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#wipwednesday #mypainting #warhammerpainting40k #worldeater #worldeaters40k #eightbound #myphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYurjhPZhQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Exalted Eightbound minis have remarkably detailed chests and backs, considering that they're supposed to be covered with armor.
(Pls ignore the missing head. Figure is only half-constructed.)
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i appreciate that eightbound are scouts now. and Invocatus is also a scout. and Invocatus can also turn infantry near him into scouts, without much limitation, so suddenly this army is incredibly mobile
i'll gladly start with my exalted eightbound six inches ahead, yes
#it is a little annoying that squad sizes changed#since i already built my eightbound and exalted#oh well it still works#warhammer 40k#chaos#world eaters
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Exalted Eightbound
Finished painting up some Exalted Eightbound over the last couple of weeks, in the old blue/white paint scheme, complete with their power armour crop tops

#minipainting#wargaming#warhammer#warhammer community#warhammercommunity#warhammer 40k#warhammer 40000#space marines#chaos space marines#heretic astartes#paintingwarhammer#world eaters
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My regular Eightbound. I’m not the hugest fan of painting skin, but I gave it a try anyways!
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DAILY FACT #216: An Eightbound is a Khorne Soldier who has been possesed by 8 Daemons all at once. To create one requires the caging of a worthy Berzerker in a Sarcophagus known as an Eightcage where they are tormented and tested for hours, days, months, or years as until they either perish or exit the sarcophagus as an Eighbound.

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I think the cool stoic anti-hero who is strong enough to say no to daemons is overplayed.
I want the opposite of that. I want the eightbound but more, why stay at eight when you can have an excess of daemons possessing you? (suck it Khorne!)
I want the daemon equalent of a goddamn clown car. And I want him to be the protagonist.
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Guys adric slapped a fucking eightbound in the face. I went to play a game of 40k last weekend and he slapped a fucking eightbound in the face and killed him. I love warhammer.
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Kellogg's Khorne Flakes - The Second Serving
So in my last post, I showed off the first wave of World Eaters I painted up for use in our gaming group playing 5th Ed 40k.
Well, it didn't take long for our group to start gaining momentum. With the World Eaters seeing a lot of use as a beginner friendly army for teaching new players the basics, it didn't take long for me to start getting them some new options to go beyond the 750-1000 pt lists we had started with.
So over the last 9 months, I've added:

Dreadnought/Helbrute - Bran, the Craven
"Bran the Craven, Bran the Coward. The imperial lap dog who would call himself a War Hound. The Devastator Sergeant who refused to turn his guns against the Emperor’s puppets at Isstvaan. Near murdered by his squad, Lord Kellogg had him interred in an arm-less Dreadnought as punishment. Oh, how the years have taken their toll..."
Intended as a Fire-Support platform for tactical reasons, it was fun to come up with why a World Eater Dreadnought might be devoid of Close Combat Weapons.

The Predator Annihilator - Calamistratus
Lore-wise, this is essentially the World Eaters Sin Bin. You failed Kellogg? You didn't fight good enough? Chain-axe privileges revoked, get in the tank loser. You're on covering fire duty.

The Land Raider Proteus - Felix Tigris
This was a Christmas present from my In-laws and easily the nicest Warhammer Vehicle I've ever had the pleasure of assembling. If you haven't got yourself a Proteus yet? Treat yourself.
I've assembled and painted six of the standard Land Raiders over the years and while its an iconic look that I'm very fond of, it's known to have its issues. Not the Proteus. This thing rocks.
So much so, I bought 3 more. Whoops.
It was around this point in time we started to come around to the idea of home-brewing 5th Ed Rules for new units and characters like Jakhals, Eightbound and Lord Invocatus - so my next update on the World Eaters will show off some of the newer units I added with that in mind...
#warhammer 40000#warhammer#miniatures#chaos space marines#warhammercommunity#painting warhammer#warhammer40k#games workshop#world eaters#Khorne#heretic astartes#Horus Heresy
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Made an Exalted Eigtbound Chapion. I’ll be using these AOS Spirit Hosts to represent how these Marines are constantly fighting the Octet of deamons for possession of his body…feels good to take a break from 30k
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Exalted Eightbound (kitbashed)

#warhammer 40k#miniatures#40k#wh40k#world eaters#blood for the blood god#skulls for the skull throne#painting#cw: gore
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It’s looking exceptionally bloody out here. Lots of good progress on my Khorne lads recently, and lots of good reading progress, too!
To start, I’m now about 3/4ths of the way through Khârn: Eater of Worlds, and it’s going pretty good so far! Lots of murder, which is par for the course for a World Eaters book. I like how the book expounds upon the Legion and its structuring quite a bit, as it’s one of the only Heresy-era novels where we get to see the Legion without Khârn or Angron. I like the Caedere a lot, I like how Dreagher is a normal person, and I like the human apothecary, Skoral, and her cool ceramite arm. I’m excited to see how it ends, but that’s enough book club.

