#elm street 40
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duranduratulsa · 4 months ago
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Up next on my 40th Anniversary Freddy Krueger movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989) on glorious vintage Media Home Entertainment VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #ANightmareOnElmStreet5 #anightmareonelmstree5thedreamchild #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #lisawilcox #DannyHassel #kellyjominter #ErikaAnderson #JoeSeely #WhitHertford #whitbyhertford #nicholasmele #burrdebenning #valoriearmstrong #BeatriceBoepple #tednugent #RudySarzo #ericsinger #donmaxwell #michaelbaileysmith #clarencefelder #vintage #VHS #80s #mediahomeentertainment #elmstreet40
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cheyennelehale · 1 year ago
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bookhouseboy1980-blog · 1 year ago
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - 40 Years on! (Spoiler Review/Discussion)
Sub to my channel for more: https://www.youtube.com/@borednow5838/videos
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bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky · 6 months ago
We Fell in Love in October | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hello everyone, and…
🦇🧟‍♀️👻🎃Happy October!🎃👻🧟‍♀️🦇
It is truly the most wonderful time of the year! Halloween is my favorite favorite holiday, so of course I had to write a little something. I borrowed the title from a girl in red song that I enjoy. Also, if you're a New Girl fan, parts of this plot line might be familiar to you :)
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: minor reader injury
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Shrieks and laughter echoed from every direction. The smell of fresh kettle corn wafted through the crisp autumn air. And two separate groups of children in Halloween costumes almost knocked Bucky to the ground. They blew past him in a blur of candy and chaos, shouting as they ran. He was certain that a rogue kiddo had somehow smeared the sleeve of his jacket with the sticky, sugary coating of their caramel apple, but he didn’t mind.
He simply took in the sights and sounds of the Halloween carnival, smiling to himself as went out of his way to step on crunchy leaves. 
Autumn was his favorite time of year- October, specifically. It was October when he first bumped into you at his favorite coffee spot, spilling your pumpkin cold brew all over your shoes. His insistent apologies and dedicated clean-up efforts endeared him to you instantly, as did his shy smile. He graciously replaced your drink and bought you a slice of spiced pumpkin bread for good measure, which you happily shared with him.
After that, Bucky knew he was done for.
He found himself spending as much time with you as possible. The two of you frequented bookstores and museums. You introduced him to a swath of movies and tv shows that he’d missed out on over the years. And he brought you back in time with each 40’s crooner he showed you on his record player. He’d never felt so comfortable, so at ease. And you returned the feeling ten-fold. 
It was October of the following year when he showed up at your apartment with a massive bag of candy and a bottle of your favorite wine. He knew how much you loved Halloween and all it entailed: the movies, the décor, the spirit of the season. And he was determined to make it extra special. The two of you watched scary movies and laughed uproariously each time the other jumped. And both of you consumed so much candy, you feared you might be sick.
But that fear subsided when Bucky finally pressed his lips against yours for the first time. It took him all night to work up the courage. He found his focus drifting from Nightmare on Elm Street and settling on you. Your jack-o-lantern sweatshirt. Your slightly messy hair. Your bright smile. But he didn’t make his move- he couldn’t. He was far, far too nervous. 
It wasn’t until the night came to a close that he finally found his nerve. You walked him to the door and thanked him for the candy. The wine. The company. And for making the first day of October one for the books. The goodnight hug you shared lasted longer than it ever had, and you swore he held you tighter than before.
The two of you lingered by the front door, chatting about nothing of consequence. Bucky needed to buy himself some time, and you wanted to keep him in your apartment as long as possible. You figured that if he hung around long enough, maybe he’d finally make his move.
But he left. After another long hug and some more nonsensical chatting, he bid you goodnight. He intertwined his fingers with yours for a moment, sweeping his thumb across the back of your hand. He gave your hand a squeeze and swept a kiss across your knuckles, and then he slipped out the door.
But before the disappointment had a chance to settle into your chest, a metallic knocking vibrated through your front door. You opened it instantly, figuring that Bucky had forgotten his phone or his keys on your coffee table.
But he wasn’t after any forgotten personal effects. 
Breathlessly, he asked, “Can I?”
And that was it.
His mouth met yours in long, deep kiss full of want and adoration and Halloween candy. His hands cradled your face, yours twisted into the front of his t-shirt. And neither of you took a breath for a very, very long time. Only when your chest burned from lack of oxygen did you finally pull away- but it was only for a second. He greedily recaptured your lips before you even knew what happened, not that you’d ever complain about it. 
And when Bucky eventually broke the kiss, you knew you this was it for you- he was it for you. He brushed his lips against your cheek, your forehead, the tip of your nose. And he asked you if you’d like to join him for an official date. You, of course, said yes.
Said date came only a few days later, when Bucky took you to a pumpkin patch and the two of you carved jack-o-lanterns together. You carved a rather accurate depiction of Ghost Face. And Bucky, of course, decorated his with a stick figure representation of the two of you at the coffee shop where you first met.
The night ended with a Halloween Hayride followed by a corn maze- and you swore Bucky got the two of you lost on purpose. He kept pulling you down errant pathways, insisting that they’d lead to the exit. No exit ever materialized at the end of his rogue, twisting trails. But they did provide the perfect venue for him to steal a kiss or three. And you didn’t complain once.
On October thirtieth, he asked you to be his. And you told him that you already were- you’d been his for a long time. He just didn’t know it.
It was hard for Bucky to believe that only two Octobers ago, you were a stranger. And now, you were his girl. He’d given all of himself over to you, and you accepted him with nothing but warmth and kindness and love. He couldn’t believe he’d been lucky enough to meet you, to win your affections, to call you his. 
He was never a huge fan of dark, dreary, autumn, as he always preferred the warmth of summer. But meeting you was enough to turn him into fall's biggest fan. The two of you were inextricably linked to the season, turning it instantly into his number one favorite. And as he strolled through the Halloween carnival and allowed autumn to wrap around him like a blanket, he couldn’t help but feel at home. 
At the sight of the Haunted House, Bucky hung a right and curved around the back of the structure. He listened to the screams and subsequent laughter of the patrons inside as he waited for you. He didn’t particularly love haunted houses, and probably never would’ve considered partaking in one if it hadn’t been for you.
“Buck!” your voice broke through the noise of the festival and pulled Bucky’s attention. 
But as his head perked up, he didn’t find his best girl. No, he found only a bloody, decaying zombie sprinting in his direction. He’d never been so happy to see a monster.
“Woah! You look amazing, baby!” Bucky motioned for you to do a spin for him and admired your elaborate, almost-too-realistic make up and costume. “You’re gonna scare the hell outta these people, doll.”
A wide, satisfied smile stretched across your zombified face, “That’s the idea.” 
As carefully as you could you leaned in and brushed a kiss to Bucky’s lips. Of course, you didn’t want to dirty his face with your gory make up, but you simply couldn’t resist kissing him. And you’d never want to. 
“Wait, I thought Sam was coming with you,” you scanned the area, looking for Bucky’s partner in crime. “Did he change his mind?”
Bucky let out a breathy laugh, “No, he’s here. But he saw a caramel apple stand near the front of the carnival and I lost him immediately.”
Your laughed matched Bucky’s, “Yeah, that sounds like him.”
Bucky eyed the haunted house, with its flashing lights and eerie exterior. It loomed over the entirety of the carnival, promising heart-stopping terror and endless fright for anyone who dared to enter. A cold sweat dampened the palm of his right hand; he swiped it on his pantleg without a word.
“So, how’s it been going, doll? Are you having a good time?”
At first, you thought it might be strange to volunteer as a scare actor. You didn’t have any experience, and didn’t think of yourself as much of a performer. But the second you saw the listing for volunteers online, the idea wormed its way into your brain and refused to leave. You always loved Halloween, always loved all things creepy. And working as a scarer for a few nights a week sounded like fun.
