#elle x vivian
wouldgaysexfixthem · 3 months
would gay sex fix them?
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albaharu · 8 months
Can you do Legally Blonde? I'd love Elle and Vivian
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Excellent choice
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wombatdad · 1 year
The end of legally blonde would hit so much better if Elle and Vivian ended up as a couple, and here's why
The way they set up Elle and Emmett is unsatisfying bc he's set up as her love interest. You can tell they'll end up together the second he's introduced. Vivian and Elle? Enemies to lovers, much more compelling. Plus (IMO) Emmett's boring. There's not much to his characterization and Elle jumping from mean blond white boy to nice brown haired white boy doesn't illustrate growth on her part.
It also works with the Canon lesbian character, Enid, who is initially judgmental and rude to Elle based on her appearance and speech pattern. She even outright accuses Elle of being homophobic early on. Making Elle sapphic makes the accusation more poignant, and it's "don't judge a book by its cover" message hits harder. As it is in the film, Elle and Enid don't really interact enough on screen to justify the turnaround (imo).
Finally, Vivian is a much more compelling character if she's gay. She's playing a part as much as Warner is, and her being closeted in order to succeed in the society she was raised in. We do see a subtle "coming out" process in her wardrobe change, going from turtle necks to crewnecks, but idk it's barely there. There's also a scene where she's regarding her engagement ring with her friend, and her face isn't exactly one of excitement. She's not necessarily into the idea of marrying Warner, she's fulfilling the societal prerequisites to success.
Chekov does seem to have left a few of his guns scattered through the plot that point toward this having been the intended endgame romance (ESPECIALLY the repeated juxtaposition of Elle and Enid. It happens more than i remembered tbh, but its p subtle and kinda slows down/stops after the first half). They just never go off. Instead, Elle ends up with Emmett in the epilogue text, not even on screen. Like it was tacked on.
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feralfrey · 1 year
if you stop legally blonde at 1:30:49 then the movie ends with elle and vivian smiling at each other during graduation and you can pretend they are girlfriends and elle doesn’t get with emmett :)
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Shooting Star
read on AO3
~1k, Vivian Kensington/Elle Woods, No Rating, for @femslashfeb’s Day #9 prompt “rose” and for @febuwhump’s Day #9 prompt “voice loss” and for @kinkuary’s Day #9 prompts “hair, hair-pulling” 
Summary: "I heard you're dating Elle Woods."
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keebwee · 5 months
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legally blonde the musical hace freo (fru x leo) au ....... can u tell chip on my shoulder is my favorite song (im on my fourth loop) (the song is 8 minutes long)
bonus donnie as aaron schultz doodle
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trashcreatyre · 6 months
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Klekie doodles from yesterday
The purple bunny character belongs to @mrgreenman217
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addieyapsalot · 2 months
sydluca legally blonde the musical au where carmy is warner and marcus,tina, and sugar are syds greek chorus and claire is vivian and richie is paulette and kyle is jessica
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pyxilatezero · 5 months
guys what have I done
it’s literally an excuse for Chansaw and Cadina
(you know I had to preach my Kanis in there too)
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elle-jagerman · 2 months
hello everyone! i’m elle ☺️
one of the kids in theater suggested i got this app… they said i would “do numbers” on here? i’m not sure either 🤷‍♀️
i’m a sophmore at hatchetfield high, so ig you can ask me anything about that? but watch yourself, i don’t tolerate bullshit.
and YES max is my big brother. but i’m my own person! please keep your asks about him to a minimum 😒
i also work at beanies, sadly. i see a lot of nerds hanging out there, so maybe i’ve seen some of you there haha 😛
i’m in cheer, too… can’t believe i forgot to mention that!
i love, love, LOVE talking to people! my ‘ask box’ (is that what it’s called?) will always be open!
before you ask NO i was NOT in the woods summoning those weird demon guys and NO i did not make a deal with ANYONE to be their most devoted servant… <3 but my nightmares have gone away! :)
hi guys! it’s vivian. i run this account! if you’re gonna send an ask to me, please clarify it’s for me! i’m not going to ignore asks unless i just don’t want to answer them. so please, be careful what you goofballs say.
