#elsa curry
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thena0315 · 18 days ago
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One Chicago Characters [6/8]
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pushupcontest · 2 years ago
Chicago Med Group Chat
Pt. 7: Connor’s phone
Mental illness specialist or wtvr: Daniel
Pepper spray girl: Sarah
Unknown number 1: Elsa 
Unknown number 2: Lanik
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): Noah
Attending: Latham 
Will (can’t fucking spell): guys i hav good new. I have leaenee how to spell (sorta!)
Unknown number 1: Yeah, thanks to me. You are all very welcome by the way. 
Nat: You are fired. He still can’t spell. 
Maggie: Is someone jealous? ;)
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: Hey Sarah ;)
Nat: No, not jealous at all.
Pepper spray girl: Heyyy :)))
April: Elsa, you should have taught him better. Also Nat, you are definitely jealous!
Ms. Goodwin: 🤣
Me💰: who’s pepper spray girl?
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: what are you talking about?
Unknown number 1: You don’t need to be jealous, Natalie. Will is not my type. At all.
Unknown number 2: He better not be…
Me💰: 1 of my contacts says pepper spray girl but idk who that is
Ethan: Oh. That might be my fault.
Will (can’t fucking spell): HEY! Wtf elsea???
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): Ohh yeah i remember when sarah did that lmao
Pepper spray girl: …
Mental illness specialist or wtvr: You guys need to be more sensitive. 
Ms. Goodwin: Maggie, the idea you had yesterday really impressed the board. You are the best head nurse!
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): But she’s the only head nurse
Ms. Goodwin: 🤣
Me💰: ethan did you change my contacts last night at the bar???
Ethan: I might’ve. 
Pepper spray girl: fuck you ethan
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: 🔪
Maybe: Sam Abrams: …
Maybe: Jay Halstead: I’m so confused right now… 
Maggie: Thank you, Sharon!
April: Ethan, you were at a bar last night???? You told me you couldn’t help take care of Vincent because you were working?
Ethan: Oops
April: Oops? That’s all you have to say?
Unknown number 2: You guys have a kid???
Maybe: Sam Abrams: You guys talk too much, I’m muting this.
April: No, Vincent is Ethan’s sister's kid.
Unknown number 2: Ethan has a sister???
Ethan: Sorry April, but I already see Emily too often now that she volunteers at the hospital.
April: Ethan, you are so irresponsible. 
Me💰: wait i was so confused about the contact that i forgot to acknowledge the fact that you sent a winky face to sarah???
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: yeah…
Pepper spray girl: ;)
Maggie: ;)
Ethan: And you are so critical. How can you blame me for not wanting to spend time with my sister who literally stole drugs from the hospital???
Pepper spray girl: emily did what????
Ms. Goodwin: Ethan, I think you, Emily, and I need to have a little chat… 
Unknown number 1: Why am I not surprised? 
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): Omgg drammmaaaa
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): Someone’s abt to get fired
April: Noah, you should not be laughing at such a serious situation. 
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): No
Me💰: not to interrupt whatever this is but ava??? are you flirting with sarah?
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: yes
Ethan: What the hell, April?? Emily and I might lose our jobs because of you.
Me💰: you’re a crazy bitch we’re over
You have changed Avey ❤️❤️❤️ to Crazy bitch
You have changed Pepper spray girl to Pepper spray girl (ava’s crush)
You have changed Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???) to Dude who won’t stfu (noah)
Crazy bitch: rot. in. hell!!!
Ethan: We’re over too, April
April: Fine, as long as I get your sister in the breakup.
Unknown number 1: And we’re over too, Lanik.
Unknown number 2: What????
Unknown number 1: Jk ;)
Unknown number 2: … Attending: I hope this breakup doesn’t impede you two from acting professionally during surgery.
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everyonesonthespectrum · 2 years ago
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Elsa Curry from Chicago Med
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crystallizsch · 1 year ago
Random Thought, please humor me.
SURPRISE: YUUSHA GAINS MAGIC (By absorbing the Magic around her & dealing with Overblots)! Even better, she doesn't need a Mage Stone to control it! What would Yuusha's Unique Magic be & how does she use it? How would Jamil react?
"Magic makes people feel too powerful. Too entitled."
"That is not what magic does. That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted."
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HELPPP anon your random thought sent me down into a rabbit hole and i was hyperfixated on this for at least a WEEK 😭
anyways i also had an agonizing realization that yuusha is somewhat twisted elsa/anna because she has:
braid in front ✅
light-colored hair streak ✅
love interest that used her for his schemes ✅
desire to connect with people bc of years of loneliness (and emotional instability) ✅
unresolved childhood trauma in general ✅
(and probably more idk, these are the ones that stand out to me at the moment)
i haven't thought about frozen for YEARS and somehow it's still haunting me.
i have a lot of mixed feelings about this realization in general but the reason i brought this up is because i ended up basing yuusha's unique magic on frozen (not the ice powers part, but more the emotions aspect since elsa's powers work based on her emotions) while also still having aspects of yuu's own personality on it.
(also I'm sorry in advance i keep on dropping random lore about yuu and jamil's dynamic that only makes sense to myself hndsfhdsj)
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I'm your friend. You don't have to hide. SHOW YOURSELF.
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"Show Yourself" forces the target to say what's actually on their mind as long as she touches them. Since she's not particularly powerful and skilled with her own unique magic in the beginning, it's limited to skin-to-skin contact, and it only lasts for as long as she's touching her target.
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If Yuu trained it more, it doesn't have to be skin-to-skin, just as long as she makes some kind of physical contact with her target; and it could last for as long as she wants even if she is no longer making physical contact. (But the longer she keeps it up, the more blot accumulates.) Yuusha would mostly just use her unique magic to mess with people. It'll only be rare that she chooses to use it for something serious.