But it was Bucky who gave you the final push you needed. He knew you were second-guessing yourself, knew you’d talk yourself out of it if he didn’t step in. And you were grateful he’d been there to encourage you.
“I’m having the best time! It’s been a blast so far,” the excitement radiating off of you was almost palpable. “Everyone’s so nice and we’re having so much fun. I’m really glad I decided to go through with it.”
“See? I told you,” Bucky shot you a wink. “I only wish I could’ve been here on opening night of the festival-”
“Buck, you were literally saving the world. I understand,” you told him. “There’s no hard feelings.”
“Well, I’m really happy for you sweetheart. I’m so glad you’re having a good time.” He gently placed his metallic hand on the least bloody part of your face, “And I’m so excited to see you in action.”
You gave him a strange look, “What do you mean?”
“I just mean that I can’t wait to see you doing your thing in there!” He gestured toward the haunt, “Can’t wait for you to scare me to death, baby.”
“Oh, Buck- no. I don’t-” you cut a glance toward the haunted house, knowing full well what lurked inside the walls. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“What? But I want to support you, doll-”
“You’re supporting me just by being here,” you leaned into his touch. “But I don’t think you should go in there, babe.”
Admittedly, he wasn’t looking forward to his trip through the haunt. Of course, he was excited to see you in your element- he just wished your element wasn't a terrifying, immersive experience.
“It’s a dark, enclosed space with blood and gore and people screaming,” you cautioned him. “And there’s actors who jump out at you from the dark. I swear, there’s one of us popping out around like, every corner.”
Bucky’s lips twisted into an uncomfortable, tense expression. He thought about what that experience might be like for him. How it might affect him. Once again, he found himself wiping his palm against his thigh.
“I just don’t want it to trigger anything for you, you know?” And you meant it. A trip through your stupid haunted house wasn’t worth his mental health.
He forced the tension out of his face and blanketed his features with a manufactured calm. You were always so supportive of him, always did your best to be there for him. And it was his turn to be there for you. What kind of boyfriend was he if he couldn’t even see you perform? Sure, going inside the haunt wasn’t his idea of a perfect evening, but he owed it to you.
“Yeah, but I’ve been through way worse, sweetheart. I can- I can handle a haunted house.” He wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince- you or himself. “As long as there isn’t a Hydra torture chamber scene, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“Well, I assure you there is not a Hydra torture chamber in there, but I still think you should think it over before you go inside. Okay?” You knew Bucky too well. Knew he’d do anything to make you happy- even if it meant sacrificing his peace. But he’d worked so hard to find that peace, and you couldn’t let him shatter it just for you. “I won’t be disappointed or get my feelings hurt if you decide not to go inside, I promise. I just want you to have a fun night without any pain or flashbacks or panic attacks.”
Bucky found nothing but authenticity in your voice. You weren’t just saying these things, or secretly hoping that he’d still venture into the haunt. No, you meant everything you said; you just wanted what was best for him. Wanted him to enjoy himself. And he was endlessly grateful for your understanding. For your kindness.
“Shit. Alright, I-” you looked down at your phone and sighed at the new text illuminating your screen, “I have to get back inside, my break’s over. Sorry, baby.”
“No, doll, don’t worry about it. Sorry I monopolized your entire break.”
“Are you kidding me?” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, “this was exactly how I wanted to spend it.”
He pulled you in for deep- yet careful- kiss. He didn’t want to mess up the makeup you’d worked so hard on but couldn’t let you go back inside without a kiss. 
“Just promise me you’ll think it over before you actually go inside the haunt, okay?” You eyed him with a serious, almost grave expression. “There won’t be any hard feelings if you sit this one out.”
“I promise,” he said. “And to tell you the truth, I’m- I’m thinking I might just stick to carnival games and funnel cake.”
A massive sigh of relief left your chest. The worry you’d been holding onto dissipated into the chilly autumnal air. And suddenly, nothing sounded better than cheap, rigged carnival games. 
“See, now that sounds like fun.” You left one more kiss to Bucky’s lips before heading toward your next shift. “Have a good time tonight, Buck.”
Bucky watched your bloody form receded toward the haunt. He couldn’t help but smile as he thought about your warnings, your cautionary words. You really did care about him. You loved him more than anyone ever had. And you always, always put him first. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to express how grateful he was to have you. And as he observed the way you went out of your path just to step on the crunchiest leaves you could find, he knew the two of you were perfectly suited.
“Baby!” Bucky called after you as you reached the back door of the haunt.
You turned.
“Do you still wanna come over later?” he shouted over the noise of the festival.
Your “DUH!” echoed across the distance. And then you disappeared inside.
“Aw, man. Did I miss her?” Sam appeared just behind Bucky, two caramel apples in hand.
“Yeah, she had to get back to work. Oh-” Bucky reached for the apple in Sam’s right hand, the one that hadn’t yet been marred by Sam’s teeth. “Is this for me? Thanks, I-”
“Um, no,” Sam yanked the treat out of Bucky’s reach. “These are both mine.”
Bucky scoffed, “You’re joking, right?” 
Bucky rolled his eyes, “You’re actually double-fisting caramel apples right now?”
Sam gave a confident nod and took a bite out of one of the treats. “Leave me alone, man. I’m just participating in the spirit of Halloween.”
“Jesus Christ,” Bucky couldn’t help but laugh at his friend’s antics. “Okay, well then, I’m gonna go get one of my own. Are you coming?”
Sam tilted his head to the side and gestured toward the haunt with one of his apples. “Aren’t we going inside now that she’s back on shift?”
Bucky gave the unsettling building a long look. He really did want to support you- but he just couldn’t bring himself to willingly venture into that environment. He thought back on what you said: Dark. Enclosed space. Blood. Gore. People jumping out of the darkness. It was the perfect recipe for a flashback. He could practically feel his PTSD crawling out of the darkest corners of his mind, waiting to pounce.
“Um, no, actually. I’m not- I’m not gonna go in,” Bucky said. “I was cautioned against it by a very sweet, very beautiful zombie.” 
It didn’t quite make sense to Sam. “She doesn’t want you to go inside?”
“She said it’s just not the best idea. The way she described it, I know it’s not gonna be a good experience for me,” a sad smile pulled at Bucky’s features. “Plus, I don’t know how I’m gonna react to bloody people popping out of the shadows and screaming at me. I feel like my training- or my PTSD- is gonna kick in and I might hit first and ask questions later,” he shrugged. “I don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
Sam didn’t suspect that Bucky would actually harm any of the actors; he trusted Bucky more than Bucky trusted himself. But he wasn’t going to push. If there was any possibility that the things inside the haunt might send Bucky into a spiral, he was happy to steer clear.
“Alright, yeah, we can- we can go play some games instead,” Sam suggested. “And you can win your girl a prize. Come on.”
Sam pointed Bucky in the direction of the carnival games- but not before he granted Bucky his second apple. 
“Wilson… I’m touched,” Bucky took a huge bite of the tart, sticky treat. “This is real friendship.”
“Yeah, yeah. But you’re getting the next round.” 
The two of them set off in the direction of the large array of carnival booths, both happily gnawing on a caramel apple. Bucky was grateful to have two people in his life who truly cared about his mental health. Two people who never forced him into situations that had the potential to rip open his old wounds. 
And though Bucky wished he could visit you inside the haunt, he knew it was better this way. If he chose to experience the haunted house and ended up having a violent flashback or a panic attack, he knew it would ruin your night. You’d spend the entire evening taking care of him, looking after him, worrying about him- you’d completely abandon your post inside the haunted house, and he couldn’t do that to you. He couldn’t take away your Halloween fun, especially not when you’d just told him what a blast it all was.
