chica-efimera · 1 year
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glittter-skeleton · 2 years
I am obsessed with the fact that Michael Schur has done the same exact pairing of sunshine protagonist x anxious storm cloud love interest for 4 different shows now and it is wonderful every single time
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(The love interest’s level of anxiety also increases with every iteration)
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mellpenscorner · 1 year
A Ranking of Jane Austen Heroines, in Ascending Order of Culpability
Fanny (Mansfield Park): Has done nothing wrong ever in her life (but would never say this as she is far too humble).
Elinor (S&S): Must have scoliosis from carrying the whole weight of the Dashwood family at the ripe old age of 19. Should probably have asked for help by now, but who's she going to ask? Her mother? Unlikely.
Anne (Persuasion): Pros: is the only functioning member of her family. Cons: took some really bad advice when she was 17.
Elizabeth (P&P): So dead-set on hating Mr. Darcy that she falls hook-line-and-sinker for the lies Wickham tells her with no questions asked. Otherwise has good sense.
Marianne (S&S): Throws herself headlong into the Romantic Experience™️ and gets her heart broken by a playboy when Colonel Brandon is literally RIGHT THERE. 
Catherine (Northanger Abbey): Good-hearted, but easily led astray. So obsessed with Gothic novels that she kind of accuses Mr. Tilney's father of murdering his wife and burying her in the basement.
Emma (Emma): Tells Harriet to refuse the nice guy she likes, too prideful to see that Mr. Elton is pursuing her instead of Harriet, gossips about Jane Fairfax, feels like the rules don't apply to her, won't listen to Mr. Knightly. Is a menace.
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catboyglover · 9 months
born to be the token sarcastic character in a sitcom, forced to be a real person
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darknixss · 10 months
I want to go back to the years when these books were the most popular
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homoerotic sitcom friendships
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Slow Burn Couples On Benches
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whoopsies-daisies · 2 months
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the-overreactress · 2 months
I listened to a Rainbow Rowell book (Attachments) this week, and felt an odd sense of nostalgia. I devoured Fangirl and Eleanor & Park when I was a teenager, but I’m realizing I didn’t *really* have the cultural literacy to truly appreciate Rowell’s stellar work when I was 15/16.
I think most of the Fangirl stuff hit me harder because I was SUCH a massive tumblr user and consumer of fandom content back then, but I started listening to Eleanor & Park this morning and it struck me how many of the references about music and the 80s I got automatically. This is stuff I just wouldn’t have known back then or been exposed to until I went to college.
Also reminds me that, on every Gilmore Girls rewatch, I laugh at and appreciate dialogue and moments I never would have when I was 11, 15, or even 22. I love when popular culture is intertwined so beautifully into a story: when the story just wouldn’t exist without the culture.
I’m so grateful for my growing cultural literacy, and I look forward to rediscovering more things I never knew before in media I once consumed rather mindlessly. This has been one of the largest shifts mentally I’ve noticed after hitting my mid-20s.
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derryallergy · 4 months
i am eleanor shellstrop. i am leslie knope. i am britta perry. i am the blonde girl disaster sitcom trope.
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besotted-with-austen · 3 months
Dearly loving her brother Henry but never backing down from mercilessly teasing and/or burning him, especially if it's about his love life:
Eleanor Tilney 🤝 Mary Crawford
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🍤 sitcom shrimp holy trinity 🍤
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haveyoureadthispoll · 9 months
Set over one school year in 1986, Eleanor & Park is the story of two star-crossed misfits—smart enough to know first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try.
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vocaloid-tunes · 9 months
More Rain | Twinkle Park feat. Eleanor Forte
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lys-9-10 · 1 year
"If you like Rainbow Rowell try..." recc lists suck. Can you help??
*UPDATE ok so in case anyone also didn't know this existed there is a thing called Storygraph which allows you to personalize recommendations based on much more specific things!! it's so cool go check it out if you're like me and frustrated by how unhelpful recommendation lists/algorithms usually are!
Ok this is probably a shot in the dark but idc b/c i'm frustrated and desperate The problem i have with "if you like RR try..." lists is they always seem to suggest things based on genre or similar plot points or something like that ... But the reason I love RR isn't WHAT she writes, it's HOW she writes. And I'm so hard pressed to find other writers like her. Can you help???
Things I love about her writing:
-Her witty, funny, stream-of-consciousness narration. Story is told through a very strong (and entertaining) character voice and we’re privy to all their internal ranting and private quips. (I'm thinking the Simon Snow series in particular typifies this narration style, though they all do to some extent)
-her character voices are endearing and quirky, not like, aggressively sarcastic and teen angsty like a lot of other YA authors
-her books are driven by characters and relationships. Not by plot or world-building.
-ultimately they're light reads, feel-good books that make you smile and laugh, but are super well written and have substance to them
-nothing is try-hard or artificial. I find a lot of YA books are... They're trying too hard to be funny, but aren't really. They're trying too hard to get a political message across. etc.
Any reccs??
Speaking of which, if helpful in thinking through reccs, the only 2 books I've really liked in the past couple years (since finishing all of RRs) are:
a) The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy (LOVED this one, so funny and quirky and endearing)
b) A Man Called Ove (loved it but also couldn't become obsessed with it, i think prob b/c couldn't connect to the older characters as easily)
Both I think captured some of the things I highlighted.
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hildas-flashdrive · 13 days
leslie knope x eleanor shellstrop toxic yuri
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