#electryone goddess
diana-thyme · 11 months
Greek Gods 101: Electryone
Electryone (or Alectrona) is a goddess of sunrise and man’s waking sense. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Alarm Clocks
Depictions of Sunrise
Amber-Colored Items
Yellow, Orange, or Amber Disks or Spheres
Depictions of Roosters
Warm Teas, Coffees, or Other Drinks
Breakfast Foods
Morning Glories
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Learning How to Wake Up on Your Own
Waking Up at Dawn
Watching the Sun Rise
Opening Your Curtains or Blinds
Eating Breakfast
Sitting Outside during the Sunrise
Working Out or Stretching in the Morning
Taking the Morning to Relax
Writing To-Do Lists
She is not celebrated in any Athenian holidays.
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Lord Frederic Leighton (British, 1830-1896) Helios and Rhodes, n.d. Helios fell in love with the sea nymph, Rhode, daughter of Poseidon, and they lived together on Rhodes as protector god and goddess, with Helios naming the island in her honour. They had seven sons, known collectively as the Heliadae, and a daughter, Electryone. Mycenaean Greeks and Minoans generally depicted women with pale or white skin and men with tanned skin. Male warriors like Odysseus were usually described as having sun-browned or bronzed skin.
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the-suns-temple · 1 month
🔆 The Sun's Temple 🔆
The Sun welcomes you, dearest traveler, to the Sun's Temple. This is a communal worshipping ground for all Sun-Related Theoi in the Greek Pantheon, and their families, children, lovers, and other related theological figures. We welcome you with open and gracious arms. Mission Statement:
It is my goal to not only honor and worship, but to spread the good name and word of the Theoi this temple honors. It is my duty to provide a safe, inclusive, and knowledgeable environment for those who wish to partake in the Temple, observe and follow the Temple, and, in time, contribute to the Temple. All paths and walks of life are welcome here.
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The founder and sole author of the blog is named Rafael. Rafael is an Oracle who is Godspoused to Lord Apollo, and honors him as such. Rafael uses any and all pronouns. He does not claim any clergy titles out of respect and a lack of authority to do so. He, too, welcomes you with open arms.
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This temple is also a space for devotees and practitioners to come worship. It is a community space, not limited to my own practice. Please use the submissions page to submit your offerings to our deities. These deities include:
🔆 The Titan Helios 🔆 Lord Apollo 🔆 Lady Electryone 🔆 Lady Eos 🔆 The Hesperides Goddess-Nymphs
Children, family, and lovers, while not a heavy focus of the temple, are absolutely welcome to be honored and venerated by the temple.
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🔆 Community Rules 🔆 About the Oracle 🔆 Ask Box 🔆 Offering Submissions 🔆 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement 🔆 The Temple's Calendar (Coming Soon!)
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genericpuff · 1 year
I of course recognized Artemis and Athena, but who exactly are the other two members in TGOEM? Besides them, Hestia, and Hecate, the only other Greek virgin goddesses that come to mind are Astraea, Britomartis, and Electryone.
They're just a couple of nymphs in attendance :> I will stress that it's less of a virgin club this time around and more of a women's support group! Though it does sometimes become conflated with being a "virgins only club" due to Hestia being the leading lady in charge and the implications of the name, Rekindled's version of TGOEM serves two primary functions - to protect individuals against forced marriages (as they become affiliated with the 'eternal maidenhood' part of the name) and to provide a support group/therapy group/grief counselling/etc. for women who are in need, regardless of whether they want those aforementioned protections.
So while the name TGOEM has been kept to keep it 'on brand' with what LO tried to do, they're a lot less focused on body count and way more focused on providing a safe space for women/AFAB's/female-identifying/etc. individuals - regardless of whether or not they're a goddess - who are seeking support and counselling. That includes Kore.
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queersrus · 10 months
Heya, could I request some names/pronouns for a deitykin-? /nf pref anything sun themed, or anything related to gold/light etc. Tysm if you end up doing this !!
