#elongated hex
ceramictec · 2 months
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Wet bar backsplash tile installation South Tampa Merola "Kite Black" 4x11 picket tile horizontal.
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aboutzatanna · 1 year
Hey, remember that JLU episode titled ‘The Once And Future Thing: Weird Western Tales’ where a couple of JL members ended up stranded in the old West thanks to time travel?  
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Well, turns out there was a comic book very similar to it written by Gerry Conway with art by Don Heck but starring a different set of JL members which may or may not have been the inspiration for the episode:   
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The episode was written by the late Dwayne McDuffie who was no stranger to writing in references to older comics. For instance, the two parter ‘Brave and the Bold’ Flash’s hallucinations were references to various Silver Age Flash comic covers and he was also very open about the fact that the line up for the Terra Beyond two parter was based on Marvel comics Defenders (no not the Netflix team, the one with Namor and Dr Strange). Even the episode title itself, ‘Weird Western Tales’ is a reference to the long running anthology series of the same name featuring DC’s western characters. 
The story arc in the comics ran from Justice League of America Vol 1 #198-199.     
While it’s hard to conclusively say that the episode was inspired by the comic, there are some interesting similarities like Batlash’s introduction here:   
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I posted Zatanna’s meeting with Cinnamon earlier in another post but here is a little excerpt:  
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Interesting to note that one of the goons calls her an ‘Eastern Filly’ (is it because of the way she was dressed or a subtle hint that she is not 100% Caucasian?).  The heroes and their new Western cowboy friends all meet at a Saloon: 
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Then they all ride off on horses out of town to confront the villain and of course, faces robot cowboys:   
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The differences begin with the choice of the time travelling villain, the comic went with classic JL villain: the Lord of Time:   
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JLU went with David Clinton, aka Chronos. He’s a different villain who is primarily the enemy of the Atom/Ray Palmer but has also fought the JL on occasion.   
The Lord of Time on the other hand, is a conqueror from the future who travelled back in time with future technology to conquer the past and rule the future. Sound familiar? He was Kang before Kang.  Since JLU’s version of Chronos comes from the future, you could make a case that version is a combination Chronos and Lord of Time.   
Then of course,  there is the line up, the comic features Zatanna, Elongated Man, Barry Allen and Hal Jordan whereas the show features Wonder Woman, Batman and Green Lantern.  Superman also appears trying to thwart the Lord of Time in the present day.     
On the Western heroes side, we got Diablo instead of Cinnamon and Scalphunter is replaced by Pow Wow Smith (and it only takes a cursory glance at the characters wikipedia pages to see why the socially conscious Dwayne McDuffie made that choice).   
The plot of the JLU episode involved a corrupt sheriff using future technology to take over the town but the plot of the comic is a little different. The Lord of Time sent the heroes back in time, erased their memories, because an anti matter meteor was set to strike earth on that day.   The LoT is counting on the heroes to stop the meteor so he can have it for himself so he can use it to conquer the world.  (Why he doesn’t just get the meteor himself? Maybe he didn’t have the technology to?) 
Anyway, the heroes learn about the anti matter meteor heading towards them, Zatanna is reluctant to leave her new found cowgirl girlfriend with her friends to fight the robots:
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But she ends up going anyway:   
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Can I just say, I really like this shot of Zee and Green Lantern flying together? Even though she is depowered during this period, they never really stuck strictly to the ‘she can only manipulate the elements’ ethos.  Having her flying alongside GL and being unabashed powerhouse is really cool and shows her place among the DCU. There is no ‘she has to be taken out so someone else can shine’ bs here.  Also, reading these comics, I have felt that GL makes the most sense as the field leader of the JL; power based on creativity and will power and they are specifically trained to work together and take on strange extra terrestrial or otherwise threats. I think any of the human GL’s (except maybe Guy) can lead the team.  
Zatanna and GL  manage to stop the meteor. But in present timeline the Lord of Time ends up defeated by Superman (early on he got in a kryptonite trap set by the LoT but managed to escape) just as the time trapped Leaguers make their way back.      
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Awww, a krytonite waterfall wasn’t that bad, Clark.    
Overall, the issue was alright. It does feel like placeholder (albeit a fun one) before the big #200 celebration issue (I posted some scans from that here). Come to think of it, the episode came off as filler as well, with the Western parts feeling like a fun romp and ultimately inconsequential to the arcs of the main heroes but the follow up portion set in the Batman Beyond timeline was more impactful and memorable.   
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onlylonelylatino · 1 year
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The Vigilante, the Justice League by Gordon Purcell
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nightingale-prompts · 16 days
Wrangling Batboy
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Dick already knew Danny was taking his nap. Just like he expected he found Danny hanging from the trapeze.
Dick looked up at his son as the boy wrapped his wings snuggly around himself chirping in his sleep. Dick would be worried about how he'd get down but Danny had finally mastered gliding. They still weren't sure he'd ever fly at this rate.
Dick pulled out one of Danny's favorite fruits. A pomegranate. Dick didn't know why but Danny goes crazy for these things.
Dick cracked it open and waited. Even in his sleep, Danny could smell the fruit and his eyes immediately opened. The bat let go of his perch and free-fell until he spread his wings and dived for the treat.
Danny ate the pomegranate in an almost gore manner. The bright red juice almost looked like blood and it stained the boy's fingers pink.
"Guess where we're going today?" Dick said eating the other half of the pomegranate.
"Nowhere hopefully. The Hex High marathon is on later." Danny said suspicions of Dick's next words.
Hex High is a show Danny had gotten obsessed over recently. Its a about a group of monster girls at a school for monsters. It's a high school drama with lots of love triangles, broken promises, and scheming but every week the girls make up and are friends again. Expect for season finales where there is as a huge shift in the dynamics.
Danny refuses to miss an episode. Especially since Stephanie and Cassie watch it too. Damian pretends not to watch it with them.
"Actually, we are going to Titan's tower. You're going to meet the Teen Titans. Exciting right? You'll meet other metas finally." Dick hoped Danny would be more excited about meeting the Titans than seeing the season finale of his show.
"But its the season finale today." Danny whined.
Yep, that was exactly what Dick expected.
It was not any easier to get Danny to go. He chose to protest by shrinking like he always does and turning as furry as possible and becoming more bat like. Wings, claws, tail, elongated ears, and fuzzy white collar of fur.
"Calm down baby Nosferatu. You know you can't get in the car this small. I don't have a car seat." Dick sighed tilding Danny.
"Oh, no. Guess we can't go." Danny smirked.
Dick instead pulled out his phone and ordered a car seat.
"Remember we're rich Danny. And still part of the Wayne family." Dick laughed smugly and within 10 minutes the car seat arrived and Dick set it up.
The drive to the tower and the quick change of clothes went smoothly. As smoothly as it can be with a raging toddler.
Dick rolled Danny into a blanket and took the elevator up to the living space.
"Remember Danny, you brought this on yourself." He said ominously.
Danny huffed his ears flicking as they scanned for sound.
As the doors opened Dick held the boy up.
"I brought the baby!"
