#elide lochan x manon blackbeak
lucien-calore · 2 years
chaol: it's not gay if i wanna kiss dorian on the mouth right??
elide: i'm not an expert but that sounds kinda gay
manon, eating chips: i'm an expert. that's gay.
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
Zoyaofthegardvn's Throne of Glass Masterlist
A/N: Here is a list of my Throne of Glass fics! If you'd like to send in a request, be sure to check my general masterlist first. Happy reading :)
General Masterlist
🔥 - indicates smut (18+ plz)
Manon Blackbeak x reader -
Overstimulation 🔥
In which Manon overstimulates poor reader...
NSFW Alphabet 🔥
Just some dirty headcanons about Manon in the bedroom...
The Queen's Maidservant 🔥
In which the reader, a maidservant, is called to assist Manon with her bath...
Lingerie Headcanons (requested) 🔥
Just some headcanons about Manon's reaction to reader surprising her with wearing lingerie...
Messes and Apologies (requested)
In which reader gets her period, and is scared to tell Manon.
Smutty Drabble (requested) 🔥
Thigh riding and scissoring...
First Time (requested) 🔥
In which Manon takes reader's virginity...
Elide Lochan x reader -
NSFW Alphabet 🔥
Just some dirty headcanons about Elide in the bedroom...
Asterin Blackbeak x reader -
NSFW Alphabet 🔥
Just some dirty headcanons about Asterin in the bedroom...
Sorrel Blackbeak x reader -
NSFW Alphabet 🔥
Just some dirty headcanons about Sorrel in the bedroom...
Manon Blackbeak x Elide Lochan -
Hold Me? (requested)
In which Elide is overwhelmed, and Manon soothes her with cuddles.
Jealousy, Jealousy (requested) 🔥
In which Elide gets jealous and shows Manon who she belongs to...
Bad Kitty (requested) 🔥
In which Elide acts out, and Manon has no choice but to punish her...
Which Witch? (requested)
In which Petrah shows Elide a trick, and Manon isn't happy about it.
Asterin Blackbeak x Elide Lochan -
Fluff Headcanons (requested)
Just some fluffy thoughts about Asterin x Elide!
NSFW Headcanons (requested) 🔥
Just some dirty headcanons about Asterin x Elide...
76 notes · View notes
rainingriversofyou · 6 months
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Throne Of Glass characters & couples 🤍 Artist: inkfaeart
1K notes · View notes
i-only-see-daylight · 6 months
Manon: Elide, your husband, Lorcan, is a loser, Aelin and I both agree.
Elide: You do?
Aelin: No, uh-uh, I never called him a loser!
Manon: Sorry, I’m the one who called him a loser. Manon: Aelin called him a clown.
392 notes · View notes
dimalry · 10 months
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Manon and Elide 🫶��
They’re one of my favorites and I honestly liked all of the mains in ToG!
Do NOT repost without credit!
IG: dimaalry
506 notes · View notes
moonlitstoriess · 3 months
Across the Universe-ch.11 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terrasen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
See masterlist
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Y/n stirred awake slowly, feeling the warmth of a late afternoon filtering through the curtains. For a moment, she was disoriented, unsure of where she was. Then the events of the previous couple of days flooded back: the battle in the woods, Fenrys being injured, the ugly creature, and their vulnerable moment together in her room.
She shifted slightly and felt the weight of Fenrys' arm draped over her waist. He was still asleep, his breathing steady and deep. The scratches on his body seemed less angry in the soft morning light. Y/n gently turned her head to look at him, taking in the lines of his face, the way his brows softened in sleep, and the slight crease of pain that lingered on his features.
With a sigh, she realized how peaceful and content she felt in this moment, lying close to him. Despite the turmoil around them, there was a sense of serenity that she hadn't felt in a long time. Fenrys had always been strong, fierce, and protective, but seeing him vulnerable like this, trusting her enough to let his guard down, touched something deep within her.
Carefully, so as not to disturb him, y/n shifted closer, her head resting against his chest where she could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. His arm tightened around her instinctively, pulling her closer in response. She felt safe, cherished even, in this simple gesture.
As they lay there intertwined, the world outside seemed to fade away. Y/n knew they couldn't stay like this forever, that reality would soon come crashing back in. But for now, in the quiet intimacy of the morning, they found solace in each other's presence.
Eventually, Fenrys stirred awake, blinking his eyes open slowly. When he saw her looking at him, a soft smile spread across his face. "Good morning," he murmured, his voice rough with sleep but filled with warmth.
"Morning," y/n replied softly, returning his smile. She couldn't help but feel a flutter of happiness in her chest, a sense of gratitude for this moment they shared.
She shifted slightly, stretching out her stiffened limbs. Fenrys remained beside her, his presence a comforting weight against her side. The events of the previous day replayed in her mind like a vivid dream—encountering the Valg-spawned creature, the frantic chase through the woods, and finally, finding solace in each other's embrace.
Fenrys stirred again, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of concern and relief. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice still tinged with the remnants of sleep.
Y/n couldn't help but smile faintly at his question. "Better, now that I'm not alone," she replied honestly. Despite the physical and emotional toll of the recent events, being with Fenrys brought her a sense of calm and reassurance she hadn't realized she needed.
He nodded silently, his gaze lingering on her face as if trying to read her thoughts. "I'm sorry," he said softly, his voice tinged with regret.
Her brows furrowed in confusion "What for?"
Fenrys sighed, his expression clouded with a mixture of emotions. "I just wish I could have protected you better," he murmured, his eyes searching hers for understanding.
"You did," y/n insisted earnestly. "You saved me back there, in the woods. If it weren't for you, my throat would have already been ripped out."
He turned his head towards the ceiling and closed his eyes, displaying his thick and tan neck to her, "You don't understand, these creatures....they are just newer forms of the ones that we fought against during the war. The Valgs are clearly creating new ones and this was just a warning to us. You probably never even saw such things in Prythian so now, you are also caught up in all this mess-"
"Fenrys, my world had even worse than whatever you all have here. I am pretty sure these monsters are nothing new to me."
His eyes popped open as he turned to her with a surprised expression "Really?"
Y/n giggled and said, "Yes! I mean, we had the Attor who was this disgusting thing that could fly, Feyre ended up killing it. Then, we had naga and the naga-hound who were slightly similar to what we saw yesterday. We also have Kelpies and Puca. But....worst of all was the Middengard Wyrm. I never saw it in real life but Rhysand did and from what he showed me through his memories, it was horrible. It's like this huge worm, the size of a whole mountain, with sharp and large teeth. Ironically, Feyre also fought against that and guess what? she won!! Everyone except Rhys thought that she would die but, she proved them all wrong."
Fenrys just stared at her with an amused gaze as he said, "Seems like your Feyre is a lucky one if she survived that."
Y/n sighed, her eyes going distant, to her memories with her once high lady "Yes, yes she is. Rhys is lucky to have her as a mate."
She noticed Fenrys tug her hair behind her ear as he whispered "Have you met your mate yet? If not, would you like one?"
At that, her expression turned sour as she pondered over his questions for a minute. She thought that Azriel was her mate. That them being together this long meant that at some point, that bond would snap. That because she loved him endlessly and thought that he felt the same, they were destined to be.
Of course, those thoughts were prior to Azriel ripping her heart out and crushing it in his hands. Now, she despises that word. Her heart has been completely shattered for anyone else. Y/n knows that she isn't destined for a happy end. She never was. That's why she vowed herself to never open up her heart, her soul, to anyone again. So, even if in the slim chance that she did have a mate and he or she ended up falling from the skies right onto her path, even if the Mother herself would tell her that 'this is your mate', y/n would just turn around and walk away.
It seems like she knew her answer.
Y/n's mood changed as she just got into a sitting position and said, "We should get up. They are probably worried about us."
Fenrys shifted to sit up, wincing slightly as he moved. "Y/n-"
Y/n watched him with concern, her hand lingering on his arm. "You should rest," she suggested gently. "Let me get Isolde—"
Fenrys shook his head, interrupting her. "I'm fine," he insisted, though the tightness around his eyes betrayed his words. "Just a few scratches."
Y/n frowned, unconvinced, but she nodded reluctantly. "Alright," she relented, knowing he was as stubborn as she was when it came to injuries.
Just then Eva burst into the room with Manon in tow as she came running at them.
"We heard noises and thought you two were awake!"
Y/n smiled at the younger girl as she just nodded her head and let Manon gently help her get off the bed.
At the noise, Aedion and Lorcan came in also helping Fenrys who was still skeptically glancing at the latter.
Aedion had a smirk on his face as he said out loud while leading Fenrys towards the door with Lorcan, "Seems like you two had quite the nap."
Manon shut him up before y/n could with a "Just take him and leave, blondie."
Everyone but Aedion laughed at the nickname as the males took Fenrys out of the room, y/n casting a final glance at his back before he disappeared.
Manon looked at Eva and said with a soft voice, "Go get the bath ready. She stinks."
The girl just laughed and nodded before going to the washroom.
When y/n looked back at the witch, she smelled....oh Gods "Seven hells, you stink of sex! And you say I stink?"
Manon blushed. She actually blushed as a pinkish tint overtook her pale cheeks.
"Can you blame me? I haven't seen him in.....three months."
Y/n couldn't hide the cheshire grin that was growing by the minute on her face as Manon sat her down on the chair near the vanity, slowly renewing her bandages as she said, "Oh really? How romantic, you two should definetly get married already."
Manon just smirked slightly "We'll see about that. What about you and your mate?"
When she saw y/n's frustrated expression, Manon quickly corrected herself, "I meant, I think he is your mate? I- Aelin told me you had someone like that, apparently he was going crazy over finding you."
Y/n just sadly shook her head, "No, he was my lover but not mate. Found his mate 50 years into our relationship and instead of telling me, cheated on me with her for two years while ignoring me. That caused me to have panick attacks and go back into my old habits which were.....not good so I don't want to talk about it. While this was happening, the rest of the family did nothing. No one gave me a shoulder to cry on or a presence to atleast vent to. They knew of his secret and didn't tell me either."
