#Nicholas Mele
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duranduratulsa ¡ 4 months ago
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Up next on my 40th Anniversary Freddy Krueger movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989) on glorious vintage Media Home Entertainment VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #ANightmareOnElmStreet5 #anightmareonelmstree5thedreamchild #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #lisawilcox #DannyHassel #kellyjominter #ErikaAnderson #JoeSeely #WhitHertford #whitbyhertford #nicholasmele #burrdebenning #valoriearmstrong #BeatriceBoepple #tednugent #RudySarzo #ericsinger #donmaxwell #michaelbaileysmith #clarencefelder #vintage #VHS #80s #mediahomeentertainment #elmstreet40
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mygrowingcollection ¡ 3 months ago
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Nicholas Mele
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therealmrpositive ¡ 2 years ago
Hollywood and Elm Part 4 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)
In today's review, I find that your future son and heir might be detrimental to keeping Freddy Krueger out. As I attempt a #positive review of the 1989 film The Dream Child #LisaWilcox #RobertEnglund #KellyJoMinter #ErikaAnderson #DannyHassel
We are all products of our circumstances, sure genetics can play a helping part, but some argue that nurture, more than nature, can end up scaring your bloodline for a long time to come. In 1989, with the 1990s on the horizon, a certain sharp-clawed killer saw off the decade with a fresh batch of victims, and possibly a new body to stalk the town of Springwood with. In A Nightmare on Elm Street…
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full-of-mercy ¡ 1 year ago
The only shade down here in the town square comes from the wedding gazebo, and even then it is scant. The suns bear down overhead like a pair of lidless eyes, leaving only the shadows each person stands or sits within.
Wearing down resistance, just as the mayor hoped.
The crowd is divided, a tenuous meeting of families that can all agree on one thing: they are eager to get this over with.
Wolfwood is too.
What a day to be dressed in all black except for a white strip of a collar, and completely buttoned up. If nothing else, the fabric hides the sweat running down the channel of his spine just as well as it conceals the bruises covering his neck and shoulders.
And chest. And elsewhere.
He cannot bring himself to regret that, even if early morning languor nearly made him late. Something about keeping a promise (particularly a purchased promise). Not that the mayor made any specific requests beyond 'a proper ceremony' up to interpretation, and maybe Wolfwood has taken a bit of inspiration. Maybe he has decided to try something else on for size. The past hour has been a matter of gathering, of bumbling through greetings and prayers at request, and now the couple meant to be bound stands before the makeshift dais, hand in hand.
"First time, huh?" Nicholas asks of the two - they can't be older than twenty, not that it is easy to tell - and their jumpy jolt betrays their nerves. They laugh, though, a thread of tension broken, rolling into awkward but heartfelt I dos.
"Lord God, thank you for this joyous day. Bless this union, that these two souls may make a place in this world to flourish, and that they may live together in love and peace."
That feels right. Adjacent to right. It is clear they want to be here, for all that they want to be anywhere but here. The mayor and those behind him on that side of the aisle look pleased, stark contrast to the other side, all grim-faced and squinting.
With an air of finality, Wolfwood nods and addresses those gathered at large. "If anyone can show just cause why this pair may not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."
… and then all Hell breaks loose with the belch of gunfire off to one side of the crowd, ripping through the pulpit and spraying the seated row with splinters. Chaos becomes a crush of bodies, a surge from back to front of overlapping argument, with flung fists and more iron brandished.
It is pure instinct. Ingrained. Trained beyond nature, beyond words. Nicholas flows into motion, interposing between the new couple and the objections voiced in hot lead, ushering them toward cover as more bullets fly.
"Y'ain't keepin' my grandson in this shithole with yer sham, Dodgson!" the rifle-slinger shouts from the flank, taking aim on the mayor now, though nothing that moves away from the melee is safe.
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coldharbor-claymore ¡ 11 months ago
Welcome to the Armory
Welcome to Coldharbor Claymore. We're here to help you deal with pirates, terrorists, and especially any Word of Blake remnants. We're a mercenary company situated in the Rasalhague Dominion but we'll take on contracts that take us as far as Canopus if you're paying for it.
Current Pilots
Adrian Kantorowicz
Skills (G/P): 1/2 Special Pilot Abilities: Headhunter Callsign: Monarch 1 Mech: Custom Omni-Marauder
Age: 23 Height: 186cm Pronouns: He/Him Identity: Non-Binary Masculine Sexuality: Bisexual
Adrian was the son of an old Comguard member whose name Adrian never learned. Adrian grew up in the Rasalhague Dominion and his way of thinking always blended freeborn and clan sentiments. During a raid by pirates when he was 15, he found his father's old customized Marauder and, while the Marauder was destroyed, the pirates also fell. He joined the Rasalhague Dominion's military and climbed the ranks despite being a freeborn. He eventually left with enough money to start a mercenary company which he did. He now runs the company with his close friend, Holly Nicholas.
Holly Nicholas
Skills (G/P): 3/4 Special Pilot Abilities: Sniper Callsign: Monarch 2 Mech: Wasp (Aspires to buy a Rime Otter)
Age: 25 Height: 203cm Pronouns: She/Her Identity: AMAB Female Sexuality: Bisexual
Born Harvard Nicholas, Holly was born in the gene pods of Clan Ghost Bear. She fought alongside Adrian in the Rasalhague Dominion military and left when he did. She trusts Adrian's tactical skill with her life and is loyal to a fault. She also harbors feelings she doesn't recognize for her commanding officer.