update 2: i probably won’t answer asks at night, and if i do, i’m sorry if they’re absolute chicken scratch 😭 i am not well after 9 pm. lots of love!
i will do…
oc x oc
oc x canon
but keep the nsfw to a minimum! regular starkid type jokes are fine (i’m not a cop 🙏) but be aware that elle is 16 years of age!
update 3: elle mainly works for nibbly and wiggly! cause she’s queer. also pink. and was raised to believe she wasn’t worth anything, and she didn’t let herself prove that she was worthy of love… and wiggly was like hey girl that’s fucked up! love yourself haha and when she did start loving herself and becoming more greedy with her desires nibbly was like. ellie yum yum
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Twenty
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Chapter Twenty: Two Demons and an Angel Walk into a Church
Summary: Demons decide to kidnap (Y/N).
            “Sorry for cutting out on our movie night,” said Em, smiling apologetically. “If the boss calls, I gotta go.”
            “Lucifer can wait for Legally Blonde to finish,” said (Y/N), waving their hand. They leaned their head back over the coach to look at Em upside-down. “What did he want, anyways?”
            “He had a visit from some demons,” said Em. “They wanted him to go back to Hell.”
            “And Lucifer said no, right?” said (Y/N), slightly nervous.
            “Obviously,” said Em, sitting down. “He’s not leaving you, Birdie.”
            (Y/N) smiled and pretended to roll their eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I’m not worried.” They crossed their arms. “But I thought that demons weren’t able to get to earth.”
            “Long story,” sighed Em. “They’re not supposed to be here, and Lucifer told them to get packing.”
            “Oh, good, a problem I don’t have to solve,” sighed (Y/N) thankfully.
            “Yep, Lucifer’s even doing cleanup by letting Chloe and Maze know about the situation and what happened,” said Em.
            “Wonderful,” said (Y/N). “I get a night off.” They grinned.
            “Well, you definitely earned one, Birdie,” said Em. “So, what did I miss?”
            “I paused the movie,” said (Y/N).
            “Really?” asked Em.
            “I mean, yeah. This is our movie night. It’s for you and me to watch together,” said (Y/N). “So I waited.”
            “Thanks,” said Em, turning red. (Y/N) really was the sweetest when they wanted to be. There was a reason Em had a crush on them, after all.
            “Stop thanking me and just sit down,” said (Y/N). “It’s time to watch the movie.”
            “Okay, okay,” chuckled Em, sitting down. “Where were we?”
            “Elle is studying for the LSAT,” said (Y/N).
            “Good for her,” said Em, settling in with (Y/N).
            “Detective! I was hoping you’d still be up working,” said Lucifer, walking into the LAPD. “Ever the over-worker.” He blinked in surprise. “And Maze! What a surprise!”
            “Oh, good, Lucifer,” said Chloe, letting out a sigh of relief. “Listen, we have a problem.”
            “Oh?” asked Lucifer.
            “Demons are roaming the earth,” said Maze.
            “Then I have wonderful news for you!” said Lucifer brightly. “I already know; I saw them earlier.” He sighed. “Yeah, it seems that Kinley summoned them to take my back to Hell. His last-ditch attempt to squash the prophecy.” He grinned. “But don’t worry, crisis averted; I sent them packing. And besides, the demons in question are Dromos and Squee. Hardly the brightest bulb in the hellfire chandelier.”
            Maze tsked. “I hate those two. Especially Squee.”
            “Well, everyone hates Squee,” said Lucifer. “But either way, I’ve handled it all. And Emeranne was there, too, so she also is up-to-date with everything.”
            “That’s great, but I’m still getting my knives and giving some to Emeranne in case those two idiots get lost on their way home,” said Maze.
            “Fair enough,” said Lucifer, following Maze as she left the LAPD.
            “Warner ends up all alone,” snickered Em as Legally Blonde ended.
            “And Vivian and Elle are friends,” said (Y/N). “I love this movie.” They grinned at Em. “And, hey, someone needed to get you to watch the best human movies.”
