#jayce wiseman
fancifulflora · 1 year
hehe.... i wanna try this,,, what would your ocs want to hear most, what they actually need to hear and what they'd dread to hear?
thanks for indulging my questions lol
Carcel Devereaux: "You're my only priority" (From their mom, but they'd have to believe it first lol)/ "You don't have to be alone anymore"/ "You're just like your mother"
Ines Santiago: "Rook would have been proud of you"/ "It's alright to make mistakes."/ "You're a danger to those around you"
Kulîlk Teyran: "You're perfect"/ "You never needed to change"/ "Arsur would have been better off without you"
Jayce Wiseman: "You're stronger than you think. Different, but as capable as Nick."/ "You were never a burden"/ "You do nothing but weigh Nick down- weigh everyone down"
Niamh Venegard: "You did your best, you've always done your best."/ "You're home now, you're safe"/ "You're the monster they say you are"
Talon Vespero: "I love you. Proud of you." (From his mothers, whoever's close to him)/ "You've suffered enough, now you can rest."/ "Nothing you did ever mattered. Nothing could have been changed."
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fancifulflora · 1 year
What hugging them feels like (All OCS):
Carcel Devereaux: Their hugs feel stiff and awkward since they aren't the most touchy detective around. They will also straight up refuse to hug you if you aren't at least on a semi-familiar level with them. The brooding detective thing isn't just a front they put on you know! As the two of you get closer, the hugs become more relaxed, almost lazy as they practically drape themselves against you and give you a faint squeeze.. Will give a nice, firmer squeeze if they are feeling especially affectionate, but will also be less willing to let go so soon.
Ines Santiago: She's a rather friendly people person considering her high skill in psychology, but she's more the type to be hugged and then eagerly hug back with her short arms than to wrap someone up in a hug of her own. When she does initiate a hug though, she's glowing and warm, squeezing once before letting go and lingering in the space with the lucky recipient of her hugs. Hugs actually aren't her ideal method of showing physical affection, so there's nothing too special about them. The only time she'd ever truly go beyond a squeeze is when she's sad, then she'll cling and never let go lol.
Kulîlk Teyran: Like many things with the Crown, her hugs depend on who you are. If you're a person she wishes to win over, it's filled with warmth and energy as she does her best to hug you like you've been friends for years. But if you do get past her facade, her hugs are more genuine and powerful. She hugs the ones she loves like it'll be the last time she'll ever get to see them, tight with her fists bunching up handfuls of cloth before she slowly releases with slight reluctance. This applies to all she's close with, regardless of whether she's romantically involved with them or not.
Jayce Wiseman: It depends on whether or not you can read his mind. If you can read his mind, he'll do his best to block out his thoughts before coming in quick and squeezing you tight. If you're light enough and small enough he'll lift you before pulling away and putting the right amount of distance between the two of you. The biggest exception to this is if you romance him (and/or are named Greyson Black), then he'll hug you like he'd hug any normal person, wrapping you in his arms and resting his shoulder against your neck with one squeeze. He's the type to sway you back and forth a little as well before finally releasing.
Niamh Venegard: So, utterly terrified. She's a lot stronger than her gangly limbs will tell you and the last thing she wants is to hurt someone by not focusing on her control. Her hugs no matter who you are are gentle and tender, awkward at first but slowly melting until she practically molds herself against the form of the person she's hugging. Then she remembers herself and the touch-starved part of her retreats with the rest of her, Niamh distancing herself immediately and in a hurry, even if you are romancing her.
