#elemental practitioner
darkforestfae-tea · 1 month
How to talk to the Wind~ Air Elemental
This turned into an extremely long post. I debated on splitting it into 2 parts, but I’d rather keep it together. This took me about 2 weeks to write out! Thank you so much for reading!
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1. If the wind Falls silent, she is listening to you. Speak.
When the wind falls silent, an almost ethereal stillness takes over, creating a moment ripe for introspection and connection. It's as if nature itself has paused, holding its breath to listen. In such moments, one might feel compelled to speak, to share thoughts or emotions that have been swirling within. This silence, often rare and fleeting, can feel like an invitation to open up, to let the words flow freely and honestly. It's a reminder that communication isn't just about being heard by others but also about the cathartic act of expressing oneself.
The wind, in many cultures and literary works, symbolizes change, movement, and the passage of time. When it ceases, it can signify a moment of clarity or a break from the chaos. This stillness can be seen as a sacred space where one can connect with deeper truths or even with the universe itself. It’s an opportunity to speak without fear of judgment, knowing that the silence is there to absorb and understand rather than to critique or dismiss. In this quietude, your words can carry more weight, echoing in the stillness and perhaps resonating more deeply within yourself and the world around you.
So, when the wind falls silent and you feel that she is listening, speak with authenticity and courage. Share your innermost thoughts, dreams, and fears. Embrace the silence as a chance to communicate not just outwardly but also inwardly. Let your words be a bridge between your inner world and the still, listening universe. This is a rare and precious moment, a chance to be truly heard, even if it is just by the silence itself.
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2. Always Whisper
When speaking to an air elemental, always whisper. This subtle yet crucial guideline underscores the ethereal nature of these magical beings. Air elementals are creatures that embody the essence of wind and air, often depicted in folklore and fantasy as graceful, invisible entities or whirling vortices. Their very existence is intertwined with the gentlest breezes and the softest whispers of nature. As such, they are attuned to the delicate sounds that most mortals overlook. Speaking in a whisper not only shows respect for their domain but also allows for clearer and more harmonious communication.
Whispering to an air elemental can create a profound connection, aligning one's voice with the subtle currents of air that they inhabit. Loud or harsh sounds may disturb or even anger these beings, as they are accustomed to the serene and tranquil aspects of their element. By whispering, one communicates on a frequency that resonates with their airy essence, fostering a sense of trust and mutual understanding. This approach can be especially important for those seeking the favor or guidance of an air elemental, as it signals a willingness to meet them on their terms.
Moreover, the act of whispering can be a meditative practice for the speaker, encouraging mindfulness and a deeper awareness of the environment. It requires one to slow down and consider the impact of their words, fostering a more intentional and respectful interaction. In this way, speaking to an air elemental in whispers not only honors their nature but also enriches the speaker's own experience, creating a serene exchange that mirrors the gentle and flowing characteristics of air itself.
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3. In case there is a wind swirl carrying autumn leaves, step back. Let her dance.
In case there is a wind swirl carrying autumn leaves, step back. Let her dance. Imagine standing on a crisp autumn afternoon, with the sun casting a golden hue over the landscape. Suddenly, a playful gust of wind sweeps through, lifting the fallen leaves into a mesmerizing dance. The leaves whirl and twirl, creating a spectacle of nature's artistry. This is a moment to pause and appreciate the beauty that often goes unnoticed in our busy lives.
Every leaf in that swirl has a story. They have transformed from vibrant greens of spring and summer to the rich reds, oranges, and yellows of fall. As they float and spin, they remind us of the cyclical nature of life and the beauty in every stage of existence. The wind's choreography is spontaneous yet perfect, showing how nature can create art without any intention or effort. It’s a gentle reminder to find joy and wonder in the simplest of moments.
So, the next time you encounter a wind swirl carrying autumn leaves, step back and let her dance. Embrace the opportunity to reconnect with nature's serene and fleeting beauty. Allow yourself to be captivated by the elegant dance of the leaves, and let it inspire a sense of peace and gratitude in your heart. It’s these small, magical moments that enrich our lives and remind us of the profound beauty that surrounds us every day.
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4. Don’t go outside if the wind is howling. There are spirits passing through.
The notion that howling winds are a sign of spirits passing through has long been a staple in folklore and ghost stories. It's a belief that has been handed down through generations, often to instill a sense of caution and respect for the unseen world. When the wind howls, it can create a symphony of eerie sounds, from whispers to wails, which easily stir the imagination. These sounds can be interpreted as the voices of spirits, adding a supernatural element to the natural phenomenon.
In many cultures, the wind is considered a conduit for spirits and otherworldly beings. For instance, in ancient Greek mythology, the Anemoi were wind gods, each representing a cardinal direction and possessing distinct personalities and powers. Similarly, in Native American traditions, the wind is often seen as a messenger, carrying the voices of ancestors and spiritual beings. These cultural narratives contribute to the belief that howling winds are more than just a meteorological event—they are a moment when the veil between the physical world and the spiritual realm becomes thin.
While science explains howling winds as the result of atmospheric pressure differences and natural air currents, the enchantment of these stories persists. Whether taken literally or metaphorically, the advice to stay indoors when the wind is howling serves as a reminder of the mysteries that still captivate the human mind. It’s a poetic way to acknowledge that there are forces in the world that remain beyond our understanding and that sometimes, it's best to respect the unknown.
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5. She already knows everything about you. Never lie.
The wind elemental possesses an uncanny ability to perceive truths hidden from mortal eyes. This ancient entity, often depicted as an invisible force that flows seamlessly through the world, has a profound connection with the very essence of nature. As such, it can sense the innermost thoughts and feelings of those it encounters. To lie to the wind elemental is not only futile but also unwise, as it already knows the truths that lie beneath the surface.
When one interacts with the wind elemental, honesty and transparency are paramount. This being of air and spirit can effortlessly read the subtle nuances of human intention and emotion, much like how it reads the shifting patterns of the weather. Attempting to deceive the wind elemental would be akin to trying to hide a secret from the sky itself. It is said that those who are forthright and open with the wind elemental often find themselves rewarded with its favor, whether that be through a gentle breeze guiding them on their path or a timely gust that aids them in a moment of need.
In legends and stories passed down through generations, the wind elemental serves as a reminder of the power of truth and integrity. Its omniscience teaches that living a life of honesty and openness can lead to harmony with the world around us. Whether seeking guidance or simply coexisting with the natural forces, respecting the knowledge and wisdom of the wind elemental can lead to a more enlightened and fulfilling journey. So, when faced with the presence of this all-knowing being, remember to speak truthfully, for the wind elemental already knows everything about you.