- @macaw-squawks
oohh sun/light deity theme
i was working on a water deity theme but i can pause for this
includes both solar, dawn, day and light deities exclusively
apollo, aine, alaunus, anya, aurora, ayg, arshaluys, aferdita, arcus, ausra, ausrine, austra, albina, aether, aelius, aurelius, apricity, abellona, alectrona belenos, beiwe, brigid, baldr/baldur helios, hemera, hors, hausos, hyperion, helius, halo/haelo, helia saule, sulis, sol, sun, sunny/sunnie, sunne, sunna, solveig, sunniva, synnove, sulien, semine ekhi, etain, eos, electryone, endovelicus, eostre, earandel, elaine, elidi grannus, grian lugh, lampetia macha, marisol olwen, osbert usil paivatar, prende, phoebe nap, neto, nena, nellie, nora kiraly iris, inti dazbog/dazhbog, dellingr, dali, diellit, dielli, dagr, dysis zorya, zojz, zeus thesan, teiwaz, theia, taner freyr jupiter
3rd p prns:
sun/suns, sun/sunny, sun/light, sun/beam, sun/god, sun/deity, sun/ray, sun/goddess, sun/goddex celest/celestial god/gods, god/goddess, god/goddex, gold/golds, gold/golden deity/deities, day/days, day/ight, day/sky, day/time, day/lit, day/god, day/deity, day/goddess, day/goddex, dawn/dawns, dawn/light, dawn/dawning light/lights, light/god, light/goddess, light/goddex, light/deity halo/halos bright/brights, bright/light, bright/sun morning/mornings, morn/morne, morning/light, morning/sun, morning/god(dess/dex)
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chronicangelca · 2 months
The Sun
Written: April 2, 2024
I have this tendency to turn the people I love into the sun.
Symbolically, there is no school of thought that does not place the sun at its center.
In ancient alchemy, the sun represented the perfection of all matter the golden purification of the mind, body, and soul.
It is the source of life and the conscious mind, held in direct contrast to the moon which represents a sort of mass human subconsciousness.
In most pantheistic religions, the sun god is also a, if not the, god of creation, the lifebringer.
In Ancient Egypt, there was king of the gods Amun, finisher of the world Atum, Ra, perhaps the best known of them all, and the women, Bast, Hathor, Sekhmet.
What is interesting about Ancient Egypt is that, unlike most religions, the sun is not only a bringer of life, a symbol of rebirth and the new day, but also, often, a symbol of death.
When the sun sets in the evening sky, red waves shining over the sand of the desert, tricking weary travelers with mirages and those first gusts of cool night air, then it is a symbol of the end of the day, of the end of the journey, death. But also, relief.
In Western society, if we learn about mythology at all, we tend to learn about Ancient Greece, or at least what we believe Ancient Greece might have been like based on the poems and statues and legal documents they left behind. The truth is that when a society is gone, when it has shifted and evolved into something so new even the people who still live on that land don’t remember where they came from, it may be impossible to know what it was like, even if we all looked at the same sun in the same sky.
Across the various cults and eras in Ancient Greece there were actually five gods and goddesses associated with the sun: Helios, he who pulls the sun across the sky in his chariot, who never rests, Apollo, he who shines and shines, who is called Radiant, who never shuts up, Eos, she who represents the dawn, who serves as one of the many great Greek whores, Hemera, she who can never be in the same place as her sister, who may have birthed the sky, and Electryone, she whose name you have never heard, who represented the waking sense of man, who was abandoned by the Romans and the Greeks before them and the gods before them, who died a virgin and was honored as a heroine for reasons no one bothered to write down.
In astrology, the sun represents your true nature, who you are at your core. Of course, it has to compete for this title with the moon, which speaks of your emotional nature, of the person you feel you are, of the person you are in your relationships, and really, arguably, these things are more important, but when you ask someone, “What is your sign?” the sun is the only thing they know. They do not even know to ask about the rest.
My own sun sign is Taurus. We are hardworking, loyal, stubborn, hedonistic, that’s what I’ve been told. We know what we want and we’ll work hard to get it, and when that work is done we’ll enjoy our time off just as well. My entire life, I have been teased for being lazy, yet at the same time teased for never taking a moment off. It is enough to make a person want to crawl into a dark hole and never come out of it again, having your being constantly under scrutiny. It is enough to make a person want to blot out the sun.