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chordati · 2 years
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Bathroom - 3/4 Bath Alcove shower - small craftsman 3/4 white tile and ceramic tile porcelain tile and white floor alcove shower idea with a wall-mount toilet, green walls, a hinged shower door and a niche
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It started, as many things did, during breakfast in the Great Hall. Tom’s seventh year had begun a few days earlier and he was enjoying the quiet of an early morning with plentiful food in his true home. Inhaling the steam from a cup of rich, dark coffee, he dared to think the day might be a pleasant one.
A rather unnecessarily erotic moan ripped through the subdued muttering in the hall and swiftly killed Tom’s hope for a peaceful start to the day. And, really. It was 7:45 in the bloody morning. Were these people rabbits? Did they think of nothing else? 
Dozy students began turning their heads to find the source of the disturbance, some of the more alert ones with their cheeks already staining red.
“Oh my god,” the transfer student – Harry Evans, newly minted seventh-year Hufflepuff – was clearly enjoying his banana, if the blissful expression and almost pained sounds were anything by which to judge.
A few seats down from Tom, Alphard Black snapped his quill, spilling ink onto his last-minute homework. He was completely unaware of his ruined essay, focused as he was on the spectacle a couple tables over.
“You’re leaking, Black,” Tom drawled, unimpressed, gaining some satisfaction from the pureblood’s sputtering and the snickers that kicked up around the Slytherin table.
As the Hufflepuff finished devouring the fruit, he opened his eyes and noticed his audience, freezing as if that would render him invisible.
Swallowing visibly, he weakly said, “Uh, er… The bananas sure are great today, yeah?”
Growing more mortified as the words left his mouth, Evans beat a hasty retreat out of the hall, the eyes of several students glued to his slight form.
Honestly. Teenagers.
And that should have been it. But it wasn’t, because the universe existed to frustrate Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Word must have spread of the banana incident, as there were more students present at breakfast before 8 AM the following day than Tom had ever seen in his six years of attending Hogwarts. Eyes kept darting towards the dark-haired boy, who was stiltedly conversing with a couple of the other seventh-year Hufflepuffs. There seemed to be a collective holding of breath when Evans reached for a long, yellow fruit, peeled it diligently, and took a bite.
While the reaction wasn’t as… intense as it had been the day before, Evans’ eyes slid shut, his brow furrowed, and a soft moan could be heard, though only because of how quiet the entire hall had become. The boy became aware of his attentive audience more quickly this time, blinking owlishly and staring as those watching scrambled to look away and start up conversations. Tom was certain he saw more than one student hastily mop drool from their chin.
“Is there… something weird about how I eat bananas?” Evans asked his seatmates obliviously. (Tom was so disappointed his lip-reading skills were being used for this.)
As the days progressed, Tom was subjected to several lewd conversations on the topic of Evans’ appreciation for bananas from his housemates and during his Head Boy duties. He could hardly be blamed for a few hexes going awry and striking the worst offenders in these conditions. (Nothing that could be blamed on him, of course. Appearances to keep up, and all.)
If the chatter in the halls was anything to go by, that year’s introduction to Amortentia involved many more people smelling banana amongst their preferred scents than could usually be explained.
And then Evans seemed to have a continuous supply of bananas. Hopeful (pathetic) paramours from all houses brought the boy elongated, edible offerings throughout the day. These were initially met with confusion or occasionally alarm, depending on the gifter and their level of enthusiasm, but Evans eventually settled into mildly amused appreciation.
Hallway and classroom accidents hit a new high according to the professors, who long-sufferingly ignored the latest bout of lust-addledness amongst their students and tried to power through the curriculum. Those who had taught for any number of years had learned at one point or another that singed eyebrows and the occasional human transfiguration accident served as better motivation to pay attention than any reprimand or detention.
When three of his knights had to be sent to the Hospital Wing in one day – Mulciber failed to dodge a simple cutting hex in DADA and severed an artery, Malfoy accidentally spelled his right foot into a tentacle, and Black knocked himself unconscious walking into a bloody wall – Tom decided it was time to put his foot down.
He approached the boy as they were both headed back to the dungeons after dinner, affable model-student mask firmly in place.
“Evans, might I have a word?”
The boy whipped around to face Tom, eyes wide in surprise and wariness. He held his ground as Tom stepped nearer, though the tension in his shoulders belied how uncomfortable he was with the Slytherin’s proximity.
“Sure. What’s up, Riddle?”
Tom was momentarily thrown off by the oddly used words, but he was coming to realise that Evans might just be strange.
“I’ve noticed your eating habits have become a distraction to the other students,” Tom said, smiling charmingly in an effort to lower the other’s hackles. “Would you be so kind as to keep your snacking to the Great Hall from now on?”
Evans eyebrows shot up before settling into a somewhat calculating look. He drew a banana out of his bag – how did he always seem to have one at hand? – and slowly, deliberately peeled it while holding Tom’s gaze.
“I could, but none of the professors have commented on it,” Evans licked his lips, drawing Tom’s eyes briefly down to stare.
And, as Evans maintained eye contact while sliding the banana along his bottom lip before pushing it slowly into his mouth, a muffled groan and thud echoing down the corridor indicative of another student falling prey to a stationary object, it dawned on Tom.
“You’re doing that on purpose,” he accused.
Evans’ lips split into a wide grin with far too many teeth, which proceeded to chomp harshly through the fruit.
“Doing what?” the other boy asked innocently, mischief dancing in his eyes as he chewed his mouthful of banana.
And if Tom hadn’t been made to understand how weak-willed his followers were, felled by a well-handled piece of phallic fruit, he might have applauded the other boy’s deviousness.
As it was, he had knights to reprimand. Tom turned to stalk off.
“I must admit, I didn’t think it’d have any effect on you,” Evans said.
He grit his teeth but made sure his voice came out evenly, glancing over his shoulder. “You're mistaken--"
“Watch out,” Evans called after him. Tom turned just in time to avoid walking into an open door jutting into the hallway. He turned around to see Evans grinning at him, cat-like and knowing, before taking another bite of banana and sauntering off. If Tom stared after him long after he’d disappeared from sight, there was no one around to know.
(Gone bananas)
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docgold13 · 7 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Arkady Duvall
Born sometime in the mid-1800’s, Arkady Duvall was the son of Ra's al Ghul and an unnamed mother.  As a young man, Duvall studied in Heidelberg where he excelled as a master fencer.  He demonstrated an arrogance and poor temper that left his father believing him unfit to take leadership over the Society of Shadows.  Instead, Duvall was sent to America to tend to Society business of less import.  
Whilst in America, Duvall assaulted and possibly murdered a woman, earning a two hundred dollar bounty on his head.  He fled to Devil's Hole, a small outpost in the American Southwest where his father had begun an operation to stymie the burgeoning railroad system.  He was tracked by the bounty hunter known as Jonah Hex who sought to collect on the warrant.  
In Devil's Hole, Ra's al Ghul had built ‘The Phoenix’ a heavily armed dirigible meant to destroy the freshly laid railroad tracks.  Duvall was assigned to secure the airship.  Hex attempted to apprehend Duvall leading to a tremendous battle that resulted in the crash and destruction of The Phoenix.  Disappointed in his son’s failure, Ra's al Ghul fled leaving Duvall behind.  