She saw Manon's expression go from one of concern and confusion to one of fury and ice as she said in a voice so cold, it made y/n shiver "Those bastards. You know, I would gladly go with you to your world just so I can kill them quickly and then slowly torture Azriel before ending him too."
Y/n just smiled while shaking her head.
"I leave for five minutes and come back to see Manon already plotting someones death."
They both turned their heads to see Eva standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed and glancing between them.
Manon's expression turned playful again as she stuck out her tounge to her while y/n gave a lighthearted laugh at that.
Eva just rolled her eyes with a small smile as she helped y/n get up and led her towards the bathroom with the witch.
When the three of them entered the dining room, they were welcomed by loud noises of everyone arguing.
The food lay forgotten as chaos erupted around the dining table. Rowan stood, his hands raised in a placating gesture, attempting to soothe Aelin who was in a heated argument with Dorian. Yrene shook her head in exasperation, trying to mediate between them. Chaol and Lysandra engaged in their own intense debate, their voices rising above the rest. Aedion, seated nearby, simply nodded along with whatever his wife said, wisely staying out of the fray.
Meanwhile, Lorcan seemed oblivious to the commotion, seizing the opportunity to shower his wife with kisses. Fenrys sat apart on a nearby couch, rubbing his temples with a look of frustration etched on his face.
Y/n heard Manon murmur "Grown ups but still act like damn children." before she gently sat y/n down with Eva's help on the couch opposite to Fenrys and went towards the table "We found an open gate!"
Everyone, including Fenrys and y/n, shut up and looked at the witch with absolute shock.
Dorian and Aedion spoke at the same time "What?! You're lying"
Manon just shrugged and went to take her place on the chair, "Yes, I am lying. Thought shouting this out would make you all finally shut up and come back to your senses."
Aelin just sighed while plopping back down on her chair "Manon, tell your little king to stop doubting every step of my plans."
Dorian just glared at her as he said, "If you call saying 'no' to a foolish idea 'doubting' then you are becoming mad in the head"
That earned him a growl from Rowan but before the silver haired prince could say anything, Eva interfered "What are you talking about?"
Rowan, not taking his eyes off of Dorian, replied, voice etched with frustration, "We are having a ball of sorts for tomorrow evening."
Lysandra just beckoned the girl over to her side with an exasperated sigh "The people are getting suspicious. Some residents said that they heard horrible noises last night, which was clearly because of your fight against the Valg-demon, the monks and sages in the sanctuary actually sent Aelin a letter demanding to know why some of their most ancient books containing dangerous information were used by me and Elide when we went there,"
Yrene filled her cup with water as she added, "Apparently, us all being here is also a cause for concern for many including lord Darrow who is getting really suspicious about us arriving here out of the blue. Not to mention, y/n, you weren't as slick as you thought because you were spotted by some when you flew over the city the other night."
Chaol just looked at his wife with wide eyes "You support their idea? We don't need any extra attention. Hosting this silly little ball for the sake of calming the lords and ladies is just a waste of time AND resources."
Manon just smirked "Actually, it is an amazing idea. Everyone will believe that we are here for this gathering and will therefore, stop worrying and sniffing where they don't belong. We won't have to look over our shoulder every second to see if anyone is suspicious. Especially Darrow."
Lorcan nodded as he looked pointedly at Chaol "It is also a great chance for the Valg's to try something. We can all be on alert and ready to strike if that happens. And then get some answers out of them."
Dorian just shrugged while coming to sit next to Manon "Well, if this woman beside me says that the idea is amazing, who am I to disagree?"
Aelin narrowed her eyes at the young king "Oh, so when I say it, the plan is horrible but when Manon agrees, suddenly the plan is amazing?"
"Exactly" Dorian said as a matter of fact while winking at the blond female.
Aelin was about to retort when Rowan put a hand on her shoulder while announcing to the room "It is decided then. We are having a ball tomorrow."
Dorian then turned his eyes to y/n and got up, coming closer to the couch on which she was sitting in "When Aelin told me that you have wings, I thought she was making things up. Turns out you do truly have wings! Very fascinating, by the way."
Dorian stood right infront of her now, extending his hand out for her to shake and as she took his hand in hers, he said with a blinding smile, "Dorian Haviliard the Second. King of Adarlan and....well, that's all, essentially."
"And Manon's lapdog" Aedion snorted from the table followed by other laughs and chuckles. Dorian just rolled his eyes "Ignore that one, he doesn't realize it but we all see how he follows and does whatever Lysandra says like a lovesick puppy."
Y/n smiled as Lysandra snickered while Aedion scoffed "Nice to meet you, your majesty. I'm y/n y/l/n, from Prythian. Specifically, the Illyrian mountains."
"Please, call me Dorian. I think you and I will get along just fine, y/n. Let's sit down and talk some time, yes?"
"Absolutely, Dorian."
She heard someone clear their throat as both y/n and Dorian looked to see Fenrys, with a blank look directed at the king beside her, say "Well, now that the plan is decided and the introductions are out of the way, can we start eating? I am hungry."
At that, Aelin voiced her agreement as Dorian went back to his place beside Manon and the servants brought food to the low table between y/n and Fenrys.
She would have to thank whoever's idea it was to make them sit on the couches because y/n didn't think she would be comfortable with her injured shoulder, sitting on one of those chairs and neither would the warrior sitting in front of her with his injured torso.
The room buzzed with conversation as they ate, the tension gradually easing with each passing moment. Dorian's voice rose occasionally above the others, regaling them with tales that drew laughter and camaraderie. Y/n found herself relaxing in the company of these extraordinary individuals, each with their own stories and struggles, yet united in their commitment to protecting their world.
But y/n noticed that Fenrys barely even touched his food despite claiming to be starved. She sighed as she took the fork and spoon to her hand, "For someone who said he was hungry, you haven't eaten much."
He just kept playing around with his meal, not eating anything "You two were taking too long with your introductions so I decided to do everyone a favor and end it."
Y/n raised an eyebrow as she took a bite of her meal, deciding to test the waters a bit.
"Well that's just rude Fenrys. I actually quite liked Dorian. I can see why Manon is with him. I mean, just look at that face-"
"One more word, I dare you."
The look on his face told her all she needed to know. Fenrys was jealous. In fact, he was burning with it as he stared her down, his gaze turning darker with each second.
Y/n licked her lips, her gaze never wavering from his as she watched him clench and unclench his hands (which seemed to be a habit of his when he is aroused or angry) while staring at her mouth.
"So, so charming too. The way he talks-"
Fenrys got up abruptly, the action causing a slight wince from him before he slowly started walking out of the room. Y/n got up to go after him but Lorcan beat her to it and as much as she hated the giant man for it, she knew they also had an issue to resolve and talk about.
Deciding to give them their moment, she slowly started heading back to her room, wincing whenever her shoulder would move too much.
"Where do you think you're going all on your own with an injury like that?"
Y/n turned around to see Lysandra slowly walking over to her in the hallway, arms crossed over her chest. The shifter reached her and took her uninjured arm, slowly helping her walk.
"I don't need to be coddled at all times, you know."
Lysandra just smirked but did not remove her hands from y/n's arm "I know, and I also know that the last time you woke up injured from a Valg attack and were left all on you own, you decided to venture out into the city with Nox and get yourself nearly killed by another Valg creation."
Y/n scoffed "You make it sound like I knew that would happen. I had no idea that Nox was even out there!"
Lysandra chuckled quietly as they turned a corner. "I know, I am sorry for ever doubting you. I truly like you now. Your commitment to helping us not only because you want to go home but also because you are worried that the Valg pose as a threat to everyone really made me trust you fully."
Y/n sighed, feeling a mixture of gratitude and guilt. Lysandra's support meant a lot to her, especially given the uncertainties they all faced. She leaned slightly on the shifter for support as they walked through the quiet palace corridors.
"I appreciate that, Lysandra," y/n replied earnestly. "I just... I can't sit idly by when there's a chance to make a difference. And after what happened with Nox, I understand the dangers better. And I think I am beginning to understand Elara's weird words."
Lysandra looked at her with a confused expression "Elara? Who in the Gods name is that?"
Y/n chuckled before replying "This woman who has appeared to me twice. Apparently, she is an iron teeth witch who has given me some very cryptic advice and disappeared before I could get answers to all of my questions. I really am stuck, needing to understand more about my powers and connections to this whole thing. And without her, I don't think I ever will."
She felt Lysandra stiffen beside her and stop abruptly, causing y/n to come to a halt as well. She stared at the ground, her eyes calculating as she seemed to slowly digest all that y/n just told her before whispering a "Maybe you don't even need her for answers."
Before y/n could even question her, the shifter quickly let go of y/n and ran back shouting over her shoulder, "Go to your room and wait for me there!"
Y/n, still very shocked and confused at what just happened, climbed up the last few stairs and headed to her bedchamber.
After around thirty minutes, Lysandra burst into her room with a scroll in her hand and Manon beside her. The second her eyes landed on y/n who was sitting on the couch near the window, she took quick strides to reach her. Once she was in front of the witch, Lysandra kneeled down, sitting on the low table in front of y/n and opening up the scroll. Manon also came to quickly stand beside her as she waited to hear what Lysandra had to say.
"This is an ancient text," Lysandra began, her voice filled with reverence. "It speaks of Elara, an iron teeth witch who lived centuries ago. She was not only powerful but also deeply connected to the magical gates that connect our world with others."
Y/n's breath caught in her throat. "Connected to the gates?"
"Yes," Lysandra confirmed, her eyes scanning the parchment. "Elara's abilities were linked to the gates themselves. She could open and close them at will, wielding their power to protect our realm from threats that sought to cross over."
"Wait. How....how do you know all this? How did you know about this scroll?"
Lysandra just looked at Manon, who was still staring at the shifter with a questioning look in her eyes, as she said, "Because Elara has been a legend in our world for as long as any of us can remember. Isn't that right, Manon? Even your grandmother knew of her."