To add more onto how Jamil would react to these magic shenanigans: They've both agreed on not using their unique magic on each other. To do so would be a breach of trust. (Of course there would be special exceptions but generally that's their agreement.) And since Jamil is still a scheming prick (affectionate), her "Show Yourself" unique magic would be useful. Plus, Yuu would not be against using her unique magic 99% of the time since she is also aware of the usefulness of her ability. Jamil would insist on helping Yuu out on how to use her magic because there was no way she'd get the hang of it immediately. And he knows she would refuse to ask any other (capable) magician for help.
An alternate idea that I scrapped was "Let It Go" where it's essentially Yuu telling her target to let go of their (usually negative) emotions. But those feelings can't just disappear so Yuu basically absorbs them so now it's her burden to carry instead. I scrapped it because I can't settle on how it works. (But it still had angst potential so I couldn't help but draw a bit about it anyway.)
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(extra rambling below about yuusha overblot thoughts if anyone's interested hdlfhjgj)
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this is a brief tangent from the original question because i also thought, "hey what if she overblotted, wouldn't that be fun"
i could see the overblot going in either two ways:
yuu accidentally hurts grim (or another friend) with her magic. she’s so distraught thinking that even with magic she can't protect those who are dear to her. and so during the overblot she will not actively try to hurt anyone but instead exhausting her magic reserves in an intentional attempt at self-destruction. (yes i also see the frozen parallels shhhh)
something happens that was simply THE LAST STRAW. now she’s too pissed at everyone that she no longer cares about what happens to her or anyone else, going on a destructive rampage. which can also be considered an intentional attempt at self-destruction.
either way, basically, if she can’t go home she’s just going to take herself out and/or the school instead. the girl is not okay.
(there's actually nothing good she can home to, but she's convinced she'll be happy again if she returns. but she doesn't know that because she can't remember shit about her home. that's a separate lore dump post hgdsjfkld)
also the blot monster behind her would look something like marshmallow (elsa's snow monster from frozen) :)
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(i also used to have a similar idea for yuusha. i planned to have her be immune to magic *because* she was absorbing it and she didn't realize. leading to an inevitable overblot) (but i scrapped it because yuusha became my victim for jamil x yuu stuff) (like if i can't have the excuse to have jamil use snake whisper on yuu then what is the point)
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months ago
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Finlay Currie (Great Expectations, I Know Where I'm Going, Around the World in 80 Days)—I have to say I do always love when this guy turns up to be deeply Scottish, particularly when he shows up to be deeply Scottish at the fall of the Rome.
Elsa Lanchester (The Bride of Frankenstein, Witness for the Prosecution, Mary Poppins)—Surely somebody's already submitted Elsa Lanchester for this right? Right??? Because her scrungle levels are OFF THE CHARTS in literally everything. The way she's Katy Nanna straight-up refusing to spend another minute with Jane and Michael Banks because she has DIGNITY thank you very much. The way she's Mary Goddamn Shelley stuck listening to Lord Byron mansplaining literature like "ha ha maybe even YOUR little monster story will be published" and she shoots back "It *WILL* be published, *I* think!!!" in the most bright-as-nails fuck-you-Byron voice imaginable. The way she's a nurse herding her lawyer charge through a sordid love-triangle case and we gradually realize the real love story was between her and the lawyer all along. The way she's a clandestine witch casting hexes on telephones, the way she's a princess's PA and helps an old friend steal an invitation card, the way she's a cleaning lady who goes to Germany to personally assassinate Hitler, the way she's a posh village worthy trying to impress Danny Kaye, the way ERRGHH i could go on just look at her scrungle.
This is round 2 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Elsa Lanchester:
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Surely someone has already submitted her but like. Come on. Her eyes! Her haunted expression! Her general weird drowned rat vibes! Obsessed.
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Finlay Currie:
Currie comes in at 7:52.
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dc-megatournament · 2 months ago
A Master List of fighters in the “Batman vs Everyone” tournament so far
If a character isn't listed here, they haven't been submitted.