I once made love to a Taurus. I remember the strength of his tongue in my mouth, the way he managed to squeeze it into every crack and ridge, occupying every part of me with him, and I was so eager to be swallowed up, to be wanted at all. But he was gentle, too, his fingers featherlight on my skin, breathing questions into my hair and my neck and my chest and always waiting for answers. He was so warm so solid against me. He would have made an amazing center of the universe.
Similarly, though not really similarly at all, Nicolaus Copernicus published his astronomical model of heliocentrism in 1543. For those keeping count, that was nearly 500 years ago. For 500 years, we as a society have agreed that the sun is the center of the universe, although I’m sure we’ll see a movement questioning even that soon enough. And why not question it? Why not challenge the notion that if the universe is always infinitely expanding, if the universe is everything and everywhere and there are no concrete boundaries, then somehow, this one yellow dwarf might not be at the very, very center of it all?
Still, it is an undeniable fact that the Earth, and our moon, and every other celestial body of any significance in our solar system, does revolve around the sun, and relies on its gravitational pull not to drift off into space. We need the sun as a stabilizing force to ensure that we do not get lost in a vast and unknown cosmic void surrounded by the glowing husks of dead and dying giants who may once have dreamed of having their own systems, their own dependents, their own sense of power in a chaotic universe which often leaves us feeling powerless. It is difficult not to think that the stars, too, must feel so small.
The moon, though, has an even more unique relationship with the sun. For one, though this is not unique to our moon, a moon of many names, she who is called Luna, Selene, Cynthia, though more often than anything simply The Moon, capital T capital M, somehow a name belonging only to our moon unless there is, indeed, some alien society out among those dead and dying giants, who happens to call their rocks the same things we call ours-- for one, the moon does not only revolve around the sun, but around us, too.
In this eternal cosmic power struggle, where each year the moon inches slightly further from us, where we are slowly losing our grip on one of the only things in the universe that is certain, is it any wonder that we are trying to conquer the sun? Mostly in small ways, in going outside without putting any sunscreen on, neglecting both the immediate pain and the long-term risk, and in staring at an eclipse with no sunglasses on because we want to believe that we are that important and that our beloved moon is that important. Surely, if it is so vital to us, it must be able to overshadow the sun for more than just a fleeting moment. There are some large ways, though. Some less everyday. In 2021, after 60 years of trying, we were able to touch the sun.
I have never known how to be entirely my own. I was always independent in the sense that I was introverted, that I was intuitively smart, that I couldn’t quite crack what made kids my age so boring, but I have always withered without sunlight-- sunlight in the form of attention and praise and good grades and the belief that there were people in the world who cared about me. I told a friend earlier this year that the main reason I wanted to kill myself, the reason that I almost stuffed myself with the sort of poison that shuts down your brain and its ability to interpret stimuli outside of the body including sunlight and warmth and everything good was because I didn’t think it would make a difference to anyone. They say that if the sun died, we would not know for 8 minutes and 20 seconds. I think I could outlast it.
The thing about love is that it fills you with warmth. Much like the sun, it shines light on your darkest moments, making things seem, even if only for a fleeting moment, a little bit brighter. The sun can trick you into believing that everything is going to be okay. The world will keep on spinning, gravity will keep on working, none of these tiny moments will mean anything in the grand scheme of things. There is a comfort in that. There is a comfort in waking up to the same shining face every morning, hanging above all else, assuring you that no matter what, no matter how much of the planet you burn down or how much you lock yourself in your bedroom, it will be there, keeping you safe and warm. There is a comfort in playing pretend.
The truth is I turn the people I love into the sun because it is easier. It is easier to make the people I love the center of my universe, to spend every moment basking in their presence, to let them hurt me over and over and over again and never take any precaution that might shut any part of them out, to let them eclipse every part of myself I hate and every part of myself I love as few and far between as they’ve grown. If they weren’t there, if I was just this solitary rock floating through space, perhaps even one of those dead and dying giants, then I would have to think about myself. I would have to find my own orbit, or else find a way to be okay with simply drifting along. I would have to learn to be by myself, care for myself, love myself. I could no longer look up at the sky and ignore my own significance and just how empty this all feels.
