact to the Sanigers is "staggering" because they ultimately will be raising three children rather than the two sons for which they had planned, the suit states.
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jacksgreysays · 6 months
Given what happened in Bloody Mist artificial wombs might be a tool of diplomacy. Also: workplace injuries that might make carrying to term a risky proposition.
Yes! There's lots of reasons that aren't specifically Shikako related for why an external womb via seal/tech would be desired.
You bring up a great point, damnsmartblueboxes, I didn't even consider them selling to foreign countries! Or offering it as a Konoha-controlled service, a la Grass' Blood Prison -- although I imagine the amount of multinational security/oversight would have to be SO EXTREME considering bloodline theft is such a huge problem in this world. Or maybe it's a specialized mission where a Konoha team of medics and fuinjutsu users are specifically deployed, with a second Konoha team of bodyguards/escorts, to the foreign country where the artificial womb is requested where they are hosted by the village/clan that hired them for the duration of the gestation and there is an extremely thorough sanitation process in which the Konoha team makes sure none of their seals/technology has been copied and the foreign country makes sure none of the genetic material is stolen, etc etc.
Also yes! Like if the artificial womb is... flexible? adaptable?... enough so that it doesn't require the full gestation to be done in it from the start, that's also a great use of it!
Honestly, there are a surprising amount of applications for it that it would be more surprising for Shikako NOT to have made(/been involved in the process to make) it even BEFORE her theoretical future pregnancy with Sakako. Although, like, that does then make that ficlet a little suspect given that... well... wouldn't she have transferred embryo!Sakako into the artificial womb before it got to that point? Unless it's another case of Shikako not having realized how bad it was getting if it was so gradual/she was already so sleep deprived and compromised that it took Yoshino bringing her to the hospital, to the team of medics/fuinjutsu users, in order to transfer embryo!Sakako so that Shikako can finally get some sleep.
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coochiequeens · 1 month
Why should someone with no relation to the child be on a birth certificate? While the woman it inherited half its genetic material from and the woman who carried it are being erased from the birth certificate?
‘You could just change the law’: The unexpected costs of surrogacy for one Canadian family
By Rebecca Lau & Suzanne Lapoi
Martin Rioux and his husband have dreamt of parenthood for years. After many ups and downs, the Memramcook, N.B., couple decided to have embryos created with donated eggs.
“We knew we were ready for a child. We gave ourselves maybe a horizon of, like, three to four years,” Rioux said.
After struggling to find an egg donor, and also potential surrogates, Rioux’s sister-in-law offered to carry a baby through in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
Federal laws prohibit paying a surrogate for anything other than expenses incurred because of the pregnancy.
Still, the costs of IVF and other expenses have added up quickly — with Rioux estimating the tally at over $60,000.
The costs don’t end there.
He was taken aback when he learned the hospital would automatically put the surrogate as the parent of his future child on their birth certificate.
“And then we need to apply to the court to show that our situation is an exception. That process costs $5,500,” he said.
“You know, we’re going to make it happen. But $5,500 is a lot of diapers and baby formula when you could just change the law.”
In a statement, the province confirmed the person who carried the child is named as the mother on the original registration of birth form, similar to adoptions.
“There is no difference for a hetero or homosexual couple in the process of surrogacy. All couples must apply to the Court of King’s Bench for a declaratory order via The Family Services Act to have either one or both of parties recognized as a parent on a New Brunswick birth certificate for a child born via a surrogate,” wrote spokesperson, Bruce MacFarlane.
The statement goes on to say that the fee to amend the birth registration is $35 and the fee for a certificate is $45. However, “there may also be lawyer fees associated with preparing the documents and attending court to seek the custody order.”
Rioux and advocates say that court process and legal fees would indeed amount to over $5,000.
Fertility lawyer Sara Cohen tells Global News the processes for putting the intended parents on a birth certificate can be easier, and less expensive, in other provinces.
She points to Ontario as an example, where intended parents can have the option of registering the baby in their own name “if they had followed all the laws properly prior to the embryo transfer.”
While she says she “(doesn’t) want to take away from the time and expertise” of lawyers, she believes steps can be taken through legislation that outline the concept of who a parent is and who intends to be a parent prior to an embryo transfer.
“New Brunswick is lagging because there actually is no legislation around surrogacy or children who are conceived through the use of third-party reproduction,” Cohen said.