Talon Vespero: Most certainly not the hugging type. He's more used to people hugging him, though it's because he's carrying them or saving them from certain doom. Considering his Mother and the role his sister was raised for, hugs weren't all too common in his childhood. When he does hug though, it's tight and constricting, but also warm and safe. You might not be able to escape from his death grip on you, but at least in that moment with him, you feel like nothing in the world could hurt a hair on your head without him tearing them asunder. This actually applies whether or not you're romancing him.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Jayce “Button” Wiseman
This is my Button from the Choice game made by @mindblindbard​ I’ll dunno if I can write it as well as the other IFs on my list but I’ll try after some research lol (Picrew)
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Name Meaning: Healer, Cure (It doesn’t really have much to do with why they’re named that way though lmao- the answer is a lot sillier than you’d think)
Callsign: Hemera
Aeon Program: M.I.V N.P.O - Trial
Pollard Score: Zero Five
Age: 20
Birthdate: 20XX, September 5th
Pronouns: He/They
Height: 198 cm/ 6′6
Weight: 86.3 kg
Appearance: Smooth, beige skin that tans quickly when exposed to the sun. Light blue eyes and black, shoulder-length hair that is pulled into a small ponytail and is otherwise left untamed. Very tall in stature and built like a large dorito with moderate muscle definition. Wears dark clothing but shies away from black to get out of their “loner” days in high school. Has multiple piercings in the ear and some on the face. Has a full-sleeve tattoo on their right arm and a bunch of tattoos on their back. Will grow stubble if left unchecked for a few weeks.
Noticeable Attributes: Tattoos creeping up the neck and down one arm- possibly more hidden, small cut through the right eyebrow, thick lashes.
Default Expression: Apathetic
Character Traits: Expident, Charismatic, Confident, Accepting  
An excerpt from UNITY’s Student Evaluation for Cadet Wiseman. Evaluation Instructor: Ambrose S. Kim
As the second and most recent student to enroll in the Non-Psychic Operative Program (N.P.O), Jayce Wiseman has already shown strategic promise as a MIV during their first assignment- as low risk as it was.
 Wiseman also shows physical prowess as well, demonstrating adept usage of melee weaponry and kickboxing in hand-to-hand combat. If they are able to continue their training, Wiseman could turn out to be a valuable asset in Unity’s mission.
A section from a letter sent from Nicholas “Hyacinth” Wiseman to Hope Wiseman
Alright, alright, enough going on about myself (Although I’m an admittedly pretty interesting topic). I should get on to the juicy content you’ve probably been waiting for!
Your dearest Detective Nick’s report on Button (Should I get that trademarked? I should get it trademarked.)
I know you two talk every day but Button doesn’t even think to add all the important details about themselves. Like, for example, how they stole my motorcycle for themselves a few months ago and almost immediately started working on it. 
Sure, I might not use it at all, but I’m 80% certain I’m the one still paying insurance. And before you say anything, don’t worry Mom, I always make sure that they put on their helmet before they go crazy.
Aside from calling me Saint Nick, Jayce’s also gotten into the habit of calling me “Little” brother ever since they hit their growth spurt- just because they’re a few inches taller. He’s also insistent that he’s the more attractive one out of the two of us since he’s a little bulkier and has tattoos and piercings.
“People like tattoos,” He insists.
Oh! There was also this one night I was working late at Aeon so I told Button ‘bout where the leftovers were in the fridge.
Get this though, it’s the sweetest thing ever- and most definitely something Jayce hasn’t told you- but I came home and my little bro was asleep on the couch. More importantly, he made dinner! 
I’m wiping away a fake tear as I write this, just wanted you to know, Mom.
It’s getting late though and we’ve only got a week till Button has their first day at Unity, so I should go get started on dinner and keep Jayce all fueled up, especially when they’ve been busy taking their worries out on poor punching bags at the kickboxing center downtown.
I’ll be sure to write to you soon! Take care of yourself, Mom.