List of the Fights Already Posted w/Results (in Alphabetical Order)
Red = Lost fight Against Batman
Green = Won fight Against Batman
Blue = a third option was taken
Adam West Batman =
Alphonse Elric =
Amazing Man/Will Everett = Lost
Ambush Bug/Irwin Schwab = Lost
Amy Rose = Won
Angus MacGyver = Lost
Animal Man/Buddy Baker = Lost
Annabeth Chase =
Ant-Man/Hank Pym = Lost
Aquaman/Arthur Curry = Lost
Arceus =
Arsenal/Roy Harper = Lost
Atom Smasher/Albert Rothstein = Lost
Avatar Aang = Third option; Bruce attempts to adopt Aang
Azrael/Jean Paul Valley = Lost
Aztek/Uno = Lost
Baked Beans = Won
Baldi =
Barbie = Won
Batgirl/Cassandra Cain = Won
Batman Beyond/Terry McGinnis = Lost
Batwing/David Zavimbe = Lost
Batwing/Luke Fox =
Batwoman/Kate Kane = Lost
Beast/Hank McCoy = Lost
Beetlejuice = Lost
Ben Tennyson = Lost
Big Barda/Barda Free = Won
Big Hero 6 = Lost
Bill Cipher =
Black Canary/Dinah Laurel Lance = Lost
Black Cat/Felicia Hardy = Lost
Black Lightning/Jefferson Pierce = Lost
Black Orchid/Susan Linden = Lost
Black Panther/T’Challa = Won
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff =
Bluebird/Harper Row =
Bluey Heeler =
Blade/Eric Brooks = Lost
Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes = Lost
Blue Beetle/Ted Kord = Lost
Blue Devil/Dan Cassidy = Lost
Booster Gold/Michael Jon Carter = Lost
Brody Foxx =
Bucky Barnes = Lost
Buffy Summers = Won
Bugs Bunny = Won
Captain America/Sam Wilson = Lost
Captain America/Steve Rogers = Lost
Captain Atom/Nathaniel Adam = Lost
Captain Cold/Leonard Snart = Lost
Captain Jack Sparrow = Lost
Captain Marvel/Billy Batson = Won
Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers = Lost
Cassie Hack = Lost
Catwoman/Selina Kyle = Third Option; They make out instead
Citizen Steel/Nathan Heywood = Lost
Cosmo and Wanda = Won
Crazy Jane =
Cyblade/Dominique Thiebaut = Lost
Cyborg/Victor Stone = Lost
Cyclops =
Danny Phantom =
Darwin/Armando Muñoz = Lost
Dazai Osamu =
Deadman/Boston Brand = Lost
Deku/Izuku Midoriya = Lost, Gains a father through Batman
Detective Chimp/Bobo T. Chimpanzee = Lost
Doctor Doom/Victor Von Doom = Won
Doctor Fate/Kent Nelson = Won
Doctor Fate/Khalid Nassour = Lost
Doctor Fate/Linda Strauss = Lost
Doctor Light/Kimiyo Hoshi = Lost
Dolly Parton =
Donald Duck = Won
Dr. Mid Nite/Charles McNider = Lost
Dracula (Castlevania) = Lost
Duolingo Owl =
Echo/Maya Lopez = Lost
Eda Clawthorne = Lost
Ed Dillinger =
Elektra Natchios = Lost
Element Woman/Emily Sung =
Eliot Spencer =
Ellie (TLoU) =
Elongated Man/Ralph Dibny = Lost
Elon Musk =
Elric of Melninbone =
Elsa = Lost
Elsa Bloodstone =
Emma Frost = Won
Enchantress/June Moone = Lost
Etrigan/Jason Blood = Lost
Eva-02 =
Ezio Auditore =
Finn & Jake = Won
Fire/Beatriz da Costa = Lost
Firestar =
Firestorm/Jason Rusch = Lost
Firestorm/Ronnie Raymond = Lost
Flamebird/Bette Kane =
Gabby Kinney =
Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze = Lost
Ghoulia Yelps =
Godiva/Dorcas Leigh = Lost
Godzilla = Won
Goku = Won
Green Arrow/Connor Hawke = Lost
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen = Lost
Green Goblin/Norman Osborn = Lost
Green Lantern/Guy Gardner = Lost
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan =
Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz = Lost
Green Lantern/John Stewart = Lost
Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner = Won
Green Lantern/Simon Baz = Lost
Grumpy Bear =
Gundam Aerial = Lost
Gwen Tennyson = Lost
Gypsy/Cynthia Reynolds = Lost
Hatsune Miku = Won
Hawkeye/Clint Barton =
Hawkgirl/Kendra Saunders = Lost
Hawkman/Katar Hol/Carter Hall = Lost
Hawkwoman/Shayera Hol/Shiera Hall = Lost
Heather (TDI) = Won
Hellboy = Lost
Hello Kitty = Won
Hua Cheng = Lost
Hulk/Bruce Banner = Lost
Human Torch/Johnny Storm = Lost
Huntress/Helena Bertinelli = Lost
Ice/Tora Olafsdotter =
Iceman/Bobby Drake =
Invincible/Mark Grayson = Lost
Invisible Woman/Sue Storm = Lost
Iron Man/Tony Stark = Lost
Jade/Jennifer-Lynn Hayden = Lost
Jar Jar Binks = Lost
Jean Grey =
Jenny Sparks =
Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9 = Lost
Jerry (Tom & Jerry) = Won
Jesse Quick/Jessie Chambers = Lost
Jessica Jones = Lost
Jim Gordon = Lost
Joel Miller (TLoU) =
John Constantine = Lost
John Egbert =
John Wick = Won
Joker (Persona 2) =
Joker - Persona 5 =
Jubilee/Jubilation Lee =
Katara (ATLA) =
Katana/Tatsu Yamashiro = Lost
Katsuki Bakugou = Lost
Kazuma Kiryu =
Kim Possible = Won
Kirby = Won
Kuchipatchi =
Ladybug/Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Cat Noir/Adrien Agreste = Lost
Lan Wangji =
Legion =
Lieutenant Columbo =
Light Yagami = Lost
Lin Manuel Miranda =
Link (LoZ) =
Lobo = Lost
Luke Cage = Lost
Luke Skywalker = Lost
Madame Mirage/Angela Temple = Lost
Madame Xanadu = Lost
Magik/Illyana Rasputin = Won
Man-Bat/Dr. Robert Kirkland Langstrom = Lost
Manhunter/Kate Spencer = Lost
Mariah Carey = Won
Mario & Luigi = Won
Martian Manhunter/J’onn J’onnz = Lost
Mary Poppins =
Maxima = Lost
Max Tennyson =
May Chang =
Megatron = Lost
Metamorpho/Rex Mason = Lost
Mickey Mouse =
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers = Lost
Mister Miracle/Scott Free = Lost
 Mizu = Lost
Mon-El/Lar Gand = Lost
Monkey D Luffy = Won