“Every other province at this point has legislation that deals with the concept of, and the reality of, children born through third-party reproduction.”
Fertility Matters Canada, a Canadian charity that advocates for equitable access to fertility and family building, says cost is the number one barrier couples face when considering third-party reproduction.
Carolynn Dubé, the group’s executive director, is based in Moncton, N.B. She says the province’s legislation is “outdated and hasn’t been looked at in a very long time” when it comes to surrogacy.
“Family building…  has changed significantly in this country and of course, globally,” she said.
“(So New Brunswick needs to have a) look at our current legislation, understanding what other provinces are doing and updating it so that intended parents and those who need to use surrogates in order to build their family, are recognized within that legislation.”
For Rioux and his husband, the road to parenthood has been long. They’ve attempted embryo transfers, as well as had miscarriages and health scares with surrogates who have helped them.
They would like to see additional financial barriers removed for potential parents like them in New Brunswick, so that the process isn’t cost prohibitive.
“If (IVF)  continues to fail and if it takes another six years, yeah, money’s going to be an issue,” he said.
“But it’s also going to be, well are we still at an age where we we want children? Hopefully that doesn’t happen.”
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In-Vitro-Fertilization : IVF Treatment
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Starting the journey towards parenthood can be a challenging road for couples facing infertility issues. In vitro fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a beacon of hope, providing a pathway for those struggling to conceive naturally.
Understanding IVF or in vitro fertilization is a complex medical procedure that involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the body. This process offers a solution to a range of fertility issues, including blocked fallopian tubes, male infertility, or unexplained fertility problems. IVF has witnessed significant advancements since its inception, becoming a widely accepted assisted reproductive technology.
The IVF process typically begins with ovarian stimulation, where fertility medications are administered to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. These eggs are then retrieved through a minor surgical procedure. In the laboratory, the eggs are fertilized with sperm and the resulting embryos are monitored for a few days. The healthiest embryos are selected and transferred into the woman's uterus to establish a pregnancy.
Success rates for IVF can vary and are influenced by factors such as age, the cause of infertility, and the quality of the eggs and sperm. It's essential for couples considering IVF to have realistic expectations and to work closely with their fertility specialists to understand the potential outcomes.
One of the critical aspects of IVF treatment is the emotional and psychological toll it can take on individuals and couples. The journey is often filled with hope, anxiety, and a rollercoaster of emotions. Recognizing the emotional aspects, many fertility clinics offer counseling and support services to help individuals navigate the challenges of IVF.
The cost of IVF treatment is another consideration for many couples. IVF can be a significant financial investment, and costs may include medications, procedures, and laboratory fees. It's crucial for couples to discuss the financial aspects with their healthcare providers and, in some cases, explore available insurance coverage for fertility treatments.
Here are the important links about IVF Treatment from various Platforms :
In recent years, advancements in technology and medical research have paved the way for additional options within the realm of IVF. Techniques such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), and egg freezing have expanded the possibilities for couples undergoing IVF, offering more personalized and targeted approaches to fertility treatment.
While IVF has provided a successful path to parenthood for many, it's important to note that it may not be the right solution for everyone. Fertility specialists work closely with couples to assess individual circumstances, explore alternative treatments, and provide guidance on the most suitable course of action.
In conclusion, IVF treatment stands as a remarkable advancement in reproductive medicine, offering hope to couples facing infertility challenges. The intricate process, coupled with emotional considerations and financial aspects, requires a comprehensive approach. As technology continues to evolve, the landscape of IVF treatment expands, providing more options and opportunities for those on the journey to building a family.
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priyankasahu2021 · 1 year
Why choose Santaan for IVF?Best IVF Clinic in Odisha
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Santaan IVF provides a wide range of AI- Enable services and support to couples during the entire process, to help couples who are struggling with fertility issues, including counseling, emotional support, and guidance on fertility booster. This is the reason Behind, why choose Santaan for IVF? Searching for the best IVF clinic in Odisha, should contact || Santaan fertility clinic |
 Santaan IVF has been helping many couples become parents: Some ways are
 ·        Evaluation and Diagnosis
·        Ovarian Stimulation
·        Egg Retrieval
·        Sperm Retrieval
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·        Embryo Culture
·        Embryo Transfer
·        Pregnancy Test
Santaan has been helping many couples to become parents by giving suitable fertility treatment. So, why are you waiting? Waiting only reduces your chances becoming a parent. If you are finding difficulties to pregnancy related issues, Contact now Santaan fertility clinic.
