wouldgaysexfixthem · 3 hours
would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 5 hours
is there any really silly ships you've gotten but not posted for whatever reason? im curious what people are sending you lol
i have one that’s been in my drafts forever and i can’t decide if i should post it or not
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 6 hours
what’s the request which made you most concerned for the asker as a human being?
not concerned, but sometimes i get pairings that are so niche that im like how did you end up here friend (AFFECTIONATE)
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 7 hours
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would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 7 hours
would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 8 hours
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would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 8 hours
What’s the fandom you’ve learned about from running this blog that has entertained you the most?
the bible fandom. i have learned the homoerotic themes of christianity
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 8 hours
I just have to know. What’s the most concerning ship you’ve ever gotten?
i have been trying to answer this all day but i really am not phased by much. my otp includes one person shoving a human ear down the others throat, so
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 9 hours
due to popular demand
would gay sex fix them?
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would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 10 hours
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love loses
would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 11 hours
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love loses
would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 11 hours
would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 12 hours
would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 13 hours
actually i think it would be funny if u removed the im bald/show results options, like even if u dont know the characters u HAVE to decide off vibes
i didn’t have it originally but someone pointed out it was probably skewing results to not have it. i’m still like 🤔🤔🤔 about it tho. but also writing “im bald” entertains me so i’ll probs keep it maybe idk
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 13 hours
would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 15 hours
would gay sex fix them?
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 16 hours
would gay sex fix them?
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