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elekihobosigns · 7 months ago
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jukeboxblowingafuse · 2 years ago
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chasgow · 7 months ago
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1965 picture flexi EP by guitar hero Takeshi Terauchi & Blue Jeans entitled "Let's Go Eleki" featuring Fugitive, Mariner No. 4, Slaughter On 10th Avenue and Diamond Head.
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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
I dont Understand...
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Get all your favourites at http://Sharawaji.bandcamp.com
#sharawajirecords #surfmusic #surfvinyl #fenderjaguar #fenderjazzmaster #mosrite #ekoguitars #surfguitar #surfguitar101 #dripfeed #surfrock #surfpunk #spaghettiwestern #eleki #surf #instro #reverb #twang
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dirksawesomesprites · 6 months ago
If you have a trollsona, can you make them doing something cool? :3
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shadow puppets!!!!!
i have like several so i picked 2 :3
pls go check out my msfpa of them (its still a wip dont expect much but its in the works🙏🙏 @vincomacula)
@astersbrain look at them
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the-craftsman-and-mover · 1 year ago
Sounds like an L to me
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onedaywewillberemembered · 6 months ago
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ela's family tree (05/09/2024)
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 1 year ago
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Some shots of other members on Rex's team, Paine the Runerigus and Bouncyboy (name pending) the Regieleki!
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the-craftsman-and-mover · 1 year ago
mlm/wlw solidarity right here
<selfie of Spinarak Man with his friend, a girl with short brown hair, squared glasses and... she kinda looks like velma from scooby doo>
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cak3o · 9 months ago
I like how the jp fans call elecman "eleki". I know it's due to like the language and all that, but eleki just sounds like a genuinely cute nickname. It rolls off the tongue a bit better than calling him "elec" too.
It's like calling topman toppy or gutsman gutsy to me.
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yurious-george · 1 year ago
can you *please* elaborate on "fakir now questions if ratsel is real" in the patch notes post 👀
The thing abt princess tutu - and one of the ways it differs from utena - are its themes of existentialism and free will. these aren't played up a *ton* - we aren't quoting Nietzsche here - but still, the existence of life outside the town is downplayed. within a story, characters only need to exist for as long as they're plot relevant; not so in the real world.
ratsel was never shown or mentioned before her episode, and isn't brought up again after. even though she comes from "outside," neither she or her sweetheart are altered into an animal to suit the Story, unlike the eleki troupe and the rhino.
in turn: does she actually exist at all? or does she just exist to serve the whims of the story?
can you imagine having a sister figure, who you thought you loved your whole life? that your father figure knows well? can you imagine having to face the fact that she never existed before that moment, and will never exist again after? what if you don't actually exist in reality either, and you'll just disappear once you enter the real world? can you imagine having to find a way to face reality in the face of those odds?
(can you image holding on to hope against hope once you're free of your puppetmaster, hunting down names and faces for a crumb of proof she existed at all, that the love you felt was real and meant something?)
Ratsel not being real has such insane reprecussions, whether or not it's confirmed. even just making fakir *question* it gives him an incredibly compelling character arc!
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elekihobosigns · 8 months ago
La olla del conejo 🐇
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atamascolily · 1 year ago
princess tutu re-watch, episode 6
Fakir: "Mytho, please do not jump out of this open window. Also, put on some goddamn pants."
Mytho: "Fakir, I need help with my feelings."
Ahiru brought the lamp spirit back to her dorm, just as I'd hoped! Day is made! I had completely forgotten about this plot point, but I am so here for it!
unfortunately, the lamp spirit only seems to be able to communicate in Morse code now, alas.
Ahiru Is Bi, confirmed!!
Neko-sensei wearing a Hawaiian shirt and sandals is not something I knew I needed, but here we are
oh man, it's the Takarazuka Revue a ballet troupe come to town, but we only see 3 people in it because budget, I guess.
the ballet troupe leader is an electrical eel in a tank. He also handles all of the lighting, natch. I think this is also a pun because the troupe's name is "Eleki" as in "electricity"??
okay, I want him and Lamp-chan to meet, I bet they'd have a lot to talk about.
this is the first big hint that Gold Crown Town really is different-- the troupe is our first glimpse of a "normal" world outside of that (with higher tech, too)
Paulamoni's husband Paulo really is the Area Man In Love With His Amazing Wife trope in human form
The Eleki Troupe has a sweet-ass tour bus
Edel having a stone named "the author's convenience" is a big hint that goes whooshing over Ahiru's head. Also I would like a whole bagful, please.
at least Neko-sensei is crushing on someone his own age this time?? unfortunately for him, she's happily married
later in life, Fakir will look back on that dance with Ahiru and think, "wow, I was such an asshole".
Ahiru doesn't seem to have control over her transformation into Princess Tutu--Drosselmeyer triggers it every time so far simply by saying her name
love how Princess Tutu simply doesn't believe in stairs
Fear Shard: "I don't want to go and you can't make me!" *tries to stab Tutu, but it backfires and he vanishes in a puff of a logic*
Mytho responds to getting his sense of fear back by having a full-out panic attack in the theater.
Ahiru: "I just wanted to make Mytho smile!" girl, what did you THINK would happen here
Drosselmeyer: "In my business, we call this 'dramatic irony'."
this episode ends before we see the troupe leave, so I guess we'll see if they're in the next episode or not, I only vaguely remember what happens next
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hypnosiacon-archive · 2 years ago
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Elekissal: An umbrella for terms focused on the e-kids (e-girl and e-boy) subculture, aesthetic and fashion. It is not a xenogender, but a different alignment in itself, though they may overlap or be combined.
What is considered Elekissic is up to the person that identifies with it. It is a very broad label that has no limitations, just what a person feels a part of e-kids subculture.
Elekissity: An equivalent of femininity/masculinity
Elekissine: An equivalent of feminine/masculine
Ekis / Elekis: An Elekissic Person
Elekissic: A Elekissal gender alignment.
EIKIN: An Elekissal-in-Nature Term
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[ Elekissal Archive: @elekissal ] [ Additional tags: @revenant-coining ] [ Tag List: @ophelia-thimgs, @liom-archive, @hoardicboy-main, @radiomogai, @gender-mailman ]
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fruitcanopy · 5 months ago
Something me+https://www.tumblr.com/elekytherobotofficial made together!! :]
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Template from printerest idk who made it Elekys the one who printed it all!!! :]
Theres more but I'll only show boxten next since they are both my kids cuz I said so.
Theres also more photos of her diong shenagins but I don't feel like showing them!!!
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keroradio · 1 year ago
It's the full version of the song that plays during the episode title (^.^)
It's interesting, there are a few songs that have a bit of overlap, in this case with "Keroro Gunsou" from earlier in the CD, it helps everything to feel more interconnected and cohesive.
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