For more information, visit - https://www.santaan.in/
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Best IVF center in Nepal with high success rates 2024?
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Fertility Center Nepal is the best place where experts offer various infertility procedures at a reasonable price so that people around the world can easily afford the treatment and enjoy parenthood. At Fertility Center Nepal, people get world-class services under one roof, from initial consultation to delivery. The best IVF doctor in Nepal at this clinic also ensures that individuals have a comfortable and pleasant environment during treatment that helps them stay positive. Experts say it's essential for couples to remain calm and relaxed during the procedure, as anxiety, stress, or depression can lead to poor fertility outcomes.
What points should a couple consider while searching for the best IVF center in Nepal?
Below are the points that couples should keep in mind while searching for the best IVF center in Nepal, and they are:
1. Research and gather information: Couples need to start by researching the IVF centre in Nepal. They can search for online reviews, websites and patient testimonials. Couples can also request referrals from friends, family or support groups undergoing IVF treatment in Nepal.
2. Accreditation and Licensing: Ensure that the relevant medical authorities and government agencies accredit the Nepal IVF and Fertility Center. This review ensures that the center meets specific fertility treatment standards and guidelines.
3. Success Rate: Check the success rate of the IVF center in Nepal. A higher success rate can mean better expertise and technology. It's always a good idea for couples to ask fertility experts about their success rates, broken down by age and specific fertility issues.
4. Experienced and Qualified Staff: Couples must verify the skills and experience of the doctors at the fertility center in Nepal, including doctors, embryologists and nurses. Couples should seek a clinic with skilled and experienced reproductive endocrinologists who can provide personalized care.
5. Technology and equipment: Couples must visit a fertility center in Nepal and explore their website to evaluate the equipment and technology that professionals use for IVF treatment. Couples must ensure that the clinic they attend is equipped with the latest equipment for procedures such as egg retrieval and embryo transfer.
6. Individualized treatment plans: Couples should always choose an IVF center in Kathmandu that offers personalized treatment plans tailored to their needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
7. Costs and transparency: Couples must ask fertility doctors about the cost of IVF procedures and any additional charges. Always choose an IVF center in Kathmandu that is cost-transparent. Also, check if the clinic offers financial assistance or partnerships with insurance providers that cover the cost of all or part of infertility treatment to reduce the burden on couples.
8. Support Services: Couples should seek out clinics that provide counselling and support services to help them cope with the emotional and psychological aspects of infertility treatment.
9. Consultation: Always schedule a consultation with multiple IVF centers in Nepal, as this will help them meet the medical team and also experience the clinic atmosphere. During the consultation, couples can ask the specialist about procedure duration, success rate, cost, number of embryo transfers, etc.
10. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Couples must check that the clinic complies with Nepal's ethical and legal guidelines for assisted reproductive technology.
11. Language and Communication: Always look for a clinic where the staff can communicate effectively in a language you are comfortable with, as this is essential for clear understanding and communication during treatment.
Note: Choosing the best IVF clinic is a significant decision, and it is essential to take the time to research, visit clinics and ask questions before making any decisions. In addition, consulting the best IVF doctor in Nepal can provide valuable advice and help you make decisions.
What treatment options are available at Kathmandu Fertility Center for couples’ infertility treatment?
Below are the commonly used procedures at Kathmandu Fertility Center to help couples conceive and they are:
1. ICSI: ICSI is the best procedure for treating male infertility. It is a procedure in which professionals directly inject a single sperm into each egg to facilitate fertilization. After fertilization, the embryo expert implants the created embryo/s into the mother's uterus and waits for pregnancy symptoms.
2. Sperm Donor: It is the best procedure to treat male infertility problems such as low or poor sperm count, low sperm quality, etc. In this procedure, experts at Fertility Center Nepal select the donor sperm and artificially fertilize them with female eggs to create an embryo. Once the embryo is formed, it will be placed in the mother's uterus. Couples who decide to undergo a sperm donation procedure should speak to their specialist before proceeding.
3. Egg donation: In this procedure, professionals borrow a donor's eggs and fertilize them with the birth father's or donor's sperm to create an embryo. Once the embryos have developed, an embryo specialist places them in the recipient's uterus.