Hex hauled Duvall back to civilization where he was sentenced to life in prison.  Exposure to The Lazarus Pit earlier in his life enabled Duvall to live an elongated lifespan and he was ultimately transferred to a nursing facility.
Ra's al Ghul had lost track of Duvall’s whereabouts and finally rediscovered him in the modern age.  He sent his minions to collect the aged Duvall leading to an altercation with Batman and Robin.  Upon learning of Duvall’s origins and considering that he had been reduced to a frail and demented shell of a man, Batman decided to allow Ra’s to take his son so that he might be better cared for in his final years.  
The fantastic Malcolm McDowell provided the voice for Arkady Duvall with the cad appearing in the seventeenth episode of the second season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Showdown.’  
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aplaceinthedark · 8 months
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a WITCH story
Word Count: 2.5k+
CW: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, supernatural themes, body horror, depictions of graphic violence, witchcraft, description of digging up a body, owls (listen, don't judge, those things are freaky little fucks)
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Nicholas panicked as he tried to assemble the pieces of what had once been his best friend.
Tears streamed down his face as he tried to remember what his Granny taught him about healing, but this seemed to be way beyond the healing point. This was probably at the Resurrecting-The-Dead point, and he knew that there would be nothing in Granny’s vast knowledge or hex books about this. 
“What’s dead should stay dead,” Granny had once taught him, in reference to what went on in the woods behind her house. “Those who die in these Woods don't tend to stay dead.” But Granny didn’t know that his best friend, his brother, had been lost to that curse, and Nicholas was not going to lose Noah again.
But it looked like he was going to anyway.
He hadn’t meant to unleash his magic on Noah, but it had acted as a defense mechanism. And Noah… well… he still couldn’t figure out what had happened.
Nicholas had heard the sound of his name being called by a voice he hadn’t heard in a year. That should’ve been his first warning. You don’t go responding to voices coming from the Woods; that was practically Rule Number One in the Appalachian Mountains. Except he would raise hell and haint if it meant bringing Noah home. So he crawled out the guest room window of his Granny’s house and ran into the Woods.
He didn’t call out for Noah. That was a rule he wouldn’t break. But after several minutes of walking, he didn’t need to. There stood Noah, all six foot three inches of him, probably twenty feet away, looking like death. Noah smiled in relief when his dark eyes met his.
They both had taken a step towards each other when Noah had doubled over, crying out in pain, and then something cracked in him. Cracked multiple times as Noah seemed to grow even taller. His limbs snapped and elongated, like he was a tree growing in fast motion. An old nursery rhyme came to Nicholas’ mind as it tried to comprehend what was happening right before him.
The Towering Man will lure you from your home And into the Woods where deep he roams He’ll snap your bones like brittle sticks After drawing you in with his clever little tricks
If you’re good and listen to your mama You’ll have no worries, you’ll have no drama Best keep your eyes upon the beaten path, Unless you want to taste the tree man’s wrath. 
Nicholas tried running, but he knew that his legs were no match for this abomination’s long appendages. Before he knew it, he was pinned to the ground, fighting for his life to get free. He managed to get a hand behind him, and suddenly his eyes were blinded by a bright light, and he was assaulted by a splitting headache. The pressure on him disappeared, and he scrambled up onto his feet. 
But when he turned around to survey what he had released, he fell back onto his knees. 
The creature was back to being Noah, but everything was wrong. Broken limbs, some twisted and snapped clean off. Instead of bones, there were sticks. But that was undoubtedly Noah’s face, staring up at him with lifeless eyes. Play with fire and you’ll get burned; another of Granny’s lessons.
He didn’t know why he was trying to put Noah back together like some kind of twisted puzzle or broken doll. All he knew was that he had to fix this before anyone found out. Tears dripped from his face and splashed onto the mix of skin and bark of his friend.
“Please, come back. I can’t lose you again,” he said. He tried to summon something, anything, to get his friend back. And the Woods answered.
Something was shining on his face. It wasn’t until it dripped down onto Noah’s body that he realized the light was coming from his tears, and where they landed, they quickly dissolved into Noah’s skin. The tears on Nicholas’ hands started to glow as well, and then his hands began glowing. He scrambled to put them on Noah’s chest. 
The light spread through the veins in Noah’s chest and through his limbs. With cracking and rustling sounds, the skin mended together, but retained the bark texture. Noah’s iris’ glowed gold, and suddenly his head twisted with a snap to look at Nicholas. His arm shot out, grabbing a fistful of Nicholas’ short hair to pull him closer. 
A yelp left Nicholas’ mouth, and for a second he thought that he had made a mistake; that he had let Noah’s quest to kill him continue, but Noah stopped pulling when Nicholas was hovering only a few inches over him. If someone happened to see them, they would probably think that they were about to kiss. Memories of what happened between them a few years ago came unbidden to Nicholas’ mind, and he had to fight the rush of heat to his face.
“You… idiot,” Noah gasped out. 
Nicholas laughed as the golden light left Noah’s eyes, and then he fell over, passed out cold.
And that was how Nicholas Ruffilo became the Witch, the practitioner of the Shenandoah Valley.
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Nicholas had only ever set eyes on one haint in his life, and that was Noah. The Black Stag didn’t count because it had been a god. So meeting Nick and Joakim was unnerving.
Especially when one was a large, mangy-looking wolf and the other was a literal naked corpse.
“I… uh… hope I’m not too late,” he said, looking nervously between the two.
A few hours ago, he had been mindlessly sketching some tattoo designs for a client, when he felt like his brain was getting lobotomized. At first, it was just one word:
It was easy to ignore at first. Just his mind playing tricks on him, probably from the combination of lack of sleep and the blue light of his tablet. But then he heard the voice again, with less pain and more familiarity:
And with that, he jumped into action. 
If that really was Noah talking in his head, then the first place he should look was where he last saw him: in the old oak grove.
Nicholas practically sprinted into the woods, then doubled back because he realized that he might need a shovel, and then he was back on the task at hand. He felt reassured when he saw  two figures in the hollow, because why else would two random people meet in this place? Then again, why would these two particular… beings be there at all?
That’s when the dog shifted into a teenage boy, and Nicholas’ heart stopped.
“Nick Folio, at your service,” the boy said, grinning. His teeth were too long and sharp to be normal, but that’s not what unnerved Nicholas. 
Judging from the sudden tilting of his head, Nick must’ve been close to knowing why. “Have we met before?” he asked.
“I… Umm…”
“We have a task at hand,” the walking corpse said, though it looked like he had been perfectly fine to let the wolf do all the work.
“Do you even know why we’re doing this?” Nick asked, turning back towards the man.
“I do,” Nicholas said. The two haints looked at him. “There’s someone you need to meet.”
Between Nick’s claws and Nicholas’ shovel, they made quick work of the dirt. Nicholas didn’t have a clue how deep they would have to dig, but after a few feet, he had his answer when a dirty hand broke through the dark earth.
