#Beatrice Boepple
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duranduratulsa · 4 months ago
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Up next on my 40th Anniversary Freddy Krueger movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989) on glorious vintage Media Home Entertainment VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #ANightmareOnElmStreet5 #anightmareonelmstree5thedreamchild #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #lisawilcox #DannyHassel #kellyjominter #ErikaAnderson #JoeSeely #WhitHertford #whitbyhertford #nicholasmele #burrdebenning #valoriearmstrong #BeatriceBoepple #tednugent #RudySarzo #ericsinger #donmaxwell #michaelbaileysmith #clarencefelder #vintage #VHS #80s #mediahomeentertainment #elmstreet40
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halloweendailynews · 5 months ago
Watch 'Nightmare on Elm Street' 4/5 Panel with Lisa Wilcox and Beatrice Boepple [Video]
Watch 'Nightmare on Elm Street' 4/5 Panel with Lisa Wilcox and Beatrice Boepple [Video]
Wes Craven’s original classic A Nightmare on Elm Street turns 40 this year, a milestone celebrated at Haunted Screams Expo last month with special guests Lisa Wilcox of Elm Street 4 and 5 and Beatrice Boepple of Elm Street 5, who participated in a Q&A panel discussing four decades of Freddy Krueger and how the films changed their lives, which you can watch in full right here today. The Elm Street…
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brattysmiley · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday Freddy 🎂🔥
(We only know he was born in September 1942, I'm using Freddy Krueger's day for his birthday.)
side note - Amanda Krueger's actress, Beatrice Boepple, used this date as well for her book called "The Krueger Curse"
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mariocki · 4 years ago
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A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)
"Your birth was a curse on the whole of humanity; I will not allow it to happen again. You've brought me back to give you life, but now I must take yours."
"We'll see, bitch."
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videomessiah · 4 years ago
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Quarantine (1989)
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monstermelodies · 6 years ago
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“Giant Freddy Pin-Up”
Freddy, the Official Movie Magazine of A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dreamchild (1989)
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frankenpagie · 6 years ago
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tylermkw · 6 years ago
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A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)
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The Nightmare on Elm Street series proves again it’s completely run out of ideas with Part 5: The Dream Child. It’s got a couple of inventive kills but no real scares and with the series’ increasing tendency to have its boogeyman crack unfunny jokes, the best it can do is alternate between "tiresome" and "embarrassing".
Set nearly a year after the previous film, Alice (Lisa Wilcox), is now dating Dan (Danny Hassel), begins seeing Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) in her dreams again. When the razor-fingered killer manages to strike even when Alice remains awake, she wonders how it’s possible. The clue rests in the tormented soul of his mother, Amanda (Beatrice Boepple). For Amanda and her friends to live, they’ll have to decipher this new mystery.
You know a franchise is running on steam when it a) goes to Space, b) has an apprentice take up the mantle of the killer or c) the slasher makes it their new mission to be reborn, impregnate the female lead, or steal away her kid. I’ll let you guess which doomed path this latest chapter has picked. I want to say there was a way to make it work, but this central idea is merely an excuse to bring Freddy back despite fairly definitive defeats twice in a row. This time, he returns as a horrific and phony-looking Freddy baby that grows up to sow terror again. Effective horror films make you want to close your eyes. This one keeps yours wide in disbelief.
You won’t care about the characters and you can usually figure out not only who is going to be sucked into one of Krueger’s nightmares sequences next, but what the gimmick of the scene will be from the limited development they’re given. The worst is reserved for Mark (Joe Seely). The teen’s a comic book fan which means we’re treated to a bunch of pages drawn by an artist who clearly doesn’t know the medium. The pages’ margins are all over the place, there’s no color, not even any speech bubbles! Once he’s drawn into his funny books by the child killer, it’s devastating to anyone who ever thought Freddy Krueger was frightening. It's even worse than the beach scene from “The Dream Master”… At least the special effects are pretty cool overall. That particular kill is so bad it makes you want to disown the series but the rest are creative.
The Dream Child dives further into the character of Amanda Krueger, which is to say it elaborates on the backstory of Freddy Krueger in a way that isn’t satisfying. I like The Dream Warriors but their reveal that Freddy was evil from day 1 undermines the character and a large chunk of this film does it even further.
This fifth entry in the Nightmare on Elm Street series is only for die-hard fans. Even then, it’s a laborious endeavor. The special effects are the only aspect of it that work, which still doesn't mean much considering they're offering us baby Freddy. (On Blu-ray, July 13, 2018)
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mrsdawg4908 · 3 years ago
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🎈🎂 Happy Birthday Beatrice Boepple 🎂🎈Born: February 7, 1962
😱😈🔪Happy Women in Horror Month!🔪😈😱
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duranduratulsa · 8 months ago
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Now showing on my 80's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989) on glorious vintage Media Home Entertainment VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #ANightmareOnElmStreet5 #ANightmareonElmStreet5TheDreamChild #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #lisawilcox #DannyHassel #WhitHertford #whitbyhertford #kellyjominter #joeseely #ErikaAnderson #BeatriceBoepple #nicholasmele #tednugent #burrdebenning #donmaxwell #michaelbaileysmith #clarencefelder #valoriearmstrong #RudySarzo #ericsinger #vintage #VHS #mediahomeentertainment #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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divasfantasticasdohorror · 5 years ago
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Beatrice Boepple - (07/02/1962 - )
Local de Nascimento: Bennington, Vermont (EUA)
Filmes: A Hora do Pesadelo 5 - O Maior Horror de Freddy (A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child/1989)
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democratsunited-blog · 7 years ago
This Week in History: Seymour nominated as Democratic presidential candidate - News - Uticaod
This Week in History: Seymour nominated as Democratic presidential candidate - News - Uticaod
1868, 150 years ago
Democrats convene
It’s a hot, muggy Tuesday July 7th morning in New York City and a man – puffing on a big, brown cigar, his shirt dripping with sweat – can be heard saying in the elegant lobby of the St. Nicholas Hotel on Broadway: “I don’t care who we pick this week to run for president in November, he’ll never beat Ulysses S. Grant.”