4. Embryo Donation: This is a fertility procedure where couples who have already successfully conceived through a fertility procedure now want to donate their leftover embryos from the first IVF cycle to help other couples who wish to have a child through the reproductive process.
Read More:- https://fertilitycentrenepal.com/
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Cost of Surrogacy in Mumbai: A Comprehensive Overview
Surrogacy is a widely accepted and effective fertility treatment for couples or individuals unable to conceive naturally. With advanced medical facilities and experienced professionals, Mumbai has become a popular destination for surrogacy. One of the primary concerns for intended parents is the cost of surrogacy in Mumbai, which can vary based on several factors. This article delves into the cost structure of surrogacy in Mumbai and what to expect during the process.
Understanding Surrogacy
Surrogacy involves a surrogate mother who carries and delivers a baby for intended parents. There are two types of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy, where the surrogate’s egg is used, and gestational surrogacy, where the intended mother’s egg or a donor’s egg is fertilized and implanted into the surrogate’s womb. Gestational surrogacy is more commonly practiced in Mumbai due to its ethical and legal advantages.
Factors Influencing the Cost of Surrogacy in Mumbai
Several factors contribute to the overall cost of surrogacy in Mumbai, and understanding these can help intended parents plan their journey more effectively.
Medical Procedures: Surrogacy involves multiple medical procedures, including IVF (in vitro fertilization) and embryo transfer, both of which are crucial steps. The cost of IVF treatment is a significant portion of the total expense, as it includes egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo implantation.
Surrogate Mother Compensation: The surrogate mother’s compensation covers her medical expenses, living expenses, and any other costs incurred during the pregnancy. This fee is essential for ensuring that the surrogate is well taken care of throughout the process.
Legal Fees: Legal contracts and agreements between the intended parents and the surrogate are mandatory in India to ensure that both parties understand their rights and obligations. Legal fees for drafting and finalizing these contracts also add to the overall surrogacy cost.
Agency Fees: Surrogacy agencies or clinics typically charge fees for facilitating the surrogacy process. These agencies help in matching intended parents with suitable surrogates and offer services like medical coordination and legal support.
Medical Tests and Screenings: Both the surrogate and the intended parents need to undergo several medical tests and screenings to ensure a successful surrogacy process. These include fertility tests, general health check-ups, and other evaluations that ensure the suitability of the surrogate for pregnancy.
Miscellaneous Costs: Additional expenses may include medications, post-delivery care, insurance coverage for the surrogate, and any unforeseen medical issues during pregnancy.
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For more information regarding surrogacy costs and services, Contact Us at +91–8447592299 or email us at [email protected]. Our experts at Select IVF are here to guide you through each step of the surrogacy journey.
Average Cost of Surrogacy in Mumbai
The cost of surrogacy in Mumbai typically ranges between INR 12,00,000 to INR 20,00,000, depending on the factors mentioned above. While these figures provide a general estimate, the total cost may vary based on individual circumstances, including the need for additional fertility treatments or medical interventions.
Mumbai offers some of the most competitive surrogacy costs in India, making it a favorable option for intended parents both from India and abroad. Compared to other metropolitan cities, Mumbai’s surrogacy services are known for their affordability without compromising the quality of medical care.
Why Choose Surrogacy in Mumbai?
Mumbai has earned a reputation as one of the leading cities for fertility treatments, including surrogacy. The city’s top-notch medical facilities, expert fertility specialists, and stringent legal framework ensure that intended parents receive the best care at an affordable price. Moreover, Mumbai’s comprehensive surrogacy programs provide emotional, medical, and legal support throughout the process.
Surrogacy is a life-changing decision for many couples, and Mumbai offers a cost-effective yet high-quality solution for those seeking surrogacy services. Understanding the various components of the cost of surrogacy in Mumbai can help intended parents make informed decisions and prepare for the financial aspects of the journey.
For detailed guidance on surrogacy costs and other fertility treatments, Contact Us at +91–8447592299 or email us at [email protected]. Our team at Select IVF is dedicated to helping you realize your dream of parenthood through safe and affordable surrogacy options.
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What Makes IVF an Expensive Treatment?