- Nick
Bonus Information:
MTBI:  INTJ-A, The Architect
Temperament: Choleric 
Zodiac: Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Rising
Alignment: Neutral Good
Greatest Assets: Optimistic and Resilient
Greatest Flaws: Combative. Very Combative. And Critical.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
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Moodboard for my Button, Jayce “The Hot One” Wiseman.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
I was wondering what's your oc's aesthetics? Just stuff that remind you of them like types of weather or scenes 👀👀
Carcel Devereaux: A dark alley wet with rain that has long passed, old dusty, red neon lights outside a rundown bar, a thick midnight fog, the bruises and bleeding on a person's knuckles after a fist fight, the clicking of a gun reloading, tense, preparing for the next shot,
Ines Santiago: The scent of a morning latte and freshly baked bread, a journal of neatly organized notes, the warm sunlight between the morning and afternoon, fairy lights strung around an expansive yard, the feeling of a thick, woolen blanket out of the dryer,
Kulîlk: The gentle kiss of sunlight filtered through curtains on a Sunday morning, the smell of worn books, the dulled hues of blue and pink intertwined at the edges of a sunset, the scent and quiet clamor of a cafe in the late afternoon, a nest of pillows and blankets,
Niamh: A pine forest enveloped by morning fog, a hidden field of flowers, dew still lingering on their petals and leaves, old ruins reclaimed by vines of ivy, the comfort of a weighted blanket on a cold night, a rumble of a stormy sky,
Jayce Wiseman: The plucking and adjusting of an out-of-tune guitar, the smells of a bustling downtown, the smell of toffee, fresh and warm, books stuffed with a bunch of sticky notes. the pages all scribbled on, the sound of crunching leaves in autumn,
Talon Vespero: A sudden unnerving chill that runs up your spine that just says "something is wrong", the cold whisps from dry ice dancing between your fingers, the bite of cold steel in the winter, sharp lingering stings from someone digging their nails in your skin, leaving small crescent marks behind
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Beautiful Stranger (Jayce Wiseman x Reader)
The city was a beautiful, wonderous place. It was a machine in constant motion, each piece- each person- playing their part. Every soul that you’d pass having their own story to tell, their own lives and wants and desires.
But this morning was not the time to dwell on that, the reality of your situation lighting your feet aflame as you raced down the Chicago streets to the nearest subway station.
You were late and the bustle of the morning was no longer something to listen to over a cup of tea or coffee, but an impenetrable wall to the start of your day.
“Excuse me, excuse me- ow, ‘scuse me!” You call out, weaving between bodies and ignoring sharp looks and grunts as you hurried to catch your ride. 
Turning the corner you could see your target clearly, the hordes of people thinning as you raced towards the doors. 
Wait, no.
The doors- they were closing.
Come on, just a few more seconds, a few more moments- each step you took felt heavier than the last, your breath growing heavy as you pushed yourself to your limit.
Thats when a hand shot out, grabbing you by your collar and practically yanking you right through the doors before they could close. 
The imminent collision hurt more than you’d like to admit, sending the stranger- your savior of the morning- reeling back a few steps. Their arm rested around your waist, the stranger digging their heel in to keep from falling over as the rest of the late morning commute settled into their positions.
It was close, far too close for your liking, but you made it.
“You alright?”
It took a bit of craning to look up at the stranger, the words of thanks and reassurance dying on your tongue at the sight.
He was avoiding any eye contact, gaze flicking around to take in those around the two of you, but those beautiful blues were hard to miss. His arms were pulled at his sides now, having reeled away from you the moment the two of you were steady.
The best you could do was nod, your lungs heaving in a motion that mirrored his.
Was he running too? You couldn’t remember.
Probably having paid attention to you from the corner of their eye, the distant look on the stranger’s face refocused on you- reading your expression with curiousity. Then they nodded, as if confirming your condition. At least, that’s what you would have assumed they were doing if it weren’t for the fact that they were taking in your face a little too long for your liking.
You simply blink, confused. Was there something on you? Something of interest? 
Before you could bring life to the questions bubbling in your throat, the stranger turned his head over to the doors, gaze dulling to absentmindedly take in the passing sights.
Apparently whatever was getting the gears in his brain turning stopped.
Yeah, he was definitely the weird one in this situation.
No doubt about that.
Adjusting yourself, you followed his gaze out the windows, focusing on the passing lights and reaching for your earbuds to crank some music while you could.
Or at least, you were trying to do. Even from the glass of the train car, you could still see the stranger. 
It was a little hard not to considering how tall he was.
And there was a fierce intensity to his look, a peek of dark ink creeping around the back of his neck, the way wild tufts of silky black framed his soft features.
It was hard to look anywhere else.
It also didn’t help that he was just behind you, the scent of warm vanilla unavoidable, despite your best efforts.
Okay, now you’re definitely the weird one.
It didn’t seem like he noticed your indirect staring or at the least, was pretending to not notice. Kind of him to do so, if it’s the latter.
Feeling a heat at the back of your neck, you turned, coming to the realization that his presence has captured more than just your gaze.