No, he’d instead spend the evening playing shitty carnival games, drinking pumpkin beer, and betting Sam that he couldn’t eat another caramel apple. And later, after you’d finished your night of scaring, he’d welcome you into his apartment and spend the rest of his evening snuggled up with you on the couch. He’d make a batch of spiced apple cider and curl up with you under a blanket. And the two of you would fall asleep while Scream played in the background.
Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Around ten-thirty, a quiet knock pulled Bucky from his book. He dropped it on the coffee table- taking no care to mark his page- and dashed toward the front door. He couldn’t wait to ask you a million questions. To hear your stories from the night. But when he threw open the door, he didn’t find the smiling zombie he’d seen just a few hours ago.
Something about you seemed off. Almost hollow. But Bucky couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He was certain you had to be tired- exhausted, really. You’d spent hours chasing after your victims and screaming at the top of your lungs. Surely, you were just worn out.
“Hey, Buck,” you did your best to force a smile, but it wasn’t at all convincing. 
“Hey, baby,” Bucky pulled you into his body without caring that you were still covered in a thick layer of fake blood and zombie make up. “You good?”
You nodded against his chest, “Yeah. Just tired.”
Bucky felt his worry recede a bit- but it didn’t vanish completely. He took you by the hand and brought you inside, but didn’t pepper you with questions like he’d planned. All of his wonderings could wait until after you got a well-deserved night of rest. 
“I was thinking I could make us some spiced apple cider,” Bucky offered, “But if you’d rather just go to sleep, I can save that for tomorrow. What do you think, doll?”
“Um, whatever you wanna do, babe,” you rummaged through your overnight bag and unearthed your toiletry bag and pajamas. “I’m gonna go shower and take off my make up.”
Without another word, you retreated down the hall and disappeared into the bathroom. Something about your demeanor didn’t sit right with Bucky. This wasn’t just exhaustion; something darker lurked beneath your still waters. But he opted to give you your space. He didn’t want to delay your shower; surely, you wanted to shed your grime and get comfortable. And once you’d emerged from your clean up, he’d once again ask about your well-being. But not a moment before.
He quickly changed shirts, shedding the one that he’d willingly dirtied by hugging you, and went to work on the cider. Even if you only wanted a sip or two before bed, that was enough for him. He didn’t mind putting in the effort if there was even a chance it might make you smile- he’d do anything to see that smile. To make you happy.
“Sorry that took so long,” you said as you padded down the hall half an hour later. “Getting all of the blood and make up off is kind of a process.” 
At the sound of your voice, Bucky rose from his seat in the kitchen and met you in the hall with a mug of hot cider, which you accepted.
“Don’t worry about it, doll. I was just-” a smiled flashed across his face, “Oh, sweetheart, it looks like you missed some.”
Some of the blueish purple make up still stained your cheek and tainted the skin around your eye. A bit of fake blood ran through your brow. And clearly, you’d forgotten to remove one of your bloody contacts. 
“Here, let me.” He raised his hand to your cheek and tried to swipe the remaining make up from your skin with his thumb, but you yanked your head away.
Pain burned in Bucky’s chest. You’d never flinched like that around him. Never once did you dodge his touch or fear that he might hurt you. You always said you didn’t see him as a threat, didn’t think of him as a monster. What had happened in the last few hours that changed the way you saw him? 
He felt himself teetering on the edge of heartbreak, but the puzzle pieces fell together before he had the chance to fall apart. He didn’t recall you wearing bloody special effects contacts earlier tonight. And your zombie make up hadn’t been that shade of indigo. 
Bucky flipped on the hall light, bathing your face in a warm glow. He carefully raised his palms in a wordless promise that he wouldn’t hurt you. And once you gave him a small nod, he gently cradled your face in his hands. He carefully turned your head toward the light, allowing him a good, clear look at the marks on your face. 
And what he found ripped open a pit in his stomach. You didn’t flinch because you feared him- no, you flinched because you were hurt.
A large, dark blue bruise bloomed under the skin of your cheekbone. And another bruise stained your orbital purple. The area was already swelling, and Bucky couldn’t help but think about how much pain you were in. A gash sliced through your eyebrow, just above your blackened eye. And unfortunately, the blood staining the white of your eye wasn’t part of a creepy contact lens- it was real. It was all real.
“Shit. Baby, what happened?” 
“I’m fine,” you lied.
“No, you’re not,” Bucky insisted. 
A few tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. You spent your entire ride to Bucky’s telling yourself that you were fine. That you were okay. That it was just some bruising. That crying wouldn’t fix anything. You told yourself that people go through way worse every day- that Bucky had been through way, way worse for almost a century. You told yourself that it wasn’t a big deal. That getting emotional over something so small was unnecessarily dramatic. 
But Bucky automatically validated you- without even knowing it.
“What happened, sweetheart?”
You cut a glance to the side- which only made your eye throb. “Um, there was this guy who came through the haunt. And when I jumped out at him, he um,” you shrugged. “He hit me.”
A hurricane of emotion ripped through Bucky. He was horrified. Concerned. Wrathful. Heartbroken. All at once. 
“He hit me twice, actually…” You knew it would only make Bucky more upset. But what was the point of hiding the truth? He was going to be distraught either way. “He hit me here first,” you pointed at your cheek. “And then the second time, he got me in the eye. He had one of those big, collegiate class rings on- that’s what sliced my eyebrow open.”
“Jesus. Okay, um, you hang tight right here. I’m gonna grab my keys and some shoes- I need to get you to the emergency room,” Bucky threw his attention down the hall, searching for his keys.
“I don’t need to go to the ER-”
“Then I’m at least taking you to a minor emergency clinic,” Bucky insisted. “You need to be seen by-”
“The medic at the carnival already gave me a once over,” you rested a hand against his chest, calming him. “She said I’m fine. The cut doesn’t need stitches. I just have a minor concussion.”
Bucky stared at you for a long moment while a war raged inside his head. He knew you were okay, that your life wasn’t in danger. And he could tell you were too tired for an unnecessary trip to the hospital. But he’d feel more comfortable if a doctor took a look at you. If he had a guarantee that you’d be alright.
“I promise I’m okay,” you told him. “I really just wanna rest.”
And after another long moment of internally weighing the pros and cons, Bucky conceded.
“Okay. Here, I’ll take that,” he took your mug of cider and placed it on the hall table. “Come sit, sweetheart,” Bucky took you by the hand and led you to the living room. He got you situated on the couch and draped a blanket over your lap.
“He actually tried to hit me a third time,” you said. “I was already on the ground at that point. But he still went for it.”
You didn’t mean to sound so wounded. So pathetic. But part of you was still in shock. And the other part was heartbroken that one person had ruined your entire experience. 
“Thankfully, a few of the other actors got to him before he had the chance to actually make contact again.”
Bucky thought he might be sick. “What the fuck?”
You shrugged, “I’m not… I don’t know.”
“Um, do you need- I’m gonna get you some ice, okay?” He didn’t want to leave your side, but he could practically feel the throbbing, pounding pain hammering inside your head. And when he returned from the kitchen with an ice pack, some Tylenol, and a glass of water, he took a seat next to you.
“Why would he- he knew he was going into a haunted house. Why would he hit you?” Bucky couldn’t wrap his mind around it. He knew it was possible that the trauma from his Hydra days could make him lash out inside the haunt, so he chose to abstain. Why your assailant hadn’t done the same baffled him. 
“And why would he hit you multiple times?”
You shook your head and instantly regretted it as pain surged through your face. “I mean, they say ‘fight or flight.’ He clearly chose fight.”
