the-suns-temple · 11 days
Pspspsps!! It's muaaaa again! 🐢 Anon
I actually have another question!!! This one is kinda for you personally!
What are your favorite myths that include Helios, Apollo and Eos? And any other deity that you worship and wish to share!!
PS: do you have any ideas on what i can offer to Lady Eos? 👀
Hmm.. My favorite myth involving Lord Helios is not about him, but his son. Phaethon, son of Helios, one day did what most children tend to do, and he secretly took Helios's sun chariot on a ride. On this joy ride, he scorched the Earth and, as punishment, was ultimately killed. It is very symbolic of hubris, of obedience to the parents, and of the damage behind secrets and lack of transparency.
My favorite myth of Lord Apollo is undoubtedly the story of him and Hyacinthus. It is tragic, it is tender, and it is one of the first myths I learned about when I began working with him at the start of my practice. Lord Apollo falls in love with mortal Hyacinthus, and they begin spending time together. They play sports, they hold each other, they admire one another. One day while playing discus, one of two things could have happened, depending on the translation and interpretation. Either A: Lord Apollo threw the discus too hard and it looped back around, hitting Hyacinthus in the head and ultimately killing him. Or B: Zephyrus, God of the West Winds, was envious of their partnership and when the discus was thrown by Lord Apollo, he sent a gust of wind, sending the discus hurling back towards Hyacinthus, hitting him in the head and ultimately killing him. Lord Apollo mourned his death, and his tears turned Hyacinthus into the Hyacinth flower that we know today.
Now, unfortunately, I don't know much about Lady Eos. I am not very well educated on what offerings she accepts, or her mythos. But based solely on the fact that she is capable of providing love easily, I would suggest self love and care. You could run a bubble bath, or develop a skin care routine. If you have a partner, prioritize telling them how much you love them, or perform rituals and give offerings with your partner if they are open to the craft. It is entirely up to you. She is also a goddess of dawn, you can watch the sun rise and take pictures of it, and carry it with you in your wallet or post them above your altarspace. - I am not yet very educated on Lady Eos, unfortunately. Meaning, I do not have a favorite myth of hers.
Best wishes, and Blessed Be, from Rafael.
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the-suns-temple · 17 days
Hi there!
🐢 Anon here!
Thank you for answering my question!
Guess what! It is 100% confirmed that the said deity wants me to be his priest (ess) in training!
(btw , the deity isn't greek, sorry for the confusion ☀️💛🧡)
I am kiiiiiinda unsure what i am supposed to do as a solitary priestess! But i am in the process of figuring things out with the said deity,about what i should do, how i should act, formal/informal, rituals , spells, research and such!
I am happy to announce that i am doing my first ritual tonight with him!
I just thought i would give you a quick update! 💛 Sorry that this isn't on topic of your blog! :)
Sincerely, 🐢 anon!!
I am working with Lord Apollo to become a Preist of his, and this is a process that He and I have designed together through extensive divination, conversation, and meditation. I would suggest attempting something like this with your deity in order to discuss boundaries, intricacies, and fine details in your partnership.
I am elated to hear the news! I wish you the absolute best on your journey. Do not be afraid to fail or stumble - this is part of the process. Always feel free to update me if you'd like to, either anonymously or via message.
Best Wishes, and Blessed Be, from Rafael.
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the-suns-temple · 17 days
Hi! Lemme label myself as the 🐢 anon because i will be sending more asks in the future!!..
I hope it's okay to ask, but how did you know that your divine spouse was "reaching out to you" that way? In a romantic sense?
Because i feel like there was a deity (i won't name them as IDK if they want to be named..) that i worked with, and in my 6 years of practice... I have never experienced what happened those few days and nights of working with them.
I always felt like they cared about me A LOT. And i was flattered for that. I appreciated their help a lot in our workings. But one day, I don't know how to explain it, but i felt them brush their hand on my face, on my cheek. I could tell something was off, as it felt.. different than a simple itchiness on the face. I felt their presence.. Then a day later or so, i was in my bed and i could feel their presence, hugging me from behind.
I know how crazy and fanatic i sound right now. I apologize if this is inappropriate to ask! And unrelated to your account topic. But this has been going on in my head for weeks and i would really appreciate ANY insight. As i have never been courted or even considered being courted by an entity.
Thank you for hearing me out! And i am sorry if i seem like a weirdo rn!
Hello! Apologies for taking so long to get back to you, but thank you for asking your question.
Firstly, I would suggest an air of caution and skepticism when it comes to feeling energies. Theoi energy is a very specific kind of energy and cannot be easily replicated by trickster spirits or mischievous entities, but it is still worth practicing caution. If you want to confirm that it was this deity (if you have not already), ask them a few vetting questions before you ask if it was them who was touching you and hugging you. Of course, you know their energy better than I do, but it never hurts to be a little bit careful.