Moon Knight/Marc Spector = Lost
Mr Rogers = third option; convinced Bruce to go to therapy
Mr Fantastic/Reed Richards = Lost
Ms Marvel/Kamala Khan = Lost
Mystery Inc (Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby) = Won
Naruto Uzamaki = Lost
Nightcrawler =
Nightshade/Eve Eden = Lost
Nightwing/Dick Grayson = Won
Nimona = Won
Noo Noo (Vacuum from Teletubbies)
Obsidian/Todd Rice =
Onyx Adams =
Optimus Prime =
Oracle/Barbara Gordon = Won
Orion = Lost
Ozymandias =
Percy Jackson = Won
Phantom Stranger = Lost
Phineas & Ferb = third option; Batman hires P & F
Photon/Monica Rambeau =
Pikachu = Won
Pink Panther = Won
Plastic Man/Patrick "Eel" O'Brian = Lost
Powergirl/Kara Zor L/Karen Starr = Lost
Powerhouse/Naomi McDuffie = Lost
Power Puff Girls = Third Option; Batman recruits the PPG
Puss in Boots =
Queen Hippolyta = Won
Raven = Won
Red Hood/Jason Todd = Won
Red Tornado/Ulthoon = Lost
Regina George = Won
Rick Grimes = Lost
Robin/Damian Wayne = Lost
Robin/Tim Drake = Lost
Rocket Red/Dmitri Pushkin = Lost
Rocket Red/Gavril Ivanovich = Lost
Rogue/Anna Marie LeBeau = Won
Roronoa Zoro =
Ryu (Street Fighter) =
Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino = Won
Saitama = Won
Sally Jackson = Won
Sanderson Sisters (Winifred, Mary, Sarah) = Lost
Sara Pezzini = Lost
Shade, the Changing Man/Rac Shade = Lost
Sharon Carter = Lost
She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters = Lost
Shen Qingqiu = Lost
She-Ra/Adora = Won
Shredder =
Slenderman =
Snoopy & Woodstock = Won
Sogeking/Usopp = Won
Sokka (ATLA) =
Solid Snake =
Sonic the Hedgehog = Won
Spawn/Al Simmons = Lost
Spider-Man/Miles Morales = Lost
Spider-Man/Peter Parker = Won
Spider Woman/Jessica Drew = Lost
Spoiler/Stephanie Brown = Won
Squirrel Girl/ Doreen Green = Won
Stan Pines =
Star Butterfly = Lost
Starfire/Koriand’r = Won
Starman/Mikaal Tomas = Lost
Star Sapphire/Carol Ferris = Lost
Steel/John Henry Irons =
Steven Universe = Third option; Batman attempted to adopt Steven
Steve (Blue Clues) =
Stitch/Experiment 626 = Won
Storm/Ororo Munroe = Won
Strawberry Shortcake = Won
Supergirl/Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El = Won
Superman/Clark Kent/Kal El = Won
Swamp Thing/Alec Holland =
Taylor Swift =
Terezi Pyrope = Lost
The Atom/Ray Palmer = Lost
The Atom/Ryan Choi = Lost
The Bride/Beatrix Kiddo = Lost
The Crow/Eric Draven = Lost
The Cullens (Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Jasper, Rosalie, Alice, Emmett) = Lost
The Darkness/Jackie Estacado = Lost
The Doctor = Third Option; Bruce becomes The Doctor's companion
The Flash/Jay Garrick = Lost
The Flash/Wally West Lost
The Immortal Snail =
The Pope =
The Punisher/Frank Castle = Lost
The Question/Renee Montoya = Lost
The Signal/Duke Thomas = Won
The Thing/Ben Grimm =
The Warner Siblings = Won
Thor = Lost
Tigress/Artemis Crock = Lost
Tintin =
TMNT = Lost
Tom Cruise =
Toph Beifong = Won
Troia/Donna Troy = Won
Tyson (Percy Jackson) =
Ultraman =
Uncle Iroh = Won
Vampirella = Lost
Velvet Crowe =
Vibe/Cisco Ramon = Lost
Vixen/Mari McCabe = Lost
Voltron =
Walter White = Lost
Wasp/Janet Van Dyne = Lost
Winry Rockbell =
Wei Wuxian =
Wolverine/James “Logan” Howlett = Won
Wolverine/X-23/Laura Kinney = Won
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince = Won
Wonder Woman/Nubia = Won
Word Girl/Becky Botsford = Won
Xie Lian = Lost
Yami Yugi = Lost
Zatanna Zatara =
Zheng Shang-Chi = Lost
Fights That Have Yet to Be Posted (also in Alphabetical Order)
Alfred Pennyworth
All Might
Amadeus Cho
Andros (Power Rangers)
Anomalocaris canadensis
A Random Unicorn
Batman/Jace Fox
Bingo Heeler
Captain Kirk 
Carl (Llamas with Hats)
Cure Flora 
Daredevil/Matt Murdock
Darth Vader
Dean Winchester
Drake & Josh
Duck from Princess Tutu
Dynamite Anton
Edward Elric
Ellie Camacho
Emu Otori
Extra Fine Neon Pink Glitter
Ford Pines
Geo-Force/Brion Markov
Ghost Spider
Giovanni Zatara
Ichigo Kurosaki 
Joe Hendry
Julio Richter
Kaz Brekker 
Kendrick Lamar
Kisuke Urahara
L (Death Note)
Lady Cassandra (DW)
LEGO BATMAN vs 80s Joker
Luo Binghe
Maggie Simpson
Martha Wayne (Flashpoint)
Ms Frizzle
Paw Patrol
Plastique/Bette Sans Souci
Prodigy/David Alleyne
Rob Ford (crack smoking former mayor of Toronto)
Roy Kent
Sabrina Carpenter
Scar (FMA)
Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Splat Black Box Dye
Stargirl/Courtney Whitmore
Suki (ATLA)
The Belchers
The Family of Blood
The Flash/Barry Allen
The Question/Vic Sage
The Ray/Ray Terrill
The Silence
Totally Spies
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Twilight Sparkle (alicorn)
Vashta Nerada
Zuko (ATLA)
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atamascolily · 5 months ago
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I've been obsessing over this rendition of the Law of Cycles as a kinetic sculpture for a long time, so it's kind of embarrassing to realize there are actually ten witches here, not nine. (In my defense, one is so washed out, it's really hard to tell that there's anything there.) Fortunately, the Rebellion Production Note comes to the rescue again with Inu Curry's original artwork, which is even more interesting to me than the versions that made it into the movie.