            “What else is on the list?” asked Em.
            (Y/N) opened their phone and looked at their list. “Howl’s Moving Castle and Ocean’s 11 are the next two.”
            “What are those about?”
            “Howl’s Moving Castle is an animated film about magic and curses, and Ocean’s 11 is a heist movie,” said (Y/N).
            “Sound fun, I can’t wait,” said Em, smiling. She’d take any chance to be around (Y/N). They needed to figure out how to tell if (Y/N) liked them (and start flirting(?)).
            The elevator dinged, and (Y/N) and Em turned around to look. Em’s eyes widened as Dromos and Squee walked in.
            “Is that Kinley?” said (Y/N) in shock.
            “My name’s Dromos,” said Dromos. “I’m just…borrowing this body.”
            “The boss told you to go back to Hell,” said Em, moving in front of (Y/N) and pushing them behind her.
            “What’s going on?” questioned (Y/N).
            “We have a bit of a demon problem,” said Em, narrowing their eyes. “But the boss told them to leave.”
            “He abdicated the throne,” said Squee. “He isn’t our boss.”
            “Em, did Dad do that?” asked (Y/N).
            Em nodded, and Dromos grinned. “Aw, are you ‘Em’ up here? No wonder you’ve gone soft like Lucifer.”
            Em just glared. “You should listen to his warning and go back to Hell no matter what you think. He’ll obliterate you if he finds you here.”
            “Right, right…But we have some business to take of, and as long as we handle it before he figures anything out…” Dromos smirked. “We’re home free. And anyways, we’ll be going to Hell happily.”
            “But we need a King, first,” said Squee. “And angel.”
            Em reached back and grabbed (Y/N)’s hand. “Run,” she whispered.
            “And we thought, why not a half-angel?” said Dromos, taking a step forward and staring at (Y/N).
            “Shit,” said (Y/N).
            “Go, Birdie,” said Em, pushing (Y/N) back and lunging at Dromos.
            (Y/N) actually listened to someone for once and ran for the elevator. Squee grabbed for them, but (Y/N) dodged, and shadows reached up to grab his ankle. They tripped him and jumped over his body to head for freedom.
            Behind them, Em punched Dromos. He stumbled back before returning the attack. Em was a younger and smaller demon, so they ducked before trying to hit him again. Unfortunately, Dromos blocked and grabbed her. He lifted them and slammed them down on the bar counter. Em cried out as her head hit the marble. They weren’t an angel—this could hurt them.
            Em’s cry got (Y/N)’s attention, and they faltered in their run to look back. And their heart cried out for them to do something. So, stupidly, foolishly (but what else could someone be when they cared for another?), (Y/N) stopped and raised a hand. Shadows grabbed Dromos and dragged him away from Em.
            And it gave Squee the perfect moment to grab their leg from where he lay and stab a needle into them. The drugs entered their system, and (Y/N) collapsed. They groaned, and the shadows faded back to their usual darkness as they lost consciousness and the drugs took effect.
            “Em…” they said. “Dad…” Their vision went black.
            Dromos looked back to confirm that Squee was picking up Lucifer’s kid before looking back down at Em as she fumbled to get up and help (Y/N).
            “Stay down, brat,” he said, picking them up and throwing them into the bar shelves.
            Em collapsed to the ground behind the counter in a show of glass, and that last thing she saw was Squee and Dromos walking out of the penthouse with (Y/N).
            “Maze, just how many knives are you bringing Emeranne?” asked Chloe as they finally arrived at Lux. Maze had taken quite some time to find just the right weapons for Em.
            “Enough for her to be properly armed,” said Maze vaguely.
            “Oh boy,” sighed Chloe.
            Lucifer checked the time. “If (Y/N) is sleeping and all this wakes them up, I’m not going to be happy.”
            Chloe smiled. “I think it’s nice that you’re worried about them.”
            “Oh, no, their sleep schedule is screwed up anyways, it’s more that they’ll bite our heads off,” said Lucifer jovially, leading the group to the elevator.