Seán Ó Dónaill
Skills (G/P): 3/4 Special Pilot Abilities: Aggravator Callsign: Monarch 3 Mech: Thunderbolt
Age: 25 Height: 179cm Pronouns: He/Him Identity: CIS Male Sexuality: Too Straight
SeĂĄn was always a punk but, after helping organize a militia against a group of pirates that invaded his hometown, he joined the military with Adrian and became a formidable Mechwarrior in his own right, though always a troublemaker. He left the Rasalhague Dominion military when Adrian said he was going to form a military company but before Adrian had actually done anything to create the Coldharbor resulting in him bouncing from odd job to odd job until Adrian actually formed the Coldharbor Claymore mercenary company.
Kara Sievette
Skills (G/P): 4/5 Special Pilot Abilities: Melee Specialist Callsign: Monarch 4 Mech: Shadow Hawk
Age: 23 Height: 180cm Pronouns: She/Her Identity: CIS Female Sexuality: Bisexual
A woman eager to make a name for herself beyond her past, Kara is a young warrior who began her career similarly to Adrian, fighting off pirates in a hand-me-down 'Mech. Unlike Adrian, she went to join the Word of Blake. After being marooned on a frozen wasteland, she deprogrammed with the help of the locals and got a job fighting with Coldharbor Claymore.
Kayumi Riku
Skills (G/P): 4/5 Special Pilot Abilities: None. Callsign: Monarch 5 Mech: Vulture
Age: 19 Height: 172cm Pronouns: He/Him Identity: AMAB Feminine Non-Binary Sexuality: Gay
Kayumi grew up in the Draconis combine as the son of a professional mech duelist and inherited their mother's Vulture. Despite being a very new mechwarrior compared to the other members of the team, Riku-san shows extreme skill and is a deft pilot. He's weirdly professional in his tone while piloting mechs but often says things that are very unprofessional. For example, he'll often trade out things like "firing on target" for "hugging target". He's also started to say "UwU" or "OwO" as a sign off instead of "over". Yes, he says UwU and OwO out loud. Needless to say, the entire Monarch lance has taken him in as a protege.
Support Staff
Lucy Manhattan
Age: 24 Height: 176cm Pronouns: She/Her Identity: CIS Female Sexuality: Lesbian
Lucy has been a close friend of Adrian's since they were young, always supporting him and dreaming of the stars alongside him. Now she serves alongside him as a Mechtech. She's competent with a laser pistol but is a pacifist at heart.
Taggard Young
Callsign: Monarch Actual
Age: 23 Height: 180cm Pronouns: He/Him Identity: AFAB Male Sexuality: Straight
Taggard Young started his career as a pilot in the Lyran Commonwealth. Now he serves as the pilot of the Monarch Dropship used by Coldharbor Claymore
Former Pilots
None yet thankfully.
Unused Mechs and Equipment
1 x Roughneck
My Writings and RPs in Canonical Order
Operation Touchdown
Before the Drop
Drop Confirmed
Approaching Coen
Coen Arrival
Exposure Therapy
Refit and Repair
The Future Deciding Past Rides Again
A Token of Gratitude
How Adrian Took a Dominator
Meet Riku-San
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OOC Stuff
Hi, I'm @waluigis-biggest-fan (He/Him) and this is my Battletech RP Blog focused around Green Scimitar, a mercenary group out for C-Bills but not so much that they won't do what's right if forced to choose.
What I'll Do in RP
I'm comfortable with characters flirting and outright nsfw or fade to black stuff but, of course, I don't expect that and I'm not great at NSFW. I'm also cool with muse shipping.
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dailycharacteroption ¡ 1 year ago
Roleplaying Races 14: Trox
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(art by Nicholas “Rookzer0” on Artstation)
And here we have another example of an ancestry originally created as an example in ARG’s race builder, this one demonstrating how strange and powerful you could make a playable race. The result was powerful and bulky beetle-folk with a chip on their shoulder.
While there doesn’t seem to be any one specific inspiration for this ancestry, fantasy has always been full of big, monstrous peoples who may or may not actually be surprisingly gentle despite their bulk and fearsomeness.
Interestingly, trox got a major update to their lore in Starfinder, which we��ll talk about momentarily.
As we learn in Starfinder, the trox as a people were created by the goddess Hylax as her envoys and sentinels, and are in fact native to the Liavaran moon of Nchak. However, while the majority of their people lived in relative peace, that group is not who we are talking about today.
You see, many trox were sealed inside protective asteroids by their goddess and launched to various other worlds to serve as envoys for her diplomatic ways, and one such stone fell to Golarion in the ancient past. However, the Golarion clan had the misfortune of being discovered by the duergar , who saw their physical might and similarity to the giant beetles they already used as beasts of burden and enslaved them, subjecting them to eugenic breeding programs and alchemical enhancement to turn them into powerful brutes.
Many trox have since rebelled and broken free, escaping to the surface, only to discover that the evils of slavery were present there as well. As such, while they retain some aspects of their heritage, the trox of Golarion are distrustful of other species due to the suffering their people have gone through.
Sporting heavy chitin elytra, mandibles, and armor, trox resemble humanoid beetles, but they are not fully arthropod-like in anatomy, sporting an internal skeleton as well and soft fleshy parts as well. Additionally, they also sport an array of smaller appendages on their chests in addition to their bipedal arms and legs. While not strong and articulate enough to wield objects, they can come in handy.