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Here the "constellation" of witches is juxtaposed with the organ in Oktavia's orchestra. Clockwise from upper right:
HN Elly the Box Witch (also known as Kirsten) from Episode 4;
Sayaka's witch Oktavia's crown made of swords
Nagisa's witch Charlotte's doll silhouettes from episode 3
Patricia (spider witch with the clothesline webs from Episode 10)
Albertine the Scribbling witch (who doesn't appear in the show, but Sayaka fights her familiar Anja in the alleyway before Kyouko turns up in episode 5)
Elsa Maria the Shadow Witch whom Sayaka fights in episode 7
Gertrud the Rose Witch from Episode 1-2
Roberta the birdcage witch that Homura encounters in a flashback in episode 10
Suleika- another witch who never appears directly in the show but Mami dispatches her shadow lion familiars at the beginning of episode 3
Izabel the Art Witch who ensnares Homura in episode 10
None of this is explained in the Rebellion Production Note, by the way; for the designs of the sigils and other information that doesn't appear in the original series, you have to go to the corresponding production notes in the official guidebook "You Are Not Alone Anymore", which somehow I had never seen before. As someone who generally believes works should stand on their own without requiring further research, I am mildly annoyed at once again having to comb through supplementary artbooks in order to interpret this diagram, but such is life as a Madoka Magica fan.
Suleika's name and sigil don't even appear in the guidebook, to the point where the only reason I figured it out was by the process of elimination and the fact that it's a flashlight making the same star-shaped shadows as the lion heads (which are called Ulla). Talk about hidden lore!
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Anyway, these ten witches are the ones that I think are most likely to show up in Walpurgis no Kaiten in some fashion or another, with preference given to those who have the most screen time in the original series (Gertrud, Charlotte, Oktavia, Patricia). Those who never appear on-screen in the original series or who only have a very brief appearance, like Albertine, Roberta, and Suleika, are probably less likely to be featured in a larger role, just because the average audience member who doesn't have a PhD in Madoka Studies might not know/remember who they are, but we'll have to see; if nothing else, Inu Curry loves a good esoteric reference.
This is not to say that there won't be witches from other spinoffs in Walpurgis no Kaiten, given that fans have already spotted multiple Magia Record witches in the witch book in the second trailer, but blink-and-you'll-miss-it freeze frame Easter eggs for hardcore fans are an entirely different kettle of fish from meaningful roles. That said, Doroinu Curry directed the Magia Record anime, so, uh, suffice to say that they really, really like Magia Record and it's not surprising that they'd try to slip in as many references as possible. TBD. Patricia was also heavily featured in Magia Record 2x01, which is one reason I ranked her so high on my list.
One thing that's really fascinating about this "constellation" is that Walpurgisnacht is not present in the movie version, even though her elephants appear to pull a pumpkin carriage when the Law of Cycles comes to take Homura away. However, she is present in the artwork in the Rebellion Production Note in the form of the lace curtain above the organ, making her the "stage" upon which the performance takes place. Alternately, the curtain here could refer to Homulilly, who is also associated with lace and curtains, as most of Rebellion takes place in her labyrinth.
Metaphorically, Walpurgisnacht is the dark mirror to the Law of Cycles--both are conglomerations of witches represented by a single entity, but one offers salvation/relief/death while the other offers death and destruction. Given Madoka Magica's tendency to make its metaphors literal, I suspect the two are more closely related than we know, though the mechanics of how exactly that would work remains to be seen.
Another fun tidbit: the captions in the Rebellion Production Note suggest that the "spokes" connecting the witches to each other represent links by fate or some kind of other link that makes them compatible with each other. Thus, Oktavia is linked to Elly/Kirsten because Sayaka fought and destroyed her; Sayaka and Nagisa are partners on the mission to save Homura, but I'm very curious about the other connections there. What do Suleika and Izabel have in common?
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Also, I know I've said this before, but wow, does the constellation echo the isolation field that Kyubey puts Homura's soul gem in, so there's something especially poetic about the one being used to destroy the other.
It's still incredible to me I've been in this fandom for four years now and I'm learning new things about Madoka Magica every day!
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dreamerwitches · 6 months ago
i geniuinely wonder why charlotte is more cartoony compared to the other witches, at first i assumed it’s because she became a witch so young but then i remembered albertine exists and she’s probably younger and also she’s not as cartoony compared to her
Are you asking about the art style or general design?
If you're asking why she's animated in a regular style instead of say, the inu curry puppet style. I'd say it was to make the scene work best? Maybe that animation worked best for that amount of movement. You can definitely see comparing say, Patricia to Oktavia (animation vs puppet) that movement is allowed far easier with regular animation. Oktavia is great but a bit stilted (which suits, and no, im not saying puppet animation is bad. It works perfectly for pmmm)
In general design, eh, I just think some witches are like that. She is relatively simple compared to Albertine or Walpurgis but so is Elsa Maria, heck, so is Uhrmann (its a dog with a big mane :P ). I wouldn't be surprised if it did link to how young she was or maybe how long she was a magical girl. Or maybe it has something to do with the girl's psyche. Elsa Maria is pure black, that surely means something. So Charlotte being cartoony may link to Nagisa (I'm sure you could link something I just cant be bothered to go through her entire story right now :P)
It's an interesting point to ask about, thanks!