            “Right,” said Chloe, just smiling and rolling her eyes. She knew it was Lucifer’s way of worrying.
            The elevator finally dinged at the penthouse, and the group stepped out.
            “Oh my god,” said Chloe, eyes widening.
            The entryway of the penthouse was fine, but the view of the bar was a mess. The entire set of shelves was destroyed, and glass littered the floor. Beside a body.
            “Emeranne,” said Maze, instantly moving to her favorite demon’s side.
            “Is she alright?” said Lucifer, hovering with Chloe.
            “They have a pulse,” said Maze.
            Sure enough, Em’s eyes were opening. “What the—Maze?”
            “Yeah, kid,” said Maze. “And Chloe and Lucifer.”
            Em didn’t listen to that and instantly sat up as she got her bearing. She looked around wildly. “Shit. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, we need to go!”
            “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said Chloe, grabbing Em as they stood. “Calm down, kid. You need a hospital.”
            “No, no, it’s (Y/N). (Y/N)’s in danger!” said Em. She looked at Lucifer desperately. “I tried to protect them, I swear, but Dromos and Squee were stronger, and they drugged (Y/N), and I couldn’t get to them in time, and they stopped running to help me, and then those damn demons took them.”
            “They what?” said Lucifer, eyes blazing red, and Maze and Chloe glanced at each other worriedly.
            “Dromos and Squee took (Y/N),” said Em. “They want them as a king.”
            “King?” said Chloe.
            “They need an angel as the King of Hell,” said Maze, making the connecting. “And (Y/N) is half-angel now.”
            “Full angel, possibly,” said Lucifer darkly. “We have no idea how this ‘self-actualizing a child’ thing works.” His eyes widened in horror. “Which means them taking (Y/N) is my fault.”
            “Hey, no, don’t do that,” said Chloe. “Don’t blame yourself.”
            “(Y/N) wouldn’t want you to,” said Em quietly. “They’d want you to be cursing the demons out and fighting them, not blaming yourself.”
            Lucifer nodded stiffly. “Right.” (Y/N) needed him. He didn’t have time for himself. (Y/N) was what mattered. “Detective, I need your help to figure out where they took (Y/N).”
            “Of course, Lucifer. We’ll find them,” said Chloe.
            Lucifer’s stomach twisted, and his heart clenched. He had to find (Y/N). He had to protect them. If he couldn’t…he wouldn’t recover.
            (Y/N)’s eyes opened blearily. Their vision was still blurry, and when they tried to move, they found they were bound. It seemed to be overkill, but as they squirmed, (Y/N) realized the ropes were tight around their torso. Their wings couldn’t get out. The demons were trapping an angel, and they had taken every precaution.
            (Y/N) groaned. They blinked, furiously trying to clear their vision, but the drugs were strong. I can’t believe Dad used to do this for fun, they thought. Finally, they managed to piece together that they were in a church. The irony was going to kill them before the drugs.
            “Aw, look, the little angel is waking up,” said Dromos, kneeling in front of them.
            “Two demons and an angel walk into a church,” said (Y/N). “You guys are a joke in the making.”
            Dromos’s eyes narrowed, and he grabbed (Y/N) by the collar. “Listen here, you—”
            “Dromos,” said Squee. “Keep your temper. Once this is all over, we’ll have what we want and can do as we wish.”
            Dromos rolled his eyes but let go of (Y/N). “Fine, fine.” He glared at them. “But you better start watching your mouth. You’re the powerless one here. We make the rules.”
            “You know, the more I meet Celestials and demons, the more I realize they’re just like humans,” muttered (Y/N).
            “We are far superior,” said Squee coldly.
            “Maybe in stupidity,” sneered (Y/N). “Do you really think this is gonna work? My dad, Lucifer, is going to destroy you. You’ve sealed your own death warrants.”
            Dromos leaned in and smirked. “He’s not going to get here before we get what we want. So I’d suggest worrying about yourself.”