There was a small child, a irritated couple of corporate workers, even an elderly man who turned his head away with shake of his head.
Maybe you weren’t being so weird after all...
You decide to refocus your attention forwards towards the double doors, catching the slight twitch of the stranger’s lips before they swiftly reset themselves into a firm line.
Was that a smile?
Something stirred in your stomach, the creatures taking flight quickly stomped right back down as you pulled your attention towards the blinking lights above the door- praying that your station would come soon. For salvation. For anything.
Yet fate had other plans for you.
The doors opened and closed, people shuffling in and out, the stranger now gone from sight admist all the chaos.
With another stop to go, you move to a seat to wait out the rest of your ride.
Then you see him, his back anyway.
On the otherside of the glass, making his way to hug the wall. He looked around, eyes searching for something, something you couldn’t pinpoint.
What was truly unexpected though, was how the light blues in his eyes settled on you- a mere moment longer than appropriate- before he fully turned, leaving down the undergound corridor.
Unable to hide the small smile on your face, you instead look down to your phone, fidding with the buttons playing music in your ears. The lyrics of the song filling what space the wild whims of your imagination couldn’t. 
These silly thoughts of yours taking full control as the double doors closed once more, the finality of the sound ending your encounter with the beautiful stranger.
At least, for now.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Is Jayce a coffee or tea he/they?
Jayce is a coffee he/they most definitely. He'd be the type to make a shit ton of different coffee and milk ice cubes in different shapes just to make aesthetic lattes for Nick and him and his social media.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
General Relationship HCs: Jayce “Button” Wiseman
hehehe, one of my partner’s favorite ocs of mine. I also cherish him so much so its nice to just be able to work on him. Hopefully you all can fall for this man’s charms like I have ;w;)
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His relationship with you definitely varies on whether or not you’re a Ment like his brother- although not by much in a deeper romance
Don’t worry, he still loves you regardless! But there are things that change slightly in your dynamic
If you can read his mind he tends to stay out of your mental range when he’s feeling low, not wanting to “infect” you with his bad vibes
Deeper into a romance with Jayce, he’s more willing to be closer and let you feel those thoughts of his, so long as it was alright by you.
If you aren’t a Ment though, he’s draping himself over you during his depressive episodes, squeezing you tight in his arms if you allow him
Just like his brother, Jayce is a giver. A big giver, especially in regards to food. He’s an excellent chef, developing a good palette from years of consuming Nick’s cooking, and fully intends to flex his ability for you when you’re together
He has the biggest sweet tooth too, so he’ll be making plenty of Toffee Coffees his brother is famous for on the daily
However, can’t handle his spicy food that well, so the two of you are either suffering together or all things above hot chip levels of spicy are immediately yours to deal with.
Works out a lot to maintain his figure and tone, so he tends to eat a lot in return. A fortunate thing for you since that means that there are no leftovers- each day Jayce is getting in the kitchen to whip you something fresh
His relationship with his brother is really important to him, as important as you are
Which is saying a lot. 
This means that Jayce is real keen on getting the three of you to hang out, paying for lunches, dinners, whatever it may be
At the end of the day he just wants to spend time with the two people he loves the most in the world
Jayce will also loop Sally and you together on group hangouts, though he’s less pressed about the two of you getting along as he is with his family
Will very openly flex while working out or kick boxing when he thinks you’re watching because this man is proud of his hard work and his body
Jayce 100% will try to do pushups while you sit on his back, doesn’t matter how heavy or light you might be. If he can’t do it, give him a few months to train and Button is ready to try to again
Starts pushing his strength training when dating you so he can deadlift your weight and then some
Don’t ask why, you know why
Button knows he looks good, alright? So he peacocks for you at any chance he gets
Jayce Wiseman knows he’s got thick lashes and he’s not ashamed of batting them at you to flirt. Pair that with a pout and the man is hard to resist even on the best of days
Even though the ownership of his motorcycle is questionable, Jayce likes to take you out on rides throughout the city, occasionally taking the evening to leave to catch the sunset out on the outskirts of town
There’s just something about your arms around his waist, the sharp wind biting against his skin, its simply addicting. There aren’t any other words he could put to it
Even outside his work with Aeon, Button continues his modeling career to get extra “spoil you” money. This also leads to a small pile of magazines he’s featured in piling on your coffee table so please give them the cursory look through and appreciative nods he so desires before throwing them out 
Will jokingly call himself your super model boyfriend because of this
Enjoys working on his bike in his free time so he starts improving that handiness skill of his rather quickly. That also means that your tech, appliance, and vehicle problems aren’t yours anymore- it’s his.