The dominant theory for how our moon came into being is that billions of years ago a planet roughly the size of Mars, who, in case you forgot, was the god of war, crashed into the Earth, and the resultant debris compressed into the moon. This means that our moon, this beloved child we are constantly fighting to keep from the sun, is really one huge battlescar. When a sun forms, a giant cloud of gas and dust collapses into itself due to the force of gravity. Half a billion years before our planet even formed, the sun became the center of our whole universe, the lifebringer. But the moon-- we fought for that.
The moon does not create its own light. Instead, it reflects light from the sun on one half of its body, portions of which we are able to catch glimpses of based on our relative angle to it. But half of the moon is always dark, even when we cannot see it because it is hidden from us. The sun cannot reach the moon and fully envelop it. And perhaps more importantly, one day, unlike the moon, the sun will die. This is what stars do. And when it does, its light will fade and all that will remain will be two dull rocks in the sky.
In astrology, each sign is associated with a planet. My sun sign, Taurus, is associated with Venus, the Roman goddess of sex and love and beauty and femininity, encapsulating the need for human connection that thing which fundamentally drives all of us. When a sign is “at home” in its planet, if my Venus were in Taurus, it means that it is a dominant influence within the chart. My chart would be ruled with love and beauty, human connections. For once in my life, I might think with my heart instead of my head. My Venus is in Gemini, a stone’s throw away. For the purposes of astrology, the sun and moon are planets, too.
The sun is associated with Leo. I fell in love with a Leo once. To me, the freckles on her cheeks were an entire galaxy which more than qualified her to be the center of my universe. And like the sun, she was full of fire, passionate about things I couldn’t begin to wrap my head around, but she loved to tell me and I loved to listen to her voice. Taurus and Leo are supposed to be incompatible signs. They both have too much dominant energy, too much of a stubborn streak, too much reluctance to admit when they’re wrong or compromise. I liked that back and forth, that gravitational pull, that risk of being burned.
My moon is in Cancer, which just so happens to be the sign it is associated with. A dominating influence. People with the moon in Cancer are said to be empathetic, nurturing, sensitive. Because so much of our personalities are centered around this emotional need to be surrounded by people we love and care for, we tend to be self-sacrificing in nature, not much helped by the tendency of other people to gravitate toward us for emotional support. How could I a child of the moon by birth have ever stood a chance in a universe like this?
Do you ever think about the story of Icarus? It’s told to us as a cautionary tale about hubris. Don’t try to fly too high or the sun will melt your wings. They are made of wax, after all, and the sun, the sun we all worship, the sun we pretend cannot hurt us, the sun we all desperately want to touch, to outshine and overshadow, to stare directly at and know it cannot look back, is so very warm.
But Icarus is a child, and moreso, Icarus exists within a conceptual mythology where there are no fewer than five gods responsible for the sun. What if Helios had stopped his carriage? What if Apollo, for just one moment, had stopped being the golden boy? What if Eos, mother of the four winds, bid her children to protect him? What if Hemera retreated to the underworld and let her sister watch over him instead? What if Electryone was a heroine not for some mysterious act no one ever recorded but for protecting this boy and his joy at touching the sky? What if the sun, any part of it, acted as the protector we all believe it to be?
Apollo is the only of these sun gods who is an Olympian. The twelve Olympians serve as the ruling class of the gods, those figures most central to the Ancient Greek religion. Alongside Apollo is his twin sister Artemis, a goddess of nature, hunting, childbirth, healing, virginity, and the moon. She was a protector of women and children who once famously challenged Hera, queen of the gods, to battle to protect a young princess. I can’t help but wonder, would she have let that boy fall?
The Egyptian god Horus was believed to have the moon in his left eye and the sun in his right. Depicted as a falcon, the Egyptians believed that when he spread his wings from the clouds to the stars the day changed to night. In this mythology, much like our own, the moon is a battlescar, its light dulled by a fight for Egypt with the god Seth.
Another god of the moon, Thoth, who was also associated with knowledge, wisdom, writing, and magic, was a protector and servant of the sun god Ra. He traveled with Ra on his great solar barque, a ship which carried him from the underworld each night back to the skies each day. The only other being to share this privilege is the goddess of justice, law, and truth, Ma’at. It is the only myth I know of where the moon protects the sun.