            (Y/N) forced themself to glare through their fear. They wouldn’t give the demons the satisfaction of getting the reaction they wanted. But still…
            Dad, I need you.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 months
Newly Named OCs
thank you thank you thank you @cecexwrites for talking me off the edge of a metaphorical cliff and helping me figure all of this out let's go
Upcoming Plot Bunnies (not going to share details now bc I'll post their asks once I make headers)
Vanya Baker – Gilmore Girls, x Max
Lillie Ledger – Bridgerton
Theodosia Byrd – Bridgerton, x Benedict
Samira Devlin – Supernatural
Archie Quinton – Doctor Who
Zenais Rosier – Harry Potter, x Pansy
The Society
Claire Tomkins ( Olivia Holt ) — Elle’s twin sister, thinks Campbell is a sketchy ass bitch
Luca Clarke ( Froy Gutierrez ) – poly Sam & Grizz OC, chaotic rich football player and leads the guard after Grizz goes on the expedition, hates Campbell
Camryn Clarke ( Madelyn Cline ) – poly Hallie OC, Luca's step sister and best friend, also Harry's best friend, rich bitch wild child
Jurassic World (blame Cece)
Joss Murphy ( Madelyn Cline ) – Lex's daughter, head empty
Courtney Krill ( Kristine Froseth ) – Vivian's younger sister, waitress on the island, x Matthew Steele
Matthew Steele ( Tom Holland ) – bar tender on the island but wants to one day work in the research & development department, x Courtney Krill
Miles Shepherd ( Chris Evans ) – runs security on whichever exhibit Devon runs, x Devon Grady
Elijah Lewis ( Dylan O'Brien ) – head 100% empty, x Raegan Mitchell
Everest Ledger ( Tom Hiddleston ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Tanner Kane ( Brenton Thwaites ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Kai Forrest ( Josh Hutcherson ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Decker Haynes ( Dwayne Johnson ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Ariana Galanis / Ariadne Bayern ( Nicola Coulghan ) – Bluebeard's final wife, but Bluebeard is Peter Pan. Hook rescued her from being the latest sacrifice and hid her in the Enchanted Forest, but then the curse happens
Marigold "Goldie" Thistle / Thumbelina ( Sabrina Carpenter ) – Thumbelina, fairy princess, just vibes
Kieran Iverson / Ambrose Morvan ( Aaron Tveit ) – in the Enchanted Forest he was a travelling musician/writer but Regina killed his first love, he ended up leading a band of rebels fighting against her reign, tbd what he's doing in Storybrooke, x Pearl Gale
Hermione Bridgerton ( Millie Bobby Brown ) – Hyacinth's twin, just vibes
Callum Linfield ( Henry Goulding ) – head empty just vibes, x Euphemia Bridgerton
Thomasin Elkins ( Anne Hathaway ) – widow in the ton, friends with Violet & Agatha (and Charlotte?), ends up starting a flirtation with Jon Lockwood which soon turns into more
Molly Pevensie ( Millie Bobby Brown ) – Lucy's twin, ends up back in Narnia before them in Prince Caspian, has to survive alone when there are no Narnians to help or protect her and ends up befriending Caspian
Recasts / Updates
Eulalia Rosier ( Kacey Rohl ) – Carissa Rosier's new name
Lea Aldrich ( Grace Van Dien ) – Zoe Aldrich's new name / face
Mandy Holbrook ( Olivia Scott Welch ) – Mandy Holbrook's new face
Eilwony ( Kiernan Shipka ) – Eilwony's new face
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yoimiyasthings · 1 year
Please tell me that Genshin x Legally blonde (the musical) isn't so fucking funny, Exhibit A -
The characters
Elle Woods - Kaveh
Emmett Forest - Alhaitham
Warner - Scaramouche
Vivian - Nilou
Paulette - Itto
Greek chorus - Tighnari, Cyno, Collei
Bruiser - Merhak
Brooke Whyndam - Yelan
Chutney Whyndam - Eula
Judge - Nahida
Proffesor Callahan - Dottore
Enid Hoops - Keqing
Aaron Shultz - Pantalone
Sundeep - Heizou
Kyle - Ayato
Nicos - Childe
Nicos BF - Kaeya
Please take these choices lightly, I have nothing against Nilou!!!! Nilou is my booboo bear and j don't like mischaracterizing her and besides, Vivian is lovely and so sweet at the end🩷😇😇
Please imagine them all singing gay or European for Childe x Kaeya
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wisteriawatching · 1 year
indulgent girl summer is:
saying yes instead of no
sequins, face gems, glitter, metallics
leaning in to friendship
double fisting white wine and a nice coffee drink
staying up as late as you want and also going to bed as early as you want
bending some rules
equal parts cute and comfy (on average if not in any given moment)
Barbie x Taylor Swift (literal and/or figurative)
(indulgent girl summer is sponsored by SSRIs... side effects may include decreased financial caution, increased feeling oneself, and mild to severe sunburn... if you tend toward abnegation, indulgent girl summer may be right for you... talk to your besties about indulgent girl summer today... your results may vary... indulgent girl summer should not be taken as legal advice, excepting in rare circumstances involving Elle Woods and/or Vivian Kensington...)