Nicholas threw aside the shovel as Nick shifted back into human form once again, and the two grabbed ahold of the hand and pulled. Eventually, another body emerged and crawled out. It was completely caked in mud, but Nicholas couldn’t help but gape at its head.
For immense branches were sprouting from it, giving the appearance of antlers.
“W… Water,” the man gasped in a familiar voice.
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Nicholas was dreading this meeting.
He was tired of Granny trying to set him up with women. Didn’t matter where they were, she would ask anyone that looked even slightly close to his age if they were single. And at the old age of thirty, it embarrassed him to no end. He was also unfortunately raised to be a gentleman to strangers, so when Granny said that there was a “poor girl living by herself who needed help,” he couldn’t help but internally scream at his nice guy heart. 
But he was more interested in the fact that this girl had moved into Noah’s old house, despite the warning signs that were placed around the property and told throughout the town. Hell, Granny even told her about the offerings, and who wouldn’t run after hearing someone tell you to chuck a few animal bones into a tithing plate?
So either the girl was stupid, or she was brave - which was another word for stupid, in his mind.
As he got out of his car, Nicholas could sense a familiar presence on the edge of the property. To the unknowing or untrained eye, it might feel like a chill going up the spine, or as Nicholas’ family would say, “like someone walking over your grave.” But he was trained and knowing of what crept through this neck of the woods.
He knew in his soul when his eyes met the creature’s, and he leveled a look that said behave. He could hear a chuckle in his mind, one that would unnerve even the bravest hiker.
Noah’s voice was, of course, no comfort. Of course Noah would’ve spied on the newcomer. It used to be his house, after all. But that use of pronouns at least shed some light so Nicholas could be polite.
Nicholas knocked on the door, acknowledging the silver platter that was neatly arranged to the left of the doorway, and waited. And waited.
And then the door opened, and he realized he might need Noah’s warning.
Their dark blonde hair was half up in a bun, the lower half barely reaching their shoulders. It left their angular face on full display, big brown eyes staring up at him. He couldn’t help the thought of how much those eyes reminded him of Noah’s. 
He managed to find his words before he could choke on his tongue. “I’m Nicholas,” he said. He punctuated his words with a small lift of the corners of his mouth.
They looked like they were surprised by his appearance as well. “Taylor.”
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Something was off with the Woods, and with Nicholas as well.
His body lurches, causing his eyes to pop open. He gulps down a lungful of air to still his racing heart, though he knows it’s no use. Not this again…
Taylor stirs underneath him. "Nn… Nick? What's wrong?” they ask, their voice clogged with the sleep of the dead. 
Another nightmare, he wants to say as he sits up, but his mouth is dry and his tongue sticks to its roof. He scrubs his face with a tattooed hand and then rips the hair-tie out of his half undone ponytail. He feels like he’s about to jump out of his skin. He wants to scream. “I need a smoke.”
“Nick, wait–” He doesn’t hear the rest of Taylor's protest as he scrambles out of the bed, pulls some joggers on, and all but runs out the door.
It was chillier outside, despite the sweats and hoodie he managed to pull on over his bare skin. Probably should've put on shoes, he thinks as he lights up a cigarette with shaky fingers. 
Normally he would say that the off-ness he was feeling was because of the Woods, but a part of  him says that it’s different. He can feel the pull of the Hollow calling to him if he closes his eyes long enough.
It’s only been a few months since the events with the reformed Cult of the Black Stag. Only been a few months since his grandmother was killed. Only a few months since… since he died as well.
A shiver rolls down his spine. He pinches the bridge of his nose, as if he could rid himself of that thought. He had died, but he came back. He was okay. 
“Those who die in these Woods don't tend to stay dead.”  
He shakes his head vigorously. No, not because of some weird curse like what happened to his friends. Because of his own soul magic, safely stowed away in his partner's own soul by random happenstance. That was different. He was fine. 
Ever since that night that Taylor went into the woods and Nicholas healed them, he felt like something was missing from him. He thought it would've returned when Taylor brought him back to life, but he still felt off-kilter. Like a piece of him was still out there in the Woods. And of course, there wasn't anything in Granny's hex books about why he was having these nightmares.
Nicholas looks down at the tattoo of an owl on his right arm. Owls were considered guardians of his family, and so he had gotten one tattooed on him pretty early on; before he knew about his grandmother’s practice. Granny had tutted about it, mad that he had “made a mockery of their protector”, but eventually she acquiesced.
“Really wish you were here, Gram,” he mutters to the tattoo, as if Granny was really a part of him now. She would probably have known what his problem was, let alone how to help him. 
The sound of a scream from the Woods snaps Nicholas out of his head. His eyes dart to the trees, but his brain soon catches up, recognizing the sound. He sighs in both relief and annoyance. Just another barn owl; something he's heard plenty of times growing up out here. 
But this time, the sound stirs something in him: something akin to familiarity, but unlike the nostalgia of days past. He tilts his head, trying to get a better sense of what direction the call came from, because what if it came from the Watcher's Grove? What if something was going on with Noah while he was–
He snaps out of his trance, and he quickly realizes he's no longer on the porch. He's standing on the edge of the property, one foot in the woods. And he has no idea how he got there. 
He turns around and looks back at the house. The porch light is on now, and Taylor is standing on the steps, Jerry in their arms. Even from where he is, he can see the panic in their eyes.
He quickly jogs back to the house. "I'm fine, I'm fine," he says, quickly kissing them on the forehead. Except now he's slightly even more shaky than before. Jerry squirms as he’s pressed in between them, and meows angrily. Nicholas pulls away.
They both go inside and Nicholas locks the door behind him. Taylor looks up at him with dark, worried eyes, and he groans internally. 
There was no way he’s going to be able to keep this from them.
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sonicasura · 3 months
It has been an absolute headache over the past few months for Hoshina. Why? One may ask. Well despite being Kaiju, they sure didn't act like any Kaiju Hoshina had ever heard of. They had gotten photos and videos from civilians, along with Defense Force drones. Once again giving the files a look over, he sighed as he read what information they had on each of the Kaiju.
1# Firefighter- Blaziken: A humanoid Kaiju, with defining being of it's bright red, orange, and white feathers, long legs which give it immense strength, along with an apoearence akin to a chicken. Has been observed to be surprisingly adept at Martial Arts, along with boosting incredible pyrokinetic abilities, some reports even state the use of strange energy attacks. Fortitude readings currently unavaliable, however it is believed to be around 7.0 at least and 8.0 at most on the scale. Any personal who have a combat power lower than 40 should not engage unless the situation is dire.
2# Psych-Adept- Mewtwo: A kaiju that has some human like proportions, however have predominately feline body, sporting a tail, face, along with padded feet and hands similar to a cat. There body's color scheme consists of Silvervish-Greys, and Purples. Abilities observed to be Psychic in nature, easily lifting objects 50x there own body weight, along with producing strange energy and elemental manipulation. Fortitude reading unavaliable, however it's estimated to be just shy of 9.0. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, ONLY THOSE WITH NUMBER WEAPONS SHOULD ENGAGE.