While the trox of Golarion have become brutish and somewhat violent, they share with their ancestors a strong sense of community that overrides personal desires, they also prove inquisitive, eager to learn about the ways of others, and fiercely loyal to those the call friends. Sadly, the vast majority of them still live in slavery, either to the duergar or to surface slavers of various peoples.
Trox are immensely strong, but centuries of conditioning have dulled their minds in all regards.
Despite their bulk, they prove surprisingly agile when they need to be.
Their night-eyes also suit them well for a life underground.
This in turn is fueled by their powerful digging claws, making them swift under the ground.
The conditioning that they were subjected to and the subsequent fury this engenders also makes them surprisingly violent when replying to the attacks of foes that have harmed them.
Additionally, their grabbing appendages are quite useful for latching onto a grappled foe, freeing up their arms to fight other foes.
There is one alternate option for the trox, representing those trox that have trained themselves to abandon their rage and focus, tapping into an atrophied vibration sense, all the better to notice when invisible foes like their duergar slavers are coming.
With their extremely high strength bonus, trox are very suited for melee builds, particularly grapple builds thanks to their extra appendages, making any combat class a good pick for them. The penalty to all three mental stats is something of a deterrent for any caster or skill-based class, but not an insurmountable one. In fact, the fact that their penalty applies to all three means that it’s almost like the board is even between the three, just expect to have to make a little effort to bring them in line with other casters and characters. Any class that can blend casting with more traditional combat will probably work best for them, such as druid, magus, paladin, and warpriest.
That does it for today, but we’ve got one more entry to do before we’re done. Look forward to it tomorrow!
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katnisshawkeye ¡ 8 months ago
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Scheda informativa
Titolo originale: Abhorsen
Terzo capitolo de: Trilogia del Vecchio Regno
Autore: Garth Nix
Editore: Fazi Editore
Prima edizione: 2024
Pagine: 380
Prezzo: € 18,50
Dopo secoli di cattività, il Distruttore sta per tornare libero: Orannis non è più imprigionato nelle profondità della terra e sta cercando di spezzare l'ultimo vincolo che gli impedisce di esercitare i suoi terribili poteri. Mentre il Vecchio Regno cade ancora una volta nell'oscurità e nel terrore, la popolazione può confidare solo nell'Abhorsen, flagello dei morti. Ma l'Abhorsen Sabriel si è recata ad Ancelstierre insieme a suo marito il re e nessuno ha più ricevuto notizie. Soltanto Lirael, erede alla carica di Abhorsen, ha qualche possibilità di fermare Orannis, anche se non ha idea di come fare. Fino a poco tempo fa era semplicemente un'assistente bibliotecaria, che speranze può avere di salvare il mondo? Guidata da una visione delle Clayr, Lirael decide di mettersi in viaggio insieme ai suoi fidati compagni – Sameth, la Canaglia e Mogget – per cercare ovunque, sia nel regno dei vivi che in quello dei morti, qualcosa che la aiuti a fermare il Distruttore. Ma tra i mostri d'ombra e malvagi negromanti, sembra che Nicholas, il migliore amico di Sameth, si sia lasciato manipolare dai poteri di Orannis e stia collaborando con lui. Che possibilità ha una giovane donna di sconfiggere un potere in grado di distruggere la vita stessa?
È sempre meglio agire.
Con l'Abhorsen — il terzo volume della Trilogia del Vecchio Regno — si conclude il viaggio di Lirael che, partita dal Ghiacciaio delle Clayr come “Clayr senza vista” trova non solo il suo posto nel mondo, ma anche una famiglia e degli amici che, con il tempo, imparerà a conoscere, così come diventerà un'Abhorsen degna del suo ruolo, orgoglio di suo padre, Abhorsen prima di Sabriel,e della stessa Sabriel sua sorellastra, proprio come sua madre Arielle aveva previsto.
Meglio non contare le mele prima di aver piantato l'albero. [...] La vita andava avanti, sebbene in una lotta continua.
Come nei precedenti volumi Lirael e, prima ancora, Sabriel, anche nell'Abhorsen sono contenuti preziosi insegnamenti, tra cui il non mettere fretta al tempo e alle proprie capacitĂ  e abilitĂ  di spledendere, e il non arrendersi mai di fronte alle difficoltĂ .
La scrittura di Garth Nix ti tiene incollato alle pagine, piene di colpi di scena e avventure che vorresti davvero vivere in prima persona, nonostante l'oscuritĂ  e l'incombente malasorte del mondo che potrebbe polverizzare tutto il conosciuto, tanto che anche nel fortuito caso in cui Lirael e i suoi compagni non fossero riusciti a fermare il Orannis, il Distruttore, la fantasia del lettore sarebbe galoppata: se per pura fortuna un singolo individuo, o un paio di esseri viventi, fossero riusciti a scampare alla morte certa, cosa sarebbe loro successo? Un interrogativo che, comunque, non si pone se non in un finale alternativo.
L'epilogo dell'Abhorsen lascia comunque spazio all'immaginazione: in cosa consiste il nuovo e inaspettato percorso di Nicholas Sayre?
★★★★★ 5/5
La serie Trilogia del Vecchio Regno
Sabriel Lirael Abhorsen
Supportami su Instagram!
