#tracy middendorf
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esqueletosgays · 7 months ago
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Director: Wes Craven Cinematography: Mark Irwin
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moviesludge · 5 months ago
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he's mad they didn't like his green hat
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Who is hotter? Keenser or Tora
Round one, fight forty eight
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taiturner · 1 year ago
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MAGGIE DUVAL Scream ◆ 1x01 "Red Roses"
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duranduratulsa · 4 months ago
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Up next on my 40th Anniversary Freddy Krueger movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #l#movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #anightmareonelmstreet7 #wescravensnewnightmare #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #heatherlangenkamp #JohnSaxon #RIPJohnSaxon #AmandaWyss #JsuGarcia #nickcorri #robertshaye #MikoHughes #tracymiddendorf #franbennett #sararisher #mariannemaddelena #wearlbrown #jessicacraven #MattWinston #SamRubin #PatrickLussier #davidnewsom #tuesdayknight #LinShaye #SamRubin #BodhiElfman #vintage #VHS #90s #newlinecinema #elmstreet40
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filmjunky-99 · 2 years ago
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [for the cause, s4ep22]
'I think it's safe to say you have nothing to fear from me.' - ziyal
'And you, my dear, have nothing to fear from me.' - garak
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stripesysheaven · 2 years ago
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4framesofentertain · 20 days ago
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"Angel relocates to Los Angeles, where he encounters a stranger who experiences visions of those in need, and a woman who lives in fear of a vampire." - IMDb description.
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therealmrpositive · 2 years ago
Hollywood and Elm Part 6 - Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)
In today's review, I find dreams and nightmares lurk beyond the cinema screen. As I attempt a #positive review of Wes Craven's New Nightmare #HeatherLangenkamp #RobertEnglund #MikoHughes #JohnSaxon #TracyMiddendorf #DavidNewsom #FranBennett #WesCraven
With the act of creation, you’re letting yourself be exposed. Sometimes this can lead to para-social relationships, but in some cases, this can lead to tragedy as those who cannot discern between fiction and reality take matters into their own hands. In 1994, Heather herself had the veil broken, having to face the mythical killer that got the best of her, as the lines between fiction and reality…
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cleoselene · 1 month ago
24 rewatch
I'm on 24 and this is one of the good ones. Like, the best seasons of 24 it is known are 2, 5, and 7. 1 and 4 are pretty good. 3 is okay. 6 is dog shit. I don't even remember 8 tbh? Did I watch it? I don't think so
anyway season 2 is good except the Kim arc is SO awful. and has Tracy Middendorf ever not played a victimized woman? I bet she gets so sick of these roles. Like I want to see Tracy Middendorf get a role where she's a psycho killer or a tough cop just to switch it up for this poor woman who has had to spend her whole career doing the "fragile weeping while beautiful thing." Tracy Middendorf i bet you have more range than they give you. You could do a raunchy comedy or an action movie or a vengeful nun. I believe in you
I don't believe in Kim Bauer :( I really was hoping my rewatch would make me reevaluate my loathing of the Bauer women because I would have evolved but they both just do so many dumbass things. I feel like a failure at loving female characters who are hated.
BUT I have a passionate love for both Sherry Palmer and Chloe O'Brian who at many times were hated and I like Nina's crazy ass, she's entertaining in her violence too. Kim and Teri were just written to make the worst possible decisions.
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ishgwrts · 6 months ago
Tracy Middendorf
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Birth Year: 1970
Nationality: American
Character: TBA
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moviesludge · 5 months ago
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Nurse coming at you with the ivermectin
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saturdaynightmatinee · 6 months ago
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Título Original: Boy Wonder
Año: 2010
Duración: 93 min
País: Estados Unidos
Dirección: Michael Morrissey
Guion: Michael Morrissey
Música: Irv Johnson
Fotografía: Christopher LaVasseur
Reparto: Zulay Henao, Caleb Steinmeyer, James Russo, Bill Sage, Tracy Middendorf, Chuck Cooper, etc
Productora: Boy Wonder Films
Género: Action; Crime; Drama
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duranduratulsa · 1 year ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #wescravensnewnightmare #anightmareonelmstreet7 #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #heatherlangenkamp #JohnSaxon #RIPJohnSaxon #AmandaWyss #JsuGarcia #MikoHughes #davidnewsom #tracymiddendorf #franbennett #sararisher #mariannemaddelena #wearlbrown #jessicacraven #robertshaye #LinShaye #tuesdayknight #vintage #vhs #90s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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Okay. Time for some in-depth analysis that nobody actually asked for.