3# Liquid Metaliod- Melmetal: A strange inorganic Kaiju that sports an amorphic body, with the only soild spots being their hex nuts that make up a good amount of their body. Combat capibilites are massive as they have been observed as being able to elongate there arms to connect there punches to make up for there admittely low speed. There punches easily break there Honjus thick skin and scales like Balsa wood, their defense has also been shown to be top notch as during a fight with a Honju whose fortitude clocked in at about 6.7, when the Honju swiped at the Metal Kaiju, the Honju's attack simply bounced off the Metal Kaiju. The Honju than went in to bite the Metal Kaiju, just for there teeth to shatter due to the the absolute toughness of the Metal Kaiju's body. The Honju was than taken out by a punch seemingly charged with electricity. Abilites observed being a tough metallic body, a body which can morph itself, raw strength and brutal martial capibilities, along with the production of a strange energy and electrokinesis. Fortitude reading currently unavaliable, however it is estimated to be around 8.0. All units are under strict order not to engage especially those that specialize in close combat as the Kaiju feeds on metallic items.
That last report made Hoahina cringe as he had found out the hard way when he went in to test the Kaiju's capibilities only for there blades to immediately get stuck and eaten. Thankfully the Kaiju just ate the blades and gave him a quick look that Hoshina swore was saying " Hey, that's rude man" before wandering off. The behavior that didn't belong to a Kaiju in the slightest.
Hoshina got up and walked back to his room to catch some sleep for the night, not even bothering to go over the other reports again.
If this was giving him a headache he can only imagine how Mina feels.
I'm not surprised Mewtwo was listed as the most dangerous. That Melmetal one got a chuckle out of me cause that's an incident Hoshina would rather forget. Mina's having it worse since she's internally kicking herself for failing to capture Trainer at her first chance.
Her report probably has Hoopa, Koraidon, and Pidgeot. The latter two being races while the former being her worst roadblock. Of course I bet Blaziken will get bumped up the moment they reveal Mega Evolution. Already have a certain first mission in mind for that. Hoopa Unbound is definitely the attack on base.
A pissed off Trainer is someone who won't hold back on their opponents.
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slasheru · 1 year
How would the ROs react if an MC teased them until they came in their pants? Would there be retribution?
TATE: Choking because the Player has TOTALLY unlocked a kink he didn't realize he had. Absolute "omg stop it /blush blush/ noooo seriously /blush blush blush/" zone. Would absolutely try to find ways to shyly ask/engineer the situation so it'd happen again. He'd prooooobably wait for the Player to give HIM some retribution for coming in his pants so soon!
SAWYER: >:) He'd act a little annoyed, then a little (playfully) angry, and - if you managed to ACTUALLY make him come in his pants, ESPECIALLY in public - Sawyer would 100% have to haul the Player away for some punishment RIGHT. NOW. For being so sexy and being a bad little Player for doing that, ofc. Proooobably spanks. Probbbbably degenerating into something else VERY QUICKLY.
JUNO: Genuinely impressed, then does it BACK to the Player. Hey, it's only fair, right? Only you won't know WHEN or WHERE it's happening. Hope you're cool with your ghostly enbyfriend/enbyfriend-with-benefits getting revenge by making you cum in the middle of a Film History lecture when you least expect it, ghost-style!
LAILA: Have.... have you managed to OUT-TOP Slasher U's pre-eminent top?! Have you figured out to top from the bottom, Player?! You're getting far too emboldened and CLEARLY need training. *Laila's smirk intensifies. Also, her shopping list for new tools to use on the Player probably intensifies.*
HEX: Makes the most adorable, sexy, elongated whimpering noise you've EVER HEARD IN YOUR LIFE, looks up at you with those big doe eyes, and immediately asks if he's been a good boy or a bad boy. Depending on your answer, he WILL beg for more. You've got a full on Tamed Hex on your hands!
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vildexiv · 2 years
☾*⋆ LFRP: Vilde Eres
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⟡ RACE: Keeper of the Moon, Miqo'te. ⟡ AGE: Mid 20s. ⟡ PRONOUNS: He/They ⟡ HEIGHT: 5 fulms. (5') ⟡ OCCUPATION: Healer & potioneer ⟡ RESIDENCE: The murky outskirts of the Lavender Beds
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Vilde might better suit the title of ‘starveling’. Cultivating a lithe frame with narrow shoulders and an hourglass silhouette, the creature stands below the average height of those of his ilk. Merely a wisp of darkness spilled across a mottled forest floor, the witch has grown accustomed to slipping by unseen. His frame is thin and lithe, befitting that of a ghost found amidst a tapestry of earth-encrusted roots, a whisper of movement between dense trees.
A shadow of lilac hair rippled with errant waves tumbles down the svelte curve of his back to end at his waist. It has been adorned with a number of glittering jewels, braided satin ribbons and feathered adornments like gilded fineries. Shorter locks frame fae-like features, until it would be rare to see Vilde with his hair tied back; it acts as a curtain, protective veil - something more to hide behind when the shadows aren’t enough.  Curved ears have been spotted with darker markings that scatter the thick fur of his tail where it emerges from the base of his spine. Vilde’s tail is thick and heavy, spotted across the top with markings not dissimilar to that of a serval cat. Jewels thread his fur like a prized pelt, as though to match the earrings pierced through the cartilage of his ears. The telling signs of a peculiar affliction make themselves plain upon his features. His complexion is ghostly. His eyes shine like a radiant flame, flitting somewhere between blood red and deep carmine in some elusive liminal hue that is somehow both and neither at the very same time. They all but drown the deep shadows that sit beneath, as though waking hours are better spent prowling the forest floor.  Full cheeks round out his features, completed by painted too-full lips. Rare smiles offer brief glimpses of elongated incisors that come framed by dimples that press into his cheeks. His nose is narrow and upturned toward the tip, disfigured across its bridge by a set of scars that rake across his flesh. To keepers that listen to the whispers of the wood, it might be plain that this mark bears all the distinguishing signs of a banishment. Though he is often draped in gauzy robes, the witch wears his peculiarities like points of pride. Be it the serpentine tattoo that drips from the slope of his temple, or the strange black stain that crawls up the lengths of his forearms with its greedy tendrils. Vilde makes no attempt to conceal his oddities from view. The gentle aroma of vetiver and vanilla clings to him like a perfume, suffused into the very threadbare fibres of his attire; a scent that embodies tea parties and parlour games- like a scent pocketed from an oak vanity.
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⟡ The Apothecary: Vilde runs a small apothecary out of an isolated cottage located in the fringes of the Lavender Beds. It is within a house cluttered with potted plants, overgrown vines, gnarled tapestries of swelling tree roots, and stagnant spirits. Vilde grows, gathers, and cultivates all of his own ingredients, refusing to brew anything but the best to those that will pay for his wares. The witch is capable of concocting lustrous fortune potions, ghastly poisons, luck charms, sleeping droughts, and much, much more. Many of his potions are of his own creation, and he is ever eager to test them on willing (or unwilling) subjects.