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sparklewrites1 · 1 year
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Vivian and Elle
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Alina Starkov
Nikolai Lantsov
Nina Zenik
Matthias Helvar
Kaz Brekker (platonically for x reader)
Genya Safin (platonically for x reader)
I will not write for Stu, Billy, Ethan, Richie, Cotton, Wayne, or Mrs Loomis because those are not characters I know how to write nor do I really want to. (Sorry!)
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Kirby Reed
Jill Roberts
Sidney Prescott
Dewey Riley
Gale Weathers (Platonic only)
Samantha Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Liv Mckenzie
Amber Freeman
Charlie Walker
Wes Hicks
Laura Crane
Anika Kayoko
Any other character
Xenk Yendar
Simon Aumar
Edgin (platonic only)
Edit: I'll only write platonically for the pevensie siblings and caspian (except peter)
I'll also write for Tumnus
Kate Bishop
ALL OF THE AVENGERS (platonic only.)
Yelena Belova (platonic only considering she is aro/ace in the comics and most likely the same in mcu)
Jennifer Walters
Michelle Jones
Loki (Platonic mostly)
Joel and Tommy [platonic only tho]
There's more to be added to this list I'm just lazy rn.
Robert Renfield
Gojo Satoru
Getou Suguru
Nanami Kento
Yuji Itadori (no suggestive stuff)
Megumi Fushiguro (no suggestive stuff)
Nobara Kugisaki (no suggestive stuff)
Maki Zenin (no suggestive stuff)
Yuta Okkotsu (no suggestive stuff)
Toge Inumaki (no suggestive stuff)
Erend (platonic only)
Rost (platonic only)
[THE WALKING DEAD] (I'm only on s7 so NO SPOILERS please)
Pete Dolgen
Rick Grimes (platonic only)
Michonne (platonic only)
Maggie Rhee (platonic only)
Glenn Rhee (platonic only)
Carl Grimes (platonic only)
Beth Greene
Sasha Williams (platonic only)
Abraham Ford (platonic only)
Rosita Espinosa (platonic only)
Eugene Porter (platonic only)
Tara Chambler (platonic only)
Louis (twdg)
Kenny (twdg) (platonic only)
Lee Everett (twdg) (platonic only)
Clementine (twdg) (platonic only)
Omid (twdg) (platonic only)
Christa (twdg) (platonic only)
Luke (twdg) (platonic only)
Rebecca (twdg) (platonic only)
Javier Garcia (twdg) (platonic only)
Lilly (twdg) (platonic only)
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rosemaryblogs · 4 months
Elle x Vivienne Short Story
(What if it was Elle that met Vivienne at summer camp?)
A story in which Elle Woods is, in some ways, Elle Woods- but summer camp in the summer of 9th grade changed her forever. Alternatively: what could have been if Elle was the one who met Vivian at summer camp- not Warner.