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6. You may play the flute. (Or another wind instrument)
Playing the flute for an air spirit is a poetic and enchanting concept that bridges the realms of music and mythology. Imagine standing on a misty hilltop at dawn, the first light of day casting a golden hue over the landscape. The air is crisp and filled with the soft rustlings of the wind through the leaves. In this serene setting, you raise your flute to your lips, poised to create a melody that will resonate with the very essence of the air spirit.
The notes of the flute, light and ethereal, seem to blend seamlessly with the natural sounds around you. As you play, you can almost feel the presence of the air spirit, a delicate and invisible entity that moves with the breeze. The music you create serves as a bridge, connecting the tangible world with the intangible, inviting the air spirit to dance and play. Each melody you produce is a tribute to the freedom and fluidity of the air, embodying a sense of grace and movement that mirrors the spirit’s own nature.
This act of playing the flute for an air spirit is more than just a whimsical idea; it's a celebration of the profound connection between humans and the natural world. It speaks to our innate desire to communicate with and honor the unseen forces that influence our lives. Through the music of the flute, you are not only entertaining an air spirit but also paying homage to the beauty and mystery of the natural world, reminding us all of the magic that exists just beyond the veil of the everyday.
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7. Listen to the Storms. Don’t talk.
The symphony of the storm is a language unto itself, a dialogue of the elements that speaks in a cadence both ancient and powerful. When the wind howls and the rain pelts against the earth, it is as though the very essence of nature is communicating in a voice that transcends human speech. To understand this voice, one must listen with more than just their ears; they must open their soul to the raw, untamed energy of the wind elemental. This force of nature, unseen but deeply felt, carries messages of change, transformation, and the relentless passage of time.
To truly connect with the wind elemental, silence is key. In silence, you can feel the whispers of the wind as it dances through the branches, swirls around rocks, and sweeps across open plains. This connection is not just about hearing, but about feeling the energy and intention behind the movement of air. It’s about recognizing that the wind is more than a mere force; it is a messenger, a guide, and a companion. By listening, we honor its presence and allow its ancient wisdom to permeate our being, grounding us in the present while connecting us to the timeless dance of the natural world.
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8. She gives life to your words. Make them meaningful. Especially when you talk to her.
The wind spirit, ethereal and ever-present, dances through the trees and whispers to the leaves, carrying stories and secrets from distant lands. When you speak to her, let your words be imbued with the same grace and fluidity she embodies. Speak not just with your voice, but with your heart and soul, allowing each word to flow like a gentle breeze caressing the earth. Your words should be as vibrant and life-giving as the wind itself, breathing existence into the thoughts and emotions you wish to convey.
Imagine your words as seeds, carried on the currents of her breath, finding fertile ground in the minds and hearts of those who listen. Nurture these seeds with sincerity and intention, allowing them to grow into something beautiful and meaningful. Acknowledge the power she holds, the invisible threads she weaves through our lives, connecting us in ways we may never fully comprehend. By doing so, you honor her essence and the life she breathes into every syllable.
When you converse with the wind spirit, let your dialogue be a symphony of respect and wonder, a harmonious exchange that elevates both speaker and listener. Embrace the silence between words, for it is in those quiet moments that her true wisdom often lies. Let your words be a reflection of the natural world she so effortlessly navigates, filled with the same awe and reverence that she inspires. In this way, your words will not only carry meaning but will resonate deeply, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of existence.
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9. If she whispers in your ear, listen closely. It means she trusts you enough to share secrets.
When a wind spirit whispers in your ear, it is an invitation to connect with the unseen world around you. This ethereal being, often depicted as a gentle, invisible force, chooses to share its secrets with only the most attuned and trustworthy individuals. Listening closely to these whispers can be a profound experience, offering insights that transcend ordinary understanding. It is a rare and precious gift that signifies a deep bond with the natural elements and an openness to the mysteries they hold.
The secrets shared by a wind spirit can encompass a wide range of wisdom, from ancient folklore and forgotten histories to personal guidance and intuitive knowledge. These whispers might carry messages about the environment, urging you to respect and protect the earth, or they might offer personal revelations that help you navigate your own life's journey. The key is to remain open and receptive, allowing the wind spirit's voice to resonate within you without skepticism or doubt.
Embracing the whispers of a wind spirit requires a mindful and meditative approach. Find a quiet space where you can attune yourself to the subtle nuances of the wind. As you listen, let your mind and heart remain still, creating a sanctuary for the spirit's voice to be heard. In doing so, you not only honor the trust bestowed upon you but also deepen your connection to the natural world and the timeless wisdom it offers. This sacred exchange can enrich your life, guiding you with the gentle yet profound truths carried on the wind.
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10. Word travels far and fast. Don’t say anything to awake the spirits.
In many cultures around the world, the concept of words carrying immense power is a common thread. Words can travel far and fast, transcending time and space, influencing those who hear them. This is particularly true in folklore and myth, where speaking certain words can invoke spirits or other supernatural entities. The cautionary advice to "not say anything to awake the spirits" underscores the belief that words have the power to affect the unseen world, where spirits reside.
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11. She has a strong temperament and gets angry easily. Make sure you’re always nice to her. You don’t want to be on her bad side.
The wind spirit, sometimes known as Zephyra, possesses a strong and unpredictable temperament that can change as swiftly as the breeze. While she can be gentle and soothing, her anger is a force to be reckoned with. Legends say that Zephyra's fury can stir up powerful storms, uproot ancient trees, and send ships veering off course. Thus, it is wise to always approach her with respect and kindness.
To stay in Zephyra's good graces, one must be mindful of their words and actions. She values honesty and sincerity above all else, and she can sense deceit like a sudden shift in the wind. Offering small tokens of appreciation, such as delicate feathers or fragrant flowers, can also help in winning her favor. These gestures show that you honor her presence and the natural world she governs.
Remember, Zephyra's moods are as changeable as the skies. Her anger may be intense, but her forgiveness is equally profound. If you find yourself having inadvertently upset her, a heartfelt apology and a promise to be more considerate in the future can go a long way. By cultivating a relationship of mutual respect and understanding, you can enjoy the blessings of Zephyra's gentle breezes and avoid the wrath of her tempestuous gales.
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12. If she’s talking to thunder, leave them alone. They don’t want you to hear.