A living myth known by countless infernal titles across the stars—the Apostate Scion, Betrayer of Valefar, Exile of the 8th, Deserter Lord—yet who himself claims none, Lord Akselos is a nigh-untouchable killer whose very name heralds the singlehanded slaughtering of entire worlds.
This is the Deserter Lord Akselos. Akselos was introduced to the blog a handful of posts ago when I first built him, but since then, I’ve not only fleshed out much of his backstory, but I’ve also given him a coat of paint and a nice base to go with it.

Billowing black cloak and beckoning hand for Khorne worshipping purposes, and definitely not because he is a bitter and melodramatic individual
I’m really happy with this mini. It may not be my best paint job, but I think it’s a solid kitbash, and all together, I think that he looks super cool. I am definitely satisfied with how he turned out. The painting isn’t super advanced but it’s cohesive and pleasing to the eye. This model also gave me a few challenges, primarily painting white. I’ve only used Wraithbone so I was a bit horrified using Corax White, but I think it turned out pretty okay.
Another challenge was figuring out how I’d base him. Because I want most of my World Eaters army to be visually similar, I figured that whatever base Akselos got would be the same base that I’d give my other World Eaters, so I had to decide on what would best fit both him and the rest of the army. I decided on some black, sort of mountainous rubble-rock with inlaid skulls (for Khorne, of course). I’m going to go over this and place some little patches of Valhallan White to break up the grey and I’m going to splatter the blood paint on the white snow, but this’ll definitely do for now.

Of his many names, Akselos is known most bitterly as Oathbreaker by the Ultramarines 8th Company, or at least by those few that remain in the 8th who still remember him.
I tried to keep the visual theme of asymmetry pretty strong throughout this model. Akselos’ soul is deeply conflicted, and has been for some centuries now. Currently, he is torn between two existences: that of the renegade Ultramarine, desperate for vengeance, and that of the Saint of Khorne, struggling to ascend attachment.
His right arm is made of Ultramarine bits. The Macraggean pauldron and Tacticus arm are all that remain of his old armor. Akselos wears this defiled heraldry as both a constant memento of his shame and a constant reminder of his hatred.
His left arm consists of Eightbound bits, who are the most daemonic units in the World Eaters roster. It’s visibly more corrupted than the rest of his body. After losing his human arm in a particularly desperate battle, the Ruinous Powers gifted Akselos with this charcoal black replacement. He pays for the gift by frequently nourishing it with the blood of the slain.

This won’t be Akselos’ actual squad, his escort squad will be a bunch of similarly white-headed Berzerkers built with Legionairy bodies to represent that they’re more renegade than WE
Akselos isn’t alone, though! I’ve officially “finished” my first squad of World Eaters. Again, the bases aren’t quite done. I’m going to add bloodstained Valhallan Snow to essentially all of these. I may also do place transfers here and there, and I’m definitely going to highlight Wally and Akselos, but the models and bases are done to a reasonable standard and I’m satisfied with calling them finished.

Shoutout to Wally he’s a day one
Here’s the squad leader, Kardon the Eternal, otherwise known as Wally the World Eater. Kardon is a veteran of unknowable age. Some claim that he fought for Khârn after Terra, some that he’s a hero from the Great Crusade, but all agree that he has been alive for millennia with the sole purpose of claiming skulls for Khorne. I think he’s a neat little homage kitbash and a solid paint job. Kardon looks purposely kinda simple so that he can either fit with a larger squad of 10 Berzerkers or lead a smaller squad of 5.

This is his squad of 5! Not much to say about the rest of these bozos, except that the first guy had a bit of a “stepped on” incident and I lost the haft of his axe, so he wields a little chain hatchet now. I like to think that the axe actually started as a two-handed Eviscerator, and over time, this guy has slowly whittled it down into a baby axe by hitting shit with it way too hard.
That’s all I got for now. Very happy with where this army is going. I hope to soon get my hands on Angron, and that’ll be a huge fucking chore, but it’s super exciting because I’d love to field that man. Beastly unit and awesome character. With Khârn, Invocatus, and Angron, I’ll only need Azrakh the Annihilator to finish my World Eaters canon character collection, and I’ll only need… a lot more units to boost my collection to 2,000pts. I’m hoping to eventually get my hands on the Combat Patrol to bolster my numbers, but that won’t be for a while since I’m a broke ass bitch. Thanks!
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I am Exalted Eightbound, and I am blood's master. I am Khorne's champion, and I will fight until the whole universe bleeds.
Remember that u can get a similar one! Just write to us: [email protected]

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Started a kitbash that I won't get too until after my Christmas diorama idea, but I still wanted to make something.

Turning a chaos space marine on juggernaut into a centaurian monstrosity using a torso and arms from the eightbound along with some bloodletter hellblades for hands.
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These are my lovely Possessed Eightbound. These are one of my best works of painting, and even though it took a while between work and doing this hobby, I enjoyed it nonetheless.
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