Elle Woods had it all. She was only going into to 9th grade, starting at a new sorority high school, but she knew that much. Rich parents, popularity, good looks, a ‘cool’ boyfriend, even the best grades in her class. Was it so bad that she still wished she could find someone better for her? Sure, Jack was nice, Jack was great, but asides from their equally high social standing, they really didn’t have much in common. He wasn’t even going to her knew school, and she heard from Sharon that Bridgette made out with him after the school dance. Elle Woods is GLAD to get a break from everything. A new experience- no phones, no wifi, nobody she knows. And a new school! 
Elle sits in her car, texting her ‘friends’ goodbye as she gazes out the window, nervously tapping her foot in anticipation.
“Elle, honey, are you sure you don’t want to turn back?” Her mom asks with a worried gaze, flicking her eyes back to Elle, “you won’t have your phone, you can’t shop, you have to be outdoors, eat… camp food, and sleep with people you don’t know!”
“Of course I want to go Mom!” Elle exclaims defensively, “and don’t say it like that- it sounds wrong!”
“Ok, if that’s what you want, sweetie,” her mom replies with trepidation, “I just want you to know we will fully support you if you don’t want-“
“Would you look at that, we’re here!” Elle’s dad interrupts with bravado, “Camp Marine!”
Elle practically has stars in her eyes. Sure, she’s preppy and spoiled but that doesn’t mean she has anything against the whole camp experience. It’s thrilling!
Hauling her pink bags- many of them- out of their car, Elle dashes to the check in desk, all decked out in pink, looking like Barbie incarnate.
When Elle gets to her room, she begins laying everything out on her bed, decorating her side of the room, humming her favorite love song.
Before long, she hears the door to their room click open and spins around eagerly. There stands a girl with long straight black hair and hazel eyes wearing a simple white colored shirt with a black pleated skirt and a matching black headband. She holds only one simple unadorned grey suitcase in one hand, playing with her thin pearl necklace with the other.
She’s… pretty. Really pretty.
“Hi! I’m Elle, what’s your name?” Elle exclaims, practically toppling the girl over with a jarring hug, “we’re roomates for three weeks! That’s so exciting! Isn’t this exciting?”
The other girl simply gawks at her, looking bemused but not quite as excited, “Vivian Kensington, and I am not, in fact, excited. This whole thing is a waste of time. I should be studying.”
“…oh,” Elle pouts, practically deflating before Vivian’s eyes, “okay. That’s okay. Is there any way I can make it better? I mean, it would kind of suck if you were sad for three weeks.”
“Uh, no,” snarks Vivian, “last time I checked, I literally don’t even know you.”
Elle goes back to decorating her side of the room while Vivian goes to her side and folds a few pairs of clothes neatly into the provided drawers and puts her suitcase down.
“Is that all you brought?” Elle asks, feeling a bit of sympathy at the depressing looking room set up.
“What’s it to you?” Scoffs Vivian with a glare, “not rich enough for your standards? I’m fine.”
“H-huh?” Yelps Elle, suddenly feeling targeted, “I just was wondering if you wanted an extra pillow or anything. It’ll only be harder if you don’t get a good sleep!”
It’s Vivian’s turn to be surprised, flushing slightly in embarrassment, “O-oh. It’s fine.”
“Well, I’m giving you one anyways!” States Elle indignantly, “no takebacks!”
Vivian, despite her mind yelling at her, actually barks out a laugh at the girls antics before quickly coughing and pretending like she never laughed in the first place, bluntly replying with a curt, “Thank you.”
At this, Elle simply beams at Vivian before continuing to hum.
Vivian really didn’t think Elle would keep talking to her, but she just. Won’t. Stop.
In baking class, “Vivian, I made you cupcakes!”
Or in sports, “Hey, wanna be partners?”
Which quickly became, “Oh my god, Viv, I love your cardigan!”
And, “Viv, you’re literally so smart, how did you do that? I wish I could do that. You’re, like, amazing!”
And the part that Vivian really, really, utterly detested was that she didn’t actually mind. Dare she say she LIKED it. Elle, that is. She was the polar opposite of her in every way. She was bright, bubbly, popular, likable. It was annoying. Because as much as she could stand it, she didn’t really feel annoyed by Elle. She was kind of endearing. And maybe Vivian found her absurdly pretty and nice and overall not what she was expecting.  And shit, she did not just think that. Because Elle is rich. Elle is popular. Elle has a boyfriend. Because Elle is straight. And Vivian, is an idiot.