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fancifulflora ¡ 2 years ago
Jayce “Button” Wiseman
This is my Button from the Choice game made by @mindblindbard​ I’ll dunno if I can write it as well as the other IFs on my list but I’ll try after some research lol (Picrew)
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Name Meaning: Healer, Cure (It doesn’t really have much to do with why they’re named that way though lmao- the answer is a lot sillier than you’d think)
Callsign: Hemera
Aeon Program: M.I.V N.P.O - Trial
Pollard Score: Zero Five
Age: 20
Birthdate: 20XX, September 5th
Pronouns: He/They
Height: 198 cm/ 6′6
Weight: 86.3 kg
Appearance: Smooth, beige skin that tans quickly when exposed to the sun. Light blue eyes and black, shoulder-length hair that is pulled into a small ponytail and is otherwise left untamed. Very tall in stature and built like a large dorito with moderate muscle definition. Wears dark clothing but shies away from black to get out of their “loner” days in high school. Has multiple piercings in the ear and some on the face. Has a full-sleeve tattoo on their right arm and a bunch of tattoos on their back. Will grow stubble if left unchecked for a few weeks.
Noticeable Attributes: Tattoos creeping up the neck and down one arm- possibly more hidden, small cut through the right eyebrow, thick lashes.
Default Expression: Apathetic
Character Traits: Expident, Charismatic, Confident, Accepting  
An excerpt from UNITY’s Student Evaluation for Cadet Wiseman. Evaluation Instructor: Ambrose S. Kim
As the second and most recent student to enroll in the Non-Psychic Operative Program (N.P.O), Jayce Wiseman has already shown strategic promise as a MIV during their first assignment- as low risk as it was.
 Wiseman also shows physical prowess as well, demonstrating adept usage of melee weaponry and kickboxing in hand-to-hand combat. If they are able to continue their training, Wiseman could turn out to be a valuable asset in Unity’s mission.
A section from a letter sent from Nicholas “Hyacinth” Wiseman to Hope Wiseman
Alright, alright, enough going on about myself (Although I’m an admittedly pretty interesting topic). I should get on to the juicy content you’ve probably been waiting for!
Your dearest Detective Nick’s report on Button (Should I get that trademarked? I should get it trademarked.)
I know you two talk every day but Button doesn’t even think to add all the important details about themselves. Like, for example, how they stole my motorcycle for themselves a few months ago and almost immediately started working on it. 
Sure, I might not use it at all, but I’m 80% certain I’m the one still paying insurance. And before you say anything, don’t worry Mom, I always make sure that they put on their helmet before they go crazy.
Aside from calling me Saint Nick, Jayce’s also gotten into the habit of calling me “Little” brother ever since they hit their growth spurt- just because they’re a few inches taller. He’s also insistent that he’s the more attractive one out of the two of us since he’s a little bulkier and has tattoos and piercings.
“People like tattoos,” He insists.
Oh! There was also this one night I was working late at Aeon so I told Button ‘bout where the leftovers were in the fridge.
Get this though, it’s the sweetest thing ever- and most definitely something Jayce hasn’t told you- but I came home and my little bro was asleep on the couch. More importantly, he made dinner! 
I’m wiping away a fake tear as I write this, just wanted you to know, Mom.
It’s getting late though and we’ve only got a week till Button has their first day at Unity, so I should go get started on dinner and keep Jayce all fueled up, especially when they’ve been busy taking their worries out on poor punching bags at the kickboxing center downtown.
I’ll be sure to write to you soon! Take care of yourself, Mom.
- Nick
Bonus Information:
MTBI:  INTJ-A, The Architect
Temperament: Choleric 
Zodiac: Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Rising
Alignment: Neutral Good
Greatest Assets: Optimistic and Resilient
Greatest Flaws: Combative. Very Combative. And Critical.
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ulkaralakbarova ¡ 8 months ago
When Kylie Bucknell is sentenced to home detention, she’s forced to come to terms with her unsociable behaviour, her blabbering mother and a hostile spirit who seems less than happy about the new living arrangement. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Kylie Bucknell: Morgana O’Reilly Miriam Bucknell: Rima Te Wiata Amos: Glen-Paul Waru Graeme: Ross Harper Dennis: Cameron Rhodes Officer Grayson: Millen Baird Officer Carson: Bruce Hopkins Eugene: Ryan Lampp Judge: Ian Mune Hollis: Wallace Chapman Kraglund: Mick Innes Justin: David Van Horn Leslie: Nikki Si’ulepa Elizabeth Chalmers: Kitty Riddell Young Kylie (Voice): Lila Sharp Fitness Host: Louise Mills Film Crew: Editor: Gerard Johnstone Director of Photography: Simon Riera Production Design: Anya Whitlock Original Music Composer: Mahuia Bridgman-Cooper Second Unit Director: Luke Sharpe Production Design: Jane Bucknell Executive Producer: Chris Lambert Executive Producer: Ant Timpson Visual Effects Supervisor: Matt Westbrooke Set Decoration: Simon