Secondly, I knew Lord Apollo was reaching out in a romantic sense because, simply put, he is very blunt. I meditated with him, and while I do not remember now what he said, he did say something rather blunt about how he wanted to progress our relationship from mentor and student to something more. And I left the meditation feeling giddy and excited. So, I did a tarot reading asking him to confirm what he meant after doing more research on Godspousing and what it entailed.
Research, in situations like this, is your best friend. Doing research on things like Godspousals, and also looking into how this deity treated their partners in the past, perhaps in mythology, or if they do have a life partner you could look into how they treat them, to get a better understanding of how this deity may express love. Lord Apollo is very gentle with me. He adores accompanying me outside, under the sun, playing a sport, or simply relaxing. He is very touchy at times. He loves to give compliments and send me signs showing he is watching. Just this weekend, a bee landed on my hand when I was getting into my friend's car to go watch the sunset on the beach.
Let the deity bring the idea to you. Or, if you feel they have been doing this via signs, ask them if this is what they are trying to suggest to you. And if it is, give it some thought. Do not run into an answer. Think on it. Let the confirmation process and decide from there.
Best of luck on your journey, and I am sending you nothing but positive energy.
Best wishes, and Blessed Be, from Rafael.
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the-suns-temple · 17 days
Thank you for answering my ask about godspousing! If you don't mind, I have some further questions.
How did you know you were receiving a proposal of godspouseing? I do not want to think of myself too highly, but I think I might be, and would like to know your experience of the proposal, and of the courting process.
Sorry for this being a bit rambling, I am anxious and don't want to mess this up.
Thank you again for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night, wherever you are!
Apologies for making you wait so long for a response, but thank you for your follow-up question!
I cannot recall if there was any one moment where I simply "knew." I meditated with Lord Apollo and recall a feeling of love, more love than before. I felt giddy, excited, and happy. So, I followed up the meditation with a tarot reading. I remember pulling my calling card, two of cups, and the Sun, and things slowly began making sense.
The courting process started after another tarot reading in which I asked Lord Apollo if he was requesting to Godspouse with me. I recall reading somewhere that it was up to the God to extend the offer, and so I asked him if it was what he wanted. He said yes, and I agreed to be his Godspouse. Remember, though, you do not have to say yes to a request. It is your choice just as much as it is theirs. From there, we had a six month long courting process in which I proved my loyalty and devotion to Lord Apollo, and at the end of those six months, during a meditation, we solidified the partnership.
Not everyone will have this exact story when it comes to Godspousal. It is specific to the practitioner and their Theoi, and how they chose to go about their process. It is customary to have a courting process, and it is customary to let the God approach you with the idea of it. It is not something to take lightly, as it is an oath that you are committing to for the rest of your life. That being said, I wouldn't Godspouse with a new theoi that enters my life. Lord Apollo has been with me since birth, and therefor, I feel incredibly close to him.
Best wishes, and Blessed Be, from Rafael.
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the-suns-temple · 18 days
🔆 Welcoming September! Tarot Reading for September 1 - 7 🔆
Hello, all! Welcome to the month of September, the fall equinox approaches, and the cool weather will soon start to settle in. For this weekly reading, I have decided to do a reading for the month of September and for this week.
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Month of September
Card pulled: King of Swords
Meaning: Representative of intellectual power and security. This month, you shouldn't make any irrational decisions. Think everything through. You'll come into power this month, or experience the beginnings of your step into power. This could be a job opportunity, or maybe becoming the leader of a group. Or maybe even stepping into your own individual power. Take the respect you deserve. Take action. And remember the phrase, "measure twice, cut once." Be ready for change this month. You'll be prepared for it as it will come with your transition into power.
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September 1st - September 7th
Themes: Change, new beginnings, be true with oneself.
Cards pulled: The World Reversed, Page of Cups, King of Cups, Six of Cups Reversed.
Advice: You're going through a period of change, right now. But even through this, you have to stay true to who you are. You can't lose yourself. Anyone who cannot handle that may begin to drift away. Let them. They are not your people if they won't see you at your best.
During this time, welcome new beginnings. You may meet new friends. Your positivity may attract people. Try letting them in. Don't be afraid to meet new people, especially as you change with the seasons. Let your mask fall and push forward the best version of yourself without fear. Be courageous. Be curious. Be kind and gentle with yourself.
And remember to release what isn't serving you. Focus on what does. Change is going to happen, and it may be turbulent. Keeping the things that drain you will only make this change much harder on you.
Please feel free to ask any clarifying questions, or for expansions on anything stated above. I have no issue acting as your messenger.
Best wishes, and Blessed Be, from Rafael.