“But after the initial hit, the shock and fear would’ve worn off,” Bucky reasoned. “He would’ve been able to recognize that he wasn’t actually in danger. That you were an actor, not a threat.” He sighed, “At least, he should’ve been able to figure that out.”
With a swig of water, you downed the pain relievers and sunk back into the couch cushions. The ice stung against your tender, pulsing wounds and you hissed at the sensation. But as the cold rendered your face completely numb, you recanted your initial, ungrateful thoughts.
“Well, I’m pretty sure he’d been drinking,” you rolled your eyes. It sent pain rocketing through your skull. “One of the guys that pulled him off of me said the guy was slurring his words pretty badly and absolutely reeked of beer.”
“Oh, perfect,” Bucky clenched his hands into tight fists. “Did anything happen to him? Is he gonna face any consequences?”
You offered him a downtrodden half-shrug. “I’m not sure. There were some security guards who escorted him out, but that’s all I know.”
Bucky leaned over and brushed a light kiss to your cheek- the one that hadn’t been marred by stranger’s fist. A razor-sharp feeling of helplessness carved deep into his flesh until it struck bone. He had a duty to you, and felt as though he’d failed. He couldn’t save you. Couldn’t protect you. Couldn’t even take you to the emergency room. 
All he could do at this point was try his best make you feel comfortable. Safe. And above all, he had to take care of you. 
Alarm struck him in the chest as he noticed what appeared to be a fresh drop of scarlet oozing from your brow. He stood from the couch with worry pulsing through his veins. “Sweetheart, I’m gonna go get some supplies to tend to your cut. Okay? You stay here, I’ll be-”
“No, that’s okay, Buck. It’s not that bad,” you shook your head, rejecting his offer; the throbbing inside your skull multiplied.  
“Baby, you’re bleeding…”
“What?” you removed the ice pack from your face and used your free hand to swipe a finger across your brow- only to find a warm, sticky sensation. “Oh, I didn’t even notice. My face is numb,” you brandished the ice pack at him. 
Bucky’s soft laugh filled the room, “I guess that’s a good thing?”
You gave him a careful nod. “Definitely.”
“Sit tight, doll. It’ll only take me a second.”
And he was right. He was only gone a few moments at the most; anything more than that felt unjustifiable. 
“Alright, let me see,” Bucky took a seat on the coffee table and placed his first aid supplies down next to him. As carefully as he could, he took your face in his hands and appraised your wound. He used gentle pressure to hold a piece of clean gauze against the bloody ooze. And though the cut wasn’t severe, it didn’t stop the dread from circling him like a vulture.
“I should’ve stuck around longer,” he lamented. “I should’ve stayed at the festival. Maybe I could’ve helped you somehow. Maybe I could’ve-”
Your hands found his forearms and wrapped gently around his wrists. “No, Buck. I didn’t want you going inside the haunt, regardless. Even if it was only to be my knight in shining armor.”
He stroked along your jaw with his cold, metallic thumb. “You always put me first, don’t you?”
“Of course,” you swept your thumbs over his skin, “I’d never dream of having it any other way.”
If there was one thing Bucky could count on, it was being your first priority. He’d never imagined he’d meet anyone who valued him. Who saw his worth. But you did- you always did. And you placed him proudly on a pedestal as your number one. Nothing came before him; nothing could take his place. He mattered more to you than anything or anyone ever had.
You were the kindest, most understanding person he’d ever met. You saw the good in everyone, even if they couldn’t see it themselves. And knowing that someone hurt you, that you were shown anything other than gentleness, killed him.
“Baby, I’m- I’m so sorry this happened. You didn’t deserve it.”
You poked at the ice pack resting in your lap, “It’s fine. I mean, it’s not ideal. But I’m not dying, or anything.” Your gaze dropped to the floor, “It’s really not a big deal.”
“Hey, look at me,” Bucky waited for your eyes to meet his, but had no luck. “Sweetheart, can you look at me? Please?”
After another long moment, you finally dragged your eyes upward. Bucky instantly clocked the tears gathering along your lash line.
“I know you’re not dying; I know this isn’t life threatening- but it’s still a big deal,” he said. “What happened is not okay. And you don’t have to pretend like it is.”
You rolled your eyes, sending a tear trailing down your cheek. “But you’ve been through a lot worse. I got punched- so what?” You scoffed, “You were abused for close to a hundred years. What happened to me isn’t-”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t be upset,” he said. “You don’t have to compare your life to mine, sweetheart. No one should’ve laid a hand on you- tonight or ever.” He searched your face for a long moment, “Okay?”
It took a while for his words to sink in. For you to believe them. Rebuttals formed on your tongue every few seconds, but the concern in Bucky’s eyes banished them.
A sigh of relief left his chest, and he delivered a long kiss to your forehead. He didn’t want you to diminish the events of the evening all because of him. Didn’t want you constantly using his suffering as a litmus test for your own. He knew you’d never consider your trauma as worthwhile if it always had to stand up to his.
With a fresh piece of gauze, he swiped the tears from your eyes. “Good. I love you.”
This wasn’t what you expected out of life. You were the last of your friends to find something real. To find someone worthwhile. And you assumed you’d missed your window. All of your exes treated you like you barely existed. Like you weren’t worth their time. None of them were ever concerned about your happiness or your well-being. And after dating more assholes than you could count, you resigned yourself to a life without romantic love.
And then Bucky spilled coffee all over your shoes, and you’d never been happier to have stained sneakers.
Bucky used a butterfly bandage to carefully close your cut and fetched you a fresh cup of cider. He took care of you in a way you’d never experienced. In a way you’d never thought possible. And after the night you had, all you wanted was to curl up on the couch with him. You wanted to fall asleep in his arms and forget all about what happened. 
But just as Bucky took his rightful place next to you on the couch, he was gone.
“Buck, where are you-”
“I almost forgot!” he called from down the hall. And just as quickly as he vanished, he reappeared with his hands behind his back. “Those carnival games are really hard- I mean, really fucking hard. And it took me all night, but I won this for you.”
With a quiet “Ta-da!” he revealed his prize and held it out for you. 
“I know he’s kind of ugly,” Bucky laughed, “But-”
“He’s not ugly!” You snatched the prize and held it close to your chest.
It was a little black teddy bear with orange spots- and upon further inspection, the orange spots appeared to be jack-o-lanterns. An orange and black plaid bow sat perched around the bear’s neck, and a tiny witch’s hat rested atop his head.
“Buck, he’s perfect,” you reached for him, pulling him down for a long, deep kiss before he even had the chance to sit. “I love him!”
“I’m so glad, it took me longer to win him than I’d like to admit,” Bucky laughed. “I’m sure Sam will happily tell you all about it.”
Once again, you captured Bucky’s lips with yours. Sure, you were exhausted. And hurting. And sad. But as Bucky’s hand cradled your face, and the prize he’d worked so hard to win for you rested against your chest, the pain of the evening melted away.
“Thank you, Buck.”
He shot you a wink, “Anytime, I-”
 “I mean it,” you abandoned your new teddy bear for only a second and took one of Bucky’s hands in both of yours. It took most of your strength, but you finally got him to take his spot next to you on the couch, “Thank you.”
His arm snaked around you and pulled you tightly into his side. “I’ve always got your back, baby.”
With your new teddy bear resting in your lap, you snuggled as close to Bucky as you possibly could. He brought you a sense of peace, a sense of safety that you’d never experienced before. All he ever wanted to do was take care of you, and you thanked the universe every day for granting you someone so gentle and kind and sweet.
Bucky put on a classic Halloween movie from your childhood, Halloweentown, to help you feel a little more at ease. And it came as no surprise to him that you were asleep less than fifteen minutes in, but he didn’t mind. He simply pulled you into his chest and carefully carried you to bed- along with your new stuffed animal. 