Vine Steadicam Operator: Joe Lawry Set Decoration: Stephen Jaimeson Art Direction: Lyn Bergquist Art Direction: Laura Smith Art Direction: Haley Williams Costume Design: Lissy Mayer Steadicam Operator: Alex McDonald Set Decoration: Graham Collins Gaffer: Nicholas Riini Gaffer: Tane Kingan Continuity: Rose Damon Steadicam Operator: Simon Tutty Executive Producer: Michael Kumerich Line Producer: Garett Mayow Executive Producer: Daniel Story Makeup Effects Designer: Jacinta Driver Assistant Makeup Artist: Kendall Feruson Makeup Artist: Vanessa Hurley Assistant Makeup Artist: Rachel Johanson Assistant Makeup Artist: Katie Jones Makeup Artist: Carly Marr Assistant Makeup Artist: Nikki Milina Assistant Makeup Artist: Miranda Raman Makeup Artist: Lauren Steward Production Manager: Ainsley Allen Third Assistant Director: Rachael Bristow Third Assistant Director: Esther Clewlow Third Assistant Director: Sarah Hough Third Assistant Director: Laurelle May First Assistant Director: Natasha Romaniuk First Assistant Director: Fraser Ross First Assistant Director: Katie Tate First Assistant Director: Craig Wilson Props: Shamus Butt Art Department Assistant: Meling Cooper Art Department Assistant: Hilary Crombie Assistant Set Dresser: Louise George Assistant Set Dresser: James Goldenthal Runner Art Department: Kathryn Lees Art Department Assistant: Brian Maru Assistant Set Dresser: Aimee Russell Art Department Assistant: Jaime Sharpe Concept Artist: Andrejs Skuja Art Department Assistant: Luke Thornborough Art Department Assistant: Wesley Twiss Dialogue Editor: Nich Cunningham Boom Operator: Matthew Dickins Sound Recordist: Phil Donovan Sound Recordist: Gabriel Muller Boom Operator: Stephen Saldanha Sound Recordist: Ande Schurr Sound Recordist: Mark Storey Sound Designer: Shane Taipari Sound Recordist: Ben Vanderpoel Digital Compositor: Stuart Bedford Digital Imaging Technician: James Brookes Digital Compositor: Johnny Lyon 3D Modeller: Rich Nosworthy Digital Compositor: Jesse Parkhill Stunt Coordinator: Aaron Lupton Stunt Coordinator: Steve McQuillan Stunts: Stefan Talaic Stunts: Shane Blakey Stunts: Joanna Baker Stunts: Daniel Andrews Lighting Technician: Sam Behrend First Assistant Camera: Nick Burridge First Assistant Camera: Alexander Campbell First Assistant Camera: Kelly Chen Lighting Technician: Tommy Davis Camera Intern: Woody Dean Lighting Technician: Hayden Dudley Lighting Technician: James Dudley Lighting Technician: Leigh Elford Camera Intern: Kalym Gilbert Camera Intern: Andrew Farrent First Assistant Camera: Julia Green Cinematography: Adrian Greshoff Lighting Technician: Mathew Harte Lighting Technician: Stacey Hui First Assistant Camera: Matt Hunt First Assistant Camera: Blair Ihaka Gaffer: Tony Lumsden First Assistant Camera: Tom Neunzerling Cinematography: Eoin O’Liddy Key Grip: Jeremy Osbourne Key Grip: Jim Rowe Lighting Technician: Richard Schofield First Assistant Camera: Richard Simkins First Assistant Camera: Cameron Stoltz Cinematography: Drew Sturge Camera Intern: Matt Thomas Lighting Technician: Jason Tidsw...
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shouldaspunastory ¡ 9 months ago
The Muses: Garrett Hawke
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Though many might characterize him as incapable of being serious, his deadpan and sarcastic wit often hide deeper pain and insecurities. As the eldest child of the Hawke family, Garrett feels a particularly keen responsibility to provide and look after his mother, twin sister Sonja, and younger siblings following the death of their father. A task he quickly feels is getting away from him as Carver is turned over to the Wardens and he returns to find Bethany being dragged away to the Circle. Hawke is a man who loves as fiercely as he fights, and will gladly lay down his life for his family and friends.
[World State Two]
Game decisions/deviations
GAME DECISIONS/CANON DEVIATIONS Prologue: Garrett has a twin sister Sonja. Both of the younger twins (Bethany & Carver) survive fleeing Lothering, Joined the smugglers after reaching Kirkwall
ACT I: Convinced the Templars to leave, Returned Matrin's cargo, killed Kelder Vanard, Let Fenris interrogate Danzig, Killed Danzig & followers, Never looked for Ninette, Helped Hubert (part owner of Bone Pit), Helped Feynriel find Dalish, Didn't blackmail Thrask, Keran reinstated, Tricks Karras into thinking mages fled
ACT II: Spared Gascard (Prime Suspect), Follows Urchin/Blood trail (All that Remains), Varric kills Gascard, Didn't side with Varnell, Told the Arishok what happened to his delegates, Didn't side with Mother Petrice, helps find and kill Becker, saves Merin, Spared Javaris, Feynriel freed, challenged and killed Arishok in single combat
Legacy (Post-ACT II): Sided with Larius, found Malcom's will
Mark of the Assasin (Post-ACT II): Spared Baron Arlange, Found and tossed caprices for mother, collected fog warrior amulet for Fenris, doctored Leopold's lunch, leaves Tallis, Killed Wyvern and Alpha Wyvern
ACT III: Agreed to help Nuncio, Did not hand over Zevran, Handed conspiritors to Orsino, Convinced Emile to return to Circle, Let Keran go, Killed the Bone Pit Dragon, sided with the mages, disapproved of Anders actions, let Sonja decide Anders fate.