Imagine the mystical conversation between wind and thunder, two forces of nature that hold immense power and mystery. The wind, with its gentle whispers and fierce gales, embodies the freedom and fluidity of movement. It travels across the world, touching every corner, carrying with it the secrets of faraway lands. Thunder, on the other hand, is the voice of the storm, a booming presence that commands attention and respect. It heralds the arrival of rain and lightning, bringing a sense of awe and sometimes fear. Together, they form a dynamic duo that shapes our natural world in profound ways.
So, if you ever feel the wind rustle through the trees or hear the distant rumble of thunder, take a moment to appreciate the secret conversation happening just beyond our grasp.
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13. A sudden draft can be seen as a bad omen.
The symbolic interpretation of drafts as bad omens can also be linked to the more tangible effects they have on our environment. A sudden draft can extinguish a candle, cause a door to slam shut unexpectedly, or create eerie, unsettling noises. These occurrences can easily evoke a sense of mystery and fear, especially in dimly lit or isolated settings. Consequently, such events have become fertile ground for ghost stories and superstitions, reinforcing the idea that a draft is an indicator of something ominous or otherworldly.
Despite these traditional beliefs, it's important to view sudden drafts through a rational lens as well. Modern science offers explanations for such phenomena, attributing them to changes in air pressure, temperature differences, and architectural features of buildings. While the eerie sensation of a sudden draft can still cause a shiver down the spine, understanding its natural causes can demystify the experience. Ultimately, whether one sees a draft as a bad omen or a simple quirk of the environment often depends on the interplay between cultural beliefs and scientific knowledge.
14. Never, ever, complain about her. She will remember.
— pictures off Pinterest.
--Content taken from a list of "how to talk to the wind" The original list was bullet pointed and kept in this post as the numbers. (i.e. 1. If the wind falls silent, she is listening to you,. Speak.") I added in the paragraphs following each bullet point to go further into detail for new practitioners or anyone interested in working with the air element.
Thank you for Reading! I absolutely love sharing my knowledge & learnings with others. I try to make posts a few times a week! & they are all organized on my profile.
Until we cross paths once more! Best wishes to all you wonderful witches! Warm regards, Tea.
꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦
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psychopomp-recital · 5 months
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Let’s talk about working with the Water Element; divination, magical waters, workings and cultivating a relationship with it and its spirits.
🎶Sharing my experiences and thoughts, don’t rely on just this make your own experiences and thoughts.🎶
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How do I grow my relationship with Water itself?
Begin opening yourself up to it more and incorporating it into your daily life. When I began building my relationship with it this is what I did:
To be done over a months period
Washed my hands & face with cold water when waking up and letting them air dry as much as possible.
Brushing out my hair and braiding it, picturing my hair flowing like a river with every movement of my fingers.
Beginning my day by intentionally drinking a glass of water, sitting down to really appreciate it and how it aides your body. I like cold water because you can easier feel it flow through you, I also like charging it beforehand.
Visit as many water sources as possible during this period. I am lucky enough to live by the pacific ocean and I would go and swim in it everyday to cultivate my relationship. However, if that is inaccessible for you there’s options such as sitting by a public pool, taking a bath, standing in the rain, eating your lunch by a river, etc.
While you’re spending time with water just talk to it. Tell it stories, sing it songs, ask it questions, water is living and it longs for a connection.
Record your progress throughout the month either in written journal entries, scrapbooking, or digital trackers. Just have a way for you to look back at how you’ve changed during this period.
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Examples of Magic that can include water:
research topics
Magical or Blessed Waters
Baneful Folk Workings
Release / Banishing Spells
Water Plant Workings
Elemental Spirit Magic
Death Work
Charged Sprays
Travel Magic
Weather / Storm Magic
Shell Magic (like crystal magic)
Carromancy (wax in water)
Magical Baths / Showers
Glamour Magic
And Much More...
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What can I benefit from working with water?
Regardless on where you are from, what path of life you are following or anything else we are connected by our need for water. It is not only our connection to other humans but our connection to the natural world as well. It makes up 3/4 of our planet and 60% of your body. You can get a better understanding of yourself just by going back to that fundamental need to sustain yourself with water as a life-force. The element itself is well known to be a very introspective force and most spirits representing or associated are similar (spg). When you are inviting it into your home you are inviting that connection and energy in too.
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Water takes life without discrimination, just as it gives life. Working within that provides a confidence and at least in my experience a sense of balance within ones self. If you are feeling like you are being tossed by the path of life, as if you are a lone ship at a storming sea, this might be your sign to stop fighting the current and start moving with it. If you can make the waves move at your asking then what is there to stop you.
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hy·dro·man·cy /ˈhīdrəˌmansē/
divination by means of signs derived from the appearance of water and its movement.
Some argue this is the first form of scrying Hydromancy is a very useful tool. It can be done with natural bodies of water, or things like tubs, cups and bowls. It can be frustrating to begin so this is how I would begin if I were you: (works better with an established connection to water)
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Go somewhere quiet and still, I prefer outside at night but do what is safe and comfortable for you.
Prepare your space and yourself however you normally would set the tone for a divination reading. Some choose to say a blessing prayer, drink a divination tea blend, or anoint themselves with particular salve or oil. I will usually ritually prepare myself (let me know if you want me to go more into this).
In a shallow dark colored bowl (or scrying bowl), pour your preferred water of choice. I usually go with waning moon water.
Relax and begin to gaze into the water. Let yourself open up to messages. Sometimes it comes as scenes of images, or a shape or even words that can come through.
Write down anything you receive to interpret later on.
If you are struggling try this ritual but use the light of a candle or the moon to interpret those shapes. Or meditate with the bowl and pour it out onto the ground and scry the shape it leaves behind.
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Magical Associations
✦ Death & Life ✦ Duality ✦ Change ✦ Rage ✦ Grief ✦ Peace ✦ Creation ✦ The Moon ✦ Ice ✦ Emotions ✦ Mental Health ✦ Cleansing / Purification ✦ Storms ✦ Distaster ✦ Dreams ✦ Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces ✦ Psychic Abilities ✦ Shape-shifters ✦ Travel ✦ Corrosion
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Irish Divine Beings Associated
✦ Brigid (keening mother & keeper of the sacred well) ✦ Boann (river personification) ✦ Aengus (The Young Son) ✦ Lir (sea personification) ✦ Manannán mac Lir (son of the sea)
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4lph4kidz · 6 months
what’s your stance on the cannibalification of dirkjake?
it’s not my thing
edit: but don’t be a dick about it!! jfc
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Some KnY inspired outfits
I like going for the general nuance of a character or using a tasteful amount of accessories when going to KnY events, but I like doing that when going to other manga events and art galleries too. This was a Shinobu day, though the hair accessory is a Wisteria Mansion crest.