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ramenhue88 · 1 year ago
Something about cheese 🧀
I love the designs of witches in Madoka Magica. Gekidan Inu Curry, the designer for the witches, is a GOAT. Witches all have that paper vibe going on with them. So, let's list all the witches that appeared in the anime so that you can see what I mean by, "Paper Vibe™" (Also note I'm going by the wiki) + Gertrud
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+ H.N Elly (Kirsten)
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(Side note for Elly is that we actually see her 2 different forms [Should I call it forms? Idk]. The picture above is when Sayaka killed her and the other one is when she's inside the television. Also, the picture above only shows up for about a second.)
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+ Gisela
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+ Elsa Maria (Poor her, got murdered by Sayaka)
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+ Oktavia von Seckendorff (Seyiku.....)
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+ Izabel
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+ And of course, Walpurgis!
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But wait a minute.... I feel like I'm forgetting someone.... OH RIGHT! + Charlotte!!
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[Steppy steppy Homu] See those images? Now those are the #PaperVibes™ I'm looking for! Well except for Walpurgis who has 3D cog wheels instead of a paper vibe™. All witches look like this paper vibe™ but for the one I almost forgot; Charlotte, why is she the only exception to this rule? She's entirely animated like everyone else in the series. No other witch is drawn like this. She's the only exception when it comes to this rule. Well, the only NORMAL witch that is exempt from this rule. Ultimate Madoka's "witch" also doesn't follow the paper vibe™.
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It's more drawn than paper bashed. And that's ok since Madoka is the most powerful magical girl thus making this one, the most powerful witch. So of course, it's gonna break the rules, same with Walpurgis. It's also drawn with its difference having 3D rendered cog wheels.
So why does a normal witch get the animated treatment? By Goddess Madoka, EVEN HOMURA has the paper bashed witch.
(Thank God Homura got the paper bashed witch treatment, I am gonna throw hands if she didn't. Look how beautiful that is...)
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So why in Goddess Madoka's name does Bebe get the animated treatment, when we consider her, a normal witch? We can chalk this up to the animation team just wanting Bebe to stand out from the rest (Because she's the witch for the #IconicSceneAlert) and nothing more. Buuuuut... That's boring. So let me try to reason out why Bebe looks different from every other witch.
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[Let me yoink this witch]
Ok, so about Bebe.... Well, what about her? We have nothing to go on if we're only talking about the main series. We don't know anything about her apart from her personality and design. Her wish? Nothing. Her past? Nothing. So how do we talk about someone who doesn't have anything? Well, we go to another universe silly! Magia!~ Record!~ (Cue the SONG)
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Not that universe but another another one!
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There we go. MAGIA~! RECORD~! (NOW cue the SONG) The game one.
In Magia Record they expanded much more on Nagisa, giving her an event titled: Nagisa's Wish! (If you want to watch it)
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(Me and Nagisa have the same reaction after finding out the event is literally named Nagisa's Wish)
So, let's go back to her witch appearance for a moment. In Magia Record you fight her and EVEN in this game, they decide to make Charlotte look "normal".
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Most, if not all, witches still look papery even in the game. I say most and not all because of the NA shutdown and I have no idea of anything past Arc 1 Magia Record (I'm still finding free time to catch up to Arc 2). Doppels and Rumours ALSO follow the papery rule.
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There is one exception to Bebe's appearance and that is Nagisa's doppel.
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[Now that's the papery vibe™ I'm looking for!]
So why does Bebe have a different art style than ALL of the other witches? Let's go to her MGS in Magia Record (Metal Gear Solid!? No, Magical Girl Story)
So, in her MGS we see that she's being followed by a Pink Kyubey which we can safely assume is Goddess Madoka. Why can we assume that? First, her transformation (when you get her in the gacha). It starts with the symbol of the law of cycles.
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Second, it's literally Goddess Madoka pulling for her in her transformation.
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[Go get that 5-star girl]
She's also putting make-up on Nagisa and making her look human.
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Well not literally making her look human. You can read this as Goddess Madoka, preparing her to blend in because you know. She's half magical girl half witch already at this point. So of course, you gotta blend her in. So, we've made it clear that the Pink Kyubey is Goddess Madoka, watching Nagisa from afar. How important is Nagisa that THE Goddess Madoka, THE concept would get you to do work for her instead of another magical girl. Well firstly, she can't choose any of the 5, because Goddess Madoka is essentially killing the Magia Record version of them by putting another version in their body. Nagisa is the closest choice for Goddess Madoka because.... Because.....
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[LMAOOOOO I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. SAME MAMI, SAME. Look I get that Bebe is the closest to them because she killed Mami?? I mean you could say that to Gertrud, Esla Maria, Gisella. Every other witch could have fit the Bebe position. But I'm not complaining that they used Nagisa btw.]
But this does bring up the fact that Nagisa is special in one way or another.
Ehemm... Back to the topic at hand.
So why does Bebe have a different art style than all the other witches. One theory I have is that Charlotte, the witch, has more control over their witch body compared to other magical girls. Like she's more accepting of what happened to her compared to other magical girls. She succumbed to despair, just like any other magical girl. But unlike the others, she chose to bathe in despair. Enjoy it.
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[From Magia Record - Nagisa's Wish]
Other magical girls wallowed and grieved in despair. Not Nagisa no. She accepted this despair because there was nothing more she can do, there was nowhere for her to go anymore. She lost everything. So, when she became a witch, she was more in tune with it. She was more welcoming of her faith than other magical girls. (Ehem Homura, ehem...) Can you blame her though?
If everything in your life went wrong and then suddenly for a moment. Everything went your way. Would you not want to stay in that moment forever?
In her witch labyrinth she could eat all the cheese she wants.
For her, cheese was equivalent to her mother's love.
I mean, her mother loved cheese.