Siblings: (Sonja: Best Friends, Carver: Rivalry, Bethany: Friends) Carver joins Gray Wardens after becoming tainted, Bethany taken to the Circle, Bethany survives final battle
Varric: (Best friends) Bartrand killed, helped with haunted house, destroyed Red Lyrium fragment
Aveline: (Mild Rivalry)
Fenris: (Friends, Romanced) Fought and killed slavers, Hadriana & Danarius to keep Fenris free, Employed Orana as a servant, convinced him to spare Varania
Anders: (Friends)
Merill: (Neutral) Didn't help repair the Eluvian
Isabela: (Friends) Returned with the book, refused to hand her over to Arishok
Sebastian: (Mild Rivalry)Killed Flint Company mercenaries
Basic Information
Full name: Garrett Nicholas Hawke Pronouns: He/Him Nicknames: Hawke, Gar-bear (only Sonja, and he hates it) Aliases: has been known to travel under the name Nicholas Amell to avoid attention Title: Champion of Kirkwall Date of Birth: 8th of Guardian, 26 years old at start of DA2 Orientation: Pansexual Libido: mild Religion: Andrastian Threat level: 7/10, most of his spells while incredibly powerful work best at a range or can cause friendly-fire, putting him at a slight disadvantage with close-quarters combat. Farm work and an active life have made him strong, but not necessarily as fast as melee fighting might require. Garrett will not think twice about using mana to cast barriers around his companions when using other spells with large areas of affect, even if it weakens him to do so.
Physical Information
Face claim: Diego Luna Height: 6 ft, 0 in Eye color: Hazel Hair color + style: black, often kept just shy of shoulder length Dominant hand: right Distinguishing features: Dragon facial tattoo, red stripe across bridge of nose Accent + intensity: Ferelden, moderate Tattoos: Dragon tattoo above left brow Scar(s): large scar in abdomen, above right hip, where he was stabbed by Arishok (ACT II) Piercing(s): Right earlobe Glasses: No
Background Information
Hometown: Lothering Current residence: Kirkwall Language(s): King's Tongue Social class: Lower-middle (Act I), Upper (Act II) Education: Homeschooled along with his siblings to avoid drawing the attention of the Templars. His father taught him magic and history, while his mother taught reading and writing. Parents: Malcome & Leandra Hawke Siblings: Sonja Hawke (his twin), Carver Hawke (with the Wardens), Bethany Hawke (in the Circle) Pets: Barkspawn (Mabari) Adopted?: No
Personality Information
Jung type: ESFP, "The Performer" Archetype: The Defender Enneatype: Enthusiast Moral alignment: Chaotic Good Temperment: Impetuous/sassy Intelligence type: Spatial Neurodivergence(s): mild ADHD At risk: His mouth. Sometimes it's ahead of his brain, sometimes he just doesn't care, but he takes a lot of risks with who he chooses to mouth off to at times.
Vices & Habits
Smokes? No Drinks? Regularly, liberally, but rarely blackout drunk Drugs? No Violent? when necessary. Some would say he picks fights with others at times, but Garrett would say they had it coming. Self-Destructive? At times. He'd be a lot worse off without his sister and friends helping him out of scrapes, or Anders to heal the worst of his injuries, but he's at least aware of as much. Hobbies: painting, singing (not terrible, but not great), dancing (a hot mess), killing bandits and slavers Likes: dogs, hikes/walks, Wicked Grace, a good joke/story Dislikes: bullies, people with no sense of humo Tic(s): Often to be found singing when idle or anxious (usually poorly)
Miscellaneous Information
Zodiac: Fervinial Vice: Betting/Gambling, recklessness Virtue: Fiercely loyal/protective Element: Fire & Ice Mythological creature: Dragon Animal: Mabari Mutation: N/A
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duranduratulsa ¡ 8 months ago
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Now showing on my 80's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989) on glorious vintage Media Home Entertainment VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #ANightmareOnElmStreet5 #ANightmareonElmStreet5TheDreamChild #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #lisawilcox #DannyHassel #WhitHertford #whitbyhertford #kellyjominter #joeseely #ErikaAnderson #BeatriceBoepple #nicholasmele #tednugent #burrdebenning #donmaxwell #michaelbaileysmith #clarencefelder #valoriearmstrong #RudySarzo #ericsinger #vintage #VHS #mediahomeentertainment #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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ayyydra ¡ 2 years ago
Considering making the colour my EoM O.C's regenerative serums red...
Forbidden plant juice.
Also fits in with the red glowing plant markings she gets on her face when at her limit/when she's in the danger zone. I would say the red serum has the same effect as Nicholas' blue one, maybe with a few differences/enhancements based on her combat type which is more melee/gap closing than anything.
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therealmrpositive ¡ 2 years ago
Hollywood and Elm Part 3 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
in today’s review, I put my learned experience to the test. as I attempt a #positive review of the 1988 sequel The Dream Master #LisaWilcox #DannyHassel #RobertEnglund #TuesdayKnight #BrookeTheiss #KenSagoes #RodneyEastman #AndrasJones #NicholasMele
Our imagination can be our own worst enemy sometimes, we need reassurance, even in the face of insurmountable evidence. Even then, all our collected experiences may go out of the window, in the face of our deepest fears. In 1988, after ending with the ultimate sacrifice, the survivors begin to readjust to normal lives, only releasing that their nightmares were just beginning, unless they can…
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full-of-mercy ¡ 2 years ago
Cut for content: canon-typical violence with some whump for spice
The butt of a Grader is as effective a bludgeoning tool as anything else. Metal strikes skull and the crippled slaver is out like a light, spittle-slick threats silenced all at once in a stinking slump.
Nicholas wanted to kill them to a man. He could have. It would have been simple with them all clustered around their caravan and campfires, but they'd chosen their staging ground for its cover, and crossfire was too great a risk to the young lives trammeled like animals.
It was never going to be anything but messy. Human traffickers never go down easy, and they are always loaded for bear.
The dust has settled and despite traded bullets and close-quarters melee during a baited chase, nobody died. As the gunpowder smell wafts clear on the cold night air, Wolfwood finds he still wants to end the captors-turned-captives, and he cannot blame his conditioning for that.