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This day wasn't quite Nezuko in nuance, but you'd have had to be pretty invested in KnY merch to have recognized this as an official Nezuko item (and it was something I found at a discount ages after it was released, ufufufu~).
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And sometimes I toss out the idea of "tasteful amount" and just stay at home.
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This kimono really was a find, not just for Zenko Closet Play, but since it's an actual Taisho period kimono! I had always been curious about meisen kimono, but whenever I find them they tend to be too small for me (Taisho Secret: the Japanese populace was shorter back then, most of the KnY cast would be considered very, very tall). Meisen dyed the threads before weaving and thereby led to this blurry pattern effect, which, along with new and experimental (and rather flamboyant) styles, was all the Taisho rage. However, it didn't come into style until at least a few years after KnY would had taken place.
Also, that objiime (the string around the middle) isn't really up to standard, but it was being sold at the antique shop where I found the kimono, and the owner of this shop/gallery has a certain appreciation for KnY aesthetic, as well as Taisho-esque gothic, I might describe it? Anyway, we didn't make small talk or anything, but when he saw both items I was getting I suspect he saw the same Zenitsu connection I did, and he gave me a discount on what was already pretty cheap for a kimono. Yay~
Oh? Not enough Inosuke in this ensemble?
Well, turns out my sensei had just been to a big tea ceremony in Kyushu (and he remarked that tons of extra people were there because it was at one of the shrines with "Kamado" in the name, ufufu), and guess what he brought back as a gift?
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My November was complete.
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eliottia · 1 year
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I actually use fire element in my practice a lot so
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aclevertitle · 5 months
So I've been reading Pact (on arc 6 rn) and it's legit fucking with my brain because I've been overanalyzing every piece of spoken word outside of the story (from stuff on the internet to everyday conversation to other works of fiction) as if everyone is a practitioner and it's stressful because for some reason people are being so careless with their language in regards to a magic system they've likely never heard of lmao
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michelleberrybliss · 6 months
Harmonizing Your Being: Finding Balance Through the Elements of Ayurveda
The elements are important for understanding one's dominant dosha (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) helps in identifying imbalances and taking steps to restore harmony through diet, lifestyle, and mindfulness practices that align with our individual needs.
In the ancient wisdom tradition of Ayurveda, the five elements – ether, air, fire, water, and earth – are not just physical substances, but fundamental energies that shape our bodies, minds, and spirits. According to Ayurveda, optimal health and well-being arise when these elements are in balance within us, and disease and discomfort occur when there is an imbalance. So how can we harness the…
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dental1234 · 11 months
"Illinois' Finest Smiles: Best Dentists in Niles and Des Plaines Revealed"
Dental Excellence: Unveiling the Best Dentists Near Illinois
In the diverse and culturally rich state of Illinois, a cadre of dental professionals stands out as true architects of oral health—best dentists near Illinois. These practitioners go beyond conventional dentistry, embracing a holistic approach to address the unique needs of each Illinois' Finest Smiles: Unveiling the Best Dentists Near Illinois
In the heart of Illinois, where cultural diversity meets vibrant communities, discover the architects of radiant smiles—the best dentists near Illinois. These dental professionals transcend traditional roles, embodying a commitment to holistic oral health. With precision and personalized care, they offer a comprehensive array of services, ensuring that every patient's unique needs are met with excellence.
Niles' Oasis of Excellence: The Best Dentists Near Niles
Niles, a charming suburb with a rich community tapestry, is home to the best dentists near Niles—pioneers in crafting beautiful smiles with precision and care. Beyond routine check-ups, these dental experts in Niles specialize in transformative cosmetic treatments, embracing a patient-centric approach. Their commitment to well-being extends beyond oral health, fostering confidence and radiance in every smile that graces their care.
Des Plaines' Dental Marvels: The Best Dentists Near Des Plaines
In Des Plaines, where urban and suburban elements converge, discover dental marvels—the best dentists near Des Plaines. These professionals stand as guardians of holistic dental wellness, offering a spectrum of services tailored to the diverse needs of the community. Whether it's routine check-ups, wisdom teeth extraction, or cosmetic enhancements, the best dentists in Des Plaines ensure that each smile leaving their care is not only healthier but also exudes confidence and radiance.
In conclusion, Illinois' finest smiles are a testament to the excellence of the be dentists near Illinois, the best dentists near Niles, and the best dentists near Des Plaines. Their commitment to personalized care, precision, and holistic well-being positions them as leaders in the pursuit of dental excellence in their respective communities.. With a commitment to excellence, they offer a wide range of services, from routine check-ups to advanced procedures, ensuring that smiles in Illinois radiate with health and confidence.
#Dental Excellence: Unveiling the Best Dentists Near Illinois#In the diverse and culturally rich state of Illinois#a cadre of dental professionals stands out as true architects of oral health—best dentists near Illinois. These practitioners go beyond con#embracing a holistic approach to address the unique needs of each Illinois' Finest Smiles: Unveiling the Best Dentists Near Illinois#In the heart of Illinois#where cultural diversity meets vibrant communities#discover the architects of radiant smiles—the best dentists near Illinois. These dental professionals transcend traditional roles#embodying a commitment to holistic oral health. With precision and personalized care#they offer a comprehensive array of services#ensuring that every patient's unique needs are met with excellence.#Niles' Oasis of Excellence: The Best Dentists Near Niles#Niles#a charming suburb with a rich community tapestry#is home to the best dentists near Niles—pioneers in crafting beautiful smiles with precision and care. Beyond routine check-ups#these dental experts in Niles specialize in transformative cosmetic treatments#embracing a patient-centric approach. Their commitment to well-being extends beyond oral health#fostering confidence and radiance in every smile that graces their care.#In Des Plaines#where urban and suburban elements converge#wisdom teeth extraction#or cosmetic enhancements#In conclusion#the best dentists near Niles#precision#they offer a wide range of services#from routine check-ups to advanced procedures
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How it's going as a trans person in Florida: Planned Parenthood, 26Health, and Spektrum Health have announced they have paused all gender affirming care.
To recap, DeSantis signed several anti-trans bills into law this week. Care is banned for minors, care is all but banned for adults, Don't Say Gay has been extended, children can be kidnapped from affirming parents by non-affirming family, and there is a bathroom bill that subjects trans folks to arrest for using government owned facilities, such as those in courthouses, airports, many stadiums and parks.