⟡ Aetherical Spellwork: Ready and willing to perform curses, hexes or charms for customers willing to pay the right price, his manipulations are as eclectic and eccentric as he is. His intrinsic understanding of the human body makes him an adept healer at mending a range of maladies, from cuts and bruises to more unorthodox complications. He’s a skilled healer, and he’s grown even better at keeping secrets.  ⟡ Propriety: Due to his relatively isolated lifestyle, he is largely unaware of many social cues (including menial things such as clothing, table manners & more). It would be immensely helpful for him to learn these things, given the increasing amount of time he finds himself visiting nearby cities and towns.  ⟡ Trade: Merchants or couriers are likely to meet him - either for a delivery of items or a transaction for something new. He's a worthwhile client who spends a little too much gil every time. ⟡ Unlucky Wanderers: He's curious. He's still learning. There are precious few things he wouldn't do to satiate his own curiosity, even if that means snatching a wanderer off a forest trail. He knows better, but that isn't enough to stop him. ⟡ Narcotics: Those with their fingers dipped in the underworld might have heard whisperings of his name. He has cultivated a reputation as a trustworthy and discreet source of potions, poisons, curses and healing. ⟡ Shroudkin: Other Keepers of the Moon might be familiar with his clan name - I’m more than open to discuss this ooc to figure something out if you would like to explore this further! I’m eager for him to meet other Keepers!
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Due to my timezone, it is sometimes difficult to find a time to roleplay in game, I am always open to roleplaying over discord, however. I tend to lean toward multi-paragraph storytelling and darker plotlines, but I’m happy to do lighter scenes, too!
I'm 28 years old and currently working on a freelance basis. I'm often working from home, so I can be fairly flexible with my scenes! Ooc, I'm a shy and awkward cryptid who just really loves to write. You can add me on discord ( Sunny#4558 ) or shoot me a message here if you’d like to chat about plots - or anything!
Vilde’s carrd is here for a more in-depth look at anything!
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This is a secondary blog to @skylands-archives and the one I'll use for role-play with any and all my friends interested in it.
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I made the art with an avatar maker and lost the old file so had to get it off the amino I put it in.
As a portal master I've learned time is easily manipulated. I go around from timeline to timeline and take certain members of the Skylanders teams who would have passed on without a trace anyways and take them before they can be harmed. I bring them to my realm and give them understanding on the fact that they'd have passed on from the attack that would have destroyed them anyways so I gave them new life as champion to a new portal master who'll train them vigorously.
(list of skylanders by figures I own at the moment and therefore available to ask questions as well)
°Drobot (series 2)
°Eruptor (series 2)
°Hex (series 2)
°Legendary Grim Creeper
°Prism Break (series 2)
°jet vac (series 1)
Cores (+variants real and custom repaints)
°Trigger Happy (series 1)
°Shiny Trigger Happy (series 1 custom repaint, yellowish orange fur with black guns)
°Big Bang Trigger Happy (official variant, riding a big gold cartoony nuke, series 3)
°spyro (series 1)
°shadow Spyro (series 1 red and black custom repaints)
°Mega Ram Spyro (official variant, has elongated horns in ram spiral and larger spiked tail , series 3)
°cynder (series 2)
°pastel cynder (custom repaint, pink and blue, series 2)
°slam bam (series 1)
°zap (series 2)
°whirlwind (series 2)
°pop fizz (series 1)
°super gulp pop fizz (series 2, official variant on a large potion bottle at least 3-5 times his own body size)
°shadow whirlwind (series 2, red and black custom repaint)
°terrafin (series 1)
°deja vu
°stump smash (series 1)
°zook (series 1)
°zook (series 2)
°voodood (series 1)
°ignitor (series 2)
°hex (series 1)
°lava barf Eruptor (official variant, series 3)
°gill grunt (series 1)
°gillie grunt (purple custom repaint, series 1)
°camo (series 1)
°warnado (series 1)
°dino rang (series 1)
°lightning rod (series 1)
°lightning rod (series 2)
°chop chop (series 2)
°flameslinger (series 1)
°boomer (series 1)
°stealth elf (series 1)
°jet vac (series 1)
°old hero jet vac (custom repaints with white interior to his gun and gold tube for the gun and gold for all his yellow, series 1)
°sprocket (series 1)
°flashwing (series 1)
°sonic boom (series 2)
Giants (+custom repaints)
°hot head
°cobalt hot head (nice blue (need to use picture) repaint)
°tree rex
°Ancient Guardian Tree Rex (cool repaint (need picture))
°eye brawl
Swap force
°blast zone
°wash buckler
°fire kraken
°rattle shake
°free ranger
Trap masters
°Dark Wildfire
°knight light
°knight mare
°head rush
°nitro Krypt King (official variant, gold armor, blue eyes instead of red, white cheker pattern on a few spots)
Super chargers (variants+vehicles included)
°super shot stealth elf (not technically a variant but also series 4)
°stealth stinger (ssse's paired life elemental air vehicle)
°burn cycle (fire element land vehicle)
Sea shadow (dark element sea vehicle)
Imaginators and senseis
°earth quickshot creation crystal
°fire ninja creation crystal
°Dr Neo Cortex
°Tae Kwon Krow
°king pen
°golden queen
Magic Items, Extra Levels, and traps
Note of importance: in superchargers and imaginators the dlc level items only give gold and in trap team only its own give levels to expand and also aren't magic items and in swap force the only levels that work for it are its own too as giants let ssa (Skylanders spyros adventure) levels to play in giants. Also traps give gold in superchargers and let you use a different element weapon in the vehicles and seem not to do anything or give gold in imaginators. (I don't remember but intend to test this last bit)
°undead orb trap
°fire torch trap
°earth orb trap
°2 life hammer traps
°2 water totem traps
°air storm warning trap
°tech angel trap
°magic element trap I don't remember the name of
°pirate seas (Spyros adventure bonus level and a magic item for cannonball rain with a shockwave finisher)
°empire of ice (Skylanders spyros adventure+, bonus level, magic item that summons icicle rain with shockwave finish)
°tower of time (swap force+, bonus level, magic item that summons gear rain with shockwave finish)
°firey forge (swap force bonus arena level, also a magic item that drops a bucket of lava over an enemy)
°sky diamond (swap force+, magic item that provides a diamond worth 25-50 gold in several containers or as dropped loot at a chance during duration)
°anvil rain (Skylanders spyros adventure+, magic item that's self explanatory but no shockwave at the end like a few of these items)
°ghost swords (Skylanders spyros adventure+, magic item that summons 2 swords held by skeletal arms to fight alongside you)
°sky iron shield (Skylanders spyros adventure+, magic item that provides 2 shields that protect you in only the two spots the rotating shields are in)
°dragon treasure chest(Skylanders spyros adventure+, magic item that reveals a hidden treasure chest on each level)
°rocket ram (trap team+, magic item)
°speaky tiki (trap team+, magic item)
°mirror of mystery (trap team bonus level)
°nightmare express (trap team bonus level (trap team+ dlc level toys don't act as magic items anymore))
°hand of fate (swapforce+, magic item for extra damage by summoning a skeleton fist)
°piggy bank (magic item that helps get rich, trap team+)
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hexdsl · 2 years
Tumblr is a thing!