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a widely recognized fertility treatment that has helped countless couples achieve their dream of parenthood. However, the cost of IVF can be daunting for many, especially in a country like India, where healthcare is generally more affordable. Couples often ask why IVF is such an expensive procedure.
Factors Contributing to the Cost of IVF
Advanced Medical Technology: IVF involves cutting-edge technology, from the initial hormone treatments to the fertilization of eggs and embryo transfers. Laboratories must maintain high standards to ensure successful fertilization and embryo growth. The cost of operating and maintaining these high-tech laboratories adds significantly to the overall expense of IVF treatment.
Expertise of Fertility Specialists: IVF is not a one-size-fits-all treatment, and it requires the expertise of highly skilled fertility specialists. The team at an IVF centre in Delhi NCR typically includes reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, and nurses who are well-versed in handling complex fertility cases. The more experienced the specialists, the higher the success rates, which also reflects in the treatment cost.
Multiple Cycles: Success rates for IVF vary from couple to couple, and it may take more than one cycle to achieve a successful pregnancy. Many IVF packages in Delhi offer multiple cycles as part of their pricing, which naturally increases the cost. The unpredictability of how many cycles might be required often contributes to the high overall cost of IVF.
Medication Costs: IVF treatment involves a series of hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. These fertility medications are often expensive, and their cost varies depending on the dosage required and the individual's response to treatment. For many patients, the cost of medications is a significant part of the total IVF expense.
Additional Procedures: Some patients may require additional procedures, such as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), or egg and sperm freezing, which are not always included in standard IVF packages. These additional procedures, commonly offered at leading IVF centres in Delhi NCR, further increase the cost of treatment.
Comprehensive Care and Support:  IVF is not just about medical procedures; it also involves emotional and psychological support. Many fertility clinics provide counselling and other supportive services to help couples cope with the emotional stress of fertility treatments. While essential, these additional services also contribute to the overall cost.
IVF Packages in Delhi: What to Expect
When looking for an IVF package in Delhi, it is important to understand what is included in the cost. Most IVF centres offer customized packages that cover consultations, diagnostics, treatment cycles, and medications. The average cost of an IVF package in Delhi can range from ₹1.5 lakhs to ₹3 lakhs per cycle, depending on the clinic and the complexity of the treatment required.
Some packages may also include options for freezing embryos, multiple cycles, or donor services. It is essential to choose a reputable IVF centre in Delhi NCR that offers transparency in pricing and clearly outlines what the package includes.
How to Choose the Right IVF Centre in Delhi NCR
Given the high cost and emotional investment in IVF, choosing the right fertility clinic is critical. When evaluating an IVF centre in Delhi NCR, consider the following:
Success Rates: Higher success rates can reduce the need for multiple cycles, saving costs in the long run.
Experience of Specialists: Choose a clinic with experienced doctors and embryologists.
Transparency in Costs: Ensure the clinic provides a detailed breakdown of the costs involved, with no hidden fees.
Comprehensive Services: Look for clinics that offer a range of fertility services, from diagnostic testing to counselling.
IVF is a complex and resource-intensive treatment, and multiple factors contribute to its high cost. The use of advanced technology, skilled specialists, multiple cycles, and necessary medications all play a role in driving up expenses. However, by choosing the right IVF centre in Delhi NCR and opting for a well-rounded IVF package in Delhi, couples can manage costs more effectively while increasing their chances of a successful pregnancy.
While IVF may seem expensive, the potential rewards of starting a family make it a life-changing investment for many.
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7r0773r · 3 days
The Skin of Dreams by Raymond Queneau, translated by Chris Clarke
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Garbage tumbled out of the metal bin and fell in a torrent into the trash can, eggshells, cores, greasy paper, peels. A limp and parasitic odor accompanied this dehiscence, not so unpleasant an odor as all that, something akin to the scent of damp moss in the deepest, darkest woods, but with a stannous aftertaste because of the container beside which they keep the little cart they use to transfer all of this the length of the sidewalk for the trashmen at daybreak. Rid of its contents, the bin was continuing, at the end of a manly arm, on its way across the sixth floor when there appeared a maid. She didn't feel that it was a man's job to take out the refuse but didn't breathe a word, discreetly not wanting to comment on the spectacle offered by this masculine shadow, honoring as it did the corridor of the service stairwell with its dressing-gowned presence.