Manon just crossed her arms, seemingly still questioning her, "I am aware of who Elara is. Even Rhiannon Crochan knew of her. Her name would always be whispered around our camps, our stories. What I don't understand is what you told me on the way, about y/n and Elara. Why is she contacting her? I don't mean this in an insulting way but, she has been known as a legend for so long that it is just unbelievable to hear this."
Y/n opened her mouth to reply but was cut off when Lysandra looked down at the scroll and continued, "Yes. Well, she has not only been a legend to Ironteeth Witches, but to the rest of us as well. I had this scroll with me ever since I can remember. I was just so fascinated with her that when I once came across it in one of the antique stores, I had to have it and with time, I began thinking maybe I was a fool for being so obsessed with her, her existence, thinking if she was real or not but....now I realize how she may be real after all."
Y/n's brows hit her hairline as she just gaped at the female in front of her "So you are telling me that I have talked with the most ancient, the most legendary witch of your world?"
"Maybe not even our world."
Both Manon and y/n looked at the shifter with furrowed brows, urging her to explain more.
"Elara was a legend. Her story though mostly unknown, was one full of bravery and sacrifice. She was a chosen one. Her powers being more than just iron teeth and nails. And her name....her name existed for centuries according to the scroll but...."
Y/n saw the realization dawn upon Manon as the witch beside her shifted her position, her eyes getting wider by the second "No way....Lysandra, if we are thinking the same thing then that- that would be impossible."
What? What was she talking about?
Lysandra just shook her head, a smile forming on her face "Would it though? I mean, her name may have stopped being mentioned in this world, in our books and scrolls but what if she went into another world? She did have that connection with the gates after all."
Manon slowly turned her head to y/n as she whispered, "And what if...."
Lysandra also looked at y/n as she said, "What if she went to Prythian, met a man, male, whatever.....had a child with him. A daughter, to be precise."
Manon added quietly, "A winged male and an iron teeth witch who had connection with the gates, who was a wyrdkey of sorts, to them. What could be the odds?"
Realization started to slowly dawn upon her as y/n just shifted her gaze from one female to the other. She laughed uneasily "No you two surely must be delusional. There is not a chance. No way in the seven hells are you suggesting that-"
"You are Elara's daughter." Both the witch and the shifter say at the same time.
It was impossible.
Was it though? You are an iron teeth witch who has wings and an unusual connection to the gates. It could be the only explana-
"Find Manon. Let her know. And find me again when you are ready."
Those were the words Elara had told her when she first appeared to her in an illusion created by the mirror in the crystal caverns.
She needs to go down there again and talk to her, somehow summon her.
Y/n needed answers and she needed them now.
When she came back from her thoughts, she saw both of them staring at her, one with wide eyes and the other with a knowing smile.
Y/n sighed "I- I need to process this. We can discuss this tomorrow."
Lysandra nodded, still smiling, "Of course, see you in the morning."
Then, she got up and dragged a wide eyed Manon who was stuck to her place, towards the door, closing it behind them.
The second the door was closed, y/n jumped from her position and went towards the hidden passageway in her room, getting a small knife, her lamp and a cloak. She removed the floorboard and began her descent.
She went through the same path as the last time. The same narrow ways, damp roads, circular door and the crystal caverns itself.
That last time felt like a lifetime ago, a time when she was still new to the revelations of her own abilities, still grappling with the mysteries of her lineage and the hidden truths of her past. Now, standing before the circular door once more, she felt a sense of resolve and determination, tempered by the wisdom gained through trials and discoveries.
With a steadying breath, y/n pushed open the door, the faint creak of ancient hinges echoing softly in the cavernous silence beyond. As she stepped into the crystal caverns, bathed in their gentle radiance, she knew that this time, she was not just seeking answers—she was ready to uncover the deeper truths that awaited her.
She took the small narrow road to where the mirror was and now standing before it, she had no idea what to do. Y/n stared and stared some more. She needed to think this through. How do you call Elara? The first time she appeared to y/n was because of an illusion that the mirror created and the second time was when y/n got attacked and fell unconscious later on.
So....what does she do now?
With a sigh, y/n said out loud while looking at her reflection in the ancient mirror, "I know. I know the truth now. You are my mother, aren't you?"
No answer, no reply. Nothing.
She still continued, "When we met for the first time, you told me to come find you when I was ready. I think I am ready now. Ready to see you......mother."
Before she could react, y/n saw as her surroundings become a blur, shifting until she was once more on the beach but this time, instead of the moon, there was the sun shining above, casting its glow over the waters.
And then, there was Elara, coming towards y/n with her white flowy dress and beautiful smile.
When the witch reached y/n, they didn't say anything to one another for a short moment, preferring to just look into one anothers gaze. Elara's eyes held a depth that seemed to reflect the eons she had witnessed, yet they softened with a tenderness as she regarded y/n. The wind whispered through the air, carrying the faint scent of salt and seaweed as they stood on the sun-kissed beach.
"My child," Elara finally spoke, her voice gentle yet resonant with an underlying power. "You have grown strong and resilient, despite the trials fate has woven into your path."
Y/n's tried to hold back her impending tears at the adoring way the woman called her. Instead, she whispered in a quiet tone, "Why....why didn't you tell this to me from the first time? Why did you leave me alone in that cruel place, in that monsters hands? Why wasn't my dad with me either? Why did you abandon me? Why- just why?!"
"My child," Elara began, her voice a gentle breeze that carried both warmth and sadness, "the reasons are not simple, nor are they easy to explain. But know this: every decision I made was out of love for you and a deep understanding of the dangers that surrounded us."
Y/n's eyes welled with tears, but she held Elara's gaze firmly, needing to hear the truth, however painful it might be. "I wish I could have been there with you," Elara continued, her voice soft yet steady. "But there are forces at play that even I cannot fully control. The realm of the Valg, their insidious presence, their hunger for power... It demanded sacrifices, and I made the hardest one of all by leaving you in that world."
"Why didn't you prepare me? Why did you let me believe I was alone?" y/n asked, her voice tinged with hurt.
Elara's expression softened further, regret etching lines on her face. "I wanted to protect you from the knowledge that would burden your heart and soul. I feared that if you knew too soon, it would consume you. And your father..." She paused, a shadow passing over her features. "Your father sacrificed himself to keep you safe."
Y/n's eyes widened with both shock and confusion, "W-what....what do you mean?"
Elara sighed and gently took y/n's hand in hers, caressing it "I fell in love, y/n. Your father and I loved each other so much that we couldn't imagine a life without the other. I thought....I thought that because I was in a different world, I would be able to live a normal life. We got a house in the very otskirts of Illyria, then we had you and you....you were the joy of our life my witchling. For a time, we were happy and at peace, just the three of us. And foolish me thought that this happiness could last forever. Oh how wrong I was."
Elara closed her eyes and inhaled sharply before continuing again, "Somehow, someway, the Valgs found me. Erawan found me. It was in the middle of the night when I felt their presence not so far off from where we used to stay. I quickly woke up your father....Marx, and told him what was going on. He ordered me to take you and run, told me that he would meet us on the edge of the mountains and we would run away together. The three of us. He hugged and kissed both you and me before I ran away with you in my arms while he stayed behind. Little did I know, that would be the last time I would ever see him again."
Elara's eyes were teary now as she gave a sad smile to her daughter "Marx never came. And I knew....I knew that he did not make it. But I had to go back, I had to. I brought this disaster with me. However, I also needed to keep you safe. So, I put you in front of a door of the first proper looking house I could find. I had no time to think, no time to plan. I placed a protective spell over you, kissed and hugged you for one last time, said my blessings over you, and then I was gone. If I only knew what a monster I was giving you to, my witchling. And for that, I am sorry. I am so sorry my heart. But I couldn't let them know that I had a daughter. That I had someone I cared for. Or else, they would have come for you as well, which they seem to be doing now."
Y/n couldn't believe this. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, what her mother was telling her. Her father.....her brave father had secrificed himself to keep his family safe.
With a shaky breath, y/n's grip on her mother's hand tightened as she asked "And did you....did you find him?"
Elara slowly nodded her head, eyes seemingly lost in the terrible memory of finding her lovers body in whatever condition it was. She didn't say more and y/n didn't ask more, seemingly afraid of hearing just how she found his body.
But she did ask, her voice shaky now due to the tears that began to fall, "Where...where did you go? Where are you?"
Elara's eyes softened with sorrow as she gently squeezed y/n's hand. "After I left you, I wandered through dimensions, seeking refuge where the Valg could not reach. I sought allies, learned ancient magics, and built defenses against their relentless pursuit. But with every step I took to protect you, I grew farther from the life I once knew."
She paused, her voice thick with emotion. "Eventually, I found solace in a realm untouched by the Valg's corruption. It is a place where time flows differently, where the energies are harmonious and the darkness cannot penetrate. There, I have been watching over you, my dear, waiting for the right moment."
Elara's gaze was filled with maternal love. "You are stronger than I could have ever imagined, y/n. You carry within you the blood of our lineage, a legacy of resilience and magic. And now, as the Valg threaten once more, you must end them completely. My power of connecting to the gates, connecting with the Book of Breathings is installed in you as well. The book knew that you were my descendant from the moment it fell into Rhysands hands. Even though Erawan is dead, somehow the Valgs are returning. You must figure that out. They felt your presence, your true lineage the second the book transported you."
So much was going on. Y/n had so much to say and ask but all she asked was, "How can I bring you back to me....mother."
Elaras eyes lit up at that before she raised her hands and gently caressed her daughter's cheek "You can not. I waited all this time for you to finally realize who you were, what your destiny was and now....now that I have guided you, it is time for me to go-"
"No! Are you mad?! We just reunited! I can not loose you-"
"You will never loose me, my Braveheart. You will always have me, my presence will always guide you on your journey. But I have lived for so long, it is time for me to rest as well, time to rejoin with my love, your father, Marx."