Dangerous thinking. If it starts there, where does it stop? Will an effort to protect just make things worse, more desperate?
Vash is right, much Nicholas he hates to admit it, as much as that hate feels like a crown of thorns around the pit where his heart should be. Not about the pacifism, there was no peaceful resolution to be had.
But it is better this way. Better to have aimed for the knees and the crotches. Better to leave them with a story to tell in hushed whispers, paranoid looking over their shoulders.
He has to chew on it. On the truth. On something that resonates even as he binds limp hands into a secure hogtie. The children these slavers kidnapped didn't need to see death tonight. Not so close, and not on their behalf. They are alive, they will recover, returned to their families.
"Come get the head scumbag," he calls out to the others--he can't trust himself with keeping them alive long enough to collect the town's gratitude.
Just as he stands with a mind to help patrol and guard, he hears a crack!
Distant. Not distant.
Thundering. His ears ring, and he doesn't feel it, not at first, the overrun of adrenaline in his system a potent analgesic. Watery-limbed and sluggish, he turns to see.
See her. A little girl, she can't be ten, school clothes dirty and tattered, with a pistol in her shaking hands. It's too big for her, snub and blunt and brutal and still smoking. She had to pull the trigger with both index fingers, and the pale terror on her face pulls her expression into a rictus, a grimace, like a teary skull in the moonlight.
Nicholas drops to a knee with both palms up.
"Easy, easy," he wants to say. Tries to. But he can't. It comes out as a gurgle he can taste as gravity doubles in strength, his heartbeat speeding to cope with the crimson soaking his shirt. Lips. Chin.
It's alright, he wants to say, I understand, sometimes it's hard to tell who's here to help. He wants to. God, he wants to soothe the furious horror there, allay the panic. Fleeting thought - did I look like that? - flickers as he strains, reaching past the hole in his chest for his ampoules, the ammunition for himself.
She pulls the trigger again, reacting to a perceived threat.
Click. Click.
No bullets, couldn't cock the hammer. Nicholas falls. So does the gun. The little girl flees into the desert, and as he races against blood loss and biting cold, struggling to crack open the glass, all he can think as blackness swarms is not now, not yet, can't make her a killer.
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forgivenpunishment ¡ 2 years ago
i do what i have to do
a selective, dash only primarily tristamp nicholas d. wolfwood rp account by melee.
banner art: @nihilisticgenesis icon art: @carnivalfair
status: active but extremely selective
mun: melee age: 30 pronouns: they/them
follows from @typhoonvash
rules: -18+ only. no minors. -this account follows the plot of Trigun Stampede, however Trimax plot threads/characters may pop up because i like the mix of the two. -unless stated otherwise (i.e. same verse/au) each blog gets their own verse. this allows us to develop a meaningful plot and diverse interactions without stepping on any toes. Do not ask me to be exclusive. -doubles okay and encouraged. -n/s/f/w sometimes and only with 21+ muns. will be properly tagged and placed under a read more when intense. -rp style: multiparagraph preferred with small text. i will not be using icons, but feel free to use yours. -if you are a multimuse, there is a high chance we won't interact. it's nothing against multimuses, but i'm looking for serious, long standing rp, not short interactions. i also prefer to keep my dash clean of anything that's not trigun or my rp partners. -oc rp is friend only and very selective. -not interested in drama. -shipping is by discussion only. flirtation is fine, but if you want his heart you gotta work for it. -Will not ship: pl*ntwood, liv//wood -will tag common triggers not present in trigun. blood, violence, and alcohol will not be tagged. i try to read bios for personal triggers, but please let me know if it's extremely serious/common/i mess up.
m!a status: closed
anons: open
random starters: open
threads preferred, but short interactions will happen.
often canon divergent/in aus. will be tagged as such.
short bio: Name: Nicholas D. Wolfwood Age: around 25-27, birthdate unknown. Height: 6'2" Sex/Gender: cis male (he/him) Sexuality: ??? Occupation: "Undertaker", "Priest" Family/Connections: n/a, Hopeland Orphanage, Livio the Doublefang Weapons: The Punisher (multipurpose cross-shaped heavy weapon), handguns, serrated knife, sharpened canines. Abilities: S+ compatibility. regeneration (natural and via serum), high pain tolerance. hand to hand combat, melee combat, and firearms. enhanced strength capable of lifting several hundred pounds with mere fingers. increased stamina. excels at gaining intel and getting close to targets before execution. applies creativity and cleverness to strategy, allowing for unforeseen successful outcomes. the near perfect weapon—behavior and independent habits need work.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (a.k.a. The Punisher) is a weapon and extension of the Eye of Michael, a cult worshiping the two Angels of salvation. He is trained in various styles of combat and marksmanship, which he uses to fulfill his contracts—assassinations, executions, and search and retrieve are the most common.
He's trusted with a special contract: retrieve the Angel. Deliver Him safely. Protect the Angel.
Like a good, functional tool, he obeys and is rewarded with the guaranteed safety of Hopeland Orphanage and its children; no more will become victims or lab rats. His current status with the organization is unknown after the JuLai incident.