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She on the other hand, didn't. After becoming a witch, she began to see cheese as a symbol of her mother. She loved chasing cheese; she loved eating cheese.
For her, chasing cheese began to symbolize her wanting to get her mother's love. That is why she's so obsessed with it. All she wanted was to go home with her mother.
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Her life was a tragedy and she saved herself from it. By ending her tragedy of a life, she began a new and better life.
She could eat all the cheese she wants.
She could have all the snacks she wants.
She could choose from the varieties of cheese in the room!
This is the HapPiEst she has ever been!
Why would she deny herself this happiness?
The princess has finally found a place where she can happy! The End
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Bonus!! So, while I was looking for a screenshot for the end of my post. I saw this happy Nagisa. And I thought to myself... "Wait a minutos, why is she happy? Shouldn't she have memories of everything that happened?" Well, for a fact she does. I mean, Sayaka remembers everything, she just forgot because Homura made her forget. Homura didn't do it to Nagisa. So, it's safe to assume she does remember. So, she's happy because Homura won? Not exactly. In rebellion the scene with Sayaka and Kyoko where she interrupted them, she said.
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So, if we go by what she said. We can assume she doesn't care about the Rebellion event. She's just happy that she gets to exist again. Back in 2015, the Madoka concept trailer.
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The happiness Nagisa wants is not in Heaven. It doesn't exist there. So, when Homura to dragged Madoka down, she destroyed Madoka's "Heaven" where Nagisa lives. She now lives in reality again. Where she can eat cheese again and experience all the things she never got to experience. So, for her, what Homura did is something that actually goes for her favor. We love a selfish cheese loving character.
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thena0315 · 2 years ago
Will did attract lots of women for the past 8 seasons
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Season 1 - Zoe Roth
Season 2 - Nina Shore
Season 3 - Maia Frisch
Season 4 - Ingrid Lee
Season 5 - Andrea Danover, Elsa Curry, Juliette, Hannah Asher
Season 6 - Sabeena Virani
Season 7 - Jessa Rinaldi, Stevie Hammer
Season 8 - Grace Song
And then there was before Med: Chicago Fire: 3x19 - Melanie
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Not that we can blame them
In the end, Manstead were just meant to be!!
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a-bored-writer · 5 months ago
My thoughts on the new Chicago med episode, in no particular order:
Did I miss the reason why Hannah doesn’t have sleeves rn? Why are her scrubs shaped so differently?
I feel like they’re setting Lenox up to be the next Ethan (rigid recent military discharge with an arc centered around calming the actual fuck down) and I’m not sure how I feel about that but I do think she has solid potential
I want them to replicate the early Rhodes/Bekker magic with her and Archer. Like, from the first few episodes, before it was even a romance
Where is Kai? Where is Monique? Why is Doris everywhere saying like three lines but they can’t seem to remember their recurring characters that had any significant scenes? Either give Doris some spotlight or forget about her
That was a ridiculous waste of Zach’s character
Frost is a solid addition, the banter with Maggie is gonna be a lot of fun to watch
Loving the Pavel storyline, not loving Daniel being single again. I truly liked Liliana and her dynamic with Dan
If they write Dr Charles off the show at any point, I do want them to bring Reese back. She left (partly) because of him, I wanna see her as his replacement for the ED psych attending job
Why does Maggie seem so irritated even at the start? “I really needed some good news today”??? Is the divorce arc still going?????
Hannah being superstitious about the crash victim (“maybe she heard her baby cry”/“or maybe it was just the electrical current”) was a really nice touch, both for Hannah’s character (her semi recent exposition about losing her mom and longing for connection like that). That conversation also perfectly exemplified her dynamic with Archer, which I’m also a massive fan of
Speaking of Archer, what happened with Sean?? I liked him a lot ngl, I was excited to see where that storyline went
I expected a “rising star” arc with Kai, maybe even with a little burnout, like they tried and failed to do with Elsa Curry (or something even darker, like an Angel of death storyline), so just not seeing him was so odd for me
Goodwin in scrubs! Seeing her as a nurse doing nurse things was cool, and her “I’ve been dealing with grouchy ass doctors…” was PERFECT (not to mention watching archer hesitate when he realized it was her)
Visually, and idk how to explain this well, the visuals on this season (and s9 tbh) were so…off. They feel cold. For lack of a better term, everything looks so clinical and dingy now, early seasons felt a little more…idk, artistic. It’s the same stuff a lot of Zach Snyder DC stuff struggles with.
Loving Abrams having a bigger role (for now) tbh, I really hope we get more of him
Ripley is one of those characters that I love the storylines of but I can’t make myself care about his feelings lmao
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pushupcontest · 2 years ago
Chicago Med Group Chat
Pt. 6: April's phone
Will🙄: hello
Idiot little brother: Wait you can spell??? 💀
Nat👭: Magic. 
Ms. Goodwin: 🤣
Will🙄: stoppp bulking me 😖😖😖
Ms. Goodwin: 🙄
Ethan ❤️💔: Anyways…
Ethan ❤️💔: Can anyone watch my bird this Saturday?
Idiot little brother: The ptds bird?
Nat👭: You mean PTSD?
Idiot little brother: Yeah ig
Charles: For future reference, Noah, it is in fact called PTSD, which stands for post traumatic stress disorder. It is an anxiety disorder that develops in reaction to physical injury or severe mental or emotional distress.
Sarah: 💀
Ms. Goodwin: 🤣
Idiot little brother: Sarah i’ve been meaning to ask you do u wanna get drinks tomorrow aft work?
Sarah: sorry, i’m very busy tomorrow :(
Ava: 🔪🩸⚰️🪦
Idiot little brother: That’s alright maybe another day!
Sarah: sure :)
April: Noah, leave the poor girl alone.