Memory Alpha states that Tain took over the Obsidian Order in 2348 and Garak was exiled in 2368. At some point in the three years after that Tain retired to spend time with his remaining heart valves.
We know that Tain is Garak's father, a fact stated by Garak and denied by Tain with almost his dying breath, but he was proud of him that one time when he was four which to a Cardassian is basically a signed confessional.
We know that Garak joined the Order and impressed Tain enough to be promoted quite highly, but we do not know whether Tain was in charge of things before that happened, or if he was still highly placed but not yet the Big Cheese.
If we take A Stitch in Time as canon, which most people do, we know Garak was sent to Bamarren when he reached 'the age of emergence'. He does not specify if this age is basically adulthood or the presumably earlier onset of puberty, but a statement is made that his 'childhood is over', and Garak appears to experience physical attraction to several people during his first year, therefore it is safe to assume that he is at least in the middle of, if not post puberty.
We have no information on how long birth-puberty takes in Cardassians - or do we?
Rugal is said to be twelve when discovered to be alive in the episode 'Cardassians'. He was played by the human, Vidal Peterson, who was 25 years old at the time, 13 years older than his character. This indicates that Cardassians reach their physical age of maturity faster than humans. However Rugal was still considered a child by Cardassian standards as their laws did not allow him to make his own decisions on who he should live with, therefore their mental age must mature more slowly than their physical one.
Second piece of evidence - Ziyal. She first appeared at the age of 19, played by Cyia Batten, who was 23 at the time of her first appearance. In subsequent appearances the actresses who played her, Tracy Middendorf and Melanie Smith, were 6 and 14 years older than the character. In other words, Ziyal physically aged significantly faster than a human would over the same period, although still after the most common human age of majority.
Finally, Dukat, aka rat bastard. Dukat made several historical appearances in flashbacks and time traveling episodes, and in all of them he looked exactly the same. These two pieces of information imply that Cardassians do experience accelerated aging (compared to humans) up to a point, at which point their aging slows down significantly for an extended period of time.
So where does that lead us with Garak? Bamarren is supposed to take nine years, but he's pulled out after year three to be sent somewhere else, and that his mother and adopted father no longer saw him as a boy when he briefly returned. It is likely, therefore, that regardless of whether the age of emergence is the beginning of puberty or adulthood, Garak is definitely an adult after his first three years there, and therefore - based on Ziyal being permitted to live on the station alone at the age of 20, likely to be about that age with some margin of error either side. It is at this age that he begins his Obsidian Order training. It is unclear whether Tain is in charge of the Order at this point or merely extremely high up. If he has taken over the order at this point, then Garak's lowest age can be estimated as approximately 40 (started Bamarren at approximately 16, joined the order at 19 immediately after Tain's takeover, plus 1 year of exile). But what about his upper age?
If we assume Bamarren was begun at the latest possible age then he may have been 20 in his first year and had just become an adult. He would therefore be 23 at the time he joined the Order, so the real question of his upper age hinges on whether Tain was already in charge or not.
Certainly by the time Garak's adopted father dies Tain appears to be in full command. Garak's own words describe the time passing between him joining the order and going home to see Tolan die as 'years' however, so it is possible Tain took command at some point inside of those years. If we assume 'years' to be perhaps 5, and Tain took command halfway through those years, then Garak's upper age at the time he first meets Bashir can be estimated as approximately 46.5 years old.
But can we go further? How far can we stretch the limits of the scant data we have?
If we assume that Garak joined Bamarren at the latest possible age of adulthood, which seems to be 20. Spent three years there before joining the Order at 23, spent 10 years advancing until he was known as one of the 'Sons of Tain' and (and this is key) Tain had not yet taken over the Order, but was rather one of several Seconds in Commands whose extremely competent division Garak was assigned to, then his maximum plausible age at the time he met Bashir is between 53 and 60, but most likely towards the lower end of that range.
Of course at the time of their first meeting Andrew Robinson was 51. As has been noted, the humans playing Cardassians tend to end up about 14 years older than their characters so it's entirely possible that I'm overthinking it and Garak was 37 in the first season of DS9, with Tain retiring at an impressive 52. Dukat and his actor being an outlier in this case who should not be counted.
So in conclusion: All your headcanons are true, especially the lies.
one of the funniest things about ds9 is we have no idea how old garak is. he could be like 30
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earhartsease · 2 years ago
there are certain actresses that seem to just keep getting cast to be killed off - Tracy Middendorf for example - we've seen her die in at least five different tv series and it's weird
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