And as he climbed in next to you, he couldn’t have been more grateful for your cautionary words about the haunt. He thought about how different the night could’ve been, how much worse things might’ve gone had he stepped foot inside the dark, scary environment. What if he had a bad reaction and hurt one of your coworkers? What if he hurt you? If he’d been the one to strike you in the dark, you absolutely would’ve required an ambulance and a hospital stay. 
Just thinking about his metal fist connecting with your face made him nauseous. With a shake of his head, he forced the thoughts away. You were okay, you were right there next to him, sleeping soundly with your teddy bear tucked safely in your arms. He eyed you in the light of the moon, and thanked any deity who would listen for keeping him out of the haunt.
Just as he considered allowing his eyes to close, you moved. You loosened your grip on your bear and let him fall to the side as your sleepy hands searched for Bucky. He moved closer to you and watched with a smile as you draped your body over his. A tired, contented sigh fell from your lips, and Bucky thought his heart might melt.
He knew he didn’t deserve you. Knew he’d done so much wrong in his life. But now that you were his, he’d spend every day trying to protect you. Trying to make you happy. 
He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you. He was already planning to offer you a ring next October- doing so during any other month felt like sacrilege. 
@beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @lonewolf471 @purpleshallot @seitmai @itvy5601 @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @buckys-metal-arm @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vrittivsanghavi @idkitsem @avengetheunnatural @rassvetsky @hereforbuckyandsteve @juvellian @samanthacookieone @frombkjar @blackbirdsinatrenchcoat @anything-more-than-human
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snowwybear · 7 months ago
𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔠𝔞𝔱 𝑔𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 | 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗺𝗲
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warnings: fluff
vinnehacker sent you a message on Instagram
It had been a while since you messaged Vinnie, ever since the party you occasionally message him back and forth, but it had been a while since your last text exchange.
9:30 AM
vinnehacker: hey, did you know that a dog’s tail wagging is like their personal “good morning” song?
10:00 AM
oh really? and I suppose you have a “good morning” song for every occasion?
10:05 AM
well, only the ones that matter!
speaking of occasions, how about a coffee date this weekend?
A coffee date? How bold. You wouldn't admit this, but Vinnie was probably- no THE - most perfect guy you've ever talked to. Looks can be deceiving, Vinnie is a Greek God, but he has the heart of an angel.
10:15 AM
A coffee date, huh?
what exactly makes you think I’d be up for that?
10:20 AM
I have a feeling that my irresistible charm and a perfectly brewed cup of coffee might just do the trick.
plus, I think we'd make a pretty dynamic duo.
10:25 AM
flattery and caffeine, is it? you might be onto something.
but tell me, what’s your strategy if I decide to bring a book instead of a chat?
10:30 AM
I’ll just have to charm you, and if that fails, I’ll let you enjoy your book while I offer you the world’s comfiest shoulder to lean on.
10:35 AM
I suppose I could be tempted by that.
How about we meet at that new café on Elm Street? I’ve heard they have excellent pastries.
10:40 AM
I’ll bring my best “I’m a great date” smile.
can’t wait to see you! 💕
Your face is resting in your hand as you read over the message. There's something about this enthusiasm that you loath but also admire.
10:45 AM
and if I order the entire pastry menu?
10:50 AM
I’ll just have to up my game to match your sweet tooth.
10:55 AM
oh, now you’re talking my language.
but be warned, I might challenge you to a pastry-eating contest.
11:00 AM
challenge accepted
but just so you know, I’m pretty competitive when it comes to pastries.
bring your A-game!
11:05 AM
we’ll see about that.
I’m looking forward to it, Vinnie.
I’m not so easily impressed soo.....
11:10 AM
noted can't wait to impress you
I have a few tricks up my sleeve so should be a piece of cake
11:15 AM
oh, this should be interesting.
see you on Saturday, then.
see you there!
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h-33-s-3-ung · 1 year ago
Good girl
Jake smut MDNI
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Synopsis: It was your first official time hanging out with your boyfriend alone in his shared dorm. He had planned a whole movie night but it turned out to be much better.
Warnings: virgin reader, virgin Jake, oral sex (f, m receiving). Lmk if I missed something.
Word count ≈2300
💬-Hey Jakey
-sorry I just woke up… what is it?
💬-Guess what…
-You’re with Layla?
💬-unfortunately no.
-But there’s something else!
💬-I don’t know… tell me please.
💬-the boys are all gonna be away tonight. They will come back around 2 am.
-So… I thought you could come over and we can have a movie night! We can go get some snacks at the convenience store down the street and watch a bunch of movies! What do you think? You can even sleep over if you want.
💬-I have to go do some laundry first tho… when do you want me to come over?
💬-Maybe around 9pm? Is that good?
💬-That works for me… okay so I’ll see you tonight. LOVE YOU JAKEY ❤️
You arrive at enhypen’s infamous dorm. It was going to be your first time going there and spending a night alone with Jake. You had five hours with your boyfriend and you couldn’t be more excited. You had already made a list on your phone with all the movies you wanted to watch. You and Jake agreed you wanted tonight to be a horror movie night, so you prepared a few classics.
You walked in the little path leading to the front door and rang the door bell. You heard Jake screaming "Coming!" Accompanied with his loud footsteps indicating he was running to open the door. How adorable.
He opened the door:
"Y/N!" He said happily as you entered the building.
You gave him a long and warm hug while saying:
"I’m so excited for tonight. I made a list on my phone of all the movies we could watch. Not only for tonight but for other nights too."
"Wow! You came prepared! Oh, and I already went to the convenience store. I couldn’t wait so I got you your favorite Candy and chips!" He said showing you the plastic bags happily.
"Omg! You remembered my favorites? You’re so thoughtful thank you Jakey." You said pouting.
"Also I have another surprise. Follow me." He said turning around walking at a fast pace from the excitement. "Look! I made a giant couch from the two couches!"
You could almost see a tail wiggling behind him as he said so. He resembled an excited puppy and you couldn’t resist his cuteness.
"Awn you’re too kind! I’m so excited to start this movie night."
"Let’s get this party started then!" He said plopping himself down on the comfortable couch.
You did the same as him, sighting in relief as you melted in the soft cushion after your long day of endless chores.
"So what’s the movie you want to watch first?" He asked.
"What about nightmare on elm street?" You proposed.
"Ouh yes I’ve been wanting to watch this for the longest time. Let’s gaur!" He said clapping his hands from joy.
And so you started the movie.
An hour later
You were still eating the snacks your precious boyfriend had got for you but you also cuddled him lightly, still a little bit shy as this was the first time watching a scary movie with him.
"You can cuddle me more if you want." He said looking down at you.
You blushed and scooted away a little bit only to rest your head on his lap. His black sweatpants were so soft against your cheek and his lap was surprisingly cosy compared to what you expected, which was a pile of hard muscles from dancing so often.
There was about 40 minutes left to the movie and you started to feel that your boyfriend was moving a lot, seemingly uncomfortable. You sat up and looked at him concerned.
"Are you okay? Am I hurting you? Do you want me to move?" You asked.
The screen became bright and it illuminated your boyfriend’s face, that was now embellished with red as he blushed.
"No please don’t move" he responded sounding exhausted. "I’m okay."
"Okay, if you say so." You said laying back down. This time when your gently placed your head back on his lap, you felt something hard. You thought his thighs were contracted and you thought nothing of it until it twitched.
"Are you sure you’re okay Jakey?" You asked once again.
"Yeah… I’m just… you…" he licked his lips and scoffed before replying frankly: "I’m hard."
You tilted your head in confusion and looked down, realizing what he meant. There was a big bump coming out of his pants. It made your heart skip a beat in excitement as you felt a sensation you had never felt before. You could only describe it as a knot in your throat.