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the-suns-temple · 23 days
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αλεξίκακε, παιάν απόλλων, σε παρακαλώ, βοήθησε εμένα και όσους άλλους το χρειάζονται. δώσε μας την δύναμη να φροντίσουμε τους εαυτούς μας ακόμα και τις μέρες που η ψυχή μας νιώθει κουρασμένη. ευλόγησε μας με σωματική και ψυχική ίαση. φωτεινέ απόλλων μην μας εγκαταλείψεις στο σκοτάδι.
e-offering to lord apollo
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the-suns-temple · 23 days
A Prayer
My Lord Apollo, Lord of the Sun, of Dance and Music, of Poetry and Art, of Herbs and Flowers and Healing, Protector of Seers and Bringer of the Light that illuminates the Future, Greatest Player of the Lyre, Greatest of Archers, Upholder of Justice and Averter of Evil. Please hear my call. Illuminate this night and ward of the darkness that seeks to invade my thoughts and emotions. Lend me your light and bring joy and warmth back to my life. Let the spring of my creativity well up once again, so it may bring to flourish art and writing as it once used to. Heal what has been wounded in me, cure what has been infested by the sickness brought into my life. Heal my body, this pain, this fatigue, that plagues me. These fevers and inflammations. Hold me in your protective and healing embrace and guide my path towards a brighter future. Let your song fill my life, let it ring from my lips in passion, in joy, in beautiful emotions. And please, keep safe my heart and my soul; these most vulnerable parts of me, that endured so much and need a gentle healer's touch, to wake up and mend. Don't let go of me, be with me every step of the way. I do not know where I'm heading, so I want to trust you, to guide me to safety, light and warmth and joy, to a place of healing. 🌄
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the-suns-temple · 23 days
If you're new to helpol, welcome! We're all very happy to have you here. It's ok to ask questions. There is nothing wrong with not knowing; everyone starts somewhere, and you're doing great! Always be open to learn, and know that the gods are much kinder than what the media depicts. Leave mythic literalism at the door if you'd like! I'd personally recommend it.
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the-suns-temple · 23 days
Hot take but you can’t learn about paganism without also learning about white supremacy and how it uses pagan religions to push hate group agendas all over the world today. If you don’t learn about the connections between the two and how it operates, your ignorance enables white supremacists to keep on doing it and using it to recruit others. People in our community who do nothing and stay silent are literally a part of the problem, there is no opting out whatsoever. Divorcing the two makes the issue repeat itself over and over and over again.
It’s not hard to include this in your research and stay aware. It’s the bare minimum.
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the-suns-temple · 23 days
🔆Unexpected Hiatus 🔆
Hello, all. I know that I've unfortunately vanished for a while - I've been settling into new routines and a new living location, so things in my personal life took precedence over the consistency of the temple.
However, I have begun settling into a new routine and I plan to pick back up with the posting this Sunday, August 27th. It is my least busiest day of the week, and therefor, I will have more time to o the weekly tarot reading and answer the asks in the temple inbox.
I am greatly appreciative of those who joined the temple community in my absence, and those who understand the circumstance. Thank you so very much for sticking around and watching this temple grow. The Sun shines down on you in appreciation.
Best wishes, and Blessed Be, from Rafael.
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the-suns-temple · 1 month
Is it alright to ask you about your experiences as a godspouse? I didn't see anything strictly forbidding it or welcoming it, but I am also dyslexic and could have very easily missed it.
Thank you so much for your time and your temple you have created. I wish you a wonderful day/night!
Hello! You are more than welcome to ask me questions about my godspousal - or any aspects of my practice. I am more than open to answering such questions.
I have been Godspoused to Lord Apollo for roughly a year now - there was a courting process in which I dedicated a lot more time to Lord Apollo and building a deeper bond with him. It involved a lot of self-reflection, divination, and meditation. I did more things in honor of him, I wore more jewelry for him. As a symbol of my devotion to him, I began wearing a necklace with a sun pendant in place of any kind of ring or wedding band.
My Godspousal with Lord Apollo is more on the romantic side. He has affectionate nicknames for me that I primarily hear in dreams or meditations, and I, him. Additionally, my Godspousal with him has also been a learning experience. He teaches me more about divination and connecting to him and those I do divination with, he helps me interpret signs, and build my clairsenses (mainly clairaudience and clairvoyance.)
Lord Apollo is a gentle and caring God. He is understanding, appreciative, and my rock in times when continuing is hard. He is the reason I decided to make this temple, but rather than simply devoting it to him, I have decided to dedicate it to all Sun-related Theoi, even if the focus may primarily be Lord Apollo. This is a devotional act from me to him.
Godspousal is not for everyone, nor is it required. You can build a long-lasting, close relationship with a deity without Godspousing them. You can build a close relationship with a deity and decline Godspousing them if the proposal arises. You should do your research and consider very heavily if it is something for you. Godspousal is a lifelong commitment - it is agreeing to devote your life to the deity. It's an oath. And it is a very serious commitment that is not for everyone.