Y/n was fully crying by now, as she agressively shook her head, "No! Mother, please!"
Elara leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before hugging her and whispering, "Your father and I have loved you from the moment we laid our eyes on you. And we will keep loving you for eternity, our witchling. We are so proud of you, of how strong, resilient, and brave you are. Of how you endured so much and yet came out even stronger. Always remember who you are, what your power is and end them. Once and for all, end them."
And with that, y/n's surrounding began to blur once more as she felt herself falling and falling until her eyes popped open and she was....in her room. Sitting on the bed. Wasn't she in the crystal caverns? How is she here?
But y/n didn't care. Didn't ponder over those questions as the memory of what just happened took over her mind, making her silently weep into her arms.
Fenrys was frustrated. At what? he didn't know.
At whom? He did know. At himself.
He doesn't understand this....this attraction, this pull he has towards y/n. Whenever they are in the same room, his eyes somehow end up on her, his body somehow finds its way to wherever she is. Whenever she is hurt or in danger? He turns into this violent killer who only thinks of one thing: Protect her. Kill everyone else.
It was starting to get frustrating how he felt all kinds of emotions towards her. How his mind began thinking of her.
Last night during dinner, he was annoyed with how Dorian kept on talking to her. Fenrys knew that Dorian didn't see y/n in that way, after all....he had his eyes on the witch and only on her. Even if they both refused it, everyone and their mother saw how those two were hopelessly in love with one another.
So why did he want to punch Dorian in the face when he saw how the king was the one to make her laugh and not him?
And then, during dinner, y/n's teasing just added to his growing frustration and lust. The way she talked, the way she purposefully kept licking her lips made him want to just take her then and there, in front of everyone.
Fenrys knew that this was wrong, that she would leave sooner or later so feeling this possessive, this claiming need within him was just stupid. But could he stop it? No, no he couldn't.
Last night, after he stood up and left, he saw her get up too and he wanted her to follow him. Fenrys knew that if she would follow him, he wouldn't have been able to keep his hands to himself this time. That he would have made his fantasies about her come true. But then, Lorcan came after him and Fenrys saw how y/n contemplated on following him before clearly choosing not to.
He did feel disappointed but that was forgotten the second Lorcan caught up with him and they began walking side by side through the halls of the palace. He had apologized to Fenrys and Fenrys was absolutely shocked that Lorcan of all people was apologizing. Fenrys could have asked for forgiveness as well, for what he did to his lifelong companion but....he felt no guilt or remorse for protecting y/n's honor, for getting justice for her.
Gods, Fenrys, since when have you gone this mad and caused chaos over a female. That's right, never. So why her? Why now?
These were the questions he kept asking himself while going back to the palace after his morning training when he heard another roar. And no, this wasn't Abraxos because he had already memorized the wyvern's noises by heart. This was another wyvern, this was...Fenrys lifted his head skywards as he saw....Petrah Blueblood.
He remembers the witch whom he came to care for. The poor girl went through so much, just like Manon. He remembers how after the war, when he would go to the Witch Kingdom, he would see Petrah who was now Manon's second in command and how she would still mourn the loss of her wyvern, Keelie. Killed by Iskra Yellowlegs.
This wyvern was one of the few who hatched after the war and Petrah was immediately drawn to it. She raised it all on her own and it grew up to be very large. It was also a female whom she named Luna.
But, what was she doing here now? That's when he also saw Manon and Abraxos in the opening, waiting for her and Luna to land.
He approached Manon while Petrah and Luna were still a little bit away, and spoke first, "Well, this is certainly not what I expected to see first thing in the morning."
Manon just crossed her arms, still looking towards wherever Petrah was in the sky, as she replied, "I needed Petrah with us for this hunt. Her wyvern is very good with smell, she has the unique abilitiy to scent things that are miles and miles away. Besides, Petrah said that she had news she wanted to tell me face to face....and maybe she was also curious about y/n."
He saw how at the mention of her name, Manon's face turned amused, how her eyes held a mixture of wonder and pride. She clearly was thinking of something and Fenrys desperately wanted to know what because it involved y/n but just as he was about to ask, Luna landed right next to Abraxos who was seemingly growing smitten with the female wyvern as they rumbled at one another and Petrah came down.
She and Manon exchanged their witchy greeting, whatever that is before Petrah smiled at Fenrys "How nice to see you again."
Fenrys returned her smile with one of his own "Nice to see you doing well, Petrah."
The witch nodded her gratitude before looking back at Manon "One of our witches was somehow working for the Valg, the second I found out about this, I ordered for her capture and questioning, but she wouldn't talk."
Manon just raised an eyebrow "Was she infested with Valg-"
"No. She was working for them, willingly. Why? I don't know."
"Don't tell me you killed her without getting any answers out of her first."
Petrah just smirked at her queen "You are really underestimating me now, Manon. I gave the order for her to be tortured just last night and immediately flew over here to deliver the news. Whatever information the witches get out of her now, they will send the news immediately."
The queen just nodded her head while Fenrys asked, "How did you even find out about this?"
Petrah shrugged her shoulders "I have my ways, wolf."
"There will be a ball tonight, keep your eyes open and alert at all times. Anything might happen."
Petrah nodded at her queen as Fenrys just said his farewell to the witches before heading towards his room for a much needed bath.
Y/n slept through the whole day. The whole day! waking up when it was already sunset. Clearly, all the events of the last fews days have drained her beyond repair. And what she found out about last night.....she cried until she physically couldn't anymore and probably fell asleep.
When she awoke, there was a note right next to her on the bed:
You must be really tired especially after what we told you last night but, if you wake up, remember there is a ball tonight late in the afternoon.
Hope you're well,
Oh, yes! The ball! she completely forgot!
Y/n noticed that there was only an hour until the start of the event and immediately jumped out of her bed, hissing loudly when her shoulder hurt from the movement. But, she quickly recovered and headed towards her closet in search of an appropriate dress.
Fourty minutes later, y/n stood in the center of her room, her hair made and jeweleries shining as she admired her beautiful dress.
The dress was crafted from a flowing, soft fabric like silk, in a shade of deep midnight blue that shimmers subtly under the light. The neckline is modest yet elegant, gently framing the collarbones without revealing too much. The sleeves are three-quarter length, providing coverage while allowing the injured shoulder freedom of movement.
The waist is cinched with a delicate sash, adding a touch of definition without restricting comfort. As the dress cascades down, it drapes gracefully to the floor, accentuating the figure without being form-fitting.
The simplicity of the design is elevated by intricate embroidery along the neckline and cuffs, catching the eye with its understated elegance. This dress not only exudes charm and sophistication but also ensures ease of movement.
With a final look at herself, y/n left her room and descended the stairs, heading towards the event.
Twenty minutes later, the room was filled with people whom, y/n guessed to be very important. When she arrived, she saw most of Aelin's court already here, had a round of drinks with Lysandra and Lorcan, danced a little with Eva and Elide, got on Aedion and Rowan's nerves, watched together with Yrene how Aelin greets her guests, talked a little more with Dorian and Chaol, and met Manon who had another witch next to her, Petrah Blueblood.
She was also very beautiful. Her skin was as pale as Manon's but adorned with freckles, had a long golden, flowy hair and had deep blue eyes. When Manon introduced them, Petrah gave y/n a genuine smile and told her how happy she was to meet her. How y/n was known as a winged ironteeth whom every witch wanted to meet now that Manon mentioned her to them.
Y/n felt honored, grateful but surprised and a little flustered as well as she said her thanks and chatted a little more with the witches before excusing herself in search of someone else. In search of him. She didn't see Fenrys yet but she knew that he was in the room, watching her. She felt his eyes on her once again. Seems like they had this thing where he would watch her and she would put on a show for him.
But then, their eyes met and y/n felt weak in the knees. Fenrys was there, standing in the corner with a drink in his hand, watching her with an intense gaze. He was so handsome, hair put in a half bun, some strands falling in front of his handsome face, his tailored coat of deep midnight blue was interwoven with threads that shimmer subtly under the light. The coat is fitted at the shoulders and chest, tapering slightly at the waist before flaring out slightly over sturdy trousers of the same hue.
Beneath the coat, a high-collared shirt in a lighter shade of blue peeks out, adding a hint of contrast and sophistication. The sleeves of the shirt are gathered at the wrists with intricate embroidery in silver and his boots are sturdy leather, polished to a deep sheen.
He was beyond handsome, beyond attractive. He was otherworldly, seemingly crafted out of the finest form of marble. She really wanted to do less than appropriate things to him right now and from the way his eyes were eating her whole, he was thinking the same.
Y/n was so entranced with him that she failed to notice Nox Owens come and stand beside her, offering her a drink.
"And so we meet again, my partner in hunting Valgs."
She hesitantly pulled her gaze away from Fenrys and turned to loook at the man beside her, taking the drink in his hand while thanking him.
Y/n took a sip of the drink, feeling the cool liquid soothe her parched throat. Nox stood beside her, his posture relaxed yet alert, his eyes scanning the room with a practiced ease.
She said, "Good to see you're doing well."
Nox looked at her, a smirk forming on his handsome face, "Well, if the Valgs want me dead, they have got to try harder than pushing me onto the ground."
"Thank you, for everything Nox, without your help, I don't think we could've survived that monster."
He just shrugged his shoulder and was seemingly about to say something when she felt Fenrys right behind her. His chest was touching her back, causing goosebumps to rise all over her body.
He said behind her, in that voice of whiskey and sin, "I need to talk to you."
Wthout even waiting for a reaction from her or Nox, Fenrys took her drink, put it on the nearby table, grabbed her arm, and dragged her out of the ball.
He found an unusued, dark room and entered it, still holding her by the arm before closing the door. Y/n ripped her arm away from his grip before looking at him, her arms crossed "Fenrys what in the seven hells are you doing?!"
He didn't reply, his gaze just intensified, those wild eyes zoning in on her lips. While that action did a lot of things to her body, y/n was still angry at him.