It’s no secret that I have had a mixed relationship with Twitter. I sort of hate micro-blogging for its lack of value, but I also really like cat pictures. I Have been using Twitter for a while now almost exclusively to retweet cute animals, for essentially no reason.
With the Elongated Musk rat of madness now being proclaimed king of the blue bird empire, I have decided it may be time to quit. In part because, well, I mean it’s on fire, and not in the good way. The main reason, is that I have found a better place; somewhere that actually allows me to have a use for my time.
That place is, obviously, Tumblr. Now, I know this isn’t a new place, and it's hardly a revolution, but, unlike Twitter, it offers me some things I want and an option for presenting that information in ways that I enjoy. What’s odd is that if I had have checked out my dusty account over there earlier, I would have jumped ages ago. Melon Husk is the very reason that prompted me to visit it. Good Job Elon, you literally made me check out your rival, you advertised for them you dick end!
Tumblr, unlike Twitter, lets me post anything with no restrictions. I can make (and have made) my ‘likes’ private, which means I can have my usual bad-taste but not publish it! – which I like a lot, as I feel I was saturating my feed with things that don’t really relate to the reasons that someone would follow my wider ‘content.’
It allows me to have a unified page rather than a feed, which, while a subtle difference; it really changes the tone of my social media.
As for Twitter, I will no longer be using it. I may tweet Tumblr posts (as Tumbler has a button for this) from time to time, in order to make sure people know where I can be located. I intend to remove Twitter from my life outside of that though, for now at least.
Maybe this blue bird blight will be a passing thing, I don’t know, but I do know that I can do without the time sync and Tumblr better suits me and the way I want to share my random musings.
Hex out. Thanks for reading.  
Tumblr even has rss https://hexdsl.com/rss
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Match Recording: Teraster vs. Ryme
[Video ID: Teraster walking up onto the stage on Montenevera, going to face Ryme. The crowd is watching the two challengers, murmuring, and the camera appears to be stacked onto Cera's head.
"Nice to see y'all so full of energy out here! This kid did a great job getting everyone hyped up for the main event!" Ryme says.
"Greetings, Ryme." Teraster says, bowing slightly.
"Man, I haven't seen everyone so excited since that Florian kid came to take me on! Y'all ready to see me work some magic out here?" Ryme continues, turning to the audience.
Teraster cocks his head to the side.
"You know...Hit you with a Hex and leave you perplexed, send ya soul from this world to the next! Get it?" Ryme says.
"...Unfortunately, no. However, I am determined to prove my worth to you regardless." Teraster says after some hesitation.
"Eh...That's fair. It isn't easy for everyone to get ahold of their flow like I do...But I like the attitude, baby! Let's give everyone a show to remember!" Ryme says.
"Stage Fright - TS!Underswap" starts blasting from the stage's speakers as Ryme sends out a Banette and a Mimikyu. Teraster sends out a Glimmora and a Greninja in kind.
"Nyahaha...No way, she actually did it!" Teko cackles from behind the camera.
"Ningguang, please use Stealth Rock. Kappei, please use Water Shuriken on the Mimikyu." Teraster says.
"Banette, hit the Glimmora with Shadow Sneak! Mimikyu, you start us off right with Light Screen." Ryme says.
The Mimikyu raises its claws and conjures a pink barrier in front of it and the Banette, while the Banette turns its back towards Teraster's side of the battlefield as its shadow elongates. It slaps the Glimmora as it peels off of the ground and returns to its owner, loosing several purple crystals from its body.
After gaining its bearings again, the Glimmora opens the orifice on the back of its body and spits out several glowing rocks, embedding themselves in Ryme's end of the battlefield. The Greninja's tongue begins to glow blue as it shoots it out over the Banette. It wraps around one of the stage's support beams and pulls the Greninja along, looping around twice before sending it flying towards the Mimikyu. Right before impact, it pulls a shuriken made of water from its thigh and tosses it into the Mimikyu's "head", knocking it airborne. It then juggles it in the air with two more shuriken before it crashes down.
The crowd cheers wildly. Another spectator grabs the camera and pulls it off to the side. "DID YOU SEE THAT?!" they yell happily in disbelief. "I KNOW! THAT'S MY LITTLE BRO UP THERE!" Teko yells over them. "YEAH! WOOOOO!"
"Hey, not bad! Banette, let's try Icy Wind on the Glimmora this time! Mimikyu, counter the Greninja with Slash." Ryme says.
Teraster recalls the Glimmora into a Luxury Ball, and sends out a Weavile from a different Luxury Ball. "Kappei, please use Grass Knot on the Banette. Hookula, please assist with Assurance." Teraster says.
The Greninja's tongue glows green as it wraps around one of the support beams on the roof of the arena and flings itself upwards. It pulls three kunai inlaid with tiny, glowing green orbs, then tosses them at the Mimikyu as it lets go of the ceiling, using the recoil to launch itself backwards to its side of the battlefield. The kunai sprout into large vines, which wrap around the Mimikyu and toss it into the air. The Weavile dashes forwards, hooks the Mimikyu in its claws, and smacks it downwards, knocking it unconscious. The Banette spreads its arms wide and a gust of bluish wind emanates from it: the Weavile is mostly unharmed, but the Greninja is knocked back a fair bit.
"Your moves ain't bad, kid...But this show's just getting started! Time to show everyone what they REALLY came here for!" Ryme says, recalling the Mimikyu and sending out a Houndstone, which is knocked around slightly by the stones on the ground detonating.
"Kappei, please use Ice Beam on the Banette. Hookula, please aid with Assurance." Teraster says.
"Icy Wind again, Banette! Houndstone, you go for the Weavile with Play Rough!" Ryme says.
The Greninja's tongue glows a light blue as the Weavile dashes around to the back of the Banette. The Greninja's tongue then wraps around the top of the battlefield, and it swings upwards, then forwards, hitting the Banette in the face with a beam of light blue energy from its mouth as it arcs overhead, moving the beam as if trying to cut the Banette. The Weavile catches it as it's knocked backwards, slashing it in the back and knocking it unconscious. The Houndstone charges while the Weavile is unaware, tackling it and kicking up a big cloud of dust as it pummels it. The Weavile is laying on the ground, unconscious, as the dust settles, before getting recalled by Teraster. Teraster then sends out an Umbreon as Ryme sends out a Toxtricity.
"Heh...All RIGHT! This crowd's reaching a fever pitch...Time to show you some moves fierce enough to shake the dead!" Ryme says, holding up a Tera Orb. As it charges up power, a thin sheath of Tera crystals grows over Teraster's right arm. She then Terastalizes the Toxtricity into a Ghost-type.
"Toxtricity, rattle 'em with a Hyper Voice! Houndstone, you hit the Umbreon with Play Rough!" Teraster says.
"K4ppei, pl3ase use Grass Kn0t on the Toxtricity. Tenebr4, plea2e counter with Fou1 Play." Teraster says.