I do hope this answers your question. Please, feel free to ask away. For the most part, I am an open book.
Best wishes, and Blessed Be, from Rafael.
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the-suns-temple · 1 month
Hellenism Books I have compiled
ahhh so public library for beginners and closet pagans
Also anyone who wants to find an epub file or send one here and DM me :D
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the-suns-temple · 1 month
🔆Aug. 18 - 24 Tarot Reading 🔆
Hello, all. For a little while I've been wanting to introduce something to the temple, though, I haven't had the time to implement it until now. every Sunday, I plan on doing a three-card pull on behalf of the Sun and those that fall within its domain and the advice they wish to share with this temple's followers. Feel free to keep reading if you'd like to see this week's advice.
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August 18th - August 24th
Themes: Anxiety, welcoming positivity, trusting your instincts to be rid of uncertainty.
Cards pulled: Strength Reversed, The Moon, The Hanged Man.
Advice: You may experience intense fear and anger. A lack of confidence, a lack of pride. You're being warned of potential depressors or triggers coming within the week and testing you. You need to gain confidence, or remain confident even with these stressors coming up. Do not let anyone or anything take your confidence from you. There may be red flags - trust your instincts. Listen to your gut, but don't give into arbitrary second-guessing. This may stem from the aforementioned lack of confidence. And finally, be patient. Let go of things that don't serve you or bring you down, even if it's just on a small scale. And don't be afraid to welcome new opportunities after expelling the negative. This week is a good time to start working towards positive change.
Altogether, the Theoi are reminding you to jump into new, positive things, however intimidating it may be. This week, you should begin or continue to shift towards a more positive, mindful outlook.
The cards also wish to remind you that you are allowed to welcome good things. Even if you're facing a rather negative streak right now. This is not the end of the world, or the end of your story. You can keep moving forward. Do not let this stop you. It isn't the end, even if it feels like it.
Please feel free to ask any clarifying questions, or for expansions on anything stated above. I have no issue acting as your messenger.
Best wishes, and Blessed be, from Rafael.
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the-suns-temple · 1 month
Some day you're gonna lay in the sun and know that everything's gonna be okay
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the-suns-temple · 1 month
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Phoebus Apollo ✨
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the-suns-temple · 1 month
i will never understand why we stopped worshipping the sun .
the sun carries energy, showers the land with light, yet we stopped worshipping him . we bask in his rays daily, we pray for him to peek out from behind the clouds of a thunderstorm, yet we do not think to thank him .
let this serve as a reminder to thank the sun for what he does for us & our planet ☉
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all photos pulled from pinterest
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the-suns-temple · 1 month
☀️ Subtle Apollon Worship 🏹
Singing/listening to your favorite songs; this applies to any music, though
Listening to music while studying
Playing any instrument
Dedicating a journal to writing poetry or stories
Reading poetry books; reading ancient poetry/stories (especially ancient Greek poetry/stories)
Dancing to any music of your choice
Setting reminders to take medication on time; taking your medication in general
Taking care of your body physically, such as brushing one's teeth or taking a shower
Taking a walk on a sunny day; basking in the warmth of the light
Keeping a pic of him in your wallet
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of him
Keeping imagery of light/the sun, lyres, instruments, music, swans, cranes, or ravens around
Getting a wolf, swan, or dolphin stuffed animal
Anything to do with positive and healthy self-wellness
Learning archery
Learning to do divination outside of the obvious (the obvious being tarot, runes, and pendulums, for example; not obvious would be cartomancy, pyromancy, carromancy, shufflomancy, etc.)
Doing homework (yes, really)
Being kind to yourself when you're having a difficult time
Placing positive affirmations on somewhere you'd see them everyday, especially ones about things you're proud of
Checking in with yourself emotionally throughout the day; how are you feeling? What are some good things that have happened so far? What are some not so good things?
Learning about philosophy and taking note of your thoughts on the topic
Learning more about yourself (e.g. make a list of things you enjoy, try new hobbies, experiment with new outfits, etc.)
Expressing yourself through art of any kind
Having a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keeping a personal journal/diary - somewhere where you can keep track of your thoughts and feelings
Practice compassion and patience, especially with yourself
Continue learning throughout your life; interesting topics, philosophy, music, psychology, physical health, etc.
Learn about any medical conditions you or a loved one has
Learn about your healthcare options and medical rights (HIPPA in the US)
Support education forward, humanitarian, healthcare, or homeless shelter organizations
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Donate clothes, toys, hygiene kits, and other items; hygiene kits are always needed
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Make a list of things that make you feel human throughout the year - moments where you feel present, content, and alive
Sharpen your mind; play memory or mentally stimulating games
May add more later! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Apollo. I hope it helps someone, and take care, y'all! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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