"Do you want to do something about it?" He asked seductively.
"You mean… s-sex?" You responded stuttering.
"Only if you want to tho." He assured you.
"I’ve never done anything with anyone except myself before… I don’t know what to do." You added.
"Don’t worry, I’m a virgin too. I can guide you tho. Do you want to?" He asked.
"Yes!" You responded.
"Alright… let’s just start by kissing a little bit and making you feel comfortable." Your boyfriend said before putting his hand on your jaw and kissing you softly and sensually.
You responded by wrapping a hand around his neck while the other one stayed on his toned abs, sadly covered by his shirt.
You slightly moaned in between kisses as he inserted his tongue in your mouth, making it come in contact with yours. He scoffed and smiled into the kiss, sending shivers down you spine.
His free hand came up from the couch and came in contact with your waist, giving you slight goosebumps. He then slid his hand up and stopped kissing you only to ask: "Can I touch you?" To which you responded by nodding your head.
His hand then went under your shirt. He caressed your waist a little longer before sliding up until he reached your bra. He opened his eyes and stopped kissing you once again to ask you: "can I?" To which you responded saying: "Please." In a whiny voice.
"Good girl." He said.
You moaned at his words making him kiss you even harder than before. He moved your bra to the side before grabbing your boob squeezing it lightly. He felt your nipple harden at the sensation and quickly grabbed your second boob, giving it the same treatment.
"You can touch me too you know." He said almost begging.
You reached your hand under his shirt caressing his abs slightly, making you wet down there.
“Do you want me to teach you how to make me feel good?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"Yes Jake." You replied.
"Okay, so, reach down my pants and grab my cock" He instructed you.
You did as he said. He was so big and his veins were sticking out almost everywhere. You were drooling at the sight. You knew it was big but you never imagined it that big. You gave him a cute look telling him: "what next?"
"Okay…" he continued with a gasp: "You’re going to stroke it slowly but don’t hold it too tight or it will hurt."
You followed his instructions and all he could do in response to your actions was to tilt his head back and moan deeply in pleasure.
"Aah~ that’s it. Y-you’re doing amazing. G-good girl." He moaned.
You only got more excited as his words entered your brain.
"I’m close. Stop I don’t want to cum yet." He said.
He paused, catching his breath before asking you: "Can I make you feel good now?" He proposed.
"Yes please." You begged.
"Alright." He said before making you stand up and exchanging positions with you so that you were laying down and he was on top of you.
He took your shirt off and admired your body for a few minutes before starting to kiss all over it. Starting from your boobs, kissing licking and sucking on them all of that to make you feel comfortable around him. He moved down slowly now kissing your tummy, leaving purple-ish marks all over it. "You’re so hot, baby." He said in between kisses, making you smile and gasp at the sudden praise coming from him.
His head got down to where your pussy was and gave you a look asking for you permission to take your pants off. You smiled and nodded your head giving him your permission to do so. He smiled, gave your stomach one last kiss before curling his fingers under your waistband, pulling your pants down and eventually taking them all off. He paused shortly admiring your underwear. You wore a black see through lace thong that gave him the opportunity to see your folds clearly. "So beautiful." He complimented before taking your underwear off as well, throwing them somewhere in the room.
"Can I?" He asked looking at you.
"Please." You whispered.
He smiled and grabbed under your knees, making them bend into a 45° angle so he could get a good look at your wet folds. He started kissing your inner thigh giving it the same treatment as the rest of your body. He looked at you with doe eyes while doing it, making you smile in admiration of his beautiful face. After a few more minutes he finally attached his lips to your clit, giving it little kisses gradually including his tongue in them making you feel things you never felt before. Your mouth hung open as your eyebrows furrowed. What a sight for your horny boyfriend to admire while tasting you. He kept going for a few more minutes before you stopped him, saying: "I’m also close… I don’t want to cum yet either." He understood and stopped.
"Do you want to ride me?" He asked right away.
"I was about to ask if I could." You responded smiling.
"Okay, I’m gonna sit down. Do you want me to guide you a little?" He asked.
"Yes. I think I know what to do but I’m also not sure." You confessed.
"Don’t worry. I can teach you."
You got on top of him, kissing him trying to calm yourself down before starting your session. He removed his shirt, was about to start and then stopped.
"Wait." Your boyfriend suddenly said, lifting you up and making you sit down.
"What is it?" You asked confused.
"Condom." He simply responded.
"Oh, right" You nodded.
He came back after a few seconds, condom in hand he sat back down, unwrapped it and slowly rolled it down his long and thick shaft.
"Come back here." He said, doing a *come here* motion with his right hand.
You got back on top of him and grabbed his dick putting it close to your entrance. You slowly started moving down on his length. It was quite sore at first and Jake saw your face that indicated it stung a little, so he grabbed your left boob once again and started playing with it and kissing it to distract you from the pain. It eventually distracted you enough to start moving more. His cock now all the way inside of you, making you both moan in pleasure.
"You’re so warm and tight darling. So good." He praised.
He grabbed your ass and guided you as you were riding him. You started moving faster and faster both of you started moaning louder by the second. Your skin was slapping together making wet noises. It bothered you at first but the sensation of Jake being inside of you made you quickly forget the embarrassment.
"Jakey…I-I’m close. I think… I think I’m gonna cum." You moaned, your pussy tightening around your boyfriend’s cock, making his face contort intensely in pleasure as you came all over his thighs.
"I’m cumming to baby,Aah~" he moaned in response as he continued to make you ride him as to make you ride out your orgasm and make him cum in the process. He eventually did so, in the condom before letting go of your ass and laying his head on the cushion. You collapsed on top of him breathing heavily, listening to his heart beat which was pretty relaxing to you.
"That was amazing y/n. Did you like it?" He asked
"Yes yes yes, I loved it. And I love you so much Jakey." You responded pulling him into a warm kiss before getting up from him, cleaning yourself up and getting dressed.
Your boyfriend followed you into the bathroom to clean himself too. He also got dressed and you two sat back down on the couch. Your first movie was now over, but you started a second one and waited for the boys to come back.
A few minutes later you heard the front door open. And the guys were laughing and talking loudly. Jay came into the living room first and screamed: "Oh man! What did you guys do in here?! It smells like sweat!" You looked at each other and burst out laughing. Jay responded by saying: "Don’t tell me you did some nasty business on the couch where heeseung plays video games with Niki all day long…"
Jake only shrugged his shoulder with a grin plastered on his face.
Niki responded: "Heeseung hyung, I love you but I don’t think I’ll be able to play video games with you on the couch anymore.
"Oh me neither Niki, don’t worry." The eldest responded.
Jake looked at you and laughed again. "We’re gonna go to sleep. Good night guys." He said while waving goodbye to the boys.
"No more dirty business! I want to be able to sleep tonight." Sunoo said.
"No worries." You both responded.
You got your and Jake’s bed set, brushed your teeth and cuddled until you both fell asleep from exhaustion.
Here’s jake’s story! I hope you like it. Thank you guys so much for liking my precious fictions!🫶 See you guys soon!❤️
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ibtravart · 4 months ago
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A Nightmare On Elm Street debuted on this day in limited release 40. Years. Ago.
40 Years of Freddy!!!
Whatta great series and icon.
(sketch c. 2017 from my 31 Days of Halloween sketch series)
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brokehorrorfan · 6 months ago
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A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, and A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors' soundtracks are available on vinyl via Mondo.
Each expanded 2xLP album features the original soundtrack on the first disc and additional themes and cues on the second disc. Priced at $40 a piece, they'll ship in November.
A Nightmare on Elm Street is composed by Charles Bernstein (Cujo, April Fool's Day). It's pressed on 140-gram "Boiler Room Blast" colored vinyl and housed in a gatefold jacket featuring art by Mike Saputo and liner notes by Bernstein.