The primary goals of alchemy were threefold: to discover the philosopher’s stone, which contrary to popular belief had nothing to do with living forever but was in fact a symbol of knowledge, to create a medium of eternal youth, and to transmute metals from other materials, most pressingly, gold. In all of the texts about alchemy we know of, the sun represents gold.
It is the natural desire of all beings to be wealthy, at least in any society that invents the concept of wealth. Thus, in a world where the sun is ever-present, shining on all indiscriminately with no care for who is good or kind or worthy, it is the intuitive symbol for gold.
However, I cannot help but think of the moon arguably even more ever-present than the sun. After all, if you look up at the sky at night, you will see many stars, even the planets in the distance, but not the sun. Not the living core of the universe as we know it.
The moon, however, is visible, shining dully against the blue sky, even during the day. Only once a month does she hide herself from us.
Much like gold, we value the sun not because it is always there but because of how different the world is when it is not. We value the sun because of the night.
If the moon were to disappear tomorrow, not to drift away but to simply go dark, few would notice her absence immediately. Those who saw the black mark in the sky would brush it off as a new moon.
If the sun died, it would take 8 minutes and 20 seconds for us to notice, and we would be robbed of the chance to see the moon one last time.
I have this tendency to turn the people I love into the sun, (bright and warm and necessary and wanted)
and I, the moon.
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applicationsoftgo · 2 years
Reddit delphi
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Fun fact: Rhodos stems from the ancient Greek word ρόδον (rhódon - rose), so it’s also referred to as the island of roses.Ī short love poem I wrote inspired by this painting of Helios and Rhodes:Īll the spring flora, no matter their hue. Today, the island is very much not submerged and is a popular tourist destination due to its rich history. New to wikis See the 2 Minute Guide to Wikis and experiment in the Sandbox.If you simply want to post some information without a formal article (or to request for someone to incorporate some. In his wife’s honour, he named the island after her. Welcome to the Delphi Wiki The Delphi Wiki is a central repository for information, documentation and code examples about the Delphi/Object Pascal language.
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They ended up falling in love and having seven sons (Heliadae) and one daughter (Electryone, goddess of the sunrise) together.Īlas, Helios accidently caused the sea levels to rise and the island became submerged as a result. So, with Zeus’ approval, he claimed it only to realize the island (Rhodes) also happened to be a goddess. Soon after complaining to Zeus about it, Helios spotted a new island about to rise from the sea. She was also a wife of the sun god Helios and the mother of the Heliadae (who also happened to be grandsons of the sea god Poseidon).Īccording to a story told by the poet Pindar, the gods decided which plots of land on Earth would belong to them, but Helios was absent, so he didn’t receive anything. In Greek mythology, Rhodos (Ῥόδος) or Rhode (Ῥόδη) was the goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes. Four years ago, two Indiana girls went for a walk in the woods on a warm February day. At some point, I might take it a step further and get a veil. Delphi murders: What we know and don't know 4 years after Abby and Libby were killed. I also like to make a little braid on each side of my head and tie them in the back. Ultimately, it’s a wholesome experience either way… 😊Īs for dressing up, I admittedly don’t do it very often, but this is what I like to wear when I do: a chiton (from Etsy), Athena and sun pendant (for Helios and Apollo), Athena earrings, lion brooch (to honour Hera), and black strappy sandals. Of course, that’s not to say there aren’t times when I invoke a specific deity for their assistance in a particular matter. It really is such a wonderful feeling to honour the gods for the sake of reverence and connection and nothing else 🤍. Finally, I wrapped the ritual up with some dancing to Ancient Greek style music (as another offering). I also recited Orphic hymns to Hermes, Apollo, Helios, Athena, Aphrodite, Persephone, and The Muses. I lit incense and dried oregano from Greece and made some offerings of Greek honey, flower, and chocolate. The other day, I devoted an hour to honoring my patron deities. Sometimes, I feel intuitively nudged to do a ritual, so I heed the call.
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Astrology & the Greek Goddesses
Nike: Goddess of Victory
In Greek mythology, Nike was a goddess who personified victory in any field including art, music, war, and athletics.