The gallant monsieur offers to help her because there was a heavy look to what she was carrying but she declined. He also asks her if she's been in the household for long, no, that very day. He was aware of this as he was acquainted with all the building's help, their mores and habits, their comings and goings. They made their way back up together in silence. They reached the top; swathed though he was in floral silk, he lived in an attic suite quite simply because of his fondness for painters' studios beneath the eaves, despite not being a painter himself.
He suggests to the girl that she come by his place for a bit. Well you don't waste any time is what she fires back. He shrugged his shoulders. Who did she take him for? He took a few steps to go and knock discreetly on a certain door, in front of which his lordship hummed a few bars of La Traviata. Straightaway appeared a young woman, firm of behind, who, without hesitation, suggests a three-handed game of belote, accompanied by a so you must be the new girl. "I'm Thérèse" she said and the other replied that her name was Lulu Doumer.
The fellow reiterates, "Would Lulu Doumer be interested in a three-handed game of belote?" She doesn't know how to play. He opened the door to his dwelling and they went in. The electric lights revealed something to Lulu Doumer's eyes that, over the course of her brief life, she had not yet had the opportunity to see: an artist's dwelling, soft rugs, hard cushions, chinoiseries, indirect lighting, Middle Aged halberds, Breton crucifikses, photographed acropoleis, items as old as they were fashioned, and all manner of other doodads of the same stripe.
Ain't it just swell here is what Lulu Doumer said, she and her fourteen years. (pp. 5-6)
"You're able to make poems about any subject at all."
"Even about socks. The sock's praise can be sung as well."
"I've often wondered where you find your inspiration."
"Usually by holding myself back from urinating."
"Is there a connection?"
"A definite connection. In both cases it's a matter of restraint." (p. 21)
His mind paraded before him all the embryos of social entities that he had nonrealized, like miniatures of perfectly formed fetuses. He made his way back from seven, eight years in the past and there he was now captain in the Royal Netherlands Army, plant manager, attaché to the embassy in Peking, banker, clown (famous), painter (famous), archivist-paleographer, midshipman (aboard the last tall ship), racing cyclist (winner of the Tour d'Europe), world chess champion (inventor of the L'Aumône Gambit and the f2-f3, h7-h5 opening), gentleman sorghum cockie in Australia (and damn if he didn't exterminate himself some rabbits), bartender (at the Ritz), astronomer (he discovers the first planet outside the solar system, a satellite of α Centauri), legislative deputy (the youngest in France), journalist (a reporter with a never-ending bag full of tricks and unflappable audacity), acrobat (the first to execute the sextuple backward summersault from a standstill), fakir in crystals (an old Gypsy woman had initiated him in all the mantic mysteries), doctor (psycho-analyst), doctor (acupuncturist), doctor (osteopath), doctor (chiropractor), doctor (dental surgeon), explorer (astronaut, because otherwise, to where? and of what?), gold prospector (who perforce becomes very rich), treasure hunter (he finds them at the bottom of the seas when he isn't finding them in ancient castles), English lord (by adoption), high lama (by vocation), president of the republic of Nicaragua (by election), president of the republic of Costa Rica (by revolution), president of the republic of Guatemala (by military occupation), now he forgets all about ambition, there are so many other possibilities, triumvir, uhlan, plumber, tetrarch, retiarius, shah, salt smuggler, white elephant (by magical transformation), adulterous grasshopper, Chinese tunic, lump of sugar, melting nub of soap. He was fading away slowly just like that, in a little bowl of water, not even clean, because some guy had made use of it, of him, to scrub the grime from his fingers. (pp. 118-19)
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coochiequeens · 1 year
After a couple find a woman to buy eggs from for up to $250,000 they have to “find a surrogate, the uterus-bearing person who will carry your baby.” Meaning a Woman to build a baby in her womb for 9 months then give birth to it.
MAY 20 2023 10:04 AM EST
Let’s have a baby together. It’ll only set you back $250,000.
To become a gay dad with a biological child, you’ll first need some eggs (human ones). You can buy some from an egg bank or try to find a donor who will cycle just for you. If doing the latter, it’s good to have contracts, so you’ll need a lawyer too.
Then you need to get your eggs to a fertility clinic. If you have a donor, you’ll be paying for their travel and appointments. If you’ve got the eggs, a freezer truck transportation service will do. Embryologists at the clinic do their thing with the eggs and your sperm, and voilà — you have embryos on ice. If embryologists sound expensive, it’s because they are.