Your car making a weird noise? Give Jayce a little time to do some research and inspection and he could probably fix it- at least temporarily.
He’ll be able to do the basics well at the very least
The man got a perfect score on his Aeon exam, so repairing an aircon unit or fridge shouldn’t be too hard. Right? He could probably handle something like that.
Okay, maybe it’s best to not let him go mad scientist on your appliances, but its the thought that counts
And Jayce Wiseman has plenty of that, ‘specially for you.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Is jayce a sweets guy?
Well, considering one of his favorite foods is Toffee Coffees, a cookie Nick's been making for him since he was a kid, yes, yes he is.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
What's jayce's favorite hobby?
Jayce comes from a rather wealthy family so they have a lot of money to pursue a ton of hobbies when they were young- more so now that they make a steady income and live with their older brother. Out of all their hobbies though, Jayce enjoys working on his motorcycle and cooking the most.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
What are the 'canon' routes for your ocs? I know they're based off of interactive novels so I was just curious!
asdkjhkj I feel like this is gonna say a lot more about my type than anything else but I'll give a small snippet for each of my ocs.
Carcel Devereaux: They were designed to be tall, stoic, and unbreakable. This means that I had to pair them up with Felix and Mason lol. Felix is the only one capable of having the patience of cracking open that hardened detective shell... and it was really interesting to see a route where Carcel could be bold with Mason. A real FwB to relationship thing. Throughout this, I can see either Adam or Felix being their bestie- depending on the route.
Ines Santiago: She was made to be both Nate and Adam's routes, although I'm still debating on how she'll behave in a LT route. Her best friend is probably Mason throughout each of her routes. I just like the idea of her brightness melting at du Mortain a little, and how flustered she'd get with Nate. Plus the height difference is cute so...
Kulîlk Teyran: Though she is set up to be open to any relationship, I initially used and created her for a high romance X run. Also, the moment X/D poly is available she will, in fact, be on it.
Jayce Wiseman: He was made during my high family relationship route and I paired him with Gray since Jayce had a childhood crush that he never acted on. It's honestly really cute seeing them interact when I play Mind Blind
Niamh Venegard: Arthur and Gwyar poly most definitely. Although there are like, 1.5 chapters available, her journey is all about finding a proper home for herself and Arthur is the character to help her do that. Plus, she already has an amiable relationship with Gwyar so...
Talon Vespero: This one is a 50-50 split between Vethna and Syfyn with a past relationship with Syfyn. It depends on my mood but I like his dynamic with both since he plays that bodyguard trope and childhood best friend trope so well.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
How does Jayce feel about valentines? If they'd get anything for their partner on that day, what would it be?
Jayce before falling in love simply enjoys the real holiday- the candy sales post-Valentine's Day. When he does fall for someone though, the first thing he'd want to do is pull out all the stops, stealing his brother's motorcycle for the day and taking his date out for a long ride out of the city and maybe at a lake town or a peaceful campsite. Somewhere no one could ever hear their thoughts while the two of you enjoy a picnic he's already spent hours preparing.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
If your ocs bad their own perfume or cologne what would it smell like?
Agdjsfh you've tapped into my other interest, collecting perfumes. I love different floral and fruity scents so this was super fun searching for perfumes and colognes for my favorite characters!
Carcel Devereaux: A scent as intoxicating and as assertive as the scent of their mutated blood. Something like Black Orchid with vanilla, ylang-ylang, or orchid- maybe with a kick of sandalwood or cinnamon to really take it to another level. Lucky for the vampires they work with that the scent of this detective's blood is stronger than the perfume they use.