The adult effective ban was felt immediately. The main elements are:
signing at every visit an in-person informed consent form created by the state
all care come from physicians instead of nurse practitioners
no telemed for gender-affirming care
Currently, it is unknown if existing HRT prescriptions written by NPs will be honored by pharmacies. I personally know one person who was able to pick up testosterone yesterday, but I have also read many reports of folks being denied. I myself don't have a refill ready for another 10 days and will report back after I try my own pickup.
What's additionally dangerous is those of us, myself included, who get non-HRT prescriptions from our gender clinics now face the uncertainty of continuing of *all* of our medical care. Our health clinics are at risk of shuttering permanently as they lose major income, and many of us will lose STD meds, depression meds, heart meds, etc, etc.
When we say "this will kill us," it goes beyond suicide risk from forced detransition.
"But you can still get HRT from a physician."
So many suck or are outright hostile and the demand outstrips the supply. Before I found my NP-run clinic, one physician just decided to not call in my Rx, another was so shit at reading lab results, he thought I had hepatitis, and the third I had to threaten to kick in the teeth for trying to force too large a speculum in me.
Also, the state-required consent form has not been finalized and distributed yet, so at this point, everything has pretty much ground to a halt.
It was estimated that 80% of trans adults would lose their healthcare because of how many use providers like Planned Parenthood, but the impact seems even greater now.
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"You can get your non-gender care elsewhere still."
DeSantis recently signed a bill that allows healthcare professionals to discriminate against trans people.
Sure, we can try to find care elsewhere, but it will be a slow and expensive process, with no guarantees. It took me over 20 years to get my heart condition treated because of transphobic doctors.
What can I do as a trans Floridian?
Stay in communication with your clinic - many are working on getting physicians added to the roster to prescribe HRT. Lawsuits are being filed and it's possible the changes to adult care can be rolled back.
Continue to try to pick up your meds, but begin looking for care elsewhere, though. Inside and outside the state.
Remember that while telemed for gender affirming care has been banned, you can still cross state lines for care. See Erin's map of informed consent clinics.
Many people will turn to DIY, but be sure you are aware of the risks here, especially if on testosterone, which is a controlled substance.
What should I be worried about next as a trans Floridian?
I worry about the following next steps towards genocide:
Banning getting care out of state. This is from the anti-abortion playbook. They will likely start with kids again, but we've seen how quickly adult care gets axed.
Being declared mentally incompetent or a risk in some way. This could be anything from being barred from gun ownership to not being allowed to work for the government.
Being declared a de facto predator. This has already happened with the latest bathroom law (cis people can eject trans people from government owned single-gender facilities, with arrest as a penalty), so watch out for it being applied to privately-owned facilities. Watch for discussions of official lists of trans people.
Gender presentation enforcement laws, essentially banning "cross dressing". Laws that block or rollback documentation changes.
These all have historic precedence and are huge "I'm in danger" red flags.
What can I do as a cis person?
Amplify all this news. Talk frankly about how this is genocide. And donate what you can to trans mutual aid campaigns so people can travel to get healthcare or even leave the state.
Here's some articles to get started on building awareness:
Take care, everyone, of yourself and each other.
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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Repost from @moyoafrika
#repost• @whatsculture History Class: Tracing the roots of Capoeira. The Afro-Brazilian martial art form incorporates acrobatics, dance, folklore, and music. Two opponents play each other inside a circle (Roda) formed by the other players, who create rhythm for the game by clapping, singing, and playing traditional instruments. It’s the second most popular sport in Brazil and is practiced in different parts of the world today. To understand the significance, we look at how it is a phenomenon born out of migration.
“Capoeira was conceived in Africa and born in Brazil,’’ Mestre Jelon Vieira once said. As a colony of the Portuguese Crown, millions of Africans were shipped and sold in Brazil. There, enslaved Africans shared their cultural traditions, including dances, rituals, and fighting techniques, which eventually evolved into capoeira. Many elements and traditions that would inform capoeira are said to have originated in Angola. At that time, 80% of all enslaved Africans in Rio de Janeiro came from Central West Africa from countries that are now known as Gabon, Angola and both Congos.
People from Angola were prominent among the enslaved Africans who played the game on the streets and squares of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and other Brazilian port cities at the beginning of the nineteenth century. With many enslaved Africans revolting against slavery, they would soon form communities in villages called quilombos in which they could sustain different expressions of African culture. They used capoeira to defend themselves and resist capture, disguising its martial intent with music, song, and dance.
Capoeira became illegal after the abolition of slavery in 1888. Practitioners were socially ostracised for more 40 years, until the legendary capoeira master, Mestre Bimba, opened the first capoeira school in Bahia in 1932. From there, the martial art would reach all parts of the world. At its core, capoeira is born out of a mix of African and Brazilian indigenous cultures and it represents resistance and resilience 🇧🇷🌍
#moyoafrika #brazil #angola🇦🇴 #africanculture #africanculture #africandiaspora #african
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thespectralcottage · 8 months
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✨ Locking mirrors ✨
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I recently got a mirror and wanted to put it in on my altar. Before doing that I wanted to ensure it was locked and spiritually ready to do, especially with it being in such an important location for me.
By many in the occult and spiritual communities mirrors are seen as portals, with connections to the other side and each other. Some practitioners now go out of their way to ensure that portal can’t be accessed by others.
Locking a mirror is simply putting a protection enchantment on it, with a millions what’s to do it. When doing this I like to ensure the mirror is thoroughly cleansed, usually using smoke in addition to a cleansing water. Often people then draw a symbol on the mirror. This can be anything from the pentacle to sigils, runes, alchemy symbols or the elements symbols. I draw mine on with my favorite protection oil. Once I’m finished I like to physically clean the mirror again, while focusing on the energy I’ve put down spreading over and coating the mirror fully. This process can be down a few times a year, whenever your intuition pops up and tells you it needs to be done.
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darkforestfae-tea · 24 days
Dancing with Fire: Exploring the Fire Elemental
In the realm of common teachings about fire, a key lesson is to listen attentively and avoid over-reliance on seeking messages. According to many myths, fire communicates once during each session, and once it extinguishes, the message concludes. Fire imparts lessons on confidence in our endeavors, aspirations, and achievements. It challenges us with various situations, fostering adaptability and emphasizing the importance of striving for excellence. From a tiny flame, one can glean valuable insights.