We’re done with the “less hard” part. Now you need to find a surrogate, the uterus-bearing person who will carry your baby. You’ll either pay a surrogacy agency, which can be pricey, or find a surrogate of your own, which “sounds hard because it is,” says Janene Oleaga, attorney and founder of Oleaga Law, a family formation law firm. “Then there’s the actual embryo transfer, which may or may not be covered by insurance. You’ve also been paying this whole time to keep the embryos cryogenically preserved,” Oleaga says.
Feeling the cash crunch yet? There’s another cost to consider. The stigma against gay parenthood runs deeper than rhetoric alone. It’s woven into the very fabric of our health care system. 
As LGBTQ+ acceptance makes hard-fought progress, today’s young people are coming out earlier than previous generations. In a 2018 survey conducted by the Family Planning Council, respondents over the age of 60 said they came out at an average age of 37; for respondents in their 30s, the average age was 21, and for respondents ages 18 to 24, the average age was 17.
When Obergefell v. Hodges granted federal marriage equality protections in 2015, LGBTQ+ interest in family planning spiked, with solutions like assisted reproductive technology (ART), foster parenthood, and private adoption leading the way. Nearly half of LGBTQ+ millennials are actively planning to grow their families, a difference of just 7 percentage points from non-LGBTQ+ millennials, and a marked difference from previous generations.
If queer intended parents (IPs) take the ART route, financial challenges loom. The average cost of in vitro fertilization (IVF) hovers around $12,400 per cycle, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. But the chances of success are less than 50 percent, according to ART data from the CDC, adding considerably to the financial pressure. Subsequently, an entire boutique industry has emerged to help intended parents navigate the medical, legal, and emotional terrain of the process.
“To be very frank and honest with you, a lot of this is a mega, mega business,” says Harout Cracchiolo, who together with his husband became a first-time father last year. “We went with a friend who donated her eggs and paid for all her treatments. Then we went with a family member who ended up carrying the baby for us and got a separate surrogacy insurance for her. We still had to pay all the hospital bills, anesthesia, and doctor’s visits [out of pocket], because insurance wouldn’t cover it. We ended up at around $175,000.”
(In other words they had a baby by taking eggs from one woman then exposing another women to the dangers of a pregnancy with heightened risks just to create a baby that neither the egg donor or the woman who gave birth will feel a connection to and will have a harder time in court if they sue for custody or visitation)
Cracchiolo says he and his husband were lucky, “because we did our IVF and got pregnant the first time.” He partially attributed this success to the care he and his husband received from their chosen fertility center, and he called some agencies “a scam.”
“One quote included a $60,000 agency fee,” Cracchiolo says. “Then it’s about another 20 or 30 grand for the egg donor, another 70 or 80 grand for the surrogate, and all the attorney’s fees.” Cracchiolo also says he and his husband calculated another quote’s projected total cost to be over $250,000, with the agency wanting most of that money in escrow upfront.
Family planning professionals said the $60,000 agency fee figure sounded high and noted that every industry has its bad actors. For many intended parents, finding and working with a good agency to mitigate the risks of surrogacy will be worth the investment. “There are a number of reputable agencies protecting both intended parents and surrogates alike,” Oleaga says in a follow-up email. “An ethical, knowledgeable agency provides valuable guidance and support throughout the surrogacy journey.”
Oleaga adds that many lawyers offer to review agency agreements with both intended parents and surrogates to ensure individuals understand what they are agreeing to, along with what services the agency will and will not provide.
Nevertheless, for gay male couples, the fertility financial benefits that come with health insurance are often stunted, since they may only apply when policy holders themselves are the ones who are pregnant. “The majority of gay men,” says Oleaga, “should expect a six-figure bill.”
(So it’s gay males and egg donors and uterus bearing persons)
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The unpredictable costs of fertility have led some intended parents to seek out agencies whose financial safeguards help keep their family planning hopes alive, says Taylor Frey, who with his husband Kyle Dean Massey opened Elevate, an egg donation and surrogacy agency, after their own decade-long fatherhood journey.
“When Kyle and I went through the process, we were both working in Broadway shows, and we started a savings account to create embryos with an egg donor,” Frey says. “I was 25 at the time. We created embryos, then put them on ice for eight years so we could replenish funds.”