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Artwork by Serathus on https://www.deviantart.com/serathus/art/Nike-288927384
Gaia: Goddess of the Earth
Gaia was the Greek goddess of the Earth, mother of all life. She represented fertility (the ability to create life).
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Artwork by Desirée Delgado on https://www.salvabrani.com/pimage/60446819991030506//
Aphrodite: Goddess of Love & Beauty
Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love, beauty, desire and all aspects of sexuality. She was depicted as a beautiful woman often accompanied by the winged godling Eros (Love). Her attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and mirror.
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Artwork by Guangjian Huang on http://www.hgjart.com
Hera: Goddess of Women & Marriage, Queen of the Gods
Hera is the goddess of women, marriage, family and childbirth. Hera was seen as a matronly figure who was the patroness and protector of married women, presiding over weddings as well as blessing marriages. Hera is usually depicted with the animals she considers sacred: cow, lion and peacock. The word Hera is often connected with the Greek word hora, which means season, and is interpreted as “ripe for marriage”.
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Artwork by Scebiqu on https://www.deviantart.com/scebiqu/art/SMITE-Hera-770926471 and edit found on https://da-jis-thighs.tumblr.com/post/178842871779/hera-icons-that-brought-me-pain-free-to-use
Alectrona: Goddess of the Sun
Alectrona (also known as Electryone or Electryo) was the greek goddess of the sun. It is thought that she might have also been the goddess of morning or 'waking from slumber'.
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Artwork by Tae Sub Shin on https://legendofthecryptids.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Artist:_Tae_Sub_Shin
Persephone: Goddess of Spring, Queen of the Underworld
Persephone was the goddess of spring growth & bounty. Once upon a time when she was playing in a flowery meadow with her Nymph companions, she was seized by Hades, the God of the Underworld, and carried off to the underworld as his bride. Then on, she was also the Queen of the Underworld. Her annual return to the earth in spring was marked by the flowering of the meadows and the sudden growth of the new grain. Her return to the underworld in winter, conversely, saw the dying down of plants and the halting of growth.
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Artwork by Elena Kukanova on https://www.deviantart.com/ekukanova/art/Vana-the-Ever-Yong-879525831
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Artwork by BohemianWeasel on https://www.deviantart.com/mirachravaia/journal/Talks-with-Tolkien-artists-BohemianWeasel-567104787
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Artwork by Mia Araujo on https://americangallery.wordpress.com/category/araujo-mia/
Themis: Goddess of Divine Justice, Law & Order
Themis was the goddess of divine law and order - the traditional rules of conduct first established by the gods. She was the divine voice (themistes) who first instructed mankind in the primal laws of justice and morality, such as the precepts of piety, the rules of hospitality, good governance & conduct of assembly. In Greek, the word themis referred to divine law, those rules of conduct long established by custom. Unlike the word nomos, the term was not usually used to describe laws of human decree.
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Artwork by Kryseis Art on https://www.deviantart.com/kryseis-art/art/Justice-698602554
Hecate: Goddess of Magic & the Occult, the Triple Goddess
Hecate was the chief goddess presiding over magic and spells. She is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, night, light, magic, knowledge of healing herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. She is most often shown holding a pair of torches, a key, snakes, the black she-dog and the polecat.
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Artwork by Kim Dreyer on https://www.deviantart.com/ambercrystalelf/art/Hecate-Triple-Goddess-374598950
Artemis: Goddess of Hunt & the Wilderness
Artemis was the goddess of hunting, the wilderness and wild animals. In ancient art, Artemis was usually depicted as a girl or young maiden with a hunting bow and quiver of arrows.
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Artwork by Yujin Jung on https://siznart.artstation.com/projects/LvK5v
Demeter: Goddess of Agriculture, Harvest & Abundance
Demeter is the goddess of the agriculture and harvest, presiding over grains and the fertility of the earth. She presided also over the sacred law and the circle of life. She is the goddess of abundance.
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Found on https://mythologyexplained.com/demeter-in-greek-mythology/
Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, the Arts & War Strategy
Athena is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. As such, she is not only the goddess of war strategy and the protectress who upholds peace for the city of Athens. She is also the goddess of civilisation, the arts, literature and architecture. Her major symbols include owls, olive trees and the Gorgoneion (a magic pendant showing the Gorgon's head, a symbol of protection against evil). In art, she is generally depicted wearing a helmet and holding a spear.