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Ways to Embrace these Lessons:
Embrace Confidence
Engage in Glamour Magic
Stand Firm/Assert Boundaries
Cultivate Unusual Friendships
Organize Bonfires/Care for a Hearth Fire
Explore Candle Magic
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Different Types of Fire Based Divination:
Fire Scrying
Candle and Wax Reading
Interpreting Flame Shapes
Knife Casting
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Fire represents willpower and intent. It embodies your determination and what you aim to achieve. Your intention's essence can influence a spell's effectiveness, even if not expressed in precise words.
Fire embodies various elements like destruction, control, warmth, light, and more. From torches aiding in studies, to the sun revered as a fiery sphere, or the burning of a city during war, fire balances between chaos and control, offering assistance. Just like the other elements, fire doesn't possess a gender, making the reverence of this divine energy a complex and exquisite notion.
By considering these two perspectives, we can acknowledge fire as a force with dual qualities – both destructive and creative.
Fire embodies a delicate equilibrium, capable of causing destruction while also facilitating new beginnings.
For example, forest fires play a crucial role in enabling certain trees and plants to thrive. The devastation paves the way for fresh growth.
The sun's fiery presence shares a similar duality.
The sun possesses the power to bring about drought-induced destruction, yet it also nurtures life through its energy and warmth.
Fire is often viewed as primal in its wild and untamed state, but its contemporary meanings have been shaped by its interactions with humanity. Its gentler and affectionate characteristics are influenced by human experiences. Examples like bonfires, forest fires, magma, lava, and torches have all held a certain level of reverence.
Some lessons are learned through direct interaction with fire. Whether in forest fires or amidst devastation, there is a concept of renewal and unity emerging from the ashes. The phoenix symbolizes this beautifully, embodying a vibrant bird rising anew from the ashes. Fire symbolizes managing anger and exercising control, akin to a torch's influence. It imparts wisdom on regulating actions to foster a powerful and benevolent spirit, akin to the lessons drawn from a lively bonfire.
Some important points to remember are that fire's personality is flexible, ranging from nurturing and affectionate to manipulative and confrontational, covering a wide spectrum of emotions. The elements, though not all-powerful or ever-present, have a physical presence, making it more practical to light a fire or keep a dagger symbolizing the flame. If you struggle with anger, manipulation, or deep-seated shadow qualities, you may find a connection to the fire element. In a collaborative setting, you might be tasked with tasks involving fire, such as cooking, bonfires, candle and knife rituals, controlled burns, and embracing new experiences. Remember, in the eyes of the elements, we are akin to animals like bears, birds, or lions! Fire typically exhibits a more straightforward nature compared to other elements.
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Placing a Fire Altar at Home
Many individuals choose to set up a fire altar in their bedroom, kitchen, or at the hearth of their home. Bedrooms provide a cozy and intimate setting, kitchens often radiate warmth and occasionally fire, while historically, the hearth was the heart of the home, keeping everyone warm. Fire appreciates carefully selected items but also values a space to simply exist. Consider incorporating candles, warmth, and other cozy elements to create a harmonious environment.
The focus is not solely on taking action, but on igniting the fire itself through spellcasting and offerings. This includes rituals like burning herbs in flames, allowing food to char slightly while cooking, and organizing bonfires and outdoor gatherings to enhance the spiritual connection.
Ensure comprehensive attention to fire safety! Have a fire-safe altar with ceramic bases, fire-resistant fabric, and other necessary precautions. Avoid leaving a flame unattended or any other potential hazards.
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This is just a glimpse of the many possibilities!
Crystals - Red Jasper, Carnelian, Fire Agate, Sunstone, Citrine, Red Opal, Orange Calcite, Amber, Aragonite, Lava Stone, Mahogany Obsidian, Mookite, Pyrite.
Herbs - Rosemary, Palm, Sunflower, Cinnamon, Chili, Pepper, Cloves, Ginger, Wormwood, Asfoetida, Marigold, Amaranth, Snapdragon, Dragon's Blood, Calendula, Sagebrush, Stinging Nettle, Holly, Cedar, Mace.
Colors - Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Gold
Energy Centers - Sacral, Root
Zodiacs - Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Representing passionate and adventurous traits, these signs are constantly engaged in new and thrilling activities.
Fire signs are characterized by a strong yearning for autonomy and liberty. They typically value independence and resist being given instructions. Despite their stubbornness in defending their viewpoints, even when incorrect, they exhibit high creativity and thrive on project-based work. Their strong passion is evident in all their pursuits.
Tools - Daggers, Swords, candles, fire starters, tarot cards
Scents - Woody, Smokey, Spicy, Musky
Animals: Lions, tigers, reptiles, bees, ladybugs, scorpions
Lions, tigers, and many reptiles are linked to the fire element in animal symbolism.
These creatures are known for their fierceness, strength, and are often symbolic of leadership and royalty.
Within Chinese culture, lions represent power, strength, courage, and nobility.
Tigers are symbols of good fortune and wealth.
Reptiles are commonly linked to longevity and wisdom.
Animals with these qualities are more likely to be associated with the fire element.
There are numerous compelling reasons for this connection, and these legendary creatures provide insights into the dual nature of the fire element.
Dragons use their fiery breath to fend off humans attempting to take their treasures. They are commonly described as having snake-like scales and spewing flames from their mouths.
The phoenix symbolizes renewal and rebirth by rising from the ashes after death.
It represents the sun's daily death and rebirth, as well as a bird that lived for 500 years before dying in flames.
The myth illustrates the concept of regeneration and rejuvenation, showcasing the human spirit's resilience to overcome challenges and endure in the face of mortality.
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Activities & Spells
Create wax figurines to symbolize a person or thing you wish to remove or control. Ignite it with your focused intention.
Cook with fire using a campfire, grill or stove top.
Practice scrying by gazing into a flame and observing the shapes that manifest in the fire.
Boost your energy by lighting a bonfire and dancing and singing around it, either alone or with your loved ones.
Practice candle magic.
Practice sex magic.
Inscribe sigils, names, words, runes, etc., on paper and then burn it.
This technique can be utilized for either manifestation or banishing based on the intention.
(Remember to dispose of the ashes properly).
Pen your wishes on bay leaves and burn them on incense coal. This ritual can also be utilized for protective spells or banishing negativity.
Align Yourself with Fire
Go outside and take a walk on a sunny day.
Take a moment to appreciate the warmth of the sunshine on you and observe how the light shines through the leaves. Consider the contrast between sunlight and shade.
Explore alternative manifestations of fire, like: electricity, the sparkle in someone's eye, the comfort of a cuddling body, an enthusiastic speaker, and more.