He didn't expect to make friends. He expected to kill them. He didn't expect the Angel to thank him for his work. He expected the Angel to hate him for his betrayal.
verse list
canon divergence: 7 [appearance] [half-nude] [main outfit post w14] [more art]
canon divergence: outlaw verse [appearance]
other muse(s):
midvalley: @thathollowsound
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kiri-cuts ¡ 2 years ago
A midlife crisis nightclub fight in “John Wick: Chapter 4″
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In 1974, Charles Bronson played a middle-aged architect out for revenge against the no-good’uns who killed his wife and raped his daughter in “Death Wish.” Over several sequels, Bronson’s character utilizes his keen building design skills by “redesigning” the status of some very bad men -- from living to dead. He’s a good man pulled into the maze of this poorly planned apartment block called life. To make it out alive, he must face riddles that only his dimming masculinity and his trusty firearms can answer.
Since then, of course, this general narrative has become the saving grace for ageing male actors in Hollywood looking to redefine and reclaim their masculinity on screen. Beginning with the great success of “Taken” in 2008, older actors like Liam Neeson, Sylvester Stallone, Nicholas Cage, John Travolta, Bruce Willis, Denzel Washington, and Gerard Butler all starred in at least one, if not several, movies wherein they played characters who were pulled back into the violent lifestyle they had once abandoned to become a good family man. The reason usually involved some variation on a beloved woman being sex trafficked, raped, killed, or all three. 
Rest assured, though their women are still dead or deeply traumatised, these men always rediscover their masculinity by the film’s end, having grabbed a handful of their own junk with one hand and a firm fistful of justice with the other.  These are films about hard-done-by men who have lost the women in their lives — in both figurative and literal ways usually — and who can only rediscover and reclaim their long-lost manhood via their ancient fighting skills.  
When “John Wick” arrived in 2014, it felt fresh. Sure, John’s wife dies. But her death doesn’t have any less impact on him or value to the story just because she wasn’t mercilessly attacked by a gang of men. Instead, she takes her bow via cancer. Her decision to leave him a puppy suggests she has faith in his power to remain a good man -- to be soft and gentle and kind and to remember to lead with his heart and not with his fists. But god-fucking-dammit, if a cartel doesn’t get in that way of that plan by socking a bullet into Daisy -- the greatest Beagle ever (RIP). What else is a man to do but go on a vengeful rampage?
By the end of “John Wick: Chapter 4″ the body count sacrificed for John’s survival is said to be somewhere in the region of 500 people. Indeed, at the beginning of the film, it becomes clear that the character’s bid for all-out revenge and endurance is starting to impact –- and kill –- the few people left who actually care about him. If he could just swallow his pride, let this shit go, and die, then maybe his pals won’t have to also fight this battle for him.
Alas, John doesn’t agree and –- despite his eagerness to join his wife in the afterlife –- just continues finding inventive ways to turn goons for hire into human confetti. Good for him?
One of the film’s most extravagant set pieces involves a water-soaked melee within a Berlin nightclub. If you’ve ever bitterly choreographed a fight within the cramped confines of the hell-home experiments to be made in any one of “The Sims” games then you’ll be very familiar with the responses given by the attendees of this club. As a neverending queue of Berlin’s best body bait get absolutely walloped by The Baba Yaga –- a man with more lives than Jason Voorhees, for chrissake –- dancers flail their arms timidly or look mildly horrified at the carnage before returning to the groove. 
It’s an apt non-playable-character response for a film that feels so lovingly influenced by games, and this scene in and of itself feels like a particularly magnificent “Street Fighter” or “Streets of Rage” level. But it also feels apt given that the act of fighting is about as synonymous with nightclubs as dancing is. I don’t know how it is where you live, but in the north of England, a fight in a nightclub is just called a Saturday. Or a Thursday, or Friday. Or anyday with a two-for-one offer on Smirnoff Ice. 
It’s also not the first time that John has waged his particular war in a nightclub. He’s swung his fists and slung his bullets within the bisexual lighting to be found in the clubs of the first “John Wick,” as well as in “John Wick: Chapter 2.” Like a man who simply moves on to the next Pop World after he’s been barred from the first, John is a man who knows that the fight is never over so long as there’s a dancefloor with blood to be spilled on. 
I hate to imagine any Keanu Reeves character sat in a Wetherspoons, complaining to an underpaid bartender about how “woke culture” is destroying his life, but it’s easy to foresee such things in his character in “John Wick: Chapter 4.”. He’s stubborn and shortsighted, and unable to hold himself accountable for the mess that continues to follow him from film to film. John just wants to watch the world burn and to hell with these boys who won’t let him light the match. 
In the Berlin nightclub, amongst a swarm of hip, docile young bodies without a care in the world, simply vibing off life, John’s age and particular crisis has never been more highlighted. “Oh, to be carefree,” he says to himself as he crushes another man’s skull with his fists. Snapping another man’s body into an origami of resentment, he, mumbles, “Youth is wasted on the young!” He’s like one of those divorced dads who goes out for one pint after work with the lads from the office and winds up on a 48-hour bender which ends with him losing his phone and falling down the stairs. Which incidentally, John does in this film –- 222 of them, to be exact. And for which I unleashed a cackle no cinema should ever have to hear. 
All of which is to say, John –- I love you. The puppy thing was really sad. Your fight scenes are beautiful and I will never tire of watching them. The bisexual lighting makes your skin look effervescent and delicious like a Sherbert bon-bon made flesh. But know when to quit, son. 
In “Chapter 4,” ol’John’s mid-life crisis ends (spoiler!) with his inevitable death –- a force he fights against accepting, even if it means saving the lives of people he loves. You wonder if maybe his life –- and that of the 500-or-so people killed in the process –- could have been salvaged had he just found solace in another new muscle car, a perky 19-year-old girlfriend, and a few episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience.” But then, what do I know? I’m probably just a non-playable-character flailing her arms in the nightclub of his narrative. 
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