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Art by Tsuyoshi Nagano on http://en.tis-home.com/tsuyoshi-nagano/works/8034
Amphitrite: Goddess & Queen of the Ocean
Amphitrite was one of the 50 sea nymph (Nereid) sisters. While Amphitrite was dancing and singing with her sisters, she caught the eye of Poseidon, the God of the Ocean, who fell in love with her. Now the attentions of a powerful god proved unwanted though, and Amphitrite fled from the advances of Poseidon. Amphitrite decided to flee to the furthest extremes of the sea, or at least the Mediterranean Sea, and so the Nereid hid herself away near the Atlas Mountains at the furthest point east of the Mediterranean. The disappearance of Amphitrite only caused Poseidon to become more infatuated with the Nereid, and so the new ruler of the seas sent out aquatic creatures to find the hidden Amphitrite. One such tracker of Amphitrite was the sea god Delphin (Delphinus) who came across Amphitrite as he swam between the islands. Delphin didn’t forcibly take Amphitrite back to Poseidon, but through his eloquent words, Delphin convinced the Nereid of the positive elements of marrying Delphin, and so Amphitrite returned to the palace of Poseidon. Poseidon was so thankful to Delphin for bringing his love back to him, that the likeness of the dolphin shaped god was placed amongst the stars. Upon accepting Poseidon's hand in marriage, Amphitrite became the Goddess and Queen of the Ocean.
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Artwork by David Guillet on https://www.scififantasyhorror.co.uk/superb-fantasy-art-david-gaillet/
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littlemixedit-s · 3 years
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Electryone was the Goddess of The Sunrise, or of man's waking sense. She was the cause of men waking from their sleep every morning. Hemera is the Goddess of The Daytime. With each morn, Hemera dispersed her mother's mists, bathing the earth again in the light of the ether. Eos is a Titaness and the Goddess of The Dawn, who rose each morning from her home at the edge of the Oceanus.
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piristephes · 2 years
Hi, can i please request a hymn/prayer to goddess Alectrona/Electryone?
Sure thing!
Prayer to Electryone, Goddess of sunrise. Sing, O Muse, of heavenly Electryone Daughter of all-seeing Helios, Whose hair is amber and whose eyes Are awake, as the morning-rooster crows O Herald of rose-fingered Dawn May I be renewed with thy blessings Rising as you cast off gentle Sleep Be my friend, Goddess, every single day.
Cante, ó Musa, da celeste Electrione Filha do onividente Hélio Cujo cabelo é âmbar e cujos olhos Estão acordados, como o galo matinal cantante Ó Arauta da Aurora dedirrósea Que eu seja renovado com tuas bênçãos Levantando-me enquanto tu abandonas o Sono suave Sê minha amiga, Deusa, todos os dias.
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grecowitch · 3 years
Helios & Rhodos
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"Helios and Rhodes" by Frederic Leighton
In Greek mythology, Rhodos (Ῥόδος) or Rhode (Ῥόδη) was the goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes. She was also a wife of the sun god Helios and the mother of the Heliadae (who also happened to be grandsons of the sea god Poseidon).
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According to a story told by the poet Pindar, the gods decided which plots of land on Earth would belong to them, but Helios was absent, so he didn't receive anything. Soon after complaining to Zeus about it, Helios spotted a new island about to rise from the sea. So, with Zeus' approval, he claimed it only to realize the island (Rhodes) also happened to be a goddess. They ended up falling in love and having seven sons (Heliadae) and one daughter (Electryone, goddess of the sunrise) together.
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Alas, Helios accidently caused the sea levels to rise and the island became submerged as a result. In his wife's honour, he named the island after her.
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Today, the island is very much not submerged and is a popular tourist destination due to its rich history. Fun fact: Rhodos stems from the ancient Greek word ρόδον (rhódon - rose), so it's also referred to as the island of roses.
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A short love poem I wrote inspired by this painting of Helios and Rhodes:
Dawn dew coats my skin,
and it feels protected.