"Fenrys! Look at me, what is wro-"
Before she could even continue, he took two quick strides to reach her and tilted her face toward him with his fingers.
All the air was sucked out of her body as y/n realized their position. His face was mere inches away from her, their bodies nearly touching, his lips right in front of hers.
He was clearly holding himself back, he was restraining himself. And for some foolish reason, she didn't want him to.
"Kiss me"
Y/n realized her words only a second after she said them, but she wasn't ashamed, no. She wanted this. Wanted him. Tomorrow, tomorrow she would think about her actions, tomorrow she would be a responsible, levelheaded female once more. But just for tonight, in this dark room, this would be their little secret.
Fenrys' eyes widened, his chest heaving, "Y/n..."
"Kiss me, Fenrys."
And he did. He kissed her so quickly, their lips meeting in an urgent collision. It wasn't a soft, loving, intimate kiss. No, it was rough, needy and full of lust. His hand went to her waist, bringing her closer to him, their bodies joined as one, the other held her by the back of her neck, bringing her closer to him.
Y/n's hands were in his hair as she kissed him just as urgently. He pushed her towards the wall, caging her between himself and the stone behind her.
It was during this intense moment that a nock came on the door.
"Y/n? Are you there? Come quickly, we need to talk!"
It was Lysandra, her voice shattering the growing lust between them, bringing them back to reality. Fenrys' eyes widened as he pushed away from her and looked towards the door.
"This never should've happened. This is wrong."
Without even looking at her, he went towards the door, unlocked it and pushed past an amused Lysandra, heading towards the main doors.
Y/n barely had time to recollect her thoughts when Lysandra just looked at her with raised eyebrows and a small smile, saying "We have a guest, specifically asked for you. Says he is from Prythian."
Y/n just nodded "Show me"
They went towards the sitting room at the other end of the hall and once Lysandra opened the door, y/n thought she was seeing things.
Lucien was here. Lucien.
It was actually him. He wasn't a transparent ghost like Amren was, he was here, in his physical body.
He looked awful. His hair a mess of twigs and mud, his clothes crumpled and dirty, his eyes wide as he looked at her.
Everyone except Rowan and Aelin was in the room, clearly because they were the hosts of the ball, and of course Fenrys was nowehere to be seen either.
She would deal with him later. Now, now as she took this redhead in-
His hands, they were holding the Book of Breathings.
Lucien came closer to her "Y/n!"
Y/n's shock was written all over her face as she looked at him with wide eyes, "Lucien! What in the Mothers name are you doing here?!"
His eyes looked all over the room, at everyone, and then came back to her as well as he said "Y/n.....Mother above, finally....I-"
Y/n gently put her hand on his shoulder "Lu, what- how did you find me? How did you get the book?"
He just sighed and closed his eyes, "You might want to sit down for this."
A/n: Omg! Our fox boy is here! I wonder what will happen next ;)
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
@acotar-writing @paleidiot @snoopyspace @stained-glass-eyes0708 @saltedcoffeescotch
@wallacewillow0773638 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @bunnyredgirl
@fullmoon-94 @thecraziestcrayon @idkwahr
@sstrohma @optimisticbabydreamer @rcarbo1 @batboygirlie
168 notes · View notes
shadowqueenjude · 11 months
Elide would hate Feyre
For the people who say Elide and Feyre would get along... Elide would NEVER understand why Feyre chose to marry somebody who constantly abuses her when Elide clearly said she only wanted a man who she trusted so deeply all the horrors of her past would go away, somebody she trusted to never lock her up or hurt her or leave her. And she would NEVER understand Feyre getting innocent people in the Spring Court killed for her own petty revenge when she gave Lorcan shit for killing one man for their survival. She would NEVER understand setting up her friend Lucien to fail/die while she gallivants around the world with Rice Cake. She would NEVER agree with the IC's decision to lock Nesta up in a house after she was locked in a tower for 10 years. Idk how Sarah will write it, but the Elide she wrote about in TOG would DESPISE Feyre. Matter of fact, Manon would kick Feyre's ass for what she let Rhysand do to Nesta. Aelin would start a fucking revolution. Lorcan would humble the shit out of all of them. The TOG gang would leave the IC in ruins and I'd be here for the show.
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lady-of-oorid · 1 month
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clockwork-fayz · 1 year
In honor of me finally reading Kingdom of Ash, here’s what I think the core group of characters sexuality meters are:
Aelin: 60% attracted to masculine men, 30% to herself, and 10% to women that act like herself
Rowan: 100% straight (sadly, but like he had a whole cadre of beautiful men and never once thought about it? SMH) but also 100% approves of everyone’s sexualities. You could say you are attracted to large ships and he’d be like okay, good for you!
Dorian: 40% attractive to any person with a pulse, 60% attracted to people that can kill him
Manon: 90% attracted to herself, 10% to Dorian but like reluctantly
Chaol: 90% straight, 10% Dorian
Yrene: 95% straight, 5% Aelin
Aedion: 100% poly
Lysandra: 50% to Aedion and 50% to Wesley but never had felt anything towards anyone besides that
Lorcan: 100% Elide (anything he felt for Maeve was actually the feeling of desperation disguised as attraction)
Elide: 100% the most toxic ass people (She says she can change them and she’s right actually)
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thehighladywrites · 9 months
Throne of glass characters x reader, sending them lingerie pics
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summary: you send them pics of your new lingerie
warnings: suggestiveness, mdni
amara’s note: this is my first throne of glass related post, i’m gonna start making more I hope
for my wife: @rowaelinsdaughter 💗
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sillysynopses · 10 months
An ex convict, neglected nepo baby and level 12 bland white man team up to bolster the regime of a dictator whilst also forming life long bonds and experimenting with one another sexually. Watch as the gang goes from fetch quests to killing actual god, as the magical blonde girl traverses the globe, finding love with a man who has a face tattoo instead of a personality. But that’s not all folks! Watch these characters undergo trauma after unbelievable trauma, like getting possessed by a demon, being paralysed, surviving sex slavery, or being bisexual. And that’s just the tip of the fairy shaped iceberg! Never before have characters been hotter, dumber and this incompetent. You’ll laugh, cry, and shit your pants when a terrifying murder witch who may or may not have eaten children appears in book 3 and steals everyone else’s thunder, prompting questions like: why wasn’t this series about her, AND just how many innocent people can a character kill and still remain likeable. The answer, as always, will surprise you ;)
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lucien-calore · 2 years
manon: chaol, dorian, why are your tongues purple??
dorian: we got slushees
chaol: i got red
dorian: and i got blue
manon: oh...
elide: awww, how cute!! you drank each other's slushees!!
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
would u write a oneshot(or headcanons) abt manon like punishing elide😳? its cause i read your fic jealousy jealousy (which was amazing btw) and i got curios lol. luv u🥰
Bad Kitty
A/N: I LOVE THIS IDEA! Omg Jealousy, Jealousy was def one of my favorite imagines I've written, so I'd love to explore the dynamic I set up in that a bit more! Thanks so much for the kind words and the request, anon! <3
CW: Smut! 18+ plz! The sex in this is quite rough, so be warned!
The door hasn't even finished fully slamming shut before Manon's pushing Elide up against it, her back making harsh contact with the wood.
Elide doesn't complain, though, knowing she's in deep shit already.
Manon snarls, her pointed teeth bared at her lover. "Are you fucking insane, Elide?"
Elide gives her an innocent glance, a mere shrug of her shoulders. There is no talking her way out of this one.
Manon hisses at the lack of an answer. "Flirting with that gods damned brute, right in front of me. Are you serious?"
Elide resists the urge to roll her eyes, knowing she'd just make it worse for herself. "I wasn't flirting Manon, we were just catching up."
Manon laughs, but it's dry and humorless. Her grip on Elide's arms tightens, and she brings one hand up to wrap around Elide's neck. "Don't play dumb, kitty. I'm not an idiot."
"I never said that, Man-"
"Quiet!" Manon snaps. "Lorcan, that piece of shit, comes to visit, and suddenly it's like I, your fucking girlfriend, doesn't even exist!"
Elide pouts at that, but she lets Manon continue.
"Everyone knows he had a thing for you, and he knows we're together now! He knows that! But you let him flirt with you, and y-you touched his fucking arm! And laughed at his stupid jokes! And you batted your damn eyelashes like some innocent little mortal girl!"
This time, Elide can't help but roll her eyes. Manon has always been jealous, but truthfully, Elide thinks she's overreacting. Yes, Lorcan had been flirty. And okay, maybe Elide had played into it a bit. But only because of how distant Manon gets when the Witch Lands have visitors. She's all strictly business, and Elide tends to feel a bit needy when Manon acts like they aren't dating.
"You did not just roll your eyes at me," Manon seethes, tightening her grip on Elide's throat.
Elide huffs, a bit difficult to do with Manon's hand around her neck, and she pouts her lip, knowing that always gets Manon going. "Well, I can't help it if I appreciated the attention Manon, it's like we're not even together when we have visitors. No one else acts like tha-"
"So that's what this is about?" Manon leans closer into Elide, her hot breath fanning over her face. "You're such a little fucking brat, you can't stand when my attention is off of you for a few damn hours? When we're supposed to be talking to diplomatic guests about very serious fucking topics?"
Elide goes to protest, but Manon isn't done.
"I try to be professional in front of our visitors, and you act out because you're so gods damned spoiled. I would have brought you back to our room right after, and fucked you like I know you wanted me to. But I don't think you deserve it."
Elide furrows her eyebrows. Yes, she wanted Manon to fuck her. She wanted Manon to make love to her. She wanted several orgasms tonight, and she wanted Manon to use her as she pleased for her own pleasure. Yes, Manon will certainly use her tonight, but she doubts she'll be getting any satisfaction out of it.
Manon steps away from her, releasing her hold on her throat and arm. "No, I think that tonight, you deserve to be punished. Brats need to be put in their place. Do you agree?"
When Elide doesn't answer, just stares at her with that pouty, angry look, Manon snaps at her, "I said, do you agree?"