Elle really didn’t think Vivian would actually talk to her. But she does, gradually.
In baking, “O-oh, I uh, thanks?”
Or in sports, “Sure if you don’t mind. I guess.”
Which agonizlingly slowly became, “Uhm, I er, like your hair today?”
And, “You were the valedictorian of your middle school? Really? That’s really (hot is what she was thinking) cool?”
And the part that Elle really, really, utterly could not understand was why she couldn’t seem to stop talking to Vivian. Why she LIKED Vivian. She definitely wasn’t the type of person Elle would usually talk to- she was introverted, booksmart, and really not interested in being popular- aloof. It was annoying. Because no matter how much she hated it, she didn’t like Viv any less. Because Viv was really pretty, and smart, and sweet. Shoot, Elle was not thinking that. Because Vivian is aloof. Because Vivian isn’t popular. Because Vivian doesn’t like her. Because Elle is straight. But Elle is also, ironically, 4.0 GPA and all, an idiot.
It’s the final night of camp, it’s the dance. Elle is so, SO, frustrated. She’s confused. She’s confused because she’s straight. She has a boyfriend. But does she really like her boyfriend. Elle doesn’t think she likes her boyfriend. And, well, that doesn’t sit well with her. Because she can’t like Vivian. She likes boys. …Right? 
So Elle sits on the steps outside the stairs, her mascara running a little as she looks up at the stars, searching for something, anything.
She feels a hand on her shoulder and flinches upright, turning to see Vivian with a pensive yet not annoyed look on her face.
“You okay?” She asks, feigning indifference, “bad day?”
“…Yeah,” Elle replies glumly wiping away a tear. Vivian doesn’t like that. Elle is supposed to be happy. So despite her better judgement, Vivian extends her hand to Elle.
“Let’s go,” she says, a small smile on her face as the dim moonlight surrounds them.
Elle doesn’t answer but grabs her hand as Vivian leads her through the woods.
“Are we allowed to be here?” Hisses Elle, “aren’t you all for following rules?”
“Shhh,” shushes Vivian dismissively as the two reach the dock leading up to the lake.
“The lake? Really?” Elle laughs, grinning a smile that’s all lopsided and toothy. Vivian finds that strangely very cute.
Vivian leads Elle to the two person canoe and they sit down in it, facing each other, settling into a silent that’s less uncomfortable then one would think.
The two chat for a while, splashing each other with water and looking up at the stars when a sharp gust of wind rocks the canoe, causing Elle to topple out.
Instinctively Vivian reaches out her hand in a panic and oh. Oh. Elle Woods is in her arms, holding her hand, practically clinging to her, and completely drenched. That’s weird.
“O-oh!” Yelps Elle in realization, jumping away from Vivian, flustered, “th-thank you!”
“Oh my god!” Laughs Vivian, a real, true laugh as she leans on Elle’s shoulder.
Elle thinks for a moment before repeating, “Oh my god.”
They both burst into a fit of laughter, leaning on each other for warmth, maybe. Or just because they both want an excuse.
“Your really pretty,” Elle says, “your eyes, they’re like little stars, you know?”
And no, NO, Vivian did not in fact know that. She blushes, real hard, looking at Elle quickly before burying her face in her hands in embarrassment.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean, I mean, I guess-“ Elle stutters, “Viv is it weird that I want to kiss you.”
“Yes!” Yelps Vivian, practically overheating from shock and embarrassment, “I mean, me too, though.”
“But I like boys?” Elle asks like it’s a question, “isn’t that, I don’t know-weird?”
“Elle your bi,” whispers Vivian in realization, “I, for one, am very much a lesbian, but, you know, you can like both. So your bisexual. It’s not weird. I mean, not incredibly socially accepted, no, but it’s definitely not weird.
“Oh,” Elle says, pausing before asking, “so can I kiss you?”
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