But protection isn't enough;
It needs to be all-encompassed—
the way the morn sun illuminates
all the spring flora, no matter their hue.
Each of your arms is a sunray,
and my body has never wanted envelopment
with another the way it does with you. 
🇬🇷Greek Translation:
Η δροδία της αυγής καλύπτει το δέρμα μου
και αισθάνεται προστατευμένο.
Αλλά η προστασία δεν είναι αρκετή.
Χρειάζεται να συμπεριλαμβάνεται παντού-
τον τρόπο που φωτίζει �� πρωινός ήλιος
όλα τα ανοιξιάτικα λουλούδια
ανεξάρτητα από το χρώμα τους.
Κάθε χέρι σου είναι ηλιαχτίδα,
και το σώμα μου πότε δεν ήθελε περικάλυψη
όπως το θέλει με σένα.
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boraxquinn · 2 years
Like a sun goddess. You have been glowing with beauty.
Oooooh~ A sun goddess~ That would be Alectrona. Goddess of Sun and The Morning. She was the daughter of Helios. The Titan Sun God before Apollo took the throne. Electryone means amber, shining, iridescent. Perfect for a goddess of the sun right? Not much is known about her. Other than she died a virgin during the war of the gods and Titans. After the war, It is said that Apollo still honored her purity and her name in his court. Not much is known about her other than it was said she would glow with beauty, and was often seen with sunflowers.
Sorry. I'm a bit of a mythology nerd. Fun hobby ^.^
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the-spited · 3 years
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new website header! It’s electryone and bendis!
electryone is the orange tiger and bendis is the dark blue one. Bendis is the goddess of the moon and night and electryone is the goddess of the day and the sun
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
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Absolutely horrid anatomy, but I’m unlikely to draw her again sooo-- My Eternals comics OC from like 2017, Tanit. She’s the daughter of Astarte and Electryon, two Eternals who appear as villains in a single issue of X-Force during the 1990s. Because that’s my brand, one-issue minor baddies from the 90s. Tan’s personality is admittedly almost exactly like Sersi. She’s very fun-loving and enjoys living among mortals, but also has no personal attachment to them since they’re so transient and interchangeable to her (which us UNLIKE Sersi, who does have attachment for humans and protects them as a suphero). She greatly enjoys her long lifespan and sneers at any other immortal who angsts about theirs. She also sneers at mutants for thinking THEY’RE the next big evolutionary thing, when GODS like herself have been walking about humans for ages. If I can ever be arsed to, I’ll probably redesign her based on a Tunisian actress, to better reflect the Punic goddess she’s named for. I also have been wanting to make on called Dyana (as in Diana, as in Artemis) for ages because like. . .self-insert reasons, obvy. Who would my Eternalsona be named for if not the goddess of animals and no-boys-allowed, right?
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Our Fascination With LIGHT! Mankind always had a fascination with LIGHT. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the SUN The greeks also had many sun gods Helios, god and personification of the Sun who drove across the sky in a chariot. Apollo, god of the Sun and light, among others. His most common epithet was Phoebus (“Radiant”) Eos, goddess and personification of the dawn. Hemera, goddess of the day. Electryone, goddess of the sunrise. Light is divine, without LIGHT there would be no life. In many different faith traditions, many people are encouraged to be light to others or to bring light to others Who would have thought that thanks to modern technology called LifeWave that one of the many ways one can bring "the light" to others would in 2021 include the LifeWave patch technology. Our many success stories are indisputable if one remains factual. LifeWave technology is not only changing but also saving lives every day. For many LIFE would not be worth living if it was not for the LifeWave patches. Helping others is also your basic purpose. Thankfully helping others is something that we at LifeWave are very good at. We have already and will continue to provide effective help to many. Sadly many millions more are still lost in the dark and about to give in, they are seeking our help . Take your LifeWave patches with you wherever you go and "Shine The Light" on someone crying out for help. Doing this will make you many new friends for life. Your Dutch Uncle Michel Servais #light #lightechnology #x39testimonials #lightherapy #help #health #getwell #changeyourlife #fasthealing #recovery #cure #stemcell #stemcelltherapy https://www.instagram.com/p/CN1dotbDpBm/?igshid=1xwt3ng00dyi2
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