The Greninja's tongue glows green as it dashes forwards and jumps over the Toxtricity, hitting it in the back with three kunai made out of water. Upon touching the ground, it immediately hops back Tiny green orbs in the end of the kunai sprout into several vines, entangling the Toxtricity and After regaining its bearings, the Toxtricity strums on its throat along to the song, emitting several white rings of energy and knocking back the Greninja and Umbreon. The Houndstone charges towards the Umbreon, but the Umbreon bites the tombstone-like protuberance on its head as it gets close, using the Houndstone's momentum to do a backflip and slamm it into the ground headfirst. The Houndstone keels over, unconscious.
"Dang, I'm down to my last Pokemon already, huh...?Well, I'm still goin' out swinging! Toxtricity, hit 'em with Discharge!" Ryme says.
"K4ppei, please use 3xtrasens0ry. Ten3bra, please a1d with Helping Hand." Teraster says.
The Umbreon hops onto the Greninja's back: its rings start glowing, and both of their bodies are enveloped in white energy. The Greninja's tongue begins to float up, glowing pink, and it releases a burst of rainbow energy, knocking out the Toxtricity and shattering its Tera Jewel.
The crowd cheers wildly as both Ryme and Teraster take a bow before walking up to each other.
"Hah! Now THAT kind of show wasn't something you see that often. Those smooth moves you showed me out there were something else...I think you've earned these!" she continues, handing Teraster a Ghost-type TM and Montenevera's Gym Badge.
"Thank you, Ryme. My teammates enjoyed the battle as well." Teraster says.
"Thanks for coming out here tonight, everyone!" Ryme says, holding up Teraster's hand, as the video cuts out.]
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Research and References on the snake
Snakes are elongated, limbless reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all other squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales.
What is the number 1 deadliest snake?
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The saw-scaled viper
The killer of the most people The saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) may be the deadliest of all snakes, since scientists believe it to be responsible for more human deaths than all other snake species combined.
Dragon Snake
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Horned Desert Viper
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Spider-Tailed Horned Viper
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For Animation
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Research On Elements
What are the 12 natural elements?
Complete answer: The twelve elements of nature are Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Force, Time, Flower, Shadow, Light and Moon. Each of these elements are simplified terms for higher and complex substances.
Yoga And Elements
Everything in nature is made up of five basic elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Knowledge of the five elements allows the yogi to understand the laws of nature and to use yoga to attain greater health, power, knowledge, wisdom and happiness. This arises out of deep intuition of how the universe operates.
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Animation Research
Research on Books, Fish and Magic
Magic books: wands, spells, curses, potions, hexes, thoughts (mind-magic), art, symbols, rituals, magical languages, witchcraft, etc.
Real Legends (Codex Gigas)
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The Codex Gigas is the largest extant medieval illuminated manuscript in the world, at a length of 92 cm. Very large illuminated bibles were typical of Romanesque monastic book production, but even among these, the page-size of the Codex Gigas is exceptional. The manuscript is also known as the Devil's Bible due to its highly unusual full-page portrait of Satan, and the legend surrounding the book's creation.
the Devils Hole pupfish
Of all the curiously uncommon gems Nevada has to offer, the Devils Hole pupfish is the rarest. In fact, it's the rarest fish in the entire world—and it can only be found here in the Silver State.
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Animation References
Concept and Artstyle
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Looney Tunes: Back in Action
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Looney Tunes: Back in Action is a 2003 American live-action/animated comedy film produced by Warner Bros. Feature Animation and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.
Its plot, which parodies action and spy film conventions, follows Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (Alaskey) as they become intertwined in a plot by the ACME Chairman (Martin) to transform the world's population into subservient monkeys using the Blue Monkey diamond. They accompany aspiring stuntman DJ Drake (Fraser) and Warner Bros. executive Kate Houghton (Elfman) on their journey to thwart the Chairman's plot, which doubles as a mission to rescue the former's abducted father, Damian (Dalton).
0 notes
manilaxmiindustrial · 3 months
Alloy Steel F11Forged Fittings Exporters  in India
Manilaxmi Industrial, a prominent name in the manufacturing, supplying, and exporting of Alloy Steel F11 Forged Fittings, brings forth an array of high-quality forged fittings suitable for diverse industrial applications. Renowned for their exceptional block limit, mechanical properties, and weldability, Alloy Steel F11 fittings are the go-to choice for industries requiring robust and reliable components.
Alloy Steel F11, characterized by its excellent formability and superior resistance to harsh conditions, is widely used in the production of forged fittings. This steel variant, with its austenitic structure enriched with chromium and molybdenum, offers outstanding resistance to corrosion and mechanical stress. These properties make Alloy Steel F11 suitable for applications in extreme environments, ensuring durability and performance.
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Superior Mechanical Properties: Alloy Steel F11 exhibits high tensile and yield strength, making it capable of withstanding significant mechanical stress.
Exceptional Weldability: The alloy's excellent weldability allows for easy fabrication using standard welding techniques.
Resistance to Corrosion: The chromium and molybdenum content provide enhanced resistance to oxidation and corrosion, even in aggressive environments.
Versatile Applications: Suitable for a range of applications, including the petrochemical, food management, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical industries.
High-Temperature Performance: Maintains structural integrity and strength at temperatures ranging from 600 to 900 degrees Celsius.
Standards: ASTM A182 / ASME SA182
Specifications: ASME B16.11, MSS SP-79, 83, 95, 97, BS 3799
Size Range: NPS 1/8″- 4″ (DN 6~100)
Rating Pressure:
Threaded End: 2000/3000/6000 LBS
Socket weld End: 3000/6000/9000 LBS
Type: Socket Weld, Screwed, BSP Threaded & NPT Threaded
Equivalent Grades:
UNS: K11597
Trade Name: 1-1/4Cr-1/2Mo
Chemical Composition:
C: 0.15 max
Mn: 0.3-0.6
Si: 0.5-1
P: 0.03 max
S: 0.030 max
Cr: 1-1.5
Mo: 0.044-0.65
Mechanical Properties:
Tensile Strength: 415 MPa
Yield Strength (0.2% Offset): 205 MPa
Elongation: 20%
Manilaxmi Industrial produces an extensive range of Alloy Steel F11 Forged Fittings, including but not limited to:
Forged Socket Weld Equal Tee
Threaded Fittings
Forged Threaded 90° Elbow
Socket Weld Fittings
Forged Threaded Union
Plug and Hex Bushing
High-Pressure Forged Pipe Fittings
These fittings are meticulously manufactured to meet both domestic and international standards, ensuring reliability and quality. Available in various dimensions, these products cater to the specific requirements of different industrial applications.
Manilaxmi Industrial stands out as a trusted manufacturer and supplier of Alloy Steel F11 Forged Fittings, delivering products that exemplify quality, durability, and performance. With a commitment to maintaining high standards and continuous innovation, Manilaxmi Industrial ensures that its fittings meet the evolving needs of various industries.
For inquiries or to place an order, contact us via email at [email protected] or call us at +91-7710800415. Visit our website at www.manilaxmifittings.com for more information.
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