Slowly, Elide nods. "Yes Manon, I deserve to be punished."
Manon grunts her approval, and takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "Good. Now strip, then come lay over my lap."
Elide sighs. She hadn't particularly been in the mood to be spanked, but she knows she deserves it for how she acted.
She reaches behind her back, pulling the laces of her dress until it's loose. She pulls it from her arms, and then lets it fall, pushing it over her hips until it pools at her feet. Manon's gaze is hungry as she watches Elide repeat the process to the slip she had on underneath, and Manon licks her lips when Elide's bare, realizing she hadn't been wearing any panties.
Manon reclines a bit, and raises her brow, as if daring Elide to not follow her second command.
Elide wouldn't dare. Not when her lover is this angry.
She walks forward, albeit slowly, her lower lip still in a pout. "Stop pouting, or I'll bit that lip off, so help me Elide," Manon grits out, and Elide, bless her, listens instantly.
She climbs onto Manon's lap, her ass perched over Manon's toned, leather-clad thighs. She wiggles a bit, and Manon lightly swats her ass in warning. Her head is buried in the bedsheets, until Manon grips her hair and pulls her up, just slightly.
"You're going to count each one, and thank me after. If you lose count, or you forget to say 'thank you,' I'll start over. Understand?"
Elide nods, stiff with the grip Manon has on her hair, but Manon gives a small yank and says, "Words, Elide."
"Yes, I understand."
Manon releases her hair, and she places her cheek against the bed, mouth uncovered so she can follow Manon's commands.
Manon wastes no time getting into it, pulling her hand back and releasing a harsh smack on Elide's asscheek. Elide jumps. It stings, but it's not even close to the worst spank she's received, and she knows it'll likely get worse as she goes on.
"One, thank you, Manon."
Again, Manon spanks her, on her other asscheek, this time.
"Two, thank you."
Again, another spank, harsher than the first two.
Elide grunts, but she doesn't forget her orders. "Three, thank you."
Again, and again, and again, Manon spanks her. Each one is rougher than the last, and each time, it gets harder for Elide to count and to thank her, but she manages.
Manon's hand lands on Elide's red and inflamed ass, and through the tears streaming down her cheeks, she says, "T-twenty, thank you."
Manon hums, and she gives Elide a quick break by running her hands over her cheeks, Elide wincing at the touch to her bruising skin. Manon's hand runs up her back, until she's pulling her hair away from her face.
"What's your color, kitty?"
"G-green, it's green."
"And you'll be sure to tell me if it isn't anymore?"
Elide nods her head, and thankfully, Manon doesn't reprimand her for not using her words.
"I think you can handle five more, kitty. Do you?"
Elide squeezes a few more tears out, but she's thankful it's nearly over. "Yes, I think so. T-thank you, Manon."
"Using your manners so well, good girl."
And even though she's obviously still mad at her, Elide's heart swells at Manon's brief kindness.
Before she returns to the punishment, though, Manon kneads Elide's cheeks, ignoring Elide's whine of discomfort. She pulls them apart, and then spits on Elide's tight hole, watching it drip down to her cunt. The teases her opening with a finger, just barely pushing in. Elide gasps at the suddenness of it, tensing a bit before Manon's commanding, "Relax, kitty."
She tries, but she hadn't been prepared for Manon to touch her there, but this is her punishment, and she'll take whatever Manon plans to do to her.
"I think that next time you act out, I'll fuck your tight little ass. How does that sound?" Manon's tone is taunting, daring Elide to disagree.
Elide takes slow, deep breaths, in and out. "Whatever you want to do, Manon. I deserve it."
Manon chuckles, pleased with her obedience, before she stops teasing her entrance. She kneads her cheeks a few more times before returning to her punishment.
Manon spanks her, just as she said, five more times. No more, and no less. The last one is particularly harsh, and Elide jolts at the impact and releases a small sob, but she says, "t-twenty-five, thank y-you."
Again, Manon asks, "Color?"
"Green, i-it's still green."
"Good kitty," Manon coos, and pulls Elide up to sit on her thighs next to her.
Elide winces when her bottom makes contact with her legs, but she doesn't complain, waiting patiently for Manon's next command.
Manon wipes the tears from Elide's face, and on instinct, she leans into the touch. "Kiss?" She asks softly, and Manon frowns, because she's supposed to be punishing her. But she can never resist Elide's pout, especially when her eyes are all teary, her face is flushed, and she's just taken a rough spanking exactly as she was instructed to.
So, Manon gives in, and she gives Elide a quick peck to the lips. That's all, though, before she's pulling away, ignoring Elide's look of disappointment.
"Now, lay down on the bed." She commands, and Elide's nodding before doing as she says. She moves to the middle of the bed before pausing, looking over her shoulder to ask, "On my stomach or my back?"
"Back. I'm done with your ass for the night."
Elide does as told, laying on her back, hands fisting the sheets at her sides, waiting for Manon's next move.
She watches with glossy eyes as Manon begins to remove her clothing, boots coming off, tunic pulled over her head, leather pants shimmied down her long legs. Her grasp on the sheets tighten as she anticipates Manon's next move.
"Spread your legs," Manon orders, and so Elide does. She knows what Manon wants to see; how wet Elide's punishment made her.
Manon clicks her tongue and shakes her head, eyes zoning in on her glistening center. "It's not much of a punishment if you like it, is it?"
Elide shakes her head.
Manon hums, then lifts her leg to rest on the edge of the bed. Elide glances to the apex of her thighs, to Manon's white patch of hair that's wet with her arousal. Clearly, Manon enjoyed it too.
"Watch as I get myself off, kitty, and maybe, if you're good, you can cum, too."
Elide's eyes widen at the prospect of having an orgasm, she figured Manon wouldn't let her cum tonight. Manon doesn't often deny her an orgasm, but she thought that surely, tonight would be one of those nights.
"You took your punishment so well, kitty, and even let me play with your tight ass. If you keep making it up to me, I'll consider letting you cum," Manon says, clearly having noted Elide's surprise.
Elide licks her lips, watching as Manon's hands begin trailing down her body, cupping her tits, pinching her perky nipples. "Thank you, Manon, thank you," Elide's voice is a bit shaky, and Manon smirks.
"You're so polite when you're getting attention."
Her hands continue kneading her breasts for a few moments, before moving down, over the curve of her hips. She spreads her legs a bit more, then she's dipping two fingers down to rub her clit. One hand remains on a breast, pulling and twisting the nipple. Her head tips back a bit, and her eyes grow lidded from the pleasure.
Elide squirms from jealousy. Manon knows how much she hates watching her get herself off, she knows Elide wants to be the one to do it. But again, this is punishment. Elide doesn't get to be greedy.
Manon begins rubbing harsh circles, letting little moans fall from her lips. "Feels so good kitty, shame you can't be the one doing it." And then she's inserting her two fingers into her entrance, palm putting pressure on her aching clit.
Her hips buck a bit, and her legs spread even more, giving Elide a perfect view of her wet pussy. Lewd sounds fill the room as Manon fingers herself, and Elide whines at the sight.
"What's wrong, kitty? Upset I won't let you touch me?"
Elide nods, a mad little pout on her face.
"Words, or I'll spank your ass again," Manon spits out.
Elide swallows, "Please, Manon, I can do it better."
Her lover laughs, she laughs, and Elide's face grows red and her stomach curdles with embarrassment.
"You think a spoiled little brat could make me feel good? It didn't feel good watching you flirt with that brute, kitty. I doubt you could make me feel good now." Then her fingers start working faster, harder, and Elide can tell from her face that she's close to climaxing.
Manon's moans fill the room, and because yes, maybe Elide is a bit of a brat, and yes, she's feeling incredibly sensitive and small right now, tears start to well in her eyes.
When Manon, who had closed her eyes for a bit from the pleasure, catches sight of Elide's face, she laughs again. "You haven't even apologized yet. Am I supposed to feel bad for you?" She scoffs, and continues pleasuring herself.
"I'm sorry Manon, baby, I really am," though Elide isn't sure she really owed an apology, she'd do anything to keep Manon happy with her.
And that seems to spur Manon on, her fingers increasing in pressure and speed. Her other hand works her tits, and she's letting out overdramatic pants and moans to make Elide even more jealous that she isn't the cause of the pretty sounds falling from her lover's lips.
And then, she's climaxing, body tensing, arousal dripping down her wrist. Elide's toes curl at the sight, and she feels herself grow wetter every second she watches Manon in the midst of her orgasm.
When she comes down from her high, she climbs on the bed, making her way up Elide's body. "Please, give it to me Manon, I want it so bad," Elide whines, tense and frustrated, dizzy with desire. Manon's hand that had been working her breasts comes to squeeze Elide's throat. "Stop being a brat," she grits out, "you'll take what I give you." Elide breaths out a defiant puff of air, more bratty tears clouding her vision.
"Open your mouth," Manon commands, and Elide does. Manon sticks her fingers in Elide's awaiting mouth, and instantly, her tongue is lapping up Manon's slick. She sucks her fingers, never breaking eye contact, then releases them with a wet pop.
"Taste good, kitty?"
"So good, please, want more," Elide groans, though she knows it'll just earn her a reprimand.
Manon squeezes her throat again, and then grabs her cheeks, pulling her mouth open. She purses her lips, and spits into Elide's mouth. Some of it hits Elide's chin, and she pushes it onto Elide's tongue with her thumb.
"You're a pathetic little thing, crying and whining all because I smacked your pretty ass red and I wouldn't let you touch me."
And gods, though she's embarrassed, frustrated, and feeling so damn sensitive, Elide loves when Manon talks this way.
"Hmmm, I think you still have some making up to do, do you agree?"
"Y-yes Manon, whatever you want, take it," Elide stutters and cries, and in a brief moment of kindness, Manon wipes Elide's cheeks with her hands, but her smirk is all feral and wicked.