Frey and Massey say they founded Elevate to innovate on industry setback and cancellation policies. “If you do not end up with what you need to transfer to a surrogate, your recycle fees are on us,” says Frey, referring to fertility fees incurred when eggs turn out to be unviable.
“The reason why [surrogacy] is so expensive is that, from deciding you want to be a parent to having a baby, hundreds of people will touch your case,” Massey says. “All the attorneys, and psychologists, and counselors, and lab technicians, and nurses, and physicians, and monitoring clinics, and labs — it’s a lot of people.”
Oleaga agreed with the idea of meeting with several prospective fertility service providers as a best practice. “I always advise intended parents and potential surrogates to meet with multiple agencies and review their agency agreements before signing on,” she says.
For female same-sex couples, the dynamics are different, albeit no less demeaning.
“We knew we wanted to have kids. My only stipulation was that we be married first because we’re gay,” says Samantha Davis, who with her wife Leni had their son via intrauterine insemination (IUI) on their second attempt in 2019. “I just didn’t want the government to feel like we weren’t both equally the parent.”
If heterosexual couples have unexplained infertility, they need to have been trying to conceive for at least a year (or six months if over the age of 35) before a doctor will make the diagnosis official, a declaration that unlocks health insurance benefits for some fertility services. But for same-sex couples, the waiting period is waived. “Because we’re gay, I wanted to make sure that I was automatically considered infertile [from the start] so that the insurance would cover some of the stuff we would be going through,” Samantha says.
The couple’s infertile status unlocked an allowance of $16,000. “That’s not per child, or per year,” Leni says. “That’s for life.” The Davises’ expenses included storage for sperm and paying to have embryos created and tested, all of which quickly burned through the stipend. They also say they had to pay out of pocket for psychiatric evaluations and blood work.
“The first time, we weren’t in a great financial place,” Samantha says. “We were scraping every time we needed to pay for something.” Samantha touched her belly. She’s pregnant again, this time through IVF.
“After our son, I really wanted to have a girl,” she says. The couple decided to do IVF to produce a female embryo, but after two attempts, the only remaining healthy embryos were males. “We could have tried again to see if we could get that girl, but financially it wasn’t feasible.”
(And there it is once enough money is spent it’s not just about having a baby, it’s about having a certain type of baby)
The path to biological parenthood shouldn’t be this expensive for anyone. For LGBTQ+ people, however, the journey remains especially taxing as we navigate systems ill-suited to our family planning interests.
“A lot of LGBTQ+ people don’t have children, so it’s not such a big movement,” Cracchiolo notes. “But it needs to be. You want to feel included. You’re having a baby — you don’t want to feel strange when you go to the hospital.”
Horror stories aside, the parents agree their journey was worth every step.
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“It’s the coolest thing to wake up and know that every day you’re working towards making this child’s life something you didn’t have,” Cracchiolo says. “It’s just the best thing ever.”
The Davises echo this sentiment. “It’s rewarding in so many ways,” Samantha says. “I think I’ve learned so much about myself, my upbringing, things that I hope to do differently.”
Queer people deserve to become biological parents regardless of socioeconomic status. But reform is needed to make LGBTQ+ parenthood more financially accessible.
(No one is entitled to biological offspring. And how do they reform it to make it “financially accessible” without fairly compensating the women going through the egg donation process or the birth mother who will be carrying a pregnancy with a greater risk of complications?)
In the interim, anticipating the future cost of parenthood might influence how you spend and save your money today. 
Oh, and if people start to give you shit for tightening the budget to fund your legacy — “Fuck ‘em,” Samantha says. “Don’t worry about what anyone says. Find what works for you and your family.”
Leni laughs. “You can quote her on that.”
Nick Wolny is a journalist, speaker, and entrepreneur. He writes about the intersection of LGBTQ+ life and personal finance, and has previously contributed to CNET, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. Join his newsletter at NickWolny.com.
This article is part of the Out May/June issue, available on newsstands May 30. Support queer media and subscribe -- or download the issue through Amazon, Kindle, Nook, or Apple News.
I wonder how many women have received requests to be surrogates for family members and the rest of the family piled on over the hope of more grandkids for the family? Women need to learn the side effects and risks associated with egg donation and surrogacy so they can back up their “NO”.
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