Ines Santiago: Subtle, but sweet. She's an outgoing person but for the sake of her vampiric coworkers, she's not gonna put anything too heavy on. A scent that is citrusy and refreshing like her presence would be ideal. Like a Bright Crystal with yuzu and peony. Maybe some other fruits and flowers, but nothing too musky or earthy.
Kulîlk Teyran: Radiant and elegant, just like Her Imperial Majesty. A scent that has notes of jasmine, neroli, or bitter orange blossom oils, and something fruity or citrusy- like strawberry or bergamot in My Way. If she wishes to be less overwhelming then something with lilies, magnolias, and citrusy like Clinique's Happy.
Jayce Wiseman: Assertive, just as the barrage of thoughts Ments get when around Jayce. A scent that is exciting and warm just like him and his brother. Any cologne with amber, tonka bean, for the slight spice, and citrus would work well. Eros or Ambery Mint would work well for Jayce I think.
Niamh Venegard: Natural, sweet, and comforting. A scent with notes of blackcurrants, honey, and lemon- maybe a lil warm vanilla. Just like the mulled wines that Niamh enjoys, it's got to be something that makes you want to curl up in a blanket. So a scent like Nectarine Blossom & Honey would be a good choice.
Talon Vespero: Warm, spicy, leathery, and like a forest. Something intense that lingers even after he leaves the room just like the Commander's very presence. Something like Oud Wood which has rosewood, tobacco, pink pepper, oud, and cedarwood.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
What are some characters or things that you based your own ocs out of?
Some are personality-based, others are simply visual, and some are like- character development or vibes based, it's something I could prob get into a little another time but for now, I'll just some characters I had in mind when making my own.
Carcel Devereaux: Sophie Devereaux, Ines Valeztena de Perez
Ines Santiago: Amy Santiago, Carcel Escalante
Jayce Wiseman: Jason Todd, Miyamura, Artemis Fowl
Kulîlk Teyran: Verta from Depths of Malice, Margaery Tyrell
Niamh Venegard: Alicent Hightower, Sagiri from Hell's Paradise
Talon Vespero: Peter Pevensie, Geralt of Rivia,
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fancifulflora · 1 year
How does Jayce express affection?
Physical touch, 100%. Just being in close proximity to you is a big thing for a Zero like Jayce who screams out his thoughts to any nearby Ments constantly. Whether you're a Ment or otherwise, him cuddling close to you or wrapping his arms around your waist is just his own way of showing a willingness to be vulnerable around the one he loves.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Fandoms/IP List
This list is probably going to be a constant WIP so if there’s a character in a certain series not listed or a fandom/IP you want me to look into please let me know! 
14 Days with You (VN)
A Tale of Crowns (IF)
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Boyfriend to Death (I prob not going to do anything too extreme)
BNHA (No NSFW for the students TY very much)
Creepypasta (Certain monsters/creatures but if shit gets weird I’m stopping)
Danganronpa (No NSFW)
Dawn of Yona
Dead By Daylight
Dragon Age
New Vegas
Fallout 4
Hades (Game)
Homestuck (Hiveswap + Friendism)
Kane Chronicles (No NSFW)
Inside Job
Legend of Zelda
Mass Effect
Mind Blind (IF)
Mushroom Oasis (VN)
Mystic Messenger
Nightmare Before Christmas
Obey Me!
Original (Ex: Vampire x Reader or Coworker x Reader)
Percy Jackson (No NSFW)
Persona 5 (No NSFW for the students)
Phoenix Wright
Resident Evil
Rise of the Guardians
SCP (If I know it and can think of smth I’ll write it. Super out of character for monsters that have to be contained though.)
Silent Hill
Sinners (IF) (No longer accepting requests ATM)
Skulduggery Pleasant (Leave Valkyrie and Fletcher alone)
Slashers (Horror)
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Michael Myers
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Jason Voorhees
Bramhs Heelshire
The Exile (IF)
The King’s Hound (IF)
The Wayhaven Chronicles (IF)
TFP (Transformers Prime)
Carcel Devereaux (They/Them)
Ines Santiago (She/Her)
Jayce Wiseman (He/They)
Kulîlk Teyran (She/Her)
Niamh Venegard (She/Her)
Talon Vespero (He/Him)
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