She begins making her way up Elide's body again, until her knees rest beside Elide's head. She looks down at her, and Elide turns her head to press a quick kiss to the inside of her thigh. Manon reaches down and grabs a handful of her hair, pulling her back to attention. Elide sniffles, but holds her gaze.
"What color, Elide?"
"Green, I-I'm so green," Elide breathes.
Manon raises an eyebrow and nods. "I'm going to fuck your face, and I'm not going to stop until I cum as many times as I want. If you need to breathe, hit my thigh, but other than that, don't touch."
Elide nods, biting her lip and sniffling some more, preparing to feast on Manon's cunt.
A harsh yank to her hair, and Elide doesn't even need to be told what Manon wants. Words.
"Yes, please, wanna taste you," Elide says.
Manon cockily rolls her eyes, then straightens herself back out. Slowly, she lowers herself to sit on Elide's face.
Instantly, Elide's feasting like a woman starved. Her tongue darts out, lapping at Manon's wet and swollen folds, circling her clit, and fucking her entrance.
Eventually, Manon's hips take over, and Elide just lets her use her mouth, nose, chin, as she pleases. Elide moans and groans into her cunt, savoring her taste. She catches brief breaths of air in between rolls of Manon's hips, and she gets glimpses at the undersides of Manon's breasts, the sight of her mouth dropped open in an 'O.'
She pushes her tongue in and out of Manon's heat, and Manon moans and mutters, "fuck, right there, kitty," until for the second time that night, she's falling over the edge.
Her hips slow down, and her soft moans quieten. She lifts from Elide's face briefly, hovering just above her mouth. Elide's panting, catching her breath, looking up at Manon with glossy eyes, swollen lips, and a wet face.
"Catch your breath kitty, I'm not done," and then Manon reaches down to smooth back Elide's hair. She moves from her straddling position for just a moment before she's turning around, then replacing her leg on the opposite side of Elide's head. Elide only has a few seconds before she's settling back on her face again, but moving slower this time, still sensitive from her previous orgasm.
Manon braces herself with one arm next to Elide's waist, and uses her other hand to push Elide's legs apart. She obeys immediately, and Manon gently, so softly she can barely feel it, begins to rub at her clit.
Nevertheless, Elide moans at the gentle pleasure. She's been craving release since Manon first told her to strip, been aching to be touched in any way, and she finally has it. The vibrations of her moan work Manon's cunt, and Manon sighs in pleasure, muttering a gentle "fuck" under her breath.
And then, suddenly, Manon pulls away and lands a spank to her pussy. Elide jumps, and squeals at the sudden flare of pain and pleasure. Instinctively, she tries to close her legs, but then Manon's smacking the inside of her thigh, too.
"Keep them open," she bites out, and Elide can't argue with Manon still slowly riding her face.
Manon repeats the process, teasing her clit, then spanking her pussy. Each time, Elide jolts, and tears leak from the corners of her eyes. Sometimes, Manon even teases her opening with the tip of a finger before she smacks her, right on her clit.
Manon begins working herself faster, and she opts to tap Elide's clit rapidly with two fingers as she approaches yet another orgasm. She spits on Elide's pussy, smearing in the added wetness, and then she's cumming all over Elide's mouth. Her hips grind down, hard, and Elide is dizzy from the stimulation to her cunt and the lack of air from Manon riding her face.
After she rides out her high, she lifts herself off Elide's mouth, where her tongue had still been lazily working through her folds. She climbs off of Elide completely, working to catch her breath.
"That was so sexy, Manon," Elide mumbles, through a teary voice and blurred vision.
Manon hums, "You feeling sensitive, kitty?"
Elide pouts. "Yeah..." she trails off, then quickly adds, "I'm still green, though!"
Manon shakes her head, but praises her nonetheless. "Good kitty, should I play with your pretty little pussy now?"
Elide nods furiously, spreading her legs and fisting the sheets.
"Hmm, I think I should mark you up first, in case Lorcan tries some shit tomorrow," Manon's voice can't hide the smile tugging at her lips, the delight she feels when she sees Elide's eyes go wide.
"Keep your hands at your side, or we're done for the night," Manon commands, and then she's straddling Elide's waist, leaning down to mouth at her breasts.
Manon wastes no time, she begins sucking harsh marks onto Elide's pale skin. She sucks, nibbles with her teeth, then soothes the skin with her tongue. Elide gasps at the pleasurable pain, and arches her back to push her tits deeper into Manon's mouth.
Manon tugs on her nipples with her teeth, then kitten licks the peaks with her tongue. Elide looks down, watching Manon worship her tits, and bites her lip at the sight.
And because Manon just can't help it, she's surging upwards to capture Elide's lips in a kiss, tugging on the lip she had just been biting, releasing it with a small growl before she's kissing her again. Their tongues dance, and Elide moans into the kiss, nearly forgetting Manon's rules to not move when she has the urge to tug Manon's hair, to pull her in deeper.
Manon breaks apart from her to trail kisses down her chin, across her cheeks, and down her throat. There, she continues her assault, sucking angry red and purple marks onto Elide's skin. Elide gasps, and stutters out, "M-Manon!"
Her lover hisses, and then bites Elide. Her teeth are only slightly sharpened, and it's quick and almost gentle, but she still draws blood. Elide hardly has time to notice it before Manon's attaching to the spot, cleaning it with her tongue.
"Fuck," Elide whimpers, nails digging into her palms through the sheets from pulling them so tight.
Manon keeps moving, until Elide's throat, collarbones, chest, and breasts are covered. Even the undersides of her tits, her sternum, and a few scattered along her upper belly.
Elide is dripping. The sheets below her are wet, sweat coats her hair and the top of her forehead, and her face is still covered with Manon's slick and spit.
She looks down, surveying her own body. "You're crazy, Manon," and Manon cackles, grinning like a madwoman. To her, that was a compliment.
"Let that fool flirt with you now," Manon leans down, hovering her mouth over Elide's. "You're mine, baby, you belong to me. Is that understood?"
Elide nods her head, lifting her chin to ghost a barely there kiss along Manon's mouth.
"All yours, Manon," she whispers against her lips.
"Good girl," Manon responds, then she's moving down, settling between Elide's spread legs. "Don't make me have to remind you again," she says, tone harsh, then she's spreading Elide's lips apart with her thumbs, eyes zoning in on her mound.
Elide groans, finally, finally, Manon's going to give her what she wants. "Please, Manon," and Elide's not even sure what she's begging for, to be touched, yes, but Elide doesn't even care how. She just wants Manon to soothe the ache of desire she's been simmering in all evening.
"So desperate, so wet," Manon coos, "it's almost sick how turned on this has all made you, Elide." And even though she knows she's just taunting, Elide bites back. "Says the one that bit my neck!"
Manon doesn't let that slide, slapping Elide's pussy with a wet smack. Elide jumps, and cries Manon's name. "You're in no position to talk back, kitty. And here I was, just calling you my 'good girl,'" Manon tsks, shaking her head and blowing a cool gust of air against Elide's puffy, inflamed cunt.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again, promise," Elide pouts, fully aware that she's got Manon wrapped around her finger.
Manon doesn't respond, but she glares at Elide as she lowers her mouth to her clit, licking slow, soft strokes on the bundle of nerves.
"Manon," Elide moans, her head falling back against the pillows.
She continues her slow torture, alternating between gentle licking and soft suckling. Elide's eyes roll to the back of her head, she's already about to come, finding relief from the slow touch after being pent up for so long. "Mmmm, Manon, feels so good," she calls, letting that coil wind in the pit of her belly. Manon speeds up ever so slightly, and then Elide's really on the brink of climax, telling Manon, "I'm gonna cum, baby."
Much to her dismay, Manon suddenly pulls off of her pussy, and the orgasm she was within reach of slowly fades away. Elide grunts and grumbles at the stolen release, but Manon shushes her and says, "Quiet, or I'll leave you like this all night," then she's sucking and nibbling at Elide's inner thighs.
Elide rolls her eyes at Manon's obsession with marking her, but she certainly isn't complaining. It's incredibly hot.
Manon litters hickies across the expanse of the soft skin, then again, she bites Elide, and licks the blood that drips from the mark. Elide gasps, and shoots Manon a frown, much to Manon's delight.
Then, with no warning, Manon's inserting two fingers into her wet entrance. Elide's head falls back, and she pulls on the bedsheets to resist the urge to tangle her fingers in Manon's hair.
Manon, again, spits on Elide's clit, claiming her. "This pussy belongs to me, Elide, don't forget that," then she lowers her mouth to her clit, sucking harshly as she pumps her fingers in and out of her cunt.
"Yeah it does, fuck Manon, right there," Elide moans, and she bites her lip to hold back a scream when Manon curls her two fingers, then adds a third. The stretch is delicious, and Manon slows her pace to help Elide adjust to the intrusion. She's so turned on and wet, that her clenching walls squelch as Manon begins fucking her in earnest. The sound is lewd, and Elide's panting and thrashing her head, back arching off the bed.
Manon moans around her clit, then pulls back to ask, "You gonna cum, kitty?"
Elide, between groans and gasps, manages to say, "Fuck, Manon, gonna cum so hard, baby."
And then, Manon's ripping her fingers out of her cunt and pulling her mouth off of her sensitive clit.
Elide jumps and sobs out, crying, "No, Manon! Please.." she trails off tearfully, again, her orgasm slipping away from her.
Manon chuckles, watching her cunt clench around nothing. "You sound so pretty when you're crying and begging me, Elide," she says, her tone amused and playful.
Elide sighs and groans, crying, "You're being mean," and then she's releasing the sheets for the first time that night to wipe at her eyes, rubbing them in frustration.
Manon laughs again, "you deserve it," she grins, placing a kiss on the plush of Elide's thigh, right on one of her hickies. "What's your color?" she asks, lips moving against her leg.
Elide doesn't answer for a moment, taking deep breaths. Manon pulls back slightly to look up at her, and then Elide mumbles, "M'green."