Freddy's Revenge is composed by Christopher Young (Hellraiser, Sinister). It's pressed on 140-gram "Freddy Blast" colored vinyl and housed in a gatefold jacket featuring art by Mike Saputo and liner notes by director Jack Sholder and actor Mark Patton.
Dream Warriors is composed by Angelo Badalamenti (Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive). It's pressed on 140-gram "Hypnocil Dream Haze" colored vinyl and housed in a gatefold jacket featuring art by Mike Saputo and liner notes by actor Ira Heiden.
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frootbyethefoot · 1 year ago
in other news related to things i like and their anniversarys: no way
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actually sick to my stomach i love half life so much
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duranduratulsa · 4 months ago
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Up next on my 40th Anniversary Freddy Krueger movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #l#movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #anightmareonelmstreet7 #wescravensnewnightmare #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #heatherlangenkamp #JohnSaxon #RIPJohnSaxon #AmandaWyss #JsuGarcia #nickcorri #robertshaye #MikoHughes #tracymiddendorf #franbennett #sararisher #mariannemaddelena #wearlbrown #jessicacraven #MattWinston #SamRubin #PatrickLussier #davidnewsom #tuesdayknight #LinShaye #SamRubin #BodhiElfman #vintage #VHS #90s #newlinecinema #elmstreet40
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newyorkthegoldenage · 1 year ago
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Spotlights illuminated the night operation of placing of a 40-foot English elm on the tiny lawn surrounding St. Patrick’s Cathedral, October 18, 1939. A dozen skilled tree movers placed the giant elm, with three more trees planted on the Fifth Avenue side of the cathedral the next day. They all matched trees that line the avenue in front of Rockefeller Center, across the street.
Photo: Anthony Camerano for the AP
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thestarwarslesbian · 4 months ago
To Celebrate the 40th birthday of Lou Ferrigno Jr. I have complied a list of some of my favourtie movies that are turing 40 years old in 2024. This is a way to remind other people how old they are.
A Nightmare of Elm Street
The Terminator
The Karate Kid
Temple of Doom
Police Academy
The Search for Spock
Romancing the Stone
Muppets take Manhatten
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stellanslashgeode · 4 months ago
I feel what we need to put arguments from the "Fandom Menace" and other bad-faith Disney Star Wars critics into context are longitudinal studies of other 40-50 year old film-first franchises. So, Star Trek is off the table here. Let's see how other contemporaries of Star Wars are doing?
Alien: Wow, you've had a few miles of rough road behind you! Had a bunch of edgelord Dark Horse comics in the 90s? Put out a critically and fan critical prequel series that tried to do something different? But none but a few defenders actually like? Got a few announced entries that were dragged behind the barn and unceremoniously shot? Well, give it a few years. You're still and ongoing concern, and you're a Disney product now so I'll check up in a few years. You might be the most Star Wars on this list.
If Alien is the mother of Sci-Fi action movies, how is the fun drunk uncle doing?
Predator: Wow! Damn! You okay there, bro? Fuck, dude... Your best and latest release was straight-to-Hulu because of the pandemic? Damn. What's that you say? The director of your most celebrated entry went to jail, and not movie jail actual jail jail? Get well soon, buddy.
Horror movies are generally long running and have die-hard fans. Let's see how a few of those are doing?
Hellraiser: Damn, bud! Same thing as Predator with the straight-to-Hulu thing, eh? Well, tell Jamie Clayton I love her. Sense8 forever. Looks like you went into straight-to-DVD hell for a long time there, too! And you've got a genuine ashcan sequel you swept under the rug just to keep the rights? What's that I see? An actual Alan Smithee film? Fuck, dude. Via con Dios.
Okay, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street, how you doing? 2010s weren't kind to you? Okay, next.
Terminator: Woah, there! Looks like you need to take a long nap. You got rode all night and put back wet. You've got more failed reboots than anyone on this list! Mabe there is actually no fate but what we make, and we need to not make Terminator films for a bit. (Low key, tho? Dark Fate kind of ruled. Love you. You're like good edgy fanfic. Not the movie I wanted but the one we deserved at the time.)
Maybe we need to get back to Lucasfilm for a bit.
Indiana Jones: Hey there, buddy. Are you okay? Maybe you need to take a rest? Stretch out on the lazy-boy grandpa, you deserve it.
Willow: What the fuck? Not renewed and then DELETED? Is there a physical release? No? Fuck! Are you saying you mostly exist as Tumblr gifsets now? Jesus Christ!
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horror-thriller-brackets · 11 months ago
Got a tentative list of the next tournament, best horror and thriller music themes.