Idiot little brother: Maybe focus on your relationship instead of mine…
Ava: 🔪🩸⚰️🪦
Idiot little brother: What's wrong with you ava?
Connor (the rich guy): why do u keep doing that? are u into noah or something?
Latham: Why are my surgeons fighting about their personal lives in a hospital group chat?
Idiot little brother: oh… sorry but your not my type ava
April: You’re*
Nat👭: You’re*
Maggie👯: Are you guys stupid?
Blonde med student: Yes, they are.
Lanik (the annoying guy): Exactly, babe.  
April: Since when are you guys dating??? Connor (the rich guy): ava don't ignore me!
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funfandomtournaments · 1 year ago
These characters really annoy me. Some more than others
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crystallizsch · 4 months ago
AHHHH I LOVE ALL UR OCS (especially yuuna...) AND I LOVE UR ART!!!!!!
and i noticed yuusha is basically the twst vers of Elsa (pls correct me if im wrong!!) but i think thats such a cool character to twist a yuu from
ALSO YUUSHA X JAMIL IS LITERALLLY SO CUTE???? (tho yuusha should leave him for me..... /j /silly)
*cough cough* sorry for the yappatron and ty 4 ur time
sincerely, charlie steak (not really)
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and YEAH technically yuusha is a twst elsa yuusona (all by accident COUGH). i had an elsa phase when frozen came out, and i didnt realize there’s a lot of similarities yuusha had with her so i just turned her into a twst elsa 😭 (thank you for thinking that it’s cool hfjdjsj)
YUUSHA AND JAMIL CURRYNOODLES IS MY EVERYTHING IM SO GLAD TO HEAR ALL THAT (if jamil doesn’t step up, yuusha might consider that 😔/j)
for currynoodles i just figured putting together both their favorite foods together as their ship name would be a good idea bc i could NOT come up with anything else so im glad to hear that you think its cute 😭🫶🫶🫶 (also found out curry noodles is actually a real food and i want to try it when i find some 😳)
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament Match ups: Round 1
Should start tomorrow!
Bracket A/Tier 1:
Hondo Ohnaka vs Beast
Davy Jones vs Disco Yeti
Lava Monster vs Kylo Ren
Anna (Hong Kong version) vs Mr. Potato Head
Jack Sparrow vs BB8
Stitch vs Hopper
Lumiere vs Sven
Belle and Prince Adam vs Tiana
Stunt Spiderman vs Clawhauser
Wheezy vs Tiki Room Stitch
Rocket Raccoon vs C3PO
Shaman of Songs vs Elsa (Hong Kong version)
Ursula vs Lieutenant Bek
Dragon under castle vs Olaf
Hatbox Ghost vs Lantern Belle
Albert vs Dwarves in Mine Train
Bracket B/Tier 2:
Madame Leota vs Fantasmic dragon/Murphy
Giant from Sinbad's Storybook Voyage vs Swedish Chef
Finale conductor Sebastian vs Big Al
Roger Rabbit vs Br'er Porcupine
Dreamfinder vs Constance Hatchaway
Redd vs Munchkins
Skippy vs DJ R3X
Singing Geese vs 1900 Patricia
Daisy Duck vs Mary Poppins
Trixie vs The Five Bear Rugs
Jack Skellington vs Carnotaurus
Buzz Lightyear vs John
Aladar vs Zazu
RX-24 vs John Wayne
Max, Buff and Melvin vs Teddi Berra
Iago vs Panchito
José vs Uh-oa
Sun Bonnet Trio vs Br'er Raccoon
Figment vs Little Leota
Horned King vs Roz
Malestrom trolls vs Donald Duck
Abraham Lincoln vs Q’aráq
Statler and Waldorf vs Gene Kelly
Marshmallow vs Wicked Witch of the West
Will Rogers Jr/Lasso cowboy vs ExtraTERRORestrial Alien
Farming bunnies vs Frank
Timekeeper vs VR Grandma
Luggage Scanner Droids vs Railway end Mickey
Scuttle vs Bean Bunny
S.I.R.(Tim Curry robot) vs Liver Lips Mcgrowl
Buzzy vs Phantom
Ellen Ripley vs Sonny Eclipse
Bracket C/Tier 3:
Hitchhiking Ghosts vs Blue Fairy
Mr Bluebird vs Hag with apple
Richard the pineapple vs Sea Serpent
The Muppet Penguin Orchestra vs The Lost Safari
Horizons Robot butler vs Girl with goose
POTC Donkey vs Goat with dynamite
Jessica Rabbit vs Tiki room birds
Evil queen in window vs dancing Ariel
Puffins vs Mickey Mouse Review Alice
Little Red vs Unnamed laundry girl
Computer engineer woman/Foxy vs Indiana Jones snake
Hula Girls vs Disappearing butterfly
Splash Mountain finale chickens vs Sauropod
Tiger with umbrella vs Br'er Fox and Bear end scene
Donald's butt vs Drunk hats stealing pirate
Xenomorph vs Sally
Drew Carey vs Figaro
Rover vs Nemo seagulls
Exercise Patricia vs Tiki room Jose
Rosita vs Small World hippo
Darla vs POTC prison dog
Beating heart bride vs Barnstormer chickens
Boothill Boys/Vultures vs Ballroom dancer ghosts
Pansy, Poppy and Petunia (Splash opossums) vs Pig pirate
"Here kitty kitty" pirate vs Evil queen turns into hag
Skeleton ship pirate vs Small World cowboy
Singing birds of paradise vs Primeval World diorama
Jungle cruise elephants vs Barker Bird
Uncle Orville vs Granny ghost
Carlos' wife vs Energy dinos
Rabbit family with carrot vs jungle cruise hippos
Dirty foot pirate vs FSU gopher
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