Manon trusts her, and she reaches a hand up her body to play with her breast. Elide winces at the pressure to her bruises, but Manon can tell by her breathing and the way her eyes are fluttering that she's enjoying it. She pinches her nipple, then starts licking through Elide's folds. Slowly, she licks at every inch of Elide's cunt, hands moving to push Elide's legs up and out, then one returns to play with her tits. Her tongue trails down, dipping into Elide's hole briefly before she places opened mouth kisses back up to Elide's swollen clit.
Elide's in pure ectasy, her moans turning into squeals and gasps when Manon sticks her tongue in her cunt, tongue fucking her and bringing a thumb to rub at her bundle of nerves. Elide's hips are wiggling, rubbing into Manon's mouth, and she's crying out, "Please, please, please let m-me cum!" She cries out, terrified Manon will deny her this one, too.
Manon switches her tongue and fingers, again, curling three fingers into her pussy, slamming into that spongey spot inside of her that only she can reach. Elide gasps and cries Manon's name, back arching off the bed.
Manon's fingers are ruthless, fucking her fast and hard. She mumbles against her clit, "Cum for me, baby," and instantly, Elide's falling over the edge. Her eyes are squeezed shut as she sees stars, and she screams Manon's name as she has the most intense orgasm of her life.
Her name keeps falling from her lips like a chant, and her hips ride Manon's fingers and mouth, taking as much pleasure as she can get. Her orgasm lasts so long, and Manon works her down with gentle licks, slowly pulling her fingers out of her pulsing cunt.
Elide's chest is heaving, face flushed and sweaty. Her mind's in a fog, and she barely registers the sight of Manon climbing up her body, brushing hair off of her forehead.
"Still with me, baby?" Manon asks, smiling down at her fucked out state. Elide whimpers, nodding her head weakly.
Manon coos at her, "What's the matter, kitty? Do you think we're done?"
Immediately, Elide's eyes widen, and she's staring at Manon like she's grown three heads. "Manon, I can't take anymore," she whines, tears slipping down her cheeks.
Manon shakes her head and smiles, deceivingly sweet. "I think you can, you know what to say if you really can't."
Then she's grinding down onto Elide, rubbing their wet pussies together.
Manon groans, and Elide gasps and whines, hips writhing at the overstimulation. "Take it Elide, take it," Manon gets out between moans, her cunt still sensitive from her three orgasms.
"Fuck, Manon, oh my gods," Elide cries, toes curling and hands coming up to grip Manon's ass. Manon doesn't scold her for breaking the no touching rule, knowing how badly she needs the comfort during this.
Her fingers dig into Manon's flesh, spurring her on. She thrusts faster and harder, the slick and spit allowing their pussies to rub deliciously. Manon squeezes Elide's breast in her hand, and kisses her parted lips. Elide doesn't hesitate to kiss back, moaning into Manon's mouth until she makes her way down, kissing her throat.
After a few more harsh thrusts, Elide's cumming again, and this time, she feels a gush between her legs, splashing onto her inner thighs and all over Manon.
Manon moans, and Elide swears she even growls, as she also reaches her climax. "Fuck Elide," she groans, "you squirted, kitty." She chuckles, and Elide grimaces in embarrassment, her chest is still heaving from the intensity of her climax.
Manon shushes her, kissing her cheek. "That was so fucking sexy, Elide," she whispers into her ear, pulling her earlobe between her teeth for a brief moment.
"T-that was so..." Elide trails off, swallowing and catching her breath, "so much, Manon, fuck."
"Hmm, and you took it so well, like a good girl," Manon purrs, moving to lay by Elide's side.
Elide can't help the tears that seem to not have stopped all night, and she sleepily rubs at her eyes with one hand. "I feel sticky," she whines, clinging onto Manon as she pulls her into her arms.
"Poor baby," Manon mocks, "too fucked out to function?" she asks, teasing. Elide nods, turning into Manon's hold, burying her face in her chest, where she continues to gently cry, coming down from the most intense fucking she and Manon have ever had.
Manon gives a contented sigh, fingers brushing through Elide's sweaty hair, running down her back. "Wasn't too much, right?" she asks, always concerned with Elide's wellbeing. Elide shakes her head head, mumbling, "s'jus intense, I need'a minute..." and of course, Manon understands. she continues to gently rub Elide's back, lightly scratching with her nails. She places gentle kisses to her hairline, and murmurs comforting words in her ears.
After a few minutes, Elide pulls back, shakily, to look up into Manon's eyes. "You know I feel nothing for him... I love you Manon, so much, I'm sorry if I made you doubt that, I would never want to do that," and her eyes get all glassy again, because she's started to feel genuinely bad about it.
Manon shushes her, kissing her forehead. "Don't worry about it anymore, kitty, I know you love me. Just needed some attention, huh, baby?"
Elide sniffles and nods, "I'm really sorry Manon, it won't happen again."
"Shhh, I know it won't. I'm not upset with you, Elide, I promise," and then she leans in, placing a gentle peck to Elide's pouted lips. "Will you let me clean you up? Take care of you? You're shaking, baby," Manon says, tone laced with worry. This was definitely the most she'd asked of Elide in the bedroom, but she was proud of how well she handled it.
"Please," Elide whimpers, wrapping her arms around Manon's neck. Manon wraps her arms around Elide, one hand bracing her back and the other guiding her legs to wrap around her waist. She picks her up, carrying her towards their bathroom.
Manon places Elide on the bathroom counter, kissing her cheek when she winces at the pain shooting through her rear. She leaves Elide for a second, ignoring her cute little whines, to turn the tap on, letting the large tub fill with steaming water. She drips some scented oils into the tub, too. Lavender, to help Elide relax. Then, she grabs a washcloth, wetting it under the stream before returning to her lover, patiently waiting on the counter with her legs spread. Wordlessly, Manon begins to clean between her thighs. She's gentle, and yet Elide still jumps when the cloth makes contact with her puffy folds. Manon rubs the outside of her thigh to soothe her, and continues to wipe away the spit and cum that Elide's covered in.
When Elide moves to take the rag from her after she's finished, Manon pulls it from her grasp, and instead, cleans herself. "This is about you, baby, just relax," she says, disposing of the cloth in the laundry basket when finished.
When the tub is full, Manon holds Elide's hand as she climbs off the counter. She catches sight of Elide's inflamed ass as she walks towards the tub, and she smirks at the marks she left behind, but feels a bit guilty to be causing Elide any pain.
"You're getting in with me, right?" Elide asks over her shoulder, and Manon pulls her gaze away from her rounded cheeks, moving to hold Elide's arms and place delicate kisses along her shoulder.
"If you want me to, I will."
"Of course I want you to," Elide replies, and climbs into the tub.
Manon does too, sitting against the wall of the tub, spreading her legs so that Elide can sit between them. Again, she sucks in a sharp breath of air at the sting to her butt, and she shifts to place more of her weight on her side.
"You're breaking my heart, kitty," Manon speaks into the crook of her neck. Elide sighs, "I like it, though." Manon smirks and cups some of the hot water in her hands, bringing it up to pour down Elide's chest.
They spend nearly an hour in the bath, cuddling, talking, calming down. Manon washes Elide's body and hair, making sure to be gentle of her bruises and bites. And when Elide insists on washing Manon too, she lets her, enjoying the feeling of being doted on even though she had intended the aftercare session to be about Elide only.
When they finish and the water's gone cold, they climb out together, and Manon towels Elide's body dry, then her own.
"Go lay down on your stomach, sweetheart. I'm gonna rub some oils on your poor bum," Manon's tone is teasing, and she winks at Elide's shy grin.
"What did I do to deserve such a kindness, hmm?" Elide calls over her shoulder while she does as instructed, removing the top blanket from their bed that needs to be washed, and climbing onto the sheets.
Manon gathers supplies from the bathroom drawer, and follows Elide into the bedroom. "Tonight was rough, I want to make sure you're taken care of," Manon answers, and shrugs like it's no big deal.
Elide watches her, gaze full of love and adoration. "I don't deserve you, Manon, I love you," and she smiles at Manon's stricken face.
"Of course you do, don't say something stupid, now," Manon snaps, though she isn't truly angry. Elide giggles, watching her climb atop the bed.
She pours some oil into her hand, rubbing them together to warm the liquid up. She bends to press a few light kisses to Elide's asscheeks, then gently, she begins rubbing with her hands.
Elide groans at the tenderness, and Manon smirks. "It'll feel better soon," she says.
She continues to rub the soothing oil into her flesh, and into her inner thighs, too, where the hickies are a stark contrast against her snow-white skin.
Then, she has Elide flip over, and he works the oil into her chest, too. Elide smiles up at her. "Don't get me turned on again, Manon," she says, as Manon rubs into her breasts.
Manon rolls her eyes. "You're done for the night, little one," and then she's capping the oil, placing it on the bedside table.
She pulls the covers down the bed, Elide shifting to make it easier. She tucks her girlfriend in, then climbs in beside her. Immediately, Elide's curling into her embrace, nuzzling into Manon's chest. The feel of Elide's skin against her own comforts Manon, and she presses a kiss to her head, urging her to go to sleep. Blearily, Elide tells Manon that she loves her, and Manon echoes the statement before she joins Elide and drifts to sleep.
A/N: wow! did i go overboard? maybe. this is a lot longer than a drabble or a blurb or a headcanon, but i just got carried away! i had so much fun writing this filth. i hope you all enjoy, and of course, feel free to send a request after checking my masterlist for rules! :)
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rainingriversofyou · 2 months
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Aelin, Rowan, Manon, Dorian, Lysandra, Aedion, Elide & Lorcan
Throne Of Glass / Artist: @madschofield
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natinthe60s · 11 months
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I can't with this it's to fucking funny. Especially Aedion an Lysandra or feysands Yeah hahah. Ofc Aelin an Rowan are jus double bastards 😂
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jmoonjones · 1 year
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Throne of Glass gets my Mermay treatment!
Abraxos is the seahorse (with little wyvern wings) and I gave Lysandra a leopard (bush) fish to nod to her shapeshifting fave form of a leopard.
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