Seize the opportunity to complete unfinished projects with a passionate drive, experience the energy surging through your veins as you tackle what has been holding you back.
Switch off the lights in your home. Enjoy the evening by candlelight or relax by a glowing fireplace.
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Thank you for Reading! I absolutely love sharing my knowledge & learnings with others. I try to make posts a few times a week! & they are all organized on my profile 🍂🐦‍⬛
Until we cross paths once more! Best wishes to all you wonderful witches! Warm regards, Tea.
Sources: Fire Magic (Josephine Winter) (z-lib.org).pdf Elemental Magic: A Complete Guide to Fire Folklore & Correspondences Elemental Magic: Tools of Fire The Magic and Folklore of Fire Hold a Fire Scrying Ritual for Divination Fire Magick: How to Tap into it's Powerful Natural Energy Fire Magick for Courage, Strength, & Passion Fire Element: Astonishing Uses And Magickal Correspondences
Photos: From Pinterest
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psychopomp-recital · 4 months
( POLL ) Would y’all be interested in mermay but sea witch edition? 👀
I could catch up but twice a week I’d give a spell, ritual, prayer, etc for sea witches and maybe even some tips on connecting to mermaids 🧜‍♀️
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will-o-the-witch · 5 months
The performance element of witchcraft
Everyone performs. It's just an inherent part of talking about any practice, and that's not a bad thing. It's part of engaging with any community. Talking about cool experiences we have, things we want to do, taking pictures, making posts, etc. We even perform to ourselves, make things #aesthetic to get in the mindset.
The problem is when THAT'S what our identity as practitioners begins to hinge on. Sometimes it's better to keep certain things personal. Sometimes we risk focusing most on the appearance of the act rather than the actual intended results.
Ask yourself: if you could speak to NOBODY about your work, take no pictures, share nothing, what would you do? Would it change? What gives you peace when nobody else is around to give it to you?
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝖀𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 & 𝖀𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖕𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘
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Witchcraft magical correspondences refer to the associations made between various objects, substances, times, and events with specific magical effects or purposes. These correspondences have deep historical roots and derive from a blend of multiple sources, including ancient alchemy, early science, cultural symbolism, religious beliefs, and intentionality.
Ancient Alchemy
Alchemy, the precursor to modern chemistry, played a significant role in shaping magical correspondences. Alchemists sought to understand the mysteries of matter and the transformation of substances, often imbuing their experiments with spiritual and mystical significance. For example, the seven classical planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) were associated with specific metals (gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron, tin, and lead, respectively). These associations were believed to reflect the planets’ influences on earthly matters and human affairs. Alchemical texts also explored the relationships between colors, elements, and spiritual principles, influencing the development of magical correspondences in witchcraft.
Ancient alchemy holds a significant place in the history of science, philosophy, and mystical traditions, influencing various fields and practices, including witchcraft. The importance of ancient alchemy can be understood through its contributions to the development of modern science, its philosophical and spiritual dimensions, and its enduring influence on magical and esoteric traditions.
The Great Work (Magnum Opus): Central to alchemy is the concept of the Great Work, which symbolizes the alchemist’s quest for spiritual and material transformation. This process involves the purification and perfection of substances, often mirroring the alchemist’s inner spiritual journey toward enlightenment and self-realization.
Symbolism and Allegory: Alchemical texts are rich in symbolism and allegory, using metaphors to convey complex philosophical and spiritual concepts. Symbols such as the philosopher’s stone, the ouroboros (a serpent eating its own tail), and the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) encapsulate profound ideas about the nature of reality, transformation, and the interconnectedness of all things.
Hermetic Tradition: Alchemy is closely associated with Hermeticism, a philosophical and spiritual tradition based on the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. Hermetic principles, such as “As above, so below” and the unity of opposites, permeate alchemical thought and emphasize the correspondence between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the individual).
Magical Correspondences: Alchemical principles and symbols have been integrated into various magical and esoteric traditions. The associations between planets, metals, and elements in alchemy have become foundational correspondences in many forms of magic and witchcraft.
Transmutation and Transformation: The alchemical goal of transmutation, particularly the transformation of base metals into gold, has a symbolic counterpart in magical practices. This idea of transformation is applied to personal growth, healing, and the manifestation of desires through magical means.
Ritual and Practice: Alchemical rituals, with their focus on purification, transformation, and the attainment of higher states of being, have influenced the structure and content of magical rituals. The use of specific substances, tools, and processes in alchemy has parallels in magical workings, emphasizing the transformation of both the practitioner and the environment.
Alchemy in the Renaissance: During the Renaissance, alchemy experienced a revival as scholars and practitioners sought to integrate ancient wisdom with emerging scientific knowledge. Figures like Paracelsus and John Dee contributed to the development of alchemical thought, blending it with medicine, astrology, and early chemistry.
Psychological Alchemy: In the 20th century, Carl Jung, a prominent psychologist, explored alchemy as a metaphor for psychological processes. Jung’s interpretation of alchemical symbolism as representing the individuation process—the integration of the conscious and unconscious mind—brought new insights into the relevance of alchemy for personal development and psychotherapy.
Contemporary Practice: Today, alchemy continues to inspire both scientific inquiry and spiritual exploration. Modern alchemists, both literal and symbolic, seek to uncover the hidden principles of transformation in nature and the self. The enduring appeal of alchemy lies in its holistic approach, integrating material, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of existence.
Early Science and Natural Philosophy
Early scientific observations and natural philosophy also contributed to the development of magical correspondences. Ancient and medieval scholars often categorized the natural world into elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile), each with specific qualities and effects. These classifications were used to explain natural phenomena and human health, and they found their way into magical practices. For instance, herbs and stones were categorized based on their perceived elemental qualities, and their uses in magic were aligned with these characteristics.
Cultural Symbolism and Mythology
Cultural symbolism and mythology provided another rich source of correspondences. Different cultures imbued animals, plants, colors, and objects with symbolic meanings based on their myths, legends, and folklore. For instance, the oak tree was sacred to many ancient European cultures and associated with strength and protection, while the owl, often seen as a symbol of wisdom in Greek mythology, became associated with knowledge and divination in magical practices. These symbolic associations were passed down through generations and integrated into the magical correspondences of witchcraft.
Religious Beliefs and Practices
Religious beliefs and practices also shaped magical correspondences. Many magical traditions borrowed from the rituals and symbols of dominant religious practices in their regions. In Western Europe, for instance, Christian symbols and saints were often syncretized with older pagan deities and symbols. The use of incense, candles, and specific prayers or chants in magic often mirrors religious rituals, emphasizing the importance of intentionality and spiritual alignment in magical workings.