Horatio Seymour, the former mayor of Utica and governor of New York, is passing by. He hears the remark and just smiles. Later that morning, the man and Seymour will be in nearby Tammany Hall, the new headquarters of the city’s Democratic Party. The national Democratic Party Convention will convene there at noon and delegates will begin the difficult task of picking the candidate to oppose Grant – the popular Civil War general and hero – in the November presidential election.
On the first roll call of the 37 states, U.S. Sen. George Pendleton of Ohio leads with 105 of the 211 votes needed to be nominated. Ten other candidates receive votes. On the fourth ballot, the chairman of the North Carolina delegation surprises the convention when he stands and shouts: “The great state of North Carolina casts its nine votes for … for Horatio Seymour, the gentleman from New York!” Delegates go wild and begin to shout: “Seymour! Seymour! We want Seymour!”
Seymour, who is chairman of the convention, quickly silences the delegates and says: “I must not be your candidate. The clerk will continue the roll call.”
Now it’s Thursday, July 9th, and delegates still cannot agree on a candidate. By late afternoon – and 21 ballots later – still no candidate. On the 23rd ballot, U.S. Sen. Thomas Hendricks of Indiana begins to win state after state. When the roll call reaches Ohio, he has 145 votes. Then it happens. Ohio’s George McCook rises and shouts: “Ohio’s 21 votes go to our fellow Democrat from New York, Horatio Seymour.” Once again, the convention is filled with cheers of “We want Seymour!”
Seymour again quiets the delegates and says: “Gentlemen, thank you and God bless you for your kindness to me. But your candidate I cannot be.” Noticeably shaken, the Utican leaves the platform and enters a nearby caucus room. The roll call continues and when it reaches Wisconsin, its chairman says: “Wisconsin’s eight votes will go to no other than our distinguished friend, Gov. Seymour of New York.”
Again the delegates begin to shout, “We want Seymour!” and in 20 minutes, it is all over. Seymour receives all 317 votes and is unanimously nominated.
Seymour returns to the platform to decline the nomination, but it is too late. The convention adjourns before he can speak. The Utican – who lives on Whitesboro Street just west of Bagg’s Square and in a country home in Deerfield – is now the reluctant candidate who will try to become the 18th president of the United States.
  1918, 100 years ago
Faxton graduates
Six graduates of the Faxton Hospital Training School for Nurses in Utica receive diplomas: Marion Fear of Holland Patent, Beatrice Senecal of Oriskany Falls, Evelyn Vincent of Sherburne, Kathleen Cooper of Utica, Ruth Hanno of Lowville and Mabel Juliand of Greene.
  1943, 75 years ago
New Hartford
More than 300 residents of the village of New Hartford attend the dedication of an honor roll with the names of 620 men and women from New Hartford now serving in the military during World War II. It is on the lawn of the elementary school at Genesee Street and Paris Road. Dr. Harry Shepard is chairman of the dedication committee and among those participating in the ceremony are cornet player John Schorge, girl scouts Margaret Spencer and Mary Gunther and boy scouts Ted Barker and John Brady.
  1968, 50 years ago
Robert Schilling is elected president of the Utica Toastmasters International Club.
Joseph Hanna Jr. of New Hartford is elected president of the newly organized Maronite Youth Organization at a meeting in Hartford, Connecticut. It is comprised of teenagers of Lebanese extraction from across the country. Hanna is a parishioner of St. Louis Gonzaga Maronite Catholic Church in Utica.
  1993, 25 years ago
Principal named
Irving C. Jones is the new principal of Utica Senior Academy. He replaces Martin Sweeney, who left to pursue new challenges and spend more time with his family. Jones, who has a master’s degree in education from the University of Virginia, is the first African-American high school principal in Utica’s history.
In Herkimer County American Legion baseball, Mohawk defeats Little Falls behind the hitting and pitching of Brad Dunckel and the hitting of Rusty Herringshaw, Steve Roginski and Rich Inman. Top Little Falls hitters are Chris Boepple and Jason Haberek.
Thomas Osano of Kenya wins the 16th annual Boilermaker Road Race in 43:39, tying the race’s record. Gitte Karlshoj of Denmark leads the women with a 51:07 finish. Carol McLatchie of Houston, Texas, sets a women’s master record when she finishes in 54:56.
  2008, 10 years ago
Police promotions
The Utica Police Department promotes Stephen Brucker to lieutenant, Michael Zdanowicz to lieutenant, James Garcia to sergeant and John Martello to sergeant.
  Trivia quiz
Donald Trump is the second U.S. president born in New York City. Who was the first? (Answer will appear here next week.)
Answer to last week’s question: Calvin Coolidge is the only president born on the Fourth of July – July 4, 1872 in Plymouth, Vermont.
  This Week in History is researched and written by Frank Tomaino. Email him at [email protected].
Read full story here
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videomessiah · 5 years ago
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Quarantine (1989)
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justfilms · 8 years ago
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A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child - Stephen Hopkins 1989
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tylermkw · 6 years ago
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A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)
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