1. The Shining, Main Title/The Shining
2. The Silence of the Lambs, Main Title
3. psycho, The Murder
4. Jaws, Theme (From Jaws)
5. The Thing, The Thing
6. Halloween, Halloween Theme
7. The Exorcist, Tubular Bells
8. Get Out, Sikiliza Kwa Wahenga
9. Midsommar, Fire Temple
10. Suspiria, Suspiria
11. Nightmare on Elm Street, Main Title
12. Rosemary’s Baby, Lullaby from Rosemary’s Baby
13. 28 Days Later, Main Theme
14. Alien, Main Title
15. Friday the 13th, Overlay of Evil
16. Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks Theme
17. Crimson Peak, Edith’s Theme
18. The Ring, The Well
19. Candyman, It Was Always You, Helen
20. I Saw the Devil, Devil’s Bossa
21. Stoker, Duet
22. The Omen, Ave Satani
23. Don’t Look Now, John’s Theme
24. Godzilla, Main Title
25. Parasite, Opening
26. Oldboy, The Last Waltz
27. Black Swan, Night of Terror
28. Us, Pas de Deux
29. train to Busan, goodbye world
30. Godzilla Minus One, Divine
31. Perfect Blue, Virtua Mima
32. Gravity, Debris
33. Paprika, the Girl in Byakkoya
34. Prey, Naru’s Way
35. Chinatown, Love Theme
36. L.A Confidential, The Victor
37. Beyond Evil, Who is the Monster
38. Squid Game, Way Back When
39. Flower of Evil, Flower of Evil
40. Knives Out, Knives Out!
41. Strangers from Hell, Others
42. Searching, New User
43. Person of Interest, Listening with a Million Ears
44. The X Files, X Files Theme
45. Over the Garden Wall, Prelude
46. Coraline, End Credits
47. Death Note, Death Note Theme
48. Monster, Grain
49. Ergo proxy, New Pulse
50. Erased, The Town Where Only I Am Missing
51. The Promised Neverland, Isabella’s Lullaby
52. Devilman Crybaby, DVMN
53. Chainsaw Man, Sweet Dreams
54. Tokyo Ghoul, TG Symphonie
55. Akira, Kaneda’s Theme
56. Purple Hyacinth, Purple Hyacinth Theme
57. Mogeko Castle, Main Theme
58. Ib, main theme
59. Beetle juice, Title Theme
60. ID Invaded, Other Side
61. Psycho Pass, Psycho Pass
62. The Batman, Batman theme
63. The Fly, Plasma Pool
64. Hannibal, Bloodfest
65. Death Parade, Moonlit Night
66. Elfen Lied, Lilium
67. The Twilight Zone, Main theme
68. Saw Theme
69. Children of the Corn, Main theme
70. Umineko, Katayoku no tori
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mr-humphries · 3 days ago
Not the usual thing I post, however, I feel
Very sad keeping this clusterfuck to myself KKDKDM
Anywhom, I present you:
The Ice Nine Kills Silver Scream Marathon
Cause I've recently decided I like films KDKDSK
WARNING: all these films contain some level of blood, gore, body horror, and other stuff they could get away with in the 80's - mid 2000's, so viewer discretion n allat
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The Silver Scream
Total run time (not including continuing series + bonus songs) : - 21 hrs 58min - 22 hrs 38 mins
1. The American Nightmare [A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - 1 hr 31 min]
2. Thank god it's Friday [Friday the 13th (1980) - 1 hr 35 min]
3. Stabbing in the Dark [Halloween (1978) - 1 hr 31 min]
4. SAVAGES [Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - 1 hr 23 min]
5. The Jig is Up [Saw (2004) - 1 hr 43 m]
6. A Grave Mistake [The Crow (1994) - 1 hr 42 m]
7. Rocking the Boat [Jaws (1975) - 2 hr 4 m]
8. Enjoy your Slay [The Shining (1980) - 2 hr 26 m]
9. Freak Flag [The Devil's Rejects (2005) - 1 hr 47 m]
10. The World in my Hands [Edward Scissorhands (1990) - 1 hr 45 m]
11. Merry Axe-mas [Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) - 1 hr 19 m]
12. Love Bites [An American Werewolf in London (1981) - 1 hr 37 m]
13. IT is the end [IT (1990) ep 1 - 1 hr 34 min // or // IT (2017) - 2 hr 13 m]
Next up:
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Welcome to Horrorwood
Total run time (not including series + bonus songs): 17 hrs 47 mins
1. A Rash Decision [Cabin Fever (2002) - 1 hr 33 m]
2. Assault & Batteries [Child's Play (1988) - 1 hr 27 m]
3. The Shower Scene [Psycho (1960) - 1 hr 49 m]
4. Funeral Derangements [Pet Sematary (1989) - 1 hr 43 m]
5. Rainy Day [Resident Evil (2002) - 1 hr 40 m]
6. Hips to be Scared [American Psycho (2000) - 1 hr 42 m]
7. Take Your Pick [My Bloody Valentine (1981) z- 1 hr 30 m]
8. The Box [Hellraiser (1987) - 1 hr 34 m]
9. F.L.Y [The Fly (1986) - 1 hr 36 m]
10. Wurst Vacation [Hostel (2005) - 1 hr 34 m]
11. Ex-Mørtis [The Evil Dead (1981) - 1 hr 25 m]
11. Farewell II Flesh [Candyman (1992) - 1 hr 39 m]
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INK Ultra Marathon
Total Runtime (not including full series): 46 hrs 23 mins
1. The American Nightmare [A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - 1 hr 31 min]
2. Thank God it's Friday [Friday the 13th (1980) - 1 hr 35 m]
3. Stabbing in the Dark [Halloween (1978) - 1 hr 31 m]
4. SAVAGES [Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - 1 hr 23]
5. The Jig is Up [Saw (2004) - 1 hr 43 m]
6. A Grave Mistake [The Crow (1994) - 1 hr 42 m]
7. Rocking the Boat [Jaws (1975) - 2 hr 4 m]
8. Enjoy Your Slay [The Shining (1980) - 2 hr 26 m]
9. Freak Flag [The Devil's Rejects (2005) - 1 hr 47 m]
10. The World in my Hands [Edward Scissorhands (1990) - 1 hr 45 m]
11. Merry Axe-mas [Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) - 1 hr 19 m]
12. Love Bites [An American Werewolf in London (1981) - 1 hr 37]
13. IT is the End [IT (1990) - 1 hr 34 m]
14. Your Number's up [Scream (1996) - 1 hr 51 m]
15. A Rash Decision [Cabin Fever (2002) 1 hr 33 m]
16. Assault & Batteries [Child's Play (1988) - 1 hr 27 m]
17. The Shower Scene [Psycho (1960) 1 hr 49 m]
18. Funeral Derangements [Pet Sematary (1989) - 1 hr 43 m]
19. Rainy Day [Resident Evil (2002) - 1 hr 40 m]
20. Hip to be Scared [American Psycho (2000) - 1 hr 42 m]
21. Take Your Pick [My Bloody Valentine (1981) - 1 hr 30 m]
22. The Box [Hellraiser (1987) - 1 hr 34 m]
23. F.L.Y [The Fly (1986) - 1 hr 36 m]
24. Wurst Vacation [Hostel (2005) - 1 hr 34 m]
25. Ex-Mørtis [The Evil Dead (1981) - 1 hr 25 m]
26. Farewell to Flesh [Candyman (1992) - 1 hr 39 m]
27. Meat and Greet [Silence of the Lambs (1991) - 1 hr 58 m]
28. A Work of Art [Terrifier (2016) - 1 hr 25 m]
I initially WAS gonna make a Megathon including every installment after the first films, however, it comes to 20 1/2 hours JUST for the Evil Dead series and I wouldn't wish that on anyone KDKDK
Maybe when I retire and 17 more evil dead films come out I'll watch every single one with the series
Also, here's a few honorable mentions that aren't in the albums or INK discography, but I'm personally a big fan of;
- DOOM (2005)
- Shaun of the Dead (2004) [[or just the Cornetto Trilogy in general]]
- final destination (for if you need a laugh, honestly)
- Critters
- Gremlins
Also I ENCOURAGE watching remakes, spin-offs (cough scary movie cough), and continuations, but by no means do I encourage watching every "The Crow" film, the first one is good, the remake is horrific, and it's just not the same without Brandon Lee, he was the best Eric Draven imo. That is all KXKSKS
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ghostfaceprincess · 10 months ago
meet October! 🎃
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hi there, my name is October and im 23! im currently looking for rp buddies for horror related stuff! here’s more about me:
likes: all things horror (classics, B, basically anything!)
my favorite slashers are: Michael Myers, Ghostface (Billy and Stu), and The Creeper.
i have 40+ tattoos, most of them horror related.
i have discord!
my rp replies are very long, with correct grammar and punctuation (despite how im typing now!)
my OC is a self insert, it just helps me connect more to the story.
i have black curly hair, light brown eyes, and a septum ring. im pretty short, and my tattoos are on my chest, left hand, arms, and legs.
i have a service dog!
i have schizoaffective disorder and am an advocate for my community to break the stigma!
English is not my first language, and im mixed race!
i love all kinds of music but specifically kpop and metal/rock/scream.
i love making online friends, as real life friends are hard for me to find.
if you’re wondering, here are some of my favorite horror movies: House on Haunted Hill, The Bat, Jeepers Creepers (1 & 2), The Last Man on Earth, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, Halloween, Halloween (2018), Halloween Kills, Halloween Ends, Scream, Smile, Silence of The Lambs, Terrifier, Terrifier 2, Terrifier 3, IT, Leprechaun (1-4, In Tha Hood, Back to Tha Hood), Evil Dead, The Shining, Pet Sematary, House of 1000 Corpses, Night of The Living Dead, Blood Quantum, Talk to Me, Saw (almost all of them), Hellraiser (almost all of them), Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Child’s Play (all), Bride of Chucky, Seed of Chucky, Cult of Chucky, Five Night’s at Freddy’s, and a few more; just ask if you’re curious!
fave musical artists: BTS, Stray Kids, ATEEZ, NCT (most units), The Rose, P1Harmony, SF9, KARD, XG, Le Serrafim, (G)-IDLE, Got7, bbno$, Rob Zombie, KISS, Motörhead, Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, Great Van Fleet, Guns N Roses, Judas Priest, Pierce the Veil, Motionless in White, Lorna Shore, Bad Omens, Beartooth, and a few more, just ask if you’re curious!
i enjoy many horror novels and books.
i have multiple food allergies, as well as other allergies, and many health problems.
i very much enjoy alcohol.
im all for even exchanging phone numbers (eventually).
my pronouns are she/her, and i was born female and identify with that, but i support trans rights.
im bi.
please ask if you have any questions! 🦇
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