Intentionality and Personal Experience
The role of intention and personal experience cannot be overlooked in the development of magical correspondences. Practitioners of witchcraft often develop their own associations based on personal experiences, intuition, and the results of their magical workings. This process of individual experimentation and reflection allows for a dynamic and evolving system of correspondences that can vary between different traditions and practitioners. The intention behind the use of a correspondence is believed to be a critical factor in its effectiveness, highlighting the importance of the practitioner’s focus and purpose.
Synthesis and Evolution
Over time, these diverse influences have synthesized into the rich tapestry of magical correspondences used in witchcraft today. Texts such as the “Key of Solomon,” “The Picatrix,” and various grimoires have codified many of these correspondences, while modern practitioners continue to adapt and expand them based on contemporary understanding and practice. The integration of psychological insights, ecological awareness, and cross-cultural exchanges in the modern era further enriches the system of correspondences, making it a living and evolving aspect of witchcraft.
No single person or group decided these correspondences; rather, they evolved organically through the accumulated wisdom and practices of different cultures. Here are some key influences and sources:
Ancient Civilizations
Egyptians: Ancient Egyptian priests and magicians developed extensive knowledge of correspondences. They believed that everything in nature was interconnected and that specific plants, stones, and symbols held particular powers. Their practices were recorded in texts like the Ebers Papyrus and various temple inscriptions.
Greeks and Romans: The Greeks and Romans contributed significantly to the development of correspondences, particularly through the work of philosophers and physicians like Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and Pliny the Elder. Their writings on herbalism, astrology, and natural philosophy helped establish connections between natural elements and their supposed properties.
Celts: The Druids of the Celtic world had a deep understanding of nature and used various plants, trees, and natural phenomena in their spiritual and magical practices. Their knowledge was passed down orally and later recorded by Christian monks.
Medieval and Renaissance Europe
Medieval Herbalists and Alchemists: During the Middle Ages, herbalists and alchemists in Europe studied ancient texts and conducted their own experiments. They documented the properties of plants, minerals, and metals in texts like the “Materia Medica” and various grimoires. Alchemical traditions, which sought to transform base materials into higher forms, also contributed to the understanding of correspondences.
Astrology: Medieval and Renaissance astrologers played a significant role in establishing correspondences, particularly through the association of planets with specific days of the week, metals, and plants. The writings of figures like Ptolemy and later Renaissance magicians like Cornelius Agrippa and Paracelsus were influential in this regard.
Eastern Traditions
Chinese Medicine and Taoism: Traditional Chinese medicine and Taoist practices developed a system of correspondences based on the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). These elements were connected to various aspects of life, including organs, emotions, seasons, and directions. The “Huangdi Neijing,” an ancient Chinese medical text, is a key source of this knowledge.
Indian Ayurveda and Hinduism: Ayurvedic medicine and Hindu spiritual practices established correspondences between herbs, gems, times of day, and deities. Texts like the “Atharva Veda” and various Ayurvedic treatises documented these associations.
Modern Influences
Grimoires and Occult Literature: From the Renaissance onward, numerous grimoires (books of magic) compiled and expanded upon earlier correspondences. Notable examples include the “Key of Solomon,” “The Lesser Key of Solomon,” and “The Picatrix.” These texts were influential in shaping modern Western magical practices.
The Golden Dawn and Modern Witchcraft: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and similar occult organizations synthesized various magical traditions, creating detailed systems of correspondences. Influential figures like Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune contributed to this synthesis. In the mid-20th century, Gerald Gardner and others who founded modern Wicca drew upon these traditions, further popularizing and systematizing magical correspondences.
Magical correspondences are the result of centuries of observation, experimentation, and synthesis by various cultures and traditions. They were not decided by any single individual or group but evolved over time through the collective wisdom of countless practitioners. Today, they continue to be an essential part of many magical and spiritual practices, providing a framework for understanding and working with the interconnectedness of the natural and spiritual worlds.
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grey-sorcery · 23 days
New to witchcraft? Awesome! Here's some things you should pursue.
An understanding of sympathetic magic: Correspondences, their metaphysical and theoretical framework, and their derivation.
Magical systems that incorporate the entire gender spectrum.
Energy work that isn't based on visualization.
The means of manifestation: How, where, and when spells affect physical change. The physical mechanisms through which witchcraft manifests beyond just willpower/intent/wishes/etc.
The history and subsequent influences of, and on, popular contemporary practices like Hermeticism, "Ceremonial Magick"/Golden Dawn, Wicca, and New Age/New Thought/LOA/Reiki.
How to approach and practice magic with critical thinking skills.
Influence of consumerism on contemporary practices.
Divination as systems: all methods of divination beyond tarot, their statistical applications, and their different methods of use.
The anthropology of medieval Arabia, Europe, Near East, and Asia relative to the magical or occult publications of the era. What is purely religious, parareligious, or syncretist and what does that mean for the interpretation of the text?
The genuine limits of our knowledge of the ancient world, what's possible for us to know and what can't we know?
Conversations with practitioners of closed or semi-closed practices and perspectives of POC when it comes to what the western world would label as "witchcraft".
The differences and similarities between superstition and the practice of witchcraft.
An understanding of the influence of colonialism on modern witchcraft and the language used to discuss magic.
Critical Race Theory (CRT), Queer Theory, and systems of oppression.
Botany and herbology: An understanding of the physical and medical properties of plants.
Building a personal lexicon for modern and/or colloquial terms used in and by the witchcraft community to describe and discuss practices.
Spell design: What makes a spell a spell? What is the smallest or slightest action that can be considered a spell and why? What are the most important and influential elements of the design and application of a spell?
Altars: Their use, design, and potential; whether or not an altar would benefit your practice or goals for practice.
A critical approach to spirit work and astral projection, being able to discern between personal narratives and probable experiences.
A safe and solid community to become a part of. One that does not allow the influence of personal narratives (Without addressing them as such), doesn't allow for the mixing of adults and minors, and with established and enforced logical and reasonable rules.
Collect and cross-reference correspondences from as many sources as possible, then start to create your own.
Try to find a STEM subject that interests you and study it through any non-dogmatic avenues available to you.
The items highlighted in blue are things I highly recommend!
Here is a list of things to avoid.
This is, of course, not an end-all-be-all list of possible responsible and healthy pursuits.
You can learn more about me, find my master-post, check out